View Full Version : The Coffee thread!!!!!!!

Raiser Blade
2008-08-07, 04:41 AM
I just drank approximately too much coffee.

Me---> O.O

Anyways I can't sleep and I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread about everyone's favorite way to feed their caffiene addiction.

Call me a sellout but I really enjoy starbucks. Probably too much.
Although I do enjoy a good homemade brew in the mornings when I can be bothered to make one.

So... how do you guys like your coffee?

2008-08-07, 04:42 AM
I like me coffee in a jar a long way from me...I don't like coffee.

*hides from the bombardment of rotten tomatoes and soiled underwear*

2008-08-07, 04:42 AM
I like my coffee with plenty of being tea instead of in.

Tea is much nicer and is much more stereotypically British, I hear.

2008-08-07, 04:44 AM
I like tea more. Either a nice sun tea, like I'm about to run downstairs to fill a glass with, or an Earl Grey. Lemon and sugar only, please. :smallsmile:

2008-08-07, 04:44 AM
I like it mixed into a milkshake. Seriously, my parents will have about 1/4 pot of cold coffee by the time I wake up which I promptly mix into a milkshake. However, when no coffee is available, I just use cappaucino mix.

Raiser Blade
2008-08-07, 04:46 AM
Tea is ok when sugared up. I'm partial to Arnold Palmers.

Real tea is meh and bleh. Fie on you british, fie I say.

I should really stop sipping this frap.....

2008-08-07, 04:47 AM
Hey... For now all people here don't drink coffee at all.

I will join, to have it done - then all coffee drinkers would have clean field to post :smallbiggrin:

I drink a lot of water, juices, sometimes popular chemy like Sprite or Coke (try to avoid that) and beer.

Nothing warm basically.

Raiser Blade
2008-08-07, 04:49 AM
Nothing warm basically.

How will you cope when the ice-peoples take over the earth? WHAT THEN?

2008-08-07, 04:50 AM
How will you cope when the ice-peoples take over the earth? WHAT THEN?

I will join them of course. What were you thinking ?

2008-08-07, 04:51 AM

I don't like coffee either, but I do like tea. Milk and two.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-07, 04:52 AM
Black!!! Once you go black you can't go back...:smallbiggrin:

(exceptions being cappuchino...which is eternally jummy)

Black Tea brands, having some similar chemicals, in them also fuel my caffeine addiction.

Raiser Blade
2008-08-07, 04:52 AM
I will join them of course. What were you thinking ?

But how will you stay warm? Coffee will lead the faithful onward.

2008-08-07, 04:54 AM
But how will you stay warm? Coffee will lead the faithful onward.

With beer and vodka of course.

Alternatively I will become cold. Like ice people of course. And when Latin America will die under ice...

Coffee will be no more!

HaHaHa Ha Ha Ha HA!

2008-08-07, 04:54 AM
I don't drink coffee, because I am rebelling against society's acceptance of dependence on a stimulating drug, and how people generally exerts pressure on people who don't drink coffee to assimilate them into their addiction. Also, I protest against the way the modern workplace more or less requires a coffee addiction to cope with the work load.

Join me in a revolution against coffee, and the destructive unjust lifestyle it causes!!!!!
Me not drinking coffee could perhaps also be explained by me thinking it tastes awful. But being a rebel sounds better.

Raiser Blade
2008-08-07, 04:59 AM
Black!!! Once you go black you can't go back...:smallbiggrin:

I have never heard that phrase applied to coffee...

I think black coffee tastes awful. In fact upon further reflection it seems I need devestating amounts of sugar in every beverage I consume.

2008-08-07, 04:59 AM
I don't like coffee either. It tastes and smells horrible. No matter how much sugar you put in it. I also don't like coke.

2008-08-07, 05:01 AM
I have never heard that phrase applied to coffee...

I think black coffee tastes awful. In fact upon further reflection it seems I need devestating amounts of sugar in every beverage I consume.

You should have seen me in 6th grade. I literally ate coffee beans. the store had this dispenser full of all kinds of different roasts and I think I tried all but 3.

Archonic Energy
2008-08-07, 05:06 AM
Massimo Mocha with a shot of caramel syrup please... (bonus points if you now know where i get coffee from)

what do you mean this isn't the queue for orders?!

i prefer Tea but if i'm out & can get moderatly good coffee i'll get it.

2008-08-07, 05:15 AM
I loves the frappuccinos, specifically mocha.

Although I'm also very fond of "Thai coffee." Mmmmmmm :smallsmile:

Raiser Blade
2008-08-07, 05:20 AM
You should have seen me in 6th grade. I literally ate coffee beans. the store had this dispenser full of all kinds of different roasts and I think I tried all but 3.

