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2008-08-05, 02:39 PM
Hello, and welcome friends. :)

OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86243)

Imperator of the Light

Cruel -1
Demanding -1 (Micromanage the affairs)
Handicap -1 (Cannot leave well enough alone)
Honorable +2 (A deal is a deal; nothing better than an honest villain that's your boss)
Mystery Cult, Multitudinous +1 (Private army and all pervasive spy network)

Tied to humanity, Soraire is Lord over the domains of Chaos, Knowledge, Limits, Memory, Tyranny and Wealth. As an Imperator of the Light and master of the shining Ataraxia, one might expect this Imperator to be fairly agreeable – if not nice then at least considerate of the lesser beings beneath him…in a word: no. Soraire is a cruel and merciless bastard. He expects much and returns little; driving his pawns onwards to achieve his greater aims. An extremist at best and a Knight Templar of the highest order at worst, there would be nothing to stop Soraire from binding all of humanity to his will and forcing them to live forever at his eternal behest. For him, survival comes at any almost cost…

Almost any cost: everything must belong to Soraire on his terms. Hell would turn his possessions into mockeries of themselves, the greater Powers of the Dark would simply wish all his subjects kill themselves in exquisite helplessness…and the Excrutians? They are beings of the worst kind – seeking the end of all and everything. Soraire may be cruel, extreme and merciless but he his honourable and loyal. His people may be whipping dogs, but they’re HIS whipping dogs and don’t you dare think he’ll share.

When he has deigned to show himself, and his form has always been a “he”, Soraire cannot be mistaken. Glorious in his presence, he appears as a young man. His hair and eye colour seem to shift at his whim, but he is always impeccably dressed in a white and gold tuxedo – complete with a tall top hat and a gilded mask of precious materials covering half his face. His cane, straight and black, is topped with a death’s-head and it is a rare sight indeed for his gloved hands to not be holding this lavish instrument.

Always precluded by the ominous “tap, tap, tap” of his cane against the ground, Soraire’s usual attitude (perhaps his only one) is of general disdain and a distinct contempt for almost everything that isn’t him. This is especially true for those who work directly for him only because can’t ignore them or pretend they don’t exist.

The Bastion

Ataraxia, the Bastion
11 points to spend

Banes: two -1 (the subconcious rails against total opression, infecting the hearts and machines of Ataraxia)

Boarder Guard (The city itself is proof against intruders)
- Domain [1] +3
- Penetration [1] +1

Chancel Status
- Respected Chancel +4 (All who know it believe it a safe haven)
- Primary Target -4 (Excrucians wish to wipe out this stronghold)

Defender's Blessing [1] +2 (Gilstening forcefields protect the inhabitants)

- Convenient +2 (Within a day's travel for any mortal)
- Open -2 (Easy to enter the realm - all who seek it may find Ataraxia)

Technology (an enlightened place of progress where future science pervades everything from life to warfare)
- Extrapolative +2
- Wierd Science: General WS +4

A realm of true happiness that knows almost no crime, no suffering, no hunger and no war: this is Ataraxia! The heart of human civilisation, pulse of the world. From its reflection is spawned the order necessary for cities to thrive. Since the dawn of time, progress and learning – memory and the organised hand of governance – have seeped from Ataraxia into the Prosaic Earth. Its sprawling expanse, Ivory Towers and utopian efficiency are what all cities aspire to be. In our hearts, it’s what we want. A palace of sanctity, a refuge of safety – a place where you are released from all doubt, all worry and free to pursue your mandate until the end of your days.

There is no mystic way to enter Ataraxia; neither arcane wards nor secret doors block your path. You must simply travel and keep travelling – holding always its image or its principles in your mind. The world will shift, the sky will change and eventually you will crest the horizon and pierce the veil. You will find Ataraxia: home to a billion-billion souls…a place from which, once entered, there is almost no escape.

To some who only glance at it, Ataraxia is a horror. You own nothing within this Chancel, it instead owns you. Your position, your status, your authority – all of it is loaned to you at the discretion of the Government; benefits in proportion to services rendered. The thought is hard to grasp at first but in reality it differs little from modern Capitalistic society; only there is no pretence of personal property to uphold. Freedom, however, is another story…

Ataraxia is built on rules that govern the chaos of progress and achievement, weaving a web so intricate and pervasive that personal privacy has all but ceased to exist. You are watched and monitored at all times, your location known – what your buy and do documented down to the last decimal place. The Oracle-Net, heart of Ataraxia’s quantum computing network, knows all. It is a literal all seeing eye distilled into a cute and perky avatar with pink hair and a penchant for being too nosy for her own good (Delphi, as the controlling AI is known, is a very, very curious persona. If you deal with the Oracle-Net regularly, she may take a special interest in you).

Most rest in the knowledge that no one wishes to do anything with their information – it is merely gathered not examined. But for those who wish to subvert the system they must do so with care. Acts which are innocent when looked at casually but insidious in a wider context are the key to maintaining your secrecy. However, one slip up – just enough to be watched more closely – and you may find yourself balanced on a knife point of intrigue. So easy to fall, so easy to die. The most dangerous however are those with access to the systems that track and watch…a simple command may cause the all-seeing eye to look away for but a moment. For this reason, operators and those in the upper echelons of society are screened carefully – and it is true that almost each and every one is fanatically loyal to Ataraxia…their own version at least.


Ataraxia itself can only be described as a megacity. Miles wide, miles high and buried miles into the ground its glistening towers and spires are a breathtaking sight. Outside its sealed pressure dome lies verdant wilderness unspoilt by needless meddling, and all regulated by carefully controlled environmental technology. In a way, the land is another facet of the ideal. Nature is healthy because it has been utterly subjugated and forced to become lush and green…much like the people within.

Far above the city proper also lies Ataraxia-Minor. An orbital structure connected to the city proper by a space-elevator. While the city itself can be powered almost entirely with its futuristic generators, a large amount of solar power is transmitted from above. In addition, hydroponic gardens grow food all year round and zero-g labs conduct elaborate experiments. There is also a tourist resort up there for those who want to relax in luxury while enjoying the novelty of outer space.


Most of ataraxia is populated by newtypes. The advanced biogenetics available to Ataraxia’s citizens have removed humanity’s flaws, strengthened their bodies and minds and created a race of “people” who are nonetheless superior to a normal human in almost every way.

There are also many drones. Nearly all of these – whose size, and shape depend on their job – are hardwired to an owner who controls them remotely. The most common of these is the PA-13 “Familiar”, a small flying drone that acts as a personal assistant and courier.

Nearly everyone in Ataraxia is a cyborg to some degree – their brains are all capable of connecting to the basic levels of Oracle-Net remotely. More overt cybernetics are rare however; the citizens much prefer to control drones for work that would require more specialist mechanical equipment. There are some however, mostly in more dangerous lines of work.

The military of Ataraxia is composed almost entirely of Valkyries (or Einherjar if you want to refer to those with the rarer, male appearance). Valkyries are artificial soldiers; bio-mechanoids who look almost human bar a few more predatory features. Their blood is nanites, their bones are metal, their mind a machine. Created like dolls in a factory, the Valkyries are nevertheless raised like people in their training barracks; creating soldiers not killing machines (as naďve to the intricacies of regular society as they may be). If patrolling or on sortie, they can be found in their dreaded power armour – armed with the most fearsome personal weapons available.

The avatar incarnate of the Oracle-Net, Delphi is a quantum-simulation: a computer intelligence patterned on the individual minds of her brilliant creators. She is capable of free thought (in line with the infinite possibilities afforded by advanced Quantum Processing) and is classified as a full A.I.

Delphi's appearance is mutable, but she usually appears a short, cute girl of around sixteen - with sky-blue hair and amber eyes. While she is capable of dealing with raw data at a phenomenal rate, her lateral thinking skills (that is "out of the box") are limited the imagination she possesses as a simulation - and tend to hover around the mark you'd expect for a "girl her age".

She is a logical and very curious intelligence – with an almost unprecedented fascination with the pursuit of knowledge and information. She also loves it when people do random and silly things – especially if they cause a bit of a mess – but never causes this messes on purpose and is always there to help clean up and restore a semblance of order after the fact. In a way, she reflects different aspects of Powers of Ataraxia – though whether this is a miraculous occurrence or a by-product of Ataraxia’s citizens also reflecting their masters is unknown.

Finally, Delphi is incapable of disobeying a direct order from someone with authority over her system. However, she can be given new orders by someone with more clearance than the previous giver. Because she’s capable of free thought, Delphi is quite capable of understanding both the letter and spirit of any orders or tasks she’s been given – and she’s more than capable of piecing together disparate tidbits of information to form a bigger picture of her Chancel.

Places of Interest

Cafe Freyja

In every dictatorship, in every land of opression, there is always one place that silently resists. Cafe Freyja is this place. This unassuming cafe is located close to the elevator connecting Ataraxia with Ataraxia-Minor. It's small, quiet and very unnoticable. Yet inside gather those of the Chancel who disagree both with the Imperator and the government.

Outside it is nothing much to look at. Two grime covered windows, a rather rickety door and a sign resting at a slant, the e's all missing. Inside however, it is sparkling clean. Cast iron tables and chairs line the floor, bookshelves filled with works of the greatest writers adorn the walls, art from across all time decorate every empty spot and a cosy fireplace lies to one side.
The place is run by one Mr Sherman H. White. A man approaching his last years, his hair is white and thinning, his belly is round and full, and his eye sight is every dwindling. His daughter Susan runs the counter, while his grandaughter Amy acts as waitress. Susan is trapped in middle age, her hair slowly going grey and her body going with it. Amy is young, just leaving her teens, and has fully embraced the fashion trends of Ataraxia, emmersing herself in the Cyber-Goth that is hot among the youngsters of Ataraxia.

This tiny centre of bohemia exists purely because of the power granted by it. It is well known for being the gathering place of rebels, which is why it is secretly covered in bugs and other such spy devices. They may think it is safe, they may think it is their centre of salvation. They are wrong. Sherman, while knowing that his customers are always in danger visiting the cafe, does not know about this bugs. Susan on the other hand, does, and in fact feeds a lot of information to Delphi without Sherman knowing. Amy knows her mother is up to something but has never pressed the issue.

Despite all the problems the cafe may face, it sure does do a mean cup of coffee.


The Spear of the Gods, Gungnir is Ataraxia's most potent defensive weapon. A powerful satellite riddled with gun batteries and counter missiles, more armoured than a battleship and possessed of the most destructive force in all the Chancel. Its particle array is capable of vaporising almost any target on the ground or in space and it is said never to miss its target. Unfortunately, it is limited to but one shot an hour - making it more a deterrent or terror weapon than a truly effective protector.

Most will never board this weapon nor see it up close, but its structure is visible in the night sky – all aglow with radiant power – and it serves as both a comfort and a constant reminder of the Regime’s dominance. There are also rumours that a particularly determined Nobilis could integrate themselves with Gungnir’s mainframe and power the weapon with miraculous energy: enabling it to fire more often and, as it is known, pierce the armour of even Gods.


2008-08-05, 02:45 PM
William Cameron (although he changes his name a lot)
Aspect 1 Metahuman (5)
Domain 5 Regal (5)
Realm 1 Radiant(5)
Spirit 0 Candleflame (5)

Hated by animals: as a creamer of Chaos, William's hated by most Prosaic animals, which are mainly creature of patterns. 1 MP when a threat
Summon able. William is bindable by an unbroken pentagram and the proper incantations. this is because a pentagram is a very potent symbol for mystic control and order. 2 MP whenever it comes up

Wound Levels
• Deadly Wounds: 1 (1)
• Serious Wounds: 2 (2)
• Surface Wounds: 2 (2)
5 his pet Irish wolfhound
2 His fathers ashes
3 his personal carde of anarchists
6 Sanctity of his estate
4 the constant low-key warfare in Africa
John Smith (hate bond)
rather arrogant former casino owner. Williams the reason for the "former" currently living in a penthouse in Las Vegas above his brothers place

Affiliation The Dark

Appearance: his form is constantly shifting, he has no control over it and it doesn't alter is dimensions a very noticeable way. He usually wheres an overcoat or something smiler when in public to hide it.

Personality. A rather anarchistic person, he takes joy in messing up others carefully laid plans, he is quite loyal to the Imperiator for immortality, ad views the rest of the nobles as equals. He attempts to have a sharp wit, but it falls flat most of the time.

Sudden change covers he unexpected things in a plan, the stuff that no-one expected. It also covers machine malfunctions, tripping, and any other unplannable mishaps.

5 miracle points in each area.

Minions: Besides being a leader of the Mystery Cult, He has a very large Irish Wolfhound (alerted to not e afraid of him) and a small (about 30 men) he keeps them in the portion of the Chancel hat's closest to being a slum. About half of them are mob bosses, mercenary leaders, cult heads, and conspiracy ringleaders, the rest being solitary "sleeper agent" or holding positions with less fanatic followers

2008-08-05, 04:38 PM
David Alexander Walker
Viscount of Knowledge (more specifically, the search for knowledge)

Aspect 1
Domain 2
Realm 1
Spirit 2

Immuntable (1)
Durant (1)
Flight (1)---Really only need this is he can't fly as an Owl
Remove poison (1)
Shapeshifting (1 form, owl) (1)
Perfect Timing (2)

Cannot Destroy Knowledge
No Anchors. Alex has not had time to form any anchors yet
Find Grandfather (Thomas Walker, missing) 5
Search for knowledge 5
Book of Tales (Book chronicling the adventures of past family. Never the same tale twice in a row) 3
Delphi 5
Cafe Freyja 2

Wound Levels
Deadly Wounds: 1 (1)
Serious Wounds: 2 (2)
Surface Wounds: 2 (2)

AMP 5 (6)

Alexander appears to be a young Caucasian male in his early twenties. He tends to somewhat withdrawn until something catches his interest.
Alex grew up listening to his grandfather tell him all sorts of stories about an ancestor (of the same name as the grandfather)having all sorts of impossible adventures.
While in college, a friend took Alex to meet his tribe. While there, he participated in a vision quest. During the vision, he was approached by what he thought was an owl.The owl offered to help him, in return for a favor. When Alex awoke, he knew two thing. First, he was different. Second....the tales his grandfather told him were all true, and that he wasn't named after the ancestor, he was that person. His grandfather has since disappeared, and Alex really wants to know what is going on.....and why he has a tatoo of an owl on his chest.

2008-08-05, 06:28 PM
OOC (will be removed): Can you add the paragraphs about the Imperator and Chancel in the OP (I thought we had some)? And will we have something for Thought-Records/journal entries. We don't actually have the tech, but it's nice to have OOC.


"Many know the legend of King Midas. Few know that the story was true, and even less know of what happened to that curse when at last he cleansed himself of his sinful wish.

"Desire like that does not just wash away. It coalesces! It plots! And when the time is right, it becomes. It becomes something alive, more or less. You see, that golden power was swept down the river, far down and it pervaded into every creature along that lifeline until it became the fabled Waterways of the Holy Grail, or some mortal nonsense like that. It did not last long. And here's why.

"Wealth does not like to spread out. If water is stubborn than this runs as thick as the gold it is built on. It will gravitate towards another splashes and runs of riches and settle until some force comes along to disturb it. Well soon enough the power sought itself out and the river dried out. There was nothing left beside me, the spirit of Midas's legendary curse.

"Are you listening? Heh. It's like I'm talking to a statue..."

Anavorasir is an ancient Noble of Wealth. Early in her existence as just a spirit, she caught the eye of an ambitious Imperator and became enNobled. Formally introduced as Anna Vorasir, she is the walking incarnate of Wealth - material possessions - and covets unimaginable hoards of it. Her form is carved from the finest leaves of gold. The form of Wealth is restless; across the ages there have been vast movements in what is of value. Conjuring boulders of salt has long since become flooding a place with oil.

She notes that money does not buy happiness, but it's a fine substitute in the meantime. Anavorasir maintains the status quo in the distribution of wealth and many curse her existence.

Anna Vorasir, Domina of Wealth

Attributes (MP):
Aspect - 0 (5)
Domain - 5 (10)
Realm - 1 (5)
Spirit - 1 (5)

Midas Oro Aurum (Custom Gift; 2 CP)
Minor Change of Physical Things +6; Simple -1; Single -2; One Trick -3; Uncommon +1 (Many Estates x2) = 2
With a touch, Anna can turn a mortal, a car, or anything else physical into gold. She is the living form of Midas's Curse, but has more control over how it is applied than a mere mortal does. For mediums such as air and water, only a fine patina of it gathers across her.

Immutable (1 cp)

Durant (1 cp)

Affiliation - Dark

Small Estate (5 DMP; Limit)
The Wealth that she looks after only takes a physical, superficial form; mental or spiritual wealth is beyond her sphere of influence.

Prayer Receptive (Restriction)
Anna Vorasir is willing to grant favors with respect to her domain, ones which usually become influenced by her affiliation. She must at least consider an indirect proposal and will fulfill at least a twisted version of a proper face-to-face request by mortals. The miracle or act in question does not need to be carried out immediately.

Associated with the Cammora ('Restriction')
Anavorasir pays better than most Nobles and the Cammora know it. She has enlisted them many times in the past when even Soraire's mystery cult would not suffice. The association has marred her status among other Sovereigns, but they respect her for fear of her occasional dealings.

Respect - Wealthless and Happy (Restriction)
Anna cannot harm those with no material wealth and a genuine desire for no more. Ye gods help the ones who do desire for it...

Greed (Virtue)
Anna always ensures a positive influx of wealth to herself. The very core of her soul prevents herself from unknowingly handing over something of value.

