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2008-08-07, 03:24 PM
As you step out of the temple and look back towards the capital city. Hope flows through your body as the dawn breaks and almost acts like a beacon of light above the town. Your path is clear. The undead will give no quarter, not all of you will be coming back. Only one has to die for this nightmare to end, and you will bring death eternal to him.

Population 200 normally / around 8000 at the moment if you include refugees.
Stores - nothing either intact or open at the moment

Joining you is Nathanial Paul Charn, local Blacksmith armed with a Scythe and Hammer.

ooc (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4668269#post4668269)

Rolls will be done on this thread, spoiler them please.

2008-08-07, 04:32 PM
Adun Ulhar, Benevolence Incarnate

The very air is tense with the daunting task that has been set before them, but perhaps the strange light filling the temple is a sign of hope. The sense of a great weight but also a powerful responsibility that hands in the very air. Among the many beacons of light and hope that have determined to retake the city one seems to exude The Light and sheer benevolence unlike any other. He is dressed in loose baggy clothing that obscures the fact that he is wearing a very fine suit of armor under his clothing. Upon the boy's head, for he seems to be no older than seventeen, he wears a turban shot through with blue silks.

However, though he carries himself as a warrior and bears weapons of war and strange arcane artifacts it is something else that sets him apart. When he steps into the sun outside the temple, at first it seems as though his turban is emitting the powerful light around him to contrast even that of the morning sun itself. Closer inspection reveals a blue-white ring of pure energy has formed itself around his head and is producing a powerful and steady light all around him that seems to highly define anything caught within. At his neck he wears a blue steel torc with two draconic heads meeting at the front, the whole seeming almost ethereal. At his shoulders a faintly glowing pearly white set of pauldrons extend to protect him from harm, the edges lined with archaic markings in a midnight blue.

About his chest a faint webbing of azure light seems to cling to his clothing and looks as though portions of it sink into his body. At his waist a grand metallic belt sits in hues of silvery blue with links of azure chain binding each metallic plate to the next. Last but certainly not least is the strange cerulean bracers he wears that seem to blend into an azure sheened silver that sends links of chain and steel out over his fine gloves. A near tangible aura of force seems to pulse around his body as he tightens his grip and sparks of blue-white electricity dance along his knuckles.

This man was Adun Ulhar, The Greater Good made manifest.

Essentia:17 (-6 for Feats) (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 3, +1 for bold
[5] Armguards of Disruption: Disrupt Undead. Touch attack to deal 1d6+Ed6 damage. [Incarnum Focus grants +1 capacity]
: Insight to AC and Saves equal to E against Undead
[3] Diadem of Purelight: 20+10Eft radius bright illumination, shadowy double. +2 to Spot within any light. Counted as spell level of E for purposes of interacting with magical Darkness.
[Bound]: Negate less than Total Concealment in Bright illumination. Includes spells. Excludes Invisibility.
[0] Dissolving Spittle: 1d6+Ed6 acid damage at 30ft ranged touch.
[3] Pauldrons of Health: Immune to Disease, Sickened, Nauseated. +E enhancement to Fort saves.
[Bound]: Immunity to Energy Drain
[0] StrongHeart Vest: Reduce Ability Damage by 1+E
[0] Vitality Belt: +4 Morale on Con checks and Con based skill checks, but not Fortitude Saves. Gain one hit point per meldshaper level for each Essentia invested. (+10E HP) These are not temporary. Removing these Hit Points can stagger, render unconscious, or even kill Adun.

[B]Feats: Capacity: 2 (change E only once per 24hrs)
[0] Cerulean Will: Insight to Will equal to E
[2] Healing Soul: E/day heal 2Ehp as swift
[2] Midnight Dodge: Dodge for +E to AC
[2] Sapphire Sprint: Add 5Eft to speed. Retain Dex to AC while running. Add E insight to AC when leaving a threatened square.

2008-08-07, 05:12 PM
Matthias Raker, "Mad Matthias"

The antithesis of the shining figure standing in the open, a rather disheveled figure leans against the temple wall near the door, nearly blending in. His wide-brimmed hat obscures his face as he discreetly and quietly checks his weapons one final time. He seems to be partially in shadow and muffled even in the direct sunlight streaming into the temple, and many of the townsfolk shy away from him. Even if they knew the truth - that his armor, hidden beneath cloak, clothing, and longcoat, was responsible for the effect - they would still stay away. The man frowns with the realization that if he dies on this trip it is likely that no one will miss him, but that was the cost of a choice that he made long ago.

Having finished checking his equipment and ammunition, he looks down at his companion, a black and gray wolf, who is pawing at the ground irritably. The wolf prefers to hunt at night, but then, the man prefers to stay retired, so today is not their day.

The man looks up and out at the dawn, with the sun not yet painful to look at. He bows his head again in prayer to Pelor before he begins seeking out the others who would attack the lich...

Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=71866)

Description Again:

A rather large and frightening figure, Matthias Raker looks almost as if he's going to war. A very heavy, intricately carved and decorated wood-axe hangs from a loop at his belt, and he carries a large and complicated looking crossbow. He is dressed in utility-minded travelling clothes, and seems to have put some of them, as well as a dark brown cloak and longcoat, on over a pitch-black armor chestplate of some sort. A whistle and a small holy symbol of Ehlonna hang from his neck, glinting dangerously in the moonlight at night. A number of vials, as well as a crowbar, grappling hook, and rope, hang from the belt strapped over his coat and under his cloak at the waist, and he carries a large backpack and bolt case over that. He never puts the hood of his cloak up, instead favoring a much-worn wide brimmed hat. His overall appearance could best be described as "grungy," and though he doesn't smell, it appears as though it has been some time since he last shaved. He eyes passerby with a look somewhere between suspicion and open hostility. An air of quiet and darkness seems to hang about him, which is actually an artifact of his armor, but doesn't help at all with making a first impression.

2008-08-07, 11:53 PM
Egan Radley

Radley holds up one hand to block to morning sun from his face. He surveys the dusty streets, and the numerous people lying sleeping on the open ground. Flies buzz around many of them, and he wonders if any are dead. If so at least they're staying down.

Picking his way between several disheveled children, he finishes a mug of tea as he approaches the steps of the temple. He lets the empty mug fall to the ground, where the children fight over it, he turns to the bugbear next to him.

"How much you wanna bet it's the guy with the blue halo?" He flashed a broad grin before turning back to the steps. Sun's not up and already he seems uncomfortably sweaty.

"You, sir! I hear there are a few souls going back to the capitol. You're one of them?"

Character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73124)

White skin, really short sandy hair, green eyes, a little overweight, fine silks, 22 charisma.

2008-08-08, 02:14 AM

At first it is as though the man had not heard someone call out to him, his mouth swishing around a gob of spit before spitting it to the side as though he had a bitter taste left in his mouth. Indeed, the spit would boil and steam for a moment on the ground before fading away entirely. Adun turned two brilliant azure eyes towards the man who had called out and his larger companion. It was not merely that he had blue eyes, but even the whites of his his eyes were tinted a faint blue, which only seemed to grow as the light around him pulsed every so slightly. He gave the speaker a brief bow of his head before speaking, "I am one soul of many, yes. I carry with me many valiant souls who have fallen in the defense of the capitol and though I am not of these lands, their spirits embolden me." Now, it was fairly hard to tell where the symbolism ended and raw fact began. He was certainly not an evil man, and in fact he would register as overwhelmingly pure of heart if anyone had the magic to detect such a thing, but his talk of souls went slightly beyond merely remembering the dead.

Kuma Da
2008-08-08, 06:48 AM
The Green Man

"How much you wanna bet it's the guy with the blue halo?"

"It'd be bad form if I started owing you money. Let's just say it's the man with the turban and work from there." The Green Man follows a step and a half behind Egan Radley as the two approach the temple. Every so often he flicks a glance to either side. Although he's reasonably sure that there's nothing dangerous in this refugee town, Egan is worth too much money for him to casually drop his guard. "What do you reckon he is, anyways? Some sort of pala-whoah."

Something about Adun's voice just makes him uncomfortable. Bugbears hear in a slightly different spectrum than humans, and The Green Man swears that--for a moment--he can hear a disquieting murmur lingering after each word. It sounds like a chorus of distant voices. Then, of course, the content of Adun's words register.

He's a plural person? Ugh. I guess the parade of crazies can begin now. I don't imagine there are many sane folks who'd want to go back into Calamdan. Not without a healthy auric incentive...oh, crap. Can turban-man hear my thoughts?

The Green Man studies him intently for a moment, ears unconsciously pricking up as he does so.

Maybe not. Guess I'm safe.

Aloud, he says "I guess we're going to be traveling together for a bit." He sticks out a paw. "You can call me The Green Man, if you'd like. My other name's a bit harder to pronounce. Plus, you have to beat on your chest while you say it, and that looks silly when it's not a bugbear doing it."

A few minutes later, The Green Man's nose wrinkles and he sniffs loudly at the air. "Wolf? What on earth?" It takes him a while before he notices the one standing by the temple. Even longer before the man standing beside it snaps into focus.

That's incredible. He's standing with a wolf in broad daylight, and I almost didn't notice him. He's got a crossbow, too, so maybe he'll be tagging along with us. I certainly hope so. He looks like he's got a few stories to tell...

The Green Man's train of thought sharply derails as the man suddenly bows to nobody.

Or maybe he's crazy as well.

Description: A tall and imposing bugbear, although he tries to cover this with a slouch. He also walks with a bit of a shuffle, dragging his feet like he's got nowhere important to go. From the two handaxes handing from leather straps at his sides, he's probably a competent fighter. Or lumberjack. A chainmail shirt stuck through with matted bits of chest fur suggests the former.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-08, 07:13 AM
Absalom, the Stormcaller

Absalom had finally been able to get some sleep. At first, he wanted to question anyone and everyone on the situation of the refugees. Apart from his duty to the weak and the sick, he was to gather brave souls willing to bring the fight to the treacherous lich. However, he soon found out that he was in no shape to do this. Finding a clean spot near the overcrowded temple, Absalom finally gave in to sleep.

The following morning, as the sun was still low on the horizon, the mage was already up patrolling the streets. Absalom easily drew attention to himself, since his rune-covered breastplate and golden helm were not typical soldier attire. He tried his best to inspire them hope and courage, aware at the same time that the situation had deteriotated even more. If things were different, he might have used his magic to entertain the children, but remembering that a spellcaster was responsible for all this misery, he prefered not to reveal himself as such.

Following a street back to the temple, he walked on a conversation involving what looked like a holy man, a merchant and his bugbear bodyguard. The mage approached rapidly and introduced himself, having no qualms about interrupting them.

"I salute you, dear sirs. I am Absalom Stormcaller, wandering dispenser of justice. Boccob instructs me, Pelor guides my steps and Kord exalts me on the battlefield. I do hope that fate has brought us all here so we can take back the kingdom."

Description : At first sight, it's easy to mistake Absalom for a seasoned knight. His face is handsome, even if it looks prematurely aged. His hair, as black as a raven's mane, hides two gray streaks. This man of average build is in extremely good pysical shape, comparable to an athlete. He also displays a sturdy dark cloak that radiates a dim light; right now it's silverly blue. Absalom carries his magical quarterstaff, named the Staff of the Eye, a long and tortuous piece of reddish wood. One end of the staff depicts a hawk holding an eyeball in its talons.

2008-08-08, 08:34 AM

Radley turns as the soldier with the gold helmet speaks. He gives him a big, hearty smile and reaches out to shake his hand.

"Salute accepted," he says. "I'm Egan Radley, friends call me Radley. I'm an atheist and I don't think fate's brought us together at all. But if your belief in your gods gives you strength I won't begrudge you."

He gives a wink to show that he is (partly?) kidding and lets go of the man's hand. Stepping back, he surveys the little group. "So I hear the royals aren't doing so well in there. S'pose it's up to a private venture to set things right, usually is. Can't trust government past the end of your - well, you know." He lets out a hearty laugh.

2008-08-08, 09:15 AM

Matthias had noticed the shining man in the turban. He had also noticed when the merchant and his bodyguard moved over to chat, but it was when the knight also went to join the conversation that he realized that the group he was watching was the one returning to Calamar. Hoo boy...

Matthias grins a little as he looks at Forge. When he speaks, the quiet words sound harsh and strained. "Looks like we found the rest of the crazies, eh boy? "*Come*" - the last word is spoken in a different tone, and undoubtedly a command.

Matthias moves over to join the conversation, with Forge following at his heel and occasionally snarling at small children who want to pet him. Being excessively awkward in situations like this one, he fails to actually join the conversation without further prompting.

2008-08-08, 09:50 AM

When the man and the wolf approach, Egan takes another step back to make space for them in the little meeting. "Another one ready for action, is it?" He waves the newcomer over. "I'm Radley, this is Green, and this over here is the Stormcaller..." He turns back to Turban Light and raises an eyebrow inquisitively. "And what do we call you?"

2008-08-08, 10:30 AM
Amos, for his part, was inside the temple, singing a morning hymn to the gods, as he was sometimes wont to do. His voice was a clear baritone, yet somehow it delivered the grace of the Elvish words in praise to Corellon without harming their innate beauty. He sang in Dwarven to Moradin, Gnomish to Garl Glittergold, Sylvan to Obad-Hai and Elhonna. Finally, he sang in Common, his voice swelling in strength and emotion as he finished his hymn, singing to Pelor, Kord, and Heironeous... and when he finally fell silent, the bard whispered a short, simple prayer to Fharlaghn, the god whom he felt he was most indebted to.

Perform check: [roll0]

As he whispered his prayer, he turned and walked to the doors, where he was stunned to find a gathering group of adventurers like himself. He listened to what was being discussed briefly, unobtrusively, then spoke.

"I will go with you, if you will have one more able sword."

2008-08-08, 11:33 AM

Having completed his morning prayers to Kord, Harin set to leave the temple. On his way he heard a loud song to the God's coming from one of the chambers. He stopped to listen to the prayer as it gave him hope for his journey.

He headed for the exit where he had heard a group headed for the fallen city was gathering. He left just behind another man and sure enough a group had amassed at the foot of the steps. As he left the building he briefly stretched out his wings to their full span, just to loosen the muscles up.

As he reached the bottom of the steps the man in front of him introduced himself to the group with the words "I will go with you, if you will have one more able sword."

Before they answered Harin spoke as well "If you head for Calamdan, make it two" his hand on his sword as his shield floated at his side.

Character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72163).

Kuma Da
2008-08-08, 11:54 AM
The Green Man

The Green Man shifts his weight from one leg to the other, idling as Absalom introduces himself. When the mage mentions Pelor, he winces slightly. Well, that explains both the armor and his 'hark, verily' accent. Might still be a decent guy...

"I'm an atheist and I don't think fate's brought us together at all."

Surprise and approval flash briefly across the bugbear's features. That's awfully reasonable of him. 'course, atheist is going a little far. There might not be any gods up there, but there's a few down here. The Green Man doesn't exactly pray, but he does pat the collar of his chain shirt reassuringly.

"Funny thing, fate. It's always there after the fact." After a moment he tones down his remark with a "that's not to say it doesn't exist, though. You seem like the heroic type. Is that what drew you here: a chance to set the world aright?" He might take himself a little too seriously, but he looks dependable. Wouldn't want to alienate him during a job like this.

As he's speaking, a wave of wolf-musk washes over The Green Man and he turns to find Matthias standing there. The wolf is next to him. The Green Man grins a little uneasily. He's never been particularly good with animals, and dogs seem to instinctively dislike him. Maybe wolves will be different...

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-08, 12:48 PM
Absalom, the Stormcaller

Absalom listens as Radley introduces himself and his companion known as the Green Man. However, his eyes keep shifting to the man standing beside them. Never did Absalom meet a being radiating so much goodness. The presence of such an individual in this region, at this time, couldn't simply be a coincidence.

Turning back towards the merchant, Absalom replies :

"I was part of a special unit of the military, once, and I trusted my officers with my life. However, the situation is dire, and most of the army, including the Order of the Golden Knights, has been crushed." He paused, his expression darknened by this thought. "In that case, individuals such as you and I may be the final line of defense against the enemy."

Then the bugbear talked, and Absalom took a moment to examine him from head to toe.

"I am not a specialist in the matter, I do not claim to know of the Gods and their plan, if such thing exists. I only hope my efforts aren't in vain. I have been seeking able and experienced people to lead an attack against the lich for quite some time. I am well aware of the risks of such an entreprise... I'm not sure if that makes me a hero, a fool or a little of both. But the truth is, I can't stand doing nothing. I was gifted with powerful magicks. What good are those powers if I can't make an impact on the world?"

As Absalom finishes his speech, they are joined by three more warriors. The mage greets them in the most polite fashion, inviting them to come closer.

2008-08-08, 01:13 PM
Amos does so, though as he speaks, he seems... distracted.

"I am a traveler, born an orphan, raised in a temple inn of Fharlaghn. This city is not my home, but I am willing to help do the right thing... and if I find what I seek in doing so, I will be glad for it. My name is Amos Omaril; I am not as skilled a warrior as some, but I am capable, and have my own few tricks to make up for what I lack. I also know much of magic," he looks at the mage with the golden helm and quickly adds, "Though I am no caster of such great power. I just know much, as well as what lore I may recall from my travels."

2008-08-08, 01:20 PM

When Absalom gives his story, Radley look is one of sincere concern. "Condolences. I have no love of the government, but no dislike for those that bravely serve. It's good of you to push on."

After Amos says his bit, he pipes up again:

"It seems we're all making fast friends here, but one is awful quiet." For the third time, he looks at the Turban Man expectantly.

Kuma Da
2008-08-08, 01:38 PM
The Green Man

"Fharlaghn. Huh. I didn't know he did temples. Must've been a little hard for the clerics, worshiping the open road but having to stay indoors and keep things in shape." The bugbear pauses for a second. "Say, it wasn't a cozy little hostel on the road to Calamdan, was it? Right next to the big, eerie forest? I think I might've stayed there once, a few years ago."

2008-08-08, 01:45 PM
Amos smiled a little, eyes sparkling a little bit at the prospect of someone with familiarity with his home.

"Well, those few clerics and other adherents to Fharlaghn who ran the temple and inn were all those were simply too old to continue their travels, or those who felt that one last journey on the open road would be less of a service to Fharlaghn than operating an inn and temple, where they could serve travelers and offer them prayers to the Wandering God. They kept it open and running at all hours, and anyone who called themselves "traveler" was welcome to stay, so long as they had a couple coins to spare to help ease the costs of running the inn, and a story or two to share by the fire."

The bard smiled hopefully, looking fully at the bugbear without a trace of disgust or consternation in his eyes that might be attributed to the common reaction to a bugbear.

"Does any of that sound familiar?"

Kuma Da
2008-08-08, 03:07 PM
The Green Man

"That just about fits the bill. They were nice folks, too. Probably the only people I've met who'd put a bugbear up for the night, no questions asked. No preaching either, although they did keep asking me about my travels. At the time I thought they were just trying to be polite." He smiles, which is a little unsettling. It's probably meant as a friendly gesture, but his teeth are awfully sharp. "It's a small world, really. Nice to meet you, Amos."

Without missing a beat, The Green Man turns to look at the latest person to walk over and join their conversation. They're all coming out of the woodwork now. Someone whispers the magic word 'adventure' and all of a sudden there's men with flaming broadswords dropping out of the sky. Ah, well, I suppose it's better than the alternative. Besides, this guy looks like he's packing some serious heat.* With those wings, I wouldn't be surprised if he said his father was an angel.

"It's good of you to join us, uh..." He waits for the newcomer to supply a name.

*"Packing heat" is a slang term sometimes used by young mages. It refers to the process of adding extra spheres onto a necklace of fireballs.

2008-08-08, 04:28 PM
((wow, the campaign is going so smoothly, i almost don't want to ruin it with attack of the undead... oh well))

A zombie slowly saunters into town. Not a normal occurence by any means. It would normally be put down by the town guard, brought out of town and burned till little was left. But today, this symbolizes the start of something more, the spread of the hoard of the undead has reached the town of Durk. Several people look at the zombie and start crying out to it, it is was the innkeeper of the biggest inn within 10 miles of Durk. Many people are in tears, a pillar of the community has become one of the undead. What do you do?

Kuma Da
2008-08-08, 05:25 PM
The Green Man

The Green Man immediately interposes himself between Radley and the former innkeeper. It might not move fast enough to be an immediate threat (although killing it in plain view could distress the community,) but it's a sure sign of things to come.

"If you can see one of them, that means there's bound to be a bunch more that we haven't noticed yet. My professional opinion is that we should leave town. Right now. But Radley, if you want to stay and help Durk evacuate, I won't stop you."

2008-08-08, 07:57 PM

Matthias pulls the brim of his hat slightly down, and then moves directly past Radley and his guard and walks directly into the zombie's path, Forge following close behind, snarling at the zombie the whole way. As he passes by the Green Man, he says, in his somewhat raspy voice, "The town needs to be evacuated." He doesn't appear the least bit frightened - or anything else, until a shadow of anger crosses his face, just for an instant. He begins talking softly to himself when he reaches an intercept point for the zombie, and anyone able to hear what he is saying will find that he is, in fact, quoting Pelorian scripture on the banishment and destruction of the undead, something about "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust," and ends it with the typical closing for a prayer to Pelor. When he is done, he drums his fingers against the crossbow hanging from his shoulder, but what he's actually waiting for is for the zombie to get withing optimum throwing distance of his axe...

Should he remain uninterrupted until the zombie approaches within 20 feet, he will throw his axe at the zombie, aiming to kill.

2008-08-08, 08:29 PM
((>.< Well, that teaches me to be out and about all day. XD))


The man is slow in replying to Egan's inquiry on his name and it as though he feels the presence of the undead long before it ever arrives within sight. With a troubled look he makes an elaborate bow to those that have gathered, "My name is Adun Ulhar, I-" How true his actual knowledge of the undead being nearby was impossible to know but he is one of the first to turn his eyes upon the shambling dead, interrupting his own introduction. With more pressing issues now at hand the brilliant light around him seems to literally burn the air around him as a corona of shimmering blue light flexes around him. The man acts almost without thinking. With a swiftness that seems to match or even surpass that of even the most highly trained runners he advances on the bloated corpse. In mere moments he is upon the undead thing and a surge of blue-white lightning blasts out from his fingertips as he crashes his palm into its chest. His voice echoes over the crack of thunder, "Foul powers that clutch this man, I damn thee back to hell. RELEASE HIM!" If nothing else, he's a sucker for the dramatic.

