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View Full Version : Zombie Survival: The RPG

2008-08-08, 03:48 PM
I'm starting work on a homebrew game based around living through various levels of Zombie outbreaks. It will be influenced mainly by the works of Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z. I will be drawing from various other zombie fiction, but these will be the "primary resources". I'm developing it right now, and will be posting full rules in the following posts. I'd like critique, since I haven't actually finished a full homebrew game yet. I am also looking for suggestions by people familiar with the books.

It will be designed for parties of about 8-10 people, but I intend to make it work regardless of number, because focus will not be on killing zombies but surviving the attacks. A group of 4 can outrun 20 zombies easier than a group of 15, but 15 can actually hold back that zombie group if well equipped. Character creation, as well as combat, is intended to be simple. This is because I intend for players to die. To simulate the almost futile feel the survivors in World War Z talk about, I want the threat of death to be a constant fear for players. With that said, I don't want them to feel terribly hurt after losing a 1st level character that took them an hour to make.

I'll be posting further rules shortly, as Im making this post at work.

Also: d10s.

2008-08-08, 03:49 PM
Character Creation

Each character has 3 stats: Skills, Traits, and Career.

Career: What you were before you became a zombie survivor. Your career choice gives you one career trait unique to your career, 2-3 skill points, and 1-3 pieces of equipment.

Traits: Defining characteristics. You get one trait in addition to your career trait at character creation. You can take one flaw to gain an additional trait.

Skills: Trained or natural talent needed to survive a zombie attack. You start with a certain number of trained skills according to your class. Skills will be further explained later.


Everytime you survive a zombie attack, you become more of a zombie fighting veteran. You gain a survival point which can be spent on:
- 1 trait
You may gain any one trait you qualify for.
- 3 skill points
This may be spent on either training or skill points
- 1/2 of training a new career skill
Two survival points may be spent to mentor from a fellow survivor and learn his career skill. You must state that you are beginning training when you gain the first survival skill if they are not gained from the same encounter. You must be around the mentor until you gain the second point.

2008-08-08, 04:14 PM
Reserved for Game info

2008-08-08, 09:14 PM
((Got an example, one for each. Will fill in more later. I have skill list done, just not posted.))


{table=head]Career|Career Trait|Skills|Starting Equipment
Cop|Advanced Pistol Training|SKILL FILL|Pistol, 2 reloads (Clip or speedloader)
Adv. Pistol Training: Pick either Revolver or Pistol. You gain +1 atk and can take a hustle action while reloading.



Your ability to keep going when your tired, and how much punishment you can take out of your comfort zone.
Level 1: Allows you to make a check to resist fire damage from exposure.
Level 3: Gives you +5 hitpoints
Level 5:


{table=head]Trait Name |Requirement|Benefit
In-shape |Trained Endurance 2| Avoid having to make Athletics check to run until 5 rounds of running.
Traditional Ballistic Practice|Must have access to a weapon of this type|No penalty to attack with Crossbows, Bows, and Slingshots
Packmule|Trained Endurance 1|Can carry 5 more units of encumbrance

2008-08-09, 09:49 PM
I like it.

The career thing sort of reminds me of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Also, I am a fan of zombies.

2008-08-10, 12:52 AM
I like it.

The career thing sort of reminds me of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Also, I am a fan of zombies.

Good. Since the career was somewhat influenced by it. A little of 3.5 DnD and 4th, some WFR, and a bit of what I've heard of Vamp.

Still gonna add more. Weekends busy.

Also, Ill be running a number of games of this on these boards. Look here when its more finished for info.

Mr Pants
2008-08-10, 02:17 AM
Have you heard of an rpg called Unhallowed Metropolis? It's set in post apocalyptic London after outbreaks of zombies, vampires, and thropes that occurred in 1905 and all advancement over the next 200 years has been in weapons and reanimation. Anyway you might want to check it out if this genre appeals to you.

Edit: And its based on a 2d10 system :smallwink:

2008-08-10, 09:29 AM
I'd like to point out a game that I've been using for my zombie survival stuff. It's simple, and it can be used for just about any type of zombie setting. If you want people to feel threatened by zombies, make people weaker and zombies stronger. If you want them to slaughter thousands of normal zombies and only worry about the 14 story tall gorilla zombie, then I guess you could do that too if you really wanted. It's called All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Here's the website.

2008-08-10, 09:32 AM
I'm interested. :3

2008-08-10, 09:36 AM
I was BORN interested in that, but unfortuantely i could never find a good copy ANYWHERE.

Zeta Kai
2008-08-10, 04:10 PM
If you need help, you should check out my Resident Evil D20 (see signature). There are about 160 monsters fully statted out, most of which are undead. Good luck.

2008-08-13, 03:54 AM
Bump. Are you going to add more?

2008-08-13, 04:49 PM
I'd like to point out a game that I've been using for my zombie survival stuff. It's simple, and it can be used for just about any type of zombie setting. If you want people to feel threatened by zombies, make people weaker and zombies stronger. If you want them to slaughter thousands of normal zombies and only worry about the 14 story tall gorilla zombie, then I guess you could do that too if you really wanted. It's called All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Here's the website.

I second AFMBE. Great stuff and hilarious source books.