View Full Version : Gods In Glass (Status Thread)

2008-08-12, 10:26 PM
This is the Status Thread for Gods in Glass. Someone said they didn't know what that is so:

A status Thread is where you post your character's status. In addition to the description type stuff in the recruitment thread, we keep record of our world and our realms and our followers.
There is one post per god (not counting this introductory post)
Discussion about the stuff in here happens in the OOC thread. The purpose of this is so that we have a place we can see our stuff that the player of a given god can edit and we can all use as a reference.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87412)
IC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87406)

2008-08-12, 10:30 PM
Name: Vesper
Titles: Lord of Death, The Dark Lord, The Unseen Assassin, Lord of the Underworld, The Prince of Hate

Domains (2-3...for now): Death, Shadow, Undead, Hatred

Personality Notes (alignment can go here): Lawful Evil. Vesper is a malacious diety who believes that the only thing that is a constant in life is death. And, of course he believes that he is the most qualified to administer death and rule over those who have died, be they spirits or undead monsters. Followers who are faithful and successfull are granted great boons but those who fail face the Lord of Death's eternal wrath. Vesper also delights in making those fall who were once paragons of virtue.

Appearance:Pale and almost sickly Vesper appears to be merely a mortal human. He often appears to wear all black armor, usually leather but occassionally chain to make his vistage even more dreadful a hood is usually pulled over his head showing only the lower half of his face. A dagger and short sword always hang from his hips.

Favored Weapon Type: Assassin's dagger

Divine Artifacts (keep this to 2 or 3 for now):

Death's Dagger- Appearing as a normal Assassin's dagger except jet black this weapon is extremely sharp and deadly. The slightest prick can suck the life force from its target(and be given to the wielder healing him) and with a mental command from the user the victim will be raised in the mockery of unlife. Should the wieder not be able to kill his target immediately, or he wishes to let the victim suffer, with the dagger removed before inflcting death, the wound will begin to fester causing a great infection and disease resulting in the rotting of the victims flesh and near constant pain which last from anywhere between hours to weeks before the victim finally succumbs.

The Ashen Sword- Designed to be wielded in tandem with Death's Dagger this blackened short sword releases a cloud of thick obscuring ash whereever it is swung through a mental command from the wielder. The proper technique is to use the sword and the cloud to distract the opponent to let the dagger sneak through with a surprise attack. That is not to say the The Ashen Blade is not powerful, the blade itself is razor sharp and if it makes contact it leaves painful, unnatural black burns across its target which will not heal naturally.

The Asassin's cloak - While appearing to be a normal black cloak and hood this piece of clothing grants many powers to its wearer. Perhaps the greatest power is letting the wearer slip into the plane of shadows at will. When the cowl is pulled up a magical veil of darkness appears across the face completely blocking out the wearers face except for two glowing points for the eyes(which can be turned off with a mental command), this also grants the wearer the ability to see in the dark. Finally, the cloak wrapped around the wearer with cowl up makes it very difficult for the wearer to be seen.


Creations: The tunnels of Vesper a magical plane between the Fugue and Shadow Planes. Twisting near endless tunnels and caverns of various sizes illuminated by dancing fires.

Undead: Veser has also created all forms of Undead within the world. They are humble to him and forbidden to attack or harm any of his followers as well as showing deference to his clerics.

Nightwraiths: Corruptions of angels, they serve as Vesper's divine minions and messengers.

Gargoyles Living statues imbued with a soul of a mortal to bring it to life. Utterly loyal to Vesper.

Dark Elves: They are Dark Elves with all the powers that are normally associated with.

Followers: A large number of dead souls residing in the Tunnels of Vesper. Also a growing number of mortal followers who follow the god of death. Actively campaigning for more and more worshippers.

