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2008-08-27, 06:08 PM

Many actions in your life led to this point. Not that you were necessarily heroic, but the bond between good and the balance of neutrality often formed to unite against the greed of evil. Each of you sought a safe haven in the North-Central Mountains of Kandor for various causes or reasons. The lot of you are spread out through several villages.

Kandor is a distant continent isle, among many of the old empire. It is distant from the cultural center, but still steeped in an ancient culture. Slaves, Arena games, and the Sea Trade have made this kingdom a powerhouse in the united empire.
{The whole empire is culturally very European, and borders a great Asian Empire, even more diverse than the 'Old' empire. There are also other locales, that may be explored in the future, all known at least a little from ancient books in your local libraries. This of course, doesn't apply to Boddicea.:smallbiggrin: Sorry, no libraries in that valley.}

Because of the leniency of the laws, anti-evil aligned organizations have been allowed to thrive here, but good ones too have survived. Certain counties of the Kingdom of Kandor are totally lawless. The King is fully corrupt and since he is in bed with the World Crime Syndicate, the Guild, there little control of investigating distant regions like that of the North-Central Kandor County. No real noble rules the lands, and it is sort of divided into counties or even burgs, all with individual interpretations of the law.
Unbeknownst to the empress and emperor, in the far away kingdom of Lemuria, the North-Central County of Kandor is home to the biggest thorn in their side since time immemorial.
The particular organization I speak is the Secret Alliance. That is their title, and the title the empire calls them. To knowingly meet and not report an Alliance member is certain death in the empire. To aide and abet, is a crime that could affect your entire family.

Through the course of your adventuring, you had no choice, but in coming across these kind, giving, and loving people. These people I speak of are the legendary elves. Most of these people were wiped out long ago, and only a few humans even know that there are hidden cities still in existence in the world. Most of you know of them, even if you haven't visited them. Right now, in North-Central Kandor, you are no where near surface elven cities.... a rumored drow city exists in Kandor, but it is best to stay away from those.

The elves created the Secret Alliance when they first battled the dragons eons ago, before humans were a gleam in the gods' eyes. Now it is the time of the humans, when their greed has pushed almost all of the sentient beings to the brink of extinction. All that was truly left in any major population center were the Ogres, Orcs, Goblinoids, and Humans. A rumored half-elven empire is said to exist, but none of you would believe it more than any other Myth.

The many town centers of North-Central Kandor live in relative peace. Most of the enemies long ago defeated, however a travesty has heralded a call to the greatest in the land. An army of ogres swept through a nearby town of Thalberg. It was razed to the ground, and most everyone was slain. It was rumored to have a few half-elves that lived there, as well as a few odd humanoid races, actually quite common in the lands of North-Central Kandor. There were also a few temples of good there.

An old priest of RA is one of the county's most respected men, and put a call out for the bravest and most powerful in the land. He is long past his prime, and can barely walk. None of you met him, and those of you new to the land may not even know him, but somehow word came to you, that offered a great reward to finding out who organized the ogres, and brought them to the North-Central mountains. The ogres here were said to be extinct for generations.

All that you have to go on were peasant rumors of the few survivors. The devastation happened a few days ago not far from the priest's village. You were to meet at the small temple here, more of a wooden shack. The priest of RA, Henlen Igorsen, will greet you all alone outside the simple temple.

He awaits for all of you, and greets you in turn. He will wait for a more in-depth conversation inside, but the old man wearing only a simple white tunis, with the golden ankh of RA hanging about his neck. He is expectant of you all, as the arranged meeting was on this summer morn.

The Destroyers:
Olania: Priestess of Aphrodite retreated to the villagers
Bodiccea Tyrius: the Wablade
Tonkin: the halfling specialist crushed by hill giant boulders
Erizel Tetrus: Gnomish Necromancer slain underground
Fash Daergel: whispergnome specialist
Slain beneath the barn, going solo too far.

The Mariner Survivors: {met near the barn}
Jondalar- aasimar sorcerer
Baka- Antarian Warrior
Allie- Sea Ranger {NPC}

Frigga: a priestess of Frey; encountered underground, after separating from Olania.

{OOC- We are READY! Post a description and greeting as you arrive at the temple of RA. Here we go!! The last of the Mariners will be here soon...}

edit: Do note I have edited the above post a bit, so there may be a few changes since I began writing it.

2008-08-29, 02:23 PM

A 'short man' arrives at the temple. He stands a little short of three and a half feet. He has a scrawny build and wears loose clothing. A green cloak is slung across his shoulders and his shirt is a dark brown. All his clothes are well worn and a full backpack adds the appearance of someone who is quite used to traveling. He isn't wearing any armor, but does have two weapons. A 'short person' sized rapier is held in his hand, and a 'short person' handaxe is shoved in his belt. The rapier glints blue and the handaxe seems almost translucent. His black hair is unruly and he doesn't even make an attempt to keep it in check. His green eyes have a mischievous look to them, and he has a cocky grin.

He walks up to the old priest and looks over the man. Grudgingly, he shakes the priest's hand and mutters his name. "Tonkin."

2008-08-29, 02:27 PM
The old man in white smiles, "Welcome, hobbit. You are the first to answer the call. We will discuss things shortly, when the others arrive. It is quite urgent that you are prepared. They call me Father Henlen."

{OOC- Those of you seeking this place would've been told the old priest's name.}

2008-08-29, 02:54 PM

A pale gnome dressed in simple robes of charcoal grey with a gold and black symbol on the left breast. He has a small rucksack on his back, a metal shield on his right arm and an exceptionally well made morningstar on his belt.

However the most noticable thing about him is the skeletal creature walking alongside him. At closer range anyone with knowledge of the more monsterous beings in the world would know that it is the skeleton of an owlbear.

Upon reaching the temple he commands the skeleton to wait a few feet back. Approaching the man standing at its front he greets him with the words "Bearer of the Ankh, I am Erizel, here to aid those who have called for it".

2008-08-29, 04:51 PM

In the distance, an outline of a woman approaches, preceded by a light perfumed scent on the air. The scent of roses and strawberries quickly dissipates as the woman comes into full view. She is a little tall and slender. Light brown with shades of caramel and chocolate hair twists and turns from her head, where a silver circlet rests, to nearly her waist. Twisted in the hair are ribbons of fiery reds and muted greens with shimmery strands of gold and silver intertwined as well. The ribbons dangle and twist and join with what appear to small strips of cloth that barely cover the more intimate parts of her form. From those dangle more ribbons, flowing behind her and around her as if a light breeze were lifting them, even in still air. The form a sort of fitted in places and loose in others dress. At just the right angle, you think you can see what look to be two lovers intertwined, one red toned, the other green toned. The image matches the silver and bronze charm hanging from a simple chain on her delicate wrist. In that hand she carries an oaken walking stick, also adorned in ribbons, twisting and turning down the shaft. At her waist are tucked a couple of wands and several pouches. Completely out of character is the rough looking pack she wears on her back.

But all of these things are secondary and nearly invisible when she arrives, for her smile and clear-green eyes are the key focus to the woman that arrived. She faces each present individually and nods, "Good day."

She rests gaze finally on the Priest, "You must be Father Henlen. I have been asked to assist you with some problems you are facing."

2008-08-29, 06:54 PM

Long before anyone would spot her, Bodiccea's loud movements here would alert even the unwary. Giving off a shout of triumph, she leaps off a roof rock-wall 20ft high and lands nearby seemingly without hurting herself. Subtle, she ain't.

Unlike the graceful, rose-scented woman here, this barbarian-trained battle-maiden is anything but slender or refined. She smells like someone who traveled a long way on foot, but uses soap regularly. Rising up to her full 5 ft 8 inches of muscled height, one can clearly see her profile for the first time. Her auburn-colored shoulder-length hair frames a pair of intelligent-looking eyes that are emerald-shaded. Nothing adorns her head or hair as it is short enough to not get in the way. Around her neck is an amulet on a necklace, resting between her very generous cleavage. The amulet is shaded emerald as well to match her beautiful eyes, and has the symbol that represents "Life."

A bit further down, where Olania has cloth, Bodiccea has chainmail...although strangely enough, the chainmail is actually *smaller* than Olania's strips of cloth over her intimate parts. Bodiccea's barbarian culture must not consider those parts very intimate as her chain bikini top consists of a 1-inch wide vertical strip on each side that covers only the exact centers of her extremely large orbs, normally leaving over 90% of the skin bare. Or rather...it *would've* if the leap from 2 stories up hadn't dislodged something and caused her "not-so-intimate" parts to pop out.

Think something like this, except as a chainmail bikini.
*warning. the picture link is a bit risque* http://www.models-port.com/images/sf8/sf_031008_1.jpg

Her arms and stomach look very toned and muscled. Even as Bodiccea does offer some of that classic "hour-glass figure" (no one calls her slender and weak...or rather, no one says that in her presence and *lives* to tell the tale) her years of training and combat experience makes her look comfortable and competent, no matter WHAT she's wearing. Around her waist is a golden belt that has a symbol meaning "Strength" etched in it. Attached to the belt are 2 brown strips of leather about 8 inches long and 3 inches wide hanging down. One strip on one side right below the buckle. the other strip on the opposite side. From the front, they barely protect what little modesty Bodiccea has left. From the back, most of her cheeks are exposed. The entirety of her long, creamy thighs are visible all the way up to her belt.

Also hanging from her belt is a scabbard that is currently holding what may be a falchion of sorts. On her feet are a pair of maroon-colored boots made from the hide of a red dragon wyrmling. She loves telling the story of how she acquired THAT pair of boots. Unfortunately, it confers no special benefits besides being comfy and stylish.

Without pausing to correct her wardrobe malfunction (it's unknown whether she noticed), she walks confidently up to where the group and Priest Henlen has gathered. Flashing a smile mixed with just a touch of arrogance, she announces, "Bodiccea Tyrius the Bold, at your service. Now where's them Ogres that need to be taught a lesson? Point us the right way and I'll go scare 'em off."

2008-08-30, 05:38 AM
OOC- As DM, I will always try to push the story forward. :smallcool:

Words of RA's Old Priest:

Henlen greets each of you with a firm handshake, and looks into your eyes kindly with a big smile.

His smile beams when he greets Tonkin, "I am honored, sir. I thank you for answering the call."

When Erizel comes with the skeletal thing, he is perturbed, but stays polite. "Thanks...." He is awkward and clearly doesn't seem to interested in speaking to the gnome, almost as if his presence gives the old man the willeys. He is pleased when the aroma of strawberries wafts over his nose, distracting him. His eyes are naturally drawn to the approaching priestess.

When Olania nears him, his heart notably skips a beat. "My goodness... the priestesses of Isis' said you were a beautiful woman... Aphrodite is a very picky one too." The old man is in love, but he maintains his cool, and looks for others to arrive. "Yes, dear, the Alliance said you were heroic."
In response to Olania.

Upon Bodiccea's noisy approach, the old man is actually startled and almost begins casting spells until he sees it is a potential friend. Then does a double, triple, then quadruple take. Then a quick octople take for good measure.

Where he fell in love with Olania, the old fellow felt embarrassed by Bodiccea's mere assemblage and the poor old fellow turns a bright red. Turning to look at Olania, as if his eyes hadn't complete gawked at the exposed skin over Bodiccea's body, he stammers "Bold is quite right my dear! But, you must know, you might be going places soon... and you will at least need to put on underwear." He rubs his eyes as if he was trying to get something out of them.

He points to the East, he tries to avert his eyes as he gazes upon her. He speaks softly and kind, as if Bodiccea didn't understand him, "Don't be so hasty woman. There are others who may come. There is more danger involved than just Ogres. There are ancient evils here that could be one of many. There are also a lot of ogres. We do not know where they came from... unless the drow had been hoarding them in their city. But, do not leave out possible planar or even extraterrestrial entities, all of these must be considered. I fear you will be facing the most dangerous journey of your young lives. I am old and can only do so much. And the attention my power draws would only bring a greater threat. I cannot reward you with great wealth, but I promise you the land and people of these mountains and valleys will be forever indebted to you. As to monetary wealth, I won't guarantee it, but will say this, the reward on this most dangerous journey may be in the treasure of the ogres. As high priest of these lands I give you the right to all the loot found. The need is greater that this threat is removed. That is what I called to say, and I only pray to RA that he brought me the rightful heroes." The whole time he spoke, he tried to maintain Olania's gaze.

{OOC- DM holds his breath.}

2008-08-30, 06:32 AM

"I am disappointed to see my expectations of you have fallen somewhat short" says Erizel, mildly iritated by the priest.

Turning around as the priest greeted the new arrivals he called to the skeleton "Dodene, Come." Once it arrived at his position he jumped onto its back and led it to the wooden building which he assumed was where they were being sent.

While moving he looked back at the group and thought "Aphrodite and Ra, I am not going to get a moment of peace on this endevour am I".

2008-08-30, 06:40 AM
Henlen realizes he has offended Erizel, and he bows to him apologetically, still not wanting to make eye contact with the necromancer. "I am sorry for my rudeness. I come from an ancient culture that teaches... only evil uses for... that." He waves in the direction of the skeletal owlbear.
"I meant no offense... I am willing to see it other ways... if it will restore balance to this empire."

2008-08-30, 09:21 AM

Tonkin flinches inwardly as he sees each of his companions. A gnomish necromancer; wonderful, two abominations in one package. And two barely dressed females. Gods, I wish our entire group wasn't this recognizable. Despite his doubts about his companions, the halfling offers each of them a forced smile and shakes their hands.

2008-08-30, 04:48 PM
Fash Daergel

As Tonkin goes to walk to the next person to shake with, out of the shadows seemingly from thin air a smallish fellow lands. He might be a skinny dwarf, but you can tell this is no halfling. His black hair, and deep ruddy skin would speak of some dwarves, but his beard is too short, and his eyes a more severe cut. He wears no armor, but instead could almost be a courier in his jerkin and short vest, with dozens of cords wrapped around his waist like a belt. On this belt is hung dozens of little pouches, and on the hips, two axes offset by a throwing axe, two flasks. You could note, the axes are sized for his smaller hands. A small pack is secured to the lower back as well, and in the front sits a small slate with a piece of chalk attached to it by a length of twine.

This somber-looking figure says nothing, but pulls forth the slate, displaying, written in precise common lettering reads "I am Fash Daergel. I too, am to accompany you on this journey.".

After allowing time for Tonkin to read it, he smoothly rotates, and walks over, displaying it to each of the adventurers in turn. Finally stopping, he gives a short bow towards the Priest, then with a rag built into his sleeve, he quickly wipes the board free, and in one corner, marks a small "?"

2008-08-30, 05:44 PM
Henlen is surprised at Fash's appearance, and realizes the little humanoid heard everything he had said before.

He frowns and is disappointed as he looks beyond you all for others? "I think... they will be delayed... Do you feel ready to go on. I can give you a few minor magic items to aid, but I am sure it will be nothing compared to what you might need."

It is already late morning, the priest is convinced none are coming. He has a good stew and fresh bread to eat here... something so much better than road rations. When your group is ready he will give you a map, and assures you that Fash will have no trouble leading you the way. "I've heard a lot of this little fellow from the elves. Keep him safe, he may be the last we ever see of his kind on our earth. And this beautiful priestess. Keep her alive, respect her, and remember her caste."

2008-08-30, 06:19 PM

Not fazed in the least by the little man's appearence, partially because he didn't scare easily and partially because he thought he recognised Fash, but perhaps not.

"I will defend her as requested, and I will treat all of those here with the respect that they deserve based on their actions in this endevour. My compliments to whoever made this stew, it is excellent. And do not fear, despite my companions appearence I am most certainly not evil".

