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2008-08-31, 07:19 AM
Hooray a baby has arrived!

And as I baby I was normal sized, but I was incredibly quiet. I rarely cried or made any of those cooing noises that babies make. It actually freaked my mom out that I was so quiet and she thought something was wrong with me.

2008-08-31, 07:31 AM
Yay! Muppets covers!

Once In A Lifetime (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jbya4kxC6E), sung by Kermit.

And I now have a plan that'll get me into University of Strathclyde, affordably!

So I'm happy.


Ooooh... I just may be able to hit a UK meetup or two when I get over there...

And congrats, Tia. :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-31, 09:30 AM
Meh. That's not such a big baby. When I formed I was, what, seventeen to eighteen trillion tons? I wouldn't know, I don't have a scale.

Congrats, by the way. :smallwink:

2008-08-31, 09:39 AM
And I now have a plan that'll get me into University of Strathclyde, affordably!

That's where I got my PGCE. Glasgow is a very cool city.

2008-08-31, 09:47 AM
And I now have a plan that'll get me into University of Strathclyde, affordably!

So I'm happy.


Ooooh... I just may be able to hit a UK meetup or two when I get over there...

I've been up to Clyde, it has very pretty countryside!

I wouldn't recommend meeting up with us though...the world might actually asspolde with too much uncontrolled awesome in one place. :smalleek:

2008-08-31, 09:51 AM
I detract from awesomeness, so no worries there.
I add something, but I'm not sure what it is. :smallconfused:

Anywho, what I plan to do is go to West Virginia Uni, in the states, which has an incredible forensic science program (possibly the best in the states).
They also happen to have an exchange program with Uni of Strath. :smallbiggrin:

And so if I go to West V. U, I'll get scholarships and cheap tuition, that'll let me go to Uni of Strath much more affordably for my master's.

I have this all planned out. And what with Murphy's Law, this should go quite well. (:smalltongue:)

EDIT: And "All I Really Want" makes me smile sarcastically. It's so anti-apathy. :smallamused:

2008-08-31, 09:58 AM
I wouldn't recommend meeting up with us though...the world might actually asspolde with too much uncontrolled awesome in one place. :smalleek:

You've got to admit that it'd be the best way to end the world. I can see the lineups in the afterlife now:
Seraphim: "And what was the most dramatic or life changing event in your life."
UK Meetupers: "Well, we accidentally blew up the world with super - condensed awesomeness."
Seraphim: " . . . Hold please."
*quick celestial phone call behind a sound proof barrier*
Seraphim: "I'm sorry, but you're in the wrong lineup then. WHat you need is Line 1: The Awesome Plane. However, you will be fined for asploding the world ahead of schedule."

2008-08-31, 10:07 AM
However, you will be fined for asploding the world ahead of schedule.

Hmmm... but what if it's not ahead of schedule?

12/12/2012, we finally have all the UK GiTP members meet up together in one place and we blow up the world because that's what was meant to happen.

We're all effectively Harbingers of the Apocolypse.


Cristo Meyers
2008-08-31, 10:10 AM
Nah, that's when I finally manage to get over there and it finally puts you guys over the top :smallcool:

2008-08-31, 10:10 AM
What if it's not just the UK-ers? What if, on that day, all the GitP members from everywhere were to simultaneously gather in one place?

2008-08-31, 10:11 AM
Hmmm... but what if it's not ahead of schedule?

12/12/2012, we finally have all the UK GiTP members meet up together in one place and we blow up the world because that's what was meant to happen.

We're all effectively Harbingers of the Apocolypse.


So, two meetings a year on average, that'll mean we're on *about* the twelfth meetup as well. :smallbiggrin:
Okay, the UK GitP meetup will officaially end the world. If you want to be there at the end book your tickets now.

Gem Flower
2008-08-31, 10:21 AM
What if it's not just the UK-ers? What if, on that day, all the GitP members from everywhere were to simultaneously gather in one place?

I think just planning such an event would cause the world to explode.

2008-08-31, 10:26 AM
So let's get to planning.

2008-08-31, 10:40 AM
Right then. We can hold it in Atlantis, cause that's central to pretty much everywhere. Easy access, y'know. First we'll have to raise it from the ocean floor though, or at least the bits of it that blew up.

Who wants to be in charge of refreshments?:smallbiggrin:

2008-08-31, 10:44 AM
Also: I'm a horrible person. I want to write a sitcom about a married couple which will start off normally, then it'll turn out the husband is abusive and we'll play it for laughs. And then he'd kill the wife by accident and to really hammer home just how horrible this is.
Just to see how people would react.

It's been done, BBC3's "Nighty Night".

Oh wait, that was a woman conniving and killing her way through life, so therefore it's legitimate comedy and not some dirty snuff fantasy that inexplicably got funded because the writer and the commissioning editor went to the same school. :smallannoyed:

Of course, it was acclaimed as 'ground-breaking dark humour' by the Islington/Hoxton twatstorm that decides these things. :smallmad:

Seraphim: " . . . Hold please."
*quick celestial phone call behind a sound proof barrier*
Seraphim: "I'm sorry, but you're in the wrong lineup then. WHat you need is Line 1: The Awesome Plane. However, you will be fined for asploding the world ahead of schedule."

[Enter Eggy in flaming Swedish supercar.]

"Ahead of schedule? What, didn't you get the memo? The End was brought forward to get Simon Cowell's face off the TV. Everything went off exactly as planned."

*shoves past harp-and-halo boy. Grabs champers*

"Oi! You with the beard and the poker face. You're in my seat." :smallamused:

2008-08-31, 10:46 AM
Right then. We can hold it in Atlantis, cause that's central to pretty much everywhere. Easy access, y'know. First we'll have to raise it from the ocean floor though, or at least the bits of it that blew up.

Who wants to be in charge of refreshments?:smallbiggrin:

I vote we move Shadow's bar. Also, i could help staff it! :smalltongue:

2008-08-31, 12:11 PM
But apparently according to certain legal laws in the USA, I wouldn't be allowed to enter.:smallfrown:

Atlantis sounds good.

Also, you can't blow up the world with awesome before next summer, gencon.

Then we'l blow the world up when I meet up with so many gitp'ers there.

Atlantis sounds good yep. I'l bring milk and cookies.:smalltongue:

2008-08-31, 12:14 PM
[Enter Eggy in flaming Swedish supercar.]

"Ahead of schedule? What, didn't you get the memo? The End was brought forward to get Simon Cowell's face off the TV. Everything went off exactly as planned."

*shoves past harp-and-halo boy. Grabs champers*

"Oi! You with the beard and the poker face. You're in my seat." :smallamused:

Top Gear reference and possibly a Good Omens one. And Simon Cowell needs to get off the telly - perhaps an amusing accident with a cat and some home made mayonnaise would do it.

And I think we'd only have the world ending apocalypse in Atlantis if it was in the Atlantic; that way it's about equidistant between Europe and the Americas. More or less. I just hope the Atlantisans who live there won't mind us bringing about the Apocalype while having a party in their back yards.

2008-08-31, 12:20 PM
Top Gear, you say? Mmmm, Hammond.

I wonder what the code for "Have just discovered Lost City of Atlantis. There are some Playgrounders, and one of them has stolen my hat" is.

2008-08-31, 12:44 PM
XXXV - Have just found the Lost Continent of Atlantis
LYPG - There are some Playgrounders
GWS - One has just stolen my hat
Or says says Captain Vincent's copy of International Codes. It may have been updated recently.

2008-08-31, 12:46 PM
...Wow, that's pretty cool. I'll memorise that.

I think fair Britannia is punishing me for my holiday. The weather has been foul ever since I came back.

2008-08-31, 12:48 PM
Excuse me, but is the weather ever fair in Britannia?

2008-08-31, 12:50 PM
Sometimes, when we're gathered around the village fire, the elders will tell us great and fantastic tales of when the weather in our homeland was clement, and sunny...

Oh, to live in the age of myths.

2008-08-31, 12:50 PM
Summer lasts two weeks on an incredibly good year; on a normal year it lasts five days during Exam Season.
We have no winter.
Just a ten month long autumn, two months of spring (guaranteed rain) and the aforementioned two weeks of summer somewhere in between.
It snowed once.
That was the sign of the Almostageddon.


And AARGH means 'We have just found, friend and eaten a hippopotamus [sic] which looked like the Lord High Admirals wife'.

2008-08-31, 12:55 PM
...I clearly need to get my hands on a copy of these codes. They sound hilarious.

And what about Winter? We tend to have long winters!

Dr. Bath
2008-08-31, 12:58 PM
It was nice yesterday, Kneenibble. The yellow face was high in the sky, burning us with his gaze. SSsssssssss

Apapaparently..there are a few archaeological sites that could have spawned the myth of Atlantis. Due to changes in sea level, quite a few cities have been submerged at one time or another. And there was the time the plains where the Black Sea is flooded, and became the Black Sea. That might have something to do with it, although I think that phenomena has most of the worlds flooding myths accredited to it instead.

2008-08-31, 12:59 PM
So, two meetings a year on average, that'll mean we're on *about* the twelfth meetup as well. :smallbiggrin:
Okay, the UK GitP meetup will officaially end the world. If you want to be there at the end book your tickets now.

You accepting life time slavery as payment? I has no money :smalltongue:

Well, I could probably get some money until then, but just in case I don't, you know? :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-31, 01:00 PM
What is this code?!

Hippo potamus, unless Greek declensions are totally different than Latin, might mean "We drink from a horse."

And don't we all?

Your English winters do not frighten me. My city's loving epithet is Winterpeg after all.

2008-08-31, 01:14 PM
Apapaparently..there are a few archaeological sites that could have spawned the myth of Atlantis. Due to changes in sea level, quite a few cities have been submerged at one time or another. And there was the time the plains where the Black Sea is flooded, and became the Black Sea. That might have something to do with it, although I think that phenomena has most of the worlds flooding myths accredited to it instead.

One plausible theory: the downfall of Minoan Crete (for its time a very wealthy and advanced civilization) seems to have occurred shortly after a massive volcanic eruption and subsequent tsunami.

Also, I should never allow myself to turn on the computer after I've been working all weekend. I just end up sitting in front of it like a lemon. Can't think - brain hurts.

2008-08-31, 01:19 PM
'zira; winter indictaes snow or some type of wintery weather. We just have a cold spring that becomes a mildly warmer spring.

It was nice yesterday, Kneenibble. The yellow face was high in the sky, burning us with his gaze. SSsssssssss

Apapaparently..there are a few archaeological sites that could have spawned the myth of Atlantis. Due to changes in sea level, quite a few cities have been submerged at one time or another. And there was the time the plains where the Black Sea is flooded, and became the Black Sea. That might have something to do with it, although I think that phenomena has most of the worlds flooding myths accredited to it instead.

