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2008-08-11, 12:04 AM
The world is a ball of glass. A vast desert where life is harsh and water is found underground. The intelligent races are few in number and make due with no gods and little magic. The world they inhabit is flat. Oceanless. Mountainless. "Forests" are patches of scrub in the rare regions with true soil.

It is a world in orbit around a red sun of great but not immense size. A world orbited by a single lonely large moon.

In this world beings are awakening. Gods, that had been seeded long ago at the end of a mighty war, when the planet had burned and its surface reduced to glass. In crystal tombs deep below the planets surface they come alive and know at once who they are, but not why they are here. Divine power flows through these beings, granting them release from their cold deep wombs and the new gods are born after thousands of years of gestation into the world.

These are the Gods in Glass

Ok, to start off with post your emergance (you have your items and clothes if you so wish) and any chance contact with the other gods (you are born spread far apart but can sense each other.) and then you can get down to creating.
Please note: At this point the world has only the prime, elemental, shadow, and fugue planes.

You have two major acts of creation each, which i suggest you use ASAP. You can create a race of people, give rise to a civilization, form a region of glass into a small country or ocean, alter the sky, make a small divine realm (or prime sanctuary) for yourself, or any other act of similar scale. (remember, you have 2).

2008-08-11, 01:31 AM
Stormthorn emerged naked and blinking into the warm red-ish sunlight, his pale skin burning slightly under a light it had never before felt. The sensation was one Stormthorn enjoyed. He opened his mouth and could taste the suffering of the inhabitants of this barren worlds, although he could not taste the rewards that should come with such pain.
He looks about the glassy plane he is on, and back at the impossibly deep hole he had just drifted from. A fragment of knowledge flits through his mind and all at once tight black leather all filled with needles and blades enfolds his thin form, slicing his flesh lovingly.
This land is harsh, but it offers nothing to the people. They need a reason to suffer and endure as they do.
With that Stormthorn drifted into the air and the glass around him became hard stones. A mighty mountain range erupted into the sky like a set of slate-gray teeth. The mountains were deadly but full of valuable ore and places to build shelters. Such shelters would be needed as the air flowing up the mountain and back down changed temperatures and storms were born. The rock and water and hiding places gave many creatures a place to grow and breed, which gave humans an incentive to come and hunt or mine.

Stormthorn had power still within him so he used it to found a series of temples at which great advancements in the art of causing harm and in the field of anatomy were made. In this way his first human worshipers and their churches came about, and the world learned of flaying knives and of scourge whips and of pressure points (and other anatomy bits).

All of this completed Stormthorn alighted atop a mountain and set about doing less extravagant things to shape the range.
((lesser acts of creation and such are encouraged at all times))

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-11, 03:42 AM

Tion ran very fast to the lone dwarf leaping at him and killing him. He took the remains and moved it to a more quiet place for Tion to eat it. As Tion ate the dwarf he thought about how arrogant the intelligent races were, when the weren't fit to clean his fur.

The intelligent races needed fear. So Tion created the tarrasque. Unintelligent but immortal and powerful.

(Make it weaker if need be.)

2008-08-11, 09:16 AM
Aresk crested the great mountain tops, his immortal feathered wings, beating harshly, against the cold mountain, air. All seemed fine, until he felt the GROSS amounts of pain, and suffering these beings were going through, and it caused him to weep, the tears of the god of light, falling to the ground as subndrops, and from these sun drops came the angels beings of immortal beauty, and power, and with them came hope, and courage, and the will to fight on to the next day.He then took a piece of this treacherous mountain, range, and formed his own mountain, while smaller than the first it was still immesenly large, and at itscrest stood the monastary of nine, the place where all warriors of every race come to determine skill, and to train.

Onthis mountain range, Aresk felt something was missing, as if the mountains were more empy then they should be, and for this mountain he created Lupines, wolvish Humaniods, with great strength iof both mind, and body.
He then taught them the art of battle magic, and created the first temples of light for them to dwell in, and to hold sermons, led by the head order of battle mages, known only as The shining ones, who wielded, the massive power of both blade, and spell equally, and they are lead by a mysterious being, whos power is shrouded in myth, and some even claim that hes even more powerful, than an angelic archmage, weather any of this is true or not is not known.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-11, 12:46 PM

Tion went to temple of light, sprouting wings as he did so. He devcided that to begin with he wouldn't attack them, first he'd learn the needed information about them and their creator. Then he'd kill them.

Once he was at the temple of light, he slowly walked in.

2008-08-11, 01:36 PM
Aresk, touched down, at the entrance of the temple barring the entrance with his not so inconsiderable bulk blocking the Beast gods way in, a solem smile on his face.
"I dont believe i know you, what is your nussiness here, and why hath the come to my mountian, and temple uninvited? If thou bear no ill will to me, or my followers you may pass, but be warned those with untrue hearts shall be exposed by the helm of justice."

2008-08-11, 01:41 PM
Artures's eyes opened. For a long time there had been nothing but darkness. Before that? Nothing, perhaps. But now there was light. Shiny crystal extended out indefinitely. Artures slipped out. Their was a pair of crystal hands wearing a pair of gloves. Artures reached out, took the gloves, and put it them on. The gloves vanished and the crystal hands shattered. Artures looked around. Artures looked down. Artures looked up. The light came from above, so Artures went upward, through the glass.

Artures looked out upon the land. Great and mighty mountains rose up in the distance. A vast desert stretched out in all other directions. Yet this land was not entirely dead, for Artures did find life. Yet these creatures were driven against each other by need, and took only for themselves, and lived best in solitude. So Artures did create Lust, a desire for the bodies of others, and put it into the loins of all mortal creatures. And so all mortal things did seek out other mortal things after their own kind, and so they did find pleasure. And Artures saw that this was good.

Now the creatures of the land would seek each other out, and they did so. And Artures saw all manner of mortal beasts go out and find pleasure in each other. Yet Artures saw some who took their pleasure, and found pleasure only for themselves. And Artures also saw mortal things which were consumed by their Lust, and in the midst of their enjoyment were slain by wild things, driven by hunger, or were beset by storms and did nothing to save themselves. Now this troubled Artures greatly, and Artures did sit and ponder for much time what he should do. And then came the realization that Lust was a greedy force, a taking force, and so must be countered by its opposite, a selfless, giving force. And so did Artures conceive Love.

Now Artures did create love, and did put it into the hearts of all mortal creatures. And the creatures did begin to care for one another, and they did bond together with each other and those were the ones which they loved. And Love did cause the mortal beings to protect one another. And Artures saw this, and saw that it was good.

Now Artures was filled with joy at the actions and the feelings of the mortal creatures, and so Artures did cast forth Lust and Love into the sky, that all might take of them. And then Artures did go forth among the mortals, and did partake of Lust and Love.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-11, 01:48 PM
"Well I'm not going to do harm to them, or at least not harm them today." Said Tion grinning. Its true, too much respect for his fellow gods. "So are you like me? A god."

A dwarf was looking for his fellow dwarf who he had lost near by.A dwarf found two items, a stick on top of a line of wild plants and a horn nearby. He rolled the stick off the plants and a more wild plants were created. He roleed it and he rolled it until he had a large amount of wild plants. Then he blew the horn. Animals came from far and wide and ate the dwarf.

2008-08-11, 01:59 PM
Aresk nodded solmenly, the helm of Justice finding truth in his words.
He stood aside revealing a great golden chamber, with murals of warriors doing battle, ad enjoying the thespoils of war, on the other side were elaborate statues, made of solid gold, with diamonds for eyes, all this was merely part of a grand halway which lead to a multitude of spiraling staircases, made of the whitest marble, and had maple handrailings.
Ths was but, a mere tifling when comapred to the rand dome that was above Angelic beings flying in, and out of large alcoves, bright sunlight shining out from the translucent dome above (not glass.), illuminating the enitre temple in grand splendor.

Aresk nodded solemnly as he lead the beast god to his private chamber, a room almost as vast, and twice as posh as the grand hall, with furnishings of the finest cloth, and a great round table in the middle of the room, surrounded with exactly twleve seats, he offered a seat to the beast god, that seemed to conform to the beasts form beofre he even sat down into it. (IF he does.) regardless of weather or not he takes the seat Aresk sits down in his own special chair a throne like seat engraved with the greatest acheivements of his followers.

"Now please, let us dscuss our bussiness, I hope me, and you can become great allies, becuase in these trying times, we must work together as one, and those who wish to work to destroy the things we've worked so hyard to build, cannot simply be toloerated, and must be dealt with appropirately, if you do not wish to ally with e, it is fine, so long as you do not attack m or my followers, in this grannd temple fortress."

2008-08-11, 02:03 PM
Erothayce emerged from his sleep into the bright light ."This brightness just will not do." So saying Erothayce created night so there was darkness at least a little of the time. "This world does not have enough life. So I will create more and a place for them to dwell. After he finished speaking Erothayce created the first Ogres from a bit of his skin. After creating the ogres he raised a great section of the earth and created mountains and a valley with fertile soil so that his ogres may grow and nourish themselves. Done with his work for now he wanders from shadow to shadow looking for the other presences he feels.

2008-08-11, 07:20 PM
Uvithile oozed his way up through cracks in the world. He felt its warmth and the darkness of the newly formed night and knew such things would be good for decay if only it was moist. From him flowed a great mass of water, turning a section of desert into a small ocean. After that he crawled into a deep hole and dissolved the rock to make a great carvern. In that cavern, he created suveral races of slime and mold, which grew and multiplied.

Stormthorn, moving with divine speed, captured an angel and wrestled it to the ground, where he bound it with ropes and chains. He cut its skin with a jagged piece of flint and stuck pins in its wings. When he was done he had it tied to a pole atop one of his mountains. And then he waited to see if other angels would dare to free their brother.

2008-08-11, 07:32 PM
Now Artures had spent many nights with the mortal beings, and while doing so had been told many tales of great gods, and the mortals had decided that Artures, too, was a god. Yet Artures gave no commands save for to love and to lust, and took no sacrifice save for a nights pleasure. And so the people did find joy, and many did declare themselves followers of the Eternal Lover.

Some did tell of the Ogres, who alone of the races had no Lust or Love. And so Artures did go forth into the land of the Ogres and put Lust into their loins and Love into their hearts. And the Ogres grew to want and to cherish as did the other races. And Artures did spend many nights among the Ogres.

Now after a time had passed, and Artures had spent many nights among the Ogres, Artures heard tell of a great Sea, and of a great cavern filled with a manner of living thing. And so Artures did go forth. Yet the oozing creatures of the caverns had neither loins nor hearts and could not receive the gifts of the Eternal Lover.

And so Artures did go to those creatures who had received his gift, and did spend many nights amongst all of the races of mortals.

2008-08-11, 07:40 PM
Aresk felt, that the world was lacking something, as was he, he felt as if a great piece of both him, and the world had been removed by some great force a long time ago, and distant memories of lush forests, and flowing rivers flooded his mind, pictures, and conversations FLOODING his mind, and hye fel to the ground clutching his head in pain, and then a light blossomed in his mind, and spread throughout the world, explding from his EVERY pore, and orifice spreading through out the world, and it was.... magic. Inhaibiting everything, every person, and every soul magic became a part of everything, and everyone, spreading throughtout the world like a great sunburst. But the magic had odd effects on the land in became a part of changing it, Vast rainforests apperared overnight, and great mountains rose, and fell in seconds.

Then it all stopped after a period of three weeks Aresk fell to the ground touching down gently as if guided by some force, and on his breastplate, was now a phoniex, and dragon entertwined, the mark of the battle mage, ad the evoker. Aresk taught magic to his followers teaching thyem to hone, and refine this new natural ability into an art, and so were born the first mages of light.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-11, 08:44 PM

The entity known as Sesketh opened its eyes. Eyes completely black. One could get lost in those eyes. Looking too long into them was like falling in a deep well without any mean to return to the safety of the surface.

The creature moved its limbs, but they were weak. Its mind was still fogged. Sesketh remained silent.

Then it felt anger and frustration. A powerful blow from one of its pincers destroyed a formation of crystals radiating a strange yellow light. The head of the creature turned upwards, to the sky, which was nothing more than a small disk of bright blue color. Sesketh realized how deep in the earth this chamber was. That wouldn't be a problem, though. Being as large as the air shaft, the scorpion-man hybrid climbed back up with ease.

Outside, Sesketh discovered an immense red sun dominating a barren landscape. A vast wasteland of glass devoid of intelligent life. Sesketh sensed that the world was slowly evolving, and that this state was not the final state of the Creation. He finally saw himself as a supreme being, a god of great power. There were others like him, scattered in the world. Other deities he could fight.

But that would have to wait. For Sasketh now sensed the presence of intelligent animals on this planet. Such a miracle! The Scorpion God was eager to find these people and make them worship him. So he traveled the lands of glass day and night, until he arrived at the base of an impressive mountain range, created by the God of Pain. It seemed several gods had already claimed the region and its intelligent species as their own. Sesketh was surveying the area when he spotted a wind-swept wasteland on the other side of the mountains. Thanks to Stormthorn's action, a rocky and sandy desert had formed there. Sesketh even saw some natural oases. What a great place to start a civilization, he thought.

The god assembled various materials, dead wood, sand, clay, even tar. He modeled it in the shape of humanoid bodies, then spat on them to give them life. The creatures born from Sesketh's essence were human-like, but better suited to an existence in the waste. They had some insectoid features, such as chitin protecting their vital areas, long, fine antennas and control over various pheromones used for communication. Their blood was thick, black and had corrosive properties. Sesketh called them the Ensi, the Princes of the Land (him being the King above all). He created an empathic link between all the members of the race. An ensi could sense the status of every other ensi present in a 500 feet radius around him.

Sesketh was pleased.

But soon, he grew envious of other gods' temples and sanctuaries. His own people would need a place of worship. A great stronghold, which would become in time the center of the greatest empire ever known. With only a few words of power, the Scorpion God made a great fortress of stone emerge from the earth. Half of the complex was hidden below ground level. It was the size of a city and vaguely shaped like a star. Its defenses included magitech canons capable of storing sunlight and releasing it as powerful energy bolts. Inside, there was no wealth, no comfort. Only temples of the Crimson Claw, common rooms and fields to train in warfare. The stronghold, called Basalt Keep, was not only impregnable, but also moving. It sailed through sand as if it was water.

Once the Keep was finished and populated, it was time for him to meet the other gods...

No, not yet. There was still something Sesketh was dying to do.

Taste blood.

2008-08-11, 08:57 PM
Aresk felt, that the world was lacking something, as was he, he felt as if a great piece of both him, and the world had been removed by some great force a long time ago, and distant memories of lush forests, and flowing rivers flooded his mind, pictures, and conversations FLOODING his mind, and hye fel to the ground clutching his head in pain, and then a light blossomed in his mind, and spread throughout the world, explding from his EVERY pore, and orifice spreading through out the world, and it was.... magic. Inhaibiting everything, every person, and every soul magic became a part of everything, and everyone, spreading throughtout the world like a great sunburst. But the magic had odd effects on the land in became a part of changing it, Vast rainforests apperared overnight, and great mountains rose, and fell in seconds.

((Pleas note that this amounts to a third major act of creation. Your first two where making two new types of being. You also made a mountain and a temple, which i am regarding as minor acts (as opposed to the person above and their Basalt Keep, which seems major). However, increase the general magic level and altering the landscape of the entire would is by far at least one more major act of creation. I will not remove this, but the strain proves to be great upon your god and he may not partace in the next round of creation, whenever i chose to make it.))

((Also, to Artures. Since people were able to procreate before his arrival i will only count the lust-giving to the ogers as a major act. Plz note that the angels do not yet know such things, as they too are new. The lycans do, as they were humans before hand. The clay-bug people do not.))

