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View Full Version : Board Etiquette on PBP Games

2008-08-23, 09:38 PM
I was playing in a game where no one (besides me) has posted in either OOC or IC in over a month. I was curious as to what others thought would be a good length of time before you assume that the game is over. I posted a few weeks ago wondering if we were done playing but I have not heard from anyone. More over the DM has not been on this board for a month now.

Do you think this is enough time to drop the game from my subscriptions?

Have there been any spontaneous game recoveries?

I am asking as to what others on this board do. My personal rule suggests that if players have not posted in 2 weeks to post asking what is happening with the game. If it is longer than a month then to drop the game. Do others have similar rules? What are your thoughts?

2008-08-23, 09:55 PM
if this game miraculously springs back to life, someone will probably PM you.

2008-08-23, 10:12 PM
I tend to give up after three weeks to a month, though I leave my subscriptions around for quite a bit longer, just in case (and because I'm lazy).

Magnus_Samma's games are a special case. He comes back after enforced absences the lengths of which stagger the mind (I am exaggerating).

2008-08-23, 10:46 PM
so game deaths are a commen occurance for others too then?

i've been involved in 3 games so far on this board, and they've all ground to a halt.

If you want to be extra dillegent, just leave a post in the OOC thread for someone to contact you, and bump the subscription to a holding folder

Dr Bwaa
2008-08-23, 10:50 PM
game death is excessively common on PbP. Think about how common it is IRL (not super-common but certainly not unheard-of), and then apply a timespan much, much longer to the game. Oy.