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2008-08-16, 08:58 PM
The Dark Lord
Chapter 1: A New Beginning


A cold wind blows from the north bringing with it a drizzling fog. It seems that winter will be here early, a troubling omen. The cold northern wind seems to be bringing with it more change than just the weather. Over the last few weeks rumors have broken out that the king is bedridden in a restless unawakened sleep. The kings oldest son has seated himself upon the thrown but his eccentric ways disturb some who are in contact with him. It was announced yesterday that the kings youngest son is missing and no one has seen him in almost a fortnight. Yes, these are troubling times...

*Bang bang bang* The sound of a heavy object landing squarely against the wooden door awakens Throshkar from his slumber. It is still night and from the window he can see a pale horse in the foggy moonlight. A lone figure stands at the door cloaked in darkness. The figure knocks again at the door.

Throshkar is alone in the house, is comrades have not returned.

[Note: All images used in this game are found on openrpg webrings and are considered to be open source.]

2008-08-18, 11:42 AM
The dream was always the same. But not tonight...

There Throshkar stood, arms raised in victory, sunlight glinting off the elegant silver filigree of his finely hammered, perfect plate armor. The hero, he had finally vanquished the cowards that had undermined the kingdom for years with their corruption and greed. Pride surged in Throshkar's veins.

And there, half in shadow, a cloaked figure whose face he knew but did not see... striking in the blink of a dream, a pain thrust diamond hard into his breast... and it was his father's face, stern and lost, and Throshkar's elder brothers, both just watching as the knife sank in...

But not tonight.

Tonight the face was Aantier, his friend, his best friend, and the night was dark and cold and it left Throshkar more bewildered than ever...
Henri's heavy bark woke Throshkar to the sounds of rain and thunder. No, not thunder -- a hammering fist at the door downstairs. The duke's son pushed his own fist into his eyes. What time is it? Where's Louis?

He clambered out of silk covers and into drawstring trousers in the family pattern. A glance out the window of his bedroom offered little but a vague horselike frame of light set amid a dark wet world.

Throshkar bounded down the stairs. 'Everyone is away,' he finally remembered, 'even sent Louis back to his family for the week-end. Ach, how boring...' Henri leapt onto his master's chest, his dark muzzle moist and hot with the hunt in his nostrils. The mastiff barked once more with Throshkar's laugh; he shoved the beast back down to all-fours, gripped his collar, and finally reached the door. The cavalier opened it to a gust of rainy chill that broke like a wave across his bare chest.

"Hail and well met on a better time of day, damn you!" he boomed. He held Henri back from trampling (and possibly biting) their new guest.

Put the dream sequence in a spoiler, just to shorten this post up a bit. Here's my stat block; I'm still working on updating Henri's block. I presume Arondight is in the stables, and took care of Louis (my squire) as well. Since Throsh is basically nekkid right now, should I remove his armor and weapons from the block, and adjust the AC accordingly?

{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 84/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 15 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

2008-08-18, 12:26 PM
After seeing that it is indeed Throshkar at the door, the stranger throws back his dripping wet hood revealing Kilmer commander of the cavaliers. Kilmer, a decorated knight, is one for whom you have fought along side at his command but you have infrequently spoken with him. He is known for his undying loyalty to the king along with his inaptness at politics. It is truly amazing that he has stayed commander for so long, especially since he was born a commoner.

Before you can even invite Kilmer in, he pushes past you, even Henri seems to move out of his way. You are taken aback by how this man even forgets his formalities in the middle of the night, that is until he begins to speak. "Sir Throshkar, I know that we have fought along side each other and that we find ourselves on different sides on many issues. However, our King needs us. I need to ask something of you, I have heard that you are loyal and true to your calling. The king has died, i fear it is his son's doing, but i cannot prove it. As of an hour ago, the king's son has crowned himself king. He first proclamation is to disband the cavaliers. He has give power over to his black clad knights who refuse to show their face. This news would not reach you until the morrow, so I hope you will allow me to give you one last order. I need you to find the king's missing younger son. This task will not be easy. Finally, I need you to hide this box, the contents of which belong to our king. He asked me to keep it safe, I will not longer be able to do so. Keep it here hidden on your property but do not look inside, the new watch will be searching the homes of any who were allies to the old king. Hopefully, you seem to an unlikely ally of mine to not warrant enough attention. Do you have any questions?" He hands you a wooden box.

2008-08-18, 03:21 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

"The king? Dead?" Throshkar took the box with numb hands. 'Could this be what father had wanted? Was he allied with the elder prince against the king?'

The blond man fumbled for a chair for his guest, then set the box on the table and turned to the fireplace. Grabbing a worn piece of flint and a steel from the granite hearth, his hands started a fire even as his mind raced elsewhere.

"But... Kilmer, if you are wrong, if the king died of natural causes, then the prince is now the true king. I know the rumors, but that still makes him our rightful lord. It would be treason to go against his will... even... even if it means the end of the cavaliers...."

The fireplace lit up with a dark whoosh. Throshkar could barely believe the words as they fell from his lips. The end of the cavaliers? No, even with the old king gone, that could not be -- the kingdom needed protection against the avarice of money-lenders and merchants, needed a strong aristocracy to remain stable.

"No -- the cavaliers must survive, somehow. But why would we need to find the younger prince? What would he have to do with this?" His mind continued to struggle with the thought that the prince might have caused the king's death.

2008-08-18, 07:26 PM
The old battle general sighs, as he warms his hands as the fire roars to life. "The eldest son is only the king for there is no younger brother to contest for the throne. According to customs, both brothers have the right to the throne, it is up to the counsel made up of knights, clerics, templar, priests, and paladins to decide whom to crown king. I hold a seat on the counsel and I was never called upon to make a decision. He holds three powerful allies on the counsel of 12 and after crowning himself king has decided to absorb the counsel as well. These are dark times.

Kilmer reaches into his cloak bringing out a flask, he uncorks it and takes a swing and then offers it to Throshkar. With the younger prince, we can raise an opposition to the throne; hopefully, without inciting a revolution. The city cannot handle blood stained streets, especially as winter approaches. I should not stay here much longer in case I was followed. The last I heard was that the young prince fancied himself to be a young adventurer. I am not sure, but my guess is that someone around here knows where he has gone. Someone must have sold him some equipment. You got any more questions?

2008-08-18, 09:28 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Graciously, the younger cavalier took the flask and downed a strong bolt of it. "Ahh. Of course -- it's late, I'm forgetting even the most basic laws of succession. That the counsel was not... well, consulted, that is very dire news. Even had you not bestowed this quest upon me, Kilmer, I think I would have undertaken it myself."

"Whether it means peace or war, the right king must rule, not merely the most cunning or corrupt. I will find the princeling."

Throshkar's eyes are drawn to the box on his table. It seems to have grown in size since its arrival.

"What is in the box? And why can you not keep it yourself any longer? You can stay here if you are no longer safe, my friend -- my home is always open to defenders of the true king."

When Kilmer refuses to stay or to answer the other questions, Throshkar will finally ask him: "Is there any place I cannot put this box? Should I fear placing it too near sky or water, heat or earth?"

Throshkar will also offer Kilmer further hospitality -- food, drink, rest, or any aid on the road -- if he will accept it.

2008-08-18, 10:51 PM
Kilmer stiffens in his seat, "Thank you for undertaking this quest. I wish I could go with you but the fates have another course for me I fear. I ask you this, do not come to my aid, I do not want those who wish me harm to derail your quest. Know that you will not be the only one looking for the Young Prince, Aseral. The dark knights will also be after him. I cannot keep the box for I fear for my life, it contains some of the Late kings possessions, the young prince will need them if he wishes to take the throne. Find a place where the box will remain hidden and safe. I know that you will find the right place. Even I do not want to know where you have hidden the box. I will leave you to begin your quest. I hope to see you again. Thank you for your hospitality."

Kilmer stands up, embraces you and then walks toward the door. You have one last chance for any questions you have before he returns to the rain.

2008-08-18, 11:03 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

"Is there anyone else I can trust? I will not share the burden of the box with any others, I swear upon my honor, but should it come to it, I need to know who you fear most, and who you would rely upon with your life. I have recently come to learn that even among the cavaliers and my fellow nobles, faith may be broken as a fragile egg by a careless farmer. It has been a hard lesson."

"Knowing places of safety is especially vital for when I find Aseral, for I will need to know where to bring him, when, and to whom."

2008-08-19, 01:24 AM
Kilmer frowns, "Son, you can trust your friends and those whose actions speak louder than their words. A line is being drawn in the sand, fear the dark knights and the Illegitimate King. Even I do not know of the extent of the corruption that exists, a dear friend tried to poison my drink just tonight. Aseral will come with his own set of allies and enemies, look to him for guidance. A gnome named Kelm can also be trusted when in a pinch. Oh I almost forgot..." The knight reaches into his pocket flipping you a small sack which you carelessly grab out of the air. "This bag contains my and the old kings signet rings. Additionally, half a coin, the other half belongs to an ally. Take these things and good luck you will need it."

The knight pulls himself onto his stead and canters off into the rain. You feel a sadness in your heart and a queasy feeling in your stomach, the feeling that you get on the eve of battle.

[If you look in the sack]The small bag contain an ornate golden ring with the kings symbol. The other ring is made of bronze with the symbol of Kilmer's house. Also, these is half a silver piece with a currency far to the south imprinted upon it. You cannot read the forging symbols. The coin has a unique cut to it that one could easily recognize the missing piece but hard to forge.

You think it is about two bells past the high of night (2AM)....

2008-08-20, 12:49 PM
What is your plan for the box? Where will you hide it?

2008-08-20, 01:33 PM
What is your plan for the box? Where will you hide it?

Working on it... can't bury it at the moment, since it's raining... get back to you on this later today.

2008-08-20, 10:46 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Throshkar sat at the table, staring at the ring with the king's impression. The king -- dead. Nothing could be more certain, with the royal signet here. And Kilmer leaving his own ring here as well....

Henri flopped his head into Throshkar's lap, and the cavalier stroked the animal's ears absently. On the far end of the table, the box loomed larger and larger, and Throshkar stared unthinking.

Unsatisfied with the level of attention he was receiving, Henri paddled over to the door and pawed at it, to no avail. He continued to scratch for a few minutes, eventually giving off an irritating whine, followed by a sharp bark that finally pulled Throshkar out of his reverie.

The young man pulled open the door; Henri paddled out into the rain happily, circled a patch of trees, then gallumphed back into the room, his light golden coat soaking. Throshkar laughed as the hairy beast shook, sending water flying everywhere, even into the fireplace, which sizzled.

"Fine, Henri -- I will, I will!" Throshkar cried, going to the kitchen to grab a bone from that evening's stew. After tossing it to Henri, the dog gnawed away with great relish.

Throshkar scooped up the priceless treasures, and ran up the stairs to his bedroom. Underneath his bed sat a large chest; Throshkar pulled it out, unlocked it using a key on a golden chain, and emptied it onto his bed. He then opened and emptied the contents of The Box into his own chest, careful not to look. Flipping the top shut, he swiftly re-locked his chest, closed the now-empty Box (placing it under his bed), and organized his own papers alongside the two rings and the silver coin on the bedside table.

That done, Throshkar dressed himself in work clothing, then carried the chest downstairs and out into the rain. Henri trailed behind, the bone he was previously treated to gripped fiercely in his mouth. Arriving at the estate's stable, Throshkar pulled open the door and strode in with purpose.

Arondight the pegasus blinked bleary eyes at the cavalier as he swung open the gate to its pen. Throshkar caressed the beautiful creature with his free hand, muttering calming words. In short order, he had pacified his steed, gathered up a spade and fresh soil, and began digging in a corner of the pen.

"Arondight, my brave warrior, what I am placing here is more important than my own life -- protect it with all your mighty spirit, if you please."

Henri mimicked his master -- entering one of the empty stalls, he dug frenetically, creating an excessively deep hole in which to bury his precious bone.

Throshkar placed his locked chest beneath Arondight's stall. He also digs up four other holes in the stable, mixing the soil together so they all flatten equivalently (leaving six digs, including Henri's bone); he hides all but one of them under bales of hay, wooden crates, or whatever else is lying around.

When the work is finished, Throskar feeds Arondight and returns to the rain, allowing it to clean himself and his clothes. He returns to the house, tends to the fire, removes his wet clothes and drapes them near the fire; starts a kettle of extra-dark coffee and a slab of still-fresh bacon over the flames; and goes upstairs to change into his usual dress clothes worn for going into the market area of town.

He eats and muses over his next actions. Once the sun begins to peek its rays over the horizon, he will tuck his own papers (and the rings and coin) into a secure place among his clothes or purse and take off for the merchants' alley (or whatever is appropriate) with Henri on a silver chain, bringing his money, etc. Not sure if he'd go armed... probably. And let me know if it's far enough away to merit bringing Arondight with him.

2008-08-21, 01:31 AM
As Throshkar places the contents of the box into the chest, even through he does not wish to look he sees it contains one small ornate jewelry box and two leather bound books along with several scrolls.


In the morning, the rain has subsided but dark clouds hang over the air as a cool wind blows from the north. The market district is about a 30 minute walk from your home in the estates. There is a cobble stone walkway which leads into the urban city. As you are getting ready to leave, a few thoughts tug at your gut. You get the feeling you might not want to bring your steed and another to go armed. This cool northern wind seems to bother you.


[OOC: I am sorry, for some reason your figure (k10) is blurry. I will have to look into that. If you want a different mini just tell me where to get the image. Images need to have a clear or monochromatic background to work. wizards mini site or openrpg sites are the best place to get them. ]

As you are gathering your last belongings and step out the door you see five of the city guard and a knight in black coated armor with his visor down. The move forward in a friendly manner as if they are lost or looking for a dropped object. However, as the knight looks at you, you get a slight shiver down your back as you make eye contact with this knight, an almost feeling of dread. Then the moment is gone, as if it never existed. The lead guard shouts, "Sir DuLaBlonc, Sir, We have a few questions." He continues speaking as the guards move towards you, ""We do not want to alarm you but a thief was seen in this very area last night. A man riding a pale horse and wearing a black cloak. Someone saw him close to here last night. Did you see anything?"

2008-08-21, 10:23 AM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Throshkar approached the men casually, keeping a firm grip on Henri's leash. The dog's guttural growl at the men in black felt all too appropriate, but he kept his usual vague smile on his face as he responded:

"A thief! I can't say I saw any money-lenders around..." He hoped his laugh did not sound too forced. Henri tugged at his chain. "Well, Henri here did wake me up in the deepest part of the night -- he was very insistent to leave the house despite the horrid rain, so I let him go, but I assumed he was just chasing shadows. He certainly didn't come back with anyone's backside hanging from his teeth!"

Throshkar forced another laugh, then pursed his lips. "Wait -- would this fellow have had an interest in my property? Should I be concerned? Or is he just another merchant, gone fully to seed?"

2008-08-21, 03:34 PM
The guard in front stiffens and replies, "You are quick to laugh at this matter, but his horse was seen vacant on your property. Maybe this thief stole something from you or maybe even hid something in your home. Mayhaps we could help you look inside to make sure nothing is missing or any objects that are not supposed to be there are not there? It will only take a few moments..."

2008-08-21, 03:47 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Throshkar shrugged, dropping his amiable demeanor just slightly. "Ah, I am quick to jest -- of course, robbery is nothing to laugh about. In any case, if anyone entered my home without my approval, Henri and I would certainly have something to say about it. I am sure you are aware of my prowess on the field of battle!"

Throshkar smiled and brushed an invisible speck of dirt from his armor.

"Your man would have to be shadow itself to have taken something from me last night. As it is, I am off to pick up my squire for training -- when we return, I'll put him on night duty here, should your 'shadow' return. If by chance we find something unwanted on the estate, I shall let the local constabulary know."

At this, Throshkar saluted the men and began to walk away, saying: "Thanks to ye for the warning, and good luck on your hunt!"

2008-08-21, 04:26 PM
I need a diplomacy or intimidation roll, its your choice.

2008-08-21, 05:19 PM
Given the four-on-one here, I'm going to have to go with diplomacy, even though I get one more +1 for intimidate -- I figure if I miss the intimidate, I'd make them aggressive towards me, whereas if I miss the diplomacy, not so much. Also gotta consider that intimidating them off is a bad idea in the long run. If I've got this totally wrong, I'd go for intimidate, but I don't think so.


May I also do a Sense Motive to see what these guys *really* want?

Sense Motive:[roll1]

2008-08-21, 05:29 PM
Throshkar, you think that these guards seem to be up to something more than they are letting on. However, your attempt to persuade them to leave seems to not have worked. You do notice something is amiss as well. The black knight seems to be missing, almost as if he vanished from where he was standing. The common city guards seem to not have noticed or cared for they pay not particular attention to this event. "So what do you say Sir Throshkar, want to let us have a look around your estate? Make sure no thieves are about? They can be rather tricky, saw one myself give a dog a steak just to shut him up."

2008-08-21, 05:42 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

'A disappearing knight? Speaking of shadows...'

"Eh, I care not. Look around the grounds all you like, but you'll have to wait until I'm back from training my boy to enter any of the buildings, and that's only going to happen if I feel like having guests. I'll not have strange hands accosting my property; you certainly won't be fiddling with my larder or hammering about on my walls, with or without me here."

Throshkar crosses his arms and glares, his friendly pretense finally starting to drop.

"I am no thief, and will not be treated as such. I am a cavalier and a duke's son -- you should respect both, else you risk your necks."

Well, ouch. How would I determine whether Throsh thinks he could take these guys?

Roll to intimidate these guys regarding entering the buildings (if I may, after that botched diplomacy):[roll0]

2008-08-21, 05:54 PM
Throshkar looks at the guards, they wear leather armor infused with a mini steel shield with the Kings Emblem in it. They are carrying halberds and short swords with small shields upon their backs.

The guards back away from the Cavaliers threatening stance or maybe it is because the Black Knight is gone. "Alright, have it be your way, we will take your word for the matter. But you should realize that our Lord the King has dissolved the Cavaliers. The decree was signed last night. All Cavaliers who wish to continue their service to the King can join the royal army and if they are loyal can advance there. The word cavalier does not hold any meaning here. You are just an ordinary citizen." The lead guard give you a smug smile before turning and walking away with the other five guards. You hear mumbling about how nobles are so stuck up as the men walk away.

2008-08-21, 06:17 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

So it was true. Kilmer was not mistaken -- not that Throshkar had doubted the man, but the common soldier's sneer told him volumes more than even a loyal general's hurried midnight visit could not have. The cavalier's armor felt heavier than ever before, and he looked at Henri. After a moment, a thought occurred to him.

[COLOR="Indigo"]"Well, boy? Did you see where the fellow in the black went to? Can you scent him?"

Henri to scent track, using Survival roll:[roll0]
Would he use any other senses, like Spot?

Throshkar to visually track (also using Survival, based on the info in the Track feat) -- since the soil is wet, the DC should be low (barring, of course, mystical powers the dude's got...): [roll1]

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

2008-08-21, 06:24 PM
Henri reaches the spot where the Dark Knight had been standing. You can plainly see the indentation of two armored boots and a trail leading up to the place where you now stand. It is almost as if the Knight disappeared into thin air.

2008-08-21, 09:02 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Throshkar kneeled over the footprints. Quietly, he whispered to Henri, "Somebody's cheating, huh, boy?" He roughed up the dog's collar. "Not exactly honorable, to disappear on a man's property like that..."

