View Full Version : The Draconian War 3.5

2008-08-23, 06:34 PM
Winter has come to stay in Faerun. Six inches of snow has settled onto the roads of Shadowdale, and it is a few degrees below freezing. This does not stop the townspeople though. Tonight is Winter Solstice, and while people should be curled up in bed with their second blankets, they are instead curling their lips around yet another pint of merriment.

The story is just the same at the Old Skull Inn. Although there are about forty people in different states of drunkenness, it is orderly. A bard plays winter tunes to an adoring crowd, and the tavernmaster listens on in stoic silence, thanking the gods for a peaceful yet busy night.

2008-08-23, 07:09 PM
In the shadowy corner, one of the people sitting in the inn was wearing a broad-rimmed hat with red plume, he had red hair, a thin mustache and beard, and rounded ears ,blue shirt and brown pants, along with a green cloak and black boots. Of course, Zterkk knew that it wasn't his true appearance, it was the work of the magical hat he wore; he had acquired it by stealing it from a rich halfling who wore it to disguise himself as a dwarf, apparently the halfling didn't get all his riches or the hat by legal means either.

All the same to him; it just meant he had another tool to steal from the rich people who didn't deserve such wealth.

2008-08-23, 07:15 PM
He'd been sat alone at the table for a while now, just listening to the tunes float over the air and watching the other patrons talk amongst each other, sharing good laughs. How he wished he could join those people....

"No, it'd only end up bad for them." Rozan thought to himself. He'd had his experience of tragedy befall people he got close to, and he wasn't going to let it happen agian.

As the barmaid brought his ale to the table, Rozan reached over to grab it, but slipped and ended up spilling the drink all over the table.

He sighed as he went back to just listening, frittering away the time.

2008-08-23, 07:39 PM
Seeing that guy fumble his drink, Zterkk decided to be nice to the guy. He walked over to the barmaid and said "ey, can I please have an ale?"
Zterkk was not overly generous, but he helped people out, it was simply common sense to him to be friendly.

2008-08-23, 07:55 PM
The barmaid comes back over to the pair, bringing another pint of beer. She winks Rozan and says, "Don't worry bout it. Lots of first timers here."

The bard starts a new song as snow begins to gently fall outside.


Waiting for everyone to post so I can move along.

2008-08-23, 10:52 PM
Zterkk sat himself down across from Rozan.
"go ahead, drinks on me, by the way whats your name?"

2008-08-24, 02:32 AM

Dagvaard sat at one end of the tavern, enjoying the bards music. He was a tall and well built elf, his grey skin matching his greay eyes, but both completly opposed to his golden hair and deep blue robes.

He shared the table with two others whom he only knew by the names they had given upon joining him. He had a mug of ale and while many others would have said he looked bored, he was actually having quite a good time.

After all he had never been the most sociable person in the world, so he would happily talk to those around him, but he didn't feel compelled to do so. Besides the only reason he was not at home tonight was the Solstice, he was endlessly drawn to such magically charged events.

2008-08-24, 03:51 AM
Smiling on the inside at the stranger's generousity, Rozan only wished that he could return his kindess. However, to do that would be to put him in mortal peril, and it would be best if he drove him off now.

"Please, I know you're only trying to be kind, but for your own sakes get out of here; I'm warning you now." Rozan tried to sound scary, but his voiced was laced with just a small pinch of sorrow.

2008-08-24, 12:47 PM

A bored priest in dingy armor and a much nicer-looking cloak sits at a table, playing cards with a couple of traders. They weren't gambling and they weren't having fun, which made the whole exercise just a way to pass the time and keep their hands busy. The music has merely made the place seem drearier to him, so Ben is starting to nod off.

2008-08-24, 03:31 PM
Off in the distance, a light peal of thunder is heard. No one seems to pay much attention to it.


Trying to wait for everyone, but plot will move along tonight regardless....

2008-08-24, 07:25 PM
Zterkk only arched his eyebrow
"why? there doesn't seem to be danger around, and its all white an' cold outside, I can't be goin' anywhere, not when theres a good warm bed here"

2008-08-24, 08:07 PM
Rozan sighed to himself; he could sense that this man wasn't going to leave anytime soon on his own. Looks like he'd be the one out in the cold...

"Then you'll have to excuse me; I'd best be leaving if you're not willing to."
Getting up from the table, Jacob headed out the door to watch the winter night sky and the stars.

2008-08-24, 08:54 PM
In all his travels, Tor had learned one thing about the winter months; namely, that nothing could compare to the bitter nights in the Spine of the World. The Dwarven homeland in the north-most reaches of Faerun seemed to be permanently enveloped in snow and ice - to one that had survived 60 winters in that frozen land, a light dusting of snow did not present much of an obstacle. It seemed to Tor that the citizens of Shadowdale were not as accustomed to the bitter cold, given the empty streets and light haze of fireplace smoke wafting over the small village. The snow-covered streets seemed almost untouched, a light snowfall covering up the shadows of hours-old tracks.

