View Full Version : Unable to reply to a thread.

2008-08-20, 04:52 PM
I'm DMing a game on the Gamma forum, and for some reason I can never get to reply to the thread, despite being able to post practically everywhere else. I also have trouble PMing the participants in the game, but I have no problem PMing anyone else. What's up with that?

2008-08-21, 01:12 PM
Which thread?
What is the error message you receive?
Who are you trying to PM?
Which ones work?
Which ones don't?
What's your timezone and what time(s) of day are you trying to post/PM?

2008-08-25, 06:00 AM
Not any more actually. Seems the problem was temporarily.

Although to answer the questions.

Silver Stars in the IC games gamma subthread.
"Unable to post to /forums/newreply"
The ones I failed to PM were The Great Skenardo, Ozzy_G, Lycar and Amiria, Countess of Mispelling. Everyone else I had no trouble PMing.
The times were all around the clock except from around 23:00 GMT to 9:00 GMT.