View Full Version : jail birds group 1

2008-08-16, 11:13 PM
It is a stormy day, lightning strikes, darkness surrounds you, with only a few torches for guards to see. As one guard walks by, he mutters to himself Dead man walk as he opens the door to a cell, from what you gather, the prisoner he grabs murdered a merchant and his small caravan. The guard is about 6'5 and built well.

Your cell is dark, with rain coming in from the window, which is barred, the gruel your served is not fit for beast, not alone man.

2008-08-17, 12:32 AM
Malar Droag

Malar watches the guard haul away the murderer with his critical, beady eyes.

"Phuah," he spits into the corner of his cell, "You lucky bastard, you get to leave early."

Once the two get out from his field of vision Malar gets bored and picks up his bowl of gruel. He tosses back the gruel, somethings he's gotten used to in the last few years, and gulps it down quickly.

"Ah, now that's the good stuff," he walks back to the cell door and speaks in a low tone to the man in the cell next to him, "Hey Maiyn, you got any rats over in your house? I ran out last week."

2008-08-17, 07:05 AM
Dirk stands against the wall of his cell, impatiently tapping his foot and rapping on the wall behind him. He glares at the bowl of gruel before using his foot to launch it straight up into the air, then delivers a roundhouse kick to it, slamming it against the brick wall behind him.

2008-08-17, 07:15 AM
Doujah Sabbag

Doujah is laying on his bed. When he hears his meal clank across the floor he stands up to fetch it. "Good luck," he yells at the murderer, "have you enjoyed your visit so far?" he speaks half-to-himself - an attempt to be funny on his part. Eating by the door, he tries to listen for a reply from the murderer.

He hears Malar instead. "Rats?" - he thinks to himself. "Hey, you!" He calls out. "You want rats? I suggest you use your gruel. Rats love this stuff. Unlike us they aren't very picky."

He slumps down next the door to finish his gruel. "This stuff really is crap."

What does the door look like?
Are we in the same cell?
Do we even know each-other?
Since I've been in prison for 5 years (as mentioned in the fluff) do I know the others/prison or was I just moved to this prison ( this might be a bit more convenient for you )?

2008-08-17, 08:25 AM
If you don't like dead men walking then you should sit down

Maiyn sits cross legged on his cell floor with his eyes closed. His cell is completely empty, years ago the old warden had emptied his room for fear that Maiyn would turn the furniture into weapons. He chants just below the level of hearing.

Hearing the other prisoner's comments he smiles to himself

You know very little Orc.

Just as Maiyn says this a frog hops into Malar's cell well at least the sound of the frog doing so can just be heard under Maiyn's loud comment to Doujah. Maiyn's familiar hides in the darkness just out of sight and he brings a gift for Maiyn's thug. Tied to the small animal is a small loaf of bread and a note all tied with a leather cord.

The note simply says:

A gift for a loyal friend. I tire of this place now is the time for us to gather a group of like minded individuals and leave this place. As usual you never received anything from me.

((the leather cord, bread, and parchment and black chalk was all from my week worth of scrounging as seen in the recruiting thread (5.5 gp worth of smuggled goods in the past weak) in total I will have gotten
1 leather cord 1sp
two pieces of black chalk 4cp (double price for the unusual color as ink)
5 sheets of parchment 1sp
6 small loafs of bread 1.2 sp
total of 3.6 sp and 4 sp (or equivalent favors and the like) was used as the normal bribes for the day (the above is a days wage "earned" this week)

the above is of course with your go ahead on that check ))

2008-08-17, 01:17 PM
Looking out of his cell window, Fadi mutters to himself, " I hope Ezio doesn't have trouble flying in the storm" just as Fadi finished speaking, Ezio perched on his window. "Thank Pelor for your safe return." Fadi gives Ezio a small piece of parchment and commands him to pass this on to Douja, who is a few cells down. The note says, Hey, if you get any rats, can u tell me because it would be an easy meal for Ezio please respond.. After attaching this to Ezio's talon, Fadi waves his hand and Ezio flies off to Douja's cell window. Fadi leans against the wall underneath his window and awaits Ezio's return.

Not sure whether I need a handle animal check to tell Ezio what to do, but I will do it anyway. I have a +9 in the skill and I get a +4 bonus for it being my animal companion.

I have my list of prepared spells.

