View Full Version : Ayasoma: Islands of the Morning Mist (IC)

2008-08-16, 01:40 PM
Music (http://www.imeem.com/maustaum/music/bvbQw26k/masami_ueda_lost/)

Senao, seat of civility in the Ayasoma islands, sits cradled between the mist covered seas surrounding the Ayasoma and the unseen heights of Mt. Tenkuu. Amid it's meticulously laid streets and homes the people went about daily business, most of them ignorant about the greater problems troubling the islands among the clans, but content in their own place in their adopted home. Today was...less then normal for a select few, far from it actually. For four people a greater call had been sounded out, the air around them seemingly crackling with an unseen tension as hidden eyes peered at them from afar.

The day had begun normally enough, there was no sign of any pesky pursuers seeking the bounty on his head, and Senao seemed to hold limitless possibilities for one of his intellect. So then what to do this day? There didn't seem to be any sort of distinctive...feeling of what was to happen or to be done and it was that bizarre feeling of warmth that comes with knowing there was no pressure to do any one thing.

That is until the summons arrived.

It had come by way of nin-crow, an odd enough happening in and of itself, who had carried a small scroll in it's claws. The oily feathered bird had balefully eyed the good doctor before dropping the scroll in front of him and nudging it forward with it's beak. With it's mission complete the large bird took flight once more, quickly vanishing around several corners before climbing higher. What the note said was simple enough.

You have been summoned to a meeting at the Ikikousa, the meeting hall. Come on the eleventh hour, four days from now. Your safety has been guaranteed by the Naitekihi for as long as you remain on those grounds. Failure to arrive at the specified time is discouraged.

A call to a meeting which promised safety and a vague threat? Certainly a pickle it was.

Business had been slow lately and leads on how to accomplish more...personal goals had proved elusive as well. That is until one of his repeat customers, a young man named Akinori, approached him with a large smile on his face.

"Muno, I've got some good news for you!" He promised before telling the Ripper about what he had heard. Several, apparently, strong shinobi were being gathered together for something or another and there were rumors that a Bashiao clansmen was among them. Rumor had it that a message was currently on it's way for Muno himself but Akinori didn't know much more then that, simply buying a new mask and then slipping away. True enough a letter was delivered to him latter.

Come to Ikikousa in an hour. There are vermin you can identify with that need to be exterminated and this is your chance to do just that.

Ever since Itaro had arrived there had been an uneasy feeling of being watched, but on earth could that be? The Zakigin couldn't possibly be aware of his presence yet and he had made no other enemies during his relatively short stint on the islands, but this presence was almost...hostile as it observed him. It had come to a head the day before. A cloaked figure, reeking of burnt flesh and swaddled in charred bandages beneath it's ashen cloak had made itself known as it shadowed him, every now and then a brief glimpse of a single malevolent crimson eye could be seen but whenever he looked too closely at it, it just...disappeared.

Then finally it had briefly approached and spoken to him. "The time of vengeance is at hand bloodied prince, the fork of choice between satisfaction and duty is upon you now. Come to the meeting house in Senao, your quest and journey shall find guidance in those halls." Without even offering any more words the burnt specter had retreated then, making it's slow way back towards where-ever it had come from but the moment Itaro looked away it disappeared entirely.

Something had gone wrong. It was nothing overt at first but she had received a note from Yabu. Most of it was unintelligble, a scrawl that looked like the man had meandered through the letter until finally having the coherence to put it into words and those words would send chills through most people.

They know.

It wasn't so surprising, they seemed well-established enough to know when someone was searching them out bur she had been careful and cautious, trying not to upset her prey so to speak. It was a troubling message but it didn't truly mean anything besides that her task might become even more difficult. Then she had received a different message with a script she didn't recognize.

Your expertise is required in Ikikousa. Be there tomorrow.

The Ikikousa, or Spirit's Meeting, was truly a grandiose building with an ornate style to it that one most commonly saw in the castles of feudal lords. A massive red-painted gate-way hovers above the stone-path leading to the iron double doors like a hungry maw and the sweeping architecture brought feelings of wonderment to many. Here and there one can see unknown characters painted unto the walls or pillars of the building, scoring the wood or rice paper with dark markings.

A single man sits on a cushion before the doors, sitting in the lotus position with his eyes closed. Sunlight gleamed off the bald plate of his head and the tanned skin, and looking absolutely untouchable by the word around him. He was garbed as a priest but that alone seemed unlikely considering there were few such people on the Ayasoma Islands. No weapons lay within arms reach of the meditating man but that meant little in such a day and age.

