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Emperor Demonking
2008-08-07, 04:34 AM
Post your god here.

Post your history and relationships here.

Post your creations here. Also post where your creations are.

Imagine a map of a planet the size of earth. This map is split up into 100 equal squares. 10 squares up and 10 squares across.

The mountain and castle are in 5,5.

2008-08-07, 05:21 AM
Name: Aresk Moonfell
Appearance: A tall man in a black cloak, that hides his facial features spiky black hair protrudes from the front of the hood, and you can see clear blue eyes reflecting light from within the hood. But underneath this cloak is a being of great celestial power, with a wingspan of 50 feet, and shining, runed breastplate, he wields a runed Great sword that is continually alight with holy fire, and known only as Moon slayer. On his head he wears Tera'Dal or earth father

Domains: Battle, Justice, and light

Favored weapon: The great sword,

Portfolio: Aresk is a shining beacon of hope in this universe filled with nothing, he stands for all that is good, and the defense of the helpless, He makes personal appearances before great battles to bolster the forces of good.
His soon to be worshipers will be added in as he creates them.

(soon to be made iconic structures.)

The Monastery of Nine: This is a small Fort at the edge of the mountains, it is put there so that him, and the other good gods have a place to send, and train their greatest warriors with each other gods warriors, thus keeping a balance between the forces of good, because after all your only as strong as your weakest link, and Aresk Moonfell will not stand for him to be defeated because some other god was a"pacifist", because he knows that one day the forces of evil shall attempt to storm the bastion of light, and we will need the mightiest warriors, the most valiant soldiers, and the strongest steel to emerge victorious.
This monatary exists in 9,8

Name: Aresk Moonfell
Appearance: A tall man in a black cloak, that hides his facial features spiky black hair protrudes from the front of the hood, and you can see clear blue eyes reflecting light from within the hood. But underneath this cloak is a being of great celestial power, with a wingspan of 50 feet, and shining, runed breastplate, he wields a runed Great sword that is continually alight with holy fire, and known only as Moon slayer. On his head he wears Tera'Dal or earth father

Domains: Battle, Justice, and light

Favored weapon: The great sword,

Portfolio: Aresk is a shining beacon of hope in this universe filled with nothing, he stands for all that is good, and the defense of the helpless, He makes personal appearances before great battles to bolster the forces of good.
His soon to be worshipers will be added in as he creates them.

(soon to be made iconic structures.)

The Monastery of Nine: This is a small Fort at the edge of the mountains, it is put there so that him, and the other good gods have a place to send, and train their greatest warriors with each other gods warriors, thus keeping a balance between the forces of good, because after all your only as strong as your weakest link, and Aresk Moonfell will not stand for him to be defeated because some other god was a"pacifist", because he knows that one day the forces of evil shall attempt to storm the bastion of light, and we will need the mightiest warriors, the most valiant soldiers, and the strongest steel to emerge victorious.

Major artifacts of Aresk.

The Axe of Moonfell: The legends of time say that before Aresk ever wielded the great blade Moonslayer, he wielded the axe of moonfell, it is an artifact of great power against the darkness, as for it's location not even Aresk knows anymore, but it is out their somewhere, and on the day of battle Aresk's champion shall find the axe of moonfell, and lead the forces of good to war. This axe gifts the user with both inhuman strength, and incerdible resistance to damage of any sort.

The Helm of Justice: While not a combat artifact, this helm whle providing excellent protection, provides a continous "Zone of truth", as well as continuous detect thoughts, the purpose of these magical effects is to maintain truth, and honor within the hall of judgement

Moon slayer: The blade of Aresk, the god of battle, and justice he forged this blade in the fires of the sun itself, and enchanted it with runes, to give both it, and the user isurmountable strength, and endurance allowing them to preform tasks well beyond that of anyother god, it also has a strange power to where the flames flare up, and get more powerful in the presence of beings of demonic heriatage.

The creations of the angel father.

The Astral Devas: Beings of great celestial power, and the first born of Aresk
the have armor like skin, and steel feathers as strong as forged steel, their strength is great, and their hearts are true, for they are the embodiment of battle!

Illumins: These are truely m,sterious creatures forged of pure light, while weak physically they have brilliant tactical minds, as well as being fairly neutral in all things, while loyal they would never issue an order to say kill that village over there because we suspect gureillas might be in their midst, instead they would be like send in some covert units that will allows us to figure out where, and when they're next meeting.