"Hah! I've slept outdoors in worse weather," the wanderer grinned widely to himself, "Ach, but I'm in need of cheer and good company; wouldn't say no to a hot bath either, lest I begin to smell like old Stoneguard!" His words were tinged with a slight accent, but 18 years on the road had lessened the dwarven influence on his dialect. That year he spent travelling with Moonbow had helped too; that old wizard was so picky about pronunciation and diction, Tor swore that every misspoken word felt like a personal insult to the scholarly Sun Elf. As Tor trudged slowly through the snow, enjoying the familiar bite of the cold upon his face, he idly wondered what happened to Moonbow; last he'd seen his old companion, the Harpers were sending him off to the Dalelands on some Zhent-related mission. "Hah, perhaps I'll run into the old man!" Tor chuckled to himself; in reality, Moonbow was only 118, still quite young for an elf.

Torkanar's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden presence of a door, the dwarf stopping himself mere centimeters short of the solid portal. He chuckled at himself - he'd never been the most observant fellow, to say the least. He could sense when people were hiding things, get inside their heads; but sometimes he felt like he'd walk right into the base of a mountain without noticing it. The dwarf was a wanderer at heart, and this trait seemed to extend to his mind as well. If he was concentrating, no detail could pass him by. That hypothetical mountain, however, would appear out of nowhere...

Tor shook his head vigorously, his long, grey beard shedding snow in every direction. As his weather-worn hands smoothed over his beaded beard-braids, he mentally chided himself for losing focus again. He'd been standing outside the inn door for a good minute now, staring at the woodwork; well, he preferred stone, himself... Shaking his head again, he snapped back to reality and reached for the door handle.

The sound of snow crunching underfoot caused the dwarf to pull his hand back. He turned away from the door, surveying the sleepy little town. His eye rested on the sole living creature in sight, a brown-haired human staring up at the night sky, seemingly lost in thought. In his travels, Tor had learned how to read body language and sense the emotions of people; doing so was a necessity for any self-respecting wanderer, or at least one that liked people. Daria Stoutaxe, a rather lovely cleric of Marthammor Duin had taught him that; ah, she was like a sister to him, that one. Hadn't heard from her for a while, but he hoped she was doing alright...

Tor pulled himself back to reality with a shrug - his mind really was wandering this eve, perhaps due to the onset of wanderer's loneliness. This young man, he looked rather troubled. Tor's empathic senses urged him forwards, his legs seemingly propelling himself towards the night-shrouded figure, acting free of his ever-transient mind.

"A cold night to be outside, friend." Tor spoke up, his slightly accented voice taking on a warm hue, "Consulting with the stars, eh? The night sky is calming, I find."

OOC: That'd be Rozan, of course. Hope you don't mind, you actually posted while I was writing this up - that's why he stopped at the door. :smallsmile:

2008-08-24, 11:06 PM
"well thats a shame......now I got no one to talk to" he looked around the inn till he saw the cleric, which made him wonder why someone like that was playing cards. He didn't really care though, so he just shrugged and just sat there, as if he was waiting for something to happen.

2008-08-24, 11:14 PM
An old man with fire in his eyes and wrapped in a scarlet traveling cloak passes by the pair at the door.

Excuse me, if you mind stepping aside. I am in serious need of a drink.

Without waiting for your answer, he rather rudely brushes past you and goes into the bar. When he first enters, a great cheer erupts from the tavern. He however sulks over to the barkeep and says to her.

Give me something stiff Jhaele, I'm having a bad night.

Some people overhear this, and four actually pay their tabs and leave.


Zarpasphanakris- Please post ASAP, trying to move story along and don't want a holdup.

Anyone who lives in the Dalelands can make a DC10 Knowledge (Local) check to recognize this man.

2008-08-25, 12:30 AM
Zterrk thought to himself: why did everyone cheer when that old guy entered? Why did four people leave when he said he was having a bad day? Curious, he tried remembering from the last time he was in the Dalelands......

Knowledge (Local) [roll0]
Zterkk may not live in the Dalelands, but he has traveled throughout Faerun for most of his elfish life, so he knows many places well as he has visited them before, if this isn't acceptable, instead respond to the action below

Curious he asked a nearby Dalelander "who is that old man there, and why did everyone cheer when he entered?"

2008-08-25, 04:06 AM

Hearing the cheer that went up suddenly brought Dagvaard out of his thoughts. Seeing the cause of it he lost interest and returned to his drink.

"How you doing out there Ezel, not to cold for you I hope" he said to no one in particular. He then recieved a reply to the query in the form of a strange sense of appeasement. "Glad to here it" he said, again to no one in particular. By now he was recieving odd looks from the two people next to him, to which he replied "Oh not you, I was talking to my donkey". And leaving them looking rather bemused he got up and went to the bar for another drink.

2008-08-25, 05:48 AM
Noticing the dwarf stop next to him and begin talking to him, a bitter chill blew through Rozan. Why couldn't he just be alone? He understood that people were only trying to be friendly, but he hated it when he had to tell people to get lost for their own safety. It was for their own safety though, the last thing they needed was his misfortune hanging over them.

