View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 44: Morbius vs. Grix

2008-08-11, 01:19 AM
Arena Tournament, Round 44: Morbius vs. Grix


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Morbius - Morbius (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?&cid=12068)
SoD - Grix (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53278)

All Combatants, please roll initiative.

2008-08-11, 01:59 AM
Grix, pre-round



2008-08-11, 07:00 AM
Errrr.... I see some problems with your sheet...

1st you can only retrain something when you gain a level
2nd as Force screen; Prescience, Offensive and Thicken Skin have a range of personal their tatoos price is doubled (100GP each),

I will wait you to fix that before I declare my buyings and spells.


2008-08-13, 02:46 AM
Bugger, I'll just get onto that...they'll be finished some time in the next 24 hours. Sorry.

2008-08-17, 04:20 AM
My appologies about the wait, internet troubles. It'll be done later tonight, after Doctor Who.

2008-08-17, 07:19 AM
My appologies about the wait, internet troubles. It'll be done later tonight, after Doctor Who.

Good you are back, I was really starting to be afraid that my only fight for the gold medal would be in the finals against a shirtless commoner

2008-08-18, 02:15 AM
I've fixed the sheet: canceled the retraining (+50 gp), canceled one tattoo (+50 gp), and kept the other two (-100 gp). I must admit, however, that I can't find the bit saying that for Psionic Tattooes a range of 'personal' is double cost. Would you care to post a link if it's on the SRD? Or a page number? It's not that I'm doubting you, or trying to accuse you, I'd just like it for future reference (sorry about spelling it out, but I feel bad when I accidentally offend people I've never met).

2008-08-18, 07:15 AM
Here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/creatingPsionicItems.htm) is what you are looking for

Creating Psionic Tattoos
Powers with a range of personal can be made into psionic tattoos, but they cost double the price of standard psionic tattoos. (...)

Before I actually thought they were like potions and could not even be made but Kyuedo showed me this me (psionics is not my area)

2008-08-18, 07:36 AM
Ok, for refs only:


2 guidance, virtue

entropic shield, magic weapon, shield of faith

shaped soulmeld:
Rage claws

I though I was an armor freak but when I saw your items I was surprised... Ok so I will buy 2 scrolls of true strike(now on sheet)

Unless you buy something else you may start

2008-08-18, 07:50 AM
Grix, round I

Start in M25, with a potion in one hand (Mage armour and a loaded heavy crossbow in the other).

Standard Action: Drink Potion.
Move Action: Open door...

Battle Stats:
HP 7/7
AC: 25
Buffs: Mage Armour 0/1000
Position: M25, with loaded heavy crossbow in hand

Edit: Done. Your turn. Oh, and once LoS is established, can it be assumed I declare my dodge on you every round? Just to save having to type it every time?

2008-08-18, 08:22 AM
I don't think you have to declare it every turn... only when you change targets

Morbius round 1 - 2nd to act

Morbius starts on M2 with 2 scrolls on his hands(shield and enlarge person)
Standard action to cast shield then free action to drop used scroll.
Swift action to activate law devotion: defense
Move action to open door
And finally free action to 5 foot step to M3

stats (refs only)

Location: M3
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 24 , Touch 14, Flat-footed 23
Saves: fort +4, reflex +0, will +4
Attacks: +4 Greataxe (1d12+4)
Items: scroll of enlarge person, 2x scroll of true strike
Spells: 2xguidance, virtue, entropic shield, magic weapon, shield of faith
Effects: law devotion 10/10, shield 10/10
Reactive rolls:

2008-08-18, 07:58 PM

Assuming no LoS:

Standard Action: tap Psionic Tattoo of Thicken Skin.
Move action: Retreive Potion (Mage Armour)

Battle Stats
HP 7/7
AC: 26 (FF 21, Touch 20)
Buffs: Mage Armour 1/1000
Thicken Skin 0/100
Position: M25, with loaded heavy crossbow in hand, and potion in other

If LoS (I'll unspoiler if we do)
Standard Action: Fire Crossbow
Move Action: Move to...somewhere. I'll decide when I know where he is (if we have LoS)

Battle Stats: HP 7/7
AC: 25 (Touch/FF 20)
Buffs: Mage Armour 1/1000
Thicken Skin 0/100
Position: M25, with unloaded heavy crossbow in hand
Edit: If we don't have LoS, I'm done. If we do, I'm not. Either way I'll want to know so I know what to cross out.

2008-08-19, 02:28 AM
High Ref chilepepper

Morbiuswhen you open your door, you see the other door is already open. No LoS
GrixDuring round 1, you see the other door open. No LoS

Morbius's turn.

