View Full Version : The Ivory Ring Book 1: Crime and Punishment [IC]

2008-08-23, 11:40 AM
All is quiet two thousand feet beneath the earth. Your last meal has ended, with now only the shadow of a taste remaining upon your tongue. As the food passed through your lips you tried to remember every sensation of taste and smell, holding on to the sense of awareness that let you know you were still alive. Vainly now, you cling to your memories as they pass through your mind like smoke through a net.

The footsteps of the guardsmen resonate from far down the end of the damp, dim hall, harbingers of your death. You feel your heart drop as you hear the keys jingle, and then a jailer opens your heavy oak cell door, which protests and creaks as it shifts to the side. Neither of the men speaks a word. They merely motion, and you follow. They will go home to their children and their wives, the warmth and satisfaction of the world above. You, sinner, go to your grave. It is a solemn procession, down the endless, cold stone corridor toward an iron spiral staircase.

You follow this up, recalling your forced walk down this way. How long ago could it have been? Weeks? Months? Years? Your mind can’t focus to recall. You pass floor after floor, and the stench of mildew and hopelessness begins to dissipate. You step away from the staircase down another, brighter hall. You can imagine the sun shining down upon you, so close your eyes begin to sting. You pass a series of gates, warded steel, then iron, and then oak, finally stopping at the edge of a crowd outside of a massive oak door.

There are five other prisoners here beside you, each also handcuffed, gagged, and attended by two jailers. Each is shaking, or praying, or sweating just as you are. “Armott Hold Experiment Ward,” reads a bronze plaque upon the door. The doors open and you are marched forth into a dim, round auditorium. A mechanical apparatus stands upon a stage in the center, a contraption of tubes and wires, harnessed to a generator. Six conducting wires spread out from it’s base in a semicircle, each connecting to a chair with metal bands attached to it.

Further back from this stage, seated in chairs at the top of this downward sloping room, are a couple of spectators. They watch your group with interest, as children observing ants.

“Prospect 130, Test 2B, Test Group 785.” Says a voice. Behind the machine stand three purple-robed men. Wizards of the Kor Rabban, the elite magi college at Deinkos. You are strapped into one of the chairs. Your limbs are buckled down, and you feel metal arms clamp either side of your forehead. Arcane chanting from behind you sends three steady flows of electricity, coursing smoothly into the generator.. You hear static charging as the machine behind you casts brief crackling flares across the room.

The clamps on either side of your start vibrating, rapidly increasing in frequency You think you can smell burning flesh. You don’t know what to feel. You feel nothing. There is a furious burst of lightning, scorching the walls of the room. The supersonic boom as it splits is deafening. You feel your very flesh peeling from your bones with the intensity of a heat like the center of a sun. And then there is only darkness. All is quiet once more…
Each one of you opens your eyes, shuddering. Everything is a blaring white light. You smell smoke, and can hear nothing. A strange foggy noise signifies your sense of hearing returning. “Damn it, not again,” someone mutters.

“Prospect 130, Test 2B, Test Group 785. Results?” the indifferent-sounding, authoritative voice asks.

“Test is a failure. Overloaded power conduit. Criminals dead, 0. Operators dead, 2- no, 3. Check for faulty wiring,” another states, equally apathetic.

You feel the clamps around your head and limbs being loosened. The blaring white fades to a milky gray as you are pulled up and shoved forcefully forward. You are placed, once again, in handcuffs. Walking blindly, you crash into a number of other objects, most human, and are eventually escorted arm-in-arm by jailers. You walk through this foggy haze, completely stupefied.

You wonder if you’re alive, and reason that you are. By some miracle you have survived the electric chair, but the process has rendered you blind and deaf. Lost in your thoughts, you are eventually told by a jailer to sit, and you do so. You hear a group of people walking away from you. You know there are others in the room with you, but you can’t work out how many, or who they are, or what they want with you.

Slowly but surely, your vision returns, and you attempt to gain a bearing upon your surroundings...

Six figures are seated in a small, stone holding block. It is of the same material as the rest of the prison, but the air is fresh, so it may be above ground. A heavy oak door is the only feature of this room, with the only light source pouring in from a small barred window at the top of it.

The figures in this room each wear prisoner garments, all of which are heavily singed and torn by lightning. There are two humans, two tieflings, an eladrin, and a warforged. There is nothing to do but wait and wonder about what has just happened, and what is going to happen.

((I’d like a post from each of you [in the 3rd person present tense, of course] describing your character’s physical appearance, despite the lack of equipment or clothing, and any opening remarks you wish to make.))

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-23, 12:08 PM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Rune silently says a prayer to Pelor.

He had been on death row for almost a year, simply waiting. He couldn't believe his luck at escaping the chair. Or perhaps it wasn't luck... he muses.

He shifts a little. Rune looks much like any other warforged; except he seems to be a bit smaller than the common warforged. He has very few distinguishing marks; the rune on his head and the rune on his right arm that looks, to those who are familiar with the divine, like an ornate rendering of Pelor's symbol.

Rune looks at each of his companions. This is a strange group, he thinks. Then he settles back against the wall, waiting to see what would follow.

2008-08-23, 12:22 PM
Razor, Tiefling Fighter

One of the dazed tieflings takes a deep breath in an effort to clear his head. "Well THAT was fun," he says to the room in general. Tall, especially for a tiefling, his long jet black hair (much of which still sticks out in many directions, the effect of the electricity that went coursing through his body) does nothing to conceal the large horns protruding from his forehead. His skin is fair, and his eyes a solid silver, both of which create a sharp contrast with his hair. The torn prisoner's outfit reveals a solid, muscular (if singed) body

2008-08-23, 12:29 PM
Sylis, Human Starlock

Curled in one of the corners is a hearty young man of maybe late 20s. His black hair is disheveled by the experience, but falls back perfectly around his contoured face. His skin is an olive color, through the tears in his garmets you can see despite the poor food he is in good physical condition, some definition in his arms and chest suggest he was an athlete before his stay. As his hands trace shapes in the dust on the ground, you see a certain measure of grace about him. Looking up from his "drawing" opaline eyes look into each of your own, pausing for a moment before combing his hair down, and whispering

I never expected the underworld to look so much like the land of the living It is all perspective I guess. I wonder, is the Raven Queen now our jailer, or were we judged without knowing, and all received the same fate? I am tempted to believe I am not even dead...

For a moment his eyes turn solid black, then clouds of prismatic milk fill them again.

No, definately not dead, well this is a true blessing of fate. I have been served my sentence, managed to survive it's execution, so now I should be free to go, yes?

Moving along the bench closer to the Eladrin Warlord,
Do you mind me coming with you for a while, I have been in here quite along time and it will take me some time to get my bearings, I am quite useful on small jobs. There is much power in a name, and i would rather hear your before declaring my own.

He extends his hand to be roughly at the eye level of the warlord

2008-08-23, 03:20 PM
Quintari, Eladrin Warlord

Beside Sylis sits a very unamused Eladrin. As he raises his head to look at the human you notice that while his body seems frail, his muscles are still quite supple, and look as though there is still an amount of strength that may be hidden.

You know nothing of long times, human. Until you stop being so self-centered you will not learn my name... As he looks around, the glint of intelligence is clearly visible. He observes the room, looking for some way to escape, or if not escape then something that he can use to fight back against the men who have tormented for a full century.

Search Check: [roll0]

Realizing that his vision is still clouded and splotchy, he resigns himself into the same posture of defeat that he assumed when you entered the room.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-23, 03:23 PM
Equilibrium - Tiefling Mage

After a long period of enforced blindness and deafness, after a spell of isolation from everything, Equilibrium was once again Equilibrium.
A human next to him was rambling, saying words trademark of those ignorant of the Raven Queen. It was true that their survival shocked even him, but something about the whole process seemed off. The indiffereance - maybe it was they way the junior mages felt - it was as if they had been the once sentanced to die, and not the prisoners assembled.

Equilibrium pushed the verbose human away and stood. Glorious, glorius standing.
"My name is Equilibrium. We have survived, our doing so - is... perhaps more a feature than a fault." he rationalized aloud, calmly and codly.
Yeah, thats right, 'Quill, Rationalize, it helps. Somethings aren't logical. Avarice isn't logical, Piety NEVER was logical, Orcus isn't logical. You, being such a perfect being of logic...
Shut up, internal Monolouge.

The pale tiefling aloud himself to shudder, whatever few stray bits of soot stuck to his body falling off in the process. He placed a his hands on his chest, moving them in awkward, random patterns to hasitly (and ineffectivly) clean his clothing, skin and hair.
Under the black, his skin looked like a human who had been lounging in the sun for for days, and his eyes were nothing but blank silver orbs, the contrast in color was... quite unappealing, actually.
Small, but sturdy ram-like horns descended from his temples, but strands of dark purple hair had been arrayed in a half-hearted attempt to conceal them - the visual effect made him look like a very haggard young mage.

he soon used his hand smoothed his hair, sending outliers, existing due to the electrcity down to meet their cosins, the dark purple threads matted down, being pressed by the aforementioned hand, and his second one arrayed the excess, which now draped around him shoulderblades like a curtain.

As this all his happening, he experimentally flexes his weakened, tired muscles, letting his face run the gambit of emotions, and picking his thick, heavy tail up off the floor.

Yes, it seemed like he - although not his Gifts from the Raven Queen - worked perfectly right now. No telling what next, though.
No telling.
"If I may, however introduce an alternate hypothesis - the Raven Queen did not judge us, and she does not judge us now. Simply, the machinations of us Mortals which conspired to send us meeting Her failed, and instead sent those poor acolytes."
Like you're so great at magic yourself, you were only mid-tier in the academy, you know! Avarice wiped the proverbial floor with your ugly face!
"Don't praise Pelor, or any like soft-hearted diety, instead praise that our captor's experiment failed. It was... a roll of the die. I doubt anyone weighted it."

He felt woozy.
Equilibrium sat back heavily on the bench, away from the human.

2008-08-23, 04:38 PM
Sylis, Human Starlock.

Peeking up at the Tieflings comments Ahhh you say luck, I say FATE. As luck is completely out of anyone's proverbial hands, but Fate, yes Fate, she is a master unto herself, and given the right avenues, one can become her servant. Higher beings like the gods and even those higher must bend to Her will. Chance is nothing but the observation of Fate, and the attempt to rationalize away the source!

Gods it is good to argue again, they seen unaffected by my gaze. It is quite nice just to sit here and offer philosophy, but shouldn't we be leaving?

You are right not to praise a god, but you are wrong to deny that your Fate is written in the stars, we were not sent to the afterlife because there is a different Fate for us, not because our captors rolled poorly in their gambles.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-23, 05:15 PM
Equilibrium, Tiefling Mage

"Respectfully disagree, human." Equilibrium points out softly, like a dagger touching its tip to parchment insted of thrustng through.
"Say, perhaps that those who tried to kill us - obviously, men and women schooled in the Arcane Mysteries - made a miscalculation, and that miscalculation led to their demise."

'Quill smiles through a row of razor-sharp teeth as he speaks, completely unaware of the uneasy feeling it may evoke in most humans.
"Surely, we can call it luck that our adversary's experiment was a failure. Outliers we had no control over, while they had every control. They were wrong. It cost them dearly.
Or, surely, you didn't hear them? Let me quote: 'Prospect 130, Test 2B, Test Group 785.'
Its obvious we're far from the only ones who have made it through this. I doubt freedom is heading our way. We may be facing a more mundane execution, soon. I refuse to go out like Piety. We'll meet our Goddess, yet."