2008-08-12, 10:32 PM
Titles:The Shadow

Domains: Shadow, magic, underworld
Personality Notes: Erothayce is neutral god. Though he may appear dark and evil to some he only seeks to keep a balance between life and death. On top of this responsibility he also assures the worlds magic is in check.
Appearance:Tall(about 6'5) Clad in a black flowing cape and red mask.
Favored Weapon Type: Rapier
Divine Artifacts: Shadow mail: Chain mail that resembles shifting shadows but is as strong as adamtite, also senses imminent attacks and warns the wearer.

Controls the shadow plane and Hel
Ogres are only race created. Worshiped by ogres and other non-specific races.
Controls Lions share of dead souls and makes sure they get to the proper afterlife.

2008-08-12, 10:39 PM



The Eternal Lover, The True Soulmate

Pleasure, Passion, Love, Lust

Personality Notes:
Artures is a Chaotic god who cares not for the posturing of Good or Evil. The Eternal Lover is distant with groups, but with individuals is upfront and seductive. The True Soulmate often seeks out mortals or ethereal beings for romantic flings ((OOC: Greek Style)) and cares for little but these.

Artures can take the form of any mortal's ideal soul mate, or that of an extremely attractive member of the viewer's race. This is true even when viewed by multiple individuals, each one sees something different. Gods see Artures as physically their own ideal counterpart, yet to them the nature of the true Soulmate is clear.

Favored Weapon Type:
Unarmed, Though Artures is a lover rather than a fighter, if forced to kill The Eternal Lover reaches into the soul and pulls out important parts.

Divine Artifacts:
Lover's Caress: A dark silken glove, when worn it is invisible and undetectable to mortals. Any mortal to feel the Lover's Caress (counts as a full round touch attack) falls desperately in Love with the user, acting as though charmed. This effect ends when the glove is removed or the target is dismissed by the wearer. Gods may choose to resist or lessen this effect.
Only the wearer can remove the glove, unless the wearer dies, at which point it becomes visible and can be removed by anyone.
Lustful Grasp: A dark silken glove, when worn it is invisible and undetectable to mortals. Any mortal to feel the Lustful Grasp (counts as a full round touch attack) is consumed by Lust for the user, attempting to engage in intercourse with the wearer. This effect ends when the glove is removed or the target is dismissed by the wearer. Gods may choose to resist or lessen this effect.
Only the wearer can remove the glove, unless the wearer dies, at which point it becomes visible and can be removed by anyone.



Those who worship Artures live in all lands that hold people. No lands contain only worshipers of Artures. The Rastulian Ensi dwell in the great Desert of the Ensi.

The followers of the Eternal Lover are of all races, save for the slimes of Uvithile. The Rastulian Ensi worship Artures solely.

Rastulian Ensi:
Ensi are human-like, but better suited to an existence in the waste. They have some insectoid features, such as chitin protecting their vital areas, long, fine antennas and control over various pheromones used for communication. Their blood is thick, black and has corrosive properties. Ensi have an empathic link between all the members of the race. Any Ensi can sense the status of any other Ensi present in a 500 feet radius around him.
The Rastulian Ensi are those Ensi who accepted the gifts of Lust and Love from Artures. They were cast out from the Basalt Keep, and from the societies of the other Ensi because of this. A small group of rogue Ensi worship Artures and no other god. These Ensi are nomadic and move between oasis, setting up tents for the night and staying no longer than a week in a single place. And Artures aids them in their trials, and they survive, and even prosper, and in their tents during the night they give thanks the the Eternal Lover. A small group of rogue Ensi worship Artures and no other god. These Ensi are nomadic and move between oasis, setting up tents for the night and staying no longer than a week in a single place. They take their name from Rastul, who led the attack on the undead. They ride on Shimmering Lizards, which allows them to escape nearly any other thing when in the desert, but can not match the speed of a horse.
The Rastulian Ensi consist of many different clans, each of which takes on a name based on the head of the family. They are now the only civilized Ensi.