He stood and frowned at a streak of mud that had made it onto his pants. Should he stay to protect the empty home, presuming that the shadow knight was going to search the place? Or should he expect the man would follow Henri and him?

'Does it matter?' A man who could shift into the wind like that, he would be able to go wherever he pleased. Still, Throshkar went back to the house, placed a chair just inside the door and locked it carefully, then went around the building to check for loose windows and climbable ledges. He did the same for the locks and windows for the stable and servant's quarters.

By this time, Henri began to paw and stretch, clearly eager to get the day going. Throshkar threw up his hands, said, "Blasted thieves!" and bounced into a slow trot, finally heading off to the merchant's quarter.

Henri scent track around buildings:[roll0]

Throshkar spot around buildings: [roll1]

2008-08-22, 01:07 AM
After securing the buildings and walking away you see no sign of the mysterious dark knight. You can see the five guards harassing one of your neighbors a little ways away but you cannot hear them from this distance.

You head down the cobble stone road towards the merchant district. You see the familiar sights, you are greeted by the smells of fresh bread and meat cooking, and by the loud sounds of blacksmiths pounding out weapons. As you get into more denser populated areas you notice that people seem to be avoiding you. No one makes eye contact with you but you can feel their stares upon the back of your head. You notice the opposite behavior from the city watch, they seem to be paying particular attention to you as they would a thief or a rogue.

2008-08-22, 11:21 AM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

The walk in the brisk morning air lifted Throshkar's spirits. Not one to brood or think ill of others, he responded to the increased attention he was getting by smiling, waving, and saluting when appropriate. Pulling up at a baker's stall, the cavalier made a show of smelling the air, scented with cinnamon and other mysterious spices, and said to the attendant: "Your finest fruit turnover, if you please, and a selection of cheeses -- especially from Salaco, if you have them... oh, and throw one young squire in the bag, too!"

This was the von Koch bakery, and behind the attendant labored young Louis von Koch, baker's son and cavalier aspirant. The boy perked up at Throshkar's words. His father, Gerald von Koch, waved the boy on with a chuckle tinged with regret: "Go -- go! Ya've burned enough buns today!" He then grabbed his son by the collar, said something into his ear, then held him at arms' length as if to size him up once more. The two embraced as the attendant gave Throshkar his order, with an extra helping of dirty look despite the wealthy tip.

Louis came tearing out of the thatched hut with pack and longspear, nearly falling over himself in his exuberance. Henri barked happily at the sight of the boy, and finished the job of pushing him to the ground. The two tussled while onlookers gaped at the boy wrestling with the warhound nearly double his weight. Throshkar simply sat, eating his fromage and pastry. Much of the former was fuzzy, and the latter was undoubtedly past its prime, but he payed it no heed.

After a minute or two of play, Throshkar stood and whistled. Boy and dog came to attention, and all three shared some giggles before the cavalier passed the boy his lance and the trio continued deeper into the merchant's quarter.

"Beggin' yer pardon, master, but ain't we goin' ta train today?" the squire asked. He looked over his shoulder, in the direction of the duLaBlonc estate.

"A few purchases to make, Louis! Don't worry -- we'll have you bruised and battered in no time," Throshkar replied.

As they came to a halt at a corner with three of Throshkar's favored merchants -- the only honest ones in existence, he reckoned -- the boy finally got up the nerve to tell him about the rumors that were the talk of the town. Throshkar's bushy blonde brows bounced up. "The king's passing is a tragedy, but don't you worry, my Louis. The cavaliers are an honorable force for good -- we're not going to be affected by hearsay and other foolish talk. So there may be a new king, and he may not have faith in us for the nonce... it won't last."

With that, Thoshkar engaged in one of his standard shopping sprees. Along with another roll of silken rope, a climber's kit for Louis, an hourglass inset with precious gems, and a matching set of jewelry for himself and Louis, he purchased a chest and lock identical to the one he'd buried the last night.

As he shopped, Throshkar asked the merchants idly about the young prince. "Do you think he'll come back for the elder prince's coronation? I would surely love to meet the man. Didn't he go adventuring -- surely he came to you to equip himself for the enterprise, my good man/woman! You're the best merchant, the most honest in the land!"

Without being too obvious, Throshkar made sure that at least one merchant and her assistant saw him place the papers and other items he'd had in his chest into the new chest, along with the newly purchased jewelry and hourglass. He handed the rope and climber's kit to Louis, and hefted the chest himself. Together, the two walked home.

Total cost of purchases: 10 + 80 + 30(fancy) + 60(fancy) + 120(fancy) + 150 + 3 = 453gp. The coffers are getting bare...!

Also paid 2sp at the baker's. I assumed from the glaring I was getting that everybody knows the king is dead and the elder prince had taken over. If not, I'll rewrite some of this post. And naturally, we won't go home if I don't have a lead on the young prince.

2008-08-22, 06:59 PM
As Throshkar pays for his items the merchant replies to his question in a soft voice, "If you be looking for the young prince, I did equip him for a journey, but don't ye be telling anyone I told you. I do not even think he knows of his fathers passing much less his illness. I know you be good Sir for the mantle at your breast tell me so, thus I speak to you in confidence. The young prince headed north with small group to have an adventure. He be young and brash, not even the king wanted him to leave. He has a legacy you see. But thee young prince was adventure at all costs."

The merchant pauses for a second and quickly looks around to ensure that none are within ear shot of his voice, "You see good knight, the prince asked me to keep this a secret, but you see I fear for the kingdom and what has become of our king. I know the direction our young prince headed off in. He headed north toward the windy gap, there is a small village there where you might be able to find where he has gone to. I am sure he stopped there for supplies...." The merchant looks up and see a troop of city watch marching by with a Black Knight. ""Well, there you go you got all your stuff in order then. Have a good day Sir, come again." The merchant says in a loud voice, he ushers you out of the store. You are taken aback with his fear of the guards.

You stand in the court yard of the merchant district and you notice Olna and her Johnathon walking along. They do not seem to have noticed you as of yet.

2008-08-23, 12:30 AM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

It was Olna he saw first, as usual. The woman's beauty flowed from her like water in a crisp mountain river as it cascades off the skin of a beautiful woman... well, she was attractive, for certain. Nothing compared to old man Baldorian's wife, but...

And speak of the devil, there he was, inspecting a delicately blown glass item that shimmered in the midday sun. Of course the two were together. The cavalier's relationship with the exotic was well known among his fellows; he'd even given his stake in their shared estate to her as "a gift between friends." Throshkar still couldn't believe anyone would prefer the admittedly gorgeous Olna over the absolute pristine elegance of his wife, but, to each his own.

He kneeled down to Henri, winked at Louis, then urged the dog, "Git 'im! Old Man Baldorian! Git!" The mastiff cocked his head, surveyed the crowd for his target, then launched his significant frame forward with a raucous bark.

I'm leaving you to roleplay how Henri treats you, but I intend it to be an exuberant if awfully heavy pounce on Johnathan. However you like, though!

I'm assuming your fellow is a bit older than you? Since Throshkar's 20, even if your fellow is just 25-26, he's still "old man" to him. :)

2008-08-23, 01:11 PM

Olna sees out of the corner of her eyes a familiar dog bounding their way. She smiles and takes a step back from Jonathon. He sets down the item he is looking at and turns to her just as the great dog reaches him taking him by surprise and managing to knock the sturdy looking man a couple of steps back.

"Ohhh, you're a good dog, aren't you?" Jonathon scratches the great dog behind the ears and leads him away from the more delicate shops in the market and towards his owner.

Olna heads directly to Throshkar and greets him warmly with a soft hug and gentle kiss to the cheek. "Eden, what news? The market seems odd today. We were hoping for a nice day of shopping to end our trip, but no one seems the same."

Jonathon finishes his games and joins the pair, "Yes, 'Old man' duLaBlonc, people are looking at us funny, and not in the normal way they look at her."

There, POOF! "Old man" is now a joke between the two! Perhaps they call each other that because they learned early on that very few cavaliers grow to be old men.

2008-08-23, 11:03 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

"Bah -- we're only the same age for two days, so you'll always be a year older, Old Man!" The 27-year-old slapped the slightly shorter fellow on the shoulder, then swept up Olna's surprisingly strong hand, kissing it with a show of panache. Louis, behind him, blushed visibly.

"Always ravishing to see you, m'lady -- and, as usual, a disappointment to see you in such uncouth company as him! Throshkar swept a lock of dirty blonde out of his eyes.

When Olna repeated her observation about the crowds, the cavalier responded with genuine surprise. "What does it matter, anyway? The common people are probably just anxious about the king -- you've heard, I assume, that he died last night? Or so the merchants tell me... I am not much for gossip, unlike you, m'lady, who knows so much and so many -- my head spins just trying to remember a few dozen names! I wonder that you should be asking me such a question!" He laughed, loud and clear. Even if Throshkar's underlying air of superiority was less than appealing, his grin was infectious.

Only a close friend might notice the slight shift in his tone as he said: "Speaking of gossip, I have a curious secret to share with you, it's worth a few good laughs over an ale at home... are you headed there?"

Henri refused to let Louis re-leash him; the boy chased the canine through the market as the group walked, and Throshkar found himself having to pay for broken glassware and chewed-up clothing at several stalls...

I'll up Throshkar to 27... actually have a friend from college who has her birthday just offset from mine like this...

I'm estimating about a dozen silvers for Henri's damage.

2008-08-24, 08:23 AM

"My dear Eden, you know I always get my gossip from you first!" She smiles and links arms with the two cavaliers and walks along with them.

"Yes, let us head to our 'home.' Oh, how funny it is to hear that, and not mean my mother's house. I think I shall really enjoy being the mistress of, well a quarter of a house!"

"Mistress Olna?" A young, beautiful, girl who had been walking behind the pair speaks up lightly. "Might I play with the dog too?"

"Yes, but let Master Throshkar introduce you first. That is a working dog and trained to kill."

The young girl nods respectfully and waits for Throshkar to introduce her. If he does she plays with the dog and tries to make friends with Louis.

"Oh, they grow up so quickly, don't they?"

2008-08-24, 12:39 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

"Of course she can, Henri can be gentle when he wants to be." Throshkar lets out a sharp whistle a bit too close to Olna's ear, and Henri comes padding up to the group. An exhausted Louis -- who finally managed to attach the leash -- follows. Throshkar gestures to the girl and says, "Be nice. Friend! And you, Louis -- show her a good time." He raises one eyebrow and tosses the boy a handful of silvers.

Watching the youngsters play with Henri, Throshkar asks Olna and Johnathan about where they've been.

2008-08-24, 05:44 PM

"There's this small inn on the road a day's travel from here. A hour's walk down a twisty path through a forest to the most beautiful waterfall. There's a cave behind the waterfall that you have to row under the water fall and up aways then disembark and follow a little trickle of water through this little small passage until it opens up to the glorious cavern. The walls are riddled with small specks of reflective stone and when the sun is just right it shines through the waterfall and the whole cavern is lit with a green light that reflects off the walls. It's stunning!"

2008-08-24, 06:52 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Throshkar smiles. He'd shown Johnathan that spot some months ago -- it was his favorite spot for secluded rendezvous, especially those with women who needed to be discreet. The only surprise was that Johnathan hadn't taken his mistress there earlier.

"Sounds lovely. You'll have to share the experience with me sometime, eh?" Throshkar refrained from poking Olna's slender side with his armored elbow this time.

"As for the gossip and rumor-mongering, you won't get much from me, so if you want to learn more about the state of affairs around here, you'd best ask some of the merchants and other folk before we head back to the estate."

"I've done with my shopping -- once you're ready, we'll be off!"

Do you want to use some of your mad Diplomacy and Gather Info skillz to pick up info before we go home and I reveal our quest? I'm curious why the crowds are staring at Throshkar (and you two as well?), but it's not in his makeup to care. What rumors are going around about the cavaliers, do you think?

2008-08-24, 07:04 PM

Olna sees what the Cavalier means. "If we are to learn anything... Will you take Jonathon back to the manor? I'll finish my shopping and meet you there soon."

Olna kisses the two on the cheek and heads toward the nearest tavern.

Gather Information is at +15. She will use Diplomacy (+27) to soften anyone up that needs it.

2008-08-24, 08:05 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

The nobleman shrugs as she walks away. "I knew you couldn't resist!" He tosses her a kiss grandly, then enjoys watching her departure...

Heh, I love how Olna thinks Throshkar's suggestion had strategic intent! :smallbiggrin:

Do you want to roleplay Throshkar and Johnathan, or shall we end scene and get them back to the homestead? I'm fine either way.

2008-08-25, 12:13 PM

Throshkar and Jonathon head off in the direction towards their house. As they wonder through the streets then come upon a crowd watching a scene play out. You stop for a second to watch and you see Kilmer being hauled away in chains by a troop of black knights and city watch. He is being brought into a building. Jonathon looks nervous as the crowd cheers as this once leader is hauled away. You feel sick to your stomach.

Oliana [Gather info]
You easily ascertain the information you need. You hear that people have become wary of the Cavaliers after several rumors have been circulating. It has been suggested that the cavaliers are responsible for the late kings death. The new king has also proclaimed that leaders in the guild are responsible for treason against the throne. Additionally, there is fear of an up rising of the cavaliers to overthrow and set up marshal law. Several Cavalier leaders have been arrested.

2008-08-25, 12:42 PM

A sense of doom slowly descends around Olna. Jonathon, sweet Jonathon, needs her more than ever. She thanks the people that offer her information and asks that they try to minimize the spread of these rumors; they are likely false.

Olna moves quickly, but trying to appear calm, towards the manor home.


"What is going on Throshkar? Why is no one stopping them? Should we do something?"

Jonathon will generally follow T's lead when separate from Olna.

Does anyone recognize the building?

2008-08-25, 01:14 PM
Does anyone recognize the building?
The building is a city watch guardhouse.

2008-08-25, 01:39 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Throshkar watches the soldiers with open curiosity, which only slowly fades after he realizes their prisoner is Kilmer. The pieces... fall... into place... eventually. His stomach twists as he recalls Kilmer's words to him:

'Hopefully, you seem to an unlikely ally of mine to not warrant enough attention...'

It takes all of Throshkar's will to hold himself back, to not raise his battle cry here and now. He reminds himself the soldiers are on the side of the law, he tells himself Kilmer is merely being imprisoned, he swears there is a higher quest he must follow, he cannot get involved...

He feels his honor shriveling up, and tells himself that with the young prince, he will return and rescue Kilmer, either by arms or by law, but it is his duty to his king and his kingdom that comes first... barely.

"Bah!" he says to Johnathan. "I--I never cared for the man. Let us go. Now." He tries to subtly grip his fellow cavalier's arm, to restrain him from stepping forward and defending Kilmer's spotless honor.

Had to remind myself (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4552680&postcount=1) of the cavalier's code of honor, and decided "noble service" included protecting the prince. Because the current situation surely falls under "defense of any charge unto death," thought it's defense of another cavalier instead of oneself.

Problem is, Johnathan isn't aware of the first rule's application here. How much does he trust Throshkar? I know what argument Throsh will make if Johnathan gives him the opportunity, fortunately...

2008-08-25, 01:56 PM

Jonathon feels the pain of a pinch-hold on his arm as he hears horrifying words from his friend, the pain pulls his brain back from the verge. His duty to the king appears in direct conflict with his duty to his fellow Cavaliers, and when Throshkar seems to side with these black guards, he remembers the words of a secret to be told.

Small tiny words slip from his mouth, "We wait for Olna just outside of town, just off the road to your home. Then to the manor."

2008-08-25, 03:17 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

As the two men reluctantly turn their backs on their fellow cavalier, Throshkar responds in as light a voice as he can muster, "No, no, home first -- let the woman can carry her own shopping bags!" It was uncharacteristically un-gallant of him, but the buried box beneath Arondight's feet suddenly felt painfully unprotected. He wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

The tall man takes just enough time to look over the heads of the crowd at the black knights, gathering what information he can. Does he recognize any of them? What does their dress, their stance, anything tell him that he might use in future battle with these wretches? And why is the crowd so eager to side with them?

In doing this, Throshkar happens to catch Kilmer's eye. He turns his head swiftly, then laughs, ostensibly at Louis, Henri, and the girl.

He has never felt so sick.

I don't know which of these apply to the current situation... using Appraise because I figure it'll tell him info about the knights' weapons, armor, and clothing.

Appraise: [roll0]
Listen: [roll2]
Sense Motive (knights): [roll3]
Sense Motive (crowds): [roll4]

2008-08-25, 10:34 PM
Does he recognize any of them?
Throshkar realizes that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the dark knights. He can tell that one off to the side (H9) seems to be higher ranking. He could have been at your homestead earlier today or this could have been a different man.

What does their dress, their stance, anything tell him that he might use in future battle with these wretches?
The knights are dressed in darkened field plate armor. They stand confident and ready to fight. You feel that you might be able to overcome one knight by yourself but you are uncertain about a troop of these men. You wonder how these knights could just spring up over night.

And why is the crowd so eager to side with them?
The knights give off a powerful presence that seems to captive the crowd. You can hear individuals in the crowd spouting off rumors, one that catches your attention is that the cavaliers are the cause of the poverty of the common man. The crowd is so thick you cannot tell who is telling rumors or who is listening.

You watch as they bring Kilmer into the building, two dark knights guard the door with the common city watch standing outside at attention. Soon the crowd seems to start to dissipate.

2008-08-25, 10:59 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Throshkar pushes his group home as quickly as possible, eager to confirm the safety of the box as well as to unburden himself of his secret to at least one person he trusts.

When they arrive at home, he instructs Louis to keep the girl entertained -- and away from the men -- while he and Johnathan go straight to the stable, ostensibly so Throshkar can feed Arondight. If all is well there, Throshkar takes Johnathan to his room, lock the door, and tells the story of the night's proceedings in hushed tones.

He does not tell Johnathan about how he switched the contents of the box and then buried it; instead, he shows him the box he has under his bed, without opening it. This is not because he distrusts Johnathan, but because he knows if they are captured, it's better if only one of them knows the truth.

2008-08-25, 11:10 PM
{OOC: How long before Olna reaches the manor? Presuming she picks up Jonathon's mount from where ever it's been stabled in town after their journey and rides to the Manor?}

2008-08-25, 11:12 PM
In the stables Throshkar sees that Arondight is startled. His mount has been wounded with a single blade mark upon his leg which is festering as if it is infected even through the wound is fresh. The assailant is gone and the hole containing the box is still secure.

He hears a scream from Lewis and and coming out of the stables Throshkar sees the door to his house kicked in. Entering he finds the contents of drawers and cupboards thrown about. Rushing up stairs he finds the rooms torn apart. He reaches his own room and finds it the worst, the box is there smashed open as if one had smashed the box in anger after finding it empty. The house is empty.

Olna then come to the edge of the property and sees that the door is kicked in. She has the horse(s).

2008-08-25, 11:45 PM

Olna dismounts quickly and moves toward the stable to stable the horse. She quickly ties the horse off and moves quietly towards the house. She sees Louis in the lower rooms and takes a sigh of relief.

"Jonathon? Eden?" Olna waits for the men to come downstairs.

"This is not good. The people of the town blame the Cavaliers for the King's death. Some of the Cavaliers have been arrested. We are not safe in town anymore. We should not return unprepared. And..."

Olna looks at Throshkar, "Your wife, Jonathon. She could be at risk. Does she have family that she can visit? I can send her my lady here. Write her a letter instructing your wife to employ her, and insist that she vacate your home."

"Do you agree Throshkar?"

