View Full Version : Ebberon DnD 3.5e 8 man party

2008-08-26, 10:02 PM
Arriving in the capital of the Lhazaar Principalities, Regalport, you find yourselves submerged into the life of an everyday being here. Depending on what you want to do you will find it.
What do you guys do?

(ooc) do ooc in here and put ooc in front of it, no spoilers that is for dice rolls. i dont care if you type pretty here ( punctuation, spelling,capitals) but do it in ic. also choose a color.start talking to random people and try to meet the other party members. always end your ooc too so i know when its ic and ooc
ALSO i will have you all find each other some how (ooc)

2008-08-26, 10:30 PM
Selling fruit was a hard, but honest job. Alaric has been scraping a living for the last week, renting a room in the inn by his fruit stall. All of his money went into the room's rent since his pay was low, Alaric sold little fruit. His main job was as a paladin, not a vendor.

Alaric loudly advertised his goods to the crowd on the street. After a few minutes he gave up and sat down, his thoughts strayed back to his dream of exploring the world.

Hoping a PC will notice me either when walking past or going to the inn.

2008-08-26, 10:44 PM
Jamben strolled down the waterfront, completely oblivious to the bustle of merchants and dockhands all around him. He was focused.

Somewhere around here there was an inn. He had friends there... well, acquaintances, rather. He'd met them once. That counted, didn't it? But despite his best efforts he just could not find it. Everything around him stunk of stale fish and sea, and all the buildings on the waterfront looked the same. How is anyone supposed to find anything in this blasted place? he thought to himself.

He considered turning back to the ship he'd arrived on, asking them if they knew where the Shoreburn inn was. He got so far as to turn and begin to holler...

"Captain? Captain!"

But his meek and tinny voice could hardly compete with the boisterous activity around him. He definitely didn't want to deal with those crowds again, and he'd be happy if he never set foot on the deck of a sea ship again. His delicate stomach was still doing somersaults. Give me an airship any day, but keep me off the water!

He continued to make his way down the waterfront, keeping an eye out for the Shoreburn Inn. There'd be nothing like good halfling company -- and food -- to soothe him.


What better color for an evoker than purple? Mine!

Jamben is rather flamboyantly dressed; not like a wealthy fool, but more like someone *trying* to look wealthy, but having no fashion sense nor money to accomplish the task. I figure he'll stick out like a sore thumb among the dockhands, making it easy for PCs or NPCs to spot him.

I'm also taking the liberty of injecting a little flavor from one of my other characters in a different campaign (Breithen Shoreburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=77799)); the Shoreburn Inn is a branch of the family establishment Breithen's grandfather founded, currently under the proprietorship of Breithen's uncle.

Don't worry, I don't intend to try and make my characters interact, even indirectly. Just some flavor. :)


2008-08-26, 11:04 PM
Jamben continues his meander, eyes glossing over the shop signs but not really absorbing anything. His stomach twinges a little bit and he decides he better abandon his search for the inn for now and focus on something to eat.

He quickly spies a fruit cart set up in the mouth of one of the numerous alleys spawning from the waterfront into the city proper. He approaches the vendor eagerly.

"It looks like you sell fruit, good man. Tell me, what do you have, and how much. You won't believe the voyage I've just had..."

The animated halfling launches into a ramble, hardly letting the vendor get a word in edgewise, let alone answer his question. After a few moments the monologue ends nearly abruptly as it began as Jamben trails off in a mutter, eyes off to the side. Another moment and he blinks and turns back to his captive and stares expectantly...

2008-08-26, 11:41 PM
Alaric smiles and nod's over and over again as the strangely clothed halfling continues to rant about his trip. Alaric suddenly began to wonder where his soon to be companions are. Suddenly the halfling stops talking and Alaric's focus comes back.

"Ummm.... We sell wild cherries, grapes, and plums. We also sell cooked apples and pears. We had, and maybe still do, have some exotic fruit called dates. There a copper piece for two apples, 2 pounds of grapes is 2 coppers and it seems we......(after a small list)...If you want some real food i suggest you go to the inn,"Alaric points at the inn ", you can also rent a room there. Tell me, what are you here for?"

2008-08-27, 12:06 AM
Jamben claps his hands in delight at the mention of cooked apples.

"That'll hit the spot, most certainly. Warm and soft, should calm my... Did you say inn?"

He looks around intensely until his eyes land on the fairly large and obvious sign hanging above the door of the building he's standing next to.

"Well I'll be, there's an inn right there. And goodness yes, it's the Shoreburn. That's just what I've come for. Now how about some apples?"

He turns back to Alaric and pays him a copper for the fruit. After a couple bites from the first apple, he speaks again.

"You asked my business, I guess I can divulge. I'm here to renew an old acquaintance. We met several years ago in Sharn; I just hope he remembers me. He's actually the proprietor of this here inn.

