View Full Version : Therkla's plan

2008-08-07, 08:38 AM
Therkla likes Elan. Kubota says next time she runs into Elan he wants her to bring Elan's head on a platter, no weasling out of it. Now they are alone together.

And... wait for it... discuss!

2008-08-07, 09:30 AM
I really don't think she'll do it. She had similiar orders from Kubota before (though not quite as directly), and didn't even follow them when another of Kubota's henchmen was present. Meeting Elan alone in the night surely wasn't intended to kill him :P

2008-08-07, 09:50 AM
He's alone, so technicaly he's not bodyguarding. Loophole.

2008-08-07, 10:26 AM
Therkla's plan is quite simple. It is also against the forum rules to discuss, much. Although the comic surely is PG-13. Anyway, plan is: Get some cute blond action, steal from an absent rogue.

2008-08-07, 11:10 AM
Kubota's instructions indicated "Hinjo's Bodyguard" not Elan. I presume she's intending to try to convince Elan to take another role other than Hinjo's Bodyguard.

As for her methods, well I think we all heard the Boom Chicka Wah WAA music...

2008-08-07, 11:33 AM
She's going to have him stand on his head atop a platter!

2008-08-07, 11:57 AM
I don't think she's going to loophole it; I think she is going to ask Elan to run away with her, so it no longer matters what Kubota says.

The real question is, what is she going to do when he refuses.

2008-08-07, 12:09 PM
Kubota's instructions indicated "Hinjo's Bodyguard" not Elan. I presume she's intending to try to convince Elan to take another role other than Hinjo's Bodyguard.

As for her methods, well I think we all heard the Boom Chicka Wah WAA music...

I agree. (My message was to short so I had to write this).

2008-08-07, 12:10 PM
@SpoD: I'm not that sure about that, either. She seems to have been serving Kubota for quite a long time, and he even compared her to his own flesh and blood. Sure, she's obsessed with Elan, but such a position is not something to be thrown away lightly. Putting it at risk by trying to defy Kubota in such a way that he doesn't notice it is one thing, but flat-out running away? She's one of Kubota's ninjas, she's got to know she won't survive that...

2008-08-07, 01:55 PM
I wonder if Therkla might join the Linear Guild. She obviously like Elan only for his looks, and Nale has the same ones. And Sabine has stated that Nale can have sex with anyone or anything for all she cares.

Not something I consider likely or anything, but I just thought about it when someone mentionned Therkla could kill Nale instead of Elan and bring HIS head to Kubota. True, but if she meets Nale, she could just HAVE Nale, and he might object less than Elan, so...

2008-08-07, 02:01 PM
I do think Nale would object to dating a half-orc much more than Elan :P (or at least Elan wouldn't express his denial as rudely)

2008-08-07, 02:02 PM
I wonder if Therkla might join the Linear Guild. She obviously like Elan only for his looks, and Nale has the same ones. And Sabine has stated that Nale can have sex with anyone or anything for all she cares.

Not something I consider likely or anything, but I just thought about it when someone mentionned Therkla could kill Nale instead of Elan and bring HIS head to Kubota. True, but if she meets Nale, she could just HAVE Nale, and he might object less than Elan, so...

That's an extremely wrong image, pasted onto my mind...Shame on you for bringing it up.(shudder)

David Argall
2008-08-07, 03:14 PM
Kubota said "No. Loopholes.". So all the clever little ideas suggested just won't work. Therkla is pretty much in a bind and seems to have no honorable way out of it, except to kill Elan, which she also finds unacceptable.
It will likely be some time before we get down to the crunch, but Therkla looks to have to choose in a few strips.

2008-08-07, 03:18 PM
EDIT: Ninja'd by 4 minutes!

EDIT #2:
Therkla is alone with Elan, which works both ways. Not only are there no good guys around, there aren't any of Kubota's men either. If she has some kind of clever plan, this is a great setup for it.

So how can she both trick/obey Kubota and follow her desires for Elan? What's her plan? Remember, no loopholes, she respects Kubota, and overwhelming crush on Elan.

2008-08-08, 01:10 PM
@SpoD: I'm not that sure about that, either. She seems to have been serving Kubota for quite a long time, and he even compared her to his own flesh and blood. Sure, she's obsessed with Elan, but such a position is not something to be thrown away lightly. Putting it at risk by trying to defy Kubota in such a way that he doesn't notice it is one thing, but flat-out running away? She's one of Kubota's ninjas, she's got to know she won't survive that...

Uh, I take it you've not been made stupid with love, or at least lust, before? People do stuff like this every day.

2008-08-08, 01:37 PM
True, and maybe counting on the sanity of an OOTS character was a bit bold of me, as well...

One way or the other, the next comic is gonna be interesting :smallamused:

2008-08-08, 01:59 PM
Kabuta doesn't understand the mysteries of her heart. I think she'd rather betray Kabuta to be with Elan than to kill Elan for Kabuta if it comes to it.

2008-08-08, 02:01 PM
Elan will be alive and well, tied up on his backside butt naked with his head rested on a silver platter while Therkla sits on his lap... so that her master doesn't have to see him in such an indecent state. Yeah, that's it.

David Argall
2008-08-08, 02:12 PM
She is to kill Elan, no loopholes. Her options are to kill Elan, defy Kubota, or find some way to make it seem she has done one of these, or possibly both. Now she might try kidnapping Elan and faking some evidence that she killed him, but this idea requires making it "obvious" that Elan is dead.

2008-08-08, 02:32 PM
Well... this whole Therkla/Haley/Elan love triangle plot line is just a rehash of one of the oldest and most heated debates in DnD geekdom:

Pirate or Ninja? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0121.html)

Who cares what her plan is? We know that Haley prefers the Pirate life, but which is more Elan's thing? Pirate or Ninja?

BTW... been a long time since I've seen a "fan mail" strip...

2008-08-08, 03:40 PM
We've seen one panel. In that panel, Elan claims to be alone. Threlka makes so such claims. We don't know if one or both of them have been followed without their knowledge or anything beyond that they are meeting... at night... not on Hinjo's boat.

An Enemy Spy
2008-08-08, 09:07 PM
Elan is a Dashing Swordsman. That goes hand in hand with pirate

2008-08-09, 09:22 AM
Consider: the reason Haley claimed pirate over ninja is that ninja had to refuse their fondest desire when duty demanded it.

2008-08-09, 09:09 PM
Consider: the reason Haley claimed pirate over ninja is that ninja had to refuse their fondest desire when duty demanded it.

Oooh, nice point there. I was going to say Therkla loves Elan too much, but that point makes sense to me. But love plays a big part, she might find a loophole despite Kuboto (or whatever his name is) saying there was none or something.

The Extinguisher
2008-08-09, 09:22 PM
I really wouldn't call it love.

2008-08-09, 10:01 PM
Nor would I, lust and/or infatuation would best describe Therkla's feelings toward Elan. An obsessive, lethal crush; this can't end well.