Wow. I don't know whether to be amazed or disgusted.

*sips frap*

Wizard of the Coat
2008-08-07, 05:21 AM
This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv9Yy6jcxgQ)makes me want to have some coffee real bad...it looks so yummie

2008-08-07, 05:51 AM
My relationship to caffeine is... complicated. I drink a lot of decaf these days.

But I like my coffee-based confectionary - lattes with flavour shots, that sort of thing.

My favourite proper coffee is Ethiopian Yrgacheffe, and not just because it's fun to say.

Although... if you're in London, head down Charing Cross road to Caffe Vergnano. The best coffee in town, bar none.

2008-08-07, 06:14 AM
Not a coffee or tea person I have tried both and they have all tasted the same, green tea, normal tea other teas I cant pronounce, all the same to me.

2008-08-07, 06:18 AM
Tea is delicous :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-07, 06:22 AM
I don't like my coffee black. Always with milk, about a centimeter in a mug. Sometimes also with a spoonful of sugar, but I can live without it.

2008-08-07, 06:22 AM
Yay, Coffee thread! I'm a barrista, not pro enough to do as much coffee art though, can manage hearts flowers and spider webs, but that's pretty much it.

I enjoy coffee, but lately have been on Chai Latte's. Ah okay I'm cheating, it's not caffeine. I drink any, really, but my favorite would be a piccolo latte, full cream milk and a half sugar. I'm also into tea, mostly double shot earl grey.


2008-08-07, 06:25 AM
The main-stay of my existence.

I fully admit my coffee addiction. Please note that I said coffee, not caffeine. I probably come close to drinking a pot of coffee every day, but only drink about 8 sodas in a month.

I prefer my coffee with soy milk and just a dash of sugar. I also try and buy fresh roasted beans just down the street from my office, as there is nothing finer in this world. Typically Ethiopian Yrgacheff, Columbian or Sumatra. I don't do syrups, and decaf is the devil.

For those who have posted about Starbucks... that's not really coffee. :smallamused:

A final word: at some point, I would like to try Kopi Luwak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_Luwak)

2008-08-07, 07:32 AM
I like coffee but I prefer tea. I live in a tea producing area, so tea is, like, almost free here. Dirt cheap. Of course it's just low quality tea (the best tea are exported or shipped to someplace else) but it's still delicious.

For coffee... I prefer black coffee with a dash of sugar. Nothing sweet, just a pinch of it. Baring that, I also like coffee with spices, like cinnamon, ginger, ginseng, or pepper.

And this thread dissapoint me. I thought it's gonna be filled with the old "I like my man/woman like I like my coffee" phrase. For shame, you guys.

2008-08-07, 09:44 AM
I don't like the taste of coffee at all. I think a lot of it smells wonderful, though.

Same goes for tea, really. I suppose I do drink the free tea that they serve at Asian restaurants, but it's not like it's a regular part of my existence or anything.

I never really got the hang of hot beverages. I always tend to burn my mouth. If I'm drinking something it's because I'm thirsty, so if I'm not capable of gulping it I'm probably not interested (not that I slam back my drinks without tasting them, but if a taking a mouthful would harm me then forget it).

Now root beer, there's a drink where I can discuss variations.

Archonic Energy
2008-08-07, 09:46 AM
Although... if you're in London, head down Charing Cross road to Caffe Vergnano. The best coffee in town, bar none.

it had better be!

*plots course*

For those who have posted about Starbucks... that's not really coffee. :smallamused:

ah, something we can both agree on

2008-08-07, 09:51 AM
Coffee's okay. Don't love it, but I can bear it.

Tea I hate.

Hot chocolate however...*drool* The more chocolate the better...mmm...

2008-08-07, 09:54 AM
Tea hater?! :smalleek:

I love tea. And not just the caffeinated ones, all tea. The herbal stuff is great. :smallsmile:

Actually... caffeine usually turns me off from a drink...

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2008-08-07, 09:54 AM
I like coffee. I don't drink it that often, only when I'm a walking zombie, and need the kick, but I love it with just a touch of milk. I love the taste.

Edit: Me and my mum buy the beans, and then make the coffee ourselves, including grinding.

2008-08-07, 09:56 AM
Never drank coffee, never will.

Also, if you go to the Only Wal-mart in my county, you'll find that everything in the Coffee isle is un-touched :smallwink:

I bet all of it is out of date already XD

2008-08-07, 10:16 AM
Coffee is the nectar of the gods I tells ya!

I love coffee. :smallbiggrin: Having some now.

2008-08-07, 10:29 AM
I never drank coffee until I was 20 and starting working as a fulltime security guard to pay my way through college!

Now I am 24 and work in an office, but I have to start my day with a hot cup of Joe.

