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2008-08-28, 04:42 AM
Setting information
In days of antiquity, the area now covered by the Empire of Aleval was dominated by the barbarians of the North. The frequent raids made it difficult to construct infrastructure and maintain communications. Aleval himself was one of the feudal lords, ruling from what is now the capital of the Empire – the city of Deecester. He united the neighbouring lands and conscripted an army to drive the barbarians out past the northern marches. He succeeded, and his line ruled the empire until 3 months ago, when the last of his direct descendents was assassinated.

Now a fragile balance of power is maintained between the Regent and the 3 most powerful nobles in the land – Duchess Accalia of Caen Mór, Duke Hagan of Lindinas and Duke Rian of Brecarn. Baeddan, Lord of the Northern Marches has no affiliation – his job is to keep the barbarians out, and so he has no time for politics. There are other factions linked to the Empire – the Forest Lords (mostly wood elves and fey), who live in the Great Forest; the Arcane Brotherhood (multiracial, but made up of learned mages), who live on Starfire Island; and the Guild of Artificers (multiracial, but with a higher percentage of dwarves and gnomes), located on the Island of Dubhinnis. These factions mainly interact peacefully with the Empire – halls of the Arcane Brotherhood and Guild of Artificers are located in many towns and cities – but often the Brotherhood and Guild apply their own laws to transgressors within the Empire itself. The Lords of the Forests often either order or allow trespassers to be hunted down, even if they have retreated to lands outside the forest. In its weakened state, the Empire cannot present itself as strong enough to prevent this from happening. The Dwarfs mainly stick to their mountain homes, but there are Dwarven enclaves in major cities.

The barbarians to the north are largely fighting men and women (mostly either human or half-breeds), led by tribal leaders (usually tough warriors or sorcerers), who are advised by sorcerers and/or priests. Their sorcerous powers are either due to the high amount of dragon blood or are acquired through pacts made with daemons. They are largely held back by the mountains – the only major way they can enter the Empire in any numbers is through Bloodtooth Pass, however, small raiding parties often make it through the mountains and into the Empire. Off the Northeast coast are a group of islands ruled by the Corsair Lords – pirates, many of whom are disgraced members of noble houses.

The story begins on a ship headed for the small city of Tern Bay, on the Northeastern coast. Generally goods pass through Tern Bay to and from the Dwarves in the mountains by road, and to and from places to the South by either road or ship. The town is close enough to the mountains that the occasional group of barbarians threaten the trade routes on the road, but the town has a small, but well trained militia that is able to deal with threats to commerce effectively.

Your reasons for traveling to Tern Bay are known only to your character (unless they choose to tell other characters), and are your characters own. In all probability, you are seeking something - whether it is information, wealth or employment - and have come to Tern Bay to find it.


Note, scale may be a bit off. Rivers, hills, forests and mountains do exist in other areas - these are just the main ones. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t234/greg8891/Geographicalmap.jpg


Prologue - All at sea

It is a cool calm evening, and spring has just begun. You are on the Gull's Wing a sea-going trade vessel carrying goods from the South to Tern Bay. The ship is around 90 ft long and 20 ft wide. You can see about half a dozen of the crew performing various duties on deck, including Captain Holness - a man in middle age with paunch indicating a mercantile career but a look in his eye suggesting hidden hardness. As you gaze around the deck, you see that several other passengers are doing the same as you. Two priestesses paired with a man - a cleric of Wee Jas and a cleric of Heironeous. The other four are scattered around the deck.

The Bushranger
2008-08-28, 05:02 AM
Shrike, N Human Scout/Kineticist

A well-and-shapely-muscled female figure stands near the bow of Gull's Wing, facing forwards with her arms crossed, the wind blowing her short red hair about as a flock of small seabirds scoots past skimming the waves and the salt spray pleasantly stings her cheeks.

Thank you Lady for sending me these smooth seas, otherwise my breakfast would be smeared all over the side of the ship, is the thought running through Shrike's mind at the moment...

She sighs and closes her eyes, turning her thoughts and focus within.

Psionic Focusing: [roll0]
...not quite there yet. :smalltongue:

2008-08-28, 09:34 AM

A brown-skinned, heavily tattooed man in green and blues stands at the starboard side of the ship at its lowest point to the water. His head is down, looking overboard.

2008-08-28, 11:20 AM
Hannah shifts uncomfortably in her silver armor, brushing away her blonde bangs out of habit. For the fifth time the cleric contemplates going over to the side to see the horizon a bit better and moving more than a few steps from the cabin and lower deck. And also for the fifth time the image of her falling overboard and sinking to crushing black depths causes her lightly-tanned skin to pale and her blue eyes to clench shut in fear. Seeking to distract herself, she focuses on the small satisfaction she had gained when not becoming sea sick, and the tiny consolation that Cyrick had not tried to push her overboard to cure her fear of the ocean deep. Thank Heironeous for small miracles. She clutches at her Tower Shield defensively, biting her lip. It would, of course, only be a matter of time until he did something to "help" her. Her free hand idly clutches the back of Brutus's collar, the large black dog patiently at her side, unconcerned by the ship or its crew.

2008-08-28, 11:39 AM
Cyrick paces the decks impatiently, watching the horizon for some evidence of landfall approaching. He is a tall man with a heavy, muscular build, and his appearance overall is ruggedly handsome. His brown hair is very well tended to and falls just past his shoulders. Clear, blue eyes rest below thin eyebrows. His thin lips are a bit chapped, and cover perfect white teeth. He has a short, thick beard that is well cared for covering a square jaw.

His body is body is covered mostly in thick, powerful muscle. Broad shoulders, thick arms and legs, and well toned torso muscles mark him as a powerful man--though they are of the bulky sort, and looking at him one would likely guess that he's not the most agile warrior around by a long shot.

His silver-lined steel armor shines in the light, perfectly and meticulously polished. Not a single scuff or imperfection can be found on it, in spite of how many blows it has turned away from its wearer. On his back is strapped a shieldi, roughly trapezoidal in shape, with the outer edge being curved and sharpened so that its shape is not unlike the curved edge of a sabre. In its center, a silvered holy symbol of Heironeous stands proudly emblazoned. He is also wearing his white tabard with a red holy symbol like that on his shield over his armor.

Having never been at sea before, the beauty of it struck him deeply at first, but that allure quickly wore away, leaving him with naught but the knowledge that every moment spent on the ship was a moment that he could be spending striking at the foes of order. As he makes sure not to stand too close to the railing--certain it would give under the immense weight of his armor should he lose his balance. Idly, he wonders if perhaps Hannah's paranoia might be rubbing off on him.

OOCHow long have we been at sea, and how long do we expect the trip to still take?

2008-08-28, 01:12 PM
A nondescript young woman sits nestled in a pile of miscellaneous supply cargo on deck. The barrels and sacks she perches among don't look particularly comfortable, but she shows no signs of discomfort. She wears plain traveling clothes, a pair of light leather trousers and a cream colored shirt, well-worn and well but loosely fitted. A light brown traveling cloak now cushions her impromptu chair. Her light brown hair is pulled back into a loose shoulder-length ponytail, held in place with a plain black ribbon.

Sprawled amongst the miscellany of the ship she pages idly through a plain leatherbound book. Occasionally she hums a snatch of one of the sailor's songs sometime heard from the crew.

2008-08-28, 02:13 PM
"Why so restless?" calls out a voice to the pacing Cyrick. The voice is that of a tall, vigorous-looking red haired man who leans against the cabin wall - looking rather relaxed - gazing across the deck with weary brown eyes. He wears a black, close-fitting doublet with matching trousers and boots. And, at his belt is a tiny scepter.

"No amount of walking aboard this vessel will get you to land any sooner. Although, should you fall into the ocean, perhaps that armor will sink you to the bottom - then you could indeed make your journey by foot."

2008-08-28, 02:21 PM
Glad for the distraction, Cyrick looks up to see who had called to him. His voice is a clear tenor. Approaching the man with a light smile on his face, the knight replies, "Aye, but nor will sitting in one place, surely." Approaching the man and standing at arm's length away, he adds, "Yet perhaps walking from here may yet be quicker. What say you to a race? I'll walk, you sail." His voice has a vaguely serious tone to it, but his grin banishes any thought of the proposal being anything but a jest.

2008-08-28, 02:26 PM
You have been at sea for the last week. Conversation with the captain indicates you will arrive in Tern Bay either late tomorrow or early on the day after, should the calm weather continue.

2008-08-28, 02:32 PM
"I'd wager against you, but the last time I had done anything of the sort, it had been with a sorcerer who claimed he could make swine take wing. Sure enough, he had - and he took a coffer of silver from me, he did!" He smiles in kind. "Now I make sure not to challenge others so carelessly."

The Bushranger
2008-08-28, 03:33 PM
Shrike looks up, opening her eyes and sighing slightly. Being at sea interests her, however the tedium of the journey is making concentration difficult.
A squawking makes her look up, expecting an albatross, the bird of good luck (unless of course killed), but instead it is a skua, flapping along alongside the ship and looking at her with a hungry gleam in its eye.
Buzz off ya stupid bird, I've got nothing for you.
But still the skua flies along, perhaps hoping the ship will flush another flock of auks and it will be able to grab one.

Shrike, a predator in her own right, raises an eyebrow, calculating, thinking, and slowly raises an arm.

Still the skua flies along, unaware of its impending doom...

Her arm is now extended, her fingers pointing at the bird...


Manifesting Electical Energy Missile...
Skua's reflex save (using the data for a Eagle): [roll0]
...although even with half damage...
Damage: [roll1]
...there's likely going to be feathers everywhere...
...natural 20, so half damage...but that's still 7...and with only 5 HP...

There's a flash of bluish-purple light, and a tiny explosion off the starboard bow.

Followed by a rain of dark brown feathers floating down upon the surface of the sea.

Shrike drops her arm, a very satisfied expression on her face.

2008-08-28, 03:51 PM
"What the devil..." mutters the red-haired man, as he glances in the direction of the noise.

2008-08-28, 04:16 PM
"That was cruel," Lyssa says, looking up from her book. "If you've got that kind of magic to throw around, surely you've got better things to do with it than blowing up random seabirds."

2008-08-28, 04:39 PM
Cyrick starts a bit at the sound (CLANK!) and quickly turns to face the direction from which the sound came from. His concern quickly turning to his jumpy companion, he looks to make sure Hannah has not fainted.

2008-08-28, 05:23 PM

He lifts his head up from the water with the explosion of the bird just a few yards from his side of the ship. He stares hard at the smug looking women, partially disturbed, partially curious how she did that form of music.

Hearing the comment coming from the supply cargo, he says, "I wholeheartedly agree." He turns to search for the person who said that, having to take a few seconds to locate her. "Mayhaps the captain ought to give him a job around here -- like barnacle cleaning."

2008-08-28, 05:50 PM
Hannah very nearly loses her balance in surprise and uncategorized fear at the noise, but she certainly does not faint. Instead she simply windmills in a most undignified manner while Brutus gives the offender a most stern talking-to in a deep chorus of barks.

When she regains her balance, checking around and on herself for scorch marks, she breathes a shaky sigh of relief. Catching Cyrick's eyes on her, however, does nothing but make her turn beat-red in embarrassment, wishing she could melt into her armor. She busies herself by trying to get the agitated guard dog to silence himself by petting him and murmuring soothing words in a tremor-filled voice. At that, the dog simply settles into a soft growling, still gazing in the offender's direction.

2008-08-28, 06:13 PM
"Procan's beard, girl! What the hells do you think you are doing? Do you want to call down a storm upon us? Woe betide you if a storm does hit." Captain Holness strides towards Shrike, anger radiating from him. "I've got half a mind to have you thrown overboard."

Interestingly, Procan is also an anti-arrhythmic drug.

2008-08-28, 06:34 PM
Noticing Hannah's blushing, Cyrick quickly turns to gaze at the offender. Seeing that the captain had taken charge of the situation, he simply shakes his head silently.

The Bushranger
2008-08-28, 07:21 PM
Shrike shakes her head, mentally rolling her eyes at the chorus of displeasure.
It's not magic, she answers Lyssa. And if there was anything better to do with it, I would.
She crosses her arms as the captain approaches.
It was a skua, not an albatross, if that's your worry. And, she's now speaking in a to-everyone-here manner, I've been cooped up on this boat for a week, I need something to use for target practice!
The red-haired woman takes a deep, calming breath.
I'm sorry if I upset or startled anyone. But I'm about to go nuts here and better I take it out on the sea-vulture than anyone or anything else around.

2008-08-28, 07:31 PM
"You know, most people manage to cope with a little cabin fever without needing to shoot any lightning bolts at all. Try pacing. Seems to work OK for him," Lyssa says, nodding her head towards the armored man strolling the deck.

Turning her attention back to her book, she mutters a bit to herself. "'Not magic,' she says. Right."