"Hey, do you stay here? Perhaps you could tell me if he's in a good mood... you see, he's not really expecting me."

Jamben leans in conspiratorially for a moment.

"Truth is, I'm not here just to see an old mate. I've heard tales about adventure in these Principalities, and I'd frankly grown bored over on the mainland. I'm just calling in on this friend to try and get a free room while I'm here.

"So what's your story, fruit man?"

He stands back up and begins to lay in to the other half of his first apple hungrily.


Rayzin, you gonna claim a color for Alaric's "speech bubbles"? Also, I'm not 100% familiar with the lesser aasimar; does Alaric have wings, and if so, are they obvious? (They wouldn't be obvious to Jamben in any case.)


2008-08-27, 03:37 AM
"This job sucks; how creative can you get making a sword for some kid out to avenge his dad? I need more!"

Lucy's work was not one that she happily picked. The life of a blacksmith, although familiar to her, was also a very uneventful one. None of the clients around here really wanted anything that grand, and the moment she suggested something a little bit fancier they scoffed her as 'unexperienced'. "Unexperienced, hah! I'm more experienced than any of those dwarves around here!"

Lucy sighed to herself as she continued grumbling, completely oblivious to the fact that she was doing it out loud and was attracting a few stares, particularly from some unhappy dwarfs that she'd crossed. As she approached the Shoreburn for the after work drink, she noticed a fruit vendor having a conversation with a gaudily clad halfling. As her mind drifted into filling in their lips with noise from her head, she spotted the fruit vendors wares:
Let's see: apples, blegh, cherries, ick; pips, some wierd brown thing? Ah, grapes. GRAPES?!

Lucy burst forward with speed and without thought stole a handful of grapes from the basket which she proceeded to shove into her mouth. Then, between fruits, she realised what she'd just done, reached in to her pocket and unwittingly threw a gold piece into the fruit basket before heading into the inn for her drink to go with her favourite fruit; not realising the vast overpayment she'd just made.

2008-08-27, 04:18 AM
Anju d'Deneith

The warmage stood at the bar, staring around the inn as he surveyed the scene. His military uniform looked out of place in Lhazaar, and not just because it was Aundairian. It was pristine and new, yet the war had been over for many years, and he there was no official Aundairian presence in Lhazaar.

He adjusted his belt as he waited to catch the barmaid's eye.

"Pint of Wrogarian Black please. Oh, you don't have that. What about a glass of old Storm Tossed? No! Well, a glass of your local ale then please."

Anju was a long way from home, and starting to feel a little homesick. He'd caught a ride out to the ends of the earth in search of glory and adventure, but so far he hadn't found it. Maybe it would find him?

2008-08-27, 08:40 AM
Walter ir'Lanan

Walter sighed, as he poured the man a drink. This wasn't what he'd set out for; he'd wanted to keep working somewhere exciting, actually doing something with all his strength.

But his last several ruins raids had been a bust, and now nobody would work with him. It was hardly his fault that the ruins had been excavated before! He couldn't find any sponsored work either: nobody seemed to have a kidnapped son, or even a missing pig.

To pay for expenses, he'd eventually had to get a regular job. He couldn't even ply his ancestral trade, as there were already more tailors than the town could support. If it weren't for Miss Molly, the woman Captain Pinstripes seemed to regard as a bar wench, why, then he'd have...

It was at that moment that Walter realized that the beer was overflowing the cup, and spilling onto his shoes. He hastily turned off the tap, handed the man his beer, and set to cleaning up the mess.

"Here's your ale, sir. Sorry about the mess; just means you get more for your money, hey?"

If my father could see me now, no doubt he'd laugh his arse off.

2008-08-27, 09:25 AM
As Jamben stood listening to the fruit man's story, he was nearly bowled over by a human female with nothing but fruit on her mind.

"Now, really!" he exclaimed, but more out of curiosity than anger. He watched the crazed fiend devour a few handfuls of grapes, then in surprise as she flipped a gold into the vendor's cart.

"Looks like your lucky day, mate," he laughed. "I guess I'll get on in and see how old Marto is doing and see if I can get me that room."

He took his leave and made his way into the inn. Upon entering he noticed the grape woman enjoying her spoils at a table and a crisp military man at the bar. He also noted with some disappointment that both the bartender and the barmaid appeared human. You'd hardly realize this was a halfling establishment. Where are your standards, Marto? he thought to himself as he took a corner booth.


Well, I'm ready!

dnb, when Jamben finally gets a chance to talk to Marto, I completely expect Marto to *not* recognize him -- they've only met once and Jamben's opinion of their friendship is highly overrated.

