View Full Version : buying cameras on tinternet... in the playground?

2008-08-27, 08:17 AM
So i needs me some advice

pre-amble for the nerds

Trying to keep it as short as possible, i'm going to buy my girl a medium format camera for our one year aniversary (shes a big dianne arbour fan). She likes seagull's, but i've been doing some sneaky research - without telling her of course -and it seems like Yashica Mat 124G's are a much better option, but arn't in production anymore. So this means ebay/second hand scouring.

Im not in the money enough to splash out on something like a Rollei, but are there any other options to consider

when buying a camera on the internet (more specifically ebay), what should i watch out for. I know to check for things like scratched lenses, mechanical integrity and to make sure they are fungus free, but are there any other clangers to keep an out?

Don Julio Anejo
2008-08-27, 01:04 PM
A reputable seller (e.g. an account with 15,000 transactions and 99% satisfaction or somesuch) helps. I got my Canon 20D refurbished from ebay from one and 20,000 clicks later haven't had a single problem. And if you do end up having a problem, it's still much easier to deal with someone who cares about their reputation than some guy who just made an ebay account to sell his dad's old stuff.