I usually put a bit of creamer and sugar into my coffee, but I am one of the few who is able to enjoy it just as much served black.

Archonic Energy
2008-08-07, 11:48 AM
Tea I hate.

are you sure you're English? :smallconfused:

2008-08-07, 12:02 PM
It appears that I cannot function as a human being without coffee. The withdrawal symptoms are too painful. I get a really persistent headache if I don't get 591 millilitres of coffee into my system within a 24-hour period. For said amount (which would be an extra large at Timmy's), I take a double-double (which is two sugars and two parts cream). I've been known to take double cream instead of adding sugar in my coffee as well.

I also do enjoy a good cup o' tea. I wish that I had a kettle (or any means to boil water) so that I could enjoy some of the French Vanilla tea I have or even my green tea. I usually sip on Earl Grey, Orange Pekoe, or English Breakfast tea whenever I'm at my parents' place.

Quick points of interest:
- I've been drinking tea since I was 4 years old
- I've been drinking coffee since I was 6 years old
- I've been drinking coffee daily since I was 12 years old

2008-08-07, 12:11 PM
I like coffee cold with a lot of fat and sugar. Else it's just not worth it.

Starbucks is just OK IMHO. I do like that smoking is not allowed inside the store, something other coffee houses should start thinking about around here.

*hates Tobacco smoke*

2008-08-07, 12:18 PM

(shakes coffee pot) :smallsigh:

2008-08-07, 12:19 PM
And this thread dissapoint me. I thought it's gonna be filled with the old "I like my man/woman like I like my coffee" phrase. For shame, you guys.

(Ok, I'll give it a try.)
I like my coffee the way I like my men...in a burlap sack on the back of a donkey.
(No, that doesn't sound quite right. Try again.)
I like my coffee the way I like my men...brought to me by a university graduate making minimum wage.
(Sorry. This just isn't working out.)

Another Brit here. I drink tea. Pretty constantly. Milk, no sugar.

2008-08-07, 12:21 PM
I believe I've mentioned before that I'm a caffeine fiend. I love everything about coffee. Sight taste and smell. And the hyperactive effect is also fun. I think my sigatar is one of me passed out on a sofa with a cup of coffee.

Moff Chumley
2008-08-07, 12:33 PM
I eat beans. Whats so bad about that? :smallconfused:
Anyway, I do like my black espressos, and if you're going to bother adding milk or sugar, why not just make a milkshake anyway? I do that a lot also. And, ahem,
Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks.

Do it at home, or don't do it at all. (Or there's Pete's...)

2008-08-07, 02:35 PM
Mmmmm, coffee. I go through cycles of trying to go off caffeine, but they are miserable and usually short. I am a total addict. While I am able to recognize and appreciate good coffee, and occasionally pretend to have discriminating tastes, the awful truth is that I will drink just about anything that could reasonably be called coffee. If nothing else is available, I will drink Starbucks or even the stuff they sell at the gas station. I have even, in a crisis of withdrawal, resorted to Folger's Coffee Singles. Bleah. I try to get the good stuff when I can, though. The lovely coffee shop near my house gets a sizable chunk of my monthly income. When I have decent coffee, I drink it black, which I prefer, but for the crappy stuff, I put milk in it, and occasionally a few grains of sugar. Only with milk or creamer, though. Sweetened black coffee is foul. My dad drinks it that way, and I find it disgusting. Once we got our cups mixed up, and I took a swig of his, and it was so nasty I couldn't swallow it. Ick.

And chocolate-covered coffee beans are tasty.

2008-08-07, 03:16 PM
Do it at home, or don't do it at all. (Or there's Pete's...)

Actually, the best coffee I've ever had is from a Machine. :smalltongue: It costs like... 8 pesos for a small cup. (8 pesos = Roughly 80 US Cents.)

Well that and a cold one they sell at a convenience store. :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-07, 03:37 PM
I don't really favor coffee or most teas so much....unless for one exception of course.

Unless you add a little moderate lots of sugar/honey.

Raiser Blade
2008-08-07, 03:40 PM
I let my friends drink starbucks.

Mmm starbucks....

Oh gawd it's happening all over again!

2008-08-07, 03:43 PM
I drink coffee about once a week when I really need that jolt of caffeine. I trained myself to drink coffee over an entire summer, because soda cost money but coffee was free. (I'm self-medicating for a sleeping disorder, basically).

I really can't tell the difference between good and bad coffee. I do however have this nice bag of Hawaiian Kona Coffee (100%, not a blend) on my desk, that I should probably drink eventually.

I drink tea too (I am Chinese after all), but mostly without sugar or cream. Most of the time, I drink the Japanese green tea our coffee machine spits out, but after another summer drinking Lipton Brisk tea bags straight, I actually like the taste of it occasionally. Ugh. For some reason, my Jamaican co-worker thought it was absolutely unthinkable to drink tea straight...