Shimmering Lizards:
The Shimmering Lizards are large bipedal reptiles, living in the Desert of the Ensi. They can run quickly through the sand, as their wide feet are specifically designed for it and they have long strong legs. They are normally docile herbivores and if left to their own devices will find an oasis and eat what plants live their and drink the water. While at an oasis they will form mating pairs and spend as much time as possible copulating. They will leave when a predator or some other threat comes to the oasis, and will then find a new oasis at which to stay.
The Shimmering Lizards get their name for their scales, which the lizards can control. When feeling amorous, the scales shine in the desert sun and colorful patterns flow across the lizards' bodies. When fleeing an enemy or sleeping, the scales take on a duller tone and match the hue of the creature's surroundings.
The Rogue Ensi of Artures use Shimmering Lizards as mounts, and, in times of desperate need, as food. The lizards have large barrel shaped bellies full of nutrition and water, and a dying Ensi can be saved by eating it.

The Eternal Soulmate teaches that one should go through life seeking pleasure from others. The highest pleasure of the body is Lust, and the highest pleasure of the soul is Love. It is best to pursue these things, for they shall bring true joy.
The followers of Artures often travel throughout the lands in search of Love, or to more widely share their Lust. As they do so they share the good news of the Eternal Lover far and wide among others.


New petitioners enter through a grand gate located in the fugue plane. Inside the gate stretches a long wide drive made of a single piece of beautiful marble with gold and gems seamlessly integrated to emphasize the bas-reliefs which flow along the path. The left side of the gate and path is decorated with images of genitalia, and all manner of creatures engaging in intercourse, whereas the right is decorated by fair beings, primarily of the intelligent races, lovingly talking, caressing, or enjoying some peaceful pastime.
To either side of the path their stretches an expanse of plant life. To the left is dense jungle and forest, with soft meadows and flat rocks providing trysting places. To the right is a carefully cultured garden, with gravel paths and stepping stones. The carefully pruned and flowering trees drop no leaves, and petals do not linger on the ground. This area casually interspersed with statuary, as well as with benches and divans for lovers to sit and enjoy each other's company.
At the end of the path is a vast three-winged mansion, surrounding a courtyard paved in the same manner as the path, and in it's center is a great fountain made of sculptures of thousands of lovers. It is one piece with the courtyard and path, as are the walls of the manse. These walls are adorned with the same prevalent themes as the path, gate and fountain, though it is also full of myriad windows so that those within may gaze out. The roof is unique, as each shingle is a great mortal work of art describing Love or Lust in some way.
Inside the mansion, the decor is much the same, though it all revolves around the purpose of the rooms rather than existing solely for existence's sake. The central wing contains the throne of Artures, which is rarely occupied, and the grand dining hall, which is rarely empty, yet never completely fills. To either side of these are private rooms devoted to some leisurely purpose. The wing to the side of Love has many similar rooms, furnished with fine chairs, and often fireplaces or some form of game, and occasionally a bed. The wing of Lust is full of rooms decorated in wildly different manners, but always with a spot where an amorous couple or group can stop for a quick fling.
Behind the Mansion is a city, the styles of architecture and design flowing across the city, from the desert buildings of the Ensi to the mountain dwellings of the followers of Stormthorne. All these buildings are grand, yet familiar, and Petitioners may live in them as they will.


Stormthorne: Neutral, possible ally?
Aresk: pissed
Erothayce: Neutral
Tion: Neutral
Uvithile: Neutral
Sesketch: Pissed, srsly
Vesper: Irritated
Barin: Slightly Irritated
Uso: Neutral
Halna: Neutral
Bevidia: Friendly
Khasis: Neutral

2008-08-13, 12:55 AM
Name: Stormthorn
Titles: Lord of Pain, Needle Walker

Domains (2-3): Endurance, Passion, Suffering
Personality Notes: Stormthorn is a masochistic and sadistic god. Chaotic to the core but not evil. He makes his followers stronger through pain and teches them to enjoy agony.
Appearance: A tall thin man in a black leather suit that is pieced by hundreds of silver needles and blades. His face is heavily tatoo'd in an intiricate pattern and he wears a pair of dark goggles over his eyes at all times.
Favored Weapon Type: Scourge (a whip with several barbsed coils to cause lethal damage)
Divine Artifacts (keep this to 2 or 3 for now):
Nettle, the +5 Keen Ghost Touch Viscous scourge that can inflict Power Word-Pain on anyone it touches.

