View Full Version : Shock Effect, help me out Playgrounders

Marek Haldir
2008-08-06, 11:29 AM
My brother is a writer here in Toronto, and one of his biggest dreams is to be a comic book writer. So he has contributed his latest work to an online comic competition run by DC comics. Please visit, check it out, and vote for him to help him out. I've read it and it is good, so I'm not just doing this cause the dude is family. The quote below is his message and the link to the actual site where you can find his comic "Shock Effect". He's in the competition for August so please check it out and vote vote vote! Also if you like it please tell your friends and help to promote it.

Thanks in advance.


My comic Shock Effect is in the competition right now at DC's web
comic site Zuda comics.

You can find it on the competition page here:

It's a tough competition, based on how many people vote for your comic.

And for that I could REALLY use your help.

To help the comic win there's four things you can do--
once you've registered for the site, you can read it; vote for it;
make it your favourite; rate it; and then comment on it.

If you do all of these things you'll be putting it ahead. So far it
looks like it's going to be tight so every little bit will count, and
all of the above are measured in the final tally. I think we're doing
well but we really need to bring it up in people making it their

And hey, if you know anyone else you can share this with to get them
signed up that would mean a lot too.

Thanks you guys,



Canadians duke it out in comic book competition.

It's American Idol for comic book fans and Toronto natives Ian Daffern
and John Lang will enter the ring as Canadian competition in DC Comics
(Batman, Superman) online search for new creative talent at

This August Ian Daffern and John Lang's comic book Shock Effect will
be competing against 9 others for the big prize, an online publishing
contract worth over $10,000 USD.

Shock Effect is about growing up during an alien invasion. Alice and
her mom have been waiting for a rescue. When it arrives, they embark
on a journey that could expose the invasion's truth—if it doesn't tear
their family apart first. Shock and awe is just the beginning.

You can find Shock Effect online
www.zudacomics.com/competition/results and vote during the month of
August. The competition ends Friday, August 29th.

Check out the development blog with news and updates

John and Ian will be showcasing Shock Effect at the August 22-24
Hobbystar FanExpo when over 50,000 comic book and Sci-Fi fans take
over Toronto's Metro Convention Centre. They will be working the
floor, signing up fans, doing sketches and giving away promotional art.

Ian Daffern is a writer who lives in Toronto. He's covered comics for
Book Television; Quill & Quire and The National Post, Dungeons and
Dragons for the CBC and virtual worlds for the Globe and Mail. His
first published comic, Ogre Hospital, appears in the anthology Drawing
the Line Again. You can visit his website at www.iandaffern.ca

John Lang is a freelance illustrator living in Toronto. He has
produced artwork for various magazines, newspapers, advertising
agencies and production companies. Some past clients include Time
Magazine, Billboard and Business Week. John's work has been recognized
by American Illustration (AI27 Web Gallery) and CAPIC Toronto. You can
check out his portfolio at: www.johnlangart.com