View Full Version : Tomb of Horrors IC (Merged)

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2008-08-11, 04:36 PM
You are in the entrance to the Tomb of Horrors. The door to get in has been sealed off.

The creature's corpse is lying where it died and it still has its necklace. You hear a bunch of clanking metal and see that a man has leapt out from the corridor where Erika died and landed rather clumsily. "Who are you?" he asks.

OOC: Everyone make an int check. Everyone from group A gets 2500 xp. Group Z gets 1000 xp for not getting bored fighting each other, among other things.

2008-08-11, 06:39 PM

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! someone get me the ladder or a rope or somethin'! These spikes hurt!"

EDIT: Aduro is having trouble remembering his name right at the moment. :smalleek:

2008-08-11, 06:52 PM

Walking out from behind Brian, Erika peering into the pit. Oh, him. "Didn't we mark them obviously enough for you?" She stands and watches the man suffer for a good 5-10 seconds before she wanders over to her ladder, which was lying in the hallway and lowers it slowly down to him.

She squats and holds the ladder while he climbs out. Not to make sure he got out, but to make sure the ladder didn't get knocked in.

2008-08-11, 06:54 PM

Wait a minute... were those diamonds?

Dang. Forgot the check.


2008-08-11, 06:58 PM

Alexis wanders over to the hole and looks down. After verifying that the Gnome is not in any immediate danger, he smiles and says, "Hello, my name is Alexis!" He then turns to the dead creature and checks it over.

Alexis seaches the corpse, [roll1] and removes the necklace, as well as anything else he finds.

2008-08-11, 07:42 PM
OOC: Fendrin, the INT check isn't for what you think it's for. You can see the ceiling. You'll see the corpse without any treasure a few rounds later. Roll a fortitude check.

Other than the necklace, you find blood and guts.

2008-08-11, 08:48 PM

Bok wanders over to the pit, smiles and points to himself, "Bok." and then begins gawking at the gnome in the pit.

Int check [roll0] :smalleek:

2008-08-11, 09:43 PM

After carefully cleaning his hands, Alexis pulls out the necklace and takes a closer look at the clearly valuable stones. After a few moments, he looks up. His eyes scan the room, and he notes the bald female holding the ladder. "Hi there. Would you care to introduce yourself and your friends?"


2008-08-11, 10:56 PM

"Erika, aren't you supposed to be, you know, dead and corpsified?"
With a sickening schlurk he pulls himself off the spikes and proceeds up the ladder.
Looking at the new folks, the (literally) flaming gnome adds
"I'm called Aduro."


UglyPanda, I think you misunderstood my comment on the int check. I was rationalizing the low check and pointing out what it indicated about Aduro's mental state- that he was so out of it he couldn't even remember his own name.

2008-08-12, 07:24 AM

Erika, not wanting anyone to mistake her for Aduro's friend, introduces herself.

The woman in full plate, proudly displaying the holy symbol of Wee Jas, steps forward and removes her scratched up helm. Her bald head glistens with slight perspiration. She looks critically at Alexis and Bok and then says, "Erika"

She looks down on Aduro and says, "Sadly, our time together was not yet at an end." Not wanting to take a flaming fist to the face, Erika puts her helmet back on. Of course, it also allowed her to scowl at him and make other sorts of faces without enduring his wrath.

2008-08-12, 11:19 AM
"Erika, good to have you back, umm somehow." torlo says and gives her a hug, which is strange because he's a lot shorter than her. He then wanders towards the new people "The name is Torlo, teller of tales and singer of songs,"

int- [roll0]

2008-08-12, 01:00 PM

The priestess turns to Torlo and smiles behind her helm. She walks to him and says, "It is good to see you've survived. Thank you."

She turns to the new people and her tone changes dramatically, "Why are you here? Why did you close the entrance? Your appearance here seems... too convenient. Obviously some dark force in the dungeon placed you here to distract us from our mission."

Well, it won't happen. I'm going to pretend like they were here all along as part of our expedition.

Erika pulls up her ladder and sets it aside again.

2008-08-12, 01:15 PM

"So now what, crew? Do we try to break out and go back to town or do we make camp here? Do we join up with these fellows who appeared out of nowhere or do we roast them? Or just send them on their merry way?" Aduro makes no attempt whatsoever to hide his voice from the newcomers.

2008-08-12, 05:14 PM

Looking down on the Aduro, she says, "Don't waste resources on them. That is obviously their plan. Kill them if you must, but do it the old fashion way." After a pause she says, "Although, if my reappearance is any indication, it will be for naught. Might as well, let them tag along."

Erika motions at Alexis and says, "That one seems capable of carrying the loot." She then motions at Brian and says, "That one is cranky. You should problem just kill him. Save us all a lot of trouble."

Erika checks herself out for injuries and then checks over Aduro and Torlo.

2008-08-12, 05:16 PM
The man who recently appeared is noisily at work trying to break his way out of here.

To Orran:He's wearing women's armor.

2008-08-12, 06:49 PM

"Now, now, there need be no more killing. This beast was the only thing trying to harm anyone." Alexis motions down the hallway. "Besides, we have been deeper into the tomb. You can get rid of the mists from the archway at the end of the hall. We didn't close up the entrance, and we aren't on our way out either. We just got teleported back here some how." He walks over to the digging man, gingerly stepping around the pit. "You haven't introduced your 'cranky' friend here. I'm also curious where you found this big angry beast."

Alexis reloads his crossbow and slings it onto his back.

2008-08-12, 06:58 PM

Erika shrugs at the idea of not killing anyone, her metal armor clanking at the gesture. Still skeptical, Erika closely watches the newcomer and says, "Captain cranky calls himself Brian, but he isn't with us. He was stuck in the same room as me when I woke up from my near death experience."

Erika does motion to one of the paintings in the main hallway, the one with a monster and a cage. The painting itself is out of reach as there is an open pit at its base. She says, "There was a hidden door behind that painting. The beast was hidden in a room at the end of the hallway beyond the secret door."

2008-08-12, 07:02 PM

Aduro points out the four spike holes in his body when Erika inspects him.
"Resources? I can burn all day and all night, baby. I've got stamina."

Hearing Erika's evaluation of the newcomers, he looks at her with a baffled look.
"And you know this... how? And what about that one?"
He points at the armored figure at the door. He snaps his fingers and sends a burst of flame into the wall next to the figure.
"Hey you, what's your story, bub?"

2008-08-12, 08:09 PM
Aduro feels a bit uncomfortable, but it passes and his health remains as intact as it should be for someone with holes in his back.

"I'm trying to get out of here, what's it to you?"

2008-08-12, 09:14 PM
Seeing that no one has really taken notice of him, Bok trots off down the hall keeping an eye out for marked pits with his darkvision and settles down to take a nap at the far end.

2008-08-12, 09:33 PM

"He is quite the charmer, isn't he?" Alexis smiles and winks at Erika, then turns to Brian. "Well, if you are deciding to leave, you might as well leave your stuff here. That way you can say you fought your way out with nothing but your bare hands, and we can make good use of your stuff. You could also stay and come with us, if the whole eternal glory thing is at all appealing to you." He then trots over to the beast's lair, goes inside, and starts looking around. "Wow, you guys sure bleed a lot! Its a mess in here!"

[roll0] Trying to influence Brian to leave his stuff or join us. After entering room, take 10 searching it if it is small, or just look around a little if it is really big.

2008-08-12, 09:36 PM
"Why would I give you my stuff? I'm not that dumb. Besides, I have things I have to do."

The room is covered in bloodstains. One large one stretching from the center of the room to the burned-down-door and several others on the walls. There is another door in the room. There is no knob, but instead four inbuilt handles, one on each side of the door. There are also seven studs on the middle of the door in a line straight down.

2008-08-12, 10:32 PM

Alexis casually pokes his head back out into the main corridor. "Well, I wasn't necessarily just asking. You are trapped in a dungeon with a thief, a flame throwing gnome, a singing halfling, a Wee Jas priestess, and a half ork. Ironically, it would be the half ork who would be most likely to stop us from killing you, but he's taking a nap right now." Alexis brings his crossbow to bear around the corner. "So tell you what. You drop your stuff, tell us everything you know about the tomb, and what these 'things you have to do' are, and we will give you a shovel and let you dig your way out, naked but alive. Otherwise, I could use a good trap baiter. How quick are your reflexes?"

2008-08-12, 10:35 PM
OOC: You're no longer in the entrance corridor. You're not close enough for him to bother listening to you.

2008-08-13, 06:24 AM

For half a moment she almost called out a warning to Alexis to warn him that we didn't search in there for traps yet... but.. she didn't.

Seeing Bok take a nap, Erika looks at Aduro and says, "Not much I can do for your wounds till I get some sleep and commune with Wee Jas." Trying to focus on her voice(so that it doesn't sound sarcastic -- even though it is), she says, "Sorry."

She gathers her stuff and finds a place clear of traps within 20-30' of Bok and tries to get comfortable for a sleep period. She removes her armor, takes out her bedroll and then strips down totally neked. Using one of her spare blankets an a dab of water she clean up as best she can and then climbs into her bedroll. She uses another of the spare blankets as a pillow.

She sets her shield and morningstar so they are handy and available should we be attacked in the middle of the night. She does her best to cuddle against her backpack(in an effort to keep thieves away).

2008-08-13, 08:35 AM

"Eh, they're only scratches. No harm in waiting."

He picks a spot up against the wall between Bok and Erika and curls up in to a ball of dim blue flame. He does not bother taking special measures to secure his possessions because, any thief had better by fire-retardant if they wanted to rob him.

