View Full Version : [Avatar d20] Battle Royale: Jin, Kiyara, and Amadu

2008-08-06, 11:50 PM
Avatar d20 Playtesting Combat 5 – Level 15 Party v. Monster(s)


Arena Map

A hush falls over the crowd as the wooden gates at the south end of the arena open with a creak and the combatants file out from the southern gate of the arena, taking their places and preparing for the round to start. A lean, well-muscled man steps up to the announcer's podium, his darkly tanned skin contrasting starkly with his loose white trousers, the only article of clothing he wears. The arrow tattoos of an air nomad have been altered and widened into the form of blue snakes striping his back, limbs, and bald head. The man opens his mouth wide, and his voice booms from the announcer’s box.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen of the Fire Nation, to a new round of heart-stopping, nail-biting, fire-breathing action at the Grand Coliseum!"

The crows goes wild at this, excited by the exotic look of the day's competitors.

"Today we have the return of Shui Jin, the defeated survivor of Ba Sing Se's treacherous arena, making his way home to prove his mettle in a fair fight!

The cheers turn to spirited booing as the crowd expresses its disgust for Ba Sing Se's despicable ways.

Against him are Amadu and Kiyara, both unknowns in our arena, and both fresh meat for the might of the Fire Nation!

Rialu is visibly disgusted as he says this, clearly flattering his patrons for the benefit of the crowd more than anything else.

Now, let the battle royale BEGIN!

Updated Arena Map
Red = Jin
Purple = Amadu
Yellow = Kiyara

2008-08-06, 11:56 PM
Jin, having been recently released from Dai Lee custody, is in no rush to hurry back to Ba Sing Say(Spelling?). However, he does take up a fighting stance, eyeing his opponents.
C'mon C'mon C'mon.

2008-08-06, 11:58 PM
Whoopsie. C'mon C'mon C'mon[roll0]

2008-08-06, 11:59 PM


2008-08-07, 12:04 AM
As soon as the southern gate opens and lets the fighters into the coliseum floor, a powerfully muscular man strides in, his dark brown skin implying a lifetime and ancestry of desert sun. The man wears a loose gi of a strange purple hue with matching trousers, and the sleeves of the gi have been torn off for ease of movement, and possibly to better display the man's impressive physique. He wears nothing else save a pair of springy leather sandals and fingerless black gloves. The man's face, chest, and arms are decorated with spots and lines of bright yellow clay, contrasting sharply with the man's dark skin. Stylized writing on the back of his gi identifies the man as "Amadu".

Amadu walks up to the bridge and gazes serenely at the water for a brief moment, feeling the dark energies of his ki calling for the blood of his opponents. Swiftly deciding not to bend to the dark will of his master's teachings, Amadu shakes his head and sizes up his opponents, realizing that he may need to use all the power at his disposal merely to stay alive. That would not be good for his conscience...


...I get the feeling that Kiyara will likely be going first.

Aaand I'm off to bed. G'night, all.

2008-08-07, 12:15 AM

I'm assuming we get to start with a weapon drawn


Kiyara stepped into the room wearing her flowing dress. She was tall and graceful looking, but the paint covering her face didn't let people discern her features. She looked around the room carefully. "Huh, wonder what that guy in the middle is going to do? Best to watch and wait, I suppose." She glanced about the room and saw the firebender on the opposite side. "A firebender! It's been ages since I've seen their kind in action, and I hope I get a chance to grind is face into the dirt." She drew her fan and flicked it open, ready to charge forward and show the arena how the warrior-women from Kyoshi fought.


also, for reference...

EDIT for first actions:

:smallamused:... after three tries our friend Jin rolls a 4, and ES's character rolls a 2. Nice. Of course, I then proceed to waste an 18... lucky me.
Ok, well, I'm going to start this off with some

Kiyara rushed forward, eager to fight that man in front of her and show him who the strongest gender really was... well, rather, show him that his strength meant nothing. As she neared him she remembered her basic training though, and caution won the day as she set up to take this fool out of the fight.

First, the 'fool' was just used for the alliteration. Also, at 20 wisdom I have a feeling most people are fools to her :smallwink:

Second, move action to J12, attack using full combat expertise and my defending fan against the... monk guy. -9 to attack, +9 to AC.
Attack: [roll]1d20+11
Damage: 1d4+4
Confirm: 1d20+11

New AC: 44.

2008-08-07, 12:26 AM
Forgot you can't reroll in an edit. Sorry.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Confirm: [roll2]

New AC: 44.

2008-08-07, 12:36 AM
Jin breathed out. The Silly little girl was going for the nomad. Still, she was a threat. Drawing the power of the sun into his legs, Jin propels himself up and over in a burst of fire, landing on the pillar next to him, where he quickly unleashes a blast of fire at the Nomad.

Quickened bending into a move action Firebender's leap onto Q14, followed by an Explosive
+Fire-kicked Fire blast.

]roll=Damage]7d6 Doesn't even matter that I messed up, I got a natural one. LAME.
Also, Make a Bull-
Rush attempt agaisn't DC 26.

Also, at 20 wisdom I have a feeling most people are fools to her
At 22 Wisdom, everyone is a fool to him.:smallwink:

2008-08-07, 08:25 AM
Superglucose, how did you get your AC so high? Specifically, where's the +11 "Deflection" in your AC coming from? Remember that Class Defense Bonus doesn't stack with armor. Actually, I would feel more comfortable if you would note the source of each point of armor class, please.

Also note that you can't use Combat Expertise beyond -5 attack. AND that as a defensive art, the Passive Way gets the Solid Guard ability, which means you get 1.5 times your penalty to attack as a bonus to AC.
Attack Resolution
Kiyara's attack hits me. For all of 2 damage, after my DR. Congrats. You're gonna have to do better than that, friend.
This woman with the fan...she is clearly an experienced combatant, but she was the tactical acuity of a crab. So painfully presumptuous that I would immediately attack her.

I sorry, girl. I no interst in you now. Be back lay-tur to fight, yes?

With that, Amadu abandons the pitifully defensive little girl and launches himself with a reckless abandon towards Jin, making an impossibly high leap as he reaches the firebender, slamming down against his chest with all the might in his body, knocking Jin violently into the floor.

As Jin hits the ground, Amadu, still airborne, brings his leg up in a powerful axe kick, bringing his heel down in a crushing final blow to Jin's chest before landing once more on the floor, preparing to see what the painted little girl could possibly do.
Amadu has some respect for the power of you both, but is fighting the urge to consider Kiyara in idiot and traitor to her style, as she charged an offensive fighter as her first move in a match. That, and she's got an Intelligence of 8. Amadu's reaction to Kiyara is somewhere between amusement and disdiain.

First, I'll shift into the Penetrating Attack stance, so my Unarmed Strikes are considered two-handed weapons. Then I'm charging Jin (provoking an AoO from Kiyara) and making a Jump check (DC 20) to get 5 feet into the air and use my Battle Jump feat to deal double damage on a charge. My modifier is +29, so I don't even have to roll. Assuming Kiyara doesn't stop me somehow, here are my rolls. 5-point Power Attack. Oh, and let's make that a Stunning Fist attempt, too. Fortitude save please, Jin.


And because of my Knock-Down feat, I do an automatic trip attempt for dealing more than 10 damage, with a bonus attack if I succeed due to Improved Trip. Opposed Strength or Dex check, please.


2008-08-07, 08:30 AM
Critical Hit Confirmation
If my action goes through and Jin is successfully tripped, then Amadu got a natural 20 on the bonus attack from Improved Trip. I think Jin's AC is 20, right? Unless it's changed since the Dai Li match.


That's a confirmation. That means 70 damage from the bonus attack, which forces a DC 15 Fortitude save vs. death by Massive Damage. Oof.

