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2008-08-05, 12:20 PM
This is the IC thread. You can subcribe to it as you are posting.

The inn is mostly empty, with a few maids cleaning up the tables. A heavyset man is behind the bar, the only patron being a blond man sitting across from him, writing something down in a large book. They mumble to each other and give sad smiles.

2008-08-05, 01:43 PM

Ken walks inside the tavern with a straight back, a huge axe resting there. Well aware that walking inside a building with that kind of killing instrument isn't the way of a diplomat, he puts his hand up to greet the apparent barkeeper.

"A good day to you! Have you some room left for a weary warrior to sit down and rest?"

A disarming smile on Ken's plain face undelines his irony.

OOC: Ken will always use blue as speech color

2008-08-05, 02:19 PM

Somewhat tired from her hike down the hills, Ellandria enters the inn worn. Observing the glum people inside, she decides to find out what's wrong and hopefully cheer them up. Seeing that the bartender is occupied with a burly looking man with an intimidating battleaxe on his back, Ellandria decides to try her luck with the patron first. Casually sitting herself next to him, she turns her head:

"Hello there, nice day isn't it?"

Hoping to get an answer to her wonderings from this casual remark, her curiosity also peaked at her as she tried to casually glance at whatever the man was writing. Hopefully she'd do it without being noticed, but if she was and the man became annoyed, she'd come clean.

Ellandria shall be green for talking

[roll0] Diplomacy check
[roll1] Spot check

2008-08-05, 04:05 PM
I still can't believe they kicked me out of the academy. Anill thought to himself as he walked through town seeking a place to stay. I was so close to a breakthrough too. Can't those fools sacrifice anything in the name of magic?
Anill reminded himself that this was no time for idle thoughts, for if the meager amount of gold on him get stolen while he was distracted, he will have to do more explaining to his family.
Or even worse, he'd have to sell his spellbook.
At that thought Anill touched his spellbook for assurance. Although the academy has confiscated almost all his magical belongings, he managed to sneak out with his spellbook.

Lost in his thoughts, Anill nearly walked past an inn. Although it wasn't as grand and magnificent as the places he usually stayed, it looked clean and affordable. With a small sigh Anill entered the inn.

With a glance Anill took in the room. To his relief it was indeed clean, which means he can stop looking for a place to stay today. There were also four other people in the room. A muscular warrior with a huge axe strapped to his back was apparently ordering something from the barkeep. Sitting across from the barkeep was a girl talking to a blonde man writing in a book.
Anill walked behind the warrior, waiting for him to finish with the barkeep.

2008-08-05, 04:49 PM
The barkeep looks up to Ken and looks around the room. A huge grin breaks over his face. "Warrior... wizard... and a beautiful woman- you must be an adventuring party! Thank Bhakrit you're here! You got the message from our town, then?" He practically shouts this, and the servants rush off and start grabbing pint mugs.

The blond man closes his book with a snap, looking up to Ellandria. "It is now, m'lady. It is now."

2008-08-05, 05:02 PM

Ellandria, flattered though blushing at the bartender's comment, turns to the blonde man and asks:

"Is it a good day now because I'm here, because you've just worked something out or because there's some trouble about and you think I can help? Because we're not an adventuring party, but I will help if you want me to. Don't know about them, but I will."

2008-08-05, 05:10 PM
The bartender looks around, slightly crestfallen at this comment.
"But... but... oh. I thought... well, okay. We'll offer you the same deal, though! If you help us with our rat problem, you'll be rewarded richly."

2008-08-05, 05:14 PM

"Well a few rats sound like no real problem, I'd be happy to help you with them. How about you two: you look like the types who can handle a few rodents. Shall we work together?"

Ellandria questioned the other figures in the bar besides the residents and herself, smiling pleasantly to them and waiting for a response.

2008-08-05, 05:58 PM
"Warrior... wizard... and a beautiful woman- you must be an adventuring party! Thank Bhakrit you're here! You got the message from our town, then?"

What message...? No matter, I'm sure I can handle whatever task they send me. And these two... Anill looked at his two potential partners more closely. The barkeep's description of the woman was accurate; she was indeed beautiful, even by elven standards. Meanwhile if the warrior knows how to use that big axe of his, then he would be more than a match for any orc or goblin
It is indeed a dark day when a elven noble must ally themselves with a human wench and meathead to hunt rodents. But I do need more money...and through this I could stall for more time and avoid going home.

"What manner of reward are we talking about?"

2008-08-05, 06:24 PM
I'm going to wait to reply until some more of the party arrives.
Just so you all know, the OOC thread is here -> http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86918

2008-08-06, 12:48 AM

Ken's face becomes pretty strict as he listens to the unfolding conversation.

Right, 5 years of hardest drills and exercise to hunt... rodents?

Still, the idea appeals him somehow, since he has nothing to do anyway. After looking at his companions and giving an approving nod, he turns himself to the others and begins to speak.

"My name is Ken, and of course it's my duty to help whenever I can. When everybody is ready, and I am already, show us the direction barkeep"

2008-08-06, 08:25 AM
I'll use red for my speech, and sorry I took so long to get here!"

Elidor happily walks into the bar, and starts to look around. He notices 3 people speaking with the bartender. So he walks up to the bar and takes a seat, waiting for the bartender to come to him. Hmm, those three people must be the adventurers that farmer was talking about. I'm going to listen in on their conversation and try to find out what they're up to.

2008-08-06, 11:16 AM
"The reward? What those things stole, first off. We'll allow you to keep the..." The blond man flips open his book and points to something, "4000 copper, 400 silver, and 33 gold that's been stolen in coinage."
The innkeeper shakes his head warily. "If they was normal rats, we could of taken care of 'em. But these ones keep swarming in, stealing, and leaving. That's why we had a few of ours go out and look for adventurers."

2008-08-06, 11:50 AM

"Well that sounds just fine to me, though a little bit more information about what makes these rats special would be appreciated. And hello to you Ken, I'm Ellandria, pleasure to meet you."

Ellandria then noticed the halfling that'd entered the inn.

"Oh! You're not the adventurer that these people sent for are you? Because if you are, then apologies for stealing your work. Please, feel free to join me and Ken, and possibly this other man if you'd still like to lend a hand."

Ellandria politely asked, making a gesture to Anill when referring to him, and smiling as she waited for a response.

2008-08-06, 11:54 AM

Ken's smile appears again between his unshaven cheeks, and his voice is full of driven eagerness.

"Unless we're talking about giant rats with the size of a cow, they will be no match for us"

Hm, a cow-sized rat would really be a heroic accomplishment.

Ken finishes his sentence by stretching the huge muscles of his back and arms, while imagining the size of a necklace made of teeth of such a giant rat.

"Hello Ellandria, by the way, nice to meet you too"

2008-08-06, 12:13 PM
The innkeeper leans past the growing babble at the bar to look at the halfling, and turns back to Ellandria.
"Well, Miss Ellandria, the real problem is that the rats are stealing our coins. We're used to them stealing grain and whatnot, but recently there's been rats and wolves stalking about, stealing our purses without giving a passing glance to the food."
He then leans back again and motions to the halfling. "You there! Are you responding to our call for adventurers?"

2008-08-06, 12:23 PM

At the barkeeper's last notion, Ken feels a deja-vu, remembering the tavern sign.

"By the way friend, your tavern is named "Lucky Otter", is there a story linked to it?"

OOC: I really need to roleplay Ken's 14 Int :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-06, 12:31 PM

Bardic knowledge check to see if I've heard any tales of things like this before!

2008-08-06, 01:31 PM
Rats...stealing coins? Anill sighed.
If the folks back at home finds out about this, I'll never be able to walk with my head held high again. But that is assuming Father doesn't take my head as soon as I get home.

Anill looked at Ellandria "Why not, I'm in. These rats don't sound natural. If they're being controlled by magic you'll need someone of expertise to help you.

Roll to see if I know any arcane spells that let someone control rats in massive numbers.

2008-08-06, 01:36 PM

"Well it's good to know we've got your magical expertise...."

Ellandria though is unable to finish her sentence since she's not aware of the elf's name, but she still turns to the halfling and waits to see if he's interested too.

2008-08-06, 02:58 PM
Ellandria natural 20 may make things a lot easier for you guys. If you can make the appropriate knowledge checks.
You now can use knowledge of the spell "summon swarm." The wolves are still a mystery.
The innkeeper lands a mug in front of Ken full of ale and winks, saying, "The inn's a lot older than me. David, will you be wantin' one along with the adventurers here?"
The blond man waves the mug away, saying, "No, Liam. I'll need my wits about me." He looks at the halfling suspiciously.

2008-08-06, 03:24 PM
Sorry I haven't been on a lot today.