OOC Note:
The Mantle of Flame soulmeld specifies that it only sheds dim light and only in the meldshaper's square, so the flames should not bother the other 'campers'.

2008-08-13, 01:23 PM
(OOC) Aww, I was quite pleased with that Neutral-oriented speech too!

Alexis examines the studs closely, checking for any traps. After investigating them, he finds a corner to hide in and trances for the night.

Take ten searching each stud, then take 20 on finding a spot to hide.

2008-08-13, 02:16 PM
OOC: They're studs. They're brass and stud-like. They're arranged vertically. They are seven of them. You then realize this is leading you nowhere and move on.

You take a nap by the part of the room that isn't covered in blood.

2008-08-13, 04:25 PM

Erika rises once she has rested enough to have a clear mind. She puts her priest's outfit back on and prepares to memorize her daily spells. Seeing the painted helm, she scowls and growls. Fine. Focus the angry to greater evilness. As she scraps off the paint with her dagger, she contemplates the various painful tortures she will inflict upon the culprit.

{{ Pray for spells / Memorize / etc }}

2008-08-13, 04:40 PM
OOC: I'm assuming everyone went to bed. None of you ate in the interim, it appears.

In the morning, you are awoken by the light coming from the entrance to the cave. It appears Brian made a big hole in the wall and left. You all feel a bit disoriented. You think you went to bed early, around 4 or 5, when in fact you went to bed at the usual time. Something is off.

Once Erika removes the paint, she sees that the words "I'm Lunch" have been engraved into her helmet.

2008-08-13, 06:55 PM

After awakening, Alexis muches some rations, peeks in on the others, and then returns to the interesting studs. He first counts the number of diamonds in the collar, and if seven, attempts to fit them or touch them all to the studs somehow. Otherwise, he tries pulling, pushing, tiwsting, or otherwise prodding each of the studs in turn.

top to bottom if it matters

2008-08-13, 07:06 PM
There are ten-larger-than-average diamonds on the necklace.

Nothing you do seems to do anything. The door is made out of steel, by the way.

OOC: Would you like to make an appraise check?

2008-08-13, 07:10 PM

(OOC) On the door or on the diamonds? :smallsmile:


2008-08-13, 07:35 PM
OOC: The necklace, of course.

The necklace is worth anywhere from 1 copper to 10 billion platinum. You really can't tell. You're not even sure they're diamonds, they might be glass.

2008-08-14, 06:29 AM

After filling her brain with divine power, Erika finds the food box and breaks out rations. Erika calls out to the sleepy headed adventures down the hall, "Breakfast is served! I'm going to cast create water, so if you need a refill come on over."

Erika does her best to drain the rest of her waterskin and eat her fill from the community purchased food box.

{{ Once everyone is ready... cast Create Water to fill up the canteens/waterskins/etc. }}

2008-08-14, 12:31 PM
Bok stirs from his rest. Feeling hungry and not really in the mood for rations, walks over to the slain beast. Gets out his dagger and begins cutting and hacking at it, looking for edible meat.

2008-08-14, 05:34 PM
Eight hours have passed since the creature has killed. Flies are circling around it and it has started to rot. It's probably not good eating.

On closer inspection, Alexis believes the necklace could be worth five pounds of gold.

OOC: If you really want to eat it, make a fortitude check. I screwed up on doing the appraise check earlier.

2008-08-14, 06:11 PM

After taking some time to examine the studs and diamonds, Alexis returns to the main corridor to find everyone else eating breakfast. "Hello, so are we all in favor of going forward? There seems to be seven studs on the wall in here, but I can't figure out what they do. Maybe someone else can look at it?" He sits down.

"The archway at the end of the hallway teleported us to a room with a four armed gargoyle, but one of the arms is broken off. It is positioned like it wants or needs something. There is a passageway from there leading to several other places, one of which is some mind controlling jar-thing, and another is some sort of desecrated chapel." He glances at Erika on the last statement, clearly expecting an enthusiastic reaction.

Noting Bok poking at the carcasse he shudders, then says, "Bok, we can go into town briefly if you really want breakfast. Maybe we could sell off Winnet's arrows and buy something useful at the same time."

2008-08-14, 08:09 PM

Erika sighs. A desecrated temple? What heathen would risk the vengeance of the Gods?

Erika looks up and down the main hallway.. then says, "Perhaps you could show us the non threatening areas and give us a chance to check them out one at a time before moving on. I don't like the sound of a mind-controlling jar... perhaps we can skip that one."

2008-08-14, 11:29 PM

Aduro sits bolt upright into wakefulness.
"Mind-control? Very dangerous. I can make myself immune and take care of it."

He closes his eyes and concentrates. The blue flame that is draped around him like a cloak furls itself upward into a rapidly rotating ring around his neck, which then coalesces into a medallion on a chain, held tight to his throat. The medallion is in the shape of a winged scarab.

He then takes some nondescript food from the small pouch he keeps tightly tied to his belt, then takes a long drink from the mug that is attached to belt by a two-foot long length of chain and hung on a hook.

Keeping the same soulmeld setup except dropping Mantle of Flame and shaping Planar Ward.

Meditates to establish psychic focus.
[roll0] vs. DC 20

EDIT: Don't forget natural healing if you are wounded. 1 hp per character level.

2008-08-15, 07:17 AM
OOC: Sorry about the wait, RL as I said, I was actually planning on guarding for most of the time, what with only needing 2 hours of sleep, but it's a bit late now. Also can't access my sheet, mythweavers is down.

"You guys sleep like bricks, I've been awake for hours. I say we go to the chapel, sounds like the only room where we could make any progress."

2008-08-15, 09:02 AM

Aduro taps the scarab-medallion at his neck.
"I didn't shape this for nothing. Let me torch the jar-thing first, we might find something useful in with it. Worst case scenario we 'waste' some time to eliminate a threat."

He stretches and stands.

"I'm ready to depart. Of course, you know, it seems like a waste to have gone through all the pain and agony of fighting that thing without finding out what it was guarding."

2008-08-15, 09:41 AM

Erika looks at Aduro and says, "If you want to deal with the mind control jar, then by all means. I think it best if the rest of us stay back so we don't become ensnared."

Having prepared spells, Erika decides to take a moment to fix up some of Aduro's wounds. Looking at the wounds she asks, "How do you feel? Were these poisoned?"

Assuming he is still injured.

[roll0] HP restored.

If he complains about feeling bad... add a Lesser Restoration
[roll1] ability points restored.

2008-08-15, 09:58 AM
Seeing everyone getting ready to get on the move, Bok abandons his search for fresh meat and sits down to concentrate to gain back any lost spells. Once they are fresh in his mind Bok returns to the group munching on rations from his bag.

2008-08-15, 10:11 AM

"Yeah, I figured I'd head in alone. I just need to be shown where it is."

As Erika examines Aduro's wounds, he says:
"I feel fine, other than the skewer holes. It takes some really nasty poison to affect me."
When her healing spell takes effect, his wounds close up almost completely.
"Thanks, that helps."

OOC: UglyPanda, that is not a challenge!
Unfortunately myth-weavers is down for maintenance for the nonce, but I believe that Erika's spell puts him at 97/101 hit points.

2008-08-15, 10:34 AM
OOC: What isn't a challenge?

2008-08-16, 06:42 PM
OOC: So, is anyone going anywhere yet, or are you just talking to each other about it?

2008-08-18, 06:17 PM

Erika nods and offers a non-committal, "Hmmm." She then says, "Well, hurry off and deal with that brain in a jar thingy."

She turns to Alexis and suggests, "Watch your back," with a sideways glance at Aduro.

2008-08-18, 06:25 PM
"So what will we do in the meantime? Just sit around and wait? Theres got to be something useful for us to do."

2008-08-18, 07:29 PM
OOC: You could try to open the door that Alexis has been staring at for far too long, or try to figure out how to get past the mist-filled archway. Or you could jump into the demon head's mouth. Go on, try it.

2008-08-18, 07:38 PM

Erika frowns at Torlo's suggestion. Sure, she wasn't getting any younger, but Aduro was the only one who really stood a chance of noticing the traps before they went off. Finally she says, "I don't think we should go anywhere we have not already been. I don't like the idea of setting off any more traps."

2008-08-18, 08:55 PM

"So!" He says clapping his hands together, sending up a small puff of smoke. "Who's taking me to the mind-control thingamajig?"

2008-08-18, 10:58 PM

Happy to go and settle a score, Alexis leads the group down the corridor to the archway, and if there are mists, presses the stones in the order yellow, blue, orange. He then leads the group through the archway once the mists dissapear.

2008-08-19, 06:32 AM

Seeing Alexis reach for the misty portal Erika twists and raises her shield to protect her chest/face/etc in case there is an explosion or other similar disaster.

After a few seconds of with no disaster, Erika inquires, "What led you to push that combination or even to mess with it?"

2008-08-19, 08:38 AM

Not knowing what to expect on the other side, Aduro girds himself for combat.
He summons forth his fiery whip and with a quick wink to Erika, steps through the archway.

Fire Lash, Weapon afire, then step through.
I say that as if you didn't already know that's what I meant. :smallamused:

2008-08-19, 10:02 AM
"Bok figured it out yesterday."
Bok casually strolls through the archway, not expecting danger.

2008-08-19, 10:10 AM
Once the stones have been pressed, the mist vanishes, revealing another hallway. As the others enter the hallway, you see that they vanish.

You are all now in a 10 foot wide and 20 foot long unlit chamber. It is small and feels cramped.

A broken, 8-foot-tall statue of a four-armed gargoyle squats here, alone and in the dark. Its three remaining hands appear as if in positions of supplication, or need.