And I apologize if I've taken too much liberty in naming the inn and innkeep where we're apparently meeting. Who knows, if it's too much problem, you can just say Marto retired a few years back and the bar's under new ownership. :)


2008-08-27, 09:28 AM
"Hmmm... let me see. We'll, my names Alaric. I came here from a small fishing village from somewhere along the shores of the island. I came to the city to live the big life, which is still a work in progress."

Alaric stopped speaking when he saw the gold coin. He grabbed it and rejoiced, it was 4 days of rent and food!

"Hey halfling, i think i'll be closing early and going to the inn and grabbing a drink."

Alaric went inside. First thing he did was walk to the opposite side of the room from where the strangely clothed man stood. He went up to a table and ordered a drink.

Aasimar dont have wings, nor do lesser aasimar. They fit in with normal humans, they only look a bit better and have a strange grace.

It says somewhere that a lvl 20 aasimar gets wings.

2008-08-27, 09:55 AM
Aasimar dont have wings, nor do lesser aasimar. They fit in with normal humans, they only look a bit better and have a strange grace.


Oh, ok then. I got the misconception from the artwork on page 99 of Player's Guide to Eberron. It shows Prince Lorrister (a male aasimar, leader of the Heavenly Fleet) with wings. Just artistic liberty by the illustrator, I guess. Thanks for the clarification.


2008-08-27, 10:53 AM
Up on stage, the mandolin player started a new tune. It wasn't the best performance, but bearable. The song is slow and repetitive, and from one of the tables in the inn, a heckler tears in to the bard.

"Oh, yeah, that's wonderful. How about you speed that up to get it over with quicker?"

After a brief spurt of laughter, the bard on stage looks muderously at the heckler and then begins a new song, this one upbeat and peppy. The bard starts singing along in a falsetto, and the heckler speaks up again.

"No, really, you don't have to sing. Your playing is beautiful enough!"

After another burst of laughter, the heckler quiets down, absorbed in his food. A closer look under the light would have revealed a strange form of dress. The man was wearing a bicolor outfit, seemingly cut into four squares in the front, of alternating green and blue. He has one puffy sleeve, on his left shoulder, while on his right there is some embroidery where a hole is cut out. A slim tworl of lines, like a magical tattoo, resides on the skin uncovered there. As he toys with his last bites, he cracks jokes to the people around his table as he takes long sips of his drink.

"You ever heard the one about the changeling who led a decent, hard-working life? Huh. Neither did I. Hahahaha!"

2008-08-27, 11:01 AM
Applauding the bard's solemn performance, even if she had only been present for a short time, Lucy started to become irritated with the heckler's arrogance.

"Hey! Maybe you should get up on their and try showing off some of your musical talent. That is, if you actually have any!"

In fact, she was so annoyed she couldn't stop herself moving over to his table and putting her face up into his.

"You know, if there's something I hate it's someone being a jerk! Maybe I should teach you a lesson about respects!

Lucy stares daggers at the cocky man, waiting for his response.

2008-08-27, 11:04 AM

I'm a little confused about whether the colonel's character is the bard on stage or the heckler (and apparently Slamexo is, too). I think it's the latter now, but started reading believing it was the former, since his character is a bard as well...


2008-08-27, 05:36 PM
(ooc) sorry, I was making fun of the cliche of how bards introduce themselves.
My character actually has ranks in perform(sarcasm) and is the heckler, the red texted one, not the silent one.
Sorry for any confusion, guys. I thought I was clear, but I guess describing someone as being in an entertainer's outfit does lead you to think that they're the one on stage.
It'll work great once i'm assissting a pick locks check, though. "No, really. If you just keep doing that, we'll get in the room really soon. Oh wait. You've been doing it for 20 minutes already. Nevermind."

2008-08-27, 07:32 PM
(ooc) Ish, confusion :smallyuk:. Well, edited my last post now to fit more accurately. (ooc)

2008-08-27, 07:41 PM
The man smiles serenly into the huffy womans' face and throws the contents of his mug into it.
Luckily, it's only a few drops of water.

Still, it gains a reaction from the audience, and he steps up onto the stage and starts doing the deadpan humor that made him famous in the Foalswood estate.

the proof is in the pudding! er, perform check!
perform(sarcasm) check: [roll0]

That means... Oh, wow. "Memorable performance"! 1d6gp is thrown to me! Awesome! It's been way too long since I played a bard....

"Hey, and House Medani was just in the gazettes. Apparently, they've been investigating why they're so god-awful at their jobs. Haven't uncovered any leads so far, though...."

He did admirably, cutting into many patrons but healing the wound with quick laughter, and ignoring any who tried to beat him at his own game. He only wished that his old friend the Fool Orc was here so that he could do his old 'the difference between elves and half-elves' routine... oh well. They seemed to like him well enough, which is more than he could say about most of his close family.

2008-08-27, 07:49 PM
Now fuming with at the man and his incredible rudeness, Lucy starts yelling at the top of her voice:

"Hey you bastard! Why don't you stand up for yourself like a man instead of throwing things in my face and trying to draw attention to yourself! What sort of coward are you!?"