2008-08-29, 12:58 AM
From his distance, the red-haired man keeps his eyes fixed on the woman who had suddenly been the focus of everyone's attention. He glances back to Cyrick for but a moment, and then back to her. "How careless we are, with our gifts. Sometimes, I think we abuse them." he says wearily as he glances back to Cyrick. He notices the holy symbol upon his tabard, and then his eyes turn back to the woman standing at the bow. "What think you, knight of Heironeous? Are most men worthy of such a power?" His tone is far more serious than earlier, although slightly detatched.

2008-08-29, 03:16 AM
"We shall see. I hope we are fortunate enough to avoid bad weather." The captain slopes off to keep a eye on the horizon.

The Bushranger
2008-08-29, 07:34 AM
Shrike mutters under her breath as the captian heads off.
Geeze, if I'd known I'd gotten this for frying one silly bird...I didn't expect the Arcanist Inquisition.

Shaking her head, she turns back to face the bow, and closes her eyes, breathing deeply and concentrating.
Well, that didn't exactly make friends and influence people, now did it...

Psionic focusing: [roll0]
...shoot a bird, find your inner peace. :smalltongue:

2008-08-29, 08:24 AM
Sigil turns back around toward the water, having failed to catch the nondescript woman's attention again. He says to himself with a bit of self-disgust, "'Barnacle cleaner'? Stunning quip there, Siggy. No wonder she hasn't noticed me at all week -- garbage keeps spewing from my mouth."

As he stares out into the ocean, he sees some of the dead bird's feathers. He turns his head toward the impetuous woman with the itchy trigger finger before deciding to walk up to the bow. He gives her a friendly wave and nod as she turns around and says, "Still looking for a target?"

The Bushranger
2008-08-29, 08:30 AM
Thankfully Shrike heard him coming, otherwise he might have wound up being the target...

She looks around, her red hair swinging around her shoulders. Yeah, being able to practice whenever I can always helps.

2008-08-29, 08:59 AM
Cyrick shakes his head at William and says, "I'm an agent of justice, but to ask me to judge another's worth is to mistake my place. Judgment is the task of the gods; mine is to deliver and implement their verdict." He pauses for a moment, and adds with a soft voice and slightly bitter tone, "Though... if I had to hazard a guess, I would say no."

2008-08-29, 09:29 AM
"There was a game we used to play with the others when I was younger -- I was always stuck being the target even though I could probably beat half of them..." He shakes his head realizing he is blubbering. He begins to cast a spell, prefacing by saying, "Just don't stop believing, and you can practice till you run out of excess energy."

Cast Minor Image to look like the skua Shrike shot down.

The once-blasted bird appears in the sky again except its wings are tipped with small flames. It caws happily as it leaves a small, winding trail of smoke.

The Bushranger
2008-08-29, 09:36 AM
Shrike gives the newcomer a sideways look, but raises her arm and fires again.

I presume the image gets the same save. ;) [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

She nods.
Good to see I haven't lost my edge on this tub...

Charm Caster
2008-08-29, 10:20 AM
Another warning growl grumbled from the thick-muscled wolf. This one was also ignored.

“Relax,” Christina cooed, further approaching the animal. She could easily sense its anxiety as it was backed into the starboard of the ship. It felt as though it was surrounded. Her movements were certain, and brown eyes the easy. She shushed the creature calmingly. It eyed its master balefully, as it so often regarded anyone it knew to be an impediment of its destructive nature. With ever even step she got closer, she noted that below the witching-hour black fur of the wolf, muscles were tensing, as though the combination of angst and hatred engorged them. It was reading itself to attack.

Christina continued unabated, continued trying to calm it, continued showing she was confident about the outcome. It was an unintelligent idea to approach a wild animal that was backed into a corner, the eighteen year old realized. But this animal was a beast that no druid or ranger could understand. She knew this animal, despite it being new to her care, and the animal needed to be reminded what would happen if it didn't calm itself.

With slow ease, Christina crouched before her beast, staring into its abysmally dark eyes without fear. The wolf began bearing fangs with saliva coating every thick tooth. Again it growled. The girl reached out her hand towards it. Any casual observer might think she were altogether daring the animal to assault her. Briefly, after a whisper that would have been mistaken at a distance as another calming comment to the animal, her hand thinly encased itself in a glove of greying, prickling energy. Pointedly she put all but one finger down as her hand extended towards the wolf. The animal eyed the finger as it approached and then whimpered. The aggression was forgotten to its fear.

She smirked, wrinkled her hand slightly, and the magical glove was then lost as she came came crouched aside the animal.

“They aren't any the wiser of us, Nimax. There's nothing to fear from either of them. Absalon is with us. Even if he weren't, we'll be away from them and this ship soon,” she whispered to the wolf. “For now, calm yourself.”

She began petting it, as though it were a domesticated animal, and it seemingly relaxed to her touch. The animal was at ease due to her words – and a renewed fear of her. It understood she would do far worst to her helpful pet if it overreacted to the two aboard the ship that had Heironeous' fist holding a lighting bolt slathered across seemingly every single item they had. She shook her head.

They're probably paladins, Christina thought. Only those sorts were so immensely proud of their gods that they would announce it to world without a word, and yet so humble of themselves that they wouldn't readily announce their calling. Her free hand subconsciously came up to rub the ruby skull with red flames that was around her neck. Quietly she wondered if paladins of Wee Jas were so proud to represent the deity of death and magic. She doubted they would be as well received as those of other gods.

She frequently found that no one wanted to face their mortality, and so weren't always comfortable when initially speaking with representatives of the Witch Goddess. Not that she could blame them. Death was an ugly and often unfair part of life. One that she wished she knew how to change without going against the edicts of her church.

Christina sighed as she stood up, her mind focusing on more practical issues as she tied a small red ribbon into her straight, shoulder-length hair. She was thinking of a reason to excuse the fearful reaction out of the wolf. The wolf had been tiptoeing around the paladins for the duration of the journey, and they were both subduing and encouraging its volatile side. It wasn't an animal comfortable with being in such continuously close proximity with the followers of Heironeous. She reacted calmly throughout, and wanted to talk with them – or just about anyone. But making sure Nimax wouldn't overreact had taken a surprising bite of her time aboard.

A feather fluttered delicately down from the air and she caught it in her pale hand. She looked at the partly charred feature curiously. Christina then remembered the woman that had so wastefully applied her magical art, and frowned, despite the death of the seagull being a blessing of sorts. That was as good an excuse as any. The woman had clearly upset the animal by making loud, unnecessary noise. Confident with the most recent excuse for her skittish pet she looked around.

The strangely aspiring sociopath of a woman was talking to a bald-headed man now. Oddly a slight relieve occurred to Christina. Conversation would hopefully keep that red-head from setting the entire boat on fire in a wasteful display of power. At another end of the boat, another woman was reading. As a cleric of Wee Jas, she had gone through enough tests and trials to know how thoroughly irritating interrupted reading could be. She carried on looking around for someone to speak to. A further glance around told her that every traveller except the lady of Heironeous was preoccupied. She even had a pet herself.

Approaching the woman casually, Christina remarked curiously, “It's a rare gift that vassals of such a valorous god are found heading to small cities. Let alone those with little strife. I would have guessed that your presence would be pleaded for farther north. May I know why you're heading to Tern Bay?”


Calmed down uptight pet wolf and then started talking to Hannah. :smallsmile:

2008-08-29, 11:44 AM
Hannah has just fought down her blush when the stranger approaches. Brutus gives the girl a cursory sniff and a warning growl, but otherwise does not stop her approaching. With a clatter of armor and shield, Hannah hastily straightens, doing her best to look presentable to the newcomer.

"Um, that is..." Hannah coughs for a second, trying to get the last of the shakes out of her voice. "I'm here to assist Sir Bladebreaker in all of his endeavours, and he wished to travel to T-Tern Bay to, ah..." she winces at her stutter. "Assist in..." Hannah bites her lip, then lowers her voice, "To be honest, I wasn't paying attention when he told me. I was a little...distracted." Indeed, as soon as Cyrick had mentioned crossing the ocean, her mind had blanked out everything but sharp teeth, black water, and unknown danger. "I think it had to do with barbarians." That brought up other unpleasant thoughts, but at least the conversation could distract her.

2008-08-29, 01:16 PM
"So humble! I admire you, sir knight." he replies to Cyrick with a smile. "Might I know what noble quest the gods would have you fulfill in the north? What verdict are you to deliver there?"

2008-08-29, 02:26 PM

The young man in a weather stained cloak had been gently dozing on the side of the ship when he heard the electrical discharge. He pulled his hood bak to reveal ash blonde hair and blue eyes. He blinked at the sudden light, grabbing an ornately carved walking stick that was resting lightly on his chest and turned to check the scene.

He turned first to Christina, then once he was sure she was safe, surveyed the scene. His eyes settled on the woman with the red hair at the prow, his interest peaked when he heard her voice. He watched with interest as the tattooed man produced an illusion, raising an eyebrow quizzically.


The Bushranger
2008-08-29, 02:33 PM
Shrike, lining up for another shot on the illusory skua, pauses as she hears a distantly familar voice speaking, a name she hadn't been called in years...

She looks around and blinks for a minute as her memory goes to work, then she grins.

2008-08-29, 05:34 PM

The young man makes his way more quickly than his seemly as he rushes to meet the girl with the red hair.

"Dorothy, is that you? It's been so long, let me get a good look at you."

Absalon stands and stares at his old friend, a mixture of emotions are played out in his eyes as long forgotten memories are replayed in his mind.

The Bushranger
2008-08-29, 05:49 PM
Shrike steps forwards to meet him and embraces him, chastely but firmly.
Too long, my old friend. Far too long...
After a moment she lets go and steps back.
I don't go by Dorothy anymore, though. Too many memories...they call me Shrike now.
Her own eyes are sparkling slightly at seeing her childhood friend, but he might notice there's a bit of the 'thousand-yard stare' there, too.
I never imagined I'd run across you like this...what brings you way out here anyway?

2008-08-29, 06:03 PM

"Shrike ... that may take some getting used to. I'm here looking after a cleric, Christina."

Absalon turns to indicate his charge, and check that she is OK

"I'll introduce you later. What brings you up north?"

2008-08-29, 06:08 PM
Cyrick raises an eyebrow at William's comment. He says with an even tone, "Should humility impress you so, just look to a farmer's fields or a tradesman's shop. There are many humble people whose toil goes unrecognized, whilst praise unending is heaped upon we knights who do nothing more than our duty to the people who keep us fed and clothed.

As for my quest, I do not yet know. I left my homelands in capable hands, and travel northward, likely to help hold the line against the barbarians. The Arch-Paladin's light will surely show me the way to my next task."

The Bushranger
2008-08-29, 06:10 PM

I suppose, but there's been a lot of changes since I last saw you...what was that, 10 years ago? 12?
Shrike takes a deep breath, and sends a wave in Christina's direction when Absalon points her out.
Well, I'm here looking for work, actually. I've been hearing about the raids and other such problems that have been going on, and thought, hey, maybe somebody will need someone to get someone or something back for them or somesuch...that's kinda my line of work now.

2008-08-29, 08:43 PM
Sigil -- lost in work -- continues to make the smoking bird fly around the front of the book, now making different geometric designs in the sky. Eventually, he realizes that another volley hadn't zapped past him for a while. He ends the spell with a flourish similar to the real bird's last moments.

"Done already?"

Charm Caster
2008-08-29, 10:34 PM

A part of her worried about what the dog had been trained to do or detect, if anything, but she realized it was a small consideration compared to other potential threats she had stared in the face. But her own anxiety even seemed like a pebble to the boulder of uncertainty that caused the blonde lady to stutter. Christina looked confused briefly while the lady was talking. It was too strange a sight to see a fearful paladin. Interestingly, this lady might be more used to the less martial side of her work.

The new assumption piqued Christina's interest more. It was certainly surprising that her male knight in shining armour was apparently a little dim when it came to conversation. No other reason to ignore the man occurred. Of course, she thought, looking is a treat enough in itself. The handsome, travelling knight could always be enjoyed at a distance. The journey had admitted that was true thus far to Christina. But her eyes darkened on mention of the murderers from the north, her mind jabbed away from pleasant thoughts.

“They're a horrible menace,” she said sombrely, with a pause. Although she had heard of the raids that had scuttled past the brave, protecting people of the fortress in the North Pass, the issue's severity was uncertain to Christina. It was only evident that her funeral training had a larger likelihood to come into use. But two from the following of Heironeous could thankfully tilt the scales of saved lives in Tern Bay's favour. It also occurred to the cleric of Wee Jas that saying nothing else on the subject wouldn't relieve the already uneasy woman.

Christina smiled genuinely, “Still, whatever your purpose, I'm certain you'll put a lot of people at ease. Hopefully, you might even assure my clerical duties won't be a daily demand.

“I wouldn't mind having a few days to shop around,” her eyes brightened at the thought, and her smile became wider still, “I hear Tern Bay has cloaks so wondrous that the Duchess herself swears by them!”

The Bushranger
2008-08-30, 07:29 AM
Shrike looks around hearing Sigil's question. Hm? Oh yes, sorry, and thanks.