A small tunnel leading out of this area is visible past the statue.

2008-08-19, 11:26 AM

Aduro scampers over to the statue giving it a quick examination, igniting his left hand to see better.
"Asher-whats-his-name musta had a real thing for four armed gargoyles. If it weren't for that broken arm I'd wonder if this were a real one."

hand aflame to use as a torch, as before.

2008-08-19, 05:14 PM

At Aduro's comments, Erika pauses to consider what she knows about gargoyles especially with respect to undead, liches, and the divine powers that be.

She also examines the statue more closely(is the broken arm here or is it totally missing?) and asks, "Did you try putting anything in its hands? Money or such?"

2008-08-19, 05:58 PM

"Rocks and his other arm. Alexis messed with it more than me."

2008-08-19, 06:18 PM

"I took a look, but I haven't tried all that much. Thinking about it now though, its possible the necklace from the other gargoyle could be of significance. Hopefully it doesn't suddenly turn this one real or anything." Alexis pulls out the necklace and examines how it could be used on this gargoyle.

As in, could the necklace be put around it's neck? Would it fit in a hand? Could I take the stones off and put them in the four depressions?

2008-08-19, 06:23 PM
If you look behind you, you'll see the fourth arm in a dark corner. The arms of the statue each have an inch-sized depression in their hands.

You put the necklace over the statue's neck. Nothing happens.
The fourth arm does not have a depression in it. Would you like to continue this course of action?

2008-08-19, 07:19 PM

When in doubt... use cash.

Erika takes out a handful of mixed coins and tries each in the depressions in the hands to see if copper, silver, or gold are good fits. Assuming she can find a denomination that fits, she'll populate each hand with a coin(going clockwise from the statue's head -- if it matters).

She'll then hold the broken arm up to the stump.

2008-08-19, 07:28 PM
Erika finds that money is no puzzle-solving object and that some puns aren't worth making.

She also finds that the stump doesn't reattach.

Everyone make an INT check.

2008-08-19, 07:35 PM
int check [roll0]

2008-08-19, 11:15 PM

Wow, go Bok!


Wow, go Me!

2008-08-19, 11:20 PM
Bok remains as dumb as he chooses to be.

Alexis confirms yet again that the gems from the necklace fit perfectly in the gargoyle's hands. Does he want to follow that course of action?

2008-08-19, 11:38 PM

(OOC) Sure, whats the worst that could happen. :smalleek:

Alexis places gems in each of the depressions, and prepares to run away.

2008-08-20, 07:08 AM

Erika recovers the money, but hangs on the to stump(for now). She steps back as she sees what Alexis plans to do. She holds up her shield and inches back to the left corner of the small room(just in case).


2008-08-20, 08:19 AM

Aduro watches the proceedings with interest, but holds himself ready to leap into action if the statue animates.


2008-08-20, 09:43 AM
Alexis breaks the necklace and places a single gem in each of the statues hands. The claws of the statue begin to move, and then, the three gems are then all crushed into fine powder. The claws then flip around, dump the powder onto the floor, and return to their original positions.

Nothing happens to the fourth arm during this time, if any were paying attention to it.

2008-08-20, 09:48 AM

Erika nods her head and says, "Excellent. Diamond dust." She moves up and bends over to start scooping the crushed gem dust up for her spell component pouch. While she does, she sets her weapon on the floor to the side of the statue and says, "Many powerful spells require this."

She turns her head and looks over her shoulder at Alexis and asks, "Got any more?"

2008-08-20, 09:50 AM
The dust on the floor is missing for some reason. Perhaps what you saw wasn't what really happened.

2008-08-20, 11:01 AM
"Did we just lose most of the loot from that thing that killed Erika?" Torlo says rather confused. "Seems a bit of a waste to me."

2008-08-20, 11:40 AM

"Hey! What the?" Erika feels around on the floor for any sign of the powdered gems and then feels the palms of the statue's hands(where we put the gem) to see if she can still feel them.

2008-08-20, 11:47 AM
You feel nothing. There is no dust, nor gems.

2008-08-20, 12:46 PM

"Huh. Well whatever, lets get moving. I'm not getting any younger and you're not getting any prettier."

It's not particularly clear whom he was referring to with that 'you'.

2008-08-20, 07:57 PM

Clearly upset by the ruse, Erika takes the gargoyle's broken arm and, using it as a club, whacks the statue on the right side of it's head.

She then gruffly asks, "How much further to this mind control thingy? Should we just stay here and let Aduro go on the rest of the way himself?" She then bends over and recovers her own weapon, prepared to either wait of keep moving depending on the answer.

2008-08-20, 08:43 PM

"Well, that was interesting..." Alexis leans out into the next corridor and points out a blue sphere on the wall. "The jar is through there, the sphere is an illusion. Be careful."

He then turns to Erika
"Well, that's the first time I made it do anything. Any other ideas? Should we try this again and just watch more closely?

2008-08-20, 09:57 PM

"Be careful? Now why would I wanna do that?"
With a quick smile, he steps through the blue orb, ready for anything.

2008-08-20, 10:21 PM
OOC: You didn't need to PM me about that soulmeld, I've got access to that info.

Dust covers the remains of a wizard’s storeroom like snow. Fallen shelves, smashed crockery, glass shards from dozens of smashed potion vials, and corroded alchemical tools litter the floor.

2008-08-20, 10:42 PM

Aduro looks around the room to see if any particular piece of crockery or glassware seems in any way related to mind control. If not, he stands at the entrance to the room and starts tossing bolts of flame at anything that remotely resembles a 'jar'.

OOC: I didn't remember, so I figured it couldn't hurt.

2008-08-21, 04:35 PM
You start searching. You look around for the brain jar your new companions kept telling you about. After several minutes of boring searching, you can't find it.

While searching, you stumble upon an unidentified scroll, a scroll that says "Please don't read me" on the side of it, a scroll that says "Read me" on the side of it, a bag of blue cut gems, a pair of moth-eaten pants, a rather pale preserved eyeball in a jar which you tried to set on fire, a spellbook which has had a massive bite taken out of it and is thusly unusable, and a broken crossbow bolt.

2008-08-21, 06:16 PM

Aduro gathers up the scrolls and the bag of gems and returns to the others.
"I dunno what you're talkin' 'bout a brain in a jar. Closest thing in there was a weird lookin' eyeball in a jar. Other than that I found some stuff which might be useful."

He hands the three scrolls to whichever spellcaster is closest and picks a couple of gems out of the bag at random, showing them to anyone interested.

2008-08-21, 06:29 PM

Erika, knowing what sort of evilness could be contained, avoids touching the scrolls. She shrugs at the gems and says, "Well, a brain in jar couldn't very well walk off. Someone must have taken it... or.. maybe it is controlling Aduro and attempting to throw us off the trail."

Erika readies her shield and massive morningstar.

2008-08-21, 07:11 PM
"Did you destroy the eye? Maybe an illusion?" Bok says calmly, having no memory of what happened with the brain in the jar.

2008-08-21, 11:48 PM

Alexis shrugs, and turns back to the statue. He again gives it a once over, and tries three more gems, studying the statue closely as he does so.

Before placing gems [roll0]
After placing gems [roll1]

2008-08-22, 06:49 AM

"No, I didn't smash it. I suppose it could have been an illusion, but why stay in a jar in that case?"

2008-08-22, 04:15 PM

Disappointed by the first crush, doesn't get her hopes up when Alexis again tries out the statue. She does prepare herself for combat(just in case).

Erika continues to avoid looking at the eye and avoids touching the spellbook or the scrolls, but does ask, "Is the room a dead end? No way out? Perhaps you should search for secret doors and such."

2008-08-22, 05:14 PM
Alexis again places a single gem in each of the statue's hands. The claws of the statue begin to move, and then, the three gems are then all crushed into fine powder. The claws then flip around, dump the powder onto the floor, and return to their original positions.

Alexis discovers no further information.

Aduro has been the only one to leave the room in this time period.

Here is what he saw:
The floor of this long, wide hall is inlaid with tiles, and the walls and ceiling are painted with figures of animals and strange signs and glyphs. Humans and human-like creatures hold painted spheres, each a different color from the next.

A mist-filled stone archway lies at the end of the wide hall of colored spheres. Three large stones are embedded in the arch. Each has a different hue—olive on the lower left, russet at the top of the arch, and citron on the lower right.

2008-08-22, 07:32 PM

"So did you guys try the other spheres, or go through the other archway? Actually, I wanna go back to where Erika got gakked and see what's behind that door."

He watches as Alexis destroys more diamonds.
"Hey maybe we need to put one in the fourth hand too. Erika, hold the arm so that it's palm up."

OOC: Oh, and the only items Aduro brought back were the scrolls and the gems. The rest of the stuff is still in the other room.

2008-08-22, 08:04 PM

"Ok, lets give it a try then." Alexis selects the four remaining gems, and places them in each of the hands, starting with the broken off one. Before doing so however, he inspects the necklace itself to see if it could serve any additional purpose.

if needed [roll0]

2008-08-22, 08:21 PM
The three gems are crushed in exactly the same fashion as before. The fourth hand does not have a slot, and the gem in it...does nothing.

2008-08-22, 08:24 PM

"Waste of time and gems. I'm heading back to check out that other door."

And with that he turns and walks back through the archway that they came from. Assuming he is back in the entry hall, he will proceed to the room where they first fought the gargoyle.

2008-08-22, 08:30 PM
OOC: I think I wasn't clear before. You didn't walk into that room, you were teleported. You have no clue where you are. Now feel free to bitch at Alexis.

2008-08-22, 08:57 PM

"Waste of time and gems. I'm heading back to check out that other door."

