View Full Version : Character's (hypothetical) favorite musical groups/genres

2008-08-14, 12:44 AM
What kind of music or what groups do you think Order of the Stick's characters would listen to? This should be a fun debate. :smallbiggrin:

Roy: Probably rock. Maybe some jazz too.
Elan: Pop/Rock; Beatles.
Haley: Alternative Rock/Pop Punk, Paramore-ish music. "Goth Haley" is a no-brainer.
Belkar: The heaviest metal there is. Cannibal Corpse, perhaps?
Durkon: Folk. Simple, calm, traditional, tells a story. Peter Paul and Mary.
Vaarsuvius: Classical. Stuff that's long, epic, and has a lot of power behind it. Ironically, this also points to some genres of metal.

2008-08-14, 01:07 AM
Durkon probably likes religious hymns of Thor, too.

2008-08-14, 01:57 AM
I picture Elan being a Stones, Zeppelin, and maybe a Bowie fan. He seems like someone who could appreciate the classics, being a bard.

2008-08-14, 06:37 AM
We know from SoD that Xykon listens to 'My Alchemical Romance', or at least used to when he was a teenager.

2008-08-14, 06:48 AM
Nah, Belkar definetly looks more like simple tavern songs for me. Also maybe something energetic and fast like Motorhead or Saxon.

Vaarsuvius indeed looks like classical, but only when somebody see that he's listening. Normally don't listen at all, or some simple beat.

2008-08-14, 07:37 AM
Tsukiko: Samael. Especially "Rebellion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebellion_(album))", 3rd song.

2008-08-14, 01:57 PM
I picture Belkar listening to Rap. Like really Rappy Rap.

Decoy Lockbox
2008-08-14, 02:22 PM
Honestly, I think with Belkar it would either be some really gliche gore metal (i.e. Cannibal Corpse, Devourment, Impaled etc) or, creepier still, children's music. A psychopath murdering someone to the tune of the sesame street theme would be horrifying.

Roy strikes me as being the type of guy who would be really into prog rock, classical and/or jazz. Maybye not because he really likes those types of music more than others, but because it fits in with his "I'm actually quite intelligent" theme pretty well. Meanwhile, the other "traditional" fighters are out listening to Pantera.

I see Elan as being into a lot of different types of music, but his favorite would be 80s rock. Not the hair bands, but groups like Aha or Cindy Lauper or something.

I think Durkon's preferred music would be silence.

V strikes me as a classical music kind of guy/girl. Good for listening to while preparing those spells in the morning. Some low-volume techno could also work for this. Some might say that power metal would be a good fit for V, but there is one problem -- the songs are always about warriors, never wizards.

Haley was probably into goth rock during her angsty phase, but I have no idea what she would be into now.

2008-08-14, 02:25 PM
I'd just like to point out that Belkar knew the entire score to "Meet Me in St. Louis."

2008-08-14, 02:36 PM
i see haley more into punk

and vaarsavius or Roy on progresive rock,like pink floyd

2008-08-14, 03:29 PM
I think Elan would be a guy who listens to musical showtunes and sings them out loud while bored. Kinda like me.

Warren Dew
2008-08-14, 07:49 PM
Vaarsuvius: Classical. Stuff that's long, epic, and has a lot of power behind it. Ironically, this also points to some genres of metal.

I'd say Vaarsuvius would be more into Romantic music than Classical - late Beethoven and Brahms rather than Mozart and Haydn. Vaarsuvius would prefer the power of the Romantic music - though probably avoiding the late Romantic, due to a preference for power based on structure.

I could see Celia liking Medieval hymns and maybe baroque harpsichord.

I'd agree with Roy liking Classical, or possibly Baroque multipart music, because of the intellectual aspects. I doubt he'd let on to other fighters, though.

Edit: and, uh, "Beatles"? Elan doesn't look that old. Roy's father is probably the Beatles fan.

2008-08-14, 08:04 PM
I'd go with Belkar knowing mostly just tavern and sailors' songs. The seedy songs that you don't ever sing in front of a lady. Like Yo Ho (not the one with the rum in it).

