View Full Version : Gestalt Arena Match 3

2008-08-23, 08:04 AM
A towering figure in a dark robe enters the room where you have been milling around sizing up the competition. His face is completely obscured by his hood. He raises both hands to get your attention and speaks in a deep voice.
Gazurl, servant of emperor Ganurath and Zog, beast of the Duke of URL. He pauses for you to identify yourselves.
You have been chosen to fight. Prepare yourselves!
With that he brings his hands down and the two of you find yourself transported to the arena (http://excessivefreetime.org/arena/arena3.html)

You've got time for one swift action and one standard action before you get transported in case you need to adopt a stance or activate an item.

On the map, green is open terrain, yellow is difficult terrain, red/brown is the cliffs. Arena has a 60 foot ceiling.

Opening post should have an initiative roll, anything you said after he called your name and what, if anything you did with the 'surprise round' before being transported. After that, start fighting in initiative order.

start at Q14
start at AG31

2008-08-23, 03:23 PM
Gazurl salutes his emperor prior to the teleport, drawing his blade and holding it overhead as he awaits to be pulled into the arena.

((Move Action: Draw scimitar.
Swift Action: Punishing Stance.

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 08:28 AM

The Duke unleashes his beast, who quickly prepares for battle. [roll0].

The draconic troll rises into the air and moves quickly as soon as the battle starts.

Maneuvers Readied:

1. Elder Mountain Hammer
2. Boulder Roll
3. Covering Strike
4. Foe Hammer
5. Charging Minotaur

[roll1] (Boulder Roll), [roll2] (Elder Mountain Hammer), [roll3] (Covering Strike)


Mirrored Pursuit, Searing Blade, Hand of Death, Strength Draining Strike, Disarming Strike, Fire Riposte, Burning Brand, Counter Charge, Sudden Leap

Use "surprise" swift action to activate Holocaust Cloak stance and standard action as a move action to take flight.

1st turn: Double move to Y23

2008-08-26, 10:20 AM
Gazurl couldn't help but be excited. He was in battle against a worthy foe. Everything he was screamed for this. The fire in his veins, his years of training, the will of his god the Herald of Hell... He would demonstrate his devotion in an emaculate moment where he would bring order to the mayhem of his opponent's abominable nature. He called upon his inner wells of personal strength to shield himself in anticipation of the assault from a bastard warrior no doubt created in some wizard's lab. He would defeat his foe because he had a cause, if for no other reason.

((Swift: Activate Law Devotion feat for +7 profane to AC
Free: Combat Expertise and Armor of God, each +5 to AC))

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 10:54 AM

(( Silly me, I forgot to actually double Zog's movement distance last round. Oh well, still no concerns... so... you want to play defense? Okay by me. :smallbiggrin: ))

Zog touches down lightly at Q18, and lets loose a blast of acidic breath at Gazurl [roll0] acid, reflex DC 24 for half damage.

[roll1] (Charging Minotaur)

2008-08-26, 11:29 AM
Gazurl rolled forward into the blast, attempting to minimize the damage by keeping low and trying to close the gap. Before charging, though, he snarls like a beast and utters a battle cry. "I soar on wings of fire!"

With that, the ruby gemstones embedded in the back of each boot roar to life, fire spitting out and fueling an aerial charge. He moves to close the gap, swerving in the air to avoid the brute's superior reach.

Swift: Switch to Blood in the Water stance
Standard: Command word for Winged Boots
(Yes, I describe them as rocket boots, but he's a Fire Hobgoblin and I like the flavor)
Also, you can safely assume you're the declared target of my Dodge, as I'm sure the same goes for the reverse.
Gah, moving to Q17))

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 11:42 AM

Zog takes off near-vertically to stay with the hobgoblin, and lashes out with a series of attacks.

Taking to the air over Q19, turning as necessary (and using up movement speed accordingly) to face Gazurl.

Low-percentage attacks here, but let's see if we get lucky... note this is from 10', so no AoO abilities unless you can increase your reach by 5'.