Yeah, I read a book based off that theory. Atlantis by David Gibbons. Towards the end it had illegal weapons and sea battles between archaeologists and some insane . . . terrorist lord person. And people got shot.
'Twas verra good though. And I think the flood myths were prolly more likely to be attributed to the Black Sea.
And there's a fair chance Atlantis is around Britland because of Avalon, Lyonesse, that wierd place closer to Brittany - Ys! - and sundry other mystical islands. It's a wonder there aren't more magical islands floating around.
Say, there's a thought. Perhaps Atlantis moves. And it's invisible. Like that island from Around the Twist. Now I loved that programme; I can still sing the theme tune.
Oh have you heard the word
About the bird and the spider
That wriggled and jiggled
And tickled inside her

Have you ever
Had a thought like this
How strange things happen
Are you goin'
Round the Twist
That's my favourite extract.

Midnight Son
2008-08-31, 01:29 PM
'zira; winter indictaes snow or some type of wintery weather. We just have a cold spring that becomes a mildly warmer spring.Then what was all this "Hot England is hot" stuff you all kept spouting off about a month ago?

Yeah, I read a book based off that theory. Atlantis by David Gibbons. Towards the end it had illegal weapons and sea battles between archaeologists and some insane . . . terrorist lord person. And people got shot.
'Twas verra good though. And I think the flood myths were prolly more likely to be attributed to the Black Sea.
And there's a fair chance Atlantis is around Britland because of Avalon, Lyonesse, that wierd place closer to Brittany - Ys! - and sundry other mystical islands. It's a wonder there aren't more magical islands floating around.
Say, there's a thought. Perhaps Atlantis moves. And it's invisible. Like that island from Around the Twist. Now I loved that programme; I can still sing the theme tune.
Oh have you heard the word
About the bird and the spider
That wriggled and jiggled
And tickled inside her

Have you ever
Had a thought like this
How strange thins happen
Are you goin'
ROund the Twist
That's my favourite extract.Everyone knows, you put the continents back together, there's a great big hole where the Caribbean is. Stands to reason, Atlantis must be buried under all the sediment from the Mississippi river. Good thing the Atlanteans have a force dome to keep out all that sand.

2008-08-31, 01:34 PM
That would be the Great Gods Dios, Apollo, Ameratsu, Ra and Inti playing a trick on us poor folks to make us shrivel up and dry out so they may feast on us.
And we Britlanders are notoriously poor at tolerating heat over the 17*C mark. 20*C has hose pipe bans running rampant.
And in our defence we don't do muggy either.

2008-08-31, 01:42 PM
And we Britlanders are notoriously poor at tolerating heat over the 17*C mark. 20*C has hose pipe bans running rampant.
And in our defence we don't do muggy either.

Talk for yourself. After three weeks in China two years ago, I will never complain about "hot" weather in Britain again.



Ahem. Sorry. :smallredface:

Midnight Son
2008-08-31, 01:43 PM
That would be the Great Gods Dios, Apollo, Ameratsu, Ra and Inti playing a trick on us poor folks to make us shrivel up and dry out so they may feast on us.
And we Britlanders are notoriously poor at tolerating heat over the 17*C mark. 20*C has hose pipe bans running rampant.
And in our defence we don't do muggy either.Seriously? At 17C, 63F, I'm seriously considering my jacket.

You're right, though, about muggy. Muggy sucks. That's why I live in a desert. Come on over and I'll show you what a dry 38C feels like.

2008-08-31, 01:44 PM
Y'know, you should change your location Top Gear Track; it'd suit you.
And seeing as I've been as far away as Belguim I have nothing to say other than: how was China? See anything goo? Why were you there?

Cristo Meyers
2008-08-31, 01:44 PM
That would be the Great Gods Dios, Apollo, Ameratsu, Ra and Inti playing a trick on us poor folks to make us shrivel up and dry out so they may feast on us.
And we Britlanders are notoriously poor at tolerating heat over the 17*C mark. 20*C has hose pipe bans running rampant.
And in our defence we don't do muggy either.

Never come to Chicago in the summertime.

Actually, it'd probably be best to just avoid the entire state of Illinois...

Summer has three temperatures here: hot, really bloody hot, and OH GOD I'M MELTING! Couple that with constant high humidity...

Luckily this past summer has just been hot.

2008-08-31, 01:46 PM
And Simon Cowell needs to get off the telly - perhaps an amusing accident with a cat and some home made mayonnaise would do it.

Curly', I like the way you think. Make it so! And make sure you catch the moment on film for the YouTubic edification of future generations. :smallbiggrin:

Hippo potamus, unless Greek declensions are totally different than Latin, might mean "We drink from a horse."

Hippos = horse
Potamus = river (lit. "that which is drunk" - Greece has no navigable rivers)

Hippopotamus = 'Horse of that which is drunk'. Yeah, I see your reasoning now. Odd fellas them Greeks... :smallconfused:

You're right, though, about muggy. Muggy sucks. That's why I live in a desert. Come on over and I'll show you what a dry 38C feels like.

The environment of your crazy country is hostile to human life. Leave while you still can!

I think the only time that kind of temperature has been encountered in realityland the UK is inside someone's oven. :smalleek:

edit: In other news. Eggy is being ignominiously teabagged into a soporific fugue by the vile humidity which occludes our normally clean and fragrant Geordie air (I blame those dirty Cumbrians upwind of us meself. Watch for their stillsuited, sheep-stealing hordes on our western borders my kinsmen!), but he has now seen Hellboy: Golden Army.

Capsule review follows:

"S'okay, s'no Dark Knight though. I liked the tree thingy that tries to impregnate New York."

Capsule review ends.

Midnight Son
2008-08-31, 01:47 PM
Curly', I like the way you think. Make it so! And make sure you catch the moment on film for the edification of future generations. :smallbiggrin:
I thought the idea was that he not be on the telly. :smallamused:

Dr. Bath
2008-08-31, 02:05 PM
Hey Boss, uhm... In the Greek it's acutally ippos (with a harsh breathing on the iota) and potamos (no -us endings as far as I can remember except in weird subjunctive-present-past-ablative-stupid-historians-try-and-learn-our-language-will-you tense)

It's just a case of Scientists thinking they're clever making extra long words. Tsk tsk. :smalltongue:

They should use my word for hippos. wetpigs. Much better. :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-31, 02:13 PM
And seeing as I've been as far away as Belguim I have nothing to say other than: how was China? See anything goo? Why were you there?

I was with my family (parents, sister and great uncle) on summer holiday instead of France due to it being... one of the special wedding anniversaries fo rmy parents.

I'm not a massive fan of travel (and this was my first time on a plane :smalleek: ), but China was different enough to stop me being totally apathetic. The Great Wall is freaking huge, visiting the Terracotta Warriors is hellish due to the massive number of people in the well-insulated building they're in, and, and...

There was a heck of a lot that we did. Unfortunately, my memory is terribly selective.

*dredges mind*

Ah, yes. The Guilin Valley. The most impossible looking mountains ever. Seriously. There's no pattern to them. People there still tend to fish with trained cormarants.


Gah, that's all I can dredge up. Not much, is it?

Y'know, you should change your location Top Gear Track; it'd suit you.

Will do. :smallwink:

2008-08-31, 02:23 PM
What is this code?!

International Codes as found in Captain Vincent's edition of said book. Furthermore, one may find out more about this code if one peruses the book known as Good Omens by Messrs. Gaiman and Pratchett esq.

And I envy you Stig Edge for having been to China. I'd love to go some day. Even though I may die from heat first. That and having to shovel air into my lungs to breathe properly.

2008-08-31, 02:24 PM
And I envy you Stig Edge for having been to China. I'd love to go some day. Even though I may die from heat first. That and having to shovel air into my lungs to breathe properly.

A warning. Go anywhere other than Beijing and you will get stared at. A lot. And be taller than everyone but basketball players.

Dr. Bath
2008-08-31, 02:35 PM
I'm guessing you weren't in Manchuria much. Everyone there was freakin' huge when I went. Well, everyone except my exchange partner. :smalltongue: The staring is weird though. And kinda scary. Especially on a bus. A silent bus, with twenty people staring at you. *shudders*

2008-08-31, 02:38 PM
I'm barely over 5'; I doubt people'll be looking up at me any time soon. And silent buses are scarier when they're full up with college students. It was like the Twilight Zone.
Nary a sound was heard for most of an hour.

2008-08-31, 02:42 PM
I'm due to be well over 6', which i don't really want to be. I kinda like being this tall!

Almighty Salmon
2008-08-31, 02:46 PM
I'm 5'4, due to be around 5'8 when i'm older. It sucks, considering I usually get picked on for it.. :smallannoyed:

2008-08-31, 02:46 PM
Heh. We caught a subway to an acrobatics show... in some city whilst we were in China. I would've been... 15 at the time, and my sister 13. We were head and shoulders above everyone on the train that wasn't part of our tour group. Really, really weird feeling.

2008-08-31, 02:57 PM
Hey Boss, uhm... In the Greek it's acutally ippos (with a harsh breathing on the iota) and potamos (no -us endings as far as I can remember except in weird subjunctive-present-past-ablative-stupid-historians-try-and-learn-our-language-will-you tense)

It's just a case of Scientists thinking they're clever making extra long words. Tsk tsk. :smalltongue:

Greek's all Greek to me mate. I ran screaming from the offer of it at school (funny foreign devil alphabets were - and still are - Eggy Kryptonite), and can barely make out enough of the funny Hellenic squiggles to make faltering sense of Gibbon. :smallwink:

They should use my word for hippos. wetpigs. Much better. :smallbiggrin:

Agreed. Henceforth they shall be known as wetpigs. In honour of this I offer unto my fellow Banterists the eminently topical musical stylings of Flanders and Swann (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt6xGqk0F0U).

I'm guessing you weren't in Manchuria much. Everyone there was freakin' huge when I went. Well, everyone except my exchange partner. :smalltongue: The staring is weird though. And kinda scary. Especially on a bus. A silent bus, with twenty people staring at you. *shudders*

How did you resist the urge to pull funny faces at them? :smallconfused:

2008-08-31, 02:58 PM
China has lots of short people? Tall people get stared at and you're common if you're short?

*notes to self that if he makes it out of teenage life alive he'l go live in china*

I'm barely over 5'
Curly, I think we have the same length.

Dr. Bath
2008-08-31, 03:01 PM
Um...You'd still get stared at, Dallas. 'Specially since you're blonde. It more about being foreign-looking than being tall.

@Salmon: *snicker* :smalltongue:

2008-08-31, 03:07 PM
Um...You'd still get stared at, Dallas. 'Specially since you're blonde. It more about being foreign-looking than being tall.