2008-08-19, 08:36 AM
BTW always assumeI ended my turn unless I say something like not done, need los, etc

Morbius round 2 - 2nd to act

Morbius takes a 5 foot step to M4
Standard action to cast shield of faith.
Swift action to activate animal devotion devotion: ape str
Move action move draw axe and hold it(not wield) on one hand

End Turn.

stats (refs only)

Location: M4
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 26 , Touch 16, Flat-footed 25
Saves: fort +4, reflex +0, will +4
Attacks: +5 Greataxe (1d12+6)
Items: scroll of enlarge person, 2x scroll of true strike
Spells: 2xguidance, virtue, entropic shield, magic weapon
Effects: law devotion 9/10, shield 9/10, shield of faith 10/10
Reactive rolls:

2008-08-20, 06:56 AM
Grix, round III

Move Action: Move to G22.
Standard Action: Drink Potion of Sheild of Faith.

Battle Stats

HP 7/7
AC: 29 (FF 23, Touch 23)
Buffs: Mage Armour 2/1000
Thicken Skin 1/100
Sheild of Faith 0/10
Position: M25, with loaded heavy crossbow in hand, and potion of Sheild of Faith in other

2008-08-20, 07:50 AM
Morbius round 3 - 2nd to act
Assuming no LOS...

Morbius moves to M10
Standard action to cast enlarge person from the scroll. growing to M10/N11
Free action to drop used scroll
Swift action to alocate essentia into rage claws

Refs I am now 10 feet tall so the altar no longer block LOS if he is close to his door

Need a LOS check then it's your turn.

stats (refs only)

Location: M10/N11
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 24 , Touch 14, Flat-footed 23
Saves: fort +4, reflex +0, will +4
Attacks: +5 Greataxe (3d6+7)
Items: scroll of enlarge person, 2x scroll of true strike
Spells: 2xguidance, virtue, entropic shield, magic weapon
Effects: law devotion 8/10, shield 8/10, shield of faith 9/10, nature devotion 9/10, enlarge person 10/10
Reactive rolls:

2008-08-20, 09:10 AM
Ref Talic

Grix:No LoS

Morbius:No LoS

2008-08-21, 04:32 AM
Grix, round IV

Move Action: Drink Potion of Force Screen.
Standard Action: Ready Action: Shoot, if he comes into sight.

Battle Stats: HP 7/7
AC: 31 (FF 25, Touch 25)
Buffs: Mage Armour 3/1000
Thicken Skin 2/100
Sheild of Faith 1/10
Force Screen 0/10
Position: M25, with loaded heavy crossbow in hand.

Edit: Done.

2008-08-21, 05:40 AM
Morbius round 4 - 2nd to act
Assuming no LOS...

Swift action to spend 3 turn checks and activate animal devotion hawk's flight.
Morbius then flies to H7/I8, 15 feet high)

Reactive rolls:

Need a LOS check then it's your turn.

stats (refs only)

Location: H7/I8
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 24 , Touch 14, Flat-footed 23
Saves: fort +4, reflex +0, will +4
Attacks: +5 Greataxe (3d6+7)
Items: 2x scroll of true strike
Spells: 2xguidance, virtue, entropic shield, magic weapon
Effects: law devotion 7/10, shield 7/10, shield of faith 8/10, nature devotion: str 8/10, enlarge person 9/10, nature devotion: fly 10/10

2008-08-21, 08:07 AM
High Ref Talic

Hold up a sec, need some clarification.

Grix:As I see it, your turns this round were as follows:

Start of Match: M25, potion of mage armor, and heavy crossbow in hand.
Round 1) Drink potion of mage armor, Open.

Round 2) Tap tattoo. Draw potion (mage armor, think you meant shield of faith). Think you also meant to drop the empty vial.

Round 3) Move to G22. Drink potion.

Round 4) Drink potion of force screen (How did you draw this?)
Standard action: Ready action.

Last round, how did you get the potion in hand?

Match on hold, pending response.

2008-08-22, 07:37 AM
Sorry, my appologies. That should've been drawing potion. I think I shouldn't post in the arena when lacking sleep...and yeah, the second mage armour should've been sheild of faith. I'll undrink the potion, and have it drawn instead. And yeah, vials were being dropped. Sorry, I'll mention that from here on in.

Battle Stats:
HP 7/7
AC: 29 (FF 23 Touch 23)
Buffs: Mage Armour 3/1000
Thicken Skin 2/100
Sheild of Faith 1/10
Position: M25, with loaded heavy crossbow in hand and Potion (Sheild of Faith) in hand.

