View Full Version : [4E]Rooftops and Alleyways of Westgate

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2008-08-05, 07:27 PM
Westgate, 1379 DR
So many things changed after the death of Mystra. The Spellplague was unleashed upon the Realms causing death and destruction wherever it touched. Wizards were driven insane or worse when they attempted to use their powers. The land suffered as well, great swaths of land were rendered uninhabitable by normal beings due to shifting storms of magic transforming man and beast alike until they were indistinguishable from their original forms.

Some cities passed through the initial portion of the Spellplague realtively untouched. Westgate was one such place. There were a few instances of magical destruction during the early days but the city had never been a haven for large numbers of the magically talented (which they no longer lamented) so they were spared the worst. The largest challenge that it left was a lowering of the water level in the harbor (which was finally solved with the use of thousands of laborers dredging the harbor and creating some of the finest fruit orchards with the sludge/soil scraped from the bottom of the old harbor).

All of the positive changes in the city might not have been possible without the help of adventurers who finally broke the power of the Night Masks and their Vampire master. The vampire had begun to feed indiscriminately and create spawn who were doing the same. The merchants who controlled trade found some willing (albeit crazed) adventurers to face this self styled lord of the night and defeat him. Since that time, the guild that he lead so ruthlessly fractured into three seperate groups vying for control of the city (and her thieves).

The Three Groups:

The Night Masks. This group is made up of stalwarts of the original guild who were in good positions when the old master fell. They wish things to return to the way they were and have the best financial backing of the three groups. They are concerned with using their connections to exert control over the merchant factions in the city and using intimidation to gain that control.

The Vipers of Night. The core of this faction is made up of Assassins. It is whispered that they are in league with several dark powers (some say the goddess Shar, some think it some infernal pact). They use terror to get what they desire (which is a return to the old days where the guild ruled the city at the point of a knife in the dark).

The Hands of Mask. This group is made up of everyone that's left. From the lowest pickpocket to the master burglar. There is very little structure in this group, rather there are a few key individuals who act as contacts with a group of priests of Mask. Jobs are handed down from them for the betterment of the "guild" and "donations" are required of members. Donations are modest (10% of the "take" from a job) and are used to secure the Hands of Mask against the other two factions.

Recent News:

*Whispers in the taprooms see Cormyr wanting to consolidate their control of the Dragonmere has many in Westgate casting nervous glances to the north. The Merchant lords of the city are trying to consolidate their power after the fragmentation of the Night Masks. They have begun hiring mercenaries to bolster the defenses of the city but some see this as letting a tiger guard the sheep from the wolves.

*Sinkholes have begun opening up in the city. Some say that it has to do with the dredging of the harbor and others believe it to be old dungeons/cellars/sewers causing the collapses. At least one of these holes was large enough to swallow a house. Passageways found when the holes open have been quickly bricked up or filled in when possible “just in case”.

*Some people are missing. While this is not unusual in Westgate, it seems to be happening more often and to members of “society” rather than the typical laborers and transients. There seems to be no pattern to the kidnappings (if that’s indeed what they are) but everyone has taken notice and is more wary when traveling about the city at night.

*Refugees fleeing the (now Cormyrian) cities of Teziir and Elversult are said to be carrying most of their worldly (and expensive) possessions with them. While some have been able to find shelter with relatives living in the city, others have been forced to dwell outside the city walls in a (growing) community referred to by city dwellers as Downwind and by the refugees as simply as home. Most of these people work in the fruit orchards and farms that surround the city now that the work on the harbor is complete.

New Beginnings:

The three of you have recently been inducted into the Hands of Mask. Your contact with other members of the organization to this point has been limited (for obvious reasons) but you all share one in common. Barkeep extrordinaire, Lastel One Thumb; a flamboyant man of mixed heritage (some say 1/2 orc, 1/2 ogre, or part troll), he makes up for his fearsome appearance by being a welcoming host at the Vulgar Unicorn taproom. He treats all of his guests fairly (until they force him to do otherwise in which case he has won bets on making "former patrons" bounce off the walls of the establishment across the street).

The Vulgar Unicorn is in one of the worst parts of town still inside the city walls, this area is known as the Maze and is considered by all (including the city watch) to be unsafe during the day and downright dangerous at night. The bulk of the city's poor live in the Maze in crowded tenements which stand 3 and sometimes 4 sagging stories in height. This section of town is located between the northern docks and the outer wall of the city itself. Rumors tell of a series of tunnels that connect forgoten cellars and passageways beneath the Maze (and the rest of the city), but few care to explore for fear of running into something best left sleeping from an age gone by.

For those who recognize the names and places (Vulgar Unicorn/One Thumb/the Maze) I am using names from the Thieve's World books/suplements. Do not infer any meaning from those sources as I am just using the names for easy generation (although some might show up as NPCs if they look hard enough :smallredface: ).

Please begin by describing your character so that you may get to know each other better, you have all been gathered by your host in a "private" chamber at the 'Unicorn to discuss an upcoming job (yes, it's cliche but it gets the story started).

2008-08-05, 07:48 PM
Gan Athine (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

An elvish figure takes a seat in one of the chairs in the private room. He is clad in a worn tunic, traveling pants, leather boots, and a hooded cloak, all bearing the same deep green and amber color scheme. His skin tone and tattoos identify him as an Eladrin, and his golden-blonde hair is flecked with strands of white; signifying either age or worry. At his hip is a small knife in a leather scabbard, and he wears a traveler's backpack, each pouch of which is closed and secured by several small knotted lengths of rope. He seems to be carrying no other weaponry, aside from the knife.
He reclines in his chair and says not a word, opting instead to gaze about the room and inspect his surroundings.

2008-08-05, 08:00 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Another elf, clad in drab leathers with two knives at his belt, entered the room. His black hair and quick stride contrasted with the seated Eladrin. Nodding, he moved to take another chair. Once seated, he seemed to relax a bit. "Gildin," he said simply to the other elf.

2008-08-05, 08:31 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

Gan turns to the other elf and inclines his head.
"Gan. Gan Athine"
He then continues to look around the room.

2008-08-05, 08:41 PM

Lastel "One Thumb" Shows you his toothy grin as he sets a tray of cups and a pitcher of wine on the table. You're almost distracted from his bestial appearance by his choice of clothing (bright red pantaloons, black knee high riding boots, a purple *open to the navel* shirt, a dark green belt with gold buckle, and all topped off by a wide brimmed blue hat with a large white feather).

Welcome Gentlemen, I'm glad that you could all join me this evening. Take some time to get to know one another and I'll be back with you soon *Lastel shoots a look over his shoulder* as I can. You hear a crash as he turns to walk back into the common room.

2008-08-05, 09:00 PM
OOC Note:

Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

As the toothy barkeep leaves, Gan pours himself a small measure of the wine. He raises the cup, gives it a sniff, and then takes a small sip before placing his cup on the arm of his chair. He turns to address Gildin.
"So, where do you come from?"

2008-08-05, 09:07 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"The Dalelands originally, all over since. You?" Gildin said, pouring himself a full cup of wine.

2008-08-05, 09:17 PM
Johannes (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=59853)

A quiet rap on the door harkens the arrival of a dishevelled figure, dressed in what once would have been bright green and purple, now darkened by a coating of dirt and grime. A similar coating covers his face, through which you can barely see his green eyes sparkling.

"I hope I'm not late." He does a courtly bow, trying his best to look regal, but the grimy clothes and matted hair ruin the effect.

"Johannes," he introduces, "Johannes Factotum. But you can call me Johnny."

2008-08-05, 09:20 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Pouring a cup of wine for the newcomer, Gildin said, "Nice to meet you Johnny. I'm Gildin. This is Gan."

2008-08-05, 09:21 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

Gan nods and gives a small wave to the newcomer before giving Gildin his answer.
"Alagrond, originally. My work makes me travel a lot, so I've been all over since as well. See, I do a lot of mercenary work, and a lot of my clients like to send me all over creation to finish the job. But their money's good, usually, so I can't complain. Coming here isn't that much of a change, just means that I know for sure where my money's coming from."
He takes another small taste of the wine.
"So, what's your story? What kind of work were you in before coming here?"

2008-08-05, 09:25 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Shipping. You know, the not exactly legal kind? I move things around without getting caught. I've got a cart and mule under lock and key locally, if we need to move anything too big to carry," Gildin said. Turning to Johnny, he asked, "How about you, Johnny?"

2008-08-05, 09:43 PM

Taking the glass of wine from Gilden with a faint smile, he tips the glass at the men in the room. "Well met." He downs the wine in a mouthful.

Wiping his mouth, he takes a seat. "I used to be a bard," he responds to Gilden's question. "Then the spellweave collapsed. Who would have thought a bard get his musical aptitude from Mystra?" He pulls a broken piece of wood from his belt, turning it over in his hands. "All that's left of a past life..." His voice trails off.

After a moment he looks up at the others and smiles. "So now I do the other thing I'm good at." He pulls out a bag of coins and sets them down on his lap. As if seeing the grime on his hands for the first time, he laughs. "I think I should ask Lastel if he has any baths free."

2008-08-05, 09:53 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Yes, where did you get so... well, dirty? I don't suppose you were hiding in a sewer, or something?"
He chuckles a bit at the irony inherent in his statement, as he has been in a number of sewers in the past himself, for various reasons.

2008-08-05, 10:47 PM

"Eh, not hiding exactly. Running for my life would be more appropriate." He pours himself a glass of wine. "So there was this noble, an old friend of mine, just came into town, riding this beast of a stallion. I knew him well enough to know where he keeps his coins, but not well enough to ask him for some." He stands up and begins to act out the scene, beginning with his hand raised, plucking something from an invisible belt. "So there I was, mid-pickpocket of a man on a horse, when this kid recognises me from my past life. I turn around, not an easy thing to do while walking, pick pocketing and making small talk. So I trip, and make a grab to the closest thing I can. The nobles belt. He must have realised then what I was doing and made the horse bolt." He lurches forward, pulled by an invisible horse. "I would have let go but for fear of the horse trampling me I held on for dear life, dragged through the muddy streets. Until the belt broke. With my free hand, I grabbed the stirrup, but all that did was overbalance the saddle, causing both me and the noble to fall. So there I am, face down in the mud, when I hear this noble yelling at me to give his purse back. That's when I realised I still had the belt in my hand, purse attached. I was up like a shot and ran for the nearest sewer." He reclines in the finely upholstered chair. "Say what you like about the city planners, but the sewers are a lot easier to navigate than the Maze up here."

2008-08-05, 11:04 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Don't I know it." Gan mutters under his breath to himself.
"Quite the story, John. I'm afraid I don't have any exciting story like that to describe how I got here. Basically, I was approached by old One-Thumb. He was... shall we say, interested in my work and offered me membership with the Hands. Can't exactly refuse an offer like that, for a number of reasons, only the least of which being the good money. So, here I am."
He takes another small sip of wine.
"So, pickpocketing eh? Nice skill; should come in handy with whatever old One-Thumb wants us to do."

2008-08-06, 04:15 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"After I brought my last load into town, Lastel asked me to stick around. Didn't say why, but he made the offer worthwhile," Gildin said.

2008-08-06, 06:51 AM

The door opens and Lastel re enters the room, brushing at something clinging to his fine attire.
Well it seems that's sorted. as he pulls up a chair at the table What we would like you to do is recover an item for us, it's but a small thing less than the size of my hand which you hope is true given the size of his hands :smallwink: there's only one problem. The man who has it seems to think that someone might want to steal it and has hired gaurds to accompany him while he does his business in the city. Lastel leans back and stretches causing the chair to creak ominously. It looks as if he will be finishing his business tomorrow and taking his leave of the city by ship so you will be pressed for time to get this accomplished. He has a number of appointments about the city tomorrow so this will be you best time to try and "obtain" the item.

Now you might be asking yourself, "why would Lastel be needin' 3 fine gentlemen as ourselves to do such a thing when someone could just tap the poor man on the head and collect it easily"? Well there's more to the story than just a quick cut and run will solve so for now we want to leave him unharmed. We'll leave it up to you as to how exactly you want to do this job as long as he doesn't come to harm.

Lastel goes on with the details of the gaurds that have been hired (4 mercenaries who look like they've seen their fair share of fights) and a description of the merchant. The item that needs to be obtained is kept on his person at all times (leather pouch on his belt). The item itself is a mirror measuring 6x4 inches so it's easily hidden once you have your hands on it.

OOC: This is not a stand up fight. You will need to come up with a plan to get the item away from the merchant without causing him unnecessary harm. Payment will consist of 100 GP each on completion of the mission (at which time you will turn the item over to Lastel for verification). The majority of his appointments will take place in the open market area of the city (south of the Maze but between the docks and a residential area) and tomorrow is a shopping day for the city (lots of traffic). Plan wisely and then I will give you a breakdown of the skill check required to pull it off (which we will then RP our way through one step at a time).

Hope this is what you've signed up for because you've all impressed me already with your introductions.

You can use the room for the rest of the evening if you need to to get your plan in order, just call to one of my gehls if you need more wine. And you fine sir looking pointedly at Johnny may want to step out back and utilize the rain barrel, just ask Conor at the bar for a bar of soap. You now know what it would look like for a troll to wrinkle his nose. A good night to you all and good hunting tomorrow.

2008-08-06, 03:39 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

Gan ponders the job for a moment and then speaks up to his new comrades.
"Well, let's see. If our mark is going to be in the Market on a shopping day, then the place is going to be very crowded, which is good for us. I figure if we can get close to him, Johnny can filch the pouch with the mirror and we can slip back into the crowd."
He sits back and ponders another point.
"Meanwhile, we may need a distraction to break his guards' vigil. I can do something about that."
Gan punctuates his last sentence by gathering some of his fey power to his fingertip, causing it to glow with multiple colors.
"We only need to avoid harming the merchant, yes?"

2008-08-06, 05:52 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Well, distraction-wise, an overturned dung cart is tough to beat. I think I could arrange such a thing without too much damage to my cart or my mule," Gildin offered.

2008-08-06, 06:12 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Good idea, less risky, and harder to trace as a distraction rather then a random occurrance. But what about the, well, the dung? Please don't tell me you just happen to have a cart's worth of dung on hand."

2008-08-06, 06:38 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"I don't, but I'm sure the stable keeping my mule does. And they might even pay me to cart it away," Gildin said with a grin.

2008-08-06, 07:02 PM
OOC-It is highly likely that you would be able to obtain a cartful of dung without much difficulty. I wouldn't say that they'd pay you to cart it off (fertilizer?) but the stableboys wouldn't mind some help mucking the stalls.

Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"I don't, but I'm sure the stable keeping my mule does. And they might even pay me to cart it away," Gildin said with a grin.

2008-08-06, 07:02 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Clever. How will we go about overturning the cart? And how might I aid in our job? Perhaps I can keep an eye on our mark, and prepare in case a fight breaks out?"

2008-08-06, 08:35 PM

"Thankyou Lastel, I shall." With that Johnny disappears out the door. When he comes back a half hour later, the muck and grime is gone and you can now see, well, pretty much all of him, a small towel the only thing covering him up. "I hope you don't mind," acknowledging the 'skirt,' "I gave a few coppers to a kid to clean my armour while we planned." He sits back down in the chair, a relaxed sigh coming from deep in his lungs. "So what's the plan?"

"Hmm, the distraction is a good idea. Exactly how will it be used?" He rubs his chin thoughtfully. "My plan was to have someone try and pick pocket the guards first, planning to fail, and getting them chase you. With them out of the way, getting the mirror would be as simple as nicking a nobles purse." He pauses, then laughs, "Well, hopefully easier this time. But that does seem pretty risky, not assured the guards would fall for it, or if they'd all chase you. In any case, I know a decent escape route." He flashes a smile.

"If you like, I can distract the noble, start a talk with him, plant ideas. Get him to tell the guards what we want. Then when the guards are busy, I take the purse."

