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View Full Version : Dark Heresy: Of cybernetics, gun-servitors, and cherubim

2008-08-07, 10:02 AM
I know there are a few Dark Heresy players around here, and I'm sure more than one of them has, like me, somehow acquired a copy of the Inquisitor's Handbook. While I love all the new material therein, I felt a few things were left out, so I'd like some opinions.

First: cybernetics. I'm playing a tech-priest who recently received several hundred thrones from making and selling drugs and grenades (real good example for the kids, huh?), and I'd like to look into making a bionic arm or two, perhaps as an emergency backup when someone inevitably gets mutilated or to implant in myself as a concealed weapon-wielder. I know crafting rules are covered in the back of the book, but they're really kinda vague. So, what price do you think I'd be looking at to make one from scratch, and how long would it take? And come to think of it, would that be a Tech-Use test or some obscure Trade skill?

Next, servitors. As a tech-priest, I'm not exactly the most effective when it comes to getting shot in the face and not dying--yet. So I think it'd be neat to have a mindless robot zombie killing machine following me around. The IH lists two new types of servitors, which are both obscenely expensive, and frivolous in one case and over-the-top OMFG insane in the other. Prices are never listed in either the core book or the IH, though, for gun and combat servitors. What, would you say, is a reasonable price for procuring one? (I'm not even gonna go into making my own...yet.)

Last, cherubim. I really don't like these things that much. Servo-skulls are one thing, but dead flying cyborg babies creep the f*** right outta me. Nevertheless, I am intrigued. Would the stats for various Servo-skulls fit the function and pricing of these demented little abominations, or do they deserve their own specifics?

I eagerly await your opinions and thoughts, and, as always:


2008-08-07, 02:22 PM
I could have sworn that there were cybernetics in the main rule book. I wish I had a copy of the inquisitor's handbook though :smallwink:.

2008-08-07, 04:14 PM
There are, but the prices there are for buying them, already made. I figured I could save by building my own.

Storm Bringer
2008-08-07, 04:36 PM
Last, cherubim. I really don't like these things that much. Servo-skulls are one thing, but dead flying cyborg babies creep the f*** right outta me.

how can i put this? it's intentional . this is warhammer 40,000.

If it helps, though, their not actual dead babies, but vat grown clone-like things, so were never alive to begin with. well, most of them are. the very best are actual dead babies, but you're not going to be getting your hands on those ones.

Likewise with servitors. like 90% of them were grown in a vat somewhere and then had cyberware added on.

Nevertheless, I am intrigued. Would the stats for various Servo-skulls fit the function and pricing of these demented little abominations, or do they deserve their own specifics?

do you mean re-fluff a Cherub as a particuarlly able servo skull? Sure, if you want. Fluff wise, the two are very different, but nothing stops you just saying your mechanicaly cherubic follower is a fluff wise servo skull with a lot of extras added on.

as for buying a servitor, it's more likey to be a case of talking the local Admech chapter into assigning you one than it is simply laying down the cash. servitors are common, but combat capable servitors are not, and are costly to boot. frankly, it's gonna be more than several hundred thrones.

getting the cyberware installed is partly a matter of getting the bonic arm you want to install and finding someone to install it. Both could be expanded into adventures in and of themselves, so this is really something to discuss with the DM.

Also, remeber how complex a system a bionic arm is. the knoweldge required to design one is extensive, and apart form anything else, the AdMech are not keen on thier members going around and inventing things all the time.

edit: Just to be clear, I'm not saying it can't be done, but that it would be better to do it with the DM onboard and helping. if he cna provide the right plot hooks, adventures and loot, it can be worked in with nary a hint of trouble.

2008-08-07, 06:24 PM
I know they're clones, but it doesn't stop them from looking like dead babies. I know the fluff, but the IH seems to have forgotten that they said they were going to include the stats for them.

My GM's as self-described fluffbot. We have yet to have anyone outright die, and we've had four sessions. She's gonna let me get the stuff, provided I can afford it...

Anyway, thanks for the opinions. I guess I'll just have to wait.

Decoy Lockbox
2008-08-08, 04:37 PM
I've only played Dark Heresy once, and it was one of the modules with Precon characters. I think the setting involved some sort of planet whose technology was around that of Earth's in 1500 AD of so (matchlock guns and cannons, etc). Not sure what the name of the module was, but our first encounter ended up with us being arrested for killing 5 guys outside a bar. I figured that it was in character since my character (Cimbria) had killed her own parents for heresy. So I figured laspistoling a bunch of armed street toughts was not exactly a moral problem....but then again, what is, in the lovely world of 40k? :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-09, 10:46 AM
Not all cherubim are clones. Sufficiently advanced models (Nephilim) are typically made from actual dead children. GRIMDARK.

Bet you find them less creepy now. :smalltongue:

I think all of the above points are probably best worked out with your GM. However, these (http://www.specialist-games.com/assets/FO43InqAngelwing.pdf) articles (http://www.specialist-games.com/assets/emplorwarband.pdf) might help. I believe there's a system worked out for converting Inquisitor stats to DH ones - if I can find it, I'll post it here. It may well be dead and gone on the old Conclave though.

2008-08-09, 11:00 AM
Likewise with servitors. like 90% of them were grown in a vat somewhere and then had cyberware added on.

Not so.

Unless it really is a coincidence that the biggest Imperial Sanitorium is on the same planet as the biggest Servitor producers.

2008-08-09, 02:08 PM
Not so.

Unless it really is a coincidence that the biggest Imperial Sanitorium is on the same planet as the biggest Servitor producers.

Of course this is a coincidence, citizen. The Emperor protects. Now move along, before I have to purge you...

2008-08-09, 02:28 PM
I've only played Dark Heresy once, and it was one of the modules with Precon characters. I think the setting involved some sort of planet whose technology was around that of Earth's in 1500 AD of so (matchlock guns and cannons, etc). Not sure what the name of the module was, but our first encounter ended up with us being arrested for killing 5 guys outside a bar. I figured that it was in character since my character (Cimbria) had killed her own parents for heresy. So I figured laspistoling a bunch of armed street toughts was not exactly a moral problem....but then again, what is, in the lovely world of 40k? :smallbiggrin:

Heresy against the Emperor, of course.