Elidor looks at Ellandria and replies Oh, no don't worry. I'm not one of the adventurers who was called here. Actually, I'm looking for a man by the name of Liam. Do you, or any one else here, happen to know who or where he is by and chance? I was told by a farmer to talk to him about the little, or maybe I should say, BIG, rat problem.

2008-08-06, 03:37 PM

Staring at the mug full of beer, Ken frowns, as though as remembering something from his recent past.

"Thank you very much, I appreciate your hospitality dear mister, but as a warrior, I have to keep my body pure. I'll share it with my new companions"

He offers the mug to Ellandria, then to Elidor and then to the wizard, giving it to the first who wants it.

OOC: Rolling bluff if necessary [roll0] - Actually, does it even make sense to bluff when Ken is trying to undo his former actions, as described in his background. It's not a Vow of Purity or whatever. I'm unsure.

2008-08-06, 03:38 PM
Is that a metalocalypse reference?

2008-08-06, 03:39 PM
Eilidor then turns to speak with Ken

I'll take it if it's free! He says with a grin on his face

OHH nevermind, I understand know. Sorry I'm a bit slow at times...:smallfrown:

2008-08-06, 03:43 PM
OOC: what is metalocalypse?

2008-08-06, 03:46 PM

2008-08-06, 03:46 PM

Ellandria was about to claim the free beer, but sighs a little after the halfling claims it instead. Still, looking at the light reflecting off the beer surface and remembering the rat topic floating around the room, the oddest poem popped into her head:

"There once was a man known as Fred
The full moon went to his head
He wanted much more
Than humans could afford
So he sent off his rats instead"

Realising that she was thinking out loud, Ellandria started to explain what she had just randomly recited.

"I heard that poem a while ago, it's from a longer verse that I think was called Dreams of the Leviathan. Not sure why that just popped into my head though. Anyone heard of some sort of were-rat summoner or something?"

2008-08-06, 03:46 PM
Elidor now claims loudly, seeing as he got no reply from before

I was wondering If any of you by any chance know a man by the name of Liam?

2008-08-06, 03:47 PM
Anill shook his head at Ken.

"Thank you, but no thanks Ken. A wizard doesn't consume anything that befuddles the mind."

2008-08-06, 03:48 PM
As Ellandria said this, Elidor had just clued in...

Wait, you guys are already going after the rats?

By the way, I'm playing him as clueless right now because he came in about halfway through the conversation.

2008-08-06, 03:51 PM
Liam looks over the bar down to the halfling. "I'm Liam. And I'm getting confused! Let's all sit down at the table together, eh?" He nods to the blond, saying, " See you later, David." He walks past you all and sits at one of the two tables and motions for you all to sit, saying, "We're all here for the same reason, rats stealing gold from the town. Now, what was the lovely woman saying just now?"

2008-08-06, 03:55 PM

Once again blushing at the compliment, Ellandria joins Liam on the table and responds:

"Well, it was this poem I heard a while ago from a travelling scholar. I'm pretty sure it went like this:

There once was a man known as Fred
The full moon went to his head
He wanted much more
Than humans could afford
So he sent off his rats instead

I think he was trying to charm me or something, but either way it's from a verse called Dreams of the Leviathan. Anyway, I don't know if it means anything, unless I was right about there being such a thing as a were-rat summoner or something like that."

2008-08-06, 04:07 PM

Ken sits on his chair, which makes strange noises when he shifts his weight on it. Putting his Greataxe on the floor beside him, he begins to reason

"If the poem is old, then the summoner is pretty dead by now, unless he had some apprentices. We'll find out, I hope. And by the way, what's your name, elf?"

2008-08-06, 04:19 PM
Realizing that he hasn't properly introduced himself yet, Anill blushed and bowed.

"My apologies. I am Anill Darconus-"
As soon as the words left his mouth Anill regretted speaking them. He looked at Ken and the others, fearing the spark of recognition.

OOC: For those of you who didn't read my character bio, Anill is an elven noble he got kicked out of magic academy.

2008-08-06, 04:23 PM

Raising an eyebrow, the name sounded familiar to Ellandria:

"Anill Darconus, I think I heard about someone like that in the elven village I grew up in a while back. Aren't you a magic prince or something?"

2008-08-06, 04:29 PM
Anill gave an embarassed smile.

"Ahh, magic prince is an overstatement. I have been interested in magic since my youth, and my family has sponsered my studies at an academy nearby. Anill looked at his shoes. "Which, due to...some unfortunate circumstances, I can no longer attend."

Then comprehending that she grew up in a elven village, Anill smiled. "Do you speak Elven?"

When Anill speaks in elven, I'll use magenta

2008-08-06, 04:35 PM

"Well, no sense worrying about the past, it's not like you were practicing necromancy right? Oh and if you haven't realised by now, yep I speak fluent Elven."

Ellandria replies with a friendly smile.

I'll use magenta too for simplicity's sakes

2008-08-06, 04:40 PM
"Well, no. Necromancy is actually accepted at the academy. Let's just say my desire for knowledge surpassed my control of said knowledge." Anill frowned for a moment, but the smile returned immediately. "It's good to have someone to converse in Elven with. Common can be so...lacking at times.

2008-08-06, 04:40 PM

Ken stares to the ceiling of the room while listening to the beautiful tune of the elven language.

Showoffs... interesting, I guess I have more in common with the elf than I thought. Unfortunate circumstances... do elves actually have brothels?

The last thought brings a smile on his face, with a remark to ask Anill as soon as Ellandria would be out of hearing reach. He clears his throat...

"I assume you're not talking about rats, were-rats, rat summoners and other things that could help us with our assignment?"

2008-08-06, 04:50 PM
Hearing Ken's voice reminded Anill of the other occupant of the room. Clearing his throat, he returned to the topic at hand.

"Well there is a spell that allows you to conjure a swarm of rats. But usually those rats can only attack the object of the wizard's displeasure."

Knowledge arcana check on wererats

2008-08-06, 04:52 PM
Knowledge arcana isn't helping... matbe bardic knowledge will?

2008-08-06, 04:55 PM
Go go bardic knowledge!

2008-08-06, 05:08 PM
Lycanthropes have a grasp of talking to their fellow animals, and are often found in company of them. They can talk to their animals in any form.

2008-08-06, 05:25 PM

As the conversation goes on about her, the back of Ellandria's mind still buzzes around looking for anything she remembers about were-rat masterminds, she finally finds a piece of information she heard a while back and leaps out of her chair as she pieces it all together!

"Eureka! I've just remembered! A while ago I had just finished singing on stage for the night when I overheard a bunch of adventurers start talking after they were done throwing gold pieces at me; they were talking about this werewolf they had fought recently, and how it had a pack of wolves with it that made life harder for them. Were-animals can talk to other things of their species, so it could well be that Fred's a were-rat who's getting other rats to rob for him!"

Excited to have seemingly unravelled the story, another thought crossed Ellandria's mind, and she turns to Liam with a question:

"Is it a full moon tonight barkeep?"

Also, is it currently daytime or nighttime?

2008-08-06, 05:30 PM
[it's daytime.]
Liam nods, looking horrified.
David, walking by on his way out, comments, "But they steal from us all the time."

2008-08-06, 05:38 PM

"Ah, you'd think that would stop them! But I remembered something else just this moment as well! Those adventurer's, after a few more rounds, started going on how the big part was that it wasn't even on the full moon! This guy was just howling and the wolves were coming straight for them, teeth bared and all! So it'd still make sense, even if you were being robbed in the middle of the day! And if wolves are up to this as well, then it seems that there may be more than one were-man out there, at least if any at all."

Ellandria felt quite satisfied with her summary.

"Then again, this did come from a group of drunk adventurers..."

2008-08-06, 06:14 PM
Liam Bursts into laughter. "Well, let's see if we can't make you into a group of drunken adventurers! DIANA! ADRIAN! GET US A ROUND ON THE HOUSE HERE!"
David goes on his way again, remarking to Anill, "You'll want to check out Maonificents, across the street, to see if there's anything there you need."

2008-08-06, 06:31 PM
Bardic knowledge check to see if I know anything about lycanthropes weaknesses [roll0]

2008-08-06, 07:57 PM

As the barkeep is handing out the drinks, there is a loud crash outside, a loud curse, then the door swings open in a flurry and a very out of breath individual stumbles in.

"By the gods, I'm not late am I?" The man is still hastily donning his armour as he sits at the bar and drinks an ale in one long gulp. "Trouble with the missus." he says, after finishing the ale.

2008-08-06, 08:17 PM
Liam looks over to the man who just sat down, and hands him another ale.
"This is Delroy, the goblin-hunter around these parts. We sent him off to track the rat swarm. Did you find anything, mate?"