2008-08-11, 09:16 PM
((Also, to Artures. Since people were able to procreate before his arrival i will only count the lust-giving to the ogers as a major act. Plz note that the angels do not yet know such things, as they too are new. The lycans do, as they were humans before hand. The clay-bug people do not.))

((Hang on a sec, I made Lust as a physical drive, and put it into the sky where all might take from it. Same with Love. The way it was happening in my mind, I made the actual feelings/drives and now I can do what I want with them (and thanks to my generosity, so can the other gods) Unless someone else specifically prevents my from doing so. I was thinking that I was going and physically taking these things and giving them to new races as minor acts of creation. Isn't love the gift that keeps on giving? Before I saw this I was going to go put Lust and Love into the Hearts and Loins of the Desert Folk, though OOC I expected Sesketh might choose to intervene
I was thinking I was using what I'd already created when I went to the ogres, and not creating anything new))

Halna LeGavilk
2008-08-11, 09:25 PM
Halna opened his eyes into stared into the bright yellow light. He reached upwards and touched the crystal in front of him. It seemed to radiate heat and light, but his already-weathered hands adjusted. He looked around himself for a few seconds, and then looked down.

"Hmm. Interesting. I wonder what this stuff it made off?" He said, feeling the cloth that made up his clothes. He shrugged, and began to look around again. He briefly touched a necklace that was wrapped around his neck, and gained insight into its powers.

Aware that he wouldn't be able to teleport out of the divine crystal, he looked for something to crack it with. He found a sword strapped to his belt. He unsheathed it, and glanced at the blade. It was bright, and shiny. He stabbed upwards in a quick motion, freeing himself of the crystal.

(I'll finish up tomorrow. Night.)

2008-08-11, 09:42 PM
A great tree grows out of the sands of the desert, before turning into a beautiful woman. Bevidia opens her eyes. She sees the burning sands, and the barren mountain, and feels that something is missing. And so she uses a bit of power, and creates a lush and beautiful forest

She moves through the forest, amazed at its beauty. She went up and touched the trees, giving them a companion. She called the creatures Fauns and Nymphs, and she taught them the ways of the woods, and bound them to their trees. If one died, so would the other. But they also gave each other powers. The fauns and nymphs were very strong and gifted in the new art of magic when near there tree, with this power fading with distance, and the trees gave to the fauns and nymphs its long life cycle.

She felt the other gods creating, and felt the creation of love and lust. I must find the deity who created this, and give them my thanks. She thought to herself. She reached out, and brought large amounts of love to her creatures. Love for each other, for the forest, for life. She also gifted them with lust, though a lesser amount, for it is a lesser feeling than love.

Soon after she concentrated on the powers of the other gods, feeling for the gifts each had. She found one, Artures, who she felt certain had made the love and lust she admired. She sought him out, appearing to him. Artures, I am Bevidia, The Mother Goddess. It is my assumption that you have created love, and lust. Am I correct?

(edited, as i realized that the seasons and stuff already existed. Instead I created the faun and nymph forest.)

2008-08-11, 09:51 PM
Artures had been with a mortal man, though engaged solely in conversation. The mortal more than surprised at another beautiful woman appearing, stammers and leaves. ((Mortals see Artures as their ideal lover, if you skipped over the description)). To Bevidia, Artures appears to be an elegant and handsome man. "It was I. I'm surprised you cared. They are indeed my creations, and I enjoy them well and fully. You can partake of them, for your creations or for yourself, if that is your desire."

2008-08-11, 10:02 PM
I wished to thank you for it. I'm afraid I partook of it before I got your permission, but it was such an amazing creation. What else have you created? You seem like someone I could become good friends with, as though we share many beliefs.

2008-08-11, 10:06 PM
((Hang on a sec, I made Lust as a physical drive, and put it into the sky where all might take from it. Same with Love. The way it was happening in my mind, I made the actual feelings/drives and now I can do what I want with them (and thanks to my generosity, so can the other gods) Unless someone else specifically prevents my from doing so. I was thinking that I was going and physically taking these things and giving them to new races as minor acts of creation. Isn't love the gift that keeps on giving? Before I saw this I was going to go put Lust and Love into the Hearts and Loins of the Desert Folk, though OOC I expected Sesketh might choose to intervene
I was thinking I was using what I'd already created when I went to the ogres, and not creating anything new))

((Love and lust existed before you arrived (its a dying world, not a dead one), otherwise their wouldnt have been any of the humans, elves, dwarves, or animals that already existed before the gods came.
The newly created races do not have any reason to already have love or lust tho. So you were using something old, but not something that you created. Making the ogers feel love was an act that alters the civilization as a whole forevermore, and thus is a major divine act of creation.))

Uvithile feels somehting growing. A forest. A new divine being has brought many plants into the world. Uvithile goes forth into these plants and inspects them, sliding over and around them with his massive rotting bulk. He descides that he aproves, for these things can die and be broken apart. He gifts a single tree with a blighting disease, intending it to spread and weed out the weak amongst the plants in the forest.

2008-08-11, 10:21 PM

Slowly opening his eyes in the largely still barren world, Vesper cracks his knuckles and before snapping his neck in either direction resulting in a satisfying crack. Looking out onto the landscape he surveys the almost deathlike state of the world and he is satisified. He knows the other beings will populate and create it with life. The act of creation was in Vesper's agenda. He would use the other gods creations to his own advantage.

First, he would need to establish a divine realm for himself. Concentrating thoroughly on location currently undeveloped and voidhe projects himself through the ethereal void and forges himself a realm of his own. A vast network of caverns and tunnels spread out as far as the eye could see in every direction, in all shapes and sizes they came, some were so large that they appeared to be infinite in height, others barely large enough for a mouse to squeeze through. Dancing lights in dozens of colors lined these passageways throwing up imposing shadows and multifaceted illumination.

Tendrils of tunnels stretched out to the Fugue and Shadow planes connecting Vesper's realm to these plains of existance, soon he would expand it out further but it was good enough for his motives now.

2008-08-11, 10:26 PM
((Love and lust existed before you arrived (its a dying world, not a dead one), otherwise their wouldnt have been any of the humans, elves, dwarves, or animals that already existed before the gods came.
The newly created races do not have any reason to already have love or lust tho. So you were using something old, but not something that you created. Making the ogers feel love was an act that alters the civilization as a whole forevermore, and thus is a major divine act of creation.))
((I just got nerfed :smallfrown: I was planning on sharing Love/Lust with all the races, as something I (or anyone else, do to my sharing) could put into creatures and any god could remove from them. Could it be that Love and Lust were sort of artifacts, moons put into the sky that no mortal may see, but that gods can take down to share (Like in American Gods)? Where do I stand on creations now? I'd thought to have it so Lust was one and Love was one, but now I have no idea what I'm doing. And btw, I still believe I created Love and Lust, and so do my followers))

"You owe me no apology for partaking, It's what my creations are for. I'm afraid those are my sole creations, though I've spent some effort spreading them amongst the mortals."

2008-08-11, 10:28 PM
feeling the blight in her woods, Bevidia feels the need to investigate. I'm terribly sorry about this Artures, but I'm afraid I have an issue that needs resolving. If you'll excuse me for a moment, We can continue our lovely conversation at a later time, or, if you would prefer, you can visit me in my grove.. With a nod of farewell, Bevidia goes to her grove. Finding the tree in question, she detects the unmistakable aura of a God. A thousand curses upon the God that did this! She proclaims. She places her staff upon the tree, drawing the sickness out of it.

2008-08-11, 10:32 PM
Mildly bemused at Bevidia's hasty departure, Artures left to hunt for the mortal he'd been with. Bevidia was the first deity that the Eternal Lover had met, and it had been a somewhat diverting exchange. Nevertheless, Artures preferred the company of mortals.

2008-08-11, 10:40 PM

Gliding through the tunnels of his realm he makes his way to the fugue plane, the resting place for many displaced souls. Many of the wretched creatures do not even know they are dead yet and they wander the land endlessly seeking their homes, pathetic.

Vesper is not picky about who pays him homage as long as they devote themselves totally to his will. He approaches clusters of souls informing them in case they are unaware that they truly are dead.

"It is truly unfortunate for your souls that you are cursed to wander these lands eternally. But, all that could change if you simply accept me as your lord. You will be freed from your endless wandering and shall enter into my realm, where in exchange for your service you shall be granted powers beyond your wildest dreams. You will once against be able to speak to your loved ones even through the void of death, and rebuild your cities and old ways of life within my realm. Who here shall bow before me and be rewarded eternally?

He continues on towards each group he can find, be they elves, humans, dwarves, or any manner of strange beast promising them powers and a new spiritual homeland in exchange for their pledge of loyalty and service.

2008-08-11, 10:42 PM
((I just got nerfed I was planning on sharing Love/Lust with all the races, as something I (or anyone else, do to my sharing) could put into creatures and any god could remove from them. Could it be that Love and Lust were sort of artifacts, moons put into the sky that no mortal may see, but that gods can take down to share (Like in American Gods)? Where do I stand on creations now? I'd thought to have it so Lust was one and Love was one, but now I have no idea what I'm doing. And btw, I still believe I created Love and Lust, and so do my followers))

((Hmm...well, how about this. The "moon" thing still works. L and L predate you but you are the master of them and you placed them in the sky as semi-tangible artifacts. How about that?))

Uvithile to Bevidia

Uvithile emerges form the ground behind Bevidia, pouring from the earth as a blob of putrescence. A crude mouth-like oriface opens on his face, and when he speaks his breath smells of decay.
You. Must. Allow. This. To pass....Without. My. Touch. These. Trees. Will. Cripple. One. Another. And destroy. The soil.

((Uvithile represents natural destruction and decay. As well as sickness. He is the other side of Bevidia's coin. He is also a good god, but a very scary one.))

2008-08-11, 10:57 PM
((Hmm...well, how about this. The "moon" thing still works. L and L predate you but you are the master of them and you placed them in the sky as semi-tangible artifacts. How about that?))

((Awesome. So then What does that mean for how many creations I get/what costs? Back where I thought it was to start with?))

Artures feels a new People, out in the desert, who have yet to feel the benefits of Lust or Love. The True Soulmate is wary of the desert, goes forth to find these creatures.

((Sesketh, if you want to intervene, go for it. Otherwise you'll have to either pull the Love and Lust out, or live with loving minions. Though removing it would be as easy as inserting it, but it'd certainly be humiliating))

2008-08-11, 11:05 PM
One condition. The Faun and Nymph trees go untouched. The will die in time anyway, being connected in the way they are. Also, She touches a tree briefly with her staff, Now the trees have immune systems capable of having sickness and not always dieing. Otherwise your plague would spread like wildfire.

2008-08-11, 11:20 PM

Excellent, thought Vesper as the line of petitioners flowed into his divine realm. Everyone would be assigned a task and a purpose. Those who were generally worthless would just live a mockery of life within their new cities serving little purpose except for the amusement and occassional experimentation by Vesper. Those who were powerful in life would retain their powers and serve their dark lord to the fullest of their abilities or they would receive a fate much worse than death.

Those who had served as soldiers and other strongmen in life would be the guards of his realm, protecting the tunnels connecting his realm to the Fugue plane and the realm of shadows as well as protecting settlements of petitioners. Those who had been charismatic or leaders in their mortal lives were tasked with finding more petitioners from the fugue plane and even the mortal realm by reaching out to their still leaving descendants through the dreamlands encouraging them to take up the cause of Vesper for mutual gain.

2008-08-11, 11:26 PM
deep in the center of the woods, where the fauns and nympths are most centered, Bevidia causes an odd growth in the trees. They grow into walls and a roof, grow movable branches, and translucent leaves. In short, she grows a castle for her residence. Here she relaxes for a time upon a bed of soft leaves, also grown specifically for this time. She stays here until she feels she is needed, or she is disturbed.

2008-08-11, 11:39 PM
((Awesome. So then What does that mean for how many creations I get/what costs? Back where I thought it was to start with?))

((I think so.))

Uvithile takes the shape of a sickly yet attractive female druid. In htis form he wields the Pandemic Staff. While the earth godess builds her natural palace he moves about the forest and brings forth insects that feed on plants. The colonies are simple but in time they will spread as the forest does.
((and being a minor act, they will not ever threaten to overwhelm the forest.))

2008-08-11, 11:46 PM
((alright. That works.))

2008-08-12, 01:45 AM
Erothayce feels a competing force for the souls of the dead in the world. He continues to usher almost all of the recently deceased to their resting place in the heavens as befit the way they lived in lives. Just a small portion of the souls were not coming to him and he wished to find out why. He created a weak avatar of himself and tasked it with finding the disturbance. After doing this he decided that mortals needed some of the power of gods and so gave mortals the gift of magic. It would be a sporadic beast at best but it would contribute greatly. After giving this gift Erothayce went to the plane of shadows and crafted a palace out of the shadows and claimed the plain as his own.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 04:28 AM

Tion felt the rush of intelligent life being in the forest, a lot of intelligent life in the forest. First a god creates a forest and then feels they have the right to ruin a forest!

Tion went to his tarrasque and pointed it towards the forest with intelligent life. "Go their and eat from the flesh of the living, for that is your purpose as the greatest of mortal creatures."

Tion then left to another part of the desert and created a small forest that was out of the way of mortals.

2008-08-12, 05:10 AM
Erothayce feels a telepathic message from his avatar. It seems as thought there is another god who is daring to take the souls of the recently departed. Something must be done about this.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 05:19 AM

A dwarf had found the staff but not the horn and used it to provide food for his family. He began to worship the being who created the staff, creating myths about the creator.

Eventually Tion went to collect his staff and found it in the possession of a mortal. Tion went to them, ready to kill them until he saw them worship him and use magic.

Tion introduced himself and summoned animals. Tion told them to make the animals bigger and they did so. Tion then looked at the dwarves and decided to spare them but put in their minds a murderous wish to kill all intelligent life other than dwarves.

Tion left with his dire animals and tried to look for another god.

2008-08-12, 06:10 AM
Erothayce feels a competing force for the souls of the dead in the world. He continues to usher almost all of the recently deceased to their resting place in the heavens as befit the way they lived in lives. Just a small portion of the souls were not coming to him and he wished to find out why. He created a weak avatar of himself and tasked it with finding the disturbance. After doing this he decided that mortals needed some of the power of gods and so gave mortals the gift of magic. It would be a sporadic beast at best but it would contribute greatly. After giving this gift Erothayce went to the plane of shadows and crafted a palace out of the shadows and claimed the plain as his own.

((I already made magic, with a world aterin event.)

2008-08-12, 06:14 AM
Ok sorry i'm bouncing around a lot of info on a bunch of stuff right now. Wish I could been the one to seeing as it's kind of my domain. but whatever.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 06:15 AM

Tion went back to the place where he saw his fellow god. He was hoping that the two of them could come to an understanding about intelligent creatures and the wilderness. Namely that they's stay out or be killed.

2008-08-12, 06:18 AM
Uso awoke far under the earth, and it scared him. Panicked, he quickly looked for a way out. Spotting the surface, he made his way there as fast as he could. Once on the surface, he gazed around in disbelief: it was all so dry!

The first thing Uso did was open a gate to the Plane of Water and allow it to flood a large portion of the desert. Once this newly formed ocean was in place, he closed the gate and set to work. First he connected the underground waterways to his ocean, thus allowing travel back and forth. Next Uso decided to create a race of humanoids that would be able to survive in his new ocean. Admiring the grace of the elves, he copied them. Giving them webbed feet for swimming and coloring to help them blend with their surroundings, the tritons were created.

After appearing to them and revealing himself as their god, Uso left the tritons to make their own way. Uso looked out towards the distant mountains. Seeing the storms there he smiled. "These will work to spread my waters over the entire world," he thought, pleased.

