View Full Version : looking forward to Fable 2...

2008-08-19, 07:01 PM
I have to say I haven't been this excited since I got news of it back in 2005, I'm looking forward to traveling through Bowerstone to see how much the old place is going...

I pre-ordered my copy of Fable 2 at least two weeks ago and it's pretty safe to say that I'm already hooked, hopefully I can get an Xbox live account before October 25. one thing is certain though; I'm not gonna cheat by getting that "pub games" expansion from the XboxLive market place...

who else is looking forward to Fable 2?

2008-08-19, 07:27 PM

I was very happy to hear there's an option for female heroes.

2008-08-20, 02:16 AM
I guess I am now.
I could do with a new RPG, and my sister's boyfriend says Fable was great, and he's planning to pick up Fable 2.
Guess if it's any good I'll borrow it for a bit. Might pick up a copy myself.

2008-08-20, 07:10 AM
Guess if it's any good I'll borrow it for a bit.

If he lets you borrow it. :smalltongue: I know, I'm defensive about my games.

2008-08-20, 09:22 AM
Can't wait for some co-op action with this game.

Also, I plan to be the evil bastard I was in the Original Fable. What about you guys? Evil or Good?

2008-08-20, 09:37 AM
I played the original fable for over 60 hours, and unlocked everything.

I killed everyone in the cities and bought their houses right after, then collected rent for the next few days. When i had enough money i went to the next city to kill everyone to buy their houses. So the rent i got from the cities was huge. :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-20, 09:59 AM
I was always a good guy, my friend was always the bad guy, somehow we always knew that Fable 2 would come with multiplayer and we could be the unlikely Good-Guy Bad-Guy team up.

However that never stopped me from killing all the innocents in Oakvale and buying all their houses.

2008-08-20, 03:51 PM
one thing is certain though; I'm not gonna cheat by getting that "pub games" expansion from the XboxLive market place...

"Cheat"? The pub games are not "cheating". In my opinion, they are a Gold Sink, and provide a small distraction from random killing (making a loss on them here...).
Besides, you don't have to send the gold to your character, you can just use them as a taster to whet your appetite for the main game.

2008-08-20, 05:19 PM
How are the pub games? Fun enough for what you pay for them?

2008-08-20, 05:48 PM
Fable, KOTOR, all games of that alignment based nature (except elder scrolls games, for whatever reason), I am an avatar of good. I pet kittens and rescue dollies from bullies and help old ladies cross the street. Then some evil jerk wants to push the guy at the fruit stand and I obliterate him in a manner unfit for public description.

*shrug* The power of the light side is great.

Cristo Meyers
2008-08-20, 05:52 PM
1) only if my computer can handle it...assuming it even comes out for the PC.

2) only if in the end your character doesn't end up looking like a gorilla on steroids. You end up with so much Strength experience that it's impossible to not have a maxed Strength by the end of it unless you purposely don't spend the XP.

I liked the first one well enough. Some things bothered me (aging your character only served to, well, make your character look absurdly old for example), but it was pretty enjoyable.

2008-08-20, 06:10 PM
Looking forward to this very much as well. Unfortunately on my longest run-through of the game I swung back and forth between Evil and Good often enough the townspeople were rather confused about how to treat me. One second I'd be all happy dosey, the next I'm leading one of many wives off to the evil temple for sacrifice though I NEVER GOT THAT FRIGGIN SPECIAL WEAPON! Oh..and had to get a new wife too, god bless polygamy!

2008-08-20, 06:26 PM
"Cheat"? The pub games are not "cheating". In my opinion, they are a Gold Sink, and provide a small distraction from random killing (making a loss on them here...).
Besides, you don't have to send the gold to your character, you can just use them as a taster to whet your appetite for the main game.

I prefer honest *cough* work to gambling...


2008-08-20, 06:34 PM
Yeah, me and Nobodylovesyou4 are really looking forward to this. My parent is picking it up the day it comes out (which is incidently my birthday) so I'm set. As for Nobody, I commanded him to not get me a gift and get F2 so we can do co-op.

