View Full Version : The Saga of Toothfountains

2008-08-31, 08:33 AM
A long, long time ago, in a galaxy swamp far, far away, there rose - well, sunk - the dwarven outpost of Razzefon, meaning 'Toothfountains' in the old tongue. We are privileged to have here the journals of the first ruler of Toothfountains: 'Cubes of Potato' Melbilgim, who gained his distinctive nickname from an unfortunate barrel-stand incident.


The year is 201. The Age of Heroes is over. I know this, because if a god had started talking in my head six months ago I'd have been hailed as some sort of prophet. Now I'm just a mental case.

The god in my head is Erib, deity of mountains and volcanoes. "Leave the Pillars of Muscle," he said, "and found me a colony in a faraway place. Delve a mighty fortress to honour my name!"

"How will I know when we've reached the right place?" I asked him.

"You will know!" he cried.

I'd like to say the citizens of the Pillars of Muscle were sad to see me go, but they weren't. They did at least promise to send a caravan every so often, and to direct anyone else they didn't want cluttering up their citadel my way.

1st Granite
Well, here I am in a swamp in the-gods-only-know-where, with half a dozen pliable and easily led followers and some pets. The wagon's so bogged down it's never going to move again. I guess this is the sign Erib was going to send me.

"I'm diversifying," he says. "I'll be the god of mountains, volcanoes, and swamps! Strike the earth!"

I struck the earth. It goes 'squish'.

8th Granite
It's been a week and we've hit 'stone'. It's a nasty brown colour and I think it's just swamp mud compressed so thick it can't even ooze any more, but the mason says he can work with it, so.

12th Granite
Proper stone! Well, gypsum, but at least it's not brown.

26th Granite
Two of our dwarfs have taken to standing by the river, doing nothing. I worry they may be contemplating suicide.

9th Slate
It turns out the two suicidal dwarfs were just trapped after I ordered them to dig away the hillside for the sake of neatness. My fellow dwarfs are so dense that, even though one was carrying a mining pick, they would have just stood there and starved unless I told them to move.

Despite the provision of several lovely clay bedrooms, the dwarfs seem to prefer to sleep among the beer barrels in the food stores. I can't imagine why.

25th Slate
Great news! While digging out the Cubes of Potato honourary water feature, the dwarf minions have struck sapphires! Who would have thought you could find gemstones in a muddy place like this?

17th Felsite
Food supplies are running low. I have dispatched dwarfs to gather plants, fish for food, and operate a mushroom farm, but they seem to prefer to work on my water feature. While this dedication is touching, we're down to the last 8 strange tubers the farmer guy pulled out of the swamp - and that's not good. Luckily, the cats seem to be breeding apace.

25th Felsite
We have struck satinspar! I don't even know what that is...

15th Hematite
The first test of the water feature nearly ended in disaster, but luckily all that happened was the lovingly polished floor ended up covered in mud and a couple of dead fish. Oh well, looks like some poor sod is going to have to polish it all over again.

3rd Malachite
It's been three weeks, and the flood waters are starting to dry out. In the meantime, the engraver's been polishing up the walls and getting trench foot. On the plus side, the construction of two bridges should help trade caravans get to our depot. I, for one, can't wait for someone to come round and exchange some of the trappings of civilisation for whatever bone and stone junk we can scrounge together.

10th Galena
So, there I was looking at my various projects - bridges, stonework, prospecting - and thinking "I could really use some more masons" and what should show up? A note from the Pillars of Muscle saying that they 'couldn't spare' anyone else.

11th Limestone
The water feature is completed! Now maybe the masons can get on with such tasks as making some tables and chairs.

14th Limestone
At last! The dwarfs back home have sent a caravan of lovely goodies! And a 'representative' who tied me up in discussion for a week.

14th Sandstone
We have struck sard! I don't know what that is, either. Perhaps I should have requested less meat and more geology textbooks from the merchants. Oh well, too late now. My miners tell me sard is a kind of gemstone, but I'm not sure I believe that. If something was 'sard-encrusted' it'd sound like you'd just picked it out of a cesspit.

19th Sandstone
We have struck magnetite! I thought magnetite was a Pokemon, but since it doesn't seem to be running around and electrocuting people it's probably actually a kind of rock. This is a shame, since this means it's less valuable.