Upon finishing his food Erizel issues a single command to the skeleton below him "Dodene. Move."

2008-08-30, 07:52 PM

"Dear sir, thank you for your hospitality and kinds words." Olania curtsies a bit and bows her head at the Priest as they leave.

She turns to her new companions and relays a quick blessing on the group, "May the world find us peace in it and love in our hearts enough to guide our path and protect those that cannot protect themselves from those that aim to ham them."

As they head out, Olania moves to speak with Erizel. "I do not claim to understand why you would do this to the body of any soul, and it generally goes against my beliefs of a peaceful afterlife and love and kindness during. However, you and I are on the 'same side' so to speak during this part of our lives where our paths have met, and I am concerned that should we encounter a less principled enchanter of the undead, my capabilities may be at odds to your companion. My first priority is the lives of the living; please do what you can to put as much distance between myself and any companions you may acquire on this journey. I fear that the powers that are channeled through me from Aphrodite will destroy them."

2008-08-30, 08:29 PM

The barbarian lady takes a look at all of her companions and sees much potential. "I am honored by your presence, all of you, and no matter your size or creed or religion, I will respect you and fight alongside you...as long as you do not shirk your responsibilities in battle. Speaking of religion..." she says as she takes a look at Olania. "It is good to see a fellow worshipper of Aphrodite. Any priestess of Aphrodite is a friend of mine I say. And don't you worry, those undead won't harm you...ONE way or another" She offers her hand to the priestess to shake.

2008-08-31, 05:34 AM

"It is not my place to question your beliefs, and I had no intention of doing so" Erizel said with a respectful bow.

Turning to Bodiccea he also bows slightly "and do not be concerned, the creatures I create are under my absolute authority, and should that situation ever change I have the power to remove them from existance before they could become anything that resembles a threat to those gathered here".

2008-08-31, 10:40 AM

Tonkin watches the others accost Erizel. The halfling walks up to the gnome and grins at him."It's your choice to raise the undead. I have no problem with that, but if you are persecuted for your actions, I will not be there to help you." How many religions are opposed to raising the dead to fight for them?

2008-08-31, 03:57 PM

Fash dissapears again, and reappearing next to Erizel, he holds up his slate, which now reads "I will defend Erizel. I do not abandon allies. Even ones, long parted."

2008-08-31, 09:07 PM

Olania transfers her walking stick to her left hand, stands firmly and offers her hand to the strange, improperly dressed woman. She holds her hand as firmly as she can and offers the woman a traditional greeting of her tribe.

"Oh, and do not fear for my safety."

2008-08-31, 10:20 PM
Your stay is short at the temple, as this group seemed action oriented. The old priest understood that young people's time is precious to them. He barely catches the group after the breakfast is finished. He presents Olania with a large leather sack, wheezing as he had to move faster than he's used to.
"Please, lovely... these are mostly healing potions, but there are other things to aid you that I have carefully labeled. I trust that you will know what is best to do with them. My the gods of righteousness guide your path."

He'll stand at the edge of his village and watch the whole way as you disappear into the mountain's foliage.

2008-08-31, 11:33 PM

"Thank you, dear Father Henlen." Olania bids adieu to the priest and checks the bag to see what is in it. She transfers most of the stuff inside to her pack for ease of access and disseminates some healing potions to the rest of the group.

2008-09-01, 12:07 AM

Occasionally snippets of Fash are visible, a moment when he passes through a sunbeam, when he stops to make sure he knows where the party is going, and even the moment when he stops and holding out his slate, asking the question "Is it recommended that I scout?" towards Olania.

2008-09-01, 11:01 PM
A day will pass, most of you in seeming silence among your new company.

You will reach the colder heights by night, so those of you prepared for cold will have no trouble. You can tell the coming night will be freezing.

2008-09-02, 07:15 AM
If Olania knew she would be heading into cold weather she would have prepared a couple of Endure Elements spells. Also what all was in the sack of healing goodies?

2008-09-02, 10:00 AM

Tonkin doesn't speak much and occasionally casts suspicious glances at his comrades. It's obvious he doesn't trust any of them yet. Fash particularly interests him. He'd never met someone who couldn't talk before. Perhaps his tongue was cut out as a form of torture? As they reach the cold heights, Tonkin shivers. He takes one look in his backpack before he closes it in disgust. Note to self: Buy cold weather gear and blanket. How could I forget that?

2008-09-02, 10:24 AM

Scouting ahead, Fash occasionally drops back and into sight again to let the other party members know he hasn't abandoned them. He shows no sign of discomfort in the cold, but at one point stops, opens his backpack, and offers a mottled grey and green wool cloak to Bodiccea, who seems the least prepared for cold weather.

2008-09-02, 10:31 AM
Bodiccea Tyrius the Bold

Harsh weather is no deterrent for Bodiccea. Her faith in Aphrodite protects her from the elements. Well, her winter blanket and general fortitude helps too. She appears to have brought no other clothes and is content to travel as she had arrived, her top loose.

During the day, the barbarian lady sneaks glances at the gnome and his skeletal follower. She speaks up to Erizel. "Mr. Erizel, I am no great font of knowledge on book subjects. What I DO know is that when I was a mere girl I was kidnapped by one of these things and another necromancer. Can you tell me more as to how you keep control over these things? If I am to sleep at night I'll want assurances that these...things are on our side."

2008-09-02, 11:25 AM

The weather was not especially bothersome to Erizel, years underground had made him more suceptible to heat than to cold. Even so, bringing a thicker blanket may have been a good idea.

"Of course my lady" he answered Bodiccea, responding to her politeness with respect.

"You mentioned earlier that you are a follower of Aphrodite. Then you will know that her clerics, such as Lady Oliana have the power to instil fear in the undead, or even destroy them by channeling divine energy. Well I too can channel this energy, but my faith allows me to command them, as opposed to destroying them. At the very least this power will stop them in their tracks giving you a chance to deal with them."

Pausing for a second to choose his words and to shiver his muscles loose he continued. "As for any creatures I can summon from the ether, as with any wizard who can summon, they exist only to obey my commands and as such are of no danger to my allies. However should the need ever arise, all conjuration spells come with the safeguard of being able to dismiss those summoned in an instant.
Oh, and Dodene is my familiar, an extension of myself that is forged of arcane power rather than divine and so is immune to religious control, so no one has anything to fear from it. Besides, he doesn't need to eat or sleep, so he makes an excellent guard".

Finishing his explaination, he hoped it had not been overly long, but so much time apart from others had given him a tendency to ramble from time to time.

Speaking slightly louder now so the rest of the group heard it as well, "I know most of you have been raised being told that necromancy is evil, but I believe this is an unfair impression, after all it is an officially recognised school of magic, the same as illusion or abjuration. I am willing to put my trust in you, and although may never be best friends, I hope you will trust me in return".

2008-09-02, 11:44 AM
OOC- No prob, on Olania spell retro if needed. It is PbP, so some retroing allowed. Tonkin could've grabbed some blankets from Father Henlen, who would've offered them. Partially the DMs fault on this one. Basically, this starts in the low mountains, and you guys will work your way up... or something... :smallamused:

The night will pass in cold frosty peacefulness.

When you are ready we can move on.

It was strangely peaceful, not even a wandering fur-trapper passed or even deer.

2008-09-02, 02:25 PM

Tonkin pays some attention to Erizel's explanation on necromancy. "So, there's absolutely no possibility that if we run into a necromancer more powerful than you that he will be able to take control of your familiar? I find that hard to believe." Tonkin stops talking long enough for a smug smile to cross his face. "Also, while necromancy is an officially recognized school of magic, criminal is an officially recognized class of citizen and is dealt with accordingly."

2008-09-02, 02:45 PM

To Tonkin, Bodiccea asks, "Are you saying Necromancy is umm...illegal?

2008-09-02, 02:53 PM
What's in the bag?

2008-09-02, 03:54 PM

"I'm not saying that it is. I'm implying that it should be."

2008-09-02, 04:13 PM

"Indeed." Olania answers to no one's question.

"In my training, we see nothing of humanity* in the undead. No desire to live, love, care, feel. They tend to crave the undoing of living creatures by default if they are uncommanded by a creator. Their basic instinct is directly opposite of the living. They do not strive to build, create, think, love and generate progeny. As such, left alone, I feel they are an abomination to everything that I believe in. Directed by creatures of evil they are jsut as evil as their commanders."

"I am reconciled to think that this 'Dodene' as you call it, is simply a possession that walks and acts for you."

*There is no good word that means the totality of humans, gnomes, elves, dwarves, etc. that would exist in a world that has multiple races intermingling they way they do here. Please don't have your characters take offence to the human-centric word choice. Imagine that there was a word that would refer to all aware creatures, and replace humanity with that.

2008-09-02, 04:31 PM

"I agree. I do not believe that there is any humanity in the undead. When someone dies it is Hades duty to take their souls and send them on to their Afterlife. What is left behind is an empty body, no mind, no essense. Just a bag of flesh and bones. My belief is that if these shells can be of use then so be it. I do not think they are allies, they are merely tools".

2008-09-02, 04:54 PM

"If they're mere tools, why did you name one?"

2008-09-02, 05:06 PM

"I named it because it is a part of me, not a true undead".

2008-09-02, 05:39 PM
Bodiccea Tyrius

Bodiccea draws her blade. It gleams. "This blade has slain hundreds of evil orcs and ogres. I call her Vera." The barbarian gives a large, fond smile as she looks at her falchion. Her teeth gleams as well.

2008-09-02, 05:47 PM

"So? Did you name your arm? Each finger, each toe?" Tonkin directs his attention to Bodiccea. "And you. Are you going to use that weapon all your life? Is there no chance of it being stolen? Or perhaps you finding a better weapon?" Tonkin looks down and shakes his head. "No. Naming weapons is a uselessly sentimental action." And naming that abomination is worse. Especially when you talk about them as tools. Hypocrite.

2008-09-02, 06:28 PM
Bodiccea Tyrius the Bold and now Angry

The topless barbarian's eyes narrow as she grips Vera slightly tighter. Staring at Tonkin and speaks in a careful and measured tone, but with each word insinuating something very unpleasant. "Now I KNOW you didn't mean what you just said, because people who insult my blade usually don't live for very long. You're still alive, so you obviously didn't mean what you said."

Hold ing Vera up high, she proclaims, "Vera has been with me ever since 13 years ago when I first arrived at my tribe after being rescued. It was a gift from Cohen the Victorius. Vera was a mere masterwork-quality blade at the time, but the tribal shaman has been able to enhance her abilities from time to time when I was deemed worthy. It flies unerringly towards peoples' innards and throats, and slices through like hot knife through yak butter. I will continue upgrading this blade and keep it with me."

2008-09-02, 06:45 PM

Tonkin looks at the mad amazon. "You will do what you can to keep it with you. You should know that there are no guarantees in our business. Like I said, it could be stolen. It could be broken. You could lose it. It could be dissolved by the stomach acids of a purple worm." Tonkin produces his rapier with a flourish. "Do you know the name of my blade? It's called sword. It's called weapon. It's called tool. If it breaks, I shall move onto my next weapon. I shall not mourn it's passage...

Nothing is with you forever. Remember that. Not a weapon. Not family. Not friends. Not lovers. Not your physique...

So don't make it harder on yourself. Don't ascribe human attributes to inanimate objects. Don't weep for broken equipment. There will be plenty of live friends that you will have to weep for. Don't cheapen those moments by crying for a sword."

2008-09-02, 07:56 PM
{OOC- Nice, I'm definitely a DM that likes role-play.}

Note to Olania: The Sea Empire has called their mixed make-up of humanoids, the sentients, but yes it is difficult to find a good word them all. Bag, PM'd.

A full day has passed since arriving at Henlen's cottage. You pretty much knew this was a quest to aid these mountain people. Rescuing peasants was something some of you have almost down pat. Ogres. That wasn't a threat to you, but if they are organized by a greater force they can be quite scary. All of you knew this.

None of you have heard of ogre armies, legends speak of the giant armies... the gods only help you if they organize...

This morning point on the mountain gives you a great view of the lowlands stretching away from the green mountains. You can see the far side of the northern part of the range, and can see that these lands beyond are hot and dry. The lowlands to the north is a massive desert. Only desert nomads trade spice and incense there. You would luckily stay in the cool mountains, working your way up to this village. The cool wind comes over and through the mountains from the South.

The village you are journeying to is curious for its altitude, and not much else other than that you assume there might've been good priests there. Many of these mountain villages did, and were often a cause for deaths.

There was no major trade, and that was why the imperials stayed away. Only fur-trappers, but even their occasional fires were missing from the horizon and mountainside, even at breakfast time. Something you have all been used to in your time here on the mountains of North-Central Kandor.

2008-09-02, 10:13 PM

First thing in the morning has Olania humming a light tune as she twists and ties the ribbons through her hair. She completes her meditation with a quickly song and all of the dirt of the past day puffs off of her to form a hazy glow around her and then drops to the ground revealing a pristine woman; she is refreshed and glowing in the cold air.

Cast Prestidigitation and re-up Endure Elements for the day.

2008-09-03, 02:42 AM

Upon waking up, Bodiccea would look for a nearby source of water that she can bathe in, and will soap up to keep clean. Perhaps she will find a creek or a pond. If not, she will saunter up to Olania. and ask, "Priestess, I do not wish to travel with the pungent smell of lack of baths, lest enemies SMELL us before they see us. Could you please also use some magics of yours to clean me as well? Also, if you wish, I'd be happy to hold some healing potions to get them to the wounded quickly if you could not heal them in time."

2008-09-03, 03:51 AM

Growing bored of attempting to make such a closeminded individual see his point of view Erizel left the debate. He thought to himself however "I pity you, to be so miserable all the time".

As night rolled in the temperature dropped further but Erizel sat in quiet prayer to Hades, asking not only for his magical aid, but for his strength to help the others see his intentions were good. Once his prayers were complete he called Dodene to his side and opening his spellbook selected his spells for the coming day.

Before he went to sleep he cast his newly prepared Endure Elements spell. "No reason to make this journey any more uncomfortable. Dodene. Guard".

2008-09-03, 01:40 PM
{OOC- Post what you would like to take from Olania.}

The undead owlbear cold be one reason for the lack of wildlife, perhaps the game took the trappers elsewhere. Of course word of Ogre-Armies gives anyone reason to fear.

Morning comes and still there are no signs of breakfast fires. Except for one big distant black column of smoke, in the direction of Thalberg. Thalberg was definitely burning. It'd be another day until you got up there to the distant peak.

2008-09-03, 02:18 PM

Olania looks with some concern to the dark column of smoke. "We should hurry and see if there is anything we can do for those poor souls."

{OOC- Post what you would like to take from Olania.}

Hey! Careful!

2008-09-03, 08:59 PM

While he did check in once before the group bedded itself down at night, Fash dissapears again, and after two hours checks in, presenting a slate reading "Watch completed. Getting sleep. Nothing stirring." to whomever is still awake. Pulling the shadows around him like a cloak once more, he fades into obscurity, not reappearing again until morning.

When Bodiccea requests healing potions, Fash holds up his slate, reading simply "One cure light, one cure moderate. Please."

Later, when the smoke rises, Fash stands in front of Olania holding up his slate once more "Scout ahead?" It's clear that he believes Olania is leading this party.

2008-09-03, 09:03 PM

"Yes, that would be excellent. Please be careful."

Yeah, should give Olania Leadership. That would make sense, no?

2008-09-03, 09:11 PM
The group can continue onward at a hurried pace toward the village...

OOC- Fash and Olania are right on, in most places priests are considered the highest caste, above nobles. They are, after all, touched by the gods.