2008-08-30, 06:03 PM
Hannah nods as the girl speaks, glad for distracting conversation. When the topic of clerical duties comes up, Hannah finally smiles, just slightly, before it's gone in a flash. "You're a cleric then, Miss, ah...?" She frowns, remembering her manners. "My apologies. My name is Hannah Goodwin, cleric of Heironeous." Her voice is stronger now, without stutter or shakes. "Who do I have the honor of addressing?"

2008-08-30, 07:11 PM
"I have no doubts in that, my lord. I only so rarely have the blessing of meeting a knight who shares your beliefs." explains William, with a smile.

"I suppose I should not be surprised you are a knight errant, then. Tell me - do you make your journey alone, or are there others aboard this vessel with whom you travel?"

2008-08-30, 07:24 PM
"A knight never truly travels alone, but I would guess you mean others of flesh and blood..." He gives a nod over to Hannah and says, "The blond-haired lady and her hound over there travel with me. Hannah is her name." Cyrick seems to notice for the first time the other woman who is speaking with Hannah. Momentarily distracted, he realises he'd yet to introduce himself. "And my name is Cyrick. 'Tis a strange thing, how even on a small ship for a week-long journey, one can find that he knows nothing of his fellow passengers, isn't it?"

2008-08-30, 08:50 PM
"Perhaps most just prefer to keep to themselves." replies William, with a shrug. "I myself am not prone to idle conversation - you, however, struck me as someone worth the talking-to." He smiles again. "You may call me Gadsden. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Charm Caster
2008-08-30, 09:22 PM
“Christina Jacesin, faithful of Wee Jas, and pleased acquaintance of yourself,” she answered amiably in Celestial.

The sweet sounds of the exalted tongue were a rare joy to Christina. Few others ever reliably knew how to speak it in full. Conversing with another cleric was an open invitation to talk in the tongue of benevolent beings in her mind.

“Don't worry about the apology; a life spent insulted is only an insult to life. There's lots more productive or fun things to do instead.”

Christina then glanced around curiously. She smiled certainly as she turned back, “Like, say, we could try to get your knightly companion to mention your purpose in Tern Bay? If I ask, we can both get the answer, and it could help you avoid any embarrassment with him later on.”

2008-08-30, 10:45 PM
"You are most welcome," he says amiably as he realizes that he has barged in on a conversation. Feeling a bit like a fifth wheel, he excuses himself.

"Well... if you need my services again, call for 'Sigil' -- I will enjoy my time as the target much more so than any animal we encounter." He nods with a smile and begins to walk past the two.

The Bushranger
2008-08-30, 10:50 PM

I'll keep that in mind, and call me Shrike, everyone does.

Nowadays anyway.
She gives Sigil a nod and slight smile before turning back to Absalon.

2008-09-01, 05:15 PM
Hannah is surprised at the opportunity, and for a moment doesn't respond. Then, in Celestial and with a bit of a lighter tone, she says, "That would be helpful, yes. I would appreciate it very much." Though still not smiling, her posture is slightly less tense.

Charm Caster
2008-09-01, 11:32 PM
“Great. Then lets solve our mystery.”

Turning away, Christina walked to Sir Bladebreaker with a breezy air about herself. It dimly occurred to her that she had hardly any idea how to make the leap from introduction to invisible interrogation, or even how to say hello, despite altogether leaping into the situation.

“Gentlemen,” she began in a tone both gentle and demanding; the same manner Christina had always imagined her own goddess might speak in. She then folded her hands in faux offence, eyebrows raised quizzically, her expressions essentially going with whatever impulsive inspiration struck her. As always, she knew that only the responses of those she spoke to would unwittingly tell her if the current inspiration was divine, or dumb.

“Hannah and I were wondering something. Why are the two most intriguing men this side of the sea keeping to themselves when we're interested in talking to you?” She glanced coyly at Hannah's holy companion, and then to the red-headed man beside him. “Isn't that oddly unchivalrous of a knight of Heironeous and his fine friend?”

2008-09-02, 01:05 PM
And Hannah had thought this would be a good idea. She gapes at Christina, unbelieving of the implications the woman had just made. Suddenly speechless, all she can manage to utter in Cyrick's direction is a short stream of "I...I...I..." She's aware she's beat red again and making a total fool of herself, as per usual.

2008-09-02, 01:42 PM
At the woman's greeting, Cyrick turns with a neutral expression to hear her out. At her last sentence, he raises an eyebrow and frowns. His tone is stern and somewhat angry. "If you wish to have interesting conversation with we 'intriguing men', you choose a strange way to start it. To open by immediately calling our chivalry into question? Truly, do you seek to endear yourself to us or make foes? Your tone suggests the former, but your words suggest the latter."

He gives a glance to his cleric ally, and seeing her mortified so, his expression quickly softens. "Lady Hannah, please calm thyself. This woman's words reflect upon you not at all."

2008-09-02, 02:02 PM
Sigil takes his previous place at the starboard. He continues to amuse himself with watching the ship's wake forming.

2008-09-02, 04:24 PM
William wasn't sure how to respond to Christina, although he could not help himself from smirking as he observed the bunch around him. He gazed from Cyrick - obviously a serious man - to the rather forward woman - who was no doubt trying to be clever - and finally to the nervous girl on the side - a bit cute in her vulnerability. He watched the scene from a detatched viewpoint; it was almost a work of theatre, in his eyes. As he pondered this, he eventually realized he was expected to have a verbal response.

"Be calm, sir knight. I think her thoughts may sooner be muddled than her words made to insult." He offers a tired smile to Christina. "What about us holds interest, my lady?"

Charm Caster
2008-09-02, 07:43 PM
The exact moment the epiphany struck Christina was unclear. But somewhere, tucked away between the offended tone, and the harsh words, the realization that her diction had been damningly dumb tapped her on the shoulder. She suddenly heard the voice of many an annoyed church superior sternly stating that, despite being trusted at other tasks, she would never again be picked to represent the church diplomatically. That her air-headed attitude had cost her church to break a tentative bond they had struggled to make with another religion. But it had just been a misunderstanding that transmuted itself into a monster, almost like this situation.

Christina had done everything she should have then, from her greetings to her gestures, and discussions progressed pleasingly right until the end. When the opposing diplomat had warmed to her, and they were making small talk, she – accidentally – revealed an unimportant secret. Spoken for the sake of idle gossip, it was completely unrelated to faith. The cleric of Vecna had then become suddenly apathetic to her. He stood from his seat, and said that if Christina couldn't respect small confidences, then her own church couldn't be trusted to prize larger secrets. He left without another word.

It had taken her a year of hard work before that black mark left her record.

Now, looking at the dour man that appeared much older, mightier and taller, Christina felt oddly younger than eighteen, weaker than a baby pixie, and much tinier too. She had even taken a half-step away from the knight. When the haranguing had ended she swallowed nervously, and paused to choose her words as carefully as a deity might pick a champion. Heavily her mind drew on what she had been taught about decorum.

She made sure to look into the knight's eyes, despite that making the task more daunting for her, and only allowed herself to blink twice in slight respite from his gaze. When she could hold his glare she allowed another grinding second of silence to pass to steady her voice. She then spoke apologetically.

“I wouldn't doubt, in any serious tone, the code of conduct of one of the Invincible's ilk or his ally. But that was meant to be my point, sir. Tone. My words were meant purely to be besmirched by my actions. As actions are always said to be the stronger of the two, I assumed my intent would be easily noted. I've clearly failed there. But you should know...I meant no ill will or insult unto you, or the one beside you.”

Despite the red-headed man understanding her aim, Christina thought it was best to try to walk the tightrope of being specific for such a serious knight. She continued reluctantly, not sure if she was now saying too much. “I'm not as awless as I've shown myself to be, and I am sorry that I've not made that clear.”

Christina then shifted her gaze then from the knight of Heironeous too the more relaxed man adjacent of him. She regarded him almost dumbly when hearing his question. It then came to her that he was referring to what she said before the misunderstanding, no less than a minute ago.

“Well,” she began slowly, her mind whirling to find an answer. “I thought it was interesting that you two . . . have some strong similarities that must actually make you both really different.

“I mean, from a distance, you both seemed at ease with yourselves. But whereas I guessed a knight of Heironeous could find certainty of himself through his faith...I could scarcely divine where your own came from. Among a few other questions...that one was pressing my mind.”

Summary for long post and unimportant note:

The paragraphs roughly go in this order ---

Christina made big diplomacy mistake in the past, and gets a small flashback of it due to the present.

Upset, big, slightly scary paladin guy (Sir Bladebreaker) looks particularly big and slightly scary when upset, up close, but she manages not to flinch too much (basing that on the charisma scores).

She tries to apologize to big, slightly scary paladin guy, and also to not-scary, more discerning, red-headed guy.

She then speaks to not-scary, more discerning, red-headed guy (William).

Random notes for deity names: "the Invincible" is supposed to be another name for Heironeous, according to a book called Deities and Demigods (page 72). That book is where I'll also get extra names/titles for Wee Jas (The Stern Lady, Ruby Sorceress, etc). Just saying so those titles don't seem too random when they pop up in my posts.

2008-09-02, 09:25 PM
"Hmm?" William is visibly surprised by what Christina has to say. He considers a witty remark, but decides against it. He truly wasn't so bold.

Instead, he carefully smiles, and replies calmly, "Certainty? Of myself? You may describe this good man well, m'lady - but of me, I think you are mistaken."

2008-09-03, 04:41 AM
Cyrick's expression goes from angry to simply confused, tilting his head slightly to the side and raising an eyebrow (again). The harsh tone his voice carried moments ago is gone, a more neutral voice taking its place. "You... seem to presume much at a glance from a distance. I know Sir Gadsden nigh as well as I know you. I know not what he seeks in the north, but mine and Lady Hannah's quest is a simple one: to bring peace and the Arch Paladin's justice to the northern lands. Mayhaps you have seen mystery where there is in truth naught other than the obvious and open?"

2008-09-03, 07:08 AM

After a brief catch up with Dot Shrike, Absalon promises to meet up over dinner for a proper conversation and makes his excuses to go and speak with Sigil.

He approaches the heavily tattooed man and stands alongside him on the starboard.

"Excuse my interruption, but I couldn't help but notice your skua. An impressive display - can I ask, are you an illusionist?"

The Bushranger
2008-09-03, 08:02 AM

Smiling at having been reunited with her old friend, Shrike decides to head aft a ways, and pauses, looking up at the rigging.
Excuse me, she interrrupts a not-particulary-busy-looking member of the crew when he gets close enough to speak to, would you mind showing me how the sails work? I've always had a bit of an interest in sailing...

2008-09-03, 09:18 AM
"An illusionist? No..." Sigil says with a smile. "I don't create the way illusionists do. I have met a few in my day, though, and I've always admired their work." Sigil's smile grows wider. "I guess I'll take that as a compliment then. Thank you."

"Are you one?"

2008-09-03, 10:05 AM
The member of the crew regards Shrike nervously. "Erm... well... You haul on the ropes like this to tighten the sail. It's a knack, really. Let me show you." You help the crewman, Paddy, haul the ropes and control the sail, gaining some insight in how the whole principle works.

2008-09-03, 12:20 PM

The little blonde man smiles

"I know a little magic yes, but I'm more of a student than a master. I'm always keen to learn more though."

"I can't help but admire your tattoos - can I ask what meaning they have to you? I don't recognise the designs."

2008-09-03, 01:14 PM
"These?" he asks. "They are... a reminder that I am connected to that skua and the water that currently holds its physical remains and even this boat's wood." He points at a particular design.

"See this one? If you look closely enough, its lines look the lines of a piece of bark after it's been exposed to years and years of rain, sun, and snow. It reminds me of the tribulations we must weather in life and how these forces shape us. Such knowledge allows me to mimic such an effect in just a few seconds. Here -- I can demonstrate on ..." he looks around for a piece of wood that won't hurt their boat, "...your walking stick, if you'd like."

2008-09-03, 01:47 PM

Absalon withdraws the stick, cradling it protectively.

"It might be ... unwise ... to attempt such a thing on this particular piece of wood. It bears a number of enchantments, and I'm not sure how they would react to your magics."

He smiles, and tries not to look so defensive.

"I would like to know more though. Perhaps you could demonstrate on this ..." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small wooden quill and offers it over " ... which I use for my own scribing."

Charm Caster
2008-09-03, 02:39 PM

Christina wilfully kept herself from tensing at the question, in spite of it ringing deeply in her. The indistinct victory of getting the answer for Hannah didn't register on her face, either, as it seemed like she had swapped places for receiving whatever embarrassment the other cleric might have gotten. After awhile she nodded sheepishly to Sir Bladebreaker.

“When I was still in training, my teacher Lady Tereina would put a different magical item in front of me every week, and tell me to identify it in the library. That was easy. But after a month of that...she told me that all my observations were wrong. They were right, really, according to all the scrolls I read. But she had been casting an altered magical aura on all the items since we started. . .”

Christina trailed off as she considered the paladin. It felt phenomenally stupid to speak about her lectures and lessons when knights of his sort where typically teachers in martial garb. The feeling was undermined, however, by the thought that she probably knew more about arcana than him. That type of knowledge offered insights and opportunities that couldn't be discovered otherwise.

