View Full Version : Lords of Hell: New Fiends Rising

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2008-08-20, 03:56 PM
A small portal, hidden in a province of hell already considered backwater by most noble devils, brought you here: an unnamed, featureless but vast stretch of land, where grey sand shifted and burried equally grey rock, moved by a wind so slow, it seemed unwilling to work.
But, as they say, evil never sleeps. And soon, behind this newly found portal, all the intrigues and skirmishes typical for hell would start to take place, embedded into the screams of the tortured souls.


Please post the following:
First some fluff, describing how your devil looks, how your domain looks and if possible how you order your imps around.
Then post a spoiler, like this one, containing how you spend your power for this turn and what your orders are. Summonings will come in soon, so keep some imps or archdevil-actions in reserve. There will likely be only three or four summonings now, with more in later turns.

2008-08-20, 04:49 PM
A ghostly voice could be heard echoing over the entire plain as a mortal called out for dark forces:
"By the sevenfold seal I offer a contract to you, denizens of the underworld! My name is Umerian, an apprentice of the art. I have fallen in love, but my beloved is only willing to marry a magician of greater strenght than mine.
If you teach me magic, I will promise to sacrifice half my magical power to you, every day, for the rest of my life.

The Lovestruck Apprentice
Easy task
Difficulty of wish: 3. It's not really a difficult thing to do.
Duration: 1 phase
Reward: 1 XP, 1 power point per turn for the next 1d3+1 phases.
Difficulty of Corruption: 6. While he is not experienced, there's that whole "love" thing, which makes it a lot harder.
Amount of Evil spread: 1. I mean, it's not evil, really. There's just what little mischief an imp can do during the summoning time.
Reward for Corruption: 1 XP, special soul

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-20, 04:50 PM
Steith looked like an imp and in many ways acted like an imp. If you didn't know better you'd still think he was serving his master. His leadership style was kind for an imp but his imps knew that Steith was a master of skirmishes and so didn't act out of line.

Expanding my domain by 1

2008-08-20, 04:54 PM
A deep red forboding seeps out from beneath the ground. A thunderous step is felt and the world turns dark. The sand beneath Dystor's hooves turns from sand to rock, then to concrete. His domain begins to take shape as buildings rise from the ground. Imps can be seen entering the domain, either through fear or loyalty, and begin to work. The tallest and most central building erupts from beneath Dystor, upon which is set a concrete throne. The bullish figure sits upon his throne, with his flame filled eyes set clearly upon the horizon. He feels no contentment nor any anxiety, only restless hatred; that his domain does not yet reach the horizon.


The archdevil points at an imp. And without another word, the imp leaves to the behest of his master to find the mortal.

Archfiend Actions:
Expand domain by 1 (2 pp)
Expand domain by 1 (4 pp)

Imp Actions:
2 imps to torture souls [roll0]
1 imp to answer the wish

1 Archfiend action
7 Imp actions
5 Power points

Moral Wiz
2008-08-20, 05:04 PM

The withered form of Zach heard the whispering voice of the apprentice. He stood, shrouded in dark crimson robes, Imps and souls surrounding him

So... predictable

Jakar, go to this mortal. Do as he asks., but make sure it turns out... in favor for us.

The small creature grinned right back

As you heh wish, master. heh heh....Where shall I find you when I return with his soul?

As he spoke, Zach smiled, with pointed teeth. With that, a tower slowly started to raise up from the ground.

It was.... in ruins. Once, it was magnificent, perhaps some mortal palace, carved in marble and obsidian. There were traces of lines, where once silver might have rested, but now, nothing remained but a battered library, standing alone in this barren plain.

Still, it was very much intact. And the inside, Zach knew, was much better.

Oh, we shouldn't be too hard to find

Jakar vanished as Zach turned to the grinning imps and groaning souls.

Come on now. We have work to do. Askar, I want a basic pentergramic warding on the whole building.

The oldest imp stroked his little beard

It will be done Master. Crude, but it'll be done.

I know it, artistan.

Zach knew the crafter Imp took a pride in his work. He turned to his, more normal fellows

The rest of you... come inside. There are texts of magic within the Library there. I want to see what your foolish little minds can come up with


With that, and a little blast of blackened magic from his staff for effect, Zach strode toward the tower for all of 5 seconds before turning

Oh, and bring the souls. They'll come in handy.

One imp to respond to mortal

One to start work on the wards. Now at 8 power

Eight for research.

4 on air [roll0]

4 on fire [roll1]

Zach will spend an action on researching Arcana, but for now, I'll leave the other two free. He'll probably respond to the next summon.

2008-08-20, 05:06 PM
Watching over her battlefield, Liriel smiles to herself. This might just become interesting indeed.

Liriel shall expand her domain by two. -6 PP

She shall also send 2 imps to go torture. (for now)

+3 PP


edit: i shall send an imp to start constructing defenses and one to start constructing wards.

-4 PP

PP: 3
servants left to command: 6

Moral Wiz
2008-08-20, 05:17 PM
Zach growled as he threw a scroll to one side.

So close... Such power I feel from this state.... I will NOT be cheated of my prizes

With that, he plunges back into the texts of his massive library.

[roll0] Second research roll on arcana




EDIT; Not sure...do we add our stat points to rolls? If so, then

15; Fire

20; Air

22; Arcana.

2008-08-20, 06:34 PM

Levmordus grins at the mortal's plea, but ignores it. There's better souls, and easier ones to corrupt, then that fool. For now, I need a kingdom.

Levmordus limps through the plain, his foul blood spilling to the ground, crackling sinisterly, and melting large, pitlike holes in the landscape. The Archdevil does not notice this, but walking a few more steps, Levmordus collapses on top of the sand, bleeding even more heavily, and melting a cave into the landscape. After collapsing, Lev seems to have stopped bleeding so much, the last of his spilled blood creating a stone throne out of it's caustic qualities.

Levmordus grins as his faithful imps follow him into his new domain, creating "homes" in the pits.

Levmordus's cold eyes light up, as he has an idea.

He lifts a hand, and mumbles in a dark language, causing a soul carried before him by an imp to twist and turn, slowly taking shape. This continues for a few moments, before the soul's form finally stabilizes in that of an imp.

Levmordus let's the imp get used to it's new form for a while, then lifts up a hand. The imp stands at attention, knowing instantly that his new lord wanted him to do something.

"First, bring me my tomes."

The imp wordlessly nods, and runs off, returning a short time afterwards with scrolls, tomes, grimores, and other assorted texts, placing them near the Archdevil. Levmordus nods with approval, then points to the new imp and three other imps.

"Torture the souls that have come to my kingdom."

The imps nod, and set out to work.

The Archdevil points to one imp, a battle-scarred and tall specimen.

"Nel'zarn. My oldest servant, the one who guarded me when my wounds were even worse then now. You shall have an important task. Create wards around my domain, to protect it, as you did me."

Nel'zarn nods. "Yes, Lord Levmordus." The older imp walks to the edges of Levmordus's personal abode, and starts chanting, creating foul wards to defend the devil's kingdom from harm.

Levmordus gestures with his hand towards the remaining imps.

"The rest of you... Sort out these texts for me, and I won't have the other imps torture you instead."

Without a word, the rest of the imps hand Levmordus texts, ask him if a certain tome was what he needed, and similar chores as the Archdevil poured over the texts, researching spells and effects that would aid him.

As he works, Levmordus absently gestures to the land that composes his domain. A few drops of blood that had not melted the landscape glow with a green light, and suddenly melt the ground, creating more pits, as well as increasing the domain Levmordus owned.

Promote a soul into imp, set him and three others to torture souls:

1 Imp to inscribe wards.

The 6 remaining imps and Levmordus research.

Domain increased by 1.

Also, I forget. How do you make it so the rolls are just made into one big roll, but showing several different numbers in the result? Also, 4 imps and Levmordus are researching Metal, rest are researching Shadow.

2008-08-20, 06:34 PM
After hearing the voice from the mortal realm, Liriel wondered if she should start her with her corruption. It never did hurt to start early. She smiled in spite of herself, then told her imps to go do some research.

PP: 8
servants: 6

Liriel will go to the torture tents, and torture some poor trapped soul.

And then she herself will answer the summons. How that works out i have no idea.

edit: 4 imps shall go to work on working the defenses, 3 on defense, 1 on wards.

The other two shall remain open for now.

PP: 0
servants left: 2

2008-08-20, 06:45 PM

As he paces around in the spire of his domain, the archdevil begins the descent towards the flying platform. He orders his imps around almost brutally, The flight of imps head inside the building and into the research lab. Bright explosions soon come out the window, as well as the distinct burning smell of various chemical components. Kataek sighs, for his neatly arranged lab was going to be in need for serious cleaning.

As the imps work their little hearts out working on the secrets of Corruption, Kataek glares around at the souls He focuses himself and lets his power burst forth. New Spires virtually rise from the platform, and the clouds seem to gather around as it grows and expands even further.

He is about to continue when a call suddenly reaches his mind. It is loud, slightly obnoxious, yet he listens, and as he does so, he chuckles with glee.

"I shall answer your call, little mortal." And with that, the devil is surrounded in a small circles of flames, and seems to send a form of his power up into the sky. One of the imps look at the summoning with interest, but soon goes back to his task of drawing the wards around the domain before his master got angry at him.

Mortal Plane: (Putting it up because I'm won't be here most of the day)

Kataek appears before the apprentice, a small burst of hellish flame suddenly reaching forward, but quickly dying out in the mortal air. The Archdevil smiles, his tattered robes down his waist crease as he moves about in the summoning circle. His torso is filled with what almost look like burning, glowing tatoos, but on closer inspection, reveal they are old scars of branding.

"Now then. You have called rather loudly. You have my attention, young man." The Archdevil smiles and brings his hands forward. "You wish to be taught magic? That is easy enough as long as your side of the bargain is upheld." The devil gestures the apprentice to sit down, and tying his hair behind his back, he gives his teachings of the arcane and assists the young apprentice in his quest.

Once the lesson is over, Kataek will simply smile and says with a voice of the Hells: "So... tell me, is it all that you wanted? Don't you think you have been rushing this? Indeed, you have now more power, but it will not guarantee the girl would change her mind. I was once a mortal, even if that goes back an age, and in my experience, women often offer excuses that they believe won't hurt the one... on the receiving end."

The Archdevil smiles and gestures to his side.

"Indeed, would that woman even be worthy of your love? For you have shown your dedication, and your true will. Has she shown anything to you but her passiveness? To be true, I perceive your heart has some doubt on the matter, and while your mind has but one goal it seeks to achieve, admirably so, it seems to me your feelings are clouded." The archdevil pauses. "Instead, I would give you something else. Indeed, you may reach new heights with me, powers that you have never even dreamed of and the ability to reach women, -any- women through your service to me." The devil gestures and smiles, his eyes a piercing gaze as he looks upon the mortal.

Archdevil action:

Expand Domain by 2 points. (-6 PP)
Answer Summon (Love struck Apprentice)

Wishes: [roll0] (DC: 3)
Corruption: [roll1] (DC: 6)

9 Imps action:

Researching Corruption: [roll2]

1 Imp action:

Draw wards, improved by 1 point. (-2 PP)

2008-08-20, 06:47 PM
Archdevil action:

Expand Domain by 2 points. (-6 PP)
Answer Summon (Love struck Apprentice)

Wishes: [roll0] (DC: 3)
Corruption: [roll1] (DC: 6)

9 Imps action:

Researching Corruption: [roll2]

1 Imp action:

Draw wards, improved by 1 point. (-2 PP)

Wow, it's official, previewing post was completely dumb. Here's the rolls.

Wishes: [roll0] (DC: 3)
Corruption: [roll1] (DC: 6)

Researching Corruption: [roll2]

2008-08-20, 07:08 PM
Smilinbg to herself, Liriel decides the mood is too quiet. Snapping her fingers, music starts playing out of thin air.

theme song

That's better. Now to answer those summons.

With a little swirl of her skirts, she dissapears in a green flame, leaving her minions to continue digging trenches, building walls, and drawing wards. They know what happens when they disobey, otherwise she is pretty slack with them.

my version of events if i win the check
Well hello sweet darling. A fine day it is here. She smiles at him, making sure he sees only what he wants to see. Which in fact turns out to be a good generous part of her breasts showing. (I know what your thinking!:smallamused:)

You want me to teach you magic, and yet I wonder why. You can't win a woman's heart with such simple tricks of magic. What you need to do is offer her everything you have. Offer her more than she can imagine, and she will say "yes" ten time over. I offer to take you under my domain. I offer you what very few humans have had before. I offer you power, glory, and magic; to be raised above others as they come to join our cause.

In the end, you may even have the love of your life. What do you say?

Corruption: [roll0] DC: 6

Smiling afterwards, she twirls around and dissapears in engulfing green fire, leaving no trace of her presence there.

2008-08-20, 08:09 PM

The soul did not scream. Anenlel had found some time previously that screaming was a form of release: it was something that a bound soul could try to focus on, varying the pitch of scream as the pain increased and decreased in a desperate effort to distract itself from its torment and horror. It was never wholly successful, but it could provide the occasional relief. It took up some of the soul's energy.

Souls under Anenlel were not permitted to scream. Not unless she wished to make an example of them. Like most, this one could no longer speak, not pinned in place across the rack.

Anenlel arose, satisfied that this one's every movement would bring it more pain—and with the metal underneath it rapidly heating, it would hardly be able to avoid moving. A reasonably satisfactory arrangement, given that she couldn't spend all her time attending to the subject personally. One of her imps was waiting at the entrance to the chamber, covered in dust and earth. Its uncleanliness irritated Anenlel, but she would have been more irritated if the imp had cleaned itself before reporting to her. "Speak."

"Mistress, we have completed the fourth chamber."

"Show me." It nodded nervously and led the way; Anenlel was notorious for being harsh with those who did not put as much effort as they could into meeting her standards. Fortunately for the imps, they had been diligent... today. It was not expert work, but the squat iron building was made to her specifications, with no serious flaws.

"Ward the building," she said. "Inscribe two layers of silver tracery about the entrance way. Any vertical entrances are to be layered with circles of forbiddance, oriented downwards. This is to be considered standard procedure on all construction from now on, unless I specify otherwise," she said. The work-imps nodded. "You and you will attend to this now. You will continue construction."

"Mistress," objects the imp, "there's a ravine right past that ridge thataway. We try'n build on that, and the buildings will fall through." Anenlel nods, taking the information into account. "You will begin construction nonetheless. I will attend to the difficulties." She moves away, unseen feet producing footsteps like the clicking of metal on metal, and leaves the squat, sprawling building, which already encompassed four chambers aboveground and four below (only two fully ready for use, unfortunately).

She raises ebon arms, staring at the ruddy brown dirt of the ridge the imp had described. The ground begins to roil and twist, splitting open as if torn at by some cruel, unseen claw; inside, the new ravine is clearly lined with black rock and metal that wasn't at all the same as what lay there before. It was still unformed, far from perfection, but it had potential. It was another step towards refining the hellscape she had claimed and making it her own vision...

Anenlel turns, and strides back into her iron chambers. Contemplation was a waste of time. She knew what she wanted. She merely needed to calculate the best way to achieve it.

First action- torture a soul; 8 power gained. Two imps have been ordered to construct wards, and a third ordered to build defenses. Anenlel's second action is to spend 2 points expanding her realm by 1.

