View Full Version : WoW Eu Playgrounders Server

Fay Graydon
2008-08-28, 04:03 PM
Right, heres what I prepose...

There are quite a few of us playing on EU servers and i think we should all get together and play a character in the same server.

All of us create new characters and post their names on this thread.

The question is which server and Alliance or Horde?
any ideas?

Victor Thorian
2008-08-28, 04:13 PM
I'm on Magtheridon-Eu / Horde
Could supply bags and starting pocketmoney if you decide to reroll here.

Chromaggus-Eu / Horde is where I'll make an alt to play with friends too.

2008-08-28, 04:24 PM
I'm on Frostmane, 70 Orc Shaman and a 64 Undead Warlock who I stopped playing last year but kept because of the sentimental value of my first toon :smallsmile:.

I think we should agree on a server to start on. First of all, are we going PvP server or PvE?
My vote is for PvP.

Fay Graydon
2008-08-28, 04:24 PM
I actually thought that we could stat on a server that people can't twink themselves on.

BTW: whatever server we do deside on, I will be called Ikaeru (so dont be going and nabbing that name cuz that would be childish)

PvP, I play on those servers and find it boring to play any other

2008-08-28, 04:25 PM
I actually thought that we could stat on a server that people can't twink themselves on.

I second that idea.

Fay Graydon
2008-08-28, 04:26 PM
I third that idea:smallbiggrin:

Victor Thorian
2008-08-28, 04:28 PM
I won't play without bags sorry, I have this dragon instinct to collect everything.

2008-08-28, 04:40 PM
Stormscale here... Its basically a swedish server:smalltongue:.
Got three 60-70 characters on that server but I suspect that it dosen't have many non-swedish player thought.

Fay Graydon
2008-08-28, 04:41 PM
i play on english servers.

so far im on:
Blades Edge,

2008-08-28, 04:42 PM
I won't play without bags sorry, I have this dragon instinct to collect everything.

Tailoring, AH, quests, drops, npc vendors :smallbiggrin:

Fay Graydon
2008-08-28, 04:54 PM
look how about we create characters on Outland?
it's a english pvp server.
do we play alliance or horde?

2008-08-28, 04:57 PM
Gah, I'll pass on PvP.
Why not one of the roleplaying realms? I'm on Argent Dawn, myself, but one of the others might be good.

2008-08-28, 04:58 PM
I'm up for that. My main is ally, but for some reason I tend to have more fun on the horde. So, i'll vote horde.

EDIT: RP could be cool, too.

2008-08-28, 04:59 PM
Gah, I'll pass on PvP.
Why not one of the roleplaying realms? I'm on Argent Dawn, myself, but one of the others might be good.

I think I got atleast one low level character on argent dawn.
I'm primally a PVE player but I tend to like RP to.

Fay Graydon
2008-08-28, 04:59 PM
I've never tried a role playing server...
Could be cool...

Anyone have server suggestions (oh and I'm gunna start up the guild kk?)

and again, what side?

2008-08-28, 05:05 PM
Argent dawn is pretty popular. Wait. Let me look at the server listings.

*And now, a brief intermission*

How about Scarlet Crusade? Or maybe Sentinals?

2008-08-28, 05:05 PM
I would like to play horde mostly since I only got horde characters.
But alliance is good too I guess, I can always play an draenei...

2008-08-29, 05:00 AM
My main is on Stormrage (I think...forgot...), level 41-42 (again, forgot) undead shadow priest. My vote is for Horde, and I dont really care if PVE or PVP server. PVP servers tend to be weird sometimes, with level 70's going into bases where level 20's are questing and stuff...(this was on a private server anyway). If Horde, I will probably be named Kutrab.

2008-08-29, 10:48 AM
I vote for Horde too.
I wouldn't mind trying an RP server to be honest. Could be fun. Would we have to speak in character all the time in guild chat though?
I don't think that PvP matters too much since world PvP is basically dead, unless it's different on RP servers.

2008-08-29, 11:01 AM
I'm game. I'm not sure about an RP server, though. It can be quite hard to avoid talking OOC a lot, and people get testy when you do. Why can't we just play on a normal server, with a GITP Guild? Aerie Peak?

I'm fine with alliance or horde. If we go horde, I'll probably play a blood elf.

2008-08-29, 12:03 PM
Dudes, in a RP realm, you are not forced to talk IC. How did you get that idea is above my powers of comprehention. :tongue:

2008-08-29, 02:49 PM
I think at this point we've decided to roll horde, most likely on an RP server. Can we figure out which one, though?

