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El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-02-26, 05:06 PM
Wow, nice stuff Alarra!

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-02-26, 11:19 PM
I've been playing around with my new tablet lately, sketching people.

Ach, I should be doing more with my digital stuff. I got a really nice 9X12 tablet for Christmas last year and I used it some but my computer couldn't handle a digital painting at 600 dpi without something like a 7 second lag for each penstroke. The 300 dpi stuff I started looked like I'd melted crayons on crappy paper. Now that I've got the better system I should really reinstall Painter 6 and get cracking.

2006-02-27, 09:21 AM
woot i geting the prince of persia 3

for a awhile i was in what you could call drawers block then after some long thought, good music and a picture i drew this, the Prince!

o and i love your work Malachi, it cool and inspiring

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-02-27, 12:36 PM
o and i love your work Malachi, it cool and inspiring

Thank you. I am looking at the links you've posted and you seem to have a good sense of design for equipment and the like on the characters you've draw and good attention to detail. Obviously anatomy is a place to get some additional practice on but I like what I'm seeing so far. I won't harp on doing backgrounds because Wukei will probably groan... ;)

2006-03-01, 04:16 PM
this was made without looking at pic of the dark prince. i had some help from my other pic of the prince and a lot of help from my mom with anatomy


2006-03-01, 11:43 PM
It's just a sketch but, here some of my art.

Edit: Whoops forgot to put it in. http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f21/aznsenseiliao/AGAIN2.gif
BTW, yes, this character is the same as <---, except normal and a lot lower level...

2006-03-02, 01:02 AM
Various RPG material I'm working with for my new comapaign...
The Flying Guillotine (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/images/fg1.jpg)

The "Flaming Scissors" Sword (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/images/scissor3.jpg)

The Shearing Sword (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/images/ss1.jpg)

The Kumbaxy Disc Launcher (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/images/kumbaxy1.jpg)

Edged Weapons (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/images/edged1.jpg)

Charin Billwell (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/char/charin.jpg)

Charin's Sword (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/char/charin2.jpg)

Shiva-Class Aerodestroyer "Luxely" (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/ships/shiva.jpg)

Pepper's City (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/ships/pep.jpg)

X-32 Prop-Flier (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/ships/prop.jpg)

Lunar Battle Helix (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/ships/helix2.jpg)

Fortuitous-Class Gunboat "Verisimilitude" (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/ships/gunboat.jpg)

Airborne-Class Scout Airship "Infection" (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/ships/scout.jpg)

-See more at my DnD website (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/bjones/Geekiness.htm) (scroll to the bottom, under "Extras").

2006-03-02, 09:36 AM
here some more stuff, enjoy!(dang it side skrolled)





and i did this for the fun of it

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-02, 12:47 PM
Wow, Jarl. That's a ton of work on gaming props. Wish I had that kind of ambition for the games I run.
I especially like the Disc Launcher.

EDIT: Ugh, these pics are killing the load time for this page. Any chance of getting these as links instead?

Casualgamer, I really like this pic you posted but I actually can't view it all on the screen at the same time. Maybe a smaller version so we could see it all at once?

Healos- Are you posting a mix of new and old stuff [hence so many posted each time] or is it all new and you just draw a lot?

2006-03-02, 02:44 PM
Old, all old. I'll post from now on if it old or new and yes I draw alot i did about 10 pic in a month, if you can see there all lord of the rings drawings

and here somemore





really old

really really really old

Ego Slayer
2006-03-02, 04:21 PM

Ok, I need a few suggestions on color.. Or programs better than PhotoShop to make this look better.
I drew this on paper and fixed it in PhotoS. Dispite my wish to make the lizard rounded like Nemglan's avatars (mine for EX.) I'm stuck using what I've got.

I want the lizard green but I other than that lost as to what the rest should be colored as.

Anyone know how to use GIMP?

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-02, 06:19 PM
Fairly productive week for me drawing wise. Here's some of the stuff that didn't get crumpled up and tossed.

Old Crab clan Oni from L5R.


Marvel supervillian.


Elven druid and a dog-like race based off a Scottish deerhound. I'm going to work on the dog more since I like the effect.


Guess I was in a supervillian mood.


To prove I'm not a total nut and can do 'real' stuff...


And to prove that I *am* a total nut and should be locked away.


@V, Thank you kindly, sirrah!

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-03-02, 06:46 PM
Impressive as usual, Mal!

2006-03-02, 08:13 PM
I especially like the Disc Launcher.

Thanks. I stole the concept from Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett, though I think his worked a different way.
Actually, now that I have links instead of images, I should just link to the pages for each thing. Huh.

Ok, I need a few suggestions on color.. Or programs better than PhotoShop to make this look better.
I drew this on paper and fixed it in PhotoS. Dispite my wish to make the lizard rounded like Nemglan's avatars (mine for EX.) I'm stuck using what I've got.

Just use the pen tool. It's down in the bottom, near the shape tools. You can make smooth, pretty, rounded lines. Then, you can fill 'em, make them selections, brush along them, anything.

-Actually, you get great results if you brush. Especially with custom brushes.

Ego Slayer
2006-03-03, 10:59 PM
I was lame enough to PhotoShop in some color to a blk/wht drawing. ::) As you can see I'm terrible at drawing faces.. can't draw faces really. This was just doodling. I was bored. :P


2006-03-04, 01:03 PM
nice stuff as always mal. cool stuff as well jarl, i really like the guillotine.

