View Full Version : Bastion of Broken Souls [IC]

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-10, 12:35 AM
The sun shines brightly over the city of Kelbion, capital of the kingdom of Gevedion. Housing over 27,000 citizens, Kelbion is a port city that lies on the intersection of several major trade routes. It is ruled by the fair hand of King Armand Kingsley, and protected by the Gevedion Royal Navy, the main aquatic force of the kingdom. Here, you can find anything that you might be looking, as long as you're willing to search hard enough.

You are a band of mighty adventurers, and have proven yourselves not only to the world around you, but to each other as well; having traveled many a road together.

You have been in the capital for a week now. The king, having heard the tales of your exploits, has asked for your help concerning a problem inflicting the city, and a great part of the world as well. Lately, a sickness has begun to effect newborns. One that, through investigation, has caused them to come into the world listless and limp, almost seeming to lack some vital spark. Investigation by the kingdom's mages has turned up that the children are soulless, and their number is growing.

It has been a few days since you have been asked to take up the investigation, and so far, you have uncovered nothing. Divinations are alarmingly mute on these topics, and the gods refuse to say anything on the matter.

Slightly frustrated, you have taken refuge at what the citizens say is the finest establishment in the city: The Halfway Inn.

As you make your first posts, be sure to throw in a Int check too.

2008-08-10, 12:55 AM
Vedin the Grey sits in a dark corner by himself, he does all he can without magic to make him as invisible as possible. At the table beside him is a black wolf that seems like it's seen better days, making strange noises as Vedin dangles a piece of meat over him, the wolf never quite reaching it as he pulls it out from his grasp. A fearful bar wench walks over and puts another bottle of wine on his table, his third tonight but he doesn't seem anymore inebriated than he would without a sip of it. He ignores her as she walks away quickly.
"Unfortunate about our former party, isn't it Ikkor?" He says quietly to his wolf with a small smirk on his face.
"It was almost art... I feel that way at least. Impossible for that to have gone off any better." He snickers as his wolf finally catches the meat and rips away at it on the floor.
Krimm, so I can track this thread with my name.
Int: [roll0]

2008-08-10, 01:28 AM

Aedras sits not far away, looking about the inn at the many colorful people littering the room. He seemed extremely interested IN them, but never showed any interest in talking TO them. Right now though he was scanning the patrons for any sign of a serving woman, "It seems that whatever force is masking the cause of these strange births is keeping me from getting my drink!"

2008-08-10, 02:52 PM

Int Check [roll0]

Lothar is dancing with a couple of local girls, his multi-coloured cloak swirling in an almost hypnotic pattern as the bard plays on his fiddle. As the song ends, he kisses them both on the hand before returning to his seat, producing a bottle of wine and several glasses with a flourish.

"My apologies Aedras, for distracting the staff, but I have not danced in some time."

2008-08-10, 03:21 PM
Not sure why it didn't work, but I'll roll the int check again

"Quite alright, There is always more time to drink" he replies, taking a glass and pouring himself some wine.

The Demented One
2008-08-10, 04:47 PM
"...and just as the half-demon brought his greatsword down on me, inches away from beheading me, I through a handful of caltrops in his eyes, blinding him! Now, he'd already knocked my sword away, but the fiend was covered in belts and buckles, and it was child's play to draw one, and slip it between his ribs!" Edmund says to his appreciative audience, miming out the battle. A few local boys and one of the barmaids sit around him in a vague semicircle, listening to his story.

"But then, the half-fiend's father came back. But luckily for me, old Vedin - that's him in the corner - finally figures out what the scroll we found in the catacombs did, and managed to cast it. Now, at first it looks like he's botched it, misread the spell, but then I hear this swishing sound, like wind. I like it - and right above the demon, there's a glacier, size of a house, and it comes down, batters him to a pulp!" He grins and sips from his mug as the youth at his feet respond with appropriate awe.

After a few minutes more, he breaks away from his audience, and snags a bowl of nuts from the counter. He places them on Vedin's table, and takes a seat by him, silently.


Int check

2008-08-10, 08:53 PM
Vedin watches him as he sits down, having watched him since he heard his own name over the crowd of people in here. He seems to lurch over his glass, using his left hand to finger the rim of it, his gauntlet off as not to cut the glass up. "You recognized me so quickly, I see." He takes another sip from the glass. "It's been years, Edmund. Last I saw you I was being held by the neck by Kazraxu... That was his name, since then we've become slightly more acquainted." He looks to the side, his light grey eyes penetrate the darkness of this corner as if there's a light behind it.