The wardens: These are the beings that inhabit the celestial courts, they are enitrely neutral on ALL matters, until they have been shown otherwise.
They are humanoid yet gaseous, and where they're eyes would be they're are only blindfolds, and the most powerful of them carry a scale in which to weigh the sins of a soul.

The Humans: They're me, they're you, and hopefully with an active god we'll turn out a lot better.

These are majestic angels, with wolf like bodies, and iron had claws, and fangs these were made to counter act the hatred in the world, and thus are the embodiment of rightous fury, and are the equivalent to the shocktroppers in the heavenly armies, they are also immune to most forms of elemental damage, but are isanely weak against sonic attacks. (:p happy they have a weakness.)

Relationships: Aresk is actually on REALLY good terms with most of th good gods, although a certain one of them may find him a little to chaotic. (cough law guy cough.) they are genraly on good terms.
Now for evil his is a particular bitter enemy of Kabos, the god of evil, and chaos they fight in a never ending struggle, rumor has it that it is from the blood that was shed in those battles that mixed, and became the humans, which not being as feral as the chaos god wanted them to be, Aresk tok them in, and by doing so gained the strange title of angel father.

2008-08-07, 06:59 AM
Name: Erothayce

Domains: Good, Retribution, Law

Personality: Erothayce is a quiet god. He feels no need for flash and bang. He is wholly dedicated to the cause of good and law in all things. He brings fiery justice to all those evil or chaotic beings.

Appearance: Erothayce is encased in armor made of razor edged chains that are constantly flowing in a carefully ordered pattern that reflects all order in the universe. He carries a sentient green glowing katana which keeps him advised of the state of the universe.

Constructed: Bastion of Law: Floating palace in the clouds

Zorakoa: Mighty cathedral in the elves main city.

Races created: Elves, normal long lived elves, pointy ears and all that. situated at 7.7
Earth mephits. situated at 7.6
The Hortacio.
Silver protector (a variant of the golden protector, same thing just different color.)

Favored weapon: Katana

On good terms with all gods of good. Not so great terms with those of evil or chaos.

2008-08-07, 07:23 AM
Name: Script

Domains: Order, Commerce, Knowledge

Personality: Studious and perpetually distracted, Script's eyes constantly radiate the golden glow of new coin, and the mumbling of a thousand scholars is present wherever he treads. Every sentence spoken carries the weight of a binding contract and a doctoral thesis, yet the meekness of a man whose voice is rarely heard is always present. When financial matters are discussed, he speaks shrewdly and seeks the best part of any bargain.

Appearance: An elderly looking man with long flowing hair and perpetually askew glasses. A quill rests behind his ear, and he carries a book carrying a shifting array of facts and figures. He is dressed practically and conservatively.

Preferences: The world should be a place where those with knowledge should be honoured. The inhabitants should value their possessions, and work hard to obtain more. A man's oath is a sacred thing, and to violate an oath intentionally is a terrible thing.

Relationships: Script is on good terms with any God whose purpose is to enrich, whether in knowledge or material possessions. He dislikes anyone who is needlessly destructive.


Halflings: As yet unnamed. Intelligent, creative, love for wealth. And short. Located in 3,3-3,4.:smallwink:

Gold Dragons: Thanks to Azura. I thought I'd claim Gold dragon in advance, since I'm the God of Commerce and all.

2008-08-07, 07:50 AM
Name: Kabos

Domains: Evil, Violence, Chaos, [new] Darkness

sign: a red bull's horn

Alignment: (as if it needs to be said) Chaotic Evil

Personality: Kabos is as close to insane a God can come without having the other gods lock him up in the celestial loony bin. He cares for little other than his own enjoyment, which comes with a sadistic tone. He revels in murder, suicide, and other acts of violence, in acts of pure unadulterated evil, and acts of Chaos, and uses his influences to spread these things. He will stop at nothing to spread his influence, and yet is without duress when a plan goes astray. For Kabos knows that it will be only a short time before evil and disruption creep up again.