2008-09-04, 12:00 AM

Bodiccea requests one potion of Cure Light and Cure Moderate wounds to carry on her person. "Think the roads are deserted because of ogre activity?"

2008-09-04, 01:01 PM
{DM pushes fast forward... any retros should be done soon... for now Thalberg is near! Prepare!}

Journey to Thalberg:
The group pushed long and hard into the day. You wanted some daylight when you got there, and if the short folk kept up with the fast march you could do it.
Still the terrain was rough, and it was dusky, when the first cottage of Thalberg is spotted. The column of black smoke lessens over the day, but is an excellent marker as to where Thalberg is.
Fash, Tonkin, and Erizel are a litle winded when they finally get here.

There is about an hour of day left, so there is some light to look by for a while.

The village center must be right up ahead.

2008-09-04, 02:03 PM

"Can those of you with good eyes and ears see or hear anything in town?"

It's doubtful that Olania can see or hear much, but...

Eh? What's that you say? Speak up sonny!

2008-09-04, 02:25 PM

Though he understands the reason for hurry, Tonkin is not happy about running. He spends most of the run grumbling about "long-legged freaks of nature." Despite his grumbling, he is able to keep up with the larger people. He does cast a few disparaging glances at Erizel riding on his owlbear. He slows down as they reach the town. When Oliana asks if anyone can see anything, Tonkin shrugs. "Fash will probably scout it for us if you want to take the time."

2008-09-04, 02:46 PM

Fash has been unseen since Olania sent him to scout.

2008-09-04, 04:17 PM
The little guys all surprisingly kept up. With Erizel bounding along behind upon the skeletal owlbear.

Fash is able to scout ahead, but you aren't really sure, since you didn't see him much of this whole journey at all.

Fash can reach the village a good time before the others. When he gets there it seems deserted. Except an old barn on the farside, where there is lots of peasant type of activity. Fash will also see a buff mean-looking orc, whipping and ordering humans about; he also has a large sword.

There are other humans at arms, that are likely in collusion with the buff orc.

The rest of the group will arrive with little daylight left.

2008-09-04, 07:59 PM
Bodiccea the Bold

Bodiccea easily keeps pace, her superior training and fortitude ets her treat this like a walk in the park. as she nears the village, she'll pause and wait a whileto see if Fash reports back!

2008-09-04, 08:04 PM

When Fash returns, he slate holds a small map of the area, and on one side, written in his same harsh lettering "No Ogres. One half-orc. (insert appropriate number) humans. Half-orc and humans whipping humans. Kill them all?"

2008-09-04, 10:08 PM

Tonkin brings out his sword upon Fash's return and description of the events. "Good plan. It sounds like slave drivers. Kill first; leave one alive; ask questions later; dispose of the survivor."

2008-09-04, 10:59 PM

"Unless the other humans are under some sort of compulsion spell. Can we please try to keep as many of the humans alive as possible, and determine if they are truly deserving of death first?"

2008-09-04, 11:43 PM

"Humans can be just as evil as anyone else. We might as well try to see if the orcs ar eunder some sort of compulsion spell as well if we're going down that route."

2008-09-04, 11:47 PM
It is about a fifteen minute walk to the barn with the 'activity.'

If cautious, they won't notice any of you.

They seem to be putting gear and supplies into the barn.

2008-09-05, 04:23 AM

Erizel kept quiet before the group started their move into the village. Somehow he thought that his views on how to deal with the dead might not be appreciated at this moment, despite him being the expert on the matter. Regardless he thanked Hades for giving him the foresight to prepare Speak With Dead, just in case.

Moving with the group, on foot now Erizel decided to warn the group, "if we engage any of these people in combat I will be summoning an undead to battle".

2008-09-05, 01:39 PM
There is one mean looking orc with a sword and whip, and maybe 10 other rough looking thugs, but no-one besides the orc you consider a warrior. The 'enslaved' people move a lot, but there might be 40 or so.

2008-09-05, 03:02 PM

Fash holds up his slate, first to Olania, then to the rest of the party: "Going to search the barn. If there are more slavers within, I will begin the slaughter. If you wish to parley, I will spare one and chase him out." He stands there for a moment, waiting for reactions before he takes off.

2008-09-05, 03:07 PM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 71/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 22, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +2

Tonkin walks stealthily towards the enemies. His sword is out and ready. While they are loading the barn, Tonkin gets as close as he can using cover. Once he is close enough to, he springs from his cover, and backstabbs one of the thugs (or the orc if he can get there) with a flourish of his rapier.

OOC: Getting as close as I can using cover. Then, I'm going to attack the enemy.

2008-09-05, 03:24 PM

Before anyone could dash off, Bodiccea stops everyone. "This doesn't seem too tough. I've handled orcs before, and I'm sure we can get him to talk. You can prepare an ambush if you want, but I'm going to walk up to him and talk him down."

2008-09-05, 03:28 PM
HP: 64/64, Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 24, Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15 (Imp. Uncanny dodge: 24), Fort: +5, Ref: +15, Will: +4

Seeing Tonkin start moving, Fash takes off for the barn as subtly as he can. Sneaking inside, he activates his 'Silence' before entering. Sneak inside, he readies himself for combat.

OOC: Going inside the barn, then I'll start spring-attacking the slavemasters.
Charge, hit, spring attack past, hide. Using mosquito's bite on the first attack. So he won't know he's been attacked until next round. Drawing axe as a free action.

[roll2] (HiPS, Darkstalker)
[roll3] (+Silence...)


If needed

2008-09-05, 03:28 PM

OOC: Assuming Tonkin gets there, I assume they will be alerted to our prescence. If they aren't I will hold off on the spell until they notice us.

Seeing Tonkin move in and Fash vanish Erizel also started casting. Focusing his mind he called on Hades to bring him a creature to do his bidding and summoned a bandaged abomination that he sent into the barn to remove the enemy.

Using Summon Monster II to summon a Mummy as described in Monster Manual 1. For stats my sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=77527).

Edit: I'll wait until Bod has tried talking, if it fails then I use 'Death By Mummy'.

2008-09-05, 04:21 PM

Olania sighs and walks across town without hiding and approaches the barn. If no one looks up she will announce her arrival in a loud clear, but terribly charming, voice, "Why, what do we have here?"

If Bodiccea accompanies her, she will request prior to their arrival, "Please let me do the talking and don't draw Vera until they look like they are going to attack us or the captives."

2008-09-05, 04:27 PM

Shrugging, Bodiccea will let Olania have the first shot at talking. But if it looks like they aren't taking Olania seriously, Bodiccea will start the Intimidation. The exposed Barbarian places her hands on her hips in an authoritative posture as she stands beside Olania. Vera remains undrawn.

ooc - btw Olania, could you cast Endure Elements on Bodiccea?

2008-09-05, 04:30 PM
{OOC: Consider it done at breakfast, if you'd like. BTW, she only has two Bard spells, which is how she get Prestidigitation. I'm willing to give up one for general silliness of character developement, but I'm reluctant to use two on general silliness of character developement because that's all she has.}

2008-09-05, 04:45 PM
{OOC - Bodiccea uses Soap instead of prestidigitation anyways :smallwink: You're welcome to join her when she bathes. She'll be happy to lend you some soap or soap you down herself.}

2008-09-06, 06:36 AM
There are supplies being unloaded from the barn to wagons pulled by humans. There are no horses around. No animals at all. There seems to be an endless supply of boxes in the barn for peasants carry sacks, crates, and other miscellaneous gear from it continuously.
It is clear the mean armored orc, and about ten men are in charge. You can't see all ten, but Fash assures you he counted all the ones with weapons. He might've been able to take them... had the big mean orc not been around.

Tonkin can get very close and hide behind a horse trough, and watch as the orc snarls in orc-tongue. Translation not needed for it is clear he wants the humans to move faster.

Fash can slip inside the barn no problem at all. He weaves in and out of the many peasants' shadows. He will see that this barn has been changed into a warehouse, and a great hole has been cut into the earth at the center of it's floor. Stairs on all four sides of the hole went down, deep to a lower area, possible multiple levels. He can see that it goes underground into natural caverns. 4 of the poorly armed humans are ordering the peasants in here.

As Bodiccea moves forward so boldly, Erizel opens a portal to Hades domain and pulls out another unnatural creature. Erizel will have plenty of time to move his mummy into position.

The only two people visible to the orc when Olania clears her throat are the two scantily clad women. The orc practically chokes, and then begins to chortle with laughter as if the hideous curse of laughter was upon him for a moment. He drops his whip, and puts his hand to his sword.

"What have we here, lil' pretties?"

Inside the barn Fash has already dispatched a human with a mallet and pick, who was shoving around an old lady. No-one but the slaves will see as this misguided human collapse because of the precise placement of the gnomes' axe in the back of his neck. Though Fash's handiwork is quickly discovered by a man down the stairs who calls up to him, and begins to scream bloody murder at seeing the dead associate. Fash is still not seen however!

All this happens as Olania and Bodiccea were preparing to reason with the orc warrior. "You trick me!" He growls at the two women and will make a full sprint toward the barn door, calling out to someone in orcish.

The moment the orc moves, Tonkin has poked a hole in a human's heart, this one held a heavy wood-axe. Erizel's mummy is also on the move, so is he!

We are at initiative folks!
{Had to happen sometime. Please ask questions if needed, I'll also work with what I'm given... if I can. :smallcool:}

Tonkin 22
Fash 21
Bodiccea 14+4
Orc and company!
Erizel 14+1
Olania 10+0

2008-09-06, 10:58 AM

Tonkin grins as he sees the man go down. Without hesitating, he quickly moves on to the next warrior and lunges at him too.

OOC: I get sneak attack again because they're all flat-footed, right?

2008-09-06, 12:39 PM
{OOC: Olania speaks Orcish. She should recognize what he said. Was the Orc running away this round's actions, so Olania can react to that now?}

If so...


Olania remarks, "Lovely." She moves forward a little ways and then a light breeze flows through her hair and she slams down her quarterstaff into the ground and she commands, "APPROACH!" in orcish. Her voice is louder that normal and tinged with the strength of the divine.

Cast Command on the Orc. Move towards the Orc (up to 30' but no closer than 50') DC 14 will negates.

2008-09-06, 02:15 PM
(sorry, but Fash used 'Silence' before he first attacked. No WAY a scream can be heard within 20ft of him. If someone looks like they're screaming, they're Fash's next target.)

2008-09-06, 02:45 PM
OOC- The scream was of someone who eventually saw the dead person on the other side of the barn, not Fash's dead guy.
Round 1 will be posted today... I will try to do 1 or two rounds in a day.
I'll wait a bit for the others.

OOC2- For the moment most of Tonkin's opponents are flat-footed, except the orc.

The orc will have shouted, "Ogre! Come now!!" in orcish.

2008-09-06, 03:50 PM

Erizel sends the mummy in ordering it to kill the first enemy it comes across (enemy defined as any living thing that is not Oliana, Bodiccea, Tonkin, Fash or Erizel). He then Summons another creature, this time a Human skeleton and gives it the same command as the mummy.

Mummy Stats:
HP: [roll0] AC: 22 Init: +4 Speed: 30ft
Attack: Slam +11 (1d6+12+Mummy Rot)
Damage Reduction 5/- Undead Traits Vulnerability to Fire Turn Reistance: +4
Str: 28 Dex: 10 Con: 0 Int: 6 Wis: 14 Cha: 15
Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +8

Despair: All enemies, DC 16 Will or Paralysed for 1d4 rounds.
Mummy Rot: Attacked Enemy. DC 14 Fort or 1d6 Con and 1d6 Cha damage. If Con becomes 0 then they die.

Human Skeleton Stats:
HP: [roll1] AC: 15 Init: +9 Speed: 40ft
Attack: Claw +3 (1d4+3)
Damage Reduction 5/Blud Undead Traits Cold Immunity Turn Resistance: +4
Str: 17 Dex: 13 Con: 0 Int: 0 Wis: 10 Cha: 1
Fort: +0 Ref: +1 Will: +2

So all enemies need to make a Despair save against the mummy.
1. It attacks before me on my turn so it will move to the nearest enemy and attack.
2. I use my turn to Summon the Skeleton and don't move, so I'm still outside the barn.
3. The Skeleton does the same as the mummy.

2008-09-06, 07:55 PM
The man yelling, it appears to Fash, is down the stairs, and calling up. There is one other armed man in the silence, as well as another on the far side of the barn starting to panic himself. {3 armed men in barn.}

Tonkin dispatches another man outside, this one with a hoe and brass knuckles. Tonkin pokes him, and he had barely looked up at the orc running to the barn.

Fash can silence the man down in the hole, a few flights down. With an acrobatic leap down {and successful dex check}, he splits the man's head open, and silences his alarm for good. Though the rest of you heard silence before that happened. Fash is pretty sure the last two armed men in the barn did not see him and his near invisible leap. Only a few peasants even saw the dark shape whisk down the great hole, like a tiny shadow.

Bodiccea can give chase, but the orc has a head-start on her. There are also other humans about with crude weapons.

The orc slips into the barn and looks for the problem, noticing the dead man on the main floor, but oblivious to anything Fash might be doing down the hall.
Still shouting in orcish, "Damn you ogre! Show yourself!!" The orc will make his way down the stairs, but not because he's chasing Fash.

The men with crude weapons scatter. With Tonkin already killing two, and a mummy from Hades stepping into view these men show no mettle at all. They sprint off in scattered directions. Those peasants who can do as well.
"Mercenaries!" Shouts one old man.

Inside the barn an explosion goes off that is not heard! Fash becomes aware of the ogre whom the orc was speaking of. In the rafters, flying 30 feet up, and appearing as his wand is fired is a green-skinned, red haired ogre, well dressed, and more sophiticated than any you have ever seen. Ogre-mages are things of legend in the world. Fash is easily able to EVADE the blast and flips with the concussive force of it.
Those outside won't see the damage, but the ogre-mage took no care to avoid peasants and fried 8 on the blast. Most of them on the stairs.

As the mummy steps forward everything turns into a panic, and the chaos inside from the fireball matches nothing that the mummy causes as it steps forward. It crumples the neck of a fleeing man with a hand axe, and drops him. Erizel calls forth a skeleton, which crawls from the earth nearby. It is hutched a bit, with a thick skull, but works the same as any Erizel has called upon.

Olania will be disappointed when she discovers the orc has now entered an area of silence of Fash's. The orc took fire damage... but not much. {Holding? ? ?}

End Round 1--------------------->

Tonkin 22
Fash 21
Bodiccea 14+4
Orc and company!
Erizel 14+1
Olania 10+0 {holding ???}

{OOC- I may not type up every DM die roll, but you'll see your PCs results.}

2008-09-06, 08:26 PM

Olania moves quickly towards the barn and if she feels like she's in range, she will cast a different spell.

If she can get near the barn (within 60' of her party, basically), she will cast Recitation (+2 luck to attack and saving throws on allies, and -2 to non allies.) +3 bonus for those that follow Aphrodite.

2008-09-07, 06:37 AM

Seeing his mummy being so effective Erizel decided it would be better to maintain it rather than call more allies. After ordering both of his minions to continue their assault he reached into his robes and pulled out a thin, finely carved piece of wood.

1. Both Mummy and Skeleton continue their attacks.
2. If the mummy has been injured I will use the wand of Inflict Light Wounds to heal it [roll0]
3. If the Mummy has lost less than 8HP then he will instead ready an action to cast the Shield spell if he is attacked by an opponent.

2008-09-07, 04:19 PM

The barbarian beauty had tried to follow the orc last round. Now that the fight has completely devolved into chaos, she decides to charge the half-orc rather than let the orc re-group with the ogre. "I'd not be able to touch the damned ogre unless someone helps grow wings and Fly!" she thinks as she leaps towards the half-orc with a mighty "YAAAAARR!"