2008-08-06, 09:00 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Hmm", Gan says.
"That is indeed a possibility. However, there may be complications. We do not know much about this merchant, but what we do know is this: This man is either quite cautious, or paranoid. This mirror is obviously worth a lot to him, or he would not have hired guards to protect it. If he is just cautious, then it may indeed be possible to trick him into letting his guard down, especially if one of use approaches him in the guise of a customer. We may be able to trick him into dismissing the guards if we act both interested in his wares but turned off by the presence of his guards. He may be interested enough by the thought of a sale that he will let his guard down. However, if he is paranoid, he will be more interested in completing his business and leaving the city without taking any chances with his precious mirror. In which case it may not be so easy to trick him into dismissing his guards, and he may get suspicious if a random passerby starts asking questions."
He sits back and gives it more thought.
"We will most likely have to speak with old One-Thumb about just how cautious this merchant is. We should be able to combine the two plans we have here. Johnny, you can approach the merchant, while wearing my cloak, and ask him to see his wares, hopefully getting close to find the pouch. Meanwhile, I will be watching you, and Gildin can be driving his cart. Once you get close enough to the merchant, I will give a signal to Gildin, who will topple his cart. The spectacle should cause some of the crowd to react, hopefully distracting the merchant. At which time you, Jhonny, can filch his pouch and slip in among the crowd, disposing of or hiding my cloak as you do so. Then you can either blend in with the crowd and act normal, or head to your sewer escape. How does that sound? We will probably have to get more information from Lastel about what this merchant will be selling, if anything, but if all goes well, it should work. We just need to avoid a confrontation with those guards of his."

((OOC: Wow, that's a lot of text, sorry about that. It just came to me. Should I be using a easier-to-read color then sienna?))

2008-08-06, 09:10 PM

"A good plan, though I don't know how inconspicuous I can look in my armour. If you had seen it without all the mud on it, it really does stand out. I don't think I will need your cloak until after I make the cut. I find people are better disposed to you if you don't look all 'dark and mysterious.'"

OOC: I noticed Johnny no longer qualifies for the "jack of all trades" feat (he did, when I wanted to MC to wizard) so I took skill focus: thievery instead. Hope no-one minds.

2008-08-06, 09:19 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Good point. I can keep my cloak on hand until I see you cut, and I will then leave it behind for you as you run toward my position and attempt to blend with the crowd myself. We just need to make it easier for you to avoid notice after running."
"The only potential problem with this is the fact that we don't know what exactly the merchant's business is. If he is not actually selling to the public that day; which is a strange idea on an open market day to be sure, then we will just look suspicious if we ask to see his wares. Also, even if the merchant is distracted by the cart, we still won't be able to steal the mirror safely if we can't get the guards to stop watching. So, we need to know two things: if and what the merchant is selling that day, and a way to get him to dismiss his guards, even if only for the time of the sale."

2008-08-06, 09:52 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Well, the cart could tip onto at least a couple of guards. That might get him to dismiss them. I figure a 'worn strap' on the harness could come apart as I'm driving near them with an 'overloaded' cart and a spooked mule. At the very least, the other two might be preoccupied making fun of their comrades for a moment or two," Gildin offered.

2008-08-06, 10:05 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"That sound about perfect. That'll either get the merchant to dismiss his entorage, or the toppling cart could give Johnny the distraction he'll need to grab the mirror. We won't need to hold the man's attention for too long, just enough time to topple the cart while Johnny gets into position. I'll keep a watch on the situation from a few meters away, and Gilden, you should act normal, and not leave until you patch up your cart after the 'accident'. That is, of course, unless they catch on to you, in which case, run. Also, if we need to, I have a trick or two to help us escape if they catch on and give chase."
"How will you make the cart topple at the proper time? I could help by snapping the strap from afar if that's what you need; but you probably have a less conspicuous method in mind."

2008-08-06, 10:14 PM

Johnny laughs heartily at the thought of the guards covered in manure. "If I will be approaching the merchant as a buyer, I would rather hang around rather than run off, to buy more time. Perhaps I could hand off the cut purse to Gan, who would also 'relieve' me of my purse. That way if he suspects you, Gilden, of having something to do with it, I can play victim and drag you off to the guards."

2008-08-06, 10:34 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"So, let me run through this again, just to be sure. When we identify the merchant, Johnny is going to approach him while acting like a buyer. Meanwhile, Gilden will approach with his cart and i will hang back in the crowd, watching the proceedings. Once Johnny gets close enough to the merchant himself, Gilden will 'lose control' of the cart and dump the cargo on top of the guards. In the ensuing confusion, Johnny will filch the merchant's purse, and I will 'steal' both the mirror-pouch and Johnny's wallet from Johnny, and escape into the crowd. While I make for an escape route, probably Johnny's sewer passage, Gilden and Johnny will play the part of innocent cart-driver and victim of theft, respectively. Johnny will try to implicate Gilden, which should lead to the merchant wasting precious time by searching Gilden, and finding nothing on either of you. Meanwhile, I will be making my way back to the Unicorn to deliver the mirror to old One-Thumb and then wait for the two of you there. I will then return to the scene to look for you if you do not return after a while.
Is all of it? I like it. It sounds like a solid plan to me. Definitely plays to my strengths."

2008-08-06, 10:59 PM
Johnny (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=59853)

"Sounds good, but maybe we should go over some contingencies. After today's, upset, what happens if I can't filch the purse? Or worse, get caught?"

2008-08-06, 11:20 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Right. Well, let's see."
Gan takes another sip of his wine as he thinks.
"Well, if you fail to get the purse, but aren't caught, then we could continue the plan, I would simply have to jump in and grab the purses; I am not the best when it comes to actual pickpocketing, but I will try if I have to. If that happens, you could try to throw suspicion off yourself by pointing out me or trying to implicate Gilden like we discussed before. If that doesn't work, then you can just run."
He takes one more sip before continuing, making sure to choose his next words quite carefully.
"Now, if things really go to seed and the guards figure out what you are trying, then I have a last resort trick that I can use only once in this little endeavor. See, I know a... spell that creates a field of darkness that only I can see through. I want to try and save it for an emergency, like getting caught, or during my escape, but if I need to, I can use this spell to blind the merchant and any guards around me. While I have that opportunity, I can cut the purse while he's blinded, grab you, and then we make a mad dash for a hiding place. If I remember the timing of that spell correctly, it should give me enough time to cut the purse and make some ground before they know what's going on. The best-case scenario from this contingency is that they will not move out of the zone before the darkness dissipates, about twelve seconds, but at the least we will have a few meters on them, even if they do stumble out before it's done. Meanwhile, Gilden should react like any of the citizenry would, and panic, or something."
Gilden takes another sip, draining the little wine he put into his cup to start with.
"Of course, those are only ideas that use my abilities. I need to know your ideas for contingencies."

2008-08-07, 05:15 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"I'm pretty sure I can get my mule to rear without it being too obvious as to why. And Gan's help with the strap once it does rear will make it that much less obvious when the watch comes round to have a look. I fully expect to be an 'innocent victim' here, and I will be genuinely unhappy about having to clean up the mess, so there won't even be any deceit there," Gildin said. "I suppose I'll need a shovel to complete the 'disguise'," he added.

Just one more thing missing from the 4E equipment list... :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-07, 06:13 AM

"Well that spell sure would come in handy if it all goes sour. If it does, I'll give the signal and you can intervene. And I'm sure the stable hands would let you borrow a shovel, Gilden."

2008-08-07, 06:42 AM
OOC- Even better than I'd hoped for in a plan. I have to admit I almost sprayed my keyboard with tea while reading the dung cart posts. OK back to business.

Lastel had more information for you that I didn't get typed into the last post. The merchants name is Eliab and he sells rugs and tapestries. He's here showing some samples of his wares to other buyers in hopes of expanding his business (which is based in Sembia-merchant controlled country to the northeast of Westgate).

To pull this off we are going to run two seperate skill challenges. The first will be to distract and get into position (primare skills: Streetwise and Bluff, secondary skill: Diplomacy). The second challenge involves getting the pouch and making your escape (primary skills: Thievery and Streetwise, secondary skills: Athletics and Endurance). I'm going to be trying something a bit different than is layed out in the books for skill challenges so bear with me on this.

Challenge 1: 4 successes before 3 failures
DC 20

Streetwise or Bluff check from Gilden (knowing where and when the best time is to topple the cart).

Streetwise or Bluff check from Johnny (to move into position while the distraction is taking place)

Streetwise or Bluff check from Gan (to move into position to "steal" from Johnny)

Streetwise or Bluff check from Gilden (to hold the attention of the guards while everyone else prepares to challenge 2).

Challenge 2: 5 successes before 3 failures
DC20 (edited)

Thievery check from Johnny (to get the pouch)

Thievery check (from Gan to get Johnny's pouch (+5 to this part since he's willing to hand off) and Eliab's)

Streetwise check from Gan (to move along the appointed escape route successfully (i.e. not being blocked by the guards, etc))

Bluff or Diplomacy check from Johnny (slow down pursuit while "screaming" for help that he's been robbed)

Bluff or Diplomacy check from Gildin (to keep himself out of the situation as an innocent bystander who just happens to have some bad luck and a shovel).

Checks should be rolled using the onsite dice roller, the better the description of your actions the better the chances of there being some second chances (so far you've all done a great job of presenting your ideas so I dont think this will be an issue). While we don't want to write a book for each action, a paragrah describing the scene gets you +1 on your check roll :smallwink:

We can advance into the next day at the market when you're ready to start your actions. Good luck!

2008-08-07, 07:21 AM

Stretching himself out, Johnny yawns loudly. "I guess we should turn in, we need an early start if we want to get all this done tomorrow." With that he wanders out to go to bed, but not before collecting his clean armour.

OOC: Not sure how much it cost to clean armour, so Johnny just hands over a few (5) coppers.

2008-08-07, 07:36 AM
OOC-I will be editing the above post with the skill challenge information. Challenge 2 has a DC of 20 as well (was crunching chance of success on the way to work and realized that things were not going to go your way).

2008-08-07, 10:10 AM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"All right. Then it's settled."
Gan stands up and stretches a little.
"Once we get the cart loaded, I can cut on of the straps a little to make it easier to topple once we're there. Unless you have another idea of how I can help topple it."
He yawns.
"In any case, I think Johnny's right. We need to get some sleep if we're gonna be ready to do this. See you in the morning."
With that, he heads off to find his bed.

2008-08-07, 07:24 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"The only other thing I might suggest is if Johnny wants to look a little less conspicuous, I'm sure helping me load the cart will soil him sufficiently," Gildin said, smirking. "It'll be a long day tomorrow, but I see no reason not to finish the bottle Lastel gave us first. Besides, a good hangover will make me properly surly in the morning," he added.

And Gildin WAS surly in the morning. From buying a shovel with a pounding headache, to loading his cart, to driving it out into traffic, he was in a right foul mood. 'The things I do for money,' he thought to himself. Plunging into the market in a way that appeared to be the shortest to the gate, he behaved like any other dung cart driver. Well, any other hungover dung cart driver. Spying their targets, he angled slightly to "get around" a blocking wagon, and made sure to get his mule too close to the horses drawing it. The surly beast took a disliking to the wagon team, and there was a bit of a commotion, ending with the mule rearing unexpectedly. A strap on the harness broke, and dumped Gildin, cursing all the way to the ground, and the cart's load onto two unsuspecting bystanders.

Using Bluff (+7, or +8?). Not exactly sure how I should go about rolling here. Just roll a bunch of d20's? I'll roll once to start...

2008-08-07, 07:49 PM

After a good night's rest, Johnny seems absolutely jovial. Compared to Gilden at least. Stepping out of his room in his now clean armour, you would be hard pressed to recognise him as the filth covered street urchin you met yesterday.
"Come on, let's get this show on the road." He slaps Gilden on the back. "And don't for a second think I'll be getting myself soiled today."

Heading out into the streets, he begins to ask the local merchants about Eliab, who he was, what he sells and who he had appointments with.

Streetwise [roll0]

2008-08-07, 08:02 PM

After not very long, a merchant points Eliab out in the crowd. Taking a deep breath, Johnny walks casually over. "Come on, you can do this."

"Hail, you are Eliab, right? Donor told me you were in town today." He shakes the merchants hand firmly. "I heard you are interesting in expanding your business in Westgate. You have a fine reputation, and I'd be very interested in investing." Walking past a fruit stand, Johnny pulls out his purse and buys an apple, making sure that Eliab notices the clinkering of coins inside.

Bluff: [roll0]
Ow, thats a huge fail...

2008-08-07, 08:20 PM
Well, we're two for one at this point... What now?

2008-08-07, 08:42 PM
The two guards trailing Eliab close in a bit more tightly as Johnny approaches eyeing him warily until Eliab holds up a hand for them to hold back. Pausing as he does he isn't watching when the commotion begins ahead of him, a rearing mule dumping a cart filled with manure and it's driver onto the guards who were walking in front of him.

How would one describe being nearly critted with poo?

The two soiled guards try to avoid the spilling manure but only become entangled in the driver, falling prone as their legs get twisted up as he roles back towards them. Eliab steps back from the disaster, his attention drawn toward the falling guards and the gathering crowd who begins to point and laugh at the spectacle before them. The remaining two guards step forward gingerly to help their comrades get up.

d20+1 , d20+1 vs a DC of 20 to avoid getting mixed in with the cursing thrashing pair of guards and Gildin/

crap, I'm having a brain cramp on the die roller thing...help?

check to get in close again Jokes, so far we are at 2 successes and 1 failure so you're halfway done with the first challenge

2008-08-07, 08:48 PM

Gauging Eliab's suspicion, Johnny gives in a mock concession. "You are right, sir, I'm not interested in investing. Donor is interested in buying direct from you, rather than through some of the overpriced merchants here."

Bluff: [roll0]

edit: huge sigh of relief

At that moment, the cart tips over, and Johnny seizes the moment to grab the purse.

Thievery: [roll1]
edit: now we just need Gan to pass his check to be in position.
Don't put spaces between the roll and the die.

2008-08-07, 08:52 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Ahhh! Get off my hand, you blasted oaf!" Gildin screamed as he pried up a guard's foot in a subtle attempt to dump the man into the mess.

And don't forget the leading 1 (e.g. 1d20+1).

2008-08-07, 08:59 PM
long day at work will do that to you, thanks.
[roll0] guard 1 to get up
[roll1] guard 2 to get up
[roll2] guard 3 to avoid being dragged down by Gildin
[roll3] guard 4 to stay clean :smallbiggrin:
DC 20

Eliab's eyes widen as he sees his guards being drawn away paying more attention to what's happening than to his possessions as your deftly remove his pouch when he backs into you. He begins to add his voice to the rising din of the crowd.

You idiots, what's wrong with you lot. I hired you to protect me not roll around in filth!

OOC-Three of the guards are down and the fourth is marked (who says a Rogue can't mark targets, lol) and we are at 3 successes and 1 failure. One more to go to finish this part off.

2008-08-08, 10:04 AM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

As the distraction takes place, Gan makes his way through the crowd. His cloak has been reversed, showing a more subdued black and brown color scheme. While hiding his knife in the folds of his sleeve, he attempts to act like any of the crowd.

"Excuse me."
"Pardon me."
"Would you please move?"

As he makes his way closer to Eliab.

Bluff check to act like a normal person in the crowd. [roll0]


2008-08-08, 05:39 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

His aim achieved, Gildin held his "wounded" hand and slowly set about trying to extricate himself from the mess and begin cleaning it up. His bloodshot eyes contrasted with his now filthy face in a miserable moue.
"Blasted mule! I should make you into boots and griffon fodder! It's all you're good for, you mangy excuse for a beast!"

I think the next two actions are Gan's again, since Johnny already relieved the target of his pouch:
Challenge 2: 5 successes before 3 failures
DC20 (edited)

Thievery check from Johnny (to get the pouch)

Thievery check (from Gan to get Johnny's pouch (+5 to this part since he's willing to hand off) and Eliab's)

Streetwise check from Gan (to move along the appointed escape route successfully (i.e. not being blocked by the guards, etc))

Bluff or Diplomacy check from Johnny (slow down pursuit while "screaming" for help that he's been robbed)

Bluff or Diplomacy check from Gildin (to keep himself out of the situation as an innocent bystander who just happens to have some bad luck and a shovel).
The above is just flavor and set up for Gildin's eventual bluff check.