Barely holding herself back from jumping on top of the man, Lucy looks at him with fire in her eyes as she waits for his reply.

2008-08-27, 07:54 PM
Oh, we have a temper now, do we? Let's see how much gold I got... [roll0]

Sighing at the impetuos woman's demeanor, he retreats into the civility of his noble life.
"I'm ever so sorry, madam. If you could just forgive me enough to let me buy you a drink, I'm sure we could find many reasons that we should be friends instead of enemies."
Delano takes the silver pieces on stage that were tossed to him and goes up to the barkeeper, and then comes back to the table with a good meal for the woman.

(ooc)(pocketing the remaining 15 sp)(/ooc)

2008-08-27, 08:28 PM
A little halfling about 3 feet tall, and about as round, comes running, more waddling, into the bar panting and wiping sweat from his forehead. The bartender says to him What is it Marto? What happened?
Can....can....can someone please help me. Its the most awful thing that's ever happened to me. Quickly I need help.

2008-08-27, 08:37 PM
The paladin spots the halfling. Alaric stands up and moves towards him.
"What happened?"

2008-08-27, 08:41 PM
It takes Jamben a moment to recognize Marto from across the room, nor can he hear the fellow's exclamations over the renewed singing from the first bard and accompanying heckling. But once he catches sight of him, he quickly gets up and begins to cross over to the bar with a boisterous "Marto! Old friend!" But as he's about halfway across the room he notices the distressed look on the innkeep's face and pauses for a moment.

Now we can't have that! He is an acquaintance, even if I meant only to use him, and I can't stand to see a friend in distress. Jamben resumes the crossing, now at a quicker pace. "Marto? What is it, what's wrong?"

[edit: added some flavor text I meant to on the first pass, but somehow missed]

2008-08-27, 08:43 PM
Delano Looks over from the table with an interested glance. This is why he stayed, isn't it? To find adventure?
But no. This was an attractive woman and he wasn't about to go ruining his chance at a meal with someone.
He restrained the urge to inquire towards them, instead, asking her, "so what do you think that's all about?"

2008-08-27, 09:01 PM
My family has been murdered, my possessions have been stolen, everything of my life is gone. The halfling says starting to cry. Regaining his composure he says You look like adventurers if you want you can come and look at my house its just down the street.

2008-08-27, 09:30 PM
"Murdered?! Who would dare murder a halfling of House Ghallanda!" Jamben appears on the verge of tears. "You must show me at once, and point me in the direction of those responsible. They will taste the wrath of my magiks!"

(ooc) In case you didn't notice from Breithen's character sheet, he and his family, including Marto and Marto's heirs, are of House Ghallanda (/ooc)

2008-08-27, 10:23 PM
"I'm sorry. I must take my leave of you now. Adventure calls, my lady."
The conversation happened so fast... I have to get going with the adventurers!

2008-08-27, 10:43 PM

"Er, Miss Molly? I'm afraid I'll be taking a bit of a break. I promise to make it up to you!"

Walter leaps over the bar, and as he finishes speaking, he's already out the door, and catching up to the group leaving.

Slowing to a their pace, he says,
"I'll be coming to help as well. Those who don't fear House retribution must have a pretty strong force."

2008-08-28, 12:23 AM
(ooc) Heh, sorry, didn't mean to rush you out the door guys. Jamben just got a little worked up is all. I wasn't expecting the party to *really* leave already... (/ooc)

2008-08-28, 03:00 AM
Lucy was pleasantly surprised when she found out what she had thought to be a cocky fool had instead just turned out to be a nice enough smartass. Whilst she was halfway through the free meal he had offered, a halfling barged into the tavern and caused up quite a commotion. Although she hadn't intended to offer assistance first without a guarentee of payment, she saw some others going to claim the mission. If they were paying, she'd have to join in now or miss out on the chance.

Quickly getting up from the table, Lucy called out to the others who had volunteered whilst following them "Hey! Wait up, I'm coming too!"

2008-08-28, 03:43 AM
Anju d'Deneith

Anju finished his pint and grabbed his kitbag. This was more like it, a chance to show his colours. He was in such a hurry he almost forget his manners, holding the door open for the young lady who had confronted the heckler. She had courage, and that impressed him. He should say something suitably ... it was then that he realised she had run past and was already calling out to the group ahead. He cursed himself for a fool, and raced to catch up.

2008-08-28, 05:50 AM
Jamben's was just getting ready to launch into a detailed and long-winded tirade about just what he'd do to the perpetrator of such a heinous act, when he noticed Marto had moved off.

"When I'm done with... Hey, wait? I didn't mean... hold on!"

He quickly caught up with Marto and the barkeep, following them out the door and apparently trailing a few other adventurers in his wake.