For those who made it this far, here's your reward: an entertaining story of what happens when a customer who has entitlement issues with a short temper encounters a coffee shop with poor customer service skills. Then it spills over onto the Internet...


Coffee is serious business.

2008-08-07, 04:46 PM
Black, no sugar, and at least once every 60 minutes.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-08-07, 04:48 PM
I work as a barista in an Italian coffee shop... So... Yeah. I'm surprised I'm not in rehab for amphetamine addiction yet.

Starbucks isn't proper coffee.... Starbucks : coffee :: tv-dinner : French restaurant.

Their espresso roast sucks, they use an automatic milk steaming machine, they don't care about crema on the espresso shot and to make most drinks all they do is dump the milk in it.

PS: vanilla latte with something like 6 shots of vanilla. Or a hazelnut mocha.

2008-08-07, 04:54 PM
Favourite coffe? Cold cappucino. It's wondrous.

As for tea (someone should start a tea thread), my favourite is: Earl Grey, hot, no sugar.:smallsmile:

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-07, 05:13 PM
I'm a fan of chai, actually.
Which is tea.
REAL chai has enough of a kick to send even long-time caffiene addicts (Such as myself) running to "complete the second half of the Caffiene Delivery System".
For Coffee I like a bit o' cream and a somewhat liberal sprinkling of sugar. I don't do these fancy measurements everyone else seems to do.

I do, however prefer soda for my caffiene intake.
6 12 oz. Cans in a tweleve hour period at work, usually. Less if I'm not working.
Alot less.

2008-08-07, 06:53 PM
Oooh, oooh! I like my coffee in a cup. With lots of cream. And sugar.

Raiser Blade
2008-08-07, 06:55 PM
Oooh, oooh! I like my coffee in a cup. With lots of cream. And sugar.


These are groundbreaking ideas! Sugar and cream??? So crazy it just might work.

2008-08-07, 07:13 PM
*snip other stuffs*

...and decaf is the devil.

*cries a little*

You know, some of us are extremely limited in the amount of caffeine we are allowed to consume, at the moment. A little empathy for the plight would be appreciated :smalltongue:

That said, I usually prefer my coffee, my cappucino non-fat, and both as frequently as possible. Though the cappucinos are few and far in between, d/t the extreme cost, and me not having a cappucino machine...

Em Blackleaf
2008-08-07, 08:22 PM
Aww, ER, that must suck! :smallfrown:
I actually like decaf soda, but I've never had decaf coffee, so I wouldn't know.

I like lattes.

I can't take black coffee. It's just too bitter.
It needs milk and sugar, and possibly a flavor.
That's why I like coffee shops such as Starbucks, Pacific Coffee, or the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.
My favorite Starbucks drink would be the caramel frapp. Probably mostly because it's what I had today and it was yummy. I also like white chocolate mocha and the vanilla bean thing (even though that's not coffee, but neither is the green tea lemonade, so nyeah. :smalltongue:).
The only thing I've actually ever had from the Coffee Bean was a vanilla latte. Which was really good.
And I've forgotten pacific coffee, because it was a while since I've had anything from there. In fact, I haven't even seen one in years.

So, coffee is the very best thing about waking up. In fact, it's the only way to do so. :smalltongue:

I also use soda for my caffeine consumption. But I always drink diet soda.

2008-08-07, 08:51 PM
Made by me, with milk and foamy! I really need my caffeine, it hepls me to relax.

2008-08-07, 08:58 PM
I actually like decaf soda, but I've never had decaf coffee, so I wouldn't know.


I don't think I've ever had Decaf Soda... what's that like?

Em Blackleaf
2008-08-07, 09:11 PM
It's pretty much just like regular soda. Only, not as wakey upey. And stuff.
But, it's even worse than normal soda when it's a little warm, for some reason. It just tastes a little funny if it's not on ice. Iunno.

2008-08-07, 09:35 PM
*drools at the thought of coffee*

I love coffee. Luckily, NZ has good, cheap coffee.

Raiser Blade
2008-08-08, 12:54 PM
Made by me, with milk and foamy! I really need my caffeine, it helps me to relax.

After my third cup I can't sit still. I've never understood how someone would use caffiene to relax.

2008-08-08, 01:02 PM
are house is maxwell (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTwL4MqTJok) good to the last drop

like mine sugarly(about 3 1/2 teaspoons) with no milk, thats right i drink my coffee black just how i like my tires hot and black

2008-08-08, 01:30 PM
After my third cup I can't sit still. I've never understood how someone would use caffiene to relax.