21st Sandstone
Drawn by the rumours of rare Pokemon, some immigrants have arrived! A selection of professions, all of whom are going to be put to work digging for more gemstones.

13th Timber
Turns out magnetite is an ore of iron! Even better, there's loads of it down here. Sure, it's under about sixty feet of mud, but what isn't in this swamp?

25th Timber
Drink supplies are running low. The brewer says he can't make any more because all the barrels are full - upon checking one barrel I discover that a full load is six turtle biscuits. I think I need to have a word with the guys about portion sizes.

20th Moonstone
A lone kobold thief attempted to steal our precious gems! Well, what actually happened is he walked up to the entrance, took one look at the mud and decided we weren't worth his time. I shall order some minions to beutify the entranceway at once.


The records end here, possibly because Melbilgim got bored of writing them.


I seem to have deleted all my screenshots. :smallredface: Oh well, it wasn't a very interesting year anyway. Hopefully things will get properly wacky in future updates.


I'm using version v0.28.181.40c, which was uploaded to the DF website on the 21st of August.

The save files are here (http://rapidshare.com/files/141547883/Toothfountains__201.zip.html). Download the zip, rename the 'region2' folder into 'regionX' where X is a number high enough that it doesn't overwrite any of your other games, and drop it in your data/save directory. You should then be able to load Razzefon in your 'continue game' screen.

2008-09-01, 04:20 AM
Reserved, in case I need it later.

Thanks to the joys of random number generation, I have a play order. As of now, it's first-come first-served. You've got a week to play your turn when it comes up. When your turn's done, by all means sign up for another one.

The Play Order
1. potatocubed
2. TeeEl
3. LordOfTheDucks
4. Slaanesh
5. Rarkasha
6. AgentPaper
7. Rettu Skcollob
8. Talvara
9. Sanzh
10. Hairb
11. Lord_Asmodeus
12. Archyr
13. Slaanesh

2008-09-01, 09:14 PM
Since we're lacking a OOC thread I'll ask here. How do I take screen shots o' the fort?

2008-09-02, 06:51 AM
Since we're lacking a OOC thread I'll ask here. How do I take screen shots o' the fort?

Well, there's two ways of doing it.

The first way is to hit 'print screen', open Paint (or your image editor of choice) and then 'paste'. A bit of cropping later, and voila. This is good for quick shots of the game.

The second way is to use the 'escape' menu in DF and select the option 'export local image file' (or words to that effect). This takes you to a screen where you can choose which levels of the fortress you want to export; it automatically selects any level that currently contains one of your units or constructions. These exports are bmps (huge, but you can crop them down to jpgs or gifs in Paint) and show the entire map at the level you selected. This option is good for 'summary' maps.

2008-09-04, 08:06 PM
About halfway through current turn. I'll go another hour or so tonight and hopefully wrap it up tomorrow night. I probably won't get a full writeup until potatocubed finishes his, but a few highlights:

-potatocubed is a sadist. There's no lava on the map but he started in a region of red soil, and then made roads all over with wavy red brick, so everywhere you look it looks like there's lava but there isn't. :smallfrown: We do have plenty of wood (and some coal) so metalworking isn't completely out of the question, though.
-There is a totally badass sturgeon in one of the nearby ponds that keeps decapitating dwarves, so watch out for that.
-We have a legendary gem setter now, courtesy of an immigrant that went fey right after they stepped onto the map. I celebrated by kick-starting a textile industry to produce clothing for him to encrust with shinies. We shall have the fanciest pants in all the realms! :smallbiggrin:
-Our august leader is a legendary miner now too. :smallsmile: But no one else is. :smallannoyed: I view this lack of shiny flashy dwarves as a telltale sign of incompetence, moral turpitude, and poor dental hygiene on the part of the dwarves of Toothfountains. :smallmad:

No worries, though. I have endeavored to set the fortress on a solid production footing, so we will have plenty of resources with which to run amok in amusing ways. :smallcool:

2008-09-04, 08:35 PM
-There is a totally badass sturgeon in one of the nearby ponds that keeps decapitating dwarves, so watch out for that.

This interests and frightens me. How many dogs do we have?