0 level spells
2 Cure Minor Wounds
1 Detect Magic
1 Read Magic

1st Level
2 Cure Light Wounds
1 Entangle
0 Summon Nature's ally 1 ( I can cast Spontaneously)

2nd Level
1 Bull's Strength
1 Flaming Sphere
0 Summon Nature's Ally 2 (Can Cast Spontaneously)

2008-08-17, 01:40 PM
Malar Droag

Malar kicks the bars to let Maiyn now that he got the shipment and calls over to Doujah across the hall.

"Nah Maiyn there's got the right of it. You gotta bait'em with something better, like your own toes. Let'em get a nip and when they try sinking their teeth in you pull'em in. Bam! Free meat."

Malar bends down in the darkness and takes the cord, note and bread from the from the frog. He spends a careful minute eating half the loaf and reading the note by the flashes of lightning at his window.

That's more like it, he thinks with an evil grin on his face.

Malar carefully balls up the note and tosses it out the window. The second half of the bread he scrunches up into a small ball and hides it a hole in the stone wall. He also takes the time to wind the leather cord around his upper right thigh to hide it.

Once his regular routine of smuggling is done he goes back to the door.

"Sorry 'bout that lull in the conversating, but I thought I had a rat there. Slippery little buggers."

2008-08-17, 03:14 PM
you all start in different cells, but you now a little about each other, you 5 are partners when you have to dig, or are on any dutys

the front and sides of your cages are bars, and the back wall is made out of cold stone, in each of the corners are darker bars that are cold to the touch

2008-08-17, 03:31 PM
Doujah Sabbag

"Who are you calling an orc? I might look the part but don't trust so much in your arrogance. Elf. Besides, rats eat it all - it doesn't matter if it's some poor schmuck's toes or this rubbish, food is food. After spending a few years in jails you sort of realize that we're all just trying to survive, even these little bastards." The sound of flapping wings echoes through the rain."Whoa there birdy." Doujah grabs the note.

Doujah's mumblings begin to clear up to regular volume: "H.., if ..u g.t an. .ts, .an u t..l me be..us. it wo.ld be an ea.. meal f.. Ezio please respond.. " He starts talking. "I don't have any rats at the moment but I'll be sure to let you know if I do."

"Dirg, Mirk, whatever your name is, I suggest you don't waste your food. It tastes like mildew but it will keep you alive and kicking. Well, alive at least."

"I'm sorry little bird, I haven't got anything for you today." he shoos the bird away.

2008-08-17, 03:36 PM
Psh, if it had any sugar in it, I could make it into something to drink. It'd be weak but at least it would give me something to do. I got a good mind to go sock the little punk again.

2008-08-17, 03:44 PM
He observes Dirk and simply states "I'll never get you humans."

2008-08-17, 06:49 PM

Orc the sooner you realize your taint the sooner you will realize you are a useless waste of time. Your kind is not even worth my masters time.

Maiyn begins to laugh maniacally with a hint of an inner craze.

Druid I would watch what you are doing with that bird of yours we wouldn't want anything to happen to it.

Caslian hops back into his cell and climbs up Maiyn's sleeve to rest at his usual place at Maiyn's breast.

He stands and looks towards the middle of the prison. with a simple gesture and a muddled phrase a single humanoid light shows up in the center of the hall way illuminating the hallway.

(casting dancing lights into the hallway in the shape of a person.
hide [roll0] and move silently [roll1] checks to conceal my actions in the darkness
[roll2](ignore this last one it was a typo) ))

2008-08-17, 07:12 PM
Doujah Sabbag

In an off-beat manner Doujah speaks out to his crazy new little "friend". "Arrogance is always fun, isn't it? But, as for your master, well, so far he isn't that impressive so I don't think I'm going to waste his precious time." and silently in front of himself : "or mine for that matter."

2008-08-17, 07:17 PM
Roll for spot: [roll0]
Roll for listen: [roll1]

Ignoring the bustling coming from the cell, Doujah continues to do nothing - very efficiently until noticing the floating lights in the hallway. He sits on his bed, stares at the glowing lights and mumbles "What are you up to now?"

OOC: sorry for the double post, I pressed a wrong button and screwed up the rolls because I was previewing the post and it sort of messed up my storywriting capabilities. Continue.

2008-08-17, 08:16 PM
Malar Droag

"Hey buddy, you'd best watch your mouth here, Maiyn knows more about prison life than you would if you ended up dying of old age in here."

He shuts up when the man of lights take shape and shakes his head.

