View Full Version : Stargate! (SG -1 & Atlantis)

2008-08-27, 08:30 PM
I, a huge fan of the tv series stargate, (both of the shows, and the 3 movies) have noticed a lack of stargate awesomeness. Therefore, I am creating this thread. Any who feel that stargate is an awesome show, please post here, so that we may have discussions about the awesomeness of it. All are welcome here, those who have just started watching it, or any of those who wish to find a tv show made of pure awesome. (I realize that I probably just overused the word "awesome"....) Anything from "Hey, where is Marty - from the wormhole extreme episode thing- from?" Or just someone who loves the show and wants to talk about it.

(also, it may help to have a little season 10 SG-1 or something on your first post, and have anything significant in a spoiler, for example, JACK O'NEILL DIES IN SEASON 2, should go in a spoiler)
he actually doesn't.... for anyone on season 1
I personally fell behind in atlantis, (I'm only on season 4, for I rely on dvd's to watch them) But am pretty much done with SG -1 (actually, I haven't watched the season finale for season 10 >.<)

also, those new to the show shouldn't really look into spoilers, unless they want to know exactly who dies...

2008-08-27, 09:03 PM
I take it you know about Atlantis' cancellation and turn to DVDs ala SG-1 then? And the supposed new spinoff?

I like Atlantis a lot as a cheesy sci-fi show. Sure it's got its problems like never finishing up a damned plot arc--I'm looking at you, Rainbow Sun-Franks (Lt. Ford)! but it delivers in the same, self-depreciating way an old fashioned Jack O'Neill deadpan snark does.

I liked SG-1 up to a point. No idea what that point is, but it crossed it a long while ago. And to hell with whoever that black-haired chick from season 9-10 is.

2008-08-27, 09:07 PM
aww... how can you hate stargate? sure, it's got it's faults, but it's so much better than the crap which is on tv some days...

2008-08-27, 09:18 PM
Oh, I don't know about that.

BSG, Am. Gladiators, Doctor Who, Burn Notice, maybe Heroes this year.

Besides, I don't outright hate SG-1. I was just pointing out some of its more apparent flaws. It's just that the show bellyflopped in its later seasons. I still watch Window of Opportunity whenever it's on and it's a great show to watch with some like-minded friends, but ultimately, it's the key-party of television; if people know you're into it when they're not, your friendship's gonna get real shaky real fast.

And I have yet to watch the movies, but I've got some right-of-center hopes.

2008-08-27, 09:21 PM
I love Stargate. Haven't seen the 3rd movie yet, but I love everything else. Sure there are some episodes that aren't winners, but over all it is a great series. I especially like the plausibility of much of it, and how you see humanity's technological evolution.

2008-08-27, 09:23 PM
...I fail to see how a friendship can be taken apart because someone watches a tv show that the other person doesn't like.

WARNING: Negative comments about Stargate will result in death threats. eh he he, nah, but try seriously, don't go to a page where someone is obviously a fan of it and the first thing you say is the flaws about it, it's a good way to get a >:P raspberry and a virtual kick in the shin. :smalltongue:

2008-08-27, 09:45 PM
I meant no offense, I was just sharing an opinion. I tend to criticize things I like. To balance it out, pros:

1) Jack O'Neill is the MAN!!!
2) Atlantis has an awesome looking gate.
3) McKay is the Man!! Most of the time.
4) Daniel Jackson's sudden level in badass at the end of season four when he's dual wielding P-90s is awesome.
5) The wraith make for awesome villains.
6) I like the concept of ascension and how it's played out over the series.
7) O'Neill is still the MAN!!!
8) I like some of the science from Atlantis. Makes for better TV than most stuff on SciFi (which isn't scifi all the time. What's with those crap movies?)
10) Jewel Staite!

Also, I once related my like of SG-1 to a friend and now he thinks I'm an idiot. In response, I told him he was stupid for liking Jack Bauer and 24. The relationship is strained at the moment and we're both huge losers.

2008-08-27, 09:49 PM
Ah, say no more, I was just suggesting you put that list of awesomeness before the list of not-so-awesomeness... And I agree with you on all of those. ('cept mckay is such a little ***** in sg-1!! (for his first episode))

isn't bauer the general who breifly replaces hammond?

@V: I loved that...

2008-08-27, 10:00 PM
I still like the comment by Daniel in the 200th episode when there's tha fantasy sequence about Oneil and Carter getting married.

Oniel: *looks at watch*
Jackson *looks around: You know, if she doesn't show up soon, people are going to think we're....