5 - Her personal hoard
4 - Her casino, The Gray Lotus
3 - Service to her Imperator
2 - The success of the mystery cult
2 - The sanctity of her Estate
1 - Her ability to make mortals rue the day
1 - The financial status quo
1 - The respect she commands
1 - Her ability to put others into debt for services rendered

Anchors (2):
Oliver Renault (Love) - CEO and puppet figure of Anna's myriad financial enterprises - mere hobbies to his Lady. A former executive -turned-homeless who was blacklisted for trying to implement costly safety protocols in his own company many years ago. He has since met Anavorasir and is among the few mortals to not receive a raw deal in exchange for her services. At least yet...

Silvia West (Hate) - A former night burglar who had the misfortune and gall to attempt a robbery of the Domina's personal hoard. She now serves as a personal accountant to Anna, which is an immense task and her punishment.

A golden rose in a position like Ouroboros, with coins like yen beaded between every pair of thorns. The overall effect looks like the bracelet she wears.

Deadly - 1/1
Serious - 2/2
Surface - 2/2

New Location - The Gray Lotus:
The Gray Lotus is Ataraxia's engine of wealth. The largest casino to grace a Chancel, the Lotus serves as a system of economic distribution and extraction. It is from here that you 'win' allotments of necessities and special credits to purchase various luxuries. The stakes are legendary and a mortal can only hope to make it big one day. Of course the stakes are rigged, except when the Power of Chaos enters. She does not mind, but is quick to alleviate herself of his presence in the Lotus. The casino is easily influenced by the nature of any Power who wanders its never-ending wards of slots, gaming tables, and once-in-a-lifetime gambles.

The building itself is built like a gilded gyroscope. Nine interlocking rings (known as bolgia, though not openly) are positioned in concentric order at different positions. Each has its own rewards and punishments. It is one of the many safeties and protocols of the city, serving as a beating heart to the economy while those rings spin in dazzling orbits. Anna's office is built into the sphere that acts as the tenth layer and the point of rotation for the whole structure. Dubbed by an enlightened few of the resistance as Malebolge, this is the central control of the casino and untold depths of the city around it. Only her fellow Powers and a distinguished few among Ataraxia's elite ever venture here. It is rumored by a few that she decorates her office with furniture arranged from the golden statues of her victims - they would be correct.

2008-08-06, 02:24 AM
Mike Anders
The Blank Spot

Attributes - Level (Miracle Points)

Aspect - 0 Mortal (5)

Domain - 5 Regal (5)

Realm - 0 Citizen (5)

Spirit - 0 Candleflame (5)

Would Levels
Deadly Wounds: 1 (1)
Serious Wounds: 1 (1)
Surface Wounds: 2 (2)


Mike can only die in four ways: if his Imperator is slain, if he is struck with certain extremely rare Excrucian weapons, possibly if he commits suicide, or possibly if something completely unexpected comes from the known Realms with unknown powers.
He is both Eternal and Durant as well, meaning he does not age; hunger, thirst or strain are no problem for him and he heals quickly.

Changing Faces
Though his appearence never shifts that wildly, Mike is capable of changing his face, height, weight, build, skin tone if given a minute to focus. He must always remain human, and cannot change his gender, but he otherwise has a good level of freedom in what he can change into.


And a Day
Mike has lived for many long centuries. He's been through many wars and seen much hardship. He will avoid all historical monuments when given the choice, and only his Imperator can persuade him to go anywhere near one. Should he find himself near one he experiences intense discomfort from the memories they bring out.

Mike is not attached to his Imperator or his Chancel. He serves only to fulfill what he sees as a debt to the Imperator to gracing him with immortallity. Despite what his Imperator or the denizens of the Chancel may view of him, Mike is not fond of them.


Mike has no anchors. Any he did once have passed away, and he shows no wish to have any more.


The Pyramids of Egypt - 5
The Great Wall of China - 5
Loch Ness - 3
The Amazon - 3
The Somme - 2
Venice - 2

Affiliation: The Wild

1. Freedom is the highest principle.
2. Sanity and mundanity are prisons.
3. Give in kind with a gift received.


Physical Appearance

Most the time, Mike appears as a caucasian male around the 30 year mark. His hair is long and chestnut, and his chin is covered in a scruff beard. His clothes are dirty and full of holes. For all intents and purposes he looks very much like a drifter. He does not stand still for long, and usually has a cigarette hanging idly in his mouth.
Mike however is a shapeshifter in his own humble way, and switches often to suit the situation, also taking up a new name as well. The form attached with the name Mike Anders is simply the shape he takes while among English speaking areas and inside his Chancel.


Mike is not a happy man. He smiles rarely and views most living things with a scowl. He is quick to dimiss those he views as inexperienced and has no time for fools who don't understand what they're talking about. He does understand his own limits though, and is quite humble about his position as a Noble, calling it"Just another job".
He often makes rather cryptic comments about history, and tells snippits of stories from ancient civilisations as metaphors for whatever he is thinking of at the time.


Mike controls Memory. He's quite good at it too. When asked about it, he will reply "I know history. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I know what power it holds, what you can do if you can control the past. My power means that I am the one in control. I am a Noble. I am a God. And I am Nobody."
Memories encompasses the human mind's perception of memories, their past stored in their conscioussness, and also the memories of the world. The history of rock and tree and soil. He knows the past, the journey that has brought one to the present point in time, and he is in command.
He cannot change history. History is something beyond mere memories. But he can control the perception of it. He could wipe wars from all of time, until somebody found the battleground. He could remove a dead man from all records, until somebody found the remains.


Mike never talks about his background. All he does is drop hints, bits and pieces that go together to build a larger image. About the only thing he has ever confessed is that he helped build the pyramids. He will never say if this was before or after he became a Noble, but regardless it shows that he has lived for thousands of years.

2008-08-06, 11:28 AM
By the way, sorry to bring this up so late, but I'll be gone for a week on Saturday.

2008-08-06, 01:10 PM
Duke of Limits

Attributes - Level (Miracle Points)

Aspect - 0: Mortal Form (7)

Domain - 4: Duke/Master (5)

Realm - 3: Warden (5)

Spirit - 0: Candleflame (5)

Wound Levels
• Deadly Wounds: 1 (0)
• Serious Wounds: 1 (1)
• Surface Wounds: 2 (2)

Gifts and Virtues

In the frightening and wonderious sense.

Shapeshifting (All encompassing)
He spends most of his time as either a shadow, or something from the dreams of HP Lovecraft when he requires something a bit more...


Can not betray or resist the imperator: Limit.
MP = Spirit.
The only Limit that Abis has no power over.


Double: There is another, a counter part. Just as he represents the restriction
of limits, his double represents the freedom that limits can provide. Pretty
much the good twin.

Health-Linked: With his double.

Revelatory Trait: There is just something not right about this guy. Mortals may just have to double check, because the first thing that pops in their heads is "Cosmic Horror".

Summonable: There is an old and obscure ritual. It's age has not restricted it's power, and when completed, may summon the very incarnation of limits himself.

Virtue: Will not harm the humble
Nothing angers him more than those ambitious fools who step out of line. The
line is there for a reason, and the madness they receive in the backlash is
merciful comepared to some fates. Conversly, he has a certain admiration for the content and the wise, the ones who are satisfied with their place and see the folly of pushing the envolope. Thus, he grants them protection from his wrath, and may even be willing to help those wiser souls on occasion.


Abis does not have an anchor. Anchors require that the Power must first hate or love the target.


7 points: His sunken city.
7 points: His estate.
3 points: The other Powers in his family.
3 points: The ring he keeps in his city, from his old life.

Affiliation: The Code of the Dark

1. Humans should destroy themselves, individually.
2. Humanity should destroy itself: collectively, except tor a few toys.
3. Ugliness to human eyes shows that one is worthy.

Note that Abis doesn't exactly follow the Dark, it's just the closest.


Physical Appearance



When you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares back. In fact, the abyss is quite aware of you, and may in fact be insulted by you. The abyss is currently deciding how to deal with you, perhaps madness, perhaps it shall destroy the limiting propery of your skin that keeps your body intact, perhaps it shall destroy the limit of your mortality, allowing you to forever in order to see the world, truly see the world.

Perhaps it would not be best to ask the abyss what it is or why it does what it does.


Limitations in all forms is his estate. Nothing more, nothing less.

2008-08-06, 03:02 PM
Roy von Cale
Baron of Tyranny

Attributes - Level (Current MP / Permanent MP)
"I'm me and yet I'm not. Beyond human but capable of so much more. I can feel it...a land lives within my heart. It holds power just beyond my grasp; chained to itself."

Aspect - 1: Metahuman (5/5)

Domain - 1: Baronet (5/5)

Realm - 5: Tempest (5/5)

Spirit - 1: Hearthfire (5/5)

Wound Levels
"I can survive a nuke? At ground zero?...I like being a God."

• Deadly Wounds: 1 (0)
• Serious Wounds: 2 (2)
• Surface Wounds: 2 (2)

Gifts and Virtues
"Power beyond my wildest dreams!..."

With this gift of Spirit Roy can invoke an appearance that has an enormous impact on the emotions and behaviours of mortals and (to a lesser extent) Powers. It is an aura of obedience, of command, of authority. The feeling that, in their hearts, Roy is their Lord and Master. Powers are immune to the miraculous part of this common Gift, but can be moved by Roy’s aura nevertheless. Functions as Glorious but requires a simple mircale to activate.

Virtue: Loyal
To his family and closest friends, Roy is extremely loyal. To his Chancel and realm, Roy is a most fervent protector. He would never willingly harm or betray any of them. Even necessary sacrifices made of the good of his Chancel pain him.

"...there's always a catch isn't there? Stupid, stupid catches."

Restriction: Health-Linked
A tyrant is his realm, the realm its tyrant. When Roy’s Chancel becomes the victim of a particularly calculated or cruel attack, he suffers as if his Estate were under threat.

Restriction: New
Roy is a new power – the successor to the previous, and recently deceased, Power of Tyranny. There are things he does not know about mythic reality. Duties he has not yet come to comprehend. A scope of conflict which, while he can understand, does not yet impose on him the seriousness of his situation. Moreover…there may be those who held a grudge against the previous Power of Tyranny, or even the Estate itself, which Roy is thus far unaware of.

"I'd always seen myself something as a chessmaster, but puppetmaster is fine too."

Steven Grace (love bond): Best mortal friend and confidant

Vicky Bradshaw (love bond): Ex-professor, established scientist

"Love's forbidden? Seriously? Bugger..."

Chancel - both the realm and its people (6)
Close Family - parents and two younger brothers (5)
Erika - significant other and best friend (4)
Steven - best friend (3)
Vicky - professor with Roy's respect (1)

Affiliation: The Code of the Light
"Yes, I know they're ungrateful, but I'm a speciest ok? I like people...mostly."

Humanity must live and live forever
What must be done ought to be done cleanly.
Humans must be protected, particularly from themselves.


Physical Appearance

Roy is a tall young man just entering his twenties and, new to the ranks of the Nobilis, his body and demeanour are only just adapting to his granted gift. With hair both blonde and straight, and eyes of the deepest blue he almost looks like a fairytale prince – even down to the refined features and apparent natural grace. In a way, Roy seems to be the idealised image of the “good king”: seemingly fair and wise, but ultimately in absolute control.



Covering Tyranny in all its forms, this estate has taken on a rather dramatic change since falling into Roy’s hands. No longer standing for stagnant oppression, the current Estate of Tyranny is also associated with order, stability, progress and development. It is one of mutual cooperation towards a common goal. A foundation to build on. A structure around which human society grows. That is Tyranny – control for the greater good.



Musings of a would-be Ruler
You know, one of my guilty pleasures has always imagining what it would be like to rule the world – I suppose a lot of people think that on occasion – but I mean always in a serious fashion. It never seemed glamorous in my mind because people aren’t glamorous things, and I never even pretended to consider politics with the mess they’re in nowadays. After all, I may be a romantic and an idealist but I’m not an idiot.

But that’s it, right there. I’m not an idiot but I’m also a romantic and an idealist. It’s why ruling appeals to me – the guy at the top, the guy who can do it better if only he was given the chance. I’d be a dictator, people might call me a tyrant: one man, one vote – I’d be the man, and I’d have the vote. No ifs, ands, buts or maybes. Privacy would be invaded somewhat, people would be tracked electronically, punishments for crime would be harsh and delivered swiftly. Not everyone would like it, but if nothing else, overcrowding in our prisons would be a thing of the past.

And if you were good – if you lead a respectable life of following the rules and doing your duty – then you’d probably find out that things didn’t turn out so bad after all. That’s what I want: a society for decent, average people – one where they can wake up and go “the world isn’t such a bad place”. Not “my country isn’t so bad” or “hey, I’m feeling pretty good about myself” but the entire world. All of it. In every country everywhere.

There wouldn’t be any wars because the people who start them would be crushed and destroyed. There wouldn’t be any crime because the criminals would be tracked and monitored wherever they went; you’d get home and find the police sitting in your living room. Then, depending on what you did, you might be killed – but your organs would go to hospital patients or maybe you wouldn’t be killed and you’d be locked away…as a test subject for new medical drugs or treatments. After all, even criminals get to help people in the end.

And all that tracking? For every person who complained about it, there’d be an old lady who’d have died of a heart attack if an ambulance hadn’t be called for her. Your bank details would be kept on a chip inside you so you could never have your card stolen again. That, all of it, planned down to the last detail. Ruling would be a lot of work – work without any recognition – but in the end something good would come out of it.

Then I hit my first major problem: how do I get to be ruler of the world to begin with?

On the Nature of Freedom
Most people think of freedom as a state of being without restraint. Humanity, with its chains cast off, arms spread wide to the Heavens shouting: “I’m free! And what a marvellous, magnificent thing it is.” Held back by nothing but the limits you place on yourself; a master of your own destiny.

We make the mistake of believing this to be something supremely desirable – desirable without due consideration of the consequences. Freedom from everything is freedom to do all that you wish to do and have all you don’t wish to be done placed squarely on your shoulders. We desire the former while fearing the latter – wanting to do everything, but not wanting anything done in return.

For example, there are laws against stealing: while you want bread, the person who owns the bread does not want you to have it. True freedom dictates you can take the bread, but it also dictates you cannot because – since freedom does not discriminate – the other exercises his freedom and keeps you from the food.

There is only one solution to this clash of opposing wills: the strong dominates the weak.

And here freedom as we define it falls apart: “Why?” says the first man “can I not have the bread? I can just take it.” And take it he does. He has made the choice to remove another’s freedom. It is the beginning of oppression, despotism. Freedom as we define it not only promotes inherent inequality but it removes all choice from the downtrodden – they are given no chance. And while I realise that inequality will always be present, it is only fair that the same chances are extended to all.

Thus I present two types of freedom: “Freedom to” and “Freedom from”.

We have just discussed “freedom to”: the freedom to do anything you want – to sing, to dance, to write, to drive, to take, to kill. The freedom to become whatever you want: be it banker or barbarian, musician or monster. And then there is “freedom from”: the freedom from the predation of others, from injustice, from pain and from suffering. It is safety.

Which you prefer is up to you. Some wish for freedom to, some yearn for freedom from. Both are freedoms – neither is more right than the other and, owing to the simple truth, you cannot decry the freedom you do not follow. Those living with “freedom from” should know that those they speak against are protected from their opinions. You cannot attack them, the system would not approve. And to have “freedom to” and then use that freedom to criticise the people who have chosen, by their own wills, to live with “freedom from” you have chosen to become the very oppressor you seek to speak against; one who would impose your will on another – choking their freedom with your hypocrisy.

I may be a tyrant but at least I do not lie about that; I am honest in my intentions and clear in my actions. But I am not the worst sort of tyrant: they who would claim not to be tyrants, instead calling themselves liberators, are the worst. Stealing the free will of those they “save” by removing their choice to live how they want – and all without ever admitting they are the monsters they profess to slay.

Yes, I am a tyrant, but an honest one. Unlike so many who are not.

2008-08-07, 12:01 PM
Chapter I
The Man Who Would Be King?

New Story Effects

Please allocate to your sheet immediately.

Roy von Cale -- Take one Deadly Wound for Health-Linked (nice way to start out, eh?)
David Alexander Walker -- Get one MP for 'Cannot Destroy Knowledge' limit.
Anna Vorasir -- Get five MPs for 'Small Domain' limit.


These are unusual times for Ataraxia. While having been since it's conception a hub of human existence, but a few short years ago it took on a new purpose: it is one of the last refuges of Tyranny.

The Excrucian's plan was, as always, a brilliant one. Under the guise of social revolution, a multitude of direct assaults against modern tyrants were orchestrated, quickly rendering the survivors quite impotent in the face of their outraged populaces. These powerless tyrants were used to invoke a devastating Flower Rite, even as newly instituted and enlightened governing policies undermined the tyranny of the masses. So powerful and so total was this act of hubris that the old Power of Tyranny perished utterly, and tyranny as it had been previously known vanished from the face of the Earth. Only the great strength of Soraire himself was able to prevent this once ubiquitous concept from passing from Creation forever.

Sustaining Tyranny within Ataraxia was not without it's cost. The effort was so demanding that Soraire found it necessary to withdraw from the Spirit Realm and direct involvement with the Valle Beldum for the time being to devote proper focus to this task. Awake and active within his Chancel, he has found some comfort in micromanaging it's affairs. His decrees have, with relative frequency, put him at odds with his Powers (a position they never win), which has only contributed to his bitterness for their failure to protect Tyranny in the prosaic world. Only recently has he apparently seen fit to create a new Power of Tyranny; perhaps he is reluctant to once again trust the Estate to a mortal, or maybe the dim flicker that remains of Tyranny was for a time not sufficient to empower one. Either way, since his enNobilization, the new Power has yet to be permitted to leave Ataraxia, instead being commanded to stay, govern, and to fully realize the Tyrant within himself.