It was then that he sensed the other sea, and all the slime and mold that polluted it. He frowned and went out to find the one responsible for this.

2008-08-12, 06:21 AM
(( Sorry, I was told, that no other god had magic, and at the time I had no reason to doubt them.)

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 06:35 AM

Tion was at the place where he saw the other god before and then thought to himself. He really should try and find out if their were any other gods besides the two of them.

So Tion made the birds go above Aresk's stronghold and made them spell out thev word, "gods."

2008-08-12, 06:42 AM
Aresk, was in the grand hall teaching a small angel to fly, when the bird crested majesticly over his doom, and as if mysticly compelled, said a single word. "Gods.", perhaps thi was an odd creation of another god, or perhaps a new being had come into existance. So after a few minuets, the small angel finnaly grasped the concept of flight, and took to flying erractily around the hall thankfully, no collisions happened, and Ares could gom, and speak with this avian emissisary, of the new god.
He flew up towards the traslucent dme, and for a second it looked as if he was going to collide, but instead it merely parted as if made of a semi solid liquid. Aresks wings beat mightily against the harsh mountian winds as he spoke.

"What brings thee here, emmisary of the unknown, state thy bussiness, and reason for approacing my stronghold, and cheif temple."

2008-08-12, 06:44 AM
From his castle on the plane of shadow Erothayce watched as the other gods went about their business. Deciding to gather them all and find out who they were and what they're motives were, he sent small magical spritelings to all the gods inviting them to his home for a meeting of the gods.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 06:48 AM
((Sesketh will intervene. I will write in the evening. Just to let you know.))

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 07:01 AM

"I am here to meet my fellow god and to ask a favour. I ask that your creations will not live in the forest or the mighty grasslands. For thast is the domain of the unintelligent anf your people already have a home here." Said Tion.

Tion then listened to what the spritelings had to say.

2008-08-12, 07:07 AM

Aresk nodded solenly a chill mountain breeze prevading his words, wich were much warmer than the breeze itself.

Aresk spoke in a warm, rumbling voice, to the asperct of this new god.

" There is no new for push, and jostle, My people are happy, in this mountain range of my creation, there are lush valleys, PLENTY of animal life to hunt, and space is far from limited, so yes I do agree to keep my peoples from densely populating the grasslands, and forest. However in exchange, you must agree to keep your peoples from attacking mine, several children have been mauled recently on a small foray, and we think it may have been the animals that did it."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 07:14 AM

Tion (the second oldest god if we're not all the same age) looked at Aresk with a shocked look on his face. "You wish for your people to eat animals but animals not to eat them! You wish for me to give the animals a drive not their own. I will do so but to do so would require the help of some of your creations."

"Are you going to the meeting? If you are and I'm late can you ask them the favour, from me, that I asked you?"

2008-08-12, 07:20 AM

Aresk looked calmly at the beastial god, a understanding look in his eyes, he spoke in a soft low voice explaining his request.

"No, my freind I merely ask that they do not attack the young, and helpless, for those who cannot defend themselves, often get lost in the woods, and I dont want any children dieing becuase they were foolish enough, to take the dare one of the lupine children gave them. But as for your other request, yes indeed I shall speak with you in front of this new council, for your request is not an unreasonable one."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 07:26 AM

"Oh you just want the young protected. Oh yes, the young should most certainly be protected. I shall do so immediately." Said Tion and he left. He went to the animals and taught them not to kill children and only to kill adults.

After that Tion went to the meeting place. Then just before going in he thought better of it and left. Then he created a large forest. (last creation point).

Then Tion went to the meeting place.

2008-08-12, 09:07 AM
Lounging on a couch half a sleep, Bevidia is slightly annoyed when the avatar awakes her. Realizing what it is, however, she hides the annoyance while it delivers a message. A meeting of the Gods...This could be interesting. Why not, I'll go. She leaves for the meeting place immediatly.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 09:14 AM

Tion looks at the new goddess and sniffs. "I have important business to discuss but I guess I should make with the introductions first. Shouldn't I?So what are you a god of? And what is your name?"

"I am Tion lord of plants, animals and destruction."

2008-08-12, 09:17 AM

Vesper was pleased, his petitioners were bringing him a steady stream of new souls and even on the mortal plane some did whisper his name and praise. Yet all was not well, someone else was stealing souls that were rightfully his. Blasted gods! They should not meddle in his affairs and create afterlifes counter to his own. He would show them his true power over death.

Winking into existance on the prime material plane, Vesper as a cloaked and cowled figure begins wandering the land encoutering villages and all peoples. He preaches to them encouraging them to accept him as their patron god so they can be sure find a home after death and will not be cursed to eternally wander. He pays careful attention to families who have relatives who are near-death or have recently lost a loved one promising them they can be together for all eternity if they just accept Vesper.

Speaking to different towns and peoples he uses different words for each group but the general idea remains the same "You must begin preparing now for the afterlife. If you do not, your spirit will wander aimlessly for time untold. Accept me as your patron and you shall have a new world to inhabit, where you can reunite with friends and loved ones. Worship me and you will be rewarded in the afterlife, serve me in life and you will be granted powers beyond that of mere mortals and shall lead in the afterlife."

Vesper continues his travels, spreading the word of eternal rewards for "simple" service.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 09:32 AM

The dwarves continued to make the plants and changed the desert that they we're in to a wonderful place and eventually a rumour of it came to the attention of the other dwarves. Sometimes a dwarf would go their in its travel. Those dwarves never got to their destination.

2008-08-12, 09:33 AM

Aresk crested the mountains easily keeeping pace, with the rest of the gods, and he himself wondered all along the way, WHAT exactly this meeting place was, and where was this loaction thwey were taking us, where they were compelled to meet. Then he saw the place, a myriad odf enviorments all in one place, a strange meangrie of rain forests, deserts, oceans, and tundra, and in the middle of it all stood the great mountain, apperently the infusion of magic into the land had changed this place the most, and so the entred the great mountains caves, and entered the council chamber, a beautiful room, of crystal, and stone, in the center in the room stood a great table of the finest make, and a great stne bench was on each side of the table, allowing the gods to sit whereever they pleased.

Aresk himself, to the lefthand seat closest to the door, and soke in a low rumbling voice.

"We the gods of this dying owrld have gathered here oday, to speak of the fall of kings, and the rise of nations, I myself have had many a stunning revelation in these past years, and have gained many followers including the angels, a good portion of the good humans, and the lupines,. wolvish humaniods, with great ental, and physical capabilities.
But that is a mater for another time, my freind the beast god, has asked me to side with him, in his request tp have the majority of your peoples stay away from the praries, and grasslands, for all of our peoples have homes, of rather considerable size, and he merely wishes to have his creations safety garunteed, however he is willing to compromise, on this matter, forbidding his creations to attack our young, and elderly, in exchange."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 09:35 AM
(we're meeting in a castle in the plane of shadows.)


Eventually after a month the spell of violence on the dwarves wore off.

2008-08-12, 09:37 AM
I have as much or more respect for life as any here. My creatures are created with the same. No living thing will be harmed by my creations without first harming something else. Though If other races are not allowed onto the grasslands or prairies, where will the great cities come from? I will not stand for the clearing of miles of tree land simply so a clear, flat, much better spot for a city can go unused.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 09:41 AM

"So you think you cities are more important that the animals. You think the intelligent life are more important than the animals. I dislike your attitude. I do not know where the cities will go but I know that the cities are no more important than the animals." Said Tion in a loud voice. "the intelligents should not be in forests either. That is very important. Nor should they be in jungles."

2008-08-12, 10:03 AM

He felt the tingling sensation of the summoning, at first he tried to ignore it but it became stronger and stronger as more gods gathered together. Vesper had no need for the others but they could be talking about him, plotting his demise.

Finishing up his preaching at one town, Vesper wanders out into the wilderness before teleporting himself to the meeting point. Ah, a swirling den of mists and shadows, his own domain was connected to this land, a betrayal! How dare they violate his borders, he was the only who should be allowed to use these lands. Anger boiled up inside the god as he took his seat at the gathering.

Catching only the end of the conversation, the debate between the domains of man and beast Vesper interrupts "Why do you try to divide up the land so? Should not the strongest triumph and lay claim to what he can take? Then, when a new challenger rivals the strength of the previous champion he can then do as he please."

2008-08-12, 10:11 AM
Never did I claim one is more important than the other. Both are equal. But just as the bear needs a cave for the winter, The human needs a home. I would prefer it to be on an unused stretch of plain then require the downing of a forest. And I will put life where ever I so choose. My life does not interfere with other life, and so will go where it chooses. she pauses for a moment. And if you do not call back that beast heading towards my estate, I will kill it. She turns to the other gods. So what do you say, my fellow Gods? Should we follow what this one god feels is right, and doom the intelligent life, or should we rather teach intelligent life to protect the forests and animals, to live in harmony with them? I for one will not stand for any God trying to tell me what I can and cannot do. I have made intelligent life in the forests, and I will do it in the jungle, on the plains, in the air, in the water, underground, and even in your animals if I so choose, and not ONE of those creations will harm living creatures without very just cause.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 10:12 AM

"No for that way leads to evil. It leads to mindless destruction. It can cause the extinction of animals. It promotes an attitude we do not want to promote. It is in all respects a bad idea. A very bad idea." Said Tion, afraid for the animals. "Do you have a reason for why we should do it your way."

" I will put life where ever I so choose. My life does not interfere with other life, and so will go where it chooses." Said Tion echoing the previous words. "It will not doom the intelligernt life it will protect the non-intelligent."

2008-08-12, 10:18 AM
Because your way is detrimental to intelligent life. My way promotes acceptance and togetherness, animals and intelligence working together. So far, my nymphs and fauns have killed LESS than your tarrasque. Yet here you are, trying to preach to me, the Mother Goddess, about protecting life? My creations will live where ever I choose. End of story. You can deal with it. Feel free to act against any creation of mine that violates nature without being attacked first. You will get very bored very quickly.

2008-08-12, 10:20 AM

"Pacifism? You would presume to believe that no creature will harm another for greed or simple malice? Woe to you for your naivetey. The only constant we can count on is death. Whether it is natural through old age or quickened by the hand of another. Be the life intelligent or just beast they will fight, they will do battle and many will fall leaving only the strong to survive. In time the strong will grow weak and they will also die. The cycle is endless."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-12, 10:26 AM

The tarrasque stopped before the jungle.

"It eats more but not out of an attitude like your intelligent life. It eats because it is big, it eats so it can sleep. When it awakes your intelligent life would've ate far more than it." Said Tion. "I wish to allow the unintelligent to flourish. Just because you give yourself a title does not make that title true."

"The intelligent life is far more able to effect the world. And their effects will spell disaster to the unintelligent life."

2008-08-12, 10:29 AM

Deep beneath the surface he was born... Barin was his name, and... oddly for one newly born, he was fully clothed, or rather, armored. He was always armored, it was part of what and who he was. It was dark there, and he decided to leave. He probably could have teleported out or something, but his mind was cloudy, groggy, as if he had just awoken from a great sleep, and so he crawled. Eventually he burst through the ground. He came up on the ground amid a group of creatures, far shorter than he. They seemed primitive and confused. One rushed forward with a spiked club in his hand, and attacked Barin. The spike turned and the club broke upon his flesh, and he pushed the creature away with a frown. His eyes, which seemed to be made of ever-shifting quicksilver, with pupils that shifted between every metal in existence, with a single gemstone in the middle of each, which were pure diamonds, uncut and unclouded, a silvery metallic glow seems to shine through them.

He looked down upon the creatures around him. They had obviously spent a long time underground: their skin was pale and gray, all their hair, if they had any, was black. Their eyes had metallic appearances, and they glowed in the darkness, seeing what those who might live above could not. He smiled, he liked these creatures. He would call them Dvergar, and he would begin his kingdom with them.

2008-08-12, 10:55 AM
How can you be sure? I wish ALL life to florish, not just the unintelligent, but also the intelligent. The intelligent life also eat due to their size. Eating is a necessity of all creatures, even trees "eat" soil and "drink" water. My creatures are bound to the forest. It is the only place they can live, and they can only live if their tree still stands. They can barely even leave the forest. They are of no harm to any living being, intelligent or not. Any change they may have upon the world will be for the betterment of the forest, for the nymphs and fauns were created as protectors of the forest. They are there to give the forest a voice. Just as all my creatures will be. They will be the voices of the sea, plains, mountains, skies, and all other places, working in harmony with nature, to the betterment of both. She then turns to the other god that had spoken, Vesper by name. I have made my creatures. I know what they are capable of. They cannot harm their environment because They are tied to it, death to one means death for the other. They will live in peace because that is all they know. Until something like that lumbering hulk Tion sent, or the evil I'm sure someone will send crops up, they will still not know it. Even when they do, they are loyal follows of me, and know my tenets, the first of which is "harm none".

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 10:57 AM
((I found some time to post this. Wow, you are active today.))


At the end of the day, Sesketh returned to Basalt Keep bringing back fresh humanoid carcasses. Those fools had ventured far from their mountain homes in search of new ressources. He surprised them on the fringe of an oasis. He then made himself known to them, feeding off their fear.

It was a short but pleasant hunt.

At that moment, he noticed Artures's approach. What was that man doing walking alone, defenseless, in the heart of Sesketh's new empire? The Scorpion God soon realized this was no ordinary human. He sensed his incredible power. Another god, he thought.

Sesketh frowned. He began to understand what this being standed for. He looked up in the sky and saw two new celestial bodies. The twins. Lust and love. He was disgusted.

He lept in front of Artures, blocking his way. His black pupil-less glass eyes staring at the frail god of passion.

"I am Sesketh, Scourge of the Desert, Lord of War. You just entered MY domain, godling. Let me warn you. I will not let you approach the Ensi. They do not need your so-called gifts. Love and lust will only make them weak."

The Scorpion God spat on the ground.

"I hear a distant call. Great deities are assembling. The Crimson Claw WON'T be ignored! I have to attend this meeting immediately.

Remember my words, godling!"

And Sesketh departed.

While most of the Desert folk felt the same way as their divine master, a handful were willing to accept Artures' gifts. In secret, they left the Keep to meet this stranger.

2008-08-12, 11:29 AM
Stormthorn, at the meeting
Stormthorn appeared, using his planar magic, amongst the other gods at the meeting in the plane of shadows. He hovers slightly above the ground and blood drips from his black leather suit.
Little brothers; little sister, greetings all. One of you called me to this place without pain, now someone tell me why.

2008-08-12, 11:31 AM
Aresk stood from his small stone chair to greet this on who dared to reffer to them as lessers, but he would test this god, who figured himself they're betters.

"And who are you to demand something of gods? Do you think yourself our betters?"

2008-08-12, 11:37 AM

Barin taught the Dvergar the arts of mining and metallurgy, as well as blacksmithing, and the craft of shaping the metals to their desire. He found the lands so far down were rich in ores of all sorts, iron, gold, silver, and many others, as well as the rare metal known as Mithril. He taught them how to create alloys, especially steel, but he took particular pride in an alloy made mostly of three metals, mithril, silver, and iron, he called it Arkinam.

He then ordered the construction of a large castle, which would be the basis of a large city. Barin was unaware of the other gods, but he knew of the other races in the world - and beneath it - and so he vowed to give his subjects proper protection. He ordered the castle made with a large keep that would be his room. The keep would be large, and would contain both his rooms, and an extra throneroom, and it would allow him to survey his whole kingdom himself, with his piercing metal eyes. The castle, a fortress really, would be named Drottindjuper the Underlord, fortress in the deeps. Already it flew his flag, a picture of the fortress with a picture of a white deer-skull overhead on a black background. Down in the deeps the Dvergar had never seen a deer, but they knew it must be important to the god.