2008-08-23, 05:28 PM
Sylis Human Starlock

But in the history books, in the very sands of time, a small "fluke" can alter the very history of mankind. Those that died today, their fates came to an end, and they stand before your queen. but we do not, yet at least. So with this period of time, if you insist on "chance", this "fluke", why waste it just sitting here discussing if there is an unseen hand in it or not

Attempts to stand and walk forward.

Do you wish to know your fate, or would you rather cower your heads and think yourself dead? That time may come soon, but first I want an effing meal

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-23, 05:34 PM
Equilibrium - Tiefling Mage

'Quill smiles once again.
"I can't pick locks. This is still a prison."

2008-08-23, 05:41 PM
Sylis, Human Starlock

I didn't ask for anything so...direct. I was more hoping to get the attention of a guard PEACEFULLY and ask for a meal. All of you have no idea what a relief it is to see people again, and not an angry jury. I wish to celebrate by having some dinner. I wonder if i get a second "last meal" now, I hope so.

Even though his words carry energy, Sylis looks awkward when he yells through the bars "Sirs, could we get some food a drink in here, the 6 of us are just scorched..i mean parched!"

chuckling to himself, they honestly believe this is our last day, I did too, but Fate never makes mistakes

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-23, 07:05 PM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Watching the banter between his fellow inmated, Rune simply shakes his head. It's a strong crowd that can carry on so, after an ordeal like that. Reminds me of my company... He seems lost in thought for a moment before speaking up. "I see no need to be yelling, friend. Pelor knows, I'd love a drink right now much like the rest of you, but I doubt that our jailers care much for our state of being."

2008-08-23, 11:42 PM
Sylis Human Warlock

Oh kind.....robot, I meant absolutely no harm, simply stating my opinion and requesting at least some water. Getting electricuted has a way of drying us fleshy guys out

Sylis continues trying to get the attention of the guards.

2008-08-24, 05:20 PM
Arina, Human Rogue

Not far from the others slightly hidden in the corner sits a young girl. Her hair is black, middle long; just covers her ears, Her eyes are closed and sometimes she peeks around. She doesnt say anything but she's obvisiously talking to herself softly wispering.

What would mom and dead say if they would see me like this..it was just food, why.. why are they doing this[/I]

A tear shimmers in her eye as she bows her head and cries mutely

2008-08-24, 05:49 PM
After the initial conversation and attempts to gather the attention of the guards, the six inmates return to silence. The minutes pass in cold, reflective rumination. Minutes pass, and a voice can be heard whispering through the door.

"Listen, and listen closely. I don't have time to repeat myself. Three Kor Rabban apprentices just died when that experiment backfired. Something like that can't be released to the public.

Now realizing that, you can understand that at this very moment, you're all dead. Not even dead, as a matter of fact. Worse than dead. Not a single one of you exists. In fifteen minutes, when they come back, then you'll be immediately hanged, and your bodies will be burned. Then you'll won't exist, and you'll be dead.

I am merely here to offer... an alternative path. My usefulness to my friends as an agent in Armott Hold has just run out, and I'm being reassigned. I see no reason not to bring the six of you along with me... That is, if you are willing to work for us. Tell me that we have a deal, and I'll open this door."

2008-08-24, 05:56 PM
Sylis Human Starlock

Will there be bread? He says with a chuckle. I joke, I'm in, it means life, fulfilling a purpose, the only purpose i could serve dead is as nutrition for animal and eventually plant life, and that is far from an epic destiny. Would you not agree? He says quietly as he follows the mysterious man out of the holding cell.

2008-08-24, 05:58 PM
Arina, Human Rogue

Snifs a couple of times.
I don't wanna die, What do i have to do?

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-24, 06:05 PM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Rune listens closely as the faceless voice tells them of thier fate, and makes it's proposal. Hah. Thank Pelor, I knew there'd be a way out. Rune stands and says, "I, for one, do not yet welcome oblivion. I accept the proposal." Rune then waits, both for the door to open, and to see how his fellow inmates respond.

2008-08-24, 06:12 PM
Arina, Human Rogue

Gets to her feet and tries by touvhing the wall to find Sylis and Rune. Once she gets near them she starts drying her face with Sylis' Mantle.

2008-08-24, 06:19 PM
Sylis, Human Warlock
looking down at the girl, then bending to eye level with a smile "My name is Sylis, what is yours?" Turning to the mysterious voice "putting a child in prison, sentencing her to death, i better be comforting one lethal murderer right now or something is seriously wrong here"

Standing up he holds out his hand toward the girl and continues forward.

2008-08-24, 06:31 PM
Arina, Human Rogue

Feels around and finds Sylis hand and grips it very tight.
h..h.hi i'm Ar.rina
She breathes deeply.
How did you g..get here?

2008-08-24, 06:36 PM
Holding her hand and leading her forward Some people are afraid of what they can not understand, and *this* is pretty hard to understand showing her his milky eyes shimmering with a rainbow of colors I think we all have a story, but this is a new start, so let's get moving

2008-08-24, 06:41 PM
Follows Sylis Do we have get to prison or what are they planned to do with us?

Seemly she doesn't understand much of wich that has been told
And if we are out of this chambre, what will happen next?

2008-08-24, 06:52 PM
Sylis, Human Starlock
We live. We live our lives, become great men and woman, and some of us become legends. You will become a beautiful young woman, as skilled with your words as you are with your hands, countless things await you outside this cage! But we must step through this gate for it to begin.

Sylis' eyes swirl with color as he leads her forward, his words coming out misty and plain. His face bland as if staring into nothingness, but a small smile rests as if painted upon his face

2008-08-24, 07:16 PM

You think? All my life i'm worthless and now i will just be released from prison. But She holds his hand more tight you will stay with me won't you? A spark of happyness begins to glitter in her wet eyes and calm me down with your plesant voice?

2008-08-24, 08:05 PM
Yes, I'm right here, now let's go holding her hand tightly

Speaking in the direction of the voice So, what do we do now?

2008-08-24, 09:27 PM
Razor, Tiefling Fighter

Razor had been deep in his own thoughts, dealing with his feelings on the botched execution and trying to ignore the banter of the others. When he hears the voice from outside the door, he immediately perks up. While resigned to his death, he would still take this chance to live. After all, the Raven Queen, should she want him, would find a way to take him, but if she were giving him a waiver this time around who was he to dispute it.

"Count me in," he says in a voice just loud enough to carry through the door. "If you're worthy, I'll work for for you, otherwise we'll see," he thinks, keeping his thoughts to himself.

2008-08-24, 10:29 PM
"I see that I'm dealing with very reasonable people. That's good. Perhaps you will be of use to us."

You hear keys jingling in the lock, and the door is thrown open. The man standing there is wearing the platemail armor and dull-brown cap and uniform of an Armott jailer. He has a rough face, with bushy brown eyebrows and a five o'clock shadow. A couple strands of curly brown hair are poking out from under his cap, over his grey eyes.

"Follow. We have slightly over ten minutes before they return." He dictates. He begins striding off down the stone hallway outside of the cell.

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-24, 10:30 PM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Rune follows his rescuer, silently.

2008-08-24, 10:41 PM
Quintari, Eladrin Warlord

When the voice from the outside begins to speak Quintari makes no reaction, but when he makes the mention of taking all of the prisoners with him Quintari dares to have hope, something he hasn't had for nearly a century.

One cursed years in this damned place, and finally, I am given the chance for escape... Where in the Hells were you half a century ago?

I'm in, anything to get me out of this gods forsaken place. I've been rotting for far too long to be foolish enough to turn your offer down...

Quintari stops, What's the angle? What could he possibly have that needs done that prisoners with possibly no experience are better equipped to do than trained soldiers? Or is it that we are expendable? Of course it is... The man has already stated that for all intents and purposes we don't exist, so what do our lives matter? A sound military decision, though not one I would have made.

2008-08-24, 10:41 PM
Sylis and the girl walk out together, Sylis remains quiet and seems to walk with urgency.

i will ninja edit this if Ah-rina's post contradicts it

2008-08-24, 11:15 PM
Your mysterious saviour walks rapidly down the hallway, turning down a corridor without breaking pace. As the six of you round the same bend you see that he has stopped.

Holding open the door to a rather foul-smelling room with one foot, you hear him pulling up and moving bricks. Where the base of the chamberpot was, he has revealed a narrow passage, where a wooden ladder has been placed. This leads down to a sewer. You hear running water.

Although you realize that he must have created this inglorious escape route beforehand, you cannot really appreciate the cleverness of the plan, as the smell proceeds to assault your senses.

For the first time, you see the man grin. "Well, what're you all waiting for?" he asks.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-24, 11:20 PM
Equilibrium, Tiefling mage,
The Tiefling grimaces briefly before uttering a short magical phrase for a cantrip that would create the illusionary smell of daisies.
Unsurprsingly, it failed.

"Well," he mused as he looked down the chamber-hole.
"Into the Breech, eh Sylis?"'

With that, he jumped in, feet-first, chanting the incantation over and over again and prayed that the magic started working...

2008-08-24, 11:35 PM
Indeed pulling the girl close I doubt I smell like daisies madam, but I am almost sure I smell better than this will

As Sylis proceeds down the ladder with Arina clung between him and the wall, Sylis takes his time with each step to assure the safety of both he and the girl. Why did I never have kids, for all I know of fate, past, present, and future, they are nothing when i see the innocence this this child. My father was a good man, maybe when I get out I wil... His thoughts are interrupted as his foot almost slips, focusing on each step he proceeds down the ladder.

I am taking ALOT of liberties with Arina, too much in fact. The second she posts something different I will ninja edit all this to reflect it, until then I just kind of have her on auto-follow

2008-08-25, 06:48 AM

Razor follows the man, studying him carefully. He pauses when they reach the midden, not trying to hide his distaste. "It's not like I've never had to use the sewars before," he mutters to himself. He begins looking around for a torch, then realizes the folly of taking open flame into a sewar. He looks at the man again. "Weapons?" he asks simply?

((OOC: If the man provides a weapon, then great. If no weapon available then he looks for an improvised weapon. Once this has been resolved one way or the other...))

Ready as he will ever be, Razor climbs down into the hole...expecting a drop into the running water below at any moment.

Athletics check for the climb/drop: [roll0]

2008-08-25, 07:22 AM
just stays close to Sylis, appearantly she looks better, but her hair is covered with dust and her face is also not that clean.

I suppose i won't get more dirty then i am now

If you look close you can see a tiny smile. She let Sylis help her to get down. But you can see she's not affaid.

Oh water.... she wmumble to herself.

2008-08-25, 04:44 PM
By either climbing or jumping, you make your way down into the sewer. Luckily, however, you do not land in sewage water. You are on a wide maintenance grate a foot above it, which nearly bridges the tunnel. It is just wide enough for the six of you to walk across together.

Even more pleasant than the presence of this bridge is the presence of six wooden lockboxes, each of which has been picked open and has the name of a party member scrolled on it. Opening these boxes, you find that your weapons and possessions from the time of your arrest have, indeed, been saved for you. Nolty must have somehow accessed the jail's stores.