[roll0], [roll1], Paralyzing Will DC 17
[roll2], [roll3], Paralyzing Will DC 17
[roll4], [roll5], Paralyzing Will DC 17
[roll6], [roll7], Paralyzing Will DC 17
[roll8], [roll9], Paralyzing Will DC 17
[roll10], [roll11], Paralyzing Will DC 17

If both claws hit, [roll12]

2008-08-26, 11:59 AM
((I don't have to, you're moving out of a square that I threaten, which provokes an AoO. Unless there's something I missed, in which case ignore the first attack.))

Gazurl lashes out at the abberant troll as it makes a tactical retreat, snarling eagerly as he easily deflects the onslaught of attacks, rolling with blows along his armor and at one point watching as his devotion to Hextor alone forces a blow to stop short. Ducking and swerving as before, Gazurl makes the effort to zip past his foe and get behind his defenses so as to deliver a decisive blow.

[roll0] after the -5 from CE and the +7 from BM, [roll1]
Attempting to move into Zog's square with a [roll2]
If successful, no AoO is provoked and the following attack is made against Zog's flat-footed AC thanks to Acrobatic Backstab. Add +4 to the roll to hit if using Combat Expertise to the max counts as a total defense action, I couldn't find the rules on it.
[roll3] to hit, and damage gets the +7 from Battle ardor if the Tumble succeeds, so [roll4]

2008-08-26, 12:02 PM
Same +28 to confirm the AoO critical despite battle ardor, since insight bonuses don't stack. Also, I meant Battle cunning in the previous post, not ardor.

Also, I know I didn't state them before, which is why I'm not going to use them if I get the okay, but I'd like to be able to use manuevers readied. ((Either editted into this post or stated in my next, as you prefer.))


Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 12:33 PM

(( So, I take 42 damage from the AoO. You take 5 fire damage. 15 points of damage go into delayed damage pool.

Your normal attack hits. I take another 20 damage, you take another 5 fire damage. ))

Zog bellows with rage and attempts to throw Gazurl down to the ground.

Granted: Foe Hammer
Heal 5HP (fast healing)
Activating Comet Throw, [roll0], [roll1] opposed STR or DEX (STR +17, Size +4), [roll2] DC 32 (base 14; +17 STR; +1 perfect form) or fall prone, target square for throw is O19.

Reserving move action until I determine success/failure of throw.

Edit: Throw successful. Move to AA19. Seeing the flames have no effect, uses swift action to change stance to Child Of Shadow (concealment as long as move 10').

2008-08-26, 12:59 PM
((Three cheers for Battle skill and the Fire Hobgoblin's fier resistance 5! Three boos for a meer 34 touch AC. Also, what's this about a delayed damage pool?))

If I fail the opposed roll and the Reflex save, I'll use Back on Your Feet to get upright as an immediate action that doesn't provoke an AoO. Edit: No need, made the save.

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 01:04 PM
(( Delayed Damage Pool is a Crusader class feature -- it lets me defer some damage for up to 1 round and use that damage to boost my own attacks. Also, previous post updated with additional actions. ))

2008-08-26, 01:25 PM
Also, I know I didn't state them before, which is why I'm not going to use them if I get the okay, but I'd like to be able to use manuevers readied. ((Either editted into this post or stated in my next, as you prefer.))I'll delete this post and post my action once I get a response to the PM elaborating on this question, as the answer will have a substantial impact on my next action. So many opportunities to use Rapid Counter missed...

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 01:49 PM
I'm torn here -- yes, you should have maneuvers prepared. However, now you're able to choose the 6 (that's what you're allowed, I believe) maneuvers you already know will work best in this situation, which is the equivalent of an ability that normally requires a feat (Adaptive Style) and a full-round action.

Also, do note that once you expend a maneuver, it is unavailable until it is recovered. So, regardless of the opportunities, you would only have been able to use Rapid Counter once, and you couldn't have taken an AoO for the same provoking action.