2008-08-06, 08:44 PM

"Little blighters are holed up on the 'rill. Caught a glimpse of a few of 'em. Big as dogs... eatin' what could have been a human carcass." He downs another ale. "These the adventurers?" He eyes off the collection in the room.

2008-08-06, 08:51 PM
"I figure they are, now. Lead them to Maonificent's, they think there are weres involved. He might have something to help them out."

2008-08-06, 09:17 PM

"Weres? By the gods, I thought the rats were bad. All right you lot, I guess you should head over to Moaf.. Moanif... the bloke across the street." With that he skulls another ale and stumbles out the door.

2008-08-06, 10:06 PM
Liam nods toward him to you all, and motions his hand for you all to follow him, saying, "Rooms here are free for you all, alright? I've got some nice ones."

2008-08-06, 10:23 PM

As the ranger left the inn Anill turned to Liam. "Who is this Maonificent you speak of."

2008-08-06, 10:24 PM
"The town wizard. He has some scrolls, and I think he has some silvered weapons, you should check it out."

2008-08-06, 10:27 PM

"Wizard huh? Well, I guess I should go check out his goods." He turned to the rest of the party. "You guys coming?"

2008-08-07, 02:24 AM

Ken drifted away in the conversation, following it subconsciously, daydreaming and imagining Anill as a wizard pimp, just to be woken up by his words. He shakes his head to clear his mind.

"My mind is playing tricks on me"

After a second examining his state of wearyness, Ken smiles and answers

"Sure, let's go"

2008-08-07, 05:28 AM

Finishing her ale, Ellandria puts her now empty mug down on the table.

"Ok then, let's go see the wizard of Sisma."

As she leaves the inn, she turns back to Liam first.

"Once we've dealt with these werewolves and wererats, I'll be back later to give your inn a free performance!"

Ellandria beams a grin: nothing made her happier than singing on stage with a crowd of onlookers.

2008-08-07, 08:12 AM
After a long time of silence, Elidor finally speaks up.

Well, I don't know. I don't really wish to risk my life fighting over grown rats. I have some other business here that needs to be taken care of. But I guess I'll come, this may be able to lead me to where I need to go.

2008-08-07, 08:32 AM
Elidor turns to Delroy, sizes him up suspiciously, and then asks

So, seeing as you're a goblin hunter, you must have a lot of experience being in combat behind you?

2008-08-07, 09:02 AM

"Eh? Oh, that. Used to, when I was younger. Not much call for it nowadays. The only combat I see is when the missus throws the pots at me. To be honest I'm just glad to be out of the house." He points a stern finger at Elidor. "But if she asks, I have nothing to do with any of this."

2008-08-07, 09:15 AM
Sorry, I couldn't understand what Missus means because of the accent ur using, what does it mean?

Curiously, Elidor asks

Who's this "Missus" you speak of? She sounds like an old hag to me!

2008-08-07, 09:35 AM

Delroy bursts into laughter. "Old hag!? You best not say that to her face! She's my wife, and not a day goes by she doesn't remind me of the fact."

Ah, sorry, it's a bit of 'Strain (Australian) slang I guess, it usually means "wife". Any translations will be made available on request. :smalltongue:

2008-08-07, 10:31 AM
"Missus" is an English thing, so it's used down under, along with a couple good ones that I use personally, like stonkered. Out here in the states, We call our wives "our old lady." As in, "Did your old lady already pay for it?"
Also, the shop list for Maonificent's is in the OOC thread if you want to buy anything.

As you walk into Maonificent's shop, the first thing you notice is that the place is full of a peculiar smell. Probably incense, judging by the slight haze of smoke. An unusually tall elf stands behind the shop counter, dressed in a purple leine. As you enter, he dramatically holds out a hand and speaks.
"Halt! Though I know the sign on the door says, 'Curios,' I want you to make no mistake! The things in this shop are not to be trifled with! Nor am, I, Maonificent, to be taken in at first glance!"
He leans in, gazing upon each of you.
"For I can see the strings of fate, and tell you where your path to the jaws of Anubis shall twist and turn...."

2008-08-07, 11:01 AM

"Oh, shut it, Mao," Delroy interrupts the elf, "the kids here just want to ask some questions about the rat-thing that's going on."

2008-08-07, 11:19 AM
"Oh. Delroy. I didn't see you there."
Mao looks a bit ruffled, but his dramatic tone does not fall.
"You... have been fighting with your wife again!"
He looks around, meeting all of your gazes. "Dare you doubt my power? No? Good."

2008-08-07, 11:21 AM

Glancing around the store, Ellandria notices a silver rapier sitting for sale amongst a variety of other magical items.

"Oooo, silver! The man at the inn said something about silver weapons!"

Turning her head to the store keeper, Ellandria puts on her most charming face.

"Mr. Maonificent, we're here to take care of what we believe to be a were-creature problem that's been plaguing your town, and if you loan me that silver rapier, which may provide aid, then I'll happily give you a deposit of twenty gold pieces as well as returning it when the threat is slain. What do you say?"

Diplomacy check!

2008-08-07, 11:25 AM

"You don't have to be psychic to hear Elsbeth shrieking, even from here. Besides," he smiles broadly, "she was fighting with me. I can't get a word in edgewise to have a proper argument."

2008-08-07, 11:28 AM
Ignoring Delroy, Maonificent leans in and gazes at Ellandria with an intensity usually reserved for unreserved loathing or true love. His eyes seem to gloss over ever so slightly, and then-
"Hmmm. Raised among elves. Very well, but i'll only accept a deposit of 55 gold peices. It's policy to deposit fifty per cent."

2008-08-07, 11:41 AM

"Fifty gold pieces, I'm afraid that's all I could give you at this moment. But isn't that close enough?"

Ellandria responds, putting on a sweet innocent smile.

Second diplomacy!

2008-08-07, 11:49 AM

Upon entering the shop, Ken's eyes settle on the beautiful silver greatsword that hangs on the wall.

Not quite impressive like the Silverman family heirloom sword, but nice

Listening to the unfolding conversation with the shopkeeper, Ken's shoulders begin to slump as he realises that they will likely only get the rapier, shaking his head.

Alright, we'll fighting with a toothpick!

2008-08-07, 12:08 PM
Maonificent shakes his head. "So sorry. But adventurers have a way of getting killed, so I need at least as much as it cost me."
He then looks to Ken eyeing the greatsword. "Beauty, isn't it? You don't even want to know the deposit on that one. Oh wait- yes you do. It's 115 gold."

2008-08-07, 12:26 PM
Elidor decides that silver weaponry will be gravely needed so he decides to pitch in.

Here, Ellandria, take five of mine. We'll need at least one silver weapon.

Then turning to Maonificent, he asks

Are you sure there aren't ANY other silver weapons here for sale? Or even DEPOSIT?

2008-08-07, 12:53 PM

Giving Elidor a big smile in return for his kindness, Ellandria takes his offer and turns back to Mao:

"Well, this should be enough then if it really is too risky to part with a little less for a sweet little girl like me."

She tosses the 55 gold pieces onto the counter and, assuming Mao holds up his end, holsters the silver rapier next to her ordinary one.

2008-08-07, 01:02 PM

Anill looked over the scrolls in Maonificent's shop. They were decent, but none were as powerful as he wished.

Then he heard Ellandria and Elidor barter with Maonificent, and decided to help. "Good day, sir." Anill stepped in with a smile. "Why don't you just rent that rapier to us for 25 gold hmm? After all, you too will benefit after we get rid of those rats. And even in the unlikely chance that we get killed by them, it serves as a warning for you doesn't it?" As he spoke Anill's hand subconsciously brushed his hair, showing Maonificent the Darconus signet ring.

roll for diplomacy. GOGO circumstance bonus!? [roll0]

Edit: Gah, I got ninja'd. Serves me right for eating in the middle of posting

2008-08-07, 01:11 PM
Elidor turns to Anill and says

How come you didn't just speak in common? If you speak in Elvish Ken can't understand you.

2008-08-07, 01:17 PM

Annoyed by the others speaking foreign languages, Ken decides to return the favor:

((Only for those speaking Orcish!!))
Hello, my name is Ken and I would like to kill filthy rats!

2008-08-07, 01:26 PM
Anill turned his head so Maonificent can't see his right eye. "Why, that's because my grasp of Common isn't very firm." Anill winked his right eye.

roll for bluff [roll0]

OOC: I just thought the elf merchant would be more comfortable being spoken to in his own language. Not trying to leave anyone out or anything :smallfrown:

2008-08-07, 02:52 PM
WOW MAN!!! You seriously need to get a new d20. You can't roll well at all!:smallwink:

Ohh, alright.