2008-08-12, 12:12 PM
Stormthorn, at the meeting
Stormthorn appeared, using his planar magic, amongst the other gods at the meeting in the plane of shadows. He hovers slightly above the ground and blood drips from his black leather suit.
Little brothers; little sister, greetings all. One of you called me to this place without pain, now someone tell me why.

Vesper did not like being reffered to as a lesser, but this god was Vesper's sort of god. Devoted to pain and suffering he paralleled the Dark Lord's beliefs in some way.

"Greetings to you, we do not know why we were summoned yet as our host as not delighted us with his presence."

2008-08-12, 12:41 PM
Stormthorn nods at Vesper and sits cross legged in the air, now ignoring all the gods is a rather noticable fashion.

2008-08-12, 02:10 PM
Artures had spent some time giving the great gifts of Lust and Love to those desert folk who so desired them, and was saddened at the many who would not accept. All the while, a summons had been present, yet the Eternal Lover had ignored it, for it was unimportant. Yet now all those of the Ensi who would take the gifts had received them, and so Artures left.

Artures arrives to hear the bickering of the gods, and calls for the host to come forth. The True Soulmate remains standing out of the center of attention. Even mortals were more productive than this.

2008-08-12, 03:18 PM

Amid all his work, Barin almost didn't notice it, but now that he was aware of it, he couldn't see how he could have ignored it so long, the building pressure in his skull. He felt that somewhere a great many beings of power, like himself, had gathered. He told the Dvergar to continue their work, and to report to Magnin, the wisest and most proficient of their kind, until he returned.

He located the great gathering in his mind, and willed himself there. He stood amid the confusion of the council, silently blustering, confused. He spoke, his metallic voice which sounded like the ringing of steel and the clatter of weapon on shield, like the taunting of opposing armies, and the booming command of a born leader, speaking out. Who are you all, and what causes such disorder?

2008-08-12, 04:24 PM
Going to the room with the other gods gathered in it Erothayce says, "Hello brothers and sisters. I believe we must all come to a resolution about what to do with the mortal races. Should we intervene directly in their lives or should we be worshiped from afar? And Vesper I must speak with you after this meeting is done."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 05:16 PM

The door of the meeting room burst open. Waves after waves of carrion beetles swarmed inside. However, they rapidly scattered and eventually disappeared in the shadows. Infused with negative energy, those vermins would be later known as Shadow Beetles.

The Scorpion God followed. He was wielding Slow Death in one hand and his favored whip in the other. He stared at the assembled gods for a while. What a strange vision! Then he walked around the room, speaking with a deep voice:

"So, you are the others? I expected more. (He paused before Tion.) You are different. You intrigue me."

"My name is Sesketh, Lord of War and of Basalt Keep. Tell me, what is this all about? WHY should I consult YOU about anything? Why should any one of us care about the other gods' opinions? To me, the right of conquest is the one true right."

2008-08-12, 05:21 PM
Aresk stood, his own mighty bulk, and gleaming breastplate knocking the chair from its sitting postistion, as he stood uptly, a look of rage on his face.
"You DARE come, into the council of REAL gods, with words of conuest, and murder, I think it would be best if thine resend thy words of evil! Lest they're be dire consequences for you, and your ilk."
His blade moonslayer was quickly in his hands, ready for a fight in case this beast of arrogane decided he wanted to tussle.

2008-08-12, 05:47 PM
"while I would certainly prefer not to be conquered, I too would prefer not to impose rules upon ourselves" said Artures, stepping carelessly on a beetle, "I have no desire to follow the mandates of others. At the moment I merely want to spread my gifts to all those who can receive them, but I would not like to be unable to deviate from this."
"I realize many of you want some sort of rules to give yourselves a feeling of security. It's understandable that you are scared, this world has so many things which could kill us without a thought. Yet I prefer the freedom to do as I will. I will avoid being killed as I can"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 06:03 PM

Sesketh looked Aresk in the eyes, a grin on his face.

"This is amusing. You claim to be civilized? More than I? You don't even know what the word means. I am as much a god as you are. You think I'm arrogant? What are you? You make me sick..."

"It seems you are afraid to face the darkness. Wake up from your dream! The world is in ruins. It won't be saved by the likes of you. It will take discipline, strength and great Lords capable of ruling the mortals with an iron fist."

The Scorpion God then turned to the others.

"I humbly suggest that everyone think about those words. There will be wars this is inevitable. There will be winners and losers. We are not here to make friends. We are here to fight for this world's future."

He finally added, in a sarcastic tone:

"That, my fellow gods, is my opinion."

2008-08-12, 06:04 PM

Barin steps between Aresk and Sesketh, his huge great axe held easily in one hand, and the other holds his large shield, painted black with a deers head. He spoke loudly, command lacing his words. Noone will come to harm here, you'll have to go through me first he looked pointedly at both gods, making it known he chose no sides. He spoke assuredly and pointedly. Rules are important, laws must be set lest entropy and chaos claim all. I would see no harm come to those who worship me, at least not from the gods, they will have to fight their own battles among mortals, though some aid shall be rendered. He pointedly avoided mentioning who his worshipers were, or where they were.

2008-08-12, 06:35 PM

Sesketh looked Aresk in the eyes, a grin on his face.

"This is amusing. You claim to be civilized? More than I? You don't even know what the word means. I am as much a god as you are. You think I'm arrogant? What are you? You make me sick..."

"It seems you are afraid to face the darkness. Wake up from your dream! The world is in ruins. It won't be saved by the likes of you. It will take discipline, strength and great Lords capable of ruling the mortals with an iron fist."

The Scorpion God then turned to the others.

"I humbly suggest that everyone think about those words. There will be wars this is inevitable. There will be winners and losers. We are not here to make friends. We are here to fight for this world's future."

He finally added, in a sarcastic tone:

"That, my fellow gods, is my opinion."
Aresk's face turned seventeen shades of purple before he reached the :smallfurious: stage, and came to the point where he charged thee stuipid, arrogant god who thought himself better than others the man that has NO RIGHT, to be introuding upon the council of gods that wish for peace, this is the kind that must be destroyed he thought, the kind that must be erasedd from this world if EVER we were to have peacee, he brought his blade down, slashing at the god easly mauneverin around the god who had come to stand in their way, his blade flaring like a solar flare as he brought it down. "By my blade moonfell, I swear that thou shalt be earsed from this world, you war mongers, are not meant for those of us that wish poeace amongst the gods, you brin g tidings of war, and crusades, and death, and when I question your motivbes, you insultt my honor TASTE THE BLADE OF MOONFELL, AND QUIVER BEFORE ITS MIGHT, DEMON< AND FOREVER KNOW THE FEEL OF ITS FURY SINKING INTO YOUR PATHETIC FLESH!"

2008-08-12, 06:41 PM

Barin brought his axe in a smooth arc, intercepting Aresks blade, and trapping it to the side, before smashing his shield brutally into the gods chest, sending him back. He moved with a speed that seemed impossible for one so large. As soon as his shield smashed into Aresks chest he kicked him in the stomach for good measure, shoving him back with his foot. He quickly looked around to see if the other god had made a move, his eyes warning against the foolishness Aresk had displayed. He turned back to Aresk, in the position he had been before the charge. I said NO ONE WILL COME TO HARM. And I mean NO ONE.

I hope you don't mind the minor godmodding, but I pushed you back and kicked you so as not to actually hurt you, what with you being a god and all

2008-08-12, 06:45 PM
"So the god of Peace attacks?"

You're the god of defense, I think you are capable of defending someone :smallwink:

2008-08-12, 06:47 PM
Eorthayce, annoyed at the posturing of the gods thundered"There will be no fighting in my house!!! This is a peaceful meeting whether some of you want it to be or not! Now sit and be quiet or I shall expel you and you will not know the rest of what will transpire!,

2008-08-12, 06:51 PM
"You would expel your guests? truly, the courtesy of all the gods is lacking, not just these few who would fight in the home of another." Artures says, amused. "Though clearly these two are incapable of civil conversation"

2008-08-12, 06:54 PM
"I would not stoop so low normally but these two are interrupting an important conversation and being rude to their host and the other assembled guests. Truly I would not enjoy sending them away but if they do not desist then i fear I shall have to. On second thought I do believe Aresk to be the aggressor so if he continues I must expel him. Erothayce gives Aresk a pointed look. "Sit down brother, and calm yourself."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 07:00 PM

Sesketh was prepared to fight this pathetic God of Light and Justice if needed. He readied an attack but Barin stepped in before he could act. Instead of trying his luck against the Great Shield, Sesketh remained calm, putting away his weapons. He looked in the eyes of Aresk, then took his place among the other gods.

"So be it. I'll stay to hear what everyone has to say. If you want to set rules...I'll play by them."

Most of the time, he added mentally.

2008-08-12, 07:05 PM
"Thank you Sesketh. I wish you to know I hold no grudge against you.

2008-08-12, 07:10 PM
Content to watch his tritons found their cities and go about their lives, Uso at first ignores the summons. Eventually though, he too must answer. So finally he teleports himself to the meeting place. He stops just inside the door as he watches the three gods that seem to be at odds. He grips his spear tightly as he glances at the others. "It would seem I came at the wrong time. Or is this whole summons merely a trap?"
He takes a few steps back, putting some distance between himself and the others.

2008-08-12, 07:12 PM
"No trap, so far as I can tell, but there never was a good time to come."

2008-08-12, 07:14 PM
"Peace brother, there was simply a misunderstanding. This is a peaceful meeting. Feel at ease in my home I beg of you.

2008-08-12, 07:16 PM

Barin frowns at Aresk, his hand tightening on the gray ironwood axe handle and his Quicksilver eyes narrowing, he whispers to the god as he passes him If you try that again, I will bury this axe in your skull He then walks past the god, pushing roughly past him, and addressing the newcomer with genuine cheer. No trap, merely restless god who cannot control his temper, I am Barin, the Great Shield, I am newly arrived myself. He extends his hand in greeting, a warm smile on his steel-skinned face.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 07:18 PM

"I will remember this, Erothayce. Now, I'm not a philosopher. I am a man of action. Still, you should consider what I said. As gods, are we not all willing to impose our points of view? Were we MADE to collaborate? As a patron of war, I see the potential in temporary alliances. But courtesy? This is unknown to me. You see...how much we all differ?"

The tone wasn't arrogant. Sesketh only spoke in truths...from his point of view, obviously.

"But I'm all for order. Do tell of your proposed rules."

2008-08-12, 07:23 PM
"Rules will serve none of us well. They will serve only to limit us, who should be unlimitable. Rules may sometimes prevent entropy, but often they do not, they are just as likely to introduce stagnation."
Artures paused for a moment.
"There can be no harm in hearing your rules, however."

2008-08-12, 07:29 PM
Uso looks at Barin for a moment before shaking the man's hand. "Uso the Stormlord." He smiles back for a moment before looking around at the others curiously. "What is this talk of rules? I agree with our friend there: we are the gods. We were born to do as we wish. The only limit will be what the others keep us from doing. Chaos opposing order, life opposing death and the like. I say if we can get away with it, then do so." With that he walks over and takes a seat apart from the others.

2008-08-12, 07:37 PM

Barin too left to take a seat. He created a throne out of various metals. It was made of iron, with steel coating, and chased with mithril and aurus, it depicted the acts of kings and warlords alike. It was shaped like a castle, all high spires and high walls, and above it, coming from the back, a silver deers head hung. I disagree. All societies need rules and laws, even with no leader. With no rules, noones creations will be safe. A god need not confront another to slaughter his followers.

2008-08-12, 07:39 PM
"I simply think that after a certain point we should not interfere in our creations lives too much. I feel no neither way about having rules or no rules. That is for others to decide.

2008-08-12, 07:42 PM
Uso thinks for a moment before nodding. "I could come to agree to let our creations fight their own battles without us I suppose. Will make them stronger if nothing else. Besides, it seems we may need to save our strength for battling each other." He glances purposefully at Aresk and Sesketh.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 07:45 PM

"You talk of intervention. Why not? They are too weak to survive by themselves."

Sesketh turned to the Stormlord.

"You may be right. If I inspire them and make them fear their god, they will continue on the right path, teaching the next generations the art of warfare, while honouring me forever."

The spark in Sesketh's eyes seemed to grow brighter. The Scorpion God hungered for power.

2008-08-12, 07:47 PM

Vesper watches the pseudo battle and the following argument with amusement, gods are such fickle creatures. He knew nothing would come from the meeting. It was good he had decided to attend, he could see the powerplays at work and try to work the situation towards his advantage.

"I don't think we can totally disconnect ourselves from our creations or our acquired followers. We all depend on them for our own powers...yet if we destroy the world we will inturn be destroyed"

2008-08-12, 07:52 PM
"My only creations fight no battles. Yet I will not agree to avoid the affairs of mortals. The mortals are far more interesting than this meeting of gods, and I shall continue to work my will with them."Said Artures, "If there are no rules to suggest, I feel that this meeting is hardly a manner of business. Shall we make it one of pleasure?"
The Eternal Lover waves his hand, and in front of the gods there is a table set with delectable foodstuffs, with a place for each god. Artures sat down, as a beautiful throne of marble and gold and gems rose up from the ground.

2008-08-12, 07:53 PM
"I speak not of destruction of anything. I speak of not giving mortals the power of a god or intervening in a war becasue it is going badly for your side.

2008-08-12, 07:56 PM
"Speak of what you will. I will speak of what I will, and I will intervene as I so desire. Will you not eat?" asks Artures, the roast thigh of some creature already at hand.

2008-08-12, 07:57 PM

"Yet you can grant or deny the power of the arcane to anyone you choose. I believe this puts the rest of us at a severe disadvantage. Now, if there were some safeguards in place that you would not strip the powers from those who worship other gods and allow anyone with the gift to practice the art we may be able to come to an agreement here."

2008-08-12, 07:57 PM
Uso looks at their host incredulously. "If our powers, our very existence depends on having followers, and our followers are being killed off, you expect us to stand by and let it happen? I think no." He glances at the food, frowns, then looks around the others. "If there is no other business, I have much to do still."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 07:59 PM

"I ask of you the right to imbue one follower of my choice with some divine strength, one who shall be my Champion. One in every generation. All gods will be able to have a Champion, if they so desire."

((Edit: Congrats everyone, you're begininng to teach civility to Sesketh.))

2008-08-12, 08:00 PM
"Do so if you will. I desire no champion, but if I did I would not ask your permission"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 08:03 PM

"Don't worry. I'm talking about setting rules of war. Not rules of love."

The God of War had much difficulty to utter the word "love". Even then, he said it with apparent disgust.

2008-08-12, 08:06 PM
"I thought War was as free from rules as Love always has been, but perhaps I was mistaken. If you're willing to forfeit your sovereignty, it's no concern of mine." Artures sips a wine the like of which no mortal has tasted, and continues, "Your creatures follow no rules save your own, why should you follow rules?"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 08:11 PM

The god smiled, but any smile on him looked...wrong. His tail was agitated.

"I mainly want others to follow rules of my choosing, if they are to follow any at all."

2008-08-12, 08:18 PM

Barin frowned, he had since returned his shield and axe to their places on his back. his great gauntleted hands were crossed at his chest. There must be rules in war, for if there are no rules mortals and gods alike will seek to stretch the limits, and this leads only to destruction. He turned to Uso It is for the good of all, not the least your own followers. Advantages are gained and lost in war and battle, but if one god intervenes because his side is beginning to lose, so too will the others god, and it will only end in misery.