"It is a cold night, far too cold to be outside; you'd best head on in and see what all the fuss is about. I'm waiting for someone myself."

It was a lie, but hopefully the dwarf would believe him and respect his wishes, so that he could be alone.

Bluff check I suppose :smalltongue:
[roll0] Hmmm, not terrible I guess

2008-08-25, 06:12 AM
The young woman serving as the tavernmaster pours the old man a shot of whiskey. He grunts to her.

Leave the bottle. I don't know what I am going to do to be frank with you.

However, Jhaele the tavernmaster isn't as easily swayed by this man's moods. She knows him better than those louts, and she places a comforting hand on his shoulder as the two begin talking softly.

Knowldge Local Result

To anyone who passed their roll, they recognize this man immediatly as Elminster. He is the local recluse wizard of Shadowdale, and some argue the most powerful mortal in Faerun.

2008-08-25, 07:19 AM
Almost immediately, Tor picked up a hint of a lie in the man's voice. The dwarf mentally frowned to himself - why would this young man be dishonest about something like that? Perhaps he simply wanted to be left alone; or perhaps there was something that Tor could help with. He always did have a bit of trouble keeping his nose out of other peoples' business...

"Hah! 'tis hardly cold, my friend! Icewind Dale, now THERE's a cold place! After living in the Spine of the World, this weather might as well be the jungles of Chult!" Tor laughed out loud, making a gut decision to be friendly with the stranger, "I'm just as happy to stand out here; the cold air is invigorating, and I'm not much for a fuss anyway. Besides, that old fellow seemed more than a bit upset. Still, can't help but think I've seen him before..."

"Haha! Sorry, I often lose myself in my own thoughts! Spend too much time alone, and that's what you get - my brain rambles on to itself like one of those rigid old elves!" the dwarf chuckled warmly, "You from around these parts? Seems to me that you might be used to warmer weather, eh? Then again, I'm not sure what's the norm in ol' Shadowdale - I only passed through here a few years back, and that was during the summer!"

The dwarf paused, catching himself from rambling on further. He simply waited expectantly for a response, staring up into the night sky.

"Ah, the name's Tor, by the way - Torkanar Khazark, but that's a bit of a mouthful for friendly conversation."

Sense Motive: [roll0] (9 ranks, +4 FE: Human)

Hehe... Insistent little bugger, eh? :smalltongue:

2008-08-25, 12:21 PM
Rozan started to feel depressed with all the conversation that people tried to start up with him this evening. How he wished he could return the kind stranger's words, but he couldn't let himself accosiate with them, for their own sake.

"Look, I understand you're just trying to be friendly, but please understand, I really can't talk to you. Just, let me be for your own sake."

He was getting tired of constantly having to repeat this, but he had a responsibility to these people not to bring harm on them.

2008-08-25, 02:07 PM
Well, Well Well! Zterkk thought to himself. Elminster, not everyday your in the same room as a legend. I'll just bask in his presence, don't want to bother the guy he said he was having a bad day after all. A Little smile appeared on Zterkk lips, enjoying the moment.

2008-08-25, 03:29 PM
Elminster takes a shot of whiskey, and another, and another. However, the old man seems either to be unfased by the acohol, or posses a stomach to make even the hardiest of dwarves jealous.

Outside, the northern wind picks up, and it seems to drop fifteen degrees. What was once a light dusting of snow promises to become a blizzard soon.

2008-08-25, 04:28 PM
"Hah! If I did things 'for my own sake' all the time, I'd have missed out on quite a few opportunities!" Tor replied, not dissuaded by the man's rejection. Something was bothering the human, he could sense it. "Why, if I hadn't pestered old Yorrick until he was red in the face, I'd never caused that brawl in the Gray Unicorn Inn, and then I wouldn't have had to use my last coin to bail myself out of jail, and then I..."

Tor coughed loudly, clearing his throat. "Ah, sorry, when I've been on the road for a while, I get talkative. No need to speak of your troubles, friend, if troubles you have; but no need to shoo me away, either."

Noticing the increasing intensity of the snowstorm, Tor gestured towards the door. "Ah, seeing as how you don't look like a resident of the Silver Marches, I'd suggest you make your way back inside. The weather's looking like it'll get nasty, if my intuition isn't failing me."

2008-08-25, 04:43 PM

Ben cuts the deck for what he feels has been the hundredth time that evening. He notices the old man with the hard drink and thinks about a little joke his twin taught him. Whenever a man who is getting a lot of attention speaks, mentally replace some of the words with the word pants. It always amusing when it was his father.

Excuse me, would you mind stepping aside? I am in serious need of pants.
Give me stiff pants Jhaele, I'm having a rough night.

2008-08-25, 04:44 PM
As disheartening as he was, the dwarf had a point. The snow was getting quite heavy indeed, and as unpleasant as the thought of bringing dire fate on innocent strangers was, the thought of an icey death was even worse.