"Listen carefully!" Nolty shouts down the ladder to you. "I'm expecting trouble soon, but I'm going to try to cover our tracks anyway! Go on ahead, take the next left, then right, then go straight until I catch up!"

((I'd like a general marching order please, for the party's future adventures as well as for right now.))

2008-08-25, 05:18 PM
Razor, Tiefling Fighter

Donning his gear with a sigh of relief, Razor's confidence seems to get a major boost. He finally takes some serious time to look at the others around him. With a litle consternation at himself, he realizes he hadn't really been paying attention to the conversations, and couldn't remember if anyone had given their names. "I suppose we should at least know each other's names. I'm Razor, and now that we are out of that place I'll take my sword to anyone who tries to stop me...err us."

He draws his sword, inspects it for a moment in the dim light, then sheaths it again. Hefting his shield, he moves to take the lead position in the group. He can't help thinking to himself, though, "am I helping a group of murderes escape to kill again?"

2008-08-25, 05:22 PM

Opens her box, looks up to Nolty with a thankfull look in her eyes. Then she turns her head back to the containment of her box.
Oh my... evrything is here
She grabs her sword and her belt with throwing knives and put it on. then she pulls out one of the daggers and touches with her finger.
Mh, still sharp
Then she takes her other things out: some strange instruments of iron ((lockpicking stuff)) and a piece of silk. She gently stroke the piece of silk and kisses it.
Oh mommy i missed you so much, I will never let you taken away form me
Than she gets to Sylis and the others and looks what they got in their boxes.

2008-08-25, 05:31 PM

Turns her head to the tiefling. She hesitates a second then walks to him. With a voice of curiousity she says:
Hello, Razor.. now we are out there indeed we should get to know eachother. What stuff do you have in your box? and what is your story?

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-25, 06:17 PM
Equilibrium - Tiefling Mage

Equilibrium smiles as he approaches his lock-picked box.
Upon looking at his possesions, the first thing he does is murmer a swift apology before stripping down to his felsh and repalcing his prioson clothes with thoe ones inside.
Now weareing empty black clothing and a dark blue robe emblazoned with the holy sybol of the Raven Queen, He checks his backpack, and smiles as he withdraws a thick, leather-bound black book.
It takes him a few minuetes to studious read over the first few pages.
"Perfect." he says through his sharp teeth as he tucks the book away.

Next thing he withdraws from the chest is a small bundle of steel pick, probes, hammers, saws, and all sorts of tool those of a thieving profession may wield.
Then comes a smooth, proud, striaght quarterstaff of black ash, and a cruellay twited dagger of tiefling make.
The blade slides easily into its waitng sheath at the small of his back, and he contiues hoilding the staff, feeling its balance.

(Assuming magic now works!)
He mutters a quick cantrip, focusing his eyes upon the top of the weapon.
A pure ball of light immediatly bursts out, almost dazzeling.
With another quick murmer he dismisses the light, apparently of the opinion that there is, indeed, enough light to see without his input.
With a joyus smile at his working mages craft, he casts numerous small spells to clean his equipment, shuffling the various particles of grime out to the Aether.
The, he casts another to plug his nose from the aawful sewer stench.
"Aw, Daises" he comments as the fresh scent fills his nostrils.
"First come, first serve, to take the smell away from you. I'll clean you all up if you so desire, as well."

I'm assuming we're away from anti-magic wards. The first spell, is, obviously, light. Everything else is presdignatation.

2008-08-25, 06:30 PM
Arinas attention is now towards Equilibrium. She covers her eyes when he changes his cloths, but sneakly looks between her eyes, but noone can see that.
Then she points her finger in the air. Me, me! can you make me smell like daisies? a big smile appears on her face ow daisies! she giggles

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-25, 07:58 PM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Rune gladly opens the box, taking out his clothes and Holy symbol, putting them on. Then he takes out a glaive, and something that looks like a leather belt, and arranged it across his back.

Shuffling everything into place, he hoists a backpack on and says, "I'm Rune, a healer and cleric of Pelor.

Rune will do his best to go second; third if someone with much more hp wants to go second ;p Nvm

2008-08-25, 08:28 PM
Quintari, Eladrin Warlord

As the group enters the sewers, the wreched smell assaults Quintari's nostrils, but instead of recoiling away from the stench he wafts more of it into his nose, not having smelled anything but the same stale air for the last hundred years.

Quintari moves to his chest and opens it. My gods, they've preserved my things for all these years? He then unsheaths his sword, a magnificent blade that curves and points in all the right places, perfectly balanced. And perfectly preserved at that?! Quintari straps his armor to himself quickly noting that it fits a bit loosely, but he tightens the straps quickly, hoping that it won't lessen the protection that it affords him.

Quickly finishing gathering his things Quintari makes a move to the rear of the group, stopping as he comes beside Razor, My name is Quintari Aelar, I used to be an officer in the military of this "fine" country... Hopefully I can help us all survive.

2008-08-25, 08:47 PM

Razor raises an eyebrow at the young woman. "What you see is what you get, girl. Armor, sword, shield, and a few bits of travelling gear. In my last line of work, it made sense to have what you need to disappear easily at hand." He takes a breath of relief as the odd young woman is distracted by the other tiefling, whome he (no surprise) didn't recognize.

He nods to the others who gave their names. He's pleased about the healer, not so much about the soldier. Razor isn't much about military discipline, but if the eladrin knows his stuff, it would be foolish not to pay attention.

2008-08-25, 09:39 PM

Opening his chest, all the remains of his belonging lay there, a bag of gold, a blue and black robe, a small telescope, and a book. Picking up the book, Sylis begins reading it, oblivious to everything going on around him.

2008-08-26, 08:55 AM

Turns her head back to Razor If everyone has their stuff, Shall we run or wait for Noldy? I don't trust him, what if he directs a group of guards our way?
She plays with one of her knifes.
I mean, they want us dead, don't they?

2008-08-26, 09:20 AM

Razor returns Arina's look as he adjusts his scale armor. "I think running will make too much noise, and we don't know what we're moving towards. And why would 'Noldy'," he says the name as if he seriously doubts it's the man's real name, "break us out and return our gear only to turn us in again? No, the man wishes to use us, I'm sure of it, so for now we should play it by his rules."

In response to Equilibrium's offer to smell better Razor says, "no thanks. If I'm on the run, I think it would be better to smell like my surroundings than to be out of place. I wouldn't want to attrack unwanted attention."

Once everyone is ready, Razor takes the lead and begins moving down the sewar following the direction given by their liberator.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-26, 04:20 PM
Equilibrium - Tiefling Mage

"Here you go." he said to the little Rogue as he placed his hands under her nose and chanted a short incantation.
The smell of fresh-cut daisies wafts up into her nose.
"Its more for comfort than anything, actually." he admits as he lays a hand on her shoulder and casts another spell to whisk away accumulated grime.
"You see, you don't actually smell better. Its a form of a cantrip I perfected in my Academy. My bunkmate seemed to have trouble learning the one we use to clean our bodies and clothes, and he - well, to put it mildly, he smelled pretty bad. This is just an illusion of something more plesent. It works as long as you don't think about it too hard."
He says with a smile.

When Razor politely declines his offer and turns away, he smiles and nods.
"Off we go!" he proclaims, prodding Sylis, who had gotten a bit too absorbed in his studies in the shoulder with his staff.
"That means you, too, Astronomer."

The mage hustles to fall in line directly behind his kinsman.

2008-08-26, 04:33 PM
Closes her eyes when she sniffs the hand of Equilibrium.
Then her eyes turn sad again as she pulls out two throwing knives from her belt and makes some impatient moves.
OK, lets go, maybe noldy is a good man, if so, he said we should go.
She winks at Equilibrium. Have you killed someone, or why why did they put you in jail?

2008-08-26, 04:40 PM
Sylis, Human Warlock

Still reading his book, he stands up and starts walking toward Arina. Just as he gets within a foot of her he puts the book back into an old beaten up bag and swings it across his back. So we are off, where did our kind savior run off to?

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-26, 04:52 PM
Equilibrium - Tiefling Mage

"I was... conducting an experiment on the use of magic in a do-or-die, non-combat situation." 'Quill provides with a smile.
"Apparently, Mage Hand does not make it easier to pick pockets. Its slightly more difficult, in fact."
The Tiefling does not actually speak the second part.
The words are carried on the wind straight into Arina's ear. Its doubtful anyone else heard.

Yup - thats Ghost Sound! I make very liberal use of my cantrips!

"As for our savior, hes expecting a spot of trouble. He gave us directions - we're to meet him after a left, a right, and a straight shot. Be on your guard, I can't use my more powerful magics, today - we didn't have time for me to study the runes."

2008-08-26, 05:25 PM
Arina winks again at Equilibrium And, did you?
She turns her head to Sylis And you syl do you think the tiefling killed someone?

2008-08-26, 05:35 PM
Sylis, Human Warlock

Looking her in the eyes kindly "Does it really matter? He is being given a second chance, and well, we are outside the law now, dead to the world's knowledge, the world's laws. So if any of us chooses to use this second chance to harm any of us, i believe they will not survive the death sentence we would execute." The kindness still in his face "And it is likely not prudent for us to discuss that put us in prison now, as that was a life ago, you are as innocent to all of us as the day you were born, and I as well to all of you.... Sylis continues talking, after a minute or so you are sure he is debating with himself, oblivious to anyone else in the room

2008-08-26, 05:42 PM
Arina closes her eyes. calm girl, calm, he's nice and sweet. It's not his fault
She walks a bit forewards and looks around the corner on the left. Then she looks back to the rest. Come on guys, Noldy told us to go to the left and the right. So lets go?

2008-08-26, 05:50 PM

Seeming to have resolved his "discussion", "Left and then right? Ok, but err..let's let our bigger friends lead the way, they likely long for the thrill of a fight while I personally would love to stay far far away from it"

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-26, 06:04 PM

"I have never killed another sentient being - though not for lack of trying."

2008-08-26, 06:10 PM

oohh, I like you
She throws her knife into the air and catches it again.
What will we do when we are out here? I'll kill someone she winks at both the guys for a bit of fresh water and some bread. Than if they don't need me i want to ... Syl do you have a home?

2008-08-26, 06:16 PM
I had one months ago, but once the authorities are aware we were not killed, that will be the first place they check" trying to get off topic maybe it is best we plan after we see what is right then left.

2008-08-26, 07:31 PM
The two turns yield no change in scenery, and you walk further down the sewer grate for about fifteen minutes. Your way is lit by phosphorescent fungi, purposefully placed on either side of the wall about every ten feet. As you walk on you start to wonder what has become of Bill Nolty, but your thoughts are interrupted by a vicious snarling up ahead.

Down the tunnel two jailers, one human and one halfling, are heading straight towards you. Perhaps more daunting than these two are the monstrous crocodiles each holds upon a leash. As they notice you one cries out, and both release their leashes. The snapping jaws of the reptiles are heading straight for you.

Combat (http://img528.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00759zs9.jpg)

((Initiative and combat actions please.))

2008-08-26, 07:48 PM

By seeing the two man with the dangerous animals she looks at the rest wispers to Sylis who walkes in front of her Damn.. Syl i'm close to the wall.. She thinks by herself: Noldy, you lying bastard, if i ever meet you again, I wanna know how you accedently did not know those two were here
She tumbles to the wall and hides in the dim light.