2008-08-08, 05:46 PM
OOC-I think we missed a step but all's well. We are holding on for Gan to make the pick pocket (at +5) from Johnny and to begin the escape.

2008-08-08, 05:56 PM
Please forgive my confusion. There are no guards yet, and Johnny already nabbed the pouch... I thought we had moved into Challenge 2... :smallredface:

2008-08-08, 06:03 PM
I moved on to challenge 2 because we only needed Gan to pass his check (which he had 2 shots at) and also in case I wasn't around at the time

2008-08-08, 06:52 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

As he moves into position Gan sees that he has arrived just in time. As Johnny deftly swipes the pouch from Eliab right under the noses of the... buried guards, Gan draws his knife from his robes and makes his move. He slips the knife in under the cord holding Johnny's purse and makes to cut it. At the same time, he moves his hand toward Johnny's, where Eliab's pouch hangs waiting for him.

Thievery check to "steal" Johnny's purse and Eliab's pouch: [roll0] (+9 right? +2 for DEX, +2 for JOAT, +5 for a wiling "mark"

D'arvit! And that's a failure by more then 5 (just barely) so... Johnny notices me?
Uhh, what exactly happens now?

2008-08-08, 09:00 PM
As Gan moves into take both pouches he takes a wrong step, slipping on some of the spilled ofal he misses his first attempt at taking Johnny's pouch.

You may take another attempt at getting the pouch or just take the target purse and run but you will not give Johnny a plausible story for standing in the middle of all this. If you make another attempt and fail you will be seen by Eliab.

The guards get another attempt at extracating themselves from the poo pile of doomish doom (DC 15):
guard1 [roll0] to get up
guard2 [roll1] to get up
guard3 [roll2] to get up
guard4 [roll3] to help one of the others up (guard1)

What are you doing driving such a death trap!!? Look at what you've done! he gestures to his uniform, now soiled almost beyond recognition You shall be paying for the cleaning fool!

2008-08-08, 09:09 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

Muttering a small curse under his breath, Gan attempts to grab the items a second time. As he makes for the purses, he makes a mental note to thank Gildin for the distraction, and to blame his first failure on the stuff.

Second Thievery check to steal the purses: [roll0]

<Massive curse word that happens to be perfectly appropriate with the distraction>!!!

((so, should I just move onto just grabbing the purses, or should I wait for Eliab's reaction?))

2008-08-08, 09:44 PM

THIEF!!!!!! he lurches back from you and points directly at you as he reaches down and realizes that his pouch is missing STOP HIM!!!!!

You will now need to roll a streetwise check to begin your getaway as the guards and the passersby now know that something is afoot

The guards turn to look while this is happening. The two that are standing begin to move toward Gan while the two that are down redouble their efforts to get up.

2008-08-08, 09:47 PM

As Johnny anxiously waits for Gan to pick the purse, he feels the attempt go wrong and the purse falls to the ground. Thinking quick, he grabs Gan by the scruff of his collar and brings his face close to his.

"What's this? A little thief? Boy you are going to regret you ever stole from me." He leans in close and whispers in Gan's ear. "If you have that spell you mentioned, now would be a good time for it." He pauses and takes a deep breath. "If you want to make it look good, I suggest you fight your way from me."

Might I recommend a swift kick to the janglies?

2008-08-08, 10:02 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Bad move, friend" Gan says, dropping his voice several octaves as he does so.
Without hesitation, he knees Johnny in the fork of the legs. After leaving the guards with this potent image, he just as swiftly robs them of their sight. With a flick of the wrist, he invokes a cloud of darkness that surrounds him on all sides. Under the cover of darkness, he cuts Johnny's purse and grabs Eliab's fallen pouch. He then prepares himself for a swift escape.

First of all, I'm kneeing Johnny in the lugnuts. If you wish to make this an attack, then here's the Unarmed Attack rolls. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Then, I'm taking a Minor Action to invoke the Drow racial power Cloud of Darkness. Everything within close burst 1 of me is blinded, except me, and nothing can see into the cloud.
Under the cover of darkness, I grab the pouch and swipe Johnny's purse, as a minor or move action (whichever is applicable), now that I don't need to worry about being unnoticed.
I believe everyone else gets a turn now before I can begin my escape.

Edit: OUCH! Natural 20 to the crotch! Um, that means I do 3 damage to Johnny instead of 0.

2008-08-08, 10:12 PM

The world goes white for a moment before it goes very black. Letting go of Gan he moves his hands to his aching groin. He drops to his knees, then finally curls up in the foetal position.

No bluff check here

2008-08-08, 10:17 PM

You are able to make your way to the edge of the crowd before the guards are able to react.

Now we begin the checks for your getaway, streetwise from you and a bluff or diplomacy check from Gildin and Johnny to slow pursuit

2008-08-08, 10:24 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

Gan thanks the gods for his Drow heritage as he weaves in among the crowd. He wastes no time for words, choosing instead to gently shove past and squeeze through obstructions. He focuses his mind as he tries to make his way to the escape route, hoping that he remembered the town well enough to get there without incident.

Streetwise check to find the escape route [roll0]

OK. The dice are starting to roll in my favor again.
Why is it that I failed badly at two Thievery checks, and then roll a Natural 20 when I'm hitting someone in the crotch? I think this dice-roller has a warped sense of humor.

2008-08-08, 10:37 PM

As the darkness begins to fade, Johnny slowly begins to rise, a pile of trying to avoid the pile of vomit next to him. He wipes a tear from his eye. "Would the owner of the horse that just kicked me in the balls please put that beast down?" He looks around on the ground for his purse. "Dammit, that little thief." He looks over at Gilden, his eyes now alight with fury. "You..." He stumbles over to the cart, pushing the guards as he goes, hoping to catch one off balance. "You had something to do with this didn't you?" With that he grabs Gilden and slams him into the steaming pile of manure and begins wrestling the man, pulling his punches while attempting to trip any guards that are too close.

Bluff: [roll0]

2008-08-08, 11:08 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin, with true surprise written on his already filthy face protested: "What?? Ah!" He fell back trying to defend himself, protesting his innocence the whole time:
"I'm just a dung carter!"
"It must've been that wizard!"
"Foul magic!"
::Take a hit::
::scramble away::

Going for diplomacy this time, since "It must've been that wizard" is TRUE! :smallbiggrin: : [roll0]

So, Johnny is unconvincing with the line that I had something to do with it, and I'm unsympathetic in my plea for help, right? :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-08, 11:29 PM
Right now the best I'm hoping for is to be covered in too much crap to be recognisable. It seems to be a common tactic for Johnny

2008-08-09, 06:18 AM
The first two guards collect themselves and begin a smelly and bewildered search for Gan while Eliab fumes over the loss of his property. Everyone seems to be forgetting Johnny and Gildin while they try to sort each other out in a messy style.
DC 20+2 (2 round head start)check for the guards trying to catch up with Gan

Gan makes his way through the crowds, confident that he has left his pursuit far behind *or at least occupied enough so that they aren't trying to hard to find him* as he fades into the surrounding throngs.

Eliab continues to berate his remaining guards for their incompetence.
Insight check from Eliab (DC20+3 for your acting skills) to put 2 and 2 together

2008-08-09, 06:24 AM
The crowd begins to seperate the two remaining groups, leaving you plenty of time to get away without being noticed.

Gan catches a glimpse of the guards as he ducks down an alley but the continue past, seemingly oblivious to his presence.

The three of you are able to rendezvous back at the Vulgar Unicorn (hopefully a bit cleaned off) after returning the mule, cart, and remaining ofal to the paddock.

Lastel nods to each of you as you enter and shows you to a table in the rear of the tavern (not a seperate room). Once you have all made it back he beckons you to follow him to the seperate room that you had used before.

2008-08-09, 06:28 AM

Johnny again enters the room wearing nothing but a towel. Sitting down, he produces a bag of ice (cooked up by a wizard friend of his) and sits it on his groin. "Honestly Gan, did you have to kick me that hard. I thought I felt them hit my throat."

2008-08-09, 06:35 AM
Honestly Johnny, I do believe I detect a change in your voice Lastel grins as he places three small bags on the table. It seems as if your ability to plan has exceeded my expectations I shall try to offer you more challenging jobs in the future.

Once you've rested, I do have another job in mind for you though. This one might not be so fragrant but should allow you to use your skills that you've shown off so far. He also places a small note, sealed with wax (the image of Mask is stamped into the wax) with the bags on the table. Now I'll need to be collecting that mirror so that I can get back to work lads.

2008-08-09, 07:47 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin came in as clean as soap and scrubbing could make him. He'd delivered the cart load of dung to a farmer outside of town to shore up his alibi, and returned his mule and cart (with a repaired harness) to the paddock.

"Oh, you were serious about that? That explains the change in plan, then. You caught me totally off guard there, Johnny. For a minute, I thought you were really going to beat the crap out of me," Gildin said with a rueful smile.

When Lastel dropped the pouches on the table, Gildin cheerfully grabbed one and weighed it in his hand. He decided to count it out after Lastel had left. After what he had just been through, he had to be certain it was all there.

After Gan hands over the mirror and Lastel leaves:
In the midst of his counting (and recounting), Gildin looked up to ask, "So what's the note say?"

2008-08-09, 09:33 AM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"Sorry Johnny," Gan says sincerely "It was spur-of-the-moment, and you must admit, it made things quite convincing."
At Lastel's request, Gan reaches into his robes and pulls out two pouches. He gives one a shake and hears coins rattling inside. He hands it back to Johnny. The other pouch he hands over to Lastel, after feeling the shape of the object inside. Satisfied that it is the mirror indeed, he gives the pouch to Lastel and helps himself to one of the bags of gold.

After hearing Gildin's question, he stops his own counting and says: "Good question. Should we open it, sir?" He says, directing his question at Lastel.

2008-08-09, 11:57 AM

Inside the envelope is an adress and a name, Madame Lilith. Long time residents of the Maze will recgonize her as the owner/operator of the Slippery Lilly. The Slippery Lilly is a brothel located in the Maze, it's noted for its low rates and less than appealing decor.

You go to that address and ask for her, she'll fill you in on the rest of the details. You might want to think of it as a working vacation he snickers as he shakes his head but just make sure you don't leave there with more than you come in with, if you catch my meaning.

treasure gained from the mission is 100GP each and the xp award is 200 each.

2008-08-09, 12:10 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Is there a time limit on this job? I could use about a day soaking in a hot bath to get the smell off me and my gear," Gildin said. Considering for a moment, he added, "Do they provide baths at this place? I've never been there..."

8 INT in action! Drift? Lastel had a drift?

2008-08-09, 01:28 PM
Chuckling, Oh yes, baths and much more... Lastel shakes his head. As long as you see her before sundown tomorrow she should be able to steer you in the right direction. Anytime beyond that I doubt will be helpful to you.

2008-08-09, 04:55 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Good. So what's it going to be guys? Bath here and see Lily tomorrow, or bath there, and we see her tonight?" Gildin asked.

2008-08-09, 08:12 PM

"Well, I was going to take a bath after the meeting, but I'm sure the boy that has my armour would be done cleaning it soon." He grabs one of the bags from the table and jingles the coins. "Hmm, maybe I should keep a spare set on hand..." He chuckles, "Heh, I actually plan on getting dirty this mission."

Anytime is good for Johnny

2008-08-09, 09:10 PM
You can find the Slippery Lily easily enough, its reputation precedss it unlike any other business in the Maze. Madame Lilith has a reputation for granting her customers wishes, whispers speak of perverse depravity that goes on in the basements of the Lily. More ominous whispers speak of her customers disapearing if they attempt to take liberties that she does not allow.

2008-08-09, 09:11 PM
The Slippery Lily, not the place someone would go if there were other options within their grasp. Like most buildings in the Maze, the Lily has seen much better times. The paint is faded where it isn’t peeling away from the stucco, its slate roof has quite a few missing tiles and there are weeds growing in the cracks between the cobblestones that make up the (short) walkway through the yard. A rusted wrought iron fence surrounds the property some of its points have been broken off. A large man blocks the doorway, a huge curved sword at his belt. He turns his beady eyes on you and mutters You’re expected, please go in.
Upon entering, you can see what a well appointed greeting chamber this once was. The divans are patched, stuffing trying to escape from the fabric covering the cushions. The once plush carpets have worn spots where there is regular traffic and there is a patina of smoke and incense on the lamps and furniture. The smell of cheap perfume pervades the room with its cloying scent.
A woman enters the room, looks you up and down in a way that makes you more than a little uncomfortable. Her dark eyes fix on each of yours in turn as she finishes her silent inspections.
Welcome gentle sirs, please do come with me Madame Lilith purrs as she turns to lead you to her offices. I hadn't expected you so soon or I would have been more prepared. Lilith moves across the room and behind her desk, motioning for you to close the door behind you. Pay no attention to them, she waves her hand idly to the figures standing in the corners of the room, a closer look in the dim light shows what appears to be a corpse standing in each corner of the room sometimes it's safer to have guards who can't speak.

She smiles sweetly and motions towards the chairs in front of her desk Please, sit and relax while we discuss business. The work that we have for you requires some discretion on your part. There's a business dealing in progress and we need you to keep watch on one of the groups involved. We wish to learn as much as we can about what they are doing, who they are, and anything else you can learn about them. Lastel speaks highly of your ability to think on your feet, and more importantly react quickly if things don't go as planed.

Watching them will comprise most of what you are asked to do but developing contacts who can help you will keep your work easier. How you do that is up to you but I would suggest subtlty in your requests for information from non-guild assets. The group you will be following calls itself Falcon's Shield, they're treasure hunters (adventurers if you will) and we would like to know what they are being hired to do. This might take some time as we know that they are seeking a sponsor but not the full reason why (we can assume that they need funding for an expedition and it must be considerable for them to seek assistance). They have taken up residence at The Paddling Duck tavern and hostel and have been seen in the presence of a merchant who goes by the name of Sun Tao who might or might not have ties to Thay. She pauses to spit after saying the name giving you the distinct impression that she is not a fan of that particular realm or it's envoys.

There's an inn located across the street from The Paddling Duck that might work as a base of operations for you, it's name is Amoli's House (a converted manor, strictly an inn and not a tavern or eatery). So what sort of questions do you have for me?

2008-08-09, 11:17 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"When exactly did you need us to get on these guys? I at least need a long hot bath after our last job. And someone to scrub my leathers down thoroughly with soap," Gildin asked.

If Lilly wants to throw Gildin's business at Amoli's, he's perfectly fine with that. On the way to Amoli's he'll stop by the stable and hire a boy to thoroughly scrub out his cart (and the shovel) as well. Adventurers might just require some assistance in hauling their loot, and they won't want to hire a smelly dung cart.

2008-08-10, 12:06 AM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"What sort of people comprise this group? Do we know anything about their motivations, who they take in, or their level of strength?"
"Also, do you have any spare sets of clothing? I think I may need a new outfit after that last job. Perhaps some makeup to further disguise myself. Just a precaution, you understand."

I don't want Eliab or his boys identifying me later, especially not if he sees me with the other two.

2008-08-10, 02:59 AM

"Is there any reason why we can't just ask them?" He leans forward to the desk. "Do you have any parchment?"

2008-08-10, 06:54 AM
Composition of the group:

Marigold Falconshield, Human F, Ranger
Willem “Billy the Mole” Human M, Rogue
Quag Myzrym ˝ Elf M, Wizard
Daxus Human M, Fighter
Balustrus Dwarf M, Fighter
Sashana Ouijen Human F, Cleric (Tymora)

Your expenses are your own in this. The payment will be 75 GP each per week of surveillance. We do not have an agreement with Amoli and therefore your room expenses will not be covered (however they have no rules against sharing a room (the cost is 3GP per night)).

Yes I have a piece of parchment but they have been approached more or less directly and have declined to comment on what it is they're after. They have however been spotted in the college district (where most of the cities noted sages and historians live and work). Whatever it is they're researching, it's old.

2008-08-10, 07:27 AM

"Oh, I have no intention of approaching them." He begins writing on the parchment. "You say they are looking for a sponsor." He reads the paper aloud.