@Salmon: *snicker* :smalltongue:

Y'see, that's just so foreign (sorry) to my own experience. In Montreal, everyone from south americans to africans to chinese to russians to italians to liliputians to aliens is accepted as members of a gloriously tossed-salad community, and the average-looking untatooed business-like white guys get incredulous looks.

2008-08-31, 06:15 PM
Awake. Dad forced my to go on a pointless Sunday drive (that's all we did, drive) and I didn't want to go, but he made me anyway, so I just pulled my hat over my eyes and slept the whole time.

2008-08-31, 06:43 PM
I wanna' be taller...

Maybe I'll get a rack or something.
...Heh. Boobies.
Also, is it just me or is it boiling at nighttime here?

...And before anyone compares temperatures in different climates again, with the ol' 'you should see what we have over here, if it's rather hot over there then you would freeze to death in our Winters wouldn't you? Relative dealies are relative!

2008-08-31, 07:58 PM
So today I went to Maine and had some delicious lobster, and a question came to me. How expensive is lobster in areas that doesn't have TONS of it? I have it fairly cheap because I live near lots of lobster, but how is it for the rest of you?

2008-08-31, 08:03 PM
So today I went to Maine and had some delicious lobster, and a question came to me. How expensive is lobster in areas that doesn't have TONS of it? I have it fairly cheap because I live near lots of lobster, but how is it for the rest of you?

It's kind of really pricey. I don't actually like lobster very much, so i can stick with (still expensive) crab. At a restaurant, it could be $10 or even more so more than the average course.

Jack Squat
2008-08-31, 08:33 PM
I wanna' be taller...

Maybe I'll get a rack or something.

That doesn't always work out as well as you'd think.


The Orange Zergling
2008-08-31, 08:37 PM
So today I went to Maine and had some delicious lobster, and a question came to me. How expensive is lobster in areas that doesn't have TONS of it? I have it fairly cheap because I live near lots of lobster, but how is it for the rest of you?

I've seen it go for upwards of $22. Of course, seafood of any kind (except fish, of which this part of Minnesota has lots) seems to cost around $20 (even in San Francisco which completely baffles me considering that they probably caught your meal 4 hours ago and 600 feet from where you're sitting, although the quality makes up for the cost as opposed to places where they need to ship it 1,000 miles).

2008-08-31, 08:39 PM
That doesn't always work out as well as you'd think.

I wasn't expecting that.

2008-08-31, 09:24 PM
This summer Shanghai wasn't nearly as bad as usual. It only went up to 40 degrees a few times, and the ghastly humidity was really helped by the fact that we've had hundreds of thunder storms. It was actually quite nice.

I was back in the UK in July, and everybody was wilting and panting at 27 degrees - complaining about how hot it was. I have to confess that I laughed at them. (The only way to even start constructing the Chinese climate in London is to get on a crowded underground train on the hottest day of the year. Then you'll just start understanding the concept of humidity.)

d-d, I'm afraid that many of the Chinese will still be taller than you. However, you will make it into the 'medium-sized' category, so if you want to try that do come over. (I'll offer you a place on the couch. I'll even throw the cats off it first.)

Edge: you probably saw the acrobatics in Shanghai. They're quite famous here. Also we have a metro.

2008-08-31, 10:12 PM
I wasn't expecting that.

I lol'd. :smalltongue:

Also yeah... It's the humidity that really does you in, huh? 'Orrible an' muggy...

2008-08-31, 10:19 PM
I'm actually shorter than most of the chinese people that i know.

And it is usually in the 90s F around here, but it also is in other places, and they're fine because it's also dry. :smallmad:

2008-08-31, 10:23 PM
Anyone ever read anything by Brendan Behan?

I lol'd. :smalltongue:

I try.

Thes Hunter
2008-08-31, 10:46 PM
That place that had the good jazz last week, is having it again. I remembered so I am not in my PJ's, so I am off to have a drink and listen to some good music!


Just thought I would share. :smallwink:

2008-08-31, 11:04 PM
That place that had the good jazz last week, is having it again. I remembered so I am not in my PJ's, so I am off to have a drink and listen to some good music!


Just thought I would share. :smallwink:

Error: Statement includes phrase "good jazz"

2008-08-31, 11:06 PM
Error: Statement includes phrase "good jazz"

I agree. It's redundant. Jazz is, by definition, a good thing.

2008-08-31, 11:41 PM
I agree. It's redundant. Jazz is, by definition, a good thing.

I...You......it.....New Or......NUH UH!

Thes Hunter
2008-09-01, 12:08 AM
Perhaps you have not had the opportunity to listen to the right Jazz.

I submit for your consideration:

Miles Davis - Round About Midnight (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=mji4nAk_8ZY)

John Coltrane - A Love Supreme (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=HMrK7564Egs)

Dave Brubeck - Take Five (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=8V9VSxn2F9M&feature=related)

2008-09-01, 12:15 AM
Perhaps you have not had the opportunity to listen to the right Jazz.

I submit for your consideration:

Miles Davis - Round About Midnight (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=mji4nAk_8ZY)

John Coltrane - A Love Supreme (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=HMrK7564Egs)

Dave Brubeck - Take Five (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=8V9VSxn2F9M&feature=related)

Well I submit for YOUR consideration, my computer is too crappy to play videos or audio at anything but the choppiest, slidershow-esque speeds. I will happily play these when I get my other, slightly better computer. Until then, I suppose I'll just have to remain smugly overconfident in the superiority of my musical tastes.

2008-09-01, 12:18 AM
so me and my buds goes on a trip to go see another bro, but there are 3 problems besides gas prices

1)he lives about 40min out of town
2) it is pouring, almost hailing
3)was like 8:40pm when we left, and we didnt stay long

was this a stupid trip

2008-09-01, 12:33 AM
Friends are worth almost anything.

2008-09-01, 01:15 AM
Friends are worth almost anything.

Damn right.

It's been done, BBC3's "Nighty Night".

Oh wait, that was a woman conniving and killing her way through life, so therefore it's legitimate comedy and not some dirty snuff fantasy that inexplicably got funded because the writer and the commissioning editor went to the same school. :smallannoyed:

Of course, it was acclaimed as 'ground-breaking dark humour' by the Islington/Hoxton twatstorm that decides these things. :smallmad:

Research is required into that methinks.
I guess I'll just have to go back to my Seseme Street script... :smallamused:

2008-09-01, 01:41 AM
Well I submit for YOUR consideration, my computer is too crappy to play videos or audio at anything but the choppiest, slidershow-esque speeds. I will happily play these when I get my other, slightly better computer. Until then, I suppose I'll just have to remain smugly overconfident in the superiority of my musical tastes.

here's some more whenever you wanna check 'em out (if ya do).

Brad Mehldau (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=n4dV9inZCo4)

The Necks (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=P0uCGDCNKno)

my favorite recording of this song (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=9m1JeNWB27g)

Bill Frisell (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=AVWwX7rBS8k)

2008-09-01, 01:57 AM
I'm actually shorter than most of the chinese people that i know.

Well, remember...Yao Ming is Chinese!
In general Chinese people from the south of the country are smaller and lighter, and those from the north are taller and heavier. Shandong province seems to specialise in big, tall, well-built folks. (I once saw a group of Shandong business men, and all I could think was, 'they would make a really good rugby team'.)
Also as standards of living improve leading to better diets and health-care standards, Chinese people are growing taller.

That said, I can easily think of at least 20 Chinese men of my acquaintance who are less than 5-foot tall. Maybe one in twenty or thirty of the men here in Shanghai is that small.

Y'see, that's just so foreign (sorry) to my own experience. In Montreal, everyone from south americans to africans to chinese to russians to italians to liliputians to aliens is accepted as members of a gloriously tossed-salad community, and the average-looking untatooed business-like white guys get incredulous looks.
Mainland China is so mono-cultural that it hurts. (Hong Kong is a bit different, but still nothing like as multi-cultural as you have described.)
In Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou you can often get away with being non-Chinese without stares. (Though a guy once stared at me so hard in Shanghai that he crashed his bicycle.) Anywhere else in the country and you will get stared at, pointed at, shouted at and laughed at.

If you're going to live here, you just have to put up with it.

2008-09-01, 03:29 AM
I'll even throw the cats off it first.

I feel so welcome.:smalltongue:

But its a few years away before I'm of legal age.
*tans a bit more*(When I get a tan, its hard to get, but semi-permanent)
*dyes hair black*
I'l fit in, yay....

2008-09-01, 03:46 AM
I agree. It's redundant. Jazz is, by definition, a good thing.

Jazz is just The Blues having a seizure. :smalltongue:

I'm still waiting to catch one of those strange New York creatures called Gershwins though. They make odd, but strangely harmonious, noises. I picture Gershwins as being wading birds not unlike Bitterns (http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=Bitterns).

Friends are worth almost anything.

Yours maybe. I couldn't even swap mine for American beer. :smallfrown:

I guess I'll just have to go back to my Seseme Street script... :smallamused:

Was this the Sesame Street action movie, or the generation-spanning dynastic saga chronicling the rise and fall of Citizen Grouch ("tra-a-a-a-sh...ca-a-a-an")? :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-01, 05:13 AM
Yours maybe. I couldn't even swap mine for American beer. :smallfrown
We must have a different definition of "friend".

Also, with the Chinese short thing, I'm really short. Like 4' 10"? I don't know. I never measure. Specially not in your feet and inches. But extremely short.

2008-09-01, 05:19 AM
Was this the Sesame Street action movie, or the generation-spanning dynastic saga chronicling the rise and fall of Citizen Grouch ("tra-a-a-a-sh...ca-a-a-an")? :smallbiggrin:

Seven Total Strangers Team Up For The Perfect Crime. They Don't Know Each Other's Name. But They've Got Each Other's Color... this caper was brought to you by the letters F and U.

2008-09-01, 05:27 AM
We must have a different definition of "friend".

Also, with the Chinese short thing, I'm really short. Like 4' 10"? I don't know. I never measure. Specially not in your feet and inches. But extremely short.
In meters then?

2008-09-01, 05:31 AM
Was this the Sesame Street action movie, or the generation-spanning dynastic saga chronicling the rise and fall of Citizen Grouch ("tra-a-a-a-sh...ca-a-a-an")? :smallbiggrin:

This is the hour long special where after telling people details, I then have to justify making the Count cry for 30 minutes straight.
And then have to dismiss claims I'll do something horrible to Big Bird. I liked Big Bird. Elmo is the one I'll torture endlessly.

2008-09-01, 05:37 AM
We must have a different definition of "friend".