And so we begin...

You are all Ataraxia, with no specific instructions at this time from Soraire. What would you like to do?

2008-08-07, 05:17 PM
In the Cafe Freyja, we find the shadowy Abis mid conversation with Roy von Cale. This is not his usual local, but he has decided to have a luke-warm (For that is the best he can ever manage) conversation with this newcomer. The atmosphere is noticably suppressed tension, for these people are not used to the presence of TWO Powers at the same time, and a Warden and Tempest at that!:

"...As I was saying, Roy von Cale, it is a rare instance where I offer my help and guidance so freely. A tremendous responsibility has been placed into your hands, and with it, a power that greatly affects us all.

You are new to the experience of being amongst the Nobilis, and lack the experience and judgment that comes with time. And I fear that the experience may not come quick enough.

You may shrug off my help, if you wish. I do not care. Nor did the last Power of Tyranny, who decided to ignore my council.

But enou... excuse me for one moment, Roy von Cale."

Turning to the girl behind the counter, Susan, he speaks:

"Susan H. White. Is this customer proving to be trouble-prone?"

2008-08-07, 05:30 PM
Susan looks up. "Hm? No, Warden. He's just trying to persuade me to overlook the fact that he's used up his allotment of caffeinated beverages for the week. I'll take care of it."

The gentleman in question looks frighted. "No, er, I was just..."

2008-08-07, 05:42 PM
Abis performs a lesser divination via realm to figure out the name of this fool who decided to overstep his bounds...

"Anthony Jame Puke. Do not be frightened, for I wish to aid you in your task of consuming caffeinated beverages. For the next two weeks, you shall be free from your limitation of self control, and you will consume caffeinated beverages at any and every moment. This shall become your primary goal in life.

Susan H. White, for the next two weeks, Anthony Jame Puke shall have unlimited access to caffeinated beverages. You will be compensated fairly during this time."

Abis spends one Domain Miracle Point to perform a lesser destruction of limits on poor Anthony. It occures to him that, perhaps, he should have altered Anthony's tolorance for caffeine. However, that is not his problem. The Duke of Limits has far more important things to worry about.

Turning back to continue the conversation with Roy, he waits for a moment, indicating that this is Roy's turn to speak.

2008-08-07, 06:50 PM

I'll be in the Montana wilderness from this Monday to next Tuesday morning. Feel free to NPC-bot Anna. In fact, I'd like someone to because I've never had a character NPC'd before. :smalltongue:

Anavorasir, or Gilded Mistress Anna Vorasir to mortals (among less scrupulous 'names' for her), was at her desk at the heart of the Gray Lotus. Today was a rare day.

A lucky mortal only won a Token once each year, or when the Lady of Wealth wished it so. She didn't remember which of the two options had brought this annual visit. Either way, there she sat, the Living Incarnate of Wealth, behind a desk carved from ivory and precious metals, beset with an alphabet of unparalleled gemstones.

Opposite her, seated precariously on the edge of an oil fountain (made fumeless through her will), was the hapless winner. Inhuman in all but form, she did not really note any difference between this one and the blind mice scurrying across her gaming halls. There were no chairs beside hers, unless another of Ataraxia's Powers were to stop by. The fountain provided ample seating for anyone else, albeit with a hint of danger.

"Congratulations. You won. You get to meet with me, face to face." She leaned back in the luxury chair and dropped both legs onto the remarkably bare table. "That is the simple part to all this. The consequences, however..." Anna carries out the last syllable for dramatic effect as she draws her hand back across one side of her platinum fur coat to reveal a golden revolver holstered at her hip. "Tell me about yourself."

(Major Divination of Wealth; running an audit, more or less, on this one's possessions and relevant desires)

2008-08-07, 07:25 PM
Wandering into an empty office, David sits at the computer terminal. So, Delphi is it? I'm kinda new at this, so give me a rundown on the history of this place. Who are the movers and shakers? What's the local college life like? Anyone I should watch? Tell me about yourself. Oh, and where can I get a good cup of coffee? While waiting to get an answer, he starts reading the latest scientific journals.

2008-08-07, 11:36 PM

The unaugmented and ordinary gentleman standing before Anna stammered and stuttered before finding the words to respond, clearly still not quite over the shock of where he was, let alone dealing with inhumanity of the Lady standing in front of him. "Name is, uh, Kyle. Hume. I'm just a man, um, agricultural processing." He glances around nervously, and swallows. "They say you can give me all the allotments a man can dream of. Sorry if I'm nervous!"

The divination of Wealth determines that Kyle is not quite an ordinary citizen. He had, at some point in the past, won a small sum beyond what most denizens are allowed. No doubt the fault of the meddling Power of Chaos, Kyle apparently found motivation to turn his extra resources to smuggling and black market activities.


(Sorry for the OOC writeup, it's quite a lot of information and I'm pressed for time)

Delphi returns the following information:

* Aside from the Imperator and Powers, whom he had quickly become quite familiar with, the elites border on innumerable. While their power and influence pale in comparison to the agents of Creation, various department heads, managers, and researchers can have retinue's of employees that span to tens of thousands. All of their holdings tend to be as fickle as the whim of the Powers that grant them, however, and the list is regularly changing.

* The history, and the nature of Delphi, is as per the writeup by Cannonball (that I need to copy to this thread...)

* Education, at varying levels, is available to all those who have won appropriate allotments from the Gray Lotus. College-level winners, and beyond, are also quite common, more so than seemed to be the case on Prosaic Earth. Ataraxia has reaped the benefits of billions of educated souls collaborating since its inception, and this has no small role to play in the abundance of fantastic resources and entertainment available for those deemed worthy.

* The absolute best place for good coffee would be the Cafe Freyja...

2008-08-08, 02:01 AM
Normally, Mike would be spending time in the Cafe Freyja, the only part of this whole damn Chancel that he likes. But right now, that weirdo power of limits was in there with the new boy. Mike had been around here long enough to know that the newbie was going to get a nice talking to from limits, and wanted to be as far away from that conversation as possible.
But where else was there to go? This city was an insult to everything he stood for. The cafe was the only place where he felt somewhat at peace. He stood outside, looking at it, wishing limits would hurry the hell up.
He sighed, lit up a cigarette and slumped down by the door. If he couldn't go in, this would have to do. He silently puffs away, and listens to the going ons of inside, waiting.

2008-08-08, 10:58 AM
JMobiusooc: Don't worry about it. It got me what I needed to know. One question though....do the inhabitants of the Chancel know who were are by sight, or do they have to figure it out?

IC: *Thinking aloud Hmmm. Where was this stuff when *I* was trying to get a degree. Ah well. Freyja has the best coffee. To Freyjas it is." At that point, David gets up and wanders in the general direction of the Coffee House.

2008-08-08, 11:05 AM
As a general rule, the people here know of you, even if they don't know the Powers or have ever seen them personally. When interacting with them, they'll generally know who they're dealing with straight away, though, so long as you have a half-decent Spirit.

2008-08-08, 11:08 AM
As a general rule, the people here know of you, even if they don't know the Powers or have ever seen them personally. When interacting with them, they'll generally know who they're dealing with straight away, though, so long as you have a half-decent Spirit.

Any way around that? So that they think they are talking to a mortal? Otherwise, all of us hanging out at the "rebels" meeting place will get...interesting

2008-08-08, 11:23 AM
Any way around that? So that they think they are talking to a mortal? Otherwise, all of us hanging out at the "rebels" meeting place will get...interesting

Either having a very low Spirit (0-1ish, 2 might be able to get away with not being blatantly obvious but there is definitely something interesting about you), or having the Unblemished Guise gift.

Btw, feel free to ask about any mechanics you like. I think I'd prefer we have such discussions in the OOC thread though. :)

2008-08-08, 12:42 PM
Looking down at the training soldiers, William Sighed. Right, make joining the army a punishment, boost our numbers, how could handing a bunch of half-starved rebels weaponry go wrong? He mutteredI need to talk to that new Guy about getting his estate back into existence. Causally shooting in the direction of the small group of rebels and amplifying the resulting confusion many times over(lesser creation of chaos), He signaled to the nearby Valkyries to take care of them.

While, I might as well see him now..., where would he be?, might as well check the coffee shop, only place a normal person can feel comfortable here anyway. With that he set off towards the Cafe Freyja, Flanked by his wolfhound Wolf and followed by four plainclothes Mystery Cultists. He stops to talk to any Power he meats or anyone who tries to cause him trouble.

2008-08-08, 12:48 PM
Roy’s hand twitched gently, spread casually over the table as he watched Abis with silent admonishment and only half an ear directed at his advice. Deep in his heart he ached; not a pain, but a longing for powerful and compelling than any he had ever felt. Something much greater than him cried out in pain. Something bound so inextricably to his soul that he could never, never ignore it.

Roy sighed and moved his glass slowly around in circles…he looked up and glanced over at poor Anthony.

“Yes, a responsibility…from what I know, I am Tyranny – without me it doesn’t exist, and if it didn’t exist I wouldn’t be here. There’s a lot to take in and I’m bloody frustrated. Not about all this~” he gestured around the room, and out the window. His next words were exuberant before quickly falling into a deathly hiss. “All this is fantastic. But I’m incomplete! There’s a part of me missing and I haven’t been allowed to do anything about that. I had my soul torn open and stitched back together again but someone left a gaping hole there and I don’t appreciate it.”

Just to drive home the point he snapped his fingers; brining the power of miracles to bear. Anthony would not have his life ruined by a caffeine addiction – not as long as he was a good, productive member of society at least. The poor citizen would know restraint and he would like it…or at least be thankful later: “And Abis…please stop trying to drive our people to suicide. A King without subjects rules over nothing but dust after all.”

Realm: lesser creation of self-control on Anthony. Roy has no desire to see him enter caffeine bullet time.

2008-08-08, 01:01 PM
Domain? Are you sure?

2008-08-08, 01:02 PM
I totally meant Realm...ok, still getting used to the system. I'll have it down soon - promise XD;;

2008-08-08, 01:30 PM
Mike takes one slow puff and then sighs deeply. Newbie was actually going to start this. He'd used his powers against Limits. Now things were really going to kick off and he wouldn't be able to do anything. He'd be lucky if Freyja was even there the next day. He doubted Limits would do anything less to prove a point.
Sighing again, he gets to his feet and throws the cigarette to the ground. If it was going to be destroyed, he might as well make sure to get one last cup of coffee. He slides inside quietly, making sure to keep his distance from the other two powers, orders a cup and sits down on the other side of the room.
He savours the cup and silently prays that someone, anyone, except his Imperator, would get those two out of the cafe. Lighting another, he rests his head in his hands and sighs.

2008-08-08, 01:46 PM
Wandering into Freyjas, David notices the tension in the atmosphere. Noticing Mike in the corner, DAvid grabs a cp of coffee and heads over.

So, what's up here? I walk in the door and immediatly feel like I have a huge target on my back.

2008-08-08, 01:54 PM
Abis looks at Roy with his usual blank expression. He was actually a bit amused, perhaps he might share this story with Wealth sometime later.

"Your nativity shows in its full colors, Roy von Cale. Your concern for each individual of your kingdom is a trait you will soon grow out of. What is one drop, compared to the ocean?

Yet I can see that you still need time to consider my offer, so I shall give you this time.

And I am glad to see that you are starting to come to understand the power that has been given to you. Just remember, though, that one day, you shall encounter the limitation of those abilities. Good evening."

Abis, silently, gets out of the chair. Before heading to the exit, he takes one more look at Anthony, making sure that eye contact is made for a few seconds. Then, he floats towards the door. On his way out, he spots Mike, trying to blend in and making a great effort towards the task of appearing to not eavesdrop in on the conversation.

"Relax, Mike Anders, I have decided that the coffee here is excellent enough to avoid absolute destruction. Good evening."

Abis leaves the coffee house.

Hmm, thought Abis, I believe that I shall have a conversation with Delphi, and reduce the total allotment of caffeinated beverages for each week that has been assigned to Anthony Jame Puke.

And with that, he went off to his personal retreat to make Anthony's life more miserable.

2008-08-08, 02:08 PM
Mike breathes a sigh of relief as Limits leaves. He takes another swig from his coffee, and then notices Knowledge sitting across from him.

"Ah... Knowledge. Brilliant. Wonderful. Hi. Hi. What are you doing here? And I don't want any long rambling personal history about how you came to be a Noble, I've heard enough of them to last me five of your life times. What are you doing here here, in Café Freyja here, in my nice, safe, away from all the crap that is this Chancel, Café Freyja?
And please, please, keep your voice down. One newbie is enough. I don't want that walking shambles that is Tyranny to notice we're here."

He drains the last of his coffee then whistles to Amy for a refill, instantly regretting this very loud method of grabbing everybody's attention and immediately hunches down, trying his best to hide.

2008-08-08, 02:34 PM
Hmm…one drop in the ocean may be nothing but that doesn’t mean we should waste water. I do believe I shall have to hate these Powers of the Dark. They have no regard for human life at all... An idealist in a world that didn’t care for him. What had Roy gotten himself into? He wondered quietly to himself, brooding while he listened intently to the flow of noise around him.

He didn’t feel uncomfortable here. The people…they were no less a part of the Chancel than any other. A necessary, functioning part that improved the whole by testing it – again and again until it became better. The regime just had to be strong enough to absorb them, learn from its mistakes and their provocations. Rebel was an important job. Having them all in one place was convenient.

Roy shifted silently over to the bar and ordered another drink; sipping it slowly as he leant on the counter.

2008-08-08, 02:34 PM
Entering Freyjas, He did a mental rundown of the occupants, hmm, Tyranny, of course, and Memory, ah well that's to be expected. Knowledge is a bit weird though.. Wandering over, he sits down next to Tyranny, so, what brings you to the only sane place in the Chancel? anyway, how are you planning to bring your estate back into existence? he says, quickly downing a cup of coffee into his constantly changing mouth.

2008-08-08, 04:48 PM
"Well then, Kyle Hume, though I do not believe I asked for its... your... name. I conduct these meetings to survey the populace. The staff tells me exactly what I want to hear. So I resorted to this random selection." She stands up and sweeps her hand across the room.

It wasn't easy to notice at first, but the immense office was populated by, aside from the desk, the chair, and the fountain, with golden statues twisted into varying poses to serve as a dreadful living room set. "You can see that there have been many such occasions. And the results have been interesting."

2008-08-08, 06:04 PM
Mike breathes a sigh of relief as Limits leaves. He takes another swig from his coffee, and then notices Knowledge sitting across from him.

"Ah... Knowledge. Brilliant. Wonderful. Hi. Hi. What are you doing here? And I don't want any long rambling personal history about how you came to be a Noble, I've heard enough of them to last me five of your life times. What are you doing here here, in Café Freyja here, in my nice, safe, away from all the crap that is this Chancel, Café Freyja?
And please, please, keep your voice down. One newbie is enough. I don't want that walking shambles that is Tyranny to notice we're here."

He drains the last of his coffee then whistles to Amy for a refill, instantly regretting this very loud method of grabbing everybody's attention and immediately hunches down, trying his best to hide.
Tyranny, shambles? Why do you call him that? As for why I'm here....coffee. I wanted coffee, and I've learned that this place has the best coffee around. Bad day, I take it?

2008-08-09, 01:47 AM
"Yeah. Yeah. Bad day. Bad day ever since Tyranny got the great Excrucian Wipe. Since then ya know what the Imperator has done? Jack. Absolutely nothing. He made Tyranny over there and placed all his hopes on one newbie managing to bring back a concept. Heh. Heh heh. Didn't work before with Shumabalatitude. Look at you, he made you too, and I haven't seen him for months. Not like I want to..."
Finishing off another, he gets out his cigarette packet, thinks for a moment and offers one to Knowledge.

2008-08-09, 07:14 AM
Shumbawhatatude? Never heard of it. As for Tyranny...give 'em a chance. I mean, both of us are kinda new at this.
*Looks a cigarette*No thanks, I'm allergic to that stuff.

2008-08-09, 07:44 AM
"Fair enough. Pansy." Mike lights up. And stares at Knowledge for a bit.
"Ya know... you got it real lucky Newbie Twobee. Far as I know, Knowledge just kicked it. No Grand Master Excrucian Wipe for him. Bastard just died. Tyranny, however, heh... poor ol' Tyranny over there has got his work cut out for him. In this day and age outside of our merry old Chancel, Tyranny is what one might call a faux pas. Excrucian was clever this time. Very clever."
He puffs silently for a bit, deep in thought.
"I don't know what he's going to do. Poor dumb Newbie... I don't like you guys okay? Really. This bloody Chancel and this bloody Imperator and this whole bloody slice of existence... it's a mess. But I'm all for stopping the Excrucians. All for it. But this time they got us beat. They killed a concept that people want rid of. Ya know? Sometimes they go for stuff like Happiness or Love, or even memorable parts of history or... whatever. But this time they got rid of something that most mortals didn't even want. Tyranny over there has got to bring it back, without every thing with an opinion hating him. Tricky. Very tricky.
Now you, on the other hand. You've got it easy. Knowledge is something those daft humans have been working on for centuries. Millenia even. Tens of thousands of millions years. I remember when it began. And unless an Excrucian does something pretty damn drastic, you ain't got any problems. Knowledge is... huge. Absolutely huge. Lord Entropy himself, the daft git, would step in and take control if Knowledge was put in danger. Tyranny ain't got that pleasure. So yeah. Yeah. Tyranny is a shambles, and you're just a golden boy who don't appreciate what he got."
Mike smokes away, staring silently into the embers of the stagnant fireplace.