Appearance: Kabos' appearance is always changing, with only 3 things staying the same. He always appears male, His eyes are always rolled into his head, much like those of a person possessed (this does not effect his eyesight however), and he always has a red bull's horn somewhere on him, either a birthmark, or a tattoo, or on a piece of clothing. Other than that, he varies from the impossibly tall to terribly short, fat to skinny, he even will occasionally have non-human appendages, AKA horns, or halo, or pincers for hands, etc. His hair color varies between every color and combination, as do his eyes. His clothing will be anything from rags to a king's robe, and his voice varies equally, from the light voice of a small child, to the deep voice of a man, to the voice of a woman.

Portfolio: Kabos teaches that nothing is static. Chaos effects all, and should effect everything as soon as possible. He seeks only to spread evil and chaos across all corners of the globe. In his mind, all authority is blasphemous, and should be put down, including the authority of his own church, which is a constantly changing group of people.

Favored Weapon: Red Bull, a Kwan Dao infused with fire and evil, capable of unleashing them in a ranged blast

Artifacts: Horn of Kabos: The horn that is always on Kabos, he removes it from himself only when necessary. When commanded to work, Half the time it causes completely random changes in a 1 mile radius. The other half of the time, it teleports the user to a completely random location.

Stronghold: Strong hold of evil. Large, black tower that looks like its held up by magic (and is), run by goblinoids and Deamons.


Don the Bastard
2008-08-07, 08:31 AM
Name: Cog

Appearance: Cog is a tall slim light skinned woman, with short blue-black hair, and blue eyes, framed by her spectacles that have rims like cogs. She wears a white lab coat, usually stained with oil, and a tool belt, she always appears with a spanner in hand.

Domains: Technology, Change and Force. Added:Psionics

Favored weapon: Repeater or Hand Crossbow, but it constantly changes as new innovations come along.

Portfolio: Cog is the muse, the spark of inspiration that creates all technology, the wheel, paper, language, it all came from her, she can work in subtlety of water or the destructive force of fire, any wear there is thought there is Cog.

Major artifacts of Cog.
The Stimulaid: A simple enough looking syringe device filled with blue tinted liquid that never runs out, it is a powerful healing device, giving its user the ability to cure any disease, poisoning or wound, it can even resurect the dead if using within 10 minutes of death.
Eggs of Cog: The eggs of cog feed the development of the brain, they are small brown pills that increase the imbibers mental statistics to genius proportions.
The Laseter: A focused energy weapon, computer controlled and incredibly versitile the Laseter can duplicate the effects of many different offensive magic spells, with the added bonus of not being subject to spell resistance, damage reduction or energy resistance.

The creations of Cog.
Forglings: Cog first created her children, the Forglings, to see if she could create life itself, the forglings themselves are living construct, small inquisitive and intelligent they are responsible for nearly all the technological developments of the world, teaching them to the other races for the pure pleasure of spreading knowledge, these creatures are well liked and co-operate with all other races, they look like little metal halflings.

Golems: The bond between Spirit and Matter was created by Cog, she trapped a fire spirit in an iron body, pleased with her work she taught it to the Forglings who taught others, and so the knowledge spread.

Inspiartons: Elementals of pure thought, the Inspiartons were distilled from the divine energy of Cog herself, they are natural diviners as they can literally see the future, to be visited by one means sleepless nights filled with dreams of far away times.

Relationships: Cog gets along well with every being capable of thought, divine or mundane, she is purely existant on creation, and understands that it comes from all things, life and death, beginings and endings... all things.

Aresk MoonFell- Cordial
Script- Cordial
Hammond- Cordial
Algul- Cordial
Erothayce- Cordial
Phelenus- Cordial
Kabos- Cordial
Simmith & Brakin- Cordial
Azura- Cordial

2008-08-07, 09:05 AM
Name: Phelunus

Domains: Nature(Physics), Travel, Trickery [NEW:] Peace

Weaknesses: Battle, Foresight

Alignment: Chaotic Good(ish)


Phelunus has a very mercurian nature, as he constantly finds new things to occupy his time. He's quite serene when speaking or fighting, but any other time, he has a lopsided grin on his face as if the entire world is funny.


a multicolored, everchanging (size, color, features) feline with tufted ears, but when "human" a thin short bald man with an eternal grin on his face... with tufted ears.


Phelunus would rather have chaos than boredom. something that gets him into trouble more than any of the other gods, but he prefers it.
He prefers gods of the hearth, chaos, drinking, harvest, and weather.

