View Full Version : More PM questions.

Ego Slayer
2006-10-02, 03:09 PM
I'd like to know what the message limit for one's inbox is. Or if it's based off the message size.

Also, I don't know why this happened but one of the PMs I received was really whacked out. What is usually displays in the list of sender/date sent (date>sender>subject>remove button) got kinda.. switched around. The message was displayed in the 'date/time' slot, the sender was my account name minus the last two letters and then the date and time where the subject should have been.

In the actual message the wrong sender name was shown with a 'doesn't exist any more' under it..

2006-10-02, 11:56 PM
For the first question, I believe it's 499.

For the second, I have no clue. ::)

Ego Slayer
2006-10-03, 10:18 AM
For the first question, I believe it's 499.

Thanks.. but that's kind of creepy because lastnight I had a dream that the limit was 500 but then there was thi other number that ended in '99'.. Why did I even bother asking? :P

2006-10-03, 10:30 AM
I think it's sort of creepy that you're having dreams about the message board at all...

Ego Slayer
2006-10-03, 10:48 AM
Well, if that's what you think then I probably shouldn't tell you that the rest of it contained posts from 2 people, in the RB.. I don't remember what we're talking about.

2006-10-03, 11:19 AM
Good idea, don't tell me.

Ego Slayer
2006-10-03, 11:50 AM
Alright. ;D

2006-10-04, 06:24 AM
There is an inbox limit?
and it's only 30 pms away
this means I'm going to have to do a clear out, damn it I hate housework *grabs broom*

Renegade Paladin
2006-10-04, 04:14 PM
Dreaming about a message board? Wow. Boards are pretty much my drug of choice ( :P) and even I don't dream about them. Or I might, but if I do, I don't remember it at all. ;D

Ego Slayer
2006-10-04, 07:34 PM
There is an inbox limit?
and it's only 30 pms away
this means I'm going to have to do a clear out, damn it I hate housework *grabs broom*

I'm only at 267 right now.. I've only deleted one. I should probably kill the screwy PM since its streching the list all funny.

Archonic Energy
2006-10-04, 11:02 PM
There is an inbox limit?
and it's only 30 pms away
this means I'm going to have to do a clear out, damn it I hate housework *grabs broom*

anyone else have the urge to PM charity 30 times?

2006-10-04, 11:10 PM
I delete every single PM in my in-box, except for crutially important ones. Thus, the most I've ever had at any one time is 7. Right now I only have 1. I'm not usually this organized... I swear!

Roland St. Jude
2006-10-04, 11:15 PM
I delete every single PM in my in-box, except for crutially important ones. Thus, the most I've ever had at any one time is 7. Right now I only have 1. I'm not usually this organized... I swear!

Ah, but do you clean out your PM Outbox? Now that would be the sign of a truly organized mind. ;)

2006-10-05, 02:48 AM
anyone else have the urge to PM charity 30 times?

*Polishes the stock of his sniper rifle*

Yeah anyone?


2006-10-05, 06:36 AM
*Puts up hand*

I do Charity!!! Wait...Are you going to shoot me? Because that's bad for my health. I'm not bullet-proof. If only I were though..

And the most pm's I've had is about...20-ish. My outbox however most likely has over 50 right now. :-/

2006-10-05, 07:35 AM
I have 288 PMs currently.

Last year I always cleaned out my PMs because I was so fixated on being tidy and stuff. Now I just let all of it accumulate because I'm so lazy, and it takes a long time to even freaking load. Of course, I'm not actually going to DO anything about it. Until I reach the limit.

2006-10-05, 07:37 AM
I have 288 PMs currently.

Last year I always cleaned out my PMs because I was so fixated on being tidy and stuff. Now I just let all of it accumulate because I'm so lazy, and it takes a long time to even freaking load. Of course, I'm not actually going to DO anything about it. Until I reach the limit.
Amen to that brother

Wooohoo test-if-I

2006-10-05, 09:39 AM
I have enough PM's that it takes a good long while to load and send.

I want to archive what I have and then get rid of everything, now how does one go about archiving their PM's?

2006-10-05, 09:50 AM
Do what I do, save the page as a html file, then delete everything.

2006-10-05, 10:10 AM
Do what I do, save the page as a html file, then delete everything.

That worked! Thank you much.

*has shiny clean inbox and outbox*

2006-10-05, 11:06 AM
Do what I do, save the page as a html file, then delete everything.
Ooh. Clever. So much better than copying into Word...

2006-10-08, 04:45 PM
Do what I do, save the page as a html file, then delete everything.

In stupid people know nothing about computer people terms, you go about doing that how?

Ah, but do you clean out your PM Outbox? Now that would be the sign of a truly organized mind.

Yup, always keep it tidy.

2006-10-08, 06:47 PM
Go under 'File,' and then to 'Save As' (Ctrl+S works as well, in Firefox). Then choose a name anf location for the file, and save it. When you want to view the page again, open your browser, and under 'File' select 'Open File' (Ctrl+O works in Firefox). You'll then view the page as it was when you saved it.
There you go. This is ridiculous. Could a Mod maybe lock one of the two threads about the same thing?

Alternatively... Lord, if you had followed the link in the quote to the other thread...

2006-10-09, 08:48 PM
I heard somewhere a while ago that they had like 800 inbox PM's. He was competing with another member I think.