2008-08-09, 08:55 AM
Hmm, that's rough for him. Maybe we're looking at it the wrong way, though. A tyrant didn't used to be bad. Perhaps he can go back tp that? As for the previous Knowledge, I don't know what happened to him either. As for me....I didn't even know what I was agreeing to. For once, guess I lucked out. Seems to be a family trait, that. Incidently, how far back can you remember? *sips coffee* This really is good.

2008-08-09, 09:59 AM
“A little bit defeatist aren’t you…?” Tyranny stepped over, his great coat flapping behind him a little in the gentle circulation of the environmental unit. He didn’t sit – content to merely stand at the table with his hands casually in his pockets. “But maybe that’s what Memory is; old and trapped in the past. Not that I blame you – we all need to escape there sometimes. Just can’t live there all the time. You fester~”

He lowered himself to the table and looked Memory in the eye: “I know I’m in a state, Mike but I’m here. Tyranny got a hole punched through it, I feel that, but it still exists and I know how to bring it back. Though…I might need your help there. Strange as it sounds asking a diehard anarchist like yourself – really, you probably won’t do anything to assist me on principle.”

He stood up again and shrugged a little with his hands.

“But you’re maybe one of the most important powers here, Mike – more so than even Knowledge and you know that. Without you, people are little more than hairy goldfish with a three second attention span. So I’d like you to reach into that very long memory of yours and tell me to my face: do people hate Tyranny or do they, in more ways than one, wish there was someone, at least a nice someone, telling them what to do and making their lives easy?”

2008-08-09, 10:24 AM
Mike looks him dead in the eye, flicking the crumbling cigarette away.
"Ooo, lookit the little eavesdropper. Got quite a mouth strapped to that domain, ain't ya? I can understand why people listen to ya now. One of those voices that demands attention. Not positive or negative attention mark you, but attention none the less. You demand people hear you, while you pass out commands like you're bloody Lord Entropy.
Hear me Tyranny. Hear me well. If I help you, it's because the Imperator tells me to. I have a debt to repay. Nothing more. Nothing less. Frankly, I'd wish you and your kind, the royal pains in the arses who seem to have this nutty idea that they're better than people, would all dissappear. But not by an Excrucian. No. Too easy. I want you to dissappear by your own hand, so that people can remember what you were and can be glad that you're gone.
Heh. You n' Newbie Twobie over there would make quite the team with your combined ignorance. People have never liked tyranny. They've never liked people telling them what to do. Why do you think there have been so many rebellions? And I know how many there have been. I know because I remember every individual one. And there have been far more people screaming for freedom than begging for a ruler."He stands up and makes for the door.
"Heh. At least you recognise the power of Memories. I'll be lucky if the Imperator ever recognises my talents, or even any of the other Nobles. Later Newbo Uno and Newbie Twobie. Don't screw your domains over too much while I'm gone, eh?"
Mike exits, lighting another cigarette, and once again loathe to enter his only safe haven, decides to simply wander the streets of Ataraxia. Maybe when he's done powers will have learnt where they are not appreciated.

2008-08-09, 11:54 AM
*Looks over*Oh, jeese Chaos. I didn't even see you there with the drama going on and all. So what do you think about all of this?

2008-08-09, 12:04 PM
I want his, pointing at TyrannyEstate back up and running ASAP, so that we can get a little freedom. should be simple enough, martial law, fanatical theocracies, insurgents, coups. All it takes is some unrest to cause drastic measures to be taken. he says, ignoring the obvious fear the other patrons were showing to him.

2008-08-09, 12:12 PM
Roy smirked as he watched the Power of Memories walk away. He wasn’t totally unreachable…just exceptionally self-centred and perhaps a little too arrogant for his own good. Enough, at least, to only spit half of the story in his face: after all, what happened after every rebellion? After every ruler was dispossessed? Another took their place. Tyranny was control and without it there was anarchy. If people weren’t kept together they regressed so shamefully into barbarism.

Was there, though, a hint of regret in Mike’s voice? It occurred to Tyranny that Memories must be so impossibly old in a world that just kept repeating around and around: a glass of blood and sorrow for every drop of happiness. It seemed that with great power did come great responsibility. And his was the weight of humanity pressed upon his shoulders.

How horrible…though perhaps it’s his own fault. If people were a little more organised there’d be less nastiness to go around after all~

Roy steepled his hands underneath his chin and took a deep breath: “Oh well, at least that’s him gone. It isn’t polite to talk about people behind their backs after all – especially if they’re in earshot. Anyway, Chaos, to answer your questions – I’m here at the moment because…well, because Abis decided to show me some things. I can’t say I’m particularly grateful but he (or is that she/it?) is definitely worth listening too. My plans so far though are a secret though my life would be much easier with Mike onboard…and you actually, if you’re interested in restoring the Estate of Tyranny into something other than the mangled piece of Swiss cheese it is at the moment.”

“Knowledge too of course~” Roy glanced over at David and smiled pleasantly. “Really, I could try and go it alone but with all of you it would be so much easier. Especially as I’m rather confined to Ataraxia at the moment. Even Limits and Wealth would be worth more than I can imagine, but I’m not sure how interested they’d be as of yet.”

2008-08-09, 12:14 PM
Why start so big? If you really want Chaos, do little things at first. You know, crash a database here, turn the lights in an intersection green in both directions there....

2008-08-09, 01:20 PM

Kyle, not being the brightest one, walks over to one of the statues in amazement and studies its detail's up close, blissfully unaware of the implications. Clearly amazed, he looks back at the Lady.

"Forgive me, lady. I'm not quite sure what you want to know. I work, my belly is fed when I need it, and so I'm just like everyone in else." He pauses thoughtfully. "I'm not married. Never won that one before."


A voice booms loudly across the Cafe. "My, my, isn't it sweet to see all the other little Nobles concerned for their dear brother's health! Perhaps if they spent more time weeping over their own Estates, I wouldn't have had to replace Knowledge as well. Just dying on me like that, pathetic."

A holographic silhouette of Soraire decorated the counter of the cafe, as all the patrons backed away warily, sensing in their hearts the power of this being even though his spirit was many miles away. "Come to the Malebolge. I need to speak with all of you, and I just love the atmosphere Anna keeps there. Do not tarry."

2008-08-09, 01:37 PM
Ok, looks like my coffee break is over. Um....all things being equal here, I think we are going to have to unite. Dispite being Knowledge, I *REALLY* don't want to find out what happens if we get fired. with that, David grabs his coffee, stands up, and heads out the door trying to figure out the quickest route to the Malebolge

2008-08-09, 01:46 PM
We find Abis in some deserted area, talking with Delphi. As the Power of Limits, the Duke is nearly limitless in nearly every aspect of creation. Even so, Abis found his unlimited patience nearly at it's end.

"I do not care that the latest fashion is three shades darker than the last one, Delphi, I simply wish for you two change an allotment..."

Why didn't you just say so!?

"...I had said so.

And please changed your appearance. You know I despise that setting..."

Suddenly, Delphi's image morphs into that of Soraire, disdainful expression and all...

"That is not exactly what I meant..."

2008-08-09, 01:47 PM

As Abis consults Delphi to ensure proper punishment for Anthony, the Oracle's avatar's body twists and morphs into the familiar form of Soraire. "Ah, Abis, my oldest servant. Do you know what the problem with not being limited by mortality is? It's that you've disappointed me far too many times. Meet me in the Malebolge where your siblings are gathering. Be prompt."


As he walks the street, Mike hears the all too familiar tap-tap-tap of Soraire's cane. Finding him at this point is a trivial matter, as no matter how narrow the corridor the people of Ataraxia give him a wide berth.

"Hello Mike, just the man I was looking for. Do you remember me?" -- he laughs to himself, an old pun that any human would have grown weary of epochs ago -- "I have need of you. Come with me."

2008-08-09, 01:49 PM
"Of course, Lord Soraire."

2008-08-09, 02:06 PM
Turning to Tyranny I would love to help, if Tyranny gets back into existence, Our Lord and Master can go back to the vale bellum and we get some freedom.
when Soraire arrives, Well, best be off and heads towards the Citadel, followed by Wolf

2008-08-09, 04:54 PM
"I cannot do that for you Hume. I merely run a casino, not a wedding chapel. Do you know about any opposition posed against me, or this glorious city's management? Otherwise I fear that you are no use to me. And you should be the one that fears that."

The Gilded Lady crosses her arms, looks down her nose at him, and takes a step closer.

2008-08-09, 05:08 PM

This time, the message gets through quite clearly. Kyle yelps and takes a step backward, stumbling into the arms of a statue bearing an equally terrified expression.

"No! No ma'am! I've not seen... well, maybe, yes! I have heard of something, a book, keeps getting passed around on some of the agri decks. It... it warns of obeying you and your fellow Lords, says we have the power and right to rule ourselves. But I've never seen that wretched tome myself, I swear to Soraire, and you know I don't believe a word!" He trembles, whimpering.

2008-08-09, 10:13 PM
"Now there's a start. You will go now and find this book for me. And when you come back, we can discuss compensation for your troubles. That is, if it really is you who shows up at my doorstep and not something like you."

OOC:I'm going to be gone from tomorrow til the 19th (Tuesday).

2008-08-10, 01:35 AM
"Oh Thor dammit. Always show up just when I'm getting real pissed off, don't ya?"
Mike practically spits the cigarette at him.
"Bloody Imperator snark."
He follows him to the Malebolge, cursing under his breath the whole way.

2008-08-11, 03:11 AM
Ohh...? Roy almost raised an eyebrow to his fellow brother, the Power of Chaos. He hadn’t thought about using that as persuasion…the better they did the less Soraire would need to intervene. Perhaps Mike would listen to that? ‘Help me get on my feet and you don’t have to see our Dread Master as much’. It was an idea worth trying…

Though speak the Devil’s name and He appears. Soriare’s presence could be describe as majestic if it weren’t so overwhelming, so powerful, so…Roy’s skin crawled and a little sweat trickled down the back of his neck. The Power of Tyranny managed a slight bow of respect: “Of course, Lord...”

Straightening up, after Soriare left, Roy took a breath to calm himself down:“Somehow, I don’t think He would fire us. More…work us to an eventually merciful death. Overuse us. I get the feeling we’re only tools to Him in some ways. Oh well~! There’s nothing men can do in the face of Gods. To the Malebolge it is.

The Power of Tyranny swept out of the door and out onto the glittering elevator. Massive in structure, it housed people and factories – the systems and support that ferried people to and fro between the flawless Ataraxia and its perfect child, Ataraxia-Minor that floated in the silent depths of space. For a moment Roy paused, his eyes cast out to the transparent walls. You could see the Earth from here, curving away far below them – the sky blue of the atmosphere gradually fading into the inky, star studded black that stretched out over their heads to the far beyond.

”Delphi…” he commanded mentally, linking with the Oracle-Net. “Prepare a private capsule for descent to the surface. We must make haste to the Malebolge.”

“Okie dokie, Roy. You’re the boss~” came the chipper reply. Talking like that was almost like instant messaging inside your head. Took a while to get used to…

The Baron of Tyranny took the lead and waved for the others to follow, making his way straight to bay six. “I’ve had Delphi prep us a ride down. It should be there for us when we arrive and the only way faster is to strap on some rockets and jump – and I bet we’ll still be chided for being late~!” He shrugged playfully. “In fact, we’d probably be chided for our lateness if we could teleport, but there’s not much we can do about it.”

2008-08-11, 10:15 AM
*stops when he hears Tyranny mention and ride* Oh good, I can just follow you.
*Thinks a moment*
You know, even if we can't stand each other, I think we should make the effort to work together as a group.I mean, Memory is depressing the hell outa me, and Limits is just creepy.

*Looks right at Tyranny*

On the other hand, I don't have a problem with you. As long as you keep searching for a good solution to our problems, you've got my vote. For whatever that's worth. Assuming you try to make the people living here as happy and safe as you can.

2008-08-11, 08:13 PM
OOC sorry for the delay in response!


Soraire laughs uproariously as they begin and promptly end the journey to the Malebolge (such is the power of an Imperator over their Chancel). "You shall always be my favorite amongst my Powers, Mike. You always understand!" he comments, chuckling to himself once more and smiling in a manner that remains sincere despite his omnipresent hint of contempt.


"Yes, please, ma'am, I'll return right away! I'll find who has it and bring them here too!" Kyle chitters, before running off as quickly as he can manage. But moments after his departure, the familiar sound of Soraire's cane can be heard sounding off the marble floors outside. Anne sighs, sitting by the side of the fountain. Of all his Powers, she knew that Soraire generally hassled her the least; his visits, when he decided to make them, never bode well.

Sorry if I dragged that scene on a bit Maerok, wasn't quite sure what you were aiming for at first. I do love your character, and I'll try as best I can to do her justice while you're away. Have fun! :)

As he enters the gilded room with the clearly displeased Mike in tow, Soraire smiled as he surveyed the grim furniture of the Malebolge. He muses, "I find it quite fascinating... you can command a human to live as a human, and without oversight they cannot do that with any competence. You command a human to live as a Power, they're no better. But," he pauses, examining up close some of the newer statuary since his latest visit. "If you command a human to live as a statue, this is something that they can do unto eternal perfection. I really should draw from their ranks more," absent mindedly casting a glance at Anne, who nods in silent respect.

"Now where are the others? I said to be prompt!"

2008-08-11, 11:28 PM
“Here Lord~”

The doors arced open; white vapour pouring from them, escaping out into the air. Roy von Cale strode into the room, his coat whipping behind him as he halted. With a raise of his arm, he bowed deeply before taking his place among those gathered. For the moment, Tyranny remained quiet, still unsure of the exact limits he should place on his behaviour. Memory could get away with many things in His presence…but could the Baron do the same? For now, and maybe not for a long while, he wouldn’t risk it.

2008-08-12, 04:51 AM
Mike taps at the statues, examining them carefully.
"Couple new ones Wealth. Couple ugly new ones. Eternal imprisonment and you don't even offer to fix up their nose."
He glances at Tyranny and his entourage as they enter.
"You should move quicker you know. You're pretty powerful when it comes to this place. You should just have to blink and be where you want to be. Got a lot to learn Newbo Uno."
He taps another statue before turning to the Imperator.
"Poor sods. Come on then, what are we here for? Tell us fast so we can do it fast and get back to not being here, fast."

2008-08-12, 08:28 AM
*Looks into the room* Oh, hey. Looks like this is the right place after all. I got completely turned around in this place.

2008-08-12, 11:47 AM
For the sake of moving things along, we'll assume everyone shows up. Abis is the last to arrive.

"Oh, there you are," he finishes, as Knowledge, Tyranny, and Chaos immediately enter the room. Abis follows some seconds later, and he suddenly snaps with cold sarcasm "My dear Abis, what took you so long? When I tell you to be prompt, I do not care for delays."

Expression still fill of anger, he surveys his team of Powers. "Yes, I have a task for you. As much as Ataraxia needs me, there is no denying that the Valle Beldum needs me more. That means it is time to fix your screwups, my dear Powers. I will not have Creation forget Tyranny."

"I am sending all of you to the Earth. All of you," he smiles, petting Tyranny affectionately on the head. "Choose a nation, any of great power and prestige. You will establish there a great mortal tyrant, one who will never be forgotten." He glowers at Abis briefly. "And you will do it with subtlety. Acting too quickly will arouse the suspicions of the Excrucians."

As he says this, he makes his way to Anne's desk, where he now sits down and kicks up his feet. He frowns. "Why are you all still here? Go, find me a man who will be a tyrant of tyrants and bring him to me. Go!"

2008-08-12, 12:10 PM
Mike gapes for a moment, then collects himself.
"We're doing WHAT!?"
He paces backwards and forwards in clear agitation while he speaks, stopping occasionally to try and light a cigarette, each time becoming distracted.
"We can't do this boss man, we can't do this. The Excrucian did their job too well, we can't undo this. And why should we do this anyway? Ain't the mortal realm better off right now, ya know, without tyranny. You wanna preserve it so badly, we could just have Newbo Uno sit here in the Chancel safe and sound. This isn't going to work, this... it ain't gonna work. Look I... I owe you but you gotta get one thing... aaaaaargghhh!"
He punchs one of the statues in anger.
"This ain't f***ing right!"
Mike seeths, his body heaving. He lights up and stares at the floor, trying his best to calm down.

2008-08-12, 12:16 PM
Um, Mike? Lets find out a few things first, ok? So boss, do you care how we do it, or what form of Tyranny we set up? Or does it just need to BE a form of Tyranny that everyone will remember?

2008-08-12, 12:20 PM
"You would do well to mind the property of others, brother," Anne says in a tone that suggests warning. "This does not seem a difficult task. Our worshippers in the Prosaic are well funded, and quite capable of finding us a suitable mortal."

"You have an expert on Tyranny with you. Perhaps he will be able to tell you what is most suited when the time is right." Soraire glares at the family, apathetic about the powerless impudence of the Power of Memory, but quite irate that they are, in fact, still here.

2008-08-12, 12:29 PM
*Looks at Anne* I'm sorry, I thought asking questions was part of MY property.
*Looks at the others* Shall we get moving then? We've got work to do, so let's get moving.
with that, David moves towards the door.
Delphi, prepare a report on the current social-economic, political, and religious situation on Earth. Let me know when it's done.

2008-08-12, 12:32 PM
Anne's remark was directed at Mike's abuse of her furniture, actually.

Report underway. In the meantime, feel free to discuss amongst yourselves... out of earshot of Soraire of course. :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-12, 12:36 PM
Heh. I think I'll leave it as is. Let's see where a misunderstanding gets us.

2008-08-12, 01:09 PM
Roy blinked; slightly taken aback at the petting. Then he blushed slightly…and for all the life of him he couldn’t understand why. He’d been patted. Appreciated even. And something deep inside him, tied inexplicably to Soraire, had gone all warm and fuzzy at the attention. Not like a child does when their parent tells them ‘good job’ but more, perhaps a little depressingly, like a pet who’s just been treated for doing something it really can’t quite figure out.