2006-03-06, 05:12 AM
Love your stuff, Malachi. :D

And now, for some attention grubbing:


2006-03-06, 06:27 AM
Mal I love the Elven Bard, and the Sanity/insanity plea, both very creditable. Well all of em a good, those were my favs.
Nice work Molybdenum I feel hopelessly inadequate in the light of all the talent on display here.
Pah I'd whip you all at a game of micro machines, Ooo I'm so talented :-[ *hangs head dejectedly*
But aside from the assault on my self esteem, great work from you all.

2006-03-06, 10:44 AM

i'll exept reqests now

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-06, 11:00 AM
Healos, I can't seem to open the link to this newest piece.

Moly, you are braver than I to do portraits. I suppose I am like any other in hiding weaknesses by avoiding certain things. Alarra constantly is kicking my butt in that dept.

Ego Slayer
2006-03-06, 01:42 PM
Here's Helos's drawing.. rehosted it.


2006-03-06, 06:07 PM
I make bookmarks....


here's sort of what they'd look like finished...

2006-03-06, 07:20 PM
Oooo, Alarra, that's gorgeous. If I weren't so staunchly against using bookmarks (they tend to fall out and then I just lose my place.. memorizing page numbers works better for me), I'd pay quite a reasonable sum to have one of those in my book. O_O

Malachi: hehe, I'm only brave because I liked how the first one turned out (and that one I almost had to do because.. well... it was just a cool thing to do). The second one didn't quite live up to any expectations to speak of, but after dwelling on digital art for so long, just doing ANYTHING with watercolor was plain fun. :) And if anything, portraits are my strength, soooo... (Imagine what drawings of my WEAKNESS look like).

2006-03-06, 07:35 PM
@.@ must have...

2006-03-06, 08:21 PM
Cophi P-38 Skycarrier
Carries bunches of little airplanes.

-Not a finished product, but close.

2006-03-06, 09:34 PM
Wow, Alarra, nice work! I want one of those!

2006-03-06, 09:40 PM
Oooo, Alarra, that's gorgeous. If I weren't so staunchly against using bookmarks (they tend to fall out and then I just lose my place.. memorizing page numbers works better for me), I'd pay quite a reasonable sum to have one of those in my book. O_O

So....what would you all consider a reasonable sum to sell these for? I have a local store that has expressed interest in them and being incompetant when it comes to selling things, have no idea what I ought sell them to her for.

2006-03-07, 12:56 AM

Ok, I need a few suggestions on color.. Or programs better than PhotoShop to make this look better.
I drew this on paper and fixed it in PhotoS. Dispite my wish to make the lizard rounded like Nemglan's avatars (mine for EX.) I'm stuck using what I've got.

I want the lizard green but I other than that lost as to what the rest should be colored as.

Anyone know how to use GIMP?

Hey, that's the one you were drawing at D&D! ;D ...Looks great as compared to the stage of doodling that I saw it in!

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-07, 02:39 PM
So....what would you all consider a reasonable sum to sell these for? I have a local store that has expressed interest in them and being incompetant when it comes to selling things, have no idea what I ought sell them to her for.

I paid I think $4.99 for a LotR bookmark at the local Borders if that helps. I'd pay that for the sample you have pictured.

Ego Slayer
2006-03-07, 04:24 PM
Hey, that's the one you were drawing at D&D! ;D ...Looks great as compared to the stage of doodling that I saw it in!
Why thank you.
Ends up that I'm actually working with a diff. drawing now. Same idea but bigger and not as stylized. You wouldn't believe what a pain in the neck it is trying
to come up with more than one version of it. I've worked with about three so far... I think I'm going to end up hating photoshop with a firey passion at the end of this. At least I'm getting paid a little. ;)

Anyone got any tips on trying to draw faces? I want to finish these.. Give them faces :-/ lmao.


2006-03-07, 06:07 PM
Hey i need some one to make me an afatar so if u could PM me plese

2006-03-07, 06:16 PM
That would be in the OotS Arts and Crafts in Comics. And don't think that they have to PM you. The polite course is to ask please, and to PM them, not have them PM you.

Midnight Son
2006-03-07, 06:24 PM
Anyone got any tips on trying to draw faces? I want to finish these.. Give them faces :-/ lmao.

I think they're fine just the way they are. make improvements and suddenly they'll want to talk to you about their day. ;D

2006-03-08, 08:10 PM

2006-03-09, 12:32 AM
*mmm* lowriders. ;)

-Kinda reminds me of the poster for "Million Dollar Baby"

2006-03-09, 05:22 PM


Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-09, 06:44 PM
Slow week for me this time around but still some new offerings....

Prelim sketch for what I will probably base a painting on starting this weekend.


Haven't done a self-portrait in awhile ;)


Ego Slayer
2006-03-09, 10:35 PM
Haven't done a self-portrait in awhile ;)


I *love* that. ;D
You're using just... a pen or something??

2006-03-10, 12:09 AM
Hello all,
A close friend of mine is planning on going to an Art College. Any of you attending one? Or majoring in art? Any suggestions on that ever-so-important enterance portfolio?
Anything really would be of help, thanks.

2006-03-10, 02:30 AM
Hello all,
A close friend of mine is planning on going to an Art College. Any of you attending one? Or majoring in art? Any suggestions on that ever-so-important enterance portfolio?
Anything really would be of help, thanks.