Land speed 50ft. Charge if necessary.
Melee Touch Attack: [roll0] +2 if charging
Armguards of Disruption Damage: [roll1] untyped, no save.

Essentia:17 (-6 for Feats) (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 3, +1 for bold
[5] Armguards of Disruption: Disrupt Undead. Touch attack to deal 1d6+Ed6 damage. [Incarnum Focus grants +1 capacity]
: Insight to AC and Saves equal to E against Undead
[3] Diadem of Purelight: 20+10Eft radius bright illumination, shadowy double. +2 to Spot within any light. Counted as spell level of E for purposes of interacting with magical Darkness.
[Bound]: Negate less than Total Concealment in Bright illumination. Includes spells. Excludes Invisibility.
[0] Dissolving Spittle: 1d6+Ed6 acid damage at 30ft ranged touch.
[3] Pauldrons of Health: Immune to Disease, Sickened, Nauseated. +E enhancement to Fort saves.
[Bound]: Immunity to Energy Drain
[0] StrongHeart Vest: Reduce Ability Damage by 1+E
[0] Vitality Belt: +4 Morale on Con checks and Con based skill checks, but not Fortitude Saves. Gain one hit point per meldshaper level for each Essentia invested. (+10E HP) These are not temporary. Removing these Hit Points can stagger, render unconscious, or even kill Adun.

[B]Feats: Capacity: 2 (change E only once per 24hrs)
[0] Cerulean Will: Insight to Will equal to E
[2] Healing Soul: E/day heal 2Ehp as swift
[2] Midnight Dodge: Dodge for +E to AC
[2] Sapphire Sprint: Add 5Eft to speed. Retain Dex to AC while running. Add E insight to AC when leaving a threatened square.

Kuma Da
2008-08-09, 06:28 AM
The Green Man

He speaks up, addressing the townspeople nearby. "You guys might want to clear out of here. Grab only what you can carry and stay outta cities. I wouldn't worry about looters going through your left-behinds. The only people that are going to be left in these parts soon will be of the shambling sort." The Green Man blinks sharply against the flicker of lightening coming from Adun. "It looks like some of us are going to help keep the situation contained until you all can get away." Another few moments pass and the bugbear makes frustrated shoo-ing motions with his paws. "Go on. Go. Spread the word. And don't panic."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-09, 07:08 AM
Absalom, the Stormcaller

Absalom steps up, his sickle in hand, thinking that a spell would be waisted on a lone zombie. He surveys the area, keeping his cool even if the scene is getting painful to watch. Looking at Matthias, then Adun, the mage determines that is priority is to oversee the evacuation. Thus, he approaches the villagers, shouting words of encouragement, helping the weak to evacuate. He keeps an eye on the zombie, ready to charge back in the fight if other creatures of the night show up behind him.

2008-08-09, 10:00 AM

"Harin Storn" he added to the unfinished sentence of the savage looking man who was addressing him. "And yourself"?

Before he got a response an undead appeared close to them, the heart rending reaction of the townspeople nearby informing him that it had once been a well known and cared about man. But now it was him no more, merely a semblance of life in an empty shell.

Ready to draw his sword, it became immediately unneccesary as the the man who had just introduced himself as Adun Alhar lunged forward, wielding a form of lightning strike against the creature. Seeing that it was being dealt with, as was a swift evacuation by the knight in the Golden Helm, Harin turned his attention to another matter. From recent experience he knew that these abominations rarely moved around individually. So with a single powerful mvement he opened his wings and took to the air to check the surrounding area for others.

"If there is one there will probably be more. I will search the area and deal with any I find" he called to the group in general as he moved off.

Fly speed is 60ft. Moving just over head height (2 squares up) and will land to engage other undead if he sees any. Others can join him if they wish.
Spot (if needed)[roll0]

2008-08-09, 12:40 PM
Amos watches the zombie's appearance impassively, though sadness radiated in his grey eyes. The townsfolk nearby were likely already wearied, and surely many were not fit to travel... but Amos knew a song that just might help. He only knew the words in their original Elven, though he also knew a similar song in Dwarven... but the Dwarven song was far too somber, and altogether unfitting to the situation. Moving toward the villagers, Amos aims his talents more toward those villagers that seemed especially sorrowful or panicky, hoping to uplift their spirits and inspire hope with the power of music.

Here's a Perform check; if you need me to be using actual Bardic Music for this, I guess... we can call it an Inspire Courage attempt? I'm really not sure...


2008-08-10, 11:22 AM
Adun makes a valiant attempt but misses. The zombie tosses his head back and lets out a strange loud groan and attempts to bite Adun. [roll0]

There are some other zombies coming down the road.

2008-08-10, 06:27 PM
HP: 87/87 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 21 Init: [roll0] Land Speed: 50ft
[+5 AC all vs Undead]

The zombie's skull smashes against a brilliant surge of white-blue light that repels him/it but even without this barrier it seems as though the warrior would have easily been able to dodge away from the beast. The desert warrior lashes out with his other hand in a backhand accompanied by another brilliant surge of light.

Midnight Dodge declared on Zombie Innkeeper, +2 Dodge AC
Melee Touch Attack: [roll1]
Armguards of Disruption Damage: [roll2] untyped, no save.

Essentia:17 (-6 for Feats) (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 3, +1 for bold
[5] Armguards of Disruption: Disrupt Undead. Touch attack to deal 1d6+Ed6 damage. [Incarnum Focus grants +1 capacity]
: Insight to AC and Saves equal to E against Undead
[3] Diadem of Purelight: 20+10Eft radius bright illumination, shadowy double. +2 to Spot within any light. Counted as spell level of E for purposes of interacting with magical Darkness.
[Bound]: Negate less than Total Concealment in Bright illumination. Includes spells. Excludes Invisibility.
[0] Dissolving Spittle: 1d6+Ed6 acid damage at 30ft ranged touch.
[3] Pauldrons of Health: Immune to Disease, Sickened, Nauseated. +E enhancement to Fort saves.
[Bound]: Immunity to Energy Drain
[0] StrongHeart Vest: Reduce Ability Damage by 1+E
[0] Vitality Belt: +4 Morale on Con checks and Con based skill checks, but not Fortitude Saves. Gain one hit point per meldshaper level for each Essentia invested. (+10E HP) These are not temporary. Removing these Hit Points can stagger, render unconscious, or even kill Adun.

[B]Feats: Capacity: 2 (change E only once per 24hrs)
[0] Cerulean Will: Insight to Will equal to E
[2] Healing Soul: E/day heal 2Ehp as swift
[2] Midnight Dodge: Dodge for +E to AC
[2] Sapphire Sprint: Add 5Eft to speed. Retain Dex to AC while running. Add E insight to AC when leaving a threatened square.

2008-08-10, 08:49 PM

Matthias shifts his focus to the new approaching zombies. He pulls out his crossbow with near-supernatural speed and fires into the approaching undead crowd, switching targets in between each shot.

Range increment: 180

Heavy Repeating Crossbow +1 Ghost Touch. Favored Enemy Undead adds +4 to hit and damage, although I might be wrong about the hit bonus. If I am, subtract 4 from the to-hit rolls.

Crossbow Attack 1: [roll0]
Crossbow Attack 2: [roll1]
Crossbow Attack 3: [roll2]
Crossbow Attack 4: [roll3]
Damage 1: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5]
Damage 3: [roll6]
Damage 4: [roll7]

2008-08-11, 03:16 AM

Once in the air Harin saw the new zombies almost immediately. Just then a stream of projectiles came from behind him (apparently the man with the wolf had experience with that crossbow because each bolt went for a different threat.)

Deciding that staying out of people's way would probably be best all round, he called on the divine light of Kord and was surrounded in a silver aura, which then gathered at his forearm and with a flick of his right hand he launched it towards the undead menace.

HP:64 AC:24
Spell: Light of Lunia - 2 bolts, each doing 2d6(spell damage) +2d6(Undead bane magic feat).
First Bolt: [roll0] / [roll1] Range 30ft
Second Bolt: [roll2] / [roll3] Range 30ft
Both aimed at either any foes that Matthias didn't hit, or if he hit them all then aimed at the two nearest to other people.

Kuma Da
2008-08-11, 05:31 AM
The Green Man

He eyes the advancing tide of the dead for a while before turning towards Egan. "Sir, you need to move. If you want to stay and help evac the town, that's fine by me, but I'd recommend that you do it from somewhere that I don't have to worry about you getting chomped on. I'll fight much more effectively that way." Fishing in his pack, The Green Man comes out with a length of rope ending in a grappling hook. "If I loop this over the top of one of the buildings, do you think you could scramble up it?"

Rolls: Initiative +3 [roll0]

Questions for the DM: 1) How are the other townsfolk reacting? Are they still panicking, or have they started to pack up and go?

2) What's the approximate number of zombies coming down the road? I don't need hard figures, but I was wondering if it's more of a scattering or a swarm.

2008-08-11, 09:18 AM
Radley watches as the others put down the first zombie, and then as more zombies appear on the main road. He gives an obvious roll of his eyes at the situtation, then turns to Green.

"I certainly can, and I'll follow you up in a minute..."

Holding his hand before him, he speaks a few words and the zombie-laden road turns to flame...

Casting Wall of Fire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/walloffire.htm), 160' long x 20' high.

Depends on how many zombies we see. If there's a swarm coming down the road, then I will run the wall of fire directly along the road, essentially toasting anything and everything along that stretch.

On the other hand if we only see a few zombies, I will run it perpendicular to the road, effectively forming a partial wall around the town.

In either case the wall begins quite a ways down the road, careful not to catch the main buildings of the town itself or the refugees running away from the zombies.

As the flames spring into existence Radley claps his hands together and bows his head, concentrating.

Kuma Da
2008-08-11, 09:49 AM
The Green Man

The Green Man revises several of his mental calculations as the wall of fire sprouts from the ground. "You might be easier to protect than I'd thought," he mutters, not really addressing the comment to Radley. After all, he doesn't feel like breaking the mage's concentration and letting a mob of still-smoldering zombies amble into town.

Double-checking to make sure that no zombies have wandered close enough to take a swing at either of them (in which case he'd immediately engage the offending corpse,) The Green Man spins his grappling hook underhand and looses it towards a nearby chimney. If the hook catches, he tugs the rope sharply to make sure that it's secure.

2008-08-11, 03:22 PM
Amos turned away from the fleeing villagers; his new companions needed him... perhaps? Drawing his sword and readying his shield, the bard moved near to his allies, ready to face the undead with the sound of courage issuing from his mouth.

Move to stand beside Green Man, drawing my sword/shield as part of my move, maintaining Inspire Courage; we get +2 to attack and damage rolls now.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-11, 06:54 PM

Absalom was taken by surprise. Looking behind him, he saw flashes of light, red-orange flames and crossbow bolts flying in numerous directions. A lone zombie couldn't be the cause of all this commotion. The mage soon noticed the horde of undeads following the innkeeper on the road. He walked toward his companions and then started invoking a spell of his own. When the arcane energy overcomes his body, Absalom shouts :

"May your spirits be freed of the undeath curse. Wrath of Winter!"

Initiative : [roll0]
B]HP[/B] 54/54, Speed 30
AC 22, Touch 14, Flat-footed 18, Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +9
First, I move my speed toward the group.
Spell cast : Ice Storm, placed in the relative center of the zombie horde. 1 round cast
And yes, he likes to name his spells :smalltongue:

2008-08-11, 07:43 PM
((more of a scattering, tops 20 spread out.))

The people who haven't fled the town have are getting inside the large stone church.

The zombies go down with miminal fight. It is not a short road to the capital.

2008-08-11, 08:39 PM
With the scattering of undead toppled, Amos let the song die away. Not die away... merely fade... the Song will never truly die... Sheathing his sword, and putting up his shield, Amos turns to the others.

"Perhaps, we should strike for the capital sooner than later."

2008-08-11, 09:02 PM
((Okay, if it was like twenty zombies then I'll definitely position the wall perpendicular to the road at the edge of town, essentially placing a 160' wall along that end of town and forcing the non-toasted zombies to run around it before they can get at us.

Out of curiosity, how far are we from the capitol? One day's ride? One week's ride?))

2008-08-11, 09:51 PM
((one week walk. I specifically made sure no one had a horse for that purpose. if they did/do, it ran off, scared of the undead. This campaign was made for walkin. The zombies are gone.))

Kuma Da
2008-08-12, 12:15 AM
The Green Man

With a frown, The Green Man tries to tug the grapnel free. It doesn't budge. It was a pretty good toss. Frustrated, he yanks harder on the rope. There's a groan of crumbling mortar from the chimney it had fastened to, then the hook shoots free--plus a few bricks. The Green Man snorts and sets to work coiling the rope back up.

"It looks like we're safe for the time being, but we should probably get moving. Unless anyone wants to talk to the folks over in the church," he adds. "They might as well have rolled out a welcome mat for the dead, and it's probably only a matter of time before they do something just as stupid. Like barricading themselves in. Amos, you're good with people. Think you could convince them to leave town?"

2008-08-12, 04:30 AM

Seeing the bonbardment of spells annihilate the scattering of zombies Harin returned to the ground.

Turning to the group he nodded his head respectfully towards them, "Most impressive, perhaps our endevour is not destined to fail after all".

Turning directly to the Bugbear, "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I am Harin, and yourself"?

Kuma Da
2008-08-12, 05:55 AM
The Green Man

"Uh, call me Green." He's a little disconcerted by how quickly the winged man goes from hurling scalding bolts of holy light to resuming introductions. "And I rather hope we're not destined to fail. 'Fate made me do it' isn't the most convincing appeal against a breach of contract."

2008-08-12, 08:30 AM

((Glad I didn't remember to pay for a horse, then :smallsmile: ))

Radley can't see what's on the other side of the fire wall, and so he has no idea that it's safe to lower the thing. By the fact that the winged man came back to earth he wonders if they've all been killed already, but he figures he may as well keep the wall up as long as possible.

When the Green Man speaks to him, he grunts in response, and slowly forces some words out despite the sweat breaking ou on his forehead.

"You're... real go-getter. Awright, find me someone in charge... I'll get 'em movin'."

2008-08-12, 08:40 AM

When the brilliant light of his halo returns to the others it is not as though the man seems to be fatigued but as if he had invested far too much of himself into the slaughter of a single member of the shambling hordes. He does not seem to have been even so much as touched by the zombie during the exchange, his aura repelling the creature. As he moves the light around him flexes and each of the strange items that hover around him shimmer with their own inner light at varying levels of brightness as though pulses of magic were rushing into them and slowly being drawn out. With light still dancing along his fingertips he approaches, "I apologize if I offended anyone by cutting my introduction short but the valiant spirits of your fallen countrymen spurred me to action. Their noble souls are an honor to your country, and it is an honor to carry them with me. Again, I am Adun Ulhar, I come from across the seas to experience the world. Though I am not guided by the hands of fate or the greater mind of a greater soul, my arrival and indeed our congregation cannot merely be a coincidence."

Kuma Da
2008-08-12, 09:06 AM
The Green Man

"I think we got 'em. The visible ones, at least. It's probably okay if you stop charbroiling the road." The Green Man is a little worried by the older man's condition. A heart attack can kill just as surely as a fireball, and it's not something he can jump in the way of, either. "Er, perhaps you should walk that off."

As soon as the sorcerer's ready, The Green Man walks towards the church with Egan, taking care to lag a few steps behind him and keep watch for any further zombies. "I think they're all in here. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go."

2008-08-12, 11:44 AM
Radley holds his concentration as long as it takes for the streets to clear of refugees, then lets it go. The wall remains for an additional 48 seconds before winking out.

Although drenched in sweat, Egan seems to be in a good mood. He shakes his head, runs one hand through his hair, and follows the bugbear into the temple.

((Borninbones: anybody in there a clear leader? Someone the refugees might actually listen to?))

2008-08-12, 12:03 PM
Amos, for his part, only nods and turns to the temple, walking slowly and calmly. He didn't want to alarm anyone. As he reached the doors of the temple, he was joined by Radley.

"Well, with both of us, this ought to go quickly," the bard said with a smile, "Shall we stone, shear, parchment to see who tries first?"

Come on now, don't tell me you can't tell what Amos is saying! :smallwink:

If Radley goes for it, in the name of speeding things along, Amos' roll for it is:


2008-08-12, 12:17 PM
((Radley would've let the bard just go first, but he's not one to turn down a good challenge. Is it whoever rolls higher? And in the spirit of hard/flat/pointy does a 1 beat a three?))


2008-08-12, 12:31 PM
Well... let's just assign numbers to the order I said them in. Stone = 1, shears = 2, parchment = 3, and which means that 1 beats 2, 2 beats 3, and 3 beats 1. That said...

"Heh, well then, we'll see what we can do then," Amos said, his smile diminishing a shade. He was confident in his skills, but... he feared that terrified people wouldn't listen to him. If terrified people won't listen to me, then what kind of *bard* am I? he thought darkly, before proceeding inside.

"Who's in charge here?" he called out, as loudly as necessary to raise his voice above the likely clamor of people.

If necessary, I'm rolling a Perform check. Why? Well, because volume has a lot to do with supporting your voice from the diaphragm, and when you're singing, you do that a *lot*, so, it seems like Amos should be able to do it!


2008-08-12, 01:03 PM

With the wall of flame extinguished Harin held his sword arm ready in case some of the zombies had survived the barrage of fire, ice, holy lightning and crossbow bolts. (I assume they didn't).

Seeing that the road was clear he turned with the others heading for the temple, but elected to remain outside in case anything else turned up.

"It would be folly to allow our minor victory to be overturned due to unpreparedness".

He then turned to the knight who had cast the icy column. "I am Harin Storn. Your helm, I wonder were you once of the Golden Knights"?

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 01:26 PM

Absalom was relieved that the zombies didn't put up more of a fight. The refugees were safe...for now. Since two of his companions had already proposed to talk some sense in the people barricated in the church, he stayed outside, watchful. He then noticed the half-celestial, coming his way. The mage bowed before this great warrior of light.

"Pleased to meet you, master Harin. They call me Absalom Stormcaller."

Absalom took off his helm.

"Unfortunately, I never joined the Golden Knights. I favor magic over swordsmanship. However, I respect them greatly. This is why I wear their color. I even have a close friends among their ranks...at least, I had one. I think he was killed when the capital fell. But let's not dwell on this matter. Tell me about yourself, master Harin."

Kuma Da
2008-08-12, 01:47 PM
The Green Man

The Green Man hangs back by the entrance to the church, resting one shoulder against the stone doorway. He isn't much good in situations like these; calming down panicking villagers is a little hard when you're a six foot shaggy beast. Not that I'd change it for the world. Squishy humans don't know what they're missing.

2008-08-12, 01:55 PM

"Many lives were lost when the capital fell, you have my condolences".
"And as far as I am aware I am no-ones master" he added with an ever so slight smile.

"I myself have a much less interesting story than my apperances would lead you to believe. Until very recently I was a courier, making deliveries for those who prefered for their cargo to be taken over the dangerous roads rather than through them. It made me a good living, and I did enjoy the work, but I always had a slight problem.
Perhaps it is the angel in me(he flaps his wings almost automatically when he said this) but if ever saw a traveller in jepardy it was almost a reflex to attempt to aid them. Ha, scared most bandits witless seeing me flying towards them wielding this" (he taps his greatsword) he chuckled.

"When the riot broke I did what I could but when the odds turned against me I turned and fled". He turned away from the mage, ashamed of himself. "I ended up here after joining a group of refugees on the roads".

"And what of you Absolom Stormcaller" he said, instantly brightening up and facing the other man, "how did you end up in this most distressing situation"?

Sorry if that was too much fluff. Figured I'd get it all out of the way in one go.

2008-08-12, 04:12 PM
Radley has a plan for helping out Amos but I'm waiting for borninbones to let us know who is in charge around here.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 04:51 PM

"You don't have to blame yourself, my friend. If you had stayed, you would probably be dead by now. Or worst..."

Absalom shivered thinking of what could have happened to the knights, the nobles...and the king.

"My story is not too different from yours. I was returning from an assignment in the borderlands when the undead army attacked Calamdan. I did my best to repel them, but I was overwhelmed. Fortunately, I had this with me at the time." The mage handled the magical staff with great care. "It's a family heirloom, an item of great power. It saved my life that day."

"I had to leave town with the refugees. I felt dreadful. But now, I think it was the right thing to do. We have regrouped and are finally ready to strike back at this Lich."

2008-08-12, 08:10 PM
Ah, It seems I have some catching up to do. Stupid band camp.


When the zombies finally fall, Matthias searches for any additional targets as he reloads. He doesn't join the others in heading into the old church right away. Instead, he simply stares at the road to Calamar for a long moment. Finally, he gives Forge another command. *Guard*

He was planning to remain on guard himself, but upon finding the area clear for a good distance all around, he decided to head in anyway. When he finally reaches the church, he stops in the doorway - his stature and bulky gear cast a large shadow over that part of the room as he does so. He looks at the other combatants and their conversation. "You about done with tea time? We've more undead to kill."

2008-08-12, 09:42 PM
An aging priest and the captain of the guard step forward, the undisputed leaders of Durk and the refugees. ((The bard is well recognized and probably has performed here before. They will most likely react better to him. Sorry for the long time between posts.))

2008-08-13, 08:42 AM

Radley hangs back, leaning against a pillar while the bard talks to the priest and the soldier. He makes sure he is out of the way, and that their attention is fixed on the bard, before he quietly casts two spells...

Charm Person on the priest, followed by Charm Person on the captain. DC 17 Will Save each.

2008-08-13, 09:34 AM
"Friends, this undead menace is slow moving, but implacable," Amos started, "You will not be safe staying here. You must make haste and evacuate, as many others are doing right this moment," he looked at the priest, "They will need your wisdom," he looked at the captain of the guard, "They will need your strength." Amos extended his hands, placing each on either man's shoulder, grasping them firmly. The bard smiled sadly.

