View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 48: Zhorj vs. Vinnie

2008-08-20, 02:08 AM
Arena Tournament, Round 48: Zhorj vs. Vinnie



XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

amazinggameguru - Zhorj (http://mydndgame.com/?action=character-sheet&character=449)
Fishy - Vinnie (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14619)

All Gladiators, please roll initiative

2008-08-20, 11:29 AM


Hp: 15/15
AC: 16, FF 14, Touch 12 (4 armor, 2 dex)
Glaive in hand
Location: N2

2008-08-20, 11:32 AM

2008-08-20, 08:35 PM
Vinnie will start in M25, weapons in his belt, no purchases. May the best halfling win!

Initiative: [roll0]

EDIT: Rock. Any purchases on your part?

2008-08-20, 11:31 PM
no purchases here

2008-08-21, 02:53 AM
Then off we go!

Vinnie - Round 1

Actions, for refs: Swift Action: Activate Child of Shadows stance.

Double-move to K14, drawing one dagger and one shortsword as he goes.


Statblock, for refs:Position: K14
HP: 13/13
AC: 19, Touch: 16, Flat: 14
Saves: +5/+6/-5
Stance: Child of Shadows
20% concealment: Yes
[] Shadow Blade Technique
[] Wolf Fang Strike
[] Sudden Leap

2008-08-21, 10:04 AM
Zhorj Round 1

Actions For ref

Zhorj activates Travel Devotion then runs to N10 if there is no LoS he continues to N17 gripping his glaive in one hand and drawing a javelin while moving. If LoS is established he will throw the javelin, otherwise he will move to N25. If he makes it there are there any obvious tracks in the sand indicating direction of his prey?
attack if necessary

Stats for Ref

Hp: 15/15
AC: 16, FF 14, Touch 12 (4 armor, 2 dex)
Glaive in hand
Location: N25
Travel Devotion 10/10

2008-08-21, 01:41 PM
Ref Talic


@Refs:Fishy's short height makes it easier for her to hide here. Assuming middle area is 15 feet at all points, the first point at which Fishy is close enough to the lip for her opponent, at an assumed 5 feet tall, is K14. Any farther, and she's too far back to be seen, or to see. Indeed, even now, if Fishy had rolled a hide check, it would apply, as there is concealment from Zhorj to fishy (but not vice versa).

LOS is established as Fishy enters K14. Vinnie has in hand a shortsword and a dagger. There is a visible effect on Vinnie. Swirling shadows surround him, making him difficult to discern.

Opponent, Zhorj, is in N2. Zhorj has a glaive in hand.

Play continues. Turn is still Vinnie's.

2008-08-21, 03:07 PM
Thanks for that, but it doesn't change my move. Vinnie continues to K14, although I'll need a ref with MS Paint to check if that breaks LoS or not. :P

2008-08-21, 03:25 PM
Ref Talic


It does not, although it does provide cover, and all the usual bonuses thereof.

2008-08-21, 03:46 PM
Cool, in that case:

Hide/Move silent, with penalties for full speed, on the off chance I beat a -6 modifier. :P

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]


2008-08-21, 04:11 PM
Zhorj Round 1

Actions For ref

Zhorj activates Travel Devotion then runs to N10

Rest of turn pending LoS
Stats for Ref

Hp: 15/15
AC: 16, FF 14, Touch 12 (4 armor, 2 dex)
Glaive in hand
Location: N25
Travel Devotion 10/10

Passive skills


2008-08-22, 10:50 AM
Ref Pirateking89

Zhorj is standing in N10 holding a glaive and vinnie is standing in K14 wielding shortsword and dagger.

2008-08-22, 11:20 AM
[QUOTE=amazinggameguru;4758039]Zhorj Round 1 Continued

Zhorj enters his whirling frenzy and charges moving to M13 then attacking with blinding speed trying to inflict as much pain as possible

Attack 1
miss if applicable
Attack 2
miss if applicable
Stats for Ref

Hp: 15/15
AC: 16, FF 14, Touch 12 (4 armor, 2 dex, 2 dodge, -2 charge)
Glaive in hand
Location: M13
Travel Devotion 10/10, Using Thrall to Demon luck bonus on first hit, whirling frenzy 7/7

2008-08-22, 11:37 PM
Hunh? That's not a legal charge. A charge is a full round action, moving in a straight line- I don't think you can get pounce and your extra attack from that position.

Also, where does 2d10+22 come from?

2008-08-23, 12:24 AM
High Ref Talic

@Zhorj:Travel devotion must ba activated as a swift action on the first round. As it requires an additional swift action to USE, it cannot be used the round you activate it. Please correct your turn. Rewind play to after travel devotion activation, before move.

Attack is invalid. Rewinding a bit. Zhorj's turn.

Note: For a charge to be valid, you must have a full round action available to charge.
As of the time your turn starts, you must have LOS to your opponent.
You must move in a straight line to the nearest square you can attack from.
You must have no obstructions between your square and the square you're moving to.

2008-08-25, 10:44 AM
Zhorj Round 1 Continued
Doh! sorry about any screw ups

Zhorj enters his whirling frenzy and moves to N10 taking a hand off his glaive and pulling a javelin which he hurls at the halfling. After hurling the javelin he places his free hand back on the glaive.

miss if applicable

Stats for Ref

Hp: 15/15
AC: 18, FF 14, Touch 14 (4 armor, 2 dex, 2 dodge)
Glaive in hand
Location: N10
Travel Devotion 10/10, Using Thrall to Demon luck bonus on hit, whirling frenzy 7/7

2008-08-25, 12:33 PM
That's a miss, unfortunately. Quick ref question before my next move?