Friend: person who buys you beer without prompting when you've had a crappy day, or one whom you can sell for beer with no lasting hard feelings. I think we're on similar pages at least. :smallwink:

Also, with the Chinese short thing, I'm really short. Like 4' 10"? I don't know. I never measure. Specially not in your feet and inches. But extremely short.
And here was me thinking all Kiwis were at least 6 feet (in my head they're like the Vikings of the Southern Hemisphere...)

2008-09-01, 05:38 AM
This is the hour long special where after telling people details, I then have to justify making the Count cry for 30 minutes straight.
And then have to dismiss claims I'll do something horrible to Big Bird. I liked Big Bird. Elmo is the one I'll torture endlessly.
You can't do that! I need elmo to drive me to places, he always waits very good in car!

*slaughters Jibar for that horrible idea*

2008-09-01, 06:53 AM
And it is usually in the 90s F around here, but it also is in other places, and they're fine because it's also dry. :smallmad:

Gah! Get thee away from here and learn sensible measures of degree of hotness!

2008-09-01, 07:15 AM
Elmo is the one I'll torture endlessly.




2008-09-01, 07:25 AM
Gah! Get thee away from here and learn sensible measures of degree of hotness!

90F = 32C

(f > C -32, /9, x5; C > f /5 x9 +32)

Maths undergrads who can't do C to f conversions; even funnier than psych undergrad who are always causing arguments or history undergrads with no sense of pattern recognition. :smalltongue:

In the traditional British scale (as popularised by "The Sun" newsrag) 90+f = "A Scorcha!"

2008-09-01, 07:50 AM
Ahhh! New Police album = the win.
I just got Ghost in the Machine. "Secret Journey" is especially incredible.

2008-09-01, 08:15 AM
(f > C -32, /9, x5; C > f /5 x9 +32)

Or use Google Calculator.
Sample 1 (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=32+c+in+f&meta=)
Sample 2 (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=90+f+in+c&meta=)
Sample 3 (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=answer+to+life+the+universe+and+everything&meta=)

Almighty Salmon
2008-09-01, 09:22 AM
Just finished my first day of college, and I actually survived, sweet! :smallbiggrin:

But yeah, after doing absolutely nothing for the last three years, an eight hour college day is exhausting. It's gonna take some getting used to.

2008-09-01, 09:37 AM
Or use Google Calculator.
Sample 1 (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=32+c+in+f&meta=)
Sample 2 (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=90+f+in+c&meta=)
Sample 3 (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=answer+to+life+the+universe+and+everything&meta=)

I do like my google calculator. Want to know the speed of light in nanometers per year? Well there you have it!

Also, I'm gonna' need me some proper sleeping schedule. I'm currently running on a 26 hour day it seems... I loop round every so often to have a normal day, but I usually only see a few hours of sunlight a day. Could drive a man insane.

2008-09-01, 10:02 AM
Bah, I guess everyone here has already seen sample 3... :smallsigh:

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 10:07 AM
Could drive a man insane.


There's a fox staring at me. Stupid fox. Think's he's so great...

he's not.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-01, 10:08 AM
It's like the Spanish Inquisition of numbers. Does anyone really not expect it?

2008-09-01, 10:09 AM
Bah, I guess everyone here has already seen sample 3... :smallsigh:


...Wasn't there a air speed velocity of an unladen swallow one too? Or was that a different engine?

2008-09-01, 10:17 AM

There's a fox staring at me. Stupid fox. Think's he's so great...

he's not.

Yeah. (http://silentreaper.deviantart.com/art/StupidFox-Anim-96169398) Stupid (http://silentreaper.deviantart.com/art/StupidFox-1-95711881) fox. (http://silentreaper.deviantart.com/art/StupidFox-2-96408000)

I need to stop watching stoner films, simply because I know that's not what stoners are like. >,<

Also: For Drama (why do they keep listing it as Theatre Studies?), they gave these big sketchbooks, with the idea being we write in them with ideas or bits of script or lighting cues or whatever.
Considering mine is going to be an absurdist comedy whose sole purpose is to make at least one person cry themselves laughing, I'm going to end up writing down whatever odd bits of dialogue float through my head.

2008-09-01, 10:22 AM
Angular momentum is fun. :smallbiggrin:

So, I just finished dinner, which was ravioli sent from heaven.
Afterwards, after putting away my dishes, I realized how little friction the floor gives with my socks. So I decided to spin on my heel, with my arms outstretched. Naturally, being in physics, I decided to bring my arms in, so I spinned real fast!

And then I lost balance.

Of course, that means I have to try again, only holding two jugs of milk, so that the added weight made me spin faster. :smallbiggrin:

Then my stomach got all upset from this, since it was just filled.
It's all like, to my brain, Hey, you f*****g moron! Stop spinning! You just filled me up! Gah... Idiot...

2008-09-01, 10:29 AM
...What's that word that means the same as 'moment', in a physics sense? Tauk or tork or taulk or something...

Hurray for perpendicular forces!

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 10:32 AM

WOOoo! Science!

2008-09-01, 10:35 AM
Yarr. That be the dealie.

High five for science!

Also, I've learnt how to solve a Rubik's cube! Yay!

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 10:38 AM

That's how. A guy in the year above told me 'bout it. Then we made a motor with so many batteries that it exploded.

2008-09-01, 10:40 AM
Gah! Get thee away from here and learn sensible measures of degree of hotness!

The Fahrenheit scale is pretty good for describing European weather. Well, some parts of Europe. And it did a better job at the time than it does now. But it is still pretty good at describing weather.

On the other hand, it has no bearing whatsoever on science. Then again, weather is VERY messy physics.

2008-09-01, 10:41 AM
Algorithms: Songs with an inconvenient truth inside them. :D

2008-09-01, 11:39 AM

That's how. A guy in the year above told me 'bout it. Then we made a motor with so many batteries that it exploded.

Out of a....purely scientific sense of curiosity, er, how many batteries did it take?

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 11:43 AM

If I recall... It was all of them. Around thirteen battery pack, each with four D batteries in them. There were some sparks and melting wires and flying pieces of metal. Fun times.

2008-09-01, 11:45 AM


2008-09-01, 11:48 AM
Your Head A Splode.

EDIT: Oooh, we have an anti-allcaps filter? Awesome! *dances*

2008-09-01, 11:48 AM
Well done, Bath. You broke D'anna.

2008-09-01, 11:50 AM
I still think BR looks cute when drawn in vectors on a commodore 64. I wanna get him to say "Your Head A Splode". :smalltongue:

2008-09-01, 11:51 AM
Well done, Bath. You broke D'anna.

Aw come on! Any semi-regular should know I don't actually USE my brain.
Also, I hope your were being sarcastic because other I shall weep on you. Seriously. Awkward stranger, all bawling on your shoulder. Think that would be fun? Do ya? DO YA? *sob*

2008-09-01, 11:53 AM
Aw come on! Any semi-regular should know I don't actually USE my brain.
Also, I hope your were being sarcastic because other I shall weep on you. Seriously. Awkward stranger, all bawling on your shoulder. Think that would be fun? Do ya? DO YA? *sob*

Kinda, but i was being sarcastic.
I am a little bit distracted this evening is all!

2008-09-01, 12:14 PM

If I recall... It was all of them. Around thirteen battery pack, each with four D batteries in them. There were some sparks and melting wires and flying pieces of metal. Fun times.


Cannot shake mental image of Dr Bath dressed in Agatha Heterodyne costume now. Oh well, it's brain bleaching time again here at Heuvo Mansions. :smallfrown:

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 12:17 PM
Be thankful you don't have a mental image of me as Tubbs. OH WAIT. Except you might not know who I'm talking about. Then...um... BOO!

*runs away*

2008-09-01, 12:24 PM

Don't you mean elevensies? And after that comes wake-up'ers, after that comes day-break, then comes the lunch, then comes the one o'clocksies and after that....

Sorry, I was thinking you ment hobbit meal times.

2008-09-01, 12:28 PM
Just finished my first day of college, and I actually survived, sweet! :smallbiggrin:

But yeah, after doing absolutely nothing for the last three years, an eight hour college day is exhausting. It's gonna take some getting used to.

Oooh. Whatchadoin'?

@Eggy: You can see a Curly in an Agatha Heterodyne outfit if you want. *runs off to fetch*

And my cat has just added battered fish to her list of Human Food That I Eat. We also have on that list:
A full roast dinner (even peas, carrot, cabbage and cauli)
Tuna mayonnaise pasta
Any meat
Cottage pie
Ice cream (but not strawberry)
Any gateau that's not stawberry
Meat (frozen, raw or cooked)
Anything with pastry
Apple crumble with custar or cream or on its own and
Tomato sauce, plain.
It's getting harder and harder to eat at a sensible pace with her in the room. I swear she eats better than me.


Curly knows Science!

2008-09-01, 12:29 PM
Oooh. Whatchadoin'?

@Eggy: You can see a Curly in an Agatha Heterodyne outfit if you want. *runs off to fetch*

And my cat has just added battered fish to her list of Human Food That I Eat. We also have on that list:
A full roast dinner (even peas, carrot, cabbage and cauli)
Tuna mayonnaise pasta
Any meat
Cottage pie
Ice cream (but not strawberry)
Any gateau that's not stawberry
Meat (frozen, raw or cooked)
Anything with pastry
Apple crumble with custar or cream or on its own and
Tomato sauce, plain.
It's getting harder and harder to eat at a sensible pace with her in the room. I swear she eats better than me.

I demand to know what your cat has against strawberries!:smalltongue:

2008-09-01, 12:31 PM
Hmm. Seeing that Curlytar makes me want to see a catmuffin forensic scientist, at a gruesome crime scene. :smallconfused:

2008-09-01, 12:38 PM
Curly knows Science!

Cat-Muffins are too busy fighting with mermaids for Catlantis in their steam powered submarines to be worried with a silly thing like Science. In fact, they're quite worried physics will catch up with them at some point and start asking awkward questions like how they're pulling the torpedo launching lever when they have no hands.


2008-09-01, 12:41 PM
[CENTER]Cat-Muffins are too busy fighting with mermaids for Catlantis in their steam powered submarines to be worried with a silly thing like Science. In fact, they're quite worried physics will catch up with them at some point and start asking awkward questions like how they're pulling the torpedo launching lever when they have no hands.

They use their psychic cat-muffin powers to pull levers... duh! :smallsigh:

2008-09-01, 12:41 PM
In fact, they're quite worried physics will catch up with them at some point and start asking awkward questions like how they're pulling the torpedo launching lever when they have no hands.


That or they use their tails?

2008-09-01, 12:42 PM
I demand to know what your cat has against strawberries!:smalltongue:

I'm tempted to sig that because it sounds so awesome out of context.

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 12:42 PM

Twelfty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7SyDHsRHLs&feature=related) precious things. From a Local shop. For Local people.

So no one knows the League of Gentlemen much then? Ah well.

