View Full Version : d20 Modern

2008-08-05, 07:11 PM
The Neon Cat

A sign says glowing in a dark, damp, cold New York City street in early-mid November. "Well this is what the sheet says" you guys think to yourselves " I wonder who this guy is". Walking in through the bouncer (your name's are on the list) you see an alive, somewhat dimmed dance club,full of people, with strobe lights on the dance floor and a DJ who's face you can't see. Looking around you see no one you know. The bars to the left, tables and bathroom to the right and the dance floor past the stairs in front of you.

What do you do?

(ooc) do ooc in here and put ooc in front of it, no spoilers that is for dice rolls. i dont care if you type pretty here ( punctuation, spelling,capitals) but do it in ic. also choose a color. i will be doing stuff like this quite a bit. and since i will be gone for awhile start talking to random people(talk for them) and try to meet the other party members always end your ooc too so i know when its ic and ooc :smallbiggrin:(ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-06, 04:40 AM
Charles "Chuck" Roeman, USAF pilot, walks into the club and takes in the music for a few seconds.

It's not really his style. He's more a rock person. He puts it to the back of his mind as he waits to find out what he's been summoned here for.

He decides to head over to the bar. He's a tad thirsty after the subway journey. He's never liked the New York transit system.

Walking over to the bar, he sees the barman.

"Coke, please", he asks.

Once the barman serves him, he moves over to one of the walls and starts to sip the Coke. He wants to be alert when he meets this person.

2008-08-07, 02:43 AM
Daniel Ashkenazi, CIA computer whiz, is completely out of his element. He has little idea why he is here.

Fortunately, he doesn't look out of place. Standing six feet tall, heavily muscled, wearing a leather jacket, and carrying his bike helmet under his arm, he definitely does NOT look like an CIA analyst.

And in his case, his infiltration skills do not come from James Bond movies.

He goes up to the bar, and orders hot chocolate. A favored drink of his, and not an intoxicating one. He then pulls out his cellphone and starts playing Tetris, which is simultaneously entertaining and makes calling for help fairly easy.

(OOC: I take teal as my color.)

2008-08-07, 05:40 AM
Rin Lawley glances over her shoulder as she approaches the discotheque. She is sure she can hear someone following her, but then again that could just be paranoia. Apparently though, she hadn't been paranoid enough - someone had summoned her here, using her real name no less. She takes the note out of her pocket and looks at it again, trying to discern some sign of the writer's intent. There was nothing - not a clue as to who had written it or, more important in Rin's opinion, why.

She tries to remember all the enemies she's made and shudders to recall that several of them would not be satisfied by her mere death. But hiding wouldn't be of any help - that much was apparent. If the note's writer could discover the name which she had kept hidden away for more than four years then he surely knew how to find her as well.

As she passes the bouncer, she scans his face for signs of personal recognition. Finding none, begins to flirt with him. It never hurt to make new friends.

'It must be such hard work, having to do this all day...'

While she keeps up the chatter on automatic, she surreptitiously looks at the list of 'special guests' as she leans into him. Not a single recognizable name - but to be fair, she was listed there under a pseudonym as well.

'I know you'd just be doing your job, but... could you do me a big favor?' She leans in closer 'My ex has been following me around for days. I'm worried he might try something stupid to get me back. So if he starts bothering me, I don't suppose I could signal you or something, could I?'

Now she moves so close he can almost feel her breath on his ear. To his credit, he looks staunchly ahead though the temptation must have been great. Rin's stunning mix of caucasian and asian heritage tended to leave men speechless. She goes on to say. 'I'd be forever in your debt... And I can pay you, in more ways than one,' as she slips him $400 and a knowing wink.

She slides through the crowd, then singles out the bar where an apparently otherwise sane man is drinking hot chocolate and bashing his thumbs in on his phone. She sits down next to him and orders two Heinekens.