"Damn, hope this works." he mumbles under his breath. A bit louder, just so that his voice carries to Maiyn, "Your lead boss, got any advice?"

2008-08-17, 11:03 PM

I don't know seams the druid may be up to something.

Bluff [roll0]

The figure seems to glide to the druids cell and a vaguely arm shaped portion of light reaches towards the doors lock and seam to fool with the lock.

2008-08-18, 08:33 AM
" No I am not up to something, but remember this... all around this prison is miles of wilderness, and no offense but none of you sound like you could tell a bear from a rabbit, so if YOU have something under your sleeve about leavin, you should bring me along for the ride so you don't get lost and end up getting caught and killed back here. Also, I can cast healing spells in case something goes wrong." Ezio lands on his window after he finishes speaking to the others, and Fadi commands Ezio to go find shelter from the storm and to be back at sunrise.

Handle Animal [roll0]
There is no need for a sense motive check guys, because Fadi doesn't have anything up his sleeve.

2008-08-18, 03:59 PM
as you talk to each other, you can here the cusses of another inmate, who was trying to sleep, in his deep voice he yells SHUT YOUR MOUTHS BEFORE I MAKE YOU SHUT THEM before you have timeto respond, a guard then coms in and sayslights out, if you have some talking to do, do it during the yard tommorow

morning comes and, another guard comes in, he takes his batton and strikes the bars of the jail cells to wake you up, he then screams time for the yard,

2008-08-18, 04:51 PM
How many guards are watching us as we're leaving our cells?

Also, shouldn't we have an OOC thread?

2008-08-18, 05:33 PM
well heres the OCC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4737372#post4737372) thread

2008-08-18, 05:56 PM
He stands up from sitting position where he had been meditating as he always did for his morning ritual

Ah time for the yard its always time for the yard.

As he exits prepares to exit his cell he calls out to the man who spoke up yesterday.

So will you be attempting to shut my mouth now? Or has your big talk left us with the nights cold darkness?

Again he laughs to himself. As the cell doors open He steps out he looks for the druid. He waits to leave until the druid is just at his cell's door. He walks out of his cell and collides rather violently with him. After the two step back from the collision Maiyn grabs the druid by the collar of his shirt and spits in his face.

Watch were you are going nature boy we wouldn't want you getting hurt.

Then Maiyn throws the druid away from him. but as he does so he slips a note into the collar of his shirt. slight of hand (screwed up the roll see ooc)

the note reads:
You aren't to smart so you better listen well to this. You should shut up about escape at least in such a public forum such as your cell. If you want someone who knows how this place works and perhaps how to get out meet me in the yard bring any of your friends you might have. But should you betray me you will be dead by the end of the week.

2008-08-18, 06:54 PM
as you speak to the man who told you to shut up, you have to look up to look at his face, from what you tell he is a half-ogre and a big one on that part, he justs smiles and shakes his head and continues outside to the yard

as you have your breif scuffle with Fadi

Hey you two break it up, im giving you 1 warning before we deal with it

as you are lead out to the yard, you are taken into a open courtyard it is about 100 metres squared, with walls 20ft in the air, all with armed guards with bows, from the last brawl that ended up, they shoot a special arrow that has a round tip at the head, so inmates can't use the arrow heads as a weapon.

from what you know, that only the most skilled guards can only get close to the middle of the yard, and a very lucky few could actually hit the mark in the middle, this area is called no-mans land cause if something happens there all the guards can do is watch

there is a few noticable groups in this jail from what you tell, there are human elitist(think skinheads), the brutes (half-ogre a member, all the big monster types), a group of theives (they have mixed members some are halflings, but have a couple of thugs too)

2008-08-19, 12:33 AM
" O come on Maiyn, do you honestly think that I would talk about that in the presence of guards I mean come on." Fadi looked around and made sure Ezio wasn't in sight so he doesn't get hurt. Turning back to Maiyn, " I will go where I want, when I want to, and also by the way, you have the coordination of a blind man. I will not betray you if you promise to not betray me, that sound okay, Mr.Limphands?"

Spot To find Ezio if he is here, and to see if anything is wrong.

I have my list of prepared spells.

0 level spells
2 Cure Minor Wounds
1 Detect Magic
1 Read Magic

1st Level
2 Cure Light Wounds
1 Entangle
0 Summon Nature's ally 1 ( I can cast Spontaneously)

2nd Level
1 Bull's Strength
1 Flaming Sphere
0 Summon Nature's Ally 2 (Can Cast Spontaneously)

2008-08-19, 01:10 AM
Malar Droag

Malar watches the whole scene outside the cells with a smirk on his face.