“The point was that not everything is a textbook example of itself. But as Sir Gadsden has pointed out...I'm not that great at reading auras or people...sometimes. But as I know all of your names, you should know mine is Christina.”

2008-09-03, 03:07 PM
"Ah, I should have known that -- all those carvings must have had some arcane meanings. As for your quill, your possession of it must mean that you are at least a learned man. I would never ruin a tool of knowledge." He smirks. "My classmates at the Brotherhood would have killed me if I ever did that to any of them."

The Bushranger
2008-09-03, 06:55 PM

Once the lesson is over, Shrike gives the sailor a winning smile.
Thank you, sir. I learned a lot today.
She looks around at the others and sees that they are all either in conversation or still reading, so she shrugs, sends a wave in Absalon's direction, and heads belowdecks.

2008-09-03, 07:01 PM
"A pleasure to meet you, Christina." replies William, with a slight nod. "So, did you intend to interrogate us further?" he then asks, with a hint of weariness in his voice.

2008-09-04, 05:54 AM
Cyrick simply nods at the woman's introduction silently. The purpose of her item identification story seems to elude him completely, but the knight does not inquire further.

2008-09-04, 07:56 AM

"I lack any formal training, but I have heard of the Brotherhood. They enjoy a ... mixed reputation amongst the circles I've travelled in. I would be interested to hear the opinions of one who has actually trained there. They are said to have a most impressive collection of scrolls, of which they are 'quite' proud. Is this true?"

2008-09-04, 09:05 AM
"Too proud, I think. Many there were a bit too wrapped up in their tomes of knowledge, never taking a single step outside their cavernous hallways and echoing libraries. I was there for years, and I knew people who never visited its beaches during my entire time there." He pauses briefly.

"It sounds as if you have some interesting stories that go well beyond a written page or a bard's song. I'd like to hear them some time if you are staying a while at Tern's Bay." He sees Shrike wave to the man he's talking to. "Ah see? I have rambled on so long that even our energetic friend is retiring below deck. Perhaps we should think of doing the same...? I'm sorry -- I don't think I've caught your name."

2008-09-04, 10:03 AM

"Pardon my manners, you may call me Absalon." He looks over towards Shrike and waves back. "I'm sure we will have the opportunity to talk at more fully in the near future." He turns to check on Christina. "I'd better go and check on my escort - she has the trick of being ... entertaining."

Absalon walks over towards Christina

2008-09-04, 07:47 PM
Hannah shifts uncomfortably, watching the chatting group. Even if she isn't in trouble, she feels awkward and out of place with nothing to say or contribute. She shuffles her feet slightly, looking down. How many times could she make a fool of herself?

2008-09-04, 08:02 PM
Sigil takes one more look at the ocean, gives it a silent farewell and then heads below deck to prepare for the possibility of landing the next day.

2008-09-06, 11:36 AM
After a moment of silence, William yawns. "Well. I'm rather weary; I hope you don't mind if I retire for the evening. If you'd like to sit and chat a bit tomorrow, I won't be going far." He nods to Cyrick before turning away "Evening."

With that, he heads to his sleeping quarters.

2008-09-06, 11:56 AM
The sun starts to set behind the distant coast to the west, where the skies are clear. To the east it looks overcast. A cool easterly breeze has set in.

2008-09-06, 12:30 PM
Noting the sun setting--the beauty of the sight having essentially worn off after having seen it every evening for the previous week--Cyrick nods to Gadsen and replies, "I think I shall be preparing to retire as well." He gives a small bow to the two women who he had been speaking with. "Good evening to you." He pauses and looks to Hannah, saying, "I suppose I shall see you again at morning prayers, if not sooner, milady." With that, he heads below deck.

2008-09-06, 01:38 PM
Hannah nods, not keen on remaining on deck in the dark. The nightmares of sinking ships weren't going to make the night pleasant, but she was used to that sort of thing by now. With a silent nod to everyone else, already preoccupied with mind-terrors, she heads below.

2008-09-08, 08:29 PM
Between running out of people to watch and light to read by, Lyssa gives up and tucks her book away before trudging belowdecks, pack in hand.

2008-09-09, 03:31 PM
One by one, the people on deck head below to rest, leaving only a couple of the crew to keep an eye on things as darkness descends. The night passes calmly and quietly until just before dawn.

You are woken in the middle of the night by shouts from the crew "Storm! All hands on deck!" The crew fight to control the ship, the captain bellowing orders above the storm, but they are buffeted by both wind and wave and struggle. A bolt of lightning strikes one of the masts - it falls to the deck, pinning a sailor underneath. You feel the wind and waves forcing the ship to port until it grinds against something underwater, causing it to keel over and pitch everyone (including the crew) out over the side.

You land on the ground which is soft, sandy and a bit damp. Looking inland, you see a marshy area, which seems fairly expansive. To the north it seems to change into plains, to the west there are some cliffs around a mile and a half away. The marshland extends south as far as the eye can see. Looking back to the ship, you can see that the hull has splintered - probably not seaworthy, but not falling apart. The crewman, who Shrike recognizes as Paddy, is still pinned by the mast - the rigging obviously became entangled when the mast fell. The crew get up almost instantly and climb back onto the vessel to free their stricken comrade.

Just a note - you did get enough rest to select spells for today.

The Bushranger
2008-09-09, 05:09 PM

Shrike stands out of the way as the storm rages, not knowing enough to be able to do anything to help. She does look up a split second before the lightning bolt strikes, and seems almost mesmerised by it - the mast barely missing her as it falls. She still stands there, looking up, until the grounding chucks her overboard...

Once her head clears, and spotting the sailor who'd been kind enough to show her the ropes, as it were, trapped, she decides to repay the favour and hurries aboard with the crew, going to help with the mast lifting...

Getting back aboard - Climb check: [roll0]
Lifting the mast - Strength check: [roll1]

2008-09-09, 05:11 PM


The changeling shouts out, searching for his charge to ensure she is safe. Once he finds her, he scans the area to see if he can see Dot Shrike.

2008-09-09, 06:30 PM
Although a bit disoriented, William quickly finds himself climbing back onto the vessel to aid the crew in freeing the pinned man.

Climb: [roll0]
Aid Another: Shrike, in lifting the mast: [roll1]

2008-09-09, 07:09 PM

Lyssa picks herself up and brushes herself off, unperturbed but feeling a bit useless as she watches the trigger-happy crazy woman and one of the knights heading back to assist the trapped sailor, knowing she wouldn't be able to contribute much to that effort herself. There would probably be other wounded about, but she had no healing magic prepared... weren't there a few clerics around?

Not knowing what else to do, Lyssa decides to search for someone who does. "Captain Holness!" she calls out, scanning the beach for the sea captain.

2008-09-09, 08:40 PM
No amount of book training could have prepared Sigil for the storm. Despite having spent some time on a boat as a small child, his lack of sailing experience in his older years makes sure he could not help the crew now. Thrown to the beach, he is fortunate enough to tumble gracefully into the sand, leaving his body with nary a scratch or bruise. Suddenly missing the order and safety of the Brotherhood, he surveys the chaos, unsure of how to help.

2008-09-10, 04:17 AM
DeepBlue, Bushranger - You and the rest of the crew haul the mast carefully off the sailor. His leg seems to be broken but he has no more serious injuries. However, as you struggle free him, the storm seems to calm down - the winds less biting and the spray less stinging.

TeeEL - You spy the captain cutting the rigging off the mast. You pull yourself onto the ship, but before you can reach him he heads into his cabin after a cursory glance over the crew and a nod at the first mate. You follow him in, where he is gathering up maps and navigational equipment. "Yes lass, what it it?"

2008-09-10, 06:05 AM
Cyrick slowly, painfully makes his way to his feet--considering his absurdly heavy armor and the unsteady ground below him, this is truly a difficult task for him. By the time he's managed to stand, he looks up to see that the trapped sailor has been freed. He sets about patrolling the beach, looking for Hannah as well as tending to any injured he finds along the way.

I've got 42 HP worth of healing in Lay on Hands to spread around as needed for injured crew.

2008-09-10, 09:28 AM
Most of the crew seem to have escaped with only superficial injuries.

The crewman with the broken leg is in a lot of pain.

Healing him fully will take 20HP of lay on hands/healing spell. You could partially heal him if you like, which would take some of the pain away.

2008-09-10, 11:38 AM
Hannah is overwhelmed and terrified as the storm rages, and she fails to act at all. When thrown off the boat, she lands painfully ontop of her shield, eyes screwed shut, sweating like mad. She's pretty oblivious to all that is going on around her, and lays stunned on the beach for now. Her guard dog, only slightly ruffled, places himself obediently at her side, only watching the commotion.

2008-09-10, 11:42 AM
"Sorry to interrupt, sir, but... what do we do from here? Can this ship be repaired, or do we just head inland? I'd like to help, but... I guess I'm a bit out of my element, here," Lyssa admits reluctantly, as though the admission pains her.

2008-09-10, 12:01 PM
Cyrick spots Hannah and, seeing her apparently whole and well, decides it best to focus on the injured crewman. The paladin quickly decides trying to climb onto the ship in his heavy armor to be a bad idea. "Can you bring him to me?" he shouts, pointing to the injured man. "I can heal him, but I cannot climb onto the ship in this armor!"

If the crewmen indicate that they can't move the man, Cyrick will begin stripping off his armor as quickly as he can, setting it in as neat a pile as he can manage on short notice and taking careful note of its location, before climbing up to help the man.

I'll throw 15 HP at him; that should be enough to get him mobile again.

The Bushranger
2008-09-10, 01:29 PM
After moving the mast Shrike looks around, spotting Absalon she waves, then looks around for his charge...

When the paladin comes aboard, she moves to assist however she can.
Untrained Heal check: [roll0]

2008-09-10, 01:56 PM
Paradox and everyone near the ship - One of the crew asks for Cyrick's shield to use as a makeshift stretcher (I assume he obliges). They use it to lower him down to the ground where Cyrick fuses the bones back together - mostly at least. He probably won't be walking easily for a couple of days, but at least he isn't in any real pain. He thanks Cyrick for his assistance. Once he is down, some of the crew start muttering between themselves. A few dirty glances are thrown in Shrike's direction.

TeeEl - The captain looks at Lyssa questioningly "What faith you have in me to have a plan this early! I know we're in the marshes to the north of Tern Bay, but I don't know exactly where yet - I'll need to check the charts. The ship won't be sailing immediately - we need materials to repair the ship which we don't have. We'd be sailing against the current and she was low enough in the water without letting more water in. She'd steer like a dead cow. Let's head out - I'll work out where we are and then we'll see what to do. The storm seems to have died down fast which is odd in itself." Lyssa heads outside behind him.

Everyone - The captain takes the bearings of various objects and compares them to his map. He checks them again and seems confident he has the correct bearing.
"Right - we're in the northern part of the Blackwater Mire. I'll take three of the crew and head for Tern Bay to arrange for supplies to be brought up. The rest of the crew will stay here and guard the ship from anything that comes out of the swamp." He looks at the passengers before going on. "You are free to remain here or come with us. There are three routes to Tern Bay - South, West and North. South is the shortest route, but involves resting overnight in this mire which would be frought with danger. To the west are a few hours of trudging through the mud, followed by finding a cave which leads up to the surface. To the north we'd have the shortest route through the bog, but a long walk to the nearest town. If we go West or North we'll need to pick up horses at Whiterushes. I've been in this situation once before and I got back through the caves."

The captain shows you his map:

From memory, Shrike recalls that Blackwater Mire is populated by the zombies of those who have fallen there.

The Bushranger
2008-09-10, 02:04 PM

I'd strongly reccomend against spending the night in the mire, Captain. If you've taken the west route before I'd think that would be the best option. And I'll accompany you if you don't mind, my abilities might be useful.

Ignoring the looks of the crew, she heads for her quarters to retrieve her equipment; once she gets there she offers a brief appeal to the Dark Maiden for assistance in the upcoming trials, and also that Lonnie's charge, who hasn't been seen yet, is safe. Collecting her stuff, she heads back in the direction of the others.

2008-09-10, 02:14 PM
After instructing the man who he had healed to stay off his legs as much as he can, Cyrick listens to the captain's explanation calmly. "What sort of dangers should we expect to come from the swamp, and what sort of dangers await those who follow you? I think it best that Lady Hannah and I remain with whichever group stands at the greatest risk; we are both capable healers and defenders. I more a defender than she, she more a healer than I, but all the same. We will do all we can to help in this."

2008-09-10, 02:28 PM
"The ship provides some defence, and there are weapons and tools within to repel anything attempting to assault it. Provided they are quiet, the crew should be safe. The rescue party perhaps has a more difficult task, and their survival is necessary for the rest of the crew to live. As to what lives in the swamp - the animated corpses of those who die here walk until they rot. I saw a troll last time, though we avoided it. I've even heard tell of dragons living here, although I've never seen one." The captain looks uncomfortable at the prospect of facing such a creature.

The Bushranger
2008-09-10, 02:38 PM
Shrike returns as the captain is speaking. Dragons would be a new one on me too, but, yeah, there's zombies out there.