2008-08-07, 03:03 PM
Elidor turns back to Maonificent

Well speaking of which, do you have ANY other silver weapons for sale? Or deposits?

2008-08-07, 03:09 PM
Maonificent looks at the signet ring with an intense stare. "A noble trained in the art, banished by your mentors. I see. Take a look at these scrolls."
Maonificent motions to a glass case, and you see inside a short sword, scythe, and siangham. "Silvered weapon aren't famous for their balance, halfling. You might be able to pull this one off as a longsword." He points to the short sword in the case. "30 gp for that one."

2008-08-07, 03:14 PM
Elidor stares at Maonificent for a second with a look of shock, then regains his senses and says to the party

Hmmm, well I'm broke, unless one of you helps pitch in twenty seven gold we will only have one silver weapon. That means our bard will have to kill every single one of them!

2008-08-07, 03:20 PM

Ellandria looks at Elidor, slightly confused.

"How'd you know I was a bard? I don't remember saying that at any point. Also, who are you anyway? I don't think you've said so yet..."

2008-08-07, 03:22 PM
You said that you wanted to sing for the tavern, before. He's probably stereotyping.
Maonificent looks deeper into the halflings eyes. "A stranger, then? You are...," his eyes glaze over, and then he dosen't speak, just smiles a little. "Oh. I see... I... um... oh dear... the... kahem." He resumes talking to Anill, almost as if for comfort, and slips back into elven, "A scroll of sleep. Only 25 gold. Very useful, Herr Darconus."

2008-08-07, 03:32 PM
Took the wrods right out of my mouth Colonel.:smalltongue:

Elidor looks at Maonificent with a look that says: What the Hell?

Umm excuse me Maonificent. What was that? You just stuttered of into random gibberish.

2008-08-07, 03:32 PM
This guy seems a little fishy to me, Sense motive check!
[roll0] Another natural one, yay :smallannoyed:

2008-08-07, 03:34 PM
Yea, I agree I'm going to make one as well (1d20+6) [26] WOO HOO! natural 20!

2008-08-07, 03:37 PM

"Ahh, I see you recognize my ring. And come on, 25 gold? Although I haven't finished my training I know that a scroll of sleep doesn't cost THAT much. I'll give you 15."

diplomacy! please give me a good roll this time...[roll0]

OOC:ZOMG, ANOTHER ONE!?:smallfurious:

2008-08-07, 03:42 PM
diplomacy! please give me a good roll this time...[roll0]

OOC:ZOMG, ANOTHER ONE!?:smallfurious:

See, I told you man you need a new die xD

2008-08-07, 04:06 PM
You can't see why he's stuttering.
He seems entirely nervous for some reason, as if he's afraid you will kill him. Almost as if he could see that you praying to Deusik'th this morning....
Your character probably knows exactly how much scrolls hould cost ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/scrolls.htm ), but maybe they gave them to you on discount at the academy?

2008-08-07, 04:45 PM
Elidor, with his knewly found knowledge, faces Maonificent. In a very stern voice, he again says

Maonificent. I find 30 gold to be a fair bit, overpriced. I find 15 gold, maybe 20 if your lucky, just satisfying don't you?

Intimidation check: (1d20)(-1 normally but I think I should get a circumstance bonus) [13]

2008-08-07, 06:13 PM
"You insult me. Get out of my shop. I hope you know they'll kill you when you meet them next. Now get out."

2008-08-07, 06:16 PM

Elidor glares at Maonificent, and states bitterly

And good day to you SIR!

He turns and storms out of the shop awaiting for his companions outside.

2008-08-07, 06:49 PM
Maonificent smiles and turns to the rest of you.
"Well! Anything else I can interest you in?"

2008-08-07, 07:09 PM

Since Maonificent refused to reduce the price of the scroll, Anill moved on to see what type of potions he had. "Some of these are healing potions right? How much for one?"

OOC:I would roll to see if I know how much these potions cost...but I'm too afraid

2008-08-07, 08:58 PM
Quickly, Elidor just pokes his head inside the shop and says abruptly

Hey Delroy, If your not going to buy anything, would you mind giving me the grand tour of this town? If I'm going to be hunting rats I might as well get familiar with my surroundings.

2008-08-07, 09:09 PM

Delroy shares a look with Mao, then shakes his head. "Adventurers..." Walking out of the shop, he whispers in Anill's ear. "Just avoid the love potions."

2008-08-07, 09:12 PM
Back outside of the shop, Elidor decides to make friendly with his "Tour Guide"

So how long have you lived here?

2008-08-07, 09:19 PM

"My whole life. I spent a few years away, but this is my home, I could never stay away for long. How about you, where do you call home?"

I don't know how good a guide I will be unless Fuster gives me some info about the town.

2008-08-07, 09:27 PM
Ok, then I guess for now we'll kinda just pretend your giving me a tour and just talk and roleplay:smallbiggrin:

*Sighs* Unfortunately, I don't have a home. I was raised by a Rogue who found me as a child. Trained me in the arts of stealth, and it's the only way I know how to fight. Strangely enough, he NEVER told me his name, he always just told me to call him "Dad" or "Father".

2008-08-07, 09:33 PM
Delroy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72847)

"Why did you leave? Why come all the way out here?"

v He's human

2008-08-07, 09:36 PM
Before I can say this, what race is your ranger?

2008-08-07, 09:54 PM
Ok then here I go.

Elidor's eyes begin to tear up as he starts to speak

B... because when I was of an old enough age, my "Father" told me the story of how he came by me. One... One day m.. my parents took me out for a c..c...casual walk in the w..woods. But they w..were ambushed by a group of b...bandits. Elven bandits to be e...exact.
He holds together a little better now...So they killed my parents and took me to sell for slavery. But my "father" saw there terrible act. He leaped out of concealment, took out a few of them and the others ran. My "dad" knew I couldn't be left alone out here, so he took my under his wing. And he raised me until I was old enough to be on my own. So just before I left on my own, he knew the time was right. I had to know. So he told me the story of how he came to be my father. He then turns from a casual talk to a viscious fury. And from then on, I swore an oath, an oath to slit the throats of every one of those elven bandits AND AVENGE MY FALLEN PARENTS! He starts to calm down more, And ever since that day, I've been worshipping the god Deusik'th, to take out my anger on all elves! That's also why I flared up talking to Maonificent. And the reason I came all the way out here is because I tracked the bandits camp down to this town through long months of research.

Well, that's my story

2008-08-07, 10:02 PM

"I am very sorry to hear that. Your father sounds like a brave man. It's a shame about your disposition toward elves, most aren't that bad. Even Mao's not too bad once you get to know him." He pauses for a second, "Aren't you worried about his prophecy?"

2008-08-07, 10:04 PM
Elidor stops, looking puzzled

Are you talking about when he said that they're all going to kill me?

2008-08-07, 10:07 PM

He shrugs. "Unless there are other people in your life who want you dead."

2008-08-07, 10:09 PM
No, I'm not really afraid. Because there's no body who wants to kill me. Well, not that I know of. I know there's quite a few I'D like gone, but no one that I know of. Do you think he may have just said that to try and scare me because he was mad at me for threatening him?

2008-08-07, 10:17 PM

"Mao is often frighteningly accurate with his prophecies. We get a few 'special' travellers come through here, mostly nobles, who just come to get a vision from him. He even claims a dragon came to see his future once."

I now know my way around, (cheers fuster) so I guess you could ask some questions.

2008-08-07, 10:20 PM
Ok well I gotta go for tonight, so this'll b my last post until tomorrow. and i'll be on in the morning

With a look of curiosity, Elidor finally gets into specifics on the tour

So the main things I relally want to know are these. Where do most of the "crimes" occur and where is the nest?

2008-08-07, 11:13 PM
You see two people in armor, a man and a woman, just up the street. The woman is blonde and a bit short, as if there may be dwarf in her ancestry, and she holds a greatsword. The man seems to be smirking- he has a spear and shield.

2008-08-07, 11:23 PM

"Hey Saylor," Delroy waves at the woman, stopping himself and Elidor with a firm hand on the halflings shoulder and addresses the man. "Stiyend." He introduces Elidor as one of the adventurers. "Saylor's the head of the town guard, she might be better at answering some of your questions. So, any news on the rat menace?"

2008-08-07, 11:43 PM
We'll pick this back up when people are done shopping.

2008-08-08, 12:43 AM

By the size of his gold purse, Ken comes to the conclusion that he won't be buying anything.

"I'm going to get out and get me some fresh air!"

Stepping out, he hears the local goblin hunter speaking to two armored persons. Ken walks casually behind them and listens.