Go to Academy of Art University in SF, where the admission application is way briefer than that of a community college? ;)

But other than that, sorry, I have no idea.

2006-03-10, 04:01 AM
Hey Mal I like the composition of this one http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a108/DMalachiPenney/SerpentRider.jpg
It definately works, I'd say.

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-10, 05:06 PM
I *love* that. ;D
You're using just... a pen or something??

Since I happen to have a couple of them in my shirt pocket at the moment for reference.

Staedtler pigment liners 0.3 and 0.5 with India ink. But, yeah, just a marker pretty much. I think of them as very fine tipped Sharpies.

2006-03-10, 06:19 PM
Oooh, India Ink. I remember the Lee J. Ames "How to Draw 50" books all suggested India Ink.
I was just thinking of that the other day. Huh.
Anyways, for a weird little LoEG fan fic a while back...

The Shadow

James Bond

Indiana Jones

Dr. Bernard Quartermass (Q)

-The Quatermass one started off as just an attempt to mold together the different actors, but it got out of hand and he ended up looking like Gordon Freeman, which isn't a bad thing.

Ego Slayer
2006-03-13, 04:53 PM
Here's something. Off the cover of a very interesting book.Vampire (http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/3905/vampire0qh.gif)
I drew it on notebook paper so theres are still some of the lines visable even after photoshop. ::)

2006-03-13, 05:40 PM
See, aren't you glad you didn't just erase that? :)

Ego Slayer
2006-03-13, 06:03 PM
... Not not really... Oh fine, you're right. ::)

I still could without thinking twice about it though. ;)

2006-03-15, 01:15 AM
So....what would you all consider a reasonable sum to sell these for? I have a local store that has expressed interest in them and being incompetant when it comes to selling things, have no idea what I ought sell them to her for.

Holy crap, it took me a WHILE to respond... Sorry! ;_; I have no atten- heeeeey, what's THAT?

But, um, if you're incompetent at selling things, I could probably win GOLD at some failed marketing competition or something. That doesn't even make sense. That's how bad my marketing and economy skills are. ;)
But... as a general guideline... $1 < x < $50. *Nod*

And because I can't stop staring at this...

I'm so in love with this picture, it's depressing. (http://www.deviantart.com/view/30366588/)

2006-03-20, 12:14 PM
Slow week for me this time around but still some new offerings....

Prelim sketch for what I will probably base a painting on starting this weekend.


Haven't done a self-portrait in awhile ;)


again, great stuff Malachi

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-20, 02:19 PM
again, great stuff Malachi

Thank you. I hope to have a new painting to post up here on Thursday as I got started on an efreet this weekend to kill some time at a gaming convention I attended. You have anything new to post?

2006-03-21, 11:54 PM

Charcoal pencil.

She's supposed to be about 16, her name's Ziah, she comes from Lyet Tarfroska but currently lives in Tiagomanca :) Something I've been working on to distract me from my dissertation.

2006-03-22, 04:29 AM
Hello everyone

This evening I was sitting in front of the computer just before I was about to go to bed when a thought came through my head. Getting some paper and a pencil or two, I started sketching a picture of one of my dungeons and dragons characters.

He is called Corann, a druid from a world where dragons fight each other with large armies. His tribe is from the land of the bronze dragons and was sent to aid the gold dragon's army against the green. His close friend, a wolf, is called Wolf Fang. He once rescued Corann from a bear and they have been friends ever since.


This sketch took me about 40 minutes and I thought you all might enjoy it.


Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-22, 02:24 PM
Hello everyone

This evening I was sitting in front of the computer just before I was about to go to bed when a thought came through my head. Getting some paper and a pencil or two, I started sketching a picture of one of my dungeons and dragons characters.

He is called Corann, a druid from a world where dragons fight each other with large armies. His tribe is from the land of the bronze dragons and was sent to aid the gold dragon's army against the green. His close friend, a wolf, is called Wolf Fang. He once rescued Corann from a bear and they have been friends ever since.

This sketch took me about 40 minutes and I thought you all might enjoy it.


Any way you could bump the size on this down some? I can't get it or your message on the screen at the same time and it makes it really tough to view.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-03-22, 03:04 PM
Hey Malachi,

Dig the new avatar; is there more to it than the cropped picture? And if so, care to post it somewhere for us to view your full lichiness?

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-22, 04:32 PM
Hey Malachi,

Dig the new avatar; is there more to it than the cropped picture? And if so, care to post it somewhere for us to view your full lichiness?


I thought I had posted this before but I think I ended up working on it again since the last version went into this thread.

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-23, 08:17 PM
Didn't get as far on it as I was hoping but since I had it with me I figured I'd post what I had anyway.


This is about 25% done. I haven't gotten much farther than the base washes for general colour. *Lots* of stuff still to do.... I apologize that its a bit on the fuzzy side but the board is larger than the scanner by a fair bit and I couldn't get it up against the glass for a clean scan.

2006-03-24, 11:54 AM

I thought I had posted this before but I think I ended up working on it again since the last version went into this thread.
Think you did post that a good few pages ago but always nice to see.

I do have one question though. You do seem to mention that most of pictures come alive when you put a background into them so have you got plans to put one on this?

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-03-24, 01:26 PM
Think you did post that a good few pages ago but always nice to see.

I do have one question though. You do seem to mention that most of pictures come alive when you put a background into them so have you got plans to put one on this?