It was the oddest feeling.

“Of course, Soraire…” his voice was smaller than usual, still in a bit of shock, as the humbled Baron of Tyranny followed David towards the door – his mind all a race with the ideas and plans and cunning plots to restore his Domain that he’d been working on ever since his arrival in Ataraxia. There was a way to bring it back into the world and the people would accept it…everything rode on the people of the world accepting Tyranny.

They would not find a tyrant, they wouldn’t need to, and instead they would let the people of the Earth choose their own. But Roy did not want humanity to build itself a gilded birdcage – living imprisoned. More a sandbox full of toys; a nice place to live that kept them clean and away from the dirty ground outside their artificial beach.

There was much to be done, his face lighting up with the joy of finally seeing the start of his quest, and with the help of all his celestial family it might not even take too long at all.

2008-08-12, 02:12 PM
Abis turns to Roy,

"I am pleased that Lord Soraire has requested such a simple first task from you, Roy von Cale. What assistance do you require from the Power of Limits?"

Before Roy can speak, Abis continues:

"Advice, of course. The first thing that would be prudent to keep in mind, is that you will not draw a dictator from the ranks of the Cammorae. At least, you will not do so, if my view of your morals is correct."

2008-08-13, 02:53 AM
"Don't touch the Cammorae."
Mike has calmed down now, and smokes away with a grim look locked upon his face.
"Don't. Can't trust the bastards. Your best bet would be to find some subjagated peoples, help them fight and establish them as top dog. Crush a man, and as soon as he can he'll crush you with everything in his power. If that ain't Tyranny I don't know what is."
He also quietly passes a note to Limits.
Written upon it is "Bet ya he fails within a month."

2008-08-13, 01:29 PM
"The Cammorae are fearful enough to know their place. Provided you make the effort to properly compensate them for their efforts, they will typically not attempt treachery." Anne rebuts.

Delphi responds with the following information:

The political climate is similar to that of the modern real world, but with a lessened degree of actual conflict. The destruction of tyranny had a marked impact in improving governance, as with no one able to seize power for themselves democracies becomes more effective and the once-derided communist countries functioning, stable, and healthy. In general, people are much more satisfied with their governments, and are both healthier and wealthier in general. This is of course, only a general rule. The divide between the haves and the have-nots is still wide, and while the wealthy can no longer wield their power over the common man as tyrants, the timeless bitterness between the rich and the poor persists.

That said, with diminished tension and conflict within countries, there is more of it to direct outwardly. The state is one of a global cold war, many nations warily adverse to their neighbors, for all the same reasons men have always hated other men. This perilous situation does however seem, at least for the moment, some what stable. This is because that it is the most impoverished places of the world that suffered most from Tyranny, and it is they that have benefited the most from its destruction. Generally improved living conditions throughout the world has decreased willingness to quickly enter into outright conflict.

Another contributing factor to the stable nature of the Earth is the increasing dominance of peaceful religions. The sudden inability of Earth's deities to be construed as tyrants resulted in some quite radical spontaneous reinterpretations, many of them as alien as the True Gods themselves. Animism has become one of the more prevalent mythos elements, with deities reflecting powerful forces of nature, as well as impartial judgment and balance.

2008-08-14, 08:59 AM
Maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. Tyranny as a concept is mostly gone. Perhaps we can redefine it to our likeing so it is not as...damaging, or as easy a target.

2008-08-14, 01:13 PM
“Don’t worry, I never intend to touch the Cammorae. They’re rotten to the core; you can smell it on their breath as if it were the plague itself.” Roy passed through the door and waved his hand, the Chancel bending to his will like a potter shapes his clay. The space was spherical, with a large projector table in the centre – a holographic Earth floating above it all nicely lain out and colour coded. The Oracle-Net’s vast database was at their fingertips…the Baron of Tyranny tilted his head and lists of countries seemed to flash past at random.

“And…I actually think that’s already happened, David. At least a little bit anyway – I am Tyranny but, well, I’ve tried to inspire people to power but I can’t; no more than I can make a flower bloom. I’m control, order, direction – but not ambition or greed.”

Roy paused and sighed to himself, glancing over all the information: “Can I ask…what was the other Power of Tyranny like?”

2008-08-14, 01:56 PM
"He shared many of your failings," Anne responds, eyes on the circling Earth projected. "He also had reservations about being the essence of an Estate so despised. He squandered much of his power, and countless nights, on attempting to transform Tyranny into something else, something brighter." She looks up at Roy, eyes emotionless. "It was exactly what the Excrucians wanted him to do. Some of his final motions played precisely into their hands."

"You have some advantages, Roy, in that you have a clean slate so far as the world is concerned. None the less, for my part, I would advise against trying to change tyranny from what the humans themselves would clearly have it be."

2008-08-15, 01:24 AM
"He was also a bit of a git."
Mike surveys the holographic Earth with a hint of a smile.
"I remember you. I remember you well. What's your plan then Newbo Uno? Because if I know one thing about you, it's that you're a scheming little sod. So fess up."

2008-08-15, 05:06 AM
Tyranny could only smile. He’d been waiting for someone to ask about the plan, and he had details and contingencies to spare...

“Of course I am – scheming is fun. Anyway, the point is I’m not going to fix my domain by finding a random, insignificant country and installing a despotic poser onto a gold-plated throne. Far too small scale – barely counts as an intervention…never mind the miraculous coup d'etat I’m looking for. So to start, I was thinking of picking one of these two places~”

The Earth flattened out and spawned two displays, all full of a frightening amount of information. They were, respectively, the second and third most ‘powerful’ countries on the planet.

“Seems ludicrous I know, but there’s a method to my madness. Put simply, I’m not going to force them into tyranny – I’m merely going to present it to them as an option and leave them no alternative. Not only are they locked into a cold war with each other, but no one likes the top dogs; there are dozens of minor, oppressed countries scattered across the planet that would love to cut them down to size but can’t…”

Roy paused for a moment and turned to the rest of his family, hands on hips and not a hint of anything but 100% belief in his own plan on his lips.

“I’m going to become a terrorist – the most dangerous terrorist in the world. We’re going to support a minor county – Mike, you can see to it that people remember this brewing in the country since time immemorial. We’ll be supposedly funded by the third most powerful nation on the planet; which should be easy enough to accomplish as all wealth follows our sister, Anna’s whims. Nothing says ‘act of pure Chaos’ like people covertly joining a terrorist organisation (enemy of the state is the very definition of anti-status quo) which gives us some credence in the world…!”

Nothing said ‘tyrant’ like a good, mad rant and Roy was currently in full swing; his spirit flaring as he become more excitable, exuding charisma and authority without any conscious effort on his part.

“And of course we’re not going to leave our terrorism to armatures. Not a chance! We have biomechanoid commandos and quantum hackers waiting for us to command them to action; our acts of sabotage will be perpetrated by the uncatchable, the untraceable and the unstoppable~!...” he stopped to breathe for a moment “…and here’s where it gets tricky. When our victim country starts to respond, he has to respond correctly. If he doesn’t dance to our tune then the plan falls to pieces and to see that happens we have David and myself: David who controls, all knowledge, can certainly manipulate people into choosing the ‘right’ ideas…ideas that seem to be the very essence of Tyranny; ones that, while beneficial to people when viewed objectively, are the sort of ideas that become gradually more controlling and restrictive than pure freedom.”

He sat back into a chair a twirled around on it a little.

“After the country becomes run by the rules of a benevolent tyrant, we simply replace the leader with a puppet of our own and take a direct hand in its governance. Play our cards right and we can snowball the effect - use the cold war state to our advantage and force the 3rd most powerful country (whom we initially framed) to go through the same process in the interests of ‘secruity’. Viola, Tyranny carefully implemented for the benefit of the people and my estate restored.”

2008-08-15, 11:26 AM
"I like it," William says, beaming as soon as the prospect of sowing some disorder is raised. The current state of the world aggravated him greatly, and the desire to change it was strong.

"That is, however, a great deal of miraculous power to invoke lightly. The faintest suspicions of Noble tamperings, and our involvement will be easily traced, by curious Nobilis if not by the Excrucians themselves."

Ignoring her, William continues "I'll get John in position immediately."

2008-08-15, 12:14 PM
I feel that I should point out that we WILL leave evidence behind. Which can be a problem for me.

2008-08-15, 12:20 PM
"What, afraid to get your hands dirty, David?"

2008-08-15, 12:27 PM
There might be some miraculous power involved, yes. I admit that I don't like resorting to it if we don't have too when at all possible - hence I do intend to make use of our impressive resources as much as we can. However, the beauty of the miracles involved is they're...small scale. We aren't changing the world, just the minds of a few people."

Roy steepled his hands and looked at the ground in thought.

"The hardest part is influencing the powerful government members to willingly surrender themselves to tyranny - that's the bit most likely to be watched and tracked. Regardless, this plan is just a preliminary using all our unique talents. As we plot out the details, we should be able to readily replace some of our divine power with more mundane solutions. That's my hope at least."

2008-08-15, 01:04 PM
"If man could do something themselves, why would they rely on the power of Gods?"
Mike looks at the map, flicking a cigarette stub through the hologram.
"I don't like this Roy. What you're planning... it'll have a profound effect. Not just locally or even globally, but through time. This is the kinda thing that shapes history. I know. And it is going to attract Excrucians. Soon as they get a wiff of Tyranny they'll descend upon us... you. And I hate fighting Excrucians. I'm useless in a fight... I hope you aren't. Hate to lose a Noble in record time."
He smiles to himself, amused.

2008-08-15, 01:30 PM
"It must not be forgotten..."

Abis takes a quick glance at Memory,

"...that the Excrucians had fallen relatively quickly once discovered. There has not been a new breakthrough in some time, and the difficultly of such a feat shall grant sufficient time in which to prepare. By following Roy von Cale's plan, Tyranny will have gained considerable strength. Strength that would be far more difficult for an Excrucian to perform an attack against Tyranny again.

Your plan is a wise one, Roy von Cale.

However, I must confess my concern over one more loose end. Perhaps it would be prudent to seek Lord Entropy's permission before enacting this plan. I shall compose a letter. If any of you wish to seek me out, request that Delphi delivers a message."

2008-08-15, 01:41 PM
Not so much an issue of getting my hands dirty, as a...."problem" I've found I have. I can't destroy knowledge. Hide it, misplace it yes. Destroy it, no. Which means I can't hide the effects of tampering.

2008-08-15, 01:54 PM
Mike shoots a sarcastic smile at Abis.
"Har har. Never heard a pun like that before. Listen. Plan... what you need to plan. Do what you need to do. Leave me out of it as much as you can. I don't want to be connected with this. I have to be, because I'm connected to the Imperator, but I don't want to be. All this... planning and scheming, I am a man of action and right now I want my action to be getting the Hell outta this Chancel and going to Earth. We can plan when we're dead and we'll be dead when the Excrucians catch us. Well..."
His smile now takes on a sinister tone.
"You guys will be."

2008-08-15, 02:07 PM
"We're all worried about the Excrucians - even Soriare. This is why we have to do this. Not for my sake or our Lord's but for the sake of creation. Tyranny is weak, I feel that, but the wound isn't mine to bare. Our Imperator must deal with it while He fights a force beyond understanding or reason. Repair Tyranny and make Soraire stronger. The stronger Soraire is, the less likely He is to loose. The small the chance He has of loosing, the better off we and all of creation are."

Roy glanced over and watched the nano-cleaner dust eat away at Mike's cigarette; split it apart and chew it all down into parts too small for even his God-born eyes to see. He looked up and smiled back at Mike before glancing over at the Power of Knowledge again...

"David...time gets a bit funky around all this mystic happenstance. Is it possible for you to have a knowldge of the 'future' (as we understand it at least) by any chance? I only ask because it would be incredibly handy."

2008-08-15, 02:11 PM
I'll allow it, but it will be fuzzy, at best.

2008-08-15, 02:13 PM
I...can try. I'm kinda new at this sort of thing though. What are you looking for, specifically?

2008-08-16, 09:18 AM
William frowns as Mike snarks: "You're going to Earth... personally? Why in Hell would you do that? This is the kind of job we have anchors for."

2008-08-16, 09:31 AM
"You have anchors. I don't. Some of us have been around long enough to learn why Entropy forbids love. Besides, I like Earth. Nice place. Very big. Very free. Not like this Hell hole. 'Course it's very free 'cos Tyranny got killed, but oh well. LET'S GO. I'm bored."
He looks around and, dissapointed with the lack of chairs in the room, leant against the wall, arms folded with a sour expression upon his face.

2008-08-16, 01:56 PM
Another point, I've got plenty of mercenaries anarchists in my service besides the cult, so a little jumpstart to our terrorist organization
could be easily arranged. If we're going to get a lo of public support, may I suggest making a lo of unrest and violence. This will either cause the government to lose credibility and be easy to replace, or cause it to take drastic measures, making it unpopular and a bit tyrannical, both boosting your estate a little, and making it easy to gain public support. also, are we supposed to each choose a country? thats the gist I got

2008-08-16, 06:03 PM
"Nothing in particular, David - just curious. You have to admit the power of prophecy is a useful talent. And almost, William: our attacks will be carefully planned with the aim of making them take measures to stop it. But we're the ones who'll point them towards the right measures to take. So unpopular would be the wrong word...but more opressive definitely; in the interests of safety and the wellbeing of the citizens. That said, I'd planned to work only on one country - we all have vastily different talents and it would be much better to work together."

2008-08-16, 10:11 PM
Well, as I said, I'm still new at this. I'm not even sure how to go about getting information from the future. However....It occurs to me that I might be able to give us a probability evaluation given any plan of action. Although, I'd give serious weight to anything Memory says. I mean, anything we try has probably been tried before, and he'd know the results.
*pauses for a moment*
You know, something just occurred to me. We may not even have to actually conquer a nation directly, or even through violence. We could take a corporation, like say Tinysoft, and conquer a heck of a lot more than just one or two nations. Control the computer networks, and you control most of the world

2008-08-17, 10:01 AM
We would need an enforced Monopoly, either massively low prices, or the best products. We could do both with our existing base. if we also acquired an arms company and made automated weaponry and amour, with a takeover command at our disposal, and maybe had a low-tech version of Delphi connected to the network...
Turning to the map, William used his minor realm powers to bring up several major sites in the target city. If we want to keep the nation's infrastructure intact, we should strike at Military facilities and national landmarks, plus some residential buildings. This will cause a lot of unrest and panic, but won't seriously damage the Nation. If we want to injure it, we struck at health-care, mass transit, Capitol buildings, Ports, and manufacuring buildings.
Anyway, we'll have to be prepared for copycat organizations and independent actions blamed on us. The probably won't like the Tyrant we install at the end, and continued territory when we're trying to set up a new economic system, build surveillance and spy network, and secretly help along the research base, would be distracting. I could try and gain control of them ,and export them to other countries as agents and spies, you can never have enough informants and thugs

2008-08-18, 02:45 AM
"We should do both~"

Tyranny stood up and pulled a list of contractors that made a habit of producing military and computer hardware for much of the civilised world. Controlling the governments was, in the end, their goal (as they needed a tyrant ruling over people specifically) but there had been nothing preventing their owning of everything else as well...

"If we covertly take over several major industrial and technological corporations, we can start to phase in our equipment - or at least, better equipment than they have already. With all the aforementioned control mechanisms of course. We're already planning to influence the leaders of these countries so it shouldn't be too hard to implement a full scale upgrade of their existing gear. In the end, we'll own everything."

Roy didn't know why, but he got a strange tingle when he thought about absolute control. Tyranny was in his blood.

"And so without further ado, shall we set off? Like Mike, I'm in the mood for a bit of travelling as well. Delphi, prepare my personal equipment: Our expected threat level is black - covert, high risk. Include a Pythia node system as we'll probably need your talents on the other side."

2008-08-18, 11:20 AM
"When you gents have settled on a place and time, we can take the jet. As for the acquisition of a suitable puppet, that will be simple enough. Everyone has their price. While I do not see the general disgust in falling back on the Cammorae, perhaps it would be best to keep them out of this. I do not want to corrupt a fledgling infrastructure and we are going to do this right." She whipped out a PDA as if it were a switchblade and set to work summoning up a jet. Of course, no mortal design really encompassed her passion for extravagance so she took her time working the miracle as the others went on. "At your leisure, dear brothers, may we get on with it?"

(Minor Creation of Wealth - Jet, miracle level 5)

2008-08-18, 11:40 AM
"Lead and I will follow."
Mike steps forward and fixes his gaze upon Tyranny.
"This is your operation. Your plan. Your domain. I act upon your command, unless it conflicts with my desires. When you descend upon Earth, so will I. Might I suggest we do it soon though? And in that fancy jet. Gotta love mankind's need to flip off the Creator for His decision to deny them wings. Back in my day we just cursed a sky god for the bird's luck and that was it."

2008-08-18, 12:45 PM
Her work finished, Anna turned the PDA to gold and set it in the hand of a statue. An idea came to her and she pulled out another one. "And this time, I think that Tyranny could retrofit it with some of our tech. Weapons, stealth, the standard fare. We don't need it for long, but I would hate to see my little songbird go up in flames."

She sent word to Oliver and Silvia that they were to hold down the fort for some time. The former responded immediately but the latter took longer as years of handling an endless flow of coins and paper had worn her once thieving hands down to nothing. Without looking up, Wealth added. "Also, David, there is a sly little book running around the Chancel. I sent a body to fetch it, but you know how they are. Always with their 'needs' to hold them up, and then they just go and die on you when you tell them to go do something. Honestly."