2008-08-26, 02:01 PM
Granted, but on the other hand after eliminating Steely Strike and Claw at the Moon due to only being prerequisites for higher manuevers and the White Raven manuevers that were only for the chance of a 2v2 match (WRT cheese!), it's a matter of choosing between Iron Heart Endurance (which I'd take since I already saw your sheet and knew you had a breath weapon) and Death from Above. So, it's not really getting manuevers on the fly against an opponent I've already had a chance to analyze before the fight.

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 02:20 PM
In that case, flip a coin (as it were) to determine which you would have readied.

2008-08-26, 02:37 PM
((Time to party, then. 1 is IHE, 2 is DfA. [roll0]))

Gazurl quickly shakes himself off after a rather rough landing, his boots roaring to life as he wills himself forward in an aerial charge. As he approaches, relying on his manifest devotion to protect him rather than his own agility, he analyzes his opponent. In a single moment of clarity, he sees the best way to push the offensive.

Swift Action: Moment of Alacrity
Charge move to Z19, +4 AC from Mobility, so net change of +2 (to 59)
If it can be used as part of a charge attack, Emerald Razor. Otherwise, just a regular attack. +1 from stance
[roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 02:42 PM
Activating Counter Charge as an immediate action -- opposed STR check, [roll0] (+17 STR, +4 size). If you cannot beat it, you get no attack and I move you two squares away in any direction.

2008-08-26, 02:45 PM
Opposed check, then. If it fails, I'll have to delete the post I ninja'd you with since I wouldn't be adjacent and add something different after work.

Edit: Typo in the code, but it's moot since I can't beat your natural 20. And I had 3 crits threatening too...

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 02:47 PM
I picked a good time for a natural 20, it looks like. :smallbiggrin:

Just for book-keeping, we'll make square Y18 the target of the redirect.

2008-08-26, 02:53 PM
Gazurl reeled from being forced back, but he still had his self discipline, control of the situation, and devotion to Hextor. He flew in once more, wary of his foe's reach before making another, more aggressive attempt to strike.

5ft step from Y18 to Z18.

Swift Action: Raging Mongoose
Full Attack, c'mon crits!
[roll1] [roll2] [roll=1d6+12
[roll4] [roll=1d6+12
[roll6] [roll=1d6+12
[roll8] [roll=1d6+12

2008-08-26, 02:54 PM
Error in the damage codes, adjusting accordingly.


Rolls were in order, so you take 16.

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 02:56 PM
16 damage, then (only the 29 hits).

HP changes:

15 damage from delayed damage pool
5 healing from fast healing
16 - 15 = 1 damage from attack
15 damage to delayed damage pool

Might as well switch to fighting defensively, since I can't hit your AC without a 20 anyway, to get a +2 to AC. Rolls in next post, since this is an edit.

Duke of URL
2008-08-26, 03:05 PM
Swift action: engage dual stance with Martial Spirit as the second stance.

Opting for full attack, which will cause me to stall and take falling damage as well. Not going to bother with attack modifiers -- only natural 20s hit, and confirm rolls will automatically fail, since natural 20s aren't auto-hit there either. For each hit, Will DC 17 or be paralyzed.

[roll0], [roll1] (+3 bonus from damage pool)
[roll2], [roll3] (+3 bonus from damage pool)
[roll4], [roll5] (+3 bonus from damage pool)
[roll6], [roll7] (+3 bonus from damage pool)
[roll8], [roll9] (+3 bonus from damage pool)
[roll10], [roll11] (+3 bonus from damage pool)

2008-08-26, 03:20 PM
Gazurl parries and deflects the enemy blows with sword and shield, although a few swings come close to piercing his myriad defenses. He allows himself to freefall, bending his legs with the landing to minimize his strain before lunging upward in a graceful arcing slash.

((Fall to ground level, Tumble modifier is higher than DC to negate the fall damage for the short drop. Swing with Emerald Razor (which I never got to expend thanks to Counter Charge.) Also, reduce AC to 53 for Karmic Strike.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]))

Duke of URL
2008-08-27, 12:16 PM

Damage summary:

15 delayed damage
5 healing
17 - 15 new damage
15 damage to damage pool

Zog seems to do nothing but laugh in the face of his enemy.