Mantle of Anguish- This robe and clasp funtion as an Invulnerable Coat (as the Epic Artifact) when worn. It also grants its wearer greatly increased Charisma and a bonus to fortitude saves. The wearer can also cast Horrid Wilting at will. The mantle has a price however. Any non-god who dons it looses d10 off of their maximum hitpoints every day due to the extreme pain it inflicts. If the wearer of the Mantle dies for any reason their soul is destroyed by the artifact and their body turned to dust. The Mantle can be removed willfully at any time but can only be donned once by any mortal wearer.

Created the worlds largest mountain range, and placed valuable metal in it.

Is worshiped amongst all intelligent races that are not constructs or Painless, but is not worshiped exclusivly by anyone.

Gave the races a working knowledge of anatomy and torture and has schools/temples all over the world. (which is how the knowledge is dispenced.)

Has an army of Chaotic fallen angels led by a Rank 1 lesser god fallen solar (Cardiodynia, named after heart-pains)

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-13, 03:43 AM
Domains: Animals, destruction, plants
Personality Notes : Neutral Evil. He focuses on the destruction of items that nature creates. He isn't personally that violent but he prefers the company of the violent. He considers it a sin to create something intelligent and doesn't like intelligent mortals.
Appearance: He looks like a lion with a mane made out of ivy. He also has a horn like a rhino and tusks like an elelephant. His tail has a club at the end of it.
Favored Weapon Type: Axe
Divine Artifacts: Staff of plants: Whern this staff is placed on an inorganic substance plants are created.
Horn of animals: When blown this horn attracts animals.

A large forest, a small forest, tarrasques, forced dwarves to make dire animals. A forest that can't be seen by the intelligent.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-13, 07:35 AM
Name: Sesketh

Titles: The Crimson Claw, Scorpion God, Scourge of the Desert

Status: In stasis

Domains: Tyranny, Vermins, War (if he ever gets access to other domains, I plan to give him Secrets and Poison)
Personnality: Lawful Evil. Sesketh is a cruel and demanding god, but still fair to his followers. He teaches the value of obedience. To survive in this harsh world, one must respect his hierarchy, his family and work for the good of the community, even if that means sacrificing it's weaker links. Sesketh teaches that the strong must rule; however, the elders also have an important role in guiding the young and inexperienced warriors. While the God of War loves a good battle, he also knows more subtle ways, such as espionage and assassination. He teaches that a valuable information can be worth ten thousand swords.

Appearance: He has the lower body of a giant scorpion, complete with a set of powerful claws glimmering with shades of crimson and a venomous stinger, and the upper body of a man. His shell is made of obsidian. He wields a long curved blade in one hand and a barbed whip in the other. His eyes are entirely black. He his bald but grows a dark beard plaited with golden threads. He is often seen wearing a horned helmet carved out of some strange animal's skull.

Favored Weapon: Scimitar

- Slow Death: A +5 unholy scimitar of speed always coated with a painful poison. It also has the power to invoke a symbol of weakness (ast the spell, except in a much larger area).
- The Horned Helm of Solommus: This helm has the ability to strike fear in the heart of the Scorpion God's foes and to inspire blind courage to his followers (fear and charm/compulsion effects).
- Sesketh's Sting: Strangely, this doesn't refer to the god's stinger, but to his barbed whip. In addition to being able to pierce any kind of armor (except divine-empowered armor), this weapon has the power to call forth a swarm of aggressive carrion beetles or an insect plague.