She still holds her throwing knives ready to fling them to any enemy who would come close.

can't do the macro.. Used maptools to make the rolls
Initiative * Sebastiaan rolls: 1d20+5 => 1 + 5 = 6
Acrobatics * Sebastiaan rolls: 1d20+8 => 15 + 8 = 23
Stealth* Sebastiaan rolls: 1d20+8 => 14 + 8 = 22

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-26, 07:50 PM

The Tiefling Mage steps out from behind Razor and peddles towards the nearby wall. (Top of the map)
He mutters a quick incantation and conjuers a patch of frozen terrain underneath the charging gators.


Leon Stormchild
2008-08-26, 07:54 PM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Rune is as suprised as the rest by the appearance of the hostile combatants. He shrugs his glaive off of his shoulder, and holds it in a ready position. "Might I suggest we allow our foes to come closer so that when the time comes we may charge them and not the other way around?"

[roll0] Just talking and holding his action

2008-08-26, 08:40 PM
Quintari, Eladrin Warlock

Init: [roll0]

Arina, how good are you with those daggers?

If Arina is able to sneak attack one of the Crocs I'll use Commander's Strike on her to (hopefully) give her an extra sneak attack.

2008-08-26, 09:30 PM
Razor, Tiefling Fighter

Initiative: [roll0]

Razor's action will depend where he falls in initiative order. Note that he has Quickdraw, so if a creature provokes an opportunity attack, he can draw his sword as part of the OA.

2008-08-26, 09:53 PM
Actually seeing the crocs, well, paying attention to them at least, Sylis, stares at the croc directly in front of him. Anyone seeing him from the back would see the crocs' eyes glimmer for a second. Anyone that happens to be looking at my character and can see his eyes, they go solid black for a moment then back to opaque.

First of all, I take last initiative and assume I start out closest to the mobs before anyone moved since i was blindly walking forward, second I used Eyebite which makes me invisible to the croc if it lands and does 1d6+Chr damage, now here is the rolls


Blind to me and [roll1]

And since I am last, moving back to where the croc i blinded is 10 squares away from me.

2008-08-26, 10:13 PM

((OOC: If Razor goes before the crocs))
With a shout of "I'm not going back!", Razor moves forward and, in one motion draws and whips his dagger at one of the crocodiles. He then draws his sword and awaits their onslaught.

Razor moves forward 5 spaces, and whips a dagger at the top crocodile (the one on Razor's left). Regardless of if the throw hits, that crocodile is now marked. Since there's no surprise round, I don't think Razor has combat advantage, but if he does, add 2 to the attack roll.

Dagger Attack vs AC: [roll0]
Dagger damage: [roll1]

((If the crocodiles move before Razor, then he will move to them and cleave, if possible, or Tide of Iron to move one away if someone is being threatened. If the jailors move as well...well then things get more complicated.))

2008-08-26, 11:25 PM
Quintari cannot use Commander's Strike, as none of his allies have yet closed to melee. He waits for his opportunity.

The human guard takes a few steps forward and fires a crossbow bolt which slams into Razor's arm (5).

Razor then moves up and flings a dagger at the crocodile on his left. The weapon clinks off of the beast's scaly hide.

Rune waits for a chance to charge, but it doesn't come. He moves into position for his next turn, and sends a lance of faith hurtling past the same crocodile.

The halfling guard whips three slingstones at Razor, but each of them bounces off of the grate into the sewage water below.

Arina tumbles to the wall and ducks down, preparing to throw a dagger at the first enemy who comes within range.

The crocodiles charge forward at Razor, gnashing their teeth. Both bite at him, but he manages to slip past their fangs.

Now Arina releases her dagger at the crocodile, which finds its mark between the beast's scales (7), and Quintari uses his ability to allow Razor a missed swing at it with his longsword.

Equilibrium steps aside, and chants an incantation that coats the ground under the crocodiles with ice. They stumble upon the stinging grate (7 each).

Sylis ends the round with a mental assault to the more injured crocodile, who suddenly looks as though he has seen something horribly unpleasant. Sylis then disappears out of its vision and steps back from it. (9)

((That's the round! New picture coming right up. Next actions.))

Combat (http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00761do3.jpg)

2008-08-27, 12:50 AM
Looking over at Arina

I told you our stronger allies would do better in this bloodbath, but if combat is what we must do, so be it.

Chanting: Bestial Spirit, hear the chimes, it is midnight and your spirit will be free, but before it leaves this world, grant me your unbridled sight, and in return, I will bring about your end quickly!

Warlock's curse on a croc, i figure by my turn one is dead if not, the blind one LOL, only going to use it when I can come up with decent flavor texting for it, kind of the downfall to being a roleplayer at heart

With the completion of the chant Sylis' body begins to glow softly, the glow though burns at the flesh of (whichever croc that curse landed on). The glow remains, though softer, and (possibly) matches white flames coming from (whichever croc)

If by some fluke both crocs are dead by my turn then I will reflavor the curse for whoever (enemy) is in range.

If on eyebit croc add +2 for CA

Damage including curse

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-27, 02:24 AM
Tendrils of blue-white energy crawl up the black, ashen quarterstaff, and lance out at the heavily wounded crocdile.
Equilibrium - the soruce of the ray,immidatly backed into a retreat after he fired off his spell, imposing himself behind Rune, out of the line of sight of his foes wielding ranged weapons, and granting himself line of sight towards the not-so-heavily-wounded croc.
"The Raven Queen will judge you, not I." he shouts down the corrider to attempt to cow his foes.

[roll0] Vs. FORT
[roll1] Target is also slowed (Speed reduced to 2) on a hit.

2008-08-27, 07:00 AM
Arina, Human Rogue

Grabs another knife to throw it at the human. Then she moves as close to her enemy as posible. Still trying to keep out of sight from the crocodiles.
Razor, Are you alright? I'll get him! she syas not that loud that the crocs attention would be put on her.

Slay fourish (dex vs AC, +dex and +cha mod damage)

2008-08-27, 08:09 AM

Razor laughs at Arina's question. "Oh, I'm jim-dandy...thanks for asking," he responds as he tries his best to avoid two large crocodiles, crossbow bolts, and sling stones. "A walk in the park, really."

Cleave on the crocodile to Razor's left.
Attack vs AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If hits, the other croc takes 4 damage.
Well, first croc attacked is still marked (see Combat Challenge, page 76), at least
Razor swings to attack, but he seems to have no focus, and his sword flails wildly.

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-27, 07:48 PM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Rune murmurs, "Pelor send your flame to burn the shadow." And he motions towards the closest foe with his glaive.

Wisdom vs. Reflex [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Shular: Razor can either gain 2 temporary hit points, or make a saving throw. Your choice.:smallwink:

2008-08-27, 08:01 PM
Quintari, Eladrin Warlord

Seeing that Razor is in need of aid, Quintari rushes forward, shouting some words of encouragement Razor, my ally! Remain steadfast in your determination and allow my words to comfort and inspire you!

Move action: Move 5 squares toward the Crocs
Minor action: Use inspiring word to allow Razor to spend a healing surge and regain [roll0] additional hp.
Standard action: Use Commander's Strike to give Razor another attack. With a +3 bonus to damage.

2008-08-27, 09:10 PM
Quintari rushes up to heal Razor, bringing him back to full. He then uses Commander’s Strike to enable Razor to swing at the less crocodile, which he misses.

The human guard charges up at Razor, smashing him to the floor with his halberd. (12)

Razor jumps back up and swings at the more injured crocodile, missing it.

Rune shoots divine energy at the same crocodile, also missing.

The halfling looses a stone at Razor, which flies past his side.

Arina’s knife bounces off of the human guard’s chainmail.

The crocodile on the left bites at Razor, who dodges right into the waiting mouth of the other crocodile. Razor is grabbed in the beast’s jaws, and it begins munching upon him like a roast chicken. (7)

A ray of frost from Equilibrium’s hands fails to connect with the crocodile that isn’t currently masticating his companion.

Sylis’ curse also fails to connect. It looks as though things aren’t going well.

((Razor can make an Athletics or Acrobatics check as a move action to attempt to escape the grab upon his turn. He can also shift as part of this move action. Sylis, remember to say what defense you are going up against when you attack, e.g. 16 VS Fort.))

Combat (http://img514.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00764qo5.jpg)

2008-08-27, 10:55 PM
Razor, 12/31 hp

Grimly silent, now, with sarcasm left behind, Razor struggles to break free of the crocodile's jaws. In his wrath, his eyes glow with anger as he brings his sword against the crocodile that bit him.

Break-free athletics check:
Attack on crocodile on right (presumably uninjured) (oops, I see it took a little damage), using Infernal Wrath and Villain's Menace:
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Effect: If hits, +2 to hit and +4 to damage against that croc for the remainder of the encounter. If misses, +1 and +2 instead.
Using action point, follows up with Tide of Iron (bonuses from Villain's menace not included)
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll[1d8+4
If attack hits, push croc one square away, and shift (from power) diagonal into unoccupied space (to prevent flank).

2008-08-28, 03:39 AM
Sylis Human Starlock

Err was my action point excitement disregarded? Also how did a curse miss exactly, i didn't see how marking a mob can be resisted unless you have a houserule about it, either way trying again the same thing on left croc.

[roll0] V. Fort

[roll1] and if it comes closer to me before my next turn it will take [roll2]

Frustrated, Sylis shouts out the chant for the spell, nearly demanding the croc to die. In his frustration he loses focus and curses "This is useless, what am I to do versus something this strong" As he backs up 3 squares and becomes shadowy, still cursing into the wind (gaining concealment)

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-28, 03:50 AM
Equilibrium - Tiefling Winter Wizard

The Tiefling mage, hidden behind his construct friend, lets his eyes glaze over.
He chants a lengthy, and acrance incantation, fixing his eyes directly behind the human guard.
"...And so -" he finishes "Let you feel the chill of the air, and let it suffuse your longs. Embrace your death, for in the Cold, you shall kneel before my Queen!"

FREEZING CLOUD! Centered on the square directly behind the human's current position. Or, one back if this would be ruled to affect Razor, here. I'm trying to save him, you know. [roll0]
Half damage on a miss, they take damage again when they start their next turn in my cloud. And one more time if they end their turn in my cloud. They will disperse or freeze!

2008-08-28, 06:26 AM
Last time i moved towards the crock (I'm still 9 squares away from it.)So after the move i would be standing 3 squares away from it.

Arina, Human Rogue
Grabs another knife to throw it at the human. Then she moves as close to her enemy as posible.

((assuming i can walk to the human guard even if i provoke an oppertunity from an enemy i pass by)She walks to him and slams a dagger in his right shoulder with a maniakly grin.

Razor, Noo! Come here you bastard, stay away from my friends! take me, bring it on!
Suddenly she doesn't look so sweet anymore, but her eyes look a bit weird, bloodthirsty...

Dazling strike vs AC
If flanked [roll2]
EffectTarget is Dazed until end of my next turn

2008-08-28, 05:57 PM
Quintari, Elardrin Warlord

Seeing again that Razor is in trouble Quintari rushes to his aid, aiding in his ability to defend himself.