2008-08-28, 08:53 AM
Alaric ran up to his room to grab his weapons first, then he went back down, struggling to shove the chainshirt over his head. Finally Alaric was going to see some type of adventure, even though it was a murder.

2008-08-28, 12:18 PM
"I didn't take you for an adventurer, Miss," Delano said, pleased that the young woman had decided to follow. Although a grim look crossed his features as the party spilled outside, he held the door open for her and continued, "murder within a noble house. I wonder if I should be worried?" His grim look faded into a smile as he babbled yet more, "I am from house Vadalis, as you may know. I was rather popular in the Foalswood estate as a Fool. If I may be so bold... are you from a noble house, m'lady?"

2008-08-28, 12:42 PM
(ooc) I don't believe Lucy's said her name out loud Colonel, just to let you know (/ooc)

Listening to the heckler as he droned on about his noble heritage whilst seemingly trying to get on her good side, Lucy had to turn her head away from him a little so he wouldn't notice her rolling her eyes.

"Noble? Me? Hah! I'm from a town a ways off of this place; though I was pretty well known round there if I do say so myself. But still, research and materials and such don't buy themselves, so I need to take odd jobs now and then to keep my money well off, or else I'd never get anything done!"

Continuing to walk besides the man, Lucy realised she hadn't introduced herself. "I'm Lucy by the way, Lucy Brickstone. Yourself?"

2008-08-28, 01:25 PM
"My name is Delano Wrine d'Vadalis, heir to the tiger breeding program," he says the last part with an obviously fake enthusiasm.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lucy. From what i've seen of you so far, I'm sure that you are from a champion line, no matter if it is noble or not."
(ooc) I was talking to somebody, and they said that I should have ranks in perform(comedy), because it covers sarcasm as well as other forms of foolery. so, that's why I changed it. (/ooc)

2008-08-28, 03:46 PM
"Nope! We weren't any legendary combatents; What we were famous for was for craftsmanship! You try to find a better smith in this city than the one standing before you right here Delly, and you'll fail miserable. But don't get me wrong, I could still shove my spear through anyone who tries to run one of his works through me!"

Clearly passionate about her work, Lucy's face only gets fiercer the more she talks.

2008-08-28, 04:02 PM
Delroy smiles jovially at the firebrand and continues walking, noting that she had a champion's line indeed. In this world, there needs to be someone other thatn those scheming Canniths making things, he thought grimly, and turns to the leader of the party.
"Well, you won't find any of us debating that. Tell me, friend Halfling, do you know anyone who wishes you harm?"

2008-08-28, 05:22 PM
There is only one that I can think of but i think they are long since dead and no one passed the cult on. But I think there is one based in Eldeen Reaches, a bunch of fanatics, who probably are trying to kill me for starting a timber business there. Even though it was only there for a year they find that i disturbed the "natural essence" their or some crazy idea like that. the halfling says taking you to his house.

2008-08-28, 06:50 PM
"Druids, if I were to guess. But the druids I've known have been civil enough, even if they disagreed with you. Which, if you were of a modern mindset, they often did, but that's beside the point. Do you really think they'd want to kill you? Did they threaten you before?"

2008-08-28, 08:11 PM
Yes many times. Even killing some of my workers. Altough i think not all of them were of druid nature. I think I saw some warriors and spell casters too. They were gnoll, orc, goblin, kobold, half elves too, humans, and some evil gnomes. he said trying to recall the memories.

2008-08-28, 08:21 PM
"That's a diverse group", Jamben notes, scratching his stubbly chin. "Sounds like you stumbled into something quite large. So what happened at your house? Did you see them kill your family, or did you just find them..." He pauses for a moment, not sure how to put it delicately, "...dead?"

2008-08-28, 08:38 PM

As they approach the house, Walter begins looking around closely for clues, though he still listens to the conversation, and adds a question of his own.

"Well, if it might have been them, you have any clues about them? Standard attack methods, symbols, anything?"

[roll0] If there's enough time, he'll eventually take 20. Looking for any messages, any emblems, anything that a merchant's family is unlikely to possess.

2008-08-28, 08:39 PM
Well.... I was out getting some food to cook for dinner it took me about an hour to 3 hours, what can i say i like food, and when i came back there it was. Now enough about this tell me about yourselves since you are helping me figuring this out.

Sucrose you find some trees carved into the house, easy-to-see footprints of the monsters he described, and a little note on the ground that says

Search ye far..
Or search ye near..
Ye'll never find us where the trees are many....
But where the buildings are many....
We will make all Khorvaire to nature and ruins of......

The end is torn off as if the don't want you to know what he wrote.

2008-08-28, 10:48 PM
Walter ir'Lanan

"I'm a former soldier from Breland. My name is Walter."