2008-08-12, 08:21 PM
" I agree with the idea of a champion. And I also agree with the idea of food. And Vesper it is my right to decide for magic is one of my main places of power. I refuse to restrict myslef to make you feel more secure." After he finishes Erothayce creates a seat out of the stuff of shadows and sits down to partake of the meal.

2008-08-12, 08:24 PM

Barin frowns at this too. So you would limit the powers of others, but refuse to limit your own? Does that not seem a tad... unbalanced?

2008-08-12, 08:28 PM

'Then why should I limit my intervention with the mortals when you can simply strip my followers of any arcane ability? Fellow gods, think about it, If you have a powerful champion or devotee who is an accomplished wizard, Eurothayce can simply rip the power from his very soul making him a mere peasant. Is this truly fair? There must be rules governing the laws of Arcane Magic."

2008-08-12, 08:41 PM
"I have no desire nor will I ever to rip the powers from anyone. Am I an evil god who would do it for my own benefit? Am i a good good who would do it so that evil is weakened? No. i am entirely neutral. I hold the power to stop mortals from doing anything catastrophic. I do not think as you do evil one of power. I think of the balance. I would not rip power from anything so long as it does not threaten to destroy our world or a large part of it. So stop your complaining.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-08-12, 08:44 PM
Halna teleported to the top of the hole in an instant. He looked around, and desert was all he could see. It stretched on for miles and miles. He gaze for a second more, than sheathed his sword and said "Well, I'm bored now." He began to walk across the desert, then began to jog, then sprint across the featureless desert.

He hollered and whooped in pleasure as the landscape flew by him, and he began to soak it all in. Finally, he came to a large forest, where he sensed a million different life forms scurrying about. He began to walk through the forest, touching flowers, examining bugs, watching animals, and the like.

He soon came upon two young children, humans, fighting each other with sticks. Memories came flooding back to him, of combat, fighting, and wars. He slowly turned toward the two children. He smiled. "How would you two like to learn how to really fight?"

The two children, their eyes glazed at Halna, simply nodded. He spent hours teaching those two children the basic motions of fighting, stabs, thrusts, parries, blocks, then more and more complex moves, until those children were masters of the longsword in their own limited way.

As it began to grow more towards dusk, the children led Halna back to their home, a small village in a clearing near the jungle. The two children toward the village, Halna easily keeping pace. He approached the hut of the village leader, and the man came out. He was a big man, easily as tall as Halna. The children frantically began telling them about the things they had learned, dancing about, flourishing the sticks that functioned as swords.

The man chuckled and looked at Halna. "I see ya met me boys, Jared and Michael. They say ya know a thing or two about the ways of the sword." A dangerous glint went into the man's eye. "I'm the best swordsman in the village. I challenge you to a duel." Halna simply smiled. "I accept."

The duel was faught in an empty animal pen. Halna drew his sword, and flourished it. The man, known as Carrin, simply drew his sword slowly, and waited-

Which was a bad move. In a swift motion, Halna disarmed Carrin, and threw him into the sides of the fence. Halna chuckled when Carrin got up, picked up his sword, rubbed his bottom, and muttered, "Beginner's luck."

Once again, the duel ended swiftly, with Carrin crashing through the side the side of the fence, his sword lodged in the ground on the other side of the pen. Halna tossed Carrin his sword once more. Carrin ran fiercely forward, and swung powerfully, which Halna side-stepped and backhanded Carrin, sending him to the ground.

Carrin rubbed his jaw, and stood up. Instead of reaching for his sword again, he simply shook Halna's hand. "Ye be a man of great skill, no doubt. I would be honored if ye would teach the men and women of me village some of your techniques."

Halna smiled widely, revealing shining white teeth. "I would be honored to teach you."

Halna taught the villagers for several hours, until they all became quite talented in the art of swordplay, a quite fast teaching. But the brightest pupil was Carrin, and he was by far the smartest and fastest of his pupils.

Near the end of the day, he took Carrin aside and said to him, "Carrin, if what your village used to be represents good combatants, I'll need you and your villagers to spread my lessons to all of your kind, as much as possible. I've seen some of the dangers of this world, and your kind will need better skills than what I have seen." And while he was saying this, Halna was weaving divine power into his words, causing Carrin to agree.

Carrin nodded. "We've been thinkin' of leavin' for a while now anyway. And this mission you have for us carries a purpose." Halna smiled, and nodded. "I must take my leave now. Something calls."

With that, Halna teleported to the edge of the cave, and walked in, and hide in the shadows for a moment.

2008-08-12, 08:45 PM
Uso frowns. "I don't think this gathering is capable of agreeing on anything..." He looks towards the door longingly, then back at the others.

2008-08-12, 08:45 PM
"Barin, that is what we most of us would do given a chance. Though I have no problem with allowing you your empires and your wars so long as your people may always Lust after one another, and Love each other." said Artures, casually taking a bit out of a golden pear, "Vesper, if you fear Erothrayce' power over magic, take a champion who is skilled in single combat, or archery, or stealth, or trickery, or devices, or whose power comes solely from your own."

2008-08-12, 08:52 PM

Narrowing his gaze on the competing god of the underworld Vesper flicks his wrist causing shadows to spring up from the ground and form a throne of his own to show that he too can control the realm. "Or so you claim that you will not interfere for your own benefit. And, you presume much to call me evil, I am deeply offended by your accussation."

Turning to the self proclaimed "God of Love," oh, how he hated that term. He speaks "I would want my followers to have all means of power at there disposal so that they may better serve me."

2008-08-12, 08:52 PM
"I for one will be taking no champion. My creations can do well enough on their own. They are intelligent and good fighters and magic users so i have no fear for them. Does that help alleviate you fears Vesper? I shall not have a super powerful champion."

2008-08-12, 08:58 PM

"I would want a pledge that you would not strip the power of any worshippers of another god. I am sure we can all agree that having one of our own destroy the world would not be beneficial and that we can be trusted to control our own followers in the way we see fit."

2008-08-12, 08:59 PM
"I can give you my pledge that I will not needlessly or wantonly strip power for no reason. If I feel that there is a real crisis in the wold abut to happen I will strip a mortal of their power. I will never strip a god of theirs. Ever. You have my pledge on that.

2008-08-12, 09:01 PM

Barin nodded to Vespers words. I am a god of protection, and defense, if anything threatens the world it will be MY duty to handle it, and if such a threat can destroy me, he will no doubt have found a way to keep his powers, no matter the cost. The only people who develop such catastrophic power with an aim to use it are selfish and power hungry, they would not look kindly upon having their power taken from them.

2008-08-12, 09:04 PM
Artures looks up, surprised "You cannot strip the power from a god. Our power is of an entirely different nature than that you let the mortals use. If you're trying to make a threat, you're failing.The issue of safety is moot, as I fail to see how anything could destroy us."

2008-08-12, 09:07 PM

Barins face set, it was so cold and hard that it seemed indistinguishable from a statue until he spoke, his words had the same steely edge as his face. I do not speak of stripping the power from a god, I speak of killing him, and if you think no mortal can be capable of this... he pauses ..then you are a fool.

2008-08-12, 09:08 PM

"So you agree not to interfere with other god's followers?" Vesper poses to Erothayce.

"And, we can indeed be destroyed Artures, if all who worship us are destroyed. We have no one left to gain our godly powers from. Do you not feel the drain every time you perform an act of true power? Do you not feel the pulse of new life when someone prays to you for good fortune?"

2008-08-12, 09:09 PM
"It is no threat I am making. i am merely assuring others of the fact that i will not abuse my power. And yes defend all you want but I will be watching the mortals so that they will not use the power they have for catastrophic purposes.

2008-08-12, 09:19 PM
Uso listens to the others argue, shaking his head. What point was this to him anyways? None of their followers could live where his people did. He had his space, and they had their's. He shifts in his seat. He sighs as he listens to the circular argument. Finally he states, "So he will only interfere if he thinks someone is causing too much trouble. I don't think he is going to give you the pledge you seek."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-12, 09:22 PM

"I will let my people learn those arcane spells you speak of. However, they won't rely on them to survive. Martial techniques are a lot more reliable...as are clerical powers."

"So, is there any reason for me to stay longer?

2008-08-12, 09:49 PM
"I have a wonderful reason for you to stay longer, Sesketh. Sit. Eat something." says Artures, "And just in case any of you care, I don't agree to any of the rules you all are trying to impose"

2008-08-12, 09:57 PM

Barins frown deepened, he looked first to the slothful god. That is because you are a lawless, anarchic, fool. No doubt you would oppose any rules, even if they benefited you. He turned to Uso He says he seeks balance, but he refuses to allow rules and laws to even the playing field. He speaks to all the gods. It is true too many laws is wrong and we should not try to limit everything, but there must be some laws, to impose balance and order, if not for us then for the sakes of our followers.

2008-08-12, 11:17 PM
I agree. There must be some laws. Bevidia contributes. No god should seek to bar a power given to mortals from them, save for a power that could either destroy one of us, or lead to a world changing catastrophe. No god should intervene in a war between mortals. Nor should they seek to destroy completely the worshipers of another with that, she gives an look to Vesper. I'm sure there are more, but they can be decided upon when the come up. I, for one, feel that those are the truly needed ones. They balance the power of gods, seek to keep the cycles going, to balance power, by not letting a god die, and will work to avert some of the needless infighting we will surely have.

2008-08-12, 11:26 PM
Uso considers Bevidia's words. After a moment he nods. "I can accept those. Provided others do. But I will interfer for the sake of me and mine if another does so first."

2008-08-12, 11:30 PM

Barin inclines his head for a moment, then looks to Bevida. I understand preventing mortals from killing gods, but we mustn't take our preventative measures to far. In our haste to protect ourselves from wrathful mortals, could we not prevent an aspiring mortal from achieving godhood of their own?

2008-08-13, 12:39 AM
Stormthorn stretches and unfolds his legs.
Brothers, sister. None of this talk really pertains to me, but i would like to contribute this bit. We must leave the door opens for mortals to achieve divinity.

Uvithile arrives in the meeting, in his druid form, bringing with him the sickly sweet smell of a corpse begining to decay.
I am late. I apologize.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 03:55 AM

"I will not follow your rules. Though I'll make deals with gods. If you won't do something as simple and easy as I ask. To not destroy that is in my domains. If you can't do that then why should I not intefere in the fate of mortals." Tion looked at them making his feelings clear. "Why should we allow mortals to become divine? I see no reason to."

Outside Bevidia's jungle the tarrasque falls asleep.

2008-08-13, 04:43 AM

Sesketh was prepared to fight this pathetic God of Light and Justice if needed. He readied an attack but Barin stepped in before he could act. Instead of trying his luck against the Great Shield, Sesketh remained calm, putting away his weapons. He looked in the eyes of Aresk, then took his place among the other gods.

"So be it. I'll stay to hear what everyone has to say. If you want to set rules...I'll play by them."

Most of the time, he added mentally.
Aresk, paladiny god of stick up the bum.

Aresk's eyes burned brightly, as you stared into them a knowing came about ye' that you had mde a great enemy this day.
Aresk thought to himself of plans of battle, and how he knew one day this pathetic excuse for a god would fall, in his attempted conquest of this land, for he would not take this slight to his honor lying down, he was indeed going to have to sit back though for now. Aresk, looked up at the mention of champions, and with his voice still quivering aa bit from anger, he spoke

"I have already made a champion, and he has trained others in the ways of battle, the oder is known only as the shining ones, and they in addition to being my warriors, hold my sermons to this day. Also seeing as I have gone ahead, and done most of the things this council mentions, I would partake of my leave if you would be so kind as to allow it, oh grand god of death, and magic."

2008-08-13, 04:47 AM
"Feel free to go oh hotheaded god of battle." Erothayce says impishly.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 04:48 AM

"You unlike most are a decent god. Can I not persuade you to stay? It would be a shame for us to come to decisions without another kind decent mind which is willing to compromise." Said Tion. "Can we at least hear your view on non-interference?"

2008-08-13, 04:54 AM
Aresk sat back down, when one of the REASONABLE gods, spoke
he then sighed heavily, and began to speak.

"My view on it is, that gods should be able to interfer, with major conflicts, between theirs, and others followers, it is our right to defend our children, and I dont wish to see the little angel I just taught to walk DIE on the battlefield, every creation is a brother, a father, a mother, a son, or a daughter, to some other creation, and to me all life is important, and if a little of my divine blood has to be shed to prevent the lives of my people being wasted because I was to pompus to go out, and pratice on the battle field, then so be it."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 05:03 AM

As Aresk spoke Tion nodded, acting as if he is deep in thought and mulling on Aresk's words. "I don't think anyone with a compassionatebone in their body could possibly argue with that. I'd reccomend us talking about some other business, if we talk about anything at all."

2008-08-13, 06:56 AM
"I care not which way you all go I am merely stating the fact that too much interference could be disastrous." Erothayce entertains himself by creating various things out of the shadows. A spoon, a fork, a fusion of the two. He decided to call them Sporks and to distribute them to all the races. He sent messengers to all of the intelligent races touting the usefulness of this new tool.

((This thread needed more humor, that's all I have to say))

2008-08-13, 07:02 AM
Aresk sat shaving with a set of daggers he dubbed "shaving razors" (since we're doing humor.) as he waited for the gods to bring up another interesting topic of anysort, eventually getting bored with waiting he decided to set up a topic of his own.
"The land is barren, and water scarce, whhat are we to do if our people run out of water, cause after all to create water we need moisture in the air, and that is particulary scarce in the desert regions."

2008-08-13, 07:05 AM
"I do believe that this is the gods of life and storms realms is it not? I ahve no experience in those matters. My creations are well off and do not want for water or food. That is all I know."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 07:06 AM

"If our people need water then we create water with our magic or our divine powers. We can all do that can't we?." Said Tion looking somewhat confused. "Or if you can't do that you take water from the nice sea. I really don't see what the problem is."

2008-08-13, 07:12 AM
"Well, i merely worry for the humans, who although they are frail physicaly, have great potential in most things, but as mentioned, they currently lack a means of supporting themselves in this barren wasteland, except for divine help, after all you cannot farm, or grow plants on glass."

2008-08-13, 07:13 AM
"Perhaps a place could be created for them. Pool the gods who care powers together to strip away a section of the glass and create fertile lands like I did for my ogres."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 07:16 AM

"True." Said Tion, hoping that all the humans would die and rot in the desert. "If you care about the humans that much can't you merely create a river or lake for the humans. I would not help to allow the humans to survive for that would be power I could not use to help the animals."

2008-08-13, 07:22 AM
Aresk nodded though obviously he was unconsoled.
"I understand, your worry for the animals, for they are just as much a part of creation as we are, but I believe if we created a network of rivers, we could help them all, having them all flow from the sea would make it quite abit easier, and the purfiying waterfalls, will make the water drinkable by all the creatures of the laned weather man, animal, or god, this river will benfit us all."

2008-08-13, 07:22 AM
"I personally care nothing for the humans. I care only for my ogres, the souls of the dead, the curatorship of magic, and my shadows."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 07:26 AM

"I can agree with that idea. It shouldn't take that much effort and if each god contributed to it, the we could get quite a good river system, though it might not stretch that far." Said Tion. "Will you help death god?"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-13, 07:53 AM

The Scorpion God stayed silent for a while, something really unusual for him. He took a piece of raw meat while listening to the other gods' arguments. In truth, he was thinking of all the ways he could hurt the God of Light.

"I will help create a more suitable habitat for the humans. Don't get angry if some decide to worship me, though."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 07:55 AM

"I don't think any of us gods would be angry if some chose to worship you. After all it would be their choice and none of us gods have any claims to the humans." Said Tion. Tion created a dwarf corpse and started to eat it. "Well that's three in."