2008-09-10, 03:21 PM
Sigil is simultaneously frightened and excited at the thought of meeting a real dragon. He asks, "How long did it take you by route you took before? And how far is it to the town as the gull flies?"

2008-09-10, 03:47 PM
"Around 15 miles. Last time, we were in Tern Bay two days after leaving."

2008-09-10, 04:11 PM
Lyssa shrugs at the captain's doubt. "That puts you a few steps ahead of me, then." She waits outside the cabin while the captain gets his bearings, then listens thoughtfully to his assessment.

"I might as well come along, I guess. I was heading to Tern Bay anyhow, and I don't mind hiking. Are there enough supplies to last the crew here long enough to take the north route? The trip overland might be safer than the caves. Then again... I've never really been in a real cave before. It could be interesting."

2008-09-10, 04:28 PM
Hearing the captain's answer, he does some quick self-assessment of both his arcane abilities and his courage. A part of him always wanted to be a hero, especially since his parents didn't seem particularly heroic in his eyes. With a shaky resolve, he offers his services to the captain, trying not to be overheard by the others: "Then, with good weather, I think I can reach the city within three hours, two if I hurry. I do not enjoy the prospect of being stranded in the marshes alone if the storm and winds return, but if you think speed is important, I will certainly try."

2008-09-10, 04:57 PM
The captain turns to Lyssa. "The lads should be alright - they'll haul the ship up the beach if they can. At low tide, they'll brace it with whatever they can get - stones or driftwood. It should hold fast. There's plenty of food, if you don't tire of hard tack and salted beef. Overland at this time of year could get tricky up north - a lot of tribes wandering. Men, Orcs, Goblins."

The captain then turns to fix Sigil with a hard stare, and an expression of mind surprise. "Thanks lad, but to get the company's insurance to pay out for the materials and vessel, I have to go and requisition it in person. Bloody red tape. I wouldn't feel happy risking your neck alone."

2008-09-10, 05:09 PM
"Oh really?" Lyssa says with a glint in her eye. "Well, if it was all up to me I think I'd insist on going through the north. But it's your crew and I'm not about to suggest risking their necks for the sake of trolling for bandits."

2008-09-10, 05:18 PM
"Heh. If we'd been blown further north, I doubt you would be saying that." The captain winks, and walks off to speak to the crew.

2008-09-10, 05:31 PM
Carrying several bags of equipment from the boat, William walks by, placing his things down not far by once his muscles begin to strain. He has an assortment of weapons, as well as a sack filled with armor, among other supplies.

"I had a horse aboard. I have to check the holds to see if its in any condition to travel - that is, if it even survived the storm..."

He claims a fine kukri from his pile, and climbs up the vessel once more.

2008-09-10, 05:50 PM
William finds his horse spooked but alive - its fall must have been broken by the enormous bale of hay next to it. The mule seems unconcerned.

2008-09-10, 06:47 PM
If possible, William will proceed in an attempt at getting both his horse and mule out unharmed.

Whether he fails or succeeds, William wastes little time before he tries to find the captain. He approaches him cooly, although he speaks in a serious monotone. "I'll join you, should you head westward. Although, I will need some time before I am ready to set out. Did you intend to leave immediately?"

For information on the Mire (if I may): Knowledge: Local: [roll0]
Edit: yeah, that's geography, innit?

Also, if I have time to prepare spells... Level 0: Light (3). Level 1: Alarm (1), True Strike (1), Message (still) (1), Ventriloquism (1). Level 2: Blindness/Deafness (1), Enlarge Person (still) (1), Protection from Evil (still) (2), Locate Object (1). Level 3: Displacement (1), Fly (1), Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (1), Bull's Strength (still) (1)

I've left one level 0 and one level 1 spell slot unprepared, so that I might adjust accordingly to any new situation...somewhat.

2008-09-10, 07:14 PM
Sigil lets out a constrained sigh of relief, nodding toward the captain. "In that case, I'll set out with you. It sounds like it could be a bit treacherous. I'll need about an hour to prepare, though." Sigil goes to gather his things and study his spells.

The Bushranger
2008-09-10, 07:39 PM
Shrike shakes her head at the two arcanists. Unlike the spellslingers, and her tone indicates a distinct sense of contempt, my powers are available whenever I want 'em. I'm ready whenever you are, Captain.
She closes her eyes and concentrates, working to gain her psionic focus.

Gaining psionic focus: [roll0] Success!
And a Knowledge (Nature) check to find out any further details she can recall about the inhabitants of the Mire: [roll1]

2008-09-10, 08:19 PM
At the mention of undead, Cyrick's expression darkens even more. "I think our quest is clear... But for now, 'tis more important to get the crew to safety. If you say that the crew will be safe here, Hannah and I shall accompany you to town."

The Bushranger
2008-09-10, 08:28 PM
Speaking of Hannah...
Shrike, her work here done and not wanting the crew to decide to try anything, heads out and climbs back down the ship, and heads to look for the others on the beach.
Is everyone out here alright?

2008-09-11, 05:28 AM

The changeling makes his way over to Sigil, still scanning the survivors for a sign of his charge

"3 hours to town - what manner of travel are you considering?"

2008-09-11, 08:00 AM
Absalon catches Sigil coming out of the overturn ship now fully geared up. He fiddles in his component pouch for a second before pulling out a medallion of a bird with wings of flames. He answers him: "Flying. I will prepare for that contingency if it comes to it, but I truly hope it doesn't."

Fire Wings (level 3 spell): Your arms become flaming wings capable of flight (speed - 60' (good)) and dealing +2d6 fire damage on unarmed attacks (albeit at -4 due to non-proficiency). The wings can be extinguished by hurricane+ winds, the spell quench, or if immersed in water for 1 round. Duration 10 min/level

2008-09-11, 09:11 AM
By the time Shrike heads over to the beach, Hannah has come to her senses, a little. Particularly her sense of fear. She's managed to gather up her things and stand, though she's leaning heavily on her shield with her eyes screwed shut, fist clenched around Brutus's comforting collar. She doesn't respond to Shrike, entirely focused on how she knew this would happen and they should all be dead.

2008-09-12, 06:35 AM
William gets his animals out of the hold with the help of the crew.

The captain turns to the assembled crew. "Rick, Dave and Mike are coming with me". The rest of you brace the ship against any more storms."

Looking over to the passengers, the captain says, "We leave in an hour."

Even if you have nothing much to prepare, can you post anyway to let me know when to move on? Thanks.

2008-09-12, 08:09 AM
[Assuming nothing eventful happens in the next hour...]

Sigil moves off to the side near the water away from most people's view; he makes no special effort to hide, though. He undresses without hesitation until the only thing covering him is his underwear. Even more sigils can be seen nearly covering his entire front side. He sits at ease with the wind occasionally spraying him lightly with sea water. He stares intently at his tattoos, tracing each one carefully with his hands, the lines slightly glowing as he does so. He seems not to notice anything or anyone else, but if anyone gets close enough, it sounds as if he is conversing with someone.

At the end of the hour, he dresses himself, gears up, and walks back to the others.

Picked spells for the day, and I'm good to go!

2008-09-12, 10:33 AM

Staring into the sky, Absalon pulls back his hood as he watches the wind as it whips across the sky, tasting the rain as it falls around them and experiencing the storm as it recedes away

Was this a magical storm?

Knowledge Arcana [roll1d20+15[/roll]
Spellcraft [roll0]

Absalon then gathers some supplies for the journey, food, water, blankets etc, then loads them into his well worn backpack. Anyone watching would notice that it holds a surprising large amount, and the weight seems almost negligable when Absalon slings it over his shoulder.

2008-09-12, 10:34 AM

Was this a magical storm?

Knowledge Arcana [roll0]

The Bushranger
2008-09-12, 02:29 PM
Shrike gives Hannah what she hopes is a reassuring smile...
Your friend in the shiny suit is still talking things over with the captain, but it seems we're going to strike out overland for Tern Bay. Thought I'd let you know.
She then turns to head in Absalon's direction.

2008-09-12, 03:16 PM
Absalon - You could not sense any arcane origin in the storm. However, magic of that magnitude would only be possible for powerful individuals (perhaps even deities) or artifacts made by such beings. It did seem to fade rather quickly though.

2008-09-12, 03:38 PM
With his animals free from the holds, William then turns to his armor, and begins to suit up. While having little trouble getting into his breastplate, adorningg some parts alone was more than a touch difficult. "Sir Cyrick!" He calls out, knowing he spotted him just moments ago. "I need a man who knows the intricacies of donning field plate! Could you be of assistance?"

2008-09-12, 05:14 PM
Cyrick hears Gadsen's query and quickly runs over to help. "Certainly. 'Tis a real ordeal to don armor by oneself; I'd be glad to assist you."

Charm Caster
2008-09-12, 05:56 PM

Christina clambered to the shoreline, the pliable sand giving reassuring support compared to what had been rough waves. She coughed up water and shivered as every inch of her dripped. Behind her she heard an irritated growl as the wolf that had dragged her to shore with its teeth. It padded away from her and waited impatiently nearby, and began digging into the sand. She sucked in several deep breathes before stiffly healing the bloodied bite marks in her shoulder. A part of her wondered if the numerous, throbbing pains she felt from the multiple teeth marks were all necessary.

Seconds later on shaky legs, she reluctantly stood and waded into the crowd of people, the waterlogged girl single mindedly searching for the uplifting sight of Absalon.

The Bushranger
2008-09-12, 07:14 PM


Shrike spots Christina first, and hurries in her direction, waving in Absalon's direction. Lonnie! Over here! She's over here!

2008-09-13, 11:04 AM
Hannah quails at the thought of moving through the marsh, but takes a deep breath, trying and failing to calm herself. Still, she sinks back to her knees and begins silently praying to Heironeous, one hand resting on his emblem on her chest, her forehead against her shield. When she is finished, she stands again, still unsure but perhaps a bit steadier than before. She looks about as ready to go as she'll ever be, and looks to Cyrick for direction.

Spells for the day on her character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=77930).

2008-09-14, 11:10 AM

Seeing Christina emerging from the sea, Absalon makes his way over and hands her a blanket, followed by a mug of wine.

2008-09-14, 11:59 AM
"Thank you, Cyrick."

Eventually, William is fully-suited. Although his armor isn't quite as heavy as Cyrick's, it is well-crafted full-plate - protection fit for knightly combat. At his belt he now wears a lengthy sword, and on the opposite side he has tucked both a wand and a rod (if you could tell the difference!), which now rest just beside two scroll cases. Below his sword he has fixed a morningstar made from cold-iron, with leather wrappings at its handle. Finally, he slings a wooden shield over his shoulder, plain and lacking any design on the face. The only thing he had left to don was his helmet - his head only currently being protected by an arming cap worn beneath.

Standing idle, as he waits for the party to get underway, he talks to pass the time. "Somehow, I think I'm far too well prepared for this."

2008-09-14, 12:32 PM
Lyssa watches William's exertions with amusement. Having spent her time studying her magic she conjures a suit of immaterial force with a wave of her hand. then draws a rapier and pair of daggers from her ever-present haversack, buckling them at her side. "Ok, I'm ready."

OOC: Lyssa casts Mage Armor on herself.

2008-09-15, 09:16 AM
"Ready? Good. I want to be in Whiterushes for a drink by tonight."

The captain and his men start walking towards the west, leaving you to position yourselves around them.

Can you give your position on this grid please? A->F across, 1->6 down.


2008-09-15, 11:48 AM
((I shall claim...B4))

2008-09-15, 12:26 PM
Lyssa takes E3.

2008-09-15, 12:29 PM
After helping Gadsen into his armor, Cyrick kneels beside Hannah and joins her in prayer. Once finished, he takes a position in front of the captain and crew ((D1)). ((I'll add my spells for the day on my sheet after class.))

The Bushranger
2008-09-15, 02:45 PM
Shrike moves to the front of the group ((C1)), hoping to make use of her skills as a scout.

2008-09-15, 05:49 PM
Absalon takes D4

2008-09-15, 07:41 PM
Sigil walk near the rear -- C5.

2008-09-15, 09:53 PM
Unwilling to be in the front or back, and yet scared of being too far from Cyrick, Hannah walks behind him ((D2)), fearfully clutching her shield.

Charm Caster
2008-09-15, 11:13 PM
Christina walked beside Absalon, enjoying the warming glow of the imbibed wine while clutching the blanket about her.

Position D5

2008-09-16, 11:32 AM
The group walks for a few hours, squelching through the boggy ground. Mounds of earth provide some shelter from the breeze. The captain tells you they are the remnants of a failed plan to reclaim the mire and use it as farmland. As you advance, Shrike spies 3 men walking along around 50' from his position, carrying axes. She sees them around the side of one of the mounds, so there may be more unseen - there certainly sound like more. As you move up, you can all see the the three men.

The Bushranger
2008-09-16, 04:49 PM
((She, not he. :smalltongue:))


We've got company.
Shrike points in the direction of the axemen and raises an eyebrow in a what-now? expression, before turning back to try to get a better look, even as she begins preparing herself in case they turn out to be unfriendly.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Ready an action to manifest Force Screen if the axemen prove less than friendly.