Using a full-round action to invoke the Adaptive Style feat and reorganize (and refresh) maneuvers. See character sheet for new readied maneuvers (no changes to Crusader side).

Granted maneuvers: [roll0] (Covering Strike), [roll1] (Charging Minotaur), [roll2] (Elder Mountain Hammer)

2008-08-29, 12:05 PM
Gazurl doesn't like being laughed in the face of, so he decides to do something about it. Specifically, he decides to jump up and attempt to bisect his opponent's face. "Death from above!" After an arcing slash at his opponent's face, he landed on the only open patch within reach of his foe.

Notes: +7 damage and flat footed AC
[roll1] [roll2]
Land in AB18

2008-08-29, 12:07 PM
Threatened a critical, with +7 to confirm

[roll0] [roll1]

Duke of URL
2008-08-29, 12:41 PM

Okay... that hurt. Rather than bellowing with rage, Zog simply fades from view and tries to slip in a single deft strike.

Damage Summary:
15 delayed damage
(5 healing)
48-15=33 damage
15 damage to damage pool
Net: 43 damage

Not fighting defensively... using:
Swift: Cloak Of Deception -- unless you can see invisible, I get +2 to attack and you lose DEX to AC (and any bonus also lost when denied DEX to AC) until the end of my turn
Standard: Emerald Razor -- melee touch [roll0] (+2 invisible, +3 furious counterstrike), [roll1] plus held (Will DC 17 negates)
Move: Reserved pending outcome of standard action

2008-08-29, 01:47 PM
In retrospect, I should have turned off Armor of God on the off chance you hit again.

On the off chance that it can be applied retroactively, I forgot to roll the extra 4d6 for Death from Above.

Edit: Damn. How long does the hold last?

Duke of URL
2008-08-29, 02:32 PM
Yeah, I'll take the extra damage.

It lasts up to 10 rounds, but you get a new save each round. I should only need one, though. :smallbiggrin:

Duke of URL
2008-08-29, 02:45 PM
(( Need a ruling here... does Garzul get a new save on his turn this turn, or do I get one free turn before his first chance to re-save? On the possibility of getting one free round or him failing the save... ))


The troll laughs as his enemy is immobilized, and follows up with a brutal strike to Garzul's throat.

Take 15 delayed damage, heal 5. Delayed damage pool empty.

Full-Round: Performing coup de grace (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#coupdeGrace), automatic critical hit, for [roll0]. Garzul must make a fortitude save vs. 10 + damage dealt or die immediately.

2008-08-30, 09:28 PM
He gets a saving throw this round

Turn N
Duke's Init
Duke cast's hold on Gazurl, gazurl fails save
Gazurl's Init
Gazurl gets a new will save

That's my take on the 'Each round on its turn' part of the description, which does make it slightly less useful in 1 v 1 since there's no chance for your teammate's to take advantage between the successful cast on your turn and his new save on his turn.

Sorry for the delay; out of town for long weekend; intermittent internets

2008-08-31, 01:02 AM
If that fails, and only if it fails:
Edit: Ah, I made my save. In that case, Turn on all defenses save Armor of God, and throw on Karmic Strike for a 48 AC.

Duke of URL
2008-09-02, 06:38 AM
He gets a saving throw this round

Turn N
Duke's Init
Duke cast's hold on Gazurl, gazurl fails save
Gazurl's Init
Gazurl gets a new will save

That's my take on the 'Each round on its turn' part of the description, which does make it slightly less useful in 1 v 1 since there's no chance for your teammate's to take advantage between the successful cast on your turn and his new save on his turn.

Sorry for the delay; out of town for long weekend; intermittent internets

I figured as much. Considering it's "save or die", essentially, I would guess that the more conservative reading would be appropriate anyway. Anyway, it's Garzul's turn (Zog does nothing with his pending move action, as he was sticking close in case he could deliver the CdG).