2008-08-16, 07:19 PM

Itaro stands at the top of the stairs. He takes a moment to take in the intricate art and statuary around him.

"Old man." He calls to the monk, "I'd like to go inside. Is that alright with you?"

2008-08-16, 09:55 PM

Narumi eyes the opulent surroundings, a bit of nervousness apparent in her stride. She was more used to the open country, the slums, and generally less grandiose venues. Her prey seemed to prefer to hunker down in those areas. But now, with that troubling message from Yabu, she felt she had no choice but to investigate.

"Yabu, you idiot... You better not get yourzzelf killed while I am gone..." she said under her breath, a feeling of distress apparent in her tone of voice.

Walking towards the gate, she saw both the man on the cushion and another traveller speaking to him, though she could not quite catch what they were saying. She continued walking towards them, feeling a bit hot as the sun beat down on the stones of the path.

Paragon Badger
2008-08-17, 12:57 PM
Shirō lowered his narrow black glasses at the sight of the nin-crow, revealing his one crimson and one sapphire eye, each clouded in a coldness that reflected his heart.

As the Bashiao doctor read the scroll, he parted some loose black strands of his hair that had fallen over his forehead. There was little color left in his mane as grey began to form at the temples and back, spreading to cover his entire scalp save for the top and front. Shirō's hair was wild and unkempt where it had lost color, yet well-maintained otherwise.

Just hours prior to the meeting, he sat quietly in his inn room, half-naked and staring at the equipment had had splayed out onto the floor. He was by no-means a powerful ninja, evident by the frailness of his aged and bare torso. His face was more harshly creased than it was wrinkled, and he was very gaunt.

With jerky movements and stiff fingers, The medical ninja strapped his shuriken holsters onto his forearms, carefully sliding fifteen needles into one, and twelve into the other. Without warning, Shirō then made a number of graceful handseals, with no seemingly visible effect. With the spare three needles, he delictaely dipped them each into a set of small bottles he had set on the floor. He let the needles hang loosely in the air between his fingers, a vile liquid dripping down from them.

Amazingly, he opened his mouth wide and pressed his tongue against the bottom of his mouth as he tilted his head back. He placed each needle daintily within his own mouth, sliding them against the walls of his throat until his fingers could not reach any further. Hastily sliding his fingers out of his maw, he coughed and hacked, clutching at his chest in pain.

When the fit receded, the doctor touched his throat, carefully analysing the thoroughness of his technique. His once graceful and fluid movements turned stiff and forced again as he leaned over to his light body armor...

Shirō arrived at the entrance of Ikikousa within minutes of the deadline, clad in a long black coat draped over his shoulders, the sleeves empty as his gaunt arms were folded across his chest.

The doctor said nothing, not to the monk at the entrance, and not to the other travellers at the gate, merely producing the note that had been given to him by the nin-crow, his arm stiffly extending out to accidentily reveal the holsters around his wrists as well.

RE2? Hee.

And...Aw, no vivid descriptions and character exposition, guys? Perhaps when the PCs meet, then. :smallwink:

Also, Fukumihari! Taking 10. 3 Needles w/ a dose of Chakra Mantle, Nightlily Paste, and Ghostly Chains. Yeah, so it's highly unlikely that we'll have an encounter at the start of the campaign- but Shiro took Improved Paranoia 5 levels ago. :smallwink: Considering that the poisons can easily be crafted, I think they are a suitable sacrifice for a little character exposition. :smallbiggrin:

Chakra: 47/48

2008-08-17, 05:24 PM
Ca-clank. Ca-clank. Ca-clank.
There was the sound of a quiet, loose rattling of hallow wooden objects gently banging against each other, audible before its source was visible, moving up along the winding path.

Ca-clank. Ca-clank. Ca-clank.
A short, grey-robed figure with a enormous pack across its back finally walks into view over a crest in the path. His head is the only part not covered by his clothing, the skin of his face pale with black eyes, topped by a shock of unruly brown hair...and a cheerful smile on his face as he surveys the assembled characters each in turn.

Ca-clank. Ca-clank. Ca-clank.
The boy (he must be 14 or so), continues forwards, his enormous pack becoming evident as the source of rattling - over a dozen masks, all carved of people with varying expressions and features. He moves forwards, walking past the tall man with dark glasses, and hands over his letter to the seated monk as well, retreating back to the side afterwards.

Clank. Scritch. Scratch.
He puts his pack down beside him with a final rattle, and then opens it, withdrawing a strip of wood, and slowly carving it with a knife, his quiet scraping and shaving the only sound from him as he watches the others idly with the same, friendly expression.