Oh, and DC on the Stunning Fist is 20, by the way.

2008-08-07, 09:54 AM
I'll be handling the round updates and any disputes that come up, just so everyone's clear. Also, make sure you double-check my name.

Initiative order:
Kiyara (SuperGlucose)
Jin (Frigs)
Amadu (EigthSeraph)

Updated Map, as of Round 1


2008-08-07, 10:38 AM
Yeah, about that Eighth, You just did almost double my health with those two attacks, even with DR. I think I'm dead.

2008-08-07, 10:45 AM
Oh...wait. You're on a pillar, and that means that I can't jump down at you. So you can remove the x2 from the first attack. That's 25 less damage, if it helps at all.

And wow. That was made of pwn. I feel kinda bad. I've killed Sikkun, Lo Feng, and possibly Shui Jin now.

I did provoke that AoO from Kiyara, though, and as a 12th level Passive Way monk, she has Counter Hold. So that whole action might not have happened. We'll see.

2008-08-07, 10:57 AM

First, Jin, you may not be out yet. I get an AOO. Also, make an opposed roll. 1d20 + dex (for you) is 1d20+2, you have a 10% chance of not taking the second attack.
Second, I really screwed up my first round doing exactly the worst move I could have done.
Third, 1.5 times my combat expertise? Scary.
Armor Class:
+11 for being a fighter (which gives me 'heavy armor proficiency' and I'm a 15th level character, believe me I triple checked the rules on that one, also this particular bonus affects touch AC so I wasn't sure where to put it), +1 for my fan, +4 for dex, +5 for widsom, +3 dodge bonus for being a level 12 monk with the evasive style. That's a total of +24, which gives me a base armor class of 34.

Using Combat Expertise and my defending fan for a -9 to attack and what I assumed was a +9 to defense, I get an additional +1 as a shield bonus from the fan for a total of +10 to my AC this round, a 44.

Also, if I get 1.5 times my combat expertise penalty I suppose I get +13 total for an armor class of 46. *shrug* Time for my AOO.

Kiyara grinned, grateful for the opportunity to fix her mistake.. As her chosen foe left her she whipped her leg out and thrust with her left hand, attempting to knock her opponent off his stance.

What I should have done before, either this or drain your strength. I really screwed up my opening. Anyways, Break Stance: (I'm assuming I add the penalty to attack that I took on from the fan? If it's just counted as an off hand attack, the bonus is +5.)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Confirm: [roll2]

Also, if it hits, please make a reflex save. I'm not sure what the DC is, but if you fail you're dazed for the next round and other stuff. Plus I'm pretty sure this should stop your movement as I pushed you five feet and you're now flat footed. I'll let arbitration go on that one.

2008-08-07, 11:21 AM
Superglucose, did you take the -4 to attack from Break Stance? If you did, you hit me. If you didn't, then you couldn't have possibly hit me. Also, your attack must be an unarmed strike or targeted bending technique, so you can't use your fan or any bonuses it gives to attack. Please recalculate your attack modifier thusly, if you didn't already.

Also, I'm seriously wondering how I'm going to hit you during this fight. Anyway, the Reflex Save DC is (10 + 1/2 character level + Wis modifier), or 22 for you. Tough, but doable for me. Assuming that your final attack roll is, in fact, 22, then I take the damage and the broken stance. Here's my save vs. dazed.


2008-08-07, 11:26 AM
Was it Break Stance that we decided lasted 1 round in the previous Battle? Whether or not, the flat-footed effect will last for round, in this case ending at the beginning of Amadu's turn.

The reflex save DC doesn't seem to be mentioned in the Break Stance, but the formula is usually 10 + half Hit Dice + stat mod. I think STR fits best here, so the DC will be 17 + Kiyara's STR modifier. Where's WIS coming from, Seraph?

Post-Battle Analysis Note: Break Stance feat needs a rewrite for clarity.

2008-08-07, 11:28 AM
Superglucose, did you take the -4 to attack from Break Stance? If you did, you hit me. If you didn't, then you couldn't have possibly hit me. Also, your attack must be an unarmed strike or targeted bending technique, so you can't use your fan or any bonuses it gives to attack. Please recalculate your attack modifier thusly, if you didn't already.

Also, I'm seriously wondering how I'm going to hit you during this fight. Anyway, the Reflex Save DC is (10 + 1/2 character level + Wis modifier), or 22 for you. Tough, but doable for me. Assuming that your final attack roll is, in fact, 22, then I take the damage and the broken stance. Here's my save vs. dazed.


the attack was WAY miscalculated... ok. +19 for the unarmed strike, -5 for CE, -4 for Defending, -4 for distrupt bending attempt. +6 total.

2008-08-07, 11:39 AM
Alright then. It was a break stance, not Disrupt Bending, by the way. Same penalty, though.

So, Mr. DM Alterform sir, how do you resolve this stance-breaking AoO? I failed the save even before Kiyara's strength modifier, so that doesn't matter. Does my action go through, and I'm considered flat-footed 'til the end of the turn? Or does the whole thing get canceled and I'm stuck at L12 dazed for a turn?

2008-08-07, 11:44 AM
Since you got hit with a daze, you're definitely not getting your action off.

Amadu is at L12, dazed and flat-footed until the beginning of his next turn.

Fixed Map

2008-08-07, 11:46 AM
Very well. Waste of a critical hit, though. It's Kiyara's turn.

I've take 13 damage so far.

2008-08-07, 12:03 PM
Kiyara gave her foe a flirtatious wink and batted her eyes from behind her fan, before moving forward and engaging in a spectacular dance around her opponent. Her left hand flew out repeatedly as her fan was held in front of her, protecting her painted face.

5 ft to K12, full attack + circle walking + combat expertise sacrificing 2.
Tumble: [roll0]
Attack1 (Chi Distruption): [roll1]
Attack2 (Chi Distruption): [roll2]
Attack3 (trip attempt touch attack): [roll3]
Trip Roll: [roll4] (don't forget your penalty to trip from break stance)
Attack4 (Chi Disturption): [roll5]

Damage 1:[roll6]
Damage 2:[roll7]
Damage 3:[roll8]
Damage 4:[roll9]

Confirm 1:[roll10]
Confirm 2:[roll11]
Confirm 3:[roll12]

Please take three DC 24 fortitude saves and take 2 strength damage for each one you fail.

5 ft step to L13 after the first
5 ft step to M12 after the second
5 ft step to L 11 after the third.

I will post my AC in another post because I need to see the results of my tumble check. It'll be lower this time.

2008-08-07, 12:05 PM

34 + 1(fan and CE) +3(CE) +1(base for circle walking) + 4(the circle extra)


Oh, and ignore the last chi distruption if you aren't tripped.

Also ignore the last damage roll (or the third, your choice). I rolled too many. Sigh... I need to play this a lot cleaner, I'm sorry.

2008-08-07, 12:20 PM
...dang. This is a stinky-poo. Nice build.

Anyway, Fortitude saves. You need to specify whether you're targeting Strength or Dexterity with your attacks. Nevermind. Just saw it.

Your DCs are 22, by the way. 10 + 7 (I've always rounded down) + 5



Urg. I'm prone and I've taken 4 Strength damage and 28 total damage. And I am very, very angry. Also, Trip Attempts don't deal damage, so there were only 3 actual attacks in that combination.

Jin, you're turn. Burn this girl up. Please.

2008-08-07, 12:24 PM
I said I was targeting strength, I'm fairly sure. Also, it's dc 24, because Improved Chi Distruption gives a +2 bonus to the DC.
DC Breakdown:

10 + 7 (math.Floor(15/2)) + 5 (wisdom) + 2 (Improved Chi Distruption).

