View Full Version : Sign of the Snarl?

Blue Ghost
2008-08-22, 09:48 PM
I don't own Elder Evils (I've only skimmed it), but from what I know, the Snarl seems to fit the description of an Elder Evil. If that was true, what would his sign be?

I think it would be something like this:

Chaotic Unraveling
As the gates locking the Snarl away are destroyed, the threads that hold the world and the storyline together begin to unravel, as the world grows more and more chaotic and unpredictable.

Faint Sign: The plotline begins to unravel and deviate from linearity. Loose plot ends begin to appear rapidly, making it difficult for the protagonists to reach their desired goal. Characters exposed to the destroyed gate may be afflicted by strange, inexplicable curses (Haley's aphasia).
(Manifested after Dorukan's Gate was destroyed.)

Moderate Sign: The unraveling becomes worse, as the plotline diverges into several separate, unrelated paths. Resolving plotlines becomes more difficult. Characters who have been exposed to the gate may suffer more severe afflictions, including abrupt personality changes (Celia) and insanity (V, Belkar). In addition, the fabric of the universe begins to unravel, increasing the likelihood of powerful extraplanar beings crossing into the Material Plane.
(Manifested after Soon's Gate was destroyed.)

Now, if the sign keeps growing as the gates are destroyed, the plotline will only continue to unravel. How do you think the strong and overwhelming manifestations of the sign will play out?

2008-08-23, 08:08 AM
We already know exactly what happens when the Snarl is unleashed. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0274.html)

Note the "27 minutes after it revealed its existence." line. So likely it would just lash out and destroy everything.

Blue Ghost
2008-08-23, 07:33 PM
Again, I do not have the book, but I believe that the sign starts to manifest BEFORE the Elder Evil is fully released.

The Extinguisher
2008-08-23, 09:19 PM
I'd say the signs would be the Snarl lashing out, and the expansion of the rifts.

2008-08-24, 05:59 AM
the sky going bright purple seems like a pretty visible sign. However might need to be larger scale to match true Elder Evils.

2008-08-24, 06:53 AM
No one has argued that Snarl is a big monster.

How about Snarl is actually quite small, but has a great ego?

2008-08-24, 09:02 AM
Eldar Evils, regardless of size, can have Signs visible over areas of thousands of miles.

As for size, Snarl at its biggest is depicted as comparable to the planet (limitations of art style)

It is "as big as it wants to be"

2008-08-24, 10:13 AM
No one has argued that Snarl is a big monster.

How about Snarl is actually quite small, but has a great ego?

except in the strip I linked above where his feet are shown crushing large groups of people.

However, other strips in the Crayons of Time saga depict his claws as being small enough to fit through a human chest.

He is a being of pure chaos. He's as big as he needs to be.

2008-08-25, 01:30 AM
no one said that the snarl is actualy evil, it was just created to destroy (reminds me of termanator) so I'm gonna go with not there

2008-08-25, 02:01 AM
no one said that the snarl is actualy evil, it was just created to destroy (reminds me of termanator) so I'm gonna go with not there

The Snarl wasn't made to kill per se, not so much as it is a being born of divine frustration. It is a being that can -and will- devour the whole of creation in less time then it takes to watch an episode of Scrubs if you give it even half a chance.

All in all, it would fit right in in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

2008-08-25, 08:12 AM
"growing more intelligent. Growing more hateful"

Snarl is a malevolent entity, so, might fit into the Eldrich Abomination and Always Chaotic evil tropes. and, of course, Sealed Evil in a Can.

Its also far too dangerous for the deites to come anywhere near. Might be compared to Slaanesh: created inadvertantly through misbehaviour (quarrelling of gods rather than decadence of mortals) and promptly slaughtered the gods near it and took the souls of millions of mortals.

Biggest difference is some gods survived to imprison it, though they had to go into hiding first.

2008-08-25, 10:56 AM
Strong sign: The universal probability matrix is disrupted, making extremely unlikely events happen with surpricing frequency. Aka the mega-demon appearing, or Elan jumping though the window at the last second to save Haley. NPC's become a major part of the story.

Overwheling sign: People lose all common sence. Some think they are ment to save the world, while others think they are destined to rule it. Others again think they can bring back the dead. NPC's appear out of nowhere to take over the story, only to disappear shortly thereafter.

2008-08-28, 05:15 PM
Ahhhhh. . . I don't think so. The Snarl has been confirmed in the comic that it is an extraplanear being, and you're sounding like you're trying to make it somee sort of evil god. . .