View Full Version : On deaths wing do they ride (IC)

2008-08-30, 04:07 PM
You feel yourself being wrenched in a direction you didn't know existed, suddenly finding yourself standing in a small graveyard overlooking a small town. A tall dark figure standing beside you says ominously "And so it begins"...
The town is suddenly divided in half by a gigantic fissure the begins to spew forth flames and devils alike. The townspeople die in the street as nine foot tall monstrosities of human likeness rip them apart with great two handed swords. The figure beside you begins to speak again. "This is happening all over the world, in every civilized land. Demons and Devils have both risen from the plane of Hades to take over ours and enslave whatever they don't kill. You five have been chosen by an artifact that is said to be made to search out those who will be able to save the world in times of great trouble. The ring is of no use to me now." With that he tosses a heavily decorated silver ring onto the ground, the five slots where gems used to rest now empty. "Now, I need to prepare a ritual to take us to a safer place." He turns the other way abruptly, his cloak swirling with him. You catch a glimpse of a large blade sheathed in an elaborate scabbard. He begins to pull out the different components for some sort of ritual.

2008-08-31, 09:43 PM
Krum Morgrund

Krum's stomach lurches as the world around him becomes clearer again. The view of the graveyard and the scene from the town below are unnerving enough that his initial reaction is to reach for his axes. Just moments before he had been walking along the North Road looking for a place to make camp before suddenly being transported to this graveyard.

Krum briefly look at the others around then returns his attention to the ring the dark figure had tossed onto the ground. Krum picks the ring up and examines it. Holding the ring between his thumb and forefinger Krum looks up and addresses the dark man, "I'm going to keep this simple, but who are you? What is this that you are involving us in?"

2008-09-01, 04:04 AM

His vision reajusting to his new stable position Terx looked down at the village below, thinking of the man's words, This is happening all over the world. Bowing his head he almost reflexively said a short prayer to The Raven Queen,asking her to guide their souls to the Afterlife safely.

Finishing, he turned to look at the man who had brought them here. He did not bother with questions of who, where and why, the others around him would probably take care of those. Instead he walked towards the man and asked "do you need any help"?

Arcana roll to see if I know what ritual he is setting up:
Religion roll to see if I know anything about the demon apocalypse that is taking place:

2008-09-01, 07:42 AM
"Who am I you ask? I am a wanderer, spending his life bound to the dark one. I am a warrior, who has had no war to fight until now. I am evil in nature, made to aid in the destruction of your kind. Now, I am here to keep the dark ones from destroying everything you know and love. You may call me Dissonance, and I have brought you here to help me save the world."
With that he pulls back his hood, revealing the red face of a Tiefling, his left horn broken off half way, a jagged grey scar running across the same side of his face.
"Now, keep the demons off my back while I finish this ritual."
(For Kobold-bards eyes only)
The first check reveals that it is a linked portal ritual.
With the second you remember an obscure legend in which demons and devils alike rose from their plane to destroy the world, only to be thwarted by a company of brave adventurers who perished in sealing them back to their plane for another 500 years.

2008-09-01, 09:41 AM

Turning to look at the chaos below Terx knew that despite the group being apparently far outpowered by the hoards, a powerful offensive was their best chance.

Turning to the others he said "Dissonance will require ten minutes to activate the portal he is forming, and a fair level of concentration to get the thing open for longer than a few seconds, so we are going to need to keep hose creatures at bay".

Pausing for a second he continued "I don't like the idea of destiny, but it seems that it has brought us all here today to relive a centuries old situation. So fight with all you have and do not fear death, because even if you survive today, she will get you in the end".

With that he drew his quarterstaff from its bindings on his back, and began running the words and gestures of his spells through his mind.

2008-09-02, 10:39 AM
Adrain LuQuin


Intimidate: [roll0]

2008-09-04, 04:50 AM
Dol Sireth snarls as she appears in the graveyard, and draws her sword, her wards activating with a flash like lightning. She glares as Dissonance as she listens to his explaination, and keeps glaring after, but she draws a javelin and hefts it ready to throw at the first target to present itself.

Ready an action to throw a javelin; the first demon/devil/other gribbly to come within 10 squares gets it in the goolies.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-09-04, 11:25 PM
Krum Morgrund

Krum looks about as the others prepare for battle. He tucks the ring away for safe keeping until he can get more answers. Krum reaches to his side and grabs a battle axe in each hand waiting for the demons to approach.

Initiative: [roll0]
Are we going to be using a game map?

2008-09-05, 08:49 AM
yes, we will be using a game map for combat, but right now I'm too sick to spend much time online or create an intelligible map. I'll have the encounter/map set up by the end of the weekend.

2008-09-09, 09:10 AM
Cutter's eyes cleared to see a vast plain of destruction. His eyes grow wide at the sight.
What in the name of...
Then the words of the stranger come to him, and his disbelief grows.
Chosen? By an artifact? Save the WORLD!?!? I can barely save my own ass after a risky job! Now you want me to fight demons!?!?
As he says this, he pulls out his dagger and keeps a hand on a shuriken at his belt.
Well, it appears I have no choice for now, but damned if I'm doing any more of your dirty work before I find out what's going on!
Initiative [roll0]