And with that he turns and looks for a way to teleport back.

"Ok, how do I get back? No one said this was a one way trip!"

OOC: I knew it was teleportation (from the description of people disappearing) I just didn't realize that we just -pop- ended up in the middle of the room. I thought we walked out of an archway... but now I know I was wrong. :smalltongue:

2008-08-22, 10:53 PM

Alexis nervously rolls the last gem between his fingers. "Well, here's the catch. I'm not really sure how we got back to the entrance, we just sort of appeared there. There is another archway at the end of the hall, but we haven't succeeded in getting the mists to dissapear. The other path to the chapel is to through a black sphere (night's good color?), and there is a locked door behind the silver sphere that I have been unable to pick. That's as much as I know." He turns to Erika. "Do you think using these different gems might make a difference to what happens? It just seems like there is something here we need to figure out."

2008-08-23, 06:49 AM

{{ I totally missed the teleport thing. }}

Erika turns to Alexis and says, "Fine, problem solved, no more mind control jar. Now take us back to the entry hallway."

{{ Sorry... your post wasn't visible when I typed this one in... }}

2008-08-23, 07:26 PM

Alexis looks confused for a second, and then repeats what he just said. He also goes to the hallway and points out the black sphere.

2008-08-24, 08:44 AM

Aduro follows Alexis into the orb-studded hallway.
"Chapel? What chapel? What other path? Speak up man! You're not making any sense. You should have said this was a unidirectional teleport earlier!"

2008-08-24, 10:08 AM

Erika stands tall next to the little man ready to deal with these newcomers and their trickery. "Exactly."

{{ OOC : I'm totally confused about where we are, what we've seen, how these areas are connected to each other, etc. }}

Erika takes her wand of secret door detection and activates it. She first scans the hallway with the broken statue, then scans the wizard lab(as best she can from the doorway without going in), then follows Alexis to the sphere hallway scanning it too.

2008-08-24, 11:01 AM
Bok follows the rest of the party into the hall of spheres and waits patiently while the others decide what to do.

OOC: a rough map of the area we are in:

2008-08-24, 12:32 PM
Description of the tunnel walls:
The figures and their corresponding spheres appear as follows on the south wall, from west to east:
GOLD sphere held above head by a naga.
ORANGE sphere held waist high by a mummy.
PURPLE sphere held at feet by a minotaur.
BRONZE sphere held waist high by a nymph.
GRAY sphere held at shoulder by an owlbear.
BRIGHT BLUE sphere held at feet by a sahuagin.
WHITE sphere held above head by a red slaad.
TURQUOISE sphere held at shoulder by a satyr.
SCARLET sphere held waist high by a mind flayer.
PALE GREEN sphere held at feet by a medusa.

The figures and their corresponding spheres appear as follows on the north wall, from west to east:
PALE BLUE sphere held at shoulder by a werewolf.
SILVER sphere held at feet by a four-armed gargoyle.
GREEN sphere held high above head by a half-orc.
YELLOW sphe re held at shoulder by a falconheaded creature.
PINK sphere held high above head by a yuan-ti.
BLACK sphere held at feet by a hydra.
PALE VIOLET sphere held at shoulder by a kuo-toa.
BUFF sphere held at feet by a white- bearded human wizard.
RED sphere held waist high by a skeleton.
INDIGO sphere held high above head by a batwinged woman.

OOC: I started working on a map, realized there are some typos in the module, made a dozen new color swatches, got confused, got angry, changed stuff, realized I gave bad descriptions earlier, found some mistakes in the included map...I'm going to go cry somewhere.
Also, the module does not include a spoiler-free map. It would make me so happy if it did, but nope. I have to make new maps and remove and add various things.
The grey circle on the left is the statue, the grey circle on the right is a badly-drawn archway. The rectangles are the spheres. They appear to be painted on, but I made them rectangles cause you wouldn't be able to see them otherwise.

2008-08-24, 12:39 PM
"So where do all of these lead? Is it just the chapel and the door or are there others? Should we go to the chapel?"

2008-08-24, 02:02 PM

Whoa, look at all the colors.

Erika leans left and right to see down the hallway avoiding walking too far into the room. She then inquires, "So.. how do you pass through the spheres? Do they break? Are they hinged? Do you just pass through... are they illusions?"

2008-08-24, 11:15 PM

"I'm not a mage, but I think its some kind of illusion. I'm sorry you misunderstood me. Feel free to check out the next room, just don't open any of the doors behind the spheres. They just open to black walls with some kind of trap. I disabled them earlier, but you never know. Feel free to double check which spheres are fake."

2008-08-25, 06:00 AM

Erika looks back down the hall at all the colors and then back to Alexis and says, "Wait.. one more time. The spheres each have a door behind them. However, most of those are trapped 'false' doors that don't go anywhere?"

She looks back to Bok and then to Alexis and says, "Only these 3 sphere go anywhere... and you've already checked all of the others?" Erika indicates the one to the statue room, the wizard lab and the one at the far end of the hallway.

She pauses and looks back at the black sphere and says, "Didn't you say the black on did something too?"

2008-08-25, 11:05 AM
"Some are just paint," Bok says as he walks over to the pale blue sphere and taps it to show its solid, "and some are 'llusions." Bok finishes as he walks over and puts his hand through the black sphere.

2008-08-25, 12:23 PM

"The riddle-poem-thing said 'left and left', right? We went left when we went into the first arch, so maybe we should go left again. Alexis was your name? Let's you and me take a look at that silver orb door. This Ashercrack lich guy seems to have a thing for four-armed gargoyles, so that orb intrigues me.

Erika, you're of the priestly persuasion, perhaps you'd like to peruse the pews of the chapel? Why don't you take the rest of these fellas, just in case?"

If we split them up maybe we can find out a bit more where they came from and what they're doing here.

2008-08-25, 12:51 PM

Looking around again, she looks at that black sphere... it just looks.. bad. Well, might as well give it a whirl. "Sadly, I think I agree that the chapel should be next. Aduro, can you go first and make sure it is clear of traps?"

Erika makes sure her unholy symbol is out and ready for action.

2008-08-26, 07:07 PM

"I've been through to the chapel. There are no traps up to that point. No promises past there though. If you seem to come to a dead end, it's a secret door." Alexis explains the trick to the secret door. "Come back and let us know before you go anywhere else ok?"

Alexis nods to Aduro, but before going back to the silver door, he does one more full walk around to ensure that he hasn't missed anything else. He presses his hand agains each sphere, and tries passing a rock through the mist filled archway using his mage hand.

After, he walks over and joins Aduro at the silver door. Setting down at the lock, he takes out his equipment and again tries to pick it, occasionally asking Aduro to hold pieces in place or jiggle the door a little.

[roll0] (Assumed +2 for the assist)

2008-08-26, 07:49 PM
With Aduro's help, Alexis barely manages to get the door behind the silver sphere to open. The lock was on the opposite side of the door.

OOC: Is Erika going to go into the chapel or is she still thinking about it?

2008-08-26, 08:20 PM
(OOC) What happened with the archway?

Alexis peeks inside.

2008-08-26, 08:25 PM
OOC: Oh, I missed that.

Nothing happens to the archway. The rock goes through, you have no clue what happened to it.

2008-08-26, 08:42 PM

As they begin to work on the lock, Aduro drains a little bit of soul-stuff from his boots, shirt and armor, flooding it into his inky-black skin-tight gloves.

While Alexis works on the lock, Aduro proffers suggestions and advice, displaying an abnormally keen insight to the workings of a lock he has never so much as looked at prior to this.

When the lock clicks open, he reverses the soul-stuff shift, returning his energies to how they were originally set.

Shifting one essentia from each of the three locations into the gloves nets a total check of +13, enough to guarantee the assist. moving it back afterwards means no need to change his sheet. :smallwink:

2008-08-27, 06:27 AM

Erika looks at the black sphere and ponders the missing brain(from the jar) and decides the wise thing to do is stay put. She stands near the black sphere and waits for Alexis and Aduro to have their fun. After 30 seconds or so she begins to tap her foot impatiently.

2008-08-27, 07:36 AM
Torlo also stands around, looking for something he can do to help. Failing to find anything he searches the walls for anything of interest about the spheres for as long as it takes Aduro and Alexis to get back.

taking 20 (for a 35) on search checks for as much of the wall as he can cover in however long he has, starting with spheres.

2008-08-27, 05:11 PM
Torlo finds exactly what the previous group found. The red, gold, blue, black, silver, orange, and bronze spheres are fakes. There is some sort of door behind the orange and bronze spheres.

2008-08-27, 05:51 PM

(OOC) Actually, I never knew about the red sphere.

Alexis ventures just inside the door behind the silver sphere, and peeks behind the red sphere, and reports his findings to everyone else.

2008-08-27, 05:58 PM
Both times Alexis sees a tunnel which ends with a turn to the right.

If you had to guess, it would be between 11 am and noon right now.

2008-08-27, 06:44 PM
"So whats behind the orange and bronze spheres?" Tolro says to anyone that might know "Have we checked those ones yet?"

2008-08-27, 06:53 PM

"Those were the trapped doors. They lead to blank walls with traps behind them. So what does everyone think? Red, Black, Silver? Go back and feed even more gems to the Gargoyle? Lets either decide on one path, or split up and investigate all of them."

2008-08-27, 07:38 PM

Erika tilts her head towards the black sphere, which she happens to be standing directly in front of tapping her foot with great impatience. She finally is provoked into conversation by Alexis, "Perhaps we should check out the black sphere. Just so we all get up onto the same page..." After a pause, she adds, "Not that I don't trust you, I would prefer if Aduro checked it out before we all go searching through there. Maybe Torlo too."