2008-08-13, 07:59 AM
Aresk stood slowly from his seat, stretching his legs, and arm muscels, and well as giving his wings a good stretch, they had been in thi plane, for what FELT like forever.

HE then stepped through the portal back to the realm waiting for the other gods to do the same.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 08:04 AM

Tion left the plane of shadow and went to the nice sea , once their he tried to created the longest river that he possibly could without using up one of his creations. After doing so he returned to the plane of shadows and wondered if their was any more business to discuss.

2008-08-13, 08:15 AM
Uso perked up at the mention of rivers. He smiled as he spoke up. "There is much water in the world. In time the river and lakes would form on their own. But if others are willing to help, then they could be formed much faster." Seeing the others leave, he too departs. He begins observing the earth, discovering where the rivers would run easiest and be the most useful.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 08:24 AM

Tion goes and looks for the just deeparted god. He needed to know his fellow gods sphere of influince and what their thoughts were on the subject of intelligent life. Tion also needed to see if he could convince them to keep out of the forests and grasslands.

Tion went up behind Uso. "What is your name? What is your quest? What did you create?"

2008-08-13, 08:25 AM
Aresk floats out beside his fellow god assisting hjim in the creation of the river in the same manner he was making it. (no creations spent.)

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 08:31 AM

Tion was glad that the gods could come together and cooperate somewhat,m even if the other gods were only there to help those humans. Couldn't someone who was sympathetic to Tion come and take the humans over?

2008-08-13, 08:34 AM
Uso turns around. He looks Tion over momentarily before nodding in greeting. "I am Uso, god of water and storms. And who might you be? You might have introduced yourself early in that 'council', but I missed it." He glances over at Aresk, nodding this thanks for his help.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 08:38 AM

"I am Tion, lord of plants, animals and destruction. So I guess this creating rivers is right up your alley. What intelligent creatures have you created?" Asked Tion as he started to prepare to create a small river.

2008-08-13, 08:48 AM

Stretching his fingers working out the stiffness Vesper replies to his fellow god not even bothering to look up. "I may be able to aid you in the creation of new rivers and lakes."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 08:52 AM

The Tarrasque sleeps.

The dwarves threw away Tion's staff.

Thev dire animals roam the dwarf and halfling lands, preying on the weak.

2008-08-13, 08:53 AM
(( I thought we had an agreement not to prey on children demon king?))

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 08:56 AM
(Not children just weak adults.)

2008-08-13, 08:57 AM
Uso shrugs, turning back to his work. "I have a race that lives deep in the ocean. Do not worry, they should be no threat to you and yours here on land. They find it...uncomfortable, here. Although there are some animals in my oceans you may like. Have you ever seen a shark before?" He glances over at Tion, smiling.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 09:06 AM

"No I haven't seen a shark before. I spend all my time on the land. So what is this shark? Is it powerful? Is it destructive?" Asked Tion intrigued about this shark creature.

2008-08-13, 09:12 AM
Uso smiles. "Yes on both accounts. They are pure eating machines. And one of the biggest predators in my ocean. You should come and see them sometime."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 09:21 AM

Pure eating machines? If they hibernated then they'd be the mirror of the tarrasque only more common. Thought Tion to himself Maybe with my magic I can create sharks that lived on the land. Yes, maybe indeed. Tion wondered how he could use his magic more more things than what he uses it for currently, as he creates water.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-13, 10:36 AM

Sesketh followed the other gods and helped them flood the lifeless plains with fresh water. He took advantage of the situation to inspire the humans and all coastal races to build warships. Naval battles would be interesting, he thought. The mortal races needed such ships anyway, in order to secure their ports and trade goods.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 10:43 AM
(Did that use up a creation?)


Tion worked on make small rivers, still deep in thought on how to best use his magical powers, when he saw Sesketh. "What is your name/ What did you create? What are you god of?"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-13, 10:54 AM
(OOC: I hope not. There is already a sea, so they must know how to build ships already. Inspiration to build warships is just a pat on the back, in my view.)


The Crimson Claw turned its attention to the Dire God.

"My name is Sesketh, lord of Basalt Keep. I govern over warfare. My domain is a vast desertic region, but I expect it to become much larger. I am the creator of the sturdy desert folk, the Ensi. I heard you talking earlier at the council. My people will not bother the animals in your sanctuary, Tion. You have my word. I highly respect your work."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 10:59 AM

"And I respect yours. I am glad your people won't bother the animals in my sanctuary. I hope that you get the warfare you want. Or no warfare if that's more your style." Said Tion as he continued to make the rivers and thought about magic.

2008-08-13, 11:59 AM

To any remaining gods, Barin declared a message, that it might find the other gods, for he would return to his people. Mortals on the cusp of godhood will fall under MY protection, I care not whether they are good or evil, or neither, if they seek godhood and can achieve it, I will be their Shield. and with this, he and the throne melted slowly in the ground, only to rise in the Dvergar castle.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-13, 01:39 PM

Sesketh bid farewell to the gods, ready to return to his duties.

"To you, Aresk, I have this to say: we will meet again, on the battlefield. I see the usefulness of the other gods, but I don't pretend we were meant to coexist. I SWEAR that my armies will one day rid this world of you and your wretched angels!"

With these words, the Lord of War left for his desert fortress. He discovered, much to his dismay, that some of the Ensi had embraced love and lust despite his warnings. However, they had already been dealt with by the High Warrior-Priest of Basalt Keep, named Simet, who sentenced them to exile. Sesketh was impressed. Exile was a fate far worst than death.

The Scorpion God decided to appear to Simet in the middle of a meditation session. The High Priest fell down on his knees and covered his eyes. This was a great honor, and Simet remembered to stay humble as to not anger his god. Sesketh spoke:

"Rise, son of the Scorpion! (Simet obeyed without a thought.) You have served your god well. You have achieved the highest rank of the priesthood and lead the Ensi people with strength and wisdom. You will be rewarded accordingly. Feel the might of Sesketh! Praise him as his power flow into your frail mortal body! BE MY CHAMPION!"

The sensation was akin to being engulfed in a fiery inferno. Yet the pain was brief. Soon, Simet was in complete control of his body again. The power flowed in his veins, empowering him. His eyes had become as black as Sesketh's.

"Good. I will also share my knowledge with you." Numerous gilded scroll cases appeared at Simet's feet. "Inside you will find descriptions of martial techniques to improve your people's art. One of my greatest foe wields strange and powerful magicks. Such techniques will help you to defend yourselves against enemy spellcasters. You must develop the inner strength of your body as well as your soul. In time, the Ensi will be able to practice what I have called blade magic."

And Sesketh left the High Priest's presence.

2008-08-13, 03:37 PM
"Brothers, sisters I do believe that this meeting is adjourned. I wish you all well in your journeys and you may contact for anything you need. I must now depart for my souls need my shepherding hand to guide them to their rightful place in the afterlife. Good day." And with that Erothayce left to take care of the souls that had been piling up waiting.

2008-08-13, 03:45 PM
Artures finished eating, and excused himself from the shadowy castle. In the mortal realm, gods were working on rivers. Sesketch was doing something with boats. The Eternal Lover saw that these rivers were being laid according to the land, and had an interesting thought. The followers of the True Soulmate often traveled, in search of Love, or to more widely share their Lust, yet travel was difficult. Artures pulled some of the rivers, so that they went where the mortals made their cities, and connected the lands of all the creatures dwelled. And Artures also took boats, from the navies of Sesketch and the fishing fleets of the coastal peoples, and these Artures did give to the folks of the river, that they might travel from one place to another.

In doing this, Artures found that those Ensi who had accepted the gifts of Lust and Love had been cast out from the Basalt Keep, and from the societies of the other Ensi. And so Artures did stay amongst the desert folk for a time, and they did travel from an oasis to another, for no one oasis could support them for more than a short length of time. And Artures did aid them in their trials, and they did survive, and even prosper, and in their tents during the night they did give thanks the the Eternal Lover.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-08-13, 03:59 PM
Halna, having simply watched the meeting with interest, quickly turned and left before any one saw him. He walked quickly, and teleported to the large mountain range he had seen earlier.

He walked for a while, coming across villages, teaching his sword-play and, after the villagers discovered that he was something more than a great swordman, imparting wisdom and lessons, along with a few bumps and bruises.

He continued walking until he came across a large cathedral building, shining brightly. "Well, this must be interesting"

He went into the foyer, and stood for a minute, waiting for someone to approach him.

2008-08-13, 04:25 PM

Lingering around for a few moments, Vesper speaks to Erothayce "You wished to speak with me?"

2008-08-13, 04:28 PM
"Ah, that i did. Excuse my forgetfulness, with all of these souls to usher it makes things a bit harder to remember. Actually that is what I wished to speak to you about. Your stealing of my souls. I wish you to desist or that we can come to an agreement on them. And I wish you to destroy your passages to my plane. It is after all my home."

2008-08-13, 04:31 PM

"Your souls? I have just as much right to claim the souls of the faithless as you do. I am rescuing them from the fugue and I believe that I began rescuing them before you did." The god gives a sly grin. "And while you may claim this as your home, I also draw strength from the shadows. I need a connection to my realm."

2008-08-13, 04:34 PM
"I have been tending the souls since I awoke. And not just the souls of the faithless all souls of the dead. I usher them into their rightful place I do not make them work as the dead should not. Speak not of you doing it before me as you only speak lies. While you may or may not draw power from my plane it is still my home and I ask again that you destroy these passages."

2008-08-13, 04:38 PM

Barin returned, and under his guidance the fortress Drottindjuper was completed, he declared that Magnin, the eldest and wisest of the Dvergar would be the regent and king of Drottindjuper, and he would rule from the throne room in the main castle, Barin himself would reside in the massive keep, and he would rule over the king himself, involving himself only when he saw fit.

After the announcement, he took Magnin aside, and he spoke with him. He told him that he would be Barins champion, as befitting of the greatest of his people. Whereas the Dvergar aged like the mountains under which they lived, Magnin would age even slower, outlasting stone and steel. He would also serve as a conduit for Barins power, and he would be gifted, stronger and tougher than his brethren, and he would be given a powerful axe and shield, both items of great power. He would teach others of his kind how to channel Barins power, and so Magnin would be a priest-king. Magnin agreed, and he became Barins champion.

After that, the Dvergar began expanding their kingdom down and outward. Drottindjuper grew larger and more fortified, and the city, for that was what the settlement had become, began to prosper. The city took the same name as the fortress, and smaller villages were established miles away from the city, and smaller fortresses, named after the lords who established them or the towns they overlooked, grew in the tunnels.

2008-08-13, 04:39 PM

"I will let you usher those who have died and are not mine to and fro, to whatever final resting place they so desire. The souls of the other gods' faithful do not concern me nor do I want to step foot in their realms. But, I maintain my right to claim those who are faithless and banished to the Fugue. Nor can I agree to destroying the conduits of my realm to this place of shadows but I will respect your...right...to rule it and shall not interfere in the affairs of the Shadow Plane."

2008-08-13, 04:44 PM
"This i can agree to on one condition. You give the faithless souls a choice. The choice to choose my way or your way. I will put no pressure on them either way as you should not. Let them make the choice themselves. Is this agreeable?"

2008-08-13, 04:46 PM

Smiling, "That could easilly work. They shall be given a choice." Though the choice given may not be the one that Eurothayce was expecting they would however be given a choice.

2008-08-13, 04:49 PM
Not trusting Vesper's smile Erothayce is still happy that there will be a choice for the souls. "Ok, If there is no more business I wish to visit my creations."

2008-08-13, 05:00 PM

"Of course," with a snap of cold pale fingers the dark lord disappears in a gust of smoke returning to the site he was originally on, on the material plane.

First he would keep his promise to extend the reach of the rivers. Finding a major river uses a small portion of his power(not enough for a creation point to be used) to create small tributories that stretch closer to nearby villages and towns. Sprinkling a fine mist into the main river he sows the seed of death, disease into the waterway. The disease would spread throughout the entire river system, and some who drank of the lifegiving elixir would fall ill, the weak amongst them would die and more followers would be secured for Vesper.

Returning to the path of the visiting god amongst men Vesper continues to visit the villages and towns of the people of the land. In the back of his mind he can hear the whispering of prayers directed towards him, he was satisified, those who prayed most fervently were granted the divine gift(divine spellcasting) it was only a pittance of power at first but as they devoted themselves more thoroughly to Vesper they would gain in power. Reaching out to all his followers in their dreams and prayers he plants the roots of their(and his) superiority amongst mortals and gods.

2008-08-13, 05:12 PM
"Well I'm glad that unsavory character is gone. Now to visit my ogres." Erothayce left his home on the shadow plane to visit his ogres and to find out how they were doing. He found that everything was good with them and that no other god had been to tamper. "I belive that some of you should go out into the world to spread my religion. But first come tell me of your lives.

2008-08-13, 05:21 PM
((Umm... I tampered. I gave them Love and Lust, way back on like the 1st or 2nd page))

Artures had found some followers of Vesper in his travels. They were similar to his own followers, in that they existed within other societies, but never held any political power. But some of these now held the power of their god. In a very small amount, of course, they could never be a threat to a true god, but they had caused the deaths of some of the Arturan believers. That would not do. And so Artures gave his followers a small portion of his own power, in proportion to their belief. They had the powers to put Lust and Love into a mortal, and the powers similar to those all gods had, though still a mere shadow of a true god's power. And these Holy men and women of Artures did go out and spread the word, and those who did this were the first Clerics of Artures, though those who would stay in their homes received no Holy power.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-13, 06:04 PM

With time, the Ensi empire grew. Basalt Keep was still the seat of their power, sailing through sand across the desert. Some of them chose to stay behind to establish settlements. Others simply decided to roam the land to spread Sesketh's dogma. They organized themselves in tribes, adopting a nomadic lifestyle. They gained a reputation as fierce raiders.

The Ensi, even as a warlike people, met with the humans and dwarves living in the vicinity of the Great Desert to negociate trade agreements and even alliances. If the outsiders accepted the desert folk in their community, no harm came to them. However, the Ensi laid siege to every city that refused to partake in negociations.

A few capable priests were even sent to far away lands, posing as mercenaries to give advice to foreign lordlings. Now, the knowledge given to the Chosen people of Sesketh could be put to good use, even among the other races.

2008-08-13, 06:11 PM

The Dvergar began to grow in power even more, the fortress and city Drottindjuper grew into a mighty and prosperous place, and many more settlements sprouted up, and the old settlements and castles had grown into cities and fortresses of their own.

The Dvergar formed a mighty underkingdom, and began to delve deeper for more metals and resources. Their skills in metallurgy grew, and soon their armors and weapons were the best in the world. Plus, the priesthood grew, and worship of Barin was the standard across the underkingdom.

However, though inter-kingdom trade was good and prosperous, they needed to trade with those outside. Drottindjuper miners began tunneling upwards, seeking tunnels out of the underground caverns. These passages were heavily defended, mighty fortresses sprouting up in key locations, to protect the kingdom below.

2008-08-13, 06:11 PM
Aresk was ENRAGED, that the peoples of this god decided that it was thier RIGHT, to conqueor all who would not join their fell cause, and he had already lost many followers to this excuse for a gods EXCUSE for warriors, mere pigs of men, trained in using a spear. So he began building an army in secret, built of angels, humans, lupines, any who called him lord.
And thus Aresk planned examing the sites, that he might raid next, prepared to meet his raiding parties at any of them. This needless killing of his peoples MUST be put to a final end.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-13, 07:11 PM
((OOC: I wrote a post in the OOC thread about that.))

2008-08-13, 07:19 PM
Erothayce finishing up hearing about his creations then imbues some with clerical power and sent them along with some guards to spread the gospel of him.