2008-08-26, 12:06 AM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

At the thought of Johnathan's beautiful wife in danger, Throshkar begins to suggest that they all ride there in force, but a look from Olna calms him. To do so would surely draw more attention to her than safe, and internally he is sure the destruction in the home is the handiwork of the black knights.

As Johnathan and Olna take care of the girl's instructions, Throshkar and Louis take care of Arondight's wound. He inspects the damage carefully, attempting to ascertain the type of weapon and the cause of the apparent infection. He leaves Louis to finish caring for the pegasus, and tells him not to leave the immediate grounds of the stable and the house. He also sends Henri to patrol the grounds on a find-and-return hunt; if the dog discovers anything amiss (tracks, blood, etc), he will return to Throshkar and lead him there.

Back at the home, Throshkar blesses the girl before she leaves, then takes Johnathan and Olna to his bedroom, where he tells the story of the night's proceedings in hushed tones. It is not the people of the town who burgled their home, it is the forces of the dark prince, done in the light of day.

He tells the pair about how he switched the contents of the box Kilmer gave him and then hid it, but demurs telling them where it is hidden, for now. This is not because he distrusts them, but because he knows if they are captured, it's better if only one of them knows the truth; he is open about this point.

How much damage did Arondight take? Do I need to roll anything to heal him or to inspect the wound?

Henri's hunt: [roll0]

2008-08-26, 01:16 AM
How much damage did Arondight take? Do I need to roll anything to heal him or to inspect the wound?

Henri cannot get a scent of anything amiss, nor can he find any traces of blood

[Arondight took 8 damage that will not heal in less treated with magic or with special herbs (Heal Check DC 20)] Note: In the future just roll a heal check, I often consult checks and decide how much information to give along and weight it against advancing the story.

Throshkar inspects the wound, the smell brings back flashbacks of battle field wounds that did not heal correctly and after weeks would lead to death. However, it was strange, this wound even through it was fresh smelled like those poor dying solders' wounds did after weeks of being rapped in dirty rags.

As Throshkar examines the wound in his mount he sees something lying in the straw, pieces of a small brass figurine. Picking it up he realizes he has seen this object before. Almost instinctively he rubs his fingers against it and like a flash of lightening he remembers where he as seen it. Kilmer kept this on a necklace around his neck and would rub it before a battle for luck. He feels a cold shiver run down his neck as he realizes that finding this was not luck but a part of someones plan.

2008-08-26, 06:42 AM
A child come running up to Olna, his dirt encrusted hand holds an envelope which he promptly thrusts into her hand. " 'ere ya go 'iss, a man told me to bring it to ya." The child waits impatiently as if waiting for some sort of payment.

Your fingers tremble as you see the stamp upon the outside, it is one of your trusted members of your social network. You open the letter and read it...

Dearest Mistress,
How I have longed for you, to kiss your tender lips, to hold you in my arms....
You almost chuckle at the words printed upon the page. It was hard to think of Andy writing these words to any women, since they were never objects of his obsession. Realizing there is a hidden message on the page, you quickly start a small fire in the common room of your home. Holding the page up to the flame the message becomes clear.

I am sorry to reach you with an improper courier, but it times like this, it is better to be safe than sorry. My spies have told me that your home has been ransacked by a cloaked man, but the object of his obsession has not been found. Your friends are in danger, but it is thought that Kilmer has played the members of your household by breaking in and leaving evidence. Thus, your friends only need to fear that they are guild members, not men helping covering up treason to the king. It would be wise of your men in arms to lay low, but good luck convincing them of this. Be wise in your....

The message ends abruptly as if the writer was interrupted.

2008-08-26, 07:58 AM

Olna offers the child a couple of silvers for his work, and asks that the child wait a moment in case there was a reply.

She reads all of the letter and folds it neatly placing it inside of her shirt and returns to the boy outside. She hands the child a gold coin and asks him to relay a message. She received his letter and thanks him for his complements and states that she will not be able to visit him for a couple of days at the very least.

Once the boy is gone she reunites everyone to relay the message given to her by her friend. Once (nearly) everything is out on the table, she tries to recall what she knows about the young 'missing' prince. If Throshkar cannot heal the wound in Arondight's leg, she will tend to it.

Bardic Knowledge +12, History +7, Local +7, Nobility and Royalty +7
If necessary cast Cure light Wounds

Olna was not made to be a primary healer, if she needs to be, I'd light to change the spells she knows, if that's okay. Cure Light Wounds is her only cure wounds spell.

2008-08-26, 09:29 AM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Throshkar tries to keep Olna out of the discussions, unsure of whether the young socialite can handle the dark secrets of which he's learned -- or whether she can even be trusted -- but Johnathan insists on including her. Throshkar tells the two of them about Kilmer's brass symbol, and finally explains what he learned from the merchant regarding where the young prince has gone, and the mission entrusted to him by Kilmer.

"This was the only reason why I let those cowardly knights carry our good Kilmer away," Throshkar explains to Johnathan. "We must -- we must find the prince, and return with him to restore Kilmer's good name, and the good name of the Cavaliers."

"I have not yet told you where the box is, but I am concerned that if we leave it behind as we seek the prince, the blackguard who ransacked our home will be left undeterred, and will eventually find it. Considering their surprising rise to power, we cannot be sure they won't be able to act with impunity and scour even my hiding place, even on a nobleman's property such as this."

"Frankly, I trust no one but myself right now. Even that note you've received, dear Olna, I mistrust that its sender may not be true, or that it may not even be from him in the first place."

Throshkar hangs his head in thought. Louis can be heard down below, piling up broken pieces of wood and putting away what has not been destroyed.

"And if we are waylaid on our mission to the prince, the box could be taken from us by force. What should we do?"

The cavalier also explains to Olna the wound to Arondight's leg; she tends to it most effectively while the three of them consider their options.

2008-08-26, 03:19 PM
from what you know of the young princes disappearence, he left for the windy gap over a month ago. his plan was to meet up with some young nobles in search of fame and glory. However, it is unknown what their plan is after the windy gap.

[sorry for the short post, I had a quick break before a meeting and posting from my cell phone.]

2008-08-26, 04:13 PM

"We should not get waylaid on our mission to find the prince, obviously." Olna smiles at her statement.

"First, we need to obscure from magic whatever items were in that box. I can do this, but only for a limited time and limited number of items. It should be sufficient to get us out of town. The information that I have is that the princes left..." Olna coughs a bit, "Oh excuse me." While she finds a pieces of paper and something to write with, jots down "The windy gap" on it and shows it to Throshkar and Johnathon, she continues, "Sorry, he left for Lake Greenhorn. A month ago. We might be able to find more information on him there."

Bluff +17
I'd like to replace "X" with a town, or forest, or something that if one were travelling from this town to, you'd leave by the same way you would for the windy gap.

Knowledge (arcana) to know how to obscure an object from detection mundanly (i.e., I know a lead lined box should do, but does Olna?)

2008-08-26, 04:46 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

Happy to have action to take, Throshkar agrees they should go to the Windy Gap, and as soon as possible. Should he bring Louis, he muses... it would be a good experience for him, and he might be safer under their supervision than at home, as the squire of a cavalier. He calls the boy from downstairs, and instructs him they are going on a training quest -- he is to pack up all of Throshkar's tournament gear, and a reasonable amount of food for three adults, their animals, and Louis. He and Johnathan will replace/repair the door before they leave.

"If only I could replace my tournament armor that was destroyed at the last Midsummer's Royale," he pouts. "Father would not lend me the spare change I needed to finish payment, so it's still at the armorer's, just sitting in the back -- the silver filigree's surely gotten tarnished by now!"

Throshkar will take some convincing that Olna's magical means will truly protect the objects in the box. And do you agree we should bring Louis? I'm also fishing to see if you're willing to buy me that half-plate armor on my wish list... ;) No worries if not, of course! Mostly just character development here.

Does Johnathan and Olna have their necessary equipment at the estate, or do we need to pick that stuff up on the way out of town?

2008-08-26, 05:20 PM
Bluff +17
I'd like to replace "X" with a town, or forest, or something that if one were travelling from this town to, you'd leave by the same way you would for the windy gap.
There is Lake Greenhorn on the way to the Windy Gap. The windy gap is a mountain pass to the north with a town from which people leave to enter the windy gap by the same name.

Knowledge (arcana) to know how to obscure an object from detection mundanly (i.e., I know a lead lined box should do, but does Olna?)
Olna knows that a lead box blessed by a priest will shield the contents of the box from those who try to find it. However, she also knows that a stronger mage will be able to get past this simple trick.

Throshkar duLaBlonc

Does Johnathan and Olna have their necessary equipment at the estate, or do we need to pick that stuff up on the way out of town?[/spoiler]
Anything that is on Olna and Jonathon's character sheets is with them at the estate.

2008-08-26, 05:55 PM

"Trust me, Eden, the box will be safer with us protected under magic than wherever it is stashed right now when we leave."

I will roll a Diplomacy check if you want. With 1d20+26 most random people on the street would agree with Olna.

2008-08-26, 08:51 PM
Throshkar duLaBlonc

"I appreciate your opinion, young woman," Throshkar says, "but I have never trusted magics for my own defense; I am not confident in its ability to protect something so vital as this. Magic may break magic, may even steal these items from us without our knowledge -- but no magic can break my arms or my strength."

Like I said, Throshkar will take some convincing. Saying "I know so" is not going to persuade anybody, nor is the opinion of strangers. Explaining what mages can do and why your strategy will defeat mages would probably help; you might also ask Throshkar if, say, Henri could find the box where it's located now. That's a 1-2 punch that should work on him. ;)

That said, how are we going to find a priest that we can trust? Oh... right... d20+26!!! (Why don't I have anything near that good in my skills? Pout, pout... :smallfrown:)

Heh, my cash stash is looking less thin after all...

And do you agree we should bring Louis?

Crimson: Does Olna's 24 heal roll take care of Arondight, or did she need to use her spell?

2008-08-26, 09:19 PM

"You know little in the ways of magic, Eden. If anything in the box is magical, the lowliest mage's apprentice can find it with the simplest of spells if they are within sixty feet. If any item is know to the person looking for it only a slightly more complicated spell can detect it from a much greater distance. Leaving it here is not an option."

"Adding a spell can only make things hard for someone using magic to track the box from a distance, and at very little difficulty to us."

"And, please, try not to underestimate my value or act as though you are in charge of me."

By saying that most random strangers would agree with Olna I was saying that her words are far more believable that pretty much anyone you've ever met.

Both of the spells described are on the Bard's spell list, though neither are on Olna's. I can't believe I didn't add Detect Magic to her list.

Bringing Louis is up to you.

2008-08-27, 12:56 AM
The wound on Throshkar will now heal naturally (given a few days). However, if you want it healed now it the spell will have to be cast upon it.

[I know Throshkar is having trouble with figuring out if he should bring Lewis or not. Knights often will bring their squires into battle situations to have them deliver lances to their lords during battle. Additionally, Lewis would be the one helping him into armor each day. Jonathon also can have a squire as well. ]

2008-08-27, 08:06 PM
You finish gathering the belongings that you are taking with you. Lewis has a look of concern, wondering if he is coming or staying behind. You have the horses packed, the food stored, and the weapons cleaned.

Things I need to know

Is Lewis coming?
What did you decide to do about the box?
If Lewis is coming where or what is he riding?
Marching Order
If you have a wagon or anything

2008-08-27, 08:46 PM
It's up to Cyranjoe
Olna will ride with Jonathon on his horse. No doubt he will ride next to Throshar
Olna does not have one, nor does she need one.

2008-08-28, 12:00 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar raises his hands in self-defense as Olna finishes her argument. Throshkar shakes off her unexpected conclusion, and makes an effort to be diplomatic in response.

"World-famous Olna, your songs are themselves magic, I know -- I would never debate expertise in magecraft with you. But please, please don't count me ignorant because I distrust the manipulative arts. I know well there exist such dastardly 'hunting' spells; I know too there are much more powerful spells, such as those that seem to support our enemies."

"These black knights disappear into the wind, and have walked out from darkness. That I fear using magic for ourselves because our enemies seem to rely on it is, I think, sensible."

"Perhaps I'm wrong. I am not prepared to believe I am. But if you tell me we can truly rely on magic, that we need not fear it in order to protect this most vital treasure, in this I will trust you: you, dear Olna, not the magics themselves. Do you understand?"

"Magic may break magic, but not my strength -- or my trust."

After this lengthy speech, Throshkar pauses, and in the silence of the group's thoughts comes a muddy Henri. In his mouth is a dirty bone... one all-too familiar to the cavalier. Normally a slow thinker, Throshkar's brain makes the leap across hunting fields like a fleeing red-tail. An old hunter's phrase comes to his lips: "Any good dog can find a buried bone."

To Olna and Johnathan's puzzled looks, Throshkar sighs and finally unburdens himself. "I buried the box, in the stable -- the same night and place that Henri buried that bone. If he can dig up his bone, any dog can find that box... even without magic," he says, nodding to Olna as if to say 'And if they *did* use magic...!'

"So. We have little choice, as you've wisely argued. What is this magic you propose we use? I will show Louis where to dig up the box, so you can cast your spells on it."

* * *

After the box is dug up and the box protection plan sorted out, Throshkar claps the worried Louis on the back. "Well, boy? Did I not tell you we were to train? It is field work for you -- we'll head off to the stables and pick you up a pony, so Arondight is not weighed down so much by you... and maybe you'll get a chance to sweet-talk the caretaker's daughter, neh?"

"Don't worry about these two -- they're just joining us up to the Windy Gap 'cause they're looking to get romantic, ha!"

As noted above, Louis is joining us and getting a pony. He'll ride with Throskar until we get to a stable to pick up a pony, unless you'll allow us to already have one in our own stable...?

I don't see a need for a wagon for us at the moment, or should we get it to help carry all the tents and such?

When it comes to a single-file marching order, as the senior cavalier, Throshkar will want to take the lead; Louis will want to follow him, but of course Throshkar will send him to the back (being class-focused), unless Johnathan insists on taking the rearguard himself. In that case, Throshkar will advise Louis to watch Olna to protect her -- once she shows us she's totally fine in battle, of course, that may change.

Most of the time, though, I imagine we won't go single file. Louis will follow behind the other three.

2008-08-28, 03:14 PM
Gathering forth your belongings and are ready to leave. The afternoon sun beats down upon you and you know that you have a few good hours before the sun sets. You will at least get out of the city and into the plains. The only question that still resides in your mind is your exact plan with the box.

2008-08-28, 03:32 PM

"If you have changed the box already, a spell on the items in the box will be necessary. May I open it?"

This is the part I excpected Throshkar to complain about, not casting the spell but letting Olna see the items in the box.

2008-08-28, 03:53 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

With surprisingly perfect recall, Kilmer's words come to him: 'Keep it here hidden on your property, but do not look inside...'

"I worry already that we are taking the box's contents away against Kilmer's advice. Is there truly no way to cast your spell on the box itself??"

2008-08-28, 03:59 PM

"The box itself is not something that anyone is looking for. The item or items in this box are what someone is looking for. If someone were to use magic to find these items they would not be able to use magic to scry on the box, because this is your box, they don't know what it looks like, so they will scry for whatever's in the box."

2008-08-28, 05:44 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Arondight stamps his forehoof; he is anxious to go, now that he is fully armed and Louis has finished shifting the bulk of his burden over to the pony. Throshkar motions to his squire to feed the pegasus a treat or two while they finish here.

"I have harmed my honor enough by removing these items from their first container, and now by planning to take them away from the grounds of our estate, both against my first promise."

"But I have said I will trust you, and I shall. I will not observe it, though. Here, take this key, open the box and do what you must -- Louis and I shall withdraw until you are finished. Johnathan, I hope you will join us."

"How long with the casting take? Will we have time for some simple training?"

If Olna indicates it will take more than 30 minutes, Throshkar will also have Louis prepare a quick lunch for the party, to be eaten on horseback.

2008-08-28, 05:54 PM
Olna, you slide the key into the lock, the box clicks open and there inside lies several books and a small jewelry box. The books are titleless with small locks upon their bindings rendering then openless. they have ornare covers inlayed with gold and silver. the jewelry box is ornate as well and also locked.

what spells do you cast upon the contents?

2008-08-28, 06:07 PM

Olna nods at Thrsokar's words. "It will take but a moment to cast the spells."

Once he has left the room, she turns the key in the lock and opens the box. She looks over items briefly and sings a brief tune for three of the items inside, then replaces the items and locks the box, and heads outside.

"I was not able to protect all of the items in the box, I selected what seem to be the most unique and therefor easiest to be known by a scryer. The spell will last only 8 hours, which should be enough time for us to get a fair distance north of here."

"Hopefully, at least this will make it seem like we have left some of the items elsewhere if they scry on us. I don't suppose I could convince you to allow me to carry this? I believe that my training is most likely to prevent magic divination on me, and that might allow some additional protection. Plus I am less likely to be suspected in general of anything, and therefor less likely to be targetted."

Knowledge Arcana +7, Nobility +7, local +7, history +7, Bardic +12 to see if she recognizes anything. She will not break any seals on the scrolls or books, but she will try to identify a seal if she recognizes it. If nothing stands out about the scrolls she will cast Obscure Object on the books and the jewelry box.

2008-08-28, 07:57 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar leaps aboard Arondight and wheels the beautiful creature back toward Olna, feeling much more comfortable and relaxed to be in the saddle. "Sure -- I will rely on you in this. I ask only that I guard the box at night, and should we ever enter battle as well. If the worst should happen, know that Arondight here can take it away by wing, far from our enemies."

Remember, the box itself is 25 lbs, and "fancy". :) I'll note that you have it, but keep the box on my char sheet so I don't forget where my money's gone.

2008-08-28, 08:18 PM
Are items stored in horse's saddle bags being ridden considered in the horse's possession or the riders? I'm asking because of will saves.

2008-08-28, 11:36 PM
As Olna views the contents of the box she recognizes the kings symbol upon each of the objects. Additionally, the scrolls are sealed with the kings signet ring. Nothing else stands out about these objects. It is likely that these objects are rarely seen by anyone besides the late king.

2008-08-29, 12:41 PM

You reflect back on the last few days of your journey. You will reach the windy gap in a few more days, almost half way there, you tell yourself. You have seen little game or other things that lurk in the plains. Today, you have reached the steeple hills and the going has been a bit tougher. However, the anxiety of leaving the city is now behind you. The contents of the box kept safely tucked away behind Olna on the mount.

Something catches you eye and jolts you from your day dreaming. You see a shallow grave partially uncovered and the bodies of humanoids laying around the grave. The bodies have mostly decayed and the smell has mostly left this area. The grave and the bodies are a few yards away from the road.

2008-08-29, 01:35 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"Henri! Henri, heel! Henri!" Louis' attempts to keep the dog away from the disturbed graves fall on deaf canine ears. Throshkar guides his steed a few strides off the road.

"Henri, listen to Louis. Henri--" The cavalier lets out another loud whistle, which Henri ignores. Throshkar then pulls the silver chain out of his pack, jingling it in the dog's direction. "Do you want to be on the leash, Henri?"

Man, having a dog lets me get involved in things my character would never bother with... gonna have to remember this in future games!

Please don't kill my dog zombies please don't kill my dog zombies...

2008-08-29, 01:51 PM
Throshkar, as you move closer to get the rains on Henri, you notice that there are several skeletons of orcs. Their white bones stand out against a gray cheese-like substance along the bottoms of each orc. There seems to be various insects crawling around each of the bodies. As you look closer at the body in the grave, you see that individual was most likely human. A blue shirt, now soiled with the oozes of death and decomposition now soiling it. You see a necklace with a locket around the neck of this individual. You think that it was not the work of grave robbers uncovering him from his rest but rather the work of animals searching for food.