That didn't sound right... I don't trust him or Aduro, so how would I say that... hmm

2008-08-27, 09:18 PM

"Aw c'mon! We just got the silver orb door lock open, and we know Crackerjack the Lich has a thing for four-forearmed gargoyles, so there's gotta be somethin' back there!"

2008-08-27, 09:57 PM
To prove Erika's distrust to be nothing more than paranoia, Bok clambers through the black sphere and calls out to the rest of the team once in the chapel.

2008-08-28, 06:27 AM

Erika raises an eyebrow at Aduro from behind her helmet and says, "I suspect that whatever is behind that door right now, will still be back there in an hour, after we've investigated the chapel. For all we know, there will be an important clue in the chapel which will allow us to understand what is behind the door that much better."

She steps aside and with a sweeping motion of her arm gestures to the black sphere.

2008-08-28, 12:45 PM

"Yeah, it might still be there, but will we be able to get to it? I still wanna know what's behind the door in the room that the gargoyle decorated with your blood, but I can't get there to find out, now can I?"

With that, Aduro stalks through the silver orb. He takes a few seconds to generate his lash and ignites his other hand to use as a torch, then forcefully kicks open the previously locked door.

Fire Lash, Weapon Afire, Hand Afire... nothing to see here folks, move along, move along.

2008-08-28, 04:19 PM
Aduro sees a short tunnel. Does he go through it?

2008-08-30, 08:08 AM

Growling internally at Aduro, Erika ponders what sort of evilness his insolence deserves. After a minute or so, assuming she doesn't hear screams from behind the silver hatch where Aduro went, she slowly walks down that way.

Seeing the narrow tunnel, Erika frowns. Why not just put in standard size doors? All these custom doors and tunnels probably cost a lot more than just getting everything standard, off the shelf.

Erika pulls out a lump of clay and kneeds it in her fingers, releasing tension. After making a strange shape with the clay, Erika touches the stone wall to the left of the small tunnel and casts, Stone Shape expanding the tunnel a fair bit.

Effect, move 17 cubic feet.
Pull some of the stone out to form steps up into the tunnel.
Widen the tunnel and make the height of the tunnel increase by about 1 foot in each direction. The spell should be able to expand a 4' long tunnel which was already 3' diameter to be 4' diameter. Just makes it a little easier to get through.

2008-08-31, 11:04 AM
Time passes. It appears you have been yelling at each other over your indecision for an hour. It occurs to one of you that you should flip a coin. It occurs to another one of you that the previous person should shut the hell up, they're thinking.

2008-08-31, 12:20 PM

Aduro peers down the short tunnel to see if anything looks amiss. If not, he then digs out the gold piece Erika gave him the previous day and tosses it down the tunnel to see if any traps get set off. If not, he yells back to his companions.
"Hey Erika! There's gold back here!"
Aduro climbs through the tunnel.

OOC: Oh man, I though I had posted this here already! Sorry!

2008-08-31, 01:07 PM
Aduro sees a small 10 ft by 10 ft room. It has a door on the opposite side.

There is no knob, but instead four inbuilt handles, one on each side of the door. There are also seven studs in the middle of the door in a line going straight down.

2008-08-31, 03:06 PM

"Hey 'lexis! didn't you say something 'bout a door with seven studs? There's one here, too."

Aduro then waits for the others. His impatience is at the moment held in check by the fact that he really doesn't think it's a good idea to go wandering off alone in this place.

2008-08-31, 06:18 PM

Erika is, to put it mildly, not amused by Aduro's effort to lure her in with gold. She gestures to let him know he is #1 in her book(quite sarcastically).

Once the bird has flown she moves up and widen the opening(as described earlier) and then moves into the small room to look at the door and the studs and the handles.

Thinking to herself, her mouth accidentally voices one of her internal questions, "Four handles... why four?"

2008-09-01, 07:24 AM

Aduro stares at the door, pondering Erika's question.
"Typically if a door only has one handle,"
he says, grasping the handle on the right side of the door,
"then one would expect to pull on that handle in such a way that leverage helps open the door, whether by pulling out..."
he tugs on the handle to see if the door moves on concealed hinges
(assuming that the door does not open)
"... or across."
he pulls the handle to the left.

"With a handle on each side, we're obviously not supposed to know which way it opens. Which means that trying to open it the wrong way might set off a trap."

He scoops down and picks up the gold piece he had tossed in here, and flicks it end over end to Erika with his thumb.

"That's yours by the way"

2008-09-01, 09:56 AM
Torlo follows the others in, "Well it seems theres something special about 7 studded doors here." He then inspects the studs on the door thoroughly.

Search- [roll0]

2008-09-01, 10:34 AM
The door doesn't budge either time it is moved. Not even a little.

Orran finds that the door is made out of metal, has studs and handles, and nothing else that's useful.

2008-09-01, 10:47 AM

Erika lets the coin bounce off her armored chest without flinching or even attempting to catch it. After it settles to the ground and Aduro starts to go nuts on the door she casually picks up the coin and looks at the door in detail for a minute or two.

OOC Questions :

Hinges visible? Are the studs round or hex or square? How far do they stick out? Far enough that you might be able to grasp one(to turn it or pull on it)? When you say 'handles' these are really just 'divits' that you can reach into to grasp the door for pulling. Right? When you say, one on each side of the door you mean (top, bottom, left, right)?

Erika ponders things a moment or two more and says, "If you can't see the hinges, that usually means it opens inward. Try pushing on it instead."

2008-09-01, 11:22 AM
After waiting for his companions to follow, Bok decides to go back to the hall of spheres and proceeds to enter the silver sphere.He leans against the wall opposite of the metal door, while Aduro plays with the door.

2008-09-01, 11:38 AM
No visible hinges.
Diamond shaped, square with the corners pointing towards cardinal directions.
They stick out about half a centimeter, but the part of the door they are attached to is deeper in, so they don't affect the size of the size of the door overall.
The handles are indeed divots. Would you like me to start calling them that?
There is one on the top, left, right, and bottom. About an inch from the edge of each side.

2008-09-01, 12:06 PM

Aduro quickly repeats the process with the bottom handle, the left handle, then hopping up to grab the top handle.

Ok, now I'm confused. The only 'divot' I'm familiar with is the bit of turf a golfer tears up when they hit the ball.

What's that got to do with a door handle??

2008-09-01, 12:16 PM
The door still refuses to move.

This is hard to put into words.

Cross-section of a handle, ignore the underscores (These things '_'):

***************************____________*********** **
***************************____________*********** ***
***************************____________*********** ***
***********______________________________********* *****
***********______________________________********* *****
***********______________________________********* *****
************************************************** **
************************************************** **

There's room to grab, but it doesn't poke out of the door.

2008-09-01, 12:57 PM

"Hmm, maybe some sort of trigger mechanism..."

He looks back at the various odd people that have gathered with him in this fairly small chamber deep within a crazy trapped maze buried under a hill in an unfamiliar city in a land quite foreign to his own. Realizing the absurdity of the situation, he can't help but burst out laughing.

Still laughing a bit, he gets back to work.
"I've a hunch this is trapped, so if one goes off, don't say I didn't warn ya".

He reaches out to see if the studs move, then remembers the needle that poked him the last time he pushed a button in this place and decide that this would be an appropriate time to start learning from his mistakes. He pulls Erika's crowbar out from his belt where he stashed it after scraping off the paint from the door they found in the entrance hall. He uses end of the crowbar to push the top stud in, then tries to slide it up, down, left and right. Finally, he grabs it with his fingers and twists counter-clockwise, then clockwise.

Once he has determined how it moves (if at all) he repeats the process with each stud sequentially.

Oh, I understand the handles now, they are inset in the door.. the way you would want for a pocket door... makes total sense now. Except the divot thing, but I think it's best to just forget and move on. :smallamused:

2008-09-01, 01:18 PM
Aduro pushes in the first stud and learns it is neither trapped, nor do they slide. It can, however, be pushed in like a button.

Once Aduro pushes in all the studs from top to bottom, a loud click is heard, and then...


The door opens away from you with a loud noise. It would've hurt if someone was on the wrong side at the time. A new area is visible. It is undecorated, and appears similar to the room you are in. This one is about 10 ft long, and it extends to the right.

If someone sticks their head inside:
The chamber is about twenty feet wide. There is a visually identical door on the right end.

2008-09-01, 01:20 PM

Erika nods and stands up straight, shield in front of her as she walks up to Aduro and extends her hand adding, "Crowbar."

{{Identical to the room we are in or the long hall with spheres(previous room)? }}

2008-09-01, 01:23 PM
"Well that was simple, do you think they all do that?"

2008-09-01, 01:28 PM
This small chamber is empty of scent, stain, or decor. Only the dense layer of dust reveals the uncounted years since any moved through this chamber since the present.

OOC: I forgot some boxed text. Pretty much the same as what I said before.

2008-09-01, 01:53 PM

"By all means, Erika."
He hands her back her crowbar and gestures to the newly revealed chamber.
"I guess you'll be handling the door in there, then? I'll wait here."

2008-09-01, 03:46 PM

Erika stows her crowbar back in her backpack and says, "You've handled numerous doors without my crowbar already." She then looks in the room and says, "I don't see any door. If you need a poker grab a piece of debris from the chapel or the wizard's lab. I don't need you accidentally disintegrating my favorite crowbar."

Besides, if you don't want to handle the doors perhaps Alexis should. He's just standing around.