"I know how much it may hurt to leave home... but staying here will do nothing more than feed this undead scourge. Please, see reason, and go."

Okaaaaaaaay, come on dice, Diplomacy check!

Kuma Da
2008-08-13, 10:52 AM
The Green Man

The Green Man is a little uncomfortable sharing the doorway with Matthias. The man has a way of looming that eats up far more space than his body does. When he speaks, it's with a sort of gravelly seriousness that makes patches of Green's fur stand on end.

"You about done with tea time? We've more undead to kill."

"If we don't get these guys moving, they'll join the ranks of the undead. Work smarter. Not harder."

2008-08-13, 08:36 PM

Matthias grins sardonically at the Green Merc's comment. "In my experience, working faster is the best way to fight the living dead - time always runs in their favor." He looks out over the crowd and watches as the others try to convince them to flee. "But there's no reason for the entire town to be slaughtered. We can wait long enough to make sure they get moving." He then falls silent and crosses his arms, as though he's used up his word-quota for the day, while he waits for the town's decision.

2008-08-13, 10:04 PM
The priest speaks for the people. "We will take your suggestion and get everyone moved to Edgil, the walled city to the south, it is a short journey and we should be there quickly. It is almost as safe as-" he cuts himself off "- as safe as the capital." He hangs his head down a little and starts gathering people together before they eventually head out.

((Do you stick around to help or rather start heading towards the capital to intercept any large undead?))

2008-08-13, 10:46 PM
((Good question.))

Radley looks at the others near the temple entrance and says, "Now a few of you seem like the charitable sort. You going to spend all day helping these folks?"

2008-08-13, 11:23 PM

"You really see *me* as the charitable sort?" Matthias arches an eyebrow and, for the first time, appears genuinely amused.

2008-08-14, 02:48 AM
"These people are virtually defenseless," Amos stated quietly, "Whoever is responsible for the takeover of the capitol will not be idle, but his focus will be on the city itself. I somehow doubt that the entire city is under his complete and absolute control; there will be resistance. With the lich distracted, I think we can afford one day," Amos turned to the woodsman, who had raised a vote against protecting the exodus.

"I think this will also give us the chance to gauge just how far from the capitol the undead have traveled, both on our way to the walled city, and then on our way back. We'll be fighting our way into the capitol as it is; even if the undead do spread faster than we may think they will, at the same time, I think it might be better that we face them out in the wild, rather than in the confines of the city walls."

2008-08-14, 03:31 AM

The heavy aura of magic surrounding the desert man finally drains away, taking the majority of the light and the field of force around him. Veins of a slight luminescent blue reach out through his neck and when he shakes it off the veins fade while the color tinting the whites of his eyes grows significantly more robust. Several of the items arrayed about his person diminish and nearly disappear but those such as the halo of light seem to be connected to the man to a much higher degree. After smacking his lips as if to work through a bitter taste he makes a suggestion, "We could do both. I am incredibly fleet of foot and the wolf could certainly keep up with me." He looked the Matthias, "If you were willing to come along, that is. We could scout around a bit and perhaps even down a few shamblers that get in the way. The rest of you could facilitate the relocation. I'm sure we'd be able to catch up. If the cause of this is distracted as you propose, there would be no harm in us splitting off to accomplish more tasks effectively, and when our whole group goes back towards the city we could compare the increase in numbers from one day to the next to see how fast this scourge is growing."

Kuma Da
2008-08-14, 04:22 AM
The Green Man

Pursing his lips, The Green Man thinks over Adun's idea. It's...surprisingly well thought out. He had been expecting more blood and thunder and laying about with holy blades. Still...

"That's a sound proposal, Adun, but you're still missing the big picture. Any undead hordes converging on Durk will be coming from the direction of the capital. If we stay here while the villagers evacuate, we'll be fighting them in close quarters with civilians around. We'll also be waisting time. However, if we leave Durk and head for the capital, not only will we intercept the undead on the way, but we'll get one step closer to completing my contract, ah," he stumbles over the slip of tongue. "That is to say, we'll be one step closer to ridding the land of this menace. Hoo rah and all that."

2008-08-14, 05:30 AM

Listening to the groups proposals Harin made his decision.

"My opinion falls with Green in this matter. As far as we know, we as a group have the greatest chance to reclaim the capital from its undead fate. Even if there is a resistance within the city we have no idea of its strength or organisational capacity".

He turned to Amos. "Say we deliver these people to Edgil, realistically the only way that they will be any safer than in the capital is if some or all of us remain behind to guard them, and while we do that the betrayer will spread his influence further until it reaches, and consumes us. While I would indeed wish to keep them safe, destroying the source of this evil is the greater good".

Turning back to the rest of the group "I know full well that alone I can do nothing against the greatest threat, and so if the decision is made to journey to the south then I will join you and protect them to the best of my abilities, however if a group heads for Calamdan, then I will guide it there myself".

Kuma Da
2008-08-14, 06:04 AM
The Green Man

"And so if the decision is made to journey to the south then I will join you and protect them to the best of my abilities..."

"Whoah. Hold on. No one said anything about holding their hands and walking them back to safety. We're not doing that. We were talking about whether we should move out and intercept the zombies or waste the day here. I think that choice is pretty clear."

2008-08-14, 06:30 AM
Crap, misread the recent posts. We'll say he failed a Listen check, yeah, that'll do it:smallredface:.


As the Green Man spoke Harin felt a little wave of shame wash over him. Speaking especially to Amos "My apologies, I misunderstood the options being laid before us. Regardless my opinion is still that we do not have a spare day, we must make for the capital with all haste".

Thinking back later that day over what had occured Harin chuckled to himself at how ridiculous he must have sounded. "Just be thankful you'll outlive them all" he said quietly in the Celestial tongue.

2008-08-14, 08:37 AM

Radley keeps a perfect poker face as the others discuss, but inside he's grinning. The only thing better than getting your way is getting your way without having to openly oppose anyone. This Green Man is doing alright. So good that Egan would offer him a bonus, if he weren't already paying him so bloody much.

2008-08-14, 01:42 PM
"You think these people safer on the open road than behind city walls? Last I knew, the walking dead are quite capable of falling upon the helpless in their sleep... but they aren't oft known for being the greatest at scaling walls," he turned partly to Adun, and partly to Harin.

"I am not saying that the city is going to reclaim itself. I'm saying that while we cannot save whoever is within the city right now, we *can* ensure the safety of these people, while getting a measure of our foe, which I think Adun supports," Amos paused, taking a moment to contemplate his arcane learning, originally pursued in search of the Song, but still applicable...

If this isn't really possible, then the next part of the post is null and should be ignored, but I'd like a quick Knowledge (Arcana) check to see if Amos knows just how powerful a spellcaster need be to become a lich.


If a 30 on that check doesn't tell me that you'd need to be a very powerful spellcaster to become a lich, thennnnn that's ridickerous. If it tells me MORE than that, could I get a PM about what else Amos knows about lichs?

"Lichs do not simply spring from the ground. They are the Illu shannar tel dor to the Elves, the kharnak-khazarrum to the Dwarves. To become one requires great power, the kind that can bind the mage in question to death itself. One does not become thus by simply rushing blindly into their attempt without facing grave consequences... this lich will be consolidating his strength, ensuring that his grasp of the city is iron cast. I think we have time enough to do some small good before throwing ourselves toward our doom."

2008-08-14, 02:17 PM

Radley wearies, seeing that the do-gooders wouldn't make this easy. At last he speaks up.

"My business is with the capital, and no herding can protect the lamb from the snake. I'll wait a day if you need to do your good deeds, but that's all I have to spare."

2008-08-14, 03:00 PM
"Then perhaps you should permit your greed and self service to aid whatever cause this gathering is truly binding itself to by volunteering to go with Adun, whom has already offered a suggestion that I think is feasible," Amos snapped, clearly frustrated by the lack of simple humanity being displayed by his companions, "I have never said that we should never head to the capitol, only that I feel we ought to do what we can to protect these people, as we are the only ones with such a capacity. Adun's suggestion expanded upon that, and I for one think that it is a good idea; regardless of what your real motivations are, surely you can see that simply marching into the city, with no idea at all of what our enemy's strengths and progress are, is sheer stupidity!" the bard turned from the conversation, frustrated and obviously not thinking with perfect perception.

"We can protect these people. That is why we should," Amos glances back, only briefly, "I will go with them, alone if need be. We will meet again at the capitol."

With that, the bard headed toward the evacuees.

2008-08-14, 05:29 PM

Radley heads over to the priest and captain (currently under his charm spell unless they made their saves).

"Friends," he says, "Perhaps you can settle a dispute for us. My fellows worry we'd be remiss if we set out to slay the lich without escorting you to your destination first. But I think you'll be much safer if we end this plague immediately."

He speaks slowly and makes eye contact with each of them, making sure they understand which idea he favours.

"You ward these people, and they listen to you. Which course of action would make you feel safer?"

He smiles.

2008-08-14, 07:17 PM
The priest agrees with great vigor. The guard nods slowly. "My men can protect us against a few undead. It would be ok if one or two came here, but not some of the greater ones that rumors are abounding about of."

"We should be alright if you take care of any undead headed this way."

2008-08-14, 08:31 PM


Matthias begins to think over Amos's earlier words He begins talking again, almost to himself. "No. That's not how it goes. He plans and plans for the day of takeover, yes, but his work isn't done yet." He walks down from the door and moves, slowly, in the general direction of the village leaders while he talks. "He's not done because he hasn't completed the next step yet, so... Why did you say you were going back again?" He suddenly changes topics and tone, and addresses the question to Egan.

2008-08-14, 08:52 PM
Amos' eyes widen, then narrow a little.

"To become a lich, one would need to be amongst the greatest magi the mortal world has ever witnessed... pray, Egan, what is your reason for returning to Calamdan?"

2008-08-14, 10:18 PM
Matthias snorts a bit. Not the greatest, just one of the most despicable.

Kuma Da
2008-08-15, 12:31 AM
The Green Man

"Pray, Egan, what is your reason for returning to Calamdan?"

"Perhaps I can answer that." Not liking the way the conversation has turned, The Green Man steps forward. I can't afford to have all of us go our separate ways. Things are dangerous enough if we're not in total cooperation, never mind splitting up to search the mansion...er, countryside. "You know how, after a disaster like this, there's always a bunch of paladins and mages and stuff, charging around and trying to make things right? Well, as soon as they've rounded up the dragon or the tribe of ogres or whatever, what do they always do? They ride right off into the sunset. Never mind the thousands of ruined lives, households reduced to poverty, lives displaced. The big bad's dead, they've done their good deed for the day, the common folks will look after themselves." A little rumble stirs in the back of Green's throat. It doesn't sound like a purr at all. "Well, my client's making sure that there'll be an economy for them to come back to when the last of the dead are wiped out. Sure, he benefits from that too, but can you really afford to judge him? Every time one of you fights oppression or rights a wrong, you get a little bit stronger. Maybe you're not making any money here, but how freely would you help the weak if every good deed made you weaker?"

The Green Man takes a minute, keeping his composure. "Why don't we ask the people here and see if they need our escort? That should settle our little debate."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-15, 06:14 AM

The mage listened to the argument, puzzled as to what to do next. He was quietly examining his choices. Both plans had some good in them.

"I also agree with our friend Adun."

2008-08-15, 08:25 AM

People were getting excitable, and Radley didn't like that. He did his best to split his attention between the two refugee leaders and the ongoing debate about his scruples.

"Well friends," he says to the captain and priest, "I thought you might prefer it that way. Please, let my companions know, so they can go to the great battle with clear consciences."

Turning to the others, he puts a hand on the Green Man's shoulder (reaching up as best he can) and says, "Thank you, Green, that sounds about right. Not to mention the large number of friends, employees and associates I'd like to look for in the capital once we've won. Now if any of you were listening to the locals just now, they have their own preference for how we spend our efforts..."

((Hoping the priest and/or captain will chime in here.))

2008-08-15, 09:07 AM
Something is not... right... The bard gave Matthias a look, then nodded slowly.

"...I don't like this."

The bard snapped his fingers, and vanished.

Casting Swift Invisibility, taking a Run action to dash off into the crowds, or into the church, somewhere within a 120 feet that puts me out of line of sight so that I can think.

2008-08-16, 12:01 AM
I've never had a character give an indignant speech before... I really didn't expect that this would be the first one to deliver one. :smallamused:


Contrary to popular belief, Matthias is not slow on the uptake, or even technically insane. That he hasn't made an argument in years doesn't mean he can't, and he sees the need to now.

Enough. This is pointless and, if they actually believe a word they're saying, bodes ill for our efforts.

Matthias continues to address Egan, his voice becoming ever harsher as he continues talking - it seems that it's something of a strain.

"Listen to me. If you think there's going to be anything left of your companions back in Calamar you are delusional. I fully expect that we're going to hack our way in, and then back out again in pursuit of the thing in charge. If you're not up to that kind of grind - if you think there's going to be resting places at convenient locations, warm beds, and hot meals every night - then you need to reconsider. I've seen one to many self-important magelings get killed through attrition. Our targets - the undead - aren't going to care about your business acumen, academic credentials, or spell library. All they care about is this -" Matthias's axe springs into his hand, and he brandishes it as he continues. " - so maybe you should think about killing your proverbial dragon before you try skinning it - the economy can wait."

He turns to the Green Man. "And *you* have your undead-hunting semantics backwards. Aside from your damnably ridiculous view of disasters and the people who try to fix them, the fact is that we're going to go and dive head-first into a city-sized pile of zombies, ghouls, and probably much worse, followed by confronting a force powerful enough to create this mess. We're not doing this to be heroes - there probably won't be enough left of us after this trip to fill a tea kettle - we're doing it so that the common folk can look after themselves. The fact that you think that we're going to head in and set up the New First Bank of Calamar - with substantial monetary benefits to us all - is laughable in the extreme. We'll be lucky if Calamar isn't immolated by the archmagi of the surrounding nations later."

Matthias finally hangs his axe back on his belt. Then he lifts the holy symbol on his necklace up for the others to see. Surprisingly, it is not a symbol of Pelor, who he chanted prayers to earlier, but Ehlonna. "I spent ten years doing good deeds that I see, in retrospect, made me weaker - and I'd appreciate it if you didn't reduce that to a 'ride into the sunset.' I spent another ten years doing nothing at all, but living with the woods. Maybe that makes me crazy, but I think that the lessons I learned are far more relevant to this than an economics or history lecture. Nature teaches us that some things die and wither and sacrifice so that others can live. It's our turn to sacrifice and wither - and yes, probably die."

He lets the holy symbol hang again. He breathes heavily for a moment, and then turns to the village leaders. When he speaks, his voice is barely more than a whisper. "Take only what you can move quickly with. No valuables, unless they happen to be weapons. The undead move every hour of every day, so you'll need to move in as short a route as possible, and at least twice as fast as they do. If the walking dead attack you, fight on the run. If more undead attack you, fight harder and run faster. Get inside the city walls and pray. Godspeed."

2008-08-16, 12:14 AM

With a sigh the young man begins to rub his temples, "At this point I don't care exactly what we do as long as we do something. We could even go bury the pile of bones we put to rest earlier for all I care. Wagging our jaws will do nothing but get them ripped off. I'm no fool and I'm not about to get myself killed rushing straight into the capital recklessly, but if we stand around any longer I'm liable to go find a zombie arm and beat things with it." Everyone knows zombie arms make the best weapons with the exception of perhaps the arms of nameless immortals.

Kuma Da
2008-08-16, 03:37 AM
The Green Man

The Green Man's expression tightens as Matthias opens his mouth. It's going to be condescending. I'm certain. Sure enough, within minutes The Green Man can feel his ears flattening themselves back against his head in anger. He waits for the other man to finish, then says in as level a tone as he can manage : "We've all been through our own personal crap. Perhaps you've never been a bugbear looking for work in the city. You want an angst-measuring contest? I'd match you story for story, but that still wouldn't get us any closer to Calamdan. We all considered the risks before we decided to sign on. So, before you criticize us for trying to get something out of this, you'd better look to your own motives. It sounds like you're hoping for that tragically unappreciated death."

The Green Man turns on his heels and strides out of the church, pausing briefly at the bottom of the steps. Egan'll be safe in there. Adun might be crazy and Matthias might have a chip the size of a millstone on his shoulder, but they're both capable fighters. And their motivations are pretty clear. Wrinkling his black nose and sniffing at the air, The Green Man thinks of Amos. They're also not trying to start the ridiculous rumor that Egan might be helping the lich on account of--and only on account of--being a Calamdan mage.

The Green Man walks in a slow circle around the base of the steps, acquiring Amos' scent. He then follows the trail of the bard, coming to a stop where the odor is strongest. "We need to talk."

Relevant abilities Scent

Adun Did you just reference Wirt's leg?

2008-08-16, 03:43 AM

Despite his magnificent (for lack of a better word) cockup, Harin was finally seeing others expressing his intent far better than he apparently could, he spoke again "then we are agreed, we head for the capital without delay, remove any obstical in our path, and deal the the most powerful blow to the Lich-king that we are capable of".

Turning to Absolom he says "If you and our vanished friend desire to remain then may the Strength of Kord fill your hearts, but I am done with waiting". And with that he turns from the group and begins to descend the stairs.

2008-08-16, 06:53 AM

Didn't hear a word I said...

Matthias turns and follows Harin. When he gets outside he whistles twice, sharply, and Forge leaves his spot and returns to him. Then the two of them begin walking for Calamar.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-16, 11:35 AM

Absalom looked at Matthias, then at Harin. He was a little overwhelmed at this point. He was trying to come up with the perfect tactics to take on the lich, but they didn't have days to plan their raid on Calamdan.

"Wait, good sirs, I am also coming. We can talk about strategy on the way. We must not let the Lich create more undeads in the capital to ravage the lands. I agree, time is short."

Absalom followed, a little uneasy with this situation.

2008-08-16, 12:38 PM

When the bard vanished and Matthias disappeared started lecturing, Radley put on a weary look and stepped back to lean against a pillar. After a moment he sunk down and sat against it, giving half-attention to the ongoing debate.

He waits for the others to get ready.

2008-08-16, 01:05 PM
The bugbear found Amos perfectly visible again, though when the bard spoke, his voice was strained, frustrated... and coming from the other side of a fairly wide tree.

"Our goals in this matter are wildly different, friend... and I feel that something wrong has already happened thanks to my so-called pursuit of "right". If you think that talking to me is going to change my mind, then I'm not going to stop you; it's your right."

Amos, however, had not been idle this entire time. He had been pondering his arcane training, as well as his bard's knowledge, searching for answers.

Okay, first things first, I'd like a Knowledge (Arcana) check to determine if Amos can figure out a.) that the priest and captain are under some kind of enchantment (compulsion), and b.) what exactly that enchantment might be. After that, I'd like a bardic knowledge check for stories concerning heroes whom, after evil had been vanquished, they stayed behind and helped those weaker than themselves get back on their feet. Saints of various religions makes a good focal point.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Bardic Knowledge: [roll1]

Kuma Da
2008-08-16, 01:28 PM
The Green Man

The Green Man folds his arms in front of him and leans back a little, listening through the tree.

"Our goals in this matter are wildly different, friend... and I feel that something wrong has already happened thanks to my so-called pursuit of "right"."

"Mind if I come over?" the bugbear asks. He's already walking around the thick oak, though, so it's probably rhetorical. He stops a few feet from the bard. "That's really what you're here for, then? Just because it's the right thing to do?" He whistles low. "You're a rare breed. Radley's in this 'cause his personal interests were threatened. Matthias' practically compelled to fight the undead. Maybe a zombie chomped his dad or something. And Harin's got religion. That's as bad as any compulsion. But you..." he trails off. "It's the right thing to do, huh? No 'Pelor told me to', it's really what you believe?"

That's rhetorical too. The Green Man rakes a paw through his own hair and his face takes on a thinking expression. "I can't try and dissuade you from that. Just wouldn't feel right. But I do want you traveling with us. We need to move in a group for everyone's safety. Is there something small you could do for the folks in the church before we leave? Cast a few spells to get them moving faster?" The Green Man shrugs. It seems to be a gesture of sympathy, not dismissal. "If there is, I'd be happy to help."

2008-08-16, 01:52 PM
"My magic is not so powerful as that of a mage," Amos said quietly, "I could grant the boon of speed to... less than a dozen people, for perhaps a minute at a time. The vast majority of my magics aid me, and only me, which fills me with regret. I do not know what happened, but I do know this: people in such positions rarely, if ever, refuse aid... and I can't imagine how people who call themselves "leaders" of their people could do such a thing either..." the bard trailed off then, still wrestling his thoughts and ideals.

2008-08-16, 04:43 PM
My understanding is that to determine that a spell is on them, you would have had to make a spellcraft check while I was casting the spell (to see what I cast). Or if you can see magical auras you'd see it on them and could make the spellcraft check then to identify.

So far though, they haven't done anything suspicious - just agreed that they can take care of themselves and that they'd rather we put an end to the plague quickly.

Of course, I'm biased, since I'm hoping no one catches Radley in the act :)

2008-08-16, 08:44 PM
It's a moot point; apparently, Amos doesn't know *crap* about enchantment (compulsion) spells. :smallfrown:

Kuma Da
2008-08-17, 01:27 AM
The Green Man

"Well, what else have we got to offer? Perhaps you could sing for them? They'll have little enough music in the days to come, and it would lift their spirits. It's a small thing, but they're going to be spending the next few weeks traveling across country. Good morale will stick with them much longer than we can."

2008-08-17, 05:36 AM

Harin was secretly pleased that others had followed with him, he didn't like the idea of travelling into Hell alone.

Speaking to both Matthias and Absolom he says: "it will take a week to reach Calamdan by way of the roads. However if we cut across country it will shave perhaps a day off that time. This isn't a problem for me as I would simply fly over it, but the extra difficulty in terrain may make your journeys harder. I leave the decision in your hands".

He then looked down at Absolom's hand and noticed it bore a ring very similar to one he himself possesed. "Excellent, I see neither of us will have to spend such long periods of time awaiting the return of our magicks".