Seven imps and one archdevil action remaining. Still have 10 power.

2008-08-20, 08:49 PM
In a dark flooded cavern complex in a remote part of hell, an intelligence waited. It knew that a larger dominion was needed, in order to gain more souls. So it exerted a large amount of its power. Suddenly, the complex was pushed further and further into the ground, a massive earthquake shaking the surrounding areas as more and more caverns and tunnels opened up or were created in every direction, and were immediately flooded with the same ichor-like, pitch black water that flooded the rest of the domain.

After this it brought its mind to the pathetic being's it had created from the stronger souls, attached to it's very flesh to keep their loyalty. It gave them their commands, and they were quick to follow. 2 left and began to cause minor illusions in the water near the souls. slowly but surely driving them mad. One, empowered by the Being, began to scribe rune and shapes into the cavern walls, guarding them against intruders ad spies. the remaining six came back to the deepest part of the caverns, where the Being resided, and fell limp, as their intelligence was temporarily subsumed back into the Being.

It sought a way to increase it's power, giving it a way to control the horrific beings of the deep ad curse those who would oppose it.

2 imps torture souls
checking result before rolling for other actions
which are,
1 imp rites wards (2 pp)
increase domain size by 1 (2pp)
and six imps plus archdevil research corruption
10d6+4 and I might invest power after torture roll.
1 archdevil action and 1 imp action remaining, plus 6 pp before torture roll and possible investment.

2008-08-20, 08:50 PM
uugh, lets try again
torture roll

how do you roll ore than 1 die at once but see each result?

2008-08-20, 08:53 PM
so research

2 pp invested
5 pp left
1 archdevil move left
1 imp move left
domain 2
wards 1
defense 0
souls 10

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-21, 04:50 AM
Steith looked at four of his imps. They were the worse at stealing and as such he sent them to work on a lesser job. They were tasked with creating wards in order to protect his domain from thieves.

Steith heard the call but decided not to take it. After all he had better things to do.

4 imps creating wards.
PP =0

2008-08-21, 10:26 AM

Failing to answer the call for a summon, Kataek paces in his domain.

"Well, no matter... let us bide our time, Kataek, there's plenty of other mortals out there."

Kataek will immediately answer the next summoning call.

((I was summoned!))

Dice Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4755715#post4755715)

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-21, 01:34 PM

Steith sent his demons at Levmordous telling them to strike together. He kept one in reserve just in case their was a problem that he needed to solve. Two of his imps were sent to gather souls while three were sent to get the imps to chose a better leader.

Steal souls:

2008-08-21, 01:34 PM
The voice of Shardon filled it's domain, an echo of an echo of nothing. Its mind reached towards the summons… a soul calling out for corruption… but it was too late… some other creature of darkness had been called. There would be more summons and Shardon knew that it would not be long before its voice joined the symphony of self doubt and madness in the mortal realm.

Shardon’s minions… imps as black as night circled the Great void. They heard Shardon’s song and joined in when they could creating a silent chorus of keening banshees. The song thickened the void, making it a tangible wall against the other forces of hell.

Power: 3
Follower actions: 0
Archfiend actions: 1

Two imps are improving defense -4 PP (2 defense total)
Two imps are inscribing wards -4 PP (2 wards total)
Two imps are torturing poor lost souls (5, 2 = 3 power total)
Two imps are researching shadow (2,2)
Two imps are researching corruption (3,4)

Shardon’s actions
Expand the size of his domain -2 PP
Research shadow (4,6,5,3)

Total Research
Shadow: 22
Corruption: 7

Let me know if I made any mistakes. Thanks!

2008-08-21, 02:00 PM
Well here are my updated stats.

4 PP, 2 servants left to command.

Domain Stats:
Size: 2
Defences: 4
Wards: 2
Souls: 10

10 Imps


Research: none

and if i do get the summon, i will corrupt him to become a cultist.

2008-08-21, 02:21 PM
A single sentence could be heard, thundering over the domains, shaking the earth with it's power, mighty words uttered in a language ancient even by hells standards:
Then, it dropped to a low level, a barely audible whisper in the wind.
"Does this stuff even mean anything? It sounds like the mages just make this stuff up as they go along..."
"Stop that! He told us not to read it, just steal the grimoire."
"Oh, come on. It's not like anything will happen. I have no magical power whatsover, you know that."

The Two Thieves
This task can only be completed by an archdevil. When summoned, he as two choices:
a) Try to corrupt the two thieves. This will be very hard and therefore need a corruption check against DC 13.
b) Fight the thieves, slay them and take the magical items they stole. This requires a combat check against the combat checks of the thieves, which together have a combat strenght of 3. (So they will roll 3d6). This either gives a research bonus of +7 to one of the essences (You don't know which one) or an instant bonus of 5 power points, archdevils choice.

2008-08-21, 02:26 PM
Dystor smiled. The imps nearby fled in terror and hid, his smiles brought only forboding and doom to those around him. Fire licked out frome the corners of his mouth and smoke billowed from his nostrils; he was going to the mortal realm.

Heading the calling, Dystor pointed at two quivering imps.

Wards. Defence.

If he was going to leave his realm, he was not going to leave it unprotected.

Archfiend actions:
Attempt to answer summoning.

Imp actions:
Increase wards by 1
Increase defence by 1

6 Imp actions
1 Power Point

2008-08-21, 02:40 PM
In the dark cavern the Being heard a call from beyond. A great current began, creating a sweeping vortex reaching deeper and deeper in till it touched the bottom. A strange humanoid creature with it's lower body replaced by a tentacle burst forth, dragging water along with it.

In the library the thieves were in, a small portion of the floor began twisting downwards into a whirlpool, beginning to spin, than gaining speed and becoming more liquid. in a few moments the whirling floor became the same material as the Beings domain was filled with, and the avatar burst out of thew water. It looked somewhat like a green Naga.

A deeply disturbing though began to form in the thieves minds, becoming a completely alien voice inside their head. Why do you resort to such pathetic ploys? You still books from a blind old man, to sell to some merchant so his bookshelf can look better. Serve me, and I can give you the world, imagine it. Power, wealth, glory, maybe even immortality...

(last arch devil action to respond to summons

2008-08-21, 03:04 PM
Returning, unsuccesfully, Dystor lets out a roar that shakes his domain.

I want more power!!

Seamingly without orders, two nearby imps simultainously head to the torturing chambers.

Imp Actions:
Two more sent to torture souls (+5 Power Points)

1 Archfiend action
4 Imp actions
6 Power Point

2008-08-21, 03:44 PM
Returning from her breif but fun little trip to the human world, Liriel decides its time to rest. So much done in a single day, a woman has got to relax.

PP: 9

Two imps scurry away to do her bidding. After a while, one of them returns holding a goblet. Liriel takes one look at it and smiles. She takes a deep drink, feeling refreshed already.

*Spending 8 PP to increase my stats by 4.


*done for my turn. cant do anything else.

2008-08-21, 04:09 PM

Failing to answer the call for a summon, Kataek paces in his domain.

"Well, no matter... let us bide our time, Kataek, there's plenty of other mortals out there."

Kataek will immediately answer the next summoning call.

Summon Roll and Corruption Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4754183)

2008-08-21, 05:25 PM

"Your progress is acceptable. Continue." The imps obey; as per her standing order, they had not ceased their labor for the inspection. The iron complex boasted a third story now, two layers aboveground and one below.

She had found a vertical layout held advantages for her. The souls were held in the lower levels, and prevented from escaping by the wards set into the bottom of every door. The new, topmost layer held the beginnings of a new project: she had ordered her imps to begin constructing iron smelters and the beginnings of forges. The same wards that kept the souls in their designated areas would help keep intruders from the more important areas up top. There was a symmetry about the arrangement that Anenlel approved of.

She descended into the lowest chambers, where the only sounds were the clinking of chains as souls writhed in silence, unable to scream. Two of the imps oversaw the business, prodding gleefully with cruel needles at any soul that looked as if exhaustion had overcome pain. The imps were sadly all but useless in this business, and she used them only to ensure that the souls had no chance to relax and recover. Constant, low-grade pain, punctuated by episodes in which she personally attended the souls: this was her method, regular as clockwork. It was not yet time, but her practices had left her with an excess of energy.

In the darkness, she bathes in the energy, drawing it into herself. A luxurious investment, maybe... but she had no doubt it would pay off, in time.

Remaining actions: Expand size of domain again; two imps are sent to torture souls, and the remaining five are assigned to research Metal.

Anenlel uses most of her remaining power to increase her own stats, leaving her with 1 power. Specifically, she's added 3 points to torture, 1 to intelligence, and 1 to wishes.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-21, 10:28 PM

Jakar reappeared outside the Library. Quickly, he scurried within, past Askar, who was painting over some of the old silver lines with some sort of slightly shining paste, that the old artisan made. Magic, obviously.

Jakar skittered a lot along the route. He did not have good news to report. And reporting bad news to a duke is not a good idea.

Soon enough, he found Zach in a central chamber. The imps knew to leave him alone, with his texts, and souls. Five were left in the single room, all looking grey. Dull, semi paralyzed.. A great pool of brightly glowing soul stuff rested next to Zach's current texts on the table, giving the whole room a light blue tint.

Ah. Jakar. Good to see you.

Master... I could not manage to reach the apprentice. There were....

Other dukes. A whole host of Archdevils responded to that summons, I felt the pull even from here. Heh. I know, Jakar. And I do not blame you for this. Our fellows are moving quickly, even into this place, faster than I'd expected. We will not, I fear, be able to expand as easily as I hoped..

Yet perhaps their attention is still on the wrong target....

He mused to himself, before turning back to the imp. He looked down at him with what was supposed to be a beneficent smile. On an archdevil, it was nothing short of incredibly intimidating.

Anyway,forget corrupting individual mortals for a while, little one, I have a new task for you. You are to go and aid the group of your fellows in the lower levels. They are looking into Fire Magic, at my command.

With a thought, the majority of the glowing blue essence of the souls around himflew in the imps direction. Naturally, he jumped, but they simply stayed there. Jakar , slowly, experimentally, started walking arround the room. The power followed him. Zach laughed.

Take this power, Jakar. Use it. Experiment with it. I expect great things from you. A breakthrough before too long, yes?

Oh, and tell Kel'Bath that he's already behind. My current degree of research is complete. This is just... pleasure

One of the immobile souls seemed to shiver.

Anyway, go and work, Jakar. I will... be here. I still have a battle to fight.

The imp jumped at that. He scurried off to find his fellows, knowing what his master intended.

Zach was left, hunched over a few more fragments of soul stuff. Slowly, using low level telepathy (A legacy of the Ebon Tower) he slowly began to draw with it, move it shape it, get it to move more and more freely at his command

Now, for the difficult part.

With a single jolt, the power burst into the ArchDevil's mind, like a tsunami breaking across a dam.

At once, it met resistance that would have killed a mortal. A powerful mystic block, one of stronger magic. Zach could all but see the runes, such was their strength. The power itself began to turn on it's master, causing Zach to cry out and fall to the ground.

So tempting to try and fight...

No. Use the pain. Focus it within, upon your own mind.

It was hard. It was taxing. But it always would be. And it was a battle he could win. Slowly, the pulse of the power quietened, as Zach's prestigious mind began to flow ever more freely, quickly, with the strength approaching it's former self.

And such is our salvation

The Archdevil laughed heartily to himself, the harsh sound ringing thru the library.

spend 2 power to increase int to 5.

1 power remaining.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-22, 05:50 AM

Stief was glad at the progress his imps had made. Thoughb they did not get as much stealing as he was used to his wards were their making his almost invulnerrable to the thieves of others and his imp thieves did well.

Power: 0
Souls: 10 + (2 stolen from Lev)
Imps: 10 + (? stolen from Lev?)
Wards: 4
Domain: 2

1 imp, two archdevil

2008-08-22, 10:07 AM

Failing to answer the call for a summon, Kataek paces in his domain.

"Well, no matter... let us bide our time, Kataek, there's plenty of other mortals out there."

Kataek will immediately answer the next summoning call.

Summon Roll and Corruption Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4754183)

As the Archdevil arrives in front of the thieves in a blind flash of light, the fiend smiles. "Well, well, I'd never have thought that such an old dialect was still used." The devil looks upon the thieves and gestures with a hand.

"Well? You called me? Or was it a farce of some kind? Ah... it doesn't matter. The book you used, you said you stole it for someone? I trust that he will honor his part of the bargain, but I must ask why the two of you must serve as lackeys when you have proven capable of utilizing the secrets in this book."

He smirks.

"Indeed, the language is also very old... I would give a lot of gold for such a book. It is a peculiar language, that I have not heard in an age. I am quite surprised you'd even hand it over. In my mind, keeping it can only assist you. Why bother committing larcenies when this tome gives you the power to be self-sufficient?"

"I can teach you how to utilize it, if you wish, of course, with a small price, but not one that you will be against, I think." And with that, the fiend smiles deeply inside his heart.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-22, 10:52 AM

Steif was annoyed at him imps failure to bribe the imps and hissed in annoyance. He then went himself and sent him remaining imp to get Lev's souls. Steif was still really annoyed.

Steif and imps are stealing Lev's souls

2008-08-22, 01:39 PM

Levmordus sighs at the intrusion to his realm. It seems other dukes want to steal my admittedly weak power for themselves. Hmmph. And they try to take my servants from me? Unacceptable.

Levmordus stands up slowly, towards any enemy imps he could see. Pathetic. You think you can just WALK into MY domain and escape unscathed. What a joke. Except, I didn't think it was amusing."

Levmordus laughs, a chilling sound. "No, wait. I do think it was amusing. Heh. Hehe. Heheheh."

Levmordus touches his small horns, and they glow as they lengthen, as well as curling into a steel-gray ram-like fixture upon his skull. Levmordus grins, and before all the imp's assorted eyes, his teeth grow and sharpen. The devil closes his eyes, before opening them again, the eyes glowing with an unholy blue light. Even Levmordus's wounds change, large spines erupting out of the assorted holes, bruises, and cuts in the devil's body, causing them to bleed again.

"Now, I'd kindly ask you to stop trying to take my imps away from me."

Increase Intimidation by 2, using 4 power.

2008-08-22, 01:57 PM
Angered at not receiving the summons, The being returned to it's dark abode and began brooding. Eventually realizing the uselessness of this, he began focusing his anger into himself, heightening his mind and senses, than using his power to make it permanent

Noticing the lack of defenses he currently had, he sent his remaining imp to guard his domain.
2 to bring intelligence to 5
1 archdevil action left

2008-08-22, 04:30 PM
Time has passed since last a mortal has attempted summoning. But now, once again a voice is carried over the domains by the wind. It seems to belong to an old man, who speaks the words of a standard imp binding contract.
"Forces of darkness, I call you. Azamor is my name. I wish to have a servant. Send me one for three phases of hell, and I will sacrifice you these seven sapphires filled with magical energy."

Master and Servant

Duration: This phase and the two after it.
Difficulty: 2 out of 3 wish checks against DC 3 have to be successful.
Reward: 7 power points at the end of the third phase, 3 XP for the servant.
Corruption: One corruption check against DC 6. Corruption brings another 1 XP.
Evil spread: 2 per turn for all three turns.

2008-08-22, 04:49 PM
Shardon heard the call for a servant… a call it could not answer… each and every one of it’s imps were involved in the chorus… none could leave or it would ruin the song…. Shardon brooded on its failure… and listened closely as its sire’s voice whispered secrets of destruction into its heart.