Bodiccea charge the half-orc, getting +2 on the charge. She Power Attacks for +18 damage, and gives up 9 points of AC. Health: 113/113 AC: 4
To hit: [roll0]

If the Bod misses, she will use Lightning Recovery, which let's her reroll an attack roll at +2.
Re-roll if needed: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
If she crits: add another [roll3]

If Bodiccea is attack by any melee or ranged attack by the half-orc, ogre, or anybody else that looks pretty dangerous, (including spells requiring a ranged attack roll) she will use Wall of Blades as a counter, replacing her AC with an attack roll. Please roll a 1d20+19 and use that as her AC against that attack.

2008-09-08, 03:40 AM
Last Round Retro:
Olania's spell of Recitation inspires all of you with her beauty.

Round 2:
Tonkin outside the barn sees that with the panicking peasants all fleeing this area was pretty much clear... he can make his way toward the barn.

Fash inside sees that the big orc coming down the stairs toward him cannot see him. {DM rolled 1 not a fumble though...} Fash falters only a bit, and alerts the orc that there is something around him.

Bodiccea flies after the orc, and into the barn. She sees that orc has gone down the stairs and she won't be able to get to him quite yet. The big red-headed flying ogre does get her attention for a moment... before it vanishes invisibly! Bodiccea actually can't see or hear the orc when she comes in.

As the orc tries to move over the dead on the stairs in swipes hard at the shadowy shape, and the juiced orc hits mightily! {d:17} The rest of the yahoos flee. Chaos and screaming people are running everywhere, mostly frightened of Erizel's creatures. {No noise of this is heard.}

Erizel's creatures have nothing to attack. Everything is fleeing, even the peasants. He can move toward the barn if he'd like...

{OOC- Olania got bumped up in initiative order.}

End Round 2------------------------------------------>

Tonkin 22
Fash 21 {47/64}
Bodiccea 14+4
Orc and company!
Erizel 14+1

{DM- I've been without maps for sometime, and the battles have worked fine.}

2008-09-08, 04:03 AM

That sounded like you wanted me to come into the barn, with an invisible ogre-mage flying around. :smallconfused:

As soon as Bodiccea spoke the ogre vanished. "That, can't be good" Erizel thought to himself. But seeing that his creations werent doing anything particularly useful at the moment he stowed the wand and replaced it with his rarely used crossbow, locking a finely crafted bolt into it.

Focusing on the undead within the barn he called simply "Return to me". As the two creatures shambled over he gave them a second command, "Move and Guard". Turning to his familiar he gave a more complicated order "Dodene, Flanking Defence".

I am moving into the barn following Bodiccea's path with the mummy and skeleton on either side ready to block any attack aimed for me. I am small size so they are both taller than me. Dodene is taking a different route walking about fifteen feet away (3 squares).
Also as a gnome I get +4 AC against ogres.

2008-09-08, 04:18 AM
OOC- No, no... just doing DM-action, suggestions.... I'll try to work with you.

2008-09-08, 05:04 AM
OOC- No, no... just doing DM-action, suggestions.... I'll try to work with you.

Sorry, that previous message was supposed to read:
That sounded like you wanted me to come into the barn, with an invisible ogre-mage flying around :smallamused:

That sounded like you wanted me to come into the barn, with an invisible ogre-mage flying around :smallconfused:.

2008-09-08, 06:40 AM
{OOC: About how far out is Olania? Did she see the fire explosion? Its source?}

2008-09-08, 12:17 PM
Olania missed the explosion, and didn't hear it because it was in the area of silence.

OOC- I will DM-act the PC. I try to keep them safe, but sometimes.... well, players run their PCs better.

2008-09-08, 12:40 PM
I'm not sure HOW I got hurt, or what a one was rolled for....

HP: 64/64, Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 24 (25 vs half orc, 28 vs ogre), Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15 (Imp. Uncanny dodge: 24), Fort: +5, Ref: +15, Will: +4 (further +2 on saves from spell)

Knowing that motion is essential, Fash tumbles out of the shadows to swipe at the half-orc, to tumble back into them once more.

[roll0] +2 from spell, +2 from 'invis', (using skilltrick if he IS visible enough to not get that.)


[spoiler]When in doubt, Fash attacks from the shadows, tumbling wherever he thinks he MIGHT provoke (which with an invisible foe is everywhere) and then dissapears back into the shadows.[/spoilers]

2008-09-08, 12:49 PM
seffbasilisk: Read last round.

2008-09-08, 01:00 PM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 71/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 22, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +2

Tonkin watches as the people flee. He moves to the barn after his less cautious companions and enters after they do. His sword is still held at the ready, and he scans the barn.

2008-09-08, 06:14 PM

Olania casts a quick spell on herself and heads towards the barn asking Bodiccea what the situation is.

Cast Sanctuary. DC 14 will negates.

2008-09-08, 11:04 PM

Bodiccea only has time for a quick reply. "I'm not sure. Lots of chaos. The half-orc ran into the barn and I think there's a basement or downstairs or something. There's also an invisible ogre somewhere around here, so if you've got any spells that like, kills invisibility it'd be good. I'm going after the half-orc sinc eI can actually see him."

With that, she continues chasing the half-orc, and she will attack if she can.

2008-09-09, 03:17 AM
Round 3:
Olania cast sanctuary on herself... moving carefully into the barn.

Tonkin pauses to see the peasants clear out, many flee the main door as well, causing some difficulty to those inside and trying to enter.

Fash is a flash in the shadows to this mighty orc, and hacks him on the back. The orc is pained, but still a formidable foe.

Bodiccea will make her way down the stairs and can finally attack the orc in the silence. Now unable to speak, she manages to at least get his attention by clanging her sword against his armor. {No damage}

The orc snarls his teeth seeing that there were two worthy opponents facing him, and decides to go for the more visible one. With no armor the near naked warrior is sliced badly thrice! {d: 12, 17, 17} Fash disappears and Bodiccea never even saw him. All she knows is she hurts, and can't hear nor speak!

The bright red-haired ogre reappears and is now flying directly over the hole unleashing a cone of ice upon the 3 battling on the stair. Fash somehow can't evade this area effect spell. The orc and Bodiccea are able to reduce some of the cold. The orc is pissed and attempts to scream at the ogre, but to no avail in the silence.
{Cold 24}

Erizel and his undead will arrive at the large barn door causing many humans to run back in. He will also see the ogre blast cold into the pit. Olania is not far from him.

Round 3 ends----------------------------->

Tonkin 22
Fash 21 {23/64}
Bodiccea 14+4 {55/113}
Orc and company!
Erizel 14+1

2008-09-09, 03:37 AM
HP: 33/64, Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 24 (24 vs half orc, 29 vs ogre), Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15 (Imp. Uncanny dodge: 24), Fort: +5, Ref: +15, Will: +4 (further +2 on saves from spell)
Cold Resistance 10

Fash continues to flicker through the shadows, but this time, instead of slashing at the half-orc, a throwing axe whirls out and towards the flying Ogre.

[roll0] (vs his flatfooted AC)

Edit: 24 damage (min weapon damage is 1) and the Ogre can make a fortitude save DC 13 vs Unconsciousness (yay poisons!) that he'll probably make no sweat, but I figure a 5% chance of making this combat FAR easier? Totally worth it.

and I have 10 more health, because of my Cold Resistance.

2008-09-09, 03:44 AM


2008-09-09, 03:44 AM
OOC- Fash is not close enough for this sneak attack to work. Ogre is at the moment over 50 feet above him.

2008-09-09, 06:49 AM
{OOC: Reminds everyone of +2 to attack and saves for allies and -2 for enemies, +3 for Bodiccea}

Olania looks up at the flying threat, then looks down at her injured companion. She looks up once more and takes the opportunity that exists due to the Ogre's height off the ground.

She starts a spell and as she speaks a 40' column of fire grows from a point just above the Ogre, shooting downwards.

I assume that you would tell me if anything is within AoO threat range. If something is, she will attempt to cast defensively. [roll0]

Cast Flame Strike. [roll1]

If she can arrange the 10' radius, 40' tall column to hit any other enemies, she will, but will avoid allies she can see and the barn structure.

2008-09-09, 07:30 AM

Deciding the now visible ogre was a real threat Erizel focused on his arcane training and waves of blue flames cascade out from him and bind to his creations causing them to glow like a torch made entirely from darkness.

"Much better" he said smiling. "Now then. You, grab that ogre and end it" he said to the mummy. Looking at the skeleton "and You, go after the orc on the stairs".

He then moved back away from the fray setting his crossbow ready in case something attacks him.

1. Cast the spell "Undead Torch". It affects all undead within 30ft so the mummy, skeleton and Dodene are all now shrouded in heatless blue flames.

2. The mummy will make a jump check as part of a running jump to grab the airborne ogre and then use its slam attack.
Jump: [roll0]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]+[roll4](From Undead torch)
(It will wait until Oliana has cast her spell as it is not particularly fond of fire)

3. The skeleton will go to attack the orc if it can reach it on the stairs.
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]+[roll7](From Undead Torch)

4. Erizel moves back to stand by Dodene and ready an action to shoot the first enemy that gets within 50ft.

5. Enemies with spell resistance (Ogre Mage is 19 I think) can avoid the undead torch damage if it is higher than this check: [roll8] (+8 ecl and +1 Necromantic prowess ability)

Edit: The mummy's attack also causes mummy rot.
DC 16 Fort Save or 1d6 Con damage and 1d6 Cha damage.

2008-09-09, 05:42 PM
Olania can call holy flames of Aphrodite's vengeance upon the flying ogre. He sizzles and pops as she burns precisely only him, and one rafter he stands by. A small fire starts, but nothing that will be a danger yet.

The ogre-mage seems shocked that it hurt so much... even at all. "Priestess I will feast upon your flesh!!" the ogre-mage yells.

Tonkin can hear the booming voice, and sees nothing else attacking... He definitely hears some activity on the other side of the barn from the woods there...

Fash will move away into the shadows from the orc, and use his sneak attack on him. The orc is pained, and continues to take the damage like a gladiator!

Bodiccea does get a mighty swipe with her falchion, it is a critical strike, and lops off the orc's head cleanly! {That increased threat range is what did it... and my cool fumble/critical tables...}

The ogre-mage turns invisible... the noise of the peasants continues as many refuse to leave the barn as there are undead at the main entrance!

The mummy cannot jump 30 feet, and the stairs go down, but Erizel causes his undead to glow in a blue shroud of light. Erizel seems to create space entering the room and standing near Dodene in a position to see all and be away from all. He saw Bodiccea behead the orc down the stairs, as well as the ogre-mage disappear invisibly.

End Round 4------------------------>

Tonkin 22
Fash 21 {33/64}
Bodiccea 14+4 {55/113}
Erizel 14+1

2008-09-09, 06:37 PM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 71/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 22, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +2

Tonkin starts moving as soon as he hears the activity on the other side of the barn. He quickly runs around the barn to see what's going on over there.

2008-09-09, 07:07 PM

"Many beings would love to taste my flesh, but I think that your specific plans are fairly unique."

Olania readies herself to be attacked and casts a simple spell. She looks around the barn studying the area the Ogre once was for any signs of him. If she can detect him she will point the Ogre's location out to whomever is capable of attacking.

Cast Detect Magic and look for any random magic auras that hover in the air where no one appears to be.

2008-09-09, 08:31 PM
OOC- DM edit to mark Fash's true hit point total. He doesn't mind a little cold.

2008-09-09, 09:44 PM
(OOC: I'll just use my regular handaxe to attack the orc then, save my throwing axe.)

HP: 33/64, Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 24 (29 vs ogre), Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15 (Imp. Uncanny dodge: 24), Fort: +5, Ref: +15, Will: +4
Cold Resistance 10

Still lurking within the shadows, Fash chugs the stronger of the healing potions he carries, and readies himself for when the Ogre reappears.


Readied action is partial charge, jump check, if it seems reasonable. +19 to jump.

2008-09-10, 02:10 AM
ooc btw, one of the attacks from the orc likely didn't hit. Remember, bodiccea has a Counter called Wall of blades. You know ToB pretty well iirc? Also, when Bodiccea missed that first attack, she would've used Lightning Recovery to re-roll with a +2. Please take these into account when Bodiccea is fighting a worthy opponent. She also has DR 1. I'll go ahead and roll the Wall of Blades. I roll an attack roll, and use that result as my AC against an attack. If this roll beats any one of the orc's rolls, then that hit is negated. [roll0]

Bodiccea takes a moment to perform a swish with her Falchion to recover her martial energies. She also heads near the entrance to speak to Erizel. "What's going on out there? How many more are there? I can't see the Ogre." She winces a bit as the fresh wounds pain her somewhat.

The warrioress also uses her Scent to try to SMELL the enemy.

2008-09-10, 02:44 AM
Olania will find that detect magic will not help her find the invisible ogre-mage... unfortunately invisibility has a powerful mask even to detecting magic.

Tonkin will see a man in armor with a ratty cloak over it, ordering 4 thugish looking guys to tie up the horses to his wagon. Tonkin could reach these 5 guys next round. The man in armor plans a get-away.

Fash warms his chill a little with the potion. He's not used to taking that much of a chill, and he thinks he should've dodged the cone of cold anyway. {+8}

Bodiccea will see nothing going on outside.
{Frosty- Well, the critical did it anyway. I don't know the warblade well, so you'll need to help me through some of that. You fumbled the defense anyway. As to the second attack, can she use Lightning recovery whenever?

The Ogre-mage remains nowhere to be seen. There are no discernible exits above. Only the pit down could fit the large humanoid easily.

Erizel holds for now.... he sees nothing outside, but he is inside the barn right now.

End Round 5--------------------------------------->

Tonkin 22
Fash 21 {41/64}
Bodiccea 14+4 {55/113}
Ogre-Mage/ People out back

2008-09-10, 04:25 AM
ooc - Basically, I use an Immediate action (so, anytime, really) to re-roll my attack *if* I miss. I can only choose to do it if I miss. In other words, you have to tell me whether or not I miss before I decide to re-roll it, and I get +2 on the roll. I will use it whenever I miss with a maneuver or a charge attack, unless I specifically say otherwise. I will usually not use Lightning Recovery in a Full Attack.

For my Wall of Blades, I substitute my attack result for my AC...and I can choose to do this *after* I learn the result of my opponent's attack. So I decide whether to do it after my opponent has rolled. Bodiccea will likely use the Counter anytime her opponent's attack roll is less than or equal to 10+her own attack bonus. Or if she sees that the enemy is REALLY trying to hit hard with an attack (if she sees an opponent Power Attack, she'll probably use it as well).

The default and most common attack that Bodiccea will use is Insightful Strike. If for reason you don't know what I want to do, assume I'll use that maneuver to attack. Attack normally. Damage is my Concentration check (1d20+16). Definitely use Lightning recovery with this. If it has been used and not recovered yet, I'd go with Disarming Strike if the enemy has a manufactured weapon. Otherwise, full-attack to recover my maneuvers, or Charge and recovery my maneuvers, depending on the layout of the enemies.

Anyhow, The Bod should have 58 HP right now.

2008-09-10, 04:36 AM

Now that the ogre appeared to be the last threat to them, and because Oliana's spell had not worked, Erizel decided to try a different theory. He was a gnome, and as such had certain inborn abilities. So calling on one of them he formed quartet of twinkling blue lights that he sent spinning around the room.

"If one of them is disrupted in its flight pattern then it has hit the ogre. Attack there" he said to his companions as well as his undead.