The Demented One
2008-08-10, 09:20 PM
"I...I see." says Edmund, somewhat uncomfortable. "Only you would manage to come out of Hell holding a demon's leash. All this while we've been back together, and I suppose I've never asked how you managed it." Edmund drums his fingers on the sheathe of his sword, an odd blade, too thin to be a proper longsword, but not at all the right shape for a rapier. He takes a nut and begins to chew absentmindedly at it, tearing away the skin with his teeth.

2008-08-10, 09:25 PM
"As you know... you can't fall into the Abyss and escape unscathed. I left two things..." He lifts his right arm onto the table and holds up two claws, the very aura of the arm is unnerving... "The first..." he grins, "is obvious. But the second may or may not be, you can't leave the Abyss without giving them something they want. They want meat... and they want souls." With both things he lowers one of his fingers until he has his claw in a twisted looking fist. He then smiles again.

The Demented One
2008-08-10, 09:38 PM
Edmund struggles for words, taking a moment to sip from his mug before speaking. "But in the end, we both made it out, completed the quest. I was sent to Arborea before the demon could finish me, not of my own choice, of course. Learned a few things from the eladrin. I 'spect the next Balor we cross paths with might find itself in quite a different situation." He grins, and nudges at Vedin's shoulder.

2008-08-10, 09:47 PM
"I assure you Mr. Whitechapel, the next balor we meet will be fully under my control." His eyes widen for a split second when he says 'fully'.

The Demented One
2008-08-10, 09:57 PM
"Let's hope so, then. A shame if it were to be one come calling for your soul, Vedin." Edmund says, with a hint of harshness. "I think one soul rescued from the depths of the Abyss is more than enough for me."

2008-08-11, 11:25 AM
Zhang Zhi

The monk sat at a table, not in the corner, nor in the center of attention... merely there. Unlike many orders, his own had no prohibition against the consumption of alcohol. His bald head shone in the candlelight, his simple black gi, tied together with a belt of rough hempen rope could not hide the wisdom and power in the man's eyes - though he was old, his body was hard as oak, his movements quick and sure as he popped a peppermint from a small paper bag into his mouth. Despite his apparent age, his teeth were not only all there, but startlingly white. His mouth opened wide as he gave a soft laughter.

Ah... but Edmund, the demon would have to find his soul first. Not an easy task, I think.

2008-08-13, 02:36 AM
"I don't know if you noticed, but it seems someone is watching us...magical sensor" says Aedras, trying to only be loud enough to be heard by Lothar.

2008-08-13, 04:10 AM

Lothar smiles and nods. He raises a glass to his lips and whispers


Spell List

Spell Turning & Resurrection

Anti-Magic Field, Word of Recall, Heal, Wind Walk & Find the Path

Spell Resist, True Seeing, Planeshift, Commune, Break Enchantment

Death Ward, Status, Greater Magic Weapon, Freedom of Movement, Dimensional Anchor, Tongues

Dispel Magic, Speak with Dead, Magic Vestment, Locate Object, Magic Circle vs Evil, Remove Curse

ID, Shield Other, Bull's Strength, Consecrate, Delay Poison, Endurance, Silence, Remove Paralysis

Nystul, Comp. Languages, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Divine Favour, Invisibility to Undead, Deathwatch, Endure Elements

2008-08-13, 03:58 PM
Yes...I will have some wine He pulls the bottle closer, pouring another glass and whispering "If you can, go ahead, best if you can find out who's behind it first though", setting the bottle back down.

2008-08-13, 04:50 PM
The heavily tattooed demonologist turns his piercing gaze to the monk but maintains a smirk, even if his eyes look like they feel not but contempt. "...A master of comedy, Zhi." He finishes off another half a glass in one gulp.
"Excuse me, Edmund." He stands up and walks to the water-closet, past Aedras with his wolf in toe.

2008-08-13, 04:56 PM
Zhang Zhi

Zhang Zhi smiled enigmatically at the daemonologist as he walked passed, chuckling as he sipped from his cup. Not comedy... merely an observation on the way of things.

2008-08-13, 06:23 PM

Lothar stares out into the middle distance, focusing on the magical sensor, searching for clues as to it's origin.