Also, I know its most likely a given, but has it said anywhere whether or not there will be voice communication? If not I can always use an XBL "chat room".

Inhuman Bot
2008-08-20, 08:59 PM
If it ever some to the PC I would probly buy it.
I don't like the "Monsters don't drop anything" idea though... Did any other famous adventurers have dayjobs? :smallannoyed:

2008-08-20, 10:32 PM
If it ever some to the PC I would probably buy it.
I don't like the "Monsters don't drop anything" idea though... Did any other famous adventurers have day jobs? :smallannoyed:

they got the night-shift too... good thing the game lets you take on professions.

Unlike Fable, there will be no money drops in the game and there will be little to no reward for completing quests. Instead, the main way of acquiring money in Fable 2 will be a career chosen by the player. Careers that have been hinted at being in the game include; a barkeeper, an assassin, a blacksmith, a farmer, or even a burglar, although it is more than likely that many more will be introduced by the time the game comes out. (http://wiki.fable-2.com/Fable_2)

2008-08-21, 12:13 AM
they got the night-shift too... good thing the game lets you take on professions.

Unlike Fable, there will be no money drops in the game and there will be little to no reward for completing quests. Instead, the main way of acquiring money in Fable 2 will be a career chosen by the player. Careers that have been hinted at being in the game include; a barkeeper, an assassin, a blacksmith, a farmer, or even a burglar, although it is more than likely that many more will be introduced by the time the game comes out. (http://wiki.fable-2.com/Fable_2)

Why would you pick anything but assassin? Just too awesome.

2008-08-21, 07:43 AM
How are the pub games? Fun enough for what you pay for them?
Well, if you pre-order Fable you can apparantly get them for free. I missed out on that, getting the full version as soon as they came out, before the people at my local Game store had even heard of that offer.
But they are an amusing distraction, and you can get some cool equiptment.

Fable, KOTOR, all games of that alignment based nature (except elder scrolls games, for whatever reason), I am an avatar of good. I pet kittens and rescue dollies from bullies and help old ladies cross the street. Then some evil jerk wants to push the guy at the fruit stand and I obliterate him in a manner unfit for public description.

I usually try and play evil, but end up playing light because I don't want to get caught killing villagers and take every quest that gets tossed my way....

Cristo Meyers
2008-08-21, 07:47 AM
I usually try and play evil, but end up playing light because I don't want to get caught killing villagers and take every quest that gets tossed my way....

I try up until being evil becomes being a baby-eating thug, which is usually pretty much right away.

2008-08-21, 08:15 AM
Why would you pick anything but assassin? Just too awesome.

Because then you can add insult to injury in combat with quips like or "Pfah, I've seen gophers meaner than you" or "Let me show you my crop rotation." :smalltongue:

2008-08-21, 08:42 AM
I try up until being evil becomes being a baby-eating thug, which is usually pretty much right away.

it's true, this man eats his fair share of babies. Why just the other day we were at the cannibal buffet restaurant and he was all like "Gimme them babies"!

Aside from that, I sometimes wonder if there will be some more moral change ups in Fable 2, rather than these extremes.

Cristo Meyers
2008-08-21, 09:24 AM
it's true, this man eats his fair share of babies. Why just the other day we were at the cannibal buffet restaurant and he was all like "Gimme them babies"!

They are the other white meat...


Aside from that, I sometimes wonder if there will be some more moral change ups in Fable 2, rather than these extremes.

I imagine we'll probably just get more of the same:

A beggar asks for a coin, do you:

A) support him for the rest of his life so that he becomes a paragon of virtue and charity

B) gut him and wear his entrails as a belt

C) walk away, missing the quest entirely

2008-08-21, 09:30 AM
I'm wondering when the industry will take the hint in general that we need less tacky and extremist alignment systems. The post above pretty much described the entirety of their moral complexity and depth of choice.