Move action: Into a position that gives Arina an extra attack.
Minor Action: Inspiring Word on Razor, spend a healing surge and get back an additional [roll0] HP
Standard action: Bastion of Defense on the injured croc, assuming it's still up. (Rolls in OOC, forgot to on the first attack)

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-28, 09:04 PM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Rune mutters a single word, gesturing towards Razor.

Using Healing Word. Razor can spend a healing surge and gain [roll0] extra.

2008-08-28, 09:46 PM
Quintari moves up to the crocodile, but cannot provide a flank for Arina. His inspiring words cure Razor. (+13) His attack misses the crocodile, but each party member except for Sylis gains 8 temporary hit points.

The human guard maneuvers around the crocodiles and jabs his halberd at Quintari, missing.

Razor pries open the crocodile’s jaws with sheer brute strength, leaping out of their grasp. Fighting like a madman now, the tiefling tears open the reptile’s scaly flesh on either side of its mouth, giving it a wicked grin, gushing with blood. (20,16)

Rune intones a spell and Razor is fully healed. (+6)

The halfling guard whips three slingstones at Quintari, but only one hits him (8)

Arina rushes forward, absorbed in maniacal fury, to attack the human guard. An expression of pain flashes across her face as she is clamped between the jaws of the furious crocodile, and prevented from reaching her target.. (8 temp gone, 1 regular)

The crocodile that just grabbed Arina bites down on her again, shredding through her flesh like a ragdoll. (12) The other crocodile bites back at Razor, clamping him once again within its jaws. (8 temp gone, 4 regular).

Equilibrium conjures an icy cloud between the two crocodile. (8 left, 4 right, 4 human) The one on the left begins dripping blood as it still clings to the girl.

Sylis backs up and disappears, but his spell fails to affect the crocodiles.

((Both crocodiles are bloodied. Arina is bloodied and grabbed. Razor is grabbed.))

Combat (http://img375.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00767ti0.jpg)

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-28, 10:03 PM

The mage peeks around from behind rune and shifts up, straight into the halfling gaurd's line of sight, flinging a magic missile straight at the creature that thought he was safe.


Shift one square Up, fire a Magic missile at the halfling. Both Crocs are subject to the Freezing cloud at the start of their next turn. The Guard is outside the affected area.

2008-08-28, 10:49 PM
Sylis, moves forward 5 squares and looks down, This spell is what put me in prison to begin with. Do I really believe I can control it, if this goes wrong.......

Sylis looks at the human, It would have been better you were never born than to witness the horrors fate has for you, i pity you, I live with it every day, and even I am afraid then his robes become completely still, he closes his eyes and the lids seal. His chants cause the human's eyes to close as well for a second, when he opens them. Everyone around him looks like horrible monstrocities, he hears the sounds of wailing and crying, Running from the sounds of what he believes to be thousands of cockroaches behind him, he runs directly into (whoever is 2 squares in front of him) before noticing the "wall" has ferocious teeth and horns. Running what he believes is under a small dragon, he steps on his croc and barely manages to jump forward, directly between the bloodied girl and our tiefling. The girl looking like a gnome wierlding a wickedly curved dagger, instead of her blood, it looks like she is covered in the blood of his fellow jailer, in fact he can not tell if she IS a gnome, or just wearing his friend's skin as a mask, the Tiefling resembles a Pit Fiend with a vorpal greatsword at his throat. In horror he continues looking for a way to escape, but sees none.

i am going to put all associated rolls, effects, everything for this in OOC and if i bomb this hard then i am flat out changing this post to being a STRONG adverse effect on my character

2008-08-29, 02:49 AM
Arina 10/23

Is still furious but also terrefied. She put all her dexterity together to escape the big and strong jaws that are bringer her evry second closer to her deathly prison.
(if she breaks free)
She get loose from the firm grip of the crocs teeth. She uses the oppertunity to walk around the croc to find a fital spot to stick there with her dagger. With a scream of anger and pain she slams the dagger in the crocs flank.

If she get loose:
if she sneaks:

2008-08-29, 07:25 AM

Unable to break free, Razor strikes at the croc that grabbed him, flinging the creature away with his shield..

Tide of Iron.

Attack on crocodile: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If hits, push 1 (breaking hold)
Attack on upper croc: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Crocodile is marked.

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-29, 08:11 AM
Rune, Warforged Cleric

Rune again intones, "Pelor send your flame to burn the shadow." And he motions towards the closest foe with his glaive.

Wis v. Ref [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If it hits, Arina can gain either 2 temp. hp or make a saving throw.

2008-08-29, 08:58 PM
Quintari, Eladrin Warlord

Come everyone, let us finish this, the fight is nearly over!

Quintari flexes his muscles in a desperate attempt to end the fight quickly and without any more pain.

Use Warlord's favor on Croc beside me, if it is down before my turn comes around move to the other and use Warlord's favor.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Assuming a hit Arina gets a +5 bonus to hit against the croc I hit until the end of the encounter.

2008-08-29, 10:36 PM
Quintari swings at the crocodile in front of him, missing it.

The human guard is chilled by the Freezing Cloud (10), but then steps out of it and attacks Quintari, missing.

Razor, trapped in the crocodile’s jaws, brings his sword down onto its head forcefully. It sputters and steps back, gushing blood. (10)

Rune blasts the crocodile on the left with divine flame. (5)

The halfling guard whips three stones at Razor, two of which thud into his chest. (8,10) Blood drips through his armor.

Arina wriggles free of the crocodiles jaws, but chooses not to move around it so as to avoid the Freezing Cloud. She slams her dagger into the beast. (9)

Both crocodiles begin their turn in the bitter freezing area, but only the one on the right is harmed. As its wounds ice over it succumbs to the cold and finally dies. (Kill) The remaining crocodile attempts to bring Arina back into its grasp, and is successful. It clamps its jaws around her again. (10) The girl falls unconscious between the monster’s teeth. The crocodile ends its turn in the cloud, but is unharmed by its affects.

Equilibrium blasts a spell up at the halfling, who nimbly ducks out of the way. The cloud dissipates.

Sylis sees that the girl is in danger and throws his force behind a blast to the crocodile. (11) The beast staggers, but somehow remains up, clutching Arina in its mouth.

((Razor is bloodied. Arina is unconscious.))

Combat (http://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00769tu0.jpg)

2008-08-29, 11:27 PM
Razor (9/31 hp)

((Disregard this post if Quintari's attack takes out the crocodile, which I suspect it will.))

Cursing almost incoherantly in pain from the slingstones, Razor struggles on. Adjusting his position and swings at the remaining crocodile, attempting to use the momentum of his swing to protect and attack the human guard.

Move action: shift up and to the left (and so end up right below Arina).
Standard action: NOW using passing attack on crocodile
Attack vs AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Edit: Add one to the attack roll, forgot about +1 to hit vs bloodied foes.

Case 1: Attack misses...turn ends.
Case 2: If attack hits and croc drops, shift diagonally up and to the right to end up just below guard.
Case 3: If attack hits but croc DOESN'T drop, then shift straight up one (end standing in Arina's square), and croc is marked.

For either case 2 or 3, makes secondary attack on human guard (guard is marked by Combat Challenge).
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2008-08-30, 08:03 AM
Quintari, Eladrin Warlord 18/26 hp

Quintari makes an attack against the crocodile, hoping to distract it enough to allow Razor to leave it's reach. Razor, retreat while you can, no sense in having you fall now!

Use Wolf Pack Tactics on the crocodile, before the attack allow Razor to shift one square as a free action.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Critical hit, it takes 13 damage.

2008-08-30, 08:30 AM

Instead of withdrawing, Razor takes a step to the right (i.e. 5' shift towards the halfling). "Sorry major," he apologizes, "but I've still got some fight left in me. I'm not going anywhere."

As noted in OOC, if croc drops on Quint's attack, second wind then move to flank human guard.

2008-08-30, 12:45 PM
try to stabelise...

Leon Stormchild
2008-08-31, 12:00 PM

Rune seems torn for a moment as to whether he should heal the girl or the tiefling. Sighing, he mutters a word, gesturing towards Arina.

Cilvyn, spend a healing surge and add [roll0]

2008-08-31, 01:36 PM
Arina 5+roll/21


Opens her eyes but is still very wounded and exhausted of trying to get loose, and from all the blood she lost. She doesn't move but closes her eyes again and start to pray: oh please let it stop, i can't take it anymore her lips wispers the prayer. A tear rolls down her face as she lays beween the big jaws of the crocodile like a doll.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-31, 02:49 PM
Seemingly oblivious to his allies plight, Equiibrium skirts around the battle while positioning himself so that he can strike the halfling with a Ray of Frost.


2008-08-31, 10:53 PM
Quintari whirls his sword over his head and brings its down upon the crocodile’s skull. Its brains scrambled, the beast lets go of the limp girl and collapses. (Kill)

The human guard steps back from Quintari and swings at him, missing. “Run! Get help!” he yells to the Halfling.

Razor heals himself and positions himself behind the human guard, trapping him.

Rune will heal the fallen Arina. (+11)

The halfling guard dashes off down the sewer grate, as fast as his legs can carry him.

Arina stands up, shifts behind Quintari, and hurls a knife at the human guard, which lodges in his chest. (19)

Equilibrium cannot get close enough to the halfling, so he instead targets his ray of frost at the human, failing to harm him.

Sylis then blasts the human guard with dire radiance. He gasps for breath and topples head first, dead. Kill

The halfling, now twenty-one spaces away from Razor, suddenly lets out a horrifying shriek. Rushing towards him, you see a dark, cloaked silhouette standing behind him. The phosphorescent fungi illuminates the huge pool of blood spreading about the halfling’s feet. Bill Nolty withdraws his dagger from the halfling’s neck, letting him slide to the grate. He then kicks the body over the side of the grate into the sewer water below.

“They’re after us. Kick the bodies over the edge and follow me.” Nolty cleans his blade upon his cloak and sheathes it again, waiting to lead you forth. “If you have any questions, it would be a perfect time to ask them as we walk. It’s a long way to Outer Kehlam East.”

((Arina is at 11 HP, Razor is at 16 HP, Quintari is at 18 HP.))

2008-08-31, 11:10 PM
Quintari, Eladrin Warlord

Quintari admires his blade, in awe by the fact that it has perfectly kept it's edge after 100 years of dormancy. Absolutely amazing...

Snapping out of his trance, refreshed from the battle, Quintari realizes that the battle is over, he wipes his blade on the shirt of the human guard, then kicks him into sewer, never to be seen again.

So, what exactly is this mission?

Blow a healing surge to put myself at 25/26 HP

Thanatos 51-50
2008-08-31, 11:37 PM

The tiefling curses mildly at himself, and takes a deep breath.
That crossbow bolt only grazed him, anyway. IT must have felt worse than it actualy was.
"Cold has its limits, apparently," he murmurs to himself as he uses his staff to leverage the lower croc's over the side.
He mutters another quick incantation to clean the blood off his clothes and staff.
"I aplogise, my friends. Its been a while since I've been able to streach my arcane muscles, as it were."
With a few waves of his hands and a few more quick words, the mage quickly cleans the blood off everyone's blades and armor.
"Better than a rag," he smiles.

Without a further word, and with a swish of his robes, Equilibrium takes off after Nolty.