And thanks, I like the build myself :smallbiggrin: And I didn't realize that I got 1.5 times my penalty to AC... that makes this build much MUCH better. My original problem was I didn't know if I could hit consistantly. Of course my mirror match is boring as hell... "who can roll the most nat 20s the fastest?"

EDIT: I noticed that extra damage roll as I was counting up my Armor Class, my post above yours has some bonus erratas, because I've been really sloppy on posting today. I apologize.

DOUBLE EDIT: If he can hit me :P

2008-08-07, 12:52 PM
Well dang. Superglue just saved my behind. Yay for AoO's!

Anywho, I'm going to have to stab you in the back, so to speak. You are the biggest danger to my living to see my next age category. So, tme to die! Bwahahah!

Jin takes in a deep breath, then lets it out. Moving slowly, he slowly seperates the positive and negative energise swirling around him, then lets them colid and with a flurry of motions, lets loose a humongous bolt of blue fire at Kiyara. He then takes a quick step back, panting from the effort.

Ranged touch attack for teh lightening [roll0]

[roll1] x1.5= A good 95 Damage for you, good sir.

Five-foot step to R15. End Turn

2008-08-07, 12:56 PM
Kiyara ducked easily in time as the firebender fired a massive bolt of lightning at her head. Her hair stuck out on end for a moment as she regarded the firebender with a mixture of hatred and worry.

See, thank god for high AC. Also, that lightning thing seems rather broken... it's a 1hko ranged touch attack. My touch AC right now is the 43 minus two for the shield bonus my fans provide that I can't apply to touch ac. 41.

2008-08-07, 01:19 PM

You tried to hit an AC 41? You needed a natural 20 for that. Target her Reflex save!
Amadu stands, knowing that he's likely playing right into the Kyoshi warrior's hands. At this point, though, he's only got losing options. Then, in a moment of desperation, he dives directly into the water to escape his opponent.
I provoke an AoO from standing, then 5-foot step into the water at K11, allowing myself to sink into the 10-foot deep water.

Any objections?

Also, for ease of reference...

Amadu, the Cajun Teaman
Tucked away in an isolated corner of an inhospitable desert, the Flaryu aborigines live in relative peace, content to make their day-to-day living by hunting lizards and gathering juicy roots from beneath the shifting sand. Then, one day, a wandering scholar came across the Farydu in search of a hidden library. While recognizing that it would be best for these people if no one learned about them, he did give them several gifts as signs of good will before resuming his wanderings, among which the knowledge tea was the most appreciated. The Farydu developed many variations of tea from their native plants, and it has become both a passion and an art among the most recent generation.

Of the children of this generation, Amadu was a bit of an exception. His grandfather told him of the explorer and the origin of tea, and Amadu became determined to find this world of other people, people that explored for knowledge. Amadu began his own wanderings then, carrying on his traditional fighting arts and his passion for tea. Eventually, the strange style of firebending he exhibited drew the attention of several prominent military recruiters, who encouraged him to join the Coliseum matches in order to represent the Farydu to the masses that have never heard of them.
Male Monk (Ansatsuken) 15
Chaotic Neutral medium humanoid
Init +0; Senses Spot +16, Listen +21
Languages Common, Farydu, Pwnish
AC 20 (10 + 7 def + 0 Dex + 3 Wis), touch 20, flat-footed 20
HP 82/82; DR 4/-
Fort +11, Ref +10 Will +12
Spd 30 ft. (5 squares)
Melee Unarmed +22/+17/+12 (2d8 + 5); (2d8 + 10 while in the Penetrating Attack stance)
Ranged Hadouken +16 (2d8 + 3)*2; (+18 (2d8 + 6)*2 while in the Coursing Stance) OR +15/+10/+5 (2d8 + 3) using Double Blast
Base Atk +15/+10/+5 Grapple +20
Atk Options Decisive Strike, Shoryuken, Shoryeppa, Hurricane Kick, Flying Hurricane Kick, Hadouken, Shakunetsu Hadouken, Shinryuken
Special Atks Shoryuken, Shoryu Reppa, Hurricane Kick, Flying Hurricane Kick, Hadouken
Stances Known – Coursing Stance, Boulder Stance, Penetrating Attack, Inner Shield, Iron Horse Stance
Ansatsuken Techniques Known – Hadouken, Shoryuken, Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku, Shoryeppa, Shippu Jinrai Kyaku, Shakunetsu Hadouken, Shinryuken
Abilities Str 20, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 8
SQ Improved Uncanny Dodge, Purity of Body, Diamond Body, Still Mind
Feats Battle Jump (http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Battle_Jump,all)(1), Break Stance (12), Combat Expertise (h), Double Blast (15), Improved Critical (9), Improved Trip (3), Knock-Down (http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Knock-down,all)(6), Power Attack (b), Student of Goutetsu (b), Stunning Fist (b), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike) (b)
Skills Balance +10 (Dex), Climb +27 (Str), Concentration +8 (Con), Diplomacy +7 (Cha), Jump +29 (Str), Knowledge (Bending) +5, Listen +21 (Wis), Profession (Tea Maker) +16 (Wis), Sense Motive +9 (Wis), Spot +16 (Wis), Swim +15 (Str)
Possessions: Flame Retardant Reinforced DR Increase I Padded Gi of Glory, Gloves of Climbing +4, Sandals of Jumping +4

2008-08-07, 01:28 PM

Kiyara watched the muscled warrior stand up to jump into the river. She chuckled to herself, "No, no, no, mister big strong man, I think I like you right where you are!" before lashing her leg out at him again.

Trip Attempt,
Trip Roll, [roll1]
Improved Trip Attack (chi distruption, as usual)[roll2]
Damage [roll3]
confirm [roll] 1d20+17

I need to know what happens with this trip before I take my next move. If you go in the water, I have some bad news for Jin :smallamused:

2008-08-07, 01:38 PM
You can't trip Amadu as he stands up, since AoOs resolve before the action that triggered them.

Go ahead and change your actions.

Updated Map (End Round 2)
Amadu is at -10 from ground level, underwater.

2008-08-07, 01:39 PM
You can't trip. AoO's occur before I take the action, so I'm still prone as you do this. I've tried it before, it doesn't work. You could make a normal AoO and just take the resolution from your Improved Trip bonus attack instead, I suppose. Either way, here's my Fortitude Save.


...the forum roller loves you far too much, Glucose.

2008-08-07, 01:39 PM
Well, I think you need to roll below a 6 to be tripped, so I think I'll just post actions for what I'll do this round. If you are tripped I reserve the right to change this. ****, I can't reach Jin no matter what I do. How tall are those pillars? 10 feet? So I need to make a 5 ft high jump, dc 20 and climb up with a dc 15? Hmmm... Ok I think I know what I'm going to do. Move action to Q 9, full CE and defending fan attack against the pillar to my right.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
New AC:
34 + 1 + 7 + 4 = 46. Touch AC: 44.

Eying the firebender, Kiyara knew she couldn't get up to him and that her best bet was to hide, and fast. Add that to her target deciding to drown himself in the water? Oh well. Let him do what he wants to do. Maybe she should have let him take the firebender off his post... well maybe she will do just that.

Yeah I'll just use a normal attack then + stunning fist. Damn! I always forget that because my DM houseruled that you could make a trip attack against someone getting up, it just resolved as you trying to keep them tripped.

And the forum roller loves me? That last round I rolled a 5, a 4, an 11, a 2, and a 2. Say rather that it hates me, but just a little less than it hates you :P

2008-08-07, 03:32 PM

You tried to hit an AC 41? You needed a natural 20 for that. Target her Reflex save!...

You'd think I'd be smarter than that, wouldn't you?

2008-08-07, 03:34 PM
...You no is on my favorite people list right now.

Because of your Stunning Fist, I'm stuck at L12, stunned. No diving in the water for me. *sigh*

2008-08-07, 03:36 PM
So, who's turn is it again?