At the suggestion of a guy who's been in the CCG business awhile I did a couple of pieces of a lone figure with either no background or a very simple, flat, graphic background [like this particular lich] just to concentrate on getting the figure right and not worry about getting it to blend with the background. Besides, a lot of the vignettes in the WotC books are single figures with no/minimal backgrounds and this might end up going under the noses of some AD's this year at Indy. Most of the stuff I will paint from this point forward will have full backgrounds. I don't plan on revisiting this one but I can't say for certain that I won't ever do one. It would have to be something that wouldn't change the lighting.

2006-03-26, 02:21 AM
her head's too big, i know.


2006-03-26, 06:33 AM
Ooo, nice job, Allara! I definitely like! Especially love the soft shading and expression on the face... And, of course, it's just awesome in general.

And Moly got some new watercolor paper, and Moly couldn't resist experimenting... So Moly made this:
She hopes, among other things, that you will like it and you will tell her why she is referring to herself in third person.

Midnight Son
2006-03-26, 04:58 PM
Maybe Moly was so freakin' excited about her new water color paper that she had an out of body experience. How else would you refer to yourself if your not in yourself.

Alarra and Moly, those are really good. Your right, though; She needs to see a head shrink, but it only needs to be a short session.

I take that back. It looks fine.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-03-26, 05:05 PM
her head's too big, i know.

I agreed at first glance, but look at the distance from her head to her hip; I think her head's right, but her body's too narrow and she needs some feet sticking out the bottom of that skirt.

That said, lovely work...a gazillion times better than anything I've done. Your textiles are really nice; they have a great drapeyness and feeling of texture.

2006-03-27, 03:13 PM
her head's too big, i know.I don't think the head's big, I think it's just leaning a little far back which makes it disproportunant.

2006-04-05, 12:07 AM
Share your art from outside sources, character sketches, and any other art.

I'm splitting this off of the OotS Arts and Crafts over in Comics, because that one became a behemoth very quickly.

I don't get what you mean by behemoth.

2006-04-05, 12:17 AM
She means that it got VERY big.

2006-04-05, 02:38 AM
So, I was surfin'... found the good ole O Rly owl (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/Orly.jpg), then the famous Ya Rly owl (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/Yarly.jpg), and when I say the No Wai owl (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/Nowai.jpg) I knew what I had to do. There was no proper response to No Wai...
Until now.


2006-04-18, 09:44 PM
I was actually searching for the wedding poster thread (I think I passed it) when I found this thread and realized I hadn't posted here for a while.

So here we go:

A paladin for The Logic Ninja:

My winged elf, Aeldre:

A new picture of me:

And, a picture of PhoeKun...he said I got it pretty close for never having seen a photo of him:

2006-04-18, 10:45 PM
Is there a way for me to tranfer drawings from paper to web short of a drawing program?

2006-04-18, 10:46 PM
Scan it, and then I suggest http://www.photobucket.com though some people use http://www.imageshack.net

2006-04-18, 10:47 PM
Scan it, and then I suggest http://www.photobucket.com though some people use http://www.imageshack.net
many thanks!

2006-04-19, 11:10 PM
This is not the post you're looking for.

2006-04-19, 11:13 PM
This isn't like the OotS Arts & Crafts...we don't take requests (that I know of...)

2006-04-20, 12:33 AM
Ack, sorry. >_< I just got referred here from that thread, actually. Disregard my post.

Midnight Son
2006-04-20, 10:33 AM
This isn't like the OotS Arts & Crafts...we don't take requests (that I know of...)My bad there Wukei. I had suggested that Sly look here. I meant to get an idea of what artists here were able to do. I suggested asking someone really nicely, and that maybe they would be willing to help.

2006-04-20, 10:39 AM
Well, I get requests through PM all the time. But it's always "if I have time" as an answer. I've been rather busy lately...

2006-04-22, 04:23 AM
This is a drawing I did a while back, what do you guys think?


2006-04-22, 04:45 AM
This is a drawing I did a while back, what do you guys think?

*snip* (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v637/blahza/?action=view&current=Jam_13.jpg)
i think it's pretty good

Midnight Son
2006-04-22, 11:23 AM
This is a drawing I did a while back, what do you guys think?

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v637/blahza/?action=view&current=Jam_13.jpgEver get the feeling that the whole world is looking down on you? ;D

Very good drawing. You have quite a talent for perspective.

2006-04-22, 08:41 PM
Ooh ooh, look at the pics I made:

2006-04-22, 08:49 PM
My feeble attempt at a Ragewind:
And a Knight in shining armor.
Feel free to use these as avatars, please say who it's by.

2006-04-22, 08:53 PM

a) the oots arts and crafts (stick figures) is in the comic section
b) it's considered bad form to double post within a few minutes of each other. try the modify button.

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-04-27, 06:28 PM
Well, its been awhile since I've put anything up on this thread. Guess trying to sell my condo has taken up more time than I thought.

Recent pencil drawing.


El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-04-27, 07:13 PM
Well, its been awhile since I've put anything up on this thread. Guess trying to sell my condo has taken up more time than I thought.

Recent pencil drawing.

A view of the new place, eh?

2006-04-28, 03:34 AM
Well, its been awhile since I've put anything up on this thread. Guess trying to sell my condo has taken up more time than I thought.