"Well, if you insist on sticking around, I'll need a drink to calm my nerves..." Rozan replied, trying to put some humour into his otherwise morbid tone to cheer himself up as well as Tor.

Stepping back into the building he'd left not a few moments ago, Rozan sat at the bar and ordered himself a drink whilst watching the man who'd rudely barged in past him not a few moments ago down many glasses of alcohol.

"And make it the strongest thing you've got please."

2008-08-25, 04:50 PM
Now Zterkk was interested, the guy who just gone out came back in, and was sitting near Elminster. He thought to himself: Elminster + Whiskey + Bad Day + morbid guy = Boom. ".....I think I'd better take cover"

2008-08-25, 05:00 PM

At the bar he looked at the man who had scared people out again, intrigued more than impressed. What had caused him to take to such an excessive amount of drink? Meh, it was none of his business.

Recieving his drink he felt the sudden drop in temperature and saw the other miserable looking guy enter the room, and decided to remain at the bar. "Somethings about to happen, this should be fun" he mumbled to himself, taking a drink.

2008-08-25, 05:07 PM
Jhaele looks at Rozan with a raised and opens her mouth to speak. Elminster cuts her off though.

Bad idea boy, th' strongest drink here is a lot more potent than whiskey. I know, since I helped brew it many a year ago in the Dragonmere. Here...

He pours himself another shot, levitates another shot glass to him and pours Rozan one.

Crawl before you walk, lad.

Another distant peal of thunder is heard, and Elminster winces.

2008-08-25, 05:32 PM
Zterkk takes cover.

2008-08-25, 07:50 PM
Tor stood still in the ever-increasing snowfall for a good minute, staring at the sky. Weather like this reminded him of home, reminded him of why he had left so long ago... With a deep sigh, he banished any thoughts of that particular series of events and turned towards the inn.

The door creaked loudly as the dwarf opened it, something that would normally have drawn the attention of the tavern's patrons towards the wooden portal. All attention, however, seemed to be directed elsewhere - in fact, most eyes seemed to be firmly attached to the spectacle of that rather harried-looking man who had brushed by Tor outside the inn. Spotting the somewhat antisocial stranger he'd just been talking to, Tor shrugged to himself, brushed the snow off his shoulders, and made his way towards the bar.

"...th' strongest drink here is a lot more potent than whiskey. I know, since I helped brew it many a year ago in the Dragonmere. Here..."

Overhearing the conversation, Tor hopped up on a stool beside the troubled pair. "Haha! I'm curious - what's the strongest drink here?" he spoke up, his dwarven nature getting the better of him as he grinned widely.

2008-08-25, 08:21 PM
Elminster looks at the dwarf up and down.

Well, if you must know... its a little something called Dragonbuster. I made it for a Copper friend of mine who was tired of having to drink kegs to get a buzz. But believe me friend, you do not want to try it.

Elminster takes the shot of whiskey and downs it, hard after another peal of thunder.

By the gods Jhaele, I am getting too old for this sort of thing.

The young woman pours the dwarf a pint of ale and replies to Elminster.

Then don't worry about it. Be like the rest of us and post a bulliten on the town message board. You have done your deeds to earn your right to be a tired old coot in his windmill, Elm. Why not live out those days as such?

To this Elminster just smiles.

2008-08-25, 09:38 PM
Zterkk gets back on the chair. Whew! nothing bad happened.

2008-08-25, 09:56 PM
"Perhaps I'll try it next time," quipped Tor, grinning as he quickly downed his ale. He listened to the conversation for a minute, but his curiosity soon got the better of him. "Pray tell, friend 'Elm', what's troubling a good fellow such as yourself? Do pardon my curiosity - it's just in my nature."

2008-08-26, 07:03 AM
Elminster looks toward the dwarf.

Castle Krag, really. Every few years, some troup of monsters move in and seem to think they can just take over Shadowdale by seiging it from Krag. Those thunderbolts you hear every so often are actually boulders from catapaults. I would stop them myself, but at my age, it gets harder to get these bones out the door let alone down the road to adventure. This thrice damned cold isn't helping me either. Maybe I should just go to Neverwinter until Spring comes...

2008-08-26, 09:28 AM
At this, Zterkk gets up and walks over to Elminster. "Castle Krag you say? band of monsters? old age making ye unable to clear them out again? maybe someone else can do it, or more accurately a group of someones, people willing to volunteer to go fight them in your stead, I certainly volunteer"

2008-08-26, 01:24 PM
Ben's thoughts

Well if you insist on sticking around, I'll need something to calm my pants...
And make it the pants you've got please.

Bad idea boy, th' strongest drink here is a lot more potent than my pants. I know, since I helped brew it many a year ago in my pants. Here...

2008-08-26, 03:38 PM
Well, that is nice to hear boy, but just one young buck will not be enough to clear this heard.

2008-08-26, 03:54 PM

"Would two be any better. Sorry for butting in but I don't have anything pressing to attend to and this seems like an interesting endevour".