He means Absolom's Ring of Sustenance. If I really need one here's a spot roll:

2008-08-18, 08:59 PM
"I don't know if my music will do anything like that... though I can hope... but at the same time, I have no idea if I'll be able to find you all again should I go with these people," Amos' fists clench in the dirt, and the frustrated bard grinds the dirt into his palms, "I swore to join the others to journey to Calamdan first... If these people do not wish for our aid..." the bard trailed off a moment, before continuing, "But if we DO return triumphant, and find these people destroyed..." Amos stood slowly, rubbing his eyes.

"What is your name, anyhow? I think I've given you mine."

Kuma Da
2008-08-19, 03:37 AM
The Green Man

The Green Man extends a paw. "I'll answer to The, Green, and Man. Or, if you want to take a crack at my real name..." He sucks in a breath, swelling with the air, then looses it in a half-roar. "Wrooargrrag!" His free hand beats against his chainmailed chest, modulating the sound until it finally fades away. "It's a little hard to do if you weren't raised a bugbear, but you look like you've got good lung capacity. You'll probably do okay with it. So, shall we get back to the rest of the group? The less we split up, the better. That's both for my contract and everyone's safety."

The Green Man turns and sets off at a slow shamble, giving Amos plenty of time to fall into step with him. He calls over his shoulder "the people here won't be harmed. Nor will anyone else from any other city. That's what we're here to see about."

2008-08-19, 08:44 AM

When the bugbear and the bard come back inside the temple (I'm assuming they do) Radley shows no signs of hard feelings toward Amos.

"I'd prefer cross-country myself," he pipes in to the ongoing conversation. "The roads were horrid and will probably slow us more than any bog could hope to."

He glances over at Harin. "And with an eye in the sky I'm not too afraid of what lurks in the wilds." He smiles warmly at the winged warrior.

2008-08-19, 05:35 PM
"Well, Wrooargrrag (uttered with the best Amos could give in reference to volume and mimicked modulation)... I pray that you're right," Amos smiled a little, "Though, I think I'll just call you Green; it's probably easier to say in situation where discretion *is* the better part of valor." The bard fell into step beside the bugbear, staying quiet the rest of the walk to the church.

2008-08-19, 06:51 PM

Got in another post from public access...

When the Green Man pronounces his real name, Forge whips his head back and howls loudly. Matthias frowns at him.

"Quiet, you." He gives a snide grin, and says quietly, "Not your type, anyhow." To this Forge only gives a questioning growl.

Matthias turns. "The woods are fine. Faster is better, after all."

I just wanted to point out that I have nothing against any players here. Matthias just isn't very good at making friends.

Kuma Da
2008-08-20, 02:59 AM
The Green Man



The Green Man winces, then hastily wipes the expression off his face. "That was much, much closer to the right intonation than most people usually get. I do agree with you; it's not the stealthiest of names, but bugbears don't use names when they're just chatting. Bugbear names are more of a bellow-it-out-into-the-wilderness-and-hope-the-other-guy-hears-you kinda deal. That's why they're so specific. If you yelled 'Laaaaarry!', who knows how many Larrys might turn up."

Jade_Tarem:No worries. You're playing a mildly anti-social character. Besides that, I'd been kinda aiming to have a Green Man/Forge rivalry.

2008-08-20, 05:48 PM
"Well, we should be off... we cannot afford to while away any more time." Amos piped in, after which he followed the group out. He moved his position as he walked, but generally speaking, he gravitated near Green.

Is it can be tiem warp agian?

2008-08-22, 04:28 AM

"And with an eye in the sky I'm not too afraid of what lurks in the wilds."

"An eye in the sky that can see in the dark," Harin replied with a small smile. "Going cross-country means the likelihood of us coming across another town dwindles to zero. If any of you will need additional supplies, especially food or water then I suggest you obtain them now, as I don't know how wholesome the fair will be if this wicked curse affects the earth as it does people".

2008-08-22, 08:33 AM
Radley will talk with the civilian leaders to see if he can procure some dried meat or similar, and a nice heavy wool blanket fior the evenings. A waterskin would be good too.


2008-08-22, 08:34 AM


Kuma Da
2008-08-23, 02:43 PM
The Green Man

The Green Man rummages through his backpack, cursing softly to himself. After a few minutes, he comes up with a scant pawful of battered silver coins.

Not exactly a king's ransom, but it'll have to do...

The Green Man will offer up six gold for two waterskins and eight travel rations.

Back in America. Woo!

2008-08-27, 06:05 PM
Cloth, Silk
He intones with quiet discretion. “Begging your pardon, but kind sirs.”
Patience, Pelor would say. Sit with me, my child. Behold my great plan. “Awful things stretch from one spark to swallow a forest. Methought that, the thicker a thorn bush… the closer the great city is. There were beautiful gardens there. The caretakers always gave weed vines gazebos and old ladders to grow on so they could flourish without strangling the King’s trees. I already miss them.”
Clear eyes plea for you to understand his intentions, the Priest catches the Captain’s attention.
“Well, I’m glad that nonsense is behind us thank goodness,” Sounding gruff and cocksure, the Guard Captain flashed the lazy half smirk of a doomed man. “at least we’re not boarding up the church and hiding like they want. We’re on the road ahead you tasteless soup stock.”

Of course, he was making the Lich out to be the bones mother used to make chicken soup. Folktales said you ate that stuff to make your ailments go away. Some said it made men immortals.

Green ManRemember that guilty feeling you got in your stomach, when you slouched and weren’t quite looking straight ahead? Making a deal with a little boy, you manage to trade his water skin for a gold piece. You felt a bit like that right now, no one else would give their water away. It wasn’t really wrong to take advantage of ignorance… for some reason it felt like the hells were smiling up at you.RadleyThey let you know almost before you ask that, as friends, they’ll give you privileges to loot anything you please after everyone is gone. They won’t spare anything people less fortunate of constitution are going to need to even have a chance of reaching the walled city.EveryoneMake me aware of the things I need to address. You can also roll Sense Motive if you don’t ‘get it’.

2008-08-27, 06:12 PM
Amos almost smiled; almost. He seriously doubted that the lich would be so easily overcome as these two were making him seem to be.

"Be well, friends... we will put an end to this evil, even if in doing so, our lives be forfeit," the bard glanced at Radley, whom he knew the same did not hold true for, but held is tongue otherwise, "Do not look to our return. See only to the defense of the people. May the gods smile upon your souls."

With that, Amos turned and began to walk away, moving alongside the gruff woodsman and his wolf, his shield strapped snug to his left arm as he stared into the woods.

"We should begin our journey."

2008-08-27, 11:21 PM

To be honest, the man in desert garb had not actually heard most of what the priest or captain of the guard had said. His eyes were already set on the road ahead, as they had been for some times since his speech encouraging action. He considered telling The Green Man not to bother asking for food or water skins from the refugees. Adun actually had a magical item that could provide food and water for all of them twice over each day. Wisps of blue and white light danced around his body before sinking into the ethereal objects around them, giving them a solid form. The sapphire upon each of his bracers surged with an inner light as Adun used it to push beyond his normal limits with the silvery-blue armguards that lay over the bracers and his gloves. A near tangible field of force pushed out from his body before fading to nothingness.

He was ready to bring justice to the shambling dead and allow each and every soul slain in this province to touch the body it had once inhabited.

Essentia:17 (-6 for Feats) (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 3, +1 for bold
[5] Armguards of Disruption: Disrupt Undead. Touch attack to deal 1d6+Ed6 damage. [Incarnum Focus grants +1 capacity]
: Insight to AC and Saves equal to E against Undead
[3] Diadem of Purelight: 20+10Eft radius bright illumination, shadowy double. +2 to Spot within any light. Counted as spell level of E for purposes of interacting with magical Darkness.
[Bound]: Negate less than Total Concealment in Bright illumination. Includes spells. Excludes Invisibility.
[0] Dissolving Spittle: 1d6+Ed6 acid damage at 30ft ranged touch.
[3] Pauldrons of Health: Immune to Disease, Sickened, Nauseated. +E enhancement to Fort saves.
[Bound]: Immunity to Energy Drain
[0] StrongHeart Vest: Reduce Ability Damage by 1+E
[0] Vitality Belt: +4 Morale on Con checks and Con based skill checks, but not Fortitude Saves. Gain one hit point per meldshaper level for each Essentia invested. (+10E HP) These are not temporary. Removing these Hit Points can stagger, render unconscious, or even kill Adun.

[B]Feats: Capacity: 2 (change E only once per 24hrs)
[0] Cerulean Will: Insight to Will equal to E
[2] Healing Soul: E/day heal 2Ehp as swift
[2] Midnight Dodge: Dodge for +E to AC
[2] Sapphire Sprint: Add 5Eft to speed. Retain Dex to AC while running. Add E insight to AC when leaving a threatened square.

Kuma Da
2008-08-28, 12:11 AM
The Green Man

He hunkers down in front of the kid, settling his arms over the edges of his knees. "Look, both of us can tell this is an unequal trade. I'd like to say that I need the water so that I can go and fight the lich and that what you're really getting in return is safety for you and your family...but those words sound awfully puffed-up to me. So let me give you something else. Something that might keep you and your family safe, if you're smart about it." He straightens up little bit. Suddenly, he's towering over the boy.

"Now, you'd be powerless to fight something as big as me, right?" The boy's head inclines. He looks like he's about to nod. "Wrong. The only thing worth spit in a fight is technique, and that can be taught. For example, if a big, unthinking man comes after you, you hit him here," he pats the anterior of his kneecap, "here," he points at his in-step, and here." He indicates the two neural 'buttons' on the underside of his jaw. "If the big, unfriendly man is also dead, it's best just to run. He won't feel pain, so he won't give up easily. If he tries to grab you," The Green Man pantomimes a few basic maneuvers to foil a grab. "And that's it. Real basic stuff, but no one seems to teach it to their children these days." His broad shoulders ripple a shrug. He turns around and starts walking over to where the rest of the party is gathering, at the start of the road to Calamdan.

"Stay safe, kid."

2008-08-28, 12:38 AM

Matthias winces. Teaching kids to fight. And he's not wrong to do it, either. How did it come to this?

He commands Forge to stay, and walks over to the boy. Kneeling down and dragging out one of his potions of Hide from Undead, he places it in the kid's hand. "Listen, if a bunch of dead things come for you, and it looks like things can't get any worse, I want you to drink this - drink all of it, no matter how nasty it tastes, and it will hide you from them. Then run. Run as fast and far away as you can, or back to your parents, and then hide."

2008-08-28, 02:35 AM
Dust, Glitter
His clarity was wisdom, his sanguine rose thornless. He spoke, Heavens wept. Listen or leave unheard, his eyes always watchful, he made his choice; light in the Darkness.
Twenty four miles of unforgiving packed dirt roads after sunrise left everyone tired. The ache in your legs, a searing fire that happens too soon; you knew something was wrong because it’s so hard to take the next step after that last one. You’d gone twice as far in less time, why was this happening to you!

It felt like, just for an instant, maybe the distant flickers in the sky were lanterns placed to guide your way. That’s why your eyes never seemed to stray from the far-flung horizon after nightfall. It was getting harder and harder to tell the closer you got to the great city. That chill on your back, was it the soft caress of a ghost… only a cool breeze?

Rest, your feelings - ached. Loneliness, guilt, your hearts were crying. Close your eyes, there was weight on your shoulders. Almost too tired to stand you considered making camp. Bodies lined the roads. None twitched, women, men barely in their teens. Small infants, peaceful, almost as… sleep.

Seeing so many of them, the reason you hadn’t stopped. Sometimes you paused to quote scripture for the many departed. Their burials were improper. It was the least any of you could do. The Priest was saying there should be more evil the closer someone came to the great city, Calamdan.
Seven of you, all looking along the empty roads, couldn’t find even one thing that should have stayed down. Crimson pinwheels rattled along the roadside. There were hundreds all round the base of a tree fitted with old ropes.Roll checks for:

Listen (DC 15)
Constitution (DC 10)
Constitution (DC 12)
Constitution (DC 14)
Constitution (DC 16)
Will Save (DC 17)

2008-08-28, 03:48 AM

Their journey had been an almost silent one, the scene both what they had all expected, an somehow worse as well. Harin had been flying overhead the whole time, keeping an everwatchful eye in case another shambling horde appeared hoping to make the group into a meal.

The band of believers below him seemed to be growing weary, and he himself was feeling a somewhat greater strain on himself than he had expected. But why was this he did not know.

Do I get a bonus for being in the air? (Looks to DM hopefully)
Would a Protection From Evil help either?

Listen: [roll0]
Constitution: [roll1]
Constitution: [roll2]
Constitution: [roll3]
Constitution: [roll4]
Will: [roll5]

2008-08-28, 06:39 AM

While others say prayers or chant a somber dirge for the fallen the glowing man pauses to brush a brow or caress a cheek. It is as though he knows them all and quietly speaks to them in the span of a heartbeat. Each foreign soul that passes through him only seems to strengthen his resolve, but with fatigue setting in the champion will doubtlessly be forced to succumb to sleep and exhaustion.

Listen:[roll0] No modifier.
Con: [roll1]
Con: [roll2]
Con: [roll3]
Con: [roll4]
Will: [roll5] +5 if the source is undead.

2008-08-28, 09:32 AM

Tapback if it's allowed:

Radley sighs, trying not to think about his rumbling stomach. Hopefully some of these others are good hunters, because he doubts any of the refugees will leave food behind.

As the temple empties out, Radley walks toward the big coin box at the back. It must be swollen with money - how many mindless sheep dropped their last silver in there hoping for a blessing in these dark hours? Swollen with coin, and the priest of the place had just given him permission to loot anything left behind.

He sets a hand on the offering box, looks at the coin slot as if he can divine how much is inside. Probably could if I tried.

Slowly, almost sadly, he draws one of the loose silver from the inner folds of his silk shirt and sets it beside the coin slot. "My only god," he murmurs. He pushes the silver coin into the slot and listens as it clatters into the darkness. It wouldn't help him in the wilds anyway.

With another sigh, he leaves the temple and begins the long walk...

[roll0]Constitution (DC 10)
[roll1] (DC 12)
[roll2] (DC 14)
[roll3] (DC 16)
[roll4] (DC 17)

Kuma Da
2008-08-28, 09:49 AM
The Green Man

The Green Man trudges along in silence beside Radley. While he doesn't look particularly alert, his hands never drift more than a few inches away from where his hatchets hang.

Whenever the party stops to say last rites he steps back a bit, unwilling to get too near the ritual. Your Gods always require death to be sanctified. You say that a corpse is unclean without their blessing. Well, beg pardon, but nature's been looking after bodies for a good long time, and she never needed prayers to return them to the soil. He keeps the words in, but can't quite keep the look of discontentment off of his face.

Listen 15: [roll0]
Con 10: [roll1]
Con 12: [roll2]
Con 14: [roll3]
Con 16: [roll4]
Will 17: [roll5]

2008-08-28, 10:27 AM

Matthias keeps up with the group, although the drain of the travel is bothering him. Shouldn't be this tired yet. At each burial, Matthias remains absolutely still and silent, watching for enemies the whole while.


Listen Check: 1d20 + 13 = [roll0]
Constitution Check: 1d20 + 1 = [roll1]
Constitution Check: 1d20 + 1 = [roll2]
Constitution Check: 1d20 + 1 = [roll3]
Constitution Check: 1d20 + 1 = [roll4]
Will Save: 1d20 + 5 = [roll5]

2008-08-28, 12:44 PM
As they traveled, Amos looked around him, paying careful attention to his companions, as well as to himself. The road would be long, and tiring, but the bard knew a song that would surely help his fellows remain on their feet longer than normal. Whenever it becomes apparent that he, or any other members of the party seems to be tiring, Amos moved closer to the members in question, and began to sing in low, somber tones. The Epic of the Lost King was long, and best sung in the tongue of Dwarves, and Amos only sang a verse at a time; just enough for the power of the song to re-invigorate the travelers, and get them moving again.

Okay, I have no clue what exactly these Con checks are for, but I'm wagering they're to check against fatigue/exhaustion, which Amos has the remedy for, albeit only temporarily (temporarily as defined by how much bardic music I have per day). Whenever necessary, Amos will expend uses of bardic music (I believe he still has twelve remaining for the day) to utilize his Epic of the Lost King feat, described here:

In a nutshell, as a move action I can expend a use of bardic music and remove fatigue from up to three allies (including myself) within 30 feet. If I expend three uses of bardic music to use the feat, I remove exhaustion instead.

Okay, now for dice checks!

Listen: [roll0]
Con 1: [roll1]
Con 2: [roll2]
Con 3: [roll3]
Con 4: [roll4]
Will: [roll5]

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-29, 07:58 AM

Absalom had tried his best to cheer up his companions during the trip, but it was awkward. He prefered to let the bard motivate the troops.
Meanwhile, the Stormcaller prayed silently. He didn't like this at all. He felt as the shadows themselves were stalking the group. Why so frightened? The warmage had encountered much greater foes than zombies before. Still...the idea of fighting old friends and acquaintances in the capital, twisted by dark rituals, seemed more terrifying than facing an army of orcs.

Listen [roll0]
Con [roll1]
Con [roll2]
Con [roll3]
Con [roll4]
Will [roll5]

Wow, all our will rolls suck.

2008-08-30, 08:16 AM
Sigh, Melody
Something all at once the warmth of each man’s mother and more hideous than a maggot-filled mound of dead bodies.

Amos’s music burns away nightfall’s unseen dooms, his voice, lonely or not is strong and vigorous enough to soothe even departed spirits. It’s hard to resist the sweet courage that swells in your hearts. It was even harder forget the noise would draw all the countryside. To keep walking and resist the urge to call Amos an idiot, you remembered to pat him on the back once it a while with words of gratitude on your lips. Your march would’ve been shorter without his songs. Matthias’s advice was still fresh in your mind, ‘the dead are tireless, march faster than them’.

Home, Swear your Feet are
Music, a hearth with cozy chairs to sit in, really it’s kind of like marching down a road. The bodies arranged in neat rows like flower petals under your feet; you had ample opportunities to see blisters and too long toenails. The best part about an inn was a reminder, you were done walking today. Sorely abused feet were for now without their burden.
Sung beyond his own wind, Amos found the pinwheels calming on his nerves. Quietly studying it, the Bard begins to hear the sound of rattling music. This kind of place could put him to sleep. The Green Man glances between the tree and his boss. Radley might look like he wanted to keep going but the idea of the plump man having a heart attack wouldn’t be good for business. He’s fast to agree with the Bard. When even Absalom and Matthias decide they’ve had enough, were Harin and Adun ready to rest?

Lost in the ambience, a boy’s voice was the last thing you’d have expected to hear. All the King’s wisdom said he should have died with the others, or he would soon be dead. He’s just out of sight praying on the other side of the tree. “His clarity was wisdom, his sanguine rose thornless. He spoke, Heavens wept. Listen or leave unheard, his eyes always watchful, he made his choice; light in the Darkness. Patience, Pelor would say. Sit with me, my child. Behold my great plan.”
A blood stained journal with blue covers drops to the ground with a thump, the covers were open and some of the pages fluttered until the book was open to a wax drawing about an adventurer. If there was a boy kept safe here, it might be a good place to make camp.
“Believe you understand something, you are living madness. Before existence thought about future; timeless became time. Extant abomination, you knew all things grown. You wonderful thing, patience was not enduring time without complaint. At once See all things, breathe and look. Never become ashes. Live beyond memory.”

AbsalomThe golden crown of a king suits your brown more than you might have thought. It was ostentatious and self-important to some, the pure gold of your righteous heart walks on with only [roll0] nonlethal damage.AmosGood try, they’re actually just for that. You won’t escape the wrath of effort. Straining your vocal chords beyond the limits of your own sanity, you feel the burning pleasure of [roll1] nonlethal damage. After looking at the Crystalkeep index the epic of the lost King does what you say. You’ve expended 5 uses of your Bardic Music ability.AdunFor all your mettle, [roll2] nonlethal damage contests your efforts to march on like some kind of earthly avenger.RadleyThe woe of [roll3] nonlethal damage as your constant companion.Green Man[roll4] nonlethal damage ravages your body, but true to your roots you wear the pain with a frightening smile.MatthiasKeeping up with wolves was hard enough work. Whatever this was, the pain was nothing compared to that for twenty four hours. It was only [roll5] nonlethal damage.HarinWalking instead of flying, lucky for them, you knew from experience your body wasn’t meant for this sort of thing. It was hard work staying in the air with wings like these. [roll6] nonlethal damage makes your whole body ache with the strain.

2008-08-31, 12:12 AM
Amos approached slowly, but paused when he heard the child's words. Quietly, the bard bent, picking up the bloodied journal, closing it carefully as he inspected the cover. As he gazed upon the cover of the book, the bard wracked his brain, trying to see if perhaps anything that the boy was saying echoed back at him from the depths of the tales and songs of the lands Amos had traveled.

Ouch, next feat on my wish list: Chant of the Long March. Alright, Bardic Knowledge check on what the boy's saying, as described, and we'll take a look at the book's *cover* (always judge the book by the cover. ALWAYS.).

Bardic Knowledge: [roll0]

2008-08-31, 08:55 AM
An azure stone mosaic bubbles underneath your hand, it feels cold to the touch. You know that’s mostly because your hand is so warm. As far as you knew that was a good thing, for now. The theme seems to be a celestial landscape, a blissful, natural paradise picture. Inside the front cover is a single sentence:

“From Lord Aka, To Silk Waters Ohmi.”

The first pages all have carefully drawn pictures of fantastical and distant places with small captions underneath. After them the pages are cluttered with neatly written Sylvan text. You’re quickly able to glean it’s a diary, talking about how Ohmi (the diary’s owner?) met a boy who came to her tree one day. He needed someone to care for his wounds and as Ohmi talked to him the two became good friends. His name was Lord Aka, a famous man in his own land. He gave her this diary to write in after he taught her all about paper, and told her that she should write in it every day. She wrote very small text to save as much space as she could. Since she was unfamiliar with pens and paper she’d always used dirt, sand on struck stone on stone. She became very enamoured with the idea of all her sisters having books too.
One of Aka’s vassals could play a musical instrument very well. Everyone liked Ohmi’s voice so much they wanted her to sing along with the vassal’s music. Ohmi was apparently very sad when they left.
The diary talks about her experience over time.