2008-08-22, 01:01 PM
My turn?910

2008-08-22, 07:41 PM
No, not your turn. I was just clearing up something for the refs, which was partially mistakes in the battle stats. I just need a ref to A-OK it.

2008-08-22, 11:03 PM
High Ref chilepepper

Battle Stats:
HP 7/7
AC: 29 (FF 23 Touch 23)
Buffs: Mage Armour 3/1000
Thicken Skin 2/100
Sheild of Faith 1/10
Position: M25, with loaded heavy crossbow in hand and Potion (Sheild of Faith) in hand.

SoDFirst of all, drawing the potion instead of illegally drinking it is fine. However, is there a typo in your stats? Bolding by me. Just clarify what buffs and what's in hand and then get the match going again.

Waiting on SoD to clarify something else, then the match can get under way again with whomever's turn it is.

2008-08-23, 08:48 PM
Refs: OK, here we go. AC:

Original: 21 (+5 dex, +1 size, +1 nat, +4 wis). Touch: 20, Flat Footed: 16.
First Round (Add Mage Armour): 25 (+4 armour, +5 dex, +1 size, +1 nat, +4 wis). Touch: 20, Flat Footed: 20.
Second Round (Add Thicken Skin, Draw Sheild of Faith): 26 (+4 armour, +5 dex, +1 size, +2 nat, +4 wis). Touch: 20, Flat Footed: 21.
Third Round: (Add Sheild of Faith, move): 29 (+4 armour, +5 dex, +1 size, +2 nat, +4 wis, +2 deflec, +1 dodge). Touch: 23, Flat Footed: 22.
Fourth Round: (Draw Potion of Reduce Person, ready action): 29 (+4 armour, +5 dex, +1 size, +2 nat, +4 wis, +2 deflec, +1 dodge). Touch: 23, Flat Footed: 22.

Oh, and the potion I illegally drew? My bad, it was a tattoo. And from here on, I'm just declaring my dodge constantly.

Right, I think that clears everything up?

2008-08-23, 09:36 PM
High Ref chilepepper

refsAfter reviewing what was posted, SoD's recap of intended action seems in line.

GrixThat seems inline with your intentions. Accepted. Please be more careful in the future.

That puts us at the top of the 5th, Grix's turn.

2008-08-23, 10:10 PM
Grix, round V

First off, appologies for holding the match up with my screw-ups.

Move Action: Move from G22 to J16. (G21-G17, H16-J16)
Standard Action: If LoS is acheived anywhere, I stop there and fire the crossbow, after dropping potion (Reduce Person).

Attack Details (if needed):

If LoS isn't happening anywhere, I drink the potion.

Battle Stats:
If potion drunk, use bolded changes.
HP: 7/7
AC: 29. Touch 23. Flat Footed 22.
AC: 31. Touch 25. Flat Footed 23.
Buffs: Mage Armour 4/1000
Thicken Skin 3/100
Sheild of Faith 2/10
Reduce Person 0/10
Position: J 16, with Loaded Crossbow and potion of reduce person in hand.
Position: ??? with unloaded crossbow in hand.

Need LoS.

2008-08-24, 09:04 PM
For ref convinience Morbius is:

enlarged at H7/I8, 15 feet high and since I goofed my rolls on the last post


2008-08-25, 12:20 AM
High Ref chilepepper

Sorry, I got the questions sorted out, but didn't give a LoS before Grix's round 5 turn. Sooooo, we're backing up to the middle/end of Morbius's turn in round 4.

LoS is established.

Grix is in G22.
Morbius's torso pops up over the wall. He he is large and you can extrapolate that his base occupies H7/I8/+15'.

Grix has a readied action.

2008-08-25, 06:54 AM
nothing to see here

2008-08-26, 01:45 AM
Grix, Round IV cont.

Readied Action: Fire Heavy Crosbow.


Grix, round V, redo

Morbius, if we still have LoS, feel free to open spoiler.
Full-round Action: reload heavy crossbow.

Battle Stats:
HP 7/7
AC: 35 (FF 24, Touch 29)
Buffs: Mage Armour 4/1000 (+4 armour to AC)
Thicken Skin 3/100 (+1 nat. to AC)
Sheild of Faith 2/10 (+2 deflect to AC)
Force Screen 1/10 (+4 sheild to AC)
Reduce Person 0/10 (+1 size to AC, +2 dex) Dex 22, size tiny.
Position: M25, with loaded heavy crossbow in hand.