It's about time the boss brought in some new talent, been too long since I had a new guy to kick around.

When the group gets out into the yard Malar stays along the edge of no man's land until he sees Maiyn and Fadi start their conversation. He walks slowly up behind Fadi and begins speaking in a low tone.

"Be careful what you say, druid. It ain't just Maiyn you have to worry about if you rat, but me too. And let me tell you, dozens of men have gone to their deaths with my wire around their necks for pissing off the wrong man," Malar walks around Fadi and stands near to Maiyn, "That ain't a threat though, just a promise, so we're clear. So boss," he looks over at the fire eld, "got anything you want me to pass around? That Orc looked like a tough bugger, be good to have on our side in a fight."


2008-08-19, 08:24 AM
Spot for Mayin, Fadi & Malar : [roll0] <- natural 1

Doujah continues to walk around in the court-yard without noticing much.

2008-08-19, 11:07 AM
Doujah as you walk to find the rest of the people you first run into are the human elitists, they give you a evil stareand then they just turn the other way, then you are waved over to the brutes(half-ogres gang) Hey bro, hows it goin, what clan are you from

(in his clan right now is 2 half-orcs, him, a lizardfolk, and a orc.)

2008-08-19, 03:15 PM
Maiyn (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16326)

spot check to see Doujah [roll0]

You have no idea whom you are talking to do you
an evil grin crosses his face

Once again Maiyn grabs Fadi's collar and attempts to throws him to the ground.
touch attack to hit [roll1] (using Malar as a flank while he is talking (and you as the dm can choose if he also flat footed) )
str check to trip [roll2]

2008-08-19, 04:20 PM
"Maiyn, Maiyn, Maiyn, whether u know it or not I do know who I am talking too, I am talking to someone stupid.Fadi reacts to Maiyn trying to trip him "Try to trip me will you take this"

I have a couple rolls to make, for refrence here is my sheet. Fadi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=73821)
Also, I am putting up the rules for tripping so you can make sure I am doing everything right.rules for tripping (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#trip)

He doesn't have Improved trip so I get an attack of opportunity [roll0]
Damage roll in case I hit (I have improved unarmed strike feat, and for this attack I am choosing NONLETHAL damage)
Opposed Dex check to see if I get tripped.
If I beat his roll, I try to trip him. str check

Hopefully I didn't miss anything

2008-08-19, 04:30 PM
Finally! A fight! Dirk rushes over to watch the two.

2008-08-19, 04:44 PM
STOP NOW, BEFORE WE STOP IT, CEASE AND WALK AWAY, WE ARE GIVING YOU ONE CHANCE TO STOP says a guard, yelling from on top of the wall

2008-08-19, 04:51 PM
Doujah Sabbag

Talking to the one who addressed him, "I used to live with the Aronis clan, before they got wiped out by the king's guard. My whole past was with them. So I survived, sole survivor, they did not have a chance." Noticing the commotion: "Ah, I see my 'friends' have encounter a bit of 'trouble'. They'll get us all killed before long. What about yourselves? Been here long?"

2008-08-19, 07:27 PM
str check to avoid the trip[roll0]

Maiyn begins to laugh. So you aren't useless but you are quite stupid. Malar deal with this fool.

Maiyn turns to look at the guard who had just yelled. checking his position at nomans land he grins.


As he says that he motions to the inmates surrounding him.

Not waiting for a response from the guard Maiyn spins on his heal and walks straight towards the group surrounding Doujah. As he walks he he checks his shank which has been nestled in his palm.

You all should know better then to move on my territory boys. He is mine now begone with you.

At the end of that statement he makes a few gestures and mumbles a few arcane words and his sleeve bulges just slightly as his arm gains a stone like structure.

((move action away from malar towards the other group and staying just out of reach and then standard action to cast fist of stone))

2008-08-19, 09:25 PM
Doujah Sabbag

"First you hate me, now you want me? You might be fun after all."

2008-08-19, 09:39 PM
Malar Droag

"Sure thing boss," Malar cracks his knuckles and just as Main turns away he lets his fists drop and leans in a bit to whisper to Fadi.