1. Use Spell-like ability Dancing Lights. Constantly moving them at random around the room. If one of them looks like they have hit something then I will bring all four lights to that area and have them follow the disturbance.
2. If they hit something my two undead will attempt to attack it.
3. If they hit something I will fire my crossbow at it. (An arrow floating around should help us find it)

2008-09-10, 11:00 AM

The halfling smiles to himself. More thugs. I can't let them escape, now can I? Tonkin quickly dashes towards the wagon. With a deft flick of his wrist, he attempts to sever the ropes attaching the horses to it. As he swings his sword, he also shouts for his companions. "There's more slavedrivers out here trying to escape!"

OOC: So, I don't usually attack objects, so I'm a little hazy on the rules for that. Does my frost damage count?

Heck, looking at the damage I wonder if he could even cut the rope. That would be really embarrassing if he couldn't.

2008-09-10, 03:22 PM
OOC- Tonkin can make the announcement at the beginning of the round, and people can change their actions if needed based on this. I will wait a little longer for round 6.

OOC2- Also note that there is 20' radius of silence in the barn, so communication near Fash is not possible by sound.

2008-09-10, 05:44 PM

If Bodiccea can see the cart and slavers trying to run, she'll try to charge and disable one of them to stop them. Again with her loud battlecry, she leaps into action! Luckily, her mighty blow against the Half-Orc had healed her a bit (3 damage) thanks to the Crystal of Life Drinking in her weapon.

Bodiccea charges the enemy, getting +2 on the charge. She Power Attacks for +18 damage, and gives up 9 points of AC. Health: 61/113 AC: 4

She will do so only if she can end up in a position to NOT be full-attacked by more than one person. Otherwise, she'll double-move up close, but far enough away that none of them can full-attack her.
To hit: [roll0]

If the Bod misses, she will use Lightning Recovery, which let's her reroll an attack roll at +2.
Re-roll if needed: [roll1]
Crit confirmation if needed: [roll2] +2 if she had used Lightning Recovery for the to-hit.

Damage: [roll3]
If she crits: add another [roll4]

If Bodiccea is attacked by any melee or ranged attack, she will use Wall of Blades as a counter, replacing her AC with an attack roll. Please roll a 1d20+19 and use that as her AC against that attack.

Bodiccea's attack critted, and did not need Lightning Recovery, so she still has that. She will heal 3 damage from the strike. She dealt a total of 69 damage on that charge.

2008-09-10, 06:06 PM
{OOC REMINDER: Everyone (not named Fash or summoned since she cast it) has +2 to the attacks and saves, except Bodiccea, who has +3 for Attacks.}


Olania frowns slightly then hurries to the other end of the barn to attack any fleeing slavers. If Bodiccea passes close to her or Olania passes close to Bodiccea and she has a standard action, she will cast a spell.

Casts Cure Serious Wounds on Bodiccea 3d8+10 if in range.

Olania will not move to a situation where she will provoke and AoO with movement or the spell.

2008-09-10, 07:21 PM
{OOC- Fash was out Olania's Recitation range at the time... and Olania couldn't see him anyway... she was able to get the others. Fash was already in the barn.}

Erizel scares the peasants still in the barn even more by creating dancing lights that begin to move about the room in a roughly 10 foot radius. This will be a long, and very tedious way to find the ogre-mage in this large barn. But, it still provides for a cool battle effect as the specks of lights dance about the barn. Causing humans to scatter everywhere.

Before Olania sprints to the rear of the big barn, hoping to find a rear door, she'll have to heal Bodiccea by the front door.{+28} She then runs by the giant pit with four stairs down on all the sides. The stairs are carved out of the rock-face, and go down along the pit walls. She can see that it goes deep, and she enters silence passing this area. The silenced Fash must be somewhere over here. She cast a spell, then moved. She ends this round in the silence as she heads for what looks like a bolted rear-door... a few peasants are trying to force it open as they flee in panic from Erizel's minions.

Tonkin's fast speed gets him up to the horses quick, just as the armored man is about to crack the reins. "A hobbit?" he says with total surprise, as the halfling's frosty slice cracks the reigns of one horse with ease. The other horse is still attached, both look very nervous nonetheless.

Fash knows nothing of the activities outside. As he scans the region for the ogre-mage he will see doorways into the rockwall at certain points down the stairs. And it goes deeper still. He will feel a rush of wind go by, a subtle drift that tells him something flew by him not long ago! Something big, going down!

Bodiccea will hear the activity now as Tonkin's swipe makes the horses outback whinny and snort. She will make a full sprint move to get about 20 feet away from running around out the front door. The wagoneers don't see the naked woman at all. They are currently perturbed by the hobbit that just cut the reigns.

Still no sign of the ogre-mage, and only the silent Fash even knows that it likely flew right past him.

The man outback whips out a fancy looking silver mace, with wicked black runes on it. He takes a quick swipe at the Tonkin... {OOC- Quick draw with critical... Oooo... spell...} Bodiccea will see the armored man crush Tonkin's skull, and set off an electrical charge. Tonkin is dazed by the mighty blow, but still manages to pull his head back to avoid the electrical discharge. Quick reflexes, but he's got a bloodied head now! {d:26 crit! Evasion of electrical damage!}

End Round 6----------------------->

Olania {currently in Silence}
Tonkin 22 {hp 45/71}
Fash 21 {41/64}
Bodiccea 14+4 {86/113}
Ogre-Mage/ People out back

2008-09-10, 08:17 PM

Tonkin's skull rings as he pulls back from the force of the blow. A red haze fills his vision as he looks at the man. "Now you've gone and done it! I'm going to kill you bigjob! RAAAAA!!" With a scream of defiance, the halfling launches himself at his opponent. His miniature rapier flashes twice with more power behind the blows than he'd previously had.

OOC: Using Tonkin's rage for today and a full attack.

Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 63/89, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 20, Touch: 17, Flat-footed: 13, Fort: +10, Ref: +14, Will: +2


2008-09-10, 09:52 PM
{OOC: I intended for Olania to go to where Tonkin was calling out. If that is where she's headed then cool. Though, now I think that she's not going that way.....}


Olania continues towards where she heard Tonkin's voice.

I'm all confused.

2008-09-10, 09:57 PM
OOC- Tonkin's voice is on the other side of the barn. When Olania gets to the door next round the scared peasants will have opened it.

2008-09-10, 10:01 PM
ooc - Are you sure you won't consider a map? I know a good and easy to use site!

Oliana0: Thanks for the reminder. I'll do that for my next attack rolls. +22 to hit on the charge is nothing to sneeze at.

2008-09-10, 11:03 PM
HP: 41/64, Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 24 (29 vs ogre), Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15 (Imp. Uncanny dodge: 24), Fort: +5, Ref: +15, Will: +4
Cold Resistance 10

Fash takes off after the disturbance in the air, relying on his darkvision, and superior low-light vision to see him through. He does his best to remain hidden though, as he moves.


2008-09-11, 03:35 AM
Frosty- Link me to the map-site, I'll look at it.

Round 7:
Erizel and his undead move slow and continue to look for the ogre-mage about the barn. He sees no sign of Fash either.

Olania runs to the back door of the barn which the peasants have just burst open, she will NOW come upon the scene here and can see Tonkin fighting the man on the wagon about 30 feet away...
{OOC-Technically she could cast from here. I'll give her a retro action.}

Tonkin gives out a little roar, and pokes two deep holes in the man. One of the holes nearly in his heart. "Gahhh! You little beast! I'll feed you to my dogs!" The man in the wagon is unaware of anyone, but the raging hobbit. The men assisting in the loading of the heavy crates actually do notice the near naked ladies appearance behind the barn.

Fash reaches the bottom floor of this giant pit. There are large passages in the cardinal directions, as well as a few doorways on the stairs down. As best Fash can tell with his senses, is that the ogre-mage went East. No-one knows he is down here.

Bodiccea makes an incredible charge and gets the man in the wagon's attention REAL fast. "What?" She cuts deep into his side through his thick armor.

The man at the helm of the wagon snarls and reveals himself for what he truly is and begins to weave defensively as Tonkin and Bodiccea close in around him. He casts Word of Recall, and vanishes in a flash of dark light.

No sign of the ogre-mage either... and where IS Fash.

The men assisting the priest surrender immediately when the priest disappears.

End Round 7--------------------------------->

Olania {currently in Silence}
Tonkin 22 {hp 45/71}
Fash 21 {41/64}
Bodiccea 14+4 {86/113}

2008-09-11, 03:57 AM
HP: 44/64, Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 24 (29 vs ogre), Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15 (Imp. Uncanny dodge: 24), Fort: +5, Ref: +15, Will: +4
Cold Resistance 10
Darkvision 60ft
Superior Low-Light Vision

Fash continues to head East, pulling forth the cure-light potion, and drinking it as he continues along in the darkness.


2008-09-11, 10:22 AM

Tonkin screams once more as the priest flees. "Coward! Ya bloody coward! I'll come after ya! I swear it!" He hacks the other horse free of the wagon and turns to the other men. "What're ya doin' surrendering? Haven't ya got any fight left in ya, ya wussies! Come on, come at me bigjobs!"

2008-09-11, 02:33 PM
{OOC- We will fall out of initiative here, but still Fash is missing... but actually in hot pursuit. I will run a split post.}

Back of Barn: {Olania, Bodiccea, Erizel, Tonkin}
Despite all of Tonkin's rage the priest is still gone. However two of the men are so scared they fall to their knees before Tonkin. "Please don't kill us! He forced us! Please!!" They will try to crawl toward the naked Bodiccea. Olania will be near here. Erizel and his undead will be now be at rear door of the barn.

You all don't know where Fash went, and he's silenced.

Large Eastern Passage: {Fash}

Fash is a bold one and chases his unseen foe, he will pursue him for some time, before coming to a locked metal door.

This corridor which Fash gave chase in is carved right out of the earth's rock and juts for about a mile to this door. Fash will see lots of tracks in the dust on the ground, mostly wiped away because there were so many.

The locked metal door could fit a giant, so could this Eastern passage.

2008-09-11, 02:49 PM

Bodiccea, despite her barbarian culture, is not so filled with bloodlust that she'll kill defenseless people who are surrendering. Point her falchion at them, she asks, "Where are the others? I saw that priest disappear, and that Ogre suddenly went invisible. Tell me eveyrthing I want to know, and I may let you keep your pathetic little lives. You clearly were not slaves, yet you say you were forced?

ooc - I assume that the man I just charged is also surrendering?

2008-09-11, 02:52 PM
Back o' Barn:
The man Bodiccea charged crumpled to his knees crying, "The ogres came from the barn! They all came from the barn! They forced us! They forced us all!"

2008-09-11, 03:13 PM
HP: 44/64, Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 24 (29 vs ogre), Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15 (Imp. Uncanny dodge: 24), Fort: +5, Ref: +15, Will: +4
Cold Resistance 10
Darkvision 60ft
Superior Low-Light Vision

Fash pulls out his thieve's tools, and begins inspecting the lock, trying to see if it's been opened earlier, but not opening it until he's certain the ogre has already passed through.


2008-09-11, 03:38 PM

Olania stamps a delicate foot in frustration. "We must be terrifying indeed for them to all run off like this."

She points to anyone that appeared to help the Orc and Orge. "You may not leave here until we know what occurred. Any information that you provide will increase your odds of returning to a normal life void of Orcs,Orges, enslavement and jail-time for becoming a traitor to your race."

She turns to any other former slaves, "Anyone who has any information on these creatures should speak with one of our group."

"Bodiccea, can you handle keeping these folks in line and guard our rear? Erizel, can you corral your assistants with me, we need to find Fash. Tonkin if you are up to it, we may need help down the hole."

posting from phone, cant format easily....

2008-09-11, 03:40 PM

The nude barbarian smirks. "Can I keep prisoners in line? Who do think you're talking to? If they so much as breathe wrong, I'll start lobbing off extremeties."

2008-09-11, 03:44 PM
Eastern Passage:
Fash is certain he followed the ogre-mage and heard him pass through the doorway, he heard something gaseous hiss through the cracks. He readies himself to pick the lock, simple enough... or so the overconfident whisper-gnome thought.
The moment he touches the door he sets off a horrible spell. {Fort 10+4}
His body is immediately wracked in horrible pain, he doubles over and collapses. His face and hands begin to blister and drip fluid. His eyes cloud over with blood, and he is blinded. He is helpless.

In the pain and agony he will hear the door creak open loudly. Some heavy voice in ogre will be the last thing he hears, before his skull is squashed, putting him out of his misery and pain. {Coup-de-Grace}

{OOC- Sorry, seffbasilisk. Two bold solo moves on the first encounter wasn't a good move for Fash. I am a tough DM, but adventuring is a dangerous career, and caution must be used.}

Back o' Barn:
The peasants here seem calm with Olania talking to them, but all are wary of Erizel's looming undead.

Never more before had men been more terrified of naked women.

Olania can begin a descent into the pit with whoever is going with her.

Bodiccea has 4 prisoners here. Other peasants stand about as well.
{OOC- I'll let you decide who is going where... but you will have even more trouble finding Fash now.}

2008-09-11, 05:48 PM

Giving up on his light trick Erizel began to follow Oliana down into the pit, he hadn't seen Fash in a while and was slightly concerned.

"Where is that bloody ogre" he said mostly to himself as he commanded his glowing undead as well as Doden to descend the steps.

R.I.P Fash the Whispergnome, he will be missed.

2008-09-11, 06:24 PM

"I don't suppose any of you can track, can you?"

2008-09-11, 07:06 PM

Tonkin takes a second to calm down after they take the prisoners. "Fine keep the scum alive. They'd better not give me reason to come back for them." The halfling takes an additional few seconds to catch his breath before he follows Olania into the pit. "Sorry. No. You'll just have to use your best guess."

2008-09-11, 07:11 PM
ooc - here, use this map site: http://pages.infinit.net/pdclarke/mmee/index.html


Bodiccea just sneers at the men's cowardice. "Do you want me to stay behind and everyone else go look for Fash? I think these men will do *whatever* I say. Perhaps I'll start by collecting whatever weapons and treasures they have."

2008-09-12, 01:35 PM
OOC- I may consider using the map if there is real confusion, but I won't have time to draw up every map or detail that comes along. I need my dry erase map....

Back o' the Barn:

Bodiccea will have the men do whatever she pleases, as the others make their way on to the pit... and likeliest place for Fash to have gone.

Into the Pit:

There are four ways down into the Barn's pit, with a few door ways off the stairs as they go down. Fash could be in any of them, but it is a good bet, that if everything goes silent around you, the gnome is near.

{OOC- And for trackers, that gets you pretty close to some-one.:smallwink:}

2008-09-13, 05:56 AM

"Afraid not, they're not the most intelligent beings around". However I may be able to help find the ogre. Calling on Hades Erizel closed his eyes.

When he opened them again he saw the group no longer as individual beings, but as an amalgamation of their magical auras, Oliana's radiant pink, his undead dressed in pitch black. Looking further down he searched for the traces of either the ogre's or Fash's magical trail.

Cast Detect Magic. Search: [roll0]

2008-09-13, 08:14 AM

"Take your time looking."

Take 20!

2008-09-13, 04:25 PM

Done. Search Take 20: 24.

2008-09-13, 06:00 PM
In the Pit:
All the magical detection is for naught, and there are tracks everywhere on the ground here, so it makes it very difficult for the inexperienced trackers. After sometime Erizel will spot tiny little feet prints that move toward the East passage. This is after 15 minutes of search, however....

Back o' Barn with Bodiccea:
The naked female barbarian has no trouble keeping the scared men in line. This still doesn't stop them from nervously looking up and down her body when she looks away.

2008-09-13, 09:46 PM

Bodiccea sneers at the scared men. "Well, Let's just cut to the chase. It ain't fair that the only one stripped here is me. So I gotta ask each and eveyr one of ya slavers to remove any and all useful items, armor, and weapons you have and place them on the cart. That's right. Don't MAKE me ask twice!"