Oniel: *Pissed off look*

2008-08-28, 10:51 AM
turkishproverb shouldn't you be protecting Tifa? Well anyway I'm kinda catching up to SG1 by downloading through Itunes. I missed majority of the show when it aired and Atlantis doesn't really interest me. My favorite episodes tend to be the one where Marty is in...

2008-08-28, 01:23 PM
10) Jewel Staite!

Enough said. (She's the single redeeming factor in Firefly)

But seriously. I liked SG-1 just fine, but it really should have ended at the end of season 8. The story arc of the entire series was finished. The seasons after that fell really flat.

Atlantis could really should get another season or two to finish up all the balls they have in the air. I'm not a fan of Made-For-TV or Straight-TO-DVD movies.


2008-08-28, 07:22 PM
turkishproverb shouldn't you be protecting Tifa? Well anyway I'm kinda catching up to SG1 by downloading through Itunes. I missed majority of the show when it aired and Atlantis doesn't really interest me. My favorite episodes tend to be the one where Marty is in...

really? I sorta tend to hate marty... I have no clue why, I just do. None of the episodes really make sense we he comes around. It's like a sign that says

"Warning producers were drunk while making these episodes."

Don Julio Anejo
2008-08-28, 08:13 PM
Season 8:

Daniel: Okay. You know, that weapon should have killed you. Also, why did you take me prisoner? I thought you guys were all about killing and... well, that's pretty much it, just killing.
Kull warrior: That's because I found you very, very attractive. :wink:
Daniel: :eek:

Good times :biggrin:

PS: Another huge fan of SG-1 here...

Atlantis though... meh. Mostly because it seems they're doing just another sci-fi show with an archetypal cast of a charismatic leader, a hot kickass chick, a guy scared of everything who eventually comes through, a scientist (the last two are the same person here, but still), and the weird scary-looking alien dude who likes to shoot first, and shoot again just to make sure it's dead.

It just doesn't have the same Stargate appeal. And they don't give a damn about using anything resembling real tactics.

2008-08-28, 08:31 PM
I think Ronin's cool. And Vala's introduction was hilarious, and
General Hammond's first level in badass. In the same episode.
Was also his crowning moment of Awesome.

2008-08-28, 08:41 PM
Personally, daniel is my favorite character from sg-1, and ford is my favorite from atlantis, how 'bout you guys?

2008-08-28, 08:46 PM
I still like the comment by Daniel in the 200th episode when there's tha fantasy sequence about Oneil and Carter getting married.

Oniel: *looks at watch*
Jackson *looks around: You know, if she doesn't show up soon, people are going to think we're....

Oniel: *Pissed off look*

"and you are?"
"Jack O'Neill, with 2 l's."

The coolest characters in SG-1 are Jack O'Neill (he's a funny cool guy), Daniel Jackson (lets face it, he was the main character) and Samantha Carter (I find Amanda Tapping very attractive).

The coolest characters in Atlantis are Ronin, Sheppard and Carson Beckett. Mckay actually annoys me...

Don Julio Anejo
2008-08-28, 09:08 PM
I like Daniel too. Although before Vala I didn't really have a favourite character.

Am I the only one who doesn't like Ronon (sp?)? I just find him too much stereotypical "alien violent dude" that exists on most sci-fi shows (adding to the fact that he doesn't know how to use a razor, which makes him look like he was at a bear hunt... as the bear).

2008-08-28, 09:59 PM
Point taken, Beckett is one of the coolest doctors ever... take that grey's anatomy!!! :smalltongue: (if you've guessed I probably don't even watch the show...)

2008-08-28, 10:36 PM
Hey, shepard has one of the shows greatest snarky moments without ever even speaking on screen

*woman arrives, looks at minions*

"We've only been able to find out his name. Reed Richards."

*she smacks underling*

"This is colonel Shepard of Atlantis"

2008-08-29, 08:44 AM
They've canceled Atlantis?!!!!:smallfurious:


I mean, what will I do without my Rodney fix? I love Rodney. I love the relationship between him and Shepherd. I even love the relationship with him and Ronin.

And they just brought Jewell Staite on board. What about her? She needs the work.

Why do all my favorite shows keep getting canceled?

Archonic Energy
2008-08-29, 09:51 AM
I love Rodney. I love the relationship between him and Shepherd.

MM) You're a good friend Albert....
JS) ...
both burst into hysterics.