2008-09-01, 03:50 PM
"Who needs a crowbar, we only have to press them remember?" Torlo strides forward and presses the studs in the same manner Aduro did last time. "always bickering, like a husband and wife they are"

2008-09-01, 04:02 PM
As soon as Orran enters the chamber, an arrow comes towards him, embedding itself in his shoulder.

Pushing the studs does nothing to the door.


2008-09-01, 04:21 PM
Torlo then jumps back into the tunnel, "See! A crowbar would have done nothing to help against that"

2008-09-01, 06:14 PM

Erika moves up slowly keeping an eye out for traps, trip wires, pressure plates, and other such triggers. Once near Torlo, she says, "Its okay, come back into the other room. Let Alexis and Aduro clear out the traps first."


2008-09-01, 07:22 PM

He simply watches the proceedings with feigned disinterest.

2008-09-01, 07:25 PM
There is a sort of arrow launcher built into the left wall of that corridor...and it's firing right now.

An arrow pierces Erika's cheek as she looks at it from about a foot away.


2008-09-01, 07:34 PM

He cries out, more a declaration of his grumpyness than anything resembling a laugh.
"Get out of there before you get shot again. Then hand me that crowbar and let me shut that thing down."

2008-09-01, 08:47 PM

Seeing that the rest of the group seems to be in no immediate danger, Alexis motions to Bok and proceeds carefully through the red sphere.

Take ten searching (23+10=33) into red tunnel until Alexis sees a room or something else happens.

(OOC) Sorry for my absence. I was away for the long weekend.

2008-09-02, 05:29 AM

Already moving back from her rescue mission to get Torlo, Erika fails to see Aduro's advise as useful. An arrow sticking out through the face plate of her helmet she mumbles, "Eh ooh eed a ocker et un um uh apple oh a izard ab."

With that she exits the room back into the hall of spheres to deal with her helmet in private.

2008-09-02, 10:53 AM
Bok follows Alexis out of the room and climbs in the red sphere behind him.

2008-09-02, 04:20 PM
The tunnel is short, and appears to lead to a dead end. However, your search reveals that there is a secret door at the end.

Do you open it?

2008-09-02, 07:22 PM

Alexis seaches the door for traps, and then opens it.

[roll0] If Alexis finds a trap, he disables it first. [roll1]

2008-09-02, 07:35 PM
A trap is attached to the secret door itself. You could disable it, but that would mean preventing the door from opening.

2008-09-02, 08:11 PM

Studying the trap carefully and preparing to leap out of the way if necessary, Alexis opens the door.

2008-09-02, 08:11 PM

"Fine, be that way."

He edges himself further into the room and examines the arrow trap, making sure to stay out of it's firing path.

OOC: is the firing mechanism hidden behind the stonework or exposed?

2008-09-02, 08:17 PM
It's attached to the wall, and fairly exposed. It's a box with a tube sticking out of it. The tube is pointing towards you now.

2008-09-02, 11:33 PM

Never one to turn down the opportunity to destroy something and not get yelled at for it, Aduro tosses a blast of fire at the box-and-tube device, then ducks back around the corner before it can return fire.

Fire Bolt

2008-09-03, 09:25 AM
The device is now on fire. It doesn't look like it was particularly built to last, but it doesn't look very flammable.

2008-09-03, 09:52 AM

Aduro snipes the device until it is destroyed.

5' step to establish line of sight, standard action for Fire Bolt, move action to step back out of line of sight.

Rinse, repeat ad nauseam.

2008-09-03, 09:58 AM
The device is now burnt to a crisp and destroyed.

2008-09-03, 12:17 PM

Aduro calls out loudly.
"Ok, I took care of the arrow trap. You can come back now and open the door, Erika."

2008-09-03, 04:23 PM

Out in the hallway, Erika removes the arrow and her helm. She the uses a cantrip to stop the bleeding. Cast Cure Minor Wounds on self. Hit by an arrow... fine. Aduro insisting on trying to destroy her crowbar.. not so fine. Maybe tomorrow she'll use Stone Shape to make him a collection of stone crowbars to carry around. If Erika was a good person, she might feel sad that Aduro is too daft to see the wisdom in using improvised devices instead of attempting to destroy items that have actual worth and are useful(provided that no one has managed to destroy them).

Erika then mutters quietly, "It isn't wise to separate the group." With that she following Bok into the Red Sphere.

{{ There was no door in the room description. So.. Erika can't see a door. }}

{{You know.. you can't split up your movement like that. If you move, you don't get a 5' step, etc. }}

2008-09-03, 07:48 PM

(OOC) What happens when Alexis opens the door?

2008-09-03, 08:11 PM
The door opens out, then the end of the tunnel suddenly collapses three feet and Alexis and whomever is directly behind him slide out face-first into a new room.

The chamber is bare but for three conspicuous chests, each about 4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. One appears to be of gold, the second is silvery, and the third is constructed of hardy oak banded with thick bronze.

The room is a 30 ft square.

Alexis takes [roll0] from falling.
Bok? takes [roll1] from falling.

2008-09-03, 09:02 PM
Bok pushes the armored heap that is Erika, off of himself and rolls off of Alexis. Standing up, Bok walks over to the tunnel that they slid from and inspects it to see if it can be cleared for a way out of the room.

OOC: Did Erika climb in the tunnel in time to be in with us? If not, you can omit my first sentence.

2008-09-03, 09:07 PM
OOC: She wasn't close enough for anything to happen to her. She's still in the tunnel, probably laughing at you.

2008-09-03, 09:41 PM

Alexis tumbles into the room, stands up, and looks around. He turns to Bok, "Sorry about that. Can we get back out?"

Tumble to negate damage [roll0] need 15

2008-09-03, 09:52 PM
OOC: It's only ten feet up.

2008-09-03, 10:18 PM

No longer worried about escape, Alexis turns to the chests and examines them for traps.

Left to right [roll0],[roll1],[roll2]

2008-09-03, 10:23 PM
You find nothing.

2008-09-03, 11:14 PM

"No traps. What do you think Bok? Should I open one? Should we call the others first?"

2008-09-04, 06:26 AM

When the tunnel collapses Erika looks in and begins coughing from the dust that was kicked up. Not really concerned for the safety of the two in the tunnel, Erika backs out of the red sphere into the hallway and removes her helmet. She then wipes the dust out of her eyes in the hopes they will stop watering so much.

She dons the helmet and climbs back into the red sphere a bit to look around. Seeing the two at the bottom of the pit, she says, "Shame my ladder is back in the entry hallway." If only they had told us we'd be teleported and have no way back, I might have brought all my gear with me.

2008-09-04, 07:27 AM
Hearing the loud crash Torlo runs back to the red sphere and then down the hole (?) "Well what happened here then?" Then jumps down with them tumbling dextrously. "Well it seems we've found something, but knowing this place we should check it out first." He then joins Alexis searching the chests. (Presumably) Finding nothing more than Alexis he casts a spell and his eyes glow briefly blue.

Torlo searches the chests, their hinges, the floor around them, and failing all that underneath them. If that finds nothing he checks the floor near to all of them. Once he is finished he casts detect magic and looks around the room identifying any auras if he finds them.

Tumble- [roll0]
Search A - [roll1]
Search B - [roll2]
Search C - [roll3]
Spellcraft - [roll4]

2008-09-04, 04:26 PM

With a stunned look on her bloody face, Erika just gawks at Torlo jumping down into the pit and says, "Now how are you going to get out of there?" Without pausing for an answer, she pulls out her wand of secret door detection and activates it. She leans in and scans the tunnel(whats left of it) as well as the bottom of the pit/chests/etc. Then, if any time remains on it, scans the long hall of spheres for secret doors.

Character sheet website is down... I'll cross of the charge later.

2008-09-04, 04:31 PM
Away from the chests, there appears to be a loose floor tile.
The chests are built into the dungeon itself, it appears. You would be unable to move them. The gold and wooden chests give off an aura of strong conjuration.

Erika finds that the loose tile is a hidden door. She then spends a couple seconds convincing the others to help her climb back into the tunnel, then searches the area around the red sphere and finds no extra hidden doors.

2008-09-04, 04:38 PM

Hearing the commotion, Aduro sighs and walks back to the hall of orbs, just in time to see the back half of Torlo disappear into the illusion of the red orb.

Following the bard, he peers down into the pit.

"Oh good job, you bunch. Now how are you gong to open that door, Erika? Oh hey, chests. I bet their trapped. Spacklecrap wouldn't just leave goodies out in the open like that for us."

2008-09-04, 06:40 PM

{{ I never climbed down. I've always been in the tunnel/hallway. }}

When Aduro rudely pushes past her to peer down into the pit and then has the audacity to insult her, she shoves him forward into the pit adding, "Pardon me. Oh hey, that tile..." There, she points at it, and then adds, "...seems to be a secret door."

She then says, "Oh, Aduro, seeing as you are down there, why don't you check it out?"

2008-09-05, 08:42 PM

Bored, Alexis walks forward and checks the hole in the floor tile. If there is nothing interesting immediately below, he pulls out his crossbow and carefully opens the Gold chest.

Alexis is ready if the chest turns out to be a mimic, and so should not be surprised

2008-09-05, 08:54 PM
Lifting the floor tile reveals a tunnel.

Opening the golden chest reveals...snakes! A dozen tiny yellow snakes are poking their heads out of the golden chest, hissing and staring around the room. They may be small, but they look more dangerous than usual.


OOC: You can post your actions in advance if you want, just don't do it too often or you confuse the DM who will smite you.

2008-09-05, 09:11 PM
Initiative (1d20+3)[7]

Bok jumps slightly at the appearance of the snakes, but realizing that they are only snakes Bok puts his ranger training to work.