2008-09-13, 09:52 PM

Tonkin spends the time while Erizel searches without talking. He finds a corner and leans back in it just generally being antisocial. After the fifteen minutes pass and Erizel finds the footprints, he sneers at him. "You fool. You don't even know how to track, do you? If he were still alive, he would have come back by now. Anyone that we could chase is long gone. We should meet back up with the insane barbarian and decide our next move."

2008-09-14, 01:51 AM
Back of the Barn:
Bodiccea's men start throwing everything on the ground and soon they are stark naked, blowing free in the wind. Some of the peasants of the village have returned now that Erizel and his dead have left.

Bodiccea will hear snickering women, laughing at one particular embarrassed not-so well-endowed man cowering before Bodiccea.

In the Pit:
The group is pretty sure after about 20 minutes that the little feet marks were indeed Fash's.

2008-09-14, 03:50 AM

"Then by all means return to the surface" Erizel suggests to Tonkin. "I on the other hand have spent time searching for these prints and would prefer to follow them if there is a chance that our group could return with a full compliment.

Turning to Oliana he says "you may do as you wish but if you do return I would ask you to wait for me to follow these tracks, although you are right Halfling, I am most certainly not a tracker by nature". And with that he turned to follow the footprints.

Do I have to roll a search/survival check to follow the tracks. If I do does my Low Light Vision give me a bonus of some sort.
Are my undead still around?

2008-09-14, 05:11 AM
There are only little tracks going East, you think, this ground doesn't leave good track marks.

The group can feel free to investigate any of the passages in the other directions. {North, South, West}

Erizel will have trouble going East, it is the best guess he has. The rest of you here have trouble making out the markings.

OOC- I thought someone brought a light source. Low-light works here, but not in passage. I think too much time has now passed for the undead.

2008-09-14, 05:13 AM

The naked crazy barbarian asks one of the slaves to pack up all the equipment into neat piles for easy storage later. While keeping an eye out on the men, she starts asking the slaves where they had come from and where they wanted to go.

2008-09-14, 05:19 AM
Barn with Bodiccea:
The people don't seem to interested in helping Bodiccea. She does manage to grab one man who got too close, mostly to check out her privates. He will explain he's from this area. He just wants to go home. It seems all these people, including the ones she has captured all claim to be from the lands around here.

The three naked prisoners will begin to plead and beg, telling Bodiccea that they are in fact locals, and will show her to their home. They seem convincing.

2008-09-14, 05:31 AM

Ok, I will follow the tracks after picking up a stick, or some other object (a rock etc) and cast light on it, giving me a torch.

2008-09-14, 07:55 AM

"I agree with Tonkin. We do want to follow this path, but after this amount of time anything that Fash could have succeeded in doing would have drawn the attention of whomever else is down here. We will need the extra assistance of Bodiccea and any information she has managed to obtain from the captives up there."

"We will return momentarily and follow the eastern path."

Oliania has an everburning torch that she has brought out when the lighting got low.

2008-09-15, 04:32 AM

Seeing sense in the preistesses words Erizel conceded. "Very well, I shall wait here while you go and speak with the barbarian".

Tossing his glowing stone to the floor to give the area he is in optimum illumination (seeing as Oliana will probably take her torch with her) Erizel, deciding to spare them the need to complain waited until the two were out of sight before he called on Hades to bring him a new servant to defend him.

Summon Undead I - Half-Orc Skeleton
HP: [roll0], AC: 15, Speed: 40ft, Init: +9
Attack: Claw +4 Melee (Dmg - 1d4+4) (Crit - 19-20/x2)
Str: 19, Dex: 13, Con: 0, Int: 0, Wis: 10, Cha: 1
Fort: +0, Ref: +1, Will: +2
DR: 5/Bludgeoning, Darkvision 60ft, Immune to Cold, Undead Traits

2008-09-15, 07:43 AM

Olania quickly moves back up to ground level and back to the outside of the barn.

"Bodiccea, what have you learned..." Olania stops her statement as she walks out of the barn and sighs.

She waits to hear what Bodiccea has learned, and hearing it is practically nothing she asks Bodiccea to search the wagons to see what was being loaded there and then asks the captives, "Has anyone been down the hole in the barn?"

2008-09-15, 07:36 PM

Bodiccea shrugs. "Even the ones we gracioudly rescued didn't seem very talkative. I think they're just homesick or something. We should get them home before they get on my nerves too much." She then searches the cart for anything of interest.

2008-09-15, 07:57 PM
Bodiccea finds crates and crates of mini-copper I-bars. It took 3 normal men to load them onto the wagon. Even Bodiccea would need help lifting one. When Olania returns to the wagon behind the barn there is a fellow who will speak to her, but only briefly, and muttered under his breath. "The ogre-mages. They watch us. If we help you they'll kill us."

There is some travel gear, and a couple daggers and short swords, but nothing of serous worth besides the copper. Lots of copper. Thousands of pounds of it.

Erizel and his skeleton will feel as if they are being watched as they wait in the darkness.

He won't be surprised, but you will hear a great roar from below the barn!
Peasants scream and panic at the noise.

Below, in the pit, quite a few ogres come running down the Northern passage toward Erizel.

Those of you above will hear the growls of the ogres below ground and can react.

Lucky for Erizel, ogres run single-file and are still some distance away in the dark Northern passage.

Here we go!

Tonkin 19+6
Olania 14+0
Bodiccea 5+4
Erizel and skeleton 1+1 {Ouch... sorry...}

2008-09-15, 08:19 PM

Olania speaks to the peasants that huddle naked in the town. "Grab your things and take cover. Once it is quiet, return to your homes and wives and children and stay near them."

Olania runs at full speed toward the pit and jumps down.

I checked before I hit submit. She still has a ring of feather fall. Can she sing a bardic song on the descent? Or is falling a standard action? If she can Erizel and Tonkin will hear a tune of love and bravery coming from the sky above them.

2008-09-15, 08:56 PM
OOC- Bardic singing allowed on jump!

2008-09-15, 09:05 PM
ooc - I am unsure of the layout right now... :smallfrown:

2008-09-15, 09:15 PM
Erizel is down the pit. Olania's plan is to leap down, and the rest of you are at the top in the barn. Sounds like something is running from the North down below.

2008-09-15, 09:29 PM
{Isn't Tonkin down there too? Olania wouldn't have left him down there alone.}

2008-09-15, 11:09 PM
OOC- Sounded like Tonkin went with Olania. I think Erizel thought that too, thus the guardian undead.... I'll take a retro here, but Tonkin will at least have gone to the stairs.


2008-09-15, 11:50 PM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 45/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 22, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +2

Tonkin gets up as the ogres are spotted. The halfling doesn't charge them, however, and he waits back behind Erizel's undead. His hand moves for a second to the wound he'd taken from the priest. I'll let his minions get killed to avoid any further harm.

2008-09-16, 01:31 AM

Confused, Bodiccea shrugs and will follow Olania. There a jump is less than 20 feet high, Bod will attempt to Jump and Tumble to make it down safely. Otherwise, Bod will climb or find stairs down. "Alright, you heard the priestess. Go home, and keep yourselves safe. Learn to defend yourselves! Next time we won't be her eto save your butts!" she says to them.

ooc - the copper is actually in the cart right now?

2008-09-16, 05:20 AM

With the others gone Erizel was left alone in the dim light of his stone. As soon as they left he suddenly got the feeling that he was somehow not alone, his skeleton not withstanding. Then there was the almighty roar that only a gang of ogres could make.

Then he saw them charging at him single file like some wagon train of death. But what surprised him more was when the Halfling appeared from nowhere and set up a defense behind the skeleton.

Seeing this Erizel reflexively threw up his hands and wisps of deathly vapour swirled in front of them as two mummified corpses appeared.

Giving the order to all three undead (Dodene remained out of the pit) he bellowed "Do not allow them to pass. Destroy them".

Then following Tonkin's example he moved to a defensive position behind the undead and drew his crossbow, ready to fire at the ever closer ogres.

HP: 81/81
AC:16 (20 vs giant types eg. ogres)
Fort: +9
Ref: +4
Will: +14

Used Summon Monster III to call two Mummys.
Mummy 1: HP:v[roll0]
AC: 22
Speed: 30ft
Attack: Slam +11 (1d6+12+Mummy Rot)
Damage Reduction 5/-
Undead Traits
Vulnerability to Fire
Turn Resistance: +4
Str: 28 // Dex: 10 // Con: 0 // Int: 6 // Wis: 14 // Cha: 15
Fort: +4
Ref: +2
Will: +8

Mummy 2: HP: [roll1]
AC: 22
Attack: Slam +11 (1d6+12+Mummy Rot)
Damage Reduction 5/-
Undead Traits
Vulnerability to Fire
Turn Resistance: +4
Str: 28 // Dex: 10 // Con: 0 // Int: 6 // Wis: 14 // Cha: 15
Fort: +4
Ref: +2
Will: +8

Despair: All enemies must make a DC 16 Will Save or Paralysed for 1d4 rounds. (Must pass two Saves because there are two mummys.)

Mummy Rot: Attacked Enemy. DC 14 Fort or 1d6 Con and 1d6 Cha damage. If Con becomes 0 then they die.

2008-09-16, 07:43 PM
Tonkin will have to wait a little longer for the ogres are still coming...

Olania runs and makes her leap down into the pit. Her ring of feather fall kicks in immediately letting her drift down. Her beautiful voice fills the air.

The ogres get closer, and the front rank is about 50 feet away.

The pit is about 50 feet deep, so Bodiccea will begin running down them.

Erizel near Tonkin in the shadows and both now wait behind his skeleton. Erizel notices the halfling ready himself, as he calls forth his 2 mummies from Hades.

End Round 1---------------------------->

Tonkin 19+6
Olania 14+0 floating down
Bodiccea 5+4 on stairs
Erizel and skeleton 1+1

2008-09-17, 11:24 AM
Bodiccea will continue to run down the stairs as quick as she is able. Is there anyplace where she can leap from the stairs and perhaps land on an ogre in a surprise attack?

2008-09-17, 12:47 PM

Olania continues singing, and as she lands gracefully on the ground she hits a particularly high note. She then moves as far as she can to the crossroads.

Though you mentioned the base of the stairs is not where the crossroads are, either way get as close as possible without getting in melee range. Feather fall allows 60' per round drop, and the drop is 50'. If dropping counts as a double move (like a mount's movement?), then Olania should have 10' of the second move action to get situated.

2008-09-17, 01:02 PM

(Assuming nothing hits me with my wall of undead in front of me, I will fire my crossbow at the nearest ogre and reload as a move action. All my undead attack the nearest ogre as well, moving on to the next one if t dies before they can all attack.)

(Blue Wizard: Don't forget the saves vs. Despair, and the mummy rot from mummy attacks.)

2008-09-22, 01:25 AM
Round 2:
Tonkin continues to hold in the darkness, barely seen by Erizel.

Olania lands at the base of this pit, and she now sees the passages in the 4 cardinal directions. Erizel is near the East passage, and she can't see Tonkin. Though she is forced to check herself as well as Tonkin when they see the mummy. They suddenly realize how fearful the thing really is! She moves to a safe spot...

The ogres storm into the room, the first couple freeze up and this starts a chain reaction, which could be comical if the situation weren't so dire. The ogres pile up in a heap in the North Passage, just coming into the main center room.

Tonkin will leap out and actually barely hit a tripped ogre, he does manage to injure one.

Bodiccea leaps off the stairs {check made!} and nearly decapitates one of the top ogres as she lands on the top of the heap of smelly ogres. They are very crude, and wear raggedy leathers and bear simple clubs. But, all look mighty, and gnarly.

Erizel's crossbow shot becomes embedded in the ass-leather of some ogre, to no harm. His undead move in and help finish off the ogre on top, and injure a couple more. This sends howls of horror through the ranks of ogres as the undead claw at them.

End Round 2---------------------->

Tonkin 19+6
Olania 14+0
Bodiccea 5+4 on ogres
Erizel and skeleton/mummy 1+1

2008-09-22, 02:24 AM
[roll0]. <---Since my arrow didn't do any damage if that roll is greater than 50 then it isn't broken, and as such is retrievable. Never mind.

Swinging his crossbow over his shoulder annoyed at its inability to injure the stupid things he commands the undead to continue their assault before setting himself up carefully so as to give him the best chance to avoid the ogres should one of them somehow get passed the wall of undead and frankly terrifying naked barbarian.

Put away weapon as a move action, speak as a free action and take up Total Defence as a Standard action. (+4 to AC for a total of 24).

2008-09-22, 07:11 AM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 71/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 22, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +2

Tonkin grins as his rapier strikes the ogre. He doesn't hesitate as he follows up with two more quick strikes.


2008-09-22, 08:03 AM

Olania keeps singing as she moves to a defensible position.

2008-09-22, 03:24 PM
Tonkin follows up his pokey pain, causing another ogre in the pile-up some pain! He kills one with his sneak attack damage, by inserting the rapier behind one's ear.

Olania still sings and moves behind the attacking line of undead.

Most of the ogres flee in panic, but a few stay despite their fear. The wilting damage of the mummy is clear on the dead ogres. The braver ogres strike back, but to little effect for chaos abounds. There were perhaps 40 ogres, but it is still hard to tell as it is all backed up in a pile down the Northern passage, and they are climbing over one another to get in one direction or another.

Bodiccea has to strengthen her will, and fortify herself as the undead rend ogre before her. She hacks up an ogre, and kills one with ruthless execution.

Erizel stands even farther back than Olania in the far corner of this main center room at the base of the pit. He feels safe... unless something incorporeal were to grab him through the wall... His undead continue to rend and attack, 2 more ogres fall, and this only causes more panic in the ranks of ogres.

End Round 3------------------------------->

Tonkin 19+6
Olania 14+0
Bodiccea 5+4 on ogres
Erizel and skeleton/mummy 1+1

2008-09-22, 03:37 PM

Olania's voice continues while she tries to clear a path for the undead to kill more Ogres.

If possible to do while singing, and without getting attacked, pull dead ogres out of the way to allow us better passage. Obviously not, allowing them better passage to us, though.

2008-09-22, 03:53 PM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 45/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 22, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +10, Ref: +16, Will: +4

Tonkin stabs again at the ogres. As he does so, he looks down the passage. There are a lot of ogres down there. I might have to flee if one hits me, or they stop being scared of Erizel's undead.


2008-09-22, 04:14 PM
Bodiccea the Bold: AC: 18, all saves +3. Vs Fear +1. Can use Moment of Perfect Mind or Wall of Blades as counter.

First, she switches her combat form a bit, deciing to participate in the blood lust a bit rather than using her hunter's senses. She will now become even stronger with every critical hit she lands! Having boldly dispatched one Ogre so easily, she confidently walks up to the next closest one and performs a mighty stab into the Ogre's chest, trying to make sausage out of the Ogre's lungs! "The power of LOVE and Aphrodite enhance my strikes!" she yells.

She uses a Swift Action to switch to Blood in the Water stance, where she will get a +1 to hit and damage for the rest of the encounter for every critical hit she lands.

Moving up to the nearest Ogre, she attacks with Insightful Strike: [roll0]
Confirming the crit if threatens: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2008-09-22, 04:15 PM

Feeling slightly paranoid but seeing his mummies being so effective he began to cast a spell on himself. Suddenly black flames wreathed him as similar ones had done his previous undead.

Once done he stepped forward from his defensive position and drew a wand from within his robes.

Cast Death Armour on himself. Anything that attacks him either with its body or handheld weapons takes 1d4+4 damage. He also draws a Wand of Inflict Light Wounds. Let me know if my mummies are taking a beating so I can "heal" them.