You see, it does'nt matter how much caffeine or sugar or whatever the heck i consume, Im always hyperactive, the time i take to drink my coffee is acctually one of the most quiet and relaxing moments of the day, the house is empty and Im still sleepy.

Jade Falcon
2008-08-08, 01:44 PM
Coffee is the nectar of the gods I tells ya!

QFT :smallsmile:

I like my coffee with cream and some sugar, sometimes I add caramel syrup or coconut milk for a tasty flavor. But black without everything is also ok. 4-5 cups a day is my standard dose :smallbiggrin:

Raiser Blade
2008-08-15, 06:36 PM
Wow last night at my friends house I drank two vanilla frappacino's and two 16 oz. cans of monster (An energy drink packed with lots of caffiene like chemicals) I then proceeded to go crazy until 5:00 am when I crashed and passed out on the floor.

Good times... good times.

I did wake up feeling like crap though :smalltongue:

2008-08-15, 07:20 PM
Coffee and I are separated. I am seeing her Chinese friend Oolong Tea, and doubling that up with their Druidic roommate Green Tea. All the while Coffee is sitting in the container, making angry faces at me.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-08-15, 08:46 PM
Wow last night at my friends house I drank two vanilla frappacino's and two 16 oz. cans of monster (An energy drink packed with lots of caffiene like chemicals) I then proceeded to go crazy until 5:00 am when I crashed and passed out on the floor.

Good times... good times.

I did wake up feeling like crap though :smalltongue:
Wow.. that's like the cheap way to get the same effect as from a 2-6 of Captain Morgan's... :biggrin:

Phae Nymna
2008-08-15, 08:56 PM
I like coffee and tea. Coffee is for morning, but tea is for anytime after, at least for me.

I like my coffee with cream and nothing else for formal occasions. On normal days though, I just have it with a bunch of sugar some cream and a lotta milk.

Oh, and, the coffee must be strong. Mm... Southern Coffee... You Yankees make it weak. :smallwink:

Occasional Sage
2008-08-15, 10:07 PM
My favourite proper coffee is Ethiopian Yrgacheffe, and not just because it's fun to say.

Yeah, I'm a fan of African coffees over American, and EY is the best that's readily available.

For preparation, I adore a good French press; it's stronger and more flavorful (because you don't lose everything to the nasty paper filter) than regular drip. And I'll take it black, please.

Although I'm also very fond of "Thai coffee." Mmmmmmm :smallsmile:

Easy to do at home, too....

chai tangent:

For those of you who have raved about your love of chai, I recommend ordering from a shop in my area, World Spice Merchants (http://www.worldspice.com/home/home.shtml). They sell spice blends for steeping with black tea, which will get you chai that's infinitely better than the stuff you get at ANY drink shop. The spices are SUPER fresh, the blends are clever and thoughtful, and their loose tea selection is grand.

Now if only they sold coffee, too.... :smallfrown: Mostly, I go there for the dinner-type spices, but in the summer I've often got a jug of their chipotle chai (http://www.worldspice.com/teas/0544chai-chipotle.shtml) (brewed with assam (http://www.worldspice.com/teas/0310assam.shtml) for the black component) in my fridge.

But really, coffee is my drug of choice. I don't have time for a French press in the mornings, but there's no better alarm clock than the coffee pot's timer turning on the grinder!

Don Julio Anejo
2008-08-16, 01:20 AM
French roast used as espresso is really, really good.

By the way, if you think Starbucks is good (well, their specialty coffees at least, their drip is actually pretty decent), try fancy Italian places like Caffe Artigiano (I know they only have it in Vancouver and Calgary, but most big cities should have something similar). Or at least a place that does latte art. MANY, MANY TIMES BETTER tasting lattes and surprisingly cheaper than those corporate scrooges too.

Phae Nymna
2008-08-16, 01:23 AM
I drink (pretty much) only local Community Coffee. It is delicious. Look it up if you think you might enjoy it, while I'm not going to link as that could be considered advertising. [Do I get a pardon?] Come in 1-1.5 lb bricks and has optional chicory, nice and strong, tastes great (to me at least).

2008-08-16, 02:08 AM
I love coffee. But when I drink too much I get migrains, so I really drink it anymore:smallfrown:

In subsitute I drink tea and Double XL Monster.

After a Double XL my hands start shaking :smalleek:

2008-08-17, 01:04 PM
Coffee and I are separated. I am seeing her Chinese friend Oolong Tea, and doubling that up with their Druidic roommate Green Tea. All the while Coffee is sitting in the container, making angry faces at me.

Hehhehheh. Imagine doing that while coffee is sitting right there...looking at you....judging you. :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-17, 04:18 PM
I drink (pretty much) only local Community Coffee. It is delicious. Look it up if you think you might enjoy it, while I'm not going to link as that could be considered advertising. [Do I get a pardon?] Come in 1-1.5 lb bricks and has optional chicory, nice and strong, tastes great (to me at least).