On Bok's turn Bok attempts to soothe the snakes using his wild empathy ability. [roll0]

OOC: Sorry for the possible double post (don't know how the delete function really works) I messed up the wild empathy check roll and it didn't roll but I kept the initiative roll that did work.

2008-09-06, 03:38 AM
Initiative [roll0]

OOC: I'll wait before posting my actions.

That was a good roll, Torlo will open up with a simple sleep spell. Will DC 15, can only affect up to 4 hd of creatures.

IC: "There tiny little snakes, watch them fall asleep" Torlo says, while throwing a handful of sand at them.

2008-09-06, 07:10 AM

Erika gives a little shiver when the snakes start to poke their heads out from the chest. I am so glad I'm not down in that pit. Erika pulls out her wand of Magic Missile leans into the tunnel and unleashes its power on one of the snakes calling out, "Take that!"

Rolls :



2008-09-06, 08:13 AM

Aduro quickly stands up and sends a blast of fire at the snakes.


2008-09-06, 09:39 AM
All spoilers in this post are for formating reasons, you're allowed to look.

I rolled for Alexis, he got 12.

Full initiative order:26: Snake
25: Snake
24: Snake
22: Snake
22: Snake
19: Snake
19: Torlo
18: Snake
17: Snake
15: Snake
15: Snake
14: Erika
12: Alexis
11: Snake
8: Snake
7: Bok
6: Aduro

This is the simplified initiative order:6 Snakes (A-F)
4 Snakes (G-J)
2 Snakes (K&L)

2008-09-06, 10:38 AM
A half-dozen snakes climb out of the chest and assault the Elf. It proves futile, as while the Elf has not moved, he can still react to the strikes, and dodges each one perfectly.

With a blast of sand from Torlo, four of the snakes fall asleep. As if in reply to the strike, four new snakes approach Torlo and start biting at him. Torlo fends them off, but one manages to break his skin.

From her perch, Erika pulls out a wand and fires it at one of the snakes in the golden chest. It's badly hurt, but it's not dead.



Battle map:
S is the secret door. All other letters represent snakes.

OOC: Snakes A, D, E, F are asleep. Snake L took a magic missile head on.
Torlo took 1 damage, roll a fortitude check.

Looks like this combat might be finished soon.
It's Alexis's turn, take your action.

2008-09-06, 03:46 PM

Seeing her Magic Missile was insufficient to defeat the little snake, Erika steps up the power and casts a Searing Light targeting one snakes not engaged(if possible, L maybe?).

Rolls :

[roll0] Ranged Touch
[roll1] Crit Confirm
[roll2] Damage
[roll3] Crit Damage
[roll4] (if applicable)

2008-09-06, 04:48 PM

Alexis backs slightly away from the snakes attacking him (5 feet), points his crossbow at one of the snakes attacking Torlo and fires.



He then reloads and prepares for the next snake attack.

Not sure if that counts as a sneak attack. If it does, [roll3] Select the first snake attacking Alexis as a dodge target (+1 to AC against that snake).

2008-09-06, 06:51 PM
Alexis tries to back away from the snakes, only to realize his back is to the wall. He fires his crossbow at one of them, the moment he took to aim was enough for the two still-conscious snakes to strike him. As they lunge at him, the bolt pierces the side of one of the snakes, and passes through the other side, leaving a massive hole in its body. The snakes are unable to harm him.

The last two snakes emerge from the chest, both irate. They lunge at the green-skinned hunter, one wounded one managing to sink its teeth into him. Bok tries to calm the creatures down, but it's no use. The battle has already begun, they won't go out quietly.

The fiery gnome calls forth his whip, and with its touch, leaves a snake a mere extension of itself.

The two snakes in front of Alexis prepare to strike again. The wounded one sinks its fangs into his leg. The other is foiled by Alexis's thrashing.

B AoO: [roll0]
C AoO: [roll1]

K: [roll2]
L: [roll3]

B: [roll4]
C: [roll5]

OOC: Salokcin, you don't get sneak attack.

Leafman & Salokcin, roll a fortitude check. You both take one damage.

Condition of snakes:
A: Asleep
B: Alive & Stable
C: Hit with a bolt
D: Asleep
E: Asleep
F: Asleep
G: Alive & Stable
H: Alive & Stable
I: Alive & Stable
J: Alive & Stable
K: Burned to death
L: Took a magic missile head on
Anyone else think it's weird I'm spending this much time on one of the easiest encounters in the module?

Torlo is up.

2008-09-06, 08:11 PM


2008-09-07, 06:11 AM
Torlo takes the hit with not a small amount of surprise, but then comes to his senses and tries to put these ones to sleep again.

fortitude [roll0]
defensive casting [roll1] (DC16) (failure, torlo provokes AAO's)
same again for sleep

2008-09-07, 10:42 AM
The snakes' weak poison fails to affect anyone in the slightest.

Torlo tries to calm the snakes to sleep once again, but their presence throws him off, leaving him unable to do anything against him.

The four snakes surrounding Torlo then latch on to him. Two of them manage to stay on as Torlo tries to shake them off.

Wary of the snakes, Erika stays perched in the tunnel above. A beam of light shoots from her hands, hitting one of the snakes in the side. By sheer luck it managed to survive.


OOC: Torlo took 2 damage and has to roll two fort checks. It's Salokcin's turn.

Initiative order:2 Snakes (B&C)
4 Snakes (G-J)
Snake L

Condition of snakes
A: Asleep
B: Alive & Stable
C: Hit with a bolt, Alive
D: Asleep
E: Asleep
F: Asleep
G: Alive & Stable
H: Hit by a Searing light spell, Alive
I: Alive & Stable
J: Alive & Stable
K: Burned to death
L: Took a magic missile head on, Alive

2008-09-07, 11:10 AM

Alexis reaches forward and attempts to grab the uninjured snake (B) by the neck.

Select snake B as dodge target
[roll0] Provokes AOO.

2008-09-07, 12:25 PM

Unhappy with her skill at laser beam combat, she switches back to the wand of Magic Missiles. She directs it at the same snake she hit the first time(L), if she can tell which one that was.

I could probably dispatch them right quick if I was down there.


If I come down, then I can use 2 attacks per round and possibly sneak attack with flanking and 2-3 times as much damage.... ah... choices.

EDIT : Make that more like 4-5 times as much damage. (2d6+3+2d6 if sneak attack)

2008-09-07, 02:00 PM
"Can I have some rope?" Alexis calls out to no one in particular.

2008-09-07, 06:41 PM
Seeing the magical approach fail Torlo reverts to more mundane methods, stepping back to avoid the snakes biting again he levels his bow at them shooting 3 arrows at separate targets.

Fortitude [roll0]
Fortitude [roll1]
Attack 1 [roll2]
Attack 2 [roll3] (Crit, i'll roll extra damage in my next post)
Attack 3 [roll4]
Mundane Damage 1 [roll5]
Mundane Damage 2 [roll6]
Mundane Damage 3 [roll7]
Lightning Damage 1 [roll8]
Lightning Damage 2 [roll9]
Lightning Damage 3 [roll10]

2008-09-07, 07:03 PM

Bok draws his frost longsword and swings at the nearest two snakes.

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1] frost [roll2]

Attack 2 [roll3]
Damage [roll4] frost [roll5]

2008-09-07, 07:31 PM
Torlo looks uneasy, in fact he looks quite ill. The snake's poison has reached his heart, and he looks on the verge of collapse. He looks down at one of his snake bites. It looks much larger than he thought it was, and the shock is enough for him to lose consciousness. but he endures it, and fights through the pain like the hero he wishes to become.

Showing a healthy disregard for rational thought, Alexis manages to grab a snake by the neck using both hands. The snake is clearly confused by this turn of events.

Bok draws his longsword, and with a swift motion, manages to deal a major blow to a snake just as it lunged at him. The snake is now unconscious and in bad condition.

OOC: Poison: [roll0]

AoO: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
I forgot, one of the snakes confirmed a crit. Torlo takes another point of damage.

Leafman, drawing your weapon(s) is a move action. You only get one attack.

To sum up:
-Alexis is grappling a snake.
-Torlo takes 6 CON damage. Yes, it's nuts.
-Bok knocked a snake out.
-It's Fendrin's turn.

Torlo is at -1. Roll for stabilization.

2008-09-07, 09:53 PM
OOC: ah no problem, my mistake, I didn't confirm the crit on the first swing, [roll0] don't know if it makes a difference with the x2 on damage since the snake is already K.O.'ed (aka dead)

2008-09-08, 10:07 AM

"Erika, you'd better get that metal-clad whale you call a butt down here to take care of Torlo!"

He attempts to give the snake closest to Torlo a fiery voyage to whatever afterlife snakes go to.

Sorry for the contingency on the action, but I think it's clear enough...

I think the room is small enough that Aduro doesn't need to move to reach them with his Fire Lash (15'), but if they are out of range, Aduro will use Fire Bolt and then move into position.

If he does not need to move more than 5':
Full attack with Fire Lash

Attack 1:

Attack 2:

If he does need to move more than 5':
Fire Bolt


2008-09-08, 04:39 PM
Aduro rises in the defense of his companion, striking snakes with his whip, burning two to death.

In retaliation for his weakness, Torlo lets his arrows fly, letting each one hit the pierce the skull of one of the wretched creatures.

Only one snake is left unharmed, the one in Alexis's hands. It tries to wriggle out, but to no avail.

Lacking other targets, Erika fires a small magic missile at the snake. It is in pain, but not dead.

OOC: It's salokcin's turn.

