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View Full Version : The City That Is Everywhere-Suggestions For Adventures Within A Plane of Cities

2008-08-23, 02:03 PM
Well, old Leliel here has a liking for urban adventures, and after reading about Metropolis, the "Original City" in Kult, I decided to take this to the next level and create a plane of existance for 4E that is literally one big city-the laws of the plane will not allow it to any part of it to remain unihabited for long.

It should be noted however, does not mean the plane is a "point of light": There are of lot of them in there, to be sure, but the city has a pretty big underbelly: Theft and smuggling are rampant, and more then a few sections are predominatly settled by evil races and controlled by crime lords.

So, any ideas for the ulitmate urban adventure?

2008-08-23, 02:16 PM
Well, old Leliel here has a liking for urban adventures, and after reading about Metropolis, the "Original City" in Kult, I decided to take this to the next level and create a plane of existance for 4E that is literally one big city-the laws of the plane will not allow it to any part of it to remain unihabited for long.

It should be noted however, does not mean the plane is a "point of light": There are of lot of them in there, to be sure, but the city has a pretty big underbelly: Theft and smuggling are rampant, and more then a few sections are predominatly settled by evil races and controlled by crime lords.

So, any ideas for the ulitmate urban adventure?
Uh.... just crib off Sigil? Sigil is not literally a plane-wide city, but it might as well be. Take anything based in Sigil and use it in yours, with minor fluff changes.

The Demented One
2008-08-23, 02:19 PM
Uh.... just crib off Sigil? Sigil is not literally a plane-wide city, but it might as well be. Take anything based in Sigil and use it in yours, with minor fluff changes.
This man speaks the truth. You can just use it wholesale, or reflavor it into just a city of planes without the whole Lady of Pains, portals everywhere bit. There's not much on it in 3.5, so just dig up some 2e books if you want to read on it.

2008-08-23, 02:22 PM
Read some Star Wars books, Coruscant details could be very useful. Especially if it's post-Yuuzhan Vong, just not by very much.

Defining borders is the only thing I can see being difficult, the rest is just the same as having tons of cities in a campaign, just with no real travel time between any adjacent two.

2008-08-23, 02:27 PM
Read some Star Wars books, Coruscant details could be very useful.
Or go to the original: Asimov's Trantor.

mabriss lethe
2008-08-23, 02:47 PM
well, flavor wise, you could imagine it as a collage of every urban population center in every plane. Strange looking city to be sure. Every neighborhood has a "Way" to travel back and forth between the city-plane and the city that neighborhood was drawn from. It could be an easily recognizabe Gate-like affair, full of swirling lights and holes to nowhere. It could be a very convoluted route through a maze of back-alleys, no magical flash, you just come out of the maze in a city just like your own, but different. My thought is that each "Way" should be ideosynchratic. Some very obvious and direct (at least from the POV of the collaged city-plane) Some should be very subtle or triggered by a random seeming series of events or directions. "turn left at the alley, recite a line from a certain children's story, take five steps and break a raw egg on the ground while spinning widdershins."

Access to "Ways" would be a neighborhood affair. It could be common knowledge. It could be a secret only traded at great costs, or not traded at all, known only to a handful of the neighborhood's residents. Trade routes would spring up based on that sort of thing. Interplanar caravans would choose trade routes based on access to the City and how/where they could take short cuts to get to major trade centers. The Neighborhoods aren't set side-by-side in any order you could ever figure out. so traders could Enter the City from Plane A, travel to the next neighborhood, Enter Plane B from there, travel a week to the next urban center in Plane B with easy "Way" access, wind up in the corresponding neighborhood on the opposite side of the City-plane, travel three neighborhoods away and then reenter Plane A in a major metropolitan center on the other side of the world from where you started.

imagine a highly urbanized version of The Hall of Worlds from Raymond E. Feist's novels combined with the description of the Courts of Chaos from Zelazny's Amber Chronicles.

2008-08-23, 03:06 PM
Sharn City of Towers. New copy $1.97 + $3.99 shipping at Amazon. Just reflavor it to personal taste.

2008-08-23, 05:12 PM
Well, old Leliel here has a liking for urban adventures, and after reading about Metropolis, the "Original City" in Kult, I decided to take this to the next level and create a plane of existence for 4E that is literally one big city-the laws of the plane will not allow it to any part of it to remain uninhabited for long.

It should be noted however, does not mean the plane is a "point of light": There are of lot of them in there, to be sure, but the city has a pretty big underbelly: Theft and smuggling are rampant, and more then a few sections are predominantly settled by evil races and controlled by crime lords.

So, any ideas for the ultimate urban adventure?

Sigil, Sharn, Ptolus, Greyhawk, Waterdeep, Calimport. I think each of them has had at least one sourcebook devoted to it (sometimes several).

As sonofzeal and Demented One said above. Sigil is your go-to location here. Heck, the city even has built-in plot device mechanic that opens doors to anywhere in the multiverse.

"Grab a beer and jump out of the window!" :smallamused:

Deth Muncher
2008-08-23, 06:38 PM
This smells of Ravnica. Go and find the three Guildpact-era Magic books and get ideas from there?

2008-08-23, 06:42 PM
Sigil is exactly what you're looking for.

2008-08-23, 07:15 PM
Races of Destiny would probably be a great supplement for this campaign, seeing as how the Urban Soul would reap epic benefits.

2008-08-23, 09:16 PM
Get the book Cityscape (It's the one with the Notre Doom on the cover).

2008-08-23, 09:37 PM
If you're willing to convert 3.5 stuff I suggest:

Zeitegists, maximum size and HD, lots of them.

Sepulcher thieves, so many they're a big problem.

Cesspit oozes, picking off the poor and weak in the ghetto's

Also, what about space? How is that inhabited?

2008-08-23, 10:59 PM
This smells of Ravnica. Go and find the three Guildpact-era Magic books and get ideas from there?

they're talking about DnD, not Mt:G completely different things.

Deth Muncher
2008-08-23, 11:07 PM
they're talking about DnD, not Mt:G completely different things.

Well, while technically true, I still think you could translate Ravnica-esque ideas into a DnD campaign.