Spellcraft [roll0]
Know: Arcana [roll1]

The Demented One
2008-08-13, 06:26 PM

Edmund turns to the monk beside him, with a slight look of concern. "Tell me, Master Zhi, what are your thoughts on Vedin? I knew him before, but he was not like this...certainly a dark character, but he was not as...transfigured as he is now. Do you think I would be mistaken to put my trust in my old friend?"

2008-08-13, 06:56 PM
Zhang Zhi

Zhang still smiled, but his eyes slowly closed, his face taking on a meditative look. He silently popped a candy into his mouth from the brown paper bag he held. After another few moments of silence, he spoke, his voice low enough that it would not be overheard.

That you ask the question at all reveals your own misgivings. I am not one to judge another's Path, but his is strewn with darkness, false promises and broken souls. Little good comes of such a road, and I fear for him.

The Demented One
2008-08-13, 07:10 PM

Edmund munches on a few nuts, laughing quietly. "For what's it's worth, his path did include getting thrown into the pits of the Abyss by a demon lord while attempting to rescue the soul of a saint from eternal imprisonment. His darkness was...not chosen. Although I must say, I can't fully give my faith to a man who takes a wolf with him to the chamber pots...honestly, that's a shade disturbing." He gives a hearty laugh, hoping he spoke loud enough for the mage to hear.

2008-08-13, 08:24 PM
Zhang Zhi

The monk shrugged his slim shoulder slightly I did not say it was his fault... I was merely observing on the Path that he is walking. I hope that he can change it. I just do not think that it is likely.

at the joke, the monk began to laugh softly.

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-14, 02:00 AM
As everyone is deep in their conversations, a nine foot tall fiend appears out of thin air in front of Aedras, setting confused patrons into a panic as they all rush to get out. The creature appears as a giant snake with green, scaly coils from the waist down, and as a chain-shrouded female humanoid above the waist. She has six arms, all of which wield hellishly animate loops of barbed chain, which she attacks the grey elf with in a flurry of steel. (23 Damage) The cruelly barbed chains also serve as her armor and clothing. It appears as though a shroud of unholy darkness is surrounding her as she blinks in and out of reality.

Battle Time!
Zhang: 39
Aedras: 28
Edmund: 27
fiend: 14
Lothar: 9
Vedin: 8

2008-08-14, 04:54 AM

The man in the harlequin rags makes his way towards the bar staff shouting "Come to me and you'll be safe."

After a few incantations, he conjures a Magic Circle vs Evil.

2008-08-14, 11:08 AM
Zhang Zhi

The monk didn't even seem perturbed when the creature appeared from thin air. then again, taking each moment as it came was one of the fundamental philosophies of his order, so perhaps his lack of surprise was... unsurprising. He leapt up from his seat. Noting that Lothar had already seen to securing the staff of the bar, he moved forward to engage the creature. His movements were fluid and graceful. Seeing that it was hard to push his way through the milling crowd, however, he changed tacts. Slipping down into a graceful stance, he shaped the flow of time around his body, so that he seemed half-phased out of reality. In an eyeblink, he was right behind the creature, readying himself for his next strike.

Activating Stance of the Hourglass - meaning I use my free 60ft teleport to appear directly behind the creature, and always have full concealment, giving me a 50% miss chance no matter what.

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-14, 11:58 AM
Aedras' Turn

2008-08-14, 03:38 PM
Attempting to flank the creature with Zhang, then attacking, fighting defensively.

I'm being actively defensive, using tumble, jumping over tables and whatnot to get where I need to.

I take 10 on any skill unless I say otherwise, and that applies for the entire game

[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Sneak Attack

Aedras leaps from his seat, rolling over the table and dashing as far as he needs to get to the fiend, waiting for the right moment when the creature is distracted by Zhang, and then he strikes, aiming for it's gut.

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-14, 05:13 PM
Aedras makes a run at the fiend, bypassing obstacles such as tables and chairs easily. Making a final leap, he sets his blade so that it's ready to pierce the creature's chest. Unfortunately, the sword ends up hitting nothing but air as the fiend magic has it blink right in the nick of time, saving itself.

Edmund's Turn

The Demented One
2008-08-14, 05:23 PM
Edmund swaggers up to the demon, drawing his longsword as he does. He is almost absurdly calm, eying the fiend like a schoolboy mocking a caged animal. He draws up, flanking the beast alongside his other allies. "Oh, so you got some kind of magic, don't you?" he says, as he watches it dodge Aedras's blow. "I'd be rather curious to see if you can pull that off a second time. Let's..." He pulls his sword back with a single fluid motion, and extends it with perfect calm, aiming to slice clear through the demon's chest. "FIND OUT!" he yells, with blatant excitement.