2008-09-01, 12:45 PM
Curly knows Science!

Oh Em Gee! Cutest thing EVAR!

Edit: Did I type that. I disgust myself....

2008-09-01, 12:46 PM
Twelfty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7SyDHsRHLs&feature=related) precious things. From a Local shop. For Local people.

So no one knows the League of Gentlemen much then? Ah well.

What on earth is the hell going on now? What? Who? What IS that? WHY? It sounds like a bunch of vampires in a Victorian picture whose generations-long plan to own their own shop is being fouled by the forces of eternity. I am talking about epic mortgage payments here.

Thes Hunter
2008-09-01, 12:47 PM
Yeah it is too bad, because it does look rather funny.

2008-09-01, 12:48 PM

That or they use their tails?

See below

They use their psychic cat-muffin powers to pull levers... duh! :smallsigh:

And of course its a duh for me.

One of my friends actually had a bit of a go at me for explaining in all seriousness the average lifespan of a Cat-Muffin without letting even a hint of humour into my voice.

2008-09-01, 12:49 PM
What is the average lifespan then? What kinds of worldviews and cultures do Catmuffins have?

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 01:00 PM
Yeah it is too bad, because it does look rather funny.

Reeeally weird horror-comedy sketch show. Kind of a precursor to stuff like Shaun of the Dead and Severance. Both funny and horrifying. *thumbs up*

It's called The League of Gentlemen, by the way. Filled with the most grotesque characters you can imagine.

You're my wife now, Dave... *shudder*

2008-09-01, 01:06 PM
Don't! He's one of the creepiest clowns ever to roam the world. He freaks me out. Papa Lazerou gives children nightmares forever. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2F4ZWTjwTU)

Cat-Muffins are too busy fighting with mermaids for Catlantis in their steam powered submarines to be worried with a silly thing like Science. In fact, they're quite worried physics will catch up with them at some point and start asking awkward questions like how they're pulling the torpedo launching lever when they have no hands.


Hey. That means all Cat - Muffins have the Spark; and Sparks don't need physics. Physics bends to the will of the Sparks.
And they'd use their tails and/or pschic powers.

2008-09-01, 01:12 PM
What is the average lifespan then? What kinds of worldviews and cultures do Catmuffins have?

Ancient Cat-Muffins could love for hundreds of thousands of years. It's even theorised that the Original Batch and their first generation could have lived forever. The Followers Of The First Oven believe that somewhere members of the Original Batch are hiding, gathering strength so that they can return and give all Cat-Muffins immortality by warming us the oven that they were first baked in.
Since then though, the average life span of Cat-Muffins has shrunk slowly and slowly. No-Ne The Great of Australia lived for a couple thousand years. Some of The Followers Of The First Oven believe he was picked up by the Original Batch and taken to the oven as a test.
These days Cat-Muffins can live for an average of a hundred and fifty years.

In terms of worldviews and cultures, they're rather... disjointed. After The Great Cat-aclysm when Merlin, Morgan le Fey, Plato and Dr Strange joined together to battle the rogue sorcerer Cat-Muffin Garibold and his army of mystical cheeses, when Garibold struck down Arter (the current Cat-Muffin King) for his alliance with Dr Strange, Cat-Muffins as a race have never been as unionised. They ended up largely splitting into individual territories or joining odd orders like The Knights of The Non-Euclidian Table, the aforementioned The Followers Of The First Oven, The Dignified Yet Odd Smelling Worshippers Of Cat'Thilli, The Insmouth Barbershop Quartet and other such religious groups. Or they joined rock bands. Whatever they fancied.
Before all that though, they were a unified people with only a few offshoots who were led by the democratically voted King. Democracy for Cat-Muffins though generally means Whoever Can Throw This Stick Furthest Wins.
Notably, the oddball Cat-Muffin Caesus tried to unite all Cat-Muffins in the year 2000, but when he started talking about italian food and short people everyone got a little weirded out and left him in Nevada. It's come to understood he later joined a biker gang and now spends his time playing scrabble.

In retrospect, my friend wouldn't have find this all so weird if we weren't talking about it before we went to sleep so she couldn't tell if my seriousness was intentional or because I was tired.:smalltongue:

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 01:12 PM
Don't! He's one of the creepiest clowns ever to roam the world. He freaks me out. Papa Lazerou gives children nightmares forever. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2F4ZWTjwTU)

Apparently, they made Papa Lazerou out of every childhood fear they could come across, just because they could. And one of their landlords. :smallconfused:

Thes Hunter
2008-09-01, 01:21 PM
Reeeally weird horror-comedy sketch show. Kind of a precursor to stuff like Shaun of the Dead and Severance. Both funny and horrifying. *thumbs up*

It's called The League of Gentlemen, by the way. Filled with the most grotesque characters you can imagine.

You're my wife now, Dave... *shudder*

Part of the reason I loved the sketch is because I have run into so many local shops that seem to only want to sell to 'local people'. They are obviously struggling, they are obviously mad that people go out and shop at the big box stores, but at the same time are so grumpy and exclusive that it keeps people out of the shops.

And then there is the colsterphobia inducing rabbit warren of stock that you must carefully navigate.

So yeah, I found it funny partially because of the whole "local things to local people" thing. =]

2008-09-01, 01:51 PM
That clown will now give me the jibbilies...

2008-09-01, 02:08 PM
@Eggy: You can see a Curly in an Agatha Heterodyne outfit if you want. *runs off to fetch*

But...it's not even my birthday. :smallconfused:


Curly knows Science!

CurlyKiterodyne rocks! I'd totally forgotten it was you who had that avvie. :smallbiggrin:

<trim cultish catmuffiny ravings>

In retrospect, my friend wouldn't have find this all so weird if we weren't talking about it before we went to sleep so she couldn't tell if my seriousness was intentional or because I was tired.:smalltongue:

Weirdest. pillow talk. EVER. :smallconfused:

In honour of which you win (*casts about the place*) this stylish, practical and only slightly occult stress ball.

Reeeally weird horror-comedy sketch show. Kind of a precursor to stuff like Shaun of the Dead and Severance. Both funny and horrifying. *thumbs up*

It's called The League of Gentlemen, by the way. Filled with the most grotesque characters you can imagine.

You're my wife now, Dave... *shudder*

"League of Gentlemen" > "Shaun of the Dead" and "Severance". It was its own crazy little world of freaks, oddballs and perverts.

*looks around*

Moving swiftly on...

2008-09-01, 02:11 PM
Have to say I never really liked The League of Gentlemen. It was too off the wall for my tastes.

2008-09-01, 02:46 PM
But...it's not even my birthday. :smallconfused:

CurlyKiterodyne rocks! I'd totally forgotten it was you who had that avvie. :smallbiggrin:


"League of Gentlemen" > "Shaun of the Dead" and "Severance". It was its own crazy little world of freaks, oddballs and perverts.

Well in your defence I do have a lot of avvies, so count that reminder as an early (or late) birthday present. But since you're an egg wouldn't that mean a layday present as you haven't technically been 'born' yet?

And I first saw League of Gentleman when I was eight or nine. Mum'd let me stay up to watch Red Dwarf and we caught the last ten minutes or so of LoG. And it included Papa Lazerou, Tubbs and Edwards and that wierd butcher shop thingy.
Terror doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. The Tubbs and Edwards sketch involved the infamous 'little brown fish'. :smalleek: :smalleek: :smalleek: :smalleek:
Bad, bad, bad, bad dreams and possibly the start of my insomnia began that very night.
Besides, Shaun of the Dead is more comedy than horror. People beating an old dead guy to undeath to the sound of Queen'll have me laughing every time.

2008-09-01, 02:59 PM
Weirdest. pillow talk. EVER. :smallconfused:

Not... well. Not exactly. Wish it was but... :smallredface: Ahem. Yes.

In honour of which you win (*casts about the place*) this stylish, practical and only slightly occult stress ball.

I like the idea that something can be "only slightly occult"
Anyway. Thank you.

Also: Argh I hate my eyes.
My current prescription is Left = -10, Right = -10.5
If you not what that means, then you'll know how bad they are.
If you don't, then that means I'm incredibly near sighted.
As in bad enough that the NHS will now pay for me to continue receiving eye exams even after I leave education, give me a lot of discount when buying glasses, and there's still a good chance I'll go blind because they haven't stopped. They're constantly getting worst. In 6 months they managed to go from about -9, -9.25 to -10. Which is very bad.
Plus there's the fact they constantly snap out of focus, and even with my glasses it's incredibly hard to see some thing.


The only upside to it all is my glasses are in fact beer goggles.

...you get that rant because I was just trying to read TVTropes when every letter just kept snapping out of focus individually every few seconds. :smallannoyed:

2008-09-01, 03:10 PM
Heh. At least you don't have my eyes, with one twice as bad as the other.:smallconfused:

Unbalanced glasses are darned annoying.

2008-09-01, 03:13 PM

Even my eyes, bad enough to enter into the family lexicon arcanum of embarassing stories, never make words out of focus on a whim.

Jibar, have you ever thought of Laser Eye Surgery? It's only moderately terrifying and there's always a chance the doctor will misunderstand you and you can be the near-sighted version of Cyclops.

2008-09-01, 03:32 PM

Into your eye...

2008-09-01, 03:33 PM

Into your eye...

Silly Phase! You have to charge it first!

2008-09-01, 03:33 PM
Mmm, I hate my eyes too. It's . . . oh, Io, 11, 14 or something ridiculous like that. And the astigmatism has increased 'remarkably' which makes it sound like it's a good thing. And it isn't.
Worse are that you have to pick out your frames right? I've had the same frames since I got glasses but "Oh no, they're out of date now sweetie. Wy don't you pick something prettier and more feminine?" Doesn't it occur to the loony that I liked my old frames?
I do like my new frames, but they don't have the 180* flexy arms so I got to be real careful with them. ANd the frames around the eyes're enormous compared to the older ones.
Can't wait for my eyes to deteriorate more in the next year.

@D'ana: try £3 000 per eye. No teen, or most adults, would be able to afford that. Not without loans and epriving oneself of things like food, or books, or internet, or food.

2008-09-01, 03:36 PM
I dunno what scale you guys are using, but I can see 16-17ish cm before it goes fuzzy. (can't be exact, only got a 15cm to hand. :smalltongue:)

2008-09-01, 03:39 PM
I personally have a Lazy eye yet I still have probably the best eyesight out of everyone I know, I can see perfectly and I'm very good at noticing fine details.

Anyway, College tomorrow, wish me luck!

2008-09-01, 03:40 PM
@D'ana: try £3 000 per eye. No teen, or most adults, would be able to afford that. Not without loans and epriving oneself of things like food, or books, or internet, or food.