Aww no summons for me… I spend my last archfiend action to research shadow magic again.

Rolled 2, 1, 3, 2

For a total research of for the turn
Shadow 30
Corruption 7

Shardon also spends 2 of his three power to raise it's intelligence to 5

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 04:34 AM
Steif heard the call and knew he couldn't answer it. Then again Steif didn't want to answer any of the calls.

Power: 0
Souls: 10 + 5 stolen from Lev
Imps: 10
Wards: 4
Domain: 2

2008-08-23, 06:27 AM
Hearing the words, DYstor turned and pointed at one of few imps that had yet been assigned tasks.


And with that, the imp left to enter the mortal realm.

Imp Actions:
One went to answer the summons.
Dice Rolls

1 Archfiend action
3 Imp actions
6 Power Points

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 09:48 AM
Steif sent a telepathic message to each of the arch devils, trying hard to kkeep the fear out of his voice. "So my fellow devil. It think we can benefit each other."

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 09:53 AM
Zach sounds... surprised at a call so early. His response too encompasses all the others he could detect in this place.

How so?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 10:04 AM
This one only going to Zach. "Well what do you want? Then I can see what would benefit both of us the most.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 10:12 AM
Steif, GM

I want many things. Souls. Power. Peace, in order to continue my work.

But you would not make this offer if you did not have a price in mind. Name it, then we shall see if I wish to do buisness with you.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 10:16 AM
Zach, GM

"My basic wish is for peace between us. Though if we manage to agree with or that or if we fail to agree with that, I want more souls or better followers"

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 10:22 AM
Steif, GM

I have no quarrel with you. Yet. But, if you'll pardon my bluntness, no real reason to wish you well.

If you intend to negotiate for more, well, I think I could , perhaps, see my way to sending you one or two applications of power I have started working on. such as the creation of better servants. Once they are done, I may send them to you, although you may not be able to implement them without some control of the arcane arts.

But if I am to do that, or anything, I will need recompense. What do you offer?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 10:26 AM
Zach, GM

Your first point is true but if we agree not to attack each other, then it benefits both of us.

What can I offer? I prefer to offer power but if needs be I shall offer you souls or rent you out my servants.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 10:45 AM
Steif, GM

Power has less interest to me, it is fleeting. And I doubt you would offer me many souls

Use of your servants however, does intrigue me. I need good researchers.

How many will you lend, if I agree to share applications of arcane power with you?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 10:52 AM

"I lack the abilities to make the most of applications but If you would promote one then I would be willing to lend prehaps, how much woulfd you want?"

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 11:14 AM
Steif, GM


Zach considers, then

Three. They'll be used directly to research the application. And in return, I'll pay the cost of promotion. I'll just promote one of them.

2008-08-23, 11:18 AM
Steif sent a telepathic message to each of the arch devils, trying hard to kkeep the fear out of his voice. "So my fellow devil. It think we can benefit each other."


how so? What do you have to offer me that I need?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 11:20 AM
Zach, GM
"And after that I get them back? How long do you predict it'd take?" Three sounded reasonble enough after all he didn't have to be that worried about the other devils and its not like Zach is a demon

GM ^
"My main reason for contacting you is that I beleive the two of us getting peace between us would be incredibly useful. After that we can discuss any deals we'd like to make between us."

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 11:30 AM
Steif, GM

Of course. As soon as they are done, and one is promoted, I'll return them to you. I have no interest in higher ranking devils prowling around here yet anyway.

As to time... well, that depends on their own competence. I can't predict that. If I can, I will send my own servants to help them, but I have other areas to research.

You know, if you pay the power cost, and a little extra for my time I'll consider promoting more. Perhaps even all three. Interested?

2008-08-23, 11:31 AM

"You steal the souls I have control of, bribe my servants away, and NOW you want to strike a deal? Very well, I am forgiving. An agreement to not interfere with my realm would be a good start."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 11:42 AM
Zach, GM

They'll be promoted as soon as possible after the research, right?That depends, what sort of demon should I get? What sort of things would it be good at?" Steif's thoughts on the last thing was a big NO but he still wanted the information

Lev, GM

Lev snickered to himself when he heard the voice, to be honest he forgot he was sending a message to him. "Well first I think we should discuss, a no agression policy.

2008-08-23, 12:01 PM
Steif, DM

"Shardon listens..." Can be heard in the space between sound

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 12:06 PM
^, DM

"I think it'd be good for us to try and avoid war. So first I'd like to propose a non-aggression pact."

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 12:25 PM

Of course. As you wish

It's called a familiar. It's better at research, and granting the wishes of mortals, leaving it more able to corrupt them

Hmm... However, it appears that it takes quite a bit of power to promote one. at least three times what it would take to make an imp. I would prefer it if you could contribute the cost.

In return, I could give it the ability to use a spell, on your behaf when you regain control of it. At current, there is only one spell, one of armoring, I can give it. However, if you want something better, I'll need time to complete my own research. Then I can grant it combat magic. If you give me more time, I could investigate different, more combative minions.

That intrigue you?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 12:29 PM
Zach, GM

"I'd prefer thievery minions over combative minions. What does this armouring spell do? Asked Steif

2008-08-23, 12:39 PM
Looking at his three unoccupied imps, Dystor decided to enact his final orders.

Wards. Defence.

His orders fell menacingly out of his mouth as the two imps he pointed at left to do their master's bidding.

With me.

As he spoke, his breathe became heavier and the fire leaping from his tongue grew hotter.


His order for the remaining imp left much fear and worry in the imp, he was unsure what his master could want. Much to his surprise, he followed his lord to the library. His master picking a few select books, began to read. Understanding the task, the imp followed is lord's lead. Though rare, he felt compelled to speak in his master's presence. He felt it was Lord Dystor's will to do so; and we was not one to ignore his master's will.

My name is Pryd.

The words seemed as weak as the individual that spoke them. Waiting, what seemed like ages for Pryd, to see a response from his master, but none would follow. Though Pryd thought to himself that no response is better than his master's usual response. No longer feeling compelled to fill the silence with words, Pryd went back to studing. And with that, the two studied in silence.

Archfiend actions:
Researching Fire.
Research Rolls

Imp actions:
One sent to build defences.
One sent to draw wards.
One researching fire.

Free actions:
Increased corruption by 1.

No archfiend actions.
No imp actions.
0 Power Points.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 01:04 PM

Thievery? Ah.

Well, aerial minions could help with that, I suppose. I could either research pure aerial minions, or grant the familiar a flying spell, whichever you prefer.

As to the spell.... well, I've just gotten it myself. Haven't had the time to try it out. Still, it seems like it'd be good protection, should you ever end up in a combat situation yourself.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 01:07 PM
Zach, DM

"I will take the familiar but if you do research a thievery minion then I'm sure we could do business again." Said Steif. "In regards to me paying for it, I will pay two for one."

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 01:16 PM

With which spell?

At the offer of price, Zach mentally laughs

A third of the cost, and you get the creature. You can hardly call that fair

Let's go halves. Three. That permissible?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 01:19 PM
Zach, DM

"Fine for three. About the spell, how about we wait and see what spells you've got when you're ready to promote it?" Said Steif. "I'm sorry a group of devils have threatened me if I go through with it. Sorry."

2008-08-23, 02:07 PM

"Lev grinned at the imp's deal. "A non-agression pact is acceptable. I agree to honor it."

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-23, 02:12 PM
Lev, DM

"Good, so no fighting"

2008-08-23, 02:33 PM

"Yes. No more fighting between us. There will be no war between us, that would drain both of our resources, and make us vulnerable to the whims of the other devils."

2008-08-23, 04:30 PM
Phase 2, research:


Arcana 1:
Spell gained: Mage Armor
This spell allows you to call forth glowing shields which protect your servants from harm.
Before any battle, you may spend X power to prevent X damage to your units.
Researchable applications (10 research points each)
Familiar (creature), Crystal Hall (building), Power Transfer (Spell), Apprentice (Creature ability)


Metal 1:
Spell Gained: Harden
This spell allows you to improve your defences by transforming stone and other materials into metal. Instead of spending 2 power and an action to increase them by 1, you may also pay 2X power and the action needed to cast the spell to increase them by X.
Researchable applications (10 research points each):
Gremlin (Creature), Forge (Building), Armed (Creature ability)

Kataek, Erthency:

Corruption 1:
Spell gained: Weaken
A mist of black energy surrounds the enemy creature, draining away it's combat power. By spending X power, you may target a number of creatures with a total combat stat of up to X. If these creatures fight during this turn, they only score a hit on a 6.
Researchable applications (10 research points each):
Alp (Creature), Torture Chamber (Building), Whispers (Creature ability)


Shadow 1:
Spell gained: Darkness
This spell allows you to flood the battlefield with sudden darkness. While too flashy to be used during thievery (the enemy will still know that you are there), it can be used to confuse enemies on the battlefield.
You can spend X power to gain X on your trickery roll to ambush.
Researchable applications (10 research points each):
Shadowtouched (Creature), Pit trap (Building), Camouflage(Creature ability)

2008-08-23, 04:37 PM
Knowing he could not respond to the summons, The being instead began to focus on the darkness that filled most of It's domain.

Feeling the telepathic call, The Being responded

Stelth/DM only

What is it you wish, and what will you pay? I'm perfectly open to a non-aggression pact for now, but anything else must be very-well though out

2008-08-23, 04:40 PM
Screaming and howling, new souls, held until this moment in the Limbus between worlds, stream into hell, moving into the archfiends realms as ghostly, grey shapes. This is perhaps the easiest form of timekeeping in hell, and the one the phases of the underworld are measured by.

Soul allocation:
82 souls, total domain size 18, 4.55 souls per size, rounded down.

Liriel: Domain size 2, 9 souls gained
Dystor: Domain size 3, 13 souls gained
Zach: Domain size 1, 4 souls gained
Anenlel: Domain size 3, 13 souls gained
Levmordus: Domain size 2, 9 souls gained
Kataek: Domain Size 3, 13 souls gained
Erthency: Domain size 2, 9 souls gained
Shardon: Domain size 2, 9 souls gained

These souls are in addition to those you already had.

2008-08-23, 04:52 PM

While waiting for a response from Steif, and getting none, Liriel snaps the connection between. As soon as she does, new souls flow into hell.

Finally she grumbles. And here i was beginning to think they would never come.

Changing into a black outfit, she goes into torture tent. After a while, she comes out, smiling to herself at her quite productive torture methods.

Master! Master!

Wondering what her cultist could want, she sends a mental link with him.

What do you want?

Master! I have found someone else who wishes to join our cause.

Already? she thought. He works fast.

Good job. Continue to serve me, and I shall reward you well.

With that, she severs connections and continues on to more pressing matters. What to do? No doubt Steif was too busy with other arch devils to talk with her, and most likely to bargained out some type of agreement. A slow smile comes to her face.

PP: 31
2 Arch devil actions

2008-08-23, 05:52 PM
Erthency Phase 2

Once again the tunnels flooded, new tunnels were flooded as soon as they were created, and the center was pushed further downward. As the new souls were drawn to the cavern mouth screaming, It felt a brief moment of enjoyment, to know it's power was growing quickly.

As the essence of corruption diluted throughout It, the spell it had became apparent. Thinking on the power he had, he thought of the applications. Gathering the intelligence of two nearby tendrils within Itself, It began carefully thinking and researching.

Coming out of it's trance, it instantly commanded it tendrils, and they went off to their required tasks. 3 went to torment the new souls, the one which was responsible for the wards went to continue it's work, and 1 went to alter the caverns to aid any defense of them. the remaining three stayed idle for now.

DM only

domain size increased to 3 (-6 pp)
wards increased to 2 (-2 pp)
defense increased to 1
alp application researched
whispers application researched
5 points of torture chamber research
6 pp from torture
17 pp left
3 imp actions left
1 archdevil action left

2008-08-23, 06:55 PM
The One That Lurks At The Edges
Phase 2

The Shifting Umbra: Stats
Imps: 12
Souls: 10
Wards: 0
Defenses: 0

The One That Lurks At The Edges (TOTLE, for short) surveyed the ten souls before it; those unlucky enough to fall into its newly created, small domain. It motions to five of its assembled imps, then gestures at the souls. The imps extract power from the souls, and TOTLE feels it stream into itself. It is horrendously distressing for the souls, of course, but TOTLE couldn't care less. It emits a hiss, foreshadowing oblivion to come, and drifts away from the souls, the other seven imps in tow.

(19 pp, 10 from souls, 9 from torture)

Noticing the presence of other Archdevils in this new area, it sits and thinks for an unmeasurable time, pondering...

7 imp actions, 3 Archdevil actions remaining

It makes a decision, and telepathically broadcasts:

To all other Archdevils

Greetings, fellow entities. I am new to this Reality, and I see that I am late to the party, as it were. As such, I believe that cooperation is my best course of action. I have a number of useful skills, and I am not ashamed of working with another. A fruitful partnership could result; those interested should contact me.

2008-08-23, 07:16 PM

And what would be included in this fruitful patnership of yours if i may ask?

2008-08-23, 07:19 PM

I will give you the same question I gave Stelth. I am happy to give a non-aggression pact, but anything else must be completely even. What can you offer me?

2008-08-23, 07:28 PM

This plane is new, its power unfocused. Those who would call themselves Lords could not possibly have cemented their power; to strike now is to gain the advantage. If the others have gained control of damned mortals, as I have, they are surely not well guarded. A joint raid on another stockpile would surely lead to mutual benefit. I am very capable of such an operation, and, if I combined my abilities with those of one similarly capable, we would be nearly assured of success.


I can offer many things, as my perspective offers me a ... unique outlook on this universe. Aggression is to be avoided, but cooperation is preferred. In order to fully understand what I could offer you, I must first gauge you abilities; tell me, Fiend Lord, what qualities allow you to rule your domain?

2008-08-23, 07:42 PM

I rule the realm because I control it. I can increase he size and I am the center of all the sapient inhabitants. I can control them, create new ones from absorbing the souls, and control them through my mind. Why do you ask. If you truly wish some cooperation, than perhapse a mutual defense pact?

2008-08-23, 08:18 PM

Are you saying you want my help in attacking someone or are you merely suggesting that we steal from someone. If any choices would be, I would prefer to attack Steif, or one of his companions, seeing as he most likely already created some sort of agreement with the other arch devils. But how am I to know if I attack this devil in questioon, you won't attack me since my defenses will be weak? Agreements based on trust and words hold really no meaning to anyone, and espcially not to us devils.

2008-08-23, 08:30 PM

I do not think an outright attack is the best course of action as of yet. I was speaking of theft, theft of the mortal souls from which we draw our power. If we are successful, the identity of the perpetrators will be masked, and if we are somehow discovered, we may use our united might and the threat of symmetrical conflict to stave off a response. As you say, the default state is gnawing at eachothers' throats; this would change nothing, and would probably weaken our foes and strengthen us.

As for assurance that I would not attack you, I would use many of the same arguments; we are new enough that I would not be assured of victory-- an attack on you would be foolish, because you would know exactly who is responsible. My word may be suspect, but my self-preservation is iron-clad. On this I assure you; I would not harm myself, therefore I would not betray you.

But tell me more of your intended target; why do you think he has banded together with the other Archdevils?