Has created the Ensi race (Desert folk), the impregnable Basalt Keep, the Ascendants and the Cauldron of Moqqavar, and taught his followers the use of blade magic.
Was in control of a large desertic region. He is the main god of the Ensi and is slowly getting worshippers among humans as knowledge pertaining to war spreads.
Sworn enemy of Aresk.

The Ensi race: The god assembled various materials, dead wood, sand, clay, even tar. He modeled it in the shape of humanoid bodies, then spat on them to give them life. The creatures born from Sesketh's essence are human-like, but better suited to an existence in the waste. They are also considerably stronger and known for being iron-willed. They have some insectoid features, such as chitin protecting their vital areas, long, fine antennas and control over various pheromones used for communication. Their blood is thick, black and has corrosive properties, while their vision is highly sensitive. Sesketh called them the Ensi, the Princes of the Land (him being the King above all). He created an empathic link between all the members of the race. An ensi can sense the status of every other ensi present in a 500 feet radius around him.

The Ascendants: The Ascendants were brawny and aggressive creatures made of volcanic rock, completely loyal to their god. They had the lower body and the mane of a lion, only with three pairs of legs instead of two, the upper body of a humanoid and the wings of a bat. Their claws were as sharp as adamantine blades. They liked to wear headbands set with gemstones. Their body possessed the ability to generate intense heat. This ability was usually active, but the ascendant could suppress it at will. Every member of the race could also take an alternate form, that of a smaller lion-man hybrid. In this form, the ascendant walked on two legs but possessed four arms, each capable of holding a weapon. As they grew in power, Sesketh's creations approached the perfection of their god. Greater ascendants were in the final stage of the creatures' evolution. They appeared like lesser ascendants, except their claws were always coated in poison and their mouth could spew forth clouds of fiendish beetles.

Basalt Keep: A great stronghold, which would become in time the center of the greatest empire ever known. With only a few words of power, the Scorpion God made a great fortress of stone emerge from the earth. Half of the complex is hidden below ground level. It is the size of a city and vaguely shaped like a star. Its defenses include magitech canons capable of releasing powerful energy bolts. Inside, there is no wealth, no comfort. Only temples of the Crimson Claw, common rooms, forges and fields to train in warfare. The stronghold, called Basalt Keep, is not only impregnable, but also moving. It sails through sand as if it was water.

The Volcanic World, Moqqavar: Sesketh went deep into the Desert of the Ensi, to a lifeless region plagued by sandstorms he called the Heart. There he opened a portal. Sesketh's creation was a volcanic world bathed in red light. Tall obsidian spires rose from the mountainsides. Rivers formed out of lava, sulfur and mud. Swarms of insects began to pour in the portal. They slowly adapted to the hellish environment all the while being subject to the corruption of the plane. Once complete, the realm was given the name Moqqavar, the Cauldron.

Stormthorn- Neutral
Aresk- Hated
Erothayce- Neutral
Tion- Neutral
Uvithile- Neutral
Artures- Apprehensive
Vesper- Neutral - Seen as a possible ally
Barin- Allied
Uso- Neutral
Bevidia- Neutral

2008-08-13, 07:45 AM
Name: Aresk Moonfell
Appearance: A tall man in a black cloak, that hides his facial features spiky black hair protrudes from the front of the hood, and you can see clear blue eyes reflecting light from within the hood. But underneath this cloak is a being of great celestial power, with a wingspan of 50 feet, and shining, runed breastplate, he wields a runed Great sword that is continually alight with holy fire, and known only as Moon slayer. On his head he wears Tera'Dal or earth father

Domains: Battle, Justice, and light

Favored weapon: The great sword,

Portfolio: Aresk is a shining beacon of hope in this universe filled with nothing, he stands for all that is good, and the defense of the helpless, He makes personal appearances before great battles to bolster the forces of good.
His soon to be worshipers will be added in as he creates them.

(soon to be made iconic structures.)