Ok, number one, what did you do, take out your eyes with a rusty spoon and dip them in melted military grade plutonium before sticking them back in with a piece of string and some melty processed cheese as an adhesive?

Number two, go to a "LENSES = FREE" sale and spit on people who tell me there's a limit to the cost.

2008-09-01, 03:42 PM
Yay for being far sighted(and not near-sighted).

Boo for my eyes having odd shapes so that I can't have lenses.

2008-09-01, 03:46 PM
I dunno what scale you guys are using, but I can see 16-17ish cm before it goes fuzzy. (can't be exact, only got a 15cm to hand. :smalltongue:)

I get about... 2 inches with one eye shut.
Anywhere other than roughly 2 inches away without one eye shut is impossible for me to discern. It's just lumps of colour.
It's... beautiful in its own way. Everything turns into some abstract watercolour painting. It'd just be lovely if I could then see real art.

...come to think of it, maybe the Tate would have been improved if I had taken my glasses off. :smalltongue:

2008-09-01, 03:48 PM
Reminds me of a old classmate.

He was near-sighted.

He could make great art, he could draw amazing stuff.

But only when he didn't have his glasses on.

2008-09-01, 03:53 PM
Don't! He's one of the creepiest clowns ever to roam the world. He freaks me out. Papa Lazerou gives children nightmares forever. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2F4ZWTjwTU)

Hey. That means all Cat - Muffins have the Spark; and Sparks don't need physics. Physics bends to the will of the Sparks.
And they'd use their tails and/or pschic powers.
So cat-muffins are planeswalkers? Sweet.

On the topic of eyes...my right is something like +1. My left...I'm not even sure, because I can't even read the top letter on that chart thing optometrists have. It's also lazy, so it makes me look freaky in addition to being all but useless. Maybe I should get an eyepatch.

2008-09-01, 04:01 PM
With my left eye everything's blurry. I'm typing this roughly arms ength from the screen with only my left eye (sans glasses) and I can barely make out - scrap that - the only reason I'm actually typing is because I can touch type now. Looking at the screen I can see blurs of colour onstead of smilies and the words are a very small grey blur.
I think about three inches (testing using my fingers as a ruler) is as far as I can see without blurring.

Right eye: no proper blur, but it's out of focus. And the astigmastism's worse this time in my right eye.

2008-09-01, 04:06 PM
My school has had an electrical problem, so it's closed tomorrow. FIVE DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!! :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-01, 04:21 PM
I go back on thursday.
Well, i say "Go back".
I mean "Start 6th form".
I bet i;m going t have to wind up dropping Human Bio.

2008-09-01, 04:22 PM
I shall now write largely so that Curly can read me. :biggrin:

In other news, I got my GCSE (singular) result yesterday. Top 10 in the country!!! :biggrin::biggrin:

Should I have put this in the pointless bragging thread..? :smalleek:

2008-09-01, 04:23 PM
I've already started college. I'll be seeing a lot less of you guys now, I think. I do only have 1 lesson on Friday though, which is kinda cool.

2008-09-01, 04:25 PM
We get to do whatever the hell we want on wednesday afternoons.
I've basically persuaded everyone to take up swimming.
Finally, A sport I'm actually good at!

2008-09-01, 04:25 PM
I get one a week free and I only do nineteen and a half hours, so I'm going to have more or less the same time of here as always, unless I desperately need to do work.

Start college tomorrow! woo, nobody wished me luck though.:smallfrown:

Thes Hunter
2008-09-01, 04:26 PM
I go back on thursday.
Well, i say "Go back".
I mean "Start 6th form".
I bet i;m going t have to wind up dropping Human Bio.

Aziraphale, if it helps you decide to stay in Human bio, I can tutor you for that class, if you want.

I have been told I am pretty good at that tutoring thing. Because I lead people to the answers and through the logic of why the answer is the right answer, and not just give the answers. :smallwink:

2008-09-01, 04:26 PM
Good Luck!!! Hell knows, I'm gonna need it this next week...

2008-09-01, 04:29 PM
I'll be going back on Thursday.

Very nice, because I get to see my friends and I'll have something to do again.

I swear, if I was an insomniac all of time would just flow into one... Tmfsday.

2008-09-01, 04:30 PM
We get to do whatever the hell we want on wednesday afternoons.
I've basically persuaded everyone to take up swimming.
Finally, A sport I'm actually good at!

As in, enrichment thingies? Or have I been mistaken here?

2008-09-01, 04:32 PM
Thes, that would be such a huge help. Thanks a ton!
(What, by the way, is sandwich cell theory? I've got a basic idea from the name, but i've not proerly understood a lot of the explanations i've found online)

I saw people today i'd not seen for like, 12 weeks. It was pretty good! I was forced to go shopping, though. Shopping for dresses and tights. *shudder*

EDIT : And no, the doing whatever the hell we want is basically instead of PE. Some people just go home early, but i thought "nah forget it, yo home to bel air!"

2008-09-01, 04:38 PM
Things I will have probably done by the end of the two years at college:

1) Get lost in town centre

2) Fall over on bus (Well, a girl I know nearly did do this today. She stood on my foot too! Some people, eh? :smalltongue:)

3) Lose my ID card. (Yeah we have ID cards)

4) Embarrass myself in some other stupid way

2008-09-01, 04:42 PM
I got Watchmen!

2008-09-01, 04:42 PM
90F = 32C

(f > C -32, /9, x5; C > f /5 x9 +32)

Maths undergrads who can't do C to f conversions; even funnier than psych undergrad who are always causing arguments or history undergrads with no sense of pattern recognition. :smalltongue:

In the traditional British scale (as popularised by "The Sun" newsrag) 90+f = "A Scorcha!"

I could have done it had I known that equation. But since Fahrenheit is outdated and silly, I never bothered to learn it. Kelvins FTW!

2008-09-01, 04:46 PM
Watchmen be good...

I missed the Empire issue which had a big article on it...

Thes Hunter
2008-09-01, 04:54 PM
Thes, that would be such a huge help. Thanks a ton!
(What, by the way, is sandwich cell theory? I've got a basic idea from the name, but i've not proerly understood a lot of the explanations i've found online)

I am not familiar with the exact term myself. Can you give me a link to one of the sites that seems closet to what your professor intends?

(( Because inherent in any profs teaching of the course is his own interpretations of basic scientific principals, which is all fine and dandy for peeps going to the same school, but can wreck havoc when you go to other schools. Or prepare for a national exam. ))

Also, what kind of pre-reqs did you have for this class? That makes a huge difference. Some profs throw a huge amount of stuff at you hoping you cling onto the basics, and anything else that happens to stick is bonus. Others pair down what you need to know. It's a bit of an art getting to know what the professor expects of you. I normally don't fully understand what sorts of things to focus on until after the first exam. :smallwink:

2008-09-01, 05:00 PM
All you people, getting to go to college...

In order to reach my lifes goal, do you know how many years of college I have to pass? Like, nine. Stupid Ph.D. grumble grumble.

2008-09-01, 05:02 PM
I shall now write largely so that Curly can read me. :biggrin:

In other news, I got my GCSE (singular) result yesterday. Top 10 in the country!!! :biggrin::biggrin:

Should I have put this in the pointless bragging thread..? :smalleek:

Singular what? In what? But congrats anyway! Feel free to boogie.

@Cal: we have ID cards. Sort of. They act as sign in cards and library cards. And proof so we get student discounts.

@'zira: we do those enrichment thingies too. Me: I pick Ancient Greek (if possible) or Philosophy or maybe Creative Writing; we can pick whatever.

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 05:03 PM
Different type of College Phase. Different type.

@Ethrael: Greek right? Go exams in a language you're fluent in! Well done even so.

2008-09-01, 05:20 PM
Different type of College Phase. Different type.

You mean the type of college that's capitalized as a proper noun?:smallconfused:

I know what you mean, however.

Dr. Bath
2008-09-01, 05:24 PM
Hush your currently-non-existing face! I know exactly what I'm talking about. :smalltongue:

So, the moon, eh? What's up with that? (read: Why does the moon turn red during a lunar eclipse? I've always wondered.)

@v I thought as much, I was just too lazy to check. :smalltongue:

2008-09-01, 05:37 PM
Hush your currently-non-existing face! I know exactly what I'm talking about. :smalltongue:

So, the moon, eh? What's up with that? (read: Why does the moon turn red during a lunar eclipse? I've always wondered.)

The edges of the moon are lit by light passing through Earth's atmosphere, meaning it has a lower wavelength and looks more red.

2008-09-01, 06:48 PM
While we're on the subject, my mother is a fantabulous cook.

2008-09-01, 08:03 PM
Bleh. School tommorow. I don't know if the block against GitP will still be up. Just in case...

Wish me luck!

2008-09-01, 08:42 PM
No school until Wednesday for me.
Yay Woden!:smallbiggrin:

2008-09-01, 08:48 PM
School starts on Wednesday for me too -- agreed, hæl Wodan -- and my two jobs... and the play I'm doing, which runs nightly for almost two weeks, which I suppose is a kind of third job...

Does anyone else feel the most alive when their life is in a state of minor crisis?

2008-09-01, 08:49 PM
School starts on Wednesday for me too -- agreed, hæl Wodan -- and my two jobs... and the play I'm doing, which runs nightly for almost two weeks, which I suppose is a kind of third job...

Does anyone else feel the most alive when their life is in a state of minor crisis?

I haven't even started my summer reading, I still need to get all my school supplies and I'm not entirely sure what I have for classes.

2008-09-01, 09:01 PM
I kind of said screw school supplies, I kinda just kept my old binders, still in fair shape, and then bought a pack of pencils and paper and said I was good to go,

but funny true story, had my music on random when writin post when "stuck in the middle with you" came on, now my 2 dogs were sucking up for some of my pizza pop I had, and when "clowns to the left of me. jokers to the right" came on todd was on the left and copper was to the right, kind of thought it was, I kinda just petted them and they left, also cause I ate all my pizza pop too

2008-09-01, 10:06 PM
Being graduated makes me happy, especially considering I can't be arsed to take post-secondary. Means I'll be stuck in my craptacular job for a while yet, unless I win the lottery or write a best-seller. But at least they pay me to do it instead of the other way around.

In other news, I can sympathise with needing glasses, Curly. I have a very large pair of them, because they look better on me and glasses with tiny little frames where you can only actually see through a third of your field of vision are a stupid idea anyways. If I take them off and use only my left eye, I can only type because I kbow where most of the keys are. words are blurry from my chair, even the big ones over on that sidebar, like 'comics' and 'forum' I can make out the big words at the top alright though. With my right eye it's nowhere near as bad. Everything is still a bit fuzzy, but I can at least read it.