"I put my hand upon her knee, yo ho! yo ho!
I put my hand upon her knee, yo ho! yo ho!
I put my hand upon her knee;
she said `hey now quit teasing me!
get in, get out, quit f**king about!'
yo ho! yo ho! yo ho"

and so on.

Likewise, I'd imagine Elan to know the epic tavern songs, or the love songs. Modern day equivalents would be groups like Blackthorne or performers like Loreena McKennitt.

Roy would probably like marching songs and soldier's music. That can be some absolutely, truly powerful stuff when you're in battle. Believe me. Aside from that, I'd see him into classic rock and blues. I'd have the blues all day too if I had to lead that party. ;)

Durkon would likely be into the religious hymns and choir songs. Or just singing "gold! gold gold! gold!" like the Pratchett dwarves. :p

V... I'm not sure V would even care much for music. It has little practical purpose. If he does listen to music, I think perhaps traditional Japanese might be the closest fit. "Thinking music" as one of my old teachers used to call it.

Haley I can only think of listening to Pink Ffloyd's "Money" and Goth.

2008-08-14, 11:00 PM
Belkar: Somehow I can see him enjoying listening to Rammstein. Or even better, going to one of their shows. With the flamethrowers...

Elan: Yeah, classic rock kinda fits him.

Roy: Tricky. Probably prefers inspirational orchestral music, like the battle music in Pirates of the Caribbean. Or various pieces by John Williams.

Durkon: Drinking songs and hymns to Thor. (Often interchangeable. :smallbiggrin:)

Haley: Somehow I can see her cranking the volume on Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Of course, Fallen Angel by Poison might be one of her favorites as well.

Vaarsuvius: Gregorian chant.

Xykon: Might enjoy selections by Disturbed. Especially the title track from Indestructible. Then again, might not... I dunno.

2008-08-14, 11:18 PM
In issue #397 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0397.html), we see that Vaarsuvius likes Judy Garland, and supposedly most other elves do too. So take that for what it's worth :smallwink:

Belkar--definitely gangsta rap.

Haley--goth, alternative

Roy--jazz, possibly prog, art rock


Elan--classic rock, pop

2008-08-15, 12:31 AM
Roy: jazz.
Belkar: heavy metal.
Elan: opera.
Durkon: classical.
Haley: classic rock.
V: avant-garde stuff.

2008-08-15, 01:14 PM
I support the idea that roy is into prog rock. I could totally see him cranking Rush or Pink Floyd :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-15, 01:56 PM
I'd say Vaarsuvius would be more into Romantic music than Classical - late Beethoven and Brahms rather than Mozart and Haydn. Vaarsuvius would prefer the power of the Romantic music - though probably avoiding the late Romantic, due to a preference for power based on structure.

Wouldn't Romantic be too emotional for him? I can see him being into Bach or Vivaldi. Then again, he does have a penchant for the overly dramatic, so he might go all the way to Wagner.

For Roy, I'm in the jazz camp, although I agree he wouldn't be averse to prog rock or classical.

For Haley I agree with what everybody else said: alternative rock, goth, and punk.

Elan is mostly into catchy tunes, I think. Pop hits, possibly disco. He'd appreciate Frank sinatra and Elvis, and if he ever listens to classical, it's opera. The big popular ones from Verdi and Mozart. And other music from Mozart, ofcourse, but not much else, I think.

Durkon likes folk. No doubt about it. Traditional folk, ofcourse, and preferably the gentle, storytelling kind, not rapid dancing with wild violins kind.

Belkar is where everybody seems to be split between heavy metal and gangsta rap. Thinking my metal collection would me more Roy's, Haley's or V's taste, I'm inclined to put Belkar in the gangsta rap corner, but perhaps he likes death metal. Then again, I can see him headbanging to speed metal. No girly voices or violins in his metal, though.

So, what's your taste in music? Mine is mostly Haley, with a decent amount of Roy, and the folk that Durkon doesn't like.