The Monastery of Nine: This is a small Fort at the edge of the mountains, it is put there so that him, and the other good gods have a place to send, and train their greatest warriors with each other gods warriors, thus keeping a balance between the forces of good, because after all your only as strong as your weakest link, and Aresk Moonfell will not stand for him to be defeated because some other god was a"pacifist", because he knows that one day the forces of evil shall attempt to storm the bastion of light, and we will need the mightiest warriors, the most valiant soldiers, and the strongest steel to emerge victorious.

Major artifacts of Aresk.
The Axe of Moonfell: The legends of time say that before Aresk ever wielded the great blade Moonslayer, he wielded the axe of moonfell, it is an artifact of great power against the darkness, as for it's location not even Aresk knows anymore, but it is out their somewhere, and on the day of battle Aresk's champion shall find the axe of moonfell, and lead the forces of good to war. This axe gifts the user with both inhuman strength, and incerdible resistance to damage of any sort.
The Helm of Justice: While not a combat artifact, this helm whle providing excellent protection, provides a continous "Zone of truth", as well as continuous detect thoughts, the purpose of these magical effects is to maintain truth, and honor within the hall of judgement

The angels: take a bloody guess they're angels.
Lupines: Wolf like humanoids, with immense strength, and although they are as smart as any other human, they are quite sensistive in the hearing in smell zones, meaning a loud enough sound (sonic boom.) or a strong enough smell (skunk X10) will put them down for a bit.

Apperance pick

2008-08-13, 10:24 PM
Name: Uvithile
Titles: The Plague God, Oozing One


Domains: Pestilance, Decay, Slime
Personality Notes: This is the chaotic good god that watches over rust, decay, disrepair, slime, scavengers, bacteria, fungi, and sickness. He makes sure that all things move closer to death so that new life may flourish in turn. He also deals with the bodies after the soul has passed, returning the shells to the earth and nurturing the scavengers of the world. His clerics are masters at curing disease although they musr first be convinced that the life is worth saving or that the sickness is not a test of strength.
He is also a feared god, although the very old and those in touch with nature find him less terrifying.
Appearance: Uvithile takes many forms but he ("he" because Uvithile cannot reproduce, even with other gods, and so is more male than female) is most often found as a mass of slime and decaying matter that is writhing with maggots and surrounded by all manner of flies. In this form he has a thick Miasma (Insect Plague+cloudkill) around him at all times that makes approach difficult for mortals. His other form is that of an attractive but clearly sick druid woman.
Favored Weapon Type: Net
Divine Artifacts (keep this to 2 or 3 for now):
Amulets of Miasma- 11 of these magical items (unique, but not artifacts) were forged and divided amongst worthy mortals. They grant the power of Miasma unto the wearer.

Pandemic Staff- This item grants its wearer an immunity to disease and to ability to cast Contagion at will. They may also use Crown of Vermin once every three months. The wielder is not affected by any disease but appears as if they were greatly sickened (and lose 6 points of charisma). This staff can only be used by those blessed by Uvithile

Also has the Death domain, even if not listed above. He used a creation to get it.

Created Uvithiles Penance, which still erupts in small pockets in the world today.

Also made a number of lesser diseases, a few races of slime, an ocean, and tree rot.

2008-08-14, 09:39 PM
Name: Uso

Titles: King Under the Waves, Stormlord

Domains: Water, Illusion, Storm

Personality Notes: Chaotic Neutral. God of all the water on the planet, Uso takes delight most in the storms that occur at sea. A wild god, he is prone to fits of passion and fits of rage. Unpredictable at best, he is normally an easy-going god but still quick to take offense.

Appearance: Generally human in appearnce, his skin is a bluish-green color. He has long, unkept hair and a long beard, both green and appearing to be made of kelp. He wears a suit of fine scale mail resembling the scales of a fish, and carries a long spear that looks like coral.

Favored Weapon: Spear

Divine Artifacts:
Armor of the Sea is a suit of scale mail that molds itself perfectly to the wearer's body. While it worn, it grants the user the ability to swim at incredible speeds as well as breathe water. It also allows the user to blend into his surroundings whenever he is submerged in water.
Spear of the Sea-King is a long spear made of magically-enhanced coral. Unbreakable, the spear causes ragged wounds that are difficult to staunch. The user is also able to summon whirlpools.