Seemingly not caring to elaborate any further, he lifts the note for all to see, and adds,

"I think it's a pretty fair bet that the people you described are the ones who did this."

After handing the scrap of paper to the nearest of the other investigators, he makes an effort to keep the rest away from the tracks, so they don't scuff them up.

"We probably should try to follow these. Barring that, we could make impressions of them, to see how they compare to any other humanoids' feet."

2008-08-28, 11:14 PM
Jamben looks at the ground but sees not much more than dirt and stone. "Footprints?", he asks, taking a nervous step back, afraid of disrupting any evidence.

He then turns back to Marto. "You don't remember me, Marto? We met, what, five years ago. Has it been five years already? We were at the Gatherhold; I think you were there on vacation with your brother and his family..."

The evoker notices the confused look on the distraught halfling's face. "Oh nevermind." He flourishes and bows, "Jamben Graveltoes, magical marksman, at your service."

2008-08-29, 02:07 AM
"My name is Delano, noble scion of house Vadalis, heir to the tiger breeding program, and fool of intrinsic talent for comedy."
Delano looks a little worried at the tracks, and looks at the note, trying to remember if the rhyme might have been used before...

(ooc) I guess i'll bardic knowledge around in my head for random clues. [roll0] Guess not.(/ooc)

He thought maybe it was close to a rhyme he had heard before, but it was most likely a coincidence. His attention was momentarily distracted by two dogs sniffing about his heels, but he quickly smiled and ruffled their heads.
"Ah, Sol and Luna, good to see you back. And, these are my dogs, Sol and Luna, of course."

2008-08-29, 04:13 AM
"The name's Lucy Brickstone, foreign craftswoman extrodianairre. Want something made, anytime any place, have the materials and the downpayment and I'll craft it up for ya!"

As solving problems wasn't her forte, Lucy decided to leave the majority of it to the others for as long as needed. She then spotted Delano's dogs, squealed in awe and moved to pet them both, not bother to ask whether they were friendly or not.

(ooc) I'm hoping they're friendly at least, unless Lucy gets a nip on the hand Colonel? (/ooc)

2008-08-29, 12:36 PM
(ooc)They're nice unless I tell them not to be nice... bwahaha! I almost named them Maher and Carlin, but I didn't know if it would be appreciated here...(/ooc)

2008-08-29, 01:59 PM
Anju d'Deneith

Anju shouldered his javelin as he introduced himself to the assembled group.

"Anju d'Deneith, warmage in the service of the crown of Aundair, at your service."

He bows

"Friend halfling, I pledge my weapons to your cause - I will bring vengeance down on your enemies or die in the attempt."

2008-08-30, 08:58 PM
Enyo ir'Bellona

"Aundarian warmage? PFEG!" you hear a voice from the door followed by the sound of spitting. Standing in the doorway is a large human, with burn scars covering much of his face and neck, but particularly bad around the eyes. Much of his wild mane of hair is black, with patches of ashy gray throughout, he wears the mustache of a gentleman of Cyre, but there is a murky gleam in his eye that negates whatever gentility might have once existed.

"Better to trust a Valenar elf after you've pissed in his campfire than one of them." The man steps forward, powerful as a bear. He wears a breastplate and portions of armor made from the carapaces of giant insects and a heavy wooden shield is slung over his shoulder where a backpack and small-quiver reside. Within the quiver two javelins extrude. A bandolier of darts crosses the breastplate to the waist where a club and scimitar hang on opposite sides of the belt.

"I am Enyo ir'Bellona. Child of Winter. I come to help those worthy prepare for the coming Winter preluded by the Day of Mourning. I heard you needed help, so here I am."

2008-08-30, 09:21 PM
Delano's hackles rose at this man's stare. The Children of Winter... his house tried to have as good of relations as possible with all druids, but the Children of Winter always made him extremely uneasy.
"Hail, friend Enyo. We will all be working together, I presume, so let us be civil."

2008-08-30, 10:04 PM
Enyo ir'Bellona

Enyo bows to the speaker. "I will be civil," he says, only a hint of sneer in his voice as a tone of diplomacy slides into his speech. "But that doesn't mean I trust him any further than I can throw... Well, nevermind that, I will abide," he says with a sigh. "You are Vadalis?" he inquires.

2008-08-31, 10:05 AM
Anju d'Deneith

Anju bristled at the man's words.

"You sir, and I use the term loosely, are mistaken. We have no need of any help that you could provide. Aundair produces men who's words can be trusted, not wild men who live in the woods and wait for the end of the world. Thank you sir, and good day to you."

The warmage stood facing the druid, a fierce anger in his eyes, as well as hint of satisfaction at a chance to prove himself.

2008-08-31, 11:25 AM
"Ooookay, then," Jamben interjects, rolling his eyes. "How about we see about tracking these footprints and finding those responsible for this massacre? Then we can take out our aggression on them instead of each other, perhaps?"