2008-08-07, 03:36 PM
AHAHAHA whoops! I meant to say Chi Distrupt, but since I fudged up you can be stunned for a round instead. I'm moving away regardless. Damn I've been sloppy on my posting... first I screwed the first round, and now I screwed up this AOO :smalltongue:

Yours, Jin. I'm hiding from you and your damn lightning of doom.

2008-08-07, 03:42 PM
With a quick burst of Fire, Jin launched himself sideways again, and this time let out a blast of fire in a straight line at The girl.

Double-Quickened Fire burst to launch me to P18. Then use a Flame-thrower on you, SuperGlue. Reflex save for half damage. DC 22, thank you very much.


2008-08-07, 03:50 PM
I'm behind a boulder at Q9, are you sure you hit me? Either way...
I take 7 on a fail, 0 on a success (go improved evasion!)

2008-08-07, 03:52 PM
Kiyara slides to the left of the line of flames, contorting her body in a way that draws a series of "oooooohs!" from the crowd. She then mutters to herself, "I HATE firebenders!"

2008-08-07, 03:53 PM
What, what? since when are you.... Oh! was using the map! MY bad. Can I redo my action, pretty pretty please?

2008-08-07, 03:56 PM
woah woah woah, hold up. Doubel quickened? Even if you CAN do that (which I think RAW doesn't let you) that'd be a +30 to your bending check. Burning Rush is a dc of 10 and your modifier is +29. You need to roll an 11 or better, meaning if you take ten you fail. Then you need to make a jump check to get over to where you're heading.

Fire Burst double quickened is dc 55, which requires you to roll a 26 or fail.

Also you don't get a running start for your jump check.

I strongly suggest you redo your action, lol

2008-08-07, 04:03 PM
Well, I'm quickening it to a standard, then to a move. Also, because it is day time, my modifier is actually plus +31. :smallbiggrin:

Also, *head-palm* I meant Burning Rush.

Now, gimme a minute and I'll do my action. I'm doing some math here.

2008-08-07, 04:23 PM
So glad I took the Wall of Fire Seed. Prepare to eat fire damage, sucker!

Jin felt the fire under his feet burn as he propelled himself side-ways to the next pilalr. Dismissing his feeling of Deja Vu, he sticks his foot out and propels a vast quantity of fire at Kiyara.

Quickened to a move action Burning rush to P17. Then a Fire kick+Fire wall, ring form.
Alrighty. There is now a wall of fire 20 feet straight up in every square next to you. Right off the bat you take 2d4+2d6 fire damage. no save, No nothing. Oh man, Am I so pleased with myself right now.


2008-08-07, 04:24 PM
Mabye this will work.

2008-08-07, 04:26 PM
Only 2d4 until I move through it, so please roll those seperately.

Also, don't you need LoS? You don't have LoS from there.

Alright, I'll just assume you have LoS.

"Ah, crap" Kiyara exclaimed, before leaping through the firey circle and sprinting towards the stunned monk she had been fighting before. Rolling her eyes at what she was about to do, she dove into the creek dragging the body behind her, whispering something into his ear as she did so.

Double move action, finishing by pulling the monk into the pool. I'll roll a touch attack I suppose...
Touch Attack to grab the stunned monk: [roll]1d20+19 Whisper is in PM.

2008-08-07, 05:27 PM
Only 2d4 until I move through it, so please roll those seperately.

Thanks to Firekick I get to add on another 2d6. Also, hmm. Fine then. Forget P17 then. S9, followed by the fire wall.

Also, because you run through it, it's another 4d6.


2008-08-07, 05:36 PM
Thanks to Firekick I get to add on another 2d6. Also, hmm. Fine then. Forget P17 then. S9, followed by the fire wall.

Also, because you run through it, it's another 4d6.



• Applications: Applying this template to a firebending seed doubles the firebender's effective bending range for the purpose of that firebending seed. This range increase takes effect after determining the firebender’s bending range based on a high Firebending skill check. The seed also allows the firebender to use his firebending abilities while his hands are full or immobilized. Note that this template cannot be applied to any form that cannot be performed with the feet (such as by applying another template involving a body part or when stuck in a waterbender’s Steady Stance). A firebender cannot use his Firestorm ability when using this seed.

Where does it give you +2d6 to damage?

The only template I see that can add to your damage is Intensity, which is a base +20 and an additional +10 for each 1d6 you add above the initial d6. Roll your dice to make your move. DC 55. Also, at S 9, you take an equal amount of damage as you're within 5 feet of the wall. And I'm going to redo my turn if you're at S 9.

2008-08-07, 06:14 PM

• Applications: Applying this template to a firebending seed doubles the firebender's effective bending range for the purpose of that firebending seed. This range increase takes effect after determining the firebender’s bending range based on a high Firebending skill check. The seed also allows the firebender to use his firebending abilities while his hands are full or immobilized. Note that this template cannot be applied to any form that cannot be performed with the feet (such as by applying another template involving a body part or when stuck in a waterbender’s Steady Stance). A firebender cannot use his Firestorm ability when using this seed.

Where does it give you +2d6 to damage?

The only template I see that can add to your damage is Intensity, which is a base +20 and an additional +10 for each 1d6 you add above the initial d6. Roll your dice to make your move. DC 55. Also, at S 9, you take an equal amount of damage as you're within 5 feet of the wall. And I'm going to redo my turn if you're at S 9.

y using quick and powerful kicks to propel his firebending, a firebender can greatly increase the range and power of his abilities.
• Applications: Applying this template to a firebending seed doubles the firebender's effective bending range for the purpose of that firebending seed. This range increase takes effect after determining the firebender’s bending range based on a high Firebending skill check. The seed also allows the firebender to use his firebending abilities while his hands are full or immobilized. Note that this template cannot be applied to any form that cannot be performed with the feet (such as by applying another template involving a body part or when stuck in a waterbender’s Steady Stance). Finally, the damage dealt by the seed increases by +1d6 when Fire Kick is applied. This bonus to damage increases by +1d6 for every 15 by which a firebender’s skill check exceeds the base DC.
So there. Also, forget S9. R7. And I take 0 damage due to fire resistance.

2008-08-07, 06:22 PM
? Where is that last bit? Are you reading off the PDF? Cause the PDF is out of date.

Also, Fire Wall is base 25, flame kick is +10. That's a total of 35. Add in another fifteen to make the damage 2d6 and it's DC 50. Please roll.

2008-08-07, 06:43 PM
I'm reading off the Thread on these forums. And it says Base DC. Base Dc is 25, I beat it by 15, adding an extra DC.

2008-08-07, 06:59 PM
Simmer down, I'll sort it out. Gimme a bit.

2008-08-07, 07:00 PM
W/e we'll figure it out later. For now, it's my turn. 5 ft step to R8 and a full attack, just taking the damage. I really would like someone to update the website though.

I take 30 damage. You take 1. I'm using 1 combat expertise.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Attack 3: [roll2]

The first is a Chi Distrupt targeting your dex, DC 24 fort save please if I hit

Second is a Chi Distrupt targeting your Dex, DC 24 fort save please if I hit

The last is a touch attack to start a trip.
Trip: [roll3]
If it succeeds, first you no longer have your legs so you may not maintain the firewall and second I'll make my improved trip attack.

Attack 4: [roll4]

Damage 1: [roll5]
Damage 2: [roll6]
Damage 3: [roll7]

Kiyara calmly stepped into the flames and started wailing on the firebender. God, she HATED firebenders!

2008-08-07, 07:01 PM
Looks like a natural twenty... time to roll to confirm!

Also, those chi distrupt will target your strength instead, my bad.
confirm: [roll0]

If you fail your saves, you will be operating with a strength of 2. How much weight are you carrying?