Chicory: an ingredient I hear of but never see or taste in coffee around here. I do have one of those instant non-coffee brown drinks (which, taken as itself and not a substitute for coffee, is nice) that has chicory in it, but I couldn't distinguish the flavour it gives it.

Tell me of the chicory, and its role in the coffee.

Furthermore, no one has mentioned the Turkish coffee. Which is mighty, and adorned with rainbow-coloured bubbles that float gleaming on its opaquely marbled surface like elfish beads. One sip of this drink will make your hair as gold as the sun.

Green cardamom in coffee? Anybody?

The Spice in coffee? I've never had it, but I hear it's addictive as hell.

2008-08-17, 05:51 PM
OHHHH COFFEEE. coffee coffee coffee.:smallcool:
One of my Town characters is actually notoriously addicted to coffee, which is based on me, pretty much. Just THINKING about it gets me hyper! I love it. So much. Eheheh, I'm young, so I guess that's bad, but I can't help it!
My favorite's a peppermint mocha.
Oh, and cappuccinos.
And frappuccinos.
And about every other type there is.
I'm addicted! Help me!:smallsigh:

Occasional Sage
2008-08-17, 06:14 PM
Chicory: an ingredient I hear of but never see or taste in coffee around here. I do have one of those instant non-coffee brown drinks (which, taken as itself and not a substitute for coffee, is nice) that has chicory in it, but I couldn't distinguish the flavour it gives it.

Tell me of the chicory, and its role in the coffee.

Furthermore, no one has mentioned the Turkish coffee. Which is mighty, and adorned with rainbow-coloured bubbles that float gleaming on its opaquely marbled surface like elfish beads. One sip of this drink will make your hair as gold as the sun.

Green cardamom in coffee? Anybody?

The Spice in coffee? I've never had it, but I hear it's addictive as hell.

Turkish coffee. mmmm. Cardamom in coffee. mmmm.

I wish I could take that kind of time in the week, but it just doesn't happen.

2008-08-18, 01:46 PM
Been too the US... had many, many cups of something you americans call coffee... only two of them resembled coffee. :smallannoyed:

Why coffee around there has to be so weak? I could see trought it!!! I could barelly feel it with my tongue, and the bitter taste lasted for seconds, when there was one! It should last for hours! D:
Also, one could only smell it from a few steps away! We can smell our coffee here from meters away! :smalleek:

*sips deeply on a mug of good, hot, black, sugarless and pure coffee*

Loved the people I met there, but next time I'm bringing my own coffee and coffee brewer. :smallsmile:

2008-08-18, 01:51 PM
Well, I've done something stupid. I've not had coffee since Saturday. :smalleek:

This headache will not go away! It was unbearable yesterday and it seems to've subsided for a while right now. Maybe it's 'cause I've just woken up.

* looks at wallet *

Looks like I can get a cup of coffee on my way picking up my book I ordered.

Phae Nymna
2008-08-18, 01:53 PM
^(@ SMEE) Come to New Orleans, we have good coffee. And it isn't weak either.

If I had to choose my dose of coffee for the rest of my days, I'd say two cups. One cup is fine, but two cups would cover almost every emergency that I'd need to be awake for in one day. Three might be too much on good days, where it would actually depress my mood. Four cups is too much any day, unless I'm at the igaming cafe.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-08-18, 02:42 PM
Out of curiousity, does any one here have an espresso machine?

2008-08-18, 03:50 PM
Occasional Sage, you are a man after my very heart.

^Come to New Orleans, we have good coffee. And it isn't weak either.

If I had to choose my dose of coffee for the rest of my days, I'd say two cups. One cup is fine, but two cups would cover almost every emergency that I'd need to be awake for in one day. Three might be too much on good days, where it would actually depress my mood. Four cups is too much any day, unless I'm at the igaming cafe.

But what of chicory, sir?
*grabs by the shoulders and shakes violently, smelling strongly of coffee*

2008-08-18, 09:57 PM
How come no one has mentioned the wondrous French press? If it doesn't take you half a bag of freshly ground beans, a teapot full of boiling water, and about 12 minutes of brew time in a press, it shouldn't be called coffee. (Smee, you'd love my coffee. It leaves sludge at the bottom of the cup it's so dark. :smallbiggrin:) Of course, you only need to drink about 4 ounces of the stuff to power Las Vegas for a day, but hey.

2008-08-18, 10:02 PM
I gave all mah coffee to the smellie hippie.

2008-08-18, 10:11 PM
Did you know that the most expensive coffee in the world is made from animal poop?

