View Full Version : The Silver Wind Chronicles

2008-08-23, 02:55 AM
There have got to be atleast 562 comics with the word "chronicles" in their title. But something original at this point would probably involve random letters.

This is an Oots style webcomic. As of this post there are two comics up, and looking at how long it took me to make the first 11, I will likely post 1/week.

While I would love to tell you the story that is supposed to be going on in this post, that kinda defeats the purpose. As more comics come out, someone will cast "Summon Plot Expostion" but for the moment don't expect to grasp everything immediatly. Once school has settled down, I hope to be able to produce two or three comics a week, and the first 35 to 50 or so could come out within the year.

Either way, I hope you like it.

The Silver Wind Chronicles (http://plaza.ufl.edu/suirad/silverwind/index.html)

And yes, the website is very simple. I'm working on that too.

2008-08-23, 08:31 AM
You might want to use another Format than jpg. Comic #0 clocks in with 1.9 MB, which, quite frankly, is too large. Try png, or gif like the giant does. Apart from that I find the Art to be decent. Let's see what happens to the plot.

2008-08-23, 02:04 PM
I've tried to use other formats. The PDF only works on my machine for whatever reason. Comparing sizes for 00, PDF is 1.76MB, GIF is 2.4MB, PNG is 3.81 MG. Does anyone know how to convert an svg into on of the desired filetypes? I think I can use illustrator to do the change (I've been doing these on inkscape). Maybe I can post multiple comic pages on the same web page insted of having one long one. Thank you for reading, and thank you for saying nice things about the art.

2008-08-24, 04:38 AM
PDF is generally a bad idea, as it requires a plugin to be displayed by browsers.
As for why the rest is so big I don't have a clue. Maybe you could post #00 in the Arts and Crafts section and ask the bright bulbs there how to minimize the filesize?

2008-08-24, 04:50 AM
I think I just added too much detail. I can cut the comic into smaller peices and post it over multiple pages (so that there would be 00a and 00b). In the future for the big files, I would post them all in one shot. Also, I guess I have to be a little more careful of the file sizes. Especially since too much detail can make it look cheesy. Thank you for your help!