[Will save for Throshkar: DC 20]
[IF PASSED]You feel nothing....

[If FAILED]You get a fearful feeling, much the same as when you saw the black knight. You feel as if the dark knights presence was once here searching for something....

2008-08-29, 02:08 PM
Well, here goes my weak will...[roll0]

2008-08-29, 02:19 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"Henri, NOW." Throshkar's voice wavers, then takes on steel. The dog, snuffling about the bones of the orcs, pulls back as if bitten, and slinks back to his master, tail between his legs. "Louis -- you too."

Throshkar dismounts and hands the leash to his squire, for fitting to Henri. To Johnathan and Olna, he says, "There's something -- something about this place. I--I don't know... black knights...?" He trails off, unsure how to express these unfamiliar sensations.

But he knows how to take action. Drawing his sword -- for what reason he knows not -- Throshkar walks over to the grave, kneels, and inspects the locket and the corpse's clothing or any other distinctive features. He also observes the orc corpses, trying to estimate how and when they died.

Appraise: [roll0]
Knowledge: Nobility: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

2008-08-29, 04:42 PM
Throshkar, you survey the bodies, they seem to have been dead for around a month. It seems that who ever killed the orcs might have buried this man.

The locket has the symbol of the king scratched in to it. Under the the locket there seems to be a strip of leather with words written upon it.

[If you open the leather note]

Here lies my friend and companion Grener Joncken. Throughout his life he has been a loyal friend and a strong fighter. He was slain today when a troop of orcs ambushed us. He was slain by an arrow for which we could not save him....
[This part is unreadable due to decomposition stains]

My sincerity,

2008-08-29, 04:59 PM

Jonathon moves to follow Throshkar and follows the man in drawing his weapon.

"Johnathon, perhaps you could watch the road and the plains while we investigate this? I would hate for someone to sneak up on us."

"Good idea."

Olna dismounts a little awkwardly and looks at the horse and says, "Stay. Please." She then heads to Throskar's side and looks at the items Throskar has found.

If Throskar doesn't Olna will read the note.

2008-08-29, 05:34 PM
Olna, you recognize the name on the note to be that of a young noble who supposedly left with the young prince Aseral on his adventuring trip. There were a total of four men including Aseral, who were seeking adventure and excitement in world beyond the city gates. Beyond the Windy Gap you have no idea where they were heading.

2008-08-29, 08:30 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar shakes his head, then looks up brightly, almost cheerfully. "Well, nothing to do for the fellow now! If we had the tools, I'd say we rebury him; as it is, let us take his locket to the prince. That is Prince Aseral who wrote this note, don't you think? He surely will want to return here to give his friend a proper burial, and he wouldn't want the trinket taken by graverobbers!"

Throshkar takes the locket and toys with it briefly before putting it away in his pouch. If it opens, he'll look in it. Then, he'll kick the bones of the orcs, stirring the grey substance. If that does nothing (and if Olna has not already done so), he'll walk over to Johnathan and let him know they've found a companion of the young prince.

"Unless you've got a shovel on the back of your stallion, I'm afraid we'll have to leave him like this..."

'...because I'm not staying where the black knights have been, digging into the earth...'

Throshkar then climbs back onto Arondight, instructs Louis to keep Henri on a short leash for a little while, then takes off to the skies for a little airtime. Up there, he scans the region for potential encampments of orcs and others.

Search (corpses): [roll0]
Spot (flying): [roll1]

2008-08-30, 12:54 AM
Throshkar, the locket opens in your hand, there is an engraving "For my beloved" on the inside. The locket looks and feels very old to your touch, you feel of sense of loss in your heart, only for a moment, as you tuck away the locket into your pocket.

Kicking the bones of the now dead orcs does nothing except get your boots grimy with the ooze of decaying bodies. You find nothing of interest on the corpses of the orcs.

As you flow upward on your steed, you notice the familiar feel of the wind rushing by your ears and the feel of the strong beast beneath you. You scan the ground from which you came and to where you are going and everywhere in between. However, you do not see where the orcs have come from. However, you do see a caravan of travelers or merchants, who you think are stopping for the night. You think that the group will overtake them in a few hours.

2008-09-01, 12:35 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Arondight lets out what can only be a loud sigh when Throshkar finally nudges him earthward. The pegasus gives a little buck, then pulls his wings in and man and steed plunge toward the ground.

"Travelers ahead -- we'll be sharing mead with them by nightfall!" he tells his party members. Henri looks over at him, pitifully. Throshkar laughs and tosses him a hunk of dried meat.

2008-09-01, 07:16 PM

"Hopefully, they are friendly." Olna smiles and knows they will likely be if she meets them.

2008-09-05, 05:33 PM
[MAP]http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/39/spider001ayd1.png (http://imageshack.us)

You walk along the road way, it has been a long day. Your thoughts drift back to the man in the shallow grave. You wonder if he had died protecting the young prince or if he was a friend of his. You start to wonder if catching up with the caravan is a good idea when you realize that you have almost walked completely passed the caravan. There is no lights on or around the caravan.

You start to feel a sense of dread, you the realize that your mount seems to have trouble walking like it is getting stuck in something. That is when you see ropes like object hanging from the caravans and then eight large red orbs glare out of one of the wagons, they seem to be glaring at you....

What do you do???

For the mounts to bolt, they need an escape artist check (DC: 20). The horses have caught most of the ropes on the ground so you can move normally on the road area.

2008-09-05, 05:45 PM

Olna doesn't like the lack of lights in the area and really doesn't like the red orbs looking at her.

A simple song slips from her lips, "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine." Four glowing lights appear above the wagon with the red orbs.

Cast Dancing Lights. Will wait for what that reveals before deciding if she dismounts and for Johnathon's turn.

2008-09-05, 06:20 PM
http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/7451/spider001aky3.png (http://imageshack.us)

As the spell goes off, you see a huge spider looking out at you from within one of the wooden wagons. Its huge body looks like it is tense and ready to react.

2008-09-05, 11:12 PM

Johnathon feeling his horse caught in the ropes dismounts as quickly as he can and attempts to charge the great spider.

Attempt ride check to dismount as a free action:
[roll0] DC 20
If successful, charge to I7 and attack:
[roll1] [roll2]

If the ride check fails, take a move action to I9.

2008-09-06, 03:45 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar recognizes instantly Arondight's predicament from his frustrated snort. He leaps from the saddle to the ground, hindered by the ropes below, but he nevertheless bellows happily, "Louis -- lance! Henri -- stay! Aron -- sky!"

The cavalier draws his broadsword with a twirl as Henri barks ferociously at the overgrown arachnid. Louis struggles off of his horse and fumbles at the straps holding down Throshkar's lance; fortunately for him, the creature is clearly a mindless animal, or the squire would have been required to hold Throshkar's pennon as well!

Attempt ride check to dismount as a free action (d20-armor check(5)+ride(11)):
[roll0] DC 20
If successful, charge to H6 and attack:
Attack #1: [roll1] - Damage: [roll2]
Attack #2: [roll3] - Damage: [roll4]
Should I roll for crits here, or only after they happen?

If the ride check fails, take a move action to H6. Henri does not move. Louis dismounts to the left of his horse and draws the lance.

Arondight attempts to take to the air. I assume this requires an escape artist check, but I don't know what his skill bonus would be for this... help?

Stat blocks in the second spoiler.Throshkar:
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 84/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 15 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

{table] Arondight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/pegasus.htm)| Pegasus | - | LVL ? | LG | Large
hp: 42/42 | 60ft/120fly | Spd | AC/T/FF | 14/11/12 | armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +4/+12 | Hoof x2 +7 melee | 1d6+4 | Bite +2 melee | 1d3+2
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Wil +4 ||
STR 18 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | INT 10 | WIS 13 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot +8|Listen +8|Diplom. +3|Sense Mot. +9|
10/5 Space/Reach
Darkvision, scent, detect good/evil
+2 Initiative
Flyby Attack, Iron Will

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

{table] Louis (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4797)| Commoner (teen) | - | LVL 1 | LG |Medium
hp: 4/4 | 30ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 13/9/14 | Chain Shirt
Base Attack/Grapple -1 | Crossbow -1 ranged | 80ft | 1d8| 19-20/x2 | -1 Initiative |
SV | Fort -1 | Ref -1 | Wil -1 ||
STR 8 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | INT 8 | WIS 8 | CHA 8
Skills|Ride +0|Listen -1|Spot -1|Climb +1

2008-09-08, 10:01 PM
[map]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/3710/spider001azu8.png (http://imageshack.us)

Spider: AC 19, HP 82/104

Throshkar moves gets off of his mount and is able to make one attack against the giant spider. He swings his sword high and brings it down severing one of the creatures legs which sprays out a clearish green liquid. The creature rears up and then attacks Throshkar digging its mandibles into his armor and ripping into his flesh (19 dmg; make fort save see spoiler). The spider's curiosity seems to be activated as it wonders what its prey will do next.

Spider Attack roll [roll0]
Spider damage [roll1]
[If hit Fort Save DC 20]
[If failed]
[roll2] strength damage
[if not]
your wound stings

2008-09-08, 10:49 PM

Olna dismounts from her horse and moves toward the two men.


If she manages to dismount quickly (because you KNOW the two cavaliers can't get a 20, but the one that didn't really want a horse...), move to Throskar and cast CLW on him.


Johnathon continues his charge and unloads his fury on the giant spider.

(I think I accidentally based my last roll for Johnathon on the Base Attack bonus and did not include the STR bonus.)

[roll4] (just in case)

2008-09-08, 11:18 PM

AC 19; HP 96/104

2008-09-08, 11:31 PM
It's going up?

2008-09-09, 12:28 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

The spider's bite is ugly and harsh, but it thrills Throshkar to come face-to-face to such a powerful enemy. When his fellow cavalier charges in, landing a solid blow on the beast, he cries out, "That's the way, Johnathan! Ha!"

Louis trembles in the darkness, reaching Arondight and waving Henri over. The dog refuses, continuing to bark at the overgrown insect, looking for a weak spot. Louis, meanwhile, tries to free Arondight from the rope-like webs that have the powerful beast trapped.

Fort save DC20: [roll0]
How does strength damage work?

Attack #1: [roll1] - Damage: [roll2] - Critical check: [roll3]
Attack #2: [roll4] - Damage: [roll5] - Critical check: [roll6]

Henri does not move. Louis moves to Arondight and attempts to free him from the ropes/silk. Would that give a bonus to the roll or lower the DC?

Arondight attempts to take to the air. Escape Artist check (d20+dex bonus): [roll7]
Sweet! That means he's free, right? That was his standard action, I believe, so his move action is to take to the air and close on the spider.

Stat blocks in the second spoiler, not including the strength damage -- is that how far down my strength drops??Throshkar:
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 55/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 15 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

{table] Arondight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/pegasus.htm)| Pegasus | - | LVL ? | LG | Large
hp: 42/42 | 60ft/120fly | Spd | AC/T/FF | 14/11/12 | armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +4/+12 | Hoof x2 +7 melee | 1d6+4 | Bite +2 melee | 1d3+2
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Wil +4 ||
STR 18 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | INT 10 | WIS 13 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot +8|Listen +8|Diplom. +3|Sense Mot. +9|
10/5 Space/Reach
Darkvision, scent, detect good/evil
+2 Initiative
Flyby Attack, Iron Will

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

{table] Louis (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4797)| Commoner (teen) | - | LVL 1 | LG |Medium
hp: 4/4 | 30ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 13/9/14 | Chain Shirt
Base Attack/Grapple -1 | Crossbow -1 ranged | 80ft | 1d8| 19-20/x2 | -1 Initiative |
SV | Fort -1 | Ref -1 | Wil -1 ||
STR 8 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | INT 8 | WIS 8 | CHA 8
Skills|Ride +0|Listen -1|Spot -1|Climb +1

2008-09-09, 12:59 PM
[MAP]coming soon....

Spider: AC 19; HP 85/104

The spider turns to his new attacker bringing his mandibles down upon Jonathon piercing his armor drawing blood (18 dmg, make fort save see spoiler).

Attack roll [roll0]; dmg [roll1]
Poison [Fort save DC 20] if fail [roll2] str dmg

2008-09-09, 06:55 PM

Stats I didn't store a standard one for Jphnathon, so I'm, quick posting the auto generated one from myth-weavers and will make one for my next round's post:

Johnathon Baldorian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=76917)
M Human Cavalier, Level 8, Init +1, HP 46/64, Speed
AC 22, Touch 11, Flat-footed 21, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 8/3
308 MW Light Flail 13/8 (1d8+3, )
335 MW B Sword 13/8 (1d10+3, )
2650 +1 Full Plate, 170 MW Heavy steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition None

{table] Olna (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=75539)| human (fey major bloodline)|Bard| LVL 8 | CG |Medium
hp: 38/38 | | 30' | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | Mithril Shirt
MW Whip |+9/4 | 1d3-1 | MW Shortbow |+9/4 | 1d6-1
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Wil +8||
STR 8 | DEX 14 | CON 12 | INT 14 | WIS 10 | CHA 18
Skills|Spot +2|Listen +4|Bluff +17|Concentration +9|Diplomacy +26
Skills|Escape Artist +7|Gather Info +15|Hide +4|K(Arcana) +7|K(History) +7
K(Local) +7| K(Nobility and Royalty) +7|Perform(sing) +16|Sense Motive +7|Spellcraft +9|Tumble +7

2008-09-11, 12:33 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar glares at the spider -- something does not feel right -- but a cavalier does not back down! He swings again, and again.

Arondight bounds into the fray as well, while Henri takes off behind him, staying just out of reach of the spider's clutches. Louis, who cheered as Arondight freed himself despite the boy's fumbling, now trembles in the dark, and moves to Oliana's side... or just behind her, in fact.

Taking into account strength damage, I think (lost +3 on attacks and damage)...
Attack #1: [roll0] - Damage: [roll1] - Critical check: [roll2]
Attack #2: [roll3] - Damage: [roll4] - Critical check: [roll5]

Arondight full attack=
Hoof #1: [roll6] - Damage: [roll7]
Hoof #2: [roll8] - Damage: [roll9]
Bite: [roll10] - Damage: [roll11]
Do I roll a critical failure check on the bite?

Arondight moved to H4 last round. Henri moves to G2.

Stat blocks in the second spoiler.Throshkar:
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 55/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 10 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

{table] Arondight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/pegasus.htm)| Pegasus | - | LVL ? | LG | Large
hp: 42/42 | 60ft/120fly | Spd | AC/T/FF | 14/11/12 | armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +4/+12 | Hoof x2 +7 melee | 1d6+4 | Bite +2 melee | 1d3+2
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Wil +4 ||
STR 18 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | INT 10 | WIS 13 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot +8|Listen +8|Diplom. +3|Sense Mot. +9|
10/5 Space/Reach
Darkvision, scent, detect good/evil
+2 Initiative
Flyby Attack, Iron Will

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

Louis (needs to be corrected for weapon):
{table] Louis (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4797)| Commoner (teen) | - | LVL 1 | LG |Medium
hp: 4/4 | 30ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 13/9/14 | Chain Shirt
Base Attack/Grapple -1 | Crossbow -1 ranged | 80ft | 1d8| 19-20/x2 | -1 Initiative |
SV | Fort -1 | Ref -1 | Wil -1 ||
STR 8 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | INT 8 | WIS 8 | CHA 8
Skills|Ride +0|Listen -1|Spot -1|Climb +1

2008-09-11, 10:02 PM

Olna sees the difficulty that the gentlemen are having and moves to aid them. She casts Cure Light Wounds on Johnathon.


Johnathon grunts in anger and attacks the Beast again.


[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]
[roll5] (add +13 or +8 as applicable) [roll6]

2008-09-14, 05:08 PM
[MAP]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/6711/spider001alf3.png (http://imageshack.us)
Spider (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/monstrousSpider.htm) AC:19 (-4 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16; HP: 53/104

The spider seems to be hurting, its colorless blood squirts upon the ground. The spider once again turns toward Throshkar, its mandibles ripping into his armor once again, its dark poison squirting out into the wound. [need another save vs. poison]

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] Only gets one attack.

2008-09-14, 07:01 PM

Olna starts to sing a pretty tune that inspires the men.


Johnathon attacks the creature again.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

Olna stats

{table] Olna (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=75539)| human (fey major bloodline)|Bard| LVL 8 | CG |Medium
hp: 38/38 | | 30' | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | Mithril Shirt
MW Whip |+9/4 | 1d3-1 | MW Shortbow |+9/4 | 1d6-1
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Wil +8||
STR 8 | DEX 14 | CON 12 | INT 14 | WIS 10 | CHA 18
Skills|Spot +2|Listen +4|Bluff +17|Concentration +9|Diplomacy +26
Skills|Escape Artist +7|Gather Info +15|Hide +4|K(Arcana) +7|K(History) +7
K(Local) +7| K(Nobility and Royalty) +7|Perform(sing) +16|Sense Motive +7|Spellcraft +9|Tumble +7

Johnathon stats

Johnathon Baldorian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=76917)
M Human Cavalier, Level 8, Init +1, HP 46/64, Speed 20
AC 22, Touch 11, Flat-footed 21, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 8/3
308 MW Light Flail 13/8 (1d8+3, )
335 MW B Sword 13/8 (1d10+3, )
2650 +1 Full Plate, 170 MW Heavy steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition None

2008-09-15, 10:11 AM
Save v. Poison: [roll0]
I imagine I don't get that +2 for this roll. Ah, well. Made it this time.

2008-09-15, 10:28 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Olna's song is full of blood and glory -- Throshkar attacks with renewed vigor, as does Arondight.

Throshkar full attack (+2 from Inspire Courage)=
Attack #1: - Damage: [roll1] - Critical check: [roll2] - Crit dmg: [roll3]
Attack #2: [roll4] - Damage: [roll5] - Critical check: [roll6] - Crit dmg: [roll7]

Arondight full attack (+2 from Inspire Courage)=
Hoof #1: [roll8] - Damage: [roll9] - Critical check: [roll10] - Crit dmg: [roll]dd6+6
Hoof #2: [roll11] - Damage: [roll12] - Critical check: [roll13] - Crit dmg: [roll14]
Bite: [roll15] - Damage: [roll16] - Critical check: [roll17] - Crit dmg: [roll18]

The way I read http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/bard.htm#inspireCourage, her song affects Arondight and other allies as well. Not that it matters, with sub-par rolls like those! :smallfrown:

Henri could be killed with a single munch from the monster, so he holds back until it's time to land the final blow...

Stat blocks in the second spoiler.Throshkar:
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 33/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 10 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

{table] Arondight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/pegasus.htm)| Pegasus | - | LVL ? | LG | Large
hp: 42/42 | 60ft/120fly | Spd | AC/T/FF | 14/11/12 | armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +4/+12 | Hoof x2 +7 melee | 1d6+4 | Bite +2 melee | 1d3+2
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Wil +4 ||
STR 18 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | INT 10 | WIS 13 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot +8|Listen +8|Diplom. +3|Sense Mot. +9|
10/5 Space/Reach
Darkvision, scent, detect good/evil
+2 Initiative
Flyby Attack, Iron Will

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

Louis (needs to be corrected for weapon):
{table] Louis (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4797)| Commoner (teen) | - | LVL 1 | LG |Medium
hp: 4/4 | 30ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 13/9/14 | Chain Shirt
Base Attack/Grapple -1 | Crossbow -1 ranged | 80ft | 1d8| 19-20/x2 | -1 Initiative |
SV | Fort -1 | Ref -1 | Wil -1 ||
STR 8 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | INT 8 | WIS 8 | CHA 8
Skills|Ride +0|Listen -1|Spot -1|Climb +1

2008-09-17, 01:39 AM
[MAP]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/6711/spider001alf3.png (http://imageshack.us)
Spider (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/monstrousSpider.htm) AC:19 (-4 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16; HP: 33/104

The spider has now taken massive damage with its clear lifeblood falling from its body from the numerous wounds in its abdomen. The creature seems to pick itself up and then spray out a sticky silk from its abdomen at Throshkar. The web wraps around him entangling him in the sticky ropes.