2008-08-08, 04:59 AM

Uncomfortable with Mao's constantly switching attitudes, Ellandria quietly takes her semi-new rapier then leaves the shop, calling back to Anill:

"Wait for you outside Anill!"

Once outside, she notices the others talking to two people, but, deciding she can just pick up what they heard from them later, waits by the door for Anill.

2008-08-08, 01:30 PM

Anill glanced around and noticed that everyone else was gone. He sighed. "Apparently no one else notices our need for healing magic, and I probably don't have enough on me to afford it anyway. Tell we next meet then." With that Anill made a slight bow toward Maonificent and exits the shop.

Once outside he finds Ellandria waiting for him by the door, while the others were talking to two armored figure.
"Let's go find out what they're talking about."

2008-08-08, 01:30 PM
Edit: Ooo, that's an akward ninja... I'll just PM you that....

The man walks forward instead, leaving Saylor with a partially hurt, partially angry look on her face.
"Thefts occur in the large 'ouses, 'ere in town, and several of the smaller farmhouses around the town proper. They've even gone so far as to rob the church and magic shop."

2008-08-08, 01:58 PM
Elidor then asks

Do you have any idea where the nest would be. If were-rats, even have nests?

2008-08-08, 02:07 PM
Saylor butts in here.

"Thats what we sent Delroy to do. There were no Lycanthropes involved that we know of, just rat swarms behaving oddly."

2008-08-08, 02:07 PM

With his arms crossed, Ken awaits the next steps of the adventure.

"Yes, tell us. Fellow ranger, didn't you find the lair of the filthy little beasts?"

2008-08-08, 02:09 PM

Smiling at Anill, Ellandria nods and heads over to the conversation.

"Are we talking about the wererat and werewolf?"

2008-08-08, 02:09 PM
Jokes is the only one not on right now... akward...

2008-08-08, 02:15 PM
Darn Australian time difference :smallannoyed:

2008-08-08, 05:05 PM
*sighs* So I guess we're just waiting for Jokes before we can continue this?

2008-08-08, 05:54 PM

"I tracked the swarm to the hill over there." He points to the east. "That seems to be where they are coming from."

Yes, damn time difference

2008-08-08, 06:09 PM

Turning to gaze in the direction Delroy is pointing in, she decides that there's no time like the present to get going, considering herself prepared with her basic supplies and a new silver rapier to puncture any lycanthropes with.

"Well gang, unless anyone has anything left they want to do, I say we go!"

Assuming no-one else does have anything they want to do, Ellandria heads off with the others. Otherwise, she'll wait at the end of the town for everyone else.

2008-08-08, 06:48 PM
Children play on the street, with a gnome watching over them he waves jovially, and then... you see a shiny, black monkey. It screeches briefly, and then dissapears. Make a will save.

Anyone else have any actions before leaving town?

2008-08-08, 09:21 PM
Elidor, deciding there's nothing left to do here but kick some rats @$$, starts venturing as well towards the hill.

2008-08-08, 09:43 PM

With nothing left to do in town, Anill follows Elidor and Ellandria to the edge of town.

2008-08-08, 11:38 PM

Delroy sighs. "I guess I'll need to go with you then?" Addressing the male guard, "Stiyend, tell Elsbeth I won't be home tonight."

2008-08-09, 12:58 AM

Ken releases the strap holding his intimidating giant axe to his back and grabs it with one arm, gauging it's weight. Making a few steps out of reach of everyone, he takes a few practice swings. The axe makes swishing noises when it cuts the air.

Content, he lets it leaning on his shoulder, and starts talking to Delroy with a respectful tone.

"I hope these rats are indeed as big as dogs, fellow ranger, since I feel good now. The air here is refreshing!"

The time difference to Germany is also annoying :smallconfused:

2008-08-09, 03:57 AM

Will save!

2008-08-09, 08:17 AM
Ellandria brushes off the effect (but is shaken for one round.)

WTF comments should be kept to the OOC threads...

Continuing to the hill...

2008-08-09, 04:47 PM
This hill is fairly steep, but not very tall. It has one large opening, about 10 feet wide and 10 feet tall, that looks as if brush has recently been cleared around it. It seems to have stone walls covered in grime. It looks man-made. Darkness inside is barely kept back from the sun, with a long, immeasurably deep tunnel, also 10x10 feet.

Delroy, this is what you found before. You saw three dire rats inside after you walked in with a light source.

Marching order and any preiminary actions, please.

^ ^
^ ^

Unexpected! Zar, hide and move silently checks?

2008-08-09, 04:53 PM

Glancing around the aged hill, Ellandria takes it upon herself to draw her normal rapier in preperation for any enemies inside.

"Well guys, I'm probably not as tough as Ken here and I doubt I've got a good eye as a tracker like Delroy, so I think if we do end up marching in a nice order, I'll stay towards the middle thanks."

Once everyone else is ready to enter, Ellandria will go with them.

2008-08-09, 05:51 PM

While Ellandria drew her rapier, Anill readied his bow and a quiver of arrows. His disastrous use of magic in the academy had scarred his mind and now he can only cast a few spells a day.

A wizard can't afford to stand in front, but we need someone with good senses to stand at rear guard in case something nasty follows us. I'll just be somewhere near the end of our column.

After making sure he was prepared Anill waited for the others.

2008-08-09, 07:11 PM
Figuring Ken will stand in the very front and lead us in, Elidor is right at his side, with only ONE sickle out ready for any action that needs be necessary.

2008-08-09, 07:22 PM

Delroy quietly draws his bow and falls in line at the rear of the group.

2008-08-10, 05:04 AM

Ken grabs his axe and whispers to Elidor:

"I'm right behind you, little fellow. If we discover something, flanking tactics"

Sorry, I misunderstood

2008-08-10, 09:41 PM
So, I'm assuming we're going in, right? No one has posted in a while...:smallfrown:

2008-08-10, 09:47 PM
Since you're going first in, I was actually waiting for your hide and move silently checks.

Edit: :smallsigh:sigh... and you're gone again.

2008-08-10, 10:51 PM
Sorry, so yea I'll do them now, kind of scout ahead, see what I can find:smallsmile:

Elidor moves to the entrance of the cave and try's to walk in the shadows, very stealthely, to see what he can find.

Move Silently:[roll1]

Wow, move silently was a fail...

2008-08-10, 11:15 PM
Further into the cave, you see three dire rats chewing on some kind of meat. They hear you coming and orient to motion, looking at all of you moving in. They screech eerily and bristle their back fur...

Since you cannot load the map, I will just use txt...

R=Dire Rat


in a 10-ft wide corridor.

Initiative order: Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-11, 12:09 AM
Hmm, my computer won't load it. It just says page can not be displayed crap... and how far back are my allies to me?

2008-08-11, 06:48 AM

We're right behind you Z. I'm completely confused about the formation now. I actually wanted to go after Delroy, but then Delroy stated he was last, so I should go after Elidor, who is first (I thought Delroy would go first). So I guess that we use yours, Colonel. Also just figured that you roll Iniative for us, I deleted the roll.


Upon hearing the rat's screeching, Ken grabs his weapon and is ready to kill.

2008-08-12, 10:01 AM
Ok, attack roll on the one closest to me, seeing as I can't open the map:smallfrown:

Ohh ok I like this map :smalltongue: and I still attack the closest one to me

Attack roll [roll0]

2008-08-12, 10:33 AM
Your sickle does not manage to pierce the dog-sized rat's thick hide.

Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, Rats, Anill

2008-08-12, 12:12 PM
I move forward five feet and lunge at the dire rat in front of me with my normal rapier!

Attack roll [roll0]
And a damage roll in advance just in case [roll1]

WEll that attack roll is kinda redundant now, unless its had a sudden drop in AC :smalltongue:

2008-08-12, 12:16 PM
I know it seems silly, but it really does speed things up.
Your lunge hits the ground next to the dire rat, making a small clank!.

e E

Initiative order: Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-12, 09:35 PM
Delroy stays where he is and fires at the closest rat.

Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-08-13, 12:35 AM

"I will make pouches out of your skin!"

Stumbling between Delroy and Anill witch the axe raised over his right shoulder, Ken runs directly to the rats, bringing the large weapon down with a sweeping motion.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Greataxe Damage: [roll1]

Cleave Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Sorry, I hope I remembered the map correctly

Whuut, 2 natural 20s! I hope you have some gory fluff to describe what happens to the rat now :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-13, 12:37 AM
Crit Confirm: [roll0]
Additional Damage: [roll1]

2008-08-13, 02:59 PM
Delroy, your arrow misfires and clatters against the stone corridor.