2008-08-21, 09:31 AM
it's true, this man eats his fair share of babies. Why just the other day we were at the cannibal buffet restaurant and he was all like "Gimme them babies"!

Aside from that, I sometimes wonder if there will be some more moral change ups in Fable 2, rather than these extremes.

New Alignment system: good, evil corruption, purity, rich, poor, kindness, and cruelty.

source: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fable_2)

2008-08-21, 09:33 AM
B) gut him and wear his entrails as a belt

I really wish this was a real option.
I would totally play a game where I can wear the corpses of murdered hobos as a fetching dinner suit.
For the novelty value, and because killing people for character customisation opens stupendous new realms of gameplay.

Cristo Meyers
2008-08-21, 09:35 AM
I really wish this was a real option.
I would totally play a game where I can wear the corpses of murdered hobos as a fetching dinner suit.
For the novelty value, and because killing people for character customisation opens stupendous new realms of gameplay.

I figure if you're going to go Stupid Evil, you might as well go the whole way.

2008-08-21, 09:31 PM
so does anyone want to do any Roleplaying Xbox live when Fable2 comes out?

2008-08-24, 04:10 PM
so does anyone want to do any Roleplaying Xbox live when Fable2 comes out?

In what way?

2008-08-24, 04:32 PM
In what way?

playing out the characters, not mindlessly grinding, etc..

2008-08-24, 05:02 PM
I really wish this was a real option.
I would totally play a game where I can wear the corpses of murdered hobos as a fetching dinner suit.
For the novelty value, and because killing people for character customisation opens stupendous new realms of gameplay.

You'd attract even more random dogs.

2008-08-29, 02:59 AM
I always do good- I just don't like having the blood of innocents on my hand.

Of course, I'm liking this game because you can rise to EMPEROR! Ah yes... unlimited power. The world will fall before me...

2008-08-29, 06:45 AM
I always felt it was too much work being evil in Fable. I mean every monster you kill(which is pretty much the whole game unless you ruitinely kill villagers and guards) gets you good points. I found that if I wanted to retain my evilness I had to go and spend ten or more minutes killing guards after most missions. On the other hand unless you got Lost Chapters then being evil was infinately better. You get both the Sword of Aeons and Skorm's Bow. Plus I managed to slaughter every single person and buy up all the property and a week later they were all falling all over themselves in joy at seeing me.

Except in Bowerstone. I hated that place since you couldn't kill anyone it made it so hard to buy up the town. And when I did lead everyone out of Bowerstone North the shop owner never came back so even though I own it its empty.

2008-08-29, 10:26 AM
Nah. It's not better to be evil.
The Solus greatsword beats any other weapon pretty hands down, and anyone can buy it.
Skorm's bow is nice, but I find that the good spells are more useful than any other spells (and are more useful than the bow).

Also, in my experience it's harder being good. I'll find one guard and kill him for some reason (maybe he looked at me funny) and then another guard will come and kill him, and then this keeps going for a while and next thing I know I've got horns.
Crappit. :smalltongue:

2008-08-29, 10:46 AM
Sword of Aeons is way better than Solus Greatsword (Although the Sword of Aeons got a major reduction in power in Lost Chapters so Solus Greatsword might be better in that version). In regular Fable the Sword of Aeons is faster, stronger, heals health and mana, and you get more exp. Skorm's bow is way better than any ranged weapon out there and can be gotten so early in the game that if you want to play a character that uses ranged attacks you are basically shooting yourself in the foot if you don't get it.

As for spells. Well okay the good spells are better (physical shield and heal). But you don't need to max them out and even at max evil you can get them to level three so it's not a big deal. Besides slow time is by far the best spell and that is a nuetral spell so morality won't affect your spells. And yes spontaneously killing guards does make it difficult to be good. But as fun (or justified) as killing them can be it can be avoided. In the Core Quests you go around killing monsters. You can't help but get good points from doing this.