2008-09-16, 05:42 PM
"Well," says William with a sigh. "I doubt they're honest lumberjacks. But then, I don't think they look like much of a threat. In any case, what would the fools be doing, marching around this bog?"

2008-09-16, 06:39 PM
Sigil raises an eyebrow at William's comment. He whispers, "Aren't we marching around this bog?" He pauses for dramatic effect.

"Anyway, perhaps our... energetic companion," he motions toward Shrike, "can find out just how many there are up there?"

2008-09-16, 08:20 PM
William shrugs. "I don't know - I had thought we had an excuse. Do you think they also happened to be on a boat, and were driven to shore?" he asks smiling.

2008-09-17, 03:45 AM

He turns to William, a smile playing on his lips "Well, there was this storm not long ago..."

2008-09-17, 11:35 AM
Cyrick's frown deepens as talk of others off the road begins. "I think it more likely that those are poor souls who fell here before... Walking dead. 'Tis certainly no time for joking."

2008-09-17, 11:55 AM
Hannah pales even further at Cyrick's words. "Walking d...dead?" She hadn't been around for the captain's explanation of their route, and her eyes are wide with fear at this point. In one swift moment she's retrieved her silver holy symbol of Heironeous and clutches it in her palm for dear life. Brutus growls, having followed at her right side, alerted by her fear.

2008-09-17, 02:16 PM
William laughs in a patronizing manner. "Yes, among all possibilities, it's most likely that there was another vessel with plenty of other rather fortunate souls who landed in the very same swamp." His tone begins to grow less haughty and more serious. "Sir Cyrick may have the answer here; they are stone's throw away, yet they have yet to react to our presence. Maybe their ears and eyes have rotted?"

2008-09-17, 03:04 PM
As you speak amongst yourselves, the leading man spots you. He shouts some words to the men (who are obviously alive) behind him, and they respond. The rest of the group come into view - 6 men in all, with a wolf.

You hear the man shout in what seems to be a mixture of draconic and giant origin. "Get them!"

Shrike, Gadsden, Absalon
You hear the man shout in what seems to be a mixture of draconic and some other language. "--- them!" From the tone of his voice, you would guess the missing part was not "hug".

Cyrick, Hannah, Christina, Lyssa
You hear the man shout words you do not know. From the tone of his voice, and the look in your eye you don't think he wants to be your friend.

What do you do?

The dark red square is the one shouting orders (has a greataxe), the red squares are men with axes, the yellow one has a bow and the dark yellow square is the wolf.

2008-09-17, 03:24 PM
"To arms!" yells William, who then quickly begins reciting a chant of speed. He enchants only a portion of the party with his spell, lacking the raw power to grant them all the benefits of alacrity.

He then spurs his horse ahead, preparing to engage the enemy from a flanking position.

Gadsden's Actions

Initiative: [roll0]

Standard Action: Cast Haste (Targetting Self, My Horse, Cyrick, Hannah, Shrike and Lyssa if all in range, substitute to others if they begin to fan out by the time I actually cast...all need to be within 40ft)

Move Action: Move NW 5 spaces (that's 45ft), and then N another 7 spaces (35ft). 80ft made possible by haste, which grants +30 move or double current, whichever is lower (which gives me a max of 90). While moving, I ready my caster's shield.

Free Action: Quick Draw my Bastard Sword.

The Bushranger
2008-09-17, 03:28 PM
I'm presuming the readied Force Screen is up?


I don't think they're here to bring gifts, guys.

Shrike throws out a hand, and fires an Energy Missile...

Initiative two posts down. :smallredface: (it's 8)
Move five squares forwards and launch:
Energy Missile:
Upon manifesting this power, you choose cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You release a powerful missile of energy of the chosen type at your foe. The missile deals 3d6 points of damage to each creature or object you target, to the maximum of five targets. You cannot hit the same target multiple times with the same manifestation of this power.

Manifesting a missile of this energy type provides a +2 bonus to the save DC and a +2 bonus on manifester level checks for the purpose of overcoming power resistance.
...so I'm presuming its auto-hit a la Magic Missile?
Targets and damage:
Leader: [roll0]
D: [roll1]
Bowman: [roll2]
Wolf: [roll3]

The Bushranger
2008-09-17, 03:30 PM
((Whoops, forgot one important thing! :smalltongue:))

Initative: [roll0]

2008-09-17, 03:37 PM
Seeing those around him immediately rushing to arms, Cyrick growls, "Damnation! They do not look friendly, but to strike so eagerly--'tis foolishness! A battle averted is a battle won; to draw arms before parley is a waste of life!" Still, recognizing that the damage is done, Cyrick draws his shield, frowning deeply and bracing for battle.

Initiative: (1d20=7) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1735101/)
Cyrick will moves along with Gadsen as best he can, not attacking this round out of general reluctance.

2008-09-17, 04:02 PM
Hannah is simultaneously relieved they're not undead and dismayed at the sudden surge of hostility among the group she's in. It would be her first instinct to want to follow Cyrick's example and not rush into battle (though for different reasons), and she makes sure her shield is directly between her and the possible threat. She clenches her teeth to keep them from chattering, but it's obvious she's already fearing the worst. Her hand is gripping Brutus's collar, and she whispers a shaky "Guard" command to the dog.

Initiative Roll: [roll0]
Delaying my turn for more information
Using the Tower Shield as total cover.

2008-09-17, 04:09 PM

*waiting to see what Init I get...*

He says to Cyrick: "They are definitely trying to attack us. Unless 'Get them' means something else around these marshes." He moves forward 25' and diagonally up-right 5'. He incants a spell, recalling his talk with Absalon. From afar he tries to Warp the Wood ((DC 16, WillNeg)) in the four axes of their attacker's hands ((A, B, D, and dark red dude)).

He activates his Medal of Gallantry ((swift action)) as is warded by its magic.

HP 42/42
AC 17; touch 15; flat 13
Fort +7; Ref +8; Will +10

2008-09-17, 04:14 PM
Rolling a handle animal check for Hannah.
Decided to waive it - I'll work out stuff with animals after the encounter.

2008-09-17, 05:47 PM
"Really? Then they look pretty eager to waste their lives," Lyssa remarks, focusing her mind on the upcoming battle.

Initiative: [roll0]

Standard action: Manifest Offensive Prescience.
Move action: Is it possible to scale the edge of the mound (I'm assuming that's what the dark green is)? If so, Lyssa moves north 4 and east 1 to the top of the westernmost corner of the closer mound, otherwise just north 4 to stand at the edge, drawing her rapier on the way.

Also I forgot to note it specifically when preparing, but would it be safe to assume Lyssa starts psionically focused, since focus lasts indefinitely until expended?

2008-09-17, 05:58 PM
Climbing up to the mound takes 15' of movement (to move from an adjacent square)


2008-09-17, 06:18 PM
Okay, since Gadsden's Haste goes off first Lyssa should be able to move on top of the mound as described, unless one of the enemies gets in the way first.

2008-09-18, 03:25 AM

Initiative [roll0]

Turning his back on the action to face Christina, Absalon winks as he casts Mage Armour upon himself (AC now 16).

"This should be interesting, let's hope our brave comrades don't need our help."

2008-09-22, 12:32 PM
Some of the men move to positions nearer the party.
The leader unleashes a bellow of rage and charges Cyrick and swings his axe over the paladin's shield, dealing 26 points of damage.
Sigil's attack causes the leader's axe to twist, as well as those of B C and D.
Lyssa moves up onto the mound, finding herself a short distance from one of the axemen
Gadsden moves around to the side of the others, hoping to flank them.
Hannah bides her time behind her shield.
Shrike zaps her opponents with lightning, causing some damage.
The bowman fires 2 arrows at Lyssa. One goes wide, but the other hits, causing 6 points of damage.
The wolf tries to bite Shrike, but its jaws fail to catch her.
Axeman A charges Gadsden, striking true with his axe, causing 15 points of damage
Cyrick believes a peaceful resolution to this conflict can be reached, and so takes no action - merely defending himself against the next blow.
Absalon casts his protections upon himself.
Christina waits to see which spell would be most effective.
The crew shift to defend against attacks from the mound.

Paradox, if you want to make an attack for that round, I'll change things.

Cyrick is on 31 hp
Lyssa is on 45 hp
Gadsden is on 38 hp

2008-09-22, 12:55 PM
Upon being struck, any hope of a civil end to this leaves Cyrick, and he instead focuses his wrath upon the man who struck him.

StatusHP: 31/57, AC 32, FF 32, T 22
Effects: Haste
1 smite left
27 Lay on Hands leftYeah, if they strike first... it's on. On the opening round of combat, Cyrick will take a 5 foot step to close the distance to his foe (if he needs to) and then full attack. The first strike smite attempt. Power attacking for 6; that's +12 damage.The first attack of course assumes the target is evil. If not, -6 attack and -11 damage.
<Smite> Attack/damage/shock: (1d20+17=33, 2d6+23=30, 1d6=4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1740386/)
2nd Attack/damage/shock: (1d20+6=13, 2d6+16=24, 1d6=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1740390/)If Cyrick takes more than twenty damage between this round and the next, he will blow what is left of his Lay on Hands pool on himself, healing 27 HP. Otherwise, he will full attack the leader again, no smiting, power attack 2 (+4 damage).

1st Attack/damage/shock: (1d20+15=27, 2d6+8=16, 1d6=6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1740392/)
2nd Attack/damage/shock: (1d20+10=28, 2d6+8=18, 1d6=1) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1740393/)(While rolling this one, I forgot to change the label. The numbers should still be right.)

2008-09-22, 02:14 PM
PP; you listed you had no effects. That's not correct, because I just cast Haste on you!

Gadsden grits his teeth as he fights the pain of the axe cutting into him, through his armor. He replies to his attacker with a swift counter with his sword.

Attack (Bastard Sword): [roll0] (+1 haste, +1 high-ground), Damage (Bastard Sword): [roll1]. If I hit, I will unleash Vampiric Strike from within, dealing an extra [roll2] damage, granting me an equal amount of temporary HPs.

Move 55ft south, 10ft east, 5ft south

During movement, sheath sword.

Current Status:

HP: 38(50)/53, AC 23, FF 22, T 12
Effects: Haste

2008-09-22, 02:16 PM
Critical Confirmation
Attack[roll0], Extra Damage [roll1]

2008-09-22, 02:17 PM
Addendum to 1st round
Cyrick smites his opponent with his shield twice - cutting him down where he stands.

Yep, that's with the 1st attack a smite. I really need to toughen up encounters.

New map

The Bushranger
2008-09-22, 03:22 PM

Shrike grins ferally as her electrical missile fries some of their opponents, then dances clear of the wolf's snapping jaws, drawing her bastard sword as she does so.
You know, I usually like dogs -
She triggers the release on the chamber in the sword's hilt, a spray of Sonic Weapon oil dousing the blade.
- but for ones trying to bite me, there's only one cure.
And down the sword comes...

HP: 42/42, AC 25, FF 21, T 15
Effects: Haste, Force Screen
11 Power Points left
Draw weapon, activate oil chamber (swift action).
Attack on Wolf: [roll0] ^_^
Damage: [roll1]
Sonic damage: [roll2]
Five-foot step 'down' on the map.

The Bushranger
2008-09-22, 03:27 PM
Confirming critical hit!

2008-09-22, 10:35 PM
Sigil - Round 2

Happy to see the axes warp as if he were holding them himself and bending them to his will, he lets loose a simpler spell. He commands an Elemental Burst to come from the ground itself so that his spell only affects axemen B and C, sending sharp slivers of earth their way (([roll0], [roll1], Ref half)). He maneuvers behind Cyrick to shift his position 25' to the right ((taking diagonals around them to avoid AoO)), drawing out a well-made spear as he does so.

Years of fending off bullies have taught him to defend first, but always ask questions: "Who are you? Why are you attacking us?"

Init - (1d20+4)[14]
HP 42/42
AC 17; touch 15; flat 13
Fort +7; Ref +8; Will +10
No effects
Armed with MWK Spear

2008-09-23, 02:50 AM
Red represents the axemen.
Yellow represents the bowman.
Dark yellow represents the wolf.

2008-09-23, 04:20 AM

After ensuring Christina's safety, Absalon looked to see if Dot Shrike needed help. Deciding that it was probably her opponent who needed aid, he looked to see where he could employ his arts most effectively. Seeing an archer firing upon the party, Absalon summons a flock of brightly coloured birds then sends them shreiking towards the archer. They divebomb him, striking him unearingly in the chest, each disappearing in an explosion of colour as it impacts in his chest.

Magic Missile
damage [roll0]

2008-09-24, 11:37 AM
Hannah lets out a strangled whimper-squeak at the battle raging around her, cowering behind her shield. She does not, however, miss the rather brutal attack upon Cyrick.

"Heironeous, give me strength..." She panics, not feeling any stronger or comforted, but still, her hand glows with healing light, and she reaches out to place it on whatever part of Sir Bladebreaker she can manage.