"Wanted- Adventurers for dangerous mission.
Excellent pay, previous experience preferred.
Forward all enquires to John Fact, Amoli Inn."

"We get them to come to us. We set up an 'interview' and try and coax some information from them." He nods to Gan and Gilden. "Alongside a rigrous investigation of course."

2008-08-10, 07:31 AM
Your plan has merit, I wish you luck in it. She considers you a bit longer before looking back to the others, you get a shivering sensation along your back while under her stare.

2008-08-10, 07:48 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"I like that plan. We might also want to try to get a room at the Duck, say, one next door to one of theirs. And at least one of us should become a regular at the Duck. Hopefully they won't be too easy to figure out. I like the sound of 25 gold a week to watch 'em," Gildin said.

While at the stable, Gildin will also ask about carting jobs. Legitimate cover is better than making a story up out of whole cloth, and taking a job or two a week shouldn't interfere with the surveillance operation. Maybe I can even get my Teamster's Union card... :smallbiggrin:
Thinking about it, how close is the stable to the Duck/Amoli's? Perhaps I should move after the cart's cleaned out...

2008-08-10, 08:25 AM

"I will stay at the Amoli, but I will frequent the Duck."

OOC: Damn, I'm having a hard time roleplaying 'less than average' intelligence with Johnny... At the moment I'm putting it down to him being a Troper, kinda like Elan.

Also is it 75 gold each or between us?

2008-08-10, 12:07 PM
75 GP each per week. Cost of lodging at The Paddling Duck is slightly higher (5GP/night) since there are more services offered there. Meals and drink are of good quality (2GP/day for food and moderate amounts of drink with meals) making it a popular place to stay for travelers.

Stables fees would be 3 GP/week but the stable is guarded and the mule will have plenty to eat. Finding cart related work on this side of the city might be a bit of a stretch ).

2008-08-10, 11:22 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

"The plan sounds good to me. I'll stay in the Amoli and prepare for this 'interview'. We will need to wait a few days, of course, so that we can learn a bit more about them from what Johnny picks up."
"I may need some new clothes for a proper disguise. Do you know of any stores where I might find something of the kind, madame? Perhaps some makeup as well."
He directs this last question at Madame Lilith.

2008-08-11, 05:58 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"I suppose that leaves me the Duck. Maybe you guys could share a room, and we could split the costs? Four for me, two each for you guys?" Gildin asked.

2008-08-11, 06:32 AM
Mama Becho runs a small store that specializes in different makeups and exotic perfumes. While her prices are high, her wares are quite worth it. As far as clothing goes, depending on what you desire you should check the Bazaar first. There are many who sell clothing there (some slightly used if you're looking for bargains, just make sure you check for blood stains) at reasonable rates.

2008-08-12, 05:23 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Right, then. The Duck for me. Amoli's for you two. I'm just going to keep my ears open, and pretend to look for caravan work, but not very hard. I'll use a relatively true story that my last trip was profitable, but scary enough to make me think twice about working again. With any luck, I'll get a room next to the Falconer types, and overhear something juicy. Failing that, adventurers tend to run their yaps when the ale's flowing, so dinner might prove useful, too," Gildin said.

Dare I ask how much for a listening cone, or other "listening aid"? Or might one of those be included in the generic 4E "Thieves' Tools"?

2008-08-12, 07:38 PM
You could always order room service and try the old "glass to the wall" trick.
Sorry for being inactive for the past couple days, I just wasn't sure how to respond.


"All right then. I'm going to find Mama Becho's and get a disguise going. Madame Lilith? I hope you don't mind if I use one of your rooms to prepare, do you?"
As he says this, he stands up and dusts himself off a little bit. As an afterthought, he adds: "Where is Mama Becho's, exactly?"

2008-08-12, 07:54 PM
Yes, a generic "cone" should be included in the thieves tools that you purchased. No problem over the last couple of days, I had things that needed catching up soit gave me some spare time to get them done in.

Mama Becho's can be found a few blocks over, almost on the edge of the Maze and the bazaar. I will be happy to let you use one of the rooms, just don't wander beyond it unless you plan on paying she adds with a wink.

2008-08-13, 07:19 AM

Rising, Johnny bows courtly to Madame Lillith. "And I had better get a reservation at the Amoli. Is there anything else we should know?"

2008-08-13, 05:25 PM
She stares up at the ceiling for a moment No, I think that shall cover it. I will have someone get in touch with you to collect your information once a week. If at any time you think that they're on to you, you must let us know so that we can put other assets in place.

2008-08-13, 06:46 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin took his leave and headed over to the Duck, stopping by the stable to see to his cart, and the Unicorn to pick up the rest of his gear. If he was going to be moving in for an extended period of time, he had to look the part, after all. On arriving at the Duck, he secured a room and ordered a hot bath, spending sufficient time bathing for his leathers to be cleaned and returned. He tipped the servants, but not too generously. The role he was playing was that of a middling merchant between caravans, and he had to be careful not to be too stingy, nor too easy spending. Once clean and changed, he headed to the common room for dinner, where he sat at the bar and kept his ears open, but not too obviously. If he saw Gan or Johnny, he made no sign of recognition.

2008-08-14, 06:31 AM

Deciding it would be better to arrange an interview later in the week when he knows more about the adventurers, Johnny makes himself at home at the Amoli, heading out occasionally for meals at the duck, where he spends only the time he needs to eat before departing. He spends some of his time in the college district, looking for any information as to what the adventurers are after.

Streetwise check: [roll0] (that's two fumbles I've had in games today...) (should I do one for each day he's out?)
He's looking for someone that the group may have talked to, trying to find out what they may be asking around for. He's putting off the interview until maybe the next week, so he can go in with enough information about them (hopefully from Gan and Gilden) to provoke them into answering. That's kind of the feel I'm going for, he doesn't know much, but he does know people.

2008-08-14, 05:52 PM
The Paddling Duck is a well appointed establishment, the rooms are clean and well kept while the food and drink are passable. There seems to be a constant stream of patrons throughout different times of the day making it a busy place (great for blending in but a bit loud for listening to single converstaions). You spot your targets going in and out of the inn on a number of occasions, usually in pairs or groups of three.

On one occasion you overhear complaints from the Dwarf (Balustrus) to the Priestess of Tymora (Sashana) about the rates they're paying for information to a man named Hakiem. He is quickly sushed by Sashana at which he growls something about All this sneakin' can't be good fer ya and then changes the subject to the quality of the beds (To soft I tell ya)

You spot Marigold and Willem in the college district but you are unable to follow them. The make a few twisting turns and get lost in a crowd. You think you might have it narrowed down to three different sages but are unsure of which to pursue.

Marigold Falconshield, Human F, Ranger
Willem “Billy the Mole” Human M, Rogue
Quag Myzrym ˝ Elf M, Wizard
Daxus Human M, Fighter
Balustrus Dwarf M, Fighter
Sashana Ouijen Human F, Cleric (Tymora)

2008-08-14, 05:56 PM
I will be going out of town tomorrow and wont be back until Sunday...Gencon Indy!...but I will try to post from work before I leave and I might be able to post from the hotel tomorrow night (unless I cant stay awake after the drive).

Johnny should make another check for the next day, maybe he'll have better luck (+1 modifier for narrowing it down).

Gildin, I will need a streetwise check from you to see if you can pick up anything else from the staff about them and a thievery check to see if you can pick up any more of their conversations (beware the fumble as they might realize what you're trying to do).

2008-08-14, 06:32 PM
I was actually going to avoid the Streetwise bit, as Gildin isn't very good at it (+2 only), and the risk seemed more than the possible reward (i.e. blown cover for an extended surveillance operation against tidbits that could be picked up by Gan and Johnny talking to the waitstaff).
As far as the Thievery piece, should it be Thievery or Perception?
Either way:[roll0]
If it's Perception, add another +1.

2008-08-14, 08:50 PM
Day 2 Streetwise [roll0]
Day 3 Streetwise [roll1]
That's what I'm talking about

2008-08-16, 12:38 AM

As the others take their places at the Amoli and the Duck, Gan goes out into the town to build his disguise. He first heads out to Mama Becho's and searches for the kind of make-up he will need to disguise himself as a different species. Deciding to become an Elf, rather then an Eladrin, he searches up some earthy colors and tests them against a small sample of his true skin tone. Satisfied with what he finds, he brings up his purchase to the front and asks for the price.

Ill leave the price of the make-up to you, DM

2008-08-17, 07:48 AM
Make up/disguise costs base of 5 gp. An additional cost of 10 gp for each +1 to avoid suspicion after casual inspection.

@Johnny: Your skills allow you to easily identify the building and sage in question. His name is Hakiem, a scholar of history, more importantly a student of "lost" civilizations. Hakiem is a wizened old man (probably close to 70 years old) who routinely dresses in ink stained robes and a dingy brown (might have been red at one time) turban. He's rarely seen outside of his offices/home and requires that things be brought to him for study (rather than leaving to see something). His prices are high but he is one of the best at what he does.

Marigold and Willem have been bringing old maps and books recently (what you assume are from personal libraries) and leaving them there for him to decipher.

2008-08-17, 05:37 PM
ixious will be joining the game. He is to be considered an NPC, as he is not currently affiliated with your group. I will be waiting for him to make his introductory post with a description before you can interact with him.

2008-08-17, 06:10 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

From the corner of the room a tall heavy set Tiefling wearing a black cloak walks up to the bar next to Gilden. Grabbing the bartender's attention

"An ale for me and this fine merchant"

as he takes a seat next to Gilden. Sitting the ale down in front of Gilden, Malstraad smiles a large grin, showing finely sharpened teeth, a fine complement to his shaped and sigiled horns.

"So what kind of goods do you carry? I see a fine cart out there, and quite the mule! I am a merchant myself and am always looking to diversify."

Bluff Check

With great ease, Malstraad takes a gulp of his ale, never letting his eyes leave Gavin. As he talks his hands are constantly moving. At his side you would see a small Dagger and al purse, if you are so inclined to look.

Edit: Hmm, my First roll and i screw up with the board diceroller...sigh

2008-08-17, 06:12 PM
Bluff Check
YEA, 1 lie down, 4,000 more to go!

2008-08-18, 05:29 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin showed mild surprise at being accosted by a strange tiefling, but he was never one to turn down free ale.

FYI, the cart and mule are stabled somewhere other than the Duck...

"I'll carry just about anything, anywhere. My last trip was a bit hairy, so I'm taking it easy for a bit. You?" he asked in response to the tiefling's question.

Sticking to true things means no die rolls... :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-18, 07:57 AM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

"Well that is interesting. Oh! I have not even introduced myself, Malstraad Zulfura, but if we become buisness partners, you can call me Mal. Now be honest, we all have that special something we carry we don't let THEM know about" *tilting his head to a seemingly normal looking man, giving a smile, then returning his stare to you* (Insert Bluff1)"Judging from the cart I saw you leaving earlier, I would say this area is where jobs for "it" are found, the real question..is what? Another ale sir?"

*Lifting his hand he beckons the bartender to bring Gilden another ale, when it arrives he pays the bartender double the cost and eyes him to leave. Drawing in closer to Gilden, Malstraad uses a hushed but direct tone*

"So here's the deal, cut me in on whatever you are doing, and I won't tell them*nodding to one of the adventuring group was sent to eavesdrop on* How interested you are in every word coming from their mouths, ever movement they make, everything!" *His hands become even more expressive as his gaze attempts to pierce you.* (insert Intimidation Check)

*His hands calming a bit, taking a sip of his ale, he backs away a bit* Now, now, I lost my temper, I am sorry, I am above such petty pandering, on second thought, you cut me in on whatever you have going on, no one finds out about your "special interests", and I will show you how much better a few ales and kind words are at getting what you want over silently gawking day in and day out. Basically, as a token of good faith, I will assist you in collecting whatever information you need from them" (Insert Diplomacy) *nodding slightly* " so we can get down to the mercantile work. I care not what you want with them, unless it is business of course! And once you had had your fill of that information, we will discuss how to make both of us quite rich men!" (Insert Bluff Check 2)

1. How much are these ales costing me?
2. I am doing my rolling in a separate post, if i botch expect a quick revision to express it
3. Do you want to kill me yet?

2008-08-18, 08:01 AM
Bluff Roll 1

Intimidate Roll

Diplomacy Roll

Bluff Roll 2

now to see how i need to spruce up that post with failures LOL

Edit: Or not! >:)

2008-08-18, 05:47 PM
Informational exchanges do not require checks (since characters have free will they are not bound by skill checks during role play). Other than that, improvise away but be wary of your volume level or the other patrons might take note of your exchange.

Rolls should be kept inside the post that they reference just to keep things easy to read.

As the two of you exchange words Marigold and Willem arrive and join their companions. Willem shakes his head at some question posed by the Dwarf but Marigold raises her hands in a claming motion to bring them all back under control with some quick words that she whispers. They soon put their heads together and begin what looks like map drawing in some spilled liquid on the table. From where you sit you think it might show the lands and mountain range to the southeast of the city.

2008-08-18, 05:51 PM
Thanks, wasn't quite sure how to handle blatant lying. And waiting for a reply from a player as i do not want to dominate the thread, being i am just an NPC :-p

2008-08-18, 06:33 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin accepted the second ale with a shrug. Then looked at "Mal" with growing disbelief as he spoke.

"Tell 'em whatever you like. I'm fairly certain I have a more believable story than whatever you'll spin 'em, bein' it's the truth. I'm between caravans, working my nerve back up. And sure, I'm interested in what anyone here at the Duck has to say. You never know when opportunity might knock. If you want a 'cut' of my inn bills, I'll cheerfully share that load with ya," Gildin said smoothly, in a conversational tone of voice.

Threats are no way into a rogue's heart.

2008-08-18, 07:08 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

With a grin, Malstraad nods his head. Yes, you have caught me, actually I want to hire you to assist me in my business, you strike me as the kind of man i could pay some gold and would stay quiet to anything "suspicious" he sees. But first your "other" matter. I believe you have some listening to do if I am to "pay up front" for my new "tight lipped tradesman". Not to say you won't see gold soon, but your "friends" seem to discussing something important"

Malstraad attempts to identify the people at the table covertly, realizing they are a group of adventurers, he leans over to "his new friend" whispering "I will be outside, i care little for treasure hunters and murderers, meet me there if you chose after you are done, and we will discuss how i can help you with this job, and get you to making real coin."

Malstraad gets up, walking past the adventuring group he attempts to memorize the "liquid map" best he can just walking by, and heading outside begins throwing a ball of eldritch energy up and down, watching the people and occasionally glancing at the door.

*under his breath* "What the hell is down there? This better be good, I'm bored"

So, going to abandon him or come outside? Your choice!

2008-08-18, 07:23 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Glidin made a point of turning his back on "Mal" and slowly finished his ale, ears wide open to what the adventurers had to say. Only after their conversation broke up did he get up to use the latrine. After relieving himself, he circled around front to see if the tiefling was still there. If he was, Gildin checked to make sure no one else was about, then beckoned to him from the shadow of the alley.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Thievery (to beckon surreptitiously?): [roll2]
Announcing to the street at large that you're a warlock was almost a deal breaker, by the way...

2008-08-18, 07:41 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

"Ahh, the listener has come! dispelling the ball of energy I was beginning to think I was to be left to the glittering ripples of forgotten gods powers, but you have come! So tell me, what have you learned? What do you wish to learn? If you wish them dead I fear that is too much for just me, can't risk a city of angry customers

Character is a bit of a prick, he lets it be known he is just as powerful as he looks, and bluffs hoping for more. He is used to intimidating, and is having to get used to diplomacy hehehe. By the way, gods i can't wait to effing tell the truth 1 TIME!

2008-08-18, 08:16 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Melting back into the shadows of the alley, Gildin whispered, "Shhh! Let's get one thing straight. I don't know what you're talking about. If you're lookin' for work, I hear there's an elf staying across the street at Amoli's. Name of Gan. Now. I don't know you, and you don't know me. Right?"

At the slightest indication "Mal" understood what Gildin said, the elf disappeared into the alley and circled back to the way he'd exited the inn. Resuming his seat at the bar, he ordered up a glass of clear elvish liquor, and nursed it a bit before retiring to his room.