[Throshkar has been entangled similar to a net. To escape he must make a DC 20 escape artist skill check or DC 24 strength check]


2008-09-17, 10:33 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"Louis! To me!" The cavalier thrashes at his sticky bonds with his squire's assistance, while Arondight continues the assault...

Louis moves behind Throshkar and attempts to Aid Another in his Strength check (DC10): [roll]d20-1[roll]
(Oops, didn't close that roll -- but it doesn't matter, as Throshkar didn't manage a decent Strength check.)

Throshkar's Strength check (add +2 if Louis succeeds): [roll0]

Arondight full attack (we lose the +2 from Inspire Courage, right?)=
Hoof #1: [roll1] - Damage: [roll2] - Critical check: [roll3] - Crit dmg: [roll4]
Hoof #2: [roll5] - Damage: [roll6] - Critical check: [roll7] - Crit dmg: [roll8]
Bite: [roll9] - Damage: [roll10] - Critical check: [roll11] - Crit dmg: [roll12]

(UPDATE: I see we do get the +2, that makes the two hits Arondight landed 9 and 7. After Johnathan's attack, that leaves the spider with 4 HP, well within range of Henri's damage...)

The map has Louis and Henri switched; also, Louis should not be on his horse, which never tried to free itself from the webs.

Stat blocks in the second spoiler.Throshkar:
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 33/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 10 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

{table] Arondight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/pegasus.htm)| Pegasus | - | LVL ? | LG | Large
hp: 42/42 | 60ft/120fly | Spd | AC/T/FF | 14/11/12 | armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +4/+12 | Hoof x2 +7 melee | 1d6+4 | Bite +2 melee | 1d3+2
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Wil +4 ||
STR 18 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | INT 10 | WIS 13 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot +8|Listen +8|Diplom. +3|Sense Mot. +9|
10/5 Space/Reach
Darkvision, scent, detect good/evil
+2 Initiative
Flyby Attack, Iron Will

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

Louis (needs to be corrected for weapon):
{table] Louis (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4797)| Commoner (teen) | - | LVL 1 | LG |Medium
hp: 4/4 | 30ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 13/9/14 | Chain Shirt
Base Attack/Grapple -1 | Crossbow -1 ranged | 80ft | 1d8| 19-20/x2 | -1 Initiative |
SV | Fort -1 | Ref -1 | Wil -1 ||
STR 8 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | INT 8 | WIS 8 | CHA 8
Skills|Ride +0|Listen -1|Spot -1|Climb +1

2008-09-17, 12:36 PM

Olna's song still lingers in the air as she reaches to help Throskar out. If she can touch any of his skin without touching any of the webbing, she'll cast a spell.

Inspire Courage lasts 5 rounds after she stops singing this is round one of that five. Cast CLW on Throshkar if she can reach [roll0]


Johnathon continues his attack, with even more emphasis due to his tangled companion.

[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]
[roll5] (add 15 or 10 as applicable) [roll6]

2008-09-17, 01:18 PM

The mastiff growls. He has had enough of 'Stop!' The funny-smelling threat staggers when Master's-friend and Master's-bigger-dog hits it again, and Henri can tell it is on its last leg... and leg... and leg....

Enough! Kill!

Henri moves in and attacks the spider from behind =
[roll0] - Damage [roll1]
Miss, damn -- the minimum damage would have been enough to kill the spider.

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

2008-09-17, 08:00 PM
[MAP]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/6711/spider001alf3.png (http://imageshack.us)
[OOC: CJ I will update the map later. I am sorry i got you figures in the wrong place]

[ooc: Olna can touch Throshkar with out getting tangled]

Spider (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/monstrousSpider.htm) AC:19 (-4 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16; HP: 4/104

The life of the spider seems to be quickly fading away as it struggles to continue its onslaught. It rears up for what will most likely be its final attack and plunges at Jonathon. However, in its weakened state its mandibles cannot seem to find a weakness this time in this hero's armor. The creature seems to know its final moments will be here soon.

[OOC: if you make the final blow taking it below 0 then you can describe the creatures end.]

[roll0] [roll1] miss

2008-09-17, 08:15 PM

Johnathon breaths a sigh of relief as the great beast misses him and swings his flail around again to finish off the beast, but fails, and nearly drops his flail.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] should be attack +10, not 15
[roll4] [roll5]


Olna helps the boy untangle Throshkar.

2008-09-17, 09:28 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar senses the creature's life force ebbing away, and he summons another burst of strength to free himself from the sticky webbing. How ignominious a victory it would be, to have his hound land the final blow!

Pegasus and mastiff assault the arachnid as one, but impossibly it manages to dodge every blow or send it glancing off and away. Hissing sharply, the monstrous creature readies itself for what may be -- nay, should be -- its final moments of life.

Louis attempts to Aid Another in Throshkar's second Strength check (DC10): [roll0]

Throshkar's Strength check (add +2 if Louis succeeds): [roll1]

He does have to free himself from the webbing in order to attack, right?

Any damage will kill it:

Henri attack (+2 from Inspire Courage)=
Bite: [roll2]

Arondight full attack (+2 from Inspire Courage)=
Hoof #1: [roll3]
Hoof #1: [roll4]
Bite: [roll5]

Stat blocks in the second spoiler.Throshkar:
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 41/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 10 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

{table] Arondight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/pegasus.htm)| Pegasus | - | LVL ? | LG | Large
hp: 42/42 | 60ft/120fly | Spd | AC/T/FF | 14/11/12 | armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +4/+12 | Hoof x2 +7 melee | 1d6+4 | Bite +2 melee | 1d3+2
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Wil +4 ||
STR 18 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | INT 10 | WIS 13 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot +8|Listen +8|Diplom. +3|Sense Mot. +9|
10/5 Space/Reach
Darkvision, scent, detect good/evil
+2 Initiative
Flyby Attack, Iron Will

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

Louis (needs to be corrected for weapon):
{table] Louis (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4797)| Commoner (teen) | - | LVL 1 | LG |Medium
hp: 4/4 | 30ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 13/9/14 | Chain Shirt
Base Attack/Grapple -1 | Crossbow -1 ranged | 80ft | 1d8| 19-20/x2 | -1 Initiative |
SV | Fort -1 | Ref -1 | Wil -1 ||
STR 8 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | INT 8 | WIS 8 | CHA 8
Skills|Ride +0|Listen -1|Spot -1|Climb +1

2008-09-17, 09:29 PM
{OOC: Seriously?}

2008-09-17, 10:11 PM
Spider (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/monstrousSpider.htm) AC:19 (-4 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16; HP: 4/104

The spider seem to have regained some strength and sinks its mandibles into Jonathon drawing more blood.


2008-09-17, 11:17 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Henri lets out a fearsome howl, drawing the creature's attention away just as Arondight's second hoof comes crashing down on its chitinous skull -- with a wretched crunching sound, the pegasus' blow shatters the spider's head and spurts a foul grey matter along his forelimb.

Throshkar lets out a bellow just like Henri's howl. Whether it is a primal scream of victory or of jealousy, even Olna is not quite sure.

The cavalier's shoulders slump, and he stands patiently -- though trembling slightly -- as his squire finally draws his dagger and makes headway with the webs. Henri continues to bark ferociously at the limp arachnid, going into a frenzy when the corpse's limbs twitch once, twice...

Louis - Aid Another (DC10): [roll0]

Throshkar's Strength check (add +2 if Louis succeeds): [roll1]

Throshkar does have to free himself from the webbing in order to attack, right?

Any damage will kill it:
Henri attack (+2 from Inspire Courage)=
Bite: [roll2]

Arondight full attack (+2 from Inspire Courage)=
Hoof #1: [roll3]
Hoof #1: [roll4]
Bite: [roll5]

Stat blocks in the second spoiler.Throshkar:
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 41/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 10 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

{table] Arondight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/pegasus.htm)| Pegasus | - | LVL ? | LG | Large
hp: 42/42 | 60ft/120fly | Spd | AC/T/FF | 14/11/12 | armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +4/+12 | Hoof x2 +7 melee | 1d6+4 | Bite +2 melee | 1d3+2
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Wil +4 ||
STR 18 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | INT 10 | WIS 13 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot +8|Listen +8|Diplom. +3|Sense Mot. +9|
10/5 Space/Reach
Darkvision, scent, detect good/evil
+2 Initiative
Flyby Attack, Iron Will

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

Louis (needs to be corrected for weapon):
{table] Louis (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4797)| Commoner (teen) | - | LVL 1 | LG |Medium
hp: 4/4 | 30ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 13/9/14 | Chain Shirt
Base Attack/Grapple -1 | Crossbow -1 ranged | 80ft | 1d8| 19-20/x2 | -1 Initiative |
SV | Fort -1 | Ref -1 | Wil -1 ||
STR 8 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | INT 8 | WIS 8 | CHA 8
Skills|Ride +0|Listen -1|Spot -1|Climb +1

2008-09-18, 01:57 AM
It takes a few moments to realize that the spider is finally dead. You spend a few moments cutting yourself and your mounts free of the web before wondering what to do next....

2008-09-18, 08:06 AM

"I'll look for any survivors."

2008-09-18, 08:28 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"Stay with the light -- there could be more of these things."

2008-09-18, 02:27 PM
You move around the encampment, rope like webs stretch from wagon to wagon. You see several cocoons of humanoid height around and a few larger. You think this creature has been here for several weeks if not longer. Most of the goods that these wagons carried have been rusted or broken from the massive spider roaming around. However, you might find a few objects of worth among the wreckage. After a few moments of looking, you feel confident that no other spider exists around this area.

2008-09-18, 02:51 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"Olna, have you any powers that might tell us if there are still living beings within these cocoons? As cavaliers, Johnathan and I are duty-bound to rescue those in distress -- or at least put them out of their misery, if it be impossible otherwise."

Throshkar inspects the cocoons while Henri continues to pace around the wagons, sniffing. Louis cleans off the spider's guts from Arondight's hoofs and checks his mouth for the festering gunk as well. Once he's done, Throshkar will direct him to search the wagons for goods and any indication of who the victims were.

If the cocoons show no signs of life, Throshkar will draw his dagger and begin to open one, just in case.

2008-09-18, 02:59 PM

"Give me a knife and we'll cut through. Sorry, mundane ways are better in this instance."

2008-09-18, 03:40 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar waves Louis over and has him give her his dagger. Together, the two cut apart one of the cocoons.

2008-09-18, 04:40 PM
As Throshkar rips open the cocoon with the dagger he can see a mummified human. Empty eye sockets glare out at Throshkar, the skin of the man is tightly pressed against the bone, so much so that one can see the bumps and ridges of the skull and other bones. As you continue cutting through the cocoon some gold coins fall out from the side. These coins must have belongs to this now dead man. You feel a sense of disgust knowing that these people's current resting place is in the web of a now dead spider.

As Lewis look around at each of the wagons, he notices something. Under one of the wagons he sees a large webbed sack filled with tiny globs about the size of a larger melon. The web surrounding this sack seems to be very thick as if to protect it from others.

You search around and find a few objects of worth...

You gather the coins you find on the bodies and from within the wagons. In all there are 600 gold pieces, 1500 silver, 340 copper pieces. You find a white beryl, a brown/tawny agate, a carey plume agate, a blue diopside, and a orbaline gems. You find a potion which you believe is a cure moderate wounds. You find a scroll of sanctuary. Finally, you find a bastard sword which you believe is magical.

Please do not look
beryl (white) (383 gp)
brown/tawny agate (11.2 gp)
carey plume agate (40.4 gp)
diopside (blue) (7.6 gp)
orbaline (210.5 gp)
potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
CURSE: possessor's race or kind changes
sweet odor/taste
watery, layered appearance
potion of sanctuary (50 gp)
meaty odor/taste
effervescent, clear appearance
divine (25 gp)
Sanctuary (l1, cl1)
bastard sword +1 (2,335 gp)

2008-09-18, 05:05 PM
grrrrr..... wants to look, me does musssttttt clickkkkkkkk musssssssstttt no cliccckkkkkkk

Whats the roll for knowing what a spider egg sack looks like? Knowledge(kidnergarten)?

2008-09-19, 10:17 AM
Olna looks over the sword, she was able to determine what the potion and scroll were fairly easily. After a few moments of careful examination she is confident that this sword has a small magical enchantment which allows the user to harm his opponent more easily.

[OOC: Sword +1]

2008-09-19, 04:47 PM

Olna explains the sword is magical and will do more damage than Johnathon's sword, and about equal to Throshkar.

What were the potion and scroll, then?


"Well, old man, should we fight for it?" Johnathon smiles and winks at Throshkar.

Assuming that Throshkar either takes the new sword and offers him his old, or offers Johnathon the new sword, Johnathon offers his old sword to Louis along with the stories of the foes it fell and how to keep it clean.

2008-09-20, 02:58 PM
Throshkar shrugs: "Age before beauty!" Indeed, the hilt and pommel of the new sword do not have half the precious metal trim to them as his current blade, Heromaker. Louis takes Johnathan's sword with great appreciation, and listens to the cavalier's stories eagerly, only interrupting briefly to tell the party about the spider sacs he found inside the wagons.

Throshkar leaves the two telling tales and goes over to the wagon with the nesting spiders. If there are no objections, he will smash them one by one with his flail.

2008-09-20, 07:08 PM
The eggs smash open quite easily leaving a sticky green goo upon the darkened grass. After the first few, it gets boring watching each egg bust with the thrust of the blade. As the goo piles up the eggs seem to slide around on the grass making this activity harder. After a long while, you finish destroying each egg.

What is the plan now?

2008-09-20, 07:54 PM
Throshkar wipes his brow, then hands his flail to Louis for cleaning. He feels unusually tired after the night's events.

"We'll be resting here tonight, shall we?"

If the group agrees, Throshkar will begin unpacking his gear and removing Arondight's armor. Louis will take care of their weapons and then start up a fire, arranging dinner.

How do I heal strength damage? Did the poison have any other lasting effects? Olna and Throsh get +10 HP after sleeping, right?

2008-09-22, 11:19 AM
You awaken from your restless night sleep. Throshkar seems to be running a fever from his wounds and feels weaker than normal. You finish packing up your belongings and the items you have found in this sad place of death. You do realize that others may still fall into this trap and become stuck in the spiders web if not careful only to become victim to a new predator that comes along.

Is there anything esle you wish to do before moving on?

2008-09-22, 11:22 AM

"Let's tear down these webs across the road."

2008-09-23, 11:22 AM
The dream was always the same.

There Throshkar stood, arms raised in victory, sunlight glinting off the elegant silver filigree of his finely hammered, perfect plate armor. The hero, he had finally vanquished the cowards that had undermined the kingdom for years with their corruption and greed. Pride surged in Throshkar's veins.

And there, half in shadow, a cloaked figure whose face he knew but did not see... striking in the blink of a dream, a pain thrust diamond hard into his breast... and it was his father's face, stern and lost, and Throshkar's elder brothers, both just watching as the knife sank in...

"Mother!" It wasn't his voice, wasn't his body. "For the kingdom! For glory!" It wasn't his voice, it wasn't his smile in the lightning.

A golden crown rolled to his feet. Throshkar knelt to pick it up. His mind yelled no, but his father, in the shadows, whispered, "Yes...' and he blinked and his brothers were there, wrestling in a pool of blood, as he sat in the throne overlooking the kingdom.Throshkar woke up blearily; he had trouble raising his arms, and trouble keeping down the breakfast of scones and sweetened buttercream, the last of the quality foods that they had brought. Perhaps the cream had gone sour, he thought amid the fog and the sweats. He'd never met a venom he couldn't shake off before.

Louis resaddled Arondight and put his armor back on, then helped Olna and Johnathan clear the webbing from the road. Eventually Throshkar joined them. Just as they were breaking camp, Henri came trotting back from a venture into the woods, a young quail limp between his teeth. Throshkar smiled, congratulated the dog; Louis coaxed the bird from his jaws and put it away for lunch.

Throshkar urged Arondight to the sky as soon as they were ready to depart, again scouting for danger and glory ahead.

2008-09-23, 12:00 PM
Clearing the webbing takes most of the morning. Each strand takes several sword swings which quickly tires Throshkar. After the road is clear, the party continues their journey north. Several more days pass quickly it is not until the rain starts to fall that you realize how long this journey is taking. The fall rains quickly come upon you and progress slows as the rain falls for days. It could also be due to the path winding up the mountain. After four long weary days of rain filled traveling listening to Lewis wining about the cold and rain, you come upon the WindyGap town after the sun has set and as you look for another camping spot. Actually, in the fog, you do not realize you are getting so close until you come up upon the gate and a gruff looking dwarf glances in your direction and asks "Ya, 'his be 'he windy'ap, from 'he look of ye, merchan' ye are no'. 'Ravelers coming in 'he nigh' fog are a bad omen. Why ye 'ravel in the fog?"

2008-09-23, 12:31 PM

"We are travelling in the fog, because the fog has descended upon the path we are on. I would much rather be travelling in the light of the sun." Olna smiles to the dwarf.

"Can you direct us to a inn, a stable, perhaps a good tavern? Then we will no longer be travellers in the fog, but visitors in your fine town, enjoying a good meal and maybe a nice mug of ale or two."

Johnathon pipes up, "It would be nice to here your singing voice in a tavern, instead of around a campfire." Johnathon smiles at the thought of spending a night with warm food and a comfortable bed and Olna.

[roll0] :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-23, 12:33 PM
Normally Throshkar would push forward and demand entry as the right of any nobleman, but that poison... he still felt sick, and his head throbbed. He hoped Olna could charm her way past the gatekeeper quickly, and they to an inn post-haste.

Louis got off his horse and chained Henri, who clearly wanted to bound onto the dwarf and lick his big beard. The dog always had the same reaction to dwarves.

2008-09-23, 02:38 PM
The dwarf smiles with a toothless grin, "Ye ale 'ouse is 'oo 'he lef' me lady. Mayhaps i could ge' ye a drink." You enter the town which by this hour only candles burn in the small inn and the tavern. Walking into the tavern it is full of gruff looking men and women drinking heavily. You find a table near the back and the house stew is quickly brought to you. The warm rabbit meat with the rich broth fills your soul and the strong mead warms your belly. You sit in silence listening to a crossdressing man sing of love lost while he dodges rocks and mugs of ale being thrown at him by the rough crowd.

2008-09-23, 03:18 PM

Olna smiles at the dwarf and replies, "My friend here may object to your proposition, though I appreciate the compliment."


Upon finshing her stew and seeing Johnathon going for seconds, she tossles the cavalier's hair and smiles at him. Johnathon looks back smiling and happier than before their return to home. He leans in and whispers in her ear.

Olna nods and stands to approach the bar and requests the opportunity to sing a song. Though she is tired and worn from the road, she is a far cry from a cross-dressing young bard, and does stand out a bit in the room.