The boy from the village who learned about her tree; her skin under the falling rain… Snow perched on the tree leaves, when the trees changed their colors. How the boy from the village would build a snowman, then she a graceful ice tree. When the boy’s mother came to take him away for good and how he told her the story about his sneaking off. He came in the moonlight to see her.
They watched the new flowers growing on the branches together. They loved the vibrant shimmer on the obsidian leaves the most. There were silver and red flecks; they were macabre and delicate plants. The Dryad named them …

‘Shfuowoa’ flowers. Like a quiet breath, like a gentle rain, like a falling torrent of loose snow shaken free of the branches that caught it. Like a wave of leaves giving the breath of a great spirit her voice. Like the swirling ripples of the ocean gliding ashore. Just like the boy’s happy screech after he dug himself out of that snow pile she heaped over him.

She became very lonely when the village boy didn’t return. The forest was like her mood and nothing could cheer her up. The air ached for comfort. The tree twisted. Her flower beds withered. Weeds flourished and became ugly predatory things. One day the boy came for help…

She laments that she’d already taken the poison she traded with a passing merchant for. But she promised to protect him. She writes… only as far as the last few pages left in the diary. The rest of the sheets are stained completely red. But there are white lines, clean spots on the page showing hideous creatures of all kinds. Ohmi had placed something down to form moulds and stained the pages to make prints of the things she’d seen. Amos had heard of that before.
If you found her moulds, you’d be able to reproduce the images Ohmi saw by staining paper. She’d probably done that so she could warn everyone…

You recognize a few of the pictures. Some of them look like skeletons and distorted shadows. Most of them are alien and your eyes hurt to look at a few of them. Staring at the pages hurt, and something in the back of your mind is telling you to run. You’d learned to belittle that fearful sixth sense long ago. It was the only reason you were still doing so many stupid things.

You think about the boy’s prayer:

The first part was easy. It came from the temple everyone just left on their way here. The Pelorites used it as an opening for their prayers and a consecration rite for new churches. The second part is, as far as you can deduce for yourself, a tidbit of wisdom.

You think you get it, but that’s not actually getting it, get it?

‘Believe you understand something, you are living madness.’

Asking the boy might grant answers. He’d quieted down and didn’t appear to notice your approach.

2008-08-31, 09:27 AM
Amos, book still in hand, looked around, still silent for a moment more. He didn't like this... he didn't like this at *all*. A dryad, driven mad by loneliness and rage... filling her grove with murderous things, purchasing poisons... and now, here he was, holding the dryad's diary of blood, with some small boy nearby.

A small boy that all reason told Amos that, he should be dead. Cautiously, Robilard put the book down, but he did not approach the boy. Instead, he gave his companions a look of warning before turning back to the boy and speaking.

"Pray, young one... where did you find this book?"

Okay, uh, well, can I get a Diplomacy check to improve the boy's attitude toward us?


...not that, Diplomacy will do us any good when the kid turns out to be a pseudonatural entity disguised as a little boy. Nothing like a blast from the past before time had a past to make things fun!

2008-08-31, 09:40 AM
The roadside, empty but for your own feet and a tree with rattling pinwheels were the only companions your question knew. It might come as a surprise the only thing to answer your grave tone is a loud snore. Out of embarrassment or shame, your eyes drift around the tree and settle on the ropes hanging from it. There are several knots in them, frayed by time they’re not as strong as they used to be.

The boy intones dreamily, “Mother…”I'll use your diplomacy roll to realize your interactions with the boy if you decide to awaken him.

2008-08-31, 11:29 AM
Amos, not wishing for one of his more... intimidating, companions to wake the boy, approached warily. Crouching next to the sleeping boy, he reached out, gently shaking the boy's shoulder as he murmured.

"Young one, wake up... I would speak with you, if that is alright."

Kuma Da
2008-08-31, 12:09 PM
The Green Man

The Green Man folds his arms over his chest. "Kid's a ghost. Kid is obviously a ghost. Normal folks do not hunker down beside spooky pinwheel trees in zombie-infested lands waiting for travelers to happen by. Generally speaking, that's what ghosts do." Although it's not likely going to do much good, The Green Man interposes himself between Radley and the ghost.

When Amos picks up the diary, The Green Man almost tackles him away from the repulsive thing. He's heard his fair share of stories about people picking up seemingly ordinary objects in the haunted ruins of such-and-such a church. Ten minutes later, the walls are bleeding, there are things scratching at the window panes, and their bathtub is trying to eat them. The Green Man does not particularly feel like fighting a bathtub, especially after the long day of marching.

However, just as his muscles are coiling for the leap, something slips over The Green Man's mind, calming him. He studies the probable-ghost, first with an eye out for glowing red eyes and razor-dentures, and then with genuine concern. Kid looks like an abandoned cub. Another victim of this whole mess. Tentatively, The Green Man asks "Hey, Amos. What does the diary say?"

2008-08-31, 02:09 PM
“Coils around here…” Faint muttering. His voice is stronger after Amos speaks. “Safe to sleep…”
He doesn’t seem to stir even after Amos tries blowing on his face and shaking him. Torpor, or something like it, has taken hold of him. He mouths, “Safe to sleep here…”
There’s something that makes the Green Man’s fur stand up about this place. Nonetheless, he feels calm at the idea of resting nearby. If only to protect the child a little longer, would it be such a bad idea?

“Dryad will watch…”

Vetoed by a majority vote Adun’s frowning face was the last one to close its eyes. They fell across his vision gradually as the night cooed him to rest; he hadn’t the heart to keep cursing four of his companions for forcing camp like this. Time passed before he finally realized he’d fallen asleep. It was still dark out. Either there was a hood over his eyes, or –
Harin’s iridescent wings shone in the darkness, pale feathers brushed Adun’s cheek. The half-angel was less than five feet away, calmly gazing not too far away. It was funny; Amos had to resist the urge to make a joke at his expense. Apparently Harin was smart enough to remember an old adage he knew.

Gaze not into the Darkness, thar Darkness gazeth into ye’.

An adage the Green Man apparently swore by, from what he’d said a while ago by the tree. Where was..?

Something landed with a loud sound just behind the three. They spun in less than a heartbeat to face the threat, hands already on weapons and prepared to kill. Just Radley getting up off the ground, the Green Man, towering above his stocky boss gave an apologetic shrug. He’d just dropped the man on his face. He realized, for some reason he’d just been carrying Radley on his shoulders.
For his part Radley didn’t fuss over his cut lip and glanced at something darker than darkness coming closer. A lone wolf stalked out of the shadows to join the gathering. Matthias just kind of… appeared, and with a stylish tip of his hat there he was.

Absalom cleared his throat, pointing up at the ‘sky’. Not a star in sight.

Looking around, in fact, not a thing at all; though there was ground to stand on and air to breathe. This was definitely not the campsite. A dark shape, an ugly, twisted, predatory shape sprang from the ground. Gnarled bark seemed to have eyes that stared at something impossible inside each man. Freshly woven, rough-to-touch ropes swayed gently from the branches of the tree by the roadside. On the ends of each a perfect hangman’s knot; except for… most were empty. Just the one that had less sway going for it was being used.
A beautiful woman with skin like tree bark, and leaves in her hair; leaves that were her hair, hung there dead with both eyes still blinking.

No breath left to speak, no heartbeat, “Let me die.” Pain.
Her tone was the very embodiment of that. “My tree was a good tree. I don’t deserve this. Answer me… answer me… Should have kept killing…”

2008-08-31, 02:23 PM
If I may, I'd like to past-post really quick to answer Green's question.

"It is a diary, a tale of happiness turned to lonliness and sorrow... sorrow, turned to rage, and rage turned back upon itself to regret. I think, we will be safe here, for now..."

I can edit my post from here to begin again once my question has been answered.

Kuma Da
2008-08-31, 09:47 PM
The Green Man

"Let's make camp by the voodoo tree, you said. I'm sure it'll be safe, you said. Maybe next time you should consider how much the voodoo tree wants you to camp by the voodoo tree." The Green Man growls something under his breath, extremely put out by the way he gave in to everyone's arguments. "Our bodies are probably still snoozing next to the thing while it works its roots around our necks." To test this theory, he pinches the skin on his left arm. It hurts, but that doesn't mean this isn't a dream.

When the woman on the branch speaks, he whirls to face her. "You'd be another ghost, I guess? The boy's mom or killer or something? Well, right now your moping is interfering with our sleep. Could you tone it down just a bit?" When he realizes that a response isn't forthcoming, he sighs. "Alright. Stay there. I'll get you down and then we can all work this out."

He walks over to the tree and lays a hand on the bark. It's strangely smooth, and it's been ages since The Green Man climbed a tree, but his muscles seem to remember the motions. Digging his claws in, he begins to ascend the trunk.

Climbing up the tree (mis-typed roll. It's in the post below,) shinnying across the branch the dryad is hanging from, pulling her up, and then hacking through the rope. After that, carrying her back down the trunk.

Kuma Da
2008-08-31, 09:50 PM
Re-rolling [roll0]+12

2008-09-01, 05:46 AM
"No, not the mother of the boy... just a creature driven mad by her own thoughts! Get away from the tree, Green!" Amos cried in warning, clutching the diary in his hands. He had not relinquished his grip on the book yet; some strange hope, perhaps even desire, told him that perhaps this dryad knew some manner of clue toward his own, personal quest for The Music. Not giving any rhyme or reason for his words nor actions, the bard stepped a few steps closer to the hanging dryad, book still gripped tightly. Locking gazes with the plant woman, Amos began to sing softly in Sylvan, a language learned from study with Elven sages. In the primal tongue of the fey, Amos wove back for the dryad the story he had found told in the diary... the story of joy and loneliness, mad rage and remorse.

Perform check: [roll0]

When he had finished, Amos continued to stare at the dryad as he spoke.

"There is great power in the music of this world," he stated in Sylvan, "Echoing the very sounds of Genesis, long lost to the ears of mortals... save but a desperate few. What can you tell me, dryad? Speak!"

2008-09-01, 07:37 AM
Her glazed eyes accused you, begged for an answer to incomprehensible things. Her ‘breath’ came out in a guttural melody. A hundred wolves rushing across the grassland growled for her. You smelled hot summer and dead bodies rotting in the sunlight when she said anything. “I See.”

Scorching wind blows around you from the direction of Durk. Rancid new smells force their way into your bodies. Your companions are clutching their noses as one and turning away in disgust; each man looks around to find the other has accidentally smeared ashes all over his self. All your hands are covered with it.
A strange mist swirls along the ground. It feels like dry sand, it coalesces around you. Someone coughs, and you feel like you’re standing in an old graveyard. The sand puffs up into the air just like dust when you drop an old tome on a pile of older books. Imagine all the little fingers clawing and rending your skin. With a wretch you realize you’re breathing powdered bones.

Everyone roll Fortitude Saves (DC 15) to avoid being nauseated. It will last [roll0] rounds.

The Green Man managed to scratch his way up the trunk, the bark seemed to crumple and boil under his feet. He was nearly hanging by threads now, contradictory feelings of bumpy, smooth, slimy, dehydrated, waterlogged, hot, Cold – he felt these every time he touched the tree. The world seemed to fall away under him.

Green man must roll a Reflex Save (DC 15) to stop a nasty fall from grace.

Rotting faces pushed out of the ground, all smiling in anticipation and licking their lips, drooling and giggling. They wanted the first meal they’d seen in a long time, they were starving. Teeth clamped onto Harin’s foot.

Grapple Check (Touch Attack), [roll1]
Note: Harin is entitled to an Attack of Opportunity

A pair fingers here, a too long tongue there. Eight pairs of greedy eyes searched with maniac vigour for something to eat. Eight rotting faces crawling with bugs and covered in caked on filth.If anyone has the Jade Empire Soundtrack:

The Green Man is safe from the faces for now, being up in that tree. Better not fail that reflex save.

Everyone can roll initiative in their responses to this post. You may also act on this turn (this time, you both get a 'Surprise' round). There's one face beside each person standing on the ground, you can feel free to be creative with the exact location.

2008-09-01, 09:24 AM
1. Fort save to prevent Nausea: [roll0] If this is less than 15 ignore everthing else in the spoiler.

2. Attack of Opportunity - +1 Holy Greatsword to the face: [roll1] / Damage: [roll2]

3. Initiative roll: [roll3]

4a. If my attack hits I am not grappled and will fly straight upwards 60ft as a move action and begin casting Light of Lunia as a standard action.

4b.If my opportunity attack misses then I am allowed to make an opposed Grapple check as a free action: [roll4]. If your one is higher than mine I am grappled. If mine is higher I break the grapple and do as I did in 4a. (see above).

Edit: Tell me if I hit it. If I didn't then roll the grapple check and I'll write up the RP then.

Watching Green claw his way up the tree Harin let his guard down for the briefest of moments. And that was all it took. Suddenly the abomination had its teeth attached to his boot and it was trying to grab his leg.

Appaled Harin brought his blessed blade to his hands faster than even he thought possible, and with a well practised swipe he cleaved the creatures face in two. With a swift kick he freed himself from its broken jaw and in one fluid movement spread his wings wide and launched himself into the air.

Once airborne Harin looked below him to see that all the others were facing a similar situation. No not all, Absolom, the mage with the golden helm was nowhere in sight. Had he already fallen, who knew. The Green Man to was away from the creatures, his claws only just clinging to the side of the tree.

Enough of this. "Mighty Kord I beseech the, bring your holy light to us in this dark time". He felt his prayer answered and sensed the powerful silver aura approaching".

Figured I'd give a way for Omnik to leave the game, dying in combat. Also I am writing the RP after Kuma's post below so I know he only just made his reflex save.

Kuma Da
2008-09-01, 09:53 AM
The Green Man

The Green Man clings to the tree like a cat, his fur bristling and his eyes wide. The ground is suddenly a very scary place indeed.

Initiative: [roll0]+3
Fortitude: [roll1]+11
Reflex: [roll2]+9

2008-09-01, 12:12 PM
Fortitude Save for Matthias:
Fortitude Save for Forge: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

Matthias had experienced a dream like this once or twice before. They were pretty rare, even in a decade of undead hunting - which was good, since no one survives too many of them. They always had the same two rules - nothing makes sense, and things are always worse when you wake up. You'd spend the night fighting some nightmare creature to find out the next morning that you had been trying to kill your companions for the last six hours.

Still, there was sometimes a way out, and Matthias's attention keeps coming back to the tree. The dryad wished for death... dryads are dependant on their trees...

And his main weapon is a large, enchanted wood axe - a tool for cutting down trees.

Coughing, and moving as fast as he could through the faces and bone dust, Matthias heads towards the tree, axe in hand. If he gets there this turn, he attacks. Either way, on his way there he yells to Forge: "*Attack, boy! Take her down!" He follows this with a shout to Radley: "Burn the tree Radley! Do it now!" He shouts this while hoping to Pelor that Radley will know to ignite the side of the tree that the Green Man isn't on.

It seems likely to me that due to this being a surprise round, Matthias would have used up all of his turn just getting to the tree. But if he didn't... Attack Roll: [roll3]
Damage: [roll]1d8+1d6+1

2008-09-01, 03:03 PM
"So you have chosen death," Amos shouted in Sylvan, gesturing about him to his companions. Rapidly, the bard put up the book, drawing his sword and readying his shield as he moved closer to the tree... and then a *face* erupted from the ground nearby. With a shout of alarm, Robilard pitched his sword downward, angling his swing sharply toward the creature's forehead...

Fort save: [roll0] (I believe all of this gets ignored if I fail...)

Attack roll: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Initiative: [roll4]

Will post again when I know that I'm not puking all about. :smallfrown:

2008-09-02, 05:34 AM
Matthias’s axe cuts through the tree like any axe should. The first revelation to come up his arms, that’s no tree, would you rather be ignorant?
A white flash stands out against black ether, a blot of paint on an ink canvas; it illuminates the ‘ground’ and the cloud of bone powder glows under Kord’s miracle. Tears drip across The Green Man’s fur, falling splinters of hope. “Stay in the tree, please don’t leave me alone… Just stay, I’ll… let you see.” The Dryad was looking at Amos. “It’s not safe down there, he doesn’t understand. He tries to help me… he does…”
She sounded like she was denying her abusive husband’s mistreatment. The wounds, if there were any would’ve been visible on her face. A shuddering sob and a few broken murmurs; “See what I see.”

There’s a brief feeling of weightlessness, the bone powder seethes up and becomes a thick mist. Each man feels alone, an eternity alone with all the memories you can’t remember. They still make you sad, you don’t know why.
You smell flesh rotting in summer sunlight again, things swirl and hop through the fog and you can’t quite see them. Soft wind touches your face, for an instant you feel peaceful. Like the whole world is beneath you. Then the scent of what you can only describe as Pollution, reaches you, you want to turn your eyes away. Underneath you the fog billows outward and reveals the ground. A long column of dead bodies dances and revels in an eternally sunless night. They’re skipping along the road. You recognize that it’s the road you travelled along when you left Durk. They’re all going back the way you came.
They pass the stray zombies you slew in front of the village. After you saw the innkeeper and killed him again, after you left. You can see your own tracks heading off toward Calamdan. The dead rush passed their fallen kinfolk after the weeping Priest from the church. He tries to lead his people away desperately. Their cries and lamentations tear at the lonely peace of a half deserted place. The dead drag them in whole groups and pile even wailing children among the crowd. They’re herded – swept – like garbage, into a massive throng in Durk’s main street.
Jeering, laughing and smiling the undead spit and rape, defile whoever they please and steal whole body parts because their own aren’t quite working anymore. They force warm blood down the throats of their captives, give the false hope of living longer if they’ll just taste their neighbour’s fat.
Those lucky enough to be dead when it’s nearly over leave little more than corpses with expressions of, horror, insanity, on their faces. The undead dance on the corpse pile, drinking the village’s wine which so often pours through their bodies; they haven’t the stomachs left to digest it.

They revel, they torture, into the night. They heaped women on top of men, children over their pets, infants. Then they threw torches on the pile. “He waited…”
It’s the Dryad’s voice, she whines, she begs. “Darvis waited until you were gone. Oh,” She says, with a quivering sound, “why didn’t any wonder why there were so few of them? They were just waiting nearby…”

She choked on her own grief. When you open your eyes, you’re all underneath the tree, back in the camp again. Dawn had arrived. It looked like a flaming pyre on the horizon.

Everyone roll one Will Save (DC 18) each. Success will mean you start your day fatigued, instead of exhausted.Deep impressions of maybe, footprints work their way down the road. They scurry into the grass and the trail is indistinct. It’s obvious from the rut someone was dragging a body away. The boy still sleeps soundly underneath the tree with you. Lines of worry are written on his face, there are deep, dark circles underneath his eyes. He was scratching at the dirt all night. If your body was any indication, he’s cold too; even if he doesn’t know yet.

2008-09-02, 05:53 AM
Will save: [roll0]
Does my ring of sustenance help?
Since its dawn do I need to recover my spells.
If enough time hasn't passed (1 point healed/hour) I am using a Cure Light Wounds to get rid of the nonlethal damage: [roll1].
I am also offering healing to other players who need it.

Kuma Da
2008-09-02, 08:54 AM
The Green Man...

Wakes with a start, slapping the ground with his paws and throwing himself to his feet. He scans the surroundings with bleary eyes, finds a decided lack of earth-mouths and chatty corpses, and then slumps back down. "You know, I think I almost had her free before we were hit with that montage."


2008-09-02, 10:35 AM
"No!" Amos awoke sharply, crying out in alarm and rage, still clutching the diary. Leaping to his feet, he half ran, half stumbled to the tree, pounding on it with his fist.

"You said you would show me!" he howled, "You know about the Music, don't you? DON'T YOU?!" His knuckles struck against the bark at an off angle, scraping across and coming away with blood blooming red upon them. The bard turned, half angry, half desperate, toward the only creature who had apparently spent any length of time at the tree: the boy. Crashing to his knees, he dropped the diary, grabbing the child by the shoulders and shaking him roughly.

"Wake up, boy! Wake up and tell me what she's told you?!"

Will save: [roll0]

I can remove exhaustion problems, but not the subdual. Heal plz.

2008-09-02, 01:08 PM
Will Save: [roll0]

Matthias wakes up, and freezes. A brief check of his surroundings reveals a screaming bard, a bunch of half-concious companions, and a memory of a dream where he was shown innocents suffering by the hundreds.

Things were back to normal.

Rolling over and checking gear despite his fatigue, he was relieved to note that his actions in the dream hadn't hurt his companions - at least not directly. Not this time.

The dream awakened the old fire in Matthias too. Getting up quickly, he begins packing up his things and preparing to move - he knew a lich that needed to die.

2008-09-02, 01:32 PM
His neck cracks lightly and the back of his head smacks the tree. His skull came away red, too. He doesn’t stir anymore. Amos had managed to…

The boy murmurs. “She said Durk village used this place as a Hanging Tree,” His head lolls to one side. “She’d cut the bodies down and bury them, before she was gone. I haven’t talked to her in a long time.”
He’s always quiet, he never opens his eyes though, you get the feeling he doesn’t sleep either. His skin is clammy, unnaturally cold, the contrast between your passionate heat and his intimacy with death. You imagine he’d pray for a blanket.
Amos can almost catch the curve of a smile on his lips. “Clubbing the tree with me, hn. That’s no good, the tree’s not there anymore. Something very old is where the tree was, now.”I need everyone to let me know where they'd like to go. Do you feel like investigating those tracks? Do you want to go back to Durk? Press on to Calamdan where the Lich is supposed to be?

Does anyone remember how large the distance was supposed to have been between Durk and Calamdan?
borninbones mentioned it before, I cannot remember.

2008-09-02, 01:41 PM

Waking sharpely before sitting back as fatigue washed over him, the first thing Harin noticed was unsurprisingly the shouting Amos. As he tried to move he was reminded of the difficult journey the previous day. Calling on Kord's benevolence he muttered a short prayer and the pain of the previous day faded.

Getting up, still a little woozy he moved towards Amos and gripping him by the shoulder he said "Amos Omaril, feel the light and let it ease your pain" he said channeling healing magic into Amos. Seeing him relax he spoke to him "now tell me, why were you attacking the boy"?

Casting Cure Moderate Wounds on Amos: [roll0].