2008-08-18, 01:10 PM
A little book, huh? Sounds interesting. I'll have to see if I can't get a copy to read. Oh, and Anna? I'd lighten up a little on them a little. After all, without their "Needs", you wouldn't have a job. In a sense, they're our bosses.

2008-08-18, 02:40 PM
"Bosses? Soraire is my boss. When I carry out his orders, I do it for Soraire. I do it for my Estate. Or I do it for myself. Care for a human too long, and they become a liability. Then along comes an Excrucian and that folly of a Power who stumbled along the path of Tyranny drops the ball. Hmmph. Wealth calls for a little emotional distance."

With a snap of her fingers, the Gray Lotus falls into a position reminiscent of Saturn as the top of the central sphere opens up. There's a blast of wind as the jet descends overhead. From under her desk she grabs a bag and throws an elephant gun over one shoulder. "But I have faith this time, new Tyrant." She lugs the gear, sweeps her hand towards the plane, and makes her way to the stairs in one smooth motion.

2008-08-18, 02:42 PM
Abis appears. Naturally, he appears right behind Mike.

"The letter is writen. It has been sent."

2008-08-18, 03:01 PM
Mike jumps and spins around, dropping his cigarette in the process.
"We have been together for only Soraire knows how long. And every time, every time, you pop in somewhere, you do it behind me. I would ask why, but I know it's because your domain isn't Limits, it's Being An Unbearable Arse."
He follows Wealth up the jet stairs.
"Nice gun by the way."

2008-08-18, 03:14 PM
Heh. I guess that's one of the core differences in our philosophy then.
*looks over* Hey, Mike could you do me a favor? Let me know what I've gotten myself into here?

2008-08-18, 04:21 PM
Anna yells out from the jet. "Oh, it's the differences that empower us. Think nothing of my words. You know I can be a bit blunt at times."

2008-08-18, 04:44 PM
Trailed by Wolf, he quickly walked up the stairs to the jet. On his way up he thought "hmm, were going to need some protection in all probability" and so created a sort of chaos field around the craft, :that should do it". With that he entered into the craft, which looked reminiscent of air-force one, sat down his lap-top, begin surfing the internet and using the remote oracle-net connection to perform some rather complex calculations, scratched Wolf absentmindedly behind the ears, then eventually exclaimed, I've got a plan for our first strike, terrorist organization and so on.
assuming anyone shows any interest he continues, bringing up a photo of the countries greatest national monument, a 15 story Heritage and culture museum with government offices on the top floors and a massive open-roofed garden full of statues and monument on the tenth level, with the rest of the building rising like glass wall above it.
Now a few displacement charges at key points around this building will bring it down, at the same time small bombs will go off in the turbines of the local power plant, all the local emergency departments, all the local banks vaults, and any nearby military bases. at the same time a massive wave of static will go through all the computers, televisions, radios and cell phones, it will be followed by a picture of whoever we choose to lead our terrorist organization giving a message of war against the country for some religions reason and the mention of "powerful backers,". At the same time, 10 gunmen will walk into ten separate crowds and open fire, and ranks of guns will appear in every school, bar, slum, and the cells of every prison. He continues, a diabolical gleam in his eye The resulting chaos will be massively amplified and directed towards violent outlets, and at the same time people will find themselves completely unable to enter or leave the city limits due to massive earthquakes in till the next dawn he nods to limits the city will destroy itself in that time, and when the military gets there, they will find the prime minister and all of the ambassadors and religious head dead.
nodding to everyone, so hows it sound as a first strike? it will cause martial law to be placed, the terrorists can then start raiding the outlaying communities, raping, pillaging, kidnapping children to use as soldiers, forcing captives who don't convert to commit suicide, and in general making themselves hated. So when our puppet gains power, he can destroy them completely and gain complete public support

minor creation of chaos and lesser preservation of chaos to cause any solid object approaching the plane to have a severe case of vertigo, spin around randomly, than turn and continue in a direction away from the plane

2008-08-18, 06:29 PM
*Looks at Chaos* Um, how about "NO" We're here to institute Tyranny, not massacre innocent women and children. Not to mention that our Boss represents CIVILIZATION. I'm not sure he'd approve of wholesale slaughter.

2008-08-18, 06:55 PM
Our Master understands necessary losses. But you all so vehemently disagree, we could simply destroy the monument and send the message. It will be immensely useful to have a terrorist organization to blame our activities on, it being under our control would make things easier, and if people really hated it, having our puppet destroy it would make him very popular.

2008-08-18, 11:42 PM
"And this is why Abis is also instrumental to our success~"

Roy stepped up onto the jet, duffle bag slung over his shoulder and the faint gleam of gadgetry burried somewhere underneath his duster. He stopped and whistled for a moment - this was a very fancy jet. The Power of Wealth never ceased to amaze with her extravagance.

"The aim of the plan is to force the Governments into a situaton where increased security and strict measures will mitigate the damage we do - at which point we escalate. Attacks like that promotes only anarchy: there is no effective response so the Government involved becomes paralysed. In otherwords, an overload - there is a limit to what we can do in a particular time frame. Wouldn't you agree, Abis?"

He took a seat and let a light drink appear casually in his hand. He sipped casually and glanced out the window. Roy furrowed his brow in thought for moment and complied with his sister's request: it was suddenly a very fancy, very extravagant, excepetionally well armed jet.

"Aditionally, I must admit this is a very nice jet. Also, it now has weapons~"

Realm: Lesser Creation to make weapons, armour and some wicked engines inside our jet...also, thanks for reminding me, Mobius - I got so wrapped up in RPing that I forgot there were mechanics as well :smallredface:

2008-08-19, 12:06 AM
Cannonball -- I'll let arming the jet slide as a Lesser Creation, though I guess technically its a Change. :smallsmile:

Everyone please do make note in tags of any actual miracles you perform, and pay any MP as necessary.

2008-08-19, 01:41 AM
Mike takes a look around at everybody on the jet, all of them armed with special gear and fancy equipment. He sits down and wonders why he doesn't have anything. All he had was a very old coat, around three dozen boxes of cigarettes and a couple of lighters. He slides down in his seat, crosses his arms, and morphs his hair so it's long enough to hide the fact he's grumpy.
"Lousy young uns with their nifty gadgets..."

2008-08-19, 03:09 AM
Abis takes a look at William.

"Your current name is William Cameron, correct?

Very well, William Cameron, I encourage your plan of unchecked mass destruction and murder. I am quite sure that our master will be pleased with your actions as well. You will be given the pleasure of experiencing the Rite of the Whip.

I would also recommend solidifying your appearance while in Prosaic Earth, lest we repeat our last experience."

And with that, Abis's appearance shifts, from the shadow of his normal self to that of a normal human; well, as normal as Abis could get. The human form was both very good looking, and scary as hell. He had always hated taking on this form. It was always so... what is the word... nostalgic.

"Roy von Cale, I received a message back from Lord Entropy. He condones our actions, but reminds us of the Code Fidelitatis. The Law."

2008-08-19, 11:10 AM
*Sigh* Abis brings up a good point. We need to....ration...our use of power. Too much will get us noticed, and not in a pleasent way. Let's try to be discreet, ok?

2008-08-19, 12:11 PM
She sighs; notice of another big pay-off flashed across the screen of her PDA. "Indeed, a bit over the top. But I admire your dedication. If you apply your power in the right way, no one ever has to know you were there - attaining one's goal to the bill without waste is an accomplishment in itself. Now let's be off."

2008-08-19, 08:36 PM
To Abis
I wish I could, why else would I bother with an anchor, I fear it's looking like a P.I. from a bad 80's movie for me again.

To Roy
True, however, I do think that destroying something superficial but with lots of pride and nationel spirit built up in it would be a good first strike, and having someone to blame is very helpful for the clean-up afterwards

2008-08-19, 09:11 PM
The Powers aboard, the jet quickly begins its launch sequence through the roof of the Lotus. The first thing that many of the younger Powers notice is that this jet is capable of going straight up. The second thing they notice is that the ride is remarkably smooth and comfortable regardless. As it glides through the maze of towers and infrastructure of Ataraxia, several security drones emerge to see them to the exit.

The transition from the Chancel to the real world is always a strange one. Were anyone to watch the colossal megopolis as they departed, it would seem to grow continually smaller and more distant in but a short time, within minutes departing from view entirely.

Where did you emerge?

Award of 2 MP to Cannonball, I had forgotten to give him those for the Health-Linked trait. This will help to compensate for the fact that all miracles cost an additional MP when all deadly wounds have been lost. Yeah, I forgot about that one too.

2008-08-20, 01:15 PM
Mike leans forward, his hair shifting back.
"Well Newbo Uno and now Grand High Pumbo, where are we headed? 'Cos I'm only really here for the ride, and unless something happened while I was not caring, we're still following your plan."
He takes a look around and to his great dismay notices a No Smoking sign. To his great joy, he proceeds to light up and blow smoke straight onto the sign.
"Out of interest... who's flying this plane anyway?"

2008-08-20, 01:19 PM
*blinks* Um, I don't Know. That....bothers me on several levels.

2008-08-20, 08:33 PM
Anna laughs to herself over a glass of wine. "Did you ever hear of a man named Schrodinger?"

2008-08-20, 08:53 PM
"Had he not died in a gassing accident?"

2008-08-20, 09:33 PM
Him and his cat, yes. If you're saying what I think you're aying, I'm not going to go and find out just who is flying this thing. Just in case.

2008-08-21, 01:35 AM
Mike thinks for a moment.
"I hate you Wealth. I really, really hate you."

2008-08-21, 10:30 AM
"Oh, thank you! Tehehe. Time flies but investments can soar... or crash. Now where is our destination? Where shall we begin a new reign of tyranny?"

2008-08-22, 09:47 AM
Sorry for the delays, work's been acting up again. No volunteering the destination, so you have all emerged nearby the capitol to nation #2.

I like to keep things moving, so I'll try to pick up the pace a bit. :)

The intercomm suddenly crackles to life, and a slightly garbled message comes through. "Hello there, we do not seem to have an ID or destination for you. We missed your arrival and don't have you on record. Please identify."

2008-08-22, 11:23 AM
"They're hailing us already! Smart ones." She thinks to herself for a moment. "Yes, hello? Stuck in a lightning storm... Radome struck by lightning... Mayday, etcetera. Classified intelligence... Utmost importance... Look out for crash landing." She gets up and walks over to a panel displaying the weapons systems. A single finger hovers across several of the buttons on the touchscreen but she can't decide on just the right one. "Did someone happen to install a cloaking device? Even if it were just for radar? I sure hope so."

2008-08-22, 11:34 AM
"Please. I am the cloaking device. Didn't think the Cammorae called me The Blank Spot for no reason, eh?"
Mike wanders over the intercom. Tapping the button he speaks into the microphone.
"Yes. Hi. Good evening. Or day. When you stop sleeping everything runs into one. Man, everything has just been one for so long. I miss sleep. Anyway. Nameless faceless plane voice, we are going to land a very shiny jet. Please do not be alarmed. We are only armed to our teeth. Apart from Abis, who doesn't have teeth. Just a shapeless body built from hate. If you'll just let us land, then we can explain ourselves fully."
He moves away, looking very smug.
"Now we land, and I wipe the memory that we were ever here. And any else I think would be funny."

2008-08-22, 11:43 AM
Looks at Mike Alrighty then. We could do it that way then. On the other hand, I could just give them codes that identify us. Either way, doesn't matter to me. Of course, I can fly.

2008-08-22, 12:28 PM
Roy just sat, with his face in his hands, as he listened to his family make utter fools of themselves. David offered a few choice words of reason, but somehow the Baron Tyranny doubted they would do any good in the face of Mike and Anna’s astounding display of contradicting information. It was a wonderful start to the day and one, Roy hoped, that would be over very, very soon. He took a deep breath and stood up, walking over to one of the windows before peering outside at the fluffy clouds and deep blue sky…

“Yes, we have weapons and shields and a cloaking system. We’re the most heavily armed luxury jet in all Ataraxia – and no doubt all of Earth as well. You could probably conquer a small nation with this thing alone and do it in absolute comfort. Regardless, I’m liking David’s idea. Give the poor men their landing codes and then we can brain wipe them on arrival. Delphi will remove all trace of us from the system and someone can hide our jet. I don’t know…maybe in a sudden bout of random chance it’ll turn into a flower pot – chaos at its finest…”

He turned back and looked at everyone else, tilting his head a little: “Someone do something quickly though or we’ll have to deal with missiles and bombs. Which we can do – I just really want to avoid making a scene.”

2008-08-22, 12:37 PM
After Mike responds, the voice takes some moments to reply, now more stern than before. "Who is this? Please send your ID codes immediately."

2008-08-22, 01:00 PM
"Oh sure. I try and be helpful for once and get shot down. Naturally. I'll guess I'll just sit and continue not caring."
And he does, making a point of shooting Roy a dark look as he does.
"Good luck trying to sort these guys out now anyway."

2008-08-22, 01:02 PM
*Uses Lesser Divination to get the appropriate ID codes*

This is flight number 4242, ID code (whateverthecodeis). Due to a...mechanical error, We seem to be having some...difficulty...with some of the passengers. Request clearance to land"

2008-08-22, 01:07 PM
Quietly, Abis speaks to Mike:

"Mike Anders, perhaps it would be best to cause them to forget us now. Once done, I can limit their perception. However, if I were to do so before we are forgotten, then it would raise suspicion and cause difficulty to execute Roy von Cale's plan."

2008-08-22, 01:16 PM
"Fair point."
He blinks but once, his eyes flashing for but a brief speck of time with a brilliant miasma of fire.
"Glad someone around here let's me do my stuff."
Lesser Destruction of Memory to make those who heard the previous intercom conversation forget.
Heh. Don't have to spend any miracle points for this. Go Regal.

2008-08-22, 02:31 PM
The power of Mike over his estate cannot be denied; immediately the radio falls silent, the plane forgotten, and moments thereafter with the Power of Limits it is unperceived.

2008-08-22, 02:37 PM
looking down at the ground, may I ask why we're landing at a public airport? it seems a bit conspicuous?

2008-08-22, 02:48 PM
You're not, or at least that wasn't my intention. You are, however, still in their airspace, which was what prompted the inquiry.

2008-08-22, 04:48 PM
"Well I didn't want to waste a missile anyway." Anna crosses her arms. "You all seem to have the situation under control. So, first stop? The capitol? Or maybe start from the outside in? It doesn't matter. We should first make a king from a man, and a puppet from that king."

2008-08-23, 12:25 PM
Mike stares at the intercom intently. His brow is furrowed as he frowns, something obviously agitating him.
"They didn't threaten us at all. An unidentified aircraft carrying what must have sounded like a group of madmen. They should have shot us down as soon as Wealth opened her mouth and no code came out. But they didn't. Because without tyranny... they had nothing to fear..."
His voice trails off and he keeps staring at the receiver.

2008-08-23, 05:11 PM
TO Mike
nonsense, is Terroism gone? paranoia? insanity? chaos? evil? no, they were just astoundingly stupid, lax, or were expecting us.

2008-08-24, 07:30 AM
"That is unsettling." She digs behind the seat for her elephant gun. "Normally I would say you were overthinking about these sorts of things, but our business here is vital. Let's not end up surprised, shall we?"

2008-08-24, 08:37 AM
very well.better be prepared. holding a cell phone should we alert our servants of our arrival?, anyway, we should get armed. and with that, he pulled out a high-tech machine gun from the cabinet, stuffed two pistols in his pockets, and put on a belt of nerve-gas grenades under his coat.

2008-08-25, 11:42 AM
Keeping things alive.

All of a sudden, the intercomm crackles to life once more, this time with an all too familiar voice: "Where is the tyrant I have asked for, my children? You've been gone entirely too long, and here I am still with NOTHING!" Soraire bellows, his voice feeling all with unease. Impatience on the part of the Imperator was hardly uncommon, but never pleasant, and always dangerous.

2008-08-25, 11:55 AM
I was considering landing the plane for us, just to get things going. This though? This is much better. :smallbiggrin:

At the sound of their Imperator's voice, Mike's face breaks into a huge grin... after the natural wince.
"Now this... this I can handle."
He practically leaps from his seat to the intercom. He pauses, wipes a hand over his face and instantly becomes serious.
"**** off you daft ****, we're working on it. It's a long bloody plane ride. Leave us alone!"
As soon as he lets go off the mike button, he starts giggling uncontrollably.
"Ah... that cheered me up no end.... if he calls back, somebody else answer it."

2008-08-25, 12:09 PM
Without missing a beat, Soraire responds. "I see. Thank you, Mike. That is indeed a problem."

Then the plane lurches.

It pauses for a moment, then shudders heavily again. William can feel his Estate, in its most pure and natural form, coming into being all around. The plane takes a sudden sharp downturn. The lights dim, then cut out completely, as the order that every component of the craft relies on suddenly ceases to be.

Every component save one, anyway.

"I believe I have solved the matter of your long flight. Now go find me my tyrant!"

2008-08-25, 12:12 PM
Abis buckles his seat belt.

2008-08-25, 12:34 PM
"I have always admired Soraire's persuasive capacities. Parachutes, anyone? Is the pilot - oh, nevermind. Hehe." She strolls over to the exit with one hand on a parachute and the other on anything else she can find. "See you below, gents." Anna salutes, pulls the door open, and jumps out with the glitter of gold in her wake.

2008-08-25, 12:42 PM
Mike throws his arms up into the air, a grin plastered onto his face.
"COME ON! Come ooooon! This is why I am here! This is why Soraire gifted me with immortality! **** you mortality! It's goooood to be alive!"
He stands in the centre row, waiting, smiling ridiculously.