'You should try to look less conspicuous,' she comments to him as he looks up from his game. 'It's pretty clear you're here for some reason other than,' she rolls her brown eyes in distain, '"fun."' She smiles disarmingly as she slides a mug toward him, 'You know, a beer wouldn't hurt.'

'By the way, which one of those names on the list are you called?'

[ooc: Dark Red is mine by right!)

2008-08-07, 09:40 AM
(ooc) Apparently I can't edit in rolls

Sleight of Hand: [roll0] to slip him some cash as an extra incentive without anyone noticing. (a +2 circumstance bonus to bluff as well?)

Bluff: [roll1] to make him believe me.

I really don't think whoever organized this meet would give the real reason to a mere bouncer, unless he was more then he seemed. (/ooc)

2008-08-09, 01:23 PM
David looked up at the woman.

"I'd rather stay sober. The name is David Ashkenazi." He extended his hand to her.

2008-08-10, 02:27 AM
Rin regards the man's hand then takes it.

'Shi Shun Mei,' she says, giving the man her alias written on the list.

'I doubt you're here to Dow Ma Tze*. Any idea who invited us?'

*(ooc)Translation: Looking to get a 'girlfriend'. (/ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-10, 08:55 AM
Roeman overhears some people talking further down the bar.

He tries to listen in on the conversation.

(ooc)I'll take 20 on that Listen check(/ooc)

2008-08-11, 12:45 AM
David switches to Mandarin. He's completely fluent, albeit with a noticeable American accent.

"Already got a girlfriend back in Washington. I'm here because I got this fairly cryptic note. So I decided to investigate."

(OOC: Didn't expect that? I sunk a lot of skill points into Speak Language.)

2008-08-11, 09:59 AM
Chuck,being in the USAF, notices a couple different men sitting around the club. One is sitting close to the dance floor with a bodyguard and 2 ladies next to him. A second one is sitting in the very far corner of the club, but all you can see is him and nothing else due to darkness. A third one is sitting at a table near a bar with 5 ladies around him and their talking and laughing. The fourth one is on the opposite side of the dance floor as the first one and has a lady with him (presumably his wife). They look different from everybody else due to the fact that they look extremely richer then everyone else.

As Chuck walks over to the 4th man, you see him mention his wife off to the bar. Ahh.. I see you have found me first. Lucky man. Please sit down,we have much to talk about. As his wife comes back with some type of beverage you don't know of (ooc) you could try to make a knowledge wealth check if you want to figure out what it is (ooc) he sits back and starts drinking it, seeming to you like he forgot about you completely.

None of you knowing Chuck previously or meeting him in the bar don't recognize him walking over to the man, so you just think that he is friends with the man.

Silent Hunter
2008-08-11, 11:57 AM
As Chuck walks over to the 4th man, you see him mention his wife off to the bar. Ahh.. I see you have found me first. Lucky man. Please sit down,we have much to talk about. As his wife comes back with some type of beverage you don't know of (ooc) you could try to make a knowledge wealth check if you want to figure out what it is (ooc) he sits back and starts drinking it, seeming to you like he forgot about you completely.

Roeman wonders what the drink is. He racks his brains to see if he can recognise it.

(ooc)Knowledge check please. Do I roll or do you?(/ooc)

2008-08-11, 01:10 PM
(ooc) you guys roll for everything except for random rolls that i want done and i will do them(ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-12, 05:22 AM
(ooc) you guys roll for everything except for random rolls that i want done and i will do them(ooc)

(ooc)Understood. I'm assuming knowledge of drinks is popular culture and Roeman has had a few in his time in the USAF. +1 Intelligence bonus and +5 ranks in Knowledge (Popular Culture)(ooc)


2008-08-12, 05:56 AM
Rin raises her eyebrows then replies in Mandarin, 'You speak Chinese well for an American. Interesting.'

She looks around and adds,'You know, we're probably being watched.'

I casually try to spot if anyone's watching us.

Edit: Aaaargh! I take 20.