2008-09-02, 01:58 AM
Okay, so it was from a few pages ago, but time differences are evil.
Friend: person who buys you beer without prompting when you've had a crappy day, or one whom you can sell for beer with no lasting hard feelings. I think we're on similar pages at least. :smallwink

Friend: 1. being who gives you that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart when you see them.
2. being who can laugh longer and harder than you can, at exactly the same things.

@Kneenibble: You know, I think I only do work when I'm under extreme pressure, but at least the rate and quality of my work is excellent then.
Example: It's the morning before the Science mock. I know about a quarter of the syllabus. I write notes on each topic to share with friends. 2 hours work. But I was on coffee and deprived of sleep at the time. Do you know what effect that has on my work rate? It goes up by about 200%.

2008-09-02, 03:27 AM
Being graduated makes me happy, especially considering I can't be arsed to take post-secondary. Means I'll be stuck in my craptacular job for a while yet, unless I win the lottery or write a best-seller. But at least they pay me to do it instead of the other way around.

In other news, I can sympathise with needing glasses, Curly. I have a very large pair of them, because they look better on me and glasses with tiny little frames where you can only actually see through a third of your field of vision are a stupid idea anyways. If I take them off and use only my left eye, I can only type because I kbow where most of the keys are. words are blurry from my chair, even the big ones over on that sidebar, like 'comics' and 'forum' I can make out the big words at the top alright though. With my right eye it's nowhere near as bad. Everything is still a bit fuzzy, but I can at least read it.

I can agree with everything here.

Graduation - did so last year, still stuck in the kind of job I could have gotten without a degree, so currently four wasted years doing something I didn't particularly enjoy.

Glasses - Have them myself, and need to wear them to function properly at work etc. My vision isn't that bad without them, but looking at a television or computer screen gives me a headache in short order. It also doesn't help that one eye is much worse than the other...I'm tempted to work with a monocle. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-02, 04:02 AM
Does anyone else feel the most alive when their life is in a state of minor crisis?

I know there is a link between the amount of stress and the amount of creative inspiration I have.

2008-09-02, 04:24 AM
We get to do whatever the hell we want on wednesday afternoons.
I've basically persuaded everyone to take up swimming.
Finally, A sport I'm actually good at!

We used to have similar. It was either sport, or some form of 'enriching activity'. That's how I got my foot in the door as an archivist's minion.
Cathedral school = cathedral archives = deliriously happy paper-fondling Eggy. :smallbiggrin:

The edges of the moon are lit by light passing through Earth's atmosphere, meaning it has a lower wavelength and looks more red.

Psuedo-scientific babble! Every true student of these things knows that Ma Clanger's moonflower garden only flowers during lunar eclipses, and that the subtle carmine colouration of these delicate blooms is what causes the reddish tinge.

Solar wavelengths *tsssk* whatever will they think of next?

While we're on the subject, my mother is a fantabulous cook.

That's quite an achievement. I have to ask though, where did your mother learn to cook fantabulids? :smallconfused:

2008-09-02, 04:31 AM
I'm guessing the Netherlands.

2008-09-02, 04:49 AM
I'm guessing the Netherlands.

Ah, the famous Groschootlebefuttleguutlerschule culinary academy at Leeuwarden. Long have I yearned to walk its hallowed halls and sample the delicate pastries produced therein. Unfortunately they keep trying to make me use the tradesman's entrance. :smallfrown:

"No you crazy English! All ingredients, including eggs in musketeer outfits, enter round the back."

2008-09-02, 04:54 AM
They are fond of that over there I hear...

You do look rather good in your holiday attire

I hear you only go over there to pick up a couple of

2008-09-02, 05:16 AM

Wow, gee thanks Charity, now I'm absolutely starving and I have to walk to the shops to buy breakfast breakfast. Hope you're happy. :smalltongue:

2008-09-02, 05:50 AM
you're (http://jaroschbakery.com/g/04-pastries.jpg) welcome (http://www.weis-restaurant.com.au/images/weis_img/images/breakfast/breakfast_pastries.jpg)

Edit... now I'm hungry...

2008-09-02, 06:57 AM
Hehe. :smalltongue: Owned.

And I start school on Thursday. Our school has Wednesday being the Year 7 only day, for all the new people to work out where everything is.

2008-09-02, 07:09 AM
nom nom nom


Are you missing the hols already Cassie?

2008-09-02, 07:36 AM
Wow, gee thanks Charity, now I'm absolutely starving and I have to walk to the shops to buy breakfast breakfast. Hope you're happy. :smalltongue:

You feed your breakfast before eating it? What is this, some kind of weird local fois gras thing, or do your people break their fast with 10 bird roasts (http://www.slashfood.com/2005/12/27/beyond-turducken-with-a-ten-bird-roast/) (wow! Is that ever a NSFW search string :smalleek: )?

nom nom nom


Sorry girls, but he's already married. :smalltongue:

@Castaras: Year 7 day? I presume that's for all the new bugs, not just the smallest ones?

2008-09-02, 07:38 AM
Sorry girls, but he's already married. :smalltongue:

@Castaras: Year 7 day? I presume that's for all the new bugs, not just the smallest ones?

Nah, just the smallest ones. Big bugs don't matter, even if they're new. :smalltongue:

And yup Chaz, I am.

2008-09-02, 08:02 AM
One day you will look back on your school days with envious eyes
(well actually I had a sucky time at school and hate it to this very day and hate the idea of making my kids go through the same, but that ruins my old fogey cred, so I'll hide it in this thin veneer of white text)
I loved college... though they didn't love me.

And Bossman, what did you expect?

2008-09-02, 08:07 AM
One day you will look back on your school days with envious eyes
I loved college... though they didn't love me.

I am sorry about that. Overall, school in general was a very pleasant experience for me. This was despite the fact I was a huge nerd, but I was a very integrated one. I even had the Quarterback of our HS football team and the Captain of our wrestling team in on my D&D games! And if you are manage to make friends with just one of the in-crowd, then you are pretty much left alone to your own devices.

2008-09-02, 08:29 AM

I need some help, playground.
So, I need to start my college essay. And we were supposed to have been given a list of 100 good essay topics over the internet, but of course, that failed.
So what I need are some good topics. :smallconfused:

2008-09-02, 08:43 AM
Their deliciousness.

2008-09-02, 08:46 AM

I need some help, playground.
So, I need to start my college essay. And we were supposed to have been given a list of 100 good essay topics over the internet, but of course, that failed.
So what I need are some good topics. :smallconfused:

Subject? Can't offer meaningful suggestions without knowing which subset of the totality of human knowledge you require essay titles for. :smallconfused:

2008-09-02, 08:50 AM
What are you saying that your reserve is lacking there Bossman, just give him one of each, let him choose.

2008-09-02, 08:55 AM
It could be about anything. I'm thinking of writing something about morality in humanity and a couple trends in modern thinking, and then relating that to law and forensic science (which I wanna study).

2008-09-02, 09:21 AM
*glee glee glee glee glee glee glee glee etc*

My friend bought Guitar Hero III and brought it round this morning. Been playing all day.
Plus, I got to have it 'till Thursday because he needs to be working. Got some stuff to do before college.


2008-09-02, 09:39 AM
Their deliciousness.
You stole my thoughts!


Arrest him for theft!


2008-09-02, 09:46 AM
Grar. There are men in my house replacing the boiler. As a result, I don't want to go into the kitchen. So I'm hungry, which is not conducive to me finishing this barbershop arrangement I'm working on.

2008-09-02, 09:50 AM
Grar. There are men in my house replacing the boiler. As a result, I don't want to go into the kitchen. So I'm hungry, which is not conducive to me finishing this barbershop arrangement I'm working on.

You could always get out the house for a bit, get some fresh air and a sarnie. Perhaps go join the mob of football fans who are lurking outside St James' protesting about something-or-other Keegan-related. (I love working in the city centre - never a dull moment :smallbiggrin: )

Barbershop arrangement? As in musical quartet rather than salon decor' scheme I presume?

2008-09-02, 09:54 AM
I feel that the knowledge of a cookie's deliciousness is, by now, quite universal. I doubt your accusations, Dallas, would hold up in court.

2008-09-02, 10:00 AM
You could always get out the house for a bit, get some fresh air and a sarnie. Perhaps go join the mob of football fans who are lurking outside St James' protesting about something-or-other Keegan-related. (I love working in the city centre - never a dull moment :smallbiggrin: )

Barbershop arrangement? As in musical quartet rather than salon decor' scheme I presume?

I am considering that. Not the bit with the football fans, though. I'm not really into football, and it's a decent length metro journey away. (I don't actually live in Newcastle, I set my location to Newcastle on the assumption that I'd be doing most of my posting from uni. Also because people were more likely to have heard of it.

And yes, barbershop as in barbershop quartet. Need this arrangement finished by thursday so we can (hopefully) learn it and then perform it on friday.

2008-09-02, 10:42 AM
Twobit : Notice the :smalltongue: I used, it indicates sillyness. I always use it when it might be taken serious.

Also : NO HOMEWORK! WOOT! For now atleast.

2008-09-02, 02:15 PM

I need some help, playground.
So, I need to start my college essay. And we were supposed to have been given a list of 100 good essay topics over the internet, but of course, that failed.
So what I need are some good topics. :smallconfused:

You should write about all the ways the world would be better off if it was united under my rule.

2008-09-02, 02:17 PM
You should write about all the ways the world would be better off if it was united under my rule.

You will have to get through me first! My iron-fisted rule will not be challenged by an upstart such as you!

2008-09-02, 02:35 PM
Sorry guys, but I already rule half the universe - everything beneath a galactic plane to be exact.

I forget the name of my fellow tyrant, but the combination of his zombie ninja monkeys and my Extremist Christian Scottish disease spirit-possessed rat-men was unstoppable.


Cristo Meyers
2008-09-02, 02:39 PM
I always knew the battle for rulership of the universe would be fought on a Warhammer table...

2008-09-02, 02:43 PM
That's not the half of it. I had a legion of miles tall walking battle cathedrals armed with gatling artillery cannons poised to overrun the universe a galaxy at a time. Shame we got bogged down in a fight with a bunch of soulless regenerating alien metal horrors. You know, the ones that fly around space in floating tombs serving gods that eat HOPE.


2008-09-02, 02:45 PM
I always knew the battle for rulership of the universe would be fought on a Warhammer table...

Oddly enough, this did all occur on a Games Workshop fan forum, in the OOC thread for an RP.

Damn, that was funny.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-02, 02:46 PM
well once you said disease-ridden ratmen I kinda assumed...

2008-09-02, 03:21 PM
I forget the name of my fellow tyrant, but ... my Extremist Christian Scottish disease spirit-possessed rat-men was unstoppable.