Favoured Weapon: Whip- a usually painful thing that can grab the very weapons of others and does not do as much damage as the noise it makes, is Phelunus's weapon of choice,

Artefact: Multifaceted Cloak- the wearer of this cloak will be completely invisible and be able to move from one place to another in both complete silence and without tracks, however they must (and are compelled to) sing at the TOP OF THEIR LUNGS when in the cloak.

It can also be used to enhance human fighting prowess, with a twist, The human will not only become proficient and focused with the weapon they are holding, but the weapon they hold shrieks with sonic energy, and criticals more often.

the only problem is this.

whenever they strike an enemy, the cloak strikes them at a 10th of their strength. works really well with the whip, but blades and clubs end the lives of these men quickly.Don't try it with a vorpal weapon... that's what happened to his last champion...

Deities' Weapon- The laughing rope- a silver whip that shrieks when cracked, and laughs when it strikes another, can send sonic damage to either the wielder or the opponent, or any item either are carrying.

Creations of Phelunus:

White Jesters: these are often thought of a good omen to see on roads, as long as you're not thinking of harming someone, they're about 8 feet tall and have HUGE grins, staying about 10 feet away from anyone at any one time, they teleport travelers either to their destination (if they are deemed innocent) or to a hostile environment (if they are definately not) they've kept the roads in Phelunus's domain bandit free.

Humans- How deliciously ironic are the actions of humans, and only with a sense of humor would they be created in a God's image, always bickering and fighting with one another, they amuse Phelenus enough to protect them. He's also learned just how many of them explore into the territories of other Gods and Goddesses.
this was a JOINT venture.

Anatrocs- This race of Fungi are about the size of halflings and are master craftsmen and artificers, but in winter they will go through "Phasing" where they will randomly teleport to other, warmer climates. and then teleport back. They are Phelunus's favorite creation.

Grass- In the drunken stupor of birth, he made grass.

Roads- he made roads, he's the god of travel. These roads Obey him now.

Aresk MoonFell- Cordial
Script- Neutral
Hammond- Cordial
Algul- Apprehensive
Erothayce- Neutral
Kabos- Neutral- Would invite to a party
Simmith & Brakin-Apprehensive
Cog- Neutral

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-07, 09:43 AM
Name: Azura

Titles: The Sky Goddess, the Feathered Lady, the Winged Lady, the Queen of Genies (jinns), She-who-cursed-us (barghests), the Storm Maiden (fensirs)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Domains: Luck, Ambition, Sky (includes Weather) Added : Nature (Seasons)

Weaknesses: Frail, Overconfident

The favored weapon associated with Azura is the throwing knife/throwing axe.

Personality: Azura is a scheming and somewhat secretive goddess living by a personal (and especially changing) code. However, she is eager to learn from all the other gods to further augment her power (nobody knows if that is possible, or if it's just because it is in her nature as a deity of ambition to try to do just that). It seems nothing can alter her serene expression. If she ever lost one of her many gambles with the other gods, she never did express a sign of anger or even discontent. For the Winged Lady is said to be one step ahead of everyone...

Appearance: A delicate woman wearing a bright blue gown and a hood. Her hair is jet black, in contrast with her pale glimmering skin. Small, fine silver scales adorn her legs, forearms and neck. Her back bears six feathered wings. She is particularly fond of jewelry. The Winged Lady is used to flying and levitating, but she sometimes decides to go for a walk. Every steps she makes on solid ground is heard as a loud thunderclap. Her favorite weapon is a war fan decorated with emeralds and lapis-lazuli which is said to cause terrible windstorms.

Another form she likes to take is that of a winged snake with differently colored scales each time.

Portfolio: Azura is not only a sky goddess capable of calling fire from the heavens, but also the incarnation of ambition and independence. Neither good nor evil, she is only concerned with self-determination and self-improvment. She teaches that being ambitious and competitive is a sane way of living. Contrarily to Algul, she is a patient goddess. Violent revolt against established authority is not necessary or even desired, when one is able to take advantage of the opportunities life offers. She is also the goddess of luck, as luck is nothing more than a helpful hand to those who are already willing to take risks.

Relationships: Azura tries not to antagonize anyone, even the Gods of Order. However, she especially likes the company of Cog and Phelunus. If it turns out she has to take a side in the Last Great Battle at the end of times, well.. she will probably resort to flipping a coin.