2008-08-12, 08:15 AM
Rin notices a couple different men sitting around the club. One is sitting close to the dance floor with a bodyguard and 2 ladies next to him. A second one is sitting in the very far corner of the club, but all you can see is him and nothing else due to darkness. A third one is sitting at a table near a bar with 5 ladies around him and their talking and laughing.

Chuck you figure out that the drink is a Ţuică which is a traditional Romanian drink, you could smell the plums fumigate off of the drink.

(ooc)what happened to the other players? (ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-12, 08:25 AM
Chuck you figure out that the drink is a Ţuică which is a traditional Romanian drink, you could smell the plums fumigate off of the drink.

(ooc)what happened to the other players? (ooc)

Ah, Roeman thought, I've drunk that. NATO exercise couple of years back, Romanian bar. Lovely people the Romanians.

Roeman, who had already taken a seat, decided to try and find out why he was here.

"So", he asked the man, "What do you want to talk about?"

2008-08-12, 08:33 AM
I like that about you always getting to the point.
I want to talk about this man, in Las Vegas, who has owed me money for at least 3 years now I haven't been able to find this man at all but i suspect you could. I pay reasonably, then he starts mumbling while drinking so you can't hear him.

Make a listen check

2008-08-12, 09:21 AM
(ooc) Are any of these men watching us? I'm not particularly concerned with what they look like.(/ooc)

2008-08-12, 10:35 AM
(ooc) yes they are watching you. very closely(ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-12, 11:34 AM
I like that about you always getting to the point.
I want to talk about this man, in Las Vegas, who has owed me money for at least 3 years now I haven't been able to find this man at all but i suspect you could. I pay reasonably, then he starts mumbling while drinking so you can't hear him.

Make a listen check

Roeman starts to hear him, then notices his him trailing off.

He tries to hear what he's saying.


2008-08-12, 01:34 PM
"Why do you think I switched to Mandarin?" David responded. "I figured that they wouldn't be able to eavesdrop."

2008-08-12, 11:56 PM
'They still might, but it's less likely,' Rin corrects him. 'Don't look now but there's at least three men watching us. Some of the women could be too.'

'Which one do you want? The guy with the bodyguard or the one in the corner?'

2008-08-13, 12:20 PM
David thinks.

"I say we both take the guy with the bodyguards."

2008-08-14, 01:00 AM
'Alright. Let's do it now.' Rin states calmly. 'You distract them. Then, I'll come up from behind and disarm the bodyguard.'

(ooc)Is there a restroom? If so, what is the entrance's relative position to the man with the bodyguard? Behind them or within their line of sight?(/ooc)

2008-08-14, 01:51 AM
David sets down his chocolate rather forcefully, then walked over to the man with the bodyguard, staring at him.

"What'cha looking at?" he asked.

2008-08-14, 04:18 AM
Rin rubs her head and mutters to herself. 'Oh gods, that's not what I meant.'

As David occupies the men's attention, Rin covertly moves through the crowded dance floor.

The rulebook describes rules for creating a distraction to hide. (p.64) in this case, Daniel is the distraction, so I shouldn't have to make a bluff check. Obviously anyone else watching me other than those two men can still observe my movements easily.

Hide Check: I take ten, for a result of 14 on each check since I am neither threatened or distracted and am moving at half my speed. I try to move up behind the bodyguard and his client.

2008-08-14, 10:38 PM
The bodyguard sees Rin coming, since David put his hot cocoa down so hard that it splashed over the sides and noticed them coming over. He tightens his grip on the pistol in his pocket and talks into an earpiece which sounds like gibberish to you . The man with the girls doesn't seem to notice David since he continues to laugh and talk with the girls at his table, but he moves his blazer slightly to the right so you see a concealed weapon at his right side in a holder.

(ooc) the bathroom is to the right of the man you are talking to. it is hard to get to due to the amount of people crowded in the club.(ooc)

2008-08-15, 12:13 AM
"Got nothing to say? What, you scared of me?" David leaned forward.

