View Full Version : How to quote in sig

2006-09-20, 05:25 PM
I was wondering how to put a quote in my sig. Help?

2006-09-20, 05:27 PM
The same way you put it in a regular post.
Just watch out for that 300 character limit.

2006-09-20, 05:27 PM
Quote what you want to, then copy the whole deal. Paste into your sig when you modify your profile.

Quotes take up a crapload of space though... just a heads up.

2006-09-20, 06:03 PM
Right. Click Quote, select the whole thing, Ctrl + C, then modify your signature and hit Ctrl + V.

And they do take a lot of space. Same for links.

2006-09-20, 06:36 PM
Thanks. And ^, I know how to copy and paste. If I didn't, I wouldn't be on these boards.

2006-09-20, 08:17 PM
Indeed. Good luck with fitting quotes into your sig then.

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-09-20, 08:56 PM
Right. Click Quote, select the whole thing, Ctrl + C, then modify your signature and hit Ctrl + V.
Just your friendly "System Neutrality Advocate" here. Certain computer systems use a keystroke other than "Ctrl + C" for Copying and "Ctrl + V" for pasting.

It may not be the system with the greatest market share, but you never know when you're talking to someone that uses "Command" instead of "Control."