2008-09-22, 04:21 PM
{OOC- Nice another round today! :smallcool:}

Round 4:
Tonkin pokes another growling ogre on the pile with his rapier, and kills this one as well!

Olania can move some of the large bodies, but she will risk possible attacks getting too close. She can see with the undead attacking her group was turning the tide.

The ogres are now in a panic and flee North, the undead kill a couple more, but the ogres flee in a panic, some hitting one another to get away. About ten ogres lay blocking the North passage.

Combat over----------------------->

The sounds of retreating ogres can be heard, and pursuit can be made if it is desired.

A short time later the undead return to their domains and Olania's recitation will fade.

2008-09-22, 04:56 PM
My actions may tick off a few (well really all) of my team mates, but I just can't resist

Seeing his mummies fade Erizel checked his teammates. He assumed Oliana would tend to any injuries they had, so he turned his attention to more important matters. There was a pile of ogre corpses just waiting to be given his attention.

Walking over to them he he took a black gemstone shaped into a rams head; his holy symbol in his hands and quietly prayed to Hades to take their souls to the appropriate afterlife. They have may have been enemies but they deserved that much. Besides with their spirits gone it made his next task easier.

Holding his hands in front of him he spoke clearly to Hades in powerful Gnomish, and focused wave after wave of negative energy into the bodies, calling on the Master of Death to animate their muscles and give him control over them.

Cast Desecrate allowing me to double the amount of undead I can create.

Cast Animate Dead. It turns 4HD/level worth of corpses into zombies that are automatically under my control. This means I turn 36 Hit Dice worth of ogres into zombie body guards. I will roll up stats for them once Bluewizard tells me how many I have.

OOC: On a side note Fash has asked to be revived as an undead of some kind via my Create Undead class feature. If we are not going to find his corpse however I will use it to create a single more powerful undead to lead the zombies. So I am asking Bluewizard, will we be able to find Fash's body?

2008-09-22, 05:15 PM
OOC- I will decide on PCs coming and going. Erizel can animate 9 ogres. None more powerful than the rest. Fash is likely Gnome-Burger now.

The dead ogres begin to move, and others of you in the room feel very uncomfortable.

2008-09-22, 05:35 PM
Of course, just letting you know about Fash's request.

Now Ogres.

Ogre 1:
HP: [roll0]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Ogre 2:
HP: [roll1]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Ogre 3:
HP: [roll2]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Ogre 4:
HP: [roll3]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Ogre 5:
HP: [roll4]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Ogre 6:
HP: [roll5]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Ogre 7:
HP: [roll6]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Ogre 8:
HP: [roll7]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Ogre 9:
HP: [roll8]
AC: 21
Speed: 50ft
Init: +3

Attack: +12
Damage: 2d8+10
Grapple: +15

Str: 27 // Dex: 12 // Con: 0 // Int: 0 // Wis: 10 // Cha: 1

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: -1
Will: +1

Darkvision 60ft
Low Light Vision
Turn Resistance: +4

Will also ready an action to bolster my new undead in case Oliana doesn't react well to them

2008-09-22, 06:29 PM
Bodiccea: HP: 89/113

Bodiccea hisses a bit as the bodies of the Ogres rise again. "Didn't I just STAB you to death?" she says out loud to no one ogre in particular. "Olania, if you could give me a bit of healing here I'd appreciate it lots. Just in case these ogres break free of his control.

2008-09-23, 10:42 AM
The army of Erizel's ogres rises up and seem to be under his complete control.

2008-09-23, 10:50 AM

Olania face is not happy when the Ogres rise again. She glumly moves to Bodiccea and casts a quick spell.

She speaks quietly and seriously to Bodiccea, "If these Ogres turn on him, your strength may not be enough."


Nice. Not a wasted HP.

2008-09-23, 11:12 AM

Hearing their not unexpected responses Erizel said "I understand your concerns but you really have nothing to fear.
With the specialised training that I have undergone I doubt that another necromancer could easily take control of them from me, and even if they did Oliana could simply call on Aphrodite to banish them. Besides it has been proven that you have defeated them once before, even if they are a touch stronger this time around".

Then turning to speak specifically to Oliana, not because he expected her to be any less against the idea, but because he did recognise her as the leader of their little outfit, he asked
"I have a spell that could briefly animate one of the bodies in such a way that we could question it regarding its superiors if you believe it would help".

He then turned back to inspect his new bodyguards, and with a mental command he called Dodene from its hiding place to join him.

2008-09-23, 11:56 AM
Bodiccea the Bold: 119/119 HP; 18 AC; All maneuvers good to go. Back in Scent stance so she can SMELL anything unusual.

"Much appreciated, priestess. My wounds have melted away. You, Erizel, tell us if you see an enemy Necromancer so that we may destroy him before he tries to gain control of the ogres."

2008-09-23, 12:57 PM
The Noises of the Ogres will fade after some time.

Above you a farmer {a former slave} will shout down, "Well, we be burnin' da barn soon. Best you get out. We gon' seal dis hole."

Apparently, he can't see too well. Though he leaves quickly.

2008-09-23, 01:02 PM

"Being locked in doesn't sound fun, but it would protect the lands above from this menace. Any objects to remaining inside for that?"

"Fash went East, right?"

2008-09-23, 01:17 PM
Olania will get no answer from the farmer, as the sounds of it being shut-up can be heard.

Bodiccea's best guess to Fash's path is East. Though the undead ogres will soon make any sign of Fash's tracks disappear.

The undead ogres also make travel slow, but once Erizel has them all lined up properly, getting them all to move straight is fairly easy.

About a mile of carved rock is formed, Fash's tracks are in and out, but eventually you will come to a door... and a blood patch.

This is the Eastern Passage off the main Pit room.

2008-09-23, 01:44 PM
Olania was talking to her group, not the farmer. Making sure everyone was in on being locked in before the actual locking occurred.

2008-09-23, 01:49 PM

No objections here. NPCs don't take kindly to zombies. I'll assume no one else minds but will edit post if they do

Jumping down from Dodene's back Erizel said a small prayer over the blood patch, assuming it to be Fash's.

2008-09-23, 02:00 PM

Olania had seen enough good men die at the hands of evil to not be surprised by this find. She admires the prayer, though she's not sure of the intent of the necormancer.

"Fash was good, if he was foolish to come here alone. This place is probably trapped somehow. Does anyone one have any skills at finding and disarming traps?"

2008-09-23, 02:13 PM
Bodiccea the Bold: 119/119 HP; 18 AC

Seeing the blood stains, Bodiccea sighs. "Well, if this area is trapped, perhaps we should use a long stick to poke at things like the door instead of touching it ourselves."

2008-09-23, 02:21 PM

Tonkin steps forward as Olania asks about traps. "I'm at your service. Is it a rush job, or do I take my time?" After waiting for a reply, Tonkin advances cautiously and begins searching the area for traps.

OOC: Either take twenty or [roll0] depending on what the group thinks.

2008-09-23, 02:38 PM
Tonkin can see that there was once a very powerful glyph on the door, but something has discharged it. The door should be safe, and the lock is fairly simple. A giant could step through the door.

2008-09-23, 02:57 PM
Bodiccea takes a look at the lock. Is it a simple padlock that can be smashed?

2008-09-23, 03:11 PM
The lock is in the mechanism of the door itself. The large wooden door can be smashed.

2008-09-23, 03:15 PM

Then unless any one has any objections Erizel will have an ogre smash the door and take the brunt of whatever is behind it, because something is always behind the locked door.

Ogre strength check: [roll0]
Erizel and Dodene will then behind other ogres, just in case :smallbiggrin:.

2008-09-23, 03:24 PM

"I'd say take your time, but I fear for more Ogres approaching, or drawing attention out here."

Meh, reponse for response sake, since action was already taken.

2008-09-23, 04:59 PM
The ogres are already pounding on the door and batter it down in seconds, before too much decisions are made. The chamber continues on further, but suddenly Erizel senses a disturbance at the front of his ranks. There is some sort of happening going on... and Erizel realizes there is some evil priest in the darkness beyond the door. This priest is very powerful and easily took control of the undead from Erizel.

The ogres begin to turn around! Olania is glad these are slow moving undead.

To Action!

Tonkin 14+6
Erizel 18+1
Priest?/Undead Ogres
Bodiccea 5+9
Olania 4+0

2008-09-23, 05:15 PM
Darn you Kobold-Bard and your "speak of the devil" spell!

And, well, you should probably know what's coming next with Olania's next action. But I'll wait until after the "bad guys" go.

2008-09-23, 05:23 PM
OOC: You know, sometimes stuff like this, its just plain mean :smallmad:

"OH ****"!!!! was all Erizel could say. If he survived he would never live this down.

Attempting to compose himself he pulled out a scroll and reading the arcane text suddenly rose straight up in the air and replaced the parchment with a thin wand.

Use Scroll of Fly and move straight up 60ft, or as high as the roof of the chamber allows so that I am out of ogre slam range.

Bluewizard: If each ogre had 4HD and this priest took control of them all (36HD) that means his rebuke damage, assuming with maximum on both dice and a +5 charisma modifier (17) that means this enemy is at least level 19.

Obviously I don't know what you have planned, and it was obviously my own fault for creating them, but that just seems a bit overpowered to me

2008-09-23, 05:32 PM
Olania can Destroy up to 35 HD of undead per turn attempt. She's only a Level 9 Cleric. But she's optimized for undead destruction.

2008-09-23, 06:18 PM
ooc - Does Bodiccea have a path tot he evil cleric? She's going to take the problem out at its root.

2008-09-23, 06:23 PM
OOC: I get the impression its:

Evil Cleric----->9 Undead Ogres in a doorway------>Us

That's my map.

Also, everyone should post realy quick, because I'm getting antsy. I've been waiting for over a year to use Olania's Turn Undead capabilities. And no fair killing them all before she can!

2008-09-23, 06:30 PM
ooc - a year? :smalleek: Well, I will try to clear a path to the cleric. That means maybe whacking one.

2008-09-23, 06:34 PM
And not all the ogres may be controlled, but you can be sure the priest chose all the ogres that the party can see. :smallcool:

{Thanks for reminder Kobald-Bard}

2008-09-23, 06:43 PM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 45/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 27, Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +2

Tonkin grits his teeth as the ogres start turning. "I'm so glad none of my predictions about your undead were right, gnome." Tonkin springs around Boddicea to the closest treacherous undead ogre. The halfling drops to a low crouch and pokes at the monster, moving fluidly from his attack into a defensive stance.

OOC: I hate undead, no fair being immune to sneak attack. Using combat expertise for +5 AC, -5 attack.

2008-09-23, 07:23 PM
Tonkin slips in and pokes one of the undead brutes turning to attack in the knee. It is far from enough to kill it or knock it down.

Erizel notices not all of his ogres had turned, but those before him no longer heeded his call. The chamber is 15 feet high, and it is a long hall. Erizel reads fly and presumably retreats backwards a bit. {OOC- Enemy priest did roll a 20 last round, but you are right on the amount of ogres he can control at a time.}

More of the undead ogres are taken from Erizel's command, but he can hear the remaining one fighting amongst the turned ones. There is a big ogre traffic jam by the large door. Bodiccea is critically clubbed causing her major pain! {d:41} Her arm feels the brunt of it, but she takes it.
Tonkin also takes a glancing blow off his noggin' {d:19}

Bodiccea can actually cut one of the ogres down, but it isn't enough as they keep coming.

Olania coming up...........................

End Round 1-------------------------->

Tonkin 14+6 hp: 22/71
Erizel 18+1
Priest?/Undead Ogres
Bodiccea 5+9 hp: 78/119
Olania 4+0

2008-09-23, 07:50 PM

The air around Olania stops momentarily as the chaos of battle surrounds her. She raises her quarterstaff above her head and in a voice both ferocious and beautiful she calls out, "Aphrodite! The bane of all that is love and purity has darkened these grounds! I ask that you grant me the power to crush and destroy them all!"

The air begins to swirl around Olania and the little charm that dangles from her wrist glows with power. As the swirling continues, lifting the ribbons' ends a glow from under her clothes begins and then her clothes and the silver circlet on her head also glow with power. Olania slams the quarterstaff to the ground and a wave of pure love and energy drifts out from where she stands and flows over the undead creatures.

Turn Undead.
[roll0] Turns creatures with max 15 HD, Destroys HD of 7 or less HD

2008-09-23, 08:38 PM
ooc - Bodiccea will wait to see the effects of the turn attempt before acting. Did you roll the 25% chance of ignoring the critical hit thanks to Light Fortification on Bod's chainmail bikini? Also, Bod will dattempt a Wall of Blades as an Immediate Action counter to the hit to see if she can deflect the blow.

2008-09-23, 08:40 PM
In trying to block the ogre's critical hit, Bodiccea positions her blade between her and the attacker! [roll0] This is assuming Bless and Recitation have ended.

Bodiccea places her blade well, and should have successfully blocked that hit.

2008-09-23, 10:45 PM
OOC- Can she just block whatever? How?

2008-09-24, 11:19 AM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 26/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 27, Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +2

Tonkin takes the blow with much more calm than he took the last blow. He grits his teeth and steals himself through it, then jumps back to the Olania. He keeps his defensive stance as he asks her for healing."Priestess, I would appreciate it if you would heal me."


2008-09-24, 11:37 AM
OOC- Can she just block whatever? How?

ooc - It's one of her counters. A second level maneuver called Wall of Blades (Diamond Mind I think?) She can use it once. Then she'll need to refresh her maneuvers before she can use it again. So, maximum, she can block one attack per turn. She can attempt to block anything that requires an attack roll.

2008-09-24, 11:45 AM
{OOC: Wall of Blades is a manuever that replaces her AC with that of the WOBs check she rolled; it's an immediate reaction to a hit she has received. It the attack rolled a nat 20, it still hits, but her AC is higher so the crit confirm would have to exceed the roll above to be critical. She is limited to manuevers she selects prior to an encounter (with 5 min of prep) and only one instance of each selected manuever unless she resets this count (via only making a single attack in a round or by doing nothing in a round).

From wizards (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=4):

Wall of Blades
Iron Heart (Counter)
Level: Warblade 2
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You

Your weapon sways back and forth in your hand, ready to block incoming blows. With the speed of a thunderbolt, you clash your weapon against your foe's blade as he attempts to attack.

Your weapon mastery transforms your blade into an extension of your arm, allowing you to wield it with the speed and timing needed to make a precise block.

When an enemy makes a melee or ranged attack against you, you can initiate this counter to oppose that attack by making an attack roll with any melee weapon you are holding. Use the higher of your AC or your attack roll as your effective AC against the incoming attack. You can't use this maneuver if you are denied your Dexterity bonus to AC against your attacker. You can decide to use this ability after you learn the result of your opponent's attack.


I proclaim to be Ninjaed! But mine response was more detailed, and included linked references, so I proclaim that Frosty is Librarianed!

2008-09-24, 12:09 PM
ooc - <3 Olania for the nice, detailed explanation. I have been Librarianed! Long live the Empo...wrong setting >.>

BlueWizard, just assume that Bodiccea will use Wall of Blades against any attack thrown at her if the attack would hit (since I can choose to use this AFTER I learn the result of the attacker's attack). Just roll my 1d20+17+whatever bonuses (like Charging bonuses, magical bonuses from Recitation, Flanking bonuses, etc) and compare it to his attack roll. It's an Opposed attack roll.

2008-09-24, 12:24 PM

"Save It" He shouted in response to Tonkin's comments as he flew towards the ******* that had taken his ogres.
Calling on Hades He fired a wave of Negative Energy upon the ogre-zombies. "Hades is your master. I am his instrument. You will obey me" he yelled.