(OOC: Just to clarify, David Ashkenazi has the approximate physique of a biker.)

2008-08-15, 09:11 AM
As Rin notices the weaponry on the two men, she begins to worry. Surely they wouldn't be stupid enough to start firing in a crowded nightclub. Then again...

She walks toward David and the bodyguard, putting on her best distressed face.

(ooc)What, my hide check doesn't count for anything? My railroad sense is tingling. What is my current position? Am I near the man or still far away? Is there a crowd between the first man with a gun and the second? Also, does this club allow guns? I expect it doesn't.

Myth Weavers seems to be down, so I can't access my character sheet to see what my skill mods are. Damn.

Meshakad, try to make him hit you first. A fistfight is always nice. Drawing a gun in here means you go to jail, I expect. (/ooc)

2008-08-15, 10:20 AM
(ooc)no they didnt really count for anything, your current position is next to david, i find it funny that david is a cia computer whiz with the physique of a biker and drinks hot chocolate. the club allows guns anything else i will say on the club requires a knowledge local, history, popular culture, wealth roll for each knowledge i specified. (ooc)

The man, not threatened by David, says to his girlfriends Lets split, it seems as if we're not wanted here. Getting up he flips the table at David and Rin so the drinks and food fly around him and soem land on him. The bodyguard follows behind him, with a couple more following a couple minutes later.

Thinking to yourselves that this was obviously not the right man what do you do?

2008-08-15, 12:02 PM
David turns to Rin. Switching back to Mandarin, he says, "Let's wait a little while, see if anyone interesting shows up."

Silent Hunter
2008-08-15, 02:05 PM
The man that Chuck is sitting with leaves forcefully and fast, leaving some tickets behind.

He walks over to the two people he heard earlier.

"The name's Chuck Roeman. I believe I've found the man we're looking for. He wants us to go to Vegas for some reason".

Roeman had been to Vegas before. Red Flag always included a visit there, especially to places of a certain erotic nature.

2008-08-15, 02:08 PM
(ooc) i pm'd the other players to let the know, i hope they can join, if not then what should we do about the other players?(ooc)

2008-08-15, 02:29 PM
"Vegas?" David had been once, and came away with a strong dislike for Sin City.

"OK. David Ashkenazi, by the way," he extended his hand.

2008-08-15, 09:18 PM
'If he was the one who sent for us, who the hell were they?' Rin asks David in Mandarin.

Rin turns to Chuck Roeman, 'Shi Shun Mei. You'll be forgiven for not pronouncing it correctly.'

(ooc: Damn. I wanted to beat someone up! Or at least have the bouncer grab them. I mean, I did pay/seduce him.)

2008-08-15, 11:33 PM
(ooc)haha you know you could just beat that guy in the corner up just because he was staring at you. and by the way Arachnid they guy who sent for you is pro he know your real name and its on the ticket :smallamused: (ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-16, 06:05 AM
Roeman shook the hands of his two new friends.

"Pleased to meet you", he responded, "Caesar's Palace to be precise. I suggest we get going as soon as possible, after we get some stuff from our hotels, of course"

Roeman glanced at the tickets to see the details of their flight, including time and airport of departure. This would be important for journey plans.

2008-08-16, 09:31 AM
The ticket is scheduled to leave at 1:00 pm on Nov 7. It is 11:25 pm on Tuesday November 6.

2008-08-16, 01:14 PM
"See you at the gate."

David pays for his cocoa, leaves, mounts his bike, then drives back to the hotel. He has already arranged for a few extra days of vacation time. His original plan was to spend that time back in Washington with his girlfriend, Hanna. But everything has changed, now.

David had been doing this long enough without telling anyone. He sends off a message to Hanna, explaining everything. The message is encrypted* with standard CIA encryption techniques on his and Hanna's shared key.

*Hanna knows how to decrypt it, but for anyone else, the DC has gotta be off the charts.