Ken advances, yelling, "I will make pouches out of your skin!" and swinging his axe down upon the nearest rat. The rat looks up the second before it is about to die, seeing the axe woosh towards it. The look of anger on it's face quickly turns into a look of abject fear and horror, and the dire rat has all of it's legs severed in a quick, sweeping motion. The next blow was aimed at the rat beside it, but it instead fell upon the neck of the original rat, and killed it.

You never thought that a scream so short could hold so much terror.

e E

Initiative order: Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

e E

The rats are recovering from the horrific loss of their companion, but make half-hearted attempts to bite Ken. one gets a lucky shot in, tearing into the back of his leg.

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]
Ken takes 3 damage. Make a fortitude save versus disease.

e E

Initiative order: Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-13, 03:04 PM
Anill stands his ground and sends an arrow toward the rat on the right.

damage: [roll1]

2008-08-13, 03:08 PM

"Ha, I've already been bit harder by teethless babies"

Fortitude: [roll0]

For a second, Ken feels sick, but his seasoned body works agains the bacteria the rat gave him, quickly recovering.

"And already been sicker after kissing"

2008-08-13, 03:21 PM
Anill's actually got a -4 to attacks for shooting into melee, unless you want Ken to provide cover for the rats. Whoops, you've got a clear line of sight. Thought you were aiming at the other one.
And, yes, Ken passed his save. :smallyuk:

Anill's arrow thuds into the soft ground near Ken's foot.

e E

Initiative order: Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-13, 03:57 PM
Elidor makes a tumble around the rats to end up behind the rat flanking with Ken.

Tumble! (DC 17) I think...

DAMN IT! :smallfrown: two attacks of opporitunity, I believe...

2008-08-13, 04:02 PM
And you know they'll take it!
attack 1 [roll0]
damage 1 [roll1]
attack 2 [roll2]
damage 2 [roll3]

The first rat tries to tear into you, but the armor on your back stops it. The second one gets a good hit onto your shoulder as you attempt to somersault by, though, and does 4 damage. Make a fortitude save.

2008-08-13, 04:10 PM
Crap, ok so I'm down to 2 HP:smalleek:

Fortitude Save! Please don't fail me now!

AHHH SCREW THIS DIE!!!:smallfurious:

Elidor takes a nice bite to his back and tries to throw off the poison seeping in through where it's teeth punctured. But to no avail, Elidor feels the poison slither deeper inside...

2008-08-13, 04:12 PM
*inhales sharply*
Okay, but, on the plus side, now you're in a flanking position


Do you want to take a standard action?

2008-08-13, 04:14 PM
And now I guess I'll make my attack roll.

Attack Roll
Sneak Attack


2008-08-13, 04:18 PM
It's Ellidora's turn now, and I know you will handle that Colonel. I don't know when Delroy comes into play, but I'll already make my turn because of the time difference, to speed things up.


With a growl, Ken lets his axe swoop down again, trying to the last remaining rat.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

((Cleave Attack Roll [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]))

Didn't take the Bard Song into account, so add 1 to each roll. Also, if I'm flanking with Elidor, I think +2 to attack rolls if I'm not mistaken.

2008-08-13, 04:27 PM
Elidor's sickle makes a clean cut across the creature's jugular vein, leaving it bleeding and twitching on the floor.

Ellandria holds her rapier at the ready, breaking out into a slow song that seems to boost your confidence and ease the strain on your muscles. (Bardic music is now in effect, giving you a +1 to attack and damage rolls.)


Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-13, 04:30 PM
Good news folks, turns out I do have internet til tomorrow definitly and still possible whilst I'm gone, hurrah! But I was gonna do that anyhow so, it's all good :smalltongue:

2008-08-13, 04:31 PM
[oops. uhm. akward. sorry.]

2008-08-13, 04:34 PM
No worries, no ill meant after all :smallsmile:

2008-08-14, 05:59 AM
Cursing his luck, Delroy fires another arrow at the last rat.


2008-08-14, 04:01 PM
As you are about to pull back the bowstring, the arrow slips from between your fingers and clatters to the ground akwardly (-2 to awesome.)

Ken does not manage to swing at the rat's level, missing it entirely.

The remaining rat, seeing no way out, apparently goes into a frenzy, foaming madly. It makes a move to take a chunk out of Ken, ripping past his worn-out boot and taking a chunk out of his calf. (Ken, you take 1 damage. Make another fortitude save.)

Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-14, 04:36 PM
Anill fires an arrow at the last rat.


2008-08-14, 04:39 PM
Anill overcompensates to avoid hitting Ellandria in the passageway. Unfortunately, it bounces off of the low ceiling and sticks into the ground between her toes.

Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-14, 06:57 PM
Ok Elidor takes a swing with his sickle at the last rat, hoping to finish it off. Sadly, He's not flanking.


2008-08-16, 05:04 AM
Fortitude: [roll0]

2008-08-16, 03:55 PM
Elidor slices into the last dire rat's thick hide, blood flowing fresh onto his sickle.

Ellandria continues singing (AND IIIIII- WILL ALWAYS LOVE...... YOOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!)

Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-16, 09:53 PM
Hoping no-one saw his last effort, Delroy fires again.


2008-08-16, 10:17 PM
Delroy's arrow flies true, giving the rat a wide laceration across the top of it's skull.

Elidor, Ellandria, Delroy, Ken, DM, Anill

2008-08-17, 01:57 AM

Angered that the rat still lives, Ken takes striking position, despite the wound on his calf still aching and burning.

"My goodness, die you hairy piece of ****"

Another time the already bloodstained axe comes down like a flash of iron and crimson.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-08-17, 03:19 PM
The rat is cleft in twain from the mighty blow, and the dungeon seems suddenly and eerily silent.

[60 exp. good job on your first combat, team!]

2008-08-18, 09:24 AM
"Weeeeeeeeee are the champions, my friend... And weeeeeeeee'll keep on fighting, to the end!"

Breaking out of her song, Ellandria smiles at the blood toted weapons of her allies.

"Well, it wasn't the most graceful win, but we did it! Now, I say we press forward!"

Assuming everyone agrees, Ellandria shall press forward with the others. Otherwise, she'll take the agreed form of action.

2008-08-18, 10:06 AM

Smiling, Ken kicks the remains of the last rat out of his way after wiping his axe on its fur.

"Too easy"

Somewhat limping from his wounds, he puts a huge calloused hand on Elidor's shoulder:

"Are you alright, little one? Well fought, it's two for me and one for you"

On the last notion, he smiles and winks, and after that follows Ellandria.

2008-08-18, 08:04 PM
Elidor looks up at the big man and smiles.

Ohh yes I'm fine. It's good to know some one is caring for me. He smirks at him and then says with a laugh. Oh so I guess we are counting kills are we?

2008-08-18, 08:49 PM

Anill gave the others an embarassed smile. "Sorry about the inaccurate shots. I wanted to save my magic in case we run into something really nasty, and I haven't practiced archery for a long while."
He searches the surrounding area for arrows and other objects of interest before following the others.


2008-08-18, 08:59 PM
Both archers can find half (rounded down) of the arrows that they shot still usable.
There is nothing else of note nearby except for a corpse, which seems to be from a goat, though the tussle of tawny hair and lack of horns makes it look human at first glance.

2008-08-18, 09:13 PM

Nonchalantly picking up the arrow that fell to the floor, Delroy returns it to his quiver.

"We should keep going."

2008-08-18, 09:27 PM
The tunnel twists and turns, going down and down. after about 30 feet of walking, you start to hear growling and snarls, as if from dogs.

2008-08-19, 12:23 AM

Puts his fingers to his lips and whispers

"Psst, did you hear that? Elidor, can you scout ahead and look how many we're against now. Maybe we can set up an ambush."

2008-08-19, 06:19 AM
"Maybe I should go too; I'm a pretty good sneak and I'm sure Elidor would prefer not to be cut off alone if the worse goes for wear."

Ellandria waits eagerly for the response.

2008-08-19, 07:07 AM

"Sure. If something happens, run back, we'll be ready"

Ken's stretches again and takes a more focused fighting stance.

2008-08-19, 07:41 AM
WOOT Hide and sneak silently time.:smallsmile:

Sure, I'm on it. And with a quick leap he was out of sight.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2008-08-19, 08:35 AM
Trailing after Elidor, Ellandria also goes into sneaky mode.

I hope I don't accidentally give away our location :smalltongue:

2008-08-19, 09:07 AM
Ahead of you, you see three dogs, unlike most that you've ever seen- they have faces that look like they'vee been ran into a wall. Their coats are mottled black and white, and there seems to be a vicious red glint in their eyes. One lifts it's nose and starts sniffing the air in the cavern....