2008-08-26, 04:30 PM
It would, but last I scryed there was a good fortification of these monsters.

He turns to the dwarf behind him.

How about you then? I tell you what, if you do this for me, I'll give you a bottle of my Dragonbuster.

Turning back to the other two...

You will get paid o'course. I don't expect you to do this for free.

Elminster pauses a bit, then raises his voice briefly.


2008-08-26, 05:41 PM

1000 PANTS TO ALL WHO...wait a second.

Ben takes a gold coin out of his pocket and flips it. He stares it for a second before realizing that he should have assigned something to heads.

"Hey, person at the bar! I'm in. What's the catch?"

2008-08-26, 05:53 PM
You have to kill things is the catch. And preferably disable those catapaults that keep launching into the Shadowdale farmlands. Anyone else?

2008-08-26, 06:25 PM
Normally, Rozan would ignore an assignment that would involve him working with others. However, he did need the money as he was running a little short himself, and he might find something at this castle krag to help his search. He'd need to keep his distance from the others who volunteered, but asides from that it shouldn't be too much work.

Turning his head to the old man, Rozan announced his interest:
"I'm in"

2008-08-26, 09:45 PM
Sorry about not posting until now!

At that moment, a woman sitting in the corner with long gray hair and grayish skin spoke up

I'm sorry for butting in on this conversation, but I couldn't help overhearing the conversation. I'll do it, I need the money. What exactly will we be fighting?

2008-08-26, 10:57 PM
Elminster turns the the newcomer now.

Well, least I reckon Lizardfolk... maybe a few hired claws if they have any. Shouldn't be more than a small troupe.


That's ok, just waiting for Tor's post now. :P

2008-08-27, 02:52 AM
Tor needed no second thought. "Hah! With that drink on the line, I'm certainly in! We'll see how it compares to fine Dwarven Stout!"

"Although... I'd have done it anyway. I've not much skill with the crafts, but I do with my axe; might as well make use of it for some good, eh? Not like there's many who'd care if I didn't come back..." he mumbled, promptly banishing the thought as quickly as it came. He didn't need to reflect on those matters.

Upon hearing of Rozan's intentions, he heartily clapped the man upon the back, "Hah! Traveling together, eh Gloomy? I'm going to need to know your name, my newfound comrade!"

Sorry, was away all night. :smalltongue:

2008-08-27, 06:52 AM
Elminster nods, taking another drink.

Wonderful then. It shouldn't take you more than a few hous to walk there. Hells, you can see the castle on the horizon in broad daylight. But I think its too cold to do tonight...

He stares at the half empty bottle of whiskey.

No point in freezing yourselves half to death, eh?


Please also post what you want to do if anything before the night is over. Thanks.

2008-08-27, 09:04 AM
The Woman smiles

No, no there's not. I have nothing to do before nightfall but I guess you might as well all know my name. I am Asteen, lover of nature and protector of my homelands. I was asked to come and fight off the draconians here.

Ok I guess that's what I'm making her backstory around then:smalltongue: OOPS! I need a new font colour. I didn't see that green was already taken!

2008-08-27, 11:10 AM
Not wanting to mingle with his new comrades and having little other priorities that evening, Rozan silently walked into his room at the inn he had reserved earlier that day on his arrival.

2008-08-27, 01:02 PM
Zterkk, as a wanted criminal knew he couldn't reveal his true identity- for the protection of both him and everyone else, him so that they won't turn him in as soon as they find out, and them so that they wouldn't be arrested for associating with him. "my name is John Spyke human as you can see, I'm a traveler, rapier-wielding swordsman and man of many talents"

He knew that in truth, that he was Zterkk, and that he was an elf, the rest he had told them, were true.

(hes wearing a hat of disguise)

2008-08-27, 03:55 PM
Okay, morning comes. Assuming none of you have nothing to do besides this mission, you ride/walk out to Castle Krag. It is about three hours away on foot, not that bad of a hike at all. Nothing really interesting happens on the way there, but soon you find yourself upon the keep itself.

The castle looks absolutely ancient. The stone walls have been rounded almost smooth with the passage of time. Four towers corner the square keep, and rise three stories high. The only windows you can see are arrow slits in the corner towers. Just barely over the wall edge, you can see the ominous shadow of five catapaults looming.

The rotten drawbridge to the castle is broken. Stuck halway between raised and lowered, at about a 30 degree angle. From the corner of your eye, you can just spot the rusty chain on the inside of the castle. If you look down into the moat, you notice a light patch of ice here and there in the dirty water. It wouldn't be a good idea to go for a swim.

2008-08-27, 04:57 PM

Ben is absentmindedly flipping a gold coin, over and over again, when he starts to speak. "So yeah, I haven't really introduced myself ta you people yet and you don't seem ta want ta ask. Normally I'm fine with noht talkin', but I'd like the people I end up dyin' next to ta know my name. I'm Ben, son of a man who's full of himself and a woman who's a horrible gossip." He hoped his fake accent and attempt at humor wouldn't result in yet another person yelling at him to respect his parents.