Not so grumpy now, is he? Just checking though, I can survive this, right?

2008-08-25, 12:45 PM
Damn right you can. :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-25, 12:57 PM
*Blinks, watches as the plane falls downwards* Right. It's days like this that I miss college, ya know?*grabs a parachute and heads for the exit

2008-08-25, 01:40 PM
and this is why I love this job. william says as he jumps off, yelling F*** you Physics!

2008-08-25, 03:41 PM
"Very well, I shall join you."
Abis shifts into mist and jumps out with the others.

2008-08-25, 04:58 PM
I'm going to assume that Cannonball also bails.

As they tumble through the air on their parachutes, the Powers -- and, no doubt, anyone within many miles -- have a sight to behold. Utterly unsystematically, the plane tears itself to pieces, as exotic and arcane fuels and technology begin to combust. The flaming, flightless shell tumbles end over end, eventually impacting the ground with an impressive explosion, the heat of which singing the descending Celestial Family even at great distance.

Mike is, naturally, unharmed.

2008-08-26, 12:19 AM
“Oh shi-!”

Five minute flashback: There was something mildly disturbing about being in a plane headed towards the ground at an incredibly unsafe speed. But not quite so disturbing as having to leap from it carrying half a metric ton of gear and only your own equipment and a flimsy parachute to see you safely down. At least – wounded as he was – Roy was still ‘tuff’. Yes, that’s right, ‘tuff’ – with two Fs; though apparently not nearly as confident (or should that be suicidal?) to trust in that divine protection without some way of slowing his fall. Mike and Abis begged to differ…but then again, they’d been doing the job a lot longer than he had. Roy jumped.

Back to the general present and the ground below his rapidly descending self seemed like it would be mildly uncomfortable to say the least. The ground proved mildly uncomfortable as he hit it like a sack of bricks; even with the forcefield and the badly coping parachute the impact was akin to standing in front of a freight train and the last things he could think of involved skidding, tumbling and general pain.

Roy opened his eyes and finished putting everything together in his head: “…he blew up our plane over the middle of nowhere. We’re lost in some godforsaken mountains and with our luck there’ll be a military base around here just waiting to take us in. Or, wait, actually that would be pretty helpful. I wish there was a military base around here somewhere though I’ll be damned if we find anything other than a Mountie’s hut. Oh well…”

And with that, he stood to his feet: seeing what exactly happened to the plane (there was nothing left but cinders and a long fiery streak) and everyone else. “Hello~ did anyone die over there while I wasn’t looking…?”

2008-08-26, 01:45 AM
A hand bursts out from a clump of snow in the middle of the wreckage. It gropes around for a moment before it is joined by another. Together, they dig in and start pulling.
"Hmog mshwoet mushiaure fibs..."
A head suddenly comes bursting out of the snow.
He gasps for air for a short moment, then pulls himself out of the snow completely. Mike brushes as much snow off his coat as he can, then looks around at the flaming wreckage surronding him. The mad grin returns.
"**** yeah! **** yeeeeaaaaahhhh! Look at that! Look at that! I survived that. Not a scartch on me! Not one! Come oooooon!"
After the mad dance accompying this, he notices Tyranny and waves before almost skipping over to him.
"Newbo Uno! Nice to see you survived. Wasn't that incredible?"

2008-08-26, 04:16 AM
Roy panted a bit to catch his breath before smirking a little: “It was insane~! But…I think I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it at least a little bit. That said though, I can see why you don’t like our boss sometimes. Blowing up our plane is, well, it sucks. I seriously hope we aren’t completely in the middle of nowhere.”

The Baron Tyranny trudged across the snow, case in hand, towards his compatriot, and turning his glove palm up to let the nano-circuitry do its job, he conjured a holomap of the area in his outstretched hand. Roy glanced back at the smouldering wreckage and the great gouge that had been torn through the hillside: “That explosion will have been seen for miles and it will have shown up on every radar within at least fifty clicks…I think. Hopefully~ we’ll have a military presence here soon. We need a ride and we can use their base as a staging area if nothing else.”

Snapping his palm shut, he looked for the others: “Think they’re alright?”

2008-08-26, 08:09 AM
*while walking up behind Tyranny" I'm fine. The others are around here somewhere. So what now boss? SHould we wait to be rescued, start moving, or hide?

2008-08-26, 09:18 AM
Taking off his and Wolf's Parachutes, William holds up his cell-phone. Soo, who sould we call? anyway, this things got GPS, should be easy enough to find our way back to civilisation

2008-08-26, 09:26 AM
David spots (and hears!) some approaching helicopters on the distant horizon.

2008-08-26, 09:29 AM
Wealth lands with enough grace to salvage her dignity. She brushes herself off, creates a new outfit for herself more suitable to the environment* but still overtly opulent. "Transportation? No problem. Let's find a road. How about a Rolls-Royce?" She looks around and sighs. "My jet... I liked that one."

*=Minor Creation of Wealth (fancy clothes)

2008-08-26, 09:34 AM
For a moment, a dark cloud passes over the sun, providing a brief relief from the glare of the winter sun. Then the cloud began to fall. Slowly, it drifts downward, until it's right on top of the rest of the family. The cloud shifts back into the human-form of Abis, who lands feet first in the snow.

"I had seen a small military base a few miles from this location. However, that is the extent of what I know. If our mission is to continue, we require information and equipment.

Though I do believe that information can be gotten with ease, David Alexander Walker."

2008-08-26, 09:34 AM
"If we're where I think we are, a road isn't going to be much use. Country is pretty frozen, and if we want to avoid anybody of the military persuasion, we'd be best just trekking through the snow."
He lights up, naturally, using his hand to ward away the bitter wind long enough to get the damn thing lit.
"Besides, it'll be fun. Last time I was here I was working as a lumberjack and got beaten up by some moose. Heh, and that was that really nice bar filled with lumberjacks who would knock your teeth at if you said one wrong word. And, oo, oo, and... oh man I have missed Earth."

2008-08-26, 09:34 AM
so why not make an exact copy of it Says William, as he checks the GPS for their location.

2008-08-26, 09:35 AM
*Looks in the direction of the incoming helicopters*OK folks, we've got company. We need to figure out what we are doing, and quickly.
Lesser Divination to know what kind of helicopters are approaching, and what their intentions are

2008-08-26, 09:37 AM
wealth, an rpg would be nice right about now. David, are they going to try and kill us, or bring us to civilization? in chains?

2008-08-26, 09:40 AM
[David knows these are military helicopters, fitted for search and rescue.]

2008-08-26, 09:42 AM
[David knows these are military helicopters, fitted for search and rescue.]

[OOC] so were are we? using my GPS

2008-08-26, 09:44 AM
[It informs you that you are in a range of mountains perhaps a hundred miles from the capitol. It's largely uninhabited for at least fourty miles out.]

2008-08-26, 09:45 AM
[I assume we know the country, and thus, the name of the capital?]

2008-08-26, 09:46 AM
*looks distracted for a moment* Ok, we've got military SAR on the way.

2008-08-26, 09:48 AM
"Forces of the Man. Wicked."
Mike heads back into the heart of the wreckage and starts pulling out sharp pieces. With a load perched in his arm, he returns to his comrades, throwing one piece up and catching it again.
"Reckon I can peg one in the groin. What do ya think?" he says with a smirk.

2008-08-26, 09:49 AM
Just because it's funny, I'll follow after Cannonball and say it's Ottawa. Is it THE Ottawa? I don't know. That's up to you. :smallwink:

2008-08-26, 09:51 AM
I think they're here to help the survivors of a plane crash. No need to hurt them. The question is, do they even find survivors?

2008-08-26, 09:51 AM
"While it would start our terrorism carer, I do not believe that attacking a search and rescue team would be a great enough impact to prove to be a good start.

We shall allow them to perform their function, to provide transportation to their base."

2008-08-26, 09:53 AM
okay, so, as far as I can tell, were in the mountains, a few hundred miles from Ottawa. no-one lives within 65 k. So the SAR must be for us. Wealth, handheld anti-air weapon please, or are we assuming they're friendly? looking at Tyrrany

2008-08-26, 09:55 AM
"Ugh. Fine."
Mike deposits a couple pieces in his coat pockets and drops the rest.
"Question is, what do we do when we get there? Wipe the place out? Leave quietly. We're Nobles. We're off their charts. Whatever we do there will have a profound effect."

2008-08-26, 09:56 AM

Abis is going to hide back a little bit, and the moment he sees the guards, he is going to alter himself to appear similar. Got to blend in in foreign places. :P

2008-08-26, 09:58 AM
well, if we don't want to be found, we better start walking. Abis, if you would be so kind as to make sure we remain unseen?

2008-08-26, 10:01 AM
"I think it a better idea to receive a ride from these helicopters. We have done nothing wrong. Flying is much faster than walking, and Mike Anders' feet appear to be turning blue."

2008-08-26, 10:04 AM
sounds good, so we wait here for them to get us, how do explain the crash pointing to the wreckage This is a bit more total then an engine failure. Anyway, at least hiding our weapons might be a good idea. He say, absentmindedly playing fetch with Wolf

2008-08-26, 10:06 AM
Alright, hitching a ride works for me. However, we really need to have a story in place. It will need to hold up when checked, because they will check it.

2008-08-26, 10:09 AM
That would be your area of expertise I believe? Anyway, something like a terrorist attack might give us a slightly reasonable explanation, or perhaps saying that this is one of Sisters tankers, doubling as a private jet and that it had some explosive material on board, which...exploded

2008-08-26, 10:22 AM
She flails her arms as she holds onto the elephant gun. "Do I look like an arms dealer? An RPG launcher? I think I could damn well buy one. I could rig us up a gasoline bomb. Fill it with razor sharp diamonds. Hmm, that seems like it could do the trick." She pokes around the wreckage for anything useful.

"Or I could immediately cut their budget. Then what's the point of following orders?"

2008-08-26, 10:24 AM
how's an rpg launcher more difficult than a jet? anyway, if you'd listened to the last few minutes of conversation, you'd have heard we're not killing them

2008-08-26, 10:26 AM
"What? Fine then. Helicopter ride then. I'll let one of you handle the deceit. I could bribe them. Start our private army with some choppers and pilots?"

2008-08-26, 10:29 AM
We already have an army

2008-08-26, 10:53 AM
The helicopters swiftly approach, some of them casting searchlights over the area, immediately highlighting the unhidden Family, while others survey the smoking wreckage. Two of the helicopters land, and about a dozen armed infantry pour out, weapons at the ready but not aimed. They approach, staying at a safe distance. One of them shouts:

"Are any of you injured?"

2008-08-26, 11:01 AM
She waves her hand up in the air. "Oh, no. Not on the outside at least. Hehe. A bit shaken up, I guess."

2008-08-26, 11:01 AM
Mike raises a hand.
"My toes have turned cold. Bad time to wear sandals, eh?"

2008-08-26, 11:06 AM
The questioning soldier raises an eyebrow to these responses, but continues.

"That's pretty damn surprising, but okay. Was there anyone else in the craft? And can you identify yourselves? We don't seem to have any information on your aircraft, local traffic control didn't even see you."

Another heli has landed, and they're busy picking through the wreckage, trying to put out flames.

2008-08-26, 12:31 PM
I/m sorry, this was a private plane owned by conglomerate holdings incorporated, which she pointing at at Wealth is the Sole stoke holder of. Apparently someone decided to cut costs and transport some chemicals and explosives in the various high security luggage compartments. Something happened, the plane exploded. We all got off on parachutes, but I think there was a pilot... He says, absentmindedly patting Wolf

2008-08-26, 12:42 PM
The officer frowns, as his attention is called to the subtly morphing form of William. Fortunately, at this distance, he does not seem to be able to notice his oddness. "Even private craft should be on record. I don't know what's going on here, but we're going to need to take all of you in for questioning."

2008-08-26, 12:45 PM
Very well, if you insist. Wheres the base? Also, may I suggest hiring some more diligent controllers or updating your equipment. Anyway, event the heli's seem to be pretty out of date. William nonchalantly steps into the heli, followed be Wolf.

2008-08-26, 12:49 PM
The copilot does a double take when Will gets onboard. He's in a seat out of sight in a moment, but that sure was strange...

"The rest of you get on board, now. We can't have you freezing your asses off while we're trying to figure out what's going on here."

As he examines the group, he suddenly notice's Anne's equipment. "And please surrender your weapons immediately."

2008-08-26, 12:54 PM
Mike climbs aboard as well. He takes a seat, his good mood from the plane crash now dissapated by the armed soldiers.
"I don't like the sound of this questioning. I don't sit well with questions concerning myself. And I doubt you'll ever remember the answers anyhow..."

2008-08-26, 12:58 PM
muttering quietly to Mike
This is Search and rescue? We've got better amour than this for girl scouts. I need to take to wealth about opening an arms business.

Turning to the CO, he causally tosses one of his pistols, heads up! the other one is hidden inside his boot, and the machine gun in his backpack

2008-08-26, 02:50 PM
For a short while, Roy had remained relatively silent; quiet and reserved, he simply watched the military and followed their orders. Somewhere, something stirred and for a moment the young Nobilis felt a twinge of appreciation for these well disciplined men. Tyranny liked the military – they were organised and they could help control other people. Again, Tyranny liked the military…they were his favourite tools.

“That won’t be necessary, commander. If you’d be so kind, I assure you we’re quite alright and are in urgent need of transport to the nearest base. Our mission is urgent and, before you ask, yes I’m taking command of this operation from here on out. It’s been too long since I saw good military men like yourself – working behind the scenes only gets you involved with scum of the worst kind.”

Roy stood up straight and turned to the rest of the soldiers: “Attention! Brave men, your actions today could determine the future of your country and I am not exaggerating” Clearly, he wasn’t… “Our plane was taken out by an enemy saboteur while on an urgent mission. I trust you with this knowledge because you are all loyal soldiers and we cannot be delayed.”

Roy turned back to the pilot. “As soon as we’re ready, take us up.”

A simple Miracle to activate Roy's Gift of Magnificance - commanding loyalty and obediance from all the soldiers present.

2008-08-26, 02:57 PM
"Oh you have got to be kidding me."
Mike leans out of the helicopter side.
"Hey. Couldn't have done that earlier, could you? ...do we still get to keep the helicopter since, ya know, the jet exploded and all?"

2008-08-26, 02:58 PM
The moment the Roy's gift came active, all the soldiers stopped in their tracks, enraptured. As he spoke, none of their faces betrayed any hint of emotion or response, save intense focus. When his decrees were finished, on a moments notice, they sprang into action with the speed and discipline that only great training or miraculous power can grant. The smoldering wreck was instantly forgotten, and men piled back into helicopters.

"Sir, let's go!" the officer shouts from the interior of a copter as its rotors begin to fire up. "We'll get you to the base safe and sound."

2008-08-26, 03:33 PM
Anna has already begun to surrender her weapons - the elephant gun and the golden revolver. "How about getting us our weaponry back? That would be nice. It's a shame to lose both my jet and my favorite firearms in one unfortunate event."

2008-08-26, 03:41 PM
A soldier in the plane immediately hands the weapons back. "Sorry ma'am, was just a misunderstanding. We definitely don't want you unarmed if we've got hostiles in the area."

2008-08-26, 03:42 PM
"Quite. There's obviously no need for us to hand over our weapons if we're all on the same side here after all. But your caution was certainly justified, private. We have to be careful in this day and age. And, it goes without saying, that no record of our presence here is to be recorded. In the interests of..." Roy almost smirked at what he said next. "...national security, we can't be discovered. In fact, it would be best if all of you could forget we've ever been here. I trust this shouldn't be a problem?"

Tyranny glanced over at Mike and made a knowing nod.

2008-08-26, 03:49 PM
Mike meets his eye. And blinks. For one split second, it's like staring into a star.

A plan is formulating. For Our Hollyhock only:
Minor creation of memories for all the soldiers that they are retiring once they've completed this mission.
Also minor creation of memories that they are given orders to play along with any mysterious persons encountered while on this search and rescue. They'll pretend to forget, for now.

2008-08-26, 04:06 PM
Right then, off we go.

2008-08-26, 04:42 PM
scratching wolf,See, horrible loyalty, disciplined though, I'll give 'em that. Perfect for say...instituting martial law.

Speaking loudly, where's the nearest base? I'll arrange a pickup detail from our nearest safe house, since I somehow doubt people in the other bases will appreciate you taking command.

2008-08-26, 11:19 PM
The helicopter ride is one made in a professional silence. There's some discernible, excited chatter between the soldiers, but it is kept to a minimum. Those in the immediate vicinity of the Celestial Family do little save try to subtly stare at the Power of Tyranny, expressions one of deep respect.

The vehicles come to a landing some few minutes later, at the relatively remote air force base charged with protection of the skies over the capitol. As the choppers come in for a landing, a man donning a sharp business suit approaches very quickly. He speaks:

"Sergent, I'll be debriefing these people. All of you, come with me." His tone is a commanding one to the officer, but it betrays the faintest bit of fear when addressing the family. This man is clearly aware of your status, and is no doubt one of the many faces of the Cammorea.

2008-08-27, 01:25 AM
"Cammorea scum."
Mike hops off the copter and keeps his distance from the suit. He also subtley starts rolling up a snowball.

2008-08-27, 01:33 AM
"Cammorea scum."
Abis hops off the copter and keeps his distance from the suit. He also starts thinking of a murder plan.

Hey, what can I say? Mike has the right idea. :P

2008-08-27, 09:04 AM
"Cammorea scum."

Ah well, at least there still human. and William planned t o take advantage of that., starting with making this walk the worst in his life.

HE also called the nearest Mystery cult baseSend a guy over with enough status to ge in with us, plus a troop of well armes guard

repeated lesser creations of chaos to trip, befuddle, hurt, or get him into arguments.