OOC:I'm going straight to Calamden, unless I get a unanimous vote against me. He said it was a weeks walk between Durk and Calamden. (No horses allowed)

2008-09-02, 03:13 PM
I guess the fort save and initiative are moot...


Radley wakes up and clutches his head as if he has a hangover. He scrambles to his feet, surveying the ground with a suspicious eye before looking at their surroundings.

"Master Bard," he calls over to Amos. "Please step away from the tree, and take the boy if he's not our enemy."

He cracks his knuckles and reaches into his robe...

((Radley will insist on continuing toward Calamdan, however, if the misssing body is Absalom's he can probably be persuaded to look for him first.))

Kuma Da
2008-09-02, 03:18 PM
The Green Man

"You guys all awake?" The Green Man asks rhetorically as the rest of the party begins to stir. "We didn't leave anyone behind in there, did we?" He does a quick mental tally. Everything seems to check ou-"Holy crap, Amos!" Green rushes over to pry him off of the ghost, skidding to a stop at the last second when Amos cracks its head against the tree. Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

A few seconds later, completely affirming The Green Man's theories, the kid's concussed head begins to speak again. The Green Man waits for it to finish and then says "Well, I guess it's pretty clear what we have to do now." He gestures off-handedly at Matthias. "Things that are Very Old tend to be bad news. Would you mind helping me take the tree down?"

The Green Man pulls out his hatchets and goes to work on the trunk.

Distance between Durk and Calamdan:Seven days march.

2008-09-02, 03:55 PM
"Green, STOP!" Amos said, surprisingly himself with his tone, "Not everything that is "very old" is a bad thing! Remember in the village, when I told you that I'm doing this because it's the right thing? Well, that's still true... but my adult life has been consumed thus far by a higher calling, a greater quest. I seek knowledge, Green, knowledge of a music so ancient, so powerful, that only those who have roots back in the creation of the world can still remember it. Call me mad if you will," he said, turning back to the boy, "But I need to know for a fact that there is no clue here of what I seek."

Amos stared down at the boy, asking him only one thing.

"Who are you?"

If Diplomacy is necessary, feel free to roll secretly.

2008-09-02, 05:05 PM

"Oh brother..." Radley mutters as he puts his spell component back into his shirt. He looks around at those of his companions who are not at the base of the tree. "Anyone else here worried about these tracks? It looks like--" He pauses abruptly. "Where is Sir Absalom?"

Kuma Da
2008-09-02, 10:27 PM
The Green Man...

...regards the bard cautiously. "Well, you do seem to have taken your daily dose of crazy." His hatchet hovers an inch from the bark, "But if you want to talk this over, that's fine by me. First, though, I'd appreciate it if you stepped away from the kid. If you try to interrogate him, he's probably just gonna go all ghostly on you. I'd rather not have to deal with that first thing in the morning."

2008-09-04, 07:24 AM
“Don’t lay one harmful finger on that, please. You’d be doing wrong. I know half that much at half your age. It isn’t necessarily bad being old and different. Being old and different are all they know how to understand.” Innocent hearts knew wisdom beyond them.
“I’ll tell you my name’s Temun if you agree to that. Instead you have to help me. She said you’d learn a part of the song if you did. She said you’d save someone important. Sleep by the tree again. You’re far too tired to continue, I can feel it. You’ll be safe here while you help.”

Most awful drought deceit, wither fields lush with precious treasure. Determination, diligence, faith, Calamdan was counting on you to end Darvis and the horrors he presented. Did you have the time? You were talking to… a ghost. One of the undead, did you want to trust him and risk everything?

What of Sir Absolom?

2008-09-04, 07:58 AM

Hearing the boy speak Harin made his decision.

"We cannot stay here another night" he said, speaking to everyone but facing Amos and Temun. "Our mission is to cut this evil off at the source, not spend night after night fighting through terrible dreams. Amos I don't know your reasons for joining this endevour but we have already lost Stormcaller here, and I will be damned if I will remain to lose another".

Harin felt Kord's activism rising within him. Drawing his sword he pointed it towards the boy while staying far enough away to not be seen as an immediate threat.

"Temun, speak plainly for my patience is wearing thin, what are you and what is your purpose? If your answers are not satisfactory then your fate is your own fault, and I will go to Calamden alone if needs be".

His voice fell silent as he waited for a response.

2008-09-04, 09:49 AM

Talking over Harin, Radley starts off: "Hey, Green--".

He stops talking to let the other man finish but makes a "get the hell away from there" gesture at the bugbear.

Kuma Da
2008-09-04, 10:36 AM
The Green Man

Green's eyebrows bunch together like colluding caterpillars. Nonetheless, he returns his hatchets to his waist and walks over to where Radley stands. "Yeah, boss? It's your call whether we press on or not, but I still have a bad feeling about that tree. Like a whole flock of geese is trooping over my grave. That woman we saw last night," he breaks off for a moment, forcing the memory aside, "I think she's trapped in it. So, we should either stay here and sort all this out, or we should take the tree to pieces before we move on."

2008-09-04, 10:51 AM
The boy is still, on closer inspection you realize how deeply his eyes have fallen inside their sockets. If he isn’t become death he’s very close to. There are no footprints around him. Sir Absalom’s nonattendance is palpable. That trail in the dirt leads in one direction and the city’s in the other. But the tree is here. Stillness all around, the world’s breath was stopped. Grass that did not flutter, sunlight with transient warmth, numbness; it was the weight of a choice.

"I'm trying to help, but I'm just a boy."

2008-09-04, 11:31 AM
Amos turned to the half celestial, eyes burning with determination.

"Go then without me. I will catch up," the bard gestured at the tracks, "If it satisfies your impatience, then seek out the absent Sir Absolom... whatever your choice, I will remain here. Charging into Calamdan without the wisdom we could potentially find here I feel is more insane than the prospect of staying here." The bard turned back to the boy, only now conscious of his aching hand.

"Know this, Temun, while I do not know the Music intimately just yet, there is music known to mortal souls which holds some power yet. I am not too tired to begin travel again; there are as yet another sixty and nine verses in the great tale of King Darius of Everlore, lost amidst the furious wintry embrace of the Bloodrock Mountains. I remain here because you claim knowledge, or access to knowledge, that I seek... that I will have, even if I must wrest it from the very earth itself with my bare hands." With that, Amos sat beside the boy, diary now resting in his lap.

"What has she told you, Temun?"

2008-09-04, 11:44 AM

Radley shrugs. "Let's check for Absalom while the bard seeks his treasure. When we come back we can destroy the tree if need be, and leave for Calamdan - peferably with the bard."

He sighs. "If the Stormcaller's been taken far, we may have to count him as lost. I don't think we should spend more than half a day delaying our mission. Let's plan to be back here by lunch, with or without him, and push as far toward the city as we can before nightfall."

He places a hand to his rumbling, painful stomach as he says "lunch", but doesn't complain about his hunger.

2008-09-04, 01:08 PM

Matthias nods and moves over to where the tracks begin. He's had quite a bit of experience in tracking large mammals. "Let's go, Forge."

Survival Check [roll0]

Kuma Da
2008-09-04, 02:17 PM
The Green Man

"I do not recommend splitting up. Not that my recommendations will stop anyone who wants to, but I think we should stick as close to everyone else as possible. Believe you me, I've heard stories starting with an innocent 'let's split up and search the mansion' that had endings terrible enough to make your scalp stand on end. If Amos stays here to have another dream-chat with the tree, I think we should be nearby. Otherwise something's liable to amble out of the countryside and take a bite out of his windpipe. Of course," the bugbear's ears prick up as Radley's stomach rumbles, "we could probably do something about breakfast in the mean time."

2008-09-04, 02:46 PM

"Please, not near here," Radley interjects, nodding toward the tree. "Poet, time spent here hurts our mission. If that tree is the hanging-tree of Durk it won't be hard to find again. You can come back after!"

2008-09-04, 02:51 PM

Having been silent the malevolence of the desert nods, "There are more pressing matters. The tree will go unmolested as the only true inhabitants of these lands are now the dead unless we have a say in the matter. If anyone is lacking in food I can feed all of us by means of a magic item I carry with me."

2008-09-04, 06:07 PM
When he’s done, Matthias is able to feed everyone twice over, he makes an adventurer’s feast out of the lush countryside. He searches the sky, and jokes that he can see the future. He’s as cunning as a Minotaur in a maze, working hand in paw with Forge feral passions flicker in his eyes. The trail he follows leads around several nasty could-have-been-a-mishaps. His woodsy skills almost feel supernatural. When the last clue falls into place just beside a fast flowing river you realize just how canny your prey is.

Boats make short work of distance. Thank goodness for rivers. As fortune would have it, it looks like they didn’t go very far. Across the water he was like a statue carved from shadows, ephemerally smooth, a threadbare robe under a black shroud wrapped around his shoulders. No wind blew, the shroud still rippled like there was one. Standing straight and tall, holding his hands together in front of his thighs, he regards you coolly underneath his polished golden crown. Vibrant orange stars have become his eyes, not mockery or scrutiny, its prescience and conviction inside them. His blacker than ink bones are delicate, he raises a hand and waves you closer.

Would anyone care to make some Knowledge check?

All the boy says after everyone is gone:

“Tell me what you want. Think about it carefully.” He waits very patiently for you to arrive at a good answer.

2008-09-05, 01:41 AM
Amos sat silently, contemplating his answer. Finally, he responded, giving a response straight from his heart.

"I want to help... even if, in the end, I do not find a way to bring myself into the Music of this world... I want to at least die, knowing that I helped."

2008-09-05, 04:12 AM
Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]

2008-09-05, 08:29 AM

Radley stays at the back of the group, but eyes the menacing figure thoughtfully.

This seems unlikely, but he is wearing a crown. Maybe I recognise...?
And maybe there are local legends about him?

2008-09-05, 12:06 PM
Also a long shot:

Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

2008-09-05, 12:13 PM
Oh what the hell
Arcana: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]
Planes: [roll2]

2008-09-09, 08:14 AM
He speaks again. His soft voice sifts away into gravelly, until… “You’re too careless to know the notes Amos Robilard... poor man. Die knowing my absent hunger was your doing.” It’s suddenly familiar.
The child’s hand was unobtrusive reaching up to touch you on the cheek. You could feel intangible fingers that still had presence, you knew they were there even if you could neither prove your thoughts nor objectively see their existence. They were inside and through you on your skin, icy like winter.

mefeel warm again.”Amos must endure [roll0] Constitution Damage! Feel free to act however you like and treat it as your turn in a combat round.Jade Empire Soundtrack – Death’s Hand Suite
Knowledge (arcana) successful.
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) successful
Knowledge (local) DC not met
Knowledge (nature) DC not met
Knowledge (arcana) passed
Knowledge (religion) success

There’s no spell at work, the undulations in his robe are less than magical. He’s an alluring tyrant; the air crushes you with raw spiritual power. All the weight of responsibility’s mantle falls on you. His eyes contemplate. His teeth are too sharp, his fingertips like knives; a predator’s limbs on a soul too civilized to use them. He carries himself like a King. Bloodied heraldry, the royal family of Druth is on that crown.

One who wears this be the true caretaker of this land.

Something altogether more than Darvis the Liche –

King Corvina, the Sovereign Lord of Calamdan.

Kuma Da
2008-09-09, 10:16 AM
The Green Man

The shocked expressions of his companions confirms The Green Man's worries. Yep. That's definitely a zombie royal over there. Best case scenario, he's some minor noble that Darvis thought was important enough to be corpisified. Worst case scenario, he's the big cheese's second cheese in command. Like some deadly wheel of gouda...or something. The metaphor breaks down pretty quick, but that doesn't change much. The monster over there is still the biggest available threat to Radley.

Whipping his axes out of their sheathes, The Green Man clicks his heels together and charges.

Okay. Here's how my attack breaks down.
1) boots of speed activate as a free action, with resultant bonuses to speed, AC, reflex, attack actions, etc.
2) Draw axes as free action while charging. Charge up to 120 feet to attack the king.
3) Attacks made with two weap fighting, improved two weap, haste bonus. 17/15/10/15/9
4) On 10 or more points of damage, a trip attack is made via knock down with improved trip active (no counter attack of opportunity, +4 strength bonus to attempt.)


Edit: please roll damage for me if anything hit. It's 1d6+8 per.

Edit edit: Whoops. Only rolled the opposed strength check for the trip. If I do over 10 damage, please roll a touch attack +17 to hit for the trip.

2008-09-09, 12:40 PM

As Radley realises who is before him, he catches himself starting to bow and lower his head. He has been to the palace many times, and although Corvina was not a close personal friend he certainly was an able ruler. He squints at the figure before him and evaluates - is there anything of the old king left there?

As his bodyguard goes tearing off, Radley raises a sceptre-like rod. "Green, be strong!" But the arc of grey light from the rod goes right past the bugbear and strikes the erstwhile king...

((Casting Ray of Enfeeblement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/rayofEnfeeblement.htm)
ranged touch: [roll0]
base strength damage: [roll1] x 150%. So 7 total. ))
EDITED: Attack roll is actually 25 if you count the Bless SLA below.

Faithdreamer only:

My imp familiar, currently invisible, will fly to to take up position right behind the king, opposite Green to gain a flanking advantage. He will use his hide skill so that when he attacks and loses invisibility he still has a good chance not to be seen by my comrades.

[roll3] includes +2 flanking
The king should be flatfooted against him.
if applicable: [roll5] Dex damage, DC13 fort negates
EDITED: Attack roll is actually 21 if you count the Bless SLA below.

The imp will declare his dodge against the king, making his AC 21.

2008-09-09, 01:10 PM

Seeing his former king in this state is too much for Harin.

"I will free you from this curse". Calling on his own gifted powers he released a holy burst of energy, the waves catching all those around him.

Immediatly Green charged the opponent so he then drawing his sword he spread his wings wide and launched himself blade first into the former king.

1. Use Half-Celestial Spell Like Ability Bless, all allies within 50ft get a +1 to attack rolls and saves against fear.
2. Move action to fly towards the zombie king.
3. Attack the king with Greatsword.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2](Holy)

2008-09-11, 10:39 AM

It is rather unsettling to know a King so well through the souls offering their services to Adun and then see him reduced to a mockery of life. The spiritual pressure that falls over him is met with a powerful burst of power that rushes out from the bracers he wears. The power of souls not his own cry out against this heresy and before he can even truly stop himself he is once against charging headlong into combat. Arcs of blue-white lightning build from the jewel on his bracers before surging down his fingertips, waiting to surge out and blast apart the fell King.

AC totals
Vs Normal: 25 T:13 FF: 21
Vs Undead: 30/18/26
+2 Midnight Dodge declared against King Corvina
-2 for Charging
Init if needed: [roll0]
Adun can charge up to 80ft
Charging Touch Attack [roll1] +1 from bless?
Disrupt Undead! [roll2]

Lack of rest makes shaping new Soulmelds impossible. Retaining old ones at no penalty.

Essentia:17 (-6 for Feats) (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 3, +1 for bold
[5] Armguards of Disruption: Disrupt Undead. Touch attack to deal 1d6+Ed6 damage. [Incarnum Focus grants +1 capacity]
: Insight to AC and Saves equal to E against Undead
[3] Diadem of Purelight: 20+10Eft radius bright illumination, shadowy double. +2 to Spot within any light. Counted as spell level of E for purposes of interacting with magical Darkness.
[Bound]: Negate less than Total Concealment in Bright illumination. Includes spells. Excludes Invisibility.
[0] Dissolving Spittle: 1d6+Ed6 acid damage at 30ft ranged touch.
[3] Pauldrons of Health: Immune to Disease, Sickened, Nauseated. +E enhancement to Fort saves.
[Bound]: Immunity to Energy Drain
[2] StrongHeart Vest: Reduce Ability Damage by 1+E
[0] Vitality Belt: +4 Morale on Con checks and Con based skill checks, but not Fortitude Saves. Gain one hit point per meldshaper level for each Essentia invested. (+10E HP) These are not temporary. Removing these Hit Points can stagger, render unconscious, or even kill Adun.

[B]Feats: Capacity: 2 (change E only once per 24hrs)
[0] Cerulean Will: Insight to Will equal to E
[2] Healing Soul: E/day heal 2Ehp as swift
[2] Midnight Dodge: Dodge for +E to AC
[0] Sapphire Sprint: Add 5Eft to speed. Retain Dex to AC while running. Add E insight to AC when leaving a threatened square.

2008-09-11, 11:09 AM
"Reckless?" Amos echoed, hissing slightly as he spoke, "Or determined?" Amos took a step back, raising one hand high, the other held low. His shield would do him little good, he feared, but he readied it with the low hand, dropping the high hand, and holding it back, beginning to channel the power of light and warmth into his free hand.

"I can help you!"

Five foot step back, draw my shield as part of my move, ready action to cast Cure Serious Wounds on the ghost if it continues to be aggressive.

Touch Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1] (Well, I know undead are immune to crits, but when you're using a positive energy spell as a weapon-like spell against them, could it crit? I don't know, but I rolled it anyhow.)
"Damage": [roll2]

Silly as it sounds, I take it Diplomacy would do me no good?

2008-09-11, 01:04 PM

Even the king, huh?

Normally Matthias would have hesitated, but the hostile reactions around him, and the royal man's little speech, jar him into action. He draws and throws his axe in one smooth motion, aiming for the feet. Spinning in order not to lose speed, he draws his crossbow and fires three times at the once noble visage. The only thing he says out loud is a command to Forge.


Attack Breakdown, complete with damage and trip rolls in case I succeed:

Attack 1 (Axe) (Trip attack):
Trip attack is made using the master thrower's trip shot ability - the way it works is different from normal trip: I make an attack roll, and if it succeeds, then the target takes damage normally, and makes a (strength or dexterity check) vs. my (dexterity check + 4). If I win, he goes down, which may provoke AOOs and I don't know what else. I can't do everything around here. :smalltongue:
Trip Roll (Axe): [roll1]
Damage 1 (Axe): [roll]1d8+1d6+1

Attack 2 (Crossbow): [roll2]
Damage 2 (Crossbow): [roll3]
Attack 3 (Crossbow): [roll4]
Damage 3 (Crossbow): [roll5]
Attack 4 (Crossbow): [roll6]
Damage 4 (Crossbow): [roll7]

Forge is going to take a flying leap for the King himself. Obviously, he won't attempt to trip if Matthias succeeds in dropping the King prone, he'll just take his normal bite attack at +4 (against prone).

Charge Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Wolf Trip: [roll10]

2008-09-11, 02:28 PM
((Free action to speak:))

As so many allies converge on the royal body, Radley is heard to yell:

"We must capture him! Capture him if possible!"

2008-09-11, 05:52 PM

Harin is too filled with anger, he will unfortunately be ignoring Radley's suggestion, sensible as it is.
Hope everyone remembered their +1 from Bless, not much but every little helps right?

2008-09-13, 06:20 PM
Auditor Usually spells cannot make critical hits on things. I’ve never heard of spells doing it.. weapons can. Bright light recoils him, through slits moulded with his eyelids the boy spits venomous words in a voice that belongs to someone else.
“Aren’t you careless Amos Robilard?” He sees inside and beyond your body, for a single breath that catches in your throat and vanishes… you’d been trustworthy all your life. You’d over heard tell that eyes are the soul’s windows. Something absent shoves on you, it teases your hair and snaps your clothing against your skin. Your mind rebuffs you, Oops.

Looked him in the eyes.

Beat a Fortitude Save (DC 18) or be whipped for [roll0] damage and [roll1] charisma drain.

Coloured obsidian teeth flash when light hits them, your attention drawn to an eternal smile. Only there to say; You’re so very important. Giggles would stop your charge, if the death King weren’t content with his ether unsettling chuckle. Watching the horizon, the orange flames that burn where his eyes were before search for you beneath his feet. Without another sound, his esteem makes a mockery from all you are.

“You’re killing a dead man.”Green Man[roll2] - Green Man’s Axe
[roll3] – Forceful Green Man (if 10+ damage trip Touch Attack)

I’m aware of the rule stating you can make a single attack on a charge even if you can make more. There must be a rule I don’t know about..? This nimble bunch gets to jump the river as a free action even though it should count as difficult terrain and stop your charge.RadleyFor all this trouble you deserve a tip, undead are immune to ability damage and ability drain. Ray of Enfeeblement is unsuitable against them.

EDIT: I was wrong and Tacitus and the Forums are right. This strength penalty goes through and you deserve a pat on the back for a job well done. I'll write that in the very next time I post.

You’re bad. That is a maximized, empowered Ray of Enfeeblement isn’t it.HarinUnless any information says so Spell-like abilities are standard actions. Bless is cast and Harin can fly toward King Corvina. If no attack happens yet it looks better on you. AdunDisrupt Undead is supposed to be linked with your gauntlets, your Touch Attack didn’t hit I can’t grant anything except the move action and a -2 penalty to your AC until the next round. I’m sure you’ll overcome this bad luck in no time. You’ll have to trust me a goodly light is on your side. It always plays a nice song.MatthiasYou have a very clever class.
[roll4]+[roll5] – Attack roll is messed up

Corvina’s Chances
[roll6] – Soil and Mountain (Strength Check vs. Green Man)
[roll7] – Deathless Might assays Matthias’s Trip

Adun: 14
Green [roll8]
Harin [roll9]
Matthias [roll10] Go ahead and post your reactions, now that I've written a post below this one.

2008-09-13, 07:56 PM
Posture Green Man painfully delivers 14 damage, against Matthias’s respectable 21. Just remember, the Green Man tripped him first. Radley’s Ray of Enfeeblement managed to hit the mark, even if for only bragging photos and pretty colors. Forge snaps at the fallen King and does little else. Rawr.

Initiative - [roll0]Green breathed, considering – he’d given a single savage blow that should have killed anyone. The King’s head cracked and he knelt on one knee; he did not growl or fall to the ground. Strength.
Something ethereal splashed across his chest, that was Radley’s doing, Green knew. Corvina didn’t notice that as much as he did Adun’s fist. He paused to stare at it like a father smiled at a son trying to be brave with little mettle behind his demeanour. It felt… slow… the desert’s wrath recovered with blurry precision. Just in time to twist out of the way of Matthias’s too familiar axe. A hairsbreadth closer and that would have cut through him instead of cracking Corvina’s ribs. A crossbow bolt punched a small hole in his body and the axe whirled like a boomerang back where it started.