Does anyone specifically want to deal the finishing blow? There are seven snakes left to coup de grace also.
Snake B escape artist: [roll0]

AoO on Torlo: [roll1]
AoO on Torlo: [roll2]

Initiative order:Snake B

Condition of snakes
A: Asleep
B: Grappling, hit by magic missile, Alive
C: Hit with a bolt, and then an arrow, dead
D: Asleep
E: Asleep
F: Asleep
G: Skewered by an arrow, unconscious
H: Hit by a Searing light spell, skewered by an arrow, dead
I: Burned, Unconscious
J: Burned, Unconscious
K: Burned to death
L: Took a magic missile head on, slashed up, Dead

2008-09-08, 05:43 PM

Erika was about to jump down when it became obvious that Torlo was going to make it and the remaining snakes had bought the farm. Erika digs around in her backpack and lowers down 10'-15' of rope for Torlo to use to climb up adding, "Torlo, Come on out of there before the snakes wake up."

2008-09-08, 05:44 PM

Alexis holds the snake out to Bok "Here Bok, I found you a pet. Think you can tame it?"
move towards bok at half speed [roll0]

When Bok relieves him of the snake, he hands Torlo an antitoxin.

2008-09-08, 05:45 PM
Torlo seems to have become delirious, he crouches down holding his bow out and says "Be vewy quiet, I'm hunting snakes" He looks at you all very seriously with his hands to his lips and then turns back to look at an unconscious snake, firing an arrow at it.
Sucessful, he creeps towards it and picks it up, turning to Alexis he says "Oh you want to trade?" He happily takes the drink and downs it quickly, his face contorts and he falls down "Argh, you've poisoned me!"
Snake shot [roll0]

2008-09-08, 07:45 PM
OOC: In about thirty seconds, Bok and Alexis have to make another fortitude check.

2008-09-08, 08:33 PM

Seeing Torlo fall down, it seemed like play acting to her. Eh. She shrugged and added, "Anyone who needs a healing spell or maybe a lesser restoration should climb on up. It'll take me too long to find somewhere to secure this rope and climb down."

EDIT : Delete the last part as Erika would know that she couldn't do it and wouldn't suggest it.

2008-09-08, 08:45 PM
OOC: Did you buy any onyx? I don't see any on your sheet.

2008-09-08, 10:34 PM
Taking the snake from Alexis, Bok sheathes his sword and uses his now free hand to grab the snake's tail. "Don't like snakes," he says under his breath and snaps the snake like a wet towel at the wall, with the intent of killing the snake rather than stunning it.

fort save [roll0]

2008-09-08, 10:55 PM

Alexis grimaces and tries to endure the poison.


Shaking it off easily, he turns to a dead snake and investigates whether there is enough remaining poison to apply to some of his crossbow bolts. "I take it we are going to hold off on opening another chest for a bit?" Alexis asks somewhat sheepishly.

2008-09-09, 04:18 AM
The antitoxin starts to kick in and Torlo gets back up again, "Sorry about that, I think a lesser restoration would probably be very useful around now." He then climbs back out the hole.

OOC:Any more fortitude saves for Torlo?

2008-09-09, 08:09 AM

"Gee Alexis, that might be a good idea. Not all traps are mechanical."

Aduro blasts the snakes with fire until naught remains but ash.

2008-09-09, 10:35 AM
Bok manages to shatter a snake's teeth, skull, and brains on the wall of a dungeon. It makes a pretty pink splatter.

Aduro learns that snakes do indeed have bones, which just happen to be flammable.

OOC: I'm assuming the "antitoxin" was a potion of neutralize poison. You don't have to make any more saves, but you've still got 6 CON damage.

2008-09-09, 11:39 AM

Erika helps Torlo up and recovers her rope so that no one tries to climb up while she isn't holding it. She then casts, Lesser Restoration on Torlo.

[roll0]Recovered CON damage

2008-09-09, 01:14 PM

(OOC) Alexis is TN. He wouldn't 'waste' a neutralize poison on a near stranger. Antitoxin gives him a +5 to his fort save for 1 hour.

Alexis reluctanctly removes his cloak and wraps it around Torlo, helping him to endure the poison in his veins.

can Alexis extract any poison from the dead snakes?

2008-09-09, 01:22 PM
OOC: In that case, roll three fort saves. I forgot that item even existed.

2008-09-11, 07:07 AM
Torlo shivers in the cloak, obviously taking his situation much more seriously now, but the cloak and the antitoxin do their jobs and after a minute or so he weakly stands up, handing Alexis his cloak. He heals himself briefly and turns to everyone, "Thankyou for the help everyone, that could of been the end of me." he bows deeply at this point. "In case there are any more creatures in the chests I'll take a sniping position up here. Lets crack open the others then" finishing with a broad smile Torlo returns to normal.

Cure mod [roll0]

2008-09-11, 02:16 PM

Alexis dons his cloak, then peers into the open chest that is now (hopefully) devoid of snakes.

2008-09-11, 06:29 PM

When it seems that Torlo wants to get back into the pit, Erika almost offers to lower him down on the rope, but figures he'll ask if he really needs help. She does ready herself for any more surprises that might pop out of the chests.

2008-09-11, 07:25 PM
The gold, though now blood-stained, chest is empty.

2008-09-11, 08:39 PM

Peering into the empty chest, Aduro shrugs.
"Well, I suppose we could break the chest down into small pices and take it with us..."

His voice is kind of flat sounding, making it hard to tell whether or not he thinks that's a good idea.

2008-09-12, 08:20 AM

Break up the chest and take it with us? Why? Then a thought occurs to her and she asks, "Is that solid gold or just gold paint?"

She then asks, "So... if you are going to open any more of the chests, maybe we should all pull back into the hallway up here and use a rope or something to pull the lid open... after Aduro and Alexis unlock the chest first." Obviously

2008-09-12, 08:46 AM

"Whatever, bored now."

2008-09-12, 09:53 AM
From Erika's casual examination, she sees that it's paint. It's not like she can expect anything in this dungeon to actually be what it's supposed to be.

2008-09-12, 11:58 AM

Alexis thinks for a moment, then replies "I'm pretty quick, I'll open the chest and then make a break for it if there is something inside. You can all be ready to snipe if something comes out. If you want, you can tie a rope around me, and Bok can haul me up in an emergency."

2008-09-12, 10:11 PM

Bok gets his silk rope out of his pack and ties it to his grappling hook. "Move back," he calls up to the adventurers in the tunnel above. Once they are back far enough that he won't hit them, he tosses up the hook letting the rope trail behind it. "Hook it on something strong."

Take 20 on use rope check. +3 dex bonus and +2 circumstance bonus for silk rope, for a total of 25, if it matters.

2008-09-13, 06:06 AM

Content to let Bok use his rope, Erika stows hers and then hooks the grappling hook on something and stops it with her foot to make sure its hooked in tight. She then calls down, "It is hooked."

{{ How wide is the tunnel part overlooking this room with the chests? Can we all watch from the tunnel and use missile weapons to attack stuff? }}

2008-09-13, 10:02 AM
OOC: The tunnel is small. It's about the same size at the end as it was originally in the front of it. Only one person can fit at the end without creative contortionism.

2008-09-13, 11:55 AM

Bok tugs the rope twice to make sure it will hold his weight and if it holds he climbs up the rope into the tunnel. Bok Pushes his way past the others an steps back out into the hall with the spheres.

2008-09-13, 02:29 PM
Bok, and everyone else who were trying, manage to get into the tunnel.

OOC: You can take ten.

2008-09-13, 02:47 PM
"I think I should stay up here and provide ranged support and you guys open the chests, if anything happens I'll be ready to fire."

2008-09-13, 03:07 PM

Alexis waits until everyone else is ready and out of the chamber, ties the rope around himself, and opens the chest.


2008-09-13, 03:11 PM
OOC: Which one?

2008-09-13, 03:24 PM
(OOC) the middle (silver) one

2008-09-13, 04:02 PM
When you open the chest, a jewelry box made of clear crystal is visible inside. As the box is transparent, you can see a silver ring inside.

2008-09-13, 04:45 PM

Alexis reaches in and retrieves the box, watching for anything to sneak up behind him or come out of the other chests.

2008-09-13, 05:02 PM
As Alexis pulls the box out of the chest, a fusillade of shining darts fires from the bottom of the chest, indiscriminately striking everything in the room, then vanishing. A number of the darts manage to pierce his armor, leaving shallow wounds.

OOC: Alexis takes 26 damage.


2008-09-14, 12:45 AM

Alexis staggers back to the entrance. "I seem to have collected some holes. Could anyone help me out?" He examines the box and its contents.

(OOC) Nice rolls.

2008-09-14, 12:53 AM

Lying on his stomach, Aduro peers over the edge down at Alexis.
"You know, I have a theory that this place is some sort of elaborate intelligence test. If so, you just failed."

2008-09-14, 06:55 AM

With a sigh, Erika says, "Fine. Climb up." With that she digs out a wand of Lesser Vigor and zaps Alexis with it. She then adds, "That'll take a minute or so to take full effect."

Once the spell finishes, she finds the Alexis is still mostly injured and zaps him again. She checks him out again and shrugs. Close enough... unless he's a whiner.

{{ Fast Healing 1 for 22 rounds total... should restore 22 HP }}

2008-09-14, 10:39 AM
Alexis slowly starts to feel better. He looks inside the box, and it sees the same contents when it's open as when it is closed. There is a single silver ring inside.

2008-09-14, 10:49 AM

While waiting, Alexis pulls out his wand of cure light wounds and tops up his healing. He then holds up the ring, "anyone have a way of finding out if this is magical?"

2008-09-14, 10:50 AM
Forgot to roll.