Rettu Skcollob
2008-09-04, 10:16 PM
A Fish that kills Dwarves?

I love this game.

2008-09-05, 03:35 AM
-potatocubed is a sadist. There's no lava on the map but he started in a region of red soil, and then made roads all over with wavy red brick, so everywhere you look it looks like there's lava but there isn't. :smallfrown:

In my defence, the soil wasn't red when I started. It was only after I stripped the land bare of wood and edible plants that that happened. :smalltongue:

2008-09-05, 05:44 PM
In my defence, the soil wasn't red when I started. It was only after I stripped the land bare of wood and edible plants that that happened. :smalltongue:
What you mean, stripped it of wood? There's an excess of it, last I checked. Oak trees are everywhere.
Though I'm looking forward to seeing dwarf decapitation in the latest writeup. :smallcool:

2008-09-09, 11:51 AM
how does it continue T.T?

2008-09-09, 12:08 PM
Almost done, sorry. I have a bad habit of trying to multitask DF while doing classwork and not getting much accomplished on either. :smallfrown: No worries, I have a day off today so I'll power through the rest of winter here.

2008-09-09, 06:59 PM
Sorry I couldn't devote more attention to this; I got a bit sloppy towards the end. Current save is here (http://rapidshare.com/files/143985452/region2-spr-203.zip.html). Will do a story writeup later on tonight, although things were fairly uneventful.

2008-09-09, 07:15 PM
Then I shall gladly take up your mantle. Be aware I have some college scoping to do this week, but it will be among my foremost priorities.

Is the sturgeon still alive? If yes I shall vanquish him and turn him into a feast most sumptuous.

Kudos on Potato's summary.

2008-09-09, 07:23 PM
Yes, the sturgeon has earned the name Rigothsashas and inhabits a pool around the center of the west edge of the map. We also lost a hunter to a sea lamprey. A second hunter got mauled by a cougar but is still alive for now, but I don't think he's going to recover (which is too bad, because he had an eye taken out. No badass one-eyed crossbowdwarf for Toothfountains :smallfrown:)

We're up to four successful artifact moods. Amusingly, the first one with the jeweler produced an artifact bucket carved from aventurine... which now gets used to haul water for wounded dwarves.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-09-10, 02:27 AM
Looking cool so far.

Hope that the Sturgeon Menace can be dealt with soon. :3

2008-09-10, 10:30 PM
Got to starting today, I'll try to get the bulk of it done this Friday/Saturday.

Planning expansion on the second floor, first basement, and an underground tunnel to add a layer of farm plots.

2008-09-12, 08:31 PM
Double posting to catch all of your attentions. A look into the diary of Lady 'of the Ducks' Athelbardum, professional hunter and explorer extraordinary.

Day Whatever, Spring
Tales of a dwarfeating sturgeon have led me to this podunk hole in the wall. I forcibly demanded control of the fortress from their oddly philosophical leader, TeeEl, who just shrugged and handed it over. I asked around a bit to find out what name my base camp would have. Toothfountains. Some backwards country yokel name I suppose, but it's alright they're god's people, Erib's specifically.

Day Whatever+1, Spring
Additions have been earmarked to accommodate new training facilities.
The barracks is full of strapping young lads and lasses, but when you're in the hunt you need hounds. A full trio of stonecrafters claim to be 'legendary' in their skill, skill they had previously applied to hauling said stone around the fortress. Set them to work to making me merchandising for when I catch this terror of the deeps. No doubt some sucker elves will buy cups from these dillholes at 100g a pop.

Day N, where N is a silly number, Spring
The abundance of sand and lack of glass has got me thinking on other ways I can milk some goldbacks out of these suckers. I tore down a kitchen conveniently placed next to the front door and set up a glassmaking furnace. Gotta make convincing 'gems' to fit in the special collector's brand mugs.

Day N+1, Guess
A frighteningly accomplished goblin pedophile attempted to assault base camp today. The so called 'master thief' was driven off by one of my dogs a few seconds upon arrival.

Next installment, a visit from elven merchants goes unprecedentedly well.