I'm trying to make this work, but really... it ain't easy. Every suspicious bone in my body would rather leave you out on the street as a distraction. Incidentally, Gildin never gave his name, so you really don't know him.

2008-08-18, 08:33 PM
Who said this character is MEANT to be easy to put up with?

*smirking slightly* Hmm...well that was a waste of some gold, *hmmm* decisions, decisions.

pausing for a couple minutes before saying through his toothy grin

Walking across the street, the opaline ball of energy playfully appears again, dispelling right before opening the door to Amoli's.

Ok, errr...what am i looking at right now. I kind of tried NOT to read this entire thread as to remain as close the char knowledge as possible, so yeah, someone tell me what i see....

2008-08-18, 08:35 PM
The map (or what you think was a map of the areas to the south) can be seen here (http://markustay.deviantart.com/art/The-Vilhon-Reach-94591476) . Somewhere south of Westgate is their destination but you are unsure as to where (although close to the mountain range and swamp areas would be a good bet (or someone wanted the salt?)).

Drinking costs very little in Westgate (unless you have expensive tastes) so figure 1 cp for basic beer/ale, 1 sp for anything harder, 1 gp for something at the high end (elven wines/liquors).

2008-08-18, 08:40 PM
Inside Amoli's there's a small common room (with benches and two tables), a stone fireplace, and a desk. Lady Amoli is a slight older (human) female with grey hair pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head. She walks with a slight limp as she approaches you.

Can I be of help to you fine sir? she asks as she eyes you up and down. We've got rooms available if that's what your interested in but I'll not have any rough housing in my home. you notice that she has a window across from her desk that looks directly across the street at the 'Duck so she has probably seen your display of power.

2008-08-18, 08:44 PM
Since Enlong's not here at the moment, I guess Mal could run into Johnny

2008-08-18, 08:49 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

Grinning wide as ever Well, I wouldn't dare in such a beautiful establishment! Actually I am looking for a "Gan" this evening. A friend of his told me to come see him. Do you happen to know if he is available? He bows slightly

hey, glad we are online, this could get fun, the deciding night, am i friend or foe!

2008-08-18, 09:01 PM
Johnny (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=59853)

Stepping inside the Amoli, Johnny overhears the conversation between Lady Amoli and the tiefling.

"My servant isn't in any trouble is he?" Johnny draws himself up, attempting to appear noble. "I swear that boy costs me more in gambling debts than it does to feed him."

Johnny's trying out the guise he's going to use on the adventurers if he meets them.

2008-08-18, 09:17 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

Bowing to Jonny, Oh no sir, but could we have a seat? Madam, do you have any tea? It is getting quite late and my taste for ale has waned with the light

Taking a seat, Malstraad leans in, "Your "servant" sent me here to offer my help in "your quest". I am a man of a few talents, and best of all, I come free of charge. He didn't wish to "startle the birds" by discussing it across the street, but I can tell you where they may be "migrating" soon. Care to discuss this more somewhere a bit more private?

Damn i hope she has tea, not because of a plot reason, just cuz!

2008-08-18, 10:19 PM

"Ah, did he now? You must be talking about Gilden; Gan is currently, indisposed." He nods to Lady Amoli, "Tea would be nice." Leading the Tiefling to his room, he introduces himself. "Johannes Factotum, but most people call me Johnny."

Woo, a chance to play on that low wisdom! Let's trust the strange Tiefling at once! And tea, tea is awesome

2008-08-18, 10:40 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

Holding out his hand "Malstraad, just call me me Mal."

Well getting to the point, Gilden and I have been listening to the adventuring group. We saw them draw a map to somewhere just south of the town. He was intentionally vauge with me about your purpose, but told me to talk to you about what we should do next."

Admiring Jonnie's attire, Malstraad gives another bow. By the way, quite a nice disguise, sadly I have never been too good at it, the horns give me away! But what I am quite skilled at is talking, right now though we need action. We have an idea where they are heading, it could be tonight, it could be tomorrow. Gilden is watching them right now, what do we need to do, obviously find Gan, but what can I be doing?"

Malstraad's hand gestures are muted, and he attempts to not look Jonnie in the eyes. As awkward as it may be for Mal to not dominate, he hopes against hope he is coming across as "a willing servant to the cause."

I see a trainwreck a mile away.......

2008-08-18, 10:56 PM
Gan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72071)

Gan leaves Mama Becho's after paying for his supplies. To begin work on his disguise, he returns to the Slippery Lily and makes use of an empty room.

After removing his Eladrin disguise, he applies the new stuff, coloring his skin a deep tan color, to look like an Elf's. In order to disguise the scar under his eye, he takes his dagger and gives a small, superficial cut under the other eye. He then tears two small strips of cloth, to cover both the fresh cut and the scar.

He then reverses his cloak and tunic, and leaves the Lily as a black-clad Elf. it is under this guise that he enters Amoli's and looks to rent a room.

So very, very sorry I was out. Band camp, you understand. I'll post more in the future.
Oh, and I'm paying 15 G for the make-up.
Info about Gan's current disguise has been updated in the sheet.

2008-08-18, 11:00 PM
well hello, i'm the new antag...i mean party member, yeah....party member.......... :)

2008-08-18, 11:03 PM

"We've just been told to keep an eye on them and find out what they've been doing. From what I've gathered they are looking for some lost civilisation, probably for the Thayans. With your information we should be able to fulfil our part of the agreement. If they leave town, good riddance, hopefully they become someone else's problem."

I guess I'm a day ahead of most of you, since I learnt all the vital info the day after the meeting (if I were to do a streetwise check straight after the meeting) but let's not have frivolous details get in the way :smallwink:

2008-08-18, 11:36 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

Looking at Jonnie inquisitively,
"Bravo! What took us an entire evening to collect you already knew! There is one problem, we can not be 100% sure what they are doing, and I am sure your "bargain" was for more than just a hunch. Maybe Gilden is planning to tail them to the temple for some reason. I think we should talk to Gan and see what he has managed to collect.

Looking at the door and cocking his head....
Hmm..where is our tea? Possibly we should have ordered one for Gan as well, it could be a long night. Any idea when he will return?"

I hope the character is making reasonable assumptions, trying as hard as i can to show this character is soaking up and utilizing every word said without accidentally using something he hasnt been told. It's harder than it looks :(

By the way sorry for delay, internet decided to go nuts

2008-08-19, 07:00 AM
Lady Amoli brings a pot of tea and three cups to the table; It's so nice to see people acting in a civilized fashion. I'd almost forgotten what it looked like. She smiles in a doting gradmotherly way as she bustles back to her knitting (and window watching) across the common room.

I wont be able to check back in until later tonight *meeting day...bleh* so feel free to work amongst yourselves.

Later that evening at the Duck:

@Gildin: A slight thin man in rust colored robes enters the 'Duck, he pauses to look around and finds Marigold enjoying her evening meal along with Willem. He's human but of eastern descent, his head is shaved (although you spot some nicks and cuts so he probably does it himself) but his hands appear "soft". He wears a belt and small pouch around his waist but you can see a small bulge on his chest betraying a neckbag *probably where he keeps his valuables*. As he makes his way across the room you see what are probably his gaurds standing outside the door (also of eastern descent but taller and more "robust" of stature) in their armor (some sort of plate armor but lighter than full plate).

So what has the old man told you? he asks as he pulls a chair up to their table My masters grow impatient with all of these delays and are considering finding someone else who is, how shall I say it, "more capable" of extracting the information we need to move forward.

You notice that Marigold stiffens upon hearing this and Willem goes a bit red around the neck and ears (you can see him fingering the hilt of a dagger secreted in his boot while the conversation deepens). In hushed tones Marigold replies There'll be no need to threaten the man, he's working as fast as he can. You should remember that he's the only one to piece together the information we've found so far and if you have to start over again, it'll be somewhere even farther away than this. Besides, he's nearly done with the translation so we should have our answers within the week. I hope you're ready when we are because I grow tired of this place. We will be needing at least 5 wagons for supplies since we don't know how long we'll have to stay along with the usual supplies for exploration. If you're as cryptic with the teamsters as you were with us I can only imagine that this will be a difficult number of willing volunteers to find on short notice.

Sun Tao considers this and laughs loudly You underestimate the power of coin in Westgate dear. There are those desperate enough to sell their own children into bondage in this city for a bit of it. I will begin choosing the teamsters though as I wouldn't want to have just anyone along on this. There are others who seek this treasure and I will have to make sure that there is no-one attempting to steal it out from under me. You notice that Willem visibly relaxes after this point and the three of them get down to explaining the need for a long list of equipment (ropes, pulleys, lanterns, shovels, picks, water barrels, etc). Whatever they're planning on doing, they plan to be gone for quite some time indeed.

[roll0] xp roleplaying bonus so far for each of you. I'm not sure how the next part of the story is going to go but I'm sure that you will be directing the flow of action moving forward. Thank you all for putting up with my odd scheduling (as it's affecting how often I can post). One things for sure, there're three options and all of them look to involve some bumpy road ahead :smallwink:

2008-08-19, 10:37 AM
Hey, hectic schedules are fine, part of the enjoyment of pbp to me is being able to fit it into a hectic schedule easier than trying to block out time weekly and hope no one has an emergency.

2008-08-19, 07:43 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin nearly choked on his drink when the easterner loudly spoke of a need for teamsters and treasure in the same breath. Suppressing a cough, he turned his head along with every other teamster and treasure seeker in the Duck. He tried not to show too much interest, but he felt his role would call for something above his usual disinterest. He debated whether to approach the easterner directly, or work through the adventurers as the trio hammered out their requirements. Counting on his fingers, he came up with a need for six wagons while the three argued over four or five. Deciding to strike while the iron was hot, he obsequiously approached the group at the table and said, "Pardon me good sirs, and lady, but I couldn't help but overhear your need for a teamster, and I'd offer that the load you have described so far will require no less than six wagons when you include requirements for the teams and wagons themselves. I don't know what road you intend to take from Westgate, but there aren't any that are forgiving on man, beast, or equipment."

Let's hope the die roller is kinder this time around...
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Edit: +2 for setting it up so well? :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-19, 08:36 PM
Sun Tao squints up at you, sniffing as he looks you up and down Well you certainly smell like you should know what you're speaking of. Given the requirements that we've been discussing, what makes you think that we'd need more teams than four? he reminds you of any merchant with a tight purse as he braces himself for a haggling session over the price of a bushel of radishes.

Willem looks across the table at you, tilting his head slightly as if considering your proposal You know, six wagons would allow for more room on the return trip Marigold. Maybe we should consider what he has to say. Please, pull up a stool goodman... he leaves an invitation hanging for you to offer up more than advice as he settles back in his chair. Yes, please enlighten us as to how much better we would be with the additional wagon Marigold quips, enjoying putting the Thayan on the spot when it comes to money.

2008-08-19, 08:48 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin smiled and took the offered chair, then explained his experience on the various roads in and out of Westgate, especially the broken wheels and axles, and lost horse shoes. With that foundation, he listed out how many replacement parts would be required for a given journey, using different destinations as examples. He smiled winningly at every opportunity, trying to sell himself for the job, but not too hard.

Trying to rely more on wisdom, charisma, and actual experience driving a team than intelligence here. Perhaps his "dull wits" will speak well of him to the merchant. At some point, he'll mention he knows how to get a little extra speed out of a team, too (being as I can't think of a logical in game explanation for Light Step granting an entire party an overland movement bonus).
Diplomacy (if required): [roll0] +2?

2008-08-20, 11:26 AM
Hmmph. Well you do make a solid case for having another wagon, I will take it under advisement. I will speak withthe a two of you he motions towards Marigold and Willem later. With that he gathers himself up and prepares to leave, pausing only long enough to take a second long appraising look at you before he does.

Congratulations goodman Gildin, I've never seen him quieted so easily. Surely you would make a better merchant with than drover with those haggling skills. While I would like to stay and talk, I must see to other matters. he slides a gold coin across the table at you At least you'll drink on us tonight for that display. He chuckles as he pushes away from the table and heads towards the stairs.

Sadly I must take my leave as well. Goodnight sir, if it was a job you're after I'd say that Sun might have been at least a little impressed with your knowledge. You can likely find him at Kossuth's Hearth in the merchants ward. Marigold heads up the stairs as well.

2008-08-20, 05:43 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin smiled and nodded his goodbye to the merchant, with a gesture that would have been a hat tip if he were wearing one. Turning to Willem, he replied, "Thank you, sir. I'll drink long and deep. Sometimes there's more profit and less danger in being a drover."
Standing with Willem and Marigold, he let Marigold speak before continuing, "And thank you, Lady. I believe I'll find myself at the Hearth before too long. Have a good night as well."
Gildin gave a partial bow to both before sidling up to the bar with his newly won gold piece. He slapped the coin down and spent it all judiciously on spirits until he too headed up the stairs.

Several hours later, he stumbled out of bed and into enough clothing and footwear to be modest as he headed for the latrine. After relieving himself, he straightened his clothes a bit more, and crept around the alley once again, taking care not to be seen. Judging his moment, he slunk across the street to Amoli's and relaxed just before entering the inn. Nodding to the night clerk, he strode confidently up the stairs to Johnny's room, and knocked lightly.

2008-08-20, 08:35 PM

After finishing the tea, Johnny and Mal spent a few hours talking about life in the city, the weather, taxes. Johnny avoided questions about his past and wasn't overly keen on pressing Mal about his.

"Well, you can stay here if you like, just drop a gold piece in the pot over there." He motions to the chamberpot sitting next to the door. "The sofa might be comfy."

Awoken by a soft knock on the door, Johnny gets up and wraps a towel around his waist. "Who is it?" Not bothering to wait for a reply, he opens the door to see Gilden waiting anxiously. Poking his head out to look down the corridor, he motions Gilden to come inside.

Looks like Johnny won't need that interview after all. Very good work :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-20, 08:58 PM
So... I have to ask. "when" am I? I want to know when I should be able to meet up with the others.

2008-08-20, 09:14 PM
I'm assuming this is the day after the meeting with Madame Lilith (the day I got the natural 20 on streetwise :smallcool:) So Gan still has a day up his sleeve before this meeting.

edit: More to the point-
Day 1- Meeting with madame lilith (my failed streetwise check)
Day 2- Awesome SW check, Mal shows up, Gilden gets the "in"
Day 3- Early morning, Gilden comes a knocking. My third streetwise check

2008-08-21, 05:27 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Nodding once, Gildin stepped into the room and waited for Johnny to close the door. In hushed tones, he related what he had learned about the merchant, and the adventurer's apparent plan to leave Westgate for an extended period of time. He finished his story with, "...and I think I can get myself hired on. What do you think? I'm not sure you and Gan have strong enough cover stories to hang for weeks at a time. Is it worth asking Lilith about?"

OOC: I think Gildin is the perfect "mole" for this operation.

2008-08-21, 05:55 AM

"I agree, it will be hard to get all four" he nods over toward the snoring tiefling, "of us on board. I for one would rather stay here, I'm not really one for life on the road."

2008-08-21, 06:10 AM
I agree with the timeline that you've presented Jokes. Gan can jump in at any time.

2008-08-21, 08:40 AM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

*Stretching out on the couch*
Seeing someone he recognizes immediately, he quickly jumps up keeping the blanket about his waist. His torso is covered in supernal and infernal writing.
"Why Gilden, It is a pleasure to see you again! How can I help?" a grin crosses his face, hiding how nervous he actually is.

Sorry for the 24 hour delay, yesterday everything that could go wrong did....it's fine now. And EDIT: WOW I CAN'T READ.

2008-08-21, 08:48 AM
wow...err...yeah sorry for the 15 updates to that previous post, i just learned nto to try to multitask while reading what I missed.

2008-08-21, 05:07 PM
Um, the sun shouldn't be up if Gildin is still at Johnny's. It was about 0200 when he snuck across the street. He'll be back in his own bed, sleeping off a heck of a hangover by dawn.

2008-08-21, 08:38 PM
On your return to your quarters you find a small note under your pillow. "Seek employment" is all that it says, apparently someone agrees with your assessment of the situation although it makes you feel uneasy knowing that someone is watching you that closely.