Silent Hunter
2008-08-16, 02:35 PM
"See you there", Roeman replies. He gives everyone their tickets

He hangs around the bar for another half an hour, then heads back to his hotel via the subway.

There he goes to sleep, setting an alarm for 7.00am. He's interested to see what will happen in Vegas. He's still got two weeks leave after all...

2008-08-16, 02:39 PM
(ooc)do you guys want this to be a long game or short one. i can do either one. and when we are done with this one would anyone be interested in a d20 future game? i would rather play in that one but i wouldnt have to. maybe we could try to get more players for that game. or find a dm and i would play. (ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-16, 03:13 PM
(ooc)do you guys want this to be a long game or short one. i can do either one. and when we are done with this one would anyone be interested in a d20 future game? i would rather play in that one but i wouldnt have to. maybe we could try to get more players for that game. or find a dm and i would play. (ooc)

(ooc)I'm new to this, so I'd like a reasonably long game, please.

I don't have d20 Future.(ooc)

2008-08-16, 07:01 PM
(ooc) ok i can do a long game. and thats fine you dont have d20 future, but we could do a new game when its done.:smallbiggrin: (ooc)

2008-08-16, 09:09 PM
(ooc) d20 future is OGL, I think. There's a SRD for it. Personally, I'd love to run a game, but I won't have time till late november.

Also, how are we going to get our weaponry past airport security? (/ooc)

2008-08-16, 10:05 PM
(ooc)whats ogl? i probably know what it is but i probably forgot. we could wait till november to do another game, i will continue to dm until someone else wants to. can we make a d20 modern group if thats possible?

and i didnt think about that and you are going to a private terminal ( the guy is really REALLY rich so he is providing a plane so their will be no security ( dont question my authority:smallbiggrin:) anything else? (ooc)

2008-08-17, 05:02 AM
Rin returns from the nightclub and stuffs everything of worth she has into a large duffel bag. Fake passports, a set of throwing knives, her Glock 20 and ammunition are packed carefully in between layers of clothing. This goes into a suitcase along with more clothes and a box of tear-gas grenades.

(ooc) OGL means open gaming licence. So, some rules for d20 future are available, free, online (http://www.d20resources.com/).(/ooc)

2008-08-19, 03:06 AM
(ooc)Now would be a good time to skip to the airport.(/ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-19, 05:13 AM
(ooc)Concur. GM?(ooc)

2008-08-19, 06:31 PM
On the way to the airports all of you taxis explode killing you. Now the game is over, there is nothing more you can do.

(ooc) :smalltongue: hahahaahaha no sadly that is not the way it will end i will start again using the right one(ooc)

Getting to JFK Airport, you notice the driver go to a guarded gate. The guard then opens the gate and you go for several more miles before reaching a private airport outside of JFK. As you open the door all of your stuff is moved into the plane while you are being rushed in the plane so you can leave fast. Getting on the plane you are seated in a fancy looking plane, taking off right as you sit down.

2008-08-20, 02:31 AM
As the plane takes off, Rin turns to Roeman. "Since you're the only one among us who spoke to our... benefactor, why don't you tell us more about this mission."

(ooc) Ie: Feed me Plot.(/ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-08-20, 06:13 AM
Roeman had sat down and was strapping himself when Rin started speaking.

"We're going to Caesar's Palace and meeting a guy there. From then on, I know as much as you do".

He wished that they hadn't put the Beretta in the hold. It might come in handy if things went wrong.

2008-08-20, 09:48 AM
David takes in everything Roeman is saying, then turns back to his laptop.

2008-08-22, 07:01 PM
When the flight is an 1 hour and a half in, all of a sudden the plane starts diving downwards. The lead hostess comes out of the cockpit screaming that the pilots have been killed (or knocked unconscious). She continues saying that you guys have to take over the plane or we will all die.

What do you do?

Silent Hunter
2008-08-23, 04:49 AM
Roeman realises the inevitable and inwardly sighs.