2008-08-07, 07:13 PM
The DC on Jin's Fire-Kicked Wall is 25(Fire Wall) + 10 (Fire Kick) = 35. Assuming, of course, that Jin does not have Focused Bending or Template Mastery.
The initial damage is 2d4+1d6 fire. It deals 3d6 fire damage to those passing through it.
For every 15 points by which Jin exceeds the DC of 35, an additional 1d6 damage is dealt.

Frigs, can I get an explicit list of which squares are currently occupied by your wall?

2008-08-07, 07:24 PM
Does firewall require active firebending to maintain? Or is it just there for the rest of this round? Is he currently using the form and considered to be doing so until the next round?

2008-08-07, 07:27 PM
It doesn't mention maintaining, so I'm going to go with it lasting 1 round (until the start of his next turn).

Post-Battle Analysis Note: Default duration for non-maintainable forms is until start of next round?

2008-08-07, 07:44 PM
Phew, I've calmed down. Sorry about that Frigs, I've been a bit on edge all day and I have no clue why. I believe it's your turn, and I'm right next to you in your wall, apparently. But looking at the seed it doesn't say you can make it smaller, it looks like it's a minimum of a 10 ft radius and that it gets bigger the more you beat the check. Since I think it's crazy that you can't chose to not make the radius bigger on a higher check, I'll let it stay at 10 feet in radius if you want, or go as high as your check allows, or anywhere inbetween. If the DM rules you can make it a 5ft radius, then that's fine.

2008-08-07, 08:05 PM
Apology accepted, Sugerglue.

Sorry to Crush your hopes and dreams, but my post says I'm in R7

So there. Also, forget S9. R7. And I take 0 damage due to fire resistance.

Check the date. an hour before your post. So no, I'm not cheating, thank you very much. Also, you can't make a smaller fire wall! Lame./ Anywho, the damage stays. The Fire wall would then be in squares. S-O, 7-11.

2008-08-07, 08:07 PM
Er, Glucose? You skipped my turn. Your Stunning Fist was an AoO on MY turn, so I lost THAT turn. Before I post a turn to confuse things, I'd like AlterForm to confirm this and make sure I'm not mistaken. I would also like a map.

2008-08-07, 08:21 PM
1, reroll the d6 damages because they're only 1d6. 2, I know you're in R7, that's why I moved to R8. 3, you're right Eight. Take your turn. Mine will go after yours.

2008-08-07, 08:30 PM
Yes, Seraph got skipped. Amadu's actions will occur just before post 51.

Speaking of which, Kiyara can't 5-ft from Q9 to R8, since that's cutting a corner.

Map for the end of round 3 to come after Seraph's actions.

Map for Seraph

Post-Battle Analysis Note: Should radii be counted from a square (easy to calculate) or from an intersection (in line with standard DnD 3.5 rules)? I'm letting the wall go that way for now for convenience.

2008-08-07, 08:37 PM
Ok, this is my understanding of how the fire wall resolved... it is from S-O, 7-11. I take 2d4 + 1d6 heat damage. You are at R7 and take 2d4 + 1d6 heat damage. Yes, I know you have damage resistance and you resist some heat, but you might take damage. My previous turn is totally ignored. It is now Eighth's turn, and he's somewhere outside the wall, but within 20 feet. He needs to take... 1d4 (+1d6?) fire damage as well.

Waaaaiiit... the way that map is drawn you take 2d4 + 3d6 fire damage.

2008-08-07, 08:49 PM
Seeing his chance to set up a better fighting position, Adamu quickly crosses the water, away from the heat of the flames, and takes up a position preparing to blast whoever is most tactically advisable at the time.
I got stunned as I was getting up, so I'm pretty sure that I'm still prone. Move action to stand, move action to go to I9, swift action to shift into the Coursing Stance.

2008-08-07, 09:03 PM
Updated Map (End Round 3)

2008-08-07, 09:11 PM

That was my deep breath. Time to take my turn.

First, I will take a move action down one square and in one square, so I am next to the firebender who's inside his own wall. I will then, as the fire wall does not provide concealment of any kind, proceed to attack him with my standard action, using combat expertise to raise my AC by 1. This attack will be a Stunning Fist.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Confirm: [roll2]

Jin, please make a DC 22 (10 + 1/2 char level (7) + wis (5)) fortitude save or be stunned until the beginning of my next turn.

Anger seethed in Kiyara almost as hot as those flames surrounding her. First step? Make sure she didn't end up like all her friends on the Firenation border. To do that, this firebender was going to have to a) get hurt and b) not move. Fortunately, her early training provided her with a move to do both!

2008-08-07, 09:13 PM
Jin, you're fatigued from the lightning blast, right? If so, SWEET! I just barely got it! If not, oh well, at least I hit, right?

Also, for Eighth who's looking to haidouken me in the back and wants to know my AC, it's a piddling

34 + 1 + 1, 35

this round. And your strength damage will last another four rounds, I think...

I have used 5 of my 15 stunning fist attempts and I have 10 left.

Finally, can you check the total weight that Jin is carrying? If he's fatigued, he might be pushing medium load. He had 15 lbs from his armor, and his medium load starts at 21 lbs with a str of 6 according to this (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/carryingCapacity.htm). Normally I don't bother about with ecomberance, but in this case my char may try to push you over your maximum load, so please, Eighth, you too... can you keep track of your character's stuff he's holding?

2008-08-07, 10:40 PM
*Facepalm of the Highest order*. Urgh. I meant to move to Q. And that was assuming I could shrink my Firewall. Anywho, I've well and truly buggered myself, pardon my french. Time to flee


Jin sprang away from the flames, trying to escape as fast as possible.

[Concentartion check]1d20+18[/roll] Vs. DC 23 to avoid An AoO

Quickened to a move action Burningi Rush to Hop to L4, Followed by a swift action to activate A burning rush, increasing my land speed another 35 feet, Then I'll move to p 16. And I'll ignore the heat damage for being with 20 ft. of the wall because of heat resistance 5. THis is all Assuming I succeed on my concentration check. If I fail, I'll stand there like a dope.

2008-08-07, 10:43 PM
Oh I have gone and messed up all my rolls.
[roll0] Vs. DC 23

Woot! only 15 Damage!

2008-08-07, 10:44 PM
That's cool, but it's all moot if you didn't pass your fort save against the stunning fist. Also, you exited a threatened square if you did that.

2008-08-07, 10:45 PM
And of course I've forgotten all the important stuff. And no, I'm not fatiqued.


Oh .........

I think I need new swear words, because the old ones just aren't matching the standards anymore. I fail the save, and am Stunned. Please procede to beat the snot out of me for being careless and not doubling checking some stuff.

2008-08-07, 10:55 PM
And of course I've forgotten all the important stuff. And no, I'm not fatiqued.


Oh .........

I think I need new swear words, because the old ones just aren't matching the standards anymore. I fail the save, and am Stunned. Please procede to beat the snot out of me for being careless and not doubling checking some stuff.

The good news? You don't take any more damage from the fire wall as it is now gone.

Also, no matter about the fatigue thing, I'll see about dropping your strength to 2 this next round :smallwink: I just wonder what eighth is going to do to me...

Finally, can I get a breakdown of your AC? I see +5 for leather, +2 for Dex, but I must admit that the +8 is something I don't understand.

Also, could you roll a 1d6 for my damage? I took the 2d4 (4) but I still need the 1d6 for firekick.

2008-08-08, 07:38 AM
Amadu closes his eyes and concentrates on the energies of his ki steadily building in his palm. The hunger for power, for revenge against this arrogant little painted girl, overwhelms his emotions, and the blue energy gathering in his hands becomes a malevolent violet. Purple flames lick his hands and feet and his facial expression twist into an evil mockery of glee.