Convert Dispel Magic to Cure Serious Wounds
Cure Serious Wounds:

In her terror, she's caught between wanting to move away from the battle and her duty to Sir Bladebreaker and the party, and she doesn't move from where she is standing.

2008-09-24, 12:14 PM
Lyssa glares at the archer, but with the axemen barring her way she turns her attention to them instead.

Five foot step if necessary to reach axeman D and full attack:

Attack #1 [roll0], damage [roll1]
Attack #2 [roll2], damage [roll3]

Current status: AC 23 (18 base + 4 mage armor + 1 haste), HP 45/51

2008-09-30, 03:35 AM
Round 2
B makes a grab for Shrike and manages to pin her, doing 3 points of nonlethal damage.
D draws a dagger and lunges at Lyssa, but is unable to hit her.
C tries to stab Shrike with his dagger, but misses even though she is pinned.
Sigil's spell hits both targets, but they both manage to avoid most of the damage.
Lyssa's rapier fails to land a hit on her opponent.
Gadsden lands a solid blow on his opponent - draining some of his life energy to rejuvenate himself.
Reaching out, Hannah manages to heal the worst of Cyricks wounds.
Shrike manages to slip free of the grapple, moving back towards the rest of the group.
The archer fires two arrows at Lyssa, but both fly wide.
Snarling, the wolf lunges at Shrike again, but its jaws are easily avoided.
Axeman A jumps back and forward again, hitting Gadsden with his axe. He deals 11 damage.
Seeing his only viable target is the wolf, Cyrick bashes it aside with one blow of his shield.
Absalon's birds slam into the archer, causing some obvious wounds.
Christina casts Cause Fear on axeman B, causing him to start to flee. As he moves to flee, Shrike is able to swing her sword, opening a great cut across his chest.
The captain climbs up to aid Lyssa, his crew move up to support Cyrick.

Gadsden has taken 11 more damage, leaving him on 27 (39) HP
Christina has used a 1st level spell.

The Bushranger
2008-09-30, 04:32 AM

Grinning ferally, Shrike lunges after her quarry ('B') and, taking her sword in a two-handed grip, brings it around level with his shoulders...

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sonic Damage: [roll2]

2008-10-01, 05:59 AM

The magician invokes the pearl of power to summon a second flock of colourful birds, their wings shimmering in the morning light as they stream forth from his oustretched hands. Three birds let out a low shriek as they bank right, bearing down on the archer, but the fourth peels off to strike C in his back as he attacks Dot Shrike.

Damage to Archer [roll0]
Damage to C [roll1]

Charm Caster
2008-10-01, 08:23 AM
A lot was happening a lot more quickly than Christina could consider it. The only thing that occurred was the success of her first mental assault, so she tried to another. Threading together a multiply enfeebling effect in her mind, she directed the effort then towards the axeman closest to her.

Tried doing a chained ray of enfeeblement, first aimed at B. First time using metamagic...


2008-10-01, 11:45 AM
Lyssa exhales with a disgusted grunt, taking a moment to calm herself before resuming the attack.

Full attack on D again, taking a 5' step to get around to his north side if possible.

Attack #1: [roll0], damage [roll1]
Attack #2: [roll2], damage [roll3]

2008-10-01, 12:40 PM
((Uh...Greg, you didn't take into account my movement. Sure, the axeman would have gotten an AoO on me, but no normal attack (so it makes no difference there), but I did intend to be about 100ft south of my current position. Otherwise, I'd have made my second attack granted by haste. Can you grant me either?))

2008-10-01, 03:54 PM
Altered to take movement into account. My bad.

CC - can you note your prepared cleric spells on your sheet please? It would be handy if you could note your DN spells too.

2008-10-01, 10:58 PM
After making fair distance, Gadsden quickly turns his horse around. In the blink of an eye, he then unslings his lance and commences a deadly charge upon his target, his alacritous horse sure to drive the couched weapon through his foe with ease.

Draw Lance (free action with Quick Draw), charge attack on (A)

Attack Roll: [roll0] (9(normal)+1(haste)+1(high ground)+2(charge)-2(power attack)

Damage Roll: [roll1] (lances deal x2 damage on a mounted charge, dice already calculated)

Edit: Damage should be an additional +2, forgot to double the PA bonus because it applies twice! So, it should be [19]

Edit2: Scratch that, it's correct because my STR only gives +3, I had +4 down, as if it were two-handed. The PA rate is done correctly, however, due to the doubling of damage.

Current Status:
HP: 27(39)/53, AC 21 (-2 from charging), FF 22, T 12
Effects: Haste (second round)

2008-10-03, 11:44 AM
Cyrick shouts, "You are out-numbered and out-matched! Lay down thy blades and thy life may yet be spared!"

After waiting a moment to see if any of them comply, Cyrick moves to the closest that appears to want to continue the fight and attacks.

StatusHP: 48/57, AC 32, FF 32, T 22
Effects: Haste
1 smite left
27 Lay on Hands leftActions: Close with the nearest foe that doesn't surrender. If he can make a full attack after the movement he will, otherwise he will strike once. He will charge if he needs to.

Rolls:Attack 1/damage/shock: (1d20+17=19, 2d6+4=12, 1d6=6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1754748/)
Attack 2/damage/shock: (1d20+12=20, 2d6+4=7, 1d6=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1754749/)
Attack 3 (Haste)/damage/shock: (1d20+17=36, 2d6+4=14, 1d6=6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1754750/)

I forgot to add the haste modifier to these, so they should all be one higher. If he can only make a single attack, just use the first one (where I rolled a 2 T_T).

2008-10-03, 01:13 PM
Hannah, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible behind her large shield, manages to catch sight of Gadsden and the more severe wounds he sports, as compared to the others. Clenching her eyes shut, she whimpers and begins moving across the battleground, using her shield as cover.

If she can reach Gadsden, she will murmur a prayer and convert a prepared Silence spell into a Cure Moderate Wounds and cast it upon him.

Cure Moderate Wounds
Only used if Hannah manages to reah Gadsden before the end of her turn.

2008-10-04, 08:26 AM
Round 3
Axeman B continues to flee past the archer.
D swipes his dagger at Lyssa, but is once again unable to hit.
C dances around Shrike and moves to attack Christina with his dagger. He hits with a nasty swipe, causing 8 points of damage.
Sigil steps up, flanking D from the ground, and thrusts with his spear [note: attacking between the 2 levels adds another 5' of distance]. He hits Lyssa's opponent solidly.
Lyssa hits her opponent once with her Rapier, causng another wound.
Gadsden fells his target with an mighty blow from his lance.
Seeing Gadsden's charge, Hannah elects not to pursue with healing, and maintains her postion.
Having seen her quarry flee behind the archer, Shrike attacks the archer, causing a grevious wound. Her foe is left standing, however.
The archer drops his bow, drawing a pair of shortswords. Swiping them at Shrike, he deals 7 damage when one strike connects.
Seeing Christina in danger, Cyrick moves to attack her assailant (no bonus for flanking. His attacks turn the foe into so much paste.
Absalon's birds bring down the archer, circling his head as he goes down.
Christina, with aid having come, steps over the corpse of her opponent, and casts a standard ray of enfeeblement at D, which misses.
The captain moves in with his rapier, attempting to disarm D. He sustains a nasty cut to the face in the process. His dagger falls to the ground and the captain hold his rapier to the man's throat.

Chistina is on 26HP, Shrike is on 35HP

The Bushranger
2008-10-04, 11:12 AM

Despite being wounded Shrike grins broadly at her opponent, and brings her sword around for a mighty blow.
While emptying her psionic focus into the blade...

I'm presuming she's attacking the archer.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sonic damage: [roll2]
Psionic Weapon damage: [roll3]

2008-10-04, 04:13 PM
Frowning as no one yields, Cyrick begins moving forward, shouting, "Try to leave one alive for questioning!"

StatusHP: 48/57, AC 32, FF 32, T 22
Effects: Haste
1 smite left
27 Lay on Hands leftIf foe D is still standing when Cyrick's turn rolls around, he will attempt to close the distance between them--charging if he can--and attack, dealing non-lethal damage with the blunt side of his shield.Attack/Non-lethal damage/shock: (1d20+13=26, 2d6+4=8, 1d6=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1756011/)

Nonlethal damage penalty factored in. Charging and flanking bonuses are not.
If D is down by the time he gets to move, and if B is still up, Cyrick will pursue him as well as he can.

2008-10-04, 05:56 PM
Ack! I left Absalon's attack off. I'll amend it above. Noted it down on my sheet, removed the archer from the map, but forgot to note the action.

EDIT - done.

2008-10-04, 09:37 PM
Happily surprised that his first attack with the spear worked, he turns it around and attempts to knock out the man whose throat is held captive by the captain's rapier.

Dealing non-lethal damage with the spear: [roll0] (+3 = +5(spear tot att bonus) - 4 (nonlethal) +2 (flanking)) for [roll1] subdual damage. Afterwards, he takes a 5' step back-right to allow Cyric to charge (if necessary).

2008-10-04, 10:57 PM
Hearing Cyrick's request, Gadsden does not charge at the next nearest foe. He instead glares to his nearest target, and begins a dark chant.

Standard action: Cast Blindness/Deafness on nearest living foe; DC 16 Fort save or permanent blindness

HP: 27(39)/53, AC 23, FF 22, T 12
Effects: Haste (third round)

2008-10-06, 02:36 PM

Seeing that his allies have the measure of those left standing against them, he turns and checks the surrounding area for signs of any more possible antagonists.

2008-10-07, 11:27 AM
Hannah finds Gadsden too out of reach for her to do anything to help. With a relieved heart she sees the battle is mostly done, and in favor of her side. Thank Heironeous.

She prepares herself to deal with the wounded, content to wait out the result unless something drastic should happen to frighten her into action.

2008-10-10, 10:15 AM
Round 4
B continues to flee from Christina - she has obviously had an effect on him.
D raises his hands in surrender - he is now surrounded.
Gadsden tries to blind B, but his spell is shrugged off.
Shrike fells B with her attack - the additional damage kills him instantly.

The party has axeman D at its mercy. Gadsden sees that his lance blow did not kill axeman A - he lies next to the horse bleeding to death.

2008-10-10, 10:57 AM
Cyrick scours the battlefield for any others that are still alive--if he notices any still breathing, he will give them a single point of Lay on Hands healing to stabilize them.

The Bushranger
2008-10-10, 11:05 AM
Shrike stands over her fallen foe, breathing heavily for a moment as she calms down. She then wipes her sword off on the grass and sheathes it before returning to the party.

Psionic focusing: [roll0]

2008-10-10, 02:47 PM
Seeing Cyrick move about the field, Gadsden calls to him. "This one too." he says, a bit discomforted.

As the knight dismounts, his wounds become obvious. While still in condition to stand - and presumably fight - anyone can see the blood that drips from a few of the joints in his plate armor. He slowly leads his horse back to the others, completely silent if not for the chinking of his plate and mail.

2008-10-11, 04:53 AM

After checking that no one else was looking to attack the group, Absalon turns back to the scene to watch how the party wish to deal with the prisoners.

2008-10-11, 09:14 AM
Seeing Gadsen's wounds causes Cyrick to pause for a moment. "By the Invincible's Shield man, you've blood pouring out your armor! Please, rest a moment whilst those wounds are tended to. This... is likely beyond my ability to treat." He turns to the cleric and says, loudly, "Lady Hannah! Thy healing touch is required here."

Once Hannah has begun tending to Gadsen's wounds, Cyrick will move on to stabilize the wounded brigand.

2008-10-11, 01:25 PM
"Pouring? Ha!" Gadsden plays down his wounds. "Check the others first, I'll be fine."

2008-10-12, 04:05 PM
Cyrick stabilises the barbarian, using 1 point of his lay on hands bonus.

The two surviving barbarians look at you warily.

The Bushranger
2008-10-12, 08:13 PM

Well, that was a refreshing morning's workout...
Shrike is limping just a little from where the archer had proved to be more adept with his blade than with his arrows, but waves off any offered healing for the moment, letting those more badly hurt get first shots at it. Meanwhile, she checks over their defeated enemies to see what, if any, items of value might possibly be retrieved.

She'll take 20 on the Search while the others do whatever they're doing. :smallwink:

2008-10-13, 12:00 AM

Sigil shoulders his spear. He calls out to the others, "I shall see if I can see any more of these brigands." He chants a spell and sprouts wings of fire. He takes off and scouts out the area in ever widening circles until he is almost out of sight of the others before heading back and reporting.

Cast Fire Wings, fly around looking for any other barbarians or anything particular -- like a campsite or anything like that. (Spot +0)

2008-10-13, 04:19 AM
Shrike - you find an ornate two headed axe on the body of the man who charged Cyrick. The haft is still twisted by Sigil's spell, but it looks quite valuable.

Sigil - How far out are you flying?

2008-10-13, 08:17 AM
How far out are you flying?

So... I guess I have a bit of a question there. The spell Fire Wing has conflicting durations. In Complete Arcane, it's 10 min/lvl while in the Spell Compendium, it's 1 min/lvl. I've tried to find any errata on this spell, but I haven't found any yet. Ideally, I'd like 10 min/lvl (D) so that I can stop the spell whenever I'd like, but could actually use it for speedy travel if necessary. I'm not sure which one you'd like to use.