2008-08-13, 08:10 PM
Finished with the rivers, Uso returned to his people in the ocean. Finding them well established and growing, he made himself known to them once more. He warned them of the land-dwellers that were venturing onto the waters, and began to teach them to defend themselves. He also granted the leaders among them the smallest fraction of his power, that they might call upon it in their aid.
Next Uso went to the largest port city on the coast. There he disguised himself as a sailor and began spreading stories about the fickle god of the ocean that demanded respect and praise in return for safe travel. Thus did the worship of Uso spread among those that live on land. Satisfied that it would now spread on its own, Uso returned to govern the oceans.

2008-08-13, 09:06 PM
Bevidia too helps with the rivers. She sends them through the woods of the fauns and nymphs, down to the seas. She then goes to Tion, appearing before him and speaking. Hail Tion. I feel that, in times past, we may have started off on the wrong foot. I wish to change that if possible. The goddess of life and the gods of animals/plants should be able to get along. How may that happen?

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-13, 09:19 PM

Ensi tribes eventually discovered a new river going deep in the desert. They named it Naram-Suen, bringer of life. They settled the river bank and learned how to cultivate various plants. They grew crops of barley, wheat and beans. There were also plenty of figs and oranges.

When their community was large enough, they build a port and defensive towers. In a matter of decades, the Ensi had a fleet of merchant vessels as well as a few warships at their disposal.

2008-08-13, 09:51 PM

Vesper was satisified, the prayers of his followers grew louder and more devout. Those who were given the gift are rewarded with more power for their successes and those who fail horribly are stripped of power. His word is spread throughout many communities and the people take those words to hear. In some settlements his people are the majority.

Now was the time for the next step of Vesper's plan to come into effect and for him to strike against those who refused to accept him. Speaking to each of his priests he tells them now is the time to act. Those who live in areas where Vesper is dominant god are told to gather up the faithful and give the final offer of "Convert or die." Those who still can not claim a majority are instructed to go the local graveyards and prepare for a ritual of intense power.

Waiting patiently for the moment of reckoning the Lord of the Underworld prepared himself within the shadowy tunnels he called home. Petitioners waited on him hand and foot all eager to aid in the coming display. The first cries of forced conversion and acceptance came to him, feeling the power of their fearful prayers swarm him, soon it was followed by the screaming terror of sacrified souls giving him new power. Thrusting all his divine might into the act, divine magic made up of shadow and unlife flowed forth in massive waves, first to the priests performing the sacrifices and then onto those performing the fell ritual in the graveyards. The tunnels themselves quaked as all the magic in the realm was called forth, the dancing fires dimmed and then were extinguished plunging all into blackness before slowly coming back to life.

Priests stood by in awe as the bodies of the dead rose in cruel mockery of life, abominations of what they once were. All manner of unlife was born in those brief moments, some mindless, others brilliantly intelligent, some who were meant to serve mindlessly, others who possessed free will, some who could only be created by powerful magics and others which could propogate their own ranks. From skeletons to zombies, ghouls to wraiths, and even vampires to liches all sprung forth. And so was created the undead, creatures of pure evil.

"FOR YOUR IRREVERENCE TO ME IN LIFE YOU SHALL SERVE ME IN ETERNAL UNLIFE! KNOW WELL THAT IT IS I, VESPER, LORD OF THE DEAD WHOM YOU HAVE TO CALL FATHER! GO FORTH SO THAT ALL MY FEAR! AND REMEMBER THIS THAT ALL WHO WEAR MY MARK OR HOLD ME AS THEIR GOD WILL BE UNHARMED AND THAT MY MOST POWERFUL SERVANTS WILL HOLD THE ABILITY OF CONTROL, UNLIFE OR IF THEY SO DESIRE NON-EXISTANCE OVER YOUR FORM!" With this final magical outcry, the lord of death collapses to the ground physically drained of nearly all his power. He would need time to recuperate and it would be many moons before he could perform such a display again, of course it was all well worth it.

2008-08-13, 10:09 PM
Sensing the growing presence of the Ensi on the waterways of the world, Uso went to investigate. Hearing no prayers from any of them, Uso grew angry. They were using his waters and not even paying him his due respect. And so the Naram-Suen flooded its banks, doubling in width. At the same time, Uso appeared as one of the Ensi and spread talk about a god of the waters who grew angry when ignored. Telling the story as though heard from another, the Uso-Ensi told how worship was not required, merely a simple prayer and an offering now and then were required to keep the Stormlord appeased and their fleets safe. Once more satisfied with his work, Uso caused the river to return to normal and departed for his beloved ocean.

2008-08-13, 10:10 PM
And these things felt no love nor lust, and could not. Rastul of the Rogue Ensi had thirsted for combat for many moons. Yet the word of the divine Artures preached the Love of other things, and so he could not kill them. Now, however... now it was different. Corpses walked the land. Corpses could feel no Love nor Lust. It seemed that he and the other Ensi of Artures could taste combat once more.

2008-08-13, 10:13 PM
As the undead spawn, Bevidia nearly collapses in pain. WHAT IS THIS ABOMINATION! she cries in pain. Quickly, she sends word to her nymphs and fauns, and those who worship her in the other races, the druids and rangers. This...undead...scourge must be destroyed, along with its creators. Gather all who you can. Perversions to life CANNOT be allowed. She then went to Vesper, the creator of this evil, to confront him. Who are you, to pervert life so? Not even gods should take a body from its rightful afterlife!

2008-08-13, 10:15 PM
"This is not what souls are meant for!!" Said Erothayce as he felt the abomonations. He went directly to Vesper and saw Bevidia there also. "What si the meaning of this Vesper let these souls rest as is proper!"

2008-08-13, 10:17 PM

As the Dvergar broke through the mountains, and sought trade with the races above, Barin sensed a stirring in the above. His throne once more melted into the ground and grew out of the earth above. His throne lifted from the ground, and it took him to the place where the dead rose from death. Barin knew these things to be aversion of life, but life was not especially sacred to him, and he tried to be neutral in all things. He saw the persecution the living dead went through, and he sought any intelligent dead.

2008-08-13, 10:18 PM
Waiting patiently for the moment of reckoning the Lord of the Underworld prepared himself within the shadowy tunnels he called home. Petitioners waited on him hand and foot all eager to aid in the coming display. The first cries of forced conversion and acceptance came to him, feeling the power of their fearful prayers swarm him, soon it was followed by the screaming terror of sacrified souls giving him new power. Thrusting all his divine might into the act, divine magic made up of shadow and unlife flowed forth in massive waves, first to the priests performing the sacrifices and then onto those performing the fell ritual in the graveyards. The tunnels themselves quaked as all the magic in the realm was called forth, the dancing fires dimmed and then were extinguished plunging all into blackness before slowly coming back to life.

Priests stood by in awe as the bodies of the dead rose in cruel mockery of life, abominations of what they once were. All manner of unlife was born in those brief moments, some mindless, others brilliantly intelligent, some who were meant to serve mindlessly, others who possessed free will, some who could only be created by powerful magics and others which could propogate their own ranks. From skeletons to zombies, ghouls to wraiths, and even vampires to liches all sprung forth. And so was created the undead, creatures of pure evil.

"FOR YOUR IRREVERENCE TO ME IN LIFE YOU SHALL SERVE ME IN ETERNAL UNLIFE! KNOW WELL THAT IT IS I, VESPER, LORD OF THE DEAD WHOM YOU HAVE TO CALL FATHER! GO FORTH SO THAT ALL MY FEAR! AND REMEMBER THIS THAT ALL WHO WEAR MY MARK OR HOLD ME AS THEIR GOD WILL BE UNHARMED AND THAT MY MOST POWERFUL SERVANTS WILL HOLD THE ABILITY OF CONTROL, UNLIFE OR IF THEY SO DESIRE NON-EXISTANCE OVER YOUR FORM!" With this final magical outcry, the lord of death collapses to the ground physically drained of nearly all his power. He would need time to recuperate and it would be many moons before he could perform such a display again, of course it was all well worth it.

((Im calling that an act of creation. You just invented the undead and raised an army of them. In fac,t since the udnead you raised include some fully sentiant races, that might be two acts. I want the other gods opinions of this. One act for making undead and another for making several sentiant races?))

((Every god gets three acts. Of course, some of them performed actions dubbed to be Acts before this post. They have less accordingly.))

Uvithile emerges from the ground behind Bevidia as a massiv emound of decay. He is several stories tall and his slow voice is like echoing thunder.
What. Monsters. Come. To. Pass. Here?...Who. Has. Done. THis?

2008-08-13, 10:19 PM
((If he gets less souls now i'll be fine with the creations. And i think i'm going to create Hell now then))

2008-08-13, 10:20 PM

Atop a shifting, flowing dark throne, the god reclined lazily. He was still physically drained from the display of his might and almost did not notice the intrusion into his realm. Around him stood petitioners weapons wrought of shadow ready to defend their dark lord.

Pulling his head up and looking Bevida in the eye he responds calmly "I am the Lord of Death. It is over all the dead which I lay claim. If I so desire to raise corpses and animate them with false life, I shall do so."

2008-08-13, 10:22 PM

OOC: Yeah. That would be my second creation act the creation of the undead.

2008-08-13, 10:23 PM
"You cannot claim to be ruler of all the dead when you get a mere pittance of the faithless souls. I am the true ruler of the dead souls and I say this is an abomination. They must be destroyed. I stand firm on this, if you do not do it yourself I will destroy these.. things."

2008-08-13, 10:25 PM
"You cannot claim to be ruler of all the dead when you get a mere pittance of the faithless souls. I am the true ruler of the dead souls and I say this is an abomination. They must be destroyed. I stand firm on this, if you do not do it yourself I will destroy these.. things."

"I merely took those which my followers have brought to me, they prayed for control over death and I have given it to them. Nor am I stealing souls, the souls of the dead still go to you. The bodies have just been animated in life."

2008-08-13, 10:27 PM
Uvithile shakes his massive frame and form his oozing bulk a darkness creeps.In the blink of an eye it flahses outward and through the planes, bringing a grave chill. As he does this Uvithile shrinks considerably.

((He just attuned himself to death. He now has that domain, but he burned a creation.))

2008-08-13, 10:29 PM
"This is still a perversion of death and life. It is not natural. I reiterate, take care of them yourself or I will destroy them along with you. And I do believe that I will have others assist me."

Saying this he turns to Bevidia"Would you take my side against these abominations and this evil god?

2008-08-13, 10:29 PM

Barin, in his floating throne, declared to all the undead with thought and mind, his intent: Know this, I am Barin, The Great Shield, The Steel Lord, I am the god of protection, all those who wish to be protected from those who would persecute you, follow me, and I shall give you my protection, a protection more lasting and more trustworthy than any other. I will force none of you to come with me, but if you do, I shall do all in my power to guard you as best I can.

2008-08-13, 10:32 PM
Artures felt the deaths of his Ensi. The Eternal Lover went to the source of the commotion. There the Rogue Ensi were locked in battle with some manner of creature. "WHAT IS THIS? WHO DECIDED TO ATTACK THESE CREATURES?" boomed the divine voice. "Oh great lord" said a nearby Ensi, "It was I, Rastul, your loyal servant. These creatures will not feel your gifts, and we have lived without combat for many moons" And Artures saw that this was true, the creatures could not receive the Great Gifts. And so Arures instead gifted the Ensi.
He waved his hand and there appeared a multitude of large bipedal lizards, strong and fast. The Ensi had some the knowledge of riding from their time serving Sesketh, and from some inferior mounts. And to Rastul came the largest of all, and he did mount it. "Lead these warriors to slay the beasts that will not take my gift. Lead these, the Rastilian Ensi. And the Rastilians did slaughter those undead, and many more.

2008-08-13, 10:35 PM

Vesper was too tired to smile, but he was in his realm even in his weakened state he was sure he could still win here but there was no need for battle. it was just a matter of waiting for some time to pass.

"But what of the intelligent beings! Do they not deserve the choice over eternal unlife or eternal death?"

2008-08-13, 10:38 PM
"Give the intelligent perversions a choice then. The unintelligent must be destroyed."

2008-08-13, 10:40 PM

After having attracted some of the intelligent undead, Barin took them to where the Rastilian Ensi fought the undead. He saw that many of the undead here were intelligent, with minds of their own, and they were being cut down by these so-called lovers. Barin forged a wall of steel and iron between the opposing sides, tall and wide enough to keep them from fighting each other for a time. He turned in his throne to the undead on one side of the wall. I am Barin, lord of protection and metals, I see that you are the source of great prejudice, but I could help end this. Come with me, and I will teach you how to defend yourselves well, I will gift you tools to do so, and the ability to channel my power in your defense, and I will help you forge a place of your, where you will not be persecuted. Join me, and I will help protect you, and give you the tools to protect yourselves.

2008-08-13, 10:43 PM

Vaguely nodding he continues "And then you will leave my realm and let me be in peace?"

Vesper knew the destruction of the mindless ones would be a hollow victory for these fools who dared oppose him. The magic was already unleashed in the world, even know his followers were honing their talents for raising their own servants, the destruction of this army would be temporary. The undead would be a fixture of this world from now until the end.

2008-08-13, 10:47 PM
Not even the intelligent ones should be given a choice. They should never have been created. However, I will allow the intelligent ones their choice on one condition, on which I am not lenient. They will create NO MORE undead. There shall be no more of these abominations. Either you agree to this, and some of your intelligent ones will live, or you do not, and I will make it my mission to destroy every last one, and then you. Bevidia says, the happiness usually in her voice completely gone. She adds In addition, no matter which choice, I will create creatures of my own, made solely to balance the undead, and hopefully destroy them. They will only recreate if undead do, this i will encode in their genetic material. with a wave of her hand, Bevidia conjures into being a creature of pure light, clearly infused with holy energy. These are the Sarafans, beings of pure light, in opposite to the being of unholiness that your undead are. They will wander the earth now, spreading good, as your undead spread evil.

((OOC: do we have 3 NEW powers, as in we just got them, or do we have three total, including the three we got at the start?))

2008-08-13, 10:47 PM
"That I will."

2008-08-13, 10:51 PM
((OOC: do we have 3 NEW powers, as in we just got them, or do we have three total, including the three we got at the start?))

Three new acts.

And i will take this time to say that since the gods usualy work slowly, the population of the world has tripled.

And making the race of Sarafans will take an Act, btw.

2008-08-13, 10:51 PM

OOC: NVM already answered

IC: "Bavin, you are quite demanding." He did not add and foolish with words, as the wording of the statement left much to interperation and as it stood only the undead now currently in existance would be forbidden from reproducing. "I will have to think about your request, but the choice would truly be up to those intelligent beings that have unlife. Can you leave me in peace while I decide and discuss other matters with my fellow god of the dead?"

2008-08-13, 10:53 PM
"I d believe anyting you have to say in front of me can also be said in front of the god of life seeing as how she is part of the balance."

2008-08-13, 10:55 PM

"Erothayce, my brother. I believe that, that arrangement can be made. I will destroy the mindless in exchange for you leaving me in peace."

2008-08-13, 10:56 PM
((not just reproducing. I said that they cannot create undead. I did not specify in what way. Also, I realize it used an act. I'm cool with that.))

Any discussions can also be done with me. As the Goddess of life, I have a say in it too.

2008-08-13, 10:57 PM
"That I will do for now. If I find anymore new mindless undead I Will be back." After saying this Erothayce turned to Bevidia again, "My dear, I wish to speak with you after this. You are welcome to my plane when you finish with him."

2008-08-13, 11:00 PM

"Then I will see to it that those who can not think crumble to dust. Those who grant life can also take life."

2008-08-13, 11:02 PM
Satisfied in hearing this Erothayce returns to his home.

2008-08-13, 11:07 PM

Turning his gaze to the so called god of life "Now, can you leave my realm so I can get back to my work?"