"Die, girl! Prepare to taste the true power of Ansatsuken!"

With that, he thrusts his power forward, bent upon destroying this pitiful creature that frustrates him so.

I'm gonna go hadouken Kiyara twice, applying my Double Blast feat to get the second one in. I'm also spending a swift action to make my first attack a Shakunetsu hadouken (Ryu's fiery one). I didn't see your AC for this round; what is it?

*checks hadouken rules*
*realizes that the hadouken doesn't have a listed range*

[roll1] x2 = ?? + [roll2] + [roll3] = 50 damage



I'm not gonna complain about die rolls I'm not gonna complain about die rolls I'm not gonna complain about die rolls

2008-08-08, 10:15 AM
Second post, it was 35. Oh, no, sorry, 36. +1 for CE, +1 for shield bonus with CE from the fans. Also, can you link your class up? I'd like to read it as it sounds interesting. Street fighter in Avatar.

Kiyara rolled her eyes at this expected attack from the monk behind her. which blanched to the side and smashed into the wall. She then proceeded to set up on the collapsed firebender in front of her, ready to take all his strength away from him.

Full attack using a -2 from CE, all three are Chi Distruption targeting your strength score. For each hit please make a DC 24 fortitude save.

Attack 1 [roll0]
Attack 2 [roll1]
Attack 3 [roll2]

Damage 1 [roll3]
Damage 2 [roll4]
Damage 3 [roll5]

Confirm 1 [roll6]
Confirm 2 [roll7]
Confirm 3 [roll8]

A few notes:

New AC: 38 (34 + 1 from fan + 3 from CE)

Stunning Fists left: 7

Can I get a breakdown of Jin's armor class? I think you're stacking your class bonus with your leather armor's bonus.

*Sigh*... this build can't handle a firebender and whatever Eighth is at the same time. Not surprising really. I knew should've splashed Airbender instead of that third level of fighter, but I really wanted to make a character without bending at all. Air Burst and Run as the Wind would really make a huge difference here... oh well!

2008-08-08, 10:23 AM
He is. We went over this during the last match he did with Jin, which I DMed. His AC is 20, unless he's moved some stats around. At this point, I'm just glad that Jin is eating up your daily Stunning Fists. Once those are gone, you don't have many damage-dealing options left, especially if I use my Boulder Stance to get some nice DR upgrade.

Also, the Ansatsuken style is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3914489#post3914489), though it's not meant for the Avatar project. It's just something that I've always wanted to make. Needs more options for special abilities, though, and Street Fighters (TM) hasn't provided too many of those.

Jin's turn? If he's conscious?

2008-08-08, 10:49 AM
I'm fairly sure he's conscious, but I plan on using just one more chi distrupt on him.

Also, boulder... thing? :smallconfused:

AFTER BATTLE BALANCE NOTE: Break Stance should kick you out of boulder stance, because, well, I'm breaking your **** stance.

Oh, and for the record I'm at R8.

2008-08-08, 05:12 PM
Yeah. I'm at AC 20 And completely owned. You wouldn't consider letting poor old me lie here, would you?

Alright, two of them hit me. I take another 15 damage.

And some saves coming.


2008-08-08, 05:23 PM
It's your turn, Jin, with 4 total strength. Your leather armor puts you at medium load now, so just realize that. I don't think your other equipment does enough to change that at all, so you don't have to worry about checking it. Don't ask don't tell :smallwink:

2008-08-08, 05:36 PM
And lets get out of here, shall we?

Jin's feet ignited as he rushed to escape.

Burning rush to increase my speed to 65 feet,(as a swift action) then move all the way around the boulder to P15, as a move action. Then burnign rush to hop up on p18 as another move action. End turn.

Oh, and bending defensively to avoid an AoO. But My modifier to Concentrae is hgher than the Dc, so I auto-succeced, right?

2008-08-08, 05:41 PM
You do, but you're also leaving a threatened square, which of course means an Aoo.

Kiyara took a swipe at the firebender trying to leave, with the intent on tripping him up.

Attack: [roll0]
Trip Attempt: [roll1]
Attack (if tripped):[roll2]
Damage :[roll3]

What's your remaining HP?

EDIT: Way to roll a 2. I guess you're going to get away... :smallyuk: :smallwink:

Oh, and I'll wait for your opposed roll to come back before confirming the crit, cause frankly I bet you'll beat a 7.

Finally, did you remember that your base land speed is now 20ft and that you have a -3 ACP to bending for a medium load? I'm sure you did, but I've missed obvious things like taht before (i.e. DONT 5 FT STEP AROUND CORNERS)

2008-08-10, 11:37 AM
Alright, Here we go. [roll0] If that works, *face-palm*. I should only move 55 feet to P13, then hop up onto q14.

2008-08-10, 12:01 PM
Pain and frustration from the clashes with Kiyara begin to build within Amadu, and his mind starts slipping from him, consumed slowly by the rage of the murderous intent. He feels his own dark energy building within his hands, and his body starts moving of his own accord even as his benevolent spirit screams out against it. Powerless against his own will, a rush of burning fire courses into Amadu's hands. Then, the useless firebender comes into view, he who was incapable even to scratch the painted one. Running.

"There you are, coward. Time to die!"

A pulse of dark energy gathers between Amadu's palms, and his eyes burn as he launches the forbidden technique of Messatsu Go Hadou.

That's just a fluffed up Shakunetsu Hadouken, if anyone's wondering. Launched at Jin. I have a range of 90 feet, so it's all good. I use my leftover attack to launch a one-handed Hadouken using my Double Blast feat.

[roll1] x2 = 40 + [roll2] + [roll3] = 57 damage (Before Fire Resistance)

[roll5] + [roll6] = 17 damage

2008-08-10, 12:37 PM
"Rage doesn't suit you, my friend."Kiyara called out. She had always gotten a feeling of... disdain from this fighter, even after she had effectively incapacitated him. Then he rewarded her sparing of his life by shooting him in the back and then succumbing to blind rage? Fine, if that's how he wants it that's how he'll get it. Time to take this fight to him.

Double move to I-10, followed by an immediate action to switch into the fluid stance and a free action to speak.

Also, after all that work, you deal enough damage to kill him in one shot. Damn.

Kiyara winked at her opponent, apparently now burning with rage. "Miss me?"

2008-08-10, 06:48 PM
A spark of recognition flashes across Amadu's face as he remember his last encounter with this frustrating insect. The rage of the murderous intent burns hot within him, and it focuses his energies towards destroying this little girl.

Amadu's right foot rises and makes a sweeping motion outward in a vicious crescent kick aimed squarely at Kiyara as his left foot pushes off the ground, sustained more by the power of his ki than his sinew.

I'm switching into the Penetrating Attack stance, then using my Shippu Jinrai Kyaku to attack you as I move 15 feet, from I9 -> J9 -> K8 -> L8. I can attack you once from I9 and once from J9. If I don't hit you on either one, then you get an AoO. Fair enough? Also, you didn't use Combat Expertise that round due to a lack of attacks, so what's your AC?

I've taken 6 Strength damage, 4 points of which I'll get back on my next turn.



2008-08-10, 06:57 PM
Updated Map (Round 5) (I missed round 4 :smalltongue:) (Up to date as of Seraph's post just above this one)

2008-08-10, 07:54 PM
wait wtf you can FLY?!?! How in the name of hell am I supposed to beat you now? Anyways, my base AC is 34, so you just missed on that last one. Time for my Aoo

Kiyara reeled as the monk started flying away from her. Flying. She was getting rather tired of this bull****, and decided now would be a good time to stun him.

Stunning fist attempt.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Confirm [roll2]

After game balance note: you basically get to make a 15 ft jump without a jump check. That move strikes me as all kinds of cheesy.