2008-08-15, 11:35 AM
Name: Barin
Titles: The Iron King, The Steel Lord, The Great Shield
Domains: Protection, Kingdoms, Metal, Healing, Combat
Personality: Barin is a very orderly person, he values law and order, and is the patron god of kingdoms, he supports expansion as well as defense, many kings and lords pay homage to him, as do many of their soldiers, especially during a siege.
Appearance: Barin is a large man, around 12 feet in height, his flesh is iron and his skin is steel, and he wears armors made of rare and strong metals, like Mithril. His holy symbol is a fortress of various size or make, with a white deer-head (or skull) above it, which faces toward the viewer.
Favored Weapon Type: Two-handed axe (Great Axe)
Divine Artifacts: Barin carries a massive Great Axe named Axebit, and though it looks average other than its size, it has the ability to cleave the head from anyones shoulders (thats not to say its a one hit kill, but it can cut anyones head off) as well as being highly enchanted. he also has a shield with his holy symbol on it, with a black background which can protect him against anything (I.E. its a godly shield, but it can protect him from gas or something, even when it logically shouldn't)(The axe is shaped sort of like this, except it doesn't go down and back that far. (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y110/Nephtys/Weapons/Axe_Turkish.jpg))
Reincarnation: all of my followers undergo a process of reincarnation, undead who still have souls get reborn as either Dvergar or Ensi, Ensi get reborn as Dvergar, and Dvergar get reborn as Ensi, in a never ending cycle. The soul usually forgets its old life, but past lives can manifest themselves in many forms, like a craftsman who knows tactics might have been in the military, or some average folk with a propensity for the arcane might have been mages in past lives. Those who worship me but are parts of other populations get reborn as one of my followers people, either the Dvergar or the Ensi.
Creations: Stag/Wolf people, Ropers (Stalactite and Stalagmite monsters)

Kaiser Omnik
2008-08-15, 11:08 PM
Name: Khasis

Titles: The Unbodied, Master of the Mind, The Learned God, The Mediator

Status: Active

Portfolio: Psionic powers, Negotiations
Domains: Mind, Knowledge, Peace

Personality Notes: Neutral good. Khasis is a patient, peaceful and wise god. He is the patron of psionicists, monks and scholars. Good or neutral wizards often whorship him. He teaches his followers the power of the mind over matter. There are many ways to achieve enlightenment and free the soul from the material constraints imposed on us. Some people attain this state by submitting themselves to strict discipline, others by studying or developing their creativity. Knowledge must always be used to further one's understanding of the world, never for selfish and destructive purposes. He favors solidarity and peaceful conflict resolution. Thus, he strongly condemns violence, even if it may be necessary in some rare cases.

Appearance: Khasis is an incorporeal spiritual being. In his natural state, he can travel the world unseen and unheard, nothing more than a ghost. To gods and creatures with trueseeing, he appears as a ball of light bearing several tendrils that shimmer with the colors of the rainbow. He can create bodies out of ectoplasm to host his spirit for a short time. While inhabiting such a body, Khasis keeps his phenomenal mental abilities but is physically weak. Even a powerful enough mortal can destroy his flesh. However, his soul is linked at all times to an object on the material plane, not unlike a lich's phylactery. The "soul receptacle" is in fact a massive statue depicting a titan meditating in the lotus position. When the spirit of Khasis is tired, it returns inside the statue. In this form, Khasis uses his mental powers to move the statue around.