2008-09-23, 06:47 PM
Olna's fair form, even through covered in grime from the rain, and sweet voice is a stark contrast from the usual drab vocals. As she rises to the stage she is met with the usual throw of random items which she quickly dodges but after opening her voice, the crowd seems to calm down. With the exception of the crossdressing man, who throws a bottle at her fair form which hits the wall shattering. However, before anyone can react, the crossdressing bard's face is quickly met with a solid punch from another patron which leaves him unconscious on the floor.

2008-09-24, 12:46 PM
Throshkar leans over to Johnathan: "Much as I enjoy the lady's singing, perhaps we could find better accommodations in which to listen? Surely there is a noble or two in this town who would house men of good blood such as we..." To Throshkar, his friend's lack of blue blood has been more than made up for by his prowess in battle -- "good blood" has a different meaning to him than it might to others.

Henri pads up to each of the tables, looking for scraps; his powerful looks earn him positive attention and several leftover bones from the rough-and-tumble crowd. Louis, on the other hand, sits beside his master, enchanted by Olna's voice.

2008-09-24, 01:02 PM

Olna completes her song and takes a bow. She then begins to round the room speaking with any that wish to speak with her. She gives of her time freely and even buys a couple of drinks. If any offer to buy her something, she tries to convince them to buy it instead for a different person (i.e., overlooked girls shying in the corner, or their worst enemy).

Trying to find out information about the Prince.
[roll0] Or Take 20 if allowed. Use Bluff +17 to dissuade anyone that may think she's asking too many questions.


"We'll get no better information about why we are here than what Olna is starting to procure right now. The servants of this world are at every dinner, unseen in every room of secrets and have a much lower price to reveal anything because they either don't know the significance of information, or their life is improved with ten gold whereas a noble would need ten thousand."

2008-09-24, 02:43 PM
Throshkar nods. It's not the first time Johnathan has thought about strategy before comfort, which is itself a comfort. The cavalier closes his eyes and rests his pounding head. "I'm glad on that. But I need to rest soon. This coney stew was better than what we've been stuck with on the road -- god, that took forever! -- but I need a real meal and a real bed. And hopefully real company! No offense..."

2008-09-24, 03:32 PM

"Then, let us get rooms here. Come morning we will have sufficient information about the town, I'd wager, to find better lodging as you wish. Plus, I find that people of good blood would frown on us before a good night's sleep in a bed and a bath." Johnathon winks at Throskar.

"Olna will be sometime, and I'd like to keep an eye on her. Could Louis get a room settled for me and Olna? We will meet you in the morning then."

Gather information takes 2-5 hours typically. Johnathon will sit vigil, waiting for Olna to finish her rounds.

2008-09-24, 04:52 PM
You procure a few rooms at the inn across the street. The inn is crowded but the keeper makes rooms available for the cavaliers and their party at no charge. The rooms are nice, nothing of the comfort of your home city, but better than a cold wet blanket.

Olna, You spend some time talking with the locals, which you are surprised to find very few, most it seems are travelers themselves, looking for adventure, gold, freedom, a new life, etc. It seems that no one has seen the young prince; however, a few have seen a man fitting his general disposition. It seems that the young prince was here a few weeks ago gathering up some supplies and recruiting a few good men. One man, in particular, had a lengthy conversation with the young lad. He recounts to you, that this young man (the prince) told him tales of a orcan ambush and a narrow escape from a spider. It seems that this prince has narrowly escaped death a few times during his short travels. The prince has lost several of his traveling companions during these encounters and and had to enlist a few less than noteworthy companions to continue his adventure. It seems that he is planning on scaling the northern point, a mountain north of here, with the purpose of slaying the white dragon Bellthordor. He has been gone now for several weeks.

2008-09-24, 05:47 PM
While his squire lays out the bed with the cavalier's lush, high-threadcount linens and goosefeather pillows to compliment the rough but warm blankets already provided, Throshkar grumbles and moans as sick people are wont to do. Nothing is comfortable enough, the water tastes funny, turn off the gas light, leave the candle lit, not so close, no not there, okay fine, why are the crickets so blasted loud in this cursed place, etc etc etc.

Throshkar awakes just before the sun rises over the horizon, refreshed and eager for a challenge.

Louis, on the other hand, got no sleep. He hides his head under his blankets; Throshkar is feeling generous and dresses himself before gently kicking the boy off the floor where he slept. "Breakfast, King Louis! A cavalier needs to eat mightily for strength! Don't mind just what they have at the inn; see what the country folk have outside. But don't take anything from anyone who wants to haggle. Filthy merchants will be the ruin of us all." He tosses the boy some coins for their meal.

2008-09-24, 05:58 PM
Pay no attention to my post here, I was wrong.

2008-09-25, 08:35 PM
In the morning, you get a lay of the city. The city sits between two sharp cliffs rising to the east and west. Two stone walls face to the north and south keeping the city within a square of stone fortifications; two made by man and two by nature. The city itself is rather small with various stone buildings built upon each other. The city or rather town or village sized place has a major road through the center which connects to the two gates of the trade route through the mountainous region. The atmosphere in this place, is one of contrasts. One feels as if they are in a fort with the fortifications and dwarvin guard busily marching the walls and patrolling the gates. However, one also feels as if they are near a seedy dock where pirates, traders, adventurers, and other shady characters could easily be found. It is a place where you should have a good grasp on your purse and watch your back.

The group meets Lewis in the common room of the inn around midmorning, or when Olna finally drags herself from her bed. Lewis has returned empty handed, not sure what to tell his Lord for he was unable to find anyone not willing to haggle with him for goods. Additionally, when he tried to find people outside the town all he found was were rocks and dwarves on patrol. The common room is empty except for one traveler....

[Enter Regis stage left]

2008-09-25, 10:30 PM

The man sits easily in the center of the room. He is rummaging around inside an old and worn looking leather backpack. He looks up and nods to anyone who walks down.

His deep tan and shaggy long brown hair speak of countless hours on the road. His full plate is worn and slightly rusted, the dirt and dust nearly a protective layer unto itself. All of his gear shows signs of weathering for many years, sun faded and yet well cared for. His scraggly dust brown beard sits on a wide face and frame. His sky blue eyes are even faded as he looks to you and says Blessings of the road to you, good morning.

He stands, his wide bulk not quite running to fat, clumsily bumping his way past the trestle tables that sit around the room. You can see the mace hanging from his belt and heavy shield leaning against the bench where he was sitting a moment before. The most notable thing beyond the layers of dust is the circular disc that hangs around his neck, the horizon line that crosses it rings a bell from somewhere. He walks into the bar area to speak with the barmaid Now Lari, this just isn't right. How can you tell me that you are out of coffee? And bacon? I saw three pigs on my way in here and you are out of bacon? Just give me what you have then. Is it still okay to smoke in here? He walks over to the fireplace, pulling a beautiful white stone pipe from a pouch and packing some pipeweed into it as he moves. Using some tongs to snatch a coal from the embers he lights it, turning around puffing he says to Lewis, Hey youngster, you wouldn't happen to know who did me the favor of cleaning up a little spider down the road would ya?

2008-09-26, 01:50 PM
The barmaid smiles with a toothless grin and brings over a plate of summer sausage to Regis with a large mug of hard dwarvin ale. "Yre, welcome to smoke as always. Got you sum sausage and a drink that will wake the dead. We be running low on supplies, the spring goods have not yet arrived. The sausage might be a little tough, it be curing in the cellar all winter."

2008-09-26, 03:11 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar shakes his head at the news that the entire town was full of skinflints and thieves. "That a cavalier should be forced to fight over coins, and with countryfolk no less... bah! I'd almost rather starve," he grumps. He sighs, then puts on a happy face and looks around the nearly empty inn. "Well, at least they won't argue over prices here, even if we can't get fresh croissants or pheasant off the hotstone."

Throshkar nods at the big man when he's greeted. "Hail and well met, sir." He bows, but does not engage in introductions, as both men are clearly more concerned with the state of their own meals. Throshkar makes the breakfast orders for the group, then sits down in the nicest seat he can find.

Louis beams at Regis when addressed, and points at Throshkar. "That were me master, Throshkar deLaBlanche -- he's tha bravest cavalier ever rode! He an' Johnathan Oldman, him over there, they went an' smushed the thing up good, an' destroyed the eggs an' everythin'!" Henri, nearby, barks. "Oh, yeah, and Henri was there, and so were tha purty lady over there -- she sang a mighty good song as they was fighting, so good even I almost were brave 'nough ta fight it. But it were HUGE -- I may be a cavalier ta be, but I can't fight for naught yet." The boy kicks the floor.

"But - but how'd you know 'bout it bein' dead? We only just come straight from 'ere, an' been here but a short night. You a seer??" The question is breathy, awed.

Henri nuzzles and licks Regis' hand, begging for one of his sausages.

Just posting to keep HP updated.

{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 10 | LG | Medium
hp: 84/84 | | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/10/16 | Banded Mail, mw
+1 Bastard Sword | +16/+11 | 1d10+5 | 17-20/x2 | No ranged atk
SV | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Wil +2||
STR 1016 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +11|Appraise +3|Diplom. +3[/table]

{table] Arondight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/pegasus.htm)| Pegasus | - | LVL ? | LG | Large
hp: 42/42 | 60ft/120fly | Spd | AC/T/FF | 14/11/12 | armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +4/+12 | Hoof x2 +7 melee | 1d6+4 | Bite +2 melee | 1d3+2
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Wil +4 ||
STR 18 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | INT 10 | WIS 13 | CHA 13
Skills|Spot +8|Listen +8|Diplom. +3|Sense Mot. +9|
10/5 Space/Reach
Darkvision, scent, detect good/evil
+2 Initiative
Flyby Attack, Iron Will

{table] Henri (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm)| Dog (large) | - | LVL ? | Neutral |Medium Animal
hp: 16/16 | 40ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 16/12/14 | no armor
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/+3 | Bite +3 melee | 1d6+3 | +2 Initiative | |
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Wil +1 ||
STR 15 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 2 | WIS 12 | CHA 6
Spot +5|Listen +5|Swim +3|Survival +1 (+4 when tracking)|Jump +8
Low-light vision, scent
Alterness, Track, Trip (successful bite = can trip w/ +1, don't need touch attack or OppAtt)

Louis (still need to update the weapons):
{table] Louis (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4797)| Commoner (teen) | - | LVL 1 | LG |Medium
hp: 4/4 | 30ft | Spd | AC/T/FF | 13/9/14 | Chain Shirt
Base Attack/Grapple -1 | Crossbow -1 ranged | 80ft | 1d8| 19-20/x2 | -1 Initiative |
SV | Fort -1 | Ref -1 | Wil -1 ||
STR 8 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | INT 8 | WIS 8 | CHA 8
Skills|Ride +0|Listen -1|Spot -1|Climb +1

2008-09-26, 03:19 PM

The big man chuckles at the boys energetic retelling Oh, I am just a far traveling son of the Master of Roads. The horizon greets me every morning and I try to walk that far. I walked past the rubbish in the early hours this morning, and kept on walking. I knew Lari over there would have something to fill my belly and maybe I could thank the folks who did the dirty work for me. He grins at the boy and then looks at his master, and the others You do the work of the Horizon Walker wether you know it or not. Thank ye. If there is anything I can do to repay the favor just let me know. I have walked the length and breadth of this realm, any cavalier has just to as old Regis and I'll help. He take a big swallow of his ale, grimmacing at the bitterness before turning to his meal.

2008-09-27, 09:58 PM
As you look outside the inn's windows you notice that a light snow has started to fall. You realize that winter must not be completely over yet. The men and women of the town do not see to give it much notice, it must be a common occurrence for them here in this mountainous town.

2008-09-28, 04:46 AM
Henri nuzzles and licks Regis' hand, begging for one of his sausages.

[OOC missed this before}


Somewhat startled at the dog's attentions, but easily figuring out the reason why Regis looks askance at Throshkar holding a small end of a suasage. Regis new it was rude to just feed another's animal, especially a nobles hound.

2008-09-28, 02:39 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar chuckles at the ease with which Henri makes friends. He nods to Regis and stands. "Throshkar deLaBlanche, as my boy Louis says." He twirls his hand in the air and bows, then winces.

"You'll pardon me, yon spider suffered to inject me with a poison even a cavalier's strength cannot shake off easily. In any case, Henri will much appreciate whatever you feed him -- and I doubt you'll have to suffer the gaseous aftereffects, so, as you will." He smirks.

"Old man! Meet Regis -- I think he may be about your age, heh?"

2008-09-28, 10:25 PM

Regis stands nearly bumping his drink over with his bulk as he does so. He shakes hands all around and the sits again. Poison eh? I think I can take care of that for you. Hold still. Regis takes the holy symbol and closing his eyes for a moment. His other arm he points to Throshkar with palm open, Regis looks up with eyes the color of sky and blows across his outstretched palm, a fine sparkling dust billows out at Throshkar surrounding him. Throshkar feels the pain and soreness ebbing away and dissappearing. Regis looks at Throshkar Feel better?

Casting Restoration on Throshkar.

If he resists, Will save DC 18

2008-09-29, 12:22 AM
As you look out the window you see that a gentle blanket of snow now covers the houses and roads of the town. Part of you sees the snow's beauty but another part of you knows that this snow will make your journey harder and colder. Hopefully the snow will not last long.

2008-09-29, 01:15 PM

Olna looks at the man of faith assisting Throskar and thanks him.

"Thank you, sir. For I have been trying to get him to rest and heal to no avail. My skills at healing are not as strong as yours."

So no posty. Have been reading, but haven't really seen where Olna could have poked in. just forced it today. Maybe my brain will work better later in the week.

2008-09-29, 01:38 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Louis marvels at how Throshkar's face loses its greenish tinge, his amazement equaled by the cavalier's own. Throshkar steadies himself against a nearby chair as his strength returns to him in a rush.

"A puff of wind, and that's that? I feel... I, I -- Sir Regis, you are a king among healers!" Throshkar has only ever heard rumors of clerics with this much skill. "Olna, Olna my dear, we might have to trade you in for a Regis of our own!" He introduces Olna with a flourish.

"You have a cavalier's thanks, Sir Regis. Pardon me -- it had not occurred to me that such a simple guise belied a man of such good talents. I am in your debt. May I?" Throshkar takes a seat at the same table as Regis, if he allows it, then gestures to the servitors to deliver their breakfast here.

"And yet, I might ask to be in your debt a bit further. But first: What think you of the king?" He angles his head, bony jaw thrust forward.

The king just died very recently, so I don't know whether Regis would know about it or not.

2008-09-29, 03:08 PM

Ahh, I am no king. Regis says making room for the cavalier and his companions. Miss Olna, I must say it is a fine thing to meet such a beauty as yours. But you probably hear that from all of the brutes. Sit down, join me. I am harmless.

He takes a bite before answering Throshkar There is no debt. I do as I always have wandering the roads doing what little goods I can here and there. As for the King, a fine man. I have no trouble with him. No he me. I hear he has been sick of late. And ther is rumor of his death, and an ill wind upon the roads. Why do you ask?

2008-09-29, 03:13 PM

"There will be no trading of Olna for anything, thank you very much." The other crusader in the midst chimes in.

2008-09-29, 03:20 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"The King wa--is a great man," Throshkar says firmly, despite the stumble. "As a cavalier, I am sworn to uphold his will, defend his honor, and protect his kingdom. And it so happens that the three -- well, five of us, we are on a mission to do just this. But I fear we cannot accomplish this alone, and I would ask you to join us... so long as you are a loyal servant of the king."

"As the snows descend outside, I fear the road before us grows darker and ever more treacherous. Yet I would fain battle the world alone than trust one whose faith to the King could be broken with any ease -- I do not accuse you or anyone of such a vile thing, it is just that our mission is of such import that even the strongest of wills may be tested."

The cavalier thinks to the moments he stood in the presence of the dark knights. He had not even crossed swords with one, and yet felt their threat upon his soul.

2008-09-29, 10:29 PM

Well, here we have a problem. Only the good god holds my allegience. But there is a reason why I am here this morning and you are the only other people here this morning. I would be a fool to miss the signs. Finishing his meal he leans back a bit drinking the bitter ale. He wipes his beard and mouth with his hand before offering the crumbs to the dog.

I had hoped to sit for a day or so before heading out but I think you are going to want to press on. I'll join you on your quest, if you'll have me, but understand I will walk or fly maybe but I'll keep off of the horses, thank you.

2008-09-29, 10:53 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"God is good." Throshkar looks to the ground and makes one of the more common gestures of faith. He is not especially devout, but churchgoing is one of the mandates of good social graces, and that's something to which he is devoted.

Throshkar's optimistic nature struggled with his serious side. It was not much of a fight, especially as he saw how friendly Henri was with the man -- above and beyond the dog's usual appreciation for leftovers.

"Thanks be to you! Perhaps it is the Lord of the Roads who brought us to this path after all -- I had begun to think of it as quite a dreary place until this moment! God certainly wants the King to rule in peace, and you may be the instrument by which his will is done, if I may be so bold as to hope."

"As for the horses, well, in my younger days I would have said a man who does not love horses is not a good man, but now that I have my pegasus, Arondight, I know the glory of the bird's wings -- and if indeed you can take to flight on your own graces, then a pure soul you have indeed."

As long as Johnathan and Olna are in agreement, Throshkar will tell Regis of their mission, but only that they seek the young prince so that he may rightfully stand up for his throne. He will mention the elder prince's taking of power, but gloss over it as a minor matter once the younger prince is found.

2008-09-30, 12:56 AM

Horses are fine. I have no problem with them. I just like the road beneath my feet. Regis listens intently to the tale and their mission. He glances outside at the growing snow and furrows his brow a little before saying When do you intend to leave? I need an hour, I have yet to say my prayers for the day and want to do so.

2008-09-30, 05:54 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"The sooner the better -- but of course it is best if we are well-equipped, with god's grace and good armor." Throshkar eyes Regis' gear, thinks of asking him if he plans to obtain better quality equipment, then decides against it. This town is full of enough skinflints that surely finding proper weaponry would be a fool's errand.

After politely asking Regis to speed along his prayers as best he can, Throshkar finishes his breakfast and goes to the stables to prepare their animals. Louis goes to their rooms to pack up the gear and bring it out to the stable -- laboriously, as it is very heavy for him, and Henri is a distraction, especially after he fills the bedroom with the noxious stench of old sausages roughly digested. His wide face expresses surprise when Louis berates him for the flatulence.

2008-09-30, 06:32 PM

"Johnathon and I will gather equipment for the journey. And see what information about the lay of the land that we'll need for our journey. Is there anything specific you need, Edan?" Olna smiles sweetly at Throshkar, knowing deep inside he dislikes the rough town they are in.

Cold weather gear for the party (outfits, blankets, etc.), some saddle bags for Olna's horse, Anything that Throskar wants that they can afford, etc.

Using diplomacy to avoid being cheated, or get good deals.

Also maps, oral descriptions of the area they will be heading out into, etc.
Diplomacy: +26
Gather Info: +15

2008-09-30, 08:28 PM
You are able to get the equipment you need at a reasonable cost after a bit of haggling [phb prices]. One old man seems to know the way up to Bellthordor's lair.