2008-08-29, 03:54 PM
I talked a little bit about the 3rd Stargate series and my own feelings on Atlantis in a recent blog (http://michaelgmunz.blogspot.com/2008/08/stargate-atlantis-cancelled-universe-on.html). For the moment, I'll just say here:

O'Neill: Awesome
Hammond: Also awesome (R.I.P. Don)
Vala & Mitchell: Loved the actors from Farscape, so they were more than welcome
Teal'C: Best (benevolent) alien ever*
Atlantis: Better than being poked in the eye with a spork, but...meh.

*until I think of someone else I like (i.e. non-binding statement -Legal Dept.) :smallwink:

2008-08-30, 05:23 AM
Anyone else heard the news about the new show Stargate Universe (http://www.tv.com/stargate-atlantis/show/11415/story/11571.html?tag=story_list;title;0) which is out in the summer? Could be interesting especially if none of the characters are from earth.

I was sad to hear that SGA was leaving us, it just seems that sci-fi is dying out completely. That is until this new ray of light showed up!

2008-08-30, 11:00 AM
2) Atlantis has an awesome looking gate.

Spinning is cooler :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-01, 01:32 AM
I personally like the SG-1 gate a lot more, but I sorta like the blue colour scheme of atlantis a bit....

(sorry about that absense, was gone for a bit)

Don Julio Anejo
2008-09-01, 02:18 AM
I'm curious as to why every single bad guy in Stargate universe insists on using torture for information. They had thousands, if not tens of thousands of years to figure out that it's not effective - a person will either say nothing or say whatever you want them to say.

2008-09-01, 02:24 AM
I'm curious as to why every single bad guy in Stargate universe insists on using torture for information. They had thousands, if not tens of thousands of years to figure out that it's not effective - a person will either say nothing or say whatever you want them to say.

Anubis had better methods, torture was just a side effect.

2008-09-01, 11:57 AM
I'm curious as to why every single bad guy in Stargate universe insists on using torture for information. They had thousands, if not tens of thousands of years to figure out that it's not effective - a person will either say nothing or say whatever you want them to say.

but torturing people is soooo much more fun! And it gets you dark side points! :smalltongue::smalltongue::smalltongue:

nah, I dunno, they're sorta lame like that.

Sometimes torture can be useful. For example:

(don't forget these!)
when Ba'al captures O'neill, and puts him in the sarcophagus a bunch of times and stabbs him and shoots acid at him, he almost breaks.

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-01, 01:55 PM
Funny you should start this thread. Have had some time on my hands so been watching a show every now and again and am up to season 8 and I have to say it is a very cool.

My biggest complaint at the moment is the actress-switch for the woman who replaced General Hammond. I 'loved' the first actress. She was a strong woman WITHOUT coming across as a female dog. I was even congratulating them for bringing in a character with the same likability of Carter and the same lack of rough 'n tough attitude.

...so of course season 8 then starts with a woman who is just the opposite. A hard ass, chisel face. I mean, she's not too bad I guess, but seriously, we started out with a diplomat. A strong, savvy, feeling woman... and replaced her with a disciplinarian politician.

2008-09-01, 02:04 PM
Funny you should start this thread. Have had some time on my hands so been watching a show every now and again and am up to season 8 and I have to say it is a very cool.

My biggest complaint at the moment is the actress-switch for the woman who replaced General Hammond. I 'loved' the first actress. She was a strong woman WITHOUT coming across as a female dog. I was even congratulating them for bringing in a character with the same likability of Carter and the same lack of rough 'n tough attitude.

...so of course season 8 then starts with a woman who is just the opposite. A hard ass, chisel face. I mean, she's not too bad I guess, but seriously, we started out with a diplomat. A strong, savvy, feeling woman... and replaced her with a disciplinarian politician.

hmm.... I actually watched atlantis before I started watching SG-1 (because my friend was showing it to me) and so I actually like the TorriHigginsonDr.Weir more than thatotherdr.weirperson. That's probably just because I saw atlantis first. If I hadn't, I might agree with you...

2008-09-02, 09:16 AM
I like the Stargate Sg-1 Series, I'm on season 5 at the moment.

2008-09-02, 02:50 PM
Proudly watched each and every Stargate SG-1 episode, and looking to purchase the DVD movies. One of the best (but not THE best, that goes to B5) Sci-Fi series out there. Also watched and liked the original Stargate film. Also started watching, and utterly abhorred Atlantis. Just mindless action and utter team discord, no fine touch to it.