Divine Symbol: A hand gripping a crystal

Favored Weapon Type: Sap

Divine Artifacts:

- Idol of the Pure Heart: This 1 foot tall wooden idol is an artifact used in negotiations between kingdoms and even by gods willing to settle their disputes peacefully. When the command word is spoken, the idol becomes attuned to a particular site, may it be a simple house, a monastery or even a stone circle (the site must be well defined before uttering the word of power). The chosen site turns into a neutral ground as long as the idol's magic is active. Hallow, Unhallow and similar spells are instantly dispelled. The artifact has several effects. First, everyone in the area is under a Sanctuary spell. No creature can be harmed while inside.* Second, a Zone of Truth is activated. No lies can be spoken in the presence of the idol.* Third, the area is protected by several magical wards (such as Alarm, Undetection, Magic circle against evil, etc.)

*Undeads can be harmed but can only attack other undeads in the zone. Beings with divine ranks can try to break the spell, but it's not an automatic success (think saving throws as normal).

- The Third Eye: This plain crystal is a legendary psionic artifact. To benefit from its power, one must hold it in the palm of his hand and utter the command word. The crystal then melts in the body, until the word of command is spoken again and the link is broken. It provides its user with extrasensory perception. This includes trueseeing. clairvoyance, clairaudience, foresight and danger sense. The user can also choose to leave his flesh for a short time to travel the world in an astral body. In this form, the Third Eye can be seen floating above the astral self. Finally, the crystal forges a special link between Khasis and the user, allowing him to commune once per week with The Learned God.

- Void Caller: This scepter is almost invisible on the material plane; it appears as a strange distortion of reality. That's because te Void Caller exists primarily on the ethereal plane. Anyone on the ethereal plane or with sufficient power (gods, mages with true seeing, etc.) can see it as what it is: a ghostly rod with several "bubbles" of dark matter spinning around it. This weapon is the last line of defense against a fanatical opponent and is designed to keep Balance. First, the target is affected by a Disjunction effect. If the opponent persists, the scepter can neutralize any aligned attack, spell or power (such as the attacks of aligned weapons or spells/powers with an alignment descriptor) in a small radius. In last resort, the wielder of the scepter can invoke its most powerful ability, creating a large void. All aligned creatures, immortals included, must resist a Banishment effect or be returned to their respective planes. Astral travelers are instantly sent back to their physical body. Anyone else is teleported randomly somewhere on the material plane (never in a dangerous area such as the crater of a volcano).

Creations: Khasis has imbued the intelligent races with some of his own mental energy, allowing them to develop new psionic powers.
Created the Krystallen and the Arbiters.
Has founded the human and gnome metropolis of Athanasia, now part of a defensive alliance, the Peacekeepers League, and the sanctuary on the Isles of the Blessed.
Has shaped the northern continent which is now being settled by the League.
Has a prophet named Sacha, a child of twelve years old possessing the Third Eye.
Has given a divine spark to Dynean, the most gifted krystallen psion of her time (DR - 1).

The Krystallen race: Also known as the Crystal Men. They are tall and fair humanoids. Their skin tone matches either one of those colors: emerald green, diamond white, ruby red or sapphire blue. Their body is partially covered by crystalline spikes and protusions. They do not possess a mouth as they communicate telepatically. They have wide eyes burning with curiousity. The Krystallen are not surprisingly gifted with powerful psychic powers. The majority of them live within a sanctuary build by Khasis, on the Islands of the Blessed.

The Arbiters: Ensi were already a race with a strong psychic talents. Those who where saved by Khasis were transformed into The Arbiters. They appear to mortals as mysterious veiled beings dressed in black and white cloaks. In fact, they are ethereal creatures able to manifest for long periods of time. In the ethereal plane, they look like ghostly blue Ensi. While the psychic powers of the Krystallen are either defensive or harmless, those of the Arbiters are more offensive in nature. They possess a few harmful energy powers and are excellent at manipulating minds. The Arbiters serve as negociators, bodyguards and sometimes judges.

Stormthorn- Neutral
Aresk- Neutral
Erothayce- Neutral
Tion- Apprehensive
Uvithile- Neutral
Artures- Neutral
Vesper- Apprehensive
Barin- Neutral
Uso- Neutral
Bevidia- Neutral