2008-08-27, 09:43 AM
The Cammorean throws up his hands in exasperation. "Come with me, please?" he says in a voice that expresses his acknowledgment of the futility before him.

2008-08-27, 10:36 AM
talking into his cellphone. yah, better make t about 40 guys, armed to the teeth, everyone in the base is friendly as long as tyranny has his hypnotoad aura on.
turning to the Cammorean Would you mind waiting about half an hour, our legal aids on the way. In fact, why don't you debrief us hear, surrounded by people who like us, with guns, and an attack helicopter

2008-08-27, 10:56 AM
To this, he frowns. "Threatening me is unnecessary. We don't look for fights with our vaunted allies. No, an unknown and undetected plane falls out of the sky; either an enemy's stealth technology went awry, or..." He grins. "Something much more interesting might be going on. Either way, I was sent to investigate. I'd just like a brief chat."

2008-08-27, 10:59 AM
Mike hurls his painstakingly crafted snowball at him.
"How brief do you want? 'You're an arse, **** off' brief, or a thorough questioning before we tell you to **** off?"

2008-08-27, 11:05 AM
oh god, you expect me to believe that? A plane appears out of no-where, spontaneously com busts, and falls in the mountains, [and you expect me to believe that they only sent one agent? are you actually that stupid, or is there a gang of thugs with guns somewhere in the corner? and, as my College colorfully explained, your hardly in a position to order us around.

2008-08-27, 12:01 PM
"We shall remain civil, for now. "

Turning to look directly at the Cammorea member right in the eyes...

"However, be warned. You know who I am, you know what happens to those who are brave enough to act out of line in my presence."

A flash in Abis's eyes, just for a brief moment, shows what is distinctively the remains of a human. The face, the face is grinning, yet the eyes are filled with terror. A glow, which fills the rest of the scene, is slowly eating away the body. Clearly, this is the person's own power consuming them.

"He attempted to fool me into giving him limitless power and euphoria. He received his wish."

I'm going to consider this an effect of his Glorious gift mixed with shapeshifting. It's mostly just for show.

2008-08-27, 12:12 PM
just ask your questions out here.
looking at Abis I'm sure he knows his situation without you driving him to hysterics.

Looking around, well at least I can take off my hat and does so, which could quite possible drive a normal human to hysterics.

2008-08-27, 12:42 PM
*looks around at the others before turning back*Alrighty then. Hi, I'm David.*reaches out to shake his hand*Apparently I'n the nice one of this bunch. Let me know what you need, so I can keep this as short and as pleasent as possible for all involved.

2008-08-27, 12:57 PM
The man takes David's hand absentmindedly, still staring with a rather empty expression at Abis. It takes him some moments to snap back and respond. He responds, quietly: "I am glad that not all in this family are psychotic. Can you, and another sane members of your union, please meet me with to discuss your arrival, purposes, and other business privately?"

2008-08-27, 01:19 PM
"I guess that'll be Tyranny then. NEWBO UNO! Over here. The nice spawn of Hell wants to talk to you."

Mike then smiles to himself.

Well if our powers affect him, then my plan comes more together. Again, just for our Hollyhock:
Minor creation of memories to make him believe he has orders to ensure this base does not come under our control, using force if necessary.

2008-08-27, 01:48 PM
Ok, so that means it's me and bossman over there to answer your questions. I'm not willing to vouch for his sanity however.
*pause*Of course, now that I think about it, I'm not so sure I'm willing to vouch for my own either. Ah well.

2008-08-27, 02:43 PM
I resent the implication that I'm psychotic!

2008-08-27, 02:48 PM
"Speak, then. We wish to waste no more time, as do you."

2008-08-27, 02:49 PM
*looks pointedly at the nerve gas, but stays silent*

2008-08-27, 02:50 PM
"Then come with me," he gestures toward a nearby building.

2008-08-27, 02:52 PM
*looks pointedly at the nerve gas, but stays silent*


I AM the nerve gas. ;)

All encompassing shapeshifting FTW.

2008-08-27, 02:57 PM

I AM the nerve gas. ;)

All encompassing shapeshifting FTW.

OOc, I think he was reffering to my grenades.

So I make myself protected, It's better than being brought before the locust court/

2008-08-27, 02:59 PM
Roy bowed his head in consent and followed the Cammorea into a more private setting where their discussion would not be overheard by the all too mortal military. He pulled some chairs out for his family and sat himself, motioning for the honoured representative of Lord Entropy’s power on Earth to pull up a chair as well. The Baron Tyranny steepled his hands and stared across the table. He had never actively dealt with the Cammorea before but he could understand the revulsion much of his family shared: Mike and Abis had lived through the centuries and understood what they did, William stood for the liberating freedom of anarchy…and Roy stood for order and benevolent control. This thing before him of corruption and lies, hate and deceit made his stomach churn.

“You’ll have to forgive my brothers. It’s not every day that your plane explodes when you’re in it and sends you hurtling into the side of a mountain – tends to shake you up. I do hope you’ll forgive their excitement; I’d rather we have these talks be as concise and pleasant as possible: I’m sure we all have better things to do with our time after all. What brings you all the way out here anyway?”

It would be interesting to see how the man reacted – or so Roy thought as he shifted his sight into the mythic world for but a moment; attempting to discern the presence of any obvious gifts this poor man might possess. At least, it would be interesting if he tried to lie. Soriare was a bastard but He was an honorable one – and He hated liars. The Baron Tyranny smiled pleasantly, safe in the knowledge that any falsehood, from the tiniest white lie to the most elaborate half truth, would be heard as plain as day upon his tongue.

2008-08-27, 02:59 PM
*Starts to follow to the indicated building, talking all the way* So, how did you get a job like this anyways? Considering how many people seem to dislike your organization, how on earth do you avoid being turned into a cabbage?

2008-08-27, 03:01 PM
Turning to Memory,
You any places to eat around here?

2008-08-27, 03:18 PM
Mike shoots Chaos a confused look.
"Last time I was around here I was a lumberjack. We hunted down and killed moose for all our sustenance with axes whose blades were larger than our heads. And you're asking if I know anywhere to eat? ...yeah, there's a lake nearby where the moose like to drink. I could go for some moose. Hairy bastards. Can kill a man with a flick of their head. S'funny."

2008-08-27, 03:27 PM
The man folds his hand cheerfully, and begins to speak.

"I'm certain that's all very jarring, yes. Believe me, yours is hardly the most psychotic family I've had dealings with, bad day or no. So far as I am concerned, we of the Cammorea have no need to fear for our safety. Most of your exalted brethren learn quite quickly not to trifle with us."

It's quite evident to all present that he is truly well aware that he is not as safe as he claims, but he does believe adamantly that the Cammorea is quite dangerous to cross.

"My name is Vinncent Grassmick. I am here for the simple, honest reason that I stated earlier: Something interesting was afoot near my posting in Ottawa, and we find it generally advantageous to investigate such things quickly. It is a fortunate day indeed should we stumble upon a Power in great need for the cause of Creation," he smiled.

"Now it is my turn. Tell me of yourselves, and your mission here on cheery old Earth. I'm obviously not your usual handler, and I admit do not recognize your family."

2008-08-27, 03:52 PM
Eh fine, well, you wanna get something to eat?
looking at his watch
you think I should have called off the troop I ordered here?

2008-08-27, 04:40 PM
Feeling that the point had been driven home, Abis had no desire to antagonize this Cammorea member any further. However, there was still the matter of the mission. Taking a look around, Abis was slightly disappointed at the small number of troops posted at this base. Yet no effort was a waste if it yielded satisfactory results.

Confident that Roy and David could handle Vinncent, Abis turned to his sister, Wealth:

"I do not expect any trouble from Vinncent Grassmick. Any limit he has broken has either been an accident or not without remorse. I can forgive him for these transgressions.

Please come with me, dear sister. Perhaps we may yet find a suitable face for our terrorist operations here. A man, or woman, of the military would have many of the traits that would make for a satisfactory leader.

I also have a proposal that you may be interested in, one that would benefit us both."

Abis, in human form, began to walk towards the barracks, at a slow pace so that Anna might join him.

2008-08-28, 10:35 AM
Anna was rather happy to see at least some possible ally in the foreign land. Cammorae typically had two prices; there was the price you paid for their services, and the price you paid for their services. She could usually afford both.

When Abis spoke to her, she replied, "A proposal Abis? Then let us discuss it. Away from the others, I assume? You can be so secretive."

2008-08-28, 11:10 AM
Roy titled his head slightly, thoughtfully, and smiled pleasantly at Vinncent. The Baron Tyranny and his family held all the cards in this negotiation and Roy came simply to the conclusion that he would do nothing about this. He would not pressure the man, nor dance around the issue - he would be polite, courteous and reasonable. Hopefully the man before him would be as suspicious and paranoid as hoped he might be...

"We're here for a very simple reason, but first I must apologise for intruding upon you so suddenly. An Excrutian saboteur was responsible for the destruction of our jet. We disposed of her yet not quite fast enough to prevent our unfortunate crash landing. Anyway, me and my family wish to reinforce my Estate against Excrutian attack - there have been unsettling occurrences lately so we thought it best to sortie in an effort to discover what's going on. Currently, we are regrettably delayed and I do hope we can set off again soon."

Roy looked understandingly into Vinncent's eyes and nodded slightly; his young face a picture of concern for his Noble purpose.

2008-08-28, 11:21 AM
"It's no problem... err, I don't believe I caught your name or title. We are quite accustomed to your kind appearing suddenly and unexpectedly in far stranger places."

"That the Excrucians are about is most troubling, and I'm certain that reinforcing your Estate will keep all of us nice and safe? Can the Cammorea be of any assistance to you in this matter? While we typically prefer to avoid getting involved in conflicts with the Horsemen, assisting in the spread of Estates is a talented well honed. And, what Estate would that be?"

Vinncent's smiling expression remains unphased by Roy's posturing.

2008-08-28, 11:22 AM
"Oh great."
Mike watched Limits and Wealth wander away. Then he turned to look at Chaos, disdain very obvious.
"Eugh. You can be just as bad as Newbo Uno. Look, just... go play with your magical servants. I'm going to go smoke outside this damn bastion of crap."
Mike walks away as well. He passes the soldiers, busy training, on guard duty, just generally hard at work doing whatever it is soldiers do.
As he reachs the main gates the guards nod to him, obviously having heard of his party and recognising him as being wholly unusual like his 'family'. He sits in the snow just outside, desperately trying to light a cigarette.
He looks at one of the guards. The men are not familiar, and neither is the uniform. Perhaps some further probing would be useful.
Minor divinination of memories on the base, to find out just what has happened here.

2008-08-28, 11:43 AM
This AFB, while remote and relatively new, is one of the better maintained and skilled in the nation. It is one of three charged within five hundred km of the capitol, all redundantly responsible for protecting its airspace, hence there is an emphasis on rapid response. The men are typically in good spirits (it's a beautiful area), and highly skilled, but most of them have never seen real action. Those that have been to war show the faintest recollection of Tyranny.

2008-08-28, 12:13 PM
I think we can safely assume that the expansion of his estate would keep us "nice and safe."*pause*I'm curious about how you would go about spreading an estate. I mean, it's not like you can just walk up to someone and order them to obey, ya know?

2008-08-28, 12:24 PM
"To obey?" Vinncent says, perking up just a bit. He turns to Roy. "Would you happen to be the Power of Obedience?" Without looking back to David, he responds. "Let us say simply that we are good at what we do, and for the right price, we are willing to do it. Leave the details to us, and do not inquire about them."

2008-08-28, 12:29 PM
*laughing* No, it's not obedience, although that does factor into his estate. I'll let my brother talk to you about that. I'm here because it this whole conversation deals with *MY* estate.

2008-08-28, 12:32 PM
He turns back to David, frowning ever so slightly. "And what would that be? While I am just a humble mortal, and who is that to speculate, I would image that with the Excrucians afoot guessing games might be a impractical waste of your time." He smiles again.

2008-08-28, 12:36 PM
Actually, I happen to love guessing games and speculation.However, since you ask, I am Knowledge.

2008-08-28, 01:46 PM
"David...can you please fetch Mike for me? I'd very much like his help."

And with that, Roy turned his full attention to the Camorean; his Gift of Magnificence suddenly flaring into its full, blazing glory. Eyes alight with the divine power, the Baron Tyranny stood and spoke in full voice towards the little man before him: "No, Vinncent I am not the Power of Obediance but its ultimate expression. I am order and stability imposed through control; I am the progess and peace that stands on the cusp of opression. I am Tyrrany! And from this day forward you belong to me..."

Activating his Gift of Magnificence again. Yay for power.

2008-08-28, 01:55 PM
A momentarily reflex of terror sends Vinncent falling backwards in his chair, screaming in a tone of great mournfulness and awe "NO!". When the seat hits the ground, the Cammorean is nowhere to be seen.

2008-08-28, 02:11 PM
Roy's perception shifted instantly from the Prosiac to the Mythic world as he spun around and scanned the room for any sign of the vanished Cammorean: "Bastard~! When I get my hands on..." Roy took a deep breath and seemingly regained his composure; though seething edies of rage twisted and circled just underneath his skin.

2008-08-28, 02:15 PM
The moment Roy switches to miraculous sight, he spots Vinncent, cowering against the back wall, watching him intently. His form resonates with miraculous power, bearing a distinctive, definite signature that Roy intuitively comprehends: The man bears a gift from the Power of Windows.

2008-08-28, 02:41 PM
"Windows...I wonder, Vinncent if your gift is merely to become transparent, 'see through', or if it has other properties. Tell me, can you open yourself and let bullets pass through yourself? Can miraculous power slide past you like a breeze goes in and out a window flung wide open. Tell me what your reward allows you to do, Vinncent and you will not find me unkind."

"Abis~"Ataraxia's Realm Heart flickered as the tempest force that dwelt there spoke a measured, though urgent, tone. The Duke of Limits had been contacted in the fastest and most silent way possible. "Please, might you indulge your brother and hurry to the meeting room? Your considerable power is needed to restrict a very slippery eel."

2008-08-28, 02:50 PM
Vinncent gulps, letting the gift fade. He does his best to put on an undaunted expression. "Almaria's gift to me is quite a nice one, isn't it? A pity it is so futile against your kind. But let's not be foolish. You'll leave me be, or your Lord Entropy will have your head. Besides..." he pauses, as a hail of bullets burst through the door. "I'm more dangerous than I appear."

2008-08-28, 03:06 PM
Because those bullets are my fault and Cannonball wanted the rest of us to post a bit, you get treated to this:
God bless you Aspect 0: Anything a normal human could do.


Mike brought the axe crashing down, dealing one last blow to the moose. He had got the guards to bring him an axe, and decided to be nice to Chaos for once and treat the guy to some gourmet moose. He was about half a mile out now, and several wasted cigarettes down. But now at his feet lay a particularly large specimen.
Suddenly in the distance, bangs ring through the air. Mike listened and frowned for a section. This was not going to go well. A moral problem now lay behind him. Go back and help his brothers, or stay here and skin his moose. Conflicted, there was only one thing he could do.
A couple minutes later, a couple gate guards found themselves being bludgeoned to death with a dead moose.

2008-08-28, 03:32 PM
Get Mike and bring him back. Gotcha. Have fun playing with your food, ok?

2008-08-28, 03:51 PM
Absentmindedly, Abis is performing a divination on each person he comes across, to find out information such as the upper limit that their power could reach. At the same time, he discusses secrets with Wealth:

"This proposal is a simple deal, dear sister. I have a personal project, large in scale, yet hidden from everyone. Progress on this task has been regrettably slow. However, I have reached the final step in my plan. I require the services of various master craftsmen and engineers, and to a point, I have their service.

They have no tools or materials to work with. This is problematic, as the equipment needed can only be obtained from outside the chancel, yet can not be acquired without proper funding.

I simply ask for a small investment, enough wealth to procure all necessary goods to complete this project. Once done, the return shall be grand. I estimate the total wealth (that is not created by you) and technology in our chancel shall increase one hundred times over. "

Hmm, this is interesting. This solder over here looks to be quite... potent. However, before anything can be done, Abis hears the faint call of Roy:

"Abis! Please, might you indulge your brother and hurry to the meeting room? Your considerable power is needed to restrict a very slippery eel."

Stopping in his tracks, Abis gives an annoyed sigh.

"It seems, that I have overestimated Roy von Cale's tact in diplomatic meetings. He requires my help."

With that, Abis heads back over to the building where Roy, David, and Vinncent had been speaking.

2008-08-28, 04:33 PM
Only moments after Abis departs, he hears the sound of rapid gunfire. Swiftly rounding corners, he arrives to find a soldier with a large assault rifle blazing through the door into the room the negotiation was taking place. He does not appear to have noticed the Power.

2008-08-28, 04:42 PM
This will not do.

Without breaking stride, Abis limited the base's perception of him. They wouldn't know what hit them. Each step he takes toward the guard, he becomes more transparent, more misty, a natural result of becoming a cloud of knock out gas. The gas drifted to the guard, covering his face.

The guard, of course, was now attempting to run. This is hard to do when a god has limited your ability to run. A low voice spoke in his ear:

"Sleep now. There is more at stake here than the sanctity of your outpost."

As the guard finally slumped to his knees, and finally landed face first in the snow, enjoying a dreamless nap in the snow, Abis shifted back to human form.

"I shall forgive you for that."

Before heading inside, Abis limited the base's perception of the guard.

He walks inside, and sees...

2008-08-28, 05:37 PM
...That a new soldier has taken the place of the old one, firing through the doorway into the negotiation room. The door is in splinters now, and inside Roy and the Cammorean can be seen..