2008-09-02, 12:16 PM
I thought the save took a full round action. If not:

Gazurl was so caught up in his love of battle in devotion he had deluded himself into thinking he was invincible. A foolish sentiment, but he was grounded back in reality soon enough. Focused, he pushed forward in an aggressive series of swings, leaving openings here or there to bait his opponent into making himself vulnerable.

Combat Expertise, Law Devotion, Dodge, and Karmic Strike are up while Armor of God is down.
Full Attack Action

Duke of URL
2008-09-02, 12:36 PM
(( Three misses. Too bad, I was looking forward to the +3 to hit this round from the counterstrike ability. Edit... yup, could have used that +3...))

Zog easily dodges the blows, summons a brief distraction out of thin air, and lets loose with a flurry of strikes.

Damage summary:

5 healing


Swift: Distracting Ember
Full attack: (with a +2 flanking bonus)

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]
[roll8], [roll9]
[roll10], [roll11]

Edit: Final attack is a hit (nat 20)... no need to roll confirmation since I cannot beat the target AC even with a 20

Any hit requires a DC 17 will save vs. paralyzation. If a hit results in paralysis, note that the effective AC of the following attacks (in the order listed) drops as target loses DEX to AC (and all other related bonuses) and takes a -5 penalty instead, plus an additional +4 to AB. The first such attack (if any) will be a disarm, potentially forfeiting future claw attacks because the weapon will be held; successive attacks will be disarm attacks (if previous disarms fail) or regular attacks.

2008-09-02, 12:49 PM

Edit: +7 to the Karmic Strike swing and damage, I forgot Battle Mastery.

Duke of URL
2008-09-02, 12:51 PM
Hmmm... time for another ruling... since you failed the Will save, do you get either (or both) of the retaliatory strikes?

In any case, you'll need to re-save in order to act next turn.

2008-09-02, 12:57 PM
I made the wrong die roll (d20!) for damage on the confirm and forgot the save. Let's try this again. The confirm is only if the ruling goes in my favor.


Duke of URL
2008-09-02, 01:01 PM
(( I doubt it will matter much now, having failed the save... the damage to Zog isn't enough to kill him... ))

Laughing with glee as his enemy is unable to react, the draconic troll attempts to finish the fight in a single blow...

Damage Summary:

TBD (max 63 damage taken vs. 78 current HP, first 15 goes to DD pool, and then heal 5)

Full round: [roll0], Fort save DC = damage dealt + 10 or die (DC 55)

2008-09-02, 01:05 PM
I need two miracles. C'mon fate, this is my birthday here!


Duke of URL
2008-09-02, 01:12 PM
(( Ouch.

I feel cheap for using "save or die", but man was your AC hard to beat! I need to tweak the character a little -- probably drop Extra Granted Maneuver for Improved Flight (not being able to stay airborne without moving is a b****) and see if there are other touch attack maneuvers I can use in case of facing a nearly unbeatable AC. if I have to, I can always go grapple, but I wanted to see if this would work in a straight-up fight.

A suggestion for you -- if you're really into counterattacking, Robilar’s Gambit might be a better choice than Karmic Strike -- each attack provokes the AoO regardless of whether it hits, at the cost of an extra 4 damage to you each time the opponent hits. ))

Zog dances, albeit gingerly, around the corpse of his adversary. As he stoops down to start consuming Garzul as a snack, he is annoyed to be called away by Duke, but obediently returns to be escorted back to his holding pen.

2008-09-02, 01:23 PM
((That came up when someone mentioned a MoMF build off of the Wildshaping Ranger: PHB II isn't one of the books available, so no Gambit. Odds are I'll be making a second character, though. Diamond Mind gives me something to do with the Concentration ranks of the Masked Avenger build... If only I had access to the Crusader's level-by-level...))

With the fight having ended, the half-orc overlord made his entrance, frowning down at his subordinate. "Swarms of attacks, any one of which paralyzed against your weak spot... This foe was made to kill you. Rise, so you may reclaim your glory another day."

With a vortex of diamond dust as a violet glow, the fallen goblinoid was back on his feet for a brief second before coming to his knee in a bow, holding the stance of servitude as his half-orc master touched the top of his helmet and teleported them both out.