Worth the wait as ever Mal.
Are you moving far?
Oh on an unrelated issue Mal, petrol prices hit an all time high in the UK just yesterday, yay

2006-04-28, 08:54 PM
here's a background i made for Sneak... What does everyone think?

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-04-30, 04:45 PM
Nicely done. Are those original drawings [by you] or did you just whip something up from previously published stuff. Its not a character I recognize and I don't recognize the art style either.

2006-05-16, 06:22 PM
Its not a character I recognize and I don't recognize the art style either.
That's Auron from Final Fantasy 10.

2006-05-16, 09:51 PM
Not sure if it's art(hehe) but here's two okay one panel comics of my own.

Johnny Grape (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/comic10.jpg)
Air Force 1 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/mycomic2.jpg)

i chuckle to myself, and that's probably about it. :P
enjoy though.

Shea Landford
2006-05-26, 11:58 AM
If there is anyone on here that makes really good avatars and has a lot of free time to make me one, I would appreciate it. PM me if you could do it. OR maybe you could tell me how to make my own. (what programs to use, what ones work best, etc.).

Thanks lots.

Jack Squat
2006-05-26, 12:05 PM
wrong A&C thread. You want the OotS Arts and Crafts (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=comics;action=display;num=1147371230 ) thread

2006-05-27, 07:18 PM
*purrs happily*


I found out how much png files rock.

based on Kingdoms II: The Dark Ages (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=play_ooc;action=display;num=11480727 07)

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-06-07, 05:26 PM
Haven't been doing much free sketching lately but last night was fairly productive as I got a couple of beholder designs done for a painting I might start tonight if I'm equally productive.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a108/DMalachiPenney/Beholder2.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a108/DMalachiPenney/Beholder1.jpg

Pop Goes the Weasel
2006-06-09, 12:56 AM
Wow. I wish I could do that!

2006-06-09, 01:06 AM
Yo Tambien! Me gusta! :D

2006-06-09, 01:15 AM
Wow. I wish I could do that!
So do I! Awsome, man. Truly awesome!

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-06-22, 06:21 PM
Well, never got to the Beholder painting that night but I did finally start it [nearly finished, just some tightening up of details to do] This will be a piece that I will probably use as a sample this year at Gencon. Its a little fuzzy since the 9X12 masonite board doesn't quite fit on the scanner.


And because a co-worker wondered if I could do anything except disgusting monsters and totally weird stuff...


And should I be weirded out by the fact that I seem to have attracted the notice of a couple of mind flayers? ;) But seriously, thank you very much for the kind words. I hope to advance to a point where I can consistently make some cash doing artwork.

2006-06-22, 09:00 PM
Ooh, nice! And don't go off to do different things because of a coworker! Stay with the big ugly monsters that you love! ;)

2006-06-23, 04:27 PM
Ok, I have a possibly strange request, I would like it if someone could make me an avi, or a real type pic of one or all of these. Please?!
Bipedal newt type lizard folk. Definantly scaly hide, and they would have small effective claws on thier finger tips. They are also slight shape changers, able to change into humanoids with clothes the color of thier scales. Colors range as follows: red, blue, green, black, white, yellow/ gold, orange, brown, or tan. I would really appreciate any attempt on this, and I know that a lot of very skilled people are here. Please, if anyone is willing to do these for me, I can pay back in maps of worlds.
In advance, thanks.

Edit: Please PM me if its not a avi, or for map requests.

I submitted this in the wrong area (I guess). Any chance that someone could do one or two of these for me? Oh, and I was reminded that they are more like skinks than newts. http://www.biology.lsu.edu/labpages/harmslab/web/images/18%20Southeastern%205-lined%20skink,%20juev_%20(Lake%20Placid,%20FL)_jpg .jpg
here for a pic of a skink. Thanks in advance to anyone that could do one of these for me.

Oh, on a side note, Awesome pics Malachi!

Edit: sorry, just read that you don't take requests, again, sorry.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-06-24, 04:16 PM
Well, never got to the Beholder painting that night but I did finally start it [nearly finished, just some tightening up of details to do] This will be a piece that I will probably use as a sample this year at Gencon. Its a little fuzzy since the 9X12 masonite board doesn't quite fit on the scanner.

That's a creepily happy beholder...the angle and its eagerness make me think of a puppy. A puppy nobody wants to housetrain. I really like the fairy too; just that simple little twist in her posture gives her a lot of personality.

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-06-25, 03:49 PM
That's a creepily happy beholder...the angle and its eagerness make me think of a puppy. A puppy nobody wants to housetrain. I really like the fairy too; just that simple little twist in her posture gives her a lot of personality.

"Ubu, how many times have I told you not on the rug! Don't ever do tha..."
ZAM!!! [owner gets disintegrated]

Yeah, I see your point.

2006-07-07, 11:49 PM
Did I mention that I really like that forest picture of yours Mal?


Anyway, here's something I drew last night.

Thes Hunter
2006-07-08, 01:41 AM
Did I mention that I really like that forest picture of yours Mal?

Anyway, here's something I drew last night.

Ooooooo.... very nice.

And I offer as evidence that I know a little bit of what I am talking about, and I am not just blowing smoke up your bung, a little piece of the major I no longer use.....

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-07-10, 01:22 PM
Did I mention that I really like that forest picture of yours Mal?

LOL. I take it that is a subtle hint that you'd like to see some more stuff that isn't nasty monsters and undead liches. ;)

Anyway, here's something I drew last night.