2008-08-27, 06:12 PM

Dismounting from his donkey familiar Dagvaard looked up at the building before him. Hearing Ben speak he decided it would be rude not to reply.

"Until we've lost a few limbs between us, try to stay positive, it has an effect on your mind, gives you a greater desire to continue living. For those of you who care I am Dagvaard by the way".

2008-08-27, 07:08 PM
Already standing back from the others, Rozan listens as people begin naming themselves. However, it was his duty to keep as distant as absoloutely possible, and as such opted out of giving his name. Instead, he moved towards the moat to get a closer look at the objective of their task.

Spot roll if it comes up

2008-08-27, 07:24 PM

"I'm not thinking I'll die soon, but if you happen to be the people I die next to, it would be good to get my name out of the way as a topic of conversation." Ben's attempt at humor is clearly falling flat.

2008-08-27, 07:34 PM
"as I said before, I'm John Spyke" Zterkk stated
"now how about we figure out what to do? wouldn't be smart to just barge in there without a general plan or something, we won't die if play this smart"

2008-08-27, 07:35 PM
Rozan can see a rusty chain attached to the hand-crank that raises and lowers the bridge. He also notices the edge of the bridge is about 40 feet from the edge of the moat.

2008-08-27, 07:46 PM
Not turning to face the others, Rozan loudly speaks out his idea:

"If someone could shoot through that rusty chain there," he points at the chain he spotted "Then it might lower the bridge and give us a way in."

Rozan still keeps his back to the others, but waits for their response.

2008-08-27, 08:09 PM

"Is anyone guarding this place? Cause if someone is, then I'd think the bridge falling down would be a bit, y'know, loud."

2008-08-27, 10:14 PM
Asteen looks around and says

Yes, assuming that is our only way in. I think before we just barge in the front door we should look around for other ways in, maybe secret passages leading in and out. Like come on! It's a HUGE castle afterall! There's gotta be SOME other way inside other than the front door! She looks at her companions waiting for their opinions.

2008-08-28, 09:17 AM
"I'll just go and do a full circular check of the place, see if there are there are ways in on the other sides" Zterkk walks in a circle along the moat looking for any other ways in.

2008-08-28, 03:33 PM
Zterrk finds a trapdoor on one of the side walls that is covered with snow. It looks just as old as the castle, but it looks like it works.

2008-08-28, 04:41 PM

Ben is sitting down on the snow, still flipping a coin and idly musing. "So, anyone know what we're actually fighting here? I mean, I'd like to know what kind of creature would be interested in firing from a fort and not hitting anything.
Another thing, where tha freak are tha guys supposed to be in charge of this place? Just letting a bunch of monsters take over their fort, again and again. You'd have figur'd they'd be fired by now or somethin'. I mean, this is a freaking fort, you'd a thought it would take an invasion team, but all o' them jus' somehow manage to fit in this place.
Do we even know how many of these things that we-don't-know-anything-about are in there? Just walkin' in and drawing blades ain't exactly the best idea of wut ta do. Ya figure we can just cut off their supplies and starve em out?"

2008-08-28, 08:48 PM
Zterkk returns from his circular inspection of the castle. "ey, I found a trapdoor on one of the sidewalls, we can go through there instead of taking the main gate, only problem is that we will somehow have to cross the moat to get to it"

2008-08-30, 10:36 PM

2008-08-31, 01:28 PM
OOC: No need to bump a game thread, most people just subscribe to them.

"Anyone got a ladder or that rope-hook thing to help us across? I'm not goin' swimmin'."

2008-08-31, 10:49 PM
Asteen looks through her pack with a sigh

*sighs*I believe I do not have anything as well that could help us out here...

2008-09-01, 03:40 AM

Holding his tongue for a moment while the rest of the group tried to think of a way across, it seemed that one was not forthecoming. So he decided to offer his services.

"If you wish I could summon an overly large monsterous centipede that I believe could bridge the gap enough for us to walk along its back, as long as we are careful".

I would be using Summon Monster II to call a Monsterous Centipede.

2008-09-01, 10:27 AM

"We could, but it seems like a waste. Sure it's big enough? That moat seems pretty wide."

Summon Monster II gets you a large centipede. Summon monster III gets you a huge one, and we're still not sure what we're fighting in there.

2008-09-01, 09:07 PM
"we could do that, if the centipede is strong enough to hold people up" Zterkk thought out loud

2008-09-02, 04:09 AM

"Perhaps I will play it safe and call a huge one instead. Meaning that it most certainly should be able to hold us. Unless anyone has a better idea"?

Looking at the scale in the Players Handbook a huge creature should be able to reach over the moat.

2008-09-02, 08:58 PM
Asteen looks to Dagvaard

Well, If it's the only plan we've got I suppose we can give it a shot.

2008-09-04, 05:46 PM

"Let's go do dat then, we got nothin' better ta do."