Also the trespassing rules really annoyed me. I had one store that the owner was so scared of me that everytime I even stepped into his store he called the guards on me for trespassing. All I wanted to do was shop for god's sake! Granted I had killed the guy four or five times and he was the weapon/armor shop so maybe I can see why he would be reluctant to do business with me but still it was unfair.

2008-08-29, 01:18 PM
Also the trespassing rules really annoyed me. I had one store that the owner was so scared of me that everytime I even stepped into his store he called the guards on me for trespassing. All I wanted to do was shop for god's sake! Granted I had killed the guy four or five times and he was the weapon/armor shop so maybe I can see why he would be reluctant to do business with me but still it was unfair.

Pfft. Guards these days. Can't even stand a few scratches with the greatsword! In my day... :smallamused:

2008-08-29, 04:17 PM
Fable was such a fun game. One time I accidently locked all the Hook Coast Guards in the Tavern (They were fighting me in it when the owner died and I ran out. Door shut behind me with them still inside) Since I couldn't kill them no new guards showed up so I just sat there until the fines ran out. Then I bought the Tavern.

2008-08-29, 07:01 PM
Fable 2 should be awesome. I just hate that it comes first on Xbox ¬¬

I recently reinstalled Fable:TLC on my computer to try it with a faster system and widescreen LCD. It crashes, I couldn't even play it :s

2008-08-29, 07:38 PM
Fable 2 should be awesome. I just hate that it comes first on Xbox ¬¬

I recently reinstalled Fable:TLC on my computer to try it with a faster system and widescreen LCD. It crashes, I couldn't even play it :s

Dude, its Xbox exclusive.

2008-08-29, 07:41 PM
Just like every other originally XB game that is now on at least the PC, unfortunately.

2008-08-29, 08:46 PM
Dude, its Xbox exclusive.

Nah, it will come out on PC eventually. Which makes the fact that they don't release it on all platforms at the same time suck even more.


2008-08-31, 07:43 PM
I can't wait. It'll be frickin awesome. Having a dog, couch co op, changing world... I just hope that it won't be a huge let down like the first apparently was. (I liked it anyway, but I had heard nothing about it beforehand. The lost chapters was way better, though.)

I'm gonna be good, though it's not gonna be easy if you've read much about it. All of my friends want to be evil though, so this could be a problem...

2008-08-31, 11:24 PM
I don't like the idea of needing a job though. I always thought that thats what adventuring was. I mean imagine playing DnD and having the DM tell you that no monsters are going to drop gold at all and you wont even be paid by the people who hired you to kill the monsters. Also no looting corpses. Get a job. Be a blacksmith.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-31, 11:49 PM
I'm looking very forward to playing a Musketeer with a cunning and ruthless doggy.
I just hope the switch to firearms doesn't nerf ranged combat too much.

2008-08-31, 11:52 PM
I'm looking forward to Fable 2. I didn't play the first one, but I might get Lost Chapters soon. From what I've heard, the first one was an okay game, but Peter Molyneux promised the world and didn't deliver, leading to much hype backlash. Let's hope that doesn't happen with its successor. Anyway, the dog seems to be an interesting mechanic. And I, for one, am actually intrigued by the fact that you need a job (apparently unlike most other forum-goers).

Corrupted One
2008-09-01, 02:00 AM
Fable 2 does sound promising. I am praying they deliver or there will be hell to pay!! :smallfurious:

2008-09-01, 02:17 AM
Fable 2 does sound promising. I am praying they deliver or there will be hell to pay!! :smallfurious:

Well if Peter Molyneux talked about a feature there is a solid 20% chance that it is actually in the game.

Also what are they doing about death? I heard they abondened the scarring system (I really liked that one. I wanted to make a perfect pristine good guy and a villain with every kind of deforming scar you could think of) but don't know what they replaced it with.