2008-08-31, 04:17 PM
Delano purposefully walks to the opposite end of the druid's vision, so as to draw his eyes away from the fiery arcanist, and says, "Yes, I am. My name is Delano, and my dragonmark is of a most noble line. Come now, let us quit our conversation and listen to the problem at hand."

2008-09-01, 03:44 PM
Enyo ir'Bellona

The druid glares back at the Aundairian. "I wait for nothing, fool. I seek to help those who prove worthy prepare themselves for the coming Winter," he says calmly enough, though an undercurrent of emotion seems to seethe below the surface.

Enyo turns towards Delano. "Course. Please continue. You've my attention," he says as he turns his back on the warmage.

2008-09-01, 09:54 PM
"Very good. Do you have any experience from the wild that can help you track these beasts?"

2008-09-01, 11:00 PM

The old soldier fixes the snarker with a quick, hard glare.

"They ain't beasts. I served beside some bloody good goblin mercs back in the War."

Seemingly paying attention to Enyo for the first time, Walter just shrugs and says,

"If you're here to help, you're welcome. It was your sorts who did this, so you might know what this means."

He hands Enyo the scrap that he found.

"Any ideas?"

2008-09-03, 06:48 AM
Anju d'Deneith

The warmage is still bristling at his treatment from the druid. He walks up to him so he can look him in the eye.

"Enyo ir'Bellona, I am willing to put your slur aside whilst we aid this poor halfling, but once he has been helped, honour will be satisfied."

2008-09-03, 08:49 AM
Enyo ir'Bellona

The druid turns and glares at Anju once more. "Honor? Speak not of such to me! Look at my face! Matching burns cover the upper portions of my body. I watched my mother and sister burn while I writhed in agony. AND ALL WE DID WAS FLEE CYRE INTO AUNDAIR! Do not speak of honor to me Aundairian. It was one such as you that did this to a boy of fifteen and his family." A tear rolls down the young druid's nose, dropping off onto the hand that had been sliding slowly towards his scimitar. He shakes the drop from his hand and spins back towards the soldier and the beast master, body quivering in rage.

Enyo inhales deeply with closed eyes before looking once more to the scrap of paper he had been handed. "I can track, yes. I will take a look shortly. As far as this," he waves the torn page, "Maybe there is a cave system below us that connects to the sewers or natural run-offs of the town?"

OOC: I hope you're not taking this personally, Quallia! I'd built the character with issues with Aundairians before I knew anyone in the party was one.

2008-09-03, 09:11 AM
Anju d'Deneith

The warmage stands speachless, unable or unwilling to respond to the emotional outburst.

OOC: Not at all, it's great fun to have someone to bounce off of :)

2008-09-03, 03:20 PM
Suddenly, Delano realized that he was standing in front of Lucy, gripping his quarterstaff in both hands so hard that his knuckles were turning white. Trying to shake off this unknowing protective act, he speaks calmly to all, "Everyone has their own story here. We're adventurers, are we not? Let us put them aside for right now and try to figure out what's going on. I Once heard that all real adventures begin in Sharn. Do you think that's what they were reffering to, where buildings are many?"

2008-09-03, 04:50 PM
Hmmmmm... the halfling says pondering they may be referring to there. I would suggest it as a first starting point to look at, then if you don't find them maybe we try somewhere else. I will stay here in case anything happens around here and if i hear of any news i will report to you guys with my owl familiar. To make you passage faster i will get you guys tickets to the mainland and lightning rail tickets to Sharn, but that is all i can do.

2008-09-03, 06:08 PM
"Very good. Troops, are we ready to be stereotypical adventurers?" Delano looks entirely too pleased at this prospect.

2008-09-03, 06:38 PM
Turning her attention away from stroking the dogs, Lucy (who didn't notice Delano's protective stance earlier), gives him an unbias look.

"Meh, as long as this job pays well, I'm ready and willing."

2008-09-03, 06:47 PM
"I promised to make those responsible taste my wrath, and so they shall. Though I must say I don't look forward to the trip back to the mainland." Jamben's face is already slightly pale at the prospect.

2008-09-04, 03:50 AM
Anju d'Deneith

The warmage turns to Jamben

"Have courage friend, none can stand against a righteous warrior following the path of righteousness."

2008-09-04, 09:21 AM
Jamben laughs weakly. "Oh no. It's not any enemy or opposition that I fear. Rather the sea itself. And even then, I don't fear for my life, only my lunch," he says with a resigned smile.

2008-09-05, 11:58 AM

...I'll have to get Miss Molly a very nice gift...

Walter sighs, then grins and nods.
"All right, I'm all for it. Friend, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd find some work at the pub where you found us. I imagine that they'll be wanting a little help."