It certainly explains the taste.

Raiser Blade
2008-08-18, 10:19 PM
Did you know that the most expensive coffee in the world is made from animal poop?

It certainly explains the taste.


Animal poop Natural Flavors


Occasional Sage
2008-08-18, 11:29 PM

Animal poop Natural Flavors


Yeah, somebody (I'm too lazy to look it up) linked to the wiki article on it earlier in the thread. Really, iirc, the coffee berry is eaten by a civet and the bean is passed harmlessly.

I'm not sure I'd drink it if I knew in advance. Although knowing me, it's possible.

2008-08-19, 12:08 AM
Now root beer, there's a drink where I can discuss variations.

You, sir, are my new hero.

Never liked coffee. The smell is horrible, and the one sip I ever had was nasty. But that might not be fair considering it was some free coffee and was undoubtedly cheap.

Tea is ok, I don't go much for variety, but its tasty sometimes. My family, though, pretty much exists on sweet iced tea 24/7. We always have a pitcher of it handy and THAT is delicious. I think its teatly or something.

Phae Nymna
2008-08-19, 12:18 AM
The Spice in coffee? I've never had it, but I hear it's addictive as hell.
You funny.

Anyway, I've never actually had chicory coffee. Supposedly it adds a smooth, rich, buttery (in every way that buttery does not actually mean "like butter") sort of taste. I think. Time for an adventure!

Wikipedia has leant me some knowledge, and I now know that I am in fact, dead wrong. It's used as a substitute or additive to coffee and too much over a long time can damage your retinas (wtf?). May add extra unique flavor. Further research must be done.

And this is where they can be found (http://www.communitycoffee.com). If you want to rty them out that is. They ship far and wide for those yankees and canadians and anyone else who like their coffee.

2008-08-19, 01:01 PM
I hate coffee.... but I love tea. I drink those both for flavor though. If I do need to stay up for a while, I drink a mug of just hot water, which burns my tongue to little bits of ash... and if I need to stay up even later then that, I'll see if I can find a habanero pepper lying around... I know, I'm so mean to my tongue:smalltongue:

Occasional Sage
2008-08-19, 02:30 PM
I hate coffee.... but I love tea. I drink those both for flavor though. If I do need to stay up for a while, I drink a mug of just hot water, which burns my tongue to little bits of ash... and if I need to stay up even later then that, I'll see if I can find a habanero pepper lying around... I know, I'm so mean to my tongue:smalltongue:

Habenero? If you really want something stunningly hot, try the ghost chili (http://www.worldspice.com/spices/0038ghostchile.shtml), bhut jolokia, which clocks in at around 900K Scoville. I have trouble even opening a jar of them without tearing up, while I think that habaneros make for a great snack with a little cream cheese.

But really, I'd prefer coffee for waking up any day of the week.

2008-08-19, 02:36 PM
meh, jalapenos are so overrated... Anyway, I don't really want to have a spice off, I did that in 6th grade, where I drank tabasco sause... It was sorta gross...

@V: meh, you didn't... I was just stating what I thought... people are always like "Oh, I ate a jalapeno!" and it's like... "ok... and?" I just didn't want a repeat of that

Occasional Sage
2008-08-19, 02:38 PM
meh, jalapenos are so overrated... Anyway, I don't really want to have a spice off, I did that in 6th grade, where I drank tabasco sause... It was sorta gross...

Well yeah, it's mostly vinegar.

But really, if you want to be awake there isn't a substitute for a good cup of coffee. Preferably, one that's strong enough to stand up a spoon, and maybe throw it at you.

EDIT: when did I miss jalapenos being mentioned?

2008-08-19, 02:40 PM
The ghost chili?! Are you trying to get somebody killed?

2008-08-19, 02:42 PM
See quote in sig.

No really, coffee is coffee, nothing wonderful but nothing horrible. I'm neutral!

2008-08-19, 02:43 PM
I think the whole "grow the hottest pepper" thing is just ridiculous. You add jabaneros and other types of hot peppers to things because they give them flavor--not just heat! Once the "hot" gets past a certain point, there's no flavor left, and that's just sad. Why not just spray mace in your mouth and get the same effect?

That said: Coffee... Mmmm... I'm gonna have me a cup now.

Occasional Sage
2008-08-19, 02:43 PM
The ghost chili?! Are you trying to get somebody killed?

They're not guaranteed death; in a pot of chili, with some good cheddar for the top of the bowl, they're really quite tasty.

But not on par with a good pot of french press.

2008-08-19, 02:44 PM
I need to get a proper coffee maker. Or as someone mentioned (can't remember whom, and I'd have to click the back button to check. What am I, Wonder Woman? Although I would look fantastic in a tiara. But I digress picturing myself with an invisible jet) a french press. I'll have to look into them. My cafetiere just isn't enough. And by habit I don't trust percolators. They make coffee with a crazy mix of hot water and magic.