Healing surge to max out my hit points

2008-09-01, 12:48 AM
"It's not so much of a mission as a career, really. I was a mole in Armott Hold for a number of years, and I decided to bring the six of you with me upon my departure. I was fired, you see. For following orders, really, but its not important. I have done what I needed to do there, and it is time for me to move on to more pressing matters.

My organization calls itself the Brighter Dawn. We have been painted by the current government as nothing but seedy thieves, but nothing could be further from the truth. In a kingdom where corruption is slowing filling the shoes of the dying king, we believe that there is still some good, and we try to fight for it. We are, I suppose you might say, vigilantes. And I think each of you has the potential to help us, if not to join us."

((Those of you who have lived around Deinkos have certainly heard of the ill-reputed thieves' guild, the Brighter Dawn.))

2008-09-01, 11:07 AM

Razor looks sadly at the two dead guards. He is silent while the group walks and talks, using the easy walk as an opportunity to clear his head and regain some stamina ((healing surge for 7)).

He tries to recall everything he's heard about The Brighter Dawn, weighing that against what Nolty is saying now.

Neither streetwise nor history quite fit here, so, what I'm thinking is using Streetwise with Intelligence modifier (instead of Charisma), to represent what I can remember as opposed to what I gather from investigating it. If this doesn't work for you, use my D20 roll, and whichever skill/modifiers you deem appropriate. :-)
Streetwise: [roll0]

2008-09-01, 01:21 PM

Before she stands up she closes her eyes to come to herself* then she stands up grabs her dagger from the ground she dropped while she was unconsious. Then she walks with the others. Then suddenly drawwing her dagger pointing it towards Nolty.

Noldy stop! So you think we will just walk willingly with you. You say to be on our side.. the good side you mention. But i don't believe in good neither do i believe in a thieves guild who does good for mankindat. I do have my reasons for that, so you better tell us, or me, what this guild is up to. And o yea, If you worked here for several year how did you not know these sewers were guarded? What if we died, you just let us rot and find some other people for your so 'working for the good' guild? I think i can speak my mind, I don't trust you, and neither your guild.

Her eyes are full of mistrust and hatred as she speaks the word guild. Her dagger lowers a bit and she looks less threatening as she finished her speech. But still she is not fully calmed down.

*= healing surge +5 hp
Streatwise [roll0] for knowledge about the Bright Dawn
Hystory [roll1] also for knolwedge.. dunno what applys better here

2008-09-01, 02:40 PM
"Woah, hey! I'm on your side here! I didn't think that the sewers were guarded, they must be searching for us! Please, put the dagger down. I wouldn't break you out of prison just to have you killed!

And my names not Nolty, the guard was Nolty. I'm Cedric Vago. You say you don't believe in good, but maybe you just haven't seen it in your life. That's what I'm- what we're trying to do. You don't have to trust me yet, but we do have to get moving."

Vago speaks reasurringly as he puts his arm out, trying cautiously to bring Arina's dagger from his throat.

((PMs sent to Cilvyn, Shular.))

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-01, 02:53 PM

Rune follows his new companions, listening. Brighter Dawn, eh? Hmm...Well, if this is your guidance, Pelor, then so be it. After Arina gives her little tirade, Rune steps up behind her, puts his hand on her shoulder and says gently, "Hush, child. These people just helped us escape our fate. Perhaps we should give them the benefit of the doubt."

2008-09-01, 03:17 PM

Shaking her head to get rid of her angry red sight. Then she indeed sees that the man is a different person. She puts her dagger down, calmed down by Rune.

I'm sorry Cadric, For presuming you were noldy. I. I.. it's true my life has always been dark and bad. For now I will do you no harm. And maybe there is some light in my life

She looks quick to Sylis then to the ground.

Ok let's go for they find us

2008-09-01, 05:27 PM

Looking down at her, I despise fighting as much as you do, trust me. But this won't be an easy road, what we work the hardest for is what we treasure the most. This "group" killed one of them for us, and now personally leads us. I believe we give them the benefit of the doubt. Now, not to be disrespectful of the dead, but is there anything amung them we could use?"

Sylis searches the bodies carefully, nodding to Arina to assist him. After searching for a few seconds he turns in his book to a page 3/4 of the way through and begins writing.

Anyone within 5 feet of him would hear his whispering as he wrote

Another encounter, once again I fail to manifest the telltale "hellfire and brimstone" of my brethren, it is possible my master has a greater plan then hurling fire........

Putting his quill back in his pack he continues holding the book, his other hand extended to Arina. "So lead the way sir"

Searching the body, but my character gets distracted easy so i doubt he will find much.

2008-09-01, 10:45 PM
"Thank you." Vago says. "Nolty was merely the name I went by while working as a guard in Armott Hold. I no longer need the name. I'm glad to see that you are willing to give me a chance."

The bodies, unfortunately, yield nothing but the tools, armor, and weapons of the dead guards.

2008-09-02, 02:47 AM

Helps Sylis search the bodies but can't find anything they could use.

Then she holds the hand of sylis and waits 'till they move foreward.

Thievery or perseption?
Thief [roll0]
pers [roll1]
If there are some bolts left she takes them, same for small throwing projectiles

2008-09-02, 02:11 PM
Your brisk trek through the sewers carries on relentlessly for what must be hours, although you cannot determine the time from underground. After staying inactive in prison for so long, such activity is enervating, but quite painful.

After a while Vago slows the pace, allowing for a brief rest, before the walk continues ago. When it seems as though you cannot walk any longer, he stops. Checking for something behind a ladder at one wall, he begins to climb. As you follow him you suddenly feel water pouring down upon your cheek. This is not, however, the disgusting water of the sewer.

Vago has opened a manhole into the rainy Deinkos night. From the look of things, you are deep within the Outer Kehlam East slum, and have walked nearly the width of the city underground. He ushers you out and closes the manhole. A homeless man crouching under boxes glances at the strange sight of seven people clambering out of the sewer into the pouring rain, and then shrugs, returning to rest.

Heads down to keep the pelting rain out of your eyes, you walk down the broken streets until you reach a run-down, two-story shack of an inn, the Gloam. The light and warmth from within are very welcoming, and you move quickly to get out of the pouring rain.

Soaked through, Vago notions you towards a table near the counter, where a balding hunchback with a cleft lip and a lazy left eye is serving drinks to the down-trodden poor, who have stayed here so late for shelter from the rain and are, at this point, quite drunk.

Vago greets the hideous man warmly, shaking his hand. "A round of ales for my friends, Lumpy!" He then says to you in a lower voice, "Once these folk are gone we'll talk business, but until then I'm sure you could use a real meal. Whatever you'd like, its on us."

2008-09-02, 04:15 PM

Razor had continued to catch his breath after the difficult fight, and was now close to 100% ((another healing surge bringing him to 30/31 hp)). He takes a seat at the indicated table, with his back to the closest wall, ensuring that he would get a maximum view of the room.

As run-down as the place is, it's like heaven after so long in the dungeons. The smell of fresh cooked food makes his mouth water and, when asked what he'd like to eat, he responds simply "steak, vegetables, bread."

When the ale arrives, Razor throws any worries aside and drinks deep. He drains half the pint in one chug, and drops the mug on the table with a satified "ahhh!"

2008-09-02, 06:44 PM

Getting out of the sewers Quintari finally makes a realization. This is actually real... Real food, real rain, real freedom... Thank you whatever god has shown me favor in this... I can never repay you this kindness, but I'll do my best to help these companions of mine...

As the group enters the tavern and hears Razor order he makes another realization. He has completely forgotten what anything but the slop of the jail tastes like.

I want everything, it has been too long, I don't remember what any of this tastes like... Any suggestions?

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-02, 08:48 PM

"Perhaps the alcohol? I recall hearing that the ale in such places allow one to forget one's current pains." Rune says this completely straight, without a hint of irony or sarcasm.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-02, 10:54 PM

"People who drink to forget show weakness. I believe we must remember our pain," Equilibrium replis as Rune suggests ale.
"Have you any mutton? Preferably in stew for with a heel of blck bread and some cider if at all possible?
A quiet, out of the way corner would be nice, too."

2008-09-03, 04:26 AM

Wet of the rain hesitates a moment when they open the door to enter the inn. She did look happier than normal walking trough the sewers hand in hand with sylis. And looked thankfully to the sky when they climed to the surface and feel they rain fell on her face.

But now the glance of freedom disapears when she sees the warm and crouded, for as far as it is, tavernchambre.

I don't know realy. Do we have to get in?

She stil hesitates even when sylis put a hand on her sholder and tells her that it would be OK to go in out of the rain and have a good meal.

She lookes into the room and tries to see if there is anyone she recognise from her past, or anyone she know before she went in jail.

2008-09-03, 01:15 PM
Lumpy the hunchback bartender takes your orders, muttering oaths under his breaths the whole time, and giving Arina a creepy look.

"Bring in every oddball you want, why don't you? Not like Lumpy cares, he's just a freak who gives us all food and shelter. Let's take advantage of his hospitality. Lumpy this, Lumpy that. Have a bloody name, you know. Ooh, this one's pretty. Won't spit in her drink." he mumbles on, barely audible.

Once he goes away Vago raises an eyebrow and says, "Well, the little bastard means well, at least. The Dawn makes its headquarters here. You'll be assigned to one of our officers to help him police East Kehlam and investigate certain troubles that have come up lately.

A new thieves' guild, calling itself the Cat's Eye, has recently been taking over territory. They're vicious, cruel, and seemingly very powerful. We don't know where they came from or what they want. You'll be helping us track them down, find out what they want, and, if need be, kill them."

The grotesque innkeeper returns with your meals, which, although they mostly aren't what you ordered, really do look delicious. He smiles at Arina, "Special for you, sweety." and then hobbles off.

2008-09-03, 03:24 PM

Winks at the innkeeper while she looks at the delicious food he brings in.
As it is getting later and later she seems to get more happy. She eats and drinks a lot and gets a bit tipsy after a while due to the alcoholic drinks. They sit and eat. And then arina begins to sing. First very soft and fragile but then a bit louder with a clear and bright vouce. It´s a song she learned on the streat when she was young.

Oh, when the night is dark,
And the moon is full
Ancient spirits awake

The rain drops down
The wind is cold
Mist dwells on the lake

A doll lays on the stones
A child once played
Behind the closed door

Time beats twelve
Eyes are closed
Sleep my child, once more

She looks intensly to Sylis when her song is finished. You can´t imagine this girl was so furious just a coulple of hours ago. You don´t realy understand her, but you feel a sertain compassion.

2008-09-03, 03:37 PM
Sylis, listening to her song, smiles softly and continues slowly eating the stew and ale he "ended up with". It has been a strange day, and Sylis is growing tired, hoping the beds wherever they stay tonight are soft.

2008-09-04, 08:50 AM

She has listened ofcors to the problem the bright dawn is dealing with. But after a while her eyes close and she falls alseep with her head on the table

2008-09-04, 02:21 PM
You are eventually escorted to separate bedrooms in the hotel by Vago, who shows each of you where you are to spend the night. In a real bed sleep comes quickly to you.

The next morning Lumpy serves you a delicious breakfast of eggs and toast, and you sit at a table with Vago, a woman who looks to be exactly his age with very similar features to him, and another man with brown hair and tired eyes. An elderly man, leaving the tavern when you are coming downstairs, takes a good long look at each of you before he closes the door behind him.