I concur, very nice. The anatomy looks pretty solid [I've seen plenty of pieces that have figures whose body seems to not exist under their clothing] though I think the outside of the right thigh seems to flatten out some toward the edges but since its just a JPEG image and some of the subtler pencils can get lost in translation I can't say for sure. You have a very fine touch on your values of light and dark so there could very well be some finer shading that I can't see here on a message board.


Cousin Wally? Where have you been? ;)

2006-07-10, 09:21 PM
Hey i need an avitar. Maybe a blonde Palidan With 2 longswords and blue cape with good armour

2006-07-10, 09:28 PM
I gave you a link in the thread you asked our IC people about an avatar and you STILL went to the wrong A&C thread?

2006-07-15, 08:44 PM
So, finally tried to find this thread. :P

This (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/pictures%20worth%20seeing/5d6033ce.jpg) qualifies right? (digital black and white)

These ones are scanned from printed b&w: 1 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/pictures%20worth%20seeing/0310eae3.jpg) 2 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/pictures%20worth%20seeing/glasses.jpg) 3 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/pictures%20worth%20seeing/officebuilding.jpg) 4 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/pictures%20worth%20seeing/scan0002.jpg)

Back to digital:
5 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/Ecuador/CIMG1596.jpg) 6 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/Ecuador/CIMG1678.jpg) 7 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/sepia.jpg)
This one's just for kicks and giggles. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/Ecuador/CIMG1753.jpg) These (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/ok.jpg) too/two (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/onesoda.jpg)

2006-07-15, 10:55 PM
Hey i need an avitar. Maybe a blonde Palidan With 2 longswords and blue cape with good armour

...it... it burns us, precious.

2006-07-15, 11:57 PM
I hope this is an alright size...
The face and headdress are based of a CD cover and I made the rest up. I think this is as done as it'll get.


2006-07-16, 09:04 AM
It reminds me of Carlotta from PotO...definitely a Prima Donna...very well done.

2006-07-16, 01:46 PM
Here's another one.
My own version of My favorite illustration in "the lions Cavalcade"
It has very pretty pictures

The Tiger


2006-07-16, 03:01 PM
oooh that is very cool

2006-07-16, 03:18 PM
I love the phoenix (I think the multiple of phoenix is phoenix...)

But then...I've always been a bit fond of Phoenix...it's my favourite mythological beast.

Ego Slayer
2006-07-16, 05:16 PM
Caillach those are beautiful. Love them!

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-07-16, 05:54 PM
Caillach, I'll add my own "very cool". The Tiger is especially neat with all of the other subjects woven together.

Thes Hunter
2006-07-16, 09:33 PM
Here's another one.
My own version of My favorite illustration in "the lions Cavalcade"
It has very pretty pictures

The Tiger

I really like the use of color in this, I think the blue and pinkish swirl in the mouth and the green eyes give a very need and good color balance to the piece.

I also like how the tiger is made up of many individual parts.

I could probably say more, but I am too lazy to pull up a seperate window to look at the piece while I type. ;D

However, excellent jorb.

Cousin Wally? Where have you been? ;)

Cousin Wally has become a stranger in a strange land. ;)

2006-07-16, 11:43 PM

2006-07-17, 12:24 AM
Very pretty. It's amazing how you can capture so much lighting in B&W. :)

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-07-17, 09:36 AM
Cousin Wally has become a stranger in a strange land. ;)

Gak! Bad pun. :)

Ego Slayer
2006-07-17, 09:41 AM
Mattaeu, awesome photo. I really like B&W better than color.

Midnight Son
2006-07-17, 12:46 PM
Mattaeu, awesome photo. I really like B&W better than color. I completely agree for scenes like that. B&W will always be more artistic for nature scenes, but color definitely has its place as an art form as well.

Mortia De Luna Draco
2006-07-19, 08:58 AM
Greetings all.

today me and my Beautiful wife tried something. She has been insisting that I should try to draw, and I tried to make something that I am interested in.
Below is the picture that we both came up with. I did the scythe and the hand, she did the shadowed figure in the background.
The blueish lines are beacuse I drew it on lined paper, and tried to remove most of them in paint.(ack) Please, give me some criticizm so that I may improve and please my wife...
(BTW, the scythe is suposed to be returning to his hand, thats why he isnt griping it...)

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-07-19, 09:48 AM
Please, give me some criticizm so that I may improve and please my wife...
(BTW, the scythe is suposed to be returning to his hand, thats why he isnt griping it...)

To get the effect of the scythe 'returning' to the hand, the haft of the scythe should be a little further away from the base of the palm [you should still have a little overlap from the fingers as it helps create some additional depth and helps 'locate' the scythe in your 2-D space] I would also have tilted the haft just a smidge to give a little hint of movement. It doesn't take much but makes the piece look more kinetic.

2006-07-19, 06:30 PM
yeah, a little more shadow between the hand and weapon could help, but you have good contrast. Keep it up :)

These are some of mine from early last year.

Big Lizard.


And another from "lions Cavalcade" (it's not finished, but I'm sure you could see that)

critsism is highly valued!

2006-07-20, 05:22 AM
I like them caillach but it isn't really my favorite style so I can't give any real critisism

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-07-20, 09:38 AM
Caillach, I'll be interested in seeing the elephant piece when its done. I like it so far.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-07-20, 09:48 AM
Like Malachi, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished Ganesh.