The old man's weathered face smiles, "Ye be looking for Bellthordor? Aye, tis been a while since I was around those parts, but you can see the mount north of here on a cloudless day, not like today. Well ye head north following the road. On the way you will find a small trappers cabin a few days from here. The cabin is in a bit of disrepair. From the cabin you should find a few trails from which you can follow. They all connect together, you will come to the base of a cliff. There is a small cave, keep your mounts and servants there, it is sheltered from the weather. From there you scale the cliff up and you will find a hole in the side, a cave 50 or so feet up. Follow the cavern in and you will wind up to Bellthordor's lair. Otherwise you could just fly up to the top of the mountain and you can see the lair but Bellthordor does not take kindly to strangers and had knocked a few balloons out of the air. So i would recommend the former."

2008-09-30, 11:15 PM

Regis pays and thanks the landlord. He walks out to the stables and to the back of the house to a quiet place to pray.

I may change up my spells when I get home from work, I'll count 1 level 4 slot used for the neutralize poison.

2008-10-01, 10:56 AM

The priest walks back into the common area a short while later. I am ready. he says simply. He stands holding a loaded pack and waits for the others.

2008-10-01, 12:10 PM

Olna an Johnathon return with various supplies for the journey. Olna looks splended in her heavy winter coat and cloak. She relays the message on how to get to where they are going.

Does Regis have a mount?
Winter blankets for each person and horse. (8) 4g
Cold weather outfit for each person (5) 40g
Saddlebags (for Olna's horse) 4g
10 days of feed (for all three horses) 1.5g
Climbing Gear 80g
Rations for 10 days (per person) (25g)
154g 5 silver (+1g if Regis has a horse)

2008-10-02, 12:40 AM
You head out on your journey north, the snow squeaks as you walk through the few inches of fallen snow. The rocky trail is slippery but soon the sun shines proudly out from the once cloudy sky. The snow seems to have gotten a bit deeper as you journey north. One day quickly passes and with a cold nights sleep you start your journey anew. The second day is not as bright as before, for the mountain is clouded fog and a heavy snow falls making it hard to find the trail. After many hours of trudging through the snow and listening to Lewis carry on about dying out here, you come upon the trappers cabin. Its a small freestanding building, it is not much other than shelter from the elements. There are small holes in the walls from the elements but it will keep the majority of the wind out.

2008-10-02, 05:07 AM
(At night Regis will use Leomund's Secure Shelter to make sleeping much nicer, also one the second day if anyone is suffering from the cold too much he'll memorize another Endure Elements.)

2008-10-02, 01:45 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Louis shivers, though he wears both his and Throshkar's winter coat. The cavalier again eyes the strong, common material with distaste, then pulls his luxurious but altogether too-thin autumn robe around him tighter.

"Louis, Louis," he says. "The cold strengthens us, Louis. But if you like, I'm sure we can heat up a lunch within these tattered walls. What say you, Louis? Everyone else?"

Henri is already scratching at the door. Louis opens it post-haste and scrambles inside.

2008-10-04, 05:29 AM

Regis walks around inspecting the area while the others check the small cabin. Looking around and up into the surrounding area he looks for clues and any signs of the Prince having been here. He also keeps an eye out for ambushers or anything of that sort.

No track feat but lets see...

Survival [roll0]
Search [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2008-10-04, 11:28 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar slaps Arondight on the backside; the pegasus takes to the air to look over the area. The cavalier then enters the building behind Louis.

Do I need to roll a Spot or anything for Arondight?

2008-10-04, 04:29 PM
The door hinge is rusty and the door creaks open half way requiring much force even to get it that far. The inside of the cabin is bare with the exception of a few empty bottles, old bones, and other trash. The wind howls into the cabin through small openings but you do feel more secure with the limited shelter it provides. You can tell this shelter was was recently used by the partially eaten but now frozen food. One thing does crop your interest, you see a wooden floor board that looks like it was recently fix or removed with crude tools and replaced.

2008-10-06, 11:19 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

The door was actually too stuck for Louis to budge at all; Throshkar swings it open halfway with a push. Henri bounds into the room, sniffing at all the new scents, especially the bones. He eventually comes to the recently replaced floorboard and begins to scratch at it. Louis, focused on building a fire, ignores him, but Throshkar wanders over.

"What is it, boy? Buried treasure?" He looks over at Regis and the others. "Think anyone would mind if we tore up their floors here? I'm curious."

2008-10-06, 12:23 PM

Olna busies herself with setting up the cabin with warm blankets and dusting off various things. "So long as we replace it, it should be fine."

2008-10-06, 02:35 PM
The floor boards creak as you pry the board loose. It takes you a few moments before you have a hole wide enough to reach into. Looking into the hole in the floor, you notice how dry it is under the cabin. Under the floor of the cabin is another wooden floor only this one is about a foot deep. You see that it must have been filled with some sort of insulating material to keep the cold out which now now sense decomposed into a thick dust. Lying upon the thick dust is a worn leather book with the kings symbol imprinted upon the book.

You wipe off the dust from the book and crack it open. Looking at the first couple of pages you realize that this book is the young princes diary. Flipping to the back you read aloud the last entry written only a week ago.

63 days since the low of winter

Today has been a hard climb. We are lucky to find this cabin. The old trapper told us it would be here and he was right. The snow is coming down hard and tomorrow we are heading up to face the dragon. I am not sure if I even want to live any longer. I found out today that my father was killed earlier this week. Joshua told me on the climb today, I guess he heard it in town. He was not going to tell me until after we defeated the dragon, but in a moment of anger he snapped at me. I fear for my country, my brother is a cruel man. I do not know if he will let me live, either I will die tomorrow or by my brother's hand. I leave this to document why I left in hope that another might find it and listen to my story...

2008-10-07, 02:02 AM

Regis clumps in from his walk around the cabin examining the area. I think I may reinforce this little cabin a little bit before we sleep in it. Seems a little run down.

He looks at the book Throsh holds What you got there?

2008-10-08, 11:27 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar grins the smile of a man who lives for the hunt as he closes in on his quarry. "It's the prince! We are but days behind him, it seems!" He shows the book to Regis and hands it over to Johnathan to read. Brushing off the snow from his clothes, the cavalier declares, "Well, we've waited long enough! Let's go -- the prince awaits us!"

Louis looks incredulously at his master. He still can't feel his hands, and the fire he started has barely had time to burn the wood it's feeding on. Henri, meanwhile, catches the spirit and jumps on his master eagerly.

2008-10-08, 11:45 AM

Olna looks at Louis and offers, "There is a cave at the base of the mountain we are to climb. It will be protected from the weather there, you can stay warm with Henri and the horses."

What time of day is it? Did the information Olna gathered offer her how long it would take to get to the cave?

2008-10-08, 11:51 AM
it is almost night fall. The cave is about a days walk from here. Do you stay or go?

2008-10-08, 12:13 PM

Throshkar, let us rest here for a few hours at least. The warmth will all ow the boy and the horses to regain some strength to better drive on into the dark and dangerous night. These mountain paths are treacherous during a summer day, at night during the snows it will be much worse. We are wet, cold and tired. Let me call some minor magics to warm us, then if you still decide that we need to push forward we can do so with renewed strength of body and spirit. The cleric says calmingly, trying to keep the cavalier from rushing off into the deadly maw of carelessness. He hands the book to Olna with a shrug.

Regis steps back and begins chanting a low tone while grasping his holy symbol, his eyes close and a dome of warmth spreads from his body. The winds stop howling around the hut and the fire seems to warm a little better. Opening his eyes for a moment he looks to the fire and goes over to assist the boy in making themselves warm.

2008-10-08, 12:56 PM

"Considering the dwindling light, I don't think we should head out tonight."

2008-10-08, 02:03 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar throws his arms into the air. "Bah! Cavaliers hold no fear of the cold. You act as though there's a dragon up there or something!" He chuckles, then tousles Louis' hair. "I'll make a cavalier of you yet, whether these mother hens will it or no. But, 'tis all one. If the prince be alive now, he most like will be alive tomorrow. We should push forward faster in the morn, though."

Watching Regis summon his divine powers, Throshkar smiles. "I mean you no offense, to be sure, but I ask that you keep your healing and such between yourself and the others, if you don't mind. Much as I appreciated your casting aside the poisons within me, I prefer to keep my strength my own." Throshkar nods and thanks the stout man warmly for understanding his position.

2008-10-08, 05:04 PM
The wind and the snow scream around the structure, but you are warm within its bounds. You find yourself quicky asleep and soon the sun is rising on the horizon. after a quick breakfast you are on your way towards the dragons lair. By midafternoon you find the two caves in the cliff. there is one ground level and another much higher up. the one on the ground is shallow but will shelter the horses from the wind. Lewis seems fearful, but it is hard to say if he fears the dragon or staying in the cave with the horses more.

2008-10-10, 01:15 AM

Watching Regis summon his divine powers, Throshkar smiles. "I mean you no offense, to be sure, but I ask that you keep your healing and such between yourself and the others, if you don't mind. Much as I appreciated your casting aside the poisons within me, I prefer to keep my strength my own." Throshkar nods and thanks the stout man warmly for understanding his position.

If you want it to be that way, that's fine. Understand that I will not let you die if I can help it. The good lord wants us to live full and happy lives and has given the power to those like me to assist that will. I understand your need to keep your strength, but I'll not let you bleed out when a tiny spark of divine might can keep that from happening.

But you can take that up with me after it happens, if it happens. For now let us enjoy the warmth and quietude of the cabin. Regis slides over to a side wall and closes his eyes, letting the sounds of the weather and the night carry him to sleep.

The wind and the snow scream around the structure, but you are warm within its bounds. You find yourself quicky asleep and soon the sun is rising on the horizon. after a quick breakfast you are on your way towards the dragons lair. By midafternoon you find the two caves in the cliff. there is one ground level and another much higher up. the one on the ground is shallow but will shelter the horses from the wind. Lewis seems fearful, but it is hard to say if he fears the dragon or staying in the cave with the horses more.

Regis will swap a spell for Wall of Stone, and an additional Endure Elements. I'll fix that tonight

C'mere boy, with yer master's permission I'd like to keep ya a little better protected. Regis looks to Throshkar for a reaction. If Throshkar allows it Regis passes his hands over the boy and a light glow suffuses him for a moment, warming him. That'll keep you warm for a full turn of the sun, if you are deep in a cave, those outside can see the fire within. If you keep no fire and light to a minimum you can watch the entrance for danger much better. With this you can be warm through the day, and not need a fire. Be safe, the good god will keep you well.

Looks like an interesting climb, give me one end of the rope and I'll move up the mountain securing it so you can climb as needed. I will follow, to catch anyone who slips. With that he steps back and grasping his holy symbol, concentrates whispering and passing his hand. His feet lift off the ground and he floats there ready to go.
Casting Endure Elements on the boy.
Casting Overland Flight on himself, 10 hour duration, fly speed of 30, can hustle

2008-10-10, 01:34 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar smiles genuinely at Regis' response to his request. "Thank you. I have no more desire to die early than you, I'm sure, good Regis. I just hold myself to certain levels of honor, and that includes standing on my own feet and not that of another. After the battle is over, I will be more amenable to receiving your gifts, but amidst the glory and the gore -- well, I hope to achieve glory by my own hand." He shrugs. He does not seem especially passionate about the matter, but it clearly is an issue of honor for him.

* * *

Throshkar okays the bestowing of warmth to his squire. The cavalier brightens at the thought of a fire:"Ha! Would that I could wear a blessed fire about me in battle -- come to me, dragon, it would say! I am thy enemy and thy doom! Ha!!" Louis squirms at the thought, but the warmth is so comforting that he smiles nevertheless. Henri shoves his cold hand into Louis' warm hand, and then presses his body against the boy insistently.

As the party gathers their climbing gear, Louis' eyes sparkle. He has a knack for climbing, or at least a great interest in it. He will join the party, even leading the way during the climb at times.

"Excellent," Throshkar says as Regis takes to the air. "Do you all think Arondight may follow, or shall we leave him behind, to guard the horses?"

2008-10-10, 09:09 PM
Who is staying in rhe cave and who is going to climb up the clift into the higher cavern?

2008-10-11, 06:54 PM
[ooc: I am going to go a head an update]

You leave behind the horses and the dog under the care of the pegasus and start your climb up the cliff. Removing most of your armor you take turns climbing up higher and hammering in pins to keep yourself from falling. You have a couple of close calls during your ascent but soon all of your party is at the higher cave entrance. The cave curls back as far as your eyes can see in the now dusk sun. The opening is around 15 feet wide. You can tell others have come here before from some trash and old bones. There seems to be nothing that can clue you into who was here before. Lewis shivers in fear as the wind makes ghostly noises as it blows past the cave opening.

I need to know:
-Who has climbed up.
-Who is left behind.
-What equipment did you leave behind
-Do you camp here for the night or farther in? It is around dusk now but you could travel for a few more hours.

2008-10-13, 05:41 AM

Regis lands lightly and stretches his back. Twisting in the wind he looks into the cave and at the others No doubt the dragon, if it lives, already knows we are here. Do we camp or go deeper?

2008-10-14, 12:47 PM

Olna pulls herself up the last bit, stands up and dusts herself off. She looks around at the view and the cold cave before them and says, "If we are going on, let's go on. Does anyone have a source of light?"

2008-10-14, 12:58 PM

Regis reaches back into his backpack and draws out a tin rod, one end seems to be burning with magical flame. Light, I got light.

2008-10-14, 04:17 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar takes a fine cotton cloth from Louis and carefully cleans his armor with one hand as the group heads into the caves; he grips his bastard sword in the other. Though Regis carries their light source, the cavalier will tend to take the lead (especially in narrow passages) or drop back to walk exactly beside the cleric.

Louis follows his master carefully, his arms full of equipment and gear. He will attempt to whistle a familiar peasant's drinking tune until Throshkar casually asks him if he's trying to call the dragon out to eat them.

2008-10-15, 05:19 PM
[MAP]http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/6747/lavacave001th3.png (http://imageshack.us)

You carefully walk down what must have been a lava vent thousands of years prior. The floor is well worn, which bothers you not knowing what types of creatures have used this very area. The lava tunnel is around 15 feet wide with a ceiling that usually runs about 15 feet high as well. You see several small cracks in the wall that seem to cross into other passageways. There are times you hear movement like creatures moving around. However, you do not see anything and if you stop so does the sound. You cannot tell the location of the sound or even if it is anything more than an echo in the tunnel. After several hours of walking you come to an open area and you finally give into Lewis's desires for a rest stop. It seems that this area has been used by another adventurer previously. You find a small fire pit that has been dead for days and a stale hunk of bread.

[OOC Grayen you are Y11.]

2008-10-15, 05:29 PM
Yeah, I can't tell enough detail on those figures to tell which is which. Also what's in X6?

2008-10-16, 01:12 AM
Yeah, I can't tell enough detail on those figures to tell which is which. Also what's in X6?

X6 is some trash/bones - has not been investigated yet.
Y11 Grayen
V10 Throshkar
Y8 Lewis
X10 Olna
W12 Jonathon

There is also some large rocks scattered around. Additionally, one could see a little farther past the flames depending on their monitor.

2008-10-16, 09:06 AM

Regis walks toward the center of the room before noticing the pile of bones and trash. He drops his pack on the ground and walks over to the pile to investigate.

(OOC- Any rolls needed to poke through the pile?)

2008-10-16, 09:32 AM
Looking over the pile of bones and trash you notice that it is likely that this pile was not made by accident. Many of the bones are from animals and most likely hunks of dried meat at one time. There area a few old bottles, strips of cloth, a worn copper piece, and a dwarvin skull. The skull seems to be old and weathered. Nothing much strikes you in this pile of junk.

[ooc: you can always roll and sometimes you might find something else with a good search or spot roll]

2008-10-16, 09:57 AM

"What I wouldn't give to have Henri up here to pick up a scent."

"Further in or camp here?"

2008-10-16, 10:56 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"Ha! Henri doesn't like caves, to be truthful -- if he'd even managed the climb, I think he'd be shivering in the corner right now, poor mutt. Much like Louis, in fact..."

Throshkar strides purposefully into the room. "I do not fear to continue. Regis, what see you there? Are those old bottles of wine, perhaps?" he says with a grin.

2008-10-16, 05:26 PM
Regis smells the bottles, it seems they were once filled with alcohol. However, you do not see anything else of interest in this little area.

2008-10-16, 05:32 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar draws his sword again and moves deeper into the space.

"Those of you interested in poking about for secret entrances are welcome to stay and do so -- I go on ahead."

Louis hangs back with Regis and the light.

2008-10-16, 08:08 PM
Up a head a little ways you can tell there seems to be another passageway that intersects with this one. The other passageway seems to run from north to south. You can only barely make it out in the dim torchlight.

2008-10-16, 11:10 PM

Regis shrugs at Louis, Olna and Johnathan. He shoulders his pack and starts to follow the cavalier. Throshkar, you are getting too far off by yourself. Wait for your too tired companions.

2008-10-17, 12:02 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar shrugs, lowering his voice. "As you will. I'm just looking forward to dragon steaks for dinner tonight!"

2008-10-17, 08:11 PM
[MAP]http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/2504/lavacave001rt0.png (http://imageshack.us)

You move forward, the ground seems to be sticky with some sort of substance. The substance is dirty brown and you cannot tell what it is, it smells rotten and you can see mold growing in it. Something is starting to not feel right....

2008-10-20, 03:30 PM

Regis notices the goop and bends down to examine it for a moment. Better make sure we wipe our feet on the doormat before we track this goo all over the drangon's house. Regis says quietly with a chuckle.

Lets see what it is.
In case its blood [roll0]
K Arcana [roll1]
K. Religion [roll2]
K. Planes [roll3]
Just in case k. Geography [roll4]
Spellcraft [roll5]

2008-10-20, 03:45 PM

Olna also peers at the goo to investigate it.

[roll0] (Arcana, Nobility, Local and History) if it's one of those.
[roll1] In case it's random obscurity

2008-10-21, 02:38 PM
[MAP]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/3846/lavacave001lw9.png (http://imageshack.us)

You look up, the goo seems to be leaking from the ceiling. You stand around trying to place the goo. You feel like you have seen it or smelled it before. Then it hits Olna, she saw it at the carnival last year in a fire show. She begins to speak but before she can get a word out, one of you shuffles and you hear a mechanical click. You feel a rush of warmth that becomes burning hot as the chamber fills with fire. You are blown back towards a wall. Lewis manages to be in a place where he only gets scorched (2 dmg). The center of the tunnel still burns.

Reflex save DC 14 for half damage.
Fireball - [roll0]

2008-10-21, 03:48 PM

"Fir--" before the words roll out of her mouth, the flames are upon them.


2008-10-21, 04:00 PM
I just realized I'm missing HP on Regis...whoops. What's the rule for stating those, rolled or average?

If Rolled [roll0] reroll (if allowed [roll1]
Average is 8+40.5+10(con)=58


Garrr! Regis yelps as the flames rush through blasting him. He pats himself of smoking embers looking at the others he says Ach, my beard! The scorched off my beard. Took me three months to grow that soup catcher! Now, who's hurtin?

Reflex [roll2]

2008-10-21, 06:42 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

HP now 84/94. Move to F12.
As the fireball explodes towards him, Throshkar shifts his momentum to the side just in time; the flames scorch his silken shirt and tarnish his armor, but he is relatively unharmed.

As he looks back to confirm his party's survival, Throshkar's eyes burn brighter than the flames still smoldering in his sleeves.

"Dragon. Steaks."

The cavalier moves closer to the source of the blast, alert for more exciting developments...