2008-08-13, 11:17 PM

Barin went from town to town, city to city, and gathered what mindful undead who would listen to his message, a good several thousand or more (I hope this doesn't sound like too much) left with them. He brought them to a region near the mountains where the Dvergar lived, that was barren and almost devoid of life. Likely a natural occurrence, the land was dead and the few plants that grew there were scraggly and small, the animals were mostly snakes and lizards, as well as birds. However, despite this, the ground was rich in minerals and metals. He taught the gifts of mining and metallurgy to the undead, and helped them great a large castle. The castle was located on top of the greatest source of mineral wealth, and the mines connected with some caverns underground. He also taught them how to support their mines safely, so that their castle would not fall.

When they had completed the castle, he taught them how to make armor and weapons, and soon a forge was built next to the mine. However, the going seemed slow. Barin realized they needed pack beasts, to help move around large amounts of resources and tools. He had an idea. He took the bones of the animals which had died in the area. He looked specifically for beasts of burden and such, he found a great many bovines, oxen, bulls and the like, as well as horses. All were mere bones. He put the bones together and animated them, they had no life like the undead, they were mere constructs, held together and animated by magical means. He gifted these to the undead.

He took some of the undead who had an aptitude for magic, and taught them more as best he could, he was no god of magics, but he knew something of the Arcane Arts. He taught them how to create more such constructs, and he taught them and others how to use his divine gift, like the Dvergar. Soon the Undead had a competent core of fighters, as well as some magic users and priests, plus many miners and blacksmiths who would bring metals from the ground and forge them into powerful tools. He gifted the most intelligent of them, one who wielded the arcane and divine spells most efficiently, as king. None seemed to object, and he was a fine ruler. He told them he would always be watching to protect them, and they need only ask and he would help.

2008-08-13, 11:18 PM
The Rastilians beat against the wall, but it was unyielding. "You want to save them?" Asked Artures, surprised, "they cannot Love nor Lust. but if you would save the intelligent ones, then my people need not slaughter them. They still may kill the mindless ones as they so desire, but I will try once more to put Love and Lust into these intelligent undead that you would protect"

((EDIT: ninjad.))

2008-08-13, 11:20 PM

Barin returned to where he had erected the wall. It is my duty to try and protect all who would allow me to do so, all who would follow me shall be protected as best I can, and I will seek to help those who ask it of me, whether they be worshipers or merely praying folk who need what protection I can give.

Edit: ((sorry, I didn't think you were going to be on until tomorrow...))

2008-08-13, 11:25 PM
Uvithile speaks to the goddess of life concerning the undead.

I will work. To see. That these. Too. Shall decay.

Stormthorn watches form above as the intelligent undead work and learn. He shudders visibly, disturbed by the thought of an existance devoid of pain and pleasure. It is too much to think about so he gathers his might and casts a curse of awesome scale. The intelligent undead now have a weak ability to feel pain and pleasure. He drifts down too them and goes amongst the Vampires, teaching of the great intermingling of passion and pain.

2008-08-14, 02:26 AM
Back on his home plane Erothayce could see that the souls needed places to go. And the first that needed to go were the evil souls. So he set about creating a separate plane for them that would reflect what they were and what they did in life. There would be separate layers for each of the evils. Seven in all. He pooled his powers together and unleashed a mighty blast of magic and godly power to create this plane. He linked it to his home where he could easily keep watch over it."I shall call this plane Hel. It will the residing place of all evil souls. And I shall be it's ruler to keep these evil souls from gaining power and influence in the mortal world. And to keep a certain god from interfering and stealing these souls for his own nefarious ends."

After his creation Erothayce went and sat on his throne to await the arrival of Bevidia.

((I just used up my creation point. So as I understand it I have no more, right?))

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-14, 03:41 AM

A message was sent to the life goddess. "Keep your creatures out of the forests and their shall be no bad blood between us."

Tion was deep in thought while the undead was going on. On one hand they created destruction. On the other hand, they stopped the destruction of bodies and were imortal intelligent life. Tion decided to do nothing and to allow the other gods to settle it between them.

2008-08-14, 09:36 AM

His strength slowly returning, Vesper gets back to work. The first such task would be to sure up the defenses of his realm, he never wants to eb surprised agian in his tunnels. Placing powerful wards and traps to the entrances of his tunnels. They would kill all but the gods and would warn him of anyones approach who was not welcome.

Keeping his promise to a degree Vesper ventures out into the world destroying a large portion of the mindless undead, though his definition of mindless may vary from those of his fellow gods. A good many of even those "destroyed" are not truly dead but merely moved to his realm to serve as his soldiers. The mindless undead horde was grealty reduced but by no means was it gone, undead would be a fixture within the world now, easilly created by those who practice divine magic and no doubt ambitious wizards will forge their own versions of the spells. The intelligent undead would be free to roam and for now Vesper would let those who went to Barin live in peace for now.

Returning to his realm, the Prince of Hate begins to plot his next moves. He had hoped to springboard into corrupting a good race but he would need to wait before drawing more ire from the gods. But, he had other plans to enact underneath the ground and he began designing a new land...

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-14, 09:40 AM
(Did that cost a major creation?)


Tion went into the sea and was shocked by all the different animals. Then he found the shark and recognized it straight away for the powerful beast that it was. Tion was sad about how their weren't any of them on the land. So Tion created two bullettes on the land. One female and one male.

2008-08-14, 09:54 AM
Train, train, train, train. Learn new battle formations, create cavalry. (teach them top ride random now domiscatred bug, or animal X, and for information this is more of a unity, there are no corrals, they are allowed to roma free, we just ride, and feed'em.) amass supplies, ammass supplies, train train train.

Then after about two years 0f said training he felt satsified, that his warmages, and cavalry were ready for war, so he appereared before his group of elite TRAINED soldiers, evokers, and warmages, and some cavalry.

"Today, we ride to war, shields will be broken, spears will be shaken by we shall stnad through the day, and stop the maruding forces of evil, today is the day of VICTORY!"

Waves of swords, and roars of approval, ashook the bastion it self, as if they just couldn't wait to sink their blades into evil flesh.
Aresk flew from the keep leading his army, behind him. and hi wings seemed to beat in slow motion, sunlight reflecting of his steel hard wings, as he began to sing slowly, and deeply.

"In our heart we know no fear
In our eyes swells no tear.
Should death we meet today
Let it be so...

Crowned in glory we shall fall!"
Storm Ravens sweep me away
Howl blood to the wintry sway

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-14, 10:15 AM

A lot was happening in both the worlds of mortals and of gods.

First, Sesketh discovered that those Simetian Ensi (as they sometime called themselves in memory of their first legendary leader) who settled on the banks of the Naram-Suen were now addressing prayers to Uso before sailing every morning. But the God of War didn't take offense. He understood perfectly Uso's motives. In any case, the Ensi were still paying homage to their creator. They were still HIS.

He sensed trouble brewing elsewhere. He turned its attention to the restless souls brought back by Vesper as Undeads. He heard the other gods shouting in anger. Seeing an opportunity to gain more followers, Sesketh approached some of the intelligent undeads, those who had been warriors and noble lords in life. He offered them meaning. He offered them the chance to continue fighting under his banner. A few accepted and joined the Scorpion God's armies, serving in legions of their own. They were his Death Knights. Ensi tolerated their presence in the desert, but they feeled uneasy among them.

Following the undead crisis, Erothayce created Hel to house the souls of the cruel and the greedy. While he liked the place, Sesketh didn't want his worshippers to leave for another god's plane. So he decided to create his own using his divine power. He went deep into the Desert of the Ensi, to a lifeless region plagued by sandstorms he called the Heart. There he opened a portal. Sesketh's creation was a volcanic world bathed in red light. Tall obsidian spires rose from the mountainsides. Rivers formed out of lava, sulfur and mud. Swarms of insects began to pour in the portal. They slowly adapted to the hellish environment all the while being subject to the corruption of the plane. Once complete, the realm was given the name Moqqavar, the Cauldron.

Sesketh was pleased. However, he found the realm empty. What he needed was a new species to inhabit Moqqavar. He had seen Aresk's angels at work and thought he could also use a race of powerful immortals to do his bidding. And so he fashioned servants out of the stuff of his plane.

The Ascendants were brawny and aggressive creatures made of volcanic rock, completely loyal to their god. They had the lower body and the mane of a lion, only with three pairs of legs instead of two, the upper body of a humanoid and the wings of a bat. Their claws were as sharp as adamantine blades. They liked to wear headbands set with gemstones. Their body possessed the ability to generate intense heat. This ability was usually active, but the ascendant could suppress it at will. Every member of the race could also take an alternate form, that of a smaller lion-man hybrid. In this form, the ascendant walked on two legs but possessed four arms, each capable of holding a weapon. As they grew in power, Sesketh's creations approached the perfection of their god. Greater ascendants were in the final stage of the creatures' evolution. They appeared like lesser ascendants, except their claws were always coated in poison and their mouth could spew forth clouds of fiendish beetles.

The Scorpion God populated the Cauldron first then gifted the Ensi with lesser ascendants. In the material plane, they would serve as mounts, but only to the most experienced, pious and evil of the Ensi warriors.

((OOC: A little long, sorry. I count two creation acts, one for the plane and one for the new race, as the Death Knights are no different then they were before, when Vesper created them.))

2008-08-14, 11:50 AM

From atop his keep he felt the rumblings of war. Since the last time he'd gone out recruiting he'd checked up on his Dvergar and the Undead, who had dubbed themselves Narjofurr, or Corspekings.

The Dvergar had expanded their underkingdom even farther, it now stretched under much of the mountain range, and they had begun to trade with nearby settlements on the surface, including the Narjofurr.

The Narjofurr had begun to learn how to better caste the divine spells that would utilize his power, and they began improving upon what arcane power they had, trading valuable metals and jewels for the aid of spellcasters in improving their arcane power.

Barin hadn't thought much of the god who had created the Undead, and so he decided to visit his people. Barins throne sunk into the stone of his throneroom, and soon it was floating over the cities of the Ensi. His quicksilver eyes looked all about. watching these people. It did not take long to discover they were militarized. No doubt this was one of the groups that the war was about, however it took more than one to start a war. And so, Barin soared high overhead, in attempt to locate the location of the opposing army.

2008-08-14, 12:11 PM
((I just used up my creation point. So as I understand it I have no more, right?))

Everyone got three this round. How many have you used?

2008-08-14, 12:12 PM

The war on the surface was a welcomed distraction and his prediction proved correct, other powerful beings would soon see the value of those which are neither living or dead. He also saw new oppurtunity to occupy his time until he could build the new world he imagined.

One of his followers, a priest of no small power is sent into the Ensi desert to track down the champion of Seskreth. A champion, Vesper did not possess one yet, the thought of it intrigued him though. He would consider it.

Upon finding the Champion, the priest would deliver this message:

"Greetings to you Champion of Seskreth, master of the Ensi, master of the desert, the scorpion king. I bring to you greetings from my master, Vesper, Lord of Death, The Dark Lord, The Unseen Assassin, Lord of the Underworld, The Prince of Hate.

He has noticed your war with the foul being known as Aresk, so-called god of justice and light. Aresk has gone too far in opposing your rule over this desert land and my lord offers you the services of his cult to aid you in battle. In exchange my master merely asks for the capture and delivery of two, a male and a female...of these so called 'Angels' employed by the false god of justice and a portion of the souls of your enemy slain in battle."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-14, 12:32 PM

In a outpost located far to the west of the Heart, the Ensi prepared for war, since their scouts had brought back news of an army on the move. They spoke of winged crusaders and lupine creatures. Meanwhile, the Ascendants, who prefered to keep to themselves, rejoiced. Sesketh had warned them about those angels before he sent them to fight alongside the desert folk. Since then, the cruel creatures wondered what they could taste like. Soon, they would have their answer.

The outpost was fortified. It hosted a full garrison; not only warriors, but also some clerics and even a few mages, mainly transmuters and abjurers. They did not fear the approaching troops. Their god was obviously aware of the intrusion on Ensi territory and would send additionnal soldiers in consequence. Spies in distant lands had reported that the mountain folk were a peaceful people. It was possible that only a small fraction of Aresk's soldiers had fought in a real battle, while the Ensi had much experience in warfare already.

At the same time, Vesper's emissary was well received at Basalt Keep. The champion of Sesketh at the time was a warlord named Akpe. The Ensi listened carefully to the emissary's proposal, then sat down to pray to his god. Five minutes later, Akpe opened its eyes and returned to give his master's answer.

"The Lord of War, Sesketh himself, came to me. He wishes for me to tell you this: he accepts the terms of this alliance. Tell Vesper, Lord of Death, The Dark Lord, The Unseen Assassin, Lord of the Underworld, The Prince of Hate, that his help is needed immediately in the West. The Crimson Claw will keep his end of the bargain."

2008-08-14, 12:36 PM
The mighty armies of Aresk, that he had trained HIMSELF, and taught the ways of battle, and war, in addition to the addition of cavalry to his amry, he had stopped by at one of his larger magic using bases, and picked up the order of the shining ones, including the mysterious leader of thi group whos leader was still unknown by any except him, and his highest ranking angel, a bering simply known as Galadriel, the first, and most powerful of the angels.
The yarrived at the encampment of this god, and went forth to the gate, asking for an audience with this "false god" delcaring terms of surrender must be made, or his keep would be crushed, and his followers along with it.

2008-08-14, 12:46 PM

Barin watched all this with his jeweled eyes, and he went among the besieged people. He spoke to them, telling them that he would watch over them in defense. From his throne he hovered over the besieged people, offering his divine protection to them, and granting them luck in battle, and the extra strength to survive the trials ahead.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-14, 01:00 PM

The Ensi inside the outpost listened to their enemies as they made their demands known.

"Terms of surrender? Who are you to come here, in this sacred desert, to insult us and blaspheme against our god?"

In truth, the defenders had been given a message : to hold the fort until reinforcements arrived. They knew that Sesketh's new ally would be sending troops to help defeat this army and their vile master, the so-called God of Justice, Aresk.

Meanwhile, one of the Ensi seeked to meet Barin. He was a sage among his people, wise and benevolent. He had convinced several Ensi to be kinder to the other races. In his mind, the Ensi lived to spread civilization and help the less advanced nations. He didn't see a life of fighting as an end in itself. He spoke to the sky, hoping the Shield would hear his plea.

"O, great Barin. You have come to our aid in this time of troubles even if we never addressed prayers to you. Now that I know who you are, I seek to pledge my life to you. We are not all warmongers. Some of us would like to worship you, even if we pay homage to Sesketh as our creator."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-14, 01:03 PM

Tion decided that it would not do to kill the intelligent races for then the other gods would be offended but at the same time he did not want intelligent beings in his forests. So Tion came to the conclusion that he needed a forest that lead intelligent beings away from it.

So Tion created a forest where all things intelligent would be lead away from and that all things intelligent could not see. Though Tion could see and gods and powerful mortals could see if they tried.

Tion moved the bulletes their and tried to move the tarrasque their but found that he couldn't. So it slept.

2008-08-14, 01:04 PM

The Iron King heard the plea, and his throne lowered until it finally touched down next to the sage. He spoke, his metal voice ringing so all could hear, even beyond the walls. I would gladly take into my service all those who wish it. I am the god of protection, and I will try and protect those who need it. It does not bother me who you pay homage to, so long as you serve me honorably.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-14, 01:07 PM

Tion looked at war worriedly, he couldn't join a side otherwise the other side might populate the forests, but if he joined no side then bvoth sides might inhabit the forest. "This should be a joyous occasion with intelligent creatures dying, but it causes me to think too much."

Tion decided to join neither side unasked.