2008-08-19, 11:38 AM
Ellandria turns around to head back to the others, and, assuming she doesn't get interrupted, relays the information she's witnessed.

Second hide and move silently in case it's needed

2008-08-19, 01:23 PM

Hearing that there's enemies up ahead, Anill readies his bow.

2008-08-19, 03:30 PM

"Quick, make a passage"

Ken sidesteps towards the wall and backs up on it, making both a passage for the sneaky ones and a line of open sight for Delroy and Anill. Holding his axe in the right hand, he anticipates the next movements of his new enemies, and tries to use their momentum against them when they charge.

2008-08-19, 09:06 PM
Elidor leaps out from hiding and announces

Hey! Uglies! Come and get me! Be prepared to swipe 'em good Ken! And with that he goes dashing down the hallway at a full sprint.

2008-08-20, 12:32 PM
1| | |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
2| | |D|D| | | | | |
3| | |D| | | | | | |

Here's the 10-ft wide corridor. Right?

2008-08-20, 10:44 PM
Anill moves forward so he can see the dog creatures clearly, but not too close to be in danger.

Anill stands farther behind the grid, basically at where L would be

2008-08-21, 02:58 PM
Sweet. Initiative time.

Enemies- [roll0]

Elidor: [roll1]
Anill: [roll2]
Delroy: [roll3]
Ellandria: [roll4]
Ken: [roll5]

2008-08-21, 03:00 PM
Elidor, Ellandria, Ken, Delroy, Anill, Enemies

Anill & Delroy: ROLLOFF!!! A: [roll0] D: [roll1]

First action goes to Elidooooooooor!

2008-08-22, 11:11 AM
Ken delays his action until Delroy and Anill shoot at the dogs, then he will step into the corridor and wait for them to come.

2008-08-23, 11:21 AM
Elidor turns and stands beside Ken waiting for the dogs to attack.

2008-08-23, 01:31 PM
Ellandria, Delroy, Anill, Enemies

Delaying actions:Elidor, Ken

2008-08-23, 01:37 PM
I guess it's my turn then

Edit: Darn your ninjaing Colonel!

Thinking on her feet, Ellandria comes up with a way to use her wits to bypass the problem without breaking a sweat. Stepping behind Ken and Elidor, Ellandria begins to make hand gestures:

"Gentlemen, allow me" Ellandria announces as she reaches into her pouch and pulls out a small piece of wool before beginning to mutter a series of incantations; in a few moments the wool burns up into nothing and the sound of a faint wolf howl comes from behind the dogs.

Ellandria watches on and hope this distraction will grab the dogs attention, as she did love animals and really didn't want to have to hurt any.

I'd assume since it's a faint noise a wolf howl counts in the caster-level people limit, but if not then I guess it fails or something?

Oh, and DC 13 to disbelieve if it comes up.

2008-08-23, 02:57 PM
disbelief! [roll0]

The otherworldy dogs stop chasing Elidor and carefully retreat further down the passage, noses still to the dank air.

2008-08-23, 03:05 PM
Ellandria, a smug grin on her face, takes a bow.

"You're very welcome. Now, assuming they thought it was their leader howling there, then they should take us right to him if you'd care to track them Delroy."

2008-08-23, 04:30 PM

Still in fighting position, Ken adds:

"Great idea, so instead of fighting just three dogs, we'll be fighting three dogs and a lycantrophe and all we have against him is a enlarged toothpick"

He regards the rapier dangling on Ellandrias belt sceptically, yet smiling afterwards.

"Fine with me"

2008-08-23, 04:45 PM
Realising that Ken actually had a really good point, Ellandria's expression turned from a smug one to very embarassed.

"Well, if we're lucky maybe he'll send the back out into the wild, leaving himself alone?" She sighs "I'll just be back in the corner then..."

She goes back a few feet, takes out one of the sheets from her backpack and starts drawing a map of where they've gone so far.

2008-08-23, 04:56 PM

Maybe we can trap them somehow

Ken looks around in the corridor for things that could be advantageous in a fight. If he finds nothing, he proceeds by asking Elidor:

"It would be good if you follow them, we could gain a huge tactical advantage if we knew the area. If they'll notice you, run back, we'll get 'em"

Turning to Ellandria, he adds, shaking his head

"Dear Ellandria, I won't distract you, but we were walking a simple twisty corridor, how could we possibly get lost yet? But... by the way, you mentioned the dogs looked funny, do you know if they were special dogs or just really ugly animals?"

His gaze wanders between Ellandria and Delroy, intending the question for both.

Does Ken feel sick after the rat's bite earlier?

2008-08-23, 05:59 PM
Incubation period (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#disease). It's what's for dinner.
PS- nice illusion
PPS- I'll get you a map up as soon as the corridor starts splitting off. It won't be a labrynth, as this is a game for 1st-timers.

2008-08-23, 06:56 PM
Elidor looks back at Ken

I agree with your idea, just if I AM spotted, I'm meat. Literally I'll be lunch. Dogs can run faster than you can, and I run even slower than you do! He pauses for a moment and then decides. I'm sorry. I'm just not going to take that risk. I've already had a chunk taken out of me, I really don't feel like dieing right now.

Yea, down to 2 hitpoints, and diseased. Definately not a great start...

2008-08-23, 07:25 PM
Noticing Elidor's reluctance to follow the dogs and eager to appease her mistake, Ellandria volunteers once again.

"I'll go! It's my mistake that means we're alone anyhow, so I'll help out by tracking them down! Oh, and this map isn't so much for getting lost sakes, it's more for my journal of thoughts sakes. Something to give my kids some day."

Thinking back to the dogs, Ellandria tries to remember anything about them she can. Whilst doing that, she'll pack up her bags and start to follow after the dog-things.

"Oh and Delroy if you fancy coming and helping me track these puppies, I'd appreciate it."

Time for skill checks!
[roll0] Bardic Knowledge
[roll1] Move Silently
[roll2] Hide

PS - Thanks, I thought so too :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-23, 07:28 PM
Anill twirled his insignia ring.
"Be careful for traps. I KNEW we should have bought those potions."
Anill murmured under his breath about cheapskates amongst elves and how they give all the elves a bad name.

2008-08-23, 11:16 PM

"I might be able to follow those tracks." He bends down to where the dogs were, inspecting the ground.

Survival (Track): [roll0]
edit: or not...

2008-08-24, 03:44 AM

Ken hits himself with an open palm

"Sorry Elidor, I've forgot"

After listening to Ellandria and Delroy, he just nods.

2008-08-24, 03:54 AM
As she was about to leave following the trails down the tracks, another one of her classic pieces of wisdom came into her mind.

"Hey guys, there was this guy who was at my village once that'd been badly hurt, and he mentioned being attacked by dogs which he described a lot like the ones we've just seen. Mentioned something about their bites going straight into his soul or something; he might've just been delirious, but either way keep it in mind."

Having warned the others of that predicament, Ellandria goes back to following the dogs she'd just described rather grissily.

2008-08-25, 04:46 PM
Sooooooo, something gonna happen now?

2008-08-25, 04:55 PM
Oh! Sorry.

You continue up the passage, and you see the otherworldly-lookingdogs faced off with some other ones, who look much bigger, though they don't look evil.

The bigger dogs seem to be on extremely long chains, and they are growling at the black dogs.

2008-08-25, 04:57 PM
Can anyone else guess what? Yup, BARDIC KNOWLEDGE!

Edit: I'm sorry but I have to give you all a copy of my bardic knowledge results, it just made me laugh so much.

These are dogs. They are animals. You can breed a dog to be larger or smaller, though it takes many generations. There are many types of dogs on the continent. These dogs look like a big variety. Aren't they more common with halflings and gnomes, that use them as mounts sometimes? Yeah, they're dogs, though. Big ones.
Unlike the smaller dogs, which are smaller. And look wierd.
[/smarm] :smallbiggrin:

Looking at the dogs faced off, Ellandria decides this isn't a problem for her to solve on her own, and returns to the others to tell them of the predicament, relaying the information when she gets there.

2008-08-26, 12:13 PM

Listening to the bards description, Ken seems to think some seconds, then answers:

"The other dogs are chained? And eager to bite the ugly ones"

A smirk appears between his unshaven cheeks

"An enemy which fights your enemies is a friend, or something like that. If we could destroy the chains, we could have a dogfight... literally. Hehe. And HOW do we destroy the chains?"

Stressing the how in his last sentence, Ken's gaze wanders around the companions and settles on Anill for some seconds.

"Have you some useful spells that destroy things, wizard?"

there are no ways we could avoid all the dogs, I mean, so the tunnel is still just straight without any forks, alcoves and whatever?