2008-08-26, 06:23 AM
yes we still have LOS... that was actually the end of my move, and BTW that was a miss

Morbius round 5 - 2nd to act

Continues to move to F/G 7/8, then moves to F/G 15/16 moving another 5' up on the way(so he is now 20' up)

Reactive rolls:

Your turn.

stats (refs only)

Location: H7/I8
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 24 , Touch 14, Flat-footed 23
Saves: fort +4, reflex +0, will +4
Attacks: +5 Greataxe (3d6+7)
Items: 2x scroll of true strike
Spells: 2xguidance, virtue, entropic shield, magic weapon
Effects: law devotion 6/10, shield 6/10, shield of faith 7/10, nature devotion: str 7/10, enlarge person 8/10, nature devotion: fly 9/10

2008-08-26, 04:09 PM
23 is a miss??? Oh dear...

Grix, round VI

Move Action: Retreive Potion.
Standard Action: Drink Potion.
Free Action: Drop empty vial.

You see me shrink.

Battle Stats:
HP 7/7
AC: 33 (FF 26, Touch 27)
Buffs: Mage Armour 5/1000
Thicken Skin 4/100
Sheild of Faith 5/10
Force Screen 2/10
Reduce Person 0/10
Position: M25, with loaded heavy crossbow in hand.


2008-08-26, 05:51 PM
I though I was an armor freak but when I saw your items I was surprised...

Morbius round 6 - 2nd to act

Morbius smiles as you shirink then flies to F/G 20/21 and lands

Your turn.

stats (refs only)

Location: H7/I8
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 24 , Touch 14, Flat-footed 23
Saves: fort +4, reflex +0, will +4
Attacks: +5 Greataxe (3d6+7)
Items: 2x scroll of true strike
Spells: 2xguidance, virtue, entropic shield, magic weapon
Effects: law devotion 5/10, shield 5/10, shield of faith 5/10, nature devotion: str 6/10, enlarge person 7/10, nature devotion: fly 8/10

2008-08-27, 02:13 AM
Grix, round VII

Move Action: Move to O23
Standard Action: Fire Heavy Crossbow.

Battle Stats:

HP 7/7
AC: 33 (FF 26, Touch 27)
Buffs: Mage Armour 6/1000
Thicken Skin 5/100
Sheild of Faith 4/10
Force Screen 3/10
Reduce Person 1/10
Position: M25, with un-loaded heavy crossbow in hand.

2008-08-27, 06:39 AM
First, aoO


Also two things...
How are you moving 40 feet if monks only gain fast movement at level 3?
Please don't edit your sheet during a match.

2008-08-27, 06:35 PM
You know something? I will just post my move... if you have quick trait and I am simply not seeing it we just have to adjust your HP if you don't it would not affect the outcome anyway.

Also I believe you didn't bother to see my last match or else you would have brough more weapons with, (the problem is that you are already carring a medium load as it is but oh well) or even purshased a potion of reduce person...

I would prefer not to do this but as it seems you won't hold still...

Morbius round 7 - 2nd to act

Change law devotion to attack

Morbius moves to L21/M22 and attempts to sunder your crossbow
[roll0] 5 str+3law+4size+4 two handed weapon+weapon focus
(won't even bother to roll damage, my minimal roll can reduce your crossbow to splinters)

Your turn.

stats (refs only)

Location: L21/M22
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 21 , Touch 11, Flat-footed 20
Saves: fort +4, reflex +0, will +4
Attacks: +8 Greataxe (3d6+7)
Items: 2x scroll of true strike
Spells: 2xguidance, virtue, entropic shield, magic weapon
Effects: law devotion 4/10, shield 4/10, shield of faith 4/10, nature devotion: str 5/10, enlarge person 6/10, nature devotion: fly 7/10

2008-08-27, 08:20 PM
As you said, the quick trait gives me the extra speed, and my reasoning for editing the sheet as we go is only to show the bits and bobs from the potions/tattoos. I've stuffed up too many times, so I'm keeping the changes there as well. But now I look over my sheet...I can't find any mention of the quick trait, nor a penalty for it...not sure how I slipped that one through the refchecks...

Anyway, due to a mixture of weaponlessness, embarasment for so many mistakes, and confusion about the accidental cheating (40 foot land speed), I think I should throw in the towel and admit defeat...

2008-08-27, 08:26 PM
Everyone makes mistakes (they actually have my picture in the wikipedia's D&D mistakes section)
In my previous match I attempted to hover, fly in a straight up angle, etc. Before I discovered theat my fly manuvearability was not perfect ¬¬(ie everything was illegal moves)... then I won by DQ and no rewind was needed.

A pity I had to sunder your weapon, but I did not had enought actions to disarm you and pick up your weapon and as i would let the 40 speed fly as long as you adjusted your HP it would be dificult for me to keep up with you.

2008-08-27, 10:43 PM
High Ref chilepepper

Morbius is the winner.