"Guess that'll be me", he responds and unstraps his seat. He runs towards the cabin as quickly as he can, not saying "Here I come to save the day!"

He pulls the unconscious pilot from his chair and grabs the stick, immediately pulling back to level the aircraft.

2008-08-23, 10:03 AM
David follows him to the cockpit, and settles into the copilot's seat.

He turns to Roeman: "You fly, I'll talk to flight control."

"What's the flight number?" he asks a flight attendant.

2008-08-23, 10:21 AM
The flight number is OO074. If you need anything else just ask. That is O O 0 7 .

2008-08-23, 02:55 PM
David puts on the headset, and turns on the radio.

"Control, this is flight Oscar-Oscar-Zero-Seven-Four, declaring an emergency. Repeat, this is flight Oscar-Oscar-Zero-Seven-Four, declaring an emergency. The pilot and co-pilot are dead, but one of the passengers is a pilot. Request assistance."

2008-08-24, 09:56 PM
I hear you flight OO074 if you can wait a little bit A kind sounding woman says to you It seems like your flying alright, what do you need assistance with?

2008-08-25, 11:09 PM
Rin feels her stomach heave as the plane lurches downward. A glitch? Before she can ponder the question, a hostess bursts out of the cockpit and starts screaming about the pilots being dead.

As Roeman runs to the cockpit, Rin grabs the hostess and begins interrogating her: 'Did you see anything? Was there anyone else in the cockpit!?'

Having an intruder on the plane could be... Interesting. It had been a long time since she'd had a chance to commit any violence. She almost grins inwardly until she realizes, with a sinking feeling, that she had left her Glock in her luggage which was now... somewhere. 'Where's my bag? Where do you keep the damn luggage on this flying deathtrap!' Rin stops as she realizes that she's been shouting at the already traumatized hostess who is now looking as though she's about ready to faint.

'People skills, eh?' She thinks.

'Listen. If there's an intruder on board, I'll need my weapons to protect you. They're in my bag. It's the big black one made out of hard plastic.' She tempers her tone to a level that, while not soothing, carries clear tones of authority that seem to calm the hostess. 'Could you tell me where it is?'

She refrains from saying 'Our lives could be at stake.' There'd be no point in panicking the poor idiot any further. Besides which, Rin didn't like stating the obvious.

Silent Hunter
2008-08-26, 01:27 PM
I hear you flight OO074 if you can wait a little bit A kind sounding woman says to you It seems like your flying alright, what do you need assistance with?

Roeman hears the words "Wait a little bit", then the following asking for assistance.

He looks around for a headset. He's about to give this woman a piece of his F-15 pilot mind.

2008-08-26, 04:52 PM
The hostess who is completely traumatized by this replies Once we left the ground we checked and no one else was on board that we know of. Your luggage is right here the hostess says opening a door then screaming loudly and falling to the ground. Rin sees that the other hostess has been killed and has had her neck sliced open.

2008-08-27, 05:50 AM
Years of experience in not being killed mean that Rin's body is automatically ducking to the side before she even hears the scream. She feels her back press against the wall as her heart races. It takes a potentially costly instant for her brain to catch up, then she shrugs her right shoulder and cups her palm, catching the hidden blade as it slides from her sleeve.

Crouching beside the door, she chances a quick look about this room as she changes her grip on the knife, readying it for a throw. If the intruder - no, assassin - had searched her luggage, he would now have a gun. She takes a moment to steady herself, to feel the cool steel of the knife between her fingers.

Initiative: [roll0]

If under 10, I spend an action point to add [roll1]

Swift: I move/tumble from wherever I am until I am beside the door, with cover against anyone inside. Since it's a small plane and I was near the door anyway, I'll assume it's a 5' step.

Move: Draw a throwing Knife. I have a sheath, so I can draw it as a move action. (accounted for in the sleight of hand check to hide it)

Reaction: Spot - [roll2] and Listen - [roll3]

Standard: If I see an intruder in this room, I throw the knife at him. If not, I ready an action to throw it at anyone who moves in the luggage room.