2008-08-21, 09:14 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

"Jonny, What did Gilden tell you while i was asleep?" Yawning again "Tis the perfect hour for planning or for resting." The grin is strained, nervous that Gilden had caught him in his lies.

Wow..yeah that last post i made was epic fail, i'll try to pick up the pieces and keep going

2008-08-21, 09:35 PM

"Just that you were right, the adventurers are probably going to be leaving town soon." He pours Mal a cup of tea Lady Amoli had brought up. "Gilden will try and accompany them. It's too risky for all of us to go, but maybe you or Gan could join him." He stretches and yawns. "But I'm going to stay here, maybe have a chat to that sage when the group leaves town." With that, he leaves the Amoli for a few hours, wandering the streets, collecting information about the group once again.

Third day, so this is the day 3 streetwise check. I assume you already told me everything, but I just want to be sure

2008-08-21, 09:47 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

Alone in the room Malstraad resists the urge to touch anything. "There is no reason to be covert. Given time they will tell me everything. Now comes the real question, what will I do when I know?"

Pacing the floors, Malstraad drinks down the last of his tea and sits the cup on the tray. "Part of me wants to go with them to this temple, have some effing adventures again, but a man's gotta eat, and this information would be worth quite a bit to the right person. The only thing better than what I know now would be who are employing these two groups." Picking up the tray and opening the door, Malstraad thinks to himself "Sell them now for assured gold, wait to learn more for the chance at even more gold, decisions decisions"

Handing the tray to Lady Amoli "Was the finest tea I have had in a long while, what brew do you use madam?"

2008-08-21, 09:52 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin blinked in the dim light to focus on the words on the note. When their meaning filtered through the remnants of alcoholic haze, his eyes widened a bit. Sighing, he flopped back on his bed and quickly slipped into blissful slumber, dreaming of the road.

Later that morning, with the sun rather high in the sky, he dragged himself out of bed despite the pounding headache. The Duck was a fine establishment, but their spirits left a mean impression on a man in the morning. He made his way down to breakfast, and felt a bit better after getting some food into his queasy stomach. A brisk walk to the stables to check on his cart and mule, and inquire about where to acquire a wagon and more mules, went some way to clearing his head. After verifying the location of the wagon dealer, he made his way to Kossuth's Hearth to find the merchant and his future.

2008-08-21, 10:18 PM
LOL all of us are online but the DM, hmmmm.....

2008-08-22, 12:34 AM
I'll make a real post in the morning. I kind of need to get to bed right now. I'll have something good tomorrow

2008-08-22, 06:18 AM
Early to bed, early to rise makes for a tired DM. Yes, this is day 3. Just to make sure I have this right:
Johnny is going to visit the Sage Hakiem
Gildin is on his way to Kossuth's Hearth
Mal is weighing his options on what to do with the information that he has or whether to pursue more information before deciding.
Gan is silent but still around *presumably helping Johnny with Hakiem*

The sun rises on the next day, the heat begins to set in early. Lack of wind brings the smell of the harbor over the whole city. Business begins as usual for most of the city's wards but you hear whispers of gossip as you travel the streets. Another sink hole opened on the outskirts of the city, apparently it was an abattoir, several bodies were found at the bottom that had been partially eaten. You hope that it's just another wive's tale to keep unruly children in line but part of you feels that it is true.

2008-08-22, 08:41 AM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

Wandering through the city Malstraad hears this rumor and begins heading toward the "sinkhole", stopping every couple of minutes to strike up a conversation with anyone he can. He restrains himself from summoning his ball, and instead "summons" a hearty smile and a nod to anyone out this early.

between gritted smiling teeth, "Might as well see if i "recognize" anyone there. Not like I know where any of my rats have run off to, might as well check this trap"

At work from 10 to 5 EST today then off Saturday. I will be online tonight but i know how fast this board can move if 2 or more are online. Presume my character is wandering slowly to the sinkhole talking to everyone he can on the way to collect more information on the "sinkhole" and any other going abouts in the town. NOT asking about the adventuring group or his new "friends". Hopefully I will be at the sinkhole by 5pm EST today :)

Streetwise Check:

Edit: yuck, well I'm cordial but apparently not finding out much unless it is common knowledge.......

2008-08-22, 11:25 AM

After securing his room, Gan takes a long rest, and wakes up to news of the sinkhole. He decides to first meet up with Johnny before doing anything else. He moves through the building, trying to locate his companion.

I'll let Johnny's post kick off the interaction between him and the newly-disguised Gan

2008-08-22, 12:03 PM

While walking around town on his early morning stroll, the tales of the sinkhole inevitably reach Johnny's ears. Although figuring it a favourable distraction from the otherwise unremarkable tales he often hears in town, Johnny decides instead to ignore it completely. Chances are it will turn out to be a broken sewer anyway.

Heading back to his room at the Amoli, he runs into a strange elf in the corridor. There's something familiar about him, but it takes a while for Johnny to figure out what it is.

"Hey, a friend of mine has a scar just like that one."


2008-08-22, 04:03 PM
Dinner break so this'll be a bit rushed.

Finding what is left of the sinkhole is easier than you'd originally thought. It appears as though you've missed anything telling though as the local inhabitants have begun filling the hole in. The story circulating is that there were between 4-15 bodies all in different states of decomposition. All had shown signs of having been gnawed/chewed on by something. One thing that they all had in common was that they were all missing their heads. This is the one thing that all the tales have in common so it's the most likely piece of true information. Getting close to the area is difficult because of the presence of city guards and the supervising engineers.

2008-08-22, 05:16 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

Looking at the "site", "Well, this was a waste of my time, the official news will disregard this as just an animal attack, and they are already burying the evidence. Whatever did this is going to get off scott free....or maybe not." Walking up to whatever official looks most in charge. thinking to himself "I am going to hate myself for this so much, gods i hate adventurers"

"Hello kind sir! I am Mel, an adventurer currently staying here in town. I couldn't help but hear about the bodies. I see you are doing a great job helping the town move on from such a morbid sight, but I am sure it has brought up alot of issues you would like quietly resolved. How could I be of service?"

Something i have always found ironic about RPGs, the quest PCs always seem to pour out their heart and soul the second they think you are a hero or adventurer. Having worked in a seedy town I am sure Mal has seen his share of adventurers paid by his past connections, thus he is well aware of the ironic "quest starters". Maybe Malstraad found a "quest-starter" :)

Bluff Check
DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN wow the roller is killin me, I should just go find the group I guess.....

2008-08-22, 08:15 PM
Sorry sir, there really isn't anything to see here. says the guard with the most stripes on his uniform. Just someone trying to dig a root cellar and not getting the proper laborers from the cellarers guild, or so we were told. he tilts his head over to what you assume is a city official (or at least someone connected to them) Just ask that fella', he's the one givin' the orders around here. They just pay us to keep folks from fallin' in.

The person in question sees you speaking to the guard and begins to move in your direction. A seeker of adventure, eh? Sorry to dampen your day but there's nothing happening that would require you services. His tone seems to not leave a lot of room for discussion.

Taking in the rest of the scene you notice a wagon making its way across the street with what looks like long burlap sacks stacked in the bed. The drivers of the wagon are wearing livery similar to the city guard. Another wagon full of dirt and stones is being unloaded into the pit that used to be part of the street.

2008-08-22, 08:24 PM
well with my character having no idea where any of the folks of interest are, he is pretty much either wandering off or going back to Amoli's and twiddling his thumbs, player knows that they are coming here eventually, but Mal is bored....

Well thank you sir bowing slightly, not quite sure what to do next.

I wonder where my mice ran off to.........

2008-08-22, 09:03 PM
The wagon pulling away goes through a pothole, jarring its cargo and causing one of the burlap bags to roll off the back. It lands with a sickening thud as it opens revealing a headless corpse. The "official" begins shouting at the men in the wagon as they stop, jump off, and cover the body but not before it draws a crowd of gasping/pointing onlookers. The official attempts to wave the crowd away while the men load the body back into the wagon.

The guard you were speaking to earlier shakes his head and looks skyward with a "mea culpa" look on his face.

2008-08-22, 09:19 PM
Hmmm...looks like you need more help than you think! Now, please tell me what is going on, maybe I can help spare you any more headaches today. Did I say adventurer? I think a better term would be contractor. I care little what you are doing with those bodies, I care for "helping my fellow man" An evil grin crosses his face along with a wink. So where are you taking the bodies, or where do you have the villagers that may have "seen too much"? Either way you need help either getting the bodies where they need to go with no more "incidents" or "convincing the witnesses", and you need it right now!

Eldritch fire begins to circle around Malstraad, nearly out of his control. You don't have much time, decide now, am I your friend or do i walk away, decide fast as those villagers are telling all their friends while you wait! Malstraad appears visibly excited, staring at the "guard" and waiting.

yeahhhh...maybe not a good idea to see my character so willing to be evil if he can extort money from it.....

2008-08-22, 10:34 PM

"Oh, it's a fresh wound actually, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a scar" Gan says to Johnny, indicating his bandages. "Do you have a room here? Perhaps we could talk more about your friend. I just checked in here, see, and am looking for someone to pass the time with."

2008-08-22, 10:41 PM

"Hey, no problem." He calls back to Lady Amoli, "M'lady, could you bring up some more of that exquisite tea?" He leads the elf to his room. "You can call me Johnny."

2008-08-22, 10:51 PM

Gan responds by peeling off the bandage under his real scar.
"And you can call me Gan. Sorry I'm late"

2008-08-22, 11:01 PM

"Wow, you have the same name as..." Something finally clicks in Johnny's mind. "You are such an ass, Gan." He laughs. "That is some great make-up, it had me fooled! But why an Eladrin would want to disguise as an elf, I'll never know."

2008-08-22, 11:06 PM
I feel lonely

2008-08-22, 11:12 PM
Gan chuckles at Johnny's reaction. "I just like to be prepared, just in case someone recognizes me, like our old merchant friend. One thing I've figured out in my years of work is that there's hardly a better disguise then an entirely different race. Twice as good as hiding my gender." He replaces the bandage.
"In any case, I've been out of touch for a day or so, while I was preparing, so I thought it'd do to check in. Have you and Gilden found out anything yet?"

2008-08-22, 11:18 PM

Johnny recounts the previous days learnings. "So they will probably be leaving soon, hopefully with Gilden in their employ." He finishes. "I was going to visit that scholar later today, if you want to join me."

2008-08-23, 06:19 AM

Look, all they told me was to fill in the hole and keep it quiet. Someone important is worried that there's some out of control monster living below the city and they don't want people panicking about it. the official looks visibly distressed and keeps looking over his shoulder The chamber that we found the bodies in was connected to the sewers, probably an old cellar that had been forgotten about or a maitenance room that wasn't on the city maps of the sewers. Really that's all I know. at this he abruptly leaves by jumping up on the wagon.

This information if more for later use than now, if you proceed to follow up on it (i.e. go into the sewers looking for more information) it will likely end in a non level appropriate encounter.

2008-08-23, 08:33 AM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

to the now fleeing man "Thank you"

Walking back toward Amoli's "I doubt I could handle some monster in the sewers alone, best i find my rats and see what they are up to"

Stepping into Amoli's, Malstraad bows "It is a pleasure to enter your home once more, thank you again for the amazing tea" as he heads for Jonny's room.

2008-08-23, 05:22 PM

A child stands in the hall pacing back and forth. Apparently he is one of the messengers you see commonly used throughout the city (wearing a blue and green tabard). He smiles when he sees you approach as though he's been waiting for some time and is relieved that he can get about the rest of his duties.

I have this for you sir. he says as he fishes in his pouch and produces a folded piece of parchment sealed with wax (blank seal) Good day to you sir. The boy moves down the hall leaving you to read your message.

It is brief and enigmatic; Meet me in the common room of the Yellow Dragon Inn at moonrise. I will approach you when I am sure that you are alone. The note is signed Xian Li.

2008-08-23, 05:35 PM
Malstraad Zulfura (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73482)

Nodding to the boy as he runs off, Malstraad runs his fingers over his jaw. Well, no tea for now it appears, and just how many inns does this town have exactly? Chuckling to himself, he steps back out the door and begins walking toward the Yellow Dragon Inn.

sorry for the short post, i am right here on edge, i just don't know what i am looking at when i walk into the Yellow Dragon so I am not 100% sure how to interact with it. I'll throw a followup post in if you could throw me a quick description.

2008-08-23, 06:37 PM

Kossuth's Hearth, one of the more ostentatious Inns of Westgate, is located deep in the Merchant's Quarter of the city. Known for their high prices and discrete service, the 'Hearth has been frequented by some of the Dragon Coasts most influential merchants while they stay in or travel through Westgate. You are met inside the front door by a man in red livery who gives your appearance a long look before asking how he can be of service. He asks you to wait as he sends a servant in search of Sun Tao or one of his representatives.

2008-08-23, 06:42 PM

The Yellow Dragon, an inn frequented primarily by the Shou migrants who have settled in and around Westgate. The inn is located in the Dock quarter of the city and has a rough exterior appearance and reputation. You notice upon entering that your differences (racial appearance and height) stand out quite easily against the other patrons. You don't have long to wait once you enter as one of the servers motions for you to follow her towards the back of the common room. After passing through a curtained doorway you are ushered into what appears to be a small meeting room. At the far side of the room sits an elderly Shou human with a younger (20s) female beside him. He smiles as you enter and bids you to sit down across from him. The female keeps her eyes lowered and appears to be acting as a translator for him.

Thank you for coming to hear our request traveler. I am Xian Li, uncle of the Nine Golden Swords this name sounds familiar, rumors of a guild comprised primarily of Shou criminals that has spread its influence with the increase in trade with the old Shou Lung empire to the east We have been watching and taking an interest in your new friends and would ask you about them. At this he (and his translator) pause while he searches your expression for any sign that you might not be willing to share the information. They have been watching a group who we are also taking an interest in and we would pay handsomely for knowledge they have uncovered. He removes a small pouch from his sleeve as he finishes his sentence laying it on the small table in front of you.

2008-08-23, 11:49 PM
posssibly it is best we take this conversation to a more private location?

OOC: Should we continue this over PM, i mean i know you are spoilering it but at the same time player knowledge will infect character knowledge if i am selling them down the river or just got done completely and utterly misleading someone obviously chasing them. I will send you a pm later tonight, honestly sobering up a bit before making any legit posts, with my response, I just honestly think it may affect the other players if on the board.

2008-08-24, 12:09 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin nodded as the servant hared off to find Sun Tao. He mentally reviewed his travels in the Dragon Coast, hoping against hope he had more experience at it than the Thayan. His goal was to become the merchant's trail boss, or lead teamster. The position would pay more than a common drover, and give him some influence with the other auxiliary members of the expedition, perhaps even enabling him to make hiring recommendations and bring along a few more guild members. He had to stick to his (mostly true) story as well, of being between caravans, and attracted by the loud mention of treasure the night before. He could hardly be counted suspicious, given that nearly every head in the Duck had turned at Sun's incautious laugh. He also had to drive an honestly hard bargain, or Sun might suspect something on that basis. Teamsters in Westgate weren't known for being pushovers.

What rolls will you need? Diplomacy, Bluff, both? Others (Insight or Perception, maybe)?

2008-08-24, 07:15 AM

3 rolls of your choice. If you choose diplomacy you may add +2 since you've already shown your knowledge of the subject. Perception will allow you to steer the conversation (+1 for success, +2 for success over 5). Start with a post for conversation including the perception check and then use 2 diplomacy in a second post. DC will be 16 for all checks.

Ther servant returns and bids you to follow him into the (not so common) common room. Your eyes widen as you take it all in, plush furniture and polished tables and fixtures, all of rich reds and browns. Illusions of dancing flames crawl across the walls giving the impression of being inside a great forge. Sun Tao is sitting at a small table in the corner, his guards flanking him, eating his breakfast as you enter. He waves you toward a chair while he finishes eating.

So teamster, you've decided to seek me out and convince me further of your sixth wagon theory? I have to say, I'm curious as to whether this sixth wagon will include yourself.