Rancax- Apprehensive
Script- Neutral
Hammond- Cordial
Algul- Apprehensive
Phelenus- Allied
Kabos- Neutral - Collaboration
Simmith & Brakin- Neutral
Cyan- Neutral
Khardas- Allied

Azura's war fan is called Reaping Wind. In addition to the ability to cause windstorms, it fends off all projectile attacks.

The Coin of Infinite Faces looks like a plain, totally average coin made of bronze. However, when it is flipped, it will show its owner one of the possible outcomes of a particular action. The more creative its owner's mind is, the more powerful the magic of the Coin is.

The Feathered Crown is a golden tiara glowing with a ghostly light, complete with three multicolored feathers not unlike those of a peacock. This crown is said to have been created from solidfied lightning with the famous Hammer of Heaven Binding.


- The Tower of Enlightment (3, 2)
The Babel-like tower nests in the center of a large and deep valley enclosed between incredibly steep mountains. This valley is always covered in a thick blanket of fog. The tower itselfs seems to be taller than anything else in Creation (the truth is that the divine mountain in the center of the world is taller). To reach the top of the structure (which is, thankfully, a lot faster than what one would think), a mortal must pass through a series of tests ranging from riddles and puzzles to fighting challenges. At the summit of the tower, overlooking the foggy valley, lies the Rainbow Bridge. This bridge leads to a breach in the sky and into the Sky Goddess' demi-plane, the Hollow World.

- The Hollow World, Azura's divine plane (inside the moon)
One can see an infinite sky with a handful of islands floating in its vast emptiness. Violent storms given sentience roam the vicinity of the breach. The only road visible from the portal is a single rainbow which links the Palace of the Four Winds to the prime material plane. There is no sun, but lights shine in the distance, in all directions. They look like faint stars. But no one is able to reach them, not even get closer to them. Birds of every species populate the goddess' private domain. Her favorite creature, the peacock, lives on land, in gardens surrounding the Palace. Elementals also move freely around the divine realm.

- Palace of the Four Winds (location: Hollow World)
Floating in the center of the demi-plane. It consists of a main hall and several spires all made from clouds. The interior of the Palace is everchanging. The main hall adapts to suit the personality of the guest, reflecting his deep motivations as well as his dreams.

Races created:

- All the host of flying creatures, from the tiny butterfly to the mighty roc.

- The Winged Elves or Avariels (location: extreme-orient) : Meddling with Erothayce's creation to free a part of the elves from the chains imposed by the God of Law

- Dragons: Azura's own breed of dragon is the Chaos Dragon. The scale patterns and exact colors of chaos dragons differ in each individual. However, they are all slightly serpentine in shape, have a long neck, shimmering bat-like wings and a jagged-edged tail. They may seem inconsistent with themselves, as their mindset continually evolves, sometimes changing dramatically in a matter of days. Even if chaos dragons are known to join forces for a short time, they consider themselves eternal rivals.

- Jinns (location: anywhere): Jinns are independent air spirits created by the Winged Lady to serve as messengers, spies and even soldiers. In their humanoid form, they look like towering men and women with ebon skin. When they do wear clothes, which is rare, they favor flowing garbs of bright color. They have the capacity to take the shape of a winged serpent, similar to the alternate form of the Sky Goddess herself. The jinns are also able to transform their body into smoke; thus, they can infiltrate almost any artificial or natural structure. However, the air spirits hate to be bound to the ground or imprisonned in a closed space. Finally, jinns may be summoned by mortals to be granted supernatural help in the form of advice. In special cases, the summoner may even be granted a wish. One must never forget that jinns only obey commands from their queen, Azura, and must consequently be adressed in a very polite way. Suggest, never order a genie.

- Barghests (location: same as goblins) : Once goblins, they are now cruel shapeshifters with lupine features, feeding of other humanoids' flesh and essence to become stronger and deadlier. Barghests have their own magical tradition, that of the witches and warlocks, practionners of foul blood magic and necromancy

- Fensirs/trolls (location : 2,6-2,7)
Organized in loose tribes. The Confederacy of Trollheimen has just been founded.