Also, I'm going to need a description of the baggage room. Is it well-lit, dark, cramped? If possible, I'd like the dimensions too. (feet or squares)

Edit: In case you need it, my AC is 22. If I see the assassin, I declare my dodge on him, making it 23. Defensive martial arts brings that up to 24 against melee attacks (but only if I see him).

2008-08-27, 04:28 PM
Its a dark room about,from the looks of it, 5ft by 5ft and 6 ft tall. You can't see the man in the room, not due to darkness. You figure the man is smart enough not to take a shot aboard a plane, although... The man then bursts out and takes a shot at the cockpit.[roll0] Hitting the cabinet carrying emergency supplies the bullet luckily doesn't hit anything useful.

(OOC: if anyone wants to play another d20 game check here
we only need 1 -2 more players so please join up!

2008-08-28, 12:08 AM
Shooting while adjacent to a character provokes an AoO. If he bursts out of the room using a 5' step, he's within my reach when he shoots. If he tries to use a move action to get out of my reach, he provokes an AoO for leaving my threatened area. Either way, I get a free unarmed attack before he can fire. I use this to make a trip attempt. I have CMA, so no AoO for him.

Melee Touch: [roll0]

Strength Check: [roll1]

And, since I've now clearly seen him, my readied action triggers. So I stab him with the knife.

Knife: [roll2] for [roll3] damage.

If my trip attempt succeeded, he's prone and takes a -4 penalty to AC against melee.

And since my readied action was triggered, I'm now moving one initiative higher than him.

Now he can complete his turn and shoot or take whatever actions he wants. If he's still alive, that is.

EDIT: What awful rolls. Looks like you won't have to change your post, since both the knife and the trip probably failed.

So he's shot the gun and now it's my turn...

2008-08-28, 12:19 AM
As the intruder bursts through the door, Rin scythes out with her leg. Her kick goes wide at the same time as the man fires the gun. At this range, the noise is deafening. There is a flash of gleaming silver as she lunges at him with her knife. He ducks under her stab but Rin is ready. Her knee comes up at the same time, connecting with the assassin's stomach. As he drops, Rin follows him down and manages to connect a roundhouse punch to his face. Something goes 'crunch' as Rin feels his nose flatten under her fist.

Since the bad guy's turn ended after shooting the gun, which missed, and all of my attacks probably missed, it's my turn again.

Oh well...

Trip: [roll0] and if the result is under 18, I spend an action point for +[roll1].

Strength: [roll2] if I haven't spent the AP on my attack, I add it here if the result's under 20.

Then I use Heroic Surge to gain a standard action and punch him in the face.

Unarmed: [roll3] for [roll4] damage. Again, if the AP remains unspent, it goes here for a result under 18.

EDIT: Nice. vivid description to come. BTW, since he's now probably prone, his AC takes a -4 penalty.

2008-08-28, 06:15 PM
The man drops his gun on his foot due to his nose being broken resulting in 2 damage. Saying Ahh what was that for. You didn't 'ave to punch me nose in. Did ye? in a heavy cockney accent.

Losing 9 damage so far he only has 3 hp left

2008-08-28, 10:46 PM
Rin doesn't bother with a reply. Her blood boiling, she grabs a hank of hair, pulls his head forward then slams it back into the floor, hard.

Melee Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] nonlethal.

If it hits, I automatically knock him unconscious since even if I roll a 1 for damage, I still deal 5 damage. Which is 2 more than his remaining HP. Nonlethal damage so he doesn't die on us.

Silent Hunter
2008-08-29, 01:15 PM
Roeman finds another headset and puts it on.

He turns to David to get permission to take over the call.

"Let me handle this", he says. He looks at David with an expression that says he knows what he is doing.

He also glances over the aircraft data readouts, determining height, direction and position.