2008-08-18, 09:58 PM
There was no response to Itaro's questioning other then the brief flicker of closed eye-lids and a slow almost inaudible sigh. It wasn't until the other three had arrived as well, some awkwardly holding out notes they had received, that the old man opened his eyes up just a little and squinted at each of them in turn before rising to his feet.

"Follow me." His voice was creaky, like a hundred year old tree rustling in the breeze and sounding so very...ancient. Without waiting for anymore words he turns and shuffles towards the double doors leading inside of Ikikousa. As the doors were pushed open various wall mounted brass lanterns lighted up, suffusing the chamber in a warm orange glow that soothed the eyes. If it was even possible the room that the man leads you into looks even bigger on the inside then from the outside! A twin row of red columns support the roof with inlaid gold dragons coiled around the pillars to snarl down at passer-byers on the hard polished wooden floor below. On the opposite wall from the door was a small raised platform with a low-legged table sitting squarely in the middle of it. Multiple mats were laid out around the table with a hot pot of tea simmering in on a plate.

Only one person waited in the room for all four of you as the old man leads you to the table at his own painfully slow space. The young man has short cut black hair with a polite smile on his pale face. Ashen gray eyes assessed each of you quickly before he busied himself in pouring the steaming tea into each of the cups when you finally reach the platform. He's dressed simply, with a black long sleeved shirt that obscures his hands if they hung all the way down, and baggy cloth pants cut up along the sides to allow him a fuller range of movement. As the old man finally stops at the very edge of the platform and gestures to the table, the younger man gestures to the pillows and nods encouragingly. "Please friends, sit."

2008-08-18, 11:10 PM

Itaro hesitates for a moment, but sits down. "Uh...thanks." He takes a moment, to survey the room, and the other three individuals in the room. "I guess you're the one who called us here."

Paragon Badger
2008-08-19, 08:56 PM
The Bashiao doctor made a methodical sweep of the surroundings with his eyes, letting them finally rest upon the mats. Shirō shrugged his coat off of his shoulders and crossed his legs, easing himself onto a pillow. A soft crack rang through the air as his knees went crooked.

He laid his coat across his legs and raised a shaky hand up to his face, sliding the pair of narrow black glasses away from his multi-colored eyes and the bags beneath them. Collapsing the spectacles, he looked down at the tea.

"f-Forgive me, but I must... ehhh respectfully abstain." The medical ninja said as he slipped his glasses into the folds of his grey robe.

2008-08-19, 10:44 PM

Still tense, Narumi awkwardly positioned herself on one of the mats. She'd never gotten the hang of this frippery, even though Yabu said it was so important when meeting prospective clients. Finally settling herself, she greeted their host. "Thank you, zzir. May I ask why we 'ave been zzumonned here?" Having said this, she took a sip of the proffered tea.

2008-08-20, 07:43 PM
Ca-clank. Scritch. Ca-clank. Scratch. Ca-clank.

The young boy, pausing his carving only to regain his backpack, follows the others, still working furiously on the rapidly shaping piece of wood, seeming near oblivious to his majestic surroundings or even the others following with him, following by idly, the backpack still rattling along, echoing quietly throughout the large area.

Clank. Rattle.

Finally, when they come to a stop, he takes a seat on his knees, tucking the piece into his over-sized backpack still on his back. He takes his cup wordlessly with a nod of thanks, the now usual rattle from his back accentuating it. After a moment of blowing into it to cool it, he takes a sip, his black eyes closed and a contented grin on his face as he sets it down, waiting patiently.

(Sorry, I'm probably having way too much fun with nonverbal sounds.)

2008-08-22, 12:03 PM
Your host waits patiently for each of you to take a seat around the squat table before he speaks up, still with the needlessly polite smile despite the assembled company who had been brought to the meeting hall.

"You are very correct, I am the one who has called all of you here together and I have business with all of you as a whole. I represent some people with...problems, my duty being to help them resolve those problems." The young man says stiffly, saying nothing about the refusal of some to drink as he poured the tea like a respectable host. "As it is, I've come across a problem that I'm unable to solve by myself and have been given lenience to enlist outside aid in it. That's why each of you have been contacted. I...have to admit the individual stories about each of you are daunting, it's why I went through the channels I did but I have faith I didn't chose wrongly either."