Description: The creatures, while not as impressive as giants, are still two times as large as humans. They aren't really considered attractive by other humanoids' standards. At best, they are plain. Their skin is rugged, almost stone-like. Atop broad shoulders sits a large head, bearing small black eyes and an enormous nose. The creatures, being excellent hunters, favor fine leather clothing and furs. They are ambitious and competitive in nature, skilled in potionbrewing as well as in the crafting of charms (magical rabbit's feet, horseshoes, etc.). The fensirs are known to worship their ancestors in addition to Azura. When the morning comes, the creatures soon retreat to their homes, as sunlight is a deady threat to their race (they are only weakened in twilight). If any one of them is caught in it, he will be turned to stone. They were born in a harsh environment, for Azura believed it would make them stronger. She gifted them with luck to make up for it.

2008-08-07, 08:57 PM
Name: Hammon

Alignment: Neutral

Domains: Life, Death, Balance, Earth

Favored weapon: Quarterstaff

Personality: Hammon acts as though nothing is very important. He has a sardonic sense of humor and enjoys life. Death is merely another step in one's journey through existence, and so is nothing to be sad about; rather, death should be celebrated as the next step for the soul. A gentle being by nature, Hammon seeks other options before violence. He tries to get along with everyone.

Appearance: Hammon usually appears as a very large dwarf, standing easily 9 feet tall. His hair is long and almost colorless, with a braided beard falling to his waist. His eyes are so dark as to almost seem to be without an iris, giving his gaze a very startling effect. His facial features are very sharp, and seem almost carved from stone. A large, muscular man, Hammon is normally seen wearing long grey robes tied with a golden belt around his ample waist, a quarterstaff in hand.

Portfolio: Hammon lives to try and balance the chaos and order embodied by his peers. Life and death are the symbols of this, and as such he attempts to keep them both in check. When life becomes too abundant, or goes on far longer than it should, Hammon acts to put it at rest. When destruction and death get carried away, he attempts to stop it. If a Last Battle ever occurs, Hammon would most likely attempt to stay on the sidelines...

Relationships: Hammon attempts to get along well with all the others, but gets frustrated by the needless destruction the more violent of them employ to reach their goals.

Damec is Hammon's quarterstaff. Made of living stone, it grants him the ability to cause earthquakes and to meld with stone.
Eye of the Underworld is a crystal sphere Hammon wears around his neck. Holding it up to his eye, Hammon can see the true shape and nature of anything he looks upon. At his command, it can also transform into a large crystal ball through which Hammon can observe the rest of the world.
Girdle of Earth's Might is the golden belt Hammon wears. It makes it impossible for Hammon to be knocked off his feet as well as granting him increased strength and endurance.

Underworld and City of the Dead is a vast chamber near the center of the world. Created to house all those that Hammon foresaw dying in the future, it is meant as a place for those souls to exist afterwards.
Earth elementals act as the guards for the Underworld and protectors of the dwarven realm. They also convoy messages from Hammon to his chosen race. Extremely powerful and resilient, they seek to protect and shape the underdark.
Dwarves are a hardy, stern folk that take after their creator. Stout yet strong, they live underground in the rock they love. Warned about the other gods and goddesses in the world above, dwarves tend to avoid the surface and stay close to their own.
Spirit guides are splinters of Hammon's own essence that guide the dead to the Underworld and also serve to help protect and maintain it.
Earth dragons are my dragons. They are large animals with skin that appears to be made of rock. Instead of traditional breath weapons, they shoot out a blast of sonic energy (these attacks underground are the cause of many of the world's earthquakes). The one other unique feature to these dragons is their ability to move through the earth as though swimming in water.
Giants are a gigantic race that resemble himself. Easily 4 times the height of a human, they live mostly in the mountains in place most non-flying races cannot reach, they stay to themselves. They too have their share of clerics to Hammon, much as their diminutive cousins the dwarves.
Mithril Guardians are Hammon's answer to demons and angels. Incredibly powerful but limited in number, they are highly resistant to both physical and magical attacks, but do move fairly slow.