To answer your question: About as far as 20 (10 if you're using the shorter duration) minutes of circling. His speed is 60', so that's about 12000' (6000') of circling. That's a radius of what, quarter a mile (or eighth of a mile for the short duration)?

The Bushranger
2008-10-13, 08:30 AM

Grinning, the redhead tucks away the axe for safekeeping, and checks for any other weapons, potions and such, valuable or not.

2008-10-13, 09:28 AM
Sigil - You see a few creatures dotted about the landscape. They differ in size. They appear to be the zombies the captain spoke of.

Shrike - You find nothing more of any value - your assailants were travelling light.

2008-10-14, 06:50 PM
William, after a moment of thought, approaches the only conscious prisoner. His expression does not seem to be made to make fright; perhaps he considers the blades in the party's possession to do enough intimidation already.

"Tell me, knave" He looks at the man blankly. "Why did you attack us?"

2008-10-14, 10:45 PM
Sigil returns after a few minutes of flying, landing next to Shrike. Still with arms of fire, he reports what he saw to the others. He asks Shrike, signaling to both the dead attackers and the live one, "Did you find anything interesting?"

The Bushranger
2008-10-14, 10:56 PM

Well, flyboy, the boss had a pretty fancy-looking axe, but that was it. These guys weren't prepared at all.
From Shrike's expression, she's clearly less than impressed by the firey flying...

2008-10-15, 04:15 AM
Gadsden - Your prisoners look at you with a lack of comprehension. Remembering that he understood some of what the leader said to be based in Draconic, Gadsden translates the question. One of the prisoners responds with, "We were ordered to by the Klar'Ahn. He said to loot the ship." Sigil understands this fully (having a command of both the draconic and giant tongues), Gadsden, Shrike and Absalon understand the part about looting the ship.

Hannah uses her wand of minor vigor on Gadsden, Shrike, Cyrick, Lyssa and Christina - using 5 of its charges

2008-10-15, 05:38 AM

Having moved closer to hear the interview, Absalon's ears prick up at the response.

"Loot the ship ... Gadsden, can you ask if they were ordered to take, or leave, anything in particular. We should also determine whether this is the only raiding party, or if more may come. We may need to warn the ship."

2008-10-15, 06:29 AM
You can ask yourself :smalltongue:

"We were told to kill everyone aboard and take anything of value. We're the only ones that will be coming - the Klar'Ahn needs to stay in the cavern. The others are there to guard him."

2008-10-16, 01:56 PM
Gadsden weighs upon the man's answers, and then continues his interrogation. "We landed not long ago. How did you know we were here, and how to find it so soon?"

2008-10-16, 02:13 PM
"He made it happen. He has power beyond your imagination." The warrior looks around fearfully, as if he expects retribution at any second.

The Bushranger
2008-10-16, 03:47 PM
Shrike, listening in, scoffs at that.
If he has power beyond imagination, his imagination must be pretty small if he's hired wimps like you to do his dirty work.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2008-10-16, 04:33 PM
I assume Sigil is translating to give full context.

"Think what you like. We were expecting only a few seamen. He would crush you if he were here."

2008-10-16, 05:03 PM
Cyrick watches quietly, unable to contribute much thanks to the language barrier.

2008-10-16, 05:24 PM
Gadsden's expression shows a great deal of concern; he's obviously troubled by the man's responses. "Where can we find this 'Klar'Ahn'?" He asks the prisoner. "I may need to have words with him."

2008-10-16, 06:02 PM
"In a cave to the west. In the cliffs. That's where his place is."

2008-10-16, 11:23 PM
Gadsden turns away from the prisoner, now addressing the rest of the group. His voice is weary, and even sounds somewhat resentful. "As I doubt any of you work under the authority of the Regent, I am hereby the only one responsible for locating the leader of this band of brigands," he nearly hisses the word, and shoots a glance to the man they've been questioning. "...and eliminating the threat he poses to the area, if possible. I ask none of you to accompany in fighting him; it will likely be very dangerous. However, any man or woman willing and able to join me against him would be welcome and appreciated. As for those of you who would rather not put your life at further risk," his eyes shift to the captain and his men. "I recommend you take a different route."

With that, he turns away, and begins to check his weaponry.

2008-10-16, 11:54 PM
Cyrick (after presumably getting a translation of what was said) moves to stand looks to the captain and says, "Sir... I wish to accompany lord Gadsden. It seems to me that your crew will not be safe while such knaves wander these swamps. Without myself, sir Gadsden, and Hannah, would your numbers be sufficient to endure the denizens of the swamp?"

The Bushranger
2008-10-17, 12:12 AM
Shrike shakes her head in response to Gadsden, smiling.
You don't have to go dissuadin' me. You want to hunt these guys down? Count me in. The only question I've got is if there's gonna be enough of 'em to go around.

2008-10-17, 02:20 AM
The captian replies to Cyrick.
"I'll send the lads back in a minute, but I'm coming with you. If what I'm hearing is true, this bastard wrecked my ship. He'll pay for that." HE pauses for a moment "What will we do with these men? I don't think we have long to decide." His gaze falls to rest on one of the corpses. "Especially if they're decomposing like that!"

You recall that many potent dark wizards and priests have made the Mire their home, and perhaps some of their creations still exist in the caves.

You recognise the process happening to the corpse as being similar to that which happens when a zombie is created.

You recognise the process happening to the corpse as being similar to that which happens when a zombie is created. However you suspect, due to changes to muscles and teeth, that this zombie would be faster and more vicious than normal. Removing the head would stop this from happening.

2008-10-17, 03:57 AM

"After his invitation, it would be rude not to visit our host." Absalon interlocks his fingers, then stretches his arms out in front of him. "Did anyone bring a party gift?"

2008-10-17, 07:35 AM
"These corpses are turning into undead. We'd better remove their heads to stop them coming back.

The Bushranger
2008-10-17, 01:15 PM
Shrike turns around, drawing her sword, and proceeds to bring it down on the neck of the nearest corpse.

Would that be a CdG or just against a helpless opponent?
If it turns out to be the latter: [roll0]

2008-10-17, 03:21 PM
As the zombification of the corpses is pointed out, Cyrick quickly moves to remove their heads while muttering "A fate I'd not wish on the most dire of my enemies... This swamp must be cleansed when out current quest is done."

2008-10-17, 03:39 PM

Absalon steps away from the corpses, a look of distaste clear on his face.

"If killing them turns them into zombies, we may want to subdue these bandits, rather than kill them. Is that an option for any of you?"

2008-10-17, 06:52 PM

2008-10-17, 08:27 PM
Gadsden will move to take care of another, if necessary.

"This may a sign that things are worse than I had originally feared. We may yet find ourselves against greater magics still." His eyes seem to disapprove of the captain's decision to remain, but he makes no comment on it.

2008-10-18, 12:31 AM
Sigil does his best to translate between all the parties talking and listening, wishing that everyone -- even the evil and undead -- did their part and learned Common. He folds his wings as he speaks, glad to hide behind the words and the fire.

He speaks of no decision, but watches the others. He casts his lot with the majority.

2008-10-18, 06:14 AM
Hannah uses another charge of the healing wand on Gadsden.

"What will we do with the prisoners?

2008-10-18, 11:29 AM
"Perhaps they can be taken back with the captain's men." He pauses. "Then again, we could keep one around..."

2008-10-18, 06:33 PM
"And if one escapes? They seem like fast skirmishers. Would you like their master to know you're coming?" the captain says. "I'll head back with the lads - keep an eye on the prisoners. When you get to town, find the captain of The Lady's Grace. He's an old friend, and will make arrangements. We'll leave now if there's nothing else."

Some manacles are fished out from amongst the crewmen, and they are put on the prisoners.

2008-10-18, 09:02 PM
"Actually, by now he may already know we're coming." Gadsden replies grimly. "Anyhow; sure, Lady's Grace. I'll be sure to remember."

2008-10-20, 02:37 PM
The crew escort your attackers away, after providing you with directions to the cave where their leader resides.

2008-10-20, 08:21 PM

Sigil spreads his folded wings and rises right above the tree line. Once the group begins to move, he'll stay about 20' feet in front of them and warn them of any possible dangers.

2008-10-21, 03:58 AM

With a last look around, he pulls up the hood on his cloak and begins trudging towards the cave, ornate walking stick in hand.

The Bushranger
2008-10-21, 12:36 PM

After presumably having gotten some of that healing mojo, Shrike heads for the front of the party, to resume her role as scout.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2008-10-21, 03:00 PM
Gadsden would mount his horse again, trotting alongside the party with his lance slung over his shoulder. He kept his magic rod tucked into his belt, at the left side of the hip so it could be drawn swiftly and with ease. On his right side was his wand, which rested in an identical position. As the party makes their way through the mire, he stands ready to draw them at the first sign of danger.

2008-10-21, 05:42 PM
The party trudges on for another hour. The sun is high in the sky by now, or would be if dark clouds didn't obscure it from view.

Gradually, you get nearer and nearer the cliffs. Sigil sees an entryway into the cliffs resembling what your attackers described. However, all is not well. Before him, Sigil sees some shambling figures. They appear to be mindless and zombie-like. 2 large and 3 medium shapes are behind the mound directly in front. To the front and left of the party is a mouldering giant eagle. As Sigil relays this information to the others (lowering himself to 10ft), the eagle seems to spot him - perhaps retaining some of its hunting instinct, and swoops at him. Its beak tears a wound in the unprepared mage, dealing 7 damage.

Before surprise round
After surprise round
Red is medium zombie, dark red is large zombie, yellow is eagle zombie.

Sigil has 35HP remaining.

2008-10-21, 08:26 PM

"Curse my non-eagle eyes!" he quips as he winces at the pain. "You'll pay for that!" he retorts before running away and saying "Shrike, shoot it, shoot it!"

Withdraw action to N57

2008-10-21, 08:27 PM

Using watchful spirit ability to reroll init -- I want to get out of the way first so that other can whack it and before it can whack me again!

The Bushranger
2008-10-21, 11:18 PM

On it!
Shrike draws a bead on the eagle, then selects two additional targets, and with a broad grin, lets fly.

Initiative: [roll0]
Energy Missile (Electricity):
Against the eagle: [roll1]
Against large zombie 'B' who's just barely in range: [roll2]
Against large zombie 'C' who I *think* is just barely in range: [roll3]

Psionic powers rock. ^_^

2008-10-22, 01:02 AM
Gadsden swiftly reaches into his belt to grab his magic wand, and unleashes a barrage of energy beams upon the giant bird.

Initiative: [roll0]

Free Action: Draw Wand
Standard Action: Magic Missile: [roll1] (1 charge from wand)
Move Action: Use off-hand to draw Rod

2008-10-22, 01:52 AM
Shrike can't see the other zombies at this time. Can she attack things he's not aware of?

Which zombies are you attacking, red or dark red?

The Bushranger
2008-10-22, 04:23 AM
...it doesn't matter, because they're more than 15 feet away from the eagle. :smallfrown:

And Shrike:
...doesn't look like a he to me. :smalltongue:

2008-10-22, 06:25 AM

"Damn, I hate zombies, they're so literal minded."

He shouts a question at Sigil

"Is that it or are there any more?"

2008-10-22, 08:03 AM

"Three normal-sized undead and two extra-large ones about one hundred feet yonder. I have a feeling they'll be shambling along any second now!"

2008-10-22, 12:58 PM
Cyrick surges forward and tries to slash at the bird with his shield.

Initiative: (1d20=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1780278/)

StatusHP: 48/57, AC 32, FF 32, T 22 (-2 if charging)
1 smite left
27 Lay on Hands left

How far off the ground is the bird?
If he can reach it, he'll attack. Full attack if possible, charge otherwise. I'mma just roll one attack for now with no charge bonuses. Power attacking -3 for +6 damage.

Attack/damage: (1d20+14=17, 2d6+1d6+10=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1780287/) (Grr.)

2008-10-22, 01:53 PM
Initiative (some rolled for you)

Lyssa - 21
Shrike - 20
Cyrick - 16
Gadsden - 15
Sigil - 14
Christina - 14
Hannah - 10
Absalon - 6

Lyssa hits the eagle with an arrow, doing a meagre amount of damage.
Shrike's blast of energy charrs its rotting flesh.
The eagle flees the party, landing behind the mound.

What the party can see now. You would estimate the eagle landed around M33

2008-10-22, 04:01 PM
Sigil - Round 1 revision

With the eagle fleeing, Sigil changes his mind about fleeing himself. He cautiously flies above the mound (M40, 20' up) to see what the eagle and the others are doing.

After seeing what's going on, he'll fly back to the others and report.

2008-10-22, 04:08 PM
Cyrick moves forward quickly, shield held ready.

Double move forward. How steep are these "hills"?

2008-10-22, 04:10 PM
I won't respond to that until I get a new response from PP and Deepblue. A delay action is acceptible.

Cyrick moves forward quickly, shield held ready.

Double move forward. How steep are these "hills"?

20ft of movement to get on top.