2008-08-26, 12:21 PM

Before Anill can respond, Ellandria comments:

"I'd just like to point out that these are dogs we're talking about Ken. As much as I love dogs, they're probably pretty angry from being chained up against a wall, not to mention the fact that we don't even know why they're chained up! Unless you can calm down what's probably a wild animal, it might not be too good an idea to just let them off their chains someone put on them for a reason!"

2008-08-26, 12:27 PM

Ken responds, a little angered:

"I'm sorry Ellandria, I'm not feeling any bonds to animals, nor do I think about the reasons why someone would chain up dogs in this forsaken place. I was just thinking about a strategy that would allow us to kill the ugly flat-faced mongrels that bite "at the very soul". I'm just a warrior. Beside that, if the dogs are fighting, they will weaken themselves, so we just have to pick the rests. Hell, we could even just run by them when they're distracted."

Ken stares back to Anill.

2008-08-26, 12:38 PM

Realising she struck a nerve, Ellandria apologises

"Sorry Ken, didn't mean any offense there, I was just trying to point out how I thought things were. However, you do make a good point about them being distracted allowing us to sneak past or make some dog fur coats: so Anill, do you have any sort of magical menageries that could lend us a hand here?"

Elllandria also turns to Anill, hoping Ken won't hold a grudge.

2008-08-26, 12:42 PM

Whispering, so only Ellandria hears him

"The only offense I take is my weapon. Sorry for being rude, it's what my job made me"

2008-08-26, 12:52 PM
[OOC: just so you guys know... Anill dosen't have much other than your standard magic missle.]
[sorry... forgot this was a beginner's game... that is, a "PCs are not omniscient" game
"It has class levels. I bet it's got levels in ranger, it's dual-wielding."
"Guys, you're metagaming."
"No, we're not! We're puzzle-solving!"
"Okay. *facepalm* You're... not in my group anymore."]

2008-08-26, 12:54 PM
Well excuse me for roleplaying Colonel :smallbiggrin:

Ellandria gives Ken one of her kindly smiles as an 'apology accepted' remark, then turns back to Anill.

2008-08-26, 04:30 PM
Anill gave a little sigh in response to Ken's question.

"If you asked me that question a month ago, I would have listed a hundred different ways we could kill those dogs or any creature for that matter. Unfortunately there's only so much I could do now. Anill held up his bow. If those big dogs are chained then me and Delroy can still attack them from afar.

2008-08-26, 09:29 PM
Elidor looks around,

Well if we are going to do some fighting, I'm staying near the back!

2008-08-27, 11:18 AM
"Hmmm, so we haven't got too much of a cheap win button here, but we can use those other dogs to our advantage...."

Realising Delroy hadn't said anything about the situation yet, Ellandria turned to him:

"What about you Delroy: you got any ideas about what we can do here?"

2008-08-27, 11:31 AM

"I would rather not attack an animal that is chained, but at the same time I don't think it would be wise to set them free. If there is no other way, it might be best just to run in and attack, focusing on the evil ones."

Plus I'd rather try Wild Empathy on a chained dog than a loose one.

2008-08-27, 11:44 AM
"So it seems our best option here is to go for the wild dogs first before either of them get the better of each other, then decide what to do with the chained dogs when we're in a better position to study them. Well, that works for me, let's go!"

Ellandria then heads back for the dogs, though not attacking yet as she'd rather wait for Ken to come to the front line.

I suppose it might be necessary at this moment if I don't want to end up as a chew toy before Ken :smalltongue:
[roll0] Move Silently
[roll1] Hide

2008-08-27, 12:38 PM

Ken walks beside Ellandria, so she could easily retreat behind his back, but is till before him to scout the way.

"Hopefully this time there will be enough stuff left to make pouches out of their skin..."

2008-08-27, 05:27 PM
Just so I know... the marching order is goin to be lke this...
---------------------------b bE|
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbd A D|
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb |

2008-08-27, 06:51 PM
So how far is that in feet to the dogs? And also, should we roll for initiative now or will you roll once the surprise rounds up and done with?

2008-08-27, 07:10 PM
Ah. Right. 15 feet between Ken and the closest dog.

Enemy 1 [roll0]
Enemy 2 [roll1]

Elidor [roll2]
Delroy [roll3]
Anill [roll4]
Ellandria [roll5]
Ken [roll6]

Suprise round: Non-existent. The dogs are alerted to your scent once you enter the long passage- they were suspicious before, but now they know what's up.
(You will run in to many dogs if you stick with me. It really pisses off the guys who try to go around everywhere invisibly.)

Ellandria, Bad Dogs, Ken, Delroy, Elidor, Big Dogs, Anill.

2008-08-27, 07:23 PM
Drawing her normal rapier from her waist once again, Ellandria moves up to Ken and stands besides him.

"You take the main force, I'll move in to help you soften them up once they've had the their first bites Ken."

Ellandria then waits for Ken's move, ready to follow through with her word.

Darn weapon drawing taking a move action, but on the plus side I'm getting pretty lucky with those initiative rolls! :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-27, 08:09 PM
Hey, Slamexo, your normal rapier only has a penalty of -1, not -2. It's the off-balance from silvering that made your attack -2.

2008-08-27, 11:02 PM

Ken bats the huge axe on the ground, making a loud crash, than raises it above his shoulder.

"Come here doggies, here is a huge bladed bone to chew at!"

Bad Dog's turn - I hope they won't one-shot me

2008-08-28, 01:07 PM
Bad Dogs, Ken, Delroy, Elidor, Big Dogs, Anill
The black dogs swarm around Ken, jowls dripping with foam.

attack 1 [roll0] damage 1 [roll1]
attack 2 [roll2] damage 2 [roll3]
attack 3 [roll4] damage 3 [roll5]

The first dog bites into Ken's already damaged leg, while the other two recoil from his armor.

Bad Dogs, Ken, Ellandria, Delroy, Elidor, Big Dogs, Anill

wd d
wd K

2008-08-28, 03:05 PM

"Ah, you damn..."

Ken backs up, the damaged leg barely supporting his weight. He shifts the grip from his battleaxe, putting his hands together on the shaft of the large weapon, ready to push back the attacking dogs.

5ft-Step back and Total Defense (AC 19)

2008-08-28, 03:34 PM
wd d

Bad Dogs, Ken, Ellandria, Delroy, Elidor, Big Dogs, Anill

2008-08-28, 03:38 PM
Angered by the dogs attacking her ally, Ellandria steps next to Ken and lunges forward with her rapier, attempting to thrust it through the body of the dog closest to her.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2008-08-28, 03:41 PM
Awww yeah, critical! Go go toothpicks 18-20 threat range!
Confirm roll (I forget if we're using it or not) [roll0]
Critical damage [roll1]

Well, that's kinda crappy :smallannoyed:

2008-08-28, 03:42 PM
Just shy of a confirmation!
wd d

Ellandria sinks the pont of her rapier into one of the black dog's chest, and the wound starts to gush blood much darker than you expected.

Bad Dogs, Ken, Ellandria, Delroy, Elidor, Big Dogs, Anill

2008-08-28, 09:57 PM

Rounding the corner, Delroy recoils slightly seeing the dogs again. He fires at one of the beasts.

I have no idea where I'm moving to, so anywhere there is space behind Ken an El... Targeting a dog on the right hand side of the passage.

2008-08-28, 10:01 PM
and another to confirm the crit

and it's a x3, so I roll 2 more d8s?
edit: freaking typical....

2008-08-29, 10:34 PM
wd d

Delroy's arrow flies true at one of the beasts, giving it a nasty spurting wound in the back.

Bad Dogs, Ken, Ellandria, Delroy, Elidor, Big Dogs, Anill

2008-08-31, 10:45 PM
Ok, I guess since Elidor has his bow out (being near the back) Elidor take a shot at the dog not in combat.


2008-08-31, 11:25 PM
wd d

Elidor's arrow bounces off of the low roof. The big dogs start running out to the end of their chains, snapping their teeth at these new intruders.

Bad Dogs, Ken, Ellandria, Delroy, Elidor, Big Dogs, Anill

2008-09-01, 01:16 AM
Anill fires a shot at the dog Elidor was aiming for.


2008-09-01, 09:50 PM
wd d

Anill's arrow flies true into the last dog, striking it in the wide flank. One of the dogs advances upon Ken, and one bites into Ellandria, it's fangs glowing with a dark energy. The first dog is repelled by Ken's axe handle, but the one attacking Ellandria bites into her unprotected torso, giving her an extremely dirty feeling.

Bad dog 1 (biting Ken): [roll0] [roll1]
Bad dog 2 (attacking Ellandria): [roll2] [roll3]

Bad Dogs, Ken, Ellandria, Delroy, Elidor, Big Dogs, Anill