2008-08-10, 08:01 PM
Please give me a DC 22 fortitude save, and I'll go take my round.

Kiyara smiled, knowing that her opponent wasn't the only one who could leap across that river. She leapt across the river and carefully prepared to trip her opponent up.

Move action to L9 which includes a dc 20 longjump attempt. [roll0].

Once there, a trip attempt with 2 taken off for CE.

Attack [roll1]
Trip [roll2] I'll make another post with the real trip attempt... cause that was dumb. (note to self: please use the correct modifiers)
Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

If the second attack lands, please make a DC 24 fortitude save or take 2 points of dexterity damage.

2008-08-10, 08:02 PM

Sigh... +17 I wish lol

Oh, and AC for this round is a sparkling 34+3 CE+1 fan 38.

Quick question regarding your char sheet... how are you getting your wisdom bonus to AC at the same time as wearing armor? Is the change to give monks padded armor gone through?

2008-08-10, 08:19 PM
AoO Resolution
If the Fortitude save fails, then I never complete my move and fall into the water at J9. You might want to re-do your turn in that case. Also, it's a DC 30 Jump check, since you need to jump 15 feet to cross the stream. You made it, though, so whatever.

Also, why did your DCs suddenly increase? They were 22 against Frigs, and earlier against me. My Strength should be back this turn, right? Or is it on mine? I'm including it in the Trip Attempt, but let me know.

Turn Resolution

And yes, monks are proficient with padded armor now.

2008-08-10, 08:27 PM
My DC for the chi distruption has always been 24, and my stunning fist DC has always been 22. I have used them alternately, which may be the source of the confusion. My chi distruption gets a +2 to the DC thanks to Improved Chi Distruption.

I guess you're in the water at J9. quick question... can I attack you from here or do I have to get into the water?

*quick looks up the rules for underwater combat*

And your strength damage will go away when I say it will! AHA! Naw, I'm just kidding. It says it lasts for 1 round + wisdom modifier min of 1, so that's 6 rounds. My first round I did not do any chi damage to you, I did all that on the second round. So it lasts six rounds from there, meaning that at the start of round 9, on my turn, the strength damage wears off. Or maybe round 8... my math has been known to add and subtract numbers here and there.

2008-08-10, 08:34 PM
I'm at the bottom, since I'm stunned and can't try to float even if I wanted to, so I'm outside your reach even if you can attack me.

2008-08-10, 08:41 PM
Right then. I'll back up twenty feet in a straight line from where you are in the pool. I thought my attack would hit you before you left the square on the side, stunning you there, or possibly stunning you on the other side... I'm not sure how or why I stunned you in the middle of your action, but there it is.

Kiyara backed up as her opponent fell into the water, waiting.

2008-08-10, 08:51 PM
Er. Where are you?

2008-08-10, 09:48 PM
Wherever you are, only twenty feet up... so F9.

2008-08-10, 10:35 PM
Wet, angry, and in increasing amounts of pain, Amadu swims deftly to the surface and drags himself ashore, gathering energy in his hands as he does so. The violet burst flies outwards from each hand as the dark fighter releases his rage.

Alright then. I'm taking a move to make it to L8 (Using 25 feet of movement) then switching into the Coursing Stance and launching two Hadouken at you using Double Blast.

[roll1] + [roll2] = 17

[roll4] + [roll5] = Doesn't Matter

Oh, and I've taken a total of 37 damage. As soon as your turn comes around, I'm back at my full 20 Strength. Also, I believe that you have a total of two Stunning Fists left?

2008-08-10, 11:04 PM
No, I'm pretty sure I have 6, cause I start with 15 a day. I don't lose stunning fist attempts if I make them after a trip attempt and the trip doesn't succeed, cause I never made the attack. And this starts round 7, you still have your str damage for at least the next round. Also: ouch, you hit me. anyways, move action to L9, which requires a DC 15 jump check.
Jump: [roll0]

Once there I'll use a CE 2 attack, a trip attempt.

Attack [roll1]
Trip [roll2]
Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Confirm [roll5]

If I trip you and you take damage, please give me a dc 24 fortitude save or take 2 dex damage. If you want more clarification on why this does NOT use a stunning fist if you aren't tripped, let me know.

"Hnh" Kiyrara grunted. "I forgot what it was like when I got hit..." Upset at her carelessness, she sprinted and leapt across the river, landing next to her opponent and attempting to trip him.

2008-08-10, 11:20 PM
And your movement definitely provokes an AoO. One that will also be a Stunning Fist attempt. DC 20 Fortitude save if it hits, please.


In case that doesn't hit, I'll make my Trip and Fortitude rolls.


2008-08-10, 11:22 PM
Fixed AoO
Er. Messed up the AoO modifier. Lemme try that again.


Hrm. I think I missed. If I did hit, though, then my Knock-Down feat comes into effect, unless you have at least DR 3. That means a free trip attempt, if the strike connected.

Also, I'm going to sleep for tonight. How much damage have you taken? And what's your total HP?

'Cause I think I want to end this. In an immediate sense. With my fists.

2008-08-11, 12:09 AM
17 from 92 is 75, good luck with the fists thing my AC right now is only 38... I am still at 6 stunning fist. I will post my stunning fist count after each post I make that has an action in it, so you're aware. Have a good night's sleep, I'm going to go play some Pokemon with my friends and watch the last twenty minutes of the olympics that NBC is showing... and by twenty minutes I mean fifteen minutes of commercials/specials and five minutes of athletics.

2008-08-11, 06:50 AM
34 + 1(fan and CE) +3(CE) +1(base for circle walking) + 4(the circle extra)
That means that right now, your AC should be 34, since you used 2 Combat Expertise to get a +3...

Ah, fluid stance. Got it. Never mind.
Amadu is getting tired of this girl. He's tired of this fight. His conscience is returning to him, and the murderous intent is losing its monopoly over his willpower. This needs to be ended now, and decisively. Perhaps it's time to utilize his ultimate Ansatsuken technique. The finishing blow, the Shinryuken!

The Cajun Teaman pulls his fist back, in a lethal uppercut to Kiyara's gut, attempting to get enough leverage to launch her upwards in a spiraling attack.

I'm going for broke. Quite frankly, I could keep this going forever, since your main crippling ability has per-day limits and mine don't, but I kind of want to see what the Passive Way can do when used properly. Stunning Fist Decisive Strike Shinryuken of Doom. I should already be in the Penetrating Attack stance. If the first attack hits, you eat the other two. If it doesn't hit, then it resolves as a normal missed attack.

[roll1] x2 + 1 vile =

[roll2] + 1 vile =
[roll3] + 1 vile =

If the attack is successful, you land prone where you stand (L9) and take 1d6 falling damage. Also, DC 22 Fortitude save (Decisive Strike grants a +2 to DC) or be prone.


Whatever happens, I switch into the Boulder Stance as I land. Which is after your AoO from Parry Defense, if I missed.

2008-08-11, 11:47 AM
Missed by ten, so I'll be tripping you. Sigh... I wish I was level 14 so I could go flow/attack/trip/attack... or level 20 so I could offensively flow you and go flow/attack/trip/attack/attack/attack/attack ;-) Go circle-walking!

Touch attack: [roll0]
Trip attempt: [roll1]
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Confirm [roll4]

If you are tripped AND the attack lands, please make a dc 24 fortitude save or take 2 points of dex damage. If you are tripped, I have 5 chi disturption attempts left, otherwise I have 6.

Also... "when used properly"? The only reason I took any damage at all was because I forgot to attack the air with CE :smallwink:

Kiyara watched her opponent's fist soar past her, and suddenly time seemed to slow down for her. She reached out and grabbed the arm of her opponent and pushed it in the direction it was traveling, taking her opponent slightly off balance and over-extended. She then lashed her foot out, attempting to trip her opponent up, and launching out her other arm to strike at a small Chi node in her opponent's back.