Aresk MoonFell- Neutral
Script- Allied
Phelunus- Cordial
Algul- Apprehensive
Erothayce- Neutral
Azura- Cordial
Kabos- Neutral
Simmith & Brakin-Neutral
Cog- Neutral

2008-08-07, 09:05 PM
Name: Simmith & Brakin
Domains: Deception, Disguise, Duality, Shadow
Personality: Simmith & Brakin, are one god, with two forms. They have a split personality, but its hard to tell them apart. Only one god usually physically manifests themselves at once, though both can. Usually, one reveals himself, and the other is the shadow of the other. They are both sly tricksters, and its impossible to tell them apart. They take delight in taking in the appearance and mannerisms of others, and fooling people into believing they are the peoples whos forms they take. They also shift their forms into unique appearances, so as to go unnoticed.
Appearance:When one manifests himself, he appears as a tall, white-skinned humanoid man of no particular race, he dresses in white and gold finery, and his whole eyes are pink. While in shadow form, they appear as dark versions of their real versions, mirroring their every move, appearing as shadows except for their eyes that glow pink, they have horned heads, and their legs are dissimilar from their human forms, taking a beastly appearance.
Relationships: Simmith&Brakin, being gods of deception and disguise, do not have any relationships with the other gods. Indeed, as it stands, they would be surprised if anyone knew they existed.
Creations: They have created the Hesh, shapeshifters. I have now also created Golems (I didn't invent golems, but I made some), Gargoyles, and I summoned Shadows (of all different kinds) from what is basically our version of the Plane of Elemental Shadow, and now I have made Flying Serpents. I have now created Hresk, amphibious four armed fish men who live deep in the underdark. And now I've made Heleophants, massive leviathans who live in the dark depths of the ocean. Sarmini, Shark/Octopus/Squid people who worship Simmith&Brakin through the Heleophants.
Artifacts: No artifacts, unless you count cloths which never get dirty, a coin that always comes up with the side they want, and a wineglass that never breaks and can be refilled with any kind of liquid they want as artifacts.

2008-08-08, 09:57 AM
Name:Algul Marza

Domains: Revenge, Anger, Revolution

Personality:Quick to temper and quick to revolt. Algul couldn't live by the elder god's rules, he had to separate himself from everyone else and question authority.
And he is the patron gos of everyone who does so.

Appearance:He is a 30-something year old-looking man with gruesome scars all over his body. He has one mechanical arm and an eyepatch, which only help to increase his mad rage.

oh, and he wears chainmail whenever he presents himself to his followers


A rock valley and small, ugly dry bushes that catch fire easily

Mazra Men: hideous creatures that feed and reproduce by setting things on fire

2008-08-10, 09:05 PM
Portfolio: Love, spirit, plans
Cyan is a god who is patron over wisemen most of all. Particularily, he specializes in all kinds of mental faculties other than intelligence, although he is very strong in areas of the mind which can be seen as wisdom. Cyan is also a love god, including romance, love for one's own kind, and love for family, and even friendship. Patriots are very honoring and reverent of Cyan, as love for one's country is just as strong for Cyan as other kinds of love.

Cyan also sponsors faith based power, and grants a molecularily tiny portion of his power toward beings he calls Hieararchs. Heiararchs are beings that contain only slightly less power than Exarchs. The large number of Heirarchs allow Cyan to channel all of them as familiars. Every year he strengthens the barrier around the sky island and in the entrance of it through channeling the Heirarchs into pouring energy to strengthen it.

Alignment: good

Creations: Prismat island(Sky Island) and the Weyland continent.

2008-08-13, 02:30 PM
Name: Khardas
Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: He has the Appearance of an Anthropomorphic Alligator, with deep green scales on his back and a white underbelly. He has a potbelly. He wears a robe, with large shoulder pads, and dons many rings on his stubby fingers.
Personality: Khardas is a wise and intelligent god. He is slow to anger, but when he does, the fury of storms are on his side. He is a good god, but is also quite solitary. He is usually sitting in a quite place, creating things. He enjoys making things, though most never become a reality, but this is perfectly alright with Khardas, because he always goes to a new project if the old one fails. Though he hates gods intentionally killing his creations.
Relationship: Allies with Azura and Erothayce, At odds with Rancax.
Creations: His people, the Vipaar, Water Elementals, the Coral Citadel, Celestial Sharks, Orcas and Sperm Whales, Ocean Elementals and Elemental Fortresses dotting the ocean, Massive Citadels circling the Abyssal Trench of Darkness, Leviathains.
Artifacts: None atm, but he'll get to that.

2008-08-15, 08:06 PM
Here will soon be Cthulhus various infos.