View Full Version : I am trying to find this book

2008-08-22, 09:54 PM
So when I was in Jr. high I read this book a kid in a world full of people who can do magic but he was the only one who couldn't. does anybody know what this called I really liked and would like to read it again.

2008-08-22, 10:25 PM
A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony?


2008-08-23, 12:13 AM
Yep, I think it's A Spell for Chameleon. I read in back in junior high, also, and just picked it back up about two weeks ago. It's a pretty good read, and I'm thinking about getting more of the Xanth books if I can find them.

Anyone know some good ones, or if there's a specific order I should read them in?

2008-08-23, 12:51 AM
Read the first five, then stop.

2008-08-23, 10:32 AM
although that book looks good I am pretty sure isn't it. The kid's dad like hid him away and he was magic void or something

2008-08-24, 05:25 AM
So when I was in Jr. high I read this book a kid in a world full of people who can do magic but he was the only one who couldn't. does anybody know what this called I really liked and would like to read it again.

Darkblade... no I remember the series you mentioned at the end he left the world and was followed by the girl he loved and when they returned she was literally insane as a result of the trip and he had learned there was other worlds and his birth world was just the odd one out.
He carried some blade made from some material that was someking of spell turning effect?

Darn why can't I remember the title?

Sorry wrong series, you meant Xanth and the boy whose immunity to magic was actually sentient and so powerful he was even more powerful than the source of all of the magic in Xanth...
I think I've said too much!

2008-08-25, 05:20 AM
Dark Sword Trilogy by Weis and Hickman is the one I think you're trying to remember, Hopeless.

The early parts are that when they test him as a newborn for magic, he has *none*, so his parents have to hide this fact from the rest of the world, and as he's growing up, he has to use sleight of hand tricks to show people he has at least a *little* magic. Later on he gets the sword that absorbs magic. More would be spoiler-y, especially since other than that I mostly remember the conclusion.

2008-08-25, 08:47 PM
Man From Mundania in the Xanth series would also broadly qualify.