2008-09-03, 07:04 PM
Only for the eyes of those who have gotten significantly far in stargate, as in like, to season 7 at least!!! SPOILERSZZZ?!?!?!!!!!! (but seriously, only open this up if your at season 7ish or farther.)Most hilarious picture ever!!!!!: http://www.firebreathingchicken.com/DanielJacksonCat.jpeg

2008-09-04, 10:46 AM
Only for the eyes of those who have gotten significantly far in stargate, as in like, to season 7 at least!!! SPOILERSZZZ?!?!?!!!!!! (but seriously, only open this up if your at season 7ish or farther.)Most hilarious picture ever!!!!!: http://www.firebreathingchicken.com/DanielJacksonCat.jpeg

I don't think it's possible to get tired of those cats... Real fun stuff. Wonder if the new series is going to be any good, by the way?

2008-09-04, 07:01 PM
I have always liked SG-1 and Atlantis was pretty good, but toward the end SG-1 started to get pretty, bad. When you bring in half the cast of farscape and then go from the villians we had at the start to new guys who are even more powerful and episodes become about finding frozen merlin and killing dragons with C4 it gets kind of old. Also O'neill is the reason to watch the show in the later seasons we weren't getting enough O'neill time. But, it was a good show and lots of fun.

2008-09-04, 11:04 PM
Yeah, they really, really should have just stopped with Anubis. Even the whole Ba'al thing was a stretch. However, you have to admit Vala had some pretty funny moments. :smalltongue:

2008-09-06, 04:53 PM
The two new stargate movies are amazing the first one where they desimated the ori easly the best stargate moment ever.

2008-09-06, 05:49 PM
psst, ^ use the spoiler tabs!?!?!!!!

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-06, 09:00 PM
I have to say that Stargate is fantastic up until after season 7. Then, except for a few choice episodes, it kinda goes down the drain.

So far Season 9 needs shot.

2008-09-07, 12:03 AM
psst, ^ use the spoiler tabs!?!?!!!!

What? You thought the SG team were burned alive by Ori worshipers at the end? Of course they won.

2008-09-07, 12:08 PM
well come on, you dont want to make it sound too easy...:smalltongue:

one of my favorite episode of the show would have to be the season 2 finale... (I think) the time loop one.

something I never got was when kinsey was first introduced, and he's talking about pandora's box, and no one ever said how hope is supposed to be in the bottom of the box, and if they closed it now, it would be stuck forever!!!

@V: There are episodes of Sg-1 which cannot be ignored which come from the later seasons, and you have to give it to the directors that there is still some of the previous genius in those later episodes as well.

2008-09-09, 08:40 PM
I really liked both series - even nine and ten of SG1. They had some of the best episodes. And even though he's not O'Neill, he's a good character. Also, I was hoping that they'd pull Jonas Quinn back for the last episode... I was his only fan...

But Daniel and Rodney are the two best characters. No argument. (At least not for me.) O'Neill was the third best, and im not going any further into the subject. I really liked the sg1 episodes that Rodney was in. "Is there citrus in that?" "It's lemon chicken."

But you can't tell me the episode where Daniel and Vala attempt to date isn't funny. It was hilarious (and season 10.)

2008-09-14, 01:09 PM
I found the last disk of the DvD's, which I had temporarily lost...

I had decided to save the final episode for later... And lost the disk...

But now it has been found! Rejoice!!:smallbiggrin:

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-17, 09:09 PM
Ok, finished the series and the new Stargate movie.

With so much unfinished business I'd have thought it'd come out in the movie... but not one single thing was addressed. Also, the movie was duller than about any episode I can remember. Grr.

2008-09-17, 09:21 PM
Huh, I thought that a couple episodes were pretty lame... for example that stupid one where sam gets drafted into that stupid space race thing, which is probably some rip off of that really old game called "space race." I hated that episode so much. It gave SG-1 a bad name...

Oh, check this out. And remember to smash disney, not your computer :smalltongue:

Milo Thatch, from disney's atlantis

Daniel Jackson, (from the original movie) (I know, ugly as hell... that is not michael shanks D:)

see anything similar between the two?!

Atlantis: The lost city (released in 2001) Look at the logo...

Stargate Atlantis (comes from SG-1, comes before 2001)

Screw you disney. screw you.

2008-09-17, 11:17 PM
Ok, finished the series and the new Stargate movie.

With so much unfinished business I'd have thought it'd come out in the movie... but not one single thing was addressed. Also, the movie was duller than about any episode I can remember. Grr.

Not one single thing addressed? Not ONE? Did you skip Ark of Truth and go right to Continuum or something?

2008-09-18, 02:32 AM
Not one single thing addressed? Not ONE? Did you skip Ark of Truth and go right to Continuum or something?

I think his point was that continuum sucked, which I agree with 100%.

I also think that a lot of Atlantis is underestimated.

If someone could make a OOTS-style Rodney McCay-avatar for me I would rejoice.