@refs: I'm not entirely familiar with the Horned Helmet: Is that a gore attack that can only be used on the end of a charge, like other horned things?

Also, if I make a Tumble check to move past him, does the DC go up by 2 each time I move through a threatened square, or is it a flat DC15, he can't hit me with AoOs this round?

Also, I can't find his movement speed on his sheet: can he go all the way to N10 and have a move action left over?


2008-08-26, 05:49 AM
Ref Talic

@Fishy:Researching Horned Helm now.

Tumble DC increases by number of opponents, not number of squares moved. 1 opponent threatening = DC15.

Zhorj's speed is listed directly under his Primary stats. His previous movement was legal as posted.

@Zhorj:Where are the stats for your item "Horned Helm"? Is it aesthetic flavoring, or does it actually have a function.

Match paused, pending an answer to a question or two.

2008-08-26, 11:59 AM

Horned Helm gives x2 dmg on a charge, it is from Races of Faerun.

2008-08-27, 12:09 AM
Are we good to go?

Vinnie - Round 2

Vinnie steps away from his attacker for a moment, then sprints forwards in a blur of speed and shadow, somersaulting through the air to strike with both blades- at about the height of Zhorj's knees.

Move action: Head south to K15, then diagonally northeast to N12. This serves as a running start for...

Swift Action: Initiate Sudden Leap, moving to O11, Tumbling as I go.

Jump (DC10): [roll0]
If that roll fails to beat DC 10, I can still jump, but this next tumble check will have an additional -10 modifier, for not moving half my speed.
Tumble (DC15): [roll1]
If that roll fails, Zhorj gets his AoO.

Standard Action: Initiate Wolf Fang Strike.
Dagger: [roll2]
Damage (piercing): [roll3]

Shortsword: [roll4]
Damage (slashing): [roll5]

And with that, done.

Statblock, @refs: Position: O11
HP: 13/13
AC: 19, Touch: 16, Flat: 14
Saves: +5/+6/-5
Stance: Child of Shadows
20% concealment: Yes
[] Shadow Blade Technique
[X] Wolf Fang Strike
[X] Sudden Leap

2008-08-27, 10:09 AM
Zhorj Round 2

Zhorj activates travel devotion and moves to O16 provoking an AoO. If still alive he charges to O13 and attacks using pounce

Attack 1
miss if applicable

Attack 2
miss if applicable

Stats for Ref

Hp: 7/15
before charge
AC: 18, FF 14, Touch 14 (4 armor, 2 dex, 2 dodge)
after charge
AC: 16, FF 14, Touch 14 (4 armor, 2 dex, 2 dodge, -2 charge)
Glaive in hand
Location: O13
Travel Devotion 9/10, whirling frenzy 6/7

2008-08-27, 10:23 AM
Ah, that's what you were working towards. Nice build.

That first hit misses, the second is basically going to annihilate me unless this AoO does the trick.

Attack (Shortsword): [roll0]
Damage (Slashing): [roll1]

2008-08-27, 10:26 AM
Also, where does 2d10+22 come from?

Because of abyss bound soul I get double damage on a charge

It all comes down to the AoO now

2008-08-27, 10:30 AM
got ninja'd :)

that is right on if accurate but I think that you are still at just a +5 bonus since you are still at a -2 from your wolf fang strike

2008-08-27, 10:40 AM
I figured as much, I couldn't find that feat anywhere. :P

Also, I looked it up for you, and I'm pretty sure that Wolf Fang Strike, unlike Two-Weapon Fighting, doesn't put any penalties on anything else I do during the turn. So... Ninja'd in more ways than one?

2008-08-27, 11:18 AM
I thought that there was a general rule that modifiers applied until the start of your next turn. Don't have the time to dig for rules right now so the refs will probably just get to decide. Either way the match is over, well fought, it's a nice build. I've wanted to put together a build like that for a while now, shadowblade rocks :)

2008-08-27, 12:04 PM
High Ref Talic

Short answer: Vinnie's Attack of Opportunity is not affected by Wolf Fang Strike's penalty.

Long answer:Modifiers last for the duration specified in the ability giving the bonus or penalty. For example, the penalty to AC from charge lasts until the beginning of your next turn (as stated), however, the bonus applies only to the one attack you make. Other examples include the bonuses and penalties from rage, and the like.

Relevant text for Wolf Fang Strike:
Both attacks must target the same creature, and you take a -2 penalty to each attack roll.

Compare Versus other abilities:

On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next turn.

After moving, you may make a single melee attack. You get a +2 bonus on the attack roll and take a -2 penalty to your AC until the start of your next turn.

Note how in both charge and in Wolf Fang strike, the bonus/penalty is specifically noted to apply to the specific attacks granted by the ability. In Power attack, the modifiers last for one round (as does the AC penalty from charge), because it says so. In the same manner, the penalties for wolf fang strike apply only to the attack rolls you make as part of the maneuver, because that's what the maneuver says.

Thus, at the time of the AoO (before the charge is announced, Zhorj's AC is 18 (flat footed and touch AC are 14).

Attack of opportunity hits, and reduces Zhorj to -1 HP. As Zhorj has no abilities which allow him to continue at -1HP, that should be the match.

EDIT: On a side note, impressive charger build concept on Zhorj, and awesome use of maneuvering and skills together with attacks for Vinnie. I love this match.

2008-08-27, 12:08 PM
High Ref Talic

Vinnie Wins! Collect your spoils, and relax a bit before your next round.

2008-08-27, 12:14 PM
Awesome! Thanks for the match, amazinggameguru, and best of luck in the future.