2008-08-30, 04:23 AM
(ooc)Is that all? I hardly expect only a single assassin made it on board. At least, not one so incompetent. By the law of conservation of ninjitsu, there should be a couple of others hanging around somewhere.

I take 20 on both spot and listen. My listen check probably takes a penalty since jet-engines tend to make alot of noise. -5, I'd say. That means spot: 20 and listen: 15. This takes me around two minutes?(ooc)

2008-08-30, 08:22 AM
i am going to give you some background that will help in the story
the man was an npc i made to help you
he was apparently at the wrong place at the wrong time.
the hostess was killed before the plane left and
the poison was put in the pilots coffee before hand too.
the "ninja" man escaped before anybody realized he was on board.

You are now close to landing in las vegas

2008-08-30, 10:41 PM
(ooc)Well good thing I didn't kill him then, no? But what the hell was he doing firing a gun in the plane? Not a very friendly thing to do. In character, I'm still going to distrust him and interrogate him once he wakes up.(/ooc)

2008-08-30, 11:04 PM
he fired because he was scared and thought you were taking over the plane?
i really dont know:smallbiggrin:

2008-09-03, 12:11 PM
David gives over the call to Roeman.

Silent Hunter
2008-09-04, 01:34 PM
Roeman takes the headset and puts it on. He quickly adjusts the mike and realises he's forgotten the name of the airport. Never mind.

"Tower, this is Oscar-Oscar-Zero-Seven-Four, he takes a breath as he talks to the controller, "Get me your supervisor right now! You should now you never tell an aircraft that has declared an emergency to 'wait a minute!'"

2008-09-05, 10:03 PM
Rin drags the unconscious man to a passenger chair and belts him down tightly. She dismantles the gun, sliding out the ammunition box and then barrel. She throws the components into an overhead compartment where they rattle gently with the vibration of the plane's engines. Rin pulls the man's arms behind the seat then cuffs them together using a pair of handcuffs retrieved from her luggage. The resulting position makes it impossible for him to move without dislocating both his shoulders. Rin smiles as a trickle of dark blood crawls down his lip from his broken nose. She holds the knife to his throat for a moment, as though considering something. Then she walks toward the cabin.

'Anything you need? I've got an assassin strapped to a chair, but I'm not much good at diplomacy unless it involves brass knuckles or knives. Or guns. Anything sharp, deadly or poisonous really.'

he fired because he was scared and thought you were taking over the plane?
i really dont know
Bad, bad GM. NPCs should always have logical motives. Especially since I found this man in the same room as a hostess with her throat cut. It's going to take a hell of an explanation for me not to shoot him before we land.

2008-09-05, 11:20 PM
Bad, bad GM. NPCs should always have logical motives. Especially since I found this man in the same room as a hostess with her throat cut. It's going to take a hell of an explanation for me not to shoot him before we land.

he was there to rob you

AND then there is the second part how about if you shoot him i will have the plane crash resulting in all of your deaths.
or he managed to poison gas the ventilation system so you all get poisoned to death
i say we move on with the story

Now waiting at in Caesar's Palace in a lobby of an office of some sort you are welcomed into a meeting room where you are with the man who hired you. his chair back is turned to you, there are two guards on either side of him. big guards so dont try to attack anything. you have been striped of your weapons. he obviously is waiting for you to start talking.

What do you do?

Silent Hunter
2008-09-06, 09:18 AM
Roeman notices the gentleman's chair back turned to him. Who does he think he is, Blofeld?

He decides to start speaking.

"Hello, Mr...?"

2008-09-06, 12:45 PM
David lets the Air Force guy do the talking.

2008-09-11, 09:01 PM
Rin glares at the man. She *liked* those knives.

Silent Hunter
2008-09-25, 12:24 PM
(ooc)Er, GM?(/ooc)

Silent Hunter
2008-10-21, 03:01 PM
(OOC) Are we still doing this? (OOC)