"Look druid, you don't like Maiyn but that don't matter. He's got connections in here and we're working on a plan to get out, so if you wanna leave then you're leaving with us. You're your own man? Fine, then be one once we get out, cause from this point on you're in our crew," Malar gives Fadi an evil grin, "In the eyes of every other gang here you are already. Or you will once we get the rumor out."

Malar looks over to where Maiyn is busy challenging the ogre's posse.

"This is your one chance, so don't screw it up. Come on."

Malar walks over to the group and spits on the ground between the two groups.

"Yeah, the boss is a regular dramatic. You coming to this side or not?"

2008-08-19, 09:57 PM
Doujah Subbag

"Jeez." sighs Doujah and whispers "You don't talk about that here - even dirt has ears, snitches everywhere."

"As for these guys? They're nice and all but, unlike you, their goals seems to be getting on top of things in this place, while yours seem to be getting as far as possible from things in this place, if you know what I mean.

"As for sides? Well, it seems things have already been chosen for me and as much as I would like to join up with my fellow half- ... ... things, no offense, I find that, though crazy as he might be, the elf does have a good head on his neck, for now. So, to answer your question, yes, yes I am in your "crew" but don't threaten me and don't talk down to me. Your boss is insane so I'll grant him that privilege but you, my friend, have no excuses."

OOC: Talking here in-case you miss it in OOC. I'm presuming that Malar was talking to me when he said "Yeah, the boss is a regular dramatic. You coming to this side or not?" because it makes more sense. Especially because I said "First you hate me, now you want me? You might be fun after all."

2008-08-19, 10:32 PM
ahh, i remember that clan, i was hiding out there for a bit, when i was on the run, thats too bad

i was here for awhile myself, you get in one little fight and they call you a monster, stupid dwarf couldn't hold his liquor, but then you decide to go into hiding and everthing goes out of control, lucky a bloodhound got me, or i would of been dead...least here you get a couple of meals, and a roof over your head he lets out a little chuckle

as Maiyn moves by the lizardfolk backs away(one of Maiyn contacts)

then the half-ogre speaks again

Maiyn, you trying to start to make friends, thats so sweet,phhhhh he chuckles to himself, he kind of looked lost here thought he rather be with his kind, people who nows his pain,.... who is more like him

after Doujah speaks

well i guess that is alright but wouldnt you like too see it my way

with that he swings a punch at Doujah
(will do battle later need to work out NPC's)

2008-08-19, 10:45 PM
Unable to resist, Dirk jumps into the fight. He gets directly between the two and plants a fist into Douja's gut and a kick to the half-ogre's forehead.

2008-08-19, 11:15 PM

You screwed up when you hit one of my men ogre.

Init for the fight [roll0]
shank the the ogre clean in the gut [roll1] (thats with the -4 for improvised weapon so if you deem it as a simple weapon then I will get +4 to this :smallwink:)
if hit he will put his body into it and pull it out with both hands [roll2]

2008-08-20, 12:09 AM
Malar Droag

As soon as the first fist flies Malar rolls underneath the half-ogre's reach and reaches up to slug him.

"Bad move ugly!"

Malar will move over to get a flank on the half-ogre, tumbling if necessary so that he can get off a sneak-attack.

[roll=Tumble]1d20+ if needed tumble check in OOC
[roll1] +2 for flanking for 16

2008-08-22, 02:06 AM
Fadi thinks to himself Hmm, to get out of here, would be awesome, so I will do whatever this jerk Maiyn wants me to. Fadi goes over and helps his new allies. Fadi throws a punch at the ogre that everyone else is attacking.

If I hit
[roll=damage roll (Non Lethal Damage)]1d3

I didn't do anything wrong I don't know why it says that about the dice. I swear, if you don't believe me hit quote.

2008-08-22, 08:17 AM
Once the hit lands or doesn't

Doujah attacks the ogre with a Flurry of Blows

A swing with the right arm ( [roll0] ) and a swift open-palm swipe into the gut ( [roll1] ) with the left one.

Doujah also concetrates on Dirks movement
and uses Dodge to get +1 AC vs Dirk

dmg for right arm [roll2]
and the left one [roll3] if they hit.

2008-08-29, 05:06 PM
the ogre strikes Doujah

(he has improved unarmed)
and when the half-ogre strikes the 2 half-orcs, and the orc strike as well this time with shanks

1st at fadi[roll3]

2nd at Maiyn
(has improvised weapon)
3rd at

3rd at malar

(outcomes will be in next post)

edit check OCC