I knew OOTS had celebrity fan, but who would have thought that Gordon Brown (cunningly disguised as The Stig) is one of them. :smalltongue:

Enough prattling! I'm off to watch the crabs wreak their innevitable, horrible revenge on "Deadliest Catch".

Surely tonight is the night they drill up through the hull of "Time Bandit" and take weregild for their butchered kinsmen in the shredded flesh of the puny land-dwellers. May the seas turn crimson with the blood of the two-leggers!

The Hanson brothers will plead for mercy and - driven by the undying hatred of Father Dagon - the crustacean avengers will look down on their mewling forms, laugh and say "No!" :smallfurious:

2008-09-02, 04:09 PM
They were actually World of Darkness Beshilu.

Don't ask me to elaborate, it would require a long, long explanation. Just... wiki or google the word or something.

2008-09-02, 04:22 PM
Everyone knows that the Imperial Guard will save humanity from the menaces of Chaos, mutants, and aliens!

And the Dwarfs will rebuild the honor of their ancestors by reclaiming each of their lost holds!

2008-09-02, 04:29 PM
Say that to the guys that can literally gnaw through walls and kill you with the resulting disease-spirits, which you can't touch.

Did I mention they also have religion on their side?

Hail Thisrah!


2008-09-02, 04:37 PM
Completely unrelated to whatever you guys may be discussing here, but I was just listening to Jonathan Coulton's Mandelbrot Set, a geeky soong about fractals, and I got to wondering if there were any more supremely geeky songs.

Specifically ones about mathematics, too. :smalltongue:

2008-09-02, 04:40 PM
Oh come-on we all know the Tau will go on discovering ever more powerful weapons and capture the universe and all willing habitants without problem. They already have demiurg, kroot, nicassar and vesped and a few traitor guards on their side, what’s stopping them from gaining even more? After that they will of course go on inventing a dimension drive and thus capture warhammer fantasy as well.

Zero, I think that during the years I have heard a fair number of math songs. Don’t know where to find any of them I’m afraid tough.

2008-09-02, 05:10 PM
...Well.. This is odd.. My lurkmobile has run out of fuel...

Songs about mathmatics? Aside from the one wayyy back in the first grade that I learned about basic addition and subtraction, I couldn't help you.

As for those of supreme geekery? I would say that you would be hard put to beat Leonard Nimoy singing an epic about Bilbo... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFR-8NVjw-k)

2008-09-02, 06:44 PM
As for those of supreme geekery? I would say that you would be hard put to beat Leonard Nimoy singing an epic about Bilbo... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFR-8NVjw-k)




2008-09-02, 06:56 PM



It really is my favorite little video clip in the whole of the internet

2008-09-02, 06:59 PM
Completely unrelated to whatever you guys may be discussing here, but I was just listening to Jonathan Coulton's Mandelbrot Set, a geeky soong about fractals, and I got to wondering if there were any more supremely geeky songs.

Specifically ones about mathematics, too. :smalltongue:

A song about pie. (http://pi.ytmnd.com/)

2008-09-02, 07:40 PM
A song about pie. (http://pi.ytmnd.com/)

That song is my cell phone ring tone...

Always gets some laughs... or stares. Or "what is that?"

Thes Hunter
2008-09-02, 08:23 PM
A song about pie. (http://pi.ytmnd.com/)

That has to be one of my favorite Your the man now dog sites. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-02, 11:56 PM
Has anyone seen Mr_Saturn at all recently (ie. off the boards)?

2008-09-03, 12:00 AM
Completely unrelated to whatever you guys may be discussing here, but I was just listening to Jonathan Coulton's Mandelbrot Set, a geeky soong about fractals, and I got to wondering if there were any more supremely geeky songs.

Specifically ones about mathematics, too. :smalltongue:

Here's a clip of my Calculus teacher last year. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy7uBUPjTTk)

2008-09-03, 01:53 AM
There's always Tom Lehrer. Anything by him is bound to be geeky by nature of its existence.

The Elements (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFIvXVMbII0&feature=related)
New Math (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzCJ7X464wc)
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhuMLpdnOjY)
Masochism Tango (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TytGOeiW0aE&feature=related)

2008-09-03, 02:26 AM
Pretty much anything by Johnathan Coulton can be called geeky.

Like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4Wy7gRGgeA) one.

2008-09-03, 04:23 AM
^ That avatar is absolute win...if only your screen name was the Stig.....

2008-09-03, 04:53 AM
Everyone knows that the Imperial Guard will save humanity from the menaces of Chaos, mutants, and aliens!

To which the Tyranids respond: "OM NOM NOM NOM" *URP!* "All gone. I can haz crispy Marine dessert plz?"

And the Dwarfs will rebuild the honour of their ancestors by reclaiming each of their lost holds!

Short, angry Vikings with cannons, helicopters, flamethrowers, steam engines and submarines who just get harder and grumpier as they get older. What could possibly stand against them? :smallbiggrin:

(The "Grudgelore" fluffbook rocks!)

Ego Slayer's (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=10176) latest avatar (although excellently executed - as usual) confuses and enrages my simple eggish mind. How can there be *two* KayleeKitGirls around the place? :smallconfused:

2008-09-03, 05:09 AM
For some reason, Ego's current avatar reminds me of Lilly's one... :smallsmile:

2008-09-03, 05:10 AM
I can't see it. Obviously whichever hosting site Ego_Slayer uses is censored by my ISP.

Actually, on this page the only avatars I can see are those belonging to Rawhide, Thes, Edge (cool), myself and Terumitsu. (I originally typed 'tiramisu' there. Umm...hungry.)

2008-09-03, 05:11 AM

The wonder of nerd songs. I know them well.

2008-09-03, 05:52 AM
Completely unrelated to whatever you guys may be discussing here, but I was just listening to Jonathan Coulton's Mandelbrot Set, a geeky soong about fractals, and I got to wondering if there were any more supremely geeky songs.

Specifically ones about mathematics, too. :smalltongue:



2008-09-03, 06:52 AM
Has anyone seen Mr_Saturn at all recently (ie. off the boards)?
No I haven't.:smallfrown:

I asked Radikalskippy a while ago and he said he'd try and see him on AIM(I think it was AIM, a chat program anywa).

Radikalskippy was the writer of the webcomic that he and Mr_Saturn did anyway, so if you don't know how to contact him, maybe via him, dunno.

If you can somehow get him back to the boards, great! If you can contact him, could you pass him my msn please? (It's : [email protected] )

Hope this helps you.

2008-09-03, 07:10 AM
I are sad now.
My friend was just round to collect Guitar Hero, cutting down on my play time by like 8 hours.
I had just mastered medium too...
It'll be like a month or two before I can afford to get myself a copy of it or Rock Band.

Now what do I do with the rest of my day?

2008-09-03, 07:15 AM
I just realised that Dr. Bath should totally do a few Rawhide-muffins for this comp (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89648).

2008-09-03, 07:21 AM
Well, I have been wondering when would be a good time to start organising Cat-Muffin week.
And ya know, when to do it as well. :smalltongue:

2008-09-03, 07:37 AM
Now what do I do with the rest of my day?

UVoD archive binge (http://www.macguff.fr/goomi/unspeakable/vault271.html)?

Distribute uplifting literature to the unbeliever (http://www.hellblazer.com/archives/2005/06/best_chick_trac.html)? :smallbiggrin:

Work on your own Google Chrome parody cartoons (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/09/02/google_chrome_comic_funnies/)?

More Catmuffinomicon?

Work on your steampunk PC project?

2008-09-03, 08:36 AM
Is it weird that I have always wanted an Englishman to refer to me as a Colonial? Maybe its just because I watch too many movies.

I mean, I've been called a Yank/Yankee before, but never a Colonial. If I ever visit the UK, I think thats what I would like to be called...

2008-09-03, 08:49 AM
No one says 'colonial'. No one says 'yank' for that matter as far as I'm aware. Which is to say, not aware at all.

Also, we eat tourists, so beware this breeding ground of stench and bile lest we serve up your soul on a platter.

2008-09-03, 09:12 AM
Has anyone seen Mr_Saturn at all recently (ie. off the boards)?

He left a while ago, iirc.

2008-09-03, 09:21 AM
No one says 'colonial'. No one says 'yank' for that matter as far as I'm aware. Which is to say, not aware at all.

Also, we eat tourists, so beware this breeding ground of stench and bile lest we serve up your soul on a platter.

Well, the fellow who called me a Yank was doing it very tongue in cheek. He was spending the year at my University and we got to be good buddies. I know that the whole Yankee thing is a bit outdated, but I always found it so fun to learn what Americans are referred to in other countries.

And I have always wanted to visit Wales, thats where my direct ancestor came from before leaving for the colonies in the mid 17th century. Thats right, I am admitting it here, my ancestor was a Welshman...

2008-09-03, 09:24 AM
And I have always wanted to visit Wales, thats where my direct ancestor came from before leaving for the colonies in the mid 17th century. Thats right, I am admitting it here, my ancestor was a Welshman...

They're the best kind of ancestors! :smallwink:

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-09-03, 09:27 AM
Well, I have been wondering when would be a good time to start organising Cat-Muffin week.
And ya know, when to do it as well. :smalltongue:

I approve of this week!!!

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-03, 09:28 AM
I think when the idea originally came up we said it should be on the week of Jibar's birthday.

Though cat-muffin-izing my avatar could be a tad difficult...

2008-09-03, 09:28 AM
Well, that was about 350 years ago. Benjamin Brand his name was, and he was a direct ancestor through my father. My family is kinda crazy into the whole geneology thing. We have a book that is meticulously maintained that chronicles my family line. It has been officially verified by the people who officially verify such things (I sadly know little about all that.)

But it records all the way back to the first known Brand ancestor, who was born in 1066...

2008-09-03, 09:43 AM
They're the best kind of ancestors! :smallwink:

What Spidermans? They're pretty good ancestors, what with spider bites being passed on genetically.

I think when the idea originally came up we said it should be on the week of Jibar's birthday.

Problem with that is that Halloween is the next day.
So unless we have a Cat-Muffin Halloween, it needs to be a week or two ahead.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-03, 09:48 AM
yeah, then my birthday is two days after Halloween and I'm sure there'll be some giant board-spanning celebration :smalltongue:

Okay, so the week before then.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-09-03, 09:53 AM
Though cat-muffin-izing my avatar could be a tad difficult...

Nah, cat muffin with long red hair and green coat.

Llama ears and a mask on a cat muffin could be weird, though.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-03, 09:58 AM
Isn't weird kinda the point?

2008-09-03, 10:16 AM
Cookiemonster catmuffin.:smalltongue:

Catmuffin with cookiemonster eyes(on top and such) and a blue tail me guesses.

I might actually request this with Ceika or Dr. Bath, it sounds fun and great...