2008-09-01, 02:33 AM
Well if Peter Molyneux talked about a feature there is a solid 20% chance that it is actually in the game.

Also what are they doing about death? I heard they abondened the scarring system (I really liked that one. I wanted to make a perfect pristine good guy and a villain with every kind of deforming scar you could think of) but don't know what they replaced it with.

they replaced it with "a heroic burst" which is basicly say that there won't be scars or death... :annoyed:

2008-09-01, 02:41 AM
I can't figure out whether this game is going to be an Xbox360 exclusive or not. It seems like it when I check the official links and such, yet we're happily taking pre-orders for the PC version at my job... :smallconfused:

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-01, 03:50 AM
You know what an awesome, workable death system would be?

Game Over.
Reload Last Save? Y/N

2008-09-01, 11:33 AM
I can't figure out whether this game is going to be an Xbox360 exclusive or not. It seems like it when I check the official links and such, yet we're happily taking pre-orders for the PC version at my job... :smallconfused:

As far as I know, it's an Xbox exclusive now, but will eventually get ported over to PC (and even Mac), like the first game.

2008-09-01, 01:27 PM
Also what are they doing about death? I heard they abondened the scarring system (I really liked that one. I wanted to make a perfect pristine good guy and a villain with every kind of deforming scar you could think of) but don't know what they replaced it with.

They did WHAT? Dammit, that feature sounded good... Peter Molyneux, you may have many good ideas, but it only seems that a quarter of them make it to the final product.... balls.

2008-09-01, 01:42 PM
They did WHAT? Dammit, that feature sounded good... Peter Molyneux, you may have many good ideas, but it only seems that a quarter of them make it to the final product.... balls.

Don't worry, in the final version of the game they'll have cut the content so they're actually back before the scarring was implemented, making it so it was never cut at all. Somehow... :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-01, 01:49 PM
You know what an awesome, workable death system would be?

Game Over.
Reload Last Save? Y/N

Snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-09-02, 04:23 PM
You know what an awesome, workable death system would be?

Game Over.
Reload Last Save? Y/N

See this is why I liked the Scarring system. If you didn't want to deal with it you could reload your last save. If you didn't mind being horribly disfigured(or wanted to be) you could let them lay the beatdown on you. Also I think they had something where you could forego the beatdown by an offering of either Gold or EXP. I thought it was a great system but it got scrapped because everyone who playtested just reset everytime they were gonna get a beatdown.

The original system was so funny though. Before he implemented the scarring system he had it so that when you died you took over as one of your children (assumadly with your stats intact). This one got scrapped because people started hoarding children. Think about that one. People were going around and knocking up chicks so that when they died they could take over as there kid over and over again. Now that is pretty evil.

2008-09-02, 04:29 PM
See this is why I liked the Scarring system. If you didn't want to deal with it you could reload your last save. If you didn't mind being horribly disfigured(or wanted to be) you could let them lay the beatdown on you. Also I think they had something where you could forego the beatdown by an offering of either Gold or EXP. I thought it was a great system but it got scrapped because everyone who playtested just reset everytime they were gonna get a beatdown.

The original system was so funny though. Before he implemented the scarring system he had it so that when you died you took over as one of your children (assumadly with your stats intact). This one got scrapped because people started hoarding children. Think about that one. People were going around and knocking up chicks so that when they died they could take over as there kid over and over again. Now that is pretty evil.

That's hilarious.

I was angry about the removal of the system, but I kinda understand why they removed it now. Then again, I hope Resurrection Vials (or whatever they were called) don't make a return, or at least they become rarer/more expensive. There were too damn many of them in the original.

2008-09-02, 05:38 PM
I didn't really care wether I had any or not. After the second time I played the game I could basically play through the majority of the game without even using a single Rez Vial. Besides with how easy and common Health Potions were (and mana potions and food) to get the only time you should need a Rez is if you weren't paying attention to your health. Game was soooooo easy. Of course that wasn't a bad thing in this particular game.