2008-08-29, 03:32 PM
Dudes, in a RP realm, you are not forced to talk IC. How did you get that idea is above my powers of comprehention. :tongue:

No, you're not. But if we're not going to talk IC, there is no point going to an RP server, because we'll be acting the same as in a normal server, but upsetting the hardcore RPers at the same time. While it is funny to get messages like "By the grace of the Dark Lady, cease your prattling!", I don't really see the point of using an RP realm if we're not RPing.

2008-08-29, 03:41 PM
Generally on an RP server, talking OOC is rare, and must be represented by a couple of (()) these.

Example: Ach, by Anvilmar's beard, will ya quit doin' tha? ((Seriously, quit doing the /slap. It's getting annoying))

So you only need to go OOC when you need to.

2008-08-29, 07:19 PM
Hmm, I'll move away from RP so :smallfrown:. Normal server suggestions?

2008-08-29, 08:09 PM
My main is on Suramar, and my alt horde is on Anvilmar. If we did Suramar, it'd give us the option of funding the guild through my guy.

2008-08-30, 10:50 AM
If you get by Argent Dawn. On horde.. Feel free to talk to me ( Yamere)

2008-08-30, 02:30 PM
Awww come on Bladefist, Its recommended, and I have a low level BE paladin there!

You know you all want to!!!!

2008-08-30, 02:47 PM
Lets just pick one server and go with it, any suggestions?

2008-08-30, 04:40 PM
I would go with a recommended RP realm. Let's start there.

2008-08-31, 01:06 PM
For a recommended Normal realm how about Shadowsong? The Cyclone battlegroup is meant to be a good one for people interested in PvP.
The only recommended RP realm I see on the list is Darkmoon Faire. It's in the Nightfall battlegroup, which I don't know anything about apart from that non RP realms are in it too. I wonder do wires ever get crossed between RPing PvPers and non-RP people? :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-31, 09:28 PM
In BGs, everything is fair game, you can go out of character, sense, technically, you aren't even in the same realm anymore. You're on a mini-realm that's as big as WSG, or AB, or whatever.

2008-09-01, 01:50 AM
Well as soon as you decide a realm I'm in, Shadowsongs sounds good too me thought.

2008-09-01, 03:18 AM
Let's go with Shadowsong, then.

2008-09-01, 02:18 PM
Ok, Shadowsong. Horde, right?

Tiffanie Lirle
2008-09-01, 02:45 PM
*is going to have to reactive her account now*
Just gotta buy a new time card.. :smalltongue:

2008-09-01, 04:50 PM
I've made a Belf Paladin, also named Jimp.

2008-09-01, 05:55 PM
I'm going to make an undead warrior, aptly named Staven.

EDIT: Staven is taken. I shall call him Dethro

2008-09-02, 10:50 AM
I'll make a blood elf later. Probs a priest. Do we have a guild yet? How can we get together?

2008-09-02, 12:35 PM
I only got to level 5 last night but I'm going to spend the rest of today leveling, so if you /w Jimp we can organise something. Maybe we can pool money to get a guild charter soon.

2008-09-03, 10:32 AM
Okay, I've made a rogue (I decided to try one, since I've never got one above level 10). Arioch was taken, so I've called him Purplerogue.

I might not like it, in which case I'll scrap him and make another character.

EDIT: Can the OP include the details for anyone who wants to join? Horde, Shadowsong. Also, maybe list the characters we've got.

2008-09-03, 04:25 PM
I just bought a Guild Charter for the name The Playgrounders. Just need signatures now :smallsmile:.

2008-09-05, 10:30 AM
Sorry for the double post, but if people are still interested I'll be online basically all day. /w Jimp so I can get your signature!

2008-09-05, 10:48 AM
I just bought a Guild Charter for the name The Playgrounders. Just need signatures now :smallsmile:.

Pbft. I wouldn't be caught dead in a guild with such a silly name.

Tiffanie Lirle
2008-09-05, 12:21 PM
I managed to pick up a time card earlier, I'll reactivate my Acc later on tonight. No time now, I'm still working, and WoW isn't even installed here. :smalltongue:

2008-09-05, 02:44 PM
Gah. Every time I log on, I miss everyone. Are we in different time zones?

EDIT: Oh. Right. Ireland.

2008-09-14, 06:08 AM
I'm going to bump this thread now.
Maybe we should list our characters and what servers they are on?

Stormscale - Horde
70 Priest, Shadowcaller (:smallcool:)
70 Hunter, Michicora
68 Mage, Jaccalish
64 Shaman, Seweron

Earthen Ring - Horde
25 Shaman, Cercinta

Twisting Neather - Horde
18 Mage, Dewrena

Argent Dawn - Alliance
20 Hunter, Semidia

Dragonblight - Alliance
18 Druid, Sami

The Venture Company - Alliance
23 Druid, Ceridos