"This is my sister Lana, and her husband, Mollon Gacy. Both are officers of the Dawn."

"It will be good to serve with you." says Gacy. "I trust you are ready to fight, if it comes to that? Today we go to a general store that was raided by the Cat's Eye the day before. We will find out information and see what we can do."

2008-09-04, 02:54 PM

Half sleepwalking walks down the stairs. her looks like a bom exploded in her room, end she still wears the old cloths she had when they escaped form jail.

Hello, people. Morning. She says jawing. Then when she sees the people sitting on the table with her resquer, she grabs with her hand for her throwing knife between the band of her underpants but then sees the others of her group sitting there to and let is seem another gesture. Hello, I prfer that you call me..Aileen, I'm surely ready to fight every single thief who dares to threaten a poor storekeeper! She sais a bit to agressive. Then she continues with a sweet voice But a girl needs some luxary. Can i have some new cloths, These are old and there are some bad memories linked to it. And i hope you have some other stuff to i can use?

She shows her cloths and her dagger.
I'm good with daggers and throwing knifes. And.. She looks a bit unsertain. I did some things in the past that recuires some tools, i wonder if you have them too, maybe i have to make use of them again

2008-09-04, 05:41 PM

After the best sleep he's had in a long while, Razor awakens and leisurely puts on his armour before descending the stairs to the common room, shield and sword held losely in his hands..

Joining the others for breakfast, Razor nods politely when introduced tot he newcomers. "Razor," he says during introductions. His toothy smile, in response to the question about readiness to fight, does not reach his eyes.

A thought occurs to him, and he frowns. "What if we run into someone we know? It does little good to be broken out of our death sentences if someone decides to identify us to the guards."

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-04, 06:39 PM

The mage glides down the stairs with a practiced ease, and slides in next to Silas as he pulls out two small books, one penned with seemingly random handwritten and fresh scrawls he would simply explain as "Arcane Theory on Energy Manipulation", the other is quite obviously the spellbook from earlier, open to a dog-eared page.

He distrctedly chews on some bread as those around him talk, taking advantage of the distraction to crib any notes he can from Sylis. (Assuming he has his book open).
As Gacy speaks, Equilibrium utters a quick mage hand to do his scribbling and for him and raises his hand in question.
Wthout waiting for an inquiry as to what he wants, the young spell-slinger simply speaks.
"Any chance of some sort of chart details exactly who you guys are fighting? I mean, I owe you, but I like to prepare for my enemies."

Prepare Freezing Cloud, today, methinks

2008-09-04, 07:07 PM

Strangely quiet, Sylis eats and watched everyone else. What strange company i keep now...

So what exactly is our first "job"? (sigh) I am still reluctant to become anyone's assassin if that is what this ends up being, even for someone who has spared my life.

2008-09-04, 10:49 PM
"Well, Aileen, we have fresh clothes ready for you, and I will see what I can do about getting everyone weapons and equipment from the guild storeroom after our work today. And as per your question, Razor, the guards no longer venture into Outer Kehlam. They merely converge at the gates and make sure the violence and crime is contained.

If you are noticed by a familiar face, we will ensure that they keep silent. Most common folk here respect us. We know very little about our current foes. They appeared out of nowhere a couple months ago, and are rapidly gaining ground. A few of our officers are already dead." Gacy says. He pauses at Sylis' question, allowing the woman, Lana Vago to speak. Her voice is soft, but carries a powerful conviction.

"Assassins are cowards, poison eyes in the dark. We fight proudly and stand for a cause. You may have to kill, but what you kill for will save this city and its poor. Don't any of you have loved ones here, or sympathize with those in need of aid and recovery from hardship?"

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-04, 11:25 PM
"Sympathise, yes, but take into account that my mother murdered my father in a fit of religious zealotry in a tiny little hamelt far away from here while I was off somewhere else far away learning how to turn things into very cold versions of their former selves."

Equilbrium explains, removing his hand from the air, but allowing his pen to dance on its own.

"You may not know much, but can you at least give of an observed Modus Operndi to work with?"

The entire time, he doesn't look up from his books.

2008-09-05, 09:03 AM

Looks at Lana as she mention about asassins. Then she looks at Quill.
O, i'm sorry for you
She gets off her chair again and runs up the stairs to get her new cloths.
I'll be richt back.. i want that new outfit!!

2008-09-05, 02:16 PM
"None to name, beyond a remarkable viciousness and brutality. They bring utter devastation to their targets. The store we are going to today had its solid oak counter hurled through a front window, while the proprietor watched hopelessly. I'd like to learn what he knows, as I've never seen one of their members myself." Gacy says. He speaks of them with a hint of fear in his voice.

2008-09-05, 03:28 PM

Comes back downstairs with some new cloths. They are black and practical to move yourself in difficult possitions. She also wears a cape with a cap which is not over her head at the moment. She also has a wrap of black linnen bound around het feet up to het knies. She also freshed herself up and looks quite beautifull now she has some more color on her cheeks and washed hair and brighter eyes. Maybe it's the freedom or the meal from yesterday but it's doing her good.

Ok, Just some weapons and i think i'm ready to go and have a look at the crime scene. She sais.

2008-09-05, 06:19 PM

Having learned how to get a good night's sleep in the uncomfortable prison beds, Quintari had an especially deep sleep in the tavern bed. That being said, he was late enough to breakfast that he missed the introduction to the new members, but not the object of the mission.

Well, I owe you enough to risk my life for you, especially since I had already given up on living many years ago. Helping this poor citizen is the least that I can do.

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-05, 09:25 PM
Rune spent the night thinking, and whistling- as was a habit of his in the early hours of morning- and then thinking a bit more. As the sun made it's appearance, he slowly meandered down to the meal, watching as everyone ate.

Now he listens to their new job and thinks, Pelor has finally given me a cause.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-05, 09:43 PM

The mage stows the pen and ink with a wave of his hand.
Both books snap shut seemingly on their own and neatly arrange themselves in his pack.
His robes bearing the marks of the Death Queen floated from his pack, and he snatched them out of the air, arraying it upon his form.
"I think its time for the Raven Queen's clergy to pay a visit, eh? Will the Church of Pelor also send a representative?" he says, shooting a sidelong glance at Rune, hoping the others would pick up on his cue for a possible cover story.

2008-09-06, 10:50 AM
Sylis remains silent, observing best he can.

2008-09-06, 12:31 PM
Soon, the party and the man named Gacy move off through the slums. From what those of you have been here before can remember, their condition is worse. Especially as you proceed farther north, no one remains outside for long, and everyone seems fearful.

You reach a building that appears as though it was the sole subject of a tornado. A counter lies in the middle of the street five feet away, and all of the windows are shattered. The door lies off its hinges. Inside, a man stands, shuddering and attempting to rearrange the pieces of his store into some semblance of normalcy.

A sign, Be back soon! is written in blood upon the far wall, beneath which a body lies immobile. The man does not turn to look at it. Until now, no one has come to offer help to him. Upon seeing you, he merely continues his perfunctory, pointless cleaning.

2008-09-07, 10:46 AM

Razor disregards the proprieter for the moment, and instead walks up to the corpse, reaching down to turn it over and make a cursory examination of it.

If nobody stops him, Razor turns over the body to determine race, gender, and probable general cause of death. While he has not particular skil in healing or anatamy, he'd at least recognize whether death was by slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning. It might be tougher to tell whether it was by weapon or explosion, unless the injuries are REALLY obvious (eg shards of glass sticking out of the corpse).

2008-09-07, 11:05 AM
The corpse is that of a woman, about the same age as the proprietor. He shouts "No!", when Razor touches her, and puts his hands over his eyes, weeping.

The body is lying in a pool of blood facing the floor, and blood stains are spattered over the dented wall as well. Turning it over, you see that she has died of multiple slash wounds, and has been stabbed completely through in a couple places. Around her neck there appear to be strangle marks, and there are small lacerations around the back of her neck as well.

You guess that she was stabbed, choked, and hurled by the neck into the far wall of the store. Most of you have had experience with death, but this is more gruesome than much of what you have seen before.

2008-09-07, 04:15 PM

Stands besides the man and tries to help him rearange that what´s left of the store. While she sais things like:
damn them all. If i ever discover who did this, i'll masacre them all and torture them to death. How could they!
She Looks at the man and tries to comfort him a bit. I know it'll never be alright, but i will do anything to revenge her death Then she looks at the others what they're doing and if she can help them with anything.

2008-09-07, 09:14 PM

Looking at the corpse, then listening to Arina's comments, Sylis' nose wrinkles. Now now girl, do not get too excited. i am sure battle will come sooner than any of us would like, but often it is what we learn outside combat that is more important. No sir, what is going on? What do you want us to do next here, we are men and woman of shorter tempers than we once were, so a firm direction would be far more effective than these shows of brutality and "rumors" you offer. His words are far from accusing, almost distant, directed at the wind.

Sylis passes is hand over the woman's eyes, closing them.

2008-09-08, 01:30 PM
"All the direction you need is written on that wall in this poor woman's blood. We wait until they return, kill them, and take one prisoner. Then we will find out who these fiends really are, and what we can do to stop them." Gacy says.

The storekeeper still quietly shuffles around adjusting small things, avoiding the corpse in the back of the room. Arina's words do little to comfort him, but Gacy takes a concerned notice of the rage in her voice.

"Torture, young girl? Is that really what you would bring yourself to do?"

2008-09-08, 02:41 PM

Yes, i would! Look at this poor man, and look at this woman. I've seen much in my life. Death, desease, gangs raiding the poor alleys of this city. I lived here. And now more then ever I see what they are capable to do to these poor citizins. Don't you want them to suffer for everything they've done?

You see her anger grow as she speaks. She looks with dispite to Sylis and Gacy.
Then She searches the place if there is anything that could lead them to anything, or could give her a clue what happend here, with howmany they were or other specific details.

also looks at Gacy to see while he's talking what he's up to

2008-09-08, 05:29 PM

Razor has a confused expression on his face. "Return? Surely they're done with this store. Why would they return? I think it would be better if we figure out why they came to this spot in the first place, so that we can figure what their motivation is."

He shakes his head at Arina's outburst. "I've got no problem with torture, if it will reveal information that will save lives, but I've no use for it as a measure of revenge. Think about it. If you TRULY believe that what was done here was a terrible evil, then performing the same acts yourself would be just as evil. I've heard some people say 'to defeat your enemy, you must become your enemy'. That's a load of crap. If you're going to act like your enemy, then you've lost any justifaction for wishing to stop him." Apparently, Razor's had a lot of time to think while imprisoned.

2008-09-08, 05:56 PM

Quintari walks into the store, seeing the carnage on even objects reminds him of a field strewn with the corpses of the fallen, then he sees the woman in the rear of the store.

His mind flashes as he sees his troops, his friends, his brothers, fall in battle before he decided to take the action that got him thrown into that prison in the first place. It saved the rest of his men, but at what cost? His life? It meant nothing to him compared to that of his men, and even after his hundred year imprisonment he would do it again...

Suddenly his mind snaps back to the present. He whispers, The bastards... Then goes to a demenour without any emotion at all.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-09, 01:45 AM

After casting a casual eye about the scene, attempting to imprint details into his brain before the dunderheads destroyed all potential evidence, he moves to the corpse Razor was handling.
"What do you think, Kinsman?"
He asks as he looks aorund at the blood on the floor - trying to make sense of it all.