2008-09-18, 02:43 AM
Huh, I thought that a couple episodes were pretty lame... for example that stupid one where sam gets drafted into that stupid space race thing, which is probably some rip off of that really old game called "space race." I hated that episode so much. It gave SG-1 a bad name...

Screw you disney. screw you.


Wait till you see Nadia: Secret of the blue water. Disney loves to rip off anime.

2008-09-18, 09:29 PM
I'm still trying to save stargate, and never let it be finished by not watching the final episode...

probably a stupid thing to do... I keep on thinking to myself, "this is stupid, you know, I really should watch that final episode... You know what? I'll watch it right now! Actually... On second thought, I'll watch it tomorrow."

2008-09-18, 09:35 PM
Sadly I was rather disapointed by the final episode. I much prefer to think of Ark of Truth as the final episode. (haven't seen Continuum yet)

2008-09-19, 12:03 PM
Speaking of Atlantis (the Disney one), there are more than a few similarities. Much more than a few, actually. Especially with that Milo guy. He even chooses to stay behind with the native girl at the end!

2008-09-19, 05:40 PM
I know... I just don't want to go into another rage and destroy my computer... again...

(nah, jk, but still.... I hate you disney!!)

2008-09-20, 08:25 PM
Season 8:

Daniel: Okay. You know, that weapon should have killed you. Also, why did you take me prisoner? I thought you guys were all about killing and... well, that's pretty much it, just killing.
Kull warrior: That's because I found you very, very attractive. :wink:
Daniel: :eek:

Good times :biggrin:

Oh god, I remember that. I was absolutely freaked out by that moment, but found myself instantly interested in Valla after her first appearance. I was quite glad to see her added to the roster (though at the loss of other members, unfortunately....)

Huh, I thought that a couple episodes were pretty lame... for example that stupid one where sam gets drafted into that stupid space race thing, which is probably some rip off of that really old game called "space race." I hated that episode so much. It gave SG-1 a bad name...

I remember that episode. It wasn't bad itself, though it brought up a lot of questions as to how the Goa'uld left that planet alone for so long while it seems to be prospering greatly due to extra-terrestrial trade, which is odd due to the presence of only goa-uld planets, their being one of few exceptions...

In any case, I've watched the series ever since my sister introduced it to me. Though I found the Ori-plot a bit recycled, I watched 'till the end and I was a bit sad Bhall died so mundanely in the movie, but at least things wrapped up nicely. I've watched Atlantis on occasion, and found some moments quite awesome (like when Weir pulls one over on the replicator that's in her head)), but I didn't really get into it too much. Maybe once it get's to season six, I'll start watching backwards :smallsmile:

2008-09-20, 08:33 PM
I think that Star Gate qualifies as "The second worst of the truly great sci fi shows."

SG is a truly great show... Star Gate 1 is a one of the truly great sci fi shows... But..... as its status as a great show, I would say its somewhat low. I myself give preference over TNG... Babylon 5, and DS9.

However, to make it as far as it has, it has been a great show.

2008-09-21, 12:52 AM
Proudly watched each and every Stargate SG-1 episode, and looking to purchase the DVD movies. One of the best (but not THE best, that goes to B5) Sci-Fi series out there. Also watched and liked the original Stargate film. Also started watching, and utterly abhorred Atlantis. Just mindless action and utter team discord, no fine touch to it.

It gets better.

Guard (To Shepard): You'll talk
Woman comes in.
Guard: He's been pretty quiet. So far we've only managed to learn his name: REED Richards
Woman: *THACK* That's colonel shepard of Atlantis.

2008-09-21, 09:26 PM
I think that Star Gate qualifies as "The second worst of the truly great sci fi shows."

SG is a truly great show... Star Gate 1 is a one of the truly great sci fi shows... But..... as its status as a great show, I would say its somewhat low. I myself give preference over TNG... Babylon 5, and DS9.

However, to make it as far as it has, it has been a great show.

What didn't you like about it? I personally didn't really like some of the beginning stuff, for example the trailers... (if you haven't seen them, and don't want to lose any respect for the series, don't, don't, don't, never, ever, ever, ever watch them. I swear to god, they took the audio from those and put it into the "wormhole extreme" episode that's how bad it was)

anyway, could you be a little specific?

(also, what''s the worst truly great sci fi show?)

2008-09-21, 09:30 PM
(also, what''s the worst truly great sci fi show?)

Startrek TOS?

2008-09-21, 09:37 PM
just saw this: Stargate Atlantis, trackers (the episode) is the top 3rd tv show episode on itunes as of right this now. (instant)

just thought I'd share that.