2008-08-24, 08:41 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin tried to keep his eyes from widening too much at the amazing appointments of the Hearth. He'd never seen such an ostentatious display of wealth. His relatively humble childhood in the Dalelands had included all the comforts of an elven upbringing, but nothing like this. Pausing for a moment, he decided the small display of amazement might help his case, but didn't want to overplay his hand. Moving to take the offered chair, he was surprised by the plushness of the seat and smiled.

"Well, sir, I would certainly hope it would include me. While you seem quite the skilled merchant, it struck me you don't have anyone who knows the roads in this region specifically," he said seriously, trying to get down to business despite the many distractions.

One Perception check, coming right up:

2008-08-24, 08:45 AM
And two Diplomacy checks with an additional +4 each (for a total of +11):
Diplomacy #1: [roll0]
Diplomacy #2: [roll1]

I wasn't sure if I should take the conversation further without a response from Sun Tao, so I'm holding off on that.

Edit: Rats. Can't win 'em all, I guess. Is there any chance spending an Action Point could help here?

2008-08-24, 09:23 AM
Yes, indeed I could use someone who knows more about the "lay of the land" as it were. While I do try to know with things there's only so many mundane matters that someone can keep up with at one time. You do seem to have an uncommon knowledge of overland shipping in this region. My last caravan master, er "retired" insert wicked grin and chuckle unexpectedly which leaves me in the unenviable position of having to not only find drovers who are willing to face danger who are competent but someone to keep them in line as well. At this point he looks up and smiles at someone approaching behind you. A large man dressed in the greens and browns of a forrester pulls up a chair beside you, nods in your direction and turns his attention to Sun.

So is this the one? He looks a little soft to be experienced at caravaning. he asks.

Tracker, this is goodman Gildin, he's interested in hiring on with us for our current project. he turns to you and adds This is Tracker, he oversees security for my interests on the road. If you are to be hired, it's important that the two of you understand each other and what it is that I expect of you.

An action point would be a good idea.

2008-08-24, 09:26 AM
soulcatcher check your pms, i sent you my reply to our above convo, tell me if it needs to go here

2008-08-24, 09:38 AM
Got it. There is fine.

2008-08-24, 09:56 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Um, the only applications I see in the PHB for Action Points are in combat. That's why I asked if one could help. I'll cheerfully spend it, but what exactly does it do? In the mean time, I figure the below piece will set the tone of the initial failure.

Gildin gave the newcomer an appraising look. "It doesn't look like you've seen that many miles on the road either, good sir, but appearances can be deceiving, can't they?" he asked by way of asserting himself.

2008-08-24, 11:10 AM
Action points can be used for an additional action in combat, in RP settings or skill checks they can be used for a do-over or a success...don't you love house ruling on the fly :smallwink:

You've got some spine in you, that's a good thing considering our destination.

So Gildin, how adverse are you to danger? It seems that the journey will be one of legnth...possibly months...and will require some level of secrecy. You will not be told of the destination until we are ready to leave, this is the only way we can ensure that we will achieve success. Preparing for the journey will require that you've planned for different eventualities (as you mentioned last night you never know when you might need a replacement wheel).

2008-08-24, 11:18 AM
Walking out of the Yellow Dragon, Malstraad begins heading back to Lady Amoli's

I do hope there is a couch waiting for me there, gods the day is drawing long and I still have not seen my pets, where could they be?

Getting inside the door of Amoli's he gives the kind woman a bow and placing a few silver on the table

Thank you for your kindness madam, could i try you for some more of that tea and possibly a book? I wish to enjoy the calming decor for a bit, as it has been an exhausting day and it is barely afternoon!

Malstraad sits on the hearth of the fireplace looking into the flames, he needed to find his pets, and he needed to find them soon.

What if they have already left? I know Jonny was going to see some sage, hopefully he will return soon. This town is beginning to get stuffy, going from inn to inn just to get 1 piece of a large puzzle......

Running his hand through the flames, he sits, waiting for his tea, his mind racing.

5 silver, he knows it is more than a pot of tea should cost, he is "tipping" her

I am rolling perception to gather anything being discussed here while he is relaxing, even when reading and sipping tea, Mal is still "farming"


2008-08-24, 01:42 PM
Looks like a low night. You'll have to wait for Johnny to return and see if there's anything to pry out of him.

2008-08-24, 01:58 PM
pry isn't the right word! It sounds so cruel, Mal am a good friend!

2008-08-24, 02:25 PM

Gan nods while he listens to Johnny's retelling of the day's events.
"Well done. You two have certainly had quite the productive time. I think I will accompany you to see this scholar. Must do something to earn my pay, after all."

2008-08-24, 05:07 PM
@Johnny and Gan:

The college district is a quieter, more refined part of the city than what you've been used to dealing with lately. Scholars gather in small parks and eateries throughout the ward. The offices/appartments occupied by Hakiem are non descript, a single heavy ironbound door seems to be the only entry point of the building. There are no windows on the ground floor but there does appear to be some sort of garden located on the roof of the building (parts of plants can be seen hanging from the roof).

2008-08-24, 06:18 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin smiled at Tracker's response, and grimaced a bit at Sun's question.
"How averse I am to danger depends entirely on the pay scale, sir. I have to admit your mention of treasure in the Duck is what caught my attention. One would think that means solid pay. Pay that might just be worth risking my hide. And if speed is what you're looking for, you'll be hard pressed to find a trail boss that can push harder than I can," he said confidently.

Then I suppose I'll use the Action Point to buy a success there. Or do I need to roll again instead?

2008-08-24, 06:32 PM
Purchase a win is fine.

So other than the general direction, how much can you tell us so far Sun? I'm going to go out on a limb here with the thought that getting there and back in one piece will be our job and whetever they happen to be after will be all theres.

Yes, your task will be to escort them and keep them safe. Anything other than that you'll have to negotiate with them. Your compensation as caravan master would be 300 gold and a bonus of 50 gold for each wagon and team returned unharmed.

2008-08-24, 08:44 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Would the bonus include my own wagon and team?" Gildin asked with a smile. "Or should I sell them off before signing on? And how long do you expect the journey to take? I think a bonus would be fair for bringing the caravan there or back earlier than expected."

2008-08-24, 08:54 PM

Johnny knocks on Hakiem's door. While he waits, he pulls the unstrung lute neck from his belt and practices some chords. His fingers seem to purposely miss where he tells them to be. Disgruntled, he returns the lute to his belt and waits in silence.

2008-08-25, 06:41 AM
It might be best if you sold your team before leaving. There is no set time for this trip (and quite a bit of it might be sitting still and waiting for the others to do their part) so there cannot be a bonus for coming in under a specified time.



A small man in a turban opens the door Come in wanderer, how may I be of service to you? he says as he eyes you up and down (giving you the distinct impression that he's wondering if you can pay for his services).

2008-08-25, 06:55 AM

"Are you Hakiem?" Johnny steps in, making sure to hit the side of the door with his coin purse as he enters, making a distinct clinking noise.

2008-08-25, 06:49 PM
Yes wanderer, I am Hakiem. What is it that you seek? Tales of ages gone past or some piece of parchment from a lost civilization translated? I can do all of this and more if that is what you seek. he shuffles ahead of you, bent with age, it seems as if every step is an effort. He moves across the room to a large desk and chair, making himself comfortable You have the look of one who is curious, what is it that you're curious about? His hand rests on a small onyx gargoyle statue that sits on the desk and he idly drums his fingers on its head as he listens to your questions.

2008-08-25, 08:13 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin grimaced and nodded. "I had meant for the one way legs of the journey, but if you're not concerned about speed, I can understand that. I still intend to push the caravan along, though. Time is money to me at least. So when do I need to see the cartwright?" he asked.

I finally found the darn speed for a wagon. As I read it, Light Step means Gildin can get an extra five miles per day out of the caravan (30 vice 25).

2008-08-25, 08:29 PM

You do get right to the point, don't you. Well the truth is we're still waiting on that fossil of a sage that the adventurers hired to sort out the last of the information that we'll need to find your destination. Once that is done, expect to more quickly. You can meet with Tracker after our meeting and he will show you to where we keep the coster's wagons and animals when they aren't traveling. I'm sure you'll understand that I will require a signed contract to finalize this business agreement. Now don't look so shocked or frightened, it's a document that simply makes the terms of our agreement legal. You get the distinct impression that there might be more to it than that.

One part of the agreement is that you will submit to a truth spell on your return (so that everything can be verified).

2008-08-25, 08:49 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin looked neither shocked nor frightened. "As long as we're both subject to the terms, I have no problem with any contract, sir, though these terms might carry a premium. Magic isn't well thought of here in Westgate, and the more I see of the world, the more I agree with them," Gildin said in a level tone.

I haven't been haggling the offered price because I didn't think it was subject to haggling. Am I wrong in that?

2008-08-25, 10:54 PM

"I expected you to be older." Johnny makes his way across the room, sitting opposite the desk. He puts his feet on the desk, and leans back. "Curious? Yes, I guess I am curious about some things. Like why you are working for Thayans." He lets the inclination sink in. "Murderous lot, that. Why, did you know a friend of mine overheard them plotting to torture you, simply to get information from you quicker?" He deliberately leaves out the part of Marigold's refusal.

Diplomacy- [roll0] <- if that's not enough, can I use an AP? (loving that House Rule :smallbiggrin:)
From what Gilden told me (assumingly) Hakiem doesn't know who he is working for.

2008-08-26, 08:21 AM

by this point has taken a 20 on Listen Insight Spot and any other investigation skills, come on give me something, even if it is the farmer is cheating on his wife LOL

2008-08-26, 11:12 AM

As Johnny speaks with Hakiem, Gan waits outside the scholar's dwelling. He sits with his back to the wall and his head down, looking to all the world like a tired man simply taking a small rest. In actuality, he is quite alert, listening to the conversation inside as best he can, and scanning the nearby streets for anyone suspicious.

Man, I slipped out of the loop again. Sorry about that.

2008-08-26, 04:53 PM
It's ok, i live outside the loop in this game, maybe one day i will be in the center ring LOL

2008-08-26, 05:46 PM
Haggling is approved of, this is a trade city after all. Good point of the general population's take on magic...extra 50xp for that one.

So What sort of merchant do you take me for Gildin, I only mean to verify what I must in order to run a business. his tone sounds genuinely wounded [roll0] vs your insight (DC 17)

He enjoys his precautions a bit but he'll deal fairly with you Gildin. I've been working for his coster for 3 winters and all has gone well. says Tracker as he tries to smooth things over.

You may use an AP if you choose to auto succeed this one. It will be a while before your AP regenerates though (next session). [spoiler]

Thayans?!? I have no dealings with Thayans, I am a scholar, not some sort of coin hungry magician. Why would you think that I would deal with those grasping henchmen of Szass Tam he makes a sign to ward off evil after mentioning the "ruler" of Thay My dealings are my own. So if that's all you came to ask, I suppose it wasn't worth my opening the door after all he tilts his head to the side and studies his gargoyle and then turns his gaze back to you but I think you seek more than the spreading of rumors.

[spoiler] Its all right, there's a lot of talking going on but not a lot of action ATM. Just let me know if you'll be gone for a while so I can keep track of who is where.

The streets seem quiet as people keep their eyes down, watching the ground below them as if it might open up to swallow them at any minute.

Isatiable consumption of gossip might be the end of you, lol

There's little traffic in the waiting area of Lady Amoli's during the day. Most of the patrons have left for the day but it does give you a fine view of the 'Duck across the street. You see all manner of folk going to and from the establishment, including the Dwarf and Priestess of Tymora that you observed Gildin watching previously.

2008-08-26, 06:02 PM
matters on my ability to filter out what is useful and what is useless knowledge, plus just passing time til someone comes back home.

2008-08-26, 06:04 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin mirrored the merchants wounded tone and said, "And what kind of businessman do you take me for? I only ask for the same assurances you require of me. Surely that should be no problem for an upstanding gentleman such as yourself. And anyone on the Dragon Coast would ask for a little extra to have a spell cast at them. Prayers are one thing, sorcery another, sir."

Turning to Tracker, he continued, "I appreciate your reassurances, but magic is magic. Me submitting to a spell will cost extra."

Do I need a Diplomacy check at this point? I'm subscribing to the theory that whoever mentions an amount first loses the negotiation... :smallamused:

2008-08-26, 06:29 PM

"What?" Johnny pulls a surprised face and leans forward, taking his feet off the desk. "You really don't know, do you? The group of adventurers, the 'Falcon's Shield,' the ones you are translating for. Working for Thay." He leans back. "But you are a smart man, I'm sure you can put two and two together. What are you translating for them, and do you think it would be wise for even the possibility of Thay getting their hands on it?"

2008-08-26, 07:15 PM

I knew you were smarter than you seemed. In order for you to enter into this contract I can offer you an additional 200 gold, this should smooth over your worry about being put under a truth spell or at least allow you to pay to have someone check the spell independantly.


Oh no...how can you be sure? he asks but he can see the truth of it in your eyes. I sent the courrier out this morning with the information they requested, the location of Aze Hur (pronounced Aza Hoor) They were seeking the ruins of that lost city, the gods only know what they think they'll find there. As far as I can tell no-one has visited that place for over a thousand years. Although they did have quite a few questions about rituals and items used by the priesthood of Chauntea from that period. He leans back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling as he considers what their goal might be. Certain items from that period had quite the reputation, espescially items used for the purpose of rituals... he gets up and shuffles to a bookcase of scrolls that's set into one of the walls of his office, pulling one out and blowing the dust off of it This might be what they're after, although they didn't ask about it specifically he unrolls the parchment, it's age apparent as as it cracks along the edges when he puts pressure on it, it's a drawing of a ceremonial mask and sceptre with the markings of Chauntea (goddess of Agriculture) on it Why a Thayan would want such an item, I have no idea. They tend to avoid farming unless it is being done by slaves but without the item itself to study, I couldn't be sure as to why they would want it.

2008-08-26, 07:38 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Two hundred and you're subject to the same spell I am, and it's a deal, sir," Gildin said respectfully.

If he wants to cast a spell on Gildin without being subject to it himself, I think that'll be a bit more yet.
And let me just applaud Johnny for a well played interrogation... :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-26, 07:58 PM
I would have it no other way goodman Gildin. Will you be staying at the Paddling Duck for the immediate time being so I know where to get in touch with you when we are ready to being?

Well done.

2008-08-26, 08:06 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Yes, the Duck, sir. My coin will hold out there for a bit yet. It's been a pleasure doing business with you. I look forward to more," Gildin said politely, rising. He shook Sun's hand if it was offered, but made no move to take it if it wasn't.

Thank you. I thought he was trying to weasel out on me there at the end... :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-26, 08:30 PM
A strange custom, this shaking of hands. he proceeds to shake yours I will have the contract ready for you to sign before you leave.

Tracker stands and shakes your hand, Good to have met you and I'm looking forward to having a competant man leading the drovers. Just make sure they understand that we're going to be going into dangerous lands, this isn't some blanket selling expedition that we're going on.

2008-08-26, 08:51 PM

Johnny too looks puzzled. "Indeed... Though knowing the Thayans it could be a matter of them having it, simply so we don't."

I think the Auto-Succeed is a bit overpowered. The Deadly Trickster epic destiny lets you re-roll 3/day and the Reborn Champion (Dragon 365) ED lets you "call it a 20" 3/day. If the AP was limited to Diplomacy (Bluff and intimidate as well, maybe) and left you without the AP for the day, it could be workable. Though I think a re-roll would be better than an outright success.

And let me just applaud Johnny for a well played interrogation...
And well done on your little bonus :smallwink:.

2008-08-27, 05:50 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Exiting the common room with Tracker, Gildin chatted amiably:
"So, are the drovers already hired, or will I need to scare up a few? And do you think I've convinced Sun we need six wagons yet? All this talk of months in the wilderness calls for it in my opinion. Wagons break, and need repairs all the time. If we're going to be away from a cartwright that long, we'll have bring the parts with us..."

And so the "six wagons, no, really!" campaign continues.