OOC: Dresil, are you there?

2008-09-04, 05:54 PM

"As you wish. Just make sure the door is open or chaos will surely ensue."

Walking around to the trapdoor Dagvaard began reciting the spell in Elven, calling the energy from the Astral Plane and forming it with his words into the shape of a huge centipede, making sure to make it's back was as flat and even as possible.

(Assuming the door is open)
"Latch yourself onto the other side and make us a path, now".

Summon Monster III. Huge Monsterous Centipede.
HP: 6d8+18 B.A.B: +4 AC:13

Str:21 Dex:15 Con:16 Int:0 Wis:10 Cha:2

If more stats are needed I'll post them later

2008-09-04, 06:03 PM
[roll0] Sorry.

2008-09-04, 07:18 PM
Yes I'm here. I was just waiting for some action besides talking. The centipede succesfully latches itself to the other side of the moat, and makes a bridge to the other side.

2008-09-04, 08:08 PM

Ben walks across the centipede, opens the trap door, and looks inside.

2008-09-04, 09:18 PM
Asteen walks closely behind Ben to see what's inside.

2008-09-05, 09:18 AM
Zterkk quickly follows.

2008-09-05, 09:23 AM

So does Erizel and after Tor is across he will call it over to him and order it onto guard duty

2008-09-05, 10:42 AM
Rozan also heads across the centipede towards the others.

2008-09-05, 03:23 PM
You see a staircase leading down into a small hallway, that goes on for about fifteen feet (until you pass the outer wall of the castle). Then the tunnel ends abruptly in a staircase leading to the castle kitchens.

No one is currently in the room, but as you look around, you notice everything is practically filthy. Cleaning hasn't been on the agenda in years, but pots and pans are strewn about haphazardly on the counters. Rusty silverware litters the floor, and there is a large copper pot of some foul smelling stew simmering on the woodstove.

The room is 20 x 20, and you can see a door on the southern wall, and one on the western wall.

Vague map:

_ _ _ _
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1. Trapdoor
2. Western Door. A simple wooden door.
3. Southern Door. A heavy steel door.

2008-09-05, 04:23 PM

Ben inspects the stew to see if it is edible. If it's not, this area has been abandoned. If it is, then the inhabitants are just pigs.

2008-09-05, 04:44 PM
Its edible, and quite warm.

2008-09-05, 04:57 PM

"People, whoever is supposed ta be cookin' might be back soon. Is anybody a good watchman here?"

2008-09-09, 10:05 PM
Seriously, is anyone going to post?

2008-09-10, 09:40 PM
Asteen looks at Ben

No, unfortunately I am not a watchperson. I believe some others may be of better use for that job.

2008-09-12, 09:57 AM

"Is anyone here even remotely good at looking out for stuff? We're walkin' around blind here, just waiting to be picked off, one by one."

2008-09-13, 05:42 AM

Not much interested in picking at others leftovers Dagvaard sets about opening the wooden door, not bothering to even check the other side or if it was ok with his teammates.

1. If the door opens he and the centipede will go through after he draws his longbow and latches an arrow on the string.

2. If it doesn't open he will try the steel one and do the same if it opens.

3. If neither opens he will have the centipede break the wooden one.

In case its needed - Centipede's Strength check to break the door: [roll0]

2008-09-13, 10:27 AM
The door opens into a short hallway, ten feet by eighty. A luxurious carpet lines the floor, and torches burn silently on the walls every twenty feet or so.

There is a door on the far north end, the far south, and two on the east wall, (the northeast door you came out of)


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2008-09-13, 10:46 AM
OOC: Spaces are filtered out in posts. You need to use underscores or something if you want to make a map.

* *Twenty spaces.

2008-09-14, 03:59 AM

Turning back to the group he says "will any of you be joining me" and proceeds down the hallway to the door to the furthest South of his position.

2008-09-14, 05:03 AM
Looking back to the others, Rozan says one of the few things he's said in the entire trip:

"Don't follow me, I work better alone."

After speaking those words, he heads out the lower door in the east wall, before the one which had just been entered.

2008-09-14, 10:41 AM

"People who work alone die alone. I'm coming with you." Ben follows Rozan through the door.

2008-09-14, 02:05 PM

Seeing Ben follow him through the door, Rozan turns to him:

"And people who follow me die; go with the others."

He then walks on, not even bothering to check if Ben takes heed or not.

2008-09-14, 02:49 PM

"You're kind of a prick, ya know that? I honestly don't know what your problem is, but I don't care. You want to kill yourself, fine. It won't bring anyone back if that's what you're thinking. I'm a freakin' priest, do you know how many people I've seen die? I'm the second to last person someone wants to see on their deathbed. You know who the last person someone wants to see is? It's the people who cared about them up till their last day, their friends. So quit griping and make some new ones, got it?"

2008-09-14, 03:07 PM

Hearing Ben's speech Dagvaard followed up with "so I take it you will be coming with me then"?

2008-09-16, 05:29 PM
The druid takes a position by Dagvaard's side.