A single glare in Matthias’s direction was all it took to stop Forge in his tracks. The wolf snapped at the air and growled. Corvina stood, a frightening sword came out of its scabbard little by little. Harin was the first to see it gliding slightly above about to fall on the King and pin him to the ground. Leisurely the broken bones were knitting back together. There are subtle holes in King Corvina’s guard. Is he overconfident about it..?

Kuma Da
2008-09-13, 09:15 PM
The Green Man

Doesn't matter. Wasn't supposed to take him down in one go, just to keep him focused on something other than Radley. The Green Man drops his slouch a little lower and shuffles in closer to Corvina. Were it not for the axes--and the way his fur stands on end like an electrocuted teddy bear--he might look harmless.


We'll, it's possible.

Letting go of a guttural howl, The Green Man pivots at the waist and brings both axes in overhead.

Continuing with haste active, plus bless. Using a full round attack with both weapons. Would you mind rolling the damage for me so that I don't have to clutter up my post with extraneous rolls? I'll roll 'em if it's a hassle, but if not they're at 1d6+8. Also, if I do more then ten damage, would you mind rolling the strength check for me at +6.
Attack: [roll0]+16
Attack: [roll1]+11
Attack: [roll2]+16
Attack: [roll3]+10

2008-09-14, 03:36 AM

"Watch it's blade" Harin called to the others as he landed an aerial assault upon the king, focusing all his belief into his blade as he swung it down at the dead man.

1. Attack Corvina with Greatsword using my Half-Celestial Smite Evil ability.
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2](Holy)+6(Smite Evil)
2. If I was already close enough to attack it then I will use my move action to fly out of its swords attack range.

2008-09-14, 03:39 AM
That looks like a crit.
Crit confirmation: [roll0]
Crit damage: [roll1]+[roll2](Holy)+6(Smite Evil)

2008-09-14, 11:58 AM
It's in Complete Arcane, just before it goes in-depth in the Feats section. It discusses weapon-like spells, which are defined as any spell that requires an attack roll in order to deal damage (meaning touch and ranged touch attacks). It goes on to say that one can take Improved Critical for such spells, which I can only assume means that weapon-like spells are capable of getting a critical hit. Granted, it's a bit of a stretch to say that Cure Serious Wounds is a weapon-like spell, buuuut against the undead, it really is. It meets the requirements; it has a touch attack that is rolled, and it deals damage... but it's your call.

Amos Omaril gasped as he tried to quickly glance away, but it was too late. He had faltered somewhat; he had been careless, as the ghost had accused him...

Okay, first order of real business for the post... His last name isn't Robilard. That's the first name of a different bard. No worries. :smallwink: Now then, Fortitude save!

[roll0] If this save fails, then the following spell cast will be for Amos, not for the ghost, as uh, yeah, taking 15 damage means I'll be at 19 HP. Heck yes, Con penalty!

"Your pain is not the lonely sort, the kind only you may feel!" Amos shouted, "You are not the only one who has spent life abandoned, knowing no real family! I myself am an orphan, raised by those who are not my blood, but who became my kin; skalds sing often of Grod the Lonesome, whom whilst living in solitude, was hurt in a rock slide. A traveler came," Amos' voice picked up, and his next words were sung, rather than spoken.

"And healed his pain!" With that, Amos threw himself into the song, channeling the power of his music into his body, and then through it, conjuring the same healing power he had just cast.

Okay, for four uses of Bardic Music (by my notes, assuming that I didn't regain any music for resting, this pretty much burns what I have left) to use Lyric Spell, and cast Cure Serious Wounds again, holding it for the ghost only if I succeed my Fort save above (I know, it's a lot of pain in the arse conditionals, but I don't want to double post, and I can't add rolls to a post). If I fail the save, the CSW is for Amos.

Touch attack: [roll1]
Crit (If you decide to use the weapon-like spells rules, and rule that a Cure spell can crit on undead): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2008-09-14, 02:16 PM

Furious arcs of blue-white lightning dance off his fingers and smash into the ground. Blue-white smoke rises from the ground in the aftermath of his hand going wide against the fell King. Recovering from his failure his left hand lashes out with the same powerful energy in hopes of helping put the King to rest.

Battle Mechanics:
AC totals
Vs Normal: 25 T:13 FF: 21
Vs Undead: 30/18/26
+2 Midnight Dodge declared against King Corvina

Touch Attack [roll0]
Disrupt Undead! [roll1]
Incarnum Mechanics:
Essentia:17 (-6 for Feats) (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 3, +1 for bold
[5] Armguards of Disruption: Disrupt Undead. Touch attack to deal 1d6+Ed6 damage. [Incarnum Focus grants +1 capacity]
: Insight to AC and Saves equal to E against Undead
[3] Diadem of Purelight: 20+10Eft radius bright illumination, shadowy double. +2 to Spot within any light. Counted as spell level of E for purposes of interacting with magical Darkness.
[Bound]: Negate less than Total Concealment in Bright illumination. Includes spells. Excludes Invisibility.
[0] Dissolving Spittle: 1d6+Ed6 acid damage at 30ft ranged touch.
[3] Pauldrons of Health: Immune to Disease, Sickened, Nauseated. +E enhancement to Fort saves.
[Bound]: Immunity to Energy Drain
[2] StrongHeart Vest: Reduce Ability Damage by 1+E
[0] Vitality Belt: +4 Morale on Con checks and Con based skill checks, but not Fortitude Saves. Gain one hit point per meldshaper level for each Essentia invested. (+10E HP) These are not temporary. Removing these Hit Points can stagger, render unconscious, or even kill Adun.

[B]Feats: Capacity: 2 (change E only once per 24hrs)
[0] Cerulean Will: Insight to Will equal to E
[2] Healing Soul: E/day heal 2Ehp as swift
[2] Midnight Dodge: Dodge for +E to AC
[0] Sapphire Sprint: Add 5Eft to speed. Retain Dex to AC while running. Add E insight to AC when leaving a threatened square.

2008-09-15, 08:46 AM
Just Empowered, actually.

And I know Rays can crit. I guess it'd make sense that touch attacks can too.

"Damn it!" Screams Radley. "Keep it as alive as it is! Capture it! We can use it to lure the lich!"

Another Ray of Enfeeblement springs from his rod...
base strength damage: [roll1] x 150%. So 7 total.

Faithdreamer only:

The imp will stay hidden. He will use his Suggestion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/suggestion.htm) spell-like ability on the closest tank ally of ours who is not immune. You can choose who that is; I'm not sure who's up there wailing on the death king or not. It won't choose Green though, since we're hoping he'll listen to Radley without magic.

The command I will Suggest is to do as Radley says and take this thing without (re)killing it.

The DC is 15 but I'm hoping you'll invoke the "A very reasonable suggestion causes the save to be made with a penalty (such as -1 or -2)" clause.

fly to to take up position right behind the king, opposite Green to gain a flanking advantage. He will use his hide skill so that when he attacks and loses invisibility he still has a good chance not to be seen by my comrades.

Keeping his dodge against the king, making his AC 21.

2008-09-15, 09:43 AM
Radley (21)
King Corvina (18)
Green Man (16)
Harin (14)
Adun (11)
Matthias (10)

Grass Blades

Attack of Opportunity (Green Man)

[roll5] (Only on a Critical Hit)

Adun’s Critical
There is no reason to say ‘No’. He is using a touch attack, Disrupt Undead is normally a Ray and both are considered weapon-like spells.I should remind everyone, don’t post yet, or awful things are not guaranteed to avoid you.

2008-09-15, 09:58 AM
Green’s Strength (Trip):
Wily Corvina (Trip): [roll1]

Green’s Might (Trip): [roll2]
Corvina’s Wit (Trip): [roll3]

Perhaps Applicable
Attack of Opportunity (Reverse Trip): [roll4]
Green’s Opposition (Resist Trip): [roll]1d20+6

Attack of Opportunity (Reverse Trip):
Green’s Opposition (Resist Trip): [roll]1d20+6 Do Not Post.

2008-09-15, 10:49 AM
AoO Harin [roll0] [roll1]
AoO Adun [roll2] [roll3]I’m still trying to work things out and I didn’t want to rob your Glorious luck (I told you so); another warning not to post.

2008-09-15, 11:13 AM
Corvina’s Hamstring [roll0] [roll1]
Fade Away, Hide Check [roll2]-5 to this numberIntrigue
Something rippled when the Bugbear set his roar free. Your backs straightened, your resolve was supple water hard like diamonds. Your muscles wrapped themselves in warmth. It was spiritual fire, the mettle of your Heart!
Radley’s magic was as subtle as the wind. It soaked the King’s chest and swirled around him, fog. Time became the water on a lake, freezing to ice. A perfect painting in an epic encapsulated in the ages – Corvina surged up at heaven with a cunning sword, the Green Man plunged down to drive him back to the earth – two monsters. One with a golden heart… the Bugbear’s axes cracked bone after the sly sword slipped between them as easily as it sank through the Green Man’s flesh a heartbeat before. Righteous vengeance masked Harin’s blood-speckled face, with all the glory of Heavens his Great sword let justice fall. His prudence was a yell across the space between as he flitted away from Corvina’s spiteful reprisal. “Watch it’s Blade,”
Adun wove around the Death King’s sting and struck him with an open palm that made Corvina shrink back; he paused in the way he would have had his beloved slapped him. He glanced from Adun, the furious love of the desert, to the radiant glow of Harin. He slouched – begging for mercy? – He lashed out at the Green Man’s knees. With a snap of his dark, rippling shroud, Corvina ‘vanished’.Take a look around if you like. You might have spells to help. I wanted to mention it was Matthias’s turn now. The Green man suffers 35 damage.

Be happy and feel the Fortune’s Pride, that’s 124 damage between the four of you with a Strength Penalty Radley-driven courtesy.

StudyWe’ll say Amos used his rolls to heal 21hp, presumably you haven’t lost your charge from the first touch attack. You’re not taking more material for the same thing..?
Temun’s anima laughter was sardonic joy. It’s clear from Temun’s posture (s)he wants to be convinced. “My heart does not care Amostly lost cause. Has that nothing to do with being careless at all?”

Warmth, serenity, purity wraps you in love and holds you close. The ghost's chill doesn't bite as much.

Kuma Da
2008-09-15, 01:57 PM
The Green Man

Oh, no you don't. You might be able to wink out of sight, but you still reek like a dead thing. Clutching the open wound in his chest, The Green Man's nose wrinkles, trying to pick Corvina's distinctive odor out of the other scents of the battlefield.

Blood. Sweat. The acrid tang of metal. There.

Closing his eyes, he charges.

2008-09-15, 02:18 PM

"Green, no!" As he continues to try to talk sense into his collagues the sorcerer-merchant runs forward and makes a motion with his hand. A circular wall of fire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/walloffire.htm) springs into being, 50' in diameter, 20' tall and centred on the place where the death king disappeared. Radley just barely makes it inside its radius before it appears.

((Be careful guys, stay toward the middle or it will toast you.))

acrane spell failure (needs to be higher than 5%): [roll0] *

*faithdreamer, I feel bad. I've been forgetting to roll this. Feel free to make the DC higher than 5% on this wall of fire to make up for it if you want.

faithdreamer only:

Imp will go invisible, but remain mundanely hidden as well. He was opposite Green to give him flanking; does Green trip over him or run into him when he charges?

2008-09-15, 02:41 PM
Who is inside the wall of fire, everyone or is it just Radley and Green. Also is Corvina in it. And does it deal damage inwardly or outwardly.
I'll post once I know.

2008-09-15, 03:05 PM
((As far as I could tell everyone swarmed Corvina, so everyone's in it, safely in the middle. Corvina should still be here unless he has a heck of a move rate, or he might be getting toasted as we speak. The wall deals damae inwardly and outwardly; it's heavy damage within 10' of it and something like a d4 damage within 20' of it. CHeck the link in my post above to be sure tho.))

2008-09-15, 03:21 PM

Using Spell Like Ability Detect Evil to see if Corvina is inside the wall.
If he is I will I will move towards him ready to attack on my next turn. In case I get too close to the wall Radley please make a Spell Resistance check (1d20+Caster Level) to see if your wall doesn't hurt me (DC16), if it does I have Fire Resistance 10.
If he isn't on the inside I will fly straight upwards and over the wall and look for him on the other side, moving towards him if I see his aura.

2008-09-15, 04:13 PM
A play on words... Amos' song trailed away as his magic healed his agonizing wounds.

"If one be careless, and the other couldn't care less, would they not share a likeness of faults? If they do in fact have shared fault, could they also then share common interests?" Amos stood still, not daring to look the ghost in the eye a second time, not just yet, and decided to give his words one last try.

"A desperate man and a determined man may make the same devil's bargain, the same foolish offer in order to achieve wildly different ends. You say you do not care; if this means that you will devour my life, regardless of what I say, then so be it; but know this: you will destroy a chance to free your spirit," the bard paused, hoping his words would have some effect.

Diplomacy roll: [roll0] or Bluff roll to buy myself time if while I'm speaking, Temun decides that he has had enough with waiting: [roll1]

"I have read the dryad's diary... heard her beg for "death", to be freed from some manner of curse which binds her to this place. What is your story, Temun? If I may, I would hear your tale... perhaps, I can help you break free from this world, and enter the lands of eternal rest..." In the back of his mind, Amos could hear himself screaming at himself to run, to enchant his legs with the speed of the wind, vanish from sight, and run as fast as possible... but he crushed it, forcing himself to remain.

Okay, well, I'm going to be relieved that I get to reserve bardic music (I assume that's what you're telling me), and basically, my action this round is to avoid looking directly at Temun's eyes, and pray that he's feeling a little more reasonable this round. :smalltongue:

2008-09-17, 12:34 AM
Passed the smoke rising from Radley’s magical hellfire Harin could only barely make out his aura. The two colours were the same – smoke and spiritual strength. For an instant the subtle taint was this way – then it burst from the river with overwhelming intensity. The source was steadily growing distance between the entrapped party and itself. The King had fled into the river and used the fast currents to give himself a surge of speed.
Though Green tried, he could only smell smoke and fire now. There was one other besides Harin safely out of the blaze. If he could make Matthias hear him, Old Man Raker could give chase from the ground while Harin followed in the air.

Temun’s body inches forward, the boy hugs himself like a scared girl. A sob escapes him, a pout beautifies his lips. A shiver rakes his body and he looks fragile and docile. The end of his sibilant voice’s sentence needs no more words.
“I just want to feel warm again. Don’t want to see anymore. If you touch me…” A great timbre of sadness captivates Temun. “with the light. I can sleep. Then you’ll burn this tree and turn it to ashes.”

2008-09-17, 03:52 AM

"Raker, the King Is in the River. Fire at the interuptions in its flow, slow it down" Harin bellowed at Matthias as he flew with all his haste after the evil being.

"You shall feel the Wrath of Kord" he shouted as he fired a ray of intense light straight at the undead Corvina's location.

1. Free action to speak.

2. Move action to persue the king.

3. Standard Action to cast Searing Light (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/searingLight.htm).
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2](Bane Magic)
(If the type of undead the king has become is light sensitive then damage is: [roll3]+[roll4](Bane Magic))

(Sorry to Radley but Harin isn't really built for capture)

2008-09-17, 09:33 AM
I'm too late posting this for this particular combat, but for future I should point out that Detect Evil shouldn't've pinpointed the king so quickly. It only lets you know the presence/absence of evil the first round. On the second round you see the number & location of evil auras.


When Radley hears that the king is outside the wall he curses and lets the spell go. Instantly all that remains of the barrier is a 40' thick ring of brown ash and crispy treetrunks around the party.

He sinks to the ground, looking tired, and watches as his winged ally fires spells into seemingly empty air. [holding action]

and faithdreamer only, please:

The Imp will will use the run action this round, flying 200 feet straight up. It sees that the angel-man has locked onto the king and figures it's best to stay out of range of the detect evil radar. (I know it's unlikely that he would sweep the cone straight up, but just in case.)

Kuma Da
2008-09-17, 10:42 AM
The Green Man

Char and smoke and the biting-a-penny scent of blood curl through the air, drowning out all traces of Corvina's passage. Although he hears Harin's call from above, The Green Man has more urgent matters to attend to. Ripping up a piece of sod, he presses it to the wound in his chest and hunkers down besides Radley.

"We need to get something straight, boss. I might be in your employ, but there is no way that you'll convince me to do something as stupid as capturing Darvis' pet autocrat. Even if we could somehow ensure that has wasn't going to break free and murder us all in our sleep--which, incidentally, we can't--I'm gonna wager that Darvis doesn't have any real attachment to him. He's a puppet. A symbol you use to scare commoners with." The Green Man snarls. It isn't directed at anyone, just an extra bit of tension working its way out of his throat. "Maybe you're a little bit new at this. The rule of thumb is that, when you're setting a trap for an ogre, you don't bait it with a dragon. Or a tarrasque. Or a mouldering death-dealing machine."

2008-09-17, 11:06 AM
"Keeping ourselves safe around him is the easy part," Radley says. "And using him as a lure is only one of the many benefits he presents us. Maybe you're new at this, but having a royal hostage is a big deal. If his mind is intact, he can issue edicts... that we give him. If it isn't intact, then darn, we're only down to a hundred or so great advantages from having our hands on him." The sarcasm is heavy in his voice, but his smile seems genuine. "I don't know how we stumbled into him, but I bet it's not coincidence. Whatever we can learn of his master's plan is invaluable. Hopefully he's escaped, as he's more useful walking than dead."

2008-09-17, 02:13 PM

Matthias is willing to give chase, but firing into the water won't solve anything.

Tracking (Survival): [roll0]

It may be difficult/impossible to track Corvina all the way down the river, but even an idea of where and how he gets out would be helpful.

Edit: Matthias will take the penalty for tracking at full speed.

Kuma Da
2008-09-17, 03:22 PM
The Green Man

"You're absolutely right." The Green Man's expression goes stony. "Keeping ourselves safe around Corvina would be the easy part. Using a psychotic, magically enslaved warrior who'd willingly rip our throats out as a puppet governor to a kingdom populated by the dead would be substantially more difficult than just keeping that same psychotic from ripping our throats out. And I agree as well that our meeting was too good to be a coincidence. The lich directing ol' Corvy wanted him to meet with us, which means that the first thing we should do is try to put as much distance between us and him as possible. I do not want to walk into any trap that's set by a creature stronger than Corvina. I don't much enjoy bleeding." With that, The Green Man slumps to the ground.

"I hope Harin and that loony ranger run him down and destroy him, but I don't think that's too likely. So we need to plan ahead for when we next encounter him. Let's start by agreeing not to try and cash in on him. This venture is dangerous enough without either of us getting greedy."

2008-09-17, 05:26 PM
Amos nodded quietly, speaking in soft tones.

"I will help you, Temun, but I beg you, tell me of the Music, or tell me at least what the dryad told you of it. Whatever you choose, however... I accept." With that, Amos channeled the power of warmth and light into his hand again, focusing it in his palm. In silence, he held his hand out, and said nothing more.

Okay, casting CSW for reals, and holding it until Temun willingly touches my hand, which will basically resolve the touch required for the spell. I'll let you handle the roll for it secretly, Faith, if that's what you'd prefer.

2008-09-17, 08:34 PM

Radley surveys the bugbear's wounds and produces a clean silk handkerchief from within his robes, offering it to staunch the bleeding. "Don't worry, Green. With these religious types around there's bound to be some first-rate pharmaceuticals, or a little dressed-up magickery to heal you."

Radley sits back and watches his allies heading downstream. He shakes his head and gives a short chuckle. "Thing is, for all we know it can be reversed. Well... not reversed exactly. Fixed at least. Somewhere out there, in some little town not unlike the one we left behind, are a whole bunch of nobles just praying to their invisible gods that they don't have to be the fall guys for this. Hell, some of 'em might even feel familial love toward the poor bastard. You can call it greed, but I'm here to serve the crown and make piles of money doing it."

There's a moment of silence before he adds, with surprising affection, "And, you know, the guy was actually a damned good king."

Kuma Da
2008-09-17, 09:37 PM
The Green Man

"Sure. Maybe. I guess. As far as kings go, there's been worse. But he's none of that any more." He pauses. "I don't make a habit of head-shrinking my clients. What's in their mind is supposed to be their concern. But it sounds like you've got some illusions about the way things are here. This is not the kingdom you knew. Not any more. If we're very, very lucky, we'll kick out the thing that's taken control, and a little bit of peace will return. If not, we'll salvage as much of your business as we can and book it out of here. But if you think that that there's a neat little knot of rulers that we can fit back into the palace, you're deluding yourself. They're either dead, or hiding, or corrupted--like Corvina. And, in that last case, killing him would be a mercy. Imagine coming back to your senses and finding that you've supervised the slaughter of an entire kingdom of innocents? If we find a way to save him, he'll probably just go crazy once the gravity of what he's done sets in."

"Look, boss. It's not even past noon and it's already been a long day. I don't mean to snap, but both of our fortunes are riding on this. I would rather you didn't dash them both in a fit of idealism. That never pays out."

2008-09-18, 08:37 AM
"You sure have a lot of opinions for a bodyguard," Radley laughs. "Ah, well. Most of them are dead or corrupted, but it's the hiding ones we need to think about. An aristocrat in hiding is a wonderful man to serve. If we can find a way to return their cousin to them, whether or not he likes it or how sane he stays isn't our concern. Anyway it looks like he's escaped for now and, you're right, it has been a long day. Let's see if there's any sign of our holy friend."

((Radley will attempt to search the area where they found Corvina, looking for any sign of Absalom's corpse or tracks.

Search: [roll0]


2008-09-18, 02:07 PM
Colour rushes back to Temun’s face with the radiant smile that nearly reaches each ear. There’s a broken light in his eyes and it’s hard to tell whether he wants to tell you he feels happy, or sad. His sibilant voice leans you against a soft bed. You needn’t worry about that anymore.

“You’re a nice man, Amos.” A tricky smirk, knowing, wondering, “Don’t you understand?”
Temun’s tiny hand reaches for the light, as soon as he touches it he shudders, and arches his back in a distinctly non-masculine way. The boy’s body flops into your arms; it almost feels like you can hear flighty laughter near the tree, finally happy. It feels more welcoming, it feels peaceful. A weight you hadn’t noticed before fades from your shoulders. For an instant you think.