2008-09-13, 02:27 PM
Update #5
Those poof merchants arrived. Why sure you tree-hugging freaks we'll trade you our fine craftsdwarfship for twigs and berries! Heavens forbid we make ANYTHING out of wood.
.Update #6
By the beard of Erib!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Take that Hunting Guild of Obok Thum and stick it up your flaccid hairless asses! I shall devise a labyrinth in which these majestic beasts will hunt the deadliest prey of all! Nobles!

Update #7
Labyrinth on the way, but the jaguar and his leopard buddy don't seem to do anything except lay there. Maybe I'll just tether them outside my office to intimidate children and autograph seekers. Another goblin attempted to break in recently so one of my underlings twisted his neck the wrong way in all the right ways.

Update #8
A load of immigrants arrived today. I picked the most cross-eyed one, gave him a pick, and ordered the peasant to dig out the bottom of Rigothsashas' lair. Like that? Turns out the fish has been named by the locales.

Update #9
Success! That's one more mark to my record and one less bedroom to build.
My valiant deeds have already been commemorated in craftdwarfship. Take note of the name.

Update #10
TeeEl, self proclaimed 'Genius' is living up to his title.
I had to look at the wiki ask him personally as to why he was doing it.

Apologies over earlier grammatical errors, I was desperately tired. There's a deal of militarization going on I've been glazing over. The fortress is frightening vulnerable in case of a goblin siege. I've added two catapult emplacements and an outpost for marksdwarves to take potshots at goblins from. To social ends I've installed a stone floor on the first floor and additional living quarters.

2008-09-14, 05:05 AM
You know, I've been playing this game a while and it never once occurred to me to actually build a fortress above ground. :smallredface:

Oh, also, I have found a version of the world map (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/potatocubed/world_map-region1-200-1.png) that I saved. Check out the ginormous evil mountain range in the centre!

2008-09-14, 11:39 AM
Now that his lair's been dug up, where is Rigothsashas lurking now? Because if he still lives then he should be put in the water feature. :smallamused:

2008-09-14, 03:12 PM
Now that his lair's been dug up, where is Rigothsashas lurking now? Because if he still lives then he should be put in the water feature. :smallamused:

See for yourself.

And the four goblin ambushes we've weathered since.

Note to my successor, keep Lady of the Ducks happy. If she tantrums I imagine our vegetable hunter and crippled carpenter will have much more company. Trade good-wise the humans want warhammers, headwear, cups, armor, axes, powder, and anvils. Dwarves want armor, idols, instruments, and footwear. I put in an order for bags, meat, milk, cheese, greaves, high boots, gauntlets, turbans, thongs, cloaks, capes, and whips from the humans.

Save file here (http://rapidshare.com/files/145308172/region2-spr-203.rar.html). I'll finish my write up later.

As of my leaving our great leaders were as such


Fortress- first basement up to the fourth floor

2008-09-17, 01:58 PM
Just got the file today, not sure how long it'll take though. The rest of this week is looking kinda busy for me, but then I have a bad habit of starting this game late and realizing I played well past midnight.

2008-09-23, 12:08 PM
Hows stuff Progressing? shouldnt there be updates? or are succession forts always like this ;)?

2008-09-23, 05:52 PM
Update #11
Shortly after bashing in a goblin's skull today I realized I was too important for such petty things as updating journals. I shall lord my mighty muscles over all those beneath me.

2008-09-28, 06:05 PM
I'm jonesing for some word on the progress. How are things going Rarkasha?

I'm keeping this fortress rather than one I'd been playing earlier (criminally spaced out compared to this one). My fair lady just wrecked an ambush of six goblins and their dwarf master. I wonder if the human representative she protected will give us any benefits...

Bad news Cubes, you just got ousted as mayor by the carpenter. The hunter finally emerged from his coma, to be killed by goblins a month later.



What have I done!?!?!

2008-10-05, 09:02 AM
is this sucession fort still alive?

Rettu Skcollob
2008-10-09, 06:33 AM
Shouldn't Rarkashar have been booted and Agentpaper taken the next turn by now?

Rettu Skcollob
2008-10-14, 11:51 AM
You Make Me Sad.

Sad Face.

You Could See My Sad Face If I Wasn't A Cat-Muffin.

2008-10-14, 05:24 PM
Just take things from me Rettu. I'll see if potato has any interest in continuing the map.