View Full Version : Looking for a new MMO

2008-08-22, 03:42 PM
I know there's already a thread on this but that's someone else >.>;

Basically I need a new MMO.

I've played:
Guild Wars
City of Heroes/Villains
Tabula Rasa

Free Games:
Silkroad Online
Lunia (does this count as an mmo? It's fun regardless though)
Several other free ones

I have only three requests for something I'd want to try, I prefer fantasy, and I want it to have either a large number of classes or a large number of customization options, and at least a decent community (ie. Almost anything better than WoW)

Ones I've been considering but don't know too much about are LotR Online and Age of Conan.

Any information on those or others that might be interesting?

2008-08-22, 03:55 PM
It depends on what you're looking for. Older games such as Ultima Online, Asherons Call, Everquest, Meridian 59, etc, will provide some interesting gameplay mechanics you probably haven't seen in newer games, but some of that is for good reason. UO also has "freeshards", but that's something you can research on your own time. (There's a couple of everquest ones as well). UO and Asherons Call will likely have more "customization" options in terms of character building than you're used to. Everquest has loads of classes too.

Vanguard is Everquest. It was enjoyable, and the only reason I stopped playing it was that it I died, and respawned, and died again, and respawned again, being rezkilled by the same monster because no other spawn points were open for me, giving me an entire level worth of XP debt. :O

EVE is interesting, if you have the (a lot of) time to devote to it. (actually, I found EVE most enjoyable the last time I played it just treating it like a regular MMO and not buying into its hype.). The focus on logistics and economics is disheartening to some people, as in larger scale engagements there is very little individual skill at play. (numbers being key, resulting in lag, resulting in less individual initiative, from what I understand)

Age of Conan is playable but honestly, I am reminded of Guild Wars to such a large extent I wonder why i had to pay a monthly fee for it.

Planetside was the most fun I ever had in an MMO, hands down. If you have a group of friends or a clan to play this with, it will be a blast. It, being an FPS, doesn't follow traditional MMO tropes of classes or races. Instead as you gain levels you just get more "certification points" to unlock permission to use more equipment. I flew planes and set explosives. it was good fun, but the game will get repetitive. You will likely play it for one or two months every year or so. (if only we could get this game and EVE to mate...)

You might find MUDs interesting, but will likely get bored within a week. My brother played Dragon Realms for a long time.

2008-08-22, 03:56 PM
Well if you like fantasy then go ahead and try Age of Conan or Everquest. They're both fairly good. I haven't played AoC from my own computer, but I did get to play on a friend's account and it was pretty awesome. I used to play Everquest a lot, but I realized I want to spend my money on other stuff. So from my experience with both games, you should try at least one of them.

2008-08-22, 03:59 PM
I've tried Muds.. but I rather dislike them.

I'll look up Eve I suppose.

Honestly I don't think I'd find Everquest very interesting for some reason :smallconfused:

Or you could await Warhammer Online. It's coming out fairly soon. Or... play a game with a definitive end...
Honestly the MMO I'm waiting for is Aion :smalltongue:

Ehh Eve doesn't look to interesting, looking for more hack and slash :smalltongue:

2008-08-22, 03:59 PM
Or you could await Warhammer Online. It's coming out fairly soon.

Or just avoid MMOs and play other types of games for awhile until you get the urge to play again.

2008-08-22, 04:00 PM
From what I have heard from beta testers, Warhammer is very familiar, though it apparently has some interesting twists on traditional EQ style gameplay..

2008-08-22, 04:02 PM
From what I have heard from beta testers, Warhammer is very familiar, though it apparently has some interesting twists on traditional EQ style gameplay..
How to put this... the reason I don't want to play Warhammer online is... because I've never played Warhammer before.

Kind of like I didn't want to play WoW until I played warcraft 3.

I'll look it up though.

Edit: Looked it up a bit, I can't tell if it would be interesting though as I couldn't get many gameplay details.

Crispy Dave
2008-08-22, 04:07 PM
no no no wait and go ick up a copy of warhammer online in a week.

It has 20 classes 6 races and 2 factions.and despite what you may have heard the pve will be good too

2008-08-22, 04:10 PM
no no no wait and go ick up a copy of warhammer online in a week.

It has 20 classes 6 races and 2 factions.and despite what you may have heard the pve will be good too
Do you know anything about the combat or skill system?

Crispy Dave
2008-08-22, 04:34 PM
the skill system is much like wow with different paths for each class to follow.

for info about the game visit here (http://www.warhammeronline.com/)

2008-08-22, 05:17 PM
Hmm it answer some of my bigger questions...

And the level cap of 40 sounds reasonable...

Well... I won't get it the second it comes out but it sounds interesting...

Crispy Dave
2008-08-22, 05:29 PM
be sure to sign up for road-to-war now so you can get your everlasting custard just be sure to be destruction so you get it

Victor Thorian
2008-08-22, 06:10 PM
I'll vote for WAR! as well. Sad that I couldn't preorder eu package yet ( couldn't find anywhere something not CE which is sold out )

my friends in the beta tell me it's everything we hoped for and more.

edit: european preorder program starts at 28th of this month.