2006-07-20, 09:27 PM
Agreed, the elephant one looks great!

Mortia De Luna Draco
2006-07-23, 02:03 AM
If anyone cares to see them, here are a couple more of mine...


2006-07-23, 02:05 AM
The top one looks awesome! Only that might help (I could be wrong) is to add a point to the scythe.....other then that it's freaking AWESOME

Mortia De Luna Draco
2006-07-23, 04:20 AM
Yeah, the lack of a point is where I ran out of paper...

2006-07-23, 02:35 PM
Yeah, the lack of a point is where I ran out of paper...

I was thinking it was something like that which can't be helped but it still looks good!

Thes Hunter
2006-07-24, 04:10 PM
Big Lizard.

And another from "lions Cavalcade" (it's not finished, but I'm sure you could see that)

critsism is highly valued!

I really like the Big lizard picture. It has an action and a vibrancy to the lizard itself. But I see this as an unfinished work. No hear me out on this.

Notice many people have been commenting on how much they like the second picture. I actually prefer the first picture, and I think it is because I see it as unfinished, and heres why. Notice in the Ganesha like picture that it contains background elements. The circle element and the blowing linens give the picture context and help fill and organize the composition.

Now there are words in the background of the big lizard picture, and I think they may be interfering with the great mouth/tongue and eye action going on in the lizard. My suggestion would be either A) get rid of the letters entirely (a put something else in the background in it's place, because there should always be some sort of background no matter how minimally suggestive it is.) or B) Put in some more of those letter elements, but make them more grey and light so they do not fight so much for the eye.

Those are my two cents, take them, or throw them out the window at your whim.

Yeah, the lack of a point is where I ran out of paper...

Once I was standing at my easel, when my prof came up to me and said "You're techinque is amazing and highly refined, but you still look like an amatuer." I was perplexed by this, and asked him why. He said it was because he could tell by the way the composition fit on the canvas that I hadn't pre-planned and did a basic sketch before hand to decide how to place the figure on the canvas.

I made up some lame excuse like I ran out of Brunt Siena or some other such rubbish. To which he countered, there is never an excuse for not doing some sort of quick stetch before hand of what you are intending to spend your next many hours trying to finish.

His point is a very good one. I know you have a very minimalistic style, but it will greatly improve your pictures if you sketch out some very faint lines on the paper on where you would like to place elements for planning purposes before you well and truely begin. :D[/quote]

2006-07-24, 09:00 PM
The first piece of my soap chess set:

King, or maybe pawn. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/CIMG1934.jpg) and opposite angle (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/CIMG1933.jpg)

2006-07-24, 09:03 PM
The first piece of my soap chess set:

King, or maybe pawn. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/CIMG1934.jpg) and opposite angle (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/CIMG1933.jpg)

That's pretty nifty. Why'd ya start making it?

2006-07-24, 10:01 PM
Grab a bar of soap and cut it in half.

Start sculpting a chess set.

That should do for a while. :)


2006-07-24, 10:02 PM

So you took your own advice :P

2006-07-25, 01:22 AM
I really like the Big lizard picture. It has an action and a vibrancy to the lizard itself. But I see this as an unfinished work.

Actually I have been told that before. Though I don't intend to work in to this peice anymore I have been playing with the Idea of a second draft on large canvas (If I can squeeze some out of cheapskate art teacher) and I'll definately be takeing in some of your suggestions into the work, as I won't be limited by the "musts" of the project (my teacher wanted a name in the work :P)

Thank you very very much for the suggestions. They really do help :)

2006-07-26, 08:48 PM
This is another unfinished one. I'm unsure in the direction I should take in regards to hair and stuff. plis help...


Mortia De Luna Draco
2006-07-27, 06:11 AM
^ wow, thats realy cool. I dont know why, but the longer I look at it, the more real it looks. the color and proportion looks almost perfect. I like it.
Here are a couple more of mine. I dont realy like either, but I am hoping to get some advice to make them better.


2006-07-27, 08:01 PM
I like that face Caillach, the eyes seem uneven and like they could use a bit more work, but the shading and coloring is spot on.

Hey, so I'm entering an art competition on another site and was wondering if any of you would be willing to look in my gallery (site in sig) and let me know which 3 pieces you think I should submit. Because frankly, I have no idea.

Thes Hunter
2006-07-27, 08:15 PM
I like that face Caillach, the eyes seem uneven and like they could use a bit more work, but the shading and coloring is spot on.

Hey, so I'm entering an art competition on another site and was wondering if any of you would be willing to look in my gallery (site in sig) and let me know which 3 pieces you think I should submit. Because frankly, I have no idea.

What sort of art comp? a general one? Or one with a more sci-fi fantasy base?

Given a general, ones I like these the best:

5 (of 25) the iron grate in Doors

(Though Autumn Wind is very interesting)

2006-07-28, 12:50 AM
yeah, a general one.

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-07-28, 09:41 AM
Hey, so I'm entering an art competition on another site and was wondering if any of you would be willing to look in my gallery (site in sig) and let me know which 3 pieces you think I should submit. Because frankly, I have no idea.

To me, the #1 must-have is "Escape" under your oil paintings. After that, any one of your many pieces under the 'Doors' header would be good and then I'd pick one piece with a human subject, your personal favourite probably being the best option.

2006-07-28, 11:07 AM
That's kinda what I was thinking. I do like escape.