That was a good decision. You feel uneasy when you look at the tree, maybe you should... Virtue was for everyone - no exceptions.

Wily Water
Fortune was capricious sometimes; Matthias’s skills always served him well. He jogged the length of the river with Forge at his side eventually. Harin’s searing holies made the water sizzle earlier. Obviously he hadn’t hit anything, Matthias otherwise wouldn’t have bothered with the search. There were no tracks no matter how far he travelled. Swimming in the rapids might have left impressions on the soil bed – he hadn’t even found those. And he knew, he knew, how easily he should have found things like that. With Harin unable to see anything from the sky and Forge never catching any scents…

The King probably hadn't gone this way.

Fades Away
Harin’s spell passed through the water like it was air. The cleaning flames made their mark and the disgusting smell of something rotten vanished. There was nothing after that. Not a trace.

2008-09-18, 02:17 PM

"DAMMIT TO HELL" Harin roared in perfect Draconic, his prefered language for expressing anger and frustration.

Turning in the air Harin glided back towards where he had left the rest of the group. Landing beside the scorched circle he folded his wings back and with his head down he simply said "I was unable to defeat the thing, it got away. I am sorry". He then stood away from them, silent.

Anyone need healing? I don't know if the wall hurt anyone.

2008-09-18, 02:37 PM

"Don't feel too bad. He was obviously here to taunt us."

((The wall shouldn't have hurt anyone - it was meant to encircle us safely and it was dismissed before anyone gave chase.))

Kuma Da
2008-09-18, 03:44 PM
The Green Man

"Stings a lot. For a taunt, I mean." The bugbear takes his paw off of his wound, revealing it for a moment. "Does anyone want to help me with this? I could probably manage on my own, given a needle and thread, but that hurts a tad bit more than, y'know, mana from heaven."

2008-09-18, 03:47 PM
Cure Serious Wounds Spell Like ability: [roll0]

2008-09-18, 03:49 PM
Cure Moderate Wounds: [roll0]
Just to finish it off (hopefully). Who knows when we'll get a chance to sleep.

2008-09-18, 04:45 PM
"Once you're patched up I have a tough question for you," Radley announces to the others. "I think I can use my divination to locate his Majesty's royal personage. But, he didn't seem to take Absalom with him. So who do you want to look for?"

2008-09-18, 05:53 PM

Silent up to this point, including stoicly quiet when Corvina slipped away, Matthias speaks up.

"Depends on which undead you want to kill. Either one is fine with me."

Forge stalks back and forth, still confused over the loss of scent, and finally settles down and begins scratching while the humanoids talk.

2008-09-18, 06:17 PM

Adun seems preoccupied listening to voices none can hear, whispering words of wisdom and thanks for his valiant efforts. It warms his heart to hear their encouragement and tales of what had once been their lives. He probably won't notice the others unless they walk off or poke at him directly.

Removing 2 Essentia from Sapphire Sprint, my one change for that feat today.

Essentia:17 (-4 for Feats) (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 3, +1 for bold
[5] Armguards of Disruption: Disrupt Undead. Touch attack to deal 1d6+Ed6 damage. [Incarnum Focus grants +1 capacity]
: Insight to AC and Saves equal to E against Undead
[3] Diadem of Purelight: 20+10Eft radius bright illumination, shadowy double. +2 to Spot within any light. Counted as spell level of E for purposes of interacting with magical Darkness.
[Bound]: Negate less than Total Concealment in Bright illumination. Includes spells. Excludes Invisibility.
[0] Dissolving Spittle: 1d6+Ed6 acid damage at 30ft ranged touch.
[3] Pauldrons of Health: Immune to Disease, Sickened, Nauseated. +E enhancement to Fort saves.
[Bound]: Immunity to Energy Drain
[2] StrongHeart Vest: Reduce Ability Damage by 1+E
[0] Vitality Belt: +4 Morale on Con checks and Con based skill checks, but not Fortitude Saves. Gain one hit point per meldshaper level for each Essentia invested. (+10E HP) These are not temporary. Removing these Hit Points can stagger, render unconscious, or even kill Adun.

[B]Feats: Capacity: 2 (change E only once per 24hrs)
[0] Cerulean Will: Insight to Will equal to E
[2] Healing Soul: E/day heal 2Ehp as swift
[2] Midnight Dodge: Dodge for +E to AC
[0] Sapphire Sprint: Add 5Eft to speed. Retain Dex to AC while running. Add E insight to AC when leaving a threatened square.

Kuma Da
2008-09-18, 09:06 PM
The Green Man

"If you're not particular, boss, I recommend that we let Amos know exactly what we've seen. Give him fair warning. We don't need another corpsified companion wandering the wilderness."

2008-09-18, 09:17 PM

"My preference is to seek the king," Radley responds, "If only because we've lost Absalom's tracks. But you're right. Foolish as he is, the minstrel deserves better. Harin, would you be up for delivering a message?"

2008-09-18, 09:20 PM
Amos stood firm, putting up his shield, forcing his unease out his mind. He was doing what was right, damn it, and he would not stop now... especially not if doing the right thing meant getting even a sliver of understanding, some tiny, infinitesimal inkling of the Music. With a few strides, he stood before the tree, and drawing his sword, he sank the steel into the ground before him, his muscles no longer so weary. Kneeling, he lifted his gaze to the tree, and sang out in Sylvan, hoping to touch the spirit of the dryad, that he might discern if what had saved Temun would save her also.

Err, I'm not entirely sure that I understand what just happened with Temun, but we'll go with it. I'm not using any bardic music, just singing normally in Sylvan. If a Perform check is necessary, it follows.

[roll0] (Bloody Charisma penalty! :smallfurious:)

2008-09-19, 01:44 AM

"Aye, I'll deliver your message. I spent a century as a courier, its no problem". His voice is low and monotone. "But if that fool plans to stay with his tree, I can't promise he'll listen".

He listened to Radley's message and without another word he spread his wings and flew back towards where they had left Amos.

Whilst in the air he will cast his Protection From Evil Spell-Like Ability.

2008-09-19, 08:56 AM
((Wow K-B, nice of you to do that.))

Radley literally rolls up his sleeves as he kneels down and takes a moment to concentrate. He seems to be distracted, though, and looks back up at his companions.

"I don't know if I'll find him or not, but if I do... please, please try to take him, well, 'alive' so to speak. All of you are skilled in the arts of war and there are many ways to subdue an opponent. At the very least let's try to get information out of him. We can always destroy him afterward, but let's at least try. Please?"

((OoC: Anyone can deal nonlethal damage with any weapon by taking a -4 on attacks.))

2008-09-19, 12:04 PM

Undead, constructs, and a few other things are immune to nonlethal damage - attempting to subdue a magic-based undead creature (Such as Corvina) without killing it is extremely difficult and often requires durable restraints or specialized magic. (Monster Manual Page 317) While this is metagame knowledge, I think it's something that Matthias would probably know after a decade of undead hunting, and he'll happily inform the rest of the party.


"You've got to be kidding me. There's no trace of the original king left in that thing's body now. And how do you propose to restrain a dead man who can disappear from the middle of all of us and evade our best trackers? You can't beat them senseless, drug them, or stun them like you could a human or an animal. Getting information out of him is also a wasted effort - you can't charm them or dominate them, they aren't affected by most illusions, so they're hard to trick, and you can't even torture them for information because they don't feel pain the way you or I do. There are alot of things that don't affect the undead at all. I suggest we use full firepower the next time we encounter him. I'm surprised your bodyguard didn't warn you off of this."

I know that the Green Man did disagree with Radley's request to keep Corvina alive, but Matthias was (I think - correct me if I'm wrong) tracking Corvina at the time, so he may not have heard it.

2008-09-19, 12:12 PM

"Invisible isn't so hard to beat. Let's make a net. We can try at least - if he breaks the net then we kill him. He's our damn king, we owe him that much!"

2008-09-19, 12:16 PM

"I think you're missing the point. He is not your king. You owe him nothing. Your king is very, very dead and if you ever want to see him again, it will have to be after he's been raised from the dead - which is, if I remember correctly, something that can only be done after an undead version of a person is destroyed."

Matthias's voice grows hoarser as he talks. He considers for a moment, and then adds:

"And if his trick was just invisibility I could have followed him. He's got a better understanding of magic than you give him credit for - or else his new form gave him some frightening new powers. And, I mean, a net? As far as I can tell he just entered and exited a river without getting wet or touching anything. He didn't even leave a scent - something most undead don't understand and can't hide."

2008-09-19, 01:36 PM
"If you're right, one cast of the net will prove me wrong. Then you'll get no further argument from me. I'll even sap his strength first. All I need is one try."

2008-09-19, 02:21 PM

He isn't listening to a word I'm saying...

"Fine. Where do you propose to get a net? I came equipped for hunting, not fishing, and making one takes time."

2008-09-19, 02:55 PM
The merchant shrugs. "Then we better work fast. Green, do you have rope?"

((This is likely to be my last post before I leave. Radley will try to make a net if anyone will give him rope and if no one will stop him. Any help would be great.

Faithdreamer, I'll try to locate the undead dude whenever the team is ready and we can go from there.

Feel free to roll for me guys!))

Kuma Da
2008-09-22, 01:02 AM
The Green Man...

...growls assent the moment Matthias starts to argue with Radley. "Listen to the man. He's been dealing with these things far longer than either of us have, and he's still alive. That's very, very noteworthy. A net is not going to capture something like Corvina. At the very least, he's going to shred his way through it and keep coming at us. Or, if we're slightly unlucky, he'll turn it all into snakes, throw it back, and bury one of us under a pile of pit vipers.

Maybe you feel some loyalty to the man. I don't--he's never done anything for me and I don't know him personally--but if you do, you're better off burying that emotion. Put it down as deep as it'll go, and only scrape the earth back off of it when Corvina's dead. The thing that's wearing his skin is a threat to both of us, and it cannot be reasoned with."

Having finished his piece, The Green Man steps back to regard Matthias with grudging respect.

Still crazy, but if he keeps my employer alive, I'm not gonna complain.

2008-09-22, 02:32 AM

After several minutes he spotted the tree were they had "camped" the night before. Setting down a good few feet away he waited for a moment before announcing himself, listening to his song.

(Assuming Amos doesn't acknowledge him)"Master bard, I hope that you have fared better than us. We are grouped less than a mile from here and are deciding on our next move. Will you be joining us?"

2008-09-29, 04:10 PM

Radley glowers at Green. "You're the worst employee I've ever not fired. It's a good thing you're handy as a bodyguard." He shakes his head. "Though the lack of other applicants helps you, too." He chortles and resumes his seat, looking around at the others. "I see I'm outmanned. So what's the plan?"

Kuma Da
2008-09-29, 08:27 PM
The Green Man...

...chuckles. "Okay, maybe I'm hardly ever hired for my interpersonal skills. But the contract I signed clearly stated that it was my job to keep you alive for the duration of your business venture. I'm gonna stick to that, even if it means bodily carrying you away from harm."

2008-09-30, 03:19 PM
Hanging Tree
His voice goes unanswered, his song is the only warmth to fill the creaky tree, and it seems the Dryad is well on her way to some place beyond material. A lingering sense of foreign creeps at the edge of Amos’s senses. Like something’s hiding because it didn’t understand the small, insignificant thing standing near its feet; should it be afraid because it was small or laugh at its presumptions and devour it? What was this new creature called Amos? Would the sound of its voice drive this Amos creature to madness?

Some things are better left alone… Bards were known for their daring.

Radley From your reconnaissance, earlier you learned that King Corvina hadn’t really gone very far in overland distance terms. Beneath the river you managed to locate an entrance through a large tunnel that led to an underground cavern. From the impressions you noticed were in the dirt, Corvina had gone there.Prudence
There were a few options left. Naturally you may continue down the road and altogether ignore the King’s bait. That would be the sensible choice, it meant giving up Absalom Stormcaller if you didn’t mind that on your conscience; be your own guest. The cave was probably dangerous, a trap or so you would be wise to believe.

2008-09-30, 04:33 PM
Amos stood, sword in hand, but held low, un-threateningly. He spoke, calmly and without uncertainty. He would face whatever this was as he had faced Temun, and other trials in his time.

Quietly at first, then growing in volume once more, Amos continued to sing in Sylvan, the oldest language he knew... the oldest language anyone he had spoken with knew. Reaching out toward the tree with his free hand, Amos paused, holding one powerful note a few seconds longer, giving himself that much more courage... and then his palm pressed against the bark of the tree.

2008-09-30, 07:58 PM

The strange man has resorted to playing with marbles as he awaits some form of action from the others. He knows something must be done but no longer does he trust his own judgment as fatigue and so many voices are beginning to instill the seeds of doubt. He had been unable to reshape his thoughts and calm the many souls in the morning and as such he was a bit... muddled.

2008-09-30, 09:31 PM
Since no answer is forthcoming, Radley sets about casting his divination spell and reports to the others.

"It looks like our king has a hidey-hole about... he seems to be underground near the river. Maybe under the river itself."

If the others are interested, he will show them the direction from which he can sense the crown, which is the object of his spell.

2008-10-01, 12:06 AM

"That's even worse then." Matthias begins pacing impatiently. "Not only does he have all the normal advantages, he's gone somewhere where we can't breathe."

"And," Matthias grins - not a pretty sight, "You can't throw a net underwater. We should get going towards Calamar."

2008-10-01, 08:30 AM

"He's wounded now, and we know where he is."

Kuma Da
2008-10-01, 11:18 AM
The Green Man

"Good. That'll make it harder for him to follow us. Barring some storm of unexpected dead-king magic, at least."

2008-10-01, 12:17 PM

Radley is beginning to look very irritated.

He shakes his head. "Bah, and one of our own might be down there with him. I'm going to investigate. Green, if you want to protect me while I do my job, come on. Otherwise you're free to stay with the others."

He begins walking in the direction from which he senses the king, looking for any kind of opening as he goes.

faithdreamer only:

Once away from the others I will discreetly cast Message, pointing my finger toward Calvin while making some other gesture (like adjusting my robes) and whispering so low it's barely audible even to me. "Go in with me. I'll distract him while you get the ring. When you get it, fly out of there. I'll finish him if I have to or run if I need to."

Kuma Da
2008-10-01, 02:33 PM
The Green Man...

...grumbles, but he follows anyways. There isn't much else he can do.

2008-10-03, 03:56 AM

Radley takes his time; the Green Man is beside him for all of it. Whether the others followed or not the pair squeezed through the underwater hole with little trouble. They searched through the darkness, stabbing handholds in the slippery rock. At first it was dark – no problem for an undead – then Radkey sparked an arcane light.

It was little more than a small hole. Curled up and hugging himself, the King regards them both with mild interest. Sir Absalom is curled up against the wall, eyes closed, his pallid skin a deathly sign. His body shudders for just an instant, dried red blood on his clothes but he was still – the smell in the room got worse.

“My traitorous Knight deserves this burial, I wondered why you wanted to share our grave.” King Corvina’s voice was tired.Roll Fortitude saves.

2008-10-03, 04:10 AM

Adun has followed along behind, still playing with his bag of marbles.

Fortitude Save: [roll0] +5 if the source is undead. I have various immunities and resistances that may or may not apply.

Essentia:17 (-4 for Feats) (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 3, +1 for bold
[5] Armguards of Disruption: Disrupt Undead. Touch attack to deal 1d6+Ed6 damage. [Incarnum Focus grants +1 capacity]
: Insight to AC and Saves equal to E against Undead
[3] Diadem of Purelight: 20+10Eft radius bright illumination, shadowy double. +2 to Spot within any light. Counted as spell level of E for purposes of interacting with magical Darkness.
[Bound]: Negate less than Total Concealment in Bright illumination. Includes spells. Excludes Invisibility.
[0] Dissolving Spittle: 1d6+Ed6 acid damage at 30ft ranged touch.
[3] Pauldrons of Health: Immune to Disease, Sickened, Nauseated. +E enhancement to Fort saves.
[Bound]: Immunity to Energy Drain
[2] StrongHeart Vest: Reduce Ability Damage by 1+E
[0] Vitality Belt: +4 Morale on Con checks and Con based skill checks, but not Fortitude Saves. Gain one hit point per meldshaper level for each Essentia invested. (+10E HP) These are not temporary. Removing these Hit Points can stagger, render unconscious, or even kill Adun.

[B]Feats: Capacity: 2 (change E only once per 24hrs)
[0] Cerulean Will: Insight to Will equal to E
[2] Healing Soul: E/day heal 2Ehp as swift
[2] Midnight Dodge: Dodge for +E to AC
[0] Sapphire Sprint: Add 5Eft to speed. Retain Dex to AC while running. Add E insight to AC when leaving a threatened square.

2008-10-03, 09:36 AM

((The king is curled up in a fetal position? And tired? And sentient? Score!))


"Your majesty!" Radley exclaims when he sees the man. He immediately falls to one knee, executing a well-formed courtly bow with surprising grace given his girth, and suppresses a grimace at Stormcaller's corpse. "Majesty, please forgive us. We thought your mind had been destroyed in the attack..."

Now let's see if these few understand asking questions first...

2008-10-03, 06:13 PM
Rags You’ve passed the Fortitude save without trouble. He waits for everyone to assemble in a ‘proper’ arrangement before he speaks. With old man Raker waiting outside on guard they might have time for conversation; the problem lay in the smell and how long Radley’s perfumed rag would last him. Corvina tilted his head, listening.

Corvina doesn’t laugh at his own wit, his tone is… very grave. His conclusion isn’t entirely a mockery or a question. “I look lively to you, do I? I’m not dead.
“This isn’t the afterlife for a dirty King. My brothers, my Golden Knights, tried to murder me this morn. I thought this must be hell; I butchered every man like a pig and listened to every cowardly squeal. I took pride in my feminine looks. Women loved how handsome they made me. Now I only see bones charred black. I feel the pain but cannot remember how to cry. Tell, this is illusion..?”

He looks at all three faces arranged in his little den waiting for a good answer. He lingers on Egan Radley longest.

The Hanging TreeBetter pass a Fortitude save (DC 22) and a (DC 24) Will save or something really bad will happen. I warned you, Amos Bard. His mind is too quiet even for his own self for a heartbeat. Then he could see. Something large, something hideous or beautiful or some word he didn’t know. So large and infinitely tiny, so many eyes but they were all mouths, talking in his head and all around him. Cold, heat, smooth but full of rough everywhere that scratched jagged wounds in his body but left Amos unblemished – it spoke in every language he knew all at once and countless thousands he’d never known were possible. All the sounds blended together, all the sounds were separate. Everything echoed and died the minute it got ‘off the tongue’.


Amos was deafened, unable to hear, even then he could hear far too well. His spine felt like it was growing eyes and tearing itself out through his skin, his nerves felt too sensitive to feel his own bones. His BLOOD pooling everywhere inside him, he could feel it running across his body but his flesh was not bleeding-

It won’t help. SCREAM. Jade Empire Soundtrack - The Waterdragon

2008-10-03, 06:29 PM

"Majesty, I'm so sorry," breathes Egan. "I-- I'd offer to restore your splendour with magic, but I haven't what I need for it. How can we serve you, Sire?"

[roll0] ((I'd like to figure out if he really is the victim here or if he has become evil-hearted))

[roll1] so would C

2008-10-03, 06:44 PM
Radley There isn’t any kind of feeling you’re getting that tells you Corvina is being duplicitous. At least for now, the words he’s said can be trusted. To you they make sense. Killing a dead man, sharing a grave, digging your own grave, waking up in hell… it would look like that. You’d heard about how the Golden Knights went for Darvis and ended up dead to the last. If things were just right…“My Knights did not lose their pride. What fell to my sword, not a craven dead thing, are my chamber staff fallen to my fright?”

King Corvina holds one hand aloft. “Where is my old friend Darvis?”

2008-10-03, 08:16 PM
"Majesty, there are sad tidings of him. I do not know if it was of his own will, but in recent days he... he became a lich."

Radley pauses a moment to let it sink in, then goes on.

"Monsters credited to him are razing towns and farmland. Walking corpses... the capitol has fallen."

He motions to his companions. "As the common people fled, these men beside me planned a sortie to return the the capitol and try to restore law. We weren't sure if you still lived. Rumours abound."

He hangs his head. "Majesty, I have never been a virtuous man. I think often of myself. But the years of your reign have been kinder to me than any in my life. Your peace brought me the success I craved, and success for many others as well. Lord, give your orders and I will fight for you."

Kuma Da
2008-10-04, 02:24 AM
The Green Man

Fort save:[roll0]+11

Green's fur practically stands on end. It looks all glossy and electric, like the fur of a cat in a fight. Still, he stands silently by while Radley talks. Challenging him now is pointless, and might just alienate the man further, but what he's doing is indisputably dangerous; treating the fallen king as if he still has some control over himself.

The Green Man keeps his paws low, right by the handles of his hatchets.

2008-10-04, 09:32 PM
It's physically impossible for Amos to succeed the Fortitude save. His save, with modifiers, is rolled at a +1. The Will save... is unlikely. I don't feel so good, all of a sudden... is this the sinking pain of defeat?

Fortitude save: [roll0]
Will Save: [roll1]

If you'll take a new character, lemme know. :smallfrown:


...I passed the Will save... and did it using the Will save modifier for Robilard Dunland, my other bard. If you want me to re-roll my Fortitude save, I can, or you can just add 2 to the result rolled here; Amos' Fortitude save, Con penalty considered, is only +3.

2008-10-05, 04:47 PM

I went on a band trip recently and remembered to let every game I was involved with know - except this one.

Sorry for the hiatus, and I don't mind that Raker's actions were DM-determined. I'll stand on guard.

By the way, if Amos does scream I have a good chance of hearing it - Matthias has a good listen check and Forge has an ok one, even with a mediocre wisdom modifier and he might hear Amos, since he's outside - If I read things correctly.

2008-10-06, 09:38 AM
Amos is in fact not screaming, unless Faithdreamer says that he IS and I have no choice in the matter. *I* still have a feeling that the Fort save was against instant death, so, it's probably unnecessary...