Using diamond nightmare blade against the demon. Weapon is good-aligned and adamantine.



Concentration Check (x4 damage if it is greater than or equal to the fiend's AC, -2 penalty on the attack roll if it is not)

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-14, 11:50 PM
Even with Edmund's almost unbreakable concentration, the attack proves no match for the forces of random chance, letting the blade cut through the air as the fiend blinks through the attack.

Completely ignoring the attempted attack, the six-armed creature continues it's assault on Aedras, letting her barbed chains fly at the rogue. (165 damage)

A few seconds later, Aedras falls to the floor in a bloody heap, the life flayed from his body.

Lothar's Turn

2008-08-15, 03:52 AM

The man in the harlequin rags makes his way towards the bar staff shouting "Come to me and you'll be safe."

After a few incantations, he conjures a Magic Circle vs Evil.

He studies the creature, seeking to determine whether it is indeed a foul demon from the pits of hell, or an elaborate illusion.

Know - planes [roll0]
Know - arcana [roll1]

Sorry for posting out of order

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-15, 03:55 AM
Don't worry about it, I actually had completely forgotten that you had. PMing knowledge results.

Vedin's Turn

2008-08-15, 04:04 AM
Vedin the Grey steps out of the bathroom to see the creature in the room, the tattooed wizard doesn't appear to be phased by it, however, and in fact he wears a small smile as he gazes at the creature. The wolf is gone, but a sickly green quasit sits smirking on his shoulder, chittering in amusement. "Kezzu barr'sk Cathezar? Zazzrik vuukath ghaal'kell athk, merru kazra. Heh... Makra jeeu'luuk, Cathezar."
"Vaak vennok! Screhehehehe..."
After the demonologist and his sinister little imp speak a malign set of words that none of you understand, Vedin holds out his hand to the beast and the light grey in his eyes becomes supernaturally piercing as he gazes at the creature.

Using my Dominate Demon class feature, it ignores spell resistance. DC 27 Will save or this bitch is mine.

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-15, 04:22 AM
The fiend glares at Vedin, shrugging off his feeble attempts at control."Gengraath ningen. Mak'de askann fragan dul'summoth!"

Zhang's Turn

2008-08-16, 10:56 PM
Zhang Zhi

With a grim gleam in his eye as he saw his comrade fall, Zhang gave a sudden shout. Dropping into a subtly different stance, he began to strike out at the demon with his fists, a deep azure aura surrounding him as he move, trailing after him and leaving searing afterimages on the eye as he struck with all the weight of ages behind his blows.

Activating Unstoppable Fist of Time, using Perfect Mastery so it lasts multiple rounds, just in case...




Demon needs to make 2 fort saves for every attack that hits - one for the disintegrate spells, one to avoid dying instantly. All DC's are 31.

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-21, 11:39 PM
The feral snarl of the many armed fiend becomes a cry of pain as Zhang's strikes deliver a wave of life ending energy straight into its body. After a few moments, it falls to the ground, dead.

Battle Over! 3,240 XP each

As everything settles, a particularly handsome man steps out from a far corner, applauding. He is dressed in dark clothes, and carries a short sword belted at his side.

"Bravo!" He says as he approaches. "Bravo! And here I thought that one such as the Cathezar wasn't beaten so easily. But I will admit, at the start, it looked like you needed a little help; so I was preparing to step in."

2008-08-22, 01:16 AM
Vedin turns to the newcomer, his expression barely changing. He doesn't speak yet but his quasit familiar spits some kind of brown ichor and utters a curse in abyssal, "Yacha Craw'lekk!" He closed his eyes and laughed ever so quietly.
"Pardon Ikkor... he is ever so intentionally anti-social. But he can hardly be blamed..." He approaches the newcomer. "...you're new. He does not like anyone new." He holds his muscled demon arm up to allow Ikkor to perch on it and stare at him with a malign look to him.

2008-08-22, 04:30 AM

Lothar walks over to Aedras and checks on the condition of his old ally.

"It seems some of us did not survive the conflict as well as others. That foul Marilith may not be alone. I need to resurrect Aedras but this will take some time. Can you stand guard whilst I attempt to call him back to us, for we have work to do and none may shirk it so quickly.."