My doodles have gotten weird.


2006-07-28, 05:57 PM
blatant advertising is against the rules

2006-07-28, 05:59 PM
That's kinda what I was thinking. I do like escape.

My doodles have gotten weird.


That's a mild understatement..........but it's still cool. What IS that even or is it just random stuff?

2006-07-28, 06:52 PM
well, it started as a drawing of an eye, and grew from there.

2006-07-28, 06:56 PM
HMmmmmmmmmmmm so it has a mind of it's own... ;) Maybe it's your brain's way of telling you something. I haveta say the eye is really cool and the ear and mouth are unusual....sort of a 4 pronged vampire. Do you write? Cause I'm curious what this character is and stuff. You could build a whole character around this look........maybe I'm just crazy.

Mortia De Luna Draco
2006-07-28, 07:53 PM
*looks at Alarra's drawing*


Wow, thats really good. I'm wondering though, did my ex pose for that? Or did she send you a picture.


2006-07-28, 10:31 PM
The last artwork I did in the Fantasy genre, a few months ago:

http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/6159/lwestgardv2vo4.th.jpg (http://img174.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lwestgardv2vo4.jpg)

2006-07-29, 12:58 PM
Cool! What's it done in?

2006-07-29, 10:23 PM
Cool! What's it done in?
An old pencil sketch coloured in Photoshop.

Brett Wong
2006-07-30, 01:26 AM
I like the background, of your pic :)

2006-07-30, 11:34 AM
It's probably just the style, but that picture looks familiar.

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-07-30, 05:06 PM
The last artwork I did in the Fantasy genre, a few months ago:

This thing took forever to load. Any chance of just making it a link or posting a scaled down version?

2006-07-31, 03:18 AM
This thing took forever to load. Any chance of just making it a link or posting a scaled down version?

Cut down the file size & thumbnailed...

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-07-31, 09:53 AM
Cut down the file size & thumbnailed...

Perfect. Thank you very much. I wouldn't have thought it would give the cable connection such a hassle but for some reason it did. Much easier to view now.

Something new I'm working on to prep for doing 'the walk of shame' for the AD's at Gencon.


2006-07-31, 10:47 AM
That's kinda what I was thinking. I do like escape.

My doodles have gotten weird.

Falling under the dark influence of the witch king I'd say.
Though as far as art entries go I think I'd be inclined to agree with the sinister one.

Oh and Mal I don't know if I've said 'elsewhere' but nice one.

2006-07-31, 09:05 PM
Hello all,

I just got hooked on OoTS and read them all in one sitting. That lead me here. I have been lurking for about 2 days trying to read all the messages but they seem to go faster than I can read... feel I will never catch up! Hope I am in the right place for this...

So what you think? Be nice first ever avatar, and BTW thanks whom ever gave the instruction on using Paint at 585x585 and converting it with IrfanView!!! This took me 2.5 hours and I realize now I shouldn't have focused so much on the small detail as it blurs and is indestinguishable. :-[

Here is a hand drawing of same character, though not DnD and not done with any image editor I think it turned out ok. 8) It is obviously not avatar size standard, but might put it in my Sig once I figure out how to do that.


2006-07-31, 09:08 PM
Same way you put it in the thread.

That's beautiful work.

2006-07-31, 09:16 PM
Thank you. I realize it doesn't show my potential and I am already tearing it apart in my mind. The hair needs re-worked as well as the headband, and owe the lines!

I will get to it I suppose, I just have so many great ideas running around in my head that I have to get out before I fix him.

Thanks for telling me how to add pic in Sig ;)

Ego Slayer
2006-07-31, 09:33 PM
I really don't remember if I posted this before.. Oh well..

*snip* Whoa.. too big.


2006-07-31, 09:38 PM
Did I improve it or make it worse?



Ego Slayer
2006-07-31, 09:43 PM
Definatly improved. Very cool.
I love the one in your sig very, very much.

2006-07-31, 09:49 PM
Thank you though I do have issue with the bow on the drawing one. He is a DnD character and I don't know if I can mention the MMORPH that I play that I based this off of, but its a Ranger ~ my very first ever MMORPH character at that. His name is Omen Darkwoods, wow imagine that :) He currently has a pet that I want to sketch into the picture and add color. Trying to figure out how on earth I am gonna have time to do all the pics I want to if that one took me 3hrs (with that last editing fix)... Wish me luck, think it is going to be a late night.

Mortia De Luna Draco
2006-08-05, 03:10 AM
Heres one I tried with color.


2006-08-08, 03:19 AM
I can't remember if I have ever really posted this... I assume to have not to so here we go...
I never really got arround to finishing it [penning it and shading it proporly] so we'll jsut have to live with it how it is...
Devious' Style of OOTS (http://i5.tinypic.com/2415x1d.jpg)

2006-08-08, 01:17 PM
Still experimenting with avatars and thought I'd share these:

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g70/omen_darkwoods/DualMorningStars.gif http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g70/omen_darkwoods/MorningStarnShield.gif


2006-08-08, 02:50 PM
Just fyi...avatars and oots fan art go in the oots arts and crafts thread.

2006-08-12, 03:54 AM
I'm not locking it yet, but this thread has served its usefulness, if you can all start migrating to the new Arts and Crafts Showcase it would be great.


2006-08-14, 01:23 PM
Last chance for a bit of cheek then


He loves me really ::)