I suspected as much, but I need to more where your abilities other than that lie; do you specialize in brute force, ineluctable words, or force of wit?

2008-08-23, 08:40 PM

Before you came, Steif contacted me as much as you did, but I replied to him and did not get a response back. It leads me to assume he was busy talking, and possibly scheming with others much as we are doing now. You have convinced me for now, and as a token of faith, I will help you expand. I have more than enough power and I am able to give you some if you need it. Only ask. And from now on, we have a non-aggression pack, which will hold I hope, until both of us deem it no longer necessary, or one of us betrays our word. Is that agreed?

2008-08-23, 08:40 PM

I am mainly a generalist, I do no have much ability in brute force, torture, but I am quite adapt at granting mortal wishes, corrupting them in the process, and I have a farly sharp wit. and yourself? why do you probe as such anyway?

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 08:52 PM
Steif/GMGo thru with what? The whole deal? Clarify.

TOTLE/DMGreetings, whoever you may be.

I am willing to bargain, to grant you servants higher than imps. I can grant you Familiars, servants who will be better able to work on the paths of magic. Still, I will not do this uncompensated.


2008-08-23, 09:05 PM

A non-aggression pact is agreeable, yes, and the help with power to expand my domain would certainly be appreciated when the time is right, though I would like to consider my options a bit more before I commit to such a course. The non-aggression pact is agreed, but what of our cooperation? Do you think it would be worthwhile?


Naturally, understanding the abilities of allies is important to laying plans. Myself, I specialize in the proper application of effort, and in the plotting necessary to success.


I am indeed interested, though at this point I am still taking stock of my resources. I am known as The One That Lurks At The Edges, and I have recently come to this domain. What are you known as?

2008-08-23, 09:08 PM

Very well, so would a mutual defense pact work for you? I will soon have several abilities to give your creatures, if you would compensate me appropriately.

2008-08-23, 09:13 PM

Very well, I will send an imp (unless i dont have to) with the power (6 PP). It is all I can give at the moment. As to our course of action, i will help you if we choose to do so, but first we must choose a target. I will let you decide, let me know when you choose.

with that, she breaks off communication, until you call her again.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 09:20 PM

My title is Zach. Formally of the Ebon Tower. I have not been long in these lands myself.

What can you bring to the table? Words? Power? Souls? Servants? I will bargain for them all. Or did you have politics in mind instead?

2008-08-23, 09:51 PM

Duly noted. I will contact you if I require such services, but as of yet I am taking stock of my resources. A mutual defense pact is acceptable.


I most certainly have words in ample supply, but my first focus is politics; I am getting a sense for my surroundings, and information gathering and the generation of rapport are important aspects of this. Already I have heard the rumblings of conflict, and I seek to understand its nature. What do you know of your neighbors?

((Done for the night, more tomorrow))

Moral Wiz
2008-08-23, 10:02 PM

A powerkeg, I think. They are not sufficiently secure in their domains yet, but all are devils, and all do plot against each other. And all are prepared to anger each other. Most foolish.

If a war swept across this land, it's winner would be hard to predict. I want no part of such foolishness. Such a war will benefit no one. Trying to ride it will be like trying to harness a gods power. I prefer neutrality.

Moody the Wise
2008-08-23, 11:49 PM

Zargabaath was once a mortal, an "intelligence expert" in the employ of a human emperor. Zargabaath had little regard for actually gleaning information from his master's prisoners, rather reveling in the act of torture for its own sake. Zargabaath saw torture as the ultimate expression of power over others, and delighted in asserting his power. Over time, he became interested in the occult, and learned that it was possible to draw power from the suffering of others. Naturally, he saw a convergence of interests, and devoted himself to the study of the occult in what free time he had. Growing fearful of the servant's obsessions, his master had him brutally assassinated.

Such was the depth of passion in Zargabaath's soul that he was prepared for the Hell he deserved and had a plan. As a mere soul, he immediately set to torturing the other souls himself. This attracted the attentions of the Archdevil into whose domain Zargabaath had been sent. Respecting the pure sadism of this mere soul, the Archdevil had no choice but to promote him through the ranks. Zargabaath became a powerful tool for his master, but much as it had been in his mortal life, the Archdevil grew suspicious of Zargabaath's ambitions. Still, he could not bear to see such talent wasted, so he exiled Zargabaath to this plane, perhaps as much a a test of his true potential as it was the quelling of potential rebellion.

As an Archdevil, Zargabaath's appearance is not greatly changed from his human form - as per his will. If anything, he looks swarthier, and small, well-groomed horns and tail sprout from the appropriate places.

The Exile's Fortress

Zargabaath's domain is an impressive looking thing. Rising out of the middle is a massive palace. Towering spires house torture rooms. In a modification on Chinese water torture, the spires are equipped with rotating walls possessed of small holes that permit the entry of narrow beams of light at random intervals, magnified by a lensed apparatus that remains focused on the victim's open eyes. These spires serve as waiting rooms, where souls can ... relax, in between more aggressive torture sessions. Lavish gardens adorn the inner courtyards, where all manner of luscious mortal foods are grown - and then "fed" to the souls, who can no longer revel in the sensory delight thereof, only thirst with an unrequited longing for the pleasures of the flesh.

((Done with the fluff, onto real, IC actions))

Zargabaath's entry onto the scene is not subtle. Within moments of his arrival, a deafening wail emanates from his domain, a sound noticeable even unto those in other domains, provided they are listening: the wail of ten poor souls being subjected to torture unimaginable.

Thereafter, a thought projected across the plane: Well, well, it seems we are not alone here. You all can thank me later for that wonderful symphony you just heard. I plan to make many more of them, ere long. I would trust that we can all get along ... but then again, this is Hell, not Amnesty Freakin' International, so I am sure you'll understand my hesitation in leaving my domain unprotected. Still, I can assure you - although I hear an Archdevil's word is weaker than a half a Deutschmark around here - that I have not designs on your domains, nor on your souls.

((Real archdevils speak in pink :smalltongue: Worst part about getting here late? The short end of the color choice stick))

After his pronouncement, Zargabaath retires to his library, where he spends a considerable amount of time ((1 action, to be specific)). After nearly mastering the first level of the Fire Essence in one go, he leaves the finishing touches to his most promising pupil, Imp Al-Cid, who finishes the Fire Essence research. From the library, Zargabaath takes a stroll around the grounds, 5 imps accompanying him. As he does so, the fortress itself seems to expand, stone walls spreading like tendrils until the domain has doubled in size. Of course, these walls count for nothing, mere ephemeral figments of my imagination. Or, rather, manifestations of my will, I suppose. Regardless, they will need real warding if they are to keep out unannounced visitors. Boys, you know what to do - ward this place like you've never warded before.

Zargabaath's 2nd action: Research
Zargabaath's 3rd action: expand domain
1 Imp ordered to research
5 Imps ordered to make wards

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 05:14 AM
Zach, GM

The whole deal.
PuppyAvenger, GM

For now all I wish is a non-aggression pact.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 06:48 AM
Stief, GM

Well, I don't find that credible

This means two possibilities are open. Firstly, that you are idiotic or untrustworthy enough to go around telling other Arch devils of your dealings, as telepathic link is fully secure. Or you're trying to wiggle out of the deal.

Which is it? If the first, then I may have to broadcast the fact my self. Purely as a service to my fellow devils.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 06:51 AM
Zach, GM

Until we agree on it or sign it, their is no deal. So I'm going to go with neither. Good bye.

2008-08-24, 07:42 AM
Soul Allocation:

Sorry, I had forgotten Steif in the first calculation. Here's the new soul allocation table:
82 souls, total domain size 20, 4 souls per size after rounding

Steif: Domain Size 2, 8 souls gained
Liriel: Domain size 2, 8 souls gained
Dystor: Domain size 3, 12 souls gained
Zach: Domain size 1, 4 souls gained
Anenlel: Domain size 3, 12 souls gained
Levmordus: Domain size 2, 8 souls gained
Kataek: Domain Size 3, 12 souls gained
Erthency: Domain size 2, 8 souls gained
Shardon: Domain size 2, 8 souls gained

2008-08-24, 08:17 AM

As Kataek perceived the arrivals of new souls, he smiled and went to welcome the newcomers with his imps. On a snap of a finger, they flew towards the souls and prodded, attacked and harassed them, gathering them like sheep into the clouds of his domain where their cries were muffled and silenced. Of course, there were two souls that arrived that were vastly different in Kataek's eyes.

"Ah, well if it's not our two thieves. Now now, I'm very busy, but you can come with me." And he points towards the soul of the one that had summoned him with the book. "I'll give you a new name. You shall be Malaak. Now come, there is much I want you to do around here, so let's not waste any time."

With those words, he brought Malaak in his spire and there begun the slow and difficult process of changing the soul and corrupting it to an imp. Indeed the process was done with great cries of anguish from the soul as the fabric was stretched to its limits. Once the work was done, Kataek took a break off the difficult task, thinking of ways this could be made easier before giving his orders to his imps.

"You. Wards. Again." He snaps his fingers and the little imp goes back to drawing runes and wards. "You eight, I want you to look into making a torture chamber. Oh, and look into the essence, experiment with the souls a bit. I want to see what we can possibly make out of it. Get to it."

And with that, the Archdevil returns to his throne, and, concentrating his might, he puts forth his power once more, the limits of his domain changing once more, morphing into something bigger, larger, a place where more souls would end in.

Patient, he then waits for the summoning calls, smiling.

Archdevil Actions:

1) Increase domain size. (-6 pp)
2) Soul Promotions. 7 Souls turned into Imps. Includes two imp thieves. (-14 pp)

1 action left.

Imp actions:

1 Imp: Increase wards level. (-2 pp)
8 Imps: Research Applications.

1 Imp left.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 08:32 AM
Steif looked around his domain and the stream of souls that entered it and felt squashed, he also felt like he wasn't getting enough souls, as such he breathed in and started to expand his domain.

He then sent a message to Kataek.
Presuming you were interested in buying souls. How many much power would yuou be willing to spend?

2 actions: Expand domain. 10 points

2008-08-24, 08:41 AM
Steif /Gm

a non-regression pact is perfectly suitable, perhapse a mutual defense pact could be ranged?


excellent, I wish you good fortune and hope to have further business with you.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 08:46 AM

"Good a mutual protection pact could be good, also if we were to trade, how much power would you want fotr a soul?" Asked Steif

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 08:47 AM
GM onlyStief, simply traitorous, and fickle. And with an interest in thievery as well. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Zach looked across the entrance way at his assembled imps, and their precious few new souls.

The Archdevil was not normally one given to emotion. But right now? He was furious

Well, let's review, shall we?

We got the wards established. Good. I was able to complete my studies of arcana for now. Also good.

However, the group assigned to research fire... decided it would be a good idea to use the power I generously gave you for, what was it, Practical Application? In other words, you used all that power. On a Fire spell. INSIDE the library.

His staff flashed, and the imps all stepped back, cowering slightly. Zach sighed.

Atop of that, the soul harvest was utterly lackluster. There are many other Archdevils here. More seem to be popping up all the time.

The situation, in short, is not what it could have been. We will need to work harder in the coming times. Kel'Bath, how close are you to a breakthrough with the Fire Magic?

The imp, one of the smarter ones, squirmed. Zach knew Kel'Bath has taught Jakar a lesson for that fire idea. He knew that it affected all their chances.

Very close master. I'm aware of most of the data. We should have it done by the next soultime.

Well, if you say so

He then pointed at one of the better imps who'd been working on flying magic.

You. Accompany Kel'Bath, work with him to get something done. I expect fire magic. Do not disappoint.

You two. He pointed at another pair, one from both of last phases' research programs, as Kal'Bath and his new assistant scurried off.

You both have a honor. In my own studies, I stumbled across an idea

It's called the crystal hall. I want you two to look into it. Clear

The pair saluted

Yes Lord Zach


Askar, you have more of that warding paint?

Yes, Lord Zach.

Good. Then give it to another, and instruct them in it's use. I have.... a greater plan for you.

With that, there was a defaning grinding of metal outside. Those imps left unassigned rushed to see, Zach did not act to stop them

There were... buildings. Stone, build in the same style as the Library. Mostly in ruins. Some had metal scraps holding them up, or covering them from the sky. Still, indisputably buildings, of the same ancient sort.

The imps were dumbstruck. Zach whispered to them, smilling.

This, in time, will be a great city. You will all have residence here.

But, a great city need defenses. Walls, wards, tricks, a few arcane traps and shooting positions. Especially now the politics has started

Think you can manage something?

The old, white bearded imp smiled

I can, Master. Just give me help and time.

You have both. Pick any other to help you.

You too. You'll need Master Askar to show you how to lay warding paint.

The imp hurried off happily. He had realized what the remaining imps had in common.

So had they. So had Zach.

As for you three... You are the dregs of the dregs. The lowest of the low. The most incompetent of all my imps. Our current weakness is in part your fault.

Come into the Library. I have a "Special" task for you.

Shivering, they followed. Jakar at the rear.

See Dice Roll thread.

Expand Domain (2 power), size 2

1 adding wards (Ward 2, 2 pp)

2 Adding defenses (defenses 2, 4 pp)

2 researching crystal hall (7rp)

Zach researching Corruption (25rp)

2 researching fire

3 researching metal.

1 Arch devil action left

2008-08-24, 09:04 AM
The being was thinking, more and more archdevils were popping up, and some spoke in hot pink, It would need more defenses.

Communicating to two of it's tendrils, one of the creature intimidatingly began increasing the defenses, well the other, infused with enough power to double his intelligence, began finishing off the plans for a torture chamber.
stelif/Gm only

A soul is quite valuable, it gives power continuously and can become a servant. I would say around 3 power a soul


4 power invested in research
4 on defenses
1 from soul miscalculation
all corruption 1 apps researched
10 points on corruption 2
8 pp left.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 09:12 AM
Puppyavenger, GM

"Would you be willing to trade some of your souls for my power?" Asked Steif

2008-08-24, 09:13 AM
"To be honest, I doubt anyone would be interested at more than 4 power points a piece. I think it may be a lot more productive for you to sell souls with special abilities. Those will have actual worth, rather than common ones. Hopefully you find my appraisal accurate, and that I have helped you in the process."

"Kataek greets you. I would like to extend a biding contract with your domain. I am looking towards a non-aggression pact at the least, and perhaps a share of two research domains between the two of us. I selectively research corruption, and shall share with you all possible applications, and with that, I would receive in return applications of a domain of your choice. That biding contract will, if you choose to accept it, be the cement of our two domains, and a reason for us both to cooperate on equal grounds. Deceit is only employed where honesty would fail us, and in this case, I believe it would not fail me with you, Zach. What say you?"

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 09:20 AM
Kaeketh, GM

That you, you were very helpful. Two last questions, How much power would you spend for an imp and do you have anything you'd be willing to trade

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 09:25 AM

I am most interested, Lord Kataek. I agree fully to a non-aggression pact, and an alliance is very much on the cards. I want no part of any war yet, and this offer is most generous. I myself have been researching corruption, and would regard any applications of power with interest.

I also have command of the essences of Arcana and Fire. I freely offer applications from either, though I have not yet had time to research applications fully. In recompense, you may choose either, and I will research applications, and send them to you.

2008-08-24, 09:46 AM
"For an imp, I wouldn't spend. Bringing it in my domain would take time, as much time as it takes me to promote one from my souls. And would likely cost more than the two power points necessary for the promotion. I'd say around 4 power points, the same as a soul, if I was in dire need.

