View Full Version : Deadlocked: Epic Circuit (4E) - Red vs Green

2008-08-15, 06:31 PM
Tida v Buggy

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... FIGHT!

Init [roll0]

2008-08-15, 06:33 PM
Don't know what that didn't work... [roll0]

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-15, 11:34 PM
Initiative (Danger Sense: twice, take the best of the two):


Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-15, 11:38 PM
Battle Awareness, huh? :smallwink:

Well, you win initiative by virtue of a higher initiative bonus, so you're up first.

2008-08-16, 12:12 AM
Actually you have the higher raw score; I'm at 24 naturally, I just get to 34 due to a Utility Power.

*gulps, prepares for a sneak attack*

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 12:39 AM
Actually you have the higher raw score; I'm at 24 naturally, I just get to 34 due to a Utility Power.

*gulps, prepares for a sneak attack*

Yes, but your initiative bonus is defined as "the total of one-half your level, your Dexterity modifier, and any bonuses." The utility power applied a bonus, so my reading would have you going first.

Although if you disagree, I'm happy to take the first action after all. :smalltongue:

2008-08-16, 12:58 AM
[NONONO, Don't have to tell me twice! :smallwink: ]

An all-consuming howl emerges from the lips of Buggy, his grip tight, his legs springing, as he charges his foe holding his live sparkling spear...

Minor Action: Activate Divine Regeneration

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Attack: No Surrender

Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1] plus 23 (Will Reroll 1's)

ACTION POINT: Attack with No Mercy again (if I missed) or with Supremacy of Steel (if I hit)

Attack [roll2]
Damage (if SoS, remove last rolled d12 result) [roll3] plus 23 (Will Reroll 1's)
If hit with SoS, you can only make Basic Attacks until the end of my next turn.

2008-08-16, 12:59 AM
Kinda botched that last Damage roll, so here we go again:

[roll0] plus 23

EDIT: A swing, and two misses...

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 01:41 AM
Okay, before I post my full action, I'll be using my Duelist's Weapon ability as a minor action to gain combat advantage. Will you then, as I suspect, react and use No Opening to cancel the combat advantage?

Edit: Also, the first time you make a successful attack, please re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty to hit, as I will then be using Second Chance. :smallwink:

2008-08-16, 03:19 AM
[*sigh* Y'know this combat is going to get a lot more straight-forward once we burn through all these daily utilities :smallwink: . Yep, no combat advantage for you!]

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 03:48 AM
Red's height plays to her advantage here as she ducks a lunging stab, then sidesteps another. Everything seems to slow down for her, her vision taking on a hazy red as she plants her right foot and springs like a rocket, jumping first off of the bugbear's still-outstretched spear shaft, then somersaulting, and finally slamming feet-first into his chest, dagger held high in both hands ...

Minor Action 1: Meditation of the Blade (increase dagger damage die by one step)
Minor Action 2: Duelist's Weapon (gain combat advantage)

... and lose it again to an immediate interrupt triggered by the following attack ...

Standard Action: Knockout: [roll0] vs. Fortitude[/spoiler]

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 03:57 AM
... and manages to stagger the bugbear with the brutal impact of her feet against his chest as she also plunges her dagger into his shoulder before springing back off of him, somersaulting, and landing lightly on her feet!

Effect on miss, since Buggy doesn't have Mettle: Half of [roll0] and dazed until the end of my next turn

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 03:58 AM
(So half would be 13 damage, I guess.)

2008-08-16, 04:15 AM
Still dazed though the wounds on his chest seem to mystically stitch themselves shut, Buggy has enough focus to strike out once more with a merciless thrust...

Regenerate to heal all damage.

Let's try this again... No Mercy: [roll0]
Damage [roll1] plus 23.

If I actually hit *crossing fingers*, here's my forced reroll: [roll2]

EDIT: Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 05:43 AM
Ducking to the right with no room to spare, Red again stamps down hard as she springs like a dervish at the bugbear, this time whipping cleverly around as she tries to straddle his shoulders and begin strangling him ...

Minor Action: Divine Regeneration

Standard Action:

Garrote Grip: [roll0] vs. Reflex

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 05:51 AM
And after getting a good grip and beginning to savagely stab her huge victim repeatedly with her dagger ...

Garrote Grip (damage): [roll0] + Sneak Attack [roll1] (Gauntlets of Destruction: I'll reroll any 1s that come up), and Red grabs Buggy. Until he escapes, he grants her cover, and any melee attack or ranged attack that misses her hits him instead.

Since that landed, Red then spends an action point to immediately execute:

Stab and Grab: [roll2] vs. Reflex (I forgot to factor Nimble Blade last time, not that it really mattered)

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 05:54 AM
... she begins stabbing even more furiously at him, loosening him up so that she can tighten her grip still further ...

and since Red has already grabbed Buggy, he is now restrained instead of immobilized until he escapes the grab

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 05:55 AM
And re-rolling that 1 ... [roll0]

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 05:56 AM
So ... 27+26+28 = 81 total damage for the round

(And I wish I could quit it with the typos in my spoilers! :smalltongue:)

Oh, and I forgot I still have a move action left ... so I'll trade it down for a minor action ...

Dangerous Theft as a free action, Quick Fingers as a minor action, snatch the ring off of Buggy's finger. Success even on a roll of 1, so there's no point in rolling it.

2008-08-16, 02:55 PM
Howling and spitting, Buggy struggles to break free of the grip around his throat and land a solid blow on his nimble opponent.

'K, let's spend a move action to get out of that grapple...

Athletics [roll0]

Unless I'm mistaken I need a 41 to break free... Also I heal 30 HP now.

If that one doesn't work, I'll try a second time...

Athletics [roll1]

...and sling a Minor Action's worth of foul words upon your sensitive ears.

If I do break free I'm gonna mark you as my Hunter's Quarry (Minor Action) and go for a 'No Surrender' again (I've gotta roll a 20 sometime, right?)
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3] plus [roll4] plus 23 (Reroll 1's, etc)

EDIT: Hey, there's my 18! :smallwink:

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 06:45 PM
The howling bugbear manages to dislodge her, and Red whips around in the air like a cat to land in a crouch as he dumps her on the ground in front of him again, a feral grin on her face. As he moves to attack her again, she springs to the left, throwing herself into an impossibly fast, arcing series of flips, her body spinning like a wheel in the air ...

Immediate Interrupt: Leaping Dodge (yes, I know you missed anyway, but once I expended Second Chance, my next trick to dodge was going to be this, and the trigger is "you are targeted by an attack," not "you are hit by an attack." I prefer honesty. :smallwink:

Leaping Dodge: [roll0]
Second roll (Agile Athlete): [roll1]

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 06:50 PM
... hitting the wall feet-first, she springs off, vanishing as she does so ...

Minor Action: For what it's worth, stashing the pilfered ring.
Standard Action: Activate Cloak of Invisibility -- invisible for the rest of the encounter until successfully hit by a melee or ranged attack.
Move Action: That is a secret (I'll PM OOTS with it). :smallbiggrin:
Stealth check (I'll always roll them at -5 in case I do more than two squares of movement, and OOTS can adjust +5 as needed if I don't actually more more than two): [roll0]

Kiara LeSabre
2008-08-16, 06:52 PM
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Edit: Oh, and I forgot to add the Brutal Scoundrel bonus damage to my Sneak Attack, so that's another 8 points ... the total should have been 89, not 81. Sorry about that. Also, the "T" on the map indicates where Tida was last seen before she disappeared.