2008-08-22, 06:45 PM
If you want a good free MMO, I'd reccomend Dream of Mirror Online if WAR falls through for you. Fantasy, looks decent, has multiple classes and a class swapping system and a subclass system (sort of like ffXI) A bit grindy, but doesn't approach the grind amounts as obscene as in Maple Story or FFXI.

2008-08-22, 06:57 PM
From what I gather you're atleast looking for some Roleplaying, which the LotR online has plenty of to offer.

I would personally advise you to try out the free trial, which lasts long enough to sample a bit of the game. Decide if you like it enough.

I did and I'm advising it here to you.

2008-08-22, 07:36 PM
I'll vote for WAR! as well. Sad that I couldn't preorder eu package yet ( couldn't find anywhere something not CE which is sold out )

my friends in the beta tell me it's everything we hoped for and more.

edit: european preorder program starts at 28th of this month.
Yeah I've decided to get Warhammer I think

If you want a good free MMO, I'd reccomend Dream of Mirror Online if WAR falls through for you. Fantasy, looks decent, has multiple classes and a class swapping system and a subclass system (sort of like ffXI) A bit grindy, but doesn't approach the grind amounts as obscene as in Maple Story or FFXI.
I didn't like it

From what I gather you're atleast looking for some Roleplaying, which the LotR online has plenty of to offer.

I would personally advise you to try out the free trial, which lasts long enough to sample a bit of the game. Decide if you like it enough.

I did and I'm advising it here to you.
I'll check it out if I don't like Warhammer =p

2008-08-23, 11:17 PM
The two MMOs I play are LOTRO and SWG. I wouldn't recommend starting SWG to anyone (I just play because of friends and I feel it is worth $15 a month).

Lord of the Rings Online has 7 classes and 4 races so it doesn't have as many options as some other games. However, the free peoples of Middle Earth really are only Hobbits, Men, Elves, and Dwarves (I suppose you could include Ents but they are incredibly powerful and would be unbalanced) so four races is the max. Lord of the Rings Online is a primary PvE game with a PvP side game. Lord of the Rings Online is really a more laid back PvE game especially designed for Tolkien fans. It is very well done and the graphics are beautiful (but not always to people's tastes)

In a couple of months there will be two more classes added with the expansion. The classes are:

Guardian- standard Tank class, almost a standard in groups
Champion- Melee DPS, good AOEr
Captain- Buffer class and secondary healer with a pet, great in groups (at least I love having captains in groups)
Burglar- Debuffer class, secondary mezzer, starts off group conjuctions that can do massive damage to MOBs
Loremaster- Mezzer class, secondary healer
Minstrel- Main healer class, almost a standard in groups
Hunter- Ranged DPS, similar to wizards in other games

Upcoming classes are:

Warden- Melee offtank, uses combo moves, not really sure of details
Runekeeper- magic class, can either work on DPS or Healing

2008-08-24, 11:31 AM
i suggest EVE and Puzzle Pirates, just because they are good games.

2008-08-26, 10:55 PM
Runescape has quite a lot of customization, (No classes, anyone can train any of the 20 something skills). There is a pretty nice community, it has quite a large free area, with no limit to the amount of time you can spend there. Plus it has quite low subscription fees if you do become a member, and it just had a big graphical update. I've been playing for four years (ish) and I still don't get bored for more than two or three months, before I come back and play for another month or two. And it's fantasy, like you wanted.

Saint George
2008-08-27, 03:19 PM
Try Wizard 101. It is a free game that combines Harry Potter, Magic the Gathering, and MMOs. Enjoy.

Play that until WAR comes out. Then play war.

Worried about the Lore? They have an entire part of the game designed to teach it to you and get you immersed. All hail the Tome of Knowledge.

2008-08-27, 05:34 PM
Definitely going to follow the crowd and say go with WAR. I played it over the preview weekend this past weekend and it is fantastic.

While it's similar in a lot of respects to WoW and DAoC, it has some new interesting twists and the RVR and public quest systems are really fun.

I also really like the fact that the chaos side are actually evil, not just against the alliance, like in WoW.

2008-08-27, 05:58 PM
I also really like the fact that the chaos side are actually evil, not just against the alliance, like in WoW.

Going on that, I find that I love how Order isn't exactly the embodiment of good either (Ever been to Aldorf or some of the Empire camps? People openly being hanged... Skeletons in torture cages... Witch Hunters in general; "Not Chaos? We shall see what happens after I light you on fire. If your not chaos then you shouldent stop burning. Good luck").

2008-08-28, 11:31 PM
I'm going to suggest Hellgate: London. It's underrated and tiny (as far as the community is concerned), but I liked it when I played it. The environment reminded me (a little bit) of bioshock, being that a lot of the game is played in a series of ruins of a highish tech place (a subway) and you ascend to metaphorical godhood at a certain point. It's a tad spendy, but I thought it was worth the cost. I would also nominate WoW, but if you're like me and have a 70, the game becomes pointless about a month or two after you get there.

2008-08-28, 11:49 PM
EQ2 is quite good <. .> Tis occupying a great deal of my time at the moment.

19 races, 24 classes, 5 starting cities, and a surprising amount of character customization all around <@_@> Plus the lore is surprisingly deep.

I won't say its perfect, but I'm quite enjoying it!