2008-10-21, 08:06 PM
The source of the blast is a crack located in the stone ceiling (E11). You hear a mechanical click around the floor area. You assume that the trap has now reset and ready to startle another victim. Soon the flames in the center of the room die down and you hear the sound of a drop of liquid hitting the ground. Looking closely, you notice that a new droplet of goo has hit the ground. It is slowly dripping from another crack in the ceiling (I11).

A ghostly echoing voice draws your attention away from the slow dripping goo. "YOU...You...you...ARE....Are...are...NOT...Not...n ot...WEL...Wel...wel...COME...Come...come...HERE.. .Here...here..."

2008-10-22, 07:23 AM

"Now, now, Edan, we are visiting his home. Though I despise the fact that my lovely cloak is now a bit charred, he has every right to protect himself." Olna dusts herself off.

"We should expect this sort of thing when visiting powerful creatures."

"Some of us are a bit more charred than others." Johnathon is nearly as grumpy as Throshkar. He coughs a bit.

Olna leans to wipe off a clear spot from Johnathon's cheek and kisses it gently.

Olna calls to the voice from the goo, "We might be more welcome if you knew we were here just to talk! We are looking for someone!"

2008-10-22, 10:37 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Move to opposite side of trap, so it can only hit one of us at a time. I can't see map from cell phone.
HP now 84/94.
Throshkar's grin widens, the joyous flames in his eyes aglow.

"Dragon steaks are delicious," he whispers back at Johnathan, implying that it's worth a little singeing. The cavalier crouches slightly, moving around the crack in the ceiling so it's less likely to catch them all if it goes off again.

2008-10-22, 01:57 PM

Regis walks over to Jonathan saying Let me take a look at ya there my singed friend. If Jonathan allows it Regis will apply a bandage or two from his healing kit [roll=heal=1d20+11[/roll] and casting Cure Moderate Wounds (Spont cat for Hold Person) [roll0]

2008-10-22, 03:41 PM

"Right as rain." Johnanthon pats the cleric on the back.

"What say we avoid doing that again, shall we?"

I can't help but notice that we have no sneaky characters. You know, the kind that are capable of finding fireball traps.

2008-10-22, 10:20 PM

A Gnome comes out from one of the side tunnels. He is dressed in flowing red robes and has upon his head a stereotyped wizard's pointy hat. He smiles at you and takes a bow. "You should be careful when entering the home of a powerful gnome. Now, did I hear someone talk of dragon steaks? That pesky character is always attracting adventurers to try to destroy it. I do wish they would just leave him alone.

"Now you have entered my home and disrupted me. I do apologize for the trap, I like to weed out the pawns from the Knights, Bishops, Rooks and Queens." Replies the little man as he glances at Olna. "Back to business. You can either pay for passage through my domain for the price of 10000 gold per person or I have a set of challenges for you and if you succeed in all three or pay the price I will let you reach your destination unscathed, whether than be the dragon above or the dwarvin ruins below. Are you interested?

"Thee challenges will test you physically, mentally, and metaphysically. My labyrinth is very hard to navigate through and covered with traps and creatures if you decide to trespass. Remember you have only seen the first of many to come. Take a moment to talk amongst yourselves." The gnome smiles warmly as if he were a cat who had corned a new mouse with which he was going to play.

[Will Save DC 21]
[If fail]
You notice nothing
[if pass]
The image of the gnome is an illusion

2008-10-22, 10:31 PM
Regis (OOC- Of course I fail a WILL save as the cleric :smallconfused:)

Well Sir, the deciding factor will be to find out who was in the previous party of people who passed through here, and which way they went. Regis says to the gnome.

2008-10-22, 10:44 PM
"Information cost money, have you not learned that? Well, you see, there has been many people coming through here in the last few weeks. The smart ones pay or take my challenges. The dumb ones trespass, which usually leads to an untimely death."

2008-10-22, 11:31 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Will save:[roll0]Needs a 19!! And GETS a 19!
"Ha! I'll run from no challenge!" Throshkar draws himself to his full height, towering over the gnome. "But meaning no disrespect, little one, how do we know you are such a grave threat?" He angles his head. "As for your dragon, much as I would love to do battle with a creature of such greatness, the group of us are indeed here on a higher mission. If you could help us identify where the person we seek has gone and whether he was able to pay you or not, we would eagerly take on an additional challenge in recompense."

"I-- wait. Wait!" Throshkar picks up a rock and throws it through the gnome. "Blasted false magics! Ha! You'll fool me not!"

2008-10-23, 12:30 AM
The gnome frowns as the rock passes through his body. "Some would take that as a threat foolish Cavalier. However, I can use it to show my power. Could you make yourself here and there at the same time. Could one of your who wields magic?

"So, if i get this right, you will take on a fourth challenge for this information. Done. A rich man and his foolish followers passed through her a week ago heading to talk with the dragon. The dragon, does not belong to me, I think of him as the mate who lives above my flat, if i were to use your human terms. We spar whit, you know the usual.

"Now for your four challenges, would you like to go up to the dragon's cave or down to the dwarvin ruins. Now I have to tell you that I am not liable for any harm that may come to you for dealing with dragons or in the ruins. However, you do have my word that after you have passed my challenges no harm shall overcome ye.

"So what is another type of challenge i should add... hummm....but more importantly, which challenge shall we start with?

2008-10-23, 07:36 AM

Olna gasps and reaches toward Throshkar as he tosses the rock. She smiles and laughs a bit when the rock passes through the gnome.

"Sir gnome, for I know not your name, we do not mind a challenge, but we are looking for a man of great importance. If you have stashed him away in one of your challenges, or otherwise provided, even accidental, protection for him, you will have the gratitude of kings at your disposal. I cannot promise anything specific, though making it a crime to disturb this cavern, or even providing you heros for you to challenge for your amusement may not be out of the question."

"If only you can help us find him."


Can edit in a roll. Diplomacy +26

2008-10-23, 09:46 AM
[OOC: you can disbelieve the illusion is the actual gnome now since Thorathor has thrown a rock through the illusion]

"I had my minions escort this noble adventurer that I am guessing you are referring to, up to the dragon's cave.

"Now, I am a fair gnome, so the boy can choose to not participate in the challenges. I would not want his mother to worry about him.

2008-10-23, 01:41 PM

As Regis checks the other's wounds he says to the group Well, what shall we do? Challenges or challenge this gnome's labrinth?

2008-10-23, 07:18 PM
The gnome seem flustered with Olna, it is almost as if he is not used to people speaking so nicely to him. However, his aloof nature makes it hard to even like him. "My name is Berenwinkle. I don't really care to know your in less you pass my challenges. No use wasting breath or time listening to them."

2008-10-28, 11:09 AM
"Well then, maybe you should rest tonight so that you have all your strength before the challenges begin tomorrow." The gnome smiles and the illusion points to a wall near by. You see the rocks start to move and shift around creating an opening. Inside lies a room furnished with several small stone beds and a stone table. "Rest here, no creatures will bother you in the night, it is a safe place. If you would like I can close the stone around you. However, some feel as if this becomes a coffin."

2008-10-28, 12:06 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Ignoring the suspicious looks Louis and the others give the transformed room, Throshkar walks in and lays himself down on a bed. "Fine -- if you won't let us play your games until tomorrow, we may as well sleep." Unconcerned by the gnome's tremendous magical prowess, he is asleep before the others fully enter the room.

May as well go along with it, to keep things moving.

2008-10-28, 01:27 PM

Regis shrugs and walks into the cavern. He goes through the group healing everyone before setttling down himself. Any thoughts for tomorrow? I am here to help. I assume that means following the great snoring beasts lead, eh? Regis nods toward Throskkar as he says 'great snoring beast'.

2008-11-05, 06:55 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Louis scrunches up at his master's feet and falls asleep almost as quickly, the long march tiring even his young limbs. Meanwhile, Throshkar's sonorous evocations threaten to bring down the stony walls around the party. He appears oblivious to the approach of the next stage of their destiny.

Are we waiting for Olna?

2008-11-12, 06:22 PM
The gnome enters in the morning with a small earth elemental carrying a large plateful of food. "Where did your friends go?" he asks as the elemental places the food on a large stone table. The food is fresh baked bread, warm ham, and scrambled eggs with a large pitcher of pumpkin ale. You look around and see that Olna and Jonathan have vacated the area. Thorador sees a note on his bed with jonathan's hand writing.

The note reads:

Sorry dear friend to leave you before a challenge. The lady has been called away on important business and it is she that I must protect. I am sure that you will finish your quest and we will have a pint on me at pub. See you then brother in arms.


2008-11-13, 02:30 AM

Regis wakes slowly shiuddering and shivering. Rubbing his beard It is too early, bah, it is always to early to wake. He stands in his small cloths and begins to dress himself. Carefully strapping on his plate, he mutters a few small spells.

Once finished be kneels and begins to pray quietly.

2008-11-13, 01:47 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar kicks up and out of bed in a flash. His eyes are too bright, but he seems to have slept well enough. "Dragon steak would make a better breakfast, but I thank you..." he starts to suggest, then notices Johnathan's absence. Louis takes up the scroll and brings it to him to read.

"Bah! More dragon for me to fight, then!" He crumples the note up while he eyes Regis mid-prayer. Suddenly alone with the stranger, Throshkar muses, will the cleric prove a worthy ally? Usually an undying optimist, the cavalier can't quite swallow a marble's-worth of anxiety tickling his throat. It would have been much nicer to have Johnathan at his back... even Olna could be trusted to distract well a villain's lowly followers while Throsh met him mano-a-mano in the field. How would this Regis handle a truly glorious battle?

Louis munches on the eggs and ham and wonders aloud if Henri will be all right. Shaking himself, Throshkar bellows, "Of course he will! Heart of a lion! Now, Sir Gnome -- what was your name, Thoradoror something? -- what entertainments do you have for us today?" He pulls out his sword and begins oiling it down with swift, sharp motions, Louis having forgotten to do so last night.

For clarity's sake, the names are Throshkar (Throsh for short and Eden to women) and Louis. Not Thorathor, Thorador, or Lewis. Much love, ja. :smallamused:

2008-11-15, 02:16 PM
The gnome smiles, "Let us start the challenges then. Will your squire be joining us? He is welcome to stay in the safety of this room; however, he may become a little bored. But such is life. Just follow me when you are ready."

The gnome exits the room through the only opening. After you decide what to do about Louis the two of you enter a small room with a statue of a demon in the center of the room. The walls surrounding the door way melt together leaving only stone where there used to be a door. The gnome smiles and says, here is your first challenge to test the wits of your mind. You must answer the riddle before the time runs out. Here is your riddle.

What has roots that no one can see,
Stands higher than the largest trees,
Up it goes to touch the sky,
And yet we never see it grow?"

As the last words come out of the gnomes lips the image of him seems to fade and out from the demons mouth poor out a dark liquid. You think that it will take about a day before the room fills completely with water.

[ooc: Rules. You can consult with others on this riddle but you cannot search for the answer on the internet or post the riddle where you know that others can look up the riddle on the internet or ask others to look it up for you on the internet. I will give you guys until next Friday to post the answer. Good luck.]

2008-11-16, 02:05 AM

Regis looks around the room for a moment and says to the air I have one question sir gnome, how many tries do we get?

2008-11-16, 02:29 AM
Regis, as you ask the question you realize that the gnome has left before answering your question.

2008-11-16, 02:43 AM
((Regis saw him leave that's why he asked the air...in hopes of getting an answer from whatever may be watching))

2008-11-16, 01:10 PM
There is no answer to regis's question.

2008-11-16, 04:20 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Louis is fearful of leaving his master; one can almost read in his eyes, 'What if Throshkar dies, or worse, goes ahead without me?' His young face hardens, and he faces the empty space where the gnome illusion once stood.

"I may not be a cavalier, but we are on a mission in the name of the king. If I... if I die in his name, I--I can ask for no better way. To live, I mean." He looks to deLaBlanche hopefully.

Throshkar nods, looking more serious than usual as he straps down his weapons. The two walk side by side out into the tunnel, then into the room with the demon statue.

* * *
"Our mystery host did say we had 'before time runs out' to answer it, and indicated no punishment for guessing wrong. It would be unfair, at least, to restrict us to one guess. Still, let us make our first one the best one..." Throshkar grips his weapon and walks up to the fixture, speaking almost more to the demon than anyone else: "I recall a childhood rhyme... what do you think of mountains as an answer, Regis?"

"The--the sun..." mumbles Louis. Throshkar raises a smooth eyebrow. His squire stumbles, finally blurting out, "The sun rises above the trees... above the mountains, too... up to touch the sky, like a man standing, yes? And we don't see its roots, or how it grows..."

Throshkar smiles to see his apprentice growing more bold. He pats the young man on the shoulder encouragingly.

"But we see how it grows over the horizon, which I think might fit such a tale of root and growth, standing and sky. Yes? But a mountain -- only dwarves might know their roots, they certainly stand as a rock, and yet rise upward to the sun. And who has lived long enough to see a mountain grow so tall? The more I think on it, the more I think that is the rhyme my nurserymaid told me as a boy."

2008-11-16, 05:59 PM
The statue spewing forth water closes it mouth and then speaks, "You are correct the answer be a mountain. You have passed the first part of this challenge." A face then appears out of stone in the wall adjacent to you and continues speaking. "However, you have turned off the water and now you must answer another riddle to leave this room or you will perish from starvation. Here is your next riddle.

What is it that men love more than life,
hate more than their death or mortal strife;
That which contented men desire,
the poor have, the rich require;
The miser spends, the spendthrift saves,
and all men carry to their graves?"

2008-11-16, 11:02 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Louis pumps his fist in the air before calming his response to a more measured thrust of his jaw when his master shows less excitement himself. He crosses his arms, but his pleasure shows as he bounces on his heels.

"Fine, fine, but this had best be the last one, demon of stone -- a cavalier deserves a worthy foe, not a master of children's games!" The seasoned warrior smiles mildly, but his tone is serious. "In any case, we're hardly at risk of starvation -- have we not weeks of camp food with us? I'd worry more about Henri and Arondight than us."

"So. More boring rhymes. Louis? You did well with the last; your turn for this one." Throshkar crouches, using his sword as balance.

The boy starts, pauses, then begins to pace slowly. "Ah -- so it's something everyone wants... but everyone has. We are jealous of it, and we take it to the grave. Uh... food? No... breath, maybe? We take our final breaths... or final thoughts? Secrets?" He continues pacing, then stops, blushing.


2008-11-17, 02:47 AM

Excellent work sir knight, riddles have never been my forte'.

As for this riddle I think little Louis may be right but I think the correct answer is "Time".

2008-11-17, 12:25 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Louis claps, once, in approval of Regis' suggestion. Throshkar's face twists in confusion.

"But... how do you take Time to your death?" He shrugs. "It's as good an answer as any. Demon! Are we done with the preludes? Is it time for a true challenge?" Throshkar blinks, suddenly realizing what he said. "Ha! Time!!"

2008-11-17, 07:09 PM
Neither answer provides the desired response to allow you to exit the room. You do notice something alarming, the water level is slowly continuing to rise. However, it is uncertain why the water is rising, the statue no longer spews water from its mouth. Then you realize something that seems almost unnoticeable at first but the walls and statue seem to shrinking or is it that you are growing larger. You shake your head at this new knowledge and realize you most likely have the same amount of time as before.

2008-11-17, 07:18 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"SOME-one is CHEAT-ing!!" calls Throshkar. He grins madly. "Well, it's all one -- starvation or crushing, we'll end up a lot thinner!"

Finally noticing what his master and Regis have observed, Louis gasps. He takes a moment to think, then begins feeling the walls for secret traps and whatnot.

It'd be a DEX roll to find a way out, right, since Louis doesn't have a full tally of skills? I don't expect him to find anything, but it's a natural reaction.

2008-11-17, 07:34 PM
Louis notices something very interesting, the walls and floor do not seem to be sliding along a parallel plane which might cause a gap between the wall and the floor. The walls and the floor are seamlessly connected and they are slowly shrinking in an unknown fashion. You are uncertain exactly how this is exactly occurring. You find no traps or secret doors in this room.

2008-11-18, 04:03 PM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

Throshkar snorts as his young squire points out to them what he has observed about the walls. "If Olna were here, maybe she would know the magics behind that," the boy says.

Throshkar's eyes narrow as a new thought strikes him. "The cause of it matters little. But it could be that these child's games are a distraction to the real challenge -- that of escaping this room!" He laughs and hefts his sword. "Now that would be more fun! Nobody said anything about NOT doing this!!"

The cavalier takes a swing at the face in the wall with his bastard sword, throwing considerable might into the blow.

Power Attack (subtract 3 points, double that to 6 damage because it's a two-handed weapon):[roll0]
Critical is 17-20.

I recognize this is probably not wise or constructive, but it fits Throshkar. :)

2008-11-18, 06:47 PM
A large chuck of the wall is chipped off and flies into the water. The walls stop their movement for a second as if they are startled and then it resumes shrinking of the chamber at a rapid pace. You start to feel as if you are dealing with a living creature rather than a mechanical force.

2008-11-20, 02:57 AM

Regis kneels and begins to pray for a few moments before lifting his head and saying Content men desire "nothing!"

[OOC- Finally remembered this one, a friend of mine used it on me a while back, he's a riddle freak though.]

2008-11-20, 10:41 AM
As Regis says the word the water starts to drain and the walls begin to widen. As the last water drains from the room a door appears and gnome walks through it. "I see that you have succeeded in passing the first challenge. I congratulate you on a job well done. To get to your next challenge you will have to follow me." He says as he walks through the door. You follow him into another room. This room is a bit larger and has a lofted ceiling. There is also a large iron door to the west with a key hole. "There is a key suspended from the ceiling," the gnome points toward the ceiling and you can make out a small object 30 feel above you. "That is the only way out of the room. You have 24 hours! Good luck." And with those words the gnome walks through the passage you came from and the walls seem to melt together leaving only the iron door.

As you start to discuss the best strategy to get the lofted key, you hear a cracking noise from a corner of the room. As you go investigate, you notice that the floor is cracking and falling down below. There appears to be a room below. A few minutes later you hear another cracking noise and a small piece of rock falls to the chamber below allowing you to see down there. You notice that the chamber below is actually a pool of lava. You estimate that it will take 24 hours before the floor falls through into the lava.

2008-11-20, 10:57 AM
Throshkar deLaBlanche

"Oh, don't be absu--" Throshkar's denial of Regis's answer is cut short by the falling of the waters and the parting of the walls. Even on the entrance of the gnome, both cavalier and squire show complete befuddlement. "But--but--nothing... is an answer?" the boy mutters. Throshkar finally throws his hands up in air.

"Fine! I accept the answer, as ridiculous as it is -- I am content with it -- on to the dragon, illusionist!"

When the figure takes them into another empty room, Throshkar looks around. "Another puzzle?" He rolls his eyes. "Louis! Your turn!" The cavalier tosses down his pack where Louis has placed his own, withdraws some foodstuff, and slouches into a seated position, back up against both bags. "I'm going to have lunch, and then after you've solved this one, I'm going to have that gnome's head if we don't get something fun to do with the next one!"

Louis looks back and forth between master and ceiling, concern crossing his face. "I--I guess I could climb..." His move toward the packs where his gear is stored is halted by Throshkar's sharp laugh. "Don't you have wings?" His smile is wide, his eyes twinkling.

Now I remember that riddle. Always hated it, to be honest. :smallamused: It's a natural for a wizard to use, though. :smallsigh:

I'm not genuinely complaining, that's just Throshkar's attitude towards non-combat encounters. :smallbiggrin:

And I figure this is easily solved by Regis' flight spell, right?