The Demented One
2008-08-22, 09:12 AM
"So just what the hell is a Cathezar?" Edmund asks, annoyed he was unable to hit it. "And why do they teleport into perfectly good bars and make people throw down perfectly good mugs of ale to go kill them? And speaking of which, just why the hell couldn't we hit it?" His annoyance sated, he goes over to Lothar.

"I can back you up while you get Aedras back up amng the living."

2008-08-22, 10:15 AM
Zhang Zhi

Zhang Zhi held his pose for a seemingly endless moment. His fist had barely touched the Marilith, but where it had impacted, the weight of ten thousand years had fallen all at once upon the demonic creature. Even it's immortal body could not stand the impact, and it slumped to the ground. Zhang allowed himself no satisfaction, however. Once of their companions had passed beyond the veil, if only temporarily. After a moment, he slowly relaxed his pose, and moved to stand guard over their fallen comrade and his savior.

I, too will stand guard, and I, too wonder what this creature was, and what it's motives were.

Ellas Aramond
2008-08-22, 01:10 PM
"What is a Cathezar?" The man eyes Edmund, "Well, there is only one of them. It is an agent of a demon lord of the Abyss known as Aamenul. My question is, what have the five of you done to anger a demon lord?"

2008-08-22, 03:45 PM
Vedin stood there with just a tiny smirk. "I havn't the slightest."

2008-08-24, 05:54 AM

Lothar kneels over his fallen friend, tidying up the body as best he can. He clears a circle, and places candles in the four cardinel directions. Drawing sacred runes around the body, he begins to intone in a low voice, calling Aedras back to his body.

Cast resurrection

The Demented One
2008-08-24, 08:33 AM
"Well..." Edmund says, thoughtfully. "There was this one time me and Vedin released the imprisoned soul of a saint-martyr from the Abyss, but that was years ago. Demons don't hold grudges, do they?" he asks, directing the question towards Vedin.

2008-08-24, 05:08 PM
He looked over at him for a few moments with a blank expression, and answered with as little feeling to his voice as possible, "Yes. Yes, they do."

2008-08-24, 06:08 PM
Zhang Zhi

The monk's face was inscrutable as he spoke "The demons walk a path to mu, to emptiness... and are intent on dragging all with them. For that, though, they hold exceeding grudges. Still, it would be odd, would it not, for a demon to revenge an insult on another without some motive of its own. So which demon lord was it whence you rescued the captive soul? " Zhang asked in a manner that indicated he already knew the answer, and was only asking the question to provoke thought.

2008-08-28, 08:53 PM
The DM might ought to post...

Ellas Aramond
2008-09-07, 12:07 PM
After a few minutes, the flayed corpse of Aedras' body glows with a pure, white light. Slowly the glow fades, revealing your comrade back in full health once again, if not a little worse for wear.

Aedras is back.

2008-09-07, 02:59 PM
"I know not the demon lord, but the balor in guardianship of the captured soul so long ago is now under my binds. Perhaps an interrogation is in order." Vedin has an unsettling smile on his face and his quasit chitters with twisted joy.

2008-09-08, 02:18 PM
Aedras groans, getting wearily to his feet, and stretching out his muscles
"I wish I could say that's the first time that's ever happened"

2008-09-09, 07:51 AM

The cleric wanders over to the bar and grabs two mugs of ale. He hands one to Aedras 'Get this down you son'. He takes a swig from his mug,wiping the froth away with the back of his hand.

'Thank you for the information friend, this could prove most helpful. Can I ask your interest in this matter, and how you come to be so knowledgeable about the pit.'

2008-09-09, 09:01 AM
Aedras accepts the drink, and sits down at a table, watching everyone else with not so much scrutiny as curiosity.

2008-09-09, 08:51 PM
Vedin the Grey looks over Lothar quickly. "When one stares into the Abyss, the Abyss stares back. I, however... watched it from within for a longer time than I could have ever hoped. Luckily I came back with knowledge and... more." He clenches his claw as he looks at it.

2008-09-09, 08:58 PM
Zhang Zhi

Zhang Zhi looked sanguine, as always. however, he was concerned, and he gave voice to those concerns It would be wise to remember, however, that demons are fundamentally creatures of untruth... I hope you have a way to compel from the demon some unnatural semblance of honesty, friend Vedin.