I shall accompany you Dagvaard.

2008-09-17, 04:13 AM

"Excellent. Then I suggest we move on without delay".

Turning to Rozan he says "I do not know why you wish to continue alone, but if that is your wish then take these, if things are as bad as they seem then they will serve you well". He then hands him two glass bottles before turning away and heading for his chosen door.

Hands Rozan a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds and a potion of Sanctuary. I don't want my teammates dying while they're on their own

2008-09-17, 11:26 AM

Taking the bottles without another word, Rozan continues through the aformentioned door on his own.

2008-09-17, 03:53 PM

You open the door on the lower east side and are immediately hit with the stench of rot, and decay. It looks like this was once a stable. But now, its more of a graveyard. Dirty hay litters the floor, and in a few of the stalls you can see the eerily white outlines of thee horse skeltons.

The Rest of You

The door opens with a slight creak as you find yourself in the lobby of the keep. The muddy carpet looks quite worn, remeniscent of a cheerier time for this place. Claw marks gouge the carpet here and there, and there are five doors in all. One where you came from, on the north wall, plus another two. The middle door is ten feet wide though, and it looks more regal. There is a ten foot door on the eastern wall, and a normal sized door on the west side.

2008-09-17, 04:21 PM

Deciding that the stable had nothing of interest, Rozan left the room and went through the other door in the hall that no-one had gone through.

2008-09-17, 04:58 PM

"Why so many doors" Dagvaard sighed. Turning the others he says with a small smile "well I picked the last one so this time its one of your turns"

2008-09-17, 05:03 PM

Ben goes to the double doors, opens it a crack, and looks inside.

2008-09-20, 07:00 AM
(Dresil? I think we're waiting to hear what he sees through the door.)

2008-09-23, 04:01 PM
(Sorry, was on vacation and forgot to post a note.)


You open the door and see a pair of black lizardlike humanoids in a lush garden. One is busy stringing a bow, and the other seems to be fletching arrows.


The grand hall opens up to what looks like what used to be a status symbol for someone that was loaded. The massive hall is decorated with a luxurious carpet, torches still burning inside, and pictures of kings past already. A large staircase leads up.

Listen check for Ben, Move Silently for Rozan

2008-09-23, 04:37 PM

Move silently [roll0]

Seeing the black lizard things, Rozan broadly draws his greatsword and holds it in position, ready to defend himself if they don't react the way he wants.

"Alright, you've got two seconds to drop your weapons and get on the ground before I cut you both in two."

Taking a total defense action as well as attempting to intimidate.

2008-09-23, 08:35 PM
Listen [roll0]

The blackscales turn toward you, as the one finishes stringing his bow. The other one reaches for a shortbow nearby, and they both look at you with a scowl. The first one talks in rough Common.

"Look here, Outlander. This is our territory. Now, unless you don't want to become an offering yourself, I suggest you leave all your valuables on the ground and slowly walk away.

They nock arrows at you. You are twenty feet away.

Init [roll1]

2008-09-23, 09:38 PM
Listen check: [roll0]

2008-09-24, 11:46 AM

Seeing the lizards be unaffected by his attempts to scare them down, Rozan was surprised to find that they spoke commen, though he did feel that if they didn't he wouldn't have been able to scare them in the first place.

"Look, I don't know what the situation is at the moment, so why don't you explain to me what you and your people are doing in this castle and how long you've been in here before I just go at you as if you hadn't said anything."

Another intimidate check [roll0]
Also, maintaining that total defense action.

2008-09-24, 04:02 PM
They still seem unaffected by your intimidation. Ben, you hear rough words being exchanged whre Rozan is.

Because, Outlander, there are two of uss and only one of you.

I am not going to use initiative for battle, just anyone in an ecounter post once for a turn, then when I post you can act again. The wait limit is 36 hours for an action, otherwise I assume you do nothing.

Two arrows fly at Rozan.


2008-09-24, 04:19 PM

Though he tried to deflect the arrows with his sword, both flew just past it and into his arms.

"Damn" Rozan thought to himself as he gritted his teeth in pain "I need to be more careful next time."

"Fine, if that's the way you want it to be, then that's how it'll be. Levitas, MUCRO!!!!"

As Rozan called out his attack, his greatsword became sheathed in crackling lightning while he proceeded to charge at the lizard wielding the shortbow, aiming his greatsword at its weapon.

Sunder attempt.
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]
And the electric damage [roll2]

Mmmm, that's some fine rolling there :smallamused:

2008-09-26, 08:22 PM
OOC: Wait...what? Isn't Ben supposed to be in another part of the building entirely? I mean, he's outside and I have to be near the center, seeing as there's the grand hall. I also only just noticed that sentence, since you put it right after something my character wouldn't know so I didn't read it.

2008-10-03, 08:30 AM
OOC: Dresil, you gonna post? Either for Rozan's fight or telling us what is behind that door?

2008-11-08, 05:59 PM
Game officially considered dead.

Farewell Dagvaard.