I will Use Rebuke Undead to try and reclaim my ogres.
Rebuke Check: [roll0]
Rebuke Damage: [roll1]

Check of 6 means my combined Cleric and True Necromancer levels of 6-2=4HD is the maximum i can rebuke.
Damage of 12 means I reclaim 3 of the ogres that weren't still in my control (can skip over already controlled undead).

"All of you within my power, Destroy that fiend"!!!!!

(OOC: Can I reach the enemy priest or is he closed off.)

2008-09-24, 12:46 PM
ooc - again, I am still waiting for the results of the Turn undead before I make my action, but most likely, It'll be a Swfit action followed by a Full-Attack on an Ogre in order to recover my Maneuvers (so I can use Wall of Blades again).

2008-09-24, 01:08 PM
{OOC: Your use of an Immediate Action (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#immediateActions) counts as a swift action in your next turn, so you cannot use a swift action to reset your manuevers.

I, too, await the outcome of the turn Undead fun.}

2008-09-24, 01:23 PM
{OOC: Your use of an Immediate Action (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#immediateActions) counts as a swift action in your next turn, so you cannot use a swift action to reset your manuevers.

I, too, await the outcome of the turn Undead fun.}

Right. My bad. Like I said. Too much hinges on the turn attempt. If might clear up a route for me to get to the cleric.

2008-09-24, 02:10 PM
Olania shows her holy might.
6 ogres before her crumple to the ground! It looks as if there are 2 more undead ogres still milling about ahead of you. All of them had turned on Erizel by now.

Tonkin tumbles near Olania, who is safe distance from the now falling undead ogres.

Erizel's rebuke is not strong enough to challenge the hidden priest ahead for control of the last 2 undead ogres.

Bodiccea meets a tough defense of the last two undead ogres near the broken door. She manages to avoid their slow, but mighty swipes.

Pause in Round 2----------------------------->

Bodiccea 5+9 hp: 78/119
Olania 4+0
{Official Round End}
Tonkin 14+6 hp: 26/71
Erizel 18+1
Priest/Undead Ogres

2008-09-24, 02:22 PM

Olania smiles a bit as the once daunting Ogres crumble to dust before her. "Love survives, while all else perishes."

She reaches to Tonkin and casts a spell on him to aid his fight.

Cast Cure Serious Wounds [roll0]

2008-09-24, 02:24 PM
ooc - so the ogre from last round still critted me even with my effective AC of 37? :smallconfused: Alright.

Bodiccea the Bold: 78/119; AC15

The barbarian, having endured a mighty blow last round, is eager to take some of that sting off, and she attempts a strike to disarm the Ogre!

Disarming Strike
Iron Heart (Strike)
Level: Warblade 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature

You chop at your foe's hand, causing a grievous injury and forcing him to drop his weapon.

This maneuver allows you to combine a disarm attempt with a normal attack. You make a single melee attack as part of this strike. If this attack hits and deals damage, you can also attempt to disarm your opponent (PH 155). This disarm attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity, nor is there any risk that your foe can disarm you.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If bodiccea hits, she and the Ogre make opposed attack rolls. Bodiccea gets a +4 for using a 2-handed weapon.

Disarm check: [roll2]

All this assumes that the Ogres have a club or something. If not, Bodiccea will Full-attack instead.

2008-09-24, 02:35 PM
(OOC: I hate the undead :smallmad:)


Fine, we'll take a more direct approach Erizel thought.

Option 1:
I will fly over the ogres and use my death touch on the enemy cleric.
Death Touch (Touch Attack): [roll0]
Death Touch (Damage): [roll1] - If damage drops opponents to zero it dies automatically (No Save)

Option 2:
If I can't reach the cleric I will fly over the ogres and use a wand of Inflict Light Wounds as a ranged attack.
Ranged Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2008-09-24, 02:40 PM
ooc - can you used a wand of ILW as a ranged attack? It's a touch attack normally or is it a necromancer thing?

2008-09-24, 02:49 PM
ooc - can you used a wand of ILW as a ranged attack? It's a touch attack normally or is it a necromancer thing?

OOC: Normal ILW spells are, but I thought all wands were ranged attacks automatically.

If I am mistaken then option 2 becomes:
Cast Vampiric Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] - I gain temporary Hit Points equal to the damage dealt.

Why does the dice roller hate me. It's just not fair :smallfurious::smallfrown::smallfurious:

2008-09-24, 03:36 PM
{OOC: The dice roller knows you raise the dead. It's afraid. When it's afraid it rolls low. :smallwink: Of course that means that Olania will do some wicked awesome damage in the next couple of rounds, because who could be afraid of Olania?}

2008-09-24, 07:08 PM
OOC- Let's try to keep too much OOC talk to the OOC thread, it is cluttering this battle for me. Also, please not so many spoilers, I like to scan and read... not click every post. If it is truly a secret PM me.

East Passage Battle by Door:
Bodiccea stands up to the last two undead ogres in her way, she still cannot see whatever priest there is in the darkness beyond... She could get by if she allowed attacks of opportunity from the ogres. She hacks the closest ogre cutting open its arm, and knocking its club from its hand. {DISARM success}

Olania makes Tonkin's wounds feel a lot better. {+24}

End Round 2---------- Actual End

Tonkin feeling a little better will move up behind Bodiccea staying to the shadows... {DM action}

Erizel needs to touch the wand to the person, as for vampiric touch it needs to be a LIVING creature. And if Erizel flies over the ogres he will risk at least one attack of opportunity. {DM will allow retro here.... post this action and next round, please.}

The last two ogres try to club or claw at Bodiccea as she is the nearest opponent, but they both can't get easily at her and they foul-up their attacks by crowding the hall. It is too narrow for large creatures to fight side by side. The one with the club has range and manages to knock her pretty hard. {-23}
Beyond the ogres Tonkin and Bodiccea will hear the sound of retreating metal clanking as if a soldier was retreating... likely the priest in armor.

End Unofficial Round 3--------------------------------------->

Bodiccea 5+9 hp: 55/119
Olania 4+0
{Official Round End}
Tonkin 14+6 hp: 50/71
Erizel 18+1
Priest/Undead Ogres

2008-09-24, 07:13 PM
Before Bodiccea acts, she will see whether or not she can perhaps Tumble past the Ogres? If so, she may try to give chase to the priest.

2008-09-24, 07:25 PM
Bodiccea can tumble past the slow, undead ogres. The priest is likely already 150 feet down the hall in total darkness.

2008-09-24, 07:49 PM

Olania moves forward, but behind the front line and attempts to finish off the Ogre with the weapon.

{Cast Deific Vengeance on the Ogre that is still armed.
[roll0] DC 15 Will negates half.}

2008-09-24, 10:52 PM
Tonkin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69297)
HP: 50/71, Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 27, Touch: 24, Flat-footed: 15, Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +2

"Thank you." Tonkin springs back into combat with the ogres after offering Olania his thanks. He remains in his defensive stance as he pokes at another ogre.


2008-09-25, 12:11 AM
OOC- Bodiccea now with some critical damage returned!

Bodiccea knows she can outrun any priest in armor, and with a deft roll she is under the legs of the ogres and up and running. She can hear the sounds of the priest in the distant darkness ahead. She is now beyond the door, and in an unknown region running in the dark after the person in armor.

Bodiccea suddenly finds herself frozen by a blue-skinned ogre mage's icy blast she might be very surprised. The large wizard was in her way and waiting for her! {d:31 failed save!} This blue-skinned one has green hair, and seems quite disappointed that the blast didn't do more to her. Especially since she is 15 feet from him!

Olania's deific vengeance is not enough to slay the undead, but it does cause the monster to groan a lot!

With Tonkin's poke he finishes the undead ogre. And only the unarmed one remains blocking Erizel's way.

Erizel had been waiting for his chance, but had to wait to get by the last undead ogre.... You are all aware of a cold whoosh that seems to send cold air down the passage as Bodiccea is hurt by something cold!

End Round 4---------------------->

Bodiccea 5+9 hp: 43/119
Blue-skinned Ogre-Mage
Olania 4+0
{Official Round End}
Tonkin 14+6 hp: 50/71
Erizel 18+1
Priest/Undead Ogres

2008-09-25, 04:31 AM

Switching wands Erizel will stab the ogre zombie with his wand of Cure Light Wounds.
[/roll]1d20+3[/roll] vs. Touch AC.
[roll0] damage.

2008-09-25, 07:23 PM
Bodiccea the Cold

Boidiccea, as stout as she is, is beginning to feel numb, especially the arm that the ogre nearly crushed. Shouting back at her comrades, she informs them, "Quickly, my friends. The ogre-mage is here. We need to end it quickly." Summoning her inner calm, she Concentrates on the likely weak spot of the Blue-skinned mone before her, and STRIKES, dealing a nice 28 damage! After the fierce strike, the barbarian switches her stance to Blood in the Water. Any critical hit done by her will further empower her! She makes sure she is as close to the Ogre Mage as possible, so she canstrike at the mage should he try to cast.

Attack: [roll0]
Re-roll using Lightning Recovery if needed: [roll1]
Confirming the critical, if necessary: [roll2] +2 if she had used Lightning Recovery earlier
Damage: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4]

2008-09-26, 09:11 PM
Bodiccea steps up to strike the ogre-mage and steps right through his attack space, and she finds that as she stabs him hard he whacks her hard in the head. {-19}

The ogre-mage changes to gaseous form as he backs away from the attacking naked barbarian.

Olania can move forward, but will have to climb over many downed ogres. {DM action}

Tonkin is near the front and moves to Bodiccea's side as the ogre-mage turns gaseous. {DM action}

Erizel can now fly forward, and can save the charge on his wand. He will be up near Tonkin and Bodiccea.

The retreating armored figure stops running long enough to begin casting in the darkness nearly 250 feet down the corridor.

End Round 5----------------------------->

Bodiccea 5+9 hp: 23/119
Blue-skinned Ogre-Mage
Olania 4+0
{Official Round End}
Tonkin 14+6 hp: 50/71
Erizel 18+1

2008-09-27, 03:51 AM

Knowing full well that they wouldn't be of any real use, but hoping to at least distract the priest from his casting Erizel called on Hades for more undead servants.

"Oliana, if this fails banish them. They'll be of no use if he controls them".

Cast Summon Undead II to summon 2 Human skeletons that I will command to charge and continually attack the priest. Hopefully he'll roll low on his concentration check.

S-1: HP: [roll0]
s-2: HP: [roll1]

2008-09-27, 08:06 AM

Olania moves forward and casts a spell to help out Boddiccea.

Cast Cure Critical Wounds on B. [roll0]

2008-09-27, 11:53 AM

Tonkin laughs as the ogre mage turns gaseous. With a grin, the halfling pulls out his handaxe and lays into the mage with it.

OOC: Ghost touch.

2008-09-27, 01:43 PM
ooc - I was under the Impression I was close enough to 5-ft step to the ogre. If not, I'll instead back away and rejoin the group. You need to describe these things better if there's no map. Also, Bodiccea would've Tumbled, so please ret-con Bodiccea running back to fight the other undead.

2008-09-27, 01:44 PM
Bodiccea can continue on ahead if she likes toward the priest, but even at full sprint she won't reach him in the darkness.

The gaseous form of the ogre-mage moves down the hall slowly close to the ground.

Bodiccea would be wise to hold for Olania's healing spell, for she will feel greatly improved. {+37} {Bodiccea can move or do something else. Retro allowed here...}

Tonkin's hand-axe might help against an incorporeal form, but this is a gas. And even though it is magical, he can do nothing as he easily pursues the slow moving gas and swings through it.

Erizel pulls two skeletons from Hades, and pulls them forth into the darkness ahead. They still have a ways until they get to the priest. {OOC- Assuming he start on his retro last round...:smallwink:}

The priest in the darkness summons his own monster, and from a swirling black-blue portal comes forth some demon. Though once the flash of portal appears it is hard to say what exactly it was that the priest called forth. It is about 80 feet from the skeletons in front of you.

End Round 6----------------------------->

Blue-skinned Ogre-Mage
Olania 4+0
Bodiccea hp: 60/119
Tonkin 14+6 hp: 50/71
Erizel 18+1
Priest/ a demon

Edit for Frosty: Excerpt from previous post in Bodiccea's action:

Especially since she is 15 feet from him!

To late for that retro.

2008-09-27, 01:46 PM
ooc - well, even if the Ogre-mage had AoOed me, WHY DID I NOT GET TO ATTACK IT? It doesn't get to go Gaseous during MY turn...

ooc - retro tumble check 1d20+15 auto success

2008-09-27, 01:48 PM
OOC- Read Round 5

2008-09-27, 01:51 PM
ooc - oh I see I missed the part where it says Bodiccea smacked him first. Alright, Bodiccea waits for the healing, and will move down the hallway with the rest of the group. While she waits, she will recover her maneuvers.

Bodiccea growls as her prey turns into a gaseous form and is untouchable to all of her attacks! "Damn those magics..." she says as she swishes her falchion in the air to recover her maneuvers. "Thank you, priestess. I was badly wounded. Now we must be careful. There is some sort of demon up ahead, and the ogre-mage could re-form at any time!" She will wait for everyone else to walk forward and go with them.

2008-09-27, 03:05 PM

"Aaaahhhh Crap" was all Erizel could get out before he cast a spell upon his barbarian companion.

"I know you won't like me casting upon you, but it'll be more useful to you than me".

Cast Divine Favour on Bodiccea. She gains a +3 to attack and damage rolls.

On a side note, Bluewizard my character was built (both spells and feats) for creating and enhancing undead soldiers. If you make it impossible for me to do this then there is very little I can do in this game.

2008-09-27, 09:12 PM

Olania calls forth a magical dagger and it begins attacking the mists.

{OOC: Gaseous form doesn't mean you can't hit it, it just means that it has DR 10/magic. It does lose it's AC for natural and actual armor.

Cast Spiritual Weapon to attack the mists.

[roll0] [roll1]

2008-09-27, 09:24 PM
OOC- I assumed gaseous was DR 10/ {-}
In this case Tonkin will slightly hurt the gaseous ogre-mage, and immediately it will pull into the cracks of the cave, and disappear.

Paused here for group to reconfigure----------------->

Olania 4+0
Bodiccea hp: 60/119
Tonkin 14+6 hp: 50/71
Erizel 18+1
Priest/ a demon
Blue-skinned Ogre-Mage {escaping}

2008-09-27, 09:48 PM
{OOC: Does Olania have line of site/effect to the Priest? If so then the Spiritual Weapon will attack the Priest.}

2008-09-27, 10:02 PM
No one can see the priest in the darkness. The faint outline of the demon can be seen as it hides in the shadows as well as it can. {Only low light here.} No light by priest.

2008-09-27, 10:23 PM
"A demon...shall we advance a bit and see if you can identify it?"

2008-09-28, 02:34 AM
OOC: I have Low-Light Vision and ranks in Knowledge (The Planes) which deals with outsiders. If I make a successful check can I find out what it is?

Just in case - Knowledge (The Planes): [roll0]

2008-09-28, 10:40 AM

Tonkin squints his eyes and looks toward the demon. "Well, if it was summoned by the priest, don't summoned things disappear after a while? So there's really no need to bother it, is there? I mean, we're not going to catch up to him, so we might as well wait for his puppet to disappear."

2008-09-28, 12:11 PM
The group will likely have two rounds of movement before they can get close enough. Erizel will know enough about demons to know the things that typically effect them... or do not effect them at all.

The demon will not approach and force the skeleton to come forward.

{OOC- Unless you can get to things sooner I may skip a couple rounds, and allow you to prep yourselves if needed and move some.}