As for anything you might be interested in: I am in possession of two imp thieves that are remarkably good at their chosen calling. Depending on what you offer, I might consider selling off one of them to you."

"I thank you for your speedy reply, Lord Zach. An Alliance is indeed on the cards, and I will consider the biding terms of such an Alliance before submitting my proposal to you. As for offering me the choice, I am most grateful, and would greatly appreciate your help in the domain of Fire. I have currently undergone research of two important applications of the Corruption Essence, and you shall have the knowledge of them as soon as the new batch of souls reach your domain in the next phase of Hell.

Let our domains live and prosper!"

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 09:50 AM
^, GM

"You know how good these imps of yours are. So why don't you tell me what you want for them?" Asked Steif.

2008-08-24, 09:51 AM

I'd be willing to trade 1 or 2, maybe more once my supply increases, they would be delivered to you at the next soul time..

2008-08-24, 09:57 AM
The Inquisitor

"Dark Powers, I call you, help me! I am close, so close, to finishing my studies... but now the churched has sent an inquisitor to investigate where all the orphans went. A Paladin of the Sun God! He can not find me. My studies are too important to everyone. I will save them all, if I succeed. And then they will love me. They will see how they did me wrong, when I can help them. I will be able to cure the plague!
But you must slay the Paladin, and it has to look like an accident, or they will sent more investigators. As a reward, you may have the souls of these orphans and homeless. They would gladly give them, if only they knew what I needed them for...

Special Task
Required: Combat check against DC 12, Trickery against DC 8
Corruption: 5
Reward: 3 souls
Evil Spread: 5

Lost the Way
"If anyone can hear my prayers, help me! I've been lost for three days now in this accursed temple. I'm running out of food. I don't know where I am. Help me, please... I've found treasures, you can have them, but help me!

Easy Task
Wish: 4
Corruption: 6
Reward: 1 power, 1 XP, 1 more XP for corruption
Evil Spread: 1

The Root of all Evil
"Ye, Devils! I call you! I am the greatest merchant and tradesman this kingdom has ever seen! How can it be that Auron earns so much in so little time! Stop this! I do not care how you do it. Curse him. Give me more money. Sink his ships. I don't care, but stop him and I will pay you handsomely."

Difficult task
Wish: 10
Corruption: 10
Reward: 3 power
Evil Spread: 1d6

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 09:57 AM
Puupyavenger, DM

"So 6 power for 2 souls, both to be delivered next soul time?" Said Steif. "So about the mutual protection pact. What do you have in mind?"

2008-08-24, 09:59 AM
1 imp is sent for :lost the way: and The archdevil responds to "root of all evil"


that would be correct, you can pay now or at next soultime, I don't care. The mutual defense pact means we will send a substantial amount of forces to protect each others domains in the event of invasion.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 10:08 AM
Puppyavenger, DM

I'll give you the power next soul time. I think we'd both prefer that. Thye mutual defense pact seems fair." Said Steif. "Oh I almost forgot. Are you researching anything?"

2008-08-24, 10:09 AM
Send an imp to go to the summon. (lost the Way)

Gathering the souls before her, Liriel starts the ancient ritual which will transform these souls into imps. It was a terrible ritual, but it did beat being totured on a daily basis. Starting the rituals, Liriel grabs a dagger from the pedestal next to her. This was a special dagger, as it allowed to kill souls. Stepping to the first soul, she says Ag'Dul Bis Shar Ra Him. Or in translation. Go With the Devil. After finishing that, she quickly steps forward and makes a clean slice from top to bottom of the soul. From within it, a little imp falls out, writhing in the ground. A soul comes and takes it away, and Liriel continues the process.

After she finished, Liriel wondered what was going to happen now. She herself was reaching her limits, and she wondered what to do now.

Pointing at two more imps, she tells them to go make more wards to stop unwanted intruders.

+2 wards, - 4 PP
+10 servants, - 20 PP - 10 souls
PP: 0
1 arch devil actions.
Souls: 8


giving 6 PP to TOTLE as a free action. And have you decided yet? I am getting impatient.

2008-08-24, 10:11 AM
Annoyed at his imps failure to get the summons, the Being commanded him to research shadow, where the power could be better used.

current shadow research total 15

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 10:26 AM
Steif sent a message to Liriel.

Can we talk about a non-aggression pact?

2008-08-24, 10:28 AM

and tell me Steif. How many other agreements do you have? Are you trying to turn everyone into your ally so no one would be willing to attack you while your defenses are still weak? I see no need for a mutual non-aggression pack with you. But tell me, why do you want one so bad?

ah missed that post my bad.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 10:31 AM
Lirial, GM

I did send you a message in return. What was the last thing you said to me?

Lirial, GM

And then I said, "My main reason for contacting you is that I beleive the two of us getting peace between us would be incredibly useful. After that we can discuss any deals we'd like to make between us." which is what I still want.

2008-08-24, 10:44 AM

"I'd say no less than 10 power points for one, and a biding contract of non-aggression as security."

Responding to the summons, Kataek focuses his avatar towards the man that needed fulfillment in his work and against his rival. He smiles at the same time, sending his imp towards the one that had lost his way in an accursed temple.

Archdevil action: Answer summon. (Root of all Evil)
Last Imp action: Answer summon. (Lost the Way)

Dice Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4754183#post4754183)

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 10:50 AM
Kaetekh, GM

"10 seems fair but as I'm sure you know, I can't make a non-aggression pact with you unless you make one with me." Said Steif.

Lirial, GM

"Please contact me when you've changed your mind. But before I go, how much power (presuming you wanted a soul) wouldv you spend on a soul and how much power (presuming you wanted an imp) wouldv you spend on a imp."

2008-08-24, 10:54 AM

I am very good at extracting power from the current souls i have, and thus have no need for more power. Indeed i have extra power myself, so I would not pay more than 2 power per soul, if i ever did it. And I have made my own minions as well, so i also have no need of them, but I wouldnt pay more than 2 PP for that as well.

2008-08-24, 11:04 AM

Naturally. Do we then have a deal?

When answering to the summoner fails, Kataek curses once more. The summonings were still very crowded. With a whole bunch of devils fighting over them. Sighing, he helps his imps with researching the application on Whispers.

Archdevil action: Research.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 11:09 AM

Kataek, GM

"When am I getting it?" Asked Steif. "But yes we do have a deal."

2008-08-24, 11:17 AM
"It is arranged then. They were both just promoted to imps. As soon as next phase comes around and I feel the power channeling to me, I'll send him over to your domain."

2008-08-24, 12:31 PM
The darkness welcomes the new souls into Shardon's domain with open arms. There was a shift in the pandemonium, the darkness had whispered and Shardon had heard. Shardon's imps heard the shift in the song of despair and set about searching the darkest places in the domain, from the deepest pit to the darkest secret of the most lost soul.

Power: 1+18-4 = 15
Imp actions left: 2
Arch fiend actions left: 2

Shardon does not respond to the calls of the mortals at this time. It will allow the other demons to expend their resources on them.

One imp to scribe wards and one to make defenses.

six imps are set to study the three spells that studying shadow magic allowed me to research last round (shadow touched, then Camouflage, then pit trap) 14 total

Shardon researches corruption magic in general for an action 5d6 adds 17 to the 7 it had last round for a total of 24

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 01:01 PM

May they prosper

Actually, I have a request myself, Lord Kataek. I intend to respond personally to the summons of one of these mortals. He who wishes defense against the Paladin. He offers souls, the action would spread much evil, and the idea of slaying one of the sun gods own... just feels right to me.

But for that, I need power. Much, in order to ensure the summoning is a success. I am not the best combatant personally as it stands, and will need to invest to make victory a reality..

In return, you may have your choice. Knowledge of all the applications of Arcana, the promotion of your imps to a higher form, which specializes in research, or three souls.

As a gesture of my goodwill, I will also impart my insights into the two other dukes who have been attempting to broker large scale deals thus far. Your thoughts?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 01:06 PM

Maldiem, GM

"I'm probably the last to contact you but how about a non-aggression pact?"

2008-08-24, 01:17 PM

Patience is a virtue, my friend, and despite that it is still worth utilizing every once in awhile. An ill-considered move is a foolish one.

However, I have spoken with an Archdevil known as Zach, and one that goes by Erthency. Both offered me improved minions, and drooled over the offer of power. Perhaps they are attempting to trade in goods that are easy to come by, but the proper measure of our neighbors is useful information indeed. I will contact you again shortly, before the next arrival of souls, with more information.

I should have mentioned this earlier; I am known as The One That Lurks At The Edges. What do you go by?


The sound of knife-fighting french horns could only be telepathic laughter from a being from beyond the stars, Very direct, my friend. But tell me; what use is the promise of a being that maintains a Lordship in Hell? Why would such an agreement assure either of us of the other's good nature? Any such agreement must bristle with teeth and penalty clauses. I, however, prefer such agreements to be based in mutual benefit. How could we assist one another, to ensure that neither of us would harm the other?

Since it got buried, reposting it (this isn't saying it again, this is just reminding people it was said):

To all other Archdevils

Greetings, fellow entities. I am new to this Reality, and I see that I am late to the party, as it were. As such, I believe that cooperation is my best course of action. I have a number of useful skills, and I am not ashamed of working with another. A fruitful partnership could result; those interested should contact me.

2008-08-24, 01:22 PM

You may call me Liriel. As to improved minions, they have only just researched it. I myself will start my own research this round, and next round will continue to increse it with my minions helping me. Please let me know soon, so I may know whether or not I can go help my imps research.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-24, 01:33 PM

"I think you're mistaking me for a demon. Its demons that don't keep their words. But how about, each sould influx you give me a soul and I'll give you three power."

2008-08-24, 01:40 PM
Pointing at 7 imps, she sends them to go research (27 Corruption). Sitting back in her seat, she wonders what she is going to do.

Later that evening, the imps come back with good news, they have finished the research, and are awaiting their mistresses commands on what to do with it. She goes to investigate and see what they have found out.

Seeing it with her own eyes, Liriel is satisfied, and she herself decides to join in. (12 on building)


I myself have just finished researching the essence for corruption. See, they are not all that ahead of me yet.

I do not mind, planning is the key to winning, and we must plan ahead not at the moment. At the very least, I am glad that we can have a patnership together in this world, even if it is only at the moment.


0 archdevil action remaining 0 pp, 8 souls, 20 servants, 2 cultists +2 to wards

*done for this turn, unless i lose the summon, but so far it looks like a no.

2008-08-24, 02:04 PM
((Sorry, this thread is like a gravedigger that gets paid by the foot))

I see. Neutrality and caution. And what of the winner, if such a war should take place? Would their power not far exceed your own? Would they have a use for one who stood by the side, aiding neither friend nor foe, out of self-preservation, or would they see you as a penny-ante guard of a rich bastion of souls? Wouldn't it be wiser to determine which side will win in advance, and ensure that one is on the right side of the victory?

That aside, what do you know of the other Archdevils? What gives you the idea that it is a powder keg? Simply the nature of devils themselves, or has one of your neighbors given you a reason for unease?


I see. Improving the abilities of our minions is a goal to be worked for, but I think it is probably unwise to strengthen a potential foe in exchange for something small. I would consider trading power for improved minions with you, of course, since you have been so generous so far.

I have come to the conclusion that theft is not the wisest course of action as of yet. Perhaps at some later time, with a larger number of minions with better abilities, theft or outright attack would be something to pursue. I apologize for taking so much of your time.


I think your price is far too low. I could gain the same amount of power by consuming the soul, and not have to worry about the ill it could cause me at a later time. A properly tortured soul could bring up to four power in a phase, and further consuming it could garner another three. I'm afraid I would therefore accept nothing less than eleven power in exchange for a soul; two phases of optimal income from the soul, plus the difference in power from giving it to you instead of consuming it.

I do not believe you are prepared to meet this price; I propose a counteroffer. We will exchange information about our neighbors on a one for one basis. I will tell you about one Archdevil with which I am familiar, and then you reciprocate. Deal?

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 02:13 PM

If it were possible, indeed that would be the best course. But this is too soon. No one has a clear advantage.

If a good case could be made though... then I would consider picking sides..

As to what gives me unease.... well, that is more serious information. And information is not free. What will you offer me for what I know?

2008-08-24, 02:27 PM

Information in return, of course. I have knowledge of a conflict between Archdevils, of the type of magic one has researched and of the abilities of another. Further, I have an opinion of another that may prove useful to you.

In general terms, what could you offer?

TOTLE mentally directs five of its minions to extract power from the other five souls. Deciding to wait on its plans, it orders the two remaining to guard the plane, protecting its stockpile of souls.

It then stretches and expands, flowing to the edges of the demiplane, almost merging with the very fabric of Hell itself. It then begins unraveling the tapestry of Hell, ripping and tearing it to better match the Un-plane from which it emerged. By the time TOTLE is done, the chancre has tripled in size, ensuring a greater number of souls enter in the following phase.

The One That Lurks At The Edges then gathers its power around itself, reveling in the substance and energy that had so long been withheld from it. It uses this power to enhance its abilities, leaving a very small reservoir intact.

GM only

10 power from souls, 9 power from first round of torture, 8 from second, 6 from Liriel's generosity, 7 power from Anenlel = 40 power
6 spent to increase domain size from 1 to 3, 2 actions spent
34 spent to increase stats by 17 points, 1 action spent.

State name: original + increase = total
Combat: 2 + 4 = 6
Trickery: 8 + 0 = 8
Wishes: 2 + 2 = 4
Corruption: 2 + 2 = 4
Intelligence: 1 + 9 = 10
Intimidation: 4 + 0 = 4
Torture: 1 + 0 = 1

Souls: 10
Wards: 5 (from guarding imps)
Defenses: 0
Size: 3
Imps: 12
Bad-ass Un-things (TOTLE): 1
Power remaining: 1

2008-08-24, 02:33 PM

It may be a little late, but would you like a nutual defense or non-aggression pact? Also, how much power would you require to buy an imp?

It may be a little late, but would you like a nutual defense or non-aggression pact? Also, how much power would you rpay for a soul?
what, I want to start some conversations!

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 02:34 PM
@TOTLEThe most likely scenario for a domain wide war at this time. An explanation of why and how that scenario would work. And, in the bargain, knowledge of a particular Archdevil that can not be trusted, who is foolish and who it would be unwise to align your fortunes to.

Which Arch Devil's abilities do you refer to? If it is Stief, then I know already.

2008-08-24, 02:39 PM

why do you want a non aggression pack with me? And it takes me at least two power, and my action to make an imp. But are you interested in my little minions? If so, I'm sure we can work something out.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 02:51 PM

You wish a non aggression pact with me? What for? A prelude to trade?

As for buying souls... that depends. Are you selling, or do you just wish a market estimate?

2008-08-24, 02:53 PM

Quite simply, I find peace advantageous and want to make sure that no-one invades me for no reason. How would 7 power for 2 imps be next soul time?

I wish a non-aggression pact because I consider peace preferable to war. If you wish to trade, I'm completely open, I have all the application for the first level of essence. For the souls, I'm willing to sell one or two next soul time, and I figured that you might want them, a market estimate is also useful

2008-08-24, 02:54 PM

I have a general knowledge of Erthency's abilities. So, do we have a deal? I am willing to start, with one part of what I know; I will trade knowledge of a specific conflict for your conjecture of a domain-wide war.