Occasional Sage
2008-08-19, 03:22 PM
I need to get a proper coffee maker. Or as someone mentioned (can't remember whom, and I'd have to click the back button to check. What am I, Wonder Woman? Although I would look fantastic in a tiara. But I digress picturing myself with an invisible jet) a french press. I'll have to look into them. My cafetiere just isn't enough. And by habit I don't trust percolators. They make coffee with a crazy mix of hot water and magic.

If you're concerned about price, a french press will be great. If price isn't so much the object, the convenience of a timed, self-grinding machine (http://www.capresso.com/coffee-makers-coffee-team-s.shtml) can't be beat. I've been known to use the grinder in place of an alarm clock, and the smell of the coffee acts as a built-in snooze button.

On the down-side, the coffee itself doesn't fully justify the price. It's a bit slow, which results in a slightly over-extracted cup. For the price a bit of pressure (not much) would be nice in the dripping system, to speed up and improve the process.

All told, though, it's worth the splurge. I've had one of these bad boys for... eight years or so, which makes the price-per-day very reasonable indeed. Dunno if there're less-expensive analogues out there, but it's worth looking into.

2008-08-19, 08:02 PM
I need to get a proper coffee maker. Or as someone mentioned (can't remember whom, and I'd have to click the back button to check. What am I, Wonder Woman? Although I would look fantastic in a tiara. But I digress picturing myself with an invisible jet) a french press. I'll have to look into them. My cafetiere just isn't enough. And by habit I don't trust percolators. They make coffee with a crazy mix of hot water and magic.

My French press is pure awesome, but I admit I don't use it every day. I primarily drink coffee at work, so the antiquated drip coffee maker they have in the staff room has to suffice. It's not too bad as long as whoever brews that morning's pot (usually me) uses a generous amount of beans.

2008-08-19, 08:51 PM
I have been known to bring my Cuisinart to gaming session, as an assurance of having good coffee.... also to parties to make sure I have the hang-over cure in the morning. :smallsigh:

Truth be told... I would overcoming the stigma of people looking at me funny if I could pull an i.v.-drip of coffee behind me. But then I would miss out on the taste. :smallamused:

2008-08-19, 09:15 PM
Who here drinks skim milk in their coffee? I remember the first time trying going from full milk to skim (aka no fat milk) I found it quite disgusting. Well. not as disgusting as decaf, but you catch my drift.

Opinions? Experiences?

Raiser Blade
2008-08-19, 09:29 PM
Who here drinks skim milk in their coffee? I remember the first time trying going from full milk to skim (aka no fat milk) I found it quite disgusting. Well. not as disgusting as decaf, but you catch my drift.

Opinions? Experiences?

I do not drink skim milk. Is it really that bad? I have't tried it so I wouldn't know.

2008-08-19, 11:56 PM
I think the whole "grow the hottest pepper" thing is just ridiculous. You add jabaneros and other types of hot peppers to things because they give them flavor--not just heat! Once the "hot" gets past a certain point, there's no flavor left, and that's just sad. Why not just spray mace in your mouth and get the same effect?

That said: Coffee... Mmmm... I'm gonna have me a cup now.

well... I actually sprayed mace on my hand by accident... And 3 days later, even after I washed my hands super-super-super-thoroughly, I had to avoid all contact with my eyes, or they'd puff up and explode. :smalltongue: Maybe not three days... just a really long time...

Anyway, as you take more spice, the less spicy other things become, so some people actually enjoy little slices of a pepper which eaten whole, could make a grown man cry like a little child who has just learned that his beloved teddy bear has been put into the blender on "puree" setting....

2008-08-20, 01:14 AM
Black coffee. Just regular coffee flavoured coffee. Sitting at work right now, been here half an hour and I'm on my second cup. Need something to kickstart me in the morning you know?

Could go for a bottle of Powerthirst though...

2008-08-20, 09:20 PM
Who here drinks skim milk in their coffee? I remember the first time trying going from full milk to skim (aka no fat milk) I found it quite disgusting. Well. not as disgusting as decaf, but you catch my drift.

Opinions? Experiences?

That's because no-fat milk is mostly water. Sadly, you need something with fat in it to give your coffee that creamy taste. I actually prefer a splash of true half-and-half, as awful as I'm sure that sounds to health food and black coffee fans. Apologies to both. :smallsmile:

2008-08-20, 09:31 PM
I like my coffee... weak, creamy, and sweeter than reason should allow.

I like Kelly's Coffe and Fudge over Starbucks. Because they use a lighter blend. And sell fudge.