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2008-08-18, 08:04 PM
I was wondering around on the Intrawebs as I often enough do and I could not find any recordings (videos) of complete sessions. Has anyone done this?

I'm a beginner DM, sort-of-ok player but I was wondering if anyone knew any place I could find complete sessions? I've seen shorter clips of perhaps some fights in the world of dnd (and other table-top games).

If not to compare then to see other people telling stories. I'm not saying including the (usually long stage of) character creation (; if things have gone without preparations) but just playing the game from the beginning of a session to its end.

Just a query.

Dr Bwaa
2008-08-18, 08:08 PM
I've never done it, largely because my sessions, at least, tend to last faaaaar longer than a videotape permits, and no one's going to want to stop once an hour to switch tapes, and no one else is going to want to upload all that anywhere, and good luck finding a hosting site =P I think it could be entertaining, but I don't know if it exists anywhere: it's logistically pretty difficult for the average D&D group, I think.

2008-08-18, 08:17 PM
My groups have usually had ~8 hour sessions, so taping them would be a real pain. I'd also be interested in any videos that are around, though; one never can find too many tips and tricks for good DMing.

2008-08-18, 08:33 PM
My groups have usually had ~8 hour sessions, so taping them would be a real pain. I'd also be interested in any videos that are around, though; one never can find too many tips and tricks for good DMing.

Heh, that's nothing. My sessions are overnighters, usually running slightly over 24 hours. And, usually, we have an MP3 recording us. However, he often go off topic, and get distracted, so you'd probably get more done in the 8 hour session than we do in 24.

Dairun Cates
2008-08-18, 08:37 PM
I was wondering around on the Intrawebs as I often enough do and I could not find any recordings (videos) of complete sessions. Has anyone done this?

I'm a beginner DM, sort-of-ok player but I was wondering if anyone knew any place I could find complete sessions? I've seen shorter clips of perhaps some fights in the world of dnd (and other table-top games).

If not to compare then to see other people telling stories. I'm not saying including the (usually long stage of) character creation (; if things have gone without preparations) but just playing the game from the beginning of a session to its end.

Just a query.

Do a search on Penny Arcade on Wizard's website. They have a series of podcasts that are the Penny Arcade and PvP guys running characters in a 4th Ed. game. Some of them new to tabletop. It's exactly what you're looking for, and it's hilarious.

2008-08-18, 08:53 PM
Wow. The time spent playing for all my groups has been typically around four hours a session. That this seems to be lowball is quite amazing...

I've never thought to record a session, though I intend to write and post a campaign diary for the real life game of Nobilis I'll be starting soon.

2008-08-18, 09:16 PM

Lots of audio recordings. Good stuff for the most part. But video recordings, well, I think in general those files would be larger than convenient and therefore not made often.

2008-08-18, 09:39 PM
We once did audio recordings of our sessions, and they were so long that we never had time to listen to them but once, and they eventually got deleted. >_< The main problem is that our D&D sessions, in all four groups I've been in, are typically upwards of 5 hours, and that's a large enough chunk of time to spend playing, much less to watch a video of someone else playing. ^^;

My dad once offered to take an audio file and "compress" it, cutting all the space out (like they do on commercials during the fine print section), so that the whole game could be listened to in about two hours. I'm tempted to take him up on that... if nothing else, just to listen to how ridiculous we sound.

I have to say, when we did the audio recordings that once, it reeeeaaally sounded like the DeadAleWives rendition of D&D. Every time I heard our voices arguing about whether we did or did not actually step down the hall, I kept thinking of "I had Mordenkainen's Faithful Watchdog cast! I totally did!"

2008-08-18, 11:49 PM
I have to say, when we did the audio recordings that once, it reeeeaaally sounded like the DeadAleWives rendition of D&D. Every time I heard our voices arguing about whether we did or did not actually step down the hall, I kept thinking of "I had Mordenkainen's Faithful Watchdog cast! I totally did!"

sad part is I had that problem one time but was about Greater Magic Weapon (lvl 12 so it was +3 to hit on a weapon and I was new to the group). So anyway DM said I never cast the spell several hours later when we finally got to combat.

2008-08-19, 01:27 AM
I have logs of every game session I've ever run on my computer, both standard and (in many cases) edited. Mainly because I run on IM anyway, and I like being able to check my earlier sessions.

They're not D&D, though.

2008-08-19, 02:35 AM
Woah, 24 hour sessions. :smalleek: I'm happy when we get to go two hours! We typically only get in 1.5 hours of play a week, and even then people arrive late and leave early, cutting down actual play to only about an hour. Don't even mention the distractions. :smallannoyed:

The only "recording" I can get done (considering the large amount of noise in the fairly public area we play in) is in crude shorthand logs on my laptop.