((Leaving for campus. I'll put this up here now so you don't have to wait. If you agree, open this spoiler))

Liriel was negotiating with Stief, when he suddenly broke the connection. Liriel took this to mean Stief was plotting against her. Simply because it is paranoid does not mean that it isn't true. I forsee hostilities, at the very least, from these two. What of this scenario?

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 03:03 PM
@TOTLEZach smiled


He listened to the news with interest

That is useful. As to the scenario... well, one Archduke is rather an unfortunate combination. He is a thief, and thus probably has many souls, but is very obvious, proud and boastful. He outright mentioned his activities in negotiation with me, without a second thought. It will not be long until his victims guess it is he that has been raiding their soul stacks, and band together to bring him down.

He will desperately open negotiations with other dukes, with his foes at his gates. And some will respond, hoping for a better share of his riches that joining his foes. The whole domain could be dragged in quite quickly. A scenario I wish to avoid.

There. Two pieces. The scenario, and how it would work. Your turn, lurker. Your opinion, please, on another archduke.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 03:09 PM
Erthency/GMI agree with that. If you wish a non-aggression pact, I will be fine with it.

As to souls... well, I currently have problems of economy, and souls would be useful. However, I would prefer alternate payment to power, such as applications. Or... information.

How many souls would you be willing to pay to find out who held, and was willing to sell me knowledge of you, and your abilities?

2008-08-24, 03:27 PM

I already know who that is, and I am quite thankful for the information. What applications can you offer? I'll be willing to pay somewhere between 1 and 3 souls for each of them.
If you have any information, Give me a hint about what it is, and I may pay you for it

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 03:34 PM
Erthency/GMZach gimiced, then laughed

Damn. Oh well, can't blame me for trying. I don't suppose you could spare a point or two of power in payment for that?

I have arcane, fire and corruption essences. I have already dealt with another duke for the corruption applications, and will be researching the others as we go. You may buy as many as you wish

As for information... I know of an Archduke who may end up causing a large scale war between several lords. I know another lord who seems to have plans to expand, and is possibly prepared to build an alliance, then wage war to do so.

I know of a conflict between two dukes already developed...

And I know of one particular duke who it would be unwise to expect to survive.

Anything strike you as interesting?

2008-08-24, 03:46 PM

Well, I think I'll hold off buying any applications for now. Would 2 power per point of information be acceptable. Assuming so, I'd like to know the dead-man walking duke, the two dukes in conflict, and the war-monger. I'll pay you next Soul-time

2008-08-24, 03:53 PM

that is fine, because I will not be able to send them until next soul time anyway. And peace, peace only holds for so long until someone wants more, and someone always wants more. but peace for now holds until we deem it no longer necessary? agreed?

2008-08-24, 03:55 PM

I'd prefer an alliance, but what you outline is agreeable, lets agree not to invade each as first priority hmm? so 7 power for two imps is agreeable?

2008-08-24, 04:00 PM

it is agreed then. i will show good faith and give you the imps first at next soul time. But they will be exhausted when they get there, thus you will have to wait another soul time before you can use them.

2008-08-24, 04:03 PM

Very well, I hope to have good relations with you in the future. The power will be spent as soon as the imps arrive.

2008-08-24, 04:14 PM

I see. To know that Stief is a Thief, one would either have to say his name aloud with a human tongue and a rather severe lisp, or know of his abilities from another source. Since you know of only one Archduke's abilities, Stief, he must be the thief in question. Very well, despite your omission, I will uphold my part of the bargain; my opinion was with regard to this very same duke; he offers insecure promises without a second thought, and seems to take other Devils at their word. I do not forsee a long tenure as a Lord for this entity.

I believe that wraps up what you had in trade. While we're communicating, I'm looking for an Archduke who would be willing to trade souls to me for power in return. Are you willing to make such a trade?

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 04:30 PM
Erthency/GMThat.... does not sit over well with me. If you could pay me now, I'd prefer it.

Half of your payment now, in return for half of my information?

And I would recommend purchase of the information on the possible, future immediate war, involving multiple lords. It will be useful in dictating diplomacy. Unfortunately, without purchase, I can say no more..

TOTLE/GM:Another Duke made me such an offer. I'll trade his name for either two power, or the research subject of the other lord.

2008-08-24, 04:37 PM
Very well, I only have two power points available now, could you take the other 4 as credit? I'll be able to pay you back quite easily next soul time. I'm going to assume you are referring to the first one you mentioned in your list? I'd wish to know all of them, but that is at the top. Anyway, where do you stand in these politics? I'd wish to see an alliance more serious than a nonaggression pact, but I'm curious to your politics.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 04:54 PM
Erthency/GMVery well. You wish to buy them all later?

I will accept two, and give you the basic info on the more immediate possible future war. I'll throw in my own political standing into the bargain. Is that acceptable

If he receives two power, he smiles (Only read spoiler if you send the power)

One duke is playing politics rather badly, but is better on the economy. He has angered several other dukes. It won't be long before they figure everything out, the irritator is rather idiotic. Then, they will attack.

The rich duke will offer alliances to others, if they come to his defense. They will join, in the hope of a better payment. And such a war could spread across the entirety of this place.

As to where I stand... I wish neutrality, and peace, at least for now. A large war would leave all of us weaker, and unable to resist an outside attacker. However, I also wish to avoid any large war that might remove from me the luxury of this state. That is why I sell you this information so freely.

2008-08-24, 05:13 PM
Consider it done, the powers yours. It seems we have a convergence of interests, as I wish peace for the same reason as you. It would not do for some hyped up Grand Duke to come and destroy us all for our paltry power. how much will it cost for you to name names?

-2 pp[/spoiler]

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 05:26 PM
Erthency/GMIt's just another piece of information. The dead duke walking is the merchant in the scenario. Even if his side wins, they'll then turn on him, to take their due.

The other pieces of information are unrelated. The warmounger has no part in this yet. and the more minor conflict is independent of this scenario, though it impacts upon it.

You still interested in selling souls? I've got a buyer who you might wish to be directed to. For a single soul next soultime, or this if you could manage it, I'll tell you his name. Interested?.

2008-08-24, 05:32 PM

Once again, will you name names? and thank you again for the information. I'd be interested, but one soul is a pretty steep price. Add in something and you've got a deal, like the names, or another piece of information. after all, a soul can be worth 4 power a turn.

2008-08-24, 05:41 PM
Phase 2:

As the howling begins, Dystor carefully returns the tome to its shelf. Though not the most learned of devils, he respected the power that lay hidden in the research.

Come. Dystor commanded as he walked out of the library. And as commanded, Pryd followed.

As the two emerged from the library, the land scape was slowly changing. New buildings where rising from the ground, buildings that had been already standing grew taller. Red klaxon lights emerged from a few buildings, acting as wards. Small walls began to spring up from the ground surrounding the city. All the imps, having finished thier tasks were heading back to the center builing: back to the throne.

Dystor, however stopped in what seemed to be an empty lot of ground. Pryd, unsure of what to expect next, waited nearby patiently. Then suddenly the ground from beneath them shook and a new building began to rise. Dystor, unphased from the change in elevation continued to stare at the murky grey that was heading for the soul cells beneath the city. And as it grew closer the horrific wailing continued to increase in volume. The trajectory of the souls would take them directly pass Dystor, just as he had hoped. And as they passed the archfiend he reached out into the sky and grabbed some of the souls, letting the rest continue their journy to the cells. The wailing from the captured souls grew even louder and evoked more pain and suffering than before. Letting out a roar, Dystor began to pulse with energy. Focusing the energy into his arm, he pushed the raw energy into the souls within his grasp.

If ever there was a sound that no demon could stand, then this was the sound these souls made. All imps in the city stopped their march to the center and now focused on their lord's current doing. Dystor smiled and released the wretched pile of soul and power. Upon cratering into the ground, the pile shattered into six smaller pieces. Each pile bubbled with hate and aguish. It would not be long until arms and legs could be seen emergin from the dark pus.


Dystor sat upon his throne, looking upon the horizon.


Once again energy pulsed through the debil's body and surged down to the ground and filling the city.

After ordering four imps to the torture chambers he pointed at Pryd.

Help the one that is lost. I have a mortal to slay.

His entire essence seemed to ignite as he spoke the last few words.

Archfiend actions:
Promoted 5 souls to imps. (10pp)
Increased domain size by one. (6pp)
Attempting to answer The Inquisitor task.

Imp actions:
4 sent to torture souls. Torture rolls
One sent to attempt to answer Lost The Way task.

Summoning rolls

4 Imp actions.
6 Power Points. (before torture)

2008-08-24, 06:01 PM
coming back from the summon, Liriel sets the imp to work on more corruption research.

rolling here, too lazy to go to the thread. :smalltongue:

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 06:04 PM
Erthency/GMI've told you the price of the fool duke's name. What other names do you want?

Hmm... add my impressions of another Arch Devil? That sufficient?

2008-08-24, 06:19 PM
I'm sorry I seem to have missed it, you'll have to repeat your price. But very well, the buyers name, and your impressions of them for a soul at next soultime.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 06:23 PM
Erthency/GMSorry, that information is extra. I'll tell you my impressions of Lemvordius instead, reasonable?

And the fool dukes name is two power. As is everything else

2008-08-24, 06:32 PM

Very well, the soul will be diverted from my new ones next soultime, who's the buyer, and what are your impressions of levititus?
OOc, yep, this defiantly seems like infernal politics.

2008-08-24, 06:37 PM
Lord Zach, unfortunately, I have no more power to spare for this phase of Hell. However, you bring up an interesting point, and I will attempt to save some to help you with summonings when the new batch of souls come in. Fighting a paladin will also be incredibly difficult, and I can provide little assistance in the matter.

But as I said, I will keep a reserve for such occasions on later dates. I hope whichever summons you'd answer on this phase, it is a fruitful one.

My name is Kataek. Interesting. It seems that there is still room for other fiends here. Is there anything you'd part with, if you want to trade then? I'd be willing to offer knowledge, at a price. Be it of applications of essences, or simply pure knowledge of the politics on this plane.

2008-08-24, 06:50 PM

The archdevil actually smiles as she directs the influx of souls. The harvest has been good to her domain, and the fresh souls had been siphoned exactly as she had planned. Now, they were settling in, forming precise geometrical patterns—patterns that were enforced by razor-sharp spines should they stray. Her building plans were working once again, and she would need to expand her domain soon to properly accommodate the next few harvests.

She had some time left before she would need to expand, however, and she had other things to attend to. Anenlel rises, ascending from the darkened soul chambers to the higher areas, where her imps are still laboring with crude iron smelters. They had made progress, in their way, but they needed... guidance. She would provide.

Torture (providing 13 power), then research Metal, bringing her total to 26. No orders have been given to imps yet.

Both broadcasts receive the same answer from Anenlel after a short period of time. If you believe you have something to exchange with me, make your offer, and I will decide whether it is advantageous. If not, we have no business to conduct at present.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 06:56 PM
Erthency/GMLevisitcus is of the old guard. He'll stick to his deals, in word at least, though he won't expect the same necessarily. He had a bad break recently, but I think he'll recover. He's a potential rising power.

The buyer is the being that calls itself the Lurker.

KataekWorry not, Lord Kataek. As it transpires, another duke stole the summoning from me. It seems I'd best wait for another chance.

Still, perhaps he did the best thing. I have other matters to attend to. And information to gather.

The current political situation is interesting, I must say. Especially in the shadows. Would you agree?

TOTLEHmm... Actually, I'll give you his name. Call it a statment of faith and support. He's the duke called Erthency

2008-08-24, 07:15 PM

Very well, now, as a favor, will you tell me f I am correct in the assumption that stelif s the merchant devil you spoke of?

Lurkerapparently you wish to buy some souls? if this is true, than I'll be willing to negotiate with you for them, if it is not, than I'll be demanding a refund from my agent. Also, please do not offer the information I gave in good faith to others.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 07:28 PM
Erthency/GMIf I continue this discussion, then one of the pieces of information might loose it's value.

Swear you will pay for them all. The name, the conflict and the warmounger. Six power total. Then I'll give you this one early, as a sign of faith.

2008-08-24, 07:32 PM

Very well, I hearby swear on the lake of fire and brimstone that i will pay 6 power on the next soul time. now what is the name.

Also, if i payed you a sum, like say, a soul per phase, would you tell me about any plots against me you know of? and a few other bits of information/

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 07:42 PM
You're suspicions were correct. It is indeed Stelif that has been acting so, and who is unlikely to survive.

And as a note, the lurker agreed with me. He's another foe of the thief lord, though not yet a direct opponent. Consider that a gift.

And I would be happy to do so. I have yet to establish relationships with each lord though, so no absolute guarantee. Starting next soultime?

2008-08-24, 07:47 PM

thank you for the information, and yes starting next soul turn.

I seems he is quite unpopular, but lets not be the ones starting the war we wish to prevent.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 07:53 PM

Do not worry, my friend. I would be harmed by such a major war as well, remember? I have no plans on creating a massive war within the domain.

So, two souls next soultime, and another each soultime since, in return for keeping guard in the shadows, watching for plots? I am fine with that. And six power next soultime, for the current information I offer?

And to seal the deal... a mutual non aggression pact? Or a full alliance, if you prefer.

2008-08-24, 07:57 PM
All the prices you mention are correct, and i would prefer a full alliance

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 08:11 PM

Then such is what you will have.

On my name, rank and power as a duke of hell, I wish to enter into alliance with you, Duke Erthency. I will support you, as you will me. Do you accept?Zach does it by the book. And he has lots of books.

2008-08-24, 08:15 PM

By the flow of the River Styx, I accept you alliance Duke Zack.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-24, 08:22 PM
Erthency/GMThen it is agreed. May our domains last for eternity, and be filled with many bountiful Mortal souls. Until next soultime, ally.

2008-08-24, 08:24 PM

in till next soul time

2008-08-24, 08:46 PM

Hello. I apologize for not answering your query for a partnership earlier. I was busy with other matters. But where are my manners? I am Levmordus, and if you must shorten it, you may call me Lev.

You say you have useful skills? Good. That would benefit me immensely. For now, however, a non-aggression pact would suffice, and perhaps a trade of sorts. What say you?

2008-08-25, 12:36 AM

Greetings, I am known as The One That Lurks At The Edges, or the Lurker, if you want to shorten it. I am currently looking to expand my power base, and as such I wonder if you are willing to trade souls for power; this is, of course, slated for the next phase of soul arrivals.

I am also interested in the politics of this plane, and for that I would offer information of my own in return. Interested?


I see. At the moment, I am willing to trade information for information. I am learning about the inhabitants of this corner of Hell, and I wonder if you have anything you'd exchange for that information.


How generous. Let me know if you have anything else you would discuss. With that, the Lurker breaks the connection.


I am indeed in search of somewhere to acquire new mortal souls. What price you set for their transfer?


And I am called The One That Lurks At The Edges, the Lurker for short. I will agree with a nonaggression pact, to be sure. But what of the trade you mentioned?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-25, 07:04 AM
Maldiem, GM

"Fine with me. I look forward for us exchanging information."

Kaetek, GM

"Do you have any sould or imps for sale? Not the thief imp."

2008-08-25, 08:50 AM

My good Lurker, the trade I am proposing is simple. Two of my souls for the permanent allegiance of one of your imps. I am working on a... project, and I require more imps then I currently have. So what do you say? Do we have a deal? Two souls for one Imp? Even if you decline, I look forward to dealing with you in the future.