2008-09-10, 09:35 AM
Sylis listens carefully to his companions. Closing his eyes for a moment, Sylis whispers Before we even have escaped the smell of prison, we seek brutality that would send any other citizen right back to jail. I know we are men that do not exist, but is that an excuse to no longer be men? I will not take part in torture. I can not share in it, so if that is your quest, could someone lead me to the closest town that may not have heard my name? I can change everything of me but my spirit, and live peacefully until you wish a quest that does not involve defiling the rights of any living man.

Sylis stumbles a bit, and sighs..."so who among you does not have a taste of blood that must be met?"

2008-09-10, 10:43 AM
I don't care if we torture them or not, as long we let them suffer for all their cruel deeds. You say that we will be just as evil as them? they deserve it. That's all i have to say. I had hight expectation from you Sylis. But now I hear you talking i'm getting more and more disapointed..

She gets close to Razor who seems to think the same as she does.

2008-09-10, 11:45 AM
What a bloodthirsty child among bloodthirsty warriors! sighing..Sylis' opaque eyes are directed to the distance.

Now, who will help me getting home, may I have that last bit of courtesy from already miraculous saviors? I would prefer wait for the guards, savoring what time I have, then spend the rest of my days bringing pain and suffering as some sort of revenge. Sylis stumbles again, gripping the table. If you have any jobs for a man who still has a heart, I am your servant for rescuing me, but I am of little use alone, or in the company of murderers. Taking this new start and planning to corrupt it so fast, I feel soiled for sharing my eyes with you all Sylis stumbles again and finally falls to the ground, sitting. Tears in the corners of his opaque eyes, directed every direction, before being directed down.

2008-09-10, 12:05 PM
Seeing sylis like this, Arina stamps on the ground, furious. Aaahhrr!! Forgetting they are on a mission and maybe not may draw attention. She gets her dagger smashes it into the table and falls on the ground. Tears freely drop from her face... her eyes look shocked, sad, angry and confused.

2008-09-10, 02:07 PM

Razor stares at Arina and Sylis for several seconds, incomprehension obvious in his expression. Finally he recalls that Equilibrium had asked him a question. Disregarding the "kinsman" part (Razor begins suspecting he's going to be doing a LOT of disregarding over the foreseeable future), he looks at the other tiefling. "She was thrown across the room, apparently by the throat. That takes serious power. But the wanton destruction is concentrated in this place only, indicating some kind of control. My guess is an intelligent creature controlling a powerful, destuctive, and likely none-too bright one. Whether anyone else was with them, I have no idea. However, there must be a reason for this attack."

He turns to Gacy, who still hadn't responded to his previous question. "If you don't know WHY they attacked, can you at least describe the other places that have been hit? Perhaps we can establish some kind of pattern."

"You there," he says in a firm but non-threatening voice to the proprietor, "what wares and services did you sell here?"

2008-09-10, 03:27 PM
"We believe that they've been attempting to force some of the merchants in the slums to pay them protection money.." Gacy says.

The proprietor stutters at your statement, opening his mouth but releasing no words. He is still in shock.

"This man merely ran a general store, but he must have been principled enough so as to stand up them. Such a shame that those who take a stand are always the first to fall."

2008-09-11, 08:16 AM

Razor thinks for a moment, then a small smile appears on his face. He shakes his head. "A protection racket? THAT's what this is all about? Well, that's easy enough to deal with. We simply need to find out who's paying them protection money, then start robbing those places. They'll send their enforcers after us, we take down the enforces, question them to get more information on their bosses, then proceed from there." He looks around at the others. "What? We won't KEEP the money we steal. We'll return it a day or two afterwards, but the owners need to THINK they're not being protected so they'll complain to the people that come to collect the money they no longer have."

"Trust me on this. The one thing these people are more violent against than people who won't pay them protection money are people who rob those who ARE paying protection money."

2008-09-11, 03:07 PM
Arina Sniffs, gets up and dries her face which becomes inmediatly wet again. In a quick walk she is near Sylis and falls in his arms crying histerical.

I´m sorry Sylis. I.. I don´t know. I don´t want to kill anymore. No more death people. I don´t want us te argue, It is my fault, i just wanted you would like me. Not like a weak little girl..

Sh covers her face in Sylis´ mantle still sniffing and holding sylis close.

2008-09-11, 04:23 PM
"But why make the lives of innocents miserable when we have a lead here? That gruesome writing seems to suggest that they will be back to finish the job here. We could set an ambush for them." Gacy points out.

The storekeeper cringes at the mention of the message, but seems to revitalize slightly at this. He nods a bit.

"I could go to the Dawn's storerooms and see what I can do about finding weapons for you, but there's a chance that the Cat's Eye might be back before I am. I'm at a bit of a loss."

2008-09-11, 09:31 PM

I agree with Gacy, there is no need to let them attack us when we can set up a perfectly good ambush from here. We can take up strategic positions and wait.

2008-09-13, 10:59 AM

Razor nods in silent agreement. He looks around for a place where he is not so obvious, conealing himself in the back, if there is nowhere else to be found.

2008-09-13, 04:49 PM
Gacy bows and leaves, heading to the guild storeroom to search for weapons and equipment to supplement your supply. You take up positions behind the few standing shelves left in the store, and the proprietor heads down to the basement to hide, with Rune going to comfort and guard him.

From outside you hear a shout of, "Come out fool! Are you ready to pay us, or merely to join your woman?" Peeking through the windows, you see that a large group of humans have gathered outside of the store.

Initiative: Quintari, Human Axe x2, Human Club, Razor, Arina, Equilibrium, Sylis, Human Mace x2, Human Club x4

((The dotted line is the unbroken window. The shattered window and open door (line with a line through it) provide street access.

Combat (http://img258.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00771ob8.jpg)

2008-09-13, 05:30 PM
learning to write situationally, Dire Radiance on the closest mob closest to me when my turn comes around

Attack: (yes i somehow still have no impliment)
[roll0] versus Fortitude


Indifferent to the battle around him, Sylis' body glows a bright white as he stands up. Sensing the battle around him, Sylis' eyes become clear for a moment. Muttering under his breath...

"Clearly they are just as much the fools as you said......"

2008-09-13, 07:36 PM

She scrawls away from Sylis towards the door so that the thgs outside can't see her movement. There she gets her dagger and prepares herself to smash it into the chest of the first intruder entering the shop.

I'll make the rolls in OOC.. since the other attack does not have verymuch effect.. it doesn't suite the situation.

2008-09-14, 07:58 AM
Razor (31/31 hp)

Razor takes a deep breath, preparing for combat. "Here we go," he whispers to himself.

Razor's action will depend on what everybody before him does.

A) Should Quint step out to engage the enemy, Razor will step up beside him to attack, using Cleave.

Attack vs AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: One other target adjacent to Razor takes 4 damage.

B) Should Quint stay concealed (or move one space and ready an action as I suggested in OOC) and the two axe wielding humans and the club wielding human come into the store, but not immediately threaten anyone (except, maybe, Quint) then Razor will use Passing Attack on whichever two are in a position to use Passing Attack on (hoping to get a position to flank the second target), marking everything he attacks.

Attack 1 vs AC: (use the attack and damage from A)
Hit: Shift one square to and attack secondary target.
Attack 2 vs AC: [roll2] (add two if Combat Advantage)
Damage: [roll3]

C) Should Quint stay concealed (or move one space and ready an action as I suggested in OOC) and the two axe wielding humans and the club wielding human come into the store, AND threaten a squishy character, Razor will try to maneuver so that he can hit that target with Tide of Iron and push them away from the threatened PC, moving into the space the enemy was in.

Attack: Use attack and damage from A, pushing traget and shifting instead of doing cleave damage.

D) Should Quint stay concealed (or move one space and ready an action as I suggested in OOC) and the two axe wielding humans and the club wielding human NOT come into the store, then Razor will shift up one to be at the edge of the shelves, and ready an action (page 291) to use Tide of Iron against the first target to move into the space immediately above him (and so would not get cover from the shelves).

Attack: Use attack and damage from A, pushing traget and shifting instead of doing cleave damage.

Note that, should an enemy provoke an opportunity attack from Razor, he gets to add his wisdom modifier to the attack roll, and, if it was movement that provoked the attack, the enemy's movement action ends (though it could use another action to resume moving).

Use for opportunity attacks:

OA 1:

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

OA 1:

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Okay, I tried to think of every contingency I could, but I'm sure something completely different will happen.

2008-09-14, 12:25 PM

Quintari attempts to impersonate the shopkeeper as best he can with the one word that he's heard the man say.

I'll take my chances with her!

He then steps behind closer to the aisle and waits for thugs to come to him.

Move action: Move from where I am south one square.

READY ACTION: If one of the thugs moves in to attack, when they get within range use Wolf Pack Tactics to let Razor shift one square closer to our enemies.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-09-16, 03:02 PM
Quintari shifts, waiting behind the bookcase to unleash his attack. Two humans wielding greataxes come rushing into the store. One charging at Quintari, the other at Arina. Both are hit 14 Q,16 A Quintari’s retaliation misses.

A human wielding a club comes out from around a bookcase and swings at Razor, bashing him in the side. 6

Razor reacts quickly, slamming back Arina’s attacker. 5

Arina jabs at the enemy before her, missing.

Equilibrium, peeking out from behind a bookcase in the back of the room, let’s a spell fly outside. Three of the enemies composing the crowd there immediately fall dead. Dead x3

Sylis blasts the beserker attacking Quintari, tearing off his flesh with dark energy. 10

Two humans with maces move in from outside, cornering the spellcasters in the back of the room. One human with a club enters the store and moves up to Quintari.

((Forgot to give Arina a bloodied token.))

Combat (http://img362.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00773tw9.jpg)

2008-09-17, 10:33 PM
Razor (25/31hp)

Razor continues to work on his immediate opponents, hoping his companions can hold out till he deals with these.

Note: The opponent Razor hit is marked by Razor, so suffers a penalty (and a basic attack from Razor) if he attacks another target.

A) Razor will try to position himself so that he gets a flank AND can make a cleave attack. The cleave attack will be against the flanked target:

Attack vs AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: 4 damage to another adjacent target.
Effect: Target is marked, regardless of whether attack hits.

B) If he can't do both, then he will go for a flank on one, and use Passing Attack on that one, with a shift and then attack on the other.

Primary Attack: Use above attack, but at a +8 to hit instead of a +10
Secondary Attack vs AC: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

C) If there is not a secondary target available, he will position himself so Arina can get a flank attack and make a basic melee attack.

Attack: Use above attack, but at a +8 to hit instead of a +10

If one of the targets hits Razor for significant damage, he'll use his infernal wrath (+1 to hit, +4 to damage) with his attack roll against that enemy.

Or, just do whatever would be the most effective attack maneuver depending on how the enemies move. The important part is to end where he can grant Arina a flank.

2008-09-18, 08:58 AM
Arina 7/23

If C:
melee basic: [roll0]
If flank [roll2]

Arina criticly hurt moves backwards still protecting herself with her dagger then rips off a piece of her cloth and bandages as best as she can in a short time ((Second wind)) She stil looks hurt but you can see she is still capable of fighting for some time.