He leans back, delicate tea cup held in one hand while the other acted as a coaster for it, little twirls of incense wisping up to curl around him as he took a slow luxurious sip of the drink. "Ahh, a nice cup of tea always improves the day, don't you agree?" Your host comments before setting it down and becoming serious once more. "However before I can allow you to see to this matter, I need some personal proof of your abilities and how well you can work as a team. Interested?"

2008-08-22, 05:03 PM

Itaro's eyes narrow, and he stands up. "You need to test us? Listen man, you called us here. I for one am not going to 'prove' anything to you until you tell us something about yourself. Your name, to start with."

2008-08-22, 08:59 PM

Nodding in acquiescence to the odd prerequisite, Narumi took another sip of the tea. When she had swallowed it, she spoke again."It izz becauzze I am being short, no? No matter, I will prove myzzelf, if only to dizzpel any doubt."

Paragon Badger
2008-08-22, 10:30 PM
Shirō stifled a cough as he focused his gaze upon the stranger, the crow's feet from the corner of his eyes growing more pronounced as he squinted.

"Stories?" He quietly asked himself in the middle of the man's speech, his cheeks creasing as he smirked.

"I am afraid I m-must apologize again." He said grimly, flattening his half-greyed eyebrows, "Unless you have something to offer in exchange for thesesssssssservices we would render, I do not.. think we have any reason to 'prove' ourselves to you."

Using Smart Hero Talent; Plan

Time required: 1 minute
Not quite sure if anyone else will get the bonuses, since Shirō isn't exactly explaining his plan to them. :smallredface:

Again, this is his IC paranoia, not my OOC paranoia. :smallwink: He doesn't know if the guy will set up an arena or just have dudes pop out from the shadows and start attacking. In retrospect, I should have done this the moment he walked into the room, though.

2008-08-23, 06:53 PM
The boy chuckles, nodding, speaking for the first time, in soft, quiet voice as if unaccustomed to doing so. "Well, its not like I have anything better to do other then wandering aimlessly. What kind of test were you thinking of? Trial by combat? Or something more interesting?"

He throws in almost as a afterthought with a wry grin, holding the now empty cup. "And the tea is very good, I must agree. What kind is it?"

2008-08-30, 10:31 PM
The variety of different responses seems to set the young man back, blinking quickly before patting the air in front of him as if to calm those present. "Please, you must understand that while this is an urgent matter it's also one that requires a great deal of secrecy. I must be careful with who's chosen for my employer's actual task or it could end up hurting their interests."

Finally he rises up from where had been sitting, reaching back to a shuriken holster hooked unto his belt and removing from it a small scroll. "The fact of the matter is that I am little more then a go-between who has had a great deal of responsibility thrust upon him. If you four fail then I am the one who takes the heat. As for a name you can call me Denrai. As for payment I can assure you, I've been entrusted with a sizable fund to use at my discretion. Twenty thousand Ryo each to be exact."

Assuming that he wasn't interrupted Denrai carefully clears away the tea cups and sets down the scroll that he had taken from the back pouch. Rolling it open and pinning down the corners with tea cups, a well-drawn illustration of a run-down castle can be seen pain-stakingly drawn out on the paper. Even though it's merely an old paper and ink illustration one can feel the aura of age that the building must surely exude.

"Let me assure you all of one thing...this may be a test for my employers but this is still a serious matter. This building here is Da-kumizu castle. At one time it used to belong to the Zakigin clan but they've long since abandoned it when most of the clan congregated in the city. Your task is simple...investigate the ruins. It's near enough to two different villages that if the Zakigin clan left behind any...retainers or guardians that they could cause serious danger to those villages. There's no need for leniency with those within though, your being given free reign to handle the clearing out of Da-kumizu castle as long as the building itself is left in one piece."

2008-08-31, 12:56 AM

Itaro listens intently to the story and sits down. "Well, that actually sounds like something I'd be willing to do. Consider me at your disposal."

Paragon Badger
2008-09-01, 04:59 AM
'The Zakigin? Interesting... I have never operated on one of them before.' Shirō thought with a slight smile during Denrai's speech.

He peered at the sketch, pausing for a moment before his two differently colored pupils slowly crawled up the whites of his eyes to regard Denrai. "i-If I may requesstssomething with which to copy this map upom?

"Abandoned, ah?" He remarked idly as he stared back at the map, comitting it to memory, "A shame. All that knowledge kept.. secret."

2008-09-02, 11:05 AM
"Zakigin remnants?" Having finished his tea, the boy is once again carving another of his masks distractedly, his gaze on their employer. "Yes, that will do nicely. I do believe I owe them some blood."

Scritch. Scritch.

"So, Denrai...is there anything else we should know, or shall we get to it?"