2008-08-25, 09:07 AM

I'd like 5 power per soul, but I'm open to alternative payment.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-25, 11:41 AM
Stief sent a telepathic message to Liriel.

"Hello, me again. Do you have any imps or souls, you'd be willing to trade?"

2008-08-25, 12:10 PM

possibly, but trade for what?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-25, 12:16 PM
Lirial, GM

"I'd prefer to trade for power. But if you want to trade something else"

2008-08-25, 12:19 PM
I have no need for power at the moment, although i might trade for souls. But any deals we make, I cannot fufill them until next soultime.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-25, 12:23 PM
Lirial, DM
Yes most deals must. My main wish is for souls. How about I can trade you information for your souls?

2008-08-25, 12:30 PM

depending on the information. What information is that, and why do i need to know it?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-25, 12:37 PM
Lirial, GM

"At the moment I don't have much information but by next soul time. By then I'll have a lot."

2008-08-25, 12:45 PM

than talk to me when you have something to offer me. With that she breaks connection.

2008-08-25, 01:46 PM
TOTLEYou are ambiguous. Please clarify: you wish to give me information on the nearby realms, or you wish me to give you information about the same?

2008-08-25, 02:14 PM
The emptiness of Shardon's domain deepens... each soul finds itself further from the others... the pleas of the lost grow fainter... further apart...

Power total 5
Imp actions 0
Arch fiend actions 0

Shardon spends 10 power and two actions to raise his domain size to 4

The last two imps go ahead and join their brethren in studying shadow applications for a total of 20.

2008-08-25, 07:53 PM

A great current began, creating a sweeping vortex reaching deeper and deeper in till it touched the bottom. A strange humanoid creature with it's lower body replaced by a tentacle burst forth, dragging water along with it.

In the room the merchant was in, a small portion of the floor began twisting downwards into a whirlpool, beginning to spin, than gaining speed and becoming more liquid. in a few moments the whirling floor became the same material as the Beings domain was filled with, and the avatar burst out of thew water. It looked somewhat like a green Naga. A disturbing thought began in the merchants mind, eventual becoming a headache inducing voice voice separate from his own. You will pay for the destruction of your rival? Very well, let it be done.

Just then, across the sea's wherever the merchants rivals ships can be found, the ocean floor temporarily dropped, as they were replaced with portals to the Beings domain. dozens of tentacles rose up, and began dragging the ships down, crushing the hulls and cargo. Every single ship was lost, and only a few sailors survived.

But why do you struggle for some epethermal things? Serve me, pledge me your life and soul, and I will give you riches you cannot begin to imagine, swear your soul tto me and you'll never wish for gold again.

The merchant mumbled a few words and eventually agreed and reluctantly swore his soul. Hearing this, and after recieving Its payment, the being said Very well, now come with me to my realm. and dragged the soul screaming into the insanity filled domain that the Being controlled, where he would have bigger things to think of than wealth.


+3 power
+1 speicial soul
5 evil spread

2008-08-25, 08:31 PM
The Inquisitor
Thank goodness...you've... The summoner's words seemed to trail off as the massive devil emerged. Without a word, Dystor started toward the town. Where are you going? The summoner asked unsure if he truely wanted to know the answer.

To kill a paladin. Dystor responded, without looking back.


It was night and the streets were empty, save for a few watchmen. Luckily, this Paladin of the Sun God was not afraid of the night. Having finished what mundane task the mortal had been doing, he took a stroll underneath the stars, alone. Not willing to let the opportunity pass, Dystor sung out from the shadows. His fist landed hard and sure into the paladin's chest plate. The paladin reeled on the ground unsure of what had hit him, alive, but that was only for the time being.

What kind of monster are you?! The paladin asked as Dystor stepped out from the shadows. And had it not ben for his nearly collapsed lungs, the words would have echoed throughout the town. But as he was, they came out no louder than a whisper.

Your death. Dystor responded, merrily. And with that he lifted the paladin and carried him to a shadowy spot near the citadel; and a grand citadel it was. Caulously, he dropped the paladin in a spot directly beneath a over hang. It was all the paladin could do to keep from passing out, let alone to get up and run away. So as the devil climbed the side of the citadel, he could do nothing but watch.

Knowing that sudden structural failure may leave some suspicion, Dystor used what power he could to gather some storm clouds over head. With a storm, the "accident" may seem more believable. And as the lightning flashed and the rain fell, Dystor loosened a stone guardian. Not taking the time to ponder the irony, the beast dropped the stone piece onto the still living paladin. And with that, his task was done.


Is the task done? The summoner asked rhetorically.

Dystor did not respond to the question. Instead he layed out a proposition.

How would you like to never fear from those that would oppose you? I can give you the strength and power to make those around you fear you and respect you. He turned and stared deep into the eyes of the mortal. I care not for your work, you may continue it for whatever pleasure it may bring you, but spread my word and my message to the world. And you shall have the power to strike back at your enemies.

The demon's words echoed inside the mortals head and his soul became entranced. Yes...my lord.

Lost the Way
Having shown the poor mortal the way out Pryd stopped. You really are pathetic aren't you?

The man stopped and looked at his rescuer. Huh?

You were lost for three days in this temple! And you needed profane help to escape!

I guess you're right...

I can think of way that would make you more powerful, less pathetic, and you would never be lost again.

...my life has been pretty sad. It's not like I have much going for me...can you really make me powerful?

Forget it. You wouldn't be willing.

No, wait! Tell me! I'd do anything to not be like this!




2008-08-25, 08:42 PM

Levmordus continues to wheel and deal mentally with his fellow Archdevils, but knows that talking alone does not allow his realm to keep functioning.

While waiting for a response from them, Levmordus walks to the storeroom in his stone castle, and is greeted by an unexpected sight.

An ornate, midnight black suit of armor, complete apparently crafted to to be exactly fitting on a being of Lev's sort. In fact, the suit IS Levmordus's, judging by the way his imps grinned and whooped at his arrival in the storeroom.

Levmordus gave an incredulous look at the imps.

"Is this what I think it is, my imps?"

Nel'zarn, the leader of Lev's imps, gave the answer.

"Your personal suit of armor, your lordship? The armor you never used under the reign of the old Duke, but which was enchanted to hold an extremely fierce devil inside it, and increased the wearer's ability to wage war, as long as he wore it? Oh, that. Yes, lordship. We rescued it from the ruins of the old Duke's domain. We decided that today was a good day for revealing it."

Lev laughed, a spine-chilling sound. "Nel'zarn, you WILL be the foremost of my servants. That power shall be your reward. As for the rest of you, Excellent work. You imps as well will be my foremost minions. Which is what you were planning, I take it?"

The archdevil walked over to the armor, stroking it softly. He grabs it carefully, placing it over his body piece by piece, concealing his features in the mighty armor.

When he moves to put on his clawed gauntlets, a roar is heard from within the armor. The fierce demon was angry Levmordus frowned at this, and chanted in a dark language. A reddish glow pulsed from the armor, a hissing sound whistled from all the joints of the armor, and the roaring stopped. Nonplussed, Lev put on the gauntlets, which do not roar.

Nel'zarn was the first to ask. "What happened, lord?"

Levmordus grins, but it is unseen under his terrible helm. "My loyal Nel'zarn, I used a spell to bind the devil within the armor to me, and my superior will ceased his whining. I now have what the armor granted me forever. The welcome side effect of this was that the armor was bonded to my skin. I will be like this for all eternity."

And bolstered by his enternal new guise, Levmordus strides to the area where the souls are kept. He gestures at the souls, and as the last time he did so, one of the souls shapes itself into the form of an imp.

He turns to the other souls, and extends a gauntlet towards them. As he does so, a reddish light emerges from his gauntlet, and quickly envelops the souls. The souls twist and turn, and are obviously in some kind of torment.

Finally, Lev strides confidently back to his throne, and sits upon it, not noticing that his wounds, are still bleedly heavily, though his bonded armor keeps most of his blood from spilling. He opens a book with his clawed gauntlet and begins to study it.

"Imps, would you be so kind as to help me read these books?"

The imps, knowing their duke does not need help, and knowing that he is just being exceedingly polite, move and do as their master says, flipping through the multitude of books and telling their master what they learned.

All except Nel'zarn, as Lev gestures towards the wards again, but this time to defend.

Increase combat by 2 if I can do that in one action, if not, increase by 1. Set all imps (11) except one (so, 10) to Research. Torture souls, and Research for Levmordus.

Oh, and 3 Imps are researching Shadow. 4 are Researching Gremlin (a Metal technology) and 3 are researching Forge. Levmordus is researching Armed)

Idle imp is defending against attacks.

2008-08-25, 10:18 PM
Returning successfully from the mortal realm, Dystor went to work giving orders to imps that had yet been sent to task.

Imp Actions:
1 to torture souls Combined torture rolls
1 to build defences (2pp)
1 to build wards (2pp)
1 to research fire (1pp) Research roll

All actions and power used up.

2008-08-25, 11:10 PM

She'd gotten around to expanding her realm; it was not strictly necessary yet, but the flow of souls was proportionate to how much space one possessed. Hell had its own strange order in that way. She had sent One, Nine, and Ten drawing wards, and Two and Eight to refine the twisted metal her power had dragged forth from the tortured ground into the perfectly proportioned iron fortifications she favored.

The rest, Three through Seven (for while imps in Anenlel's realm had names, she didn't know them; she had given them numerical designations, placing them vaguely in order of their efficiency, as an easier way to keep track of them), she directed in the upper chambers at the smelters. The ironworks were doing well, and under her occasional direction, the imps made fairly good progress. Nothing was being made yet: they experimented, examined, and used the small allotment of soul-drawn energy she'd given them to give themselves a deeper understanding of the work they were doing.

Increase domain size by 1, spending 6 power.

Three imps are set to making wards, which takes another 6 power, and 2 set to defenses. Five are set to research Metal (I don't know whether I have access to applications yet, since I only finished the essence this turn; if this turn's research can't be saved for applications, it'll just go towards the next level of essence), and one power will be spent on the research. The roll was a 19, which brings her spare research in metal to 20 (since she was 1 over 25 earlier).

2008-08-26, 12:25 AM

Very well. I know of many dealings of our fellow Archdukes. Of particular interest to you would be the identity of one who spreads vicious rumors about you, one who I believe you have inadvertently offended, and one who is willing to exchange souls for power at a ratio most unfavorable to himself. What could you offer in return?


There are several issues with this trade; the foremost of which being that my imps are all otherwise occupied at the moment. If you wanted them next phase, perhaps we could work something out. The second problem is one of scale; we are busy Outsiders, and spending the time shuttling around souls and imps would be an unwelcome time drain. If it was a large enough deal, say, 4 imps for 8 souls, then I would consider it.


I see. At that price, I do not believe that I would be willing to purchase them. I would be willing pay, say, three power per soul, because, though a tortured soul can generate a maximum of four power per phase, usually it generates only two. Additionally, an abundance of souls makes one a target, torturing them requires valuable time from yourself or your imps, and the cost of wards is very high. The comraderie generated by such a deal would be useful as well; I know of many things I would share with such an ally.


I have information about this plane, the nearby portions. I was hoping you could reciprocate, or offer other compensation. In particular, events are occurring that may drag this space into conflict- awareness of the reasoning behind this conflict, and the relative strength of the aggressors, would be helpful to you.

2008-08-26, 03:50 AM
KataekWorry not, Lord Kataek. As it transpires, another duke stole the summoning from me. It seems I'd best wait for another chance.

Still, perhaps he did the best thing. I have other matters to attend to. And information to gather.

The current political situation is interesting, I must say. Especially in the shadows. Would you agree?



"I am not very aware of the political situation as it is, unfortunately. My only diplomatic dealings are with you. Steif has also been talking with me for a trade. I have two souls that have talent at thieving, and he wanted to buy one of them. 10 power for the soul, and a non-aggression pact. Finally, I tried talking to Liriel but she would have nothing to do with me. Very frustrating, especially since her body is so alluring. The curves compliment her!"

There is a mental pause that sounds almost like a sigh.

"In any case, Lord Zach, here would be the agreement for an alliance:

-Mutual protection pact.
-Sharing of Essence applications at a 1:1 ratio.
-Sharing of Outside and Inside intelligence.
-Cooperation on Summonings.

Meaning we can support one another every turn if one particularly desires a soul. So there is no conflict, one of us would remain on stand-by. If, for example, you decided you really wanted a soul that focuses on research, you could attempt answering it while I wait for your communication. If you feel someone more powerful is answering it, I can then try, and if I succeed, later trade the soul in.

What do you think, Lord Zach?"

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 04:17 AM

I can tell you who is reasearching the arcane arts. I can tell you what the arcane arts allow you to promote.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 08:14 AM
Stief deciced that he might as well research. Well obviously not Steif himself but one or three of his servants. Steif also had the perfect plan for what to do with the other seven.

3 imps researching air +13 power
6 imps stealing souls from Zargabaath

1 archdevil action remaining

Moral Wiz
2008-08-26, 09:50 AM
KataekZach laughed at Kataek's description of Lireal

Don't tell me Lord. Please. I have yet to know her further than by telepathy

he chuckled to himself

Perhaps you're lack of conversation with her is for the best then. I've been exchanging words with her myself, and she is... rather blunt in her desire to conquer all of us. She has, apparently, only formed one pact. And if... well, forgive a devil his paranoia

He chuckles, but leaves it at that.

A most reasonable proposition, Lord Kataek. I agree, on all parts.

As for sharing information... well, as you spoke freely of your dealings, I'll tell you what I know.

Sthrief, your new partner, will not I think make a good long term ally. He is brash, easy and free with information, and imprudent enough to anger other devils freely. He outright asked me to assist him with thieving from other dukes, without even asking for a non aggression pact. I know of two, perhaps three dukes who already hate him. I don't think he'll last long.

Does this surprise you?

2008-08-26, 10:05 AM

Kataek seems contemplative for a second as Zach gives him information on Steif.

"Actually, I am rather surprised. While his diplomacy skills are extremely lacking... if not inexistent, I'd say that I didn't expect him to use thieves against the other dukes. The trade I have with him is a biding contract, so I will respect it, but perhaps I should have been quicker in asking you about this and cancelled it."

The Duke pauses.

"I don't think I considered him an ally rather than a trade partner. I don't intend to attack him, though I am ready for the eventuality. Hopefully, it won't have to come to this. As for Liriel, we should be ready for anything, your paranoia is completely justified, Lord Zach. It is prudence."

He then nods slowly as his eyes gaze on his imps flying about the throne room.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-26, 10:25 AM
KataekZach laughs

You didn't expect him to be stupid enough to steel from other dukes. And yet you sold him the souls of two thieves. Heh.

Now PMing. Note is for all you bad people who trounce the honour system. :smalltongue:

2008-08-26, 10:46 AM

Would you be interested in some souls and a non-aggression pact?


Would you be interested in some souls and a non-aggression pact?


Would you be interested in some souls and a non-aggression pact?


Would you be interested in some souls and a non-aggression pact?

2008-08-26, 11:15 AM

I would indeed be interested in souls, what do you have in mind?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 11:41 AM
Stief sentb his last imp to research air.

Puppyavenger, GM

Are you sure that you aren't willing to trade any more souls, other than the two agreed?