2008-08-27, 06:39 AM

I know hills, woods, and fields and usually travel by foot so I leave the wagon planning to you. I would think that spare parts have been included in the extensive list of equipment that the Falcons provided though. Sun likes to hire his own people so I would leave that up to him, it's his specialty...finding the right person for the job. I will find you when it is time so don't wander to far.

2008-08-27, 05:30 PM

As Gan can see nobody suspicious in the streets, he decides to take a closer look upon the proceedings inside the house. As Hakim leaves the table to fetch the scroll, Gan stands up and hangs just outside the door, leaning up against the wall with one foot on the wall; while keeping a direct watch on the room, and making the occasional visual sweep of the streets.

2008-08-27, 06:07 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Hmmm... well I suppose I'd better find out how many drovers he's hiring then. It's hard to plan the wagon loads if I don't know how many he's bringing. What we talked about at the Duck didn't involve enough spares for the wagons. That's what got me involved in the conversation in the first place. I'll see if Willem or Marigold knows..." Gildin said, trailing off into thought.

2008-08-27, 07:11 PM

The ceremonial mask and scepter appear to be made of gold with several glyphs and symbols. Some of them are recongnizable as fertility symbols.

Perhaps they mean to restore the land that Szass Tam destroyed with his ritual, that could be the only thing I can think of but they do not revere the earth mother or her ways. It's strange that they would show interest in such a thing. What is your part in all of this wanderer? Hakiem refocuses on you again.


On your return to the 'Duck you see the adventuring company huddled around a table as a young man in messenger attire leaves. There seems to be much whispering and back slapping going on. Marigold raises her voice above the others That's the plan, gather your equipment and make ready to leave in two days. Sun says that he'll have what we need gathered by then so make sure that there are no dealys *cough*Billy*cough* at this the others chuckle and slap Willem on the back.

2008-08-27, 08:45 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin approached the adventurer's table with a wide grin. Waving to the serving girl, he called, "A round for my friends here, please!"
He offered his hand first to Marigold, and enthusiastically thanked her for telling him where to find Sun Tao, then set about thanking Willem and the others. He briefly explained he'd been hired to be the group's caravan master, though Sun had left out several critical pieces of information, like how many wagons he'd actually been hired to shepherd, how many drovers were already on the payroll, when exactly they'd leave, and even a rough idea of the destination. He maintained good humor throughout while politely soliciting whatever of the missing information they knew and were willing to share. After that discussion died down, he spent the rest of the evening drinking with and getting to know his new travelling companions, especially Marigold, his main benefactor.

2008-08-27, 08:58 PM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

Rinc Arangol entered Amoli's purposefully. Striding over to Lady Amoli, he said, "Good evening, madame. I'm told two men by the names of Johnny and Gan have recently boarded with you, and I must speak with them. Are they here, by chance?"
At her denial, he politely asked, "May I wait here, then, until they return? Thank you."

The lanky but handsome eladrin took up a seat by the fire where he could see the door. He accepted any offered refreshments, and made polite conversation with Lady Amoli until the pair returned. When they did, he excused himself from Lady Amoli and said, "Good evening gentlemen. Mr. and Mrs. L asked me have a word with you. In private, if you don't mind."

2008-08-28, 03:32 AM
i really need to start reading the things not directed at me, as all of a sudden there is a new character that apparently rushed past my character at his fireplace seat LOL

2008-08-28, 04:54 AM

"My part? One needs a reason to thwart Thayans? I heard a Thayan was in town, looking for adventurers, so I thought I'd try and find out as much as I could. You have been most helpful, though I'm not sure what I can do from here."

Bluff: [roll0]

2008-08-28, 05:34 AM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

Rinc was so engrossed in speaking to Lady Amoli, he hadn't even noticed the horned tiefling sitting across from him.

In general, I try to avoid spoiler text not directed at me. Incidentally, how do tieflings sit in chairs with those huge tails?

2008-08-28, 06:35 AM

Well it seems as if the damage is done already. I will have words with those adventurers the next time I see them however. Hakiem seems agitated, rolls up the scroll and puts it away. I think I've had quite enough excitement for one day so if you'll excuse me... he opens the door to usher you out.


The destination is a city that (quite literally) fell off the map over 1000 years ago. The name of the city is Azehur and their reason to go there is to hunt for treasure (the city was a trading center for it's local area). Sun is financing this operation so that he can find some Chauntean relics supposedly in this city at the time of its disappearance. While they take their contract seriously, they've got little interest in some ceremonial items from a temple, what they seek is the usual gold and jewels, maybe get noticed by a high power patron who can sponsor further operations like this. They've got a good idea (within 100 square miles) of where this city should be located and think their chances of success are high.


The tiefling across the room looks familiar but as they say, one set of horns and a tail look like every other set of horns and a tail. As for getting the tail into the chair, your guess is as good as mine.

xp awards for this section = 350 each, bonus of 100xp each for Johnny, Mal, and Gildin for immersion

2008-08-28, 07:03 AM

"I don't think that is a good idea. The Thayan wanted to torture you, image what he would do if you proved a hindrance. Thankyou for your help, if I can get my hands on the relic, I would be honoured for you to study it." Johnny knew there was no chance, so he felt it an empty promise, but a promise easy to keep.

As he steps outside, he sees Gan leaning against the wall. "Well that was enlightening." As the two walk to the Amoli, Johnny recounts the meeting. "The worst part I can think of, is if they do restore the land, it would be a reason for them to have more slaves. Not that they seem to need a reason." He spits in his disgust.

Johnny pushes open the door to the Amoli to be confronted with another new face. Looking the eladrin up and down, he whispers to Gan "Relative of yours?"

2008-08-28, 08:57 AM
Malstraad perks up at hearing the names of his pets, and is looked Rinc up and down carefully memorizing his features. When Jonny and Gan arrive, Mal gives a nod to Jonny and continues sipping his tea. He completed the book Amoli gave him quite a while ago, but the warmth of the fire still provided him some comfort. They are home, I have made Jonny aware of my presence, now they will come to me when the time is right. Two new faces, one I assume is Gan, the other I will find out later.

Eavesdropping if any of the discussion occurs in the common room, but I doubt it will.

2008-08-28, 02:21 PM

XP totals so far (correct me if I am wrong in this but I think I got them all):

2008-08-28, 02:37 PM

for some reason i have 517 on my sheet, if that is wrong i will shift it to 450

2008-08-29, 03:13 PM
Gildin's XP total looks right to me. How long should I give Gan before talking to Johnny?

2008-08-29, 08:21 PM
Not sure what's going on but since it's friday there's probably something band related happening (big football night here in Indiana for High Schools). Feel free to jump start

2008-08-29, 09:48 PM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

Jump start, aye!

Once secure in Johnny's room, Rinc said to the pair in a low voice, "Gentlemen, Mrs. L is anxious to hear how business is going. You can either tell me, or drop by her house to tell her yourself. When you're done with her or me, Mr. L wants you back at his house for some other business. What'll it be?"

2008-08-29, 10:10 PM

Gan tilts his head toward Johnny at his jest.
"Hardly," he says in a low voice. "Have you seen him before?"

Minimalist, I know, but there's little I can actually describe in the confines of a whispered conversation.

Also, yay XP. Only.... *Opens PHB* 353 more to go!

2008-08-29, 10:23 PM

Johnny squints his eyes at the Eladrin as he mentions 'Mrs L.' "You weren't one of those corpses in Lillith's chamber, were you?"

"Anxious? It's only been a couple of days. But we have learnt a great deal, and we might know some more when Gilden returns from his job hunt. Speaking of which." He rubs his stomach, "What's say we grab a bite at the Duck and find out what Gilden knows." He looks around, as if someone might be overhearing. "Covertly, of course."

open spoiler
@Enlong- I think Gan could walk around without his make up on and Johnny will just think its a disguise at this point
@Daryk- Let's see you do two voices at once :smallwink:

2008-08-29, 11:00 PM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

The eladrin grinned and replied, "No, no I wasn't. They weren't kidding when they said you guys were new. Mr. and Mrs. L try to keep things on the down low, eh?"

At the suggestion of getting dinner, Rinc said, "I'm just the messenger. Her nerves are her business. How about you spill what you've got to me, and drop by Mrs. L's after dinner?"

Touche! When you go across the street, you'll find Gildin eating dinner with the adventurers, so it wouldn't have been two voices anyway... :smallwink:
@Soulcatcher: By chance, is Rinc the one who dropped that mysterious note for Gildin? And how's Rinc's cant? I'm winging it at the moment, but I'd like to think the Night Masks have their own jargon.

2008-08-29, 11:51 PM

"Very well, I'll tell you the important stuff. The adventurers are heading off soon, to the south, in search of a Chauntean fertility artefact. When they leave and for how long is what Gilden is working on."

2008-08-30, 06:35 AM
Cant is acceptable for keeping things obscure from the public, consider it part of the Thievery skillset but if there are others about they'll know that you're either speaking in code or a different language depending on how much the hear. Let's use Rinc as the note deliverer so that we can tie that loose end down.

2008-08-30, 07:34 AM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

"Right then. Enjoy dinner, gentlemen. If your friend doesn't turn up, I'll catch up with him later," Rinc said.

And by later, he means picking up Gildin's return note, and dropping off a dozen coins. Having "teleportation" as an encounter power makes things so easy... :smallamused:

2008-08-30, 06:06 PM
The adventurers and Gildin are deep in their cups when you arrive at the 'Duck. Apparently they have gotten the news that they were waiting for and are celebrating heartily. You catch Gildin's eye as you enter and he nods discreetly in your direction, signalling that he has achieved his mission as he turns back to answer a question from one of his companions.

2008-08-31, 05:53 PM
Rinc will be joining to replace Gildin who will be out of the city for a number of weeks.

Next day:
There's news in the city. A man known as Hast Ra-Kodi was found crucified in the center of the market place. His body had been savaged and most of his organs removed. What makes this newsworthy was that he was an assassin in the employ of the Vipers of Night (and with a reputation for being very good at his profession). It is unknown who committed the murder but it is certain that they Vipers will be seeking retribution, looking under every rock for answers.

News that Lastel requires your presence at the Vulgar Unicorn reaches you by messenger. Upon arriving you notice Rinc already there waiting for you with a look of concern on his face.

2008-08-31, 06:14 PM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

Rinc was nervously fidgeting with his Lambent Coin when Johnny and Gan came in. The spinning coin was lighted on one side only, and it cast an odd strobing effect on the eladrin's face. Without looking up, he said, "Bad news, guys. Looks like we're all out of business for a while. Lastel'll fill us in with the rest of the details, but it sounds to me like the Vipers think we had something to do with the mess in the square this morning. We're going to the mattresses until they figure out otherwise. Unless, of course, you guys know something about last night?"

Rinc looked up hopefully as he asked his last question, though he didn't hold any real hope they did. In fact, he rather hoped quite the opposite. Whoever made the mess in the square was in the Vipers' sights, and they didn't much care who was standing around, innocently or otherwise.

2008-08-31, 06:44 PM

Lastel approaches the table, a more serious look on his face than he normally wears I'm gonna keep this quick boys, some things are going on in the city that are not understood by the people in charge. Hast was a man that most would think twice before crossing and to see him pinned up on a wall like a bug on a board doesn't bode well for those of us in the shadows. The word is out that the Vipers are looking to get some answers and that they aren't going to be asking nicely. What we would like you all to do is keep your ears to the ground and if you find anything out, let us know. He leans back and stretches.

Laying low isn't something we can all do so those of us who are already known to the public (myself and Lilith for instance) will remain your points of contact. If you happen to hear anything of interest, I'm sure that there would be some sort of reward for the information.

2008-08-31, 06:54 PM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

Rinc nodded as Lastel explained the situation. He'd been hoping for a more direct order to lay low, but "ear to the ground" was close enough. As long as it didn't involve crossing any Vipers, it would be safe enough. Looking across the table, he asked, "So what do you think, guys? Are we low enough on the totem pole to poke around safely? Or should we just hang loose with our ears open?"

2008-08-31, 09:39 PM

ok i could seriously start my own little track of investigation here away from the group, or I could try to find the group, as a DM which is more profitable toward furthering your story, since over 3 weeks we have proceeded 3 days i didnt want to sidetrack it anymore than i accidentally do. Also posting to say i am alive and check the thread a few times a day, just figure no one wants to hear about Malstraad getting drunk from waiting and collapsing in his chair by the fire LOL

2008-09-01, 11:53 AM

Gan nods at Lastel's warning, silently thanking himself for having the foresight to change guises. "Laying low... I can do. Nobody really knows who I am. Even if they suspected me a few days ago, they don't recognize this 'elf' at all. I can probably do some investigation without much suspicion."

2008-09-01, 08:07 PM



@Rinc and Gan:


I think that might be a good plan. The body was found in the the bazaar near the Maze. My guess is that's where they caught up with him but I could be wrong. Start with folks that work in that part of town and see what you can turn up, if nothing else you'll get to know some of our more colorful local residents. There's a couple of taverns you should check that are on the outskirts of the Maze on that side of town, small local wine houses and the like that draw a clientel that lives or works close.

2008-09-01, 08:14 PM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

"You're the boss. Hopefully any Vipers that recognize me remember I'm just a messenger. I think our master of disguise here is best suited to do the poking around in the Maze itself. I'm all for checking out the bars," Rinc said. Turning to Johnny, he asked, "What about you?"

2008-09-01, 08:21 PM

"Ugh, crucified." Johnny looks visibly pale. "If you take the time out to nail someone to a wall..." He stops his train of thought before he starts to get ill. He looks at Rinc. "I see no reason why I shouldn't continue on my daily ritual, laying low would mean you had something to hide."

2008-09-01, 08:56 PM
Rinc (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16814)

Nodding at Johnny's response, Rinc stowed his Lambent Coin and stood up. "Well, I suppose that settles it then. I'm headed for the bars around the Maze. See you guys out and about," he said, heading for the door.

On leaving the Vulgar Unicorn, Rinc took as circuitous route as possible to the Maze to throw off an Vipers who may have been watching the known Mask hidey hole. Only once he was satisfied he wasn't being followed did he find a likely tavern. The sign hung out front bore a picture of a boar's head over a tankard of ale. He briefly wondered what the name of the place actually was before plunging inside. Conversation within was animated, but at a low volume. Knots of locals were busily exchanging conspiracy theories, it seemed. Putting on a wary face, he shuffled up to the bar and ordered a drink.

Not sure exactly what rolls are needed here, but here's a selection to choose from:
Sure is awful quiet around here. Perception: [roll0]
I said, 'It sure is awful quiet around here...'. Streetwise: [roll1]
Any 'obvious' Vipers in the bar? Thievery: [roll2]
I'm not a Mask looking for trouble, really! Bluff: [roll3]
No, seriously, I'm not looking for any trouble! Diplomacy: [roll4]
What did you say your name was again? Insight: [roll5]

2008-09-02, 06:28 AM
The murmur of conversation doesn't break as you enter and move across to the bar to order. The customers look like your normal working class crowd from the bazaar taking their time with a noonday meal. The man behind the bar looks harried as he works his way through the barrage of orders coming to him from the servers.

Sitting next to you is a slight man dressed in what looks to be a uniform of some sort *not a watch uniform*. Aye, 'tis quite quiet today, seems as if some person got 'imself pinned to a wall last night. Word is 'e was someone "famous" in a bad way. The rumor mill is running at full speed and we're either being invaded by Cormyr this morning or the city is going to fall into the bay when the orchards "wake up" and march on us. He chuckles Rumor is the sport of the working class it seems. The Cormyr rumor might have some truth to it as "someone" *friend of a friend of a cousin's aquaintence* saw what happened and says that the roughnecks that did the pinning were dressed like nobles and were wearing a crest. How true it is is anyones guess though. He looks pointedly at his *now* empty flagon Seems this storytelling is drying work.

2008-09-02, 09:20 AM

Wandering around the bazaar, Mal looks at the wares and listens in on conversations. Gods, in this city there is no telling who killed that man, hmm...i wonder where my pets went? Sigh, if they have left town then my life officially has gotten boring again......

Walking up to one of the shops Hello kind sir, what are you selling today?


I feel like i am just going around flagging sidequests :-p

Streetwise in bazaar: [roll0]