2008-09-05, 12:16 PM
Enyo ir'Bellona

The young druid shrugs, then calls out loudly as he holds a heavily gloved arm outstretched. "Procella!" Shortly thereafter a screech sounds from above as a dark-feathered eagle soars down and lands upon Enyo's arm. He gives it a piece of meat from his belt pouch. "We are ready."

OOC: Drum-n-Bass, I meant to ask previously. You mentioned "1st and a half level. Does that mean we have 500 xp?

2008-09-05, 01:06 PM
"Away we go then!" Delano smiled and snapped, his dogs following behind.

2008-09-07, 05:51 PM
As everyone boards the ship, you see him wave you off. Getting to the mainland you go forth on your expedition to mror holds for the lightning rails.

I will move this game faster. by skipping boring parts i dont want to describe

You find that the place the note was talking about was in Xendrix. Now in Stormreach, What do you do.

im sorry for the lack of dm ing in this game
i hope you will forgive me

2008-09-07, 06:06 PM
"Well, here we are. If you don't mind, i'm going to gather some of the local rumors to see if there's any activity from our friends." Delano smiled at them. On the long trip, everyone had gotten to know each other pretty well, right? No duels to the death? Because it looks like we're playing Diablo, here. :smallbiggrin:
gather information check- [roll0]

2008-09-07, 11:47 PM
Once the party arrives in Stormreach, Jamben announces drearily to the rest, "Well, we've found my new home, it appears. It doesn't look like much, but I suppose I can get used to a frontier town. I just cannot bear the thought of getting on another boat to go back home. I'm going to go recover with a pint of ale in yon tavern."

With that, the halfling makes his uneasy way into the tavern. "One pint of ale to start with, please." Onc ehe has his drink, Jamben decides he can try and gather any information he can about their quarry as well.

Gather Information: [roll0]

OOC: What exactly did we learn in between the Lhazaar Principalities and here? Particularly, do we have any more information about the responsible parties that would aid us in gathering specific information?

2008-09-08, 03:16 PM
Enyo ir'Bellona

Over the course of the trip, Enyo's attitude improved greatly towards everyone except Anju, to whom he was no longer openly hostile, anyway.

"It is said that long ago a minor Winter occured here in Xen'drik. It was an apocalypse that destroyed their civilization. Perhaps we can learn from it?"

OOC: Drum-n-Bass, I meant to ask previously. You mentioned "1st and a half level." Does that mean we have 500 xp?

2008-09-08, 03:32 PM
Lucy Brickstone

Looking around at people wandering off and talking to each other, Lucy, not having really made the aquaintances of the others on the ship, decided to search the area for any rumours that might intrest her: ones about metals, blueprints, mysterious weapons and the like.

"Well, you guys can go do whatever, I'm going to go look for some stuff that might intrest me. I'll see you all in a bit!"

Then she heads off in to town in search of new materials and the like.

Gather information check = [roll0]

2008-09-09, 08:05 AM
Anju d'Deneith

Over the course of the journey, the warmage would attempt to portray himself as some kind of military hero and potential leader. He will do his best to try and 'out-gentleman' the druid in a one upmanship competition. Though how successful he is and whether Enyo ir'Bellona joins in is yet to be determined. He will seek to get alongside Lucy and determine the extent of her smithing knowledge, and whether she would be willing, and able, to craft him a weapon befitting a warmage.

On arrival in Stormreach, Anju will seek to organise some accomodation for the group. Obviously Enyo's room will be next to/over the privy :)

2008-09-16, 08:03 PM
OOC: You still there, drum-n-bass?

2008-09-16, 08:12 PM
hmmm i was hoping for more roleplaying but i guess i have to deal with it
i will have something up later i still need to add to what i have

2008-09-16, 08:47 PM
OOC: Sorry. Speaking for myself, I'm a little lost as to what I'm supposed to be roleplaying. Particularly, I'm not sure what we do or do not know at this point that would be driving our actions.

2008-09-16, 09:04 PM
well i would like for you guys to be communicating with one another, maybe state if you are going to a tavern, whats its name, if you start talking to people, if you do something really bizarre
just try to be your character and play him out as a character i would rather not have me to say what is going to happen next i would rather the characters move it forward not me

2008-09-16, 09:26 PM
I understand. I don't have a problem roleplaying my character out, but I'm feeling at a loss as to what my character knows that's motivating him in this place. We jumped from "headed to the mainland to continue investigating", to "ok, you found out the place from the note is in Xendrik". But we don't know *what* we learned that told us it was in Xendrik; I suspect our characters have some clue what to be asking about in taverns and such, but we as players don't. That makes it kind of difficult...

2008-09-16, 09:32 PM
ok i will give you info tomorrow i am busy with stuff tonight
sorry for the waiting

2008-09-18, 01:33 PM
Looking forward to getting more details. Sorry for lack of posts!