1 imp, researching air.

2008-08-26, 12:36 PM

I would sell you one or two souls for 3.5 power each. I would also like a non-aggression pact or alliance. If you would like to trade application, I'm open to that two.


I'd be willing to sell two or 3 more, at the cost of an additional power point above the 3 per soul previously agreed on per two souls.

2008-08-26, 12:42 PM

I will see later about purchasing souls, but I can see a NAP being in my best interest. I agree to the terms of a Non-Aggression Pact with your domain Erthency.

2008-08-26, 12:43 PM

Very well, are you sure you don' wish an alliances. Either way, do you want to buy some applications or information?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 12:47 PM
DM, Puppyavenger
"So five souls, the original two plus three extra would cost how much exactly." Asked Steif. "I'm not very good at working things out but I'll know if I'm given a wrong answer."

DM, Feirgon.

Do you have any sould for sale

2008-08-26, 12:50 PM

it would cost 17 power.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 12:53 PM
Puppyavenger, dm
"17 power for five. You've got a deal."

2008-08-26, 12:54 PM

very well, they will be delivered at next soultime as soon as the payment is sent

2008-08-26, 12:57 PM
ErthencyI am amenable, provided we stipulate that the entire deal is voided should one of us act directly against the other's interests. I will permit you to decide how many souls you think this is worth to you; consider that the more you trade, the less likely I am to decide you are impairing my interests in future, since the voiding of the deal will require their return.

TOTLEYou are a dealer in information, then. I am aware of the conflict only in that I know it exists, and that it does not directly concern me; I am interested in knowing more, in the interests of being prepared, but it is not of great value. Perhaps you could give me a better idea what you require in exchange, and in what quantities: power, souls, servants?

2008-08-26, 01:00 PM

I am not one that trades souls easily. Purchasing from me will be far too expensive. However, I will let you name a price and amount you are willing/able to buy and I will determine if it is acceptable.


Alliances are costly, further more they require trust. Show me a reason to trust you enough to become an ally and it will be done.

For now, I am in no need for extra souls.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 01:03 PM
Fiergon, DM

"Four for one. Also how is the weather like in your domain?"

2008-08-26, 01:03 PM

That would be the point of a non-aggression pact, yes. I'd like to sell 1 or two souls now, along with possible some information if your interested. The price is 3.5 power per soul


D you know of the conflict brewing? I'd be happy to tell you if it would gain your trust? again would you like to trade tech?

2008-08-26, 01:11 PM

I am sorry that is currently to low of a price for the small amount of souls available. And weather is irrelevent to this discussion.


Trouble is always brewing. Trust is a rare resource. And I have no technology to trade with you. Unless you are offering to sell it to me, we have nothing further to discuss.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 01:13 PM

I might be willing to raise my amount to a very high price if the weather is right. So what's the weather like. ]

2008-08-26, 01:19 PM

Full of hate and anger...

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 01:25 PM
What temperature?

2008-08-26, 01:29 PM
ErthencyTwo souls; if you can transport them now, I will transfer you your power immediately. I am willing to provide three power in exchange for your information.

OOCThe power is transferred now; +3 for Erthency! The rest will be given as soon as the souls are herded to Anenlel's domain.

2008-08-26, 01:31 PM

What manner of devil are you? Asthetics and such trivialities matter not to me. My domain is a blaze; engulfed in power and anger.

Mortals would complain that it is hot, very hot. The souls held here echo this fact to all who can hear their wails.

2008-08-26, 01:33 PM

Thank you for the power, I'm not sure if you've hear this information before, have you heard of the conflict brewing? if so, I'll get another peace , if not, I'll tell you.


I've just come into possession of some more power, and I'd like to pay for some more information now. I'll pay for the name and details of the warmonger for 2 power, and pay 1 for half of the information already given, the other half being paid at soul time

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 01:34 PM
Are any of your souls called Tim?

2008-08-26, 01:36 PM
ErthencyI have heard of the potential conflict; I am unaware of any specifics. If you have any information on who is involved and why, I would be pleased to hear it.

OOCIs Erthency selling the souls yet? Or does he not have any imps left to herd them this turn?

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-26, 01:38 PM
Steith steals from the same as his imps stole from.

2008-08-26, 01:42 PM

Very well. the information is this. The imp lord stelif is no going to be around for very long. He is doing well economically, but a large portion of his souls come from theft. He even asked my agent right out if he would aid him in theft. Pretty soon his victims will get fed up and attack him. HE will then gather a lot of allies with the promise of many souls, but even if his side wins, he'll be torn apart by them looking for payment.

thats corect

Moral Wiz
2008-08-26, 01:52 PM
puppyavengerZach smiles

Very well. Three now, three more next turn, correct?

Assuming yesThe warmounger is the being that calls itself the Lurker. It is going to try and manipulate the domain to it's own ends. It's been trying to gather as much information as it can to that end. Personalities of the other lords, for example.

It definetly intends wide conquest though. Possibly of the whole domain. I know of dukes who will unite against it, but I can not predict what the outcome will be. The Lurker is highly manipulative, and seems the sort who is fully prepared to bide it's time.

There. That acceptable? I'll expect three power next turn, but hold off on the souls. I'll have more information to trade by then. Important information that I think is worth a number of souls.

Oh, and would you pay three power and a soul for the ability to store power for later phases? Plus a soul per phase in which it is stored for you?

A little.... business model I was considering.

2008-08-26, 04:48 PM

thank you that was very informative.
For your question on the business model, it would depend on how much power could be stored. For the information, yes the current balance is 3 more, 1 for half of Stelifs name, two for the two quarreling dukes, and 2 souls, maybe three if your business model works out. remember, I'm paying you a soul a phase to make sure that no-one sneak attacks me, ally.
Also, have you gotten a communique from Zargabaath? I fear the war is coming

2008-08-26, 05:56 PM
Lev considers the offer. I am interested in your offer. But what do you have to gain from it? What is the price I must pay?


Fair enough. The trade is off then, as I do not wish to expend that many resources. Thank you for your time. By the way, a word of advice. The Imp Lord, Steif, is about to become very... unpopular in this realm. It'd be best to stay away from him.

2008-08-26, 06:42 PM
I would like to sell 1 or 2 souls to you. the price is 3.5 power a soul. I would also like a non-aggression pact or alliance, and if you would want to buy some information or applications, I'm open to selling them to.

2008-08-26, 08:14 PM
How about 4 power, a minor favor to be called upon in the future and some information, for a non-aggression pact, two souls, one of those "applications" you're talking about, and some information?

2008-08-26, 09:04 PM

make it 5 power and you've got a deal.

assuming yes

There are two pieces of information you can choose from, first of all is the fact that one duke is going to die very soon. You'll get the name and details on that. the other is that one duke is planning to dominate the domain, through alliances and war. pick one.
the souls will be delivered next soultime, they will be turned over to your custody once payment is received. For the applications, I have all 3 of the corruption ones. Pick either Alps, which are better at corrupting souls and increase the amount of evil spread when summons, Torture chamber, which increases the amount of power you get out of tortured souls, or whispering, which makes creatures more adept and corrupting mortals

2008-08-26, 10:34 PM
You drive a hard bargain. Deal. As for the information you'll give me, I choose the information about the Duke attempting to conquer the domain, as I already know the other information. For the applications, I choose the torture chamber.

As for the information I give to you, if you're looking for an easy target to acquire souls and such from, I would recommend Lord Zargabaath's domain. He is joining me in crushing a thieving duke's realm, and his own will be like picking fruit from an orchard.

Is that acceptable information?

2008-08-26, 10:43 PM

Interesting knowledge, to be sure, but not necessarily vital. I think I may have a better proposal. I have spoken with other Archdevils that are quite set on doing you a great deal of violence. I myself am a very strong combatant, have superior numbers to many of them, and diplomatic talents that could turn more to our side. I offer my military assistance to you, all my knowledge of the machinations of the lower realms, and a defensive pact in exchange for a number of souls; from what I hear, you have a large stockpile.

In exchange for this, I ask for eight souls. Do not balk at this price, for it is far lower than you would lose in a concentrated attack on your domain.


I could offer an overview of the coming conflict for one imp, or a soul and two power, or five power. I could also offer an in-depth knowledge of the conflict, each side, their strengths and weaknesses, and a distinctive opportunity for the gain of a large number of souls for one imp and two power, or two souls, or seven power. I may also be willing to exchange this information for information of similar importance.


Very well. Perhaps we could work out a deal later. Good advice indeed.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-27, 03:32 AM

Good afternoon

The hells have been busy since last we spoke. Your last information has seen me well, even if not all of it was... reliable. Still, I have no quarrel with you yet, good Lurker. I am politically neutral, after all.

Have you any new information for trade? I have some.

2008-08-27, 03:54 AM
TOTLEDone. I desire an in-depth summary of the situation and the various sides as you know them.

7 power transferred to the Lurker, as of Turn 2.

ErthencyIt has been a pleasure doing business with you.

Moral Wiz
2008-08-27, 03:58 AM

thank you that was very informative.
For your question on the business model, it would depend on how much power could be stored. For the information, yes the current balance is 3 more, 1 for half of Stelifs name, two for the two quarreling dukes, and 2 souls, maybe three if your business model works out. remember, I'm paying you a soul a phase to make sure that no-one sneak attacks me, ally.
Also, have you gotten a communique from Zargabaath? I fear the war is coming

ErthencyI'm thinking of making that dependent on initial price. Pay as much as you will wish to store, and that will give you full storage for three phases. After that, a soul a phase.

Thoughts? And speaking of such, yes, good ally. No one intends an attack on you yet.

And yes, I fear I did. It seems that precisely the situation I feared is about to come to pass.

What are your politics on this situation, good ally? I think I have some idea as to how to work this, but I would value your own appraisal.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-27, 04:45 AM
"Thank you for the knowledge but I have to say no to that deal."

2008-08-27, 08:54 AM

The warmounger is the being that calls itself the Lurker. It is going to try and manipulate the domain to it's own ends. It's been trying to gather as much information as it can to that end. Personalities of the other lords, for example.

It definitely intends wide conquest though. Possibly of the whole domain. I know of dukes who will unite against it, but I can not predict what the outcome will be. The Lurker is highly manipulative, and seems the sort who is fully prepared to bide it's time.

The information was quite informative.

The souls will be delivered next soul time, and turned over to your command as soon as payment is received.


The souls will be delivered next soul time, and turned over to your command as soon as payment is received.
Also, I have some new information regarding the conspirators taking down Stelif

Intresting, I might buy into it at some points, if I'm right I'll have a lot of extra power next turn.
Anyway,. I've come into possession of a pice of tacticul advice, and the name of one of Zargabaath allies, as well as a small tidbit of the lack of camaraderie between the two Also, a small bit of stelifs current apparent desperation.
For The politics, I've conducted a rather profitable enterprise with Stelif, but I've no objection to gaining my souls back. I'm open to any idea.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-27, 09:01 AM
Puppyavenger, DM

Lovely day today, isn't it?

2008-08-27, 09:05 AM

The information comes at 3 points a piece, or a soul for two

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-27, 09:09 AM

Give me a soul for two. Just don't send me one of the souls I've bought. So who's asfter me and what's their plans.

2008-08-27, 09:14 AM

Very well, the two Conspirators I know of are Zagabaath and Lev, there planning to overwhelm you with force and numbers. They've sent a message to every other duke offering a portion of your souls for a donation of power to overthrow you.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-27, 09:16 AM
Out of curiosity. Did you give them any power.

2008-08-27, 09:18 AM

That will cost you a power:smallamused:
Assuming yes


Emperor Demonking
2008-08-27, 09:19 AM
Puppyavenger, DM

A power next soul time. Tha's good to know."

Moral Wiz
2008-08-27, 09:22 AM
ErthencyHmm... Interesting.

I know much of Sthrief's foes, and their little group. I almost certianly know that name already. Though his desperation is... interesting. Tell me more.

And "Tactical advice" is too broard a term. Something more specific will be needed if you wish exchange for that one.

as for politics... I don't think you should start so much as bargaining with Sthrief at this point. He's got too many people on his back, more than you may think and too few in his corner. Other dukes responded well to Zagabaath 's little message.

Even wealth can not buy everything. No, Sthrief is done. As, I think, are any who come close to him. The anger of his foes is great, and they have friends with greed. They could insist that befriending Sthrief is enough to brand you a lunatic, a threat to us all. Then raid domains, and split the profits.

In short, we don't deal with Sthrief. If we deal with anyone, it's the oponents, and we're very sorry for having done so in the past. I, thankfully am on there good side, I just merely wish the same degree of protection for you, my ally/ After all, you will be paying me for such.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-27, 09:24 AM
Rememer our mutual defense pact.

2008-08-27, 09:31 AM

unfortunately, the deal is binding, and made a while ago, before he became so unpopuler.
2 power for the information (or forgving 2 p of my debt

well, either desperation or lust for power, he more e doubled the size of his order and accepted a price hike.
He probably plans to promote them all and burn them out as defenders.
take it as you will

for tactical advice, very well, one of the conspirators has told me that the other will be defenseless because all his servants are attacking. Consider the lack of camaraderie point free, they'd easily stab each other in the back.

and no, I'm not having any more dealings withg him.

2008-08-27, 09:33 AM

Very well. The one called Stief has angered two of his fellow Dukes, Zargabaath and Lev. I know for sure he has stolen from Zargabaath, and and I suspect he has stolen from Lev, as well. Stief is a very potent thief, but I think that his combat skills are somewhat lackluster, and his numbers are not what they could be. He does, however, possess a large stockpile of souls, from the larceny that got him into this mess. Lev and Zargabaath will almost certainly attack Stief, along with whomever they get to go along with it, and it is here that I believe the major opportunity lies. Stief will need allies to stave off this attack, when it comes. He may not be desperate enough at this juncture, but in the near future the offer of aid, from whatever source (and at a high cost), may be eagerly accepted. Needless to say, this could be followed with any manner of shenanigans that a devious Archdevil could come up with. The other major opportunity, of course, is to join the attackers for a share of the loot.

As for the other side, Zargabaath has already announced his status as a torture specialist, and Lev is in the market for imps for some project that I can only surmise is a means to return his stolen imps.


Saw it, no time to respond right now. Back in a few hours.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-27, 09:40 AM
Puppyavenger, DM

I have a dealn to make you. Next soul time, I shall give you all my souls. Then when I choose you shall give them back. That is a lot of power for only one imp action.

2008-08-27, 01:53 PM

I have indeed gained new information. I know more details of the Stief situation, I have knowledge of the power that may be conferred by the fire essence, a possible tactic by Stief to preserve his domain, and a Lord who is willing to pay handsomely for imps. What could you offer in return?

Moral Wiz
2008-08-27, 02:06 PM

I know much of the Sthrief situation. I am not sure what details you have to offer. I have no wish to pay for what I already know. You'd have to be more specific.

Information on the fire essence would be useful to the foes of Sthrief. If they weren't already knowledgeable about that essence. I can't think of any other reason for buying it. And even if they didn't know, you'd already have sold it on. There is no profit in that for me.

As for what I have to offer... well, I know which duke believes you have wide plans of conquest. I know which wishes to command higher minions, and is prepared to make offers on the subject.

I am working on applications. I could trade in those....

I also know which piece of information you sold was incorrect. You'd might want to know that, as people tend to hold a grudge against a fallible information dealer. When they find out...