2008-08-11, 11:59 AM
Unless you can beat a 29 (yay for nat twenties!) you're tripped, so I have 5 stunning fist left. I will now take my turn.

Tripped and at her feet, Amadu found himself circled by the warrior clad in green as she jabbed his back three times, and he felt control of his muscles being to slide away from him.

Ok, 2 CE + circle walking, three Chi Distrupt attempts targetting dexterity. You're prone.

Circle walking:
Attack 1 [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2]
Attack 3 [roll3]

Damage 1 [roll4]
Damage 2 [roll5]
Damage 3 [roll6]

Confirm [roll] 1d20+17
Confirm 1d20+12
Confirm 1d20+7
Ah who cares about confirming anyways... also way to roll a 1 on my tumble check!

As for my 5 ft steps, to M-8 to L-7 to M-8.

And my AC is 34+1fan+3CE+2 Circle Walking 40.

Please make three DC 24 fortitude saves and take two dexterity damage for each save you fail, I have two Stunning Fist left.

Also, Parry Defense would be nice... I'll have to think about that for a possible re-build. I have at least two abilities that mean nothing to me right now (distrupt bending and break stance) that could be switched out easily.

AC to come in the edit.

2008-08-11, 08:48 PM
...This should be interesting.



I took 15 damage after DR from all that, and 4 Dex damage. No luck knocking my unconscious with Chi Disrupt, I'm afraid. Now it's all a matter of whether I can get my one-hit kill on you before you whittle me down to nothing.

Also, I thought that a total of 82 HP seemed really strange, so I double-checked it, and I found out that I had forgotten to change my HP from the level 10 write-up. I've currently taken 52 out of my total 128 HP.

2008-08-11, 09:07 PM
Seeing no other choice, Amadu stands sluggishly to face his opponent, his body still disoriented from the damage to his nerve points. Knowing that he may never get the attack off at this rate, the Cajun fighter nevertheless allowed fire to engulf his right arm to consume this most persistent insect in his legendary Shoryeppa.

Pretty self-explanatory, except for the shift into the Penetrating Attack stance.

[roll1] x2 + [roll2] =

Also, my AC is an all-time low of 18 due to your Dex damage.

2008-08-11, 09:31 PM
First, an Aoo for you getting up... Chi Distrupt targeting strength
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Confirm [roll2]

Another Trip attempt coming right up.

Since I can't knock you unconscious, I might as well hit your strength for a little more. The attack off the trip will target your strength.

Attack [roll3]
Trip [roll4]
Attack [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Confirm [roll7]

Kiyara saw her foe rise to stand, and jabbed him in the back, and then saw him sluggishly swing his fist towards her. Punishing this by trying to trip her opponent, she began to see the wear and tear of her frequent blows on her opponent, and smiled. There may be a ways to go, but she was winning this fight as assuredly as the tortoise defeated the hare.

2008-08-11, 09:35 PM
AoO Resolution

The trip takes a -1 penalty if I fail the above save.

[roll=Fortitude 2

And you turn?

2008-08-11, 09:37 PM
Fixed AoO Resolution
Aaaand I'm tripped again. With identical modifiers. Urg. Lemme do this last Fortitude save, then.


Alright, so I'm down to 18 Strength for 5 turns. That's your last Stunning Fist, right? Go ahead and take your turn.

2008-08-11, 09:50 PM
"Well, that's the last of that."Kiyara sighed as she stood up to dance about her fallen opponent, punching him hard.

So, full attack + circle walking with five foot steps that stay within reach of you, ending next to you, CE 4. AC will be in edit.

Tumble [roll0]
Attack 1 [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2]
Attack 3 [roll3]

Damage 1 [roll4]
Damage 2 [roll5]
Damage 3 [roll6]

Confirm 1 [roll7]
Confirm 2 [roll8]
Confirm 3 [roll9]

Two hits and a miss... oh well lol.

AC: 34 + 1 (fan+ce) + 6 (CE) + 6 (circle walking) = 47.

2008-08-11, 10:12 PM
So that's 14 damage one turn, and 16 the other, so 30 damage on top of what I took earlier, so I've taken 82 out of 128 total HP. Also, what square are you in? It's not a difficult thing to note, really.
Not liking to resort to such tactics, but clearly not having much choice, Amadu drags his body back onto his feet, wearily expecting yet another mosquito bite from his opponent. Immediately upon reaching his feet, Amadu focuses his ki on the ball of his left foot, lifting his right in a vicious crescent kick aimed at Kyara's painted face.

Déja vu, non?

Shippu Jinrai Kyaku, moving 15 feet north to I8, getting two attacks off on you (L8 & K8). Now, the rules as I've written them imply that you don't get an AoO unless you're there at the end of my movement. I'm going to interpret my own rules as saying that you can get an AoO as I leave your threatened area if I miss with both attacks. Fair enough? I'm still in the Penetrating Attack stance, though I'll shift to Boulder Stance when I land.



2008-08-11, 10:36 PM
Aoo for getting up

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Confirm [roll2]

Does that count as a melee attempt? Because if it does, I get a flow on both as well as the Aoo for leaving my square. I'll leave that up to you and just take the Aoo for your leaving.

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Confirm [roll5]

Also, I wanted to be in M8, but I figure I can't, so I'll be in M7 after that last turn.

As her opponent stood up, Kiyara punched him again, and once more as he tried again to fly across the lake.

2008-08-11, 10:45 PM
...so you really have no idea of the power of your class? Check your level 10 ability. You can initiate a flow instead of taking an AoO whenever you wish. Your turn anyway. But I'm taking mine tomorrow. If we're not done by tomorrow, then let's just call it a draw, alright? You're going to keep mosquito-biting me, and I'm going to continue trying for the natural twenty that will insta-kill you. So we have plenty of information.

2008-08-11, 10:54 PM
Oh, I can? Awesome. But really I was asking because flow basically means two attacks if I use trip. Alright, let's just end this because it's going to come down to you rolling a twenty.

"Enough."Kiyara shouted to her opponent across the river, tucking her fan into her belt. "I'm tired and the firebender is dead, I've nothing else to prove here. I'm sure you don't want to kill me, and I don't want to kill you, and neither of us want to end up dead. We can either continue fighting like this, or we can walk away. I've already made my choice."

Perhaps foolishly, Kiyara turned her back on her opponent and walked out of the ring, ready to continue her travels and get better at her art of fighting.

Well, I missed a couple things and phailed a couple times, but overall I think I showed that Passive Way is not really underpowered. There are ways to let it compete with the bigboys, but it requires a lot of AC and sacrificing some powers. This char would do much, MUCH better in a 1v1 fight where she can use all 15 stunning fists on her opponents or in a large group setting where she can set up her opponents to collapse. I already have a better build though, that's identical to this one except splashing a level of Airbender for the run as the wind and the airblast (so I can knock people off the damn pillars). I think Passive Way has redeemed itself :smallwink: GG.

2008-08-11, 11:06 PM
What? No. The girl was not walking away. Not from me. Nobody runs away from me and lives to tell about it. NOBOD-wait. What am I thinking? Why was I...Satsui no Hadō. Wasn't that what my master said? My murderous intent awakened?

"Thank you, Kiyara. You have saved both of our lives, as well as my soul. I hope to see you again in the future. Perhaps...sooner, rather than later?"

Remembering something suddenly, Amadu runs up to the corpse of Shui Jin, which he had slain in his wrath, and gently picks up the body, to be buried properly with all the rites of both their peoples. Amadu then runs after the girl, hurrying to make it out of the arena before the psychotic announcer set him up with another match.

2008-08-11, 11:30 PM
Allow me to add:

Quite the epic ending to that battle. Nice storytelling Seraph :smallamused: