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2008-08-31, 10:06 PM
Since the Last War ended a fragile peace has settled over the nations of Galifer. War had become the main export and source of finance for practically ever power in Eberron but the destruction of Cyre brought the industry to a grinding halt. Every power had worked on their own secret plans and weapons, objects and spells that would bring pain and destruction on a scale that would dwarf conventional weapons. When Cyre was rendered a wasteland in 994 YK a different fate awaited these weapons; destroyed, hidden, disabled, they were all put to rest, for fear that their use would create a second Mournland.

The month of Eyre in 998 YK is like any other that you can remember; plenty of rain falls on the upper levels of Sharn and becomes drips of brown by the time it reaches the lower city. A few nights ago you were contacted by Sivis mail by someone that you’ve never met, but who is offering you a much-needed job. The note read as follows.

I have a proposition for you, if you are willing. You do not know me, but I have heard of you through various sources and am confident that you can assist me in getting back my property. Meet me at the Manky Goblin tavern in the lower city on the Far of this week and bring this letter. As incentive I will give you small bonus of 25 gold just for showing up and I give you assurances that there is much more to follow.

Aelton Forsworth

The night is a wet one, the streets of the Lower Wards are unusually being buffeted by a storm that had rolled in a night ago. Rain cascades in sheets that seem to hammer at you as you trudge through the downpour. The denizens of Callestan curse their way through the downpour and run quickly from awning to alley on their way to whatever tavern they are seeking. After a few minutes of trudging through the streets you find your destination.

The Manky Goblin tavern is a dive of the highest caliber, the floor looks like it has never even heard of mops and the tavern is just light enough to not cause you to stub your toe every step. Hunched figures sit and stare into their tankards and every eye jolts to the door as it opens for you. When none of the patrons recognize you they turn back to their drinks and a low murmur of conversation rises up again.

Your eyes are immediately drawn to a nervous looking man in a dark grey cloak in a corner table. Upon seeing you he hurriedly waves you over to the table. On closer inspection the man is a half-elf and looks very nervous, his eyes dart around the room and he seems to be shaking his leg underneath the table without knowing it. His hair is tied back into a ponytail and is showing a speck or two of grey in the strands. A large cloak obscures most of his body but you can easily tell at a glance that he isn’t the strongest or toughest man. As you near the table his head bobs up and down quickly in acknowledgement and he motions to one of the chair around the table.

"H-hello, let's just wait for everyone to show up before we get down to brass tacks."

He nervously starts to pour what... appears to be ale into each of the seven cups at the table but fumbles the jug and ends up spilling more than half of it onto the table before frantically righting it. He gives you a sheepish grin before filling the cups only halfway.

"Sorry about that..."

2008-08-31, 11:28 PM

Emerald eyes started open in an instant, sweat-drenched shocks of red hair clung to a pale face. Humble breasts rose and fell in short and shallow breaths.

Slowly, the young woman on the dirty cot steadied her rapid respiration and tried to wipe her cold forehead with the back of her hand only to snatch it back at the last moment when she discovered the naked blade of a dagger in that hand. Her eyes narrowed as she slammed the weapon into the headboard and left it there, quivering.

Damned nightmare. Strange dreams, really... running away from giant dice dropped from blackness... She thought as she ran her left hand through her matted crimson locks.

Sinking back down into the relative comfort of a stringy pillow, she yelled incoherently when somebody knocked on the door. "Nro, yer dresses'll be finshed la'er, Mizzus Ren! Noontide! Still... dawn!"

But the knocking persisted. Her bleary eyes opened and then narrowed their gaze in irritation. She then jumped up and grabbed the dagger from its temporary sheath in the now-damaged headboard. Hastily donning her trusty trenchcoat of heavy leather and almost falling on her own tripwire, she yelled at the unexpected guest through the thin driftwood door. "SHADDAP! Keep yer pants on, whoe'er ya bloody are! I'm comin' a'ready... who in Khyber are ye anyhow?"

When she finally finished unbolting the second of the locks on her door and cracks it open just a hair, she was startled when the messenger announces, "Sivis post for a certain Watak Woeweaver... is this the correct residence, praytell?"



Brown, muddy rain pours down from the higher levels of Sharn. A shadow of a woman emerges from the teeth of the storm. The lower half of a heavy trenchcoat whips about with every gust of wind.

The head is bowed against the battering storm, a dark hood obscuring the darkened face. Ragged wisps of hair gleam wetly, plastered against a sliver of forehead by the rain.

The right hand, enclosed in a gauntlet of hardened leather and tempered steel is thrust deep into a wide, wet pocket of the leathern trenchcoat. The left hand hangs low by the hip, cold rain dripping off white knuckles. Therein is clutched a finely-wrought sword, its naked blade flashing with every thunderbolt in the heavens above, a thin and shallow stylized flame serving as the blood-channel.

A hard gaze glares at the grey sky and the grey scraps of humanity drifting in the offal of this oh-so-great city. Blank eyes stare out from grimy faces, entire families living off the refuse of those literally living above their heads.

A voice struggling with emotion mutters beneath that dark cowl. "I hate it when it rains. Like the very gods and nobles are crapping on yer head..." Before she reaches her destination, the Manky Goblin tavern, more than a dozen silver sovereigns have left her fingers, flicked expertly into the grateful hands of more than a dozen paupers.

Barging through the establishment's doors, she glares at the patrons until they look away. Though cold and dripping, she strides boldly through, locking gazes with the nervous-looking Khoravar. Seating herself at his table after whispering into the ears of a passing wench for something "flaming hot", she turns to the halfelf and says, "Aelton Foxworth, I presume? Watak, at your service. Have you a rag I could borrow mayhap?" Upon these words, she sets her sword on the table and nonchalantly wipes the rainwater off the blade with two fingers...

2008-09-01, 03:20 AM
A young woman sits at the table with the others, her brown hair streaked with gold is up in a bun. She seems out of place first for her ecclesiastical clothing with its simple but predominant religious symbols and second, and more strikingly, because she looks as if she feels completely at ease with her less than pious surroundings. Her icons mark her as a follower of the Sovereign Host, more specifically of the Goddess of Wisdom, Dol Arrah.

"Oh, it's quite alright but please don't been in such a hurry..." Ingrid replies to their host as she helps him to slide the mugs across the table, "Who are we still..." ...waiting for? Her voice trails off as a fearsome woman, blade drawn, strides into the tavern and, after a curt glare to the all inside, strides to join their table.

Ingrid tucks a loose lock of still wet hair behind her ear with a finger, looking down at the mug of ale before and struggling not to stare at the intimidating woman who had just joined them or the blade she had set atop the table. Watak. Such confidence and disregard... She must be nobleborn. Ingrid ponders silently, biting back the questions springing into her mind, Here, she joins our brave circle, interested only in helping this poor man reclaim his lost goods. A faint smile graces her lips, Noble in heart as well as bloodline.

Her eyes wander over the others around the table, thoughtfully wondering of their motives and pasts.

2008-09-01, 06:50 AM
The door swung open with a soft creak, and a figure in a noticeably large coat stepped in, lowering his hood.

"Fine hour for a meeting." he muttered, unbuttoning his coat and hanging it on a nearby hook and dusting off his blue tunic. An ornate looking rapier hung from his right side, embossed with the telling mark of a Cannith Artificer. Slung across his back was a well-aged fiddle,

"This had better not be about the cat again." he remarked, sitting down at the table and appraising carefully the other two who had arrived.

"Big job this time?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the one who called herself Watak.

The Bushranger
2008-09-01, 07:39 AM
The doors of the Manky Goblin swing open yet again, admitting another person summoned by the delivery of a certain note...

The newcomer is a woman, fairly tall and a little slender for her height, and as she pushes back the hood that protected her hair from the rain you see that she is what would be considered somewhat exotic-looking. Her skin is dusky, almost to the point of being grayish-purple, but not quite, being what in another world would be considered "Mediterranian" appearing, perhaps. She shakes out her hair revealing it to be pure white, which when combined with the skin tone could, for those who consider such things, be evidence that somewhere back in the family tree one of the dark elves, the Drow, happened to make more than just the acquaintance of one of her human ancestors.

As she approaches the table she's summoned to by the nervously-waving half-elf, you can take the measure of her eyes, being a piercing icy-blue, giving the appearance of looking through you and seeing what's beneath...yet at the same time friendly and cheerful, the eyes of someone who loves to laugh and enjoy time with her friends...and yet again, the eyes of someone who has seen far too much, lost far too much, hurt far too much...

You would be Mr. Forsworth, then? she asks as she takes a seat. Andromeda Russkij.

Those who followed the ways of the Circle of Song might recall having heard of an Orion Russkij, a renowned bard who traveled the the wilderness of Khorvaire, his violin speaking to the ears of the despairing, the hearts of the lonely, the minds of the hopeless; whose charm and chivalry were such that he even won the hand and heart of a dragoness...and who, in the senseless slaughter of the Last War, was killed along with his family by a party of Cyrean soldiers who had been driven to madness by the loss of their country, on the very night before the Treaty of Thronehold was signed.

There are those who whisper that on the darkest, calmest, windless nights, in the most remote regions of the wilderness, if one listens hard enough, one can hear the sound of a violin playing and the laughter of a happy family...

I presume our friends received the same note that I did.

2008-09-01, 10:07 AM
"Heh" Watak chuckles unsmilingly at the comment of the Cannith heir. The flames of the hearth gleam scarlet upon the sword's still-wet edge.

Her right hand closes on the pommel, hiding the symbol of rank that had been engraved there from the weapon's forging. The other caresses the blade itself, callused fingers rubbing oh-so-carefully against the flat of it to dry it off and avoid rust setting in.

As she cleans the weapon, her eyes glance sidelong at the one who had already been there. For the briefest of moments, those hard emerald eyes glare at the priestess and then the corners of her lips curl ever so slightly upward. The left, unclad hand snakes forth and lifts a brimming tankard to those full lips and she takes a sip with the faintest of bows, saying, "To the Church" A templar here, eh? We'll see how she fares, fair though she be...

Leaning back into her chair and crossing her arms across her chest, Watak drawls at the Cannith-man, "Well, the grand sir Aelton won't be payin' us all twenny-fie Galifars up front just fer comin' here. So then, I suppose thatta means he ain't wantin' a new shirt wove fer him or some cat-catchin' done... ain't that right guv'?"

2008-09-01, 10:37 AM
"Forsworth, Aelton Forsworth." he greets you all by way of correction, "I had contacted six people for this meeting, and I am delighted that even four of you had shown. If you don't mind, I'd like to wait just a bit for the other two to arrive."

Aelton gives Murdock a serious look.

"No, I almost wish it were but this time it is much more serious," he then shifts nervously in his seat at Watak's comment, "Yes, umm to the church," he downs his half-cup of ale, "Now, don't fret, I'm a man of my word," he fishes around in his cloak for a moment before pulling out a small purse, "Here," he hands each you two platinum and five gold galifers, "I was, ah, hoping to give these out once everyone arrived but there's no reason to deny you this any longer... err," he hold his hands up plaintively, "Not that I was trying to deny you, umm, oh dear, I'm making a mess of this aren't I?" he fishes in his cloak again and pulls out a handkerchief and hands it to Watak, "I'm sorry, but this is all I have that is even close to being qualified as ragish."

Aelton finally manages to signal the waitress over, a hard looking woman with a tray that looks like it doubles as a club looms over the table and barks, "Watcha want?"

The Bushranger
2008-09-01, 10:47 AM
Andromeda takes the coins and slips them into her pouch, then looks up as the waitress approaches.
I'll take whatever the strongest thing you have that's appropriate for humans is.

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-01, 10:57 AM
Xaen shook his head as he walked through the Lower Wards. Gods, I hate this part of the city. So ragged, so poor, so...confining. He looks at the note in his hand. But, then again, I could really use the money. He stops in front of the Manky Goblin for a moment, then pushes through the door and walks in. He notices the nervous half elf, and the several others seated near by, and walks over towards them.

Anyone looking at him would see a somewhat short drow with an immensely graceful stride. He wears simple clothes, but occasionally one catches a glimpse of what almost looks like leaves beneath them. His white hair is pulled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck, and his crystal blue eyes constantly move, constantly aware of his surroundings.

When he gets to the table, he tells the serving woman, "Ale," then turns to the half elf. "You the one that sent this letter?" He looks at the others assembled, then at the purses sitting infront of them. "Eh, you must be. Alright," he says, sitting, "Payment first and then you can tell me all about this job of yours." As he sits, the more perceptive ones see that Xaen wears a small pendant of a stylized dragon on a simple cord around his neck, and that occasionally he reaches up and idly plays with it. Also, those who are more perceptive, notice that, while the drow looks unarmed, he carries himself as someone who is.

2008-09-01, 01:04 PM
A 'kerchief? Hey, even I respect these..., run her thoughts as she swipes the square of cloth from her patron's hand and, using merely a corner, wipes dry the blade of her father's sword. Watak gives it back to him and as she draws her hand back, smoothly palming and pocketing the downpayment with a grin of thanks. "Sorreh, lhesh'ka Forsworth. Ain't so good wi' me letters sometimes f'I wasn't schooled none"

Popping out a gold piece, she flips it into the air and onto the waitress' waiting tray. "Some flaming hot stew, if ya please... beef jerky and good barley bread as well. Cuppa tal and a good ol' pitcher o' water ta round it off"

Taking another pull at her ale, she peers over the top of the tankard, briefly studying the two new arrivals. One seems to be a chip of the other... Both fighters, quicklike, not lumberers... An' this chap, looks like Yalenne, might he be her worthless dad? Looks like he might be too young, but ya never can tell with elves, though...

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-01, 01:26 PM
Slowly walking through the streets of lower Sharn, Gell makes his way into the tavern.

Well, this is the place...

Seeing his patron, he walks over and sits down.

"So.... Who are you? he says to the other adventurers there.
"I'am Gell, a warrior of the shadow marches."

2008-09-01, 03:39 PM
"Gell, Xaen, it's excellent that you have arrived! We can talk about payment after... *harrumph*"

Aelton tries to cough and surreptitiously point at the barmaid, who easily notices the gesture and snorts. Seeing the barmaid glaring at him Aelton mistakes the reason and gives her a crooked smile.

"Nothing more for me, thank you. Anyone want anything else?"

2008-09-01, 07:30 PM
"I'm Ingrid." The young woman of the cloth replies with a friendly smile, "I'm not from anywhere so interesting as the Shadow Marches, just Breland." She glances around the table, eagerly waiting the answers of the others but, somehow, completely missing the toast to the church.

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-01, 07:46 PM
Xaen looks up from his drink. "Shadow Marches? And Breland, eh? I've been there." He shrugs. "Somethin' tells me the lot of us 're going to be workin' together. 'Name's Xaen. Y'needn't know much more." He still is idly touching the pendant at his neck, and those who fought in the last war may recognize it as the symbol of the mercenary band, the Grey Dragons.

2008-09-01, 08:02 PM
"Nice to meet you." Ingrid smiles.

The Bushranger
2008-09-01, 09:17 PM
The white-haired young woman shrugs slightly. I suppose I'll have some stew as well...
She looks around at the others at the table.
For those who weren't here when I introduced myself, my name is Andromeda Russkij. You may call me Rommie, everyone does. She sighs. I am merely a Brelander looking to forget what I lost in the war.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-01, 11:07 PM
"I see. In what ways have you trained? I am a berzeker warrior. My style is simple, and my skills mostly include fighting on the front lines."

2008-09-01, 11:25 PM
The barmaid stares at the gold for a moment before biting into it. After a moment of gnawing on the galifer she grunts and spits the coin back onto her palm.

"Oh we gots some strong stuff, just you wait little girl." The barmaid walks off with a cackle at Rommie. While she's gone Aelton quickly hands out the last two handfuls of coin to Gell and Xaen. In a minute the barmaid returns with her platter full. She drops a bowl of stew in front of Rommie and Watak, and leaves a large loaf of semi-fresh bread and a plate of jerky in the middle of the table. She then takes the last item, a large tin tankar, and places it carefully in front of Rommie.

"Thudrud, that's all I think ya can 'andle girl. Next time ya come back we can up ya to somethin' else. That'll be 2 galifers for tha drink, that other piece covered tha rest."

Once the barmaid receives payment she give Rommie a wink, "Try not ta be sick on me table, girl."

When you drink the Thudrud, I'd like a Fortitude check please :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-01, 11:40 PM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock reached into a pocket and produced the note, which he unfolded and showed to his client before folding it back up and tucking it away.

"I've eaten." he said, his manner becoming businesslike in an instant. "You wouldn't be calling six people together on request if you didn't have an important job in mind. So what is it?"

His elbows were on the table now, fingertips pressed together.

2008-09-02, 12:04 AM
Once the food is delivered Aelton nods and starts into his problem

"All right, on to the task at hand. I was, that is to say my home was, robbed last week. I woke in the dark to a loud crash and I uh… I ran out of my bedroom to see two darkly cloaked figures fleeing out of my study window. Luckily Mr. Tibbins wasn’t injured, I think that he might have spooked the robbers. But I digress, they stole a number of small knick-knacks from my travels, some jewelry that has been passed down through my family, some coin and,” he pauses here, eyes wide, “a package of research materials. It is imperative that you get that package back!”

“Since the treaty of Thronehold was written I’ve been spending my time researching the demise of several families of Brelish nobility. It is sad, but the war claimed a great deal of good and noble people. Why,” his eyes flare with passion, “Drassen ir’Balach’s treatise on flesh grafting for those with burns was remarkable! If he had survived the attack on Sword Keep ninety years ago, the world might very well be a different place.”

Aelton snaps out of his memories and coughs loudly.

“Well, to sum things up I had recently, and quite accidentally truth be told, found a reference to the ir’Balach family estate out in the countryside. The family died with Drassen and his estate was effectively lost. Drassen hadn’t been very popular in the Brelish court so he was quickly forgotten. So, I found an account from a friend of the family from two hundred years ago that didn’t just describe the manor and the area around it but also the ir’Balach family crypt. This is my chance, my big chance to lead an expedition on the very soil of Breland to uncover the personal notes of a medical genius, I’d be sure to get tenure then.”

“But now, with that robbery everything has gone horribly wrong. I don’t care about all of the valuables that they stole but that folder had all of my notes. Someone of capable intellect could put everything together and go out to rob the tomb, or worse they could just get rid of it when they find out that it’s worthless on it’s own. Which brings us to the crux of you all being here.”

“I want, no I need you to find the thieves that took my notes and get them back. Do what you want to the rogues, I don’t really care about what happens to them. All that matters are the notes.”

He grins at you and taps his nose, obviously proud of this next part

"I'd like you all to come back to my apartment to search for clues, I left everything exactly as it was after the theft and stayed at the University for the last few days so everything should be exactly as it was. I do have something to help your search though, when the crash noise woke me up I heard a raspy voice say in the goblin tongue," Aelton coughs and suddenly his voice sounds like it came from a goblonoid, ""Haar rhan, Muurac, maagaan o shuulkhar!” or in common, “Get back here Muurac, you coward!" This Muurac must have been one of the robbers, logically."

The Bushranger
2008-09-02, 12:10 AM
Rommie gives the barmaid the hint of a smile as she hands over the two coins.
It's that good, is it? All I can say then is that I'll do my best.

She quietly eats the stew while she listens to their prosepective employer's tale, then goes to take a sip of the drink...

Fort save: [roll0]

2008-09-02, 12:19 AM
You remember, years before, your father telling you a tale of him getting kicked by a mule. He tried to do the tale justice but you just didn't understand what it must feel like.

Now however, you have a keen understanding, except instead of a mule it feels like you just got tackled by a rotting cow that's also on fire. You take 1 temporary Dex and Wis damage as the strange brew takes immediate effect. Strangely enough the taste, while repulsive in that same rotting bovine way grows on you.

The Bushranger
2008-09-02, 12:25 AM
"Strange brew"....eh? :smalltongue:

Rommie shakes her head and sputters a little.
Pfew! This is the real deal, alright...exactly what I was looking for. So then, you basically want us to find these robbers for you, is that what you're saying?
She raises the mug in the barmaid's direction in thanks and takes another sip before turning back to the stew.

2008-09-02, 11:34 AM
"Exactly, find the robbers and get my notes back and you'll receive a nice amount of pay," Aelton leans over the table and whispers to you all, "One hundred and fifty galifers," he sits back and looks at each of you in turn with a hopeful expression, "Is that acceptable?"

2008-09-02, 12:17 PM
And lo! The explanation for the IC silence/inactivity during which time I was at school and then working afterwards! Watak was eating... a lot...

As the food alights upon the table, Watak falls upon it like a starving wolf on a fattened calf. Bits of chicken, leeks and rice spew from the slurping mouth as she chokes it down but even these do not escape the rapid flashing of the wooden spoon that soon clacks and scrapes upon an empty bowl. Cold, no-longer-frothy ale sloshes down her chin and neck as she slakes the sheer heat of the stew after every mouthful.

The bowl and the spoon clatter to the table as Watak suddenly gasps, her eyes wide. One hand spasms as her mouth opens and closes silently. Her face scrunches up in determination and she opens her mouth abominably wide, reaches in and then plucks out a large piece of unchewed chili.

She holds it up to the light, seemingly savouring the thig with her very gaze, caressing the folds of the foul fruit with her sight. Without warning, she draws it in and then bites. Her eyes water but she holds her ground and swallows the vicious viand.

She chuckles once more with that singular chuckle and then drains what remains of her ale in one long swallow. Slamming the empty tankard on the table, she belches and then grins. "Gods be praised, tha' was the best meal I'd had in MONTHS!"

Her right hand slips down to her coat's flank, flips and tucks away a flap of leather, then draws a dagger. Leaning forward, she slices off a chunk from the loaf of bread which she uses to wipe clean her bowl. Spearing a piece of jerky with her blade, she flicks it into her other hand and then stuffs it into the now semi-soggy piece of bread. Setting the dagger down by the communal platter for the others to use with the food if they so wish, she gives the others a nod and the smile of somebody content with simple pleasures. "Yepp" she says around a slow mouthful of the sandwich. "I never got enough for a meal half this good even when I finish weaving one dress a day..."

And then she adds with a wink, "Heh. O' course, that ain't all I do..."

Leaning back into her seat, after munching thoughtfully, she lowers her half-eaten sandwich, levels her green gaze on their host. "I may be a downtrodden crapsack who can't put two crusts together... heh... 'xcept tonight... but that don't mean I don't think"

After savagely ripping off another chunk from her sandwich, she says, "So lemme get this straight... Yer a Morgrave professor and ye got burgled. You been researching stuff about dead nobles and in particklar, this 'ere Drasse'm'Ballech fellow who ye say's a good doctor at curing burned flesh. And then ye say yon Muurac's one of the thieves and he scarpered outta there all craven-like? Is that all right, chib?"

Watak continues with the slightest hint of a smile. "Hmm, an' ye didn't disturb the crime scene... how thoughtful. Not that I'm ungrateful, but why did ye hire a buncha adventurers and not sic the Watch on them? What, they's all bad cops? Heh, I'm flattered. Heh"

She leans forward now, the motion inadvertently making the other dagger strapped to her hip tilt into a less shadowed position. She pops the rest of the sandwich into her mouth and chews slowly, deliberately. Wiping away the crumbs with her ungauntleted hand, she continues, "Do ya have any... enemies, mistah Forsworth? Methinks that those who stole from ye were after that folder and those papers deliberately. Everything else was just targets o' opportoon'ty, grabbed on the way out, or worse, they intentionally stole yer other stuff ta make it look like a normal robbery..." Yeah, that's what I'd do if I was there...

With that Watak leans back again, sitting straight in her chair, awaiting her answer. "Well, chief? Did I get that right? An', do ya have an'thing more ta tell us that might help in gettin' yer stuff back?" Yeah, and Muurac... I might know just the gobbo who might know him...

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-02, 05:51 PM
"Do you have any idea of where these robbers might be? If so, do you know what catching them will entail?"

The Bushranger
2008-09-02, 06:29 PM
I agree with Miss Manners here, Rommie tilts her head in Watak's direction, Why not just involve the local constab?

She would sense motive, but remember, temporary WIS damage. :smalltongue:

She motions to the barmaid who's working an adjacent table. This Thud! is good stuff, and I managed to avoid getting sick, do I pass?

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-02, 08:44 PM
Xaen just listens to the proposition, quietly counting the number of gold pieces. Hmmm...That's a nice payout for a relatively simple job. Something sounds a tad bit fishy. Then again, who turns down money like that?

He looks at Rommie, and at Rommie's drink. He waves to the waitress and flips her a few coins. "I'll have the same as my new friend here."

2008-09-02, 10:36 PM
"A, ah, masterful summation Watak, err... though I'm not so sure what a 'chib' is. I contacted you all because I thought that each of your skills would be a great help to getting my research back, Murdock here is an inquisitive you know. Also," Aelton looks down at his cup and grimaces, "I didn't involve the guards because I broke one of Morgrave's most important laws; original copies and works cannot be removed from the library without a special writ. That document I spoke of before that had the account of the manor, it was an original copy and I was so close to finding the manor that I didn't want to take the time to copy it. I smuggled it out of the library and took it home. If the university finds out that it was stolen not from them, but from me then I'll be kicked out and blacklisted from all the other great academies of Khorvaire. If I go to the law, the university will know what I've done."

Aelton runs a hand through his hair.

"This isn't just about one project, this is about my entire life."

After moping for a moment he looks up to Gell.

"Honestly, I haven't the foggiest idea. Like I said before, do whatever you need to do to track them down and get the notes back. This kind of thing is Murdock's specialty, that's why I contacted him."

The barmaid gives Rommie a slightly toothless grin and goes back behind the bar to fill another two mugs. When she comes back to the table she sets another tin tankard in front of Xaen and a small wooden one down in front of Rommie. She snatches the two gold from Xaen but waves off payment from Rommie.

"That'll do drow, an' girl if'n ya can drink that you'll pass, it be free ta any who can keep it down. S'called Scumble."

Alright, fort saves from the both of you if you drink

2008-09-03, 12:29 AM
My last post got eaten last night. It was the Flying Purple Post Eater, I swear!

Now, social skill rolls for the interrogation.

The Diplomacy is more to press Aelton into recalling more useful information that he might not have remembered in the initial brief. Sense Motive is Sense Motive.

Murdock Teguan
Murdock leaned back in his seat, fingertips still pressed together. The antics of the others were interesting, but it was time for business, after all.

"I see. I must warn you, however, that forensics is not my specialty. Nevertheless, I believe you've come to the right man for the job. Now, I've got a few questions for you, regarding your research."

Murdock leaned in close again.

"It seems to me that what you're really worried about is the book, if I'm not terribly mistaken. Firstly, what do you remember about the contents of the book?"

"Secondly, do you recall the name of the book? Did you speak of the book to any of your associates? Anything you recall regarding this matter will be of use in resolving this. If your package were to be found, what would be your limit in event the thieves were prepared to ransom it?"

The Bushranger
2008-09-03, 07:41 AM
Rommie shrugs. Well, it sounds like an interesting challenge to me, at any rate. I would like to hear your answers to Murd's questions here but aside from that you can count me in...

She grins at the barmaid as the new drink is delivered.
So it's that much more of a challenge, is it? I'll give it a try then.
She picks up the mug of scumble and takes a large sip...

dun Dun DUN!
Fort save: [roll0]
And the crowd goes wild!

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-03, 07:43 AM
*said quietly*
"An interesting bunch..... Well it will be 'fun' working with them...."

2008-09-03, 02:54 PM
Watak blinks at Murdock's questions and nods while licking the crumbs on her fingers. "Good points, Cannith"

She leans out and reaches for another piece of jerky. Tapping it against the back of her hand and then passing it appreciatively under her nose as one would a cigar, she then bites into the salty strip of meat, savouring the sweetness that is just right.

Tapping the common platters for the beef and bread that were placed in the centre of the table with her knife, she asks the others around the table, "Y'all getting?"

Taking another bite out of her jerky, she says to Aelton and the others, "Well, lhesh'ka, pending yer answers ta Murdock's inquiries, methinks I'd be good ta go if y'all are... And, might ye be fine with a little negotiation on that pay, good sir? Whatsay ye to... a hundred-ninety per?"

Sense Motive [roll0]

2008-09-03, 04:28 PM
Aelton seems to genuinely be telling you the truth, and when he adds new information it's due to forgetfulness rather than omission. He's certainly not faking his need for you to get the papers back.

Aelton is desperate, that is plain to see, but until now you haven't known how much he needed your help. Though he doesn't seem like a rich man upping the reward shouldn't be beyond his means, or his need. Even as you ask you see a brief spark of panic behind his eyes but it's quickly replaced with resigned acceptance.

The Scumble tastes like it was made from apples, well, mostly apples. Unlike the Thudrud the Scumble actually tastes alright, like a cider that had been hardened by crushed pavestones and flavored with pure alchohol. Your head starts to fog over a little bit but your kidneys are in fine form this night, and are pumping the stuff as quickly through your system as they can.

Aelton is plainly relieved that Murdock has all but agreed to take the job and nods his head along to the inquisitive questions.

"The book is a journal, actually, from a nobleman named Folston ir'Maning who had a passion for geography and mapping. He attended a fundraising party for widows of the war headed up by Drassen's parents and even though the reclusive nobles asked him not to record it's exact location Folston took down notes on the land features around the estate and part of the path that led to the Orien trade road. The University keeps the journal due to some unique maps that Folston had made on the last few pages, he'd come up with a different way of marking the heights and dips of the land. Those portions had been copied but the body of text, which no one had really given a hard look at before, had not. The journal is a faded grey colour of leather and only about an inch thick, half a foot tall and four inches wide."

Aelton realizes that he just went on a huge segue and coughs before continuing.

"No, I remember bits and pieces of the text but not enough to put together a cogent bearing to the estate. If I had the book in my hands I could narrow the possible locations down easily but without it the description could mean dozens of locations within Breland. As for anyone else knowing about it, I've kept my administrative superior Mayla Philanon appraised on my progress but I never told her about the book since I, err, didn't want anyone there connecting me to it if the librarians noticed it's absence," he strokes his chin, "I suppose that if I had that she might have told someone else but she's been in Karranth at a symposium for the last week and a few days, before I found the journal."

"I don't remember anything else about the night of the robbery, but I can clarify one thing. The two shapes that I saw jump through the window were small, only a few feet high. Also, they jumped through at the same time so it could be that this Muurac was a third robber. Ransom though... a capitol idea! Though I don't like the ideas of these thieves getting anymore of my property I can see how the lack of blood spilled would be a benefit. I may be able to afford a four-hundred gold ransom in that case, though it would take me a few days to drum up the funds."

Aelton seem even more releived as some of the group pledged their support, pending his answers, and begins to relax his posture when Watak begins to negotiate the rate.

"One hundred and ninety? I-I suppose I could go that high for each of you, though in that case a severely hope that you don't proceed with the ransoming option."

The barmaid looks up from where she's servicing another table and grins again at Rommie.

"Ya got some stones girl, most times Sumble sends th'man drinkin' it under the floorboards. First timer not pukin'? On th'house."

2008-09-03, 06:47 PM
Ingrid wrinkles her nose at the antics of her newfound compatriots, amazed at how much food...and liquor they were putting down with such ease.

"Wait... What?" She suddenly snaps out of her stupor, "One hundred and ninety?" She begins to frown then glances at the professor, who is clearly very comfortable with the price, "Nevermind."

The Bushranger
2008-09-03, 06:52 PM

I wouldn' want to waste this stuff that way, and much thanks. I might see what I can do t' reccomend it...
She trails off, she was going to finish that sentence '...to my friends', but, all her friends are dead...
Rommie shakes her head and, finally, turns her attention fully to the ongoing negiotiations, taking a hunk of beef and slice of bread, and having enough sense through the slight mental fogging to shoot Ingrid a 'don't rock the boat' look when the cleric starts to protest..

2008-09-03, 07:15 PM
((OoC: Sense Motive: [roll0] - 1 = 15

Too bad. I was hoping for something low.))

Ingrid blinks, comprehension dawning on her face, "Well, that's... This poor man just wants to help people." She crosses her arms and leans back in her chair, a pensive frown crossing her fair features for a moment, the she adds quietly, "Professor, you can divide my payment among the others to help satisfy anyone whose needs are so great that they simply can't have less than a hundred and ninety pieces."

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-03, 07:56 PM

Xaen took a large taste of his drink, mulling over the job. At the mention of so may Galifers, his eyes lit up and he listened even closer.

2008-09-03, 09:03 PM
"WHAT?! " Watak snaps at the priestess. The impoverished rogue's eyes bug out of her head, her flushed furiously.

"Th-tha... Thousand thanks priestess... er, Ingrid!" she stutters, almost at a loss for words at the generosity.

Still blushing furiously and bereft of her usual bravado, she buries her face in the loaf of bread. Suddenly a thought occurs to her and she speaks it right off. "Why is it that y'all priestesses are so... kind... unlike yer men-clerics who're nuthin' more'n a buncha overlords in robes?"

2008-09-03, 10:06 PM
Murdock Teguan
"Cannith? I'm sure you're quite mistaken. I'm nothing of the sort." replied Murdock to Watak's comment.

Murdock shakes his head at the frantic offer by Aelton.

"No, that will not be necessary. I am a professional, Dr. Forsworth. A hundred and fifty galifars will be more than sufficient to cover my services and potential expenses, and I will inform you if more money is required for any reason."

Murdock holds out an arm to shake the hand of Aelton.

"Well, Dr. Forsworth, you've hired yourself an investigator. First things first, I would recommend you start working on reconstructing your notes from what you can find, and see about writing down a list of the dozens of locations it could be at - dozens is better than none, and if worst comes to worst it would be prudent to have a list to whittle down."

2008-09-03, 11:55 PM
"Oh, don't mention it." Ingrid replies kindly, "I mean, you must be starving...you poor thing..." She hesitates at the next question, caught off guard, "Wha... Really?" A thoughtful frown crosses her brow as she responds to Watak's claim, "Most of the priests I know are...very kind... Why, my father was the kindest soul I've ever known."

2008-09-04, 01:44 AM
From your time in your homeland you remember heading out into the jungle on a hunt with your father, looking for a suitable meal for your family. As the two of you stalked through the jungle as komodo dragon had lunged at you from some brush, but luckily your father's quick reflexes had sent a dagger right into the creature's brain. The creature fell heavily on top of you, and before your father could drag it off of you, you took in a deep whiff from it's jaws. The festering bacteria filled mouth of the dragon made you sick for hours afterwards.

You remember this right as the drink hit your tongue, and the similarities are too close to ignore. Strangely though you enjoy the taste and aftereffect and your body seems strong enough for the brew.

"Thank you so much Murdock, I'm sure that you won't have to go into the sewers this time, I still have no idea how Mr. Tibbins got down there," Aelton mumbles this last part before taking the inquisitive's hand, "Once you've had a look around my apartment I'll be staying there again so I can start drawing up a list of locations in case the unthinkable happens."

Aelton waves his hands in distress over the table as Ingrid offers up her portion of the reward to the others.

"Nonono," he tries to catch Ingrid's attention, "Watak makes a good point, you all are deserving of a little more than what I led with. Please, I wouldn't dream of not giving you adequate pay for a job well done, and I won't hear of you just giving your hard earned money away," he holds up a stern finger to the favored soul, but then deflates, "Unless, of course, that's what you feel you should do."

"You shouldn't disparage the male priesthood so much Watak. It was in fact a priest friend of mine who suggested that I hire you. He said that a, oh who was it, something like Gredam? Godarm... Gedram, that's it!" he snaps his fingers triumphantly, "A lady Gedram had told him to keep an eye out for you, and when I told him that I needed help he immediately suggested you."

Aelton himself takes a slice of bread from the platter and bites into it.

"Hmm this is not too bad. Well as soon as everyone is ready I think that we should head out. That is, unless anyone has any more questions?"

2008-09-04, 03:20 AM
"Well... If it's really alright with you?" Ingrid answers with a mildly confused smile.

2008-09-04, 11:44 AM
A flood of memories rush in upon Ingrid's mention of her father. Watak's thick brows furrow and her eyes darkens and her breath comes short and shallow.

She hears once more her mother's once-unsullied voice praising a father she never even met. She saw that great man again through the eyes of a little girl frightened of the thunder, saw him shining armour and white steed, decimating the ranks of the foul Karrns with bow and blade and battalion.

She feels again the flames of guilt burning her heart when she lifted her first purse. She feels the hot blood staining her chest and arm, her hand sticky with the gore of the first throat she slit. By rights it was a good kill, swift and clean--- the corrupt cop never knew what hit him... but she still feels deep in her soul that what she had become was not right...

And then the War ended. Those soldiers who had the heart to come home did, but they were not the same men and women who had gone forth, full of faith in the cause they fought for.

The door to their shanty just creaks open. There is no fanfare, no white steed, no glorious cavalcade, no triumphant return. Just another scruffy, bearded man clad in rusty mail, bedecked in an officer's ragged finery.

Watak hears once more the clatter of the coinage she had stolen from the usurious Sin'seys and feels again blow upon mail-fisted blow raining down upon her young body. His is the last face that she sees before being claimed by the oblivion of unconsciousness only to awake in a dank, dark dungeon filled with hardened criminals long-starved of flesh...

Watak gasps and bites back the tiniest sob. Her lip trembles as she unclenches her fists from their white-knuckled grip on the table's edge. Deliberately, she steadies her breathing, or at least she tries to...

Blinking back the tears that are dammed by her adamant eyes, she says to Ingrid in a strangled voice, "W... would that I had been your sister..."

Suddenly she shakes her head and clenches her fist. Looking about and seeing that none of the others are forthcoming about taking any of the food for themselves, she shoves the remaining bread and beef into a small sack which she then stows away beneath her coat.

Watak then slams her fist into the table, causing the dagger that she'd left on the central platter to flip into the air. Catching it deftly with her right hand, she gives the small blade a spinning flourish and then tucks it close against the underside of her forearm just as she stands up. Flashing a hint of a smile at her newfound employer, she says, "Well, if y'all put it that way, then 'pparently not all of them are bad... The Big G's man told ye some-some, eh? Well, ya got me good, bub"

Glancing at the others, she says, "I don't know about ye fellas but I'm rarin' fer a scrappin' wid these 'ere buggers wot durred ta steal from a teacher like ye..."

Coupla questions, chief.
1. What time is it? Midnight, early evening, what?
2. Is Aelton's apartment perchance located in the Den'iyas District?

The Bushranger
2008-09-04, 02:32 PM
Rommie hasn't had so much to drink that she misses the tears, and looks at the red-haired rogue with some concern, but isn't able to say anything before her fellow investigator into this most heinous of crimes collects herself...
Making a mental note that may or may not be remembered later, she finishes her drink and nods.
I agree, taking on some o' these creeps might well be quite refreshing.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-04, 08:04 PM
Flatly, Gell says "No. We move out now." He stands abrubtly, grabs his sword and taps his foot impatiently.

2008-09-04, 08:18 PM
Ingrid blinks, looking to the imposing Gell quizzically, "No?" After a moment, the priestess gets to her feet, though she still seems a bit puzzled, "No what? You don't want to work with us?" She smiles a bit sadly, "May the gods be with you then."

The Bushranger
2008-09-04, 08:24 PM
I think he meant he had no mor' questions, Rommie explains, then goes to stand up herself.
Managing to do so with only a little assistance required from the edge of the table. :smalltongue:

2008-09-04, 08:27 PM
"Oh..." Ingrid smiles sheepishly, "Then I agree, let's...uh...move out."

2008-09-04, 08:29 PM
"Indeed, I think that Gell just meant that we should move on to my apartment rather than spend any more time here, and while it is truly a pleasure to chat with you all I have to agree with him," Aelton stands up, "I retained a skycoach for the evening, I left the driver just a few blocks north and east of here. Once we hop in she'll take us up to the Ivy Towers where my apartment is located."

Aelton pushes his chair back beneath the table and waits for everyone else to stand.

Spot and Listen checks from everyone please.

The Bushranger
2008-09-04, 08:40 PM
Rommie nods and turns torwards the barmaid.
Thanks again, that was some pretty good stuff.

dun Dun DUN!
Danged WIS damage! :smalltongue:
Spot: 1d20+0
Listen: 1d20+3

2008-09-04, 08:41 PM
Ingrid pulls her wet cloak from the chair behind her and gives it a rough shake, sending water droplets flying, "Oh, a skycoach? How delightful, I was afraid we'd have to walk in this dismal rain."

Le Spot: [roll0] - 1
Le Listen: [roll1] - 1

:smallannoyed: What the... I'm suppose to fail at stuff like this, not roll 20s.

The Bushranger
2008-09-04, 08:42 PM
Seems the character isn't the only one with WIS damage tonight. :smallredface:

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2008-09-04, 11:29 PM
Listen and Spot ahoy...

Watak's right hand hangs low, the wrist and fingers tensed. The dagger's blade against the inside of her forearm within the wide sleeve of her trenchcoat feels cool and comforting.

As the others stand to leave, she comments, "Nice cloak, priestess. Oh, and sir Forsworth, will yer skycoach be a-having some ceiling or awning? I hate rain..."

2008-09-05, 02:39 AM
"Oh...why thanks." Ingrid replies with an uncertain smile.

2008-09-05, 03:33 AM

EDIT: Hah, knew it. Stupid roller.

Murdock Teguan
Murdock stood, and shook hands with the others.

"Well, since it seems we'll be colleagues for the near future, good to meet you all. Murdock Teguan, inquisitive."

The delayed pleasantries done, Murdock started heading over to the door with the others, taking his coat from the rack and pulling up the hood.

"I believe it's high time we all got to work. When you're ready, Dr Forsworth." he said, taking comfort in the warmth of the fur-lined overcoat. It was far too cold to be out in this weather, anyway, and the loose-fitting tunic wasn't helping. His mind was already wandering, as he thought over the description Dr Forsworth gave and how best to go about the search.

A hundred and fifty crowns galifars were nothing to sneeze at, and for that price any client would expect five-star service. Especially considering he lacked the arcane resources usually employed by those who commanded such prices.

EDIT: Nexus brought to my attention what the coins actually were.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-05, 08:21 AM
[roll0] My listen. [roll1] EDIT: my spot

"I did intend that we leave. We don't need to waste more time on words."

2008-09-05, 07:07 PM
((Should I switch to another color again? :smallconfused:))

"Wasting time..." Ingrid frowns, "You really think that it's been a waste of time to learn about our mission and each other?"

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-05, 09:19 PM
Xaen listens to each of his new comrades, slowly enjoying this newfound drink. I have to suggest this to Sarge... As everyone prepares to leave, he stands and reaches behind him, his hand returning with a Xen'drik boomerang, which he begins to toss about a little.

[roll0] [roll1] Edit: ...Wow, that drink was stronger than I thought...

2008-09-05, 11:56 PM
Ingrid suddenly pauses, the thought occurring to her that she might have left one of her pouches on the table, but as she turns she realizes that it's still secured on her belt. She sighs sheepishly, then her eyes light on a group of men acting...rather oddly. She watches them with some concern for a moment, then a flicker of comprehension lights in her eyes.

Ingrid hesitates then, instead of talking to her new comrades about her concerns as wisdom might dictate, she walks deliberately across the tavern to where three men sit at table and addresses them. "Gentlemen, if I dare to make such an assumption as to your character, what quarrel do you have against me and my friends that you look on us with such malicious intent? In the name of Dol Arrah, I charge you to tell me."

[Diplomacy] [roll0] + 4

High WIS, Low CHA is a lot easier to pull off than High Cha, Low Wis. :(

I guess it's easier to say the right thing in the wrong way than it is to say the wrong thing in the right way. :P

2008-09-06, 01:20 AM
Watak's years of street-sharpened senses detect something amiss in the milling crowd of humanity in the tavern. Her brow twitches as she sees from the corner of her eyes a group of men who look like they might be planning either an ambuscade or the beginning of some stalking...

...and then she notices that one of the men is possessed of some grace reminding her of a prince of old. Her keen eyes sight clearly that he is counting some coppers with which he is likely to pay their bar tab.

"Gah" she mutters as she slaps her forehead and stomps over to them.

Reaching the soon-to-be debacle, she levels her grim gaze at the men and feels her body tense, her hands readying themselves for a fight... and then she reins in, and sighs heavily. Just apologize for her, goddamnit. She don't know wots good fer her...

Visibly relaxing, she tries to smile allayingly but only manages a lopsided half-sneer-half-grin. "Yo fellas. Ya gots ta 'scuse me friend here. New in town, just come in from th' monastery. Y'all were just paying yer bar tab like the good an' righteous citizens o' blessed Breland, weren't ya?"

Ready an action to hurl the dagger at the first sign of actual hostility

Hmm... and does this need a Diplomacy roll? Methinks it does...
Um... 8 Cha... bar-brawl upcoming?

Yeah, yeah, lemme guess, if it goes wrong, they'll be gunning for the "good an' righteous citizens o' blessed Breland" line...
Scratch that! Whoohoo! Guess she needs a new honourific now, like... "Peacekeeper"?

2008-09-06, 01:31 AM
Watak makes good on a diplomacy check, Ingrid passes a Spot and Sense Motive... At least, I think it was successful. :smallbiggrin: Maybe it wasn't, that would funny. :smallwink:

"What? I've been here for two weeks!" Ingrid snaps back indignantly, completely missing the tension in her new friend's voice, "These 'good and righteous citizens' should explain their intentions! To leer at us so malevolently..."

2008-09-06, 02:14 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock wheels about in an instant, distracted from his sudden and all-too-fascinating discovery of an unusually discoloured brick by Ingrid's demand of the heretofore unnoticed aggressive looking men.

Taking advantage of his current hooded appearance, he draws aside his coat slightly, pointedly revealing the polished hilt of his rapier.

"Shall I run them through for their insolence, m'lady?" he asks, quite loudly and unmistakably. It was times like these appearing to be the lapdog of someone who looked like they were in authority was an excellent way of making a point.

Pfft, Diplomacy?


EDIT: Aaand I roll low. As usual.

2008-09-06, 02:16 AM
"Yeah, well, I been in Sharn fer two months and on the streets me whole life..." she mutters in retort.

Watak rolls her eyes at Ingrid's reaction. Gah. I thought I was bluffing there but, apparently, I was right... Having at least the decency to pretend she is coughing into the collar of her coat, the rogue sniggers and snorts.

Oh Flame grant that I get this right...Locking gazes with the priestess so pure, Watak says with a sigh, "Ingrid... it's just tha' these 'ere men are so enamerred with yer beauty that they cannae but help but stare at yer unfath'mable grace and charm. Ah, um, pray ye fergive their vulgaritis as they've never seen a lady more fair than ye"

Turning back to the men, she says, "Look, here, bubs. She's hot, yeah, but she don't like the way yer starin' at her... if y'all indeed were. Twould be much 'ppreciated if'n y'all don't stare s'much"

Leaning in close to them, she slams her dagger into the wood of their table and snarls, "Ya know what else is hot, bozos? This 'ere shiv'd be when I lops off yer ***** if y'all keeps a-starin', that's wot!"

Standing back, she turns to Ingrid and shoots her a heavy wide wink that says Just play along with it, PLEASE! Facing the men again, she yanks off the dagger and begins flipping it through her fingers nonchalantly.

Suddenly, her left hand slaps a galifar down on the table, covering the stab in the wood. Her dread gaze doesn't leave their eyes as she hollers, "A bottle o' fine wine or whatever else they'll have! These oh-so-fine gentlemen's next round o' drinks is on me!"

Looking smugly at them now, she says, "Sooo... as I said, we don't want no trouble. Aaand since my friend the priestess is new in town, why don't y'all have some words wid us? She's afeart o'th' security o' this new place, not like the prim an' proper temples an' all... Have y'all seen o' heard o' some oh-so-dangerous vagabonds hereabouts? Like mebbe near Ivory Towers or Ivy Towers or there somewhere?"


Suddenly, Murdock steps in, hand on hilt and delivers his threat. Watak sighs. "Yeah, well, y'all know how 'tis on the streets, dontcher? We was uh, wonderin' if'n y'all'd seen o' heard o' some hoodlums hereabouts... some dastardly rogues who ain't afraid o' big bad bodyguard here..."

2008-09-06, 02:55 AM
Murdock Teguan
"Funny you should mention that. Why, I most certainly do know a few likely lads. But m'lady has a thing for ropes, and she has been looking for a few volunteers as of late." replies Murdock, unable to resist taking a little jab at Ingrid while he was at it.

"Who knows? Maybe these fellows share the same love of ropes as m'lady, and wouldn't mind volunteering themselves. I myself am not fond of ropes, but that is why I am but a bodyguard."

2008-09-06, 04:55 AM
Locking gazes with the priestess so pure, Watak says with a sigh, "Ingrid... it's just tha' these 'ere men are so enamerred with yer beauty that they cannae but help but stare at yer unfath'mable grace and charm. Ah, um, pray ye fergive their vulgaritis as they've never seen a lady more fair than ye"

"What?! That's not it..." Ingrid stammers, growing flustered, "It was nothing like that! They were..."

Turning back to the men, she says, "Look, here, bubs. She's hot, yeah, but she don't like the way yer starin' at her... if y'all indeed were. Twould be much 'ppreciated if'n y'all don't stare s'much"

"No! They most certainly were not... What are you saying!" Ingrid struggles to interrupt, growing more flustered as she fails to cut off the stream of words.

Leaning in close to them, she slams her dagger into the wood of their table and snarls, "Ya know what else is hot, bozos? This 'ere shiv'd be when I lops off yer ***** if y'all keeps a-starin', that's wot!"

Standing back, she turns to Ingrid and shoots her a heavy wide wink that says. Facing the men again, she yanks off the dagger and begins flipping it through her fingers nonchalantly.

Catching the rather obvious wink, Ingrid goes silent, staring at Watak dully, an expression of dumb appall written across her features. :smalleek:

Suddenly, her left hand slaps a galifar down on the table, covering the stab in the wood. Her dread gaze doesn't leave their eyes as she hollers, "A bottle o' fine wine or whatever else they'll have! These oh-so-fine gentlemen's next round o' drinks is on me!"

Looking smugly at them now, she says, "Sooo... as I said, we don't want no trouble. Aaand since my friend the priestess is new in town, why don't y'all have some words wid us? She's afeart o'th' security o' this new place, not like the prim an' proper temples an' all... Have y'all seen o' heard o' some oh-so-dangerous vagabonds hereabouts? Like mebbe near Ivory Towers or Ivy Towers or there somewhere?"

Ingrid twitches. She looks down at the floor, blinks a few times and shakes her head, as if struggling to make sense of this...strange turn of events.

Watak sighs. "Yeah, well, y'all know how 'tis on the streets, dontcher? We was uh, wonderin' if'n y'all'd seen o' heard o' some hoodlums hereabouts... some dastardly rogues who ain't afraid o' big bad bodyguard here..."

Ingrid covers her eyes, letting out a sigh, "What are you talking..."

Murdock Teguan
"Funny you should mention that. Why, I most certainly do know a few likely lads. But m'lady has a thing for ropes, and she has been looking for a few volunteers as of late." replies Murdock, unable to resist taking a little jab at Ingrid while he was at it.

"Who knows? Maybe these fellows share the same love of ropes as m'lady, and wouldn't mind volunteering themselves. I myself am not fond of ropes, but that is why I am but a bodyguard."

Then...then Murdock speaks again... "WHAT?! What nonsense are you talking about?!" Ingrid exclaims, looking at him as if he utterly mad, "I...what? Ropes? What the devil are you going on about?!"

The Bushranger
2008-09-06, 07:13 AM

Andromeda watches the goings-on with quiet amusement, that amusement growing as poor Ingrid gets more and more flustered...to the point where she's having a fair bit of trouble keeping a straight face...
Poor girl, so pretty but not a lick of street-sense...
Clearing her throat, the white-haired woman shifts a little, her hand going to the hilt of her own rapier, letting her smile come to her lips...with the intention of the hombres at the other table misinterperting why she's smiling.

Readying an action to draw her rapier at the first sign of trouble...
Intimidate: [roll0]

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-06, 09:31 AM
"State why you're here, or you'll face the consequnces"
intimadate: [roll0], and readying an action attack an adjacent hostile, if any are revield. Oh, and drawing greatsword, out of combat to aid the intimadation.

2008-09-06, 11:04 AM
The biggest of the men, a tough and thick-set man with a roughly trimmed beard calmly waits as you all try to talk over each other. The two smaller, though tough looking men glare at Ingrid for a moment before going back to their respective drinking and coin counting.

When Murdock threatens to run them through, all activity in the tavern stops. Every single person stares at the man as if he were a complete idiot.

As Watak slams her dagger into the table, Gell draws his greatsword and the others in the party put hands on their weapon the goggled looks break and suddenly two men in each of the corner of the room stand and push their cloaks back to reveal swords, clubs, and in a few cases crossbows.

Four of the men who stood walk slowly towards the table until they are framing the three still sitting at it and two others move to cut your group off from the door. The two remaining men let crossbows drop to their sides and stay in the corners of the room. All of them move not with hostility, but with slow steps aimed to not provoke the group that just threatened their leader.

Even with the four men backing them up the two smaller men at the table pale at the huge orc's threat but the big one in the middle spit on the floor between Gell's feet.

"Y'see," the man stands carefully, "If y'had just let the girl 'ere talk," he jerks his head at Watak, "Y'all woulda been fine, girl talks like a'one born ina gutter an' I can respect some harsh talk from 'er. But y'had to start mouthin' off," he glares at Gell and Murdock, "An' 'ere me boys just wanted ta ask how much they'd haveta pay ta get tha uppity wench 'ere," he grins at Ingrid before spitting at her feet, "inta one o' tha back rooms. I told 'em ta sit down an' they did, but ya'll had ta start this sh*t wit' us."

"Consequences? Bwahahaha! Just like all orcs ya got plenty o' muscles but none where it count. Ya'll walk into my turf, my bar, threaten me an' my boys here, and y'talk about consequences? Well 'ere are mine. Y'all had best apologize an' 'and over some o' that coin that the half-elf there were givin' out earlier, say a hundred galifers. If ya do that, y'all can leave with yer blood in ya. If ya don't, then th'Keeper gets fed a little extra tonight."

Angry mutters sound out around the room from the people still sitting in their chairs.

"Damn right, who the hell they think they are?"
"She is pretty comely, I'd like a roll in the back with her too..."
"This oughta be fun to watch..."
"This ain't their place, if'n I had my way..."

The barmaid leans against the bar with a hard look on her face and her club-like tray in one hand. Aelton pales and tries to hide behind Gell. The whole room is waiting to see what this strange group will do.

The Bushranger
2008-09-06, 12:49 PM

Oh...crap. This is a fine Charlie Foxtrot if I ever saw one...

Rommie's hand tightens just a little on the hilt of her rapier, but she stands in position, not moving, hoping the fast-talkers can get them out of this mess...and wishing she'd passed on the Thud!...

2008-09-06, 03:34 PM
Leaping up and crouching on top of the table right in front of that of the boss, she loosens her trenchcoat's belt and fishes about for her money-pouch. Finding it, she holds it in her left hand.

Deliberately moving slowly as she loosens the drawtring, she looks within, contemplating her reflection in the myriad minted pieces of gold. She sees there not herself but Yalenne, Beth and her other sisters. She sees her family's hopes for at least a month not spent whoring away in the streets. She sees at least a fortnight of decent meals...

Her brows come together as her gaze darkens and she bows her head, looking at the boss through a grim glare. Smiling ever so slightly, she says, "Yer a decent man, thanks fer tryna hold yer men back..."

"And I'll be honest with ye..." she continues as she replaces her pouch in her belt. "...I'd much rather cut yer balls off after stabbing ye in the back than sit here talkin'. But ye know wot I druther do more'n that? Just leave y'all in peace that's wot"

"Didn't want any of this to happen, so I swears by rogues' honour... by the Flame and the Wanderer I swear" she spits... sincerely. "But as 'twas, couldn't let tha pure li'l priestess go uncheck'd like that. She'd'a got herself some mighty trouble as ye'd said"

"Let know yer name that I may know whom I owe" Watak says...

...as her hand dips into a pocket, rips free a flask of alchemic acid and hurls it hard, aiming straight for the boss' face.

Even as the foul flask leaves her hand, she flips her hold on her shiv, making ready to hurl it in the next pass... Her father's blade flashes through the air, the stylized flame on its flat burning brightly, singing for heretic blood...

She stands tall on the table, the Scrapper of Thrane. Knowing that now is no longer a time to be the proud lone wolf, she belts out orders, knowing how best to survive such a situation... "Gell, Murdock! Hold them off! Rommie, Ingrid! Get Aelton outta here NOW! Xaen, take out the archers!"

[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Flask-hurling, BAB+Dex+height+PBS
[roll2] Acid damage, with 1 point on everything around impact

Man, this house is goin' down...

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-06, 05:07 PM
Calm, that's what Gell looks like. Then a little agitated. Then flat out insane.
(Gell rages)

Gell roars threats, insults, curses and random words as a rage suppresed takes hold and he violently hacks at the attackers.

iniatve: d20+3 Attack roll against the boss d20+7 Damage if it hits 2d6+5. EDIT: It's not working for some reason...

OOC: Samne order :smallannoyed:

EDIT: Same order, another try...:smallmad:

The Bushranger
2008-09-06, 08:29 PM

Needless to say what's been going on has sobered Andromeda up pretty quickly. :P She goes to grab Aelton with one hand, while with her other hand going not for the rapier, but for her whip, which lashes out at the nearest thug.

Grab Alton, attack...
Initative: [roll0]
Disarm the nearest thug! [roll1] There's a +2 to disarming with a whip, correct? If not it's just a +4...
Damage: [roll2] nonlethal
...and make a five-foot step torwards the door.

2008-09-06, 09:05 PM
"WHAT?!" Ingrid exclaims, utterly confused by the half of what's going on that she manages to follow...then everything goes to hell.

Initiative: [roll0] + 0

At a loss, the priestess stumbles back towards the professor, the orders of Watak ringing in her ears.

((Move to protect Aelton, avoiding AoOs if possible.))

2008-09-06, 11:58 PM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock shook his head with annoyance, and draws his rapier.

"Remind me never to piss you off, Watak." he says, as he moves for the door, drawing his sword.

"That being said, you wouldn't happen to have a flask of alchemist's fire in there, would you? I'd say this place is worth... maybe 70 galifars? You've gone and added about 10 galifars to the ugly one's face, so if we gave them a little fire to add to the ambience, maybe they'll have enough to sell for what they're asking, no?"


EDIT: Action changed. Gimme a moment.

2008-09-07, 05:33 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock headed for the door, rapier in hand, and promptly attempted to convert one lower city thug into one lower city meat-based delicacy.

[roll0] Burning Inspiration Point
[roll1] Also burning inspiration point (but doesn't get spent on a miss, thanks to it only needing to be spent before rolling damage)

2008-09-07, 06:00 AM

As violence ensues, Ingrid brings her buckler up defensively, almost as an afterthought as she watches wide-eyed.

((Going Defensive, yay AC.
Traveling tomorrow, I'll post when I can.))

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-07, 07:53 AM
(No new roleplaying, bu I need to make rolls)
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-07, 10:56 AM
Xaen watches his new allies, and cringes a little when Murdock throws down his harsh words. "This's how people get killed..." he mutters. He continues to idly play with the boomerang, keeping it ready and subtly reaching for his other one, putting it within easy reach.

Then Watak yells at him to take out the archers, and Xaen simply reacts, moving towards the closest archer and launching his boomerang. "Thrak X'nashi krex'thi'k n'zashi x'k'rens'ht..." Xaen's string of what sounds a lot like curses continues on for a few minutes.

Those familiar with Drow will recognize that Xaen is essentially using every swaer in the language and even inventing a few new ones...

Ok, now that I know where everything is, Xan moves from H12 to K12 and launches his boomerang at the archer in N12. Because he moved more than 10 ft, he gets skirmish damage, yay!

[roll2] <---To catch vs. DC 10

Here we go again...

2008-09-07, 11:49 PM
Two hands hurl their projectiles at the same moment. Spinning flask and whooshing dart pass each other in midair by a mere hairsbreadth. Both strike home, the former shattering and splashing deadly acid over the once-handsome gangland boss; the latter grazing her left cheek.

The flask hit him, right? If it didn't, please feel free to overwrite me, I'll just edit afterwards.

The dagger falls to the table and sticks there, quivering. She hisses and then shakes off both dart and pain. Should I go for the fire or just stick him? People's lives depend on this establishment, and them's the folk who the Watch don't care about... This 'ere boss seemed like a decent chap... for a man... but I... we... Another flask of fluid flashes forth, this time bursting into flames as it strikes and shatters...


Her hand creeps into her coat pockets once more and she yells to the boss over the din of the burning. "Hey Scarface! Pack it in, put out the fires and let us go... or ya want me ta keep chuckin' stuff at ye?"

2008-09-08, 12:54 AM
The thug boss holds up a hand to keep his men from drawing their weapons as Watak jumps up on the table. The man listens intently, a hand never far from his side, and when Watak's hand begins to throw a flask of acid instead of gold his hand whips up and he flicks a dart from his belt loop out at Watak. The two object pass each other in the air, and the acid flask smashes into the Bosses shoulder sending a splatter onto the other two men at the table while the dart cuts a nasty wound across Watak's cheek.

Cursing in pain from the acid eating away at him the Thug Boss draws another dart in a blindingly fast throwing motion and whips it deep into Gell's leg. He then mimics Watak, jumping up onto his own table.

"I'll have yer guts for that, girl! Get 'em boys!"

Before the bosses comrades can react Gell gives a roar and sends a wild strike at the big man with his greatsword, which he narrowly jumps over. At the same time that Gell begins to yell almost incoherently, Murdock breezes by his companions and in a feat that's almost nonchalant stabs one of the thugs through the eye and gives his rapier a little twist. Watak retaliates with a flask full of alchemical flame which the boss twists out of the way to avoid. However, the flask smashes right into the face of one of the thugs behind him and with a scream of pure agony then man crumples to the floor, flesh melting from his face before he lays still. Droplets of fire splash the other men around him and catch small fires on the ground of the bar and the table.

Rommie takes a few steps towards the remaining thug at the door and with a crack that resounds through the bar takes the sword right out from his hand. With a little flourish the sword lands at her feet, leaving the man gaping. In true form to her confused state Ingrid holds up her shield and peers from behind it like she was trying to look over a window sill.

The thugs finally begin to react to the situation and the two men in the corner quickly load their crossbows and fire at their best targets, Xaen and Rommie. The one aiming at Xaen doesn't seem to really know how to opperate a crossbow and with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth somehow manages to shoot a rat that was crawling across a rafter ten feet above the Drow. Rommie though, is expertly pegged in the back of her leg by a bolt.

Having lost his weapon and watched his companion get expertly skewered the lone thug by the door throws himself at Murdock in a desperation move and tries to grab the factotum's weapon arm (Murdock gets an AoO before the grapple checks).

The other thugs howl with rage at their two friends dying, and split their attacks against several members of the party. Watak nimbly dodges a club swing and a sword thrust from two of the thugs, while Ingrid parries a blow on her shield and Gell takes a thump on his chest from a club while smacking away a sword slash with his own weapon.

Xaen lobs his boomerang at the crossbow wielder but he doesn't throw it hard enough and it grazes the man's head for a minor wound before clattering onto the table in front of him. Aelton meanwhile, is agape at the scene until he finally grasps the seriousness of the situation. While the rest of you are fighting he begins digging into his cloak and mumbling.

"I'm sure that I bought it, and I'm reasonably sure that I took it with me today but where did I... Aha!"

The professor flourishes a wand in his hand and holding it at arms length spits out a word. "Masi!" A single burst of light flicks out and whacks the thug in the corner.

"That trader swore it fired three! I was ripped off!"

The people around the bar watch the combat with interest but don't do anything but drink. The barmaid gives a curse that would make a dockhand blush as fire spills all over her floor and rushes behind the bar for something.

As he takes in the carnage around him the thug boss looks at Watak with an expression of rage that, despite no surge of strength, is as pure as Gell's.

"Yeh good as kill me mates an' yeh expect me ta back down?!" he looks at Watak and in a tone that's deadly in it's seriousness says, "I've marked ya, and now yer mine ta kill, girl. I swear by the Keeper's hungry stomach that I will gut yeh and give yeh ta his alter! But first..."

He rolls off the table and with another expert flick slides a previously hidden shortsword deep into Gell's exposed side, all the while staring directly at Watak.

Fire at H6. Due to the fact that the wood in the bar is fairly soaked with old alcohol the fire will grow in 1 random space per turn unless combated.

Battle Map (http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r83/Trundel/image2683.png)

Initiative, HP, Placement and Status
22 (on a Nat 20)- Thug Boss 15/21
22- Gell 16/32 F9 Raging
22- Murdock 20/20 G14
18- Watak 13/16 G10
18- Rommie 12/16 F13
17- Ingrid 16/16 F10
14- Thug Crossbow Wielders 2/4 N12, 2/4 B2
13- Thug Bruisers 5/5 F15 moving into G14, 5/5 E10, 5/5 E8, 4/5 H9
12- Thug Lieutenants 7/8 F7, 6/8 G9
10- Xaen 18/18 K12
10- Aelton 22/22 G12
1- Civilians

OOC: The boss went just at the end there so it's Round Two for the PCs. If everyone could copy their current HP and Ac into future battle posts that would help me a lot.

The Bushranger
2008-09-08, 01:21 AM
Rommie (HP 12/16, AC 14 (Touch 12))

Rommie lets out a war whoop at her suceess with the whip - which is cut off with a yelp as she gets crossbow'd in the leg. But she's had enough liquid courage that...
'Tis merely a flesh wound! And I'll take that, thanks!
She scoops up the thug's sword as Alton fires off his wand.
Don't complain just shoot off all you've got!
With a flick of her wrist, she aims to trip the nearest standing thug...
Five-foot step to E12
Attacking thug at E10 - Trip Attempt!
Attack: [roll0] plus Action Point rolled in the OOC thread for 4 = 17
Damage: [roll1] nl

2008-09-08, 02:26 AM
Murdock Teguan
Now including 20/20 HP and AC 16 (Touch 12)

Murdock shook his head, as he drew his rapier back out of the thug's torso, ducking as he thrust the elegant blade at the chest of the advancing thug.

[roll0] (May as well use the IP. Not like they're a rare commodity or anything.)

Grapple - (1d20)[19] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4880293&postcount=105)

The weapon slid neatly under an armpit, the desperation of the move throwing off Murdock's aim. The thug tumbled over onto the inquisitive, prompting a brief moment where it looked like the brick was going to bury the comparatively smaller Murdock, before a yelp signified a knee positioning itself in a somewhat sensitive area, sending the thug reeling backwards.

"Aha, no. You see, my friend, I'm afraid I wasn't kidding when asked the young lady whether she wanted your friends run through."

He drew back the rapier and thrust again, but a little head-work by the thug was enough to put a nasty, life-threatening wound in the floor, instead.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-08, 07:31 AM
hp 16-32

Gell roars and moves towards the thug brusiers and sings at one

[roll0] [roll1] Attack then damage. Wait rage increases my strength... So that's why +8/+6 instead of +7/+5

2008-09-08, 08:34 AM
Ingrid looks around at the ensuing chaos piteously, then she notes the wounds mounting on her friends, fighting on her behalf so nobly...right...and she moves to aid them.

((5ft step SE, down/right, step out of AoO land. Then heal Watak.))
(CLW(Watak): [roll0] + 2 + 2)
(Concentration(if needed): [roll1] + 9)
((Sorry, Rommie definitely needs help but Watak looked in worse straits.))

2008-09-08, 11:56 AM
16/16 HP
AC total 16 touch/flat 13

[roll0] Shortsword
[roll1] Damage, two-handed
Sneak Attack, if applicable [roll2]

Suddenly, a feeling of cleanliness and purity comes upon the embattled rogue. She feels the dirt and grime of the ever-raining slums slough off, the depression and despair of poverty burn away to be replaced by a feeling of warmth and security.

In that moment that Ingrid's blessed hand touched her foot, Watak feels like she is bathing in the golden sunlight, the wind whispering gently, her hands amongst the heads of grain of a field ripe for harvest. Just like her father's dreams of just having a good farm with no overlord to pay with just you and the earth and the sun...

The vision passes and so does the pain. Her brows come together in surprise and she feels her cheek in awe. There is not even the slightest sign of a scar where there should have been a ghastly wound of flesh torn by a barbed dart hurled with deadly skill... only skin more smooth than it ever had been.

A burly, bearded man's club comes crashing down in an overhead blow. Watak spins, her trenchcoat's hems flying wide like the pinions of a great bird of prey and then punches the club away with her gauntleted fist. Carried by momentum, the club-toting lieutenant stumbles, his weapon cracking against the floor but still his grip holds true.

Watak, not wasting her own momentum, carries through with the spin. A sword's blade passes through her flying coat right under her right armpit. Her right arm, ironclad, sweeps away the blow and then she lunges for the rat-faced thug's chest, her shortsword flashing forward in a silver streak. Both hands grip the hilt tight then twist as she turns and steps nimbly back, taking once more the centre of the table, flashing a thankful grin at Ingrid.

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-10, 07:56 PM
Xaen mumbles a few more curses, then draws his scimitar from his bag, and closes in on the archer, slashing at him.

Alright, moving from K12 to M12, again allowing for skirmish damage.


2008-09-11, 01:15 AM
Howling in pain and anger Gell swings his sword in an overhand arc that catches the club wielder beside him right at the juncture of neck and shoulder. The blade cuts directly through the man, from neck to waist and the two halves fall to the floor with a gush of blood.

Murdock shoves the thug back from him ripostes, only to have his blade slip by his foe's shoulder. Watak shows an incredible display of dexterity in spinning atop the table but her strike is less dashing, as the club wielder just smashes the sword aside. Rommie has a bit luck with her attack, her whip snaps out again and sends one of the thugs crashing to the ground with a curse. Seeing Watak beset by thugs Ingrid carefully steps out of danger and sets a hand on the rogue's leg to send a burst of healing energy into her.

The crossbow wielders load yet again and fire at their respective targets. The one close to Xaen sticks his tongue out again and somehow manages to peg Xaen in the hip. The other one takes aim at Rommie again, and despite his leering at her manages to bury the bolt into the floor next to her.

The bruisers burst into motion again. The one that had tried to grab Murdock's arm sees Rommie step away from his weapon and dives for it (Eliciting another Attack of Opportunity from Murdock). The thug that had been tripped eyes Rommie with anger and after standing back up steps up to challenge her.

"I'll get ya for that!"

The last one steps around the table and smacks his club into Watak's knee.

The lieutenant thugs eye the pool of blood that used to be their friend with disbelief before moving around to flank Gell between them. Their fear makes them sloppy though, and neither manages to pierce his chain shirt.

After taking the bolt in the hip Xaen rolls forwards and slashes at the tongue-out thug but the man is unexpectedly nimble and dodges the blow. Aelton fires another burst out of his wand that sends the crossbowmen in the corner crashing into his table. Aelton nods to himself and steps back towards Murdock.

"Hmph, at least it works consistently."

The regular people around the bar start edging to the exits as the fires grow. As three of them hop over the bar for the back exit the barmaid yells at them.

"Get a slop bucket ya idiots! I ain't gonna deal wit' that meself and ye've got tabe you bastards!"

With an open space for him the boss steps up to the table and cuts a wound across Watak's thigh.

"Just wait girl, the more friends o' mine that get killed the more pain you're gonna feel!"

Fire at H6 and I7. Due to the fact that the wood in the bar is fairly soaked with old alcohol the fire will grow in 1 random space per turn unless combated.

E8 is a pool of blood and meat, anyone stepping through E8 must succeed on a DC 8 balance check or fall prone.

Battle Map (http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r83/Trundel/Bar01.png)

Initiative, HP, Placement and Status
22 (on a Nat 20)- Thug Boss 15/21 H9
22- Gell 16/32 F9 Raging
22- Murdock 20/20 G14
18- Watak 7/16 G10
18- Rommie 12/16 E12
17- Ingrid 16/16 F10
14- Thug Crossbow Wielders 2/4 N12
13- Thug Bruisers 5/5 F13, 5/5 E11, 4/5 H10
12- Thug Lieutenants 7/8 F7, 6/8 F9
10- Xaen 18/18 M12
10- Aelton 22/22 H13
1- Civilians

2008-09-11, 05:55 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock raises his rapier, and stabs the disarmed thug through the chest before he can get at his sword again.



EDIT: ...

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-11, 07:43 AM
(OOC: Should I try for non-lethal? or should I hack more to bits in an insane frenzy?)

The Bushranger
2008-09-11, 08:17 AM
Rommie (HP 12/16, AC 14 (Touch 12))

To Alton:
Nice shot!
Rommie brandishes her whip at the challenging thug.
You want a piece of me, punk? Do ya?
The whip lashes out once more...

See the OOC thread, I think something got missed with regard to the door-thug's sword...
Attack - Trip attempt! [roll0] + Action Point (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4898058&postcount=126) for 6 = 15
(And I think she might get a flanking bonus on that too?)
Damage: [roll1] nl whoops, trips don't do damage - stupid Wizards...
Five-foot step to D12

Slannesh: By all means, do your best Cusinart impression! :smallamused:

2008-09-11, 10:46 AM
[roll0] Boss
[roll1] Clubster
[roll2] Bruiser (H10)
[roll3] Bruiser (E11)

[roll4] Shortsword, flanking (11+2=13)
[roll5] damage
[roll6] Sneak Attack

Or, if she doesn't make it due to too many AoOs, she hurls a dagger at Lieutenant Clubster


[roll9] Action point
---intended position is at E10---

The hard haft of polished driftwood smashes into Watak's right knee, bringing her crashing down. Fortunately, she falls flat on her back just as the boss' blade slashes across, a stroke that should have gutted her merely passing through the meat of her thigh.

Gritting her teeth against the pain, Watak props herself on her elbows then spits viciously at the boss. "I've taken worse ye bloody slime! Bring it!"

With that, she shoves at the wood with her right elbow and sends herself carooming off the table, dodging several attacks as best she can. Landing on her uninjured left leg, she ducks and tumbles (or tries to) through the gauntlet and then lunges to the right, stabbing at the back of Rommie's assailant...

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-11, 03:23 PM
OOC: Who's (or what's) cusinart? >.< I'll assume you want me to kill 'em then.

Against a thug captin:
1d20++9 [roll0]

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-11, 03:24 PM
(I hate to double post but I messed up the attack roll. [roll0]

2008-09-12, 10:16 PM
((Ingrid HP 16/16 | AC 15))

"You...you..." Ingrid mumbles in horror; awed and disgusted by the gory mess wrought by the rampaging barbarian.

((I could put out the fire...but I guess I'll heal Watak again instead so her fire isn't put out.))

The priestess swallows dryly as her face grows pallid, but she recovers her composure enough to take a few steps forward and chant out a prayer channeling healing energy into Watak once more.

Five Foot Step: F10
Concentration(Defensive): [roll0]
CLW(Watak): [roll1]

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-13, 11:18 AM
OOC: *seethes* Okay, so attack roll, take three. [roll0]

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-13, 06:17 PM
"Stop moving you smarmy thrask'a!" Xaen takes another swing at the archer.


2008-09-14, 12:12 AM
Seeing Watak beginning to move, one of the thugs starts to turn towards her, bringing his sword around for a slash at her legs, but Gell siezes on the moment and his greatsword shears through the man's unprotected back, clipping the spine and causing the thug to simply crumble from where he stood.

Murdock again tries to stab at the ducking and swearing thug but two separate strikes fails to hit the man a single time, causing the thug to laugh with relief. Capitalizing on the confusion created by Gell, Watak rolls off of the table, her head coming disturbingly close to a club strike that put a crack in the table. She slips behind the man facing Rommie and drives her shortsword up through his ribs to puncture a lung. His challenge left unanswered, he slumps to the floor with blood bubbles frothing from his mouth.

Suddenly deprived of her foe, Rommie simply steps up to the table and cracks her whip at the thug who just frantically dodged Murdock's attacks. As he straightens from the second stab attempt and begins to laugh the whip wraps around his forearm, but in a quick move he digs his feet in and resists Rommie's pull.

"Nice try sweetheart," he grabs the whip with his other hand and hauls on it, looking to bring Rommie down. (I need Dex or Str check from Rommie DC 15 or be pulled prone, OR Rommie can just let go of the whip). With the field now mostly cleared of enemies Ingrid steps up close to Watak, delivering another wave of fresh energy to heal the rogue's wounds.

The lone crossbow thug, still with his tongue sticking out sets his weapon down on the table and draws a club. He swats at Xaen, but ends up biting his own tongue as the club rebounds off the wall as the drow easily ducks under the blow. The club wielder deprived of his regular target, squints at the blasting Aelton and after a short job catches the professor under the ribs with his club, driving the breath out of him. The Thug lieutenant swallows at the sight of Gell destroying the body of another one of his friend's but takes another hack at the Orc as he calls out, "Boss? I think we oughta get outta here! This ain't lookin' good!" His strike skitters off of Gell's chain and the thug takes a step back, visibly shaken.

At last confronting his tongue-focused nemesis, Xaen sees the perfect moment to strike as the thug drops his club and cradles his bitten tongue, and slides his scimitar across the man's stomach. Now cradling two body parts, the man falls over a seat with a groan.

"Hwuuufff!" Aelton's whole body seems to mold over the club for a moment before it is retracted, "Ohh, I shouldn't have drank that ale..." he croaks, clutching his stomach. Aelton stumbles back and tries to activate his wand, but with his breath gone he can't properly activate it's magic and just waves it uselessly.

The barmaid's demand for help gets two of the men who vaulted the bar to start scrambling for buckets but the third gives her a sneer and a flick of a finger.

"Sod your bar," he spits as he runs out the back door, and is quickly followed by a another man who simply shrugs at her as he flees.

The other regulars run out of the door as quickly as they can, hoping to get the hell away from the fire and the insane butchering orc. The only exception is a stocky man with a great bushy beard, who after rounding the corner table suddenly takes in the whole room of unfinished drinks. Giving a look to the fire, the fighting, and then to the beer he nods slowly and starts drinking the abandoned cups.

"Y'ARSEH*LES, I'LL BE GETTIN' ME BRUTHER TA GET THA' MONEY OUTTA YER HIDES!" with a roar that would do any dockside wench proud the barmaid hurls an insult at the fleeing patrons before lobbing a bucket of unidentifiable muck at the still spreading fire.

In all of the quickly spreading drama though, the thug leader still has his eyes on Watak and gives an growl as Ingrid closes her wounds again.

"No dammit!" he yells back at the other thug, "We ain't leaving 'till I got that girl's head you hear me? Run on me now an' I track you down an' gut you meself!"

Despite his bluster the man takes a quick look around the tavern and seeing his losses just reaches into his cloak to whip another dart at Watak, which just barely misses her shoulder. He then walks quickly around the fire.

"Keep at it boys, I got a plan, just get over here to me."

Fire at H6 and I6. Due to the fact that the wood in the bar is fairly soaked with old alcohol the fire will grow in 1 random space per turn unless combated. I7 is a patch of hot muck, requiring a DC 10 balance check to move through or fall prone.

E8 is a pool of blood and meat, anyone stepping through E8 must succeed on a DC 8 balance check or fall prone.

Battle Map (http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r83/Trundel/BattleMapTavernB1b.png)

Initiative, HP, Placement and Status
22 (on a Nat 20)- Thug Boss 15/21 J4
22- Gell 16/32 F9 Raging
22- Murdock 20/20 G14
18- Watak 16/16 E10
18- Rommie 12/16 D12
17- Ingrid 16/16 E11
13- Thug Bruisers 5/5 F13 (Waiting on Rommie's check or drop), 4/5 H12
12- Thug Lieutenants 7/8 F6
10- Xaen 11/18 M12
10- Aelton 17/22 H14
1- Civilians

OOC: Sorry Leon, I forgot to include Xaen's damage last round, he took 7 from the crossbow quarrel.

The Bushranger
2008-09-14, 01:06 AM
Rommie (HP 12/16, AC 14 (touch 12) - but charging - so it's 12/10...)

Rommie lets go of the whip.
(see events lower down in the thread, then timewarp yourself back up here. :smalltongue:)
Nice try yourself, bozo!
She then lunges forwards, bringing her newly-acquired short sword around in a two-handed grip...

Attack thug at G12: [roll0]+2 from the charge = 14
Damage: [roll1]

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-14, 12:20 PM
In his berzerk rage, Gell roars and charges toward the thug leader, swinging at the man with his gore coverd greatsword.

(If I have this right, Attacking the thug boss. If I can't reach him, then I'am attacking the closest thug.)

[roll0] Attack roll. Damage roll. [roll1]

EDIT: Probly my first miss >.<

2008-09-14, 03:14 PM
*This is just a partial update so that I can conclude the one thug's actions. This happens during the thugs turn of the last round, I just needed Rommie's drop whip action before doing this.*

When Rommie just lets go of the whip the thug hurridly uncoils it from his arm and grasping the unfamiliar weapon sends it whipping at Rommie to wrap around her knee. The thug let's out a guffaw and yanks on the corded leather, hoping to bring her down.

Rommie must make a Dex roll and beat a DC of 12 or be tripped and fall prone.

The Bushranger
2008-09-14, 06:18 PM
((Ah. Sorry I jumped ahead.))

DEX check: [roll0]

2008-09-14, 07:56 PM
*Partial Update*

The thugs footing isn't as good as he thought it was and Rommie easily stops him from pulling her down. With a grunt of displeasure the thug drops the whip and carefully moves towards his comrade to defend his back.

The thug takes a five foot step, so now the Thug Bruiser who was at F13 is at G12 instead. I'll update the map in a bit.

2008-09-15, 03:31 PM
Slipping the shortsword out of the wheezing, dying man, Watak wheels around, taking in the scene unfolding around her. She nods approvingly as Xaen dispatches his quarry and whistles appreciatively when Gell roars across the room in a mad rage towards the boss, the barbarian's massive sword screaming towards him.

And then she hears Aelton get bamboozled with the bludgeon and cry out in pain. She sees the two thugs preparing to make a last stand and then spins to see the boss' second-man waver between the larger fray and going to help out his commander. "Sir Forsworth! Are ye alright?! Geddouttahere afore ye get banged up more!"

The fact that her barbaric comrade might soon get backstabbed decides the issue for her. She dashes towards the hesitating hooligan, yelling over her shoulder as she goes, "Good work guys! Le'z finish 'em!" Leaping onto the boss' now-abandoned table, she lunges with her shortsword as her heavy boots slam onto the oaken board, her right hand outstretched behind her for balance. "Not so fast, bugger!"

Position: G7
Status: AC 16, HP 16/16


Hmm. Question: Both the Boss and the Lt can't move without incurring AoOs now, right?

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-15, 06:42 PM
OOC: Wwith my action point, I belie my attack roll is now 19, just as a reminder.

2008-09-15, 10:10 PM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock says nothing as he continues to try and ventilate the thug.


EDIT: Oh joy.

2008-09-17, 05:01 AM
((Sorry about the delay.))

The priestess hesitates uncertainly, then waves a hand in the direction of the dancing flames while chanting a prayer.

[Create Water: 4 Gallons "downpour" over the squares on fire]

Leon Stormchild
2008-09-17, 07:46 PM
Xaen, satisfied about finally gutting that annoying "mrask'aa", turns and sees another thug, and rushes him.

Okay, moving from M12 to I12 and attacking thug at H12.


Ps- sorry 'bout the delay guys.

2008-09-17, 11:20 PM
Just as the words come out of the thug leader's mouth that he has a plan Gell bound towards him and spits the man through the side with his greatsword. As the barbarian pulls the sword away the boss' eyes glaze over and he looks like he's about to drop when he catches himself with a steadying step and coughs blood onto the floor.

Murdock again takes a tentative stab at his indomitable foe but the lithe thug is used to the inquisitive's attack pattern and dodges it easily. With a quick bound Watak leaps onto the table and hacks her shortsword into the adjacent thug's neck. The man grasps feebly at the wound, trying to stop the arterial spray as his legs slowly buckle.

Rommie dashes forwards and cuts open the long-lasting thug's shoulder with his own weapon, causing him to yell in pain. Utilizing a useful but not often used spell Ingrid creates a gush of water over the fire that manages to almost put it out.

The thug who wounded Aelton before also utilizes a not often used tactic and flings his club right back into Aelton's stomach from where he's standing, sending the half-elf sprawling and gasping for air on the ground.

The thug that had been giving Murdock such a hard time clamps his free hand on his bleeding shoulder and turns around quickly with a look of panic on his face.

"I surrender! By the Host I give up, don't kill me!"

Just as the club leaves the one thug's hands, Xaen bounds forwards and cuts deep into his back, dropping the man like a felled tree. Aelton tries to get up but is so winded by the combat that he can barely do that, and when he tries to activate his wand nothing comes out but a wheeze.

With the help of the two men with her the barmaid gets enough slop on the fire to finally put it out while the lone entrepreneur in the corner moves off to harvest another table of free drinks.

Though Gell's blow looked like it should have been a mortal one, somehow the leader is still standing. Using his stumble to his advantage, he rolls over the side of the bar and stumbles to the door, pausing just long enough to stare at you all.

"All me crew, dead or deserted," he looks at the surrendering thug with murder clear in his eyes, "I told ya what would happen Jeph, but ya turned on me anyway! As soon as I heal up I'm gonna kill you nice an' slow, Brunt's a man o' 'is word. An' you," he shoots a look at Watak, "We ain't done girl. Someday these friends of yours won't be around, and on that day you won't even see me comin', you'll just feel me blade in your back."

He shoulders open the door and after jerking himself into the alley it swings shut behind him. The lone thug standing left in the room pales at Brunt's promise. He looks at you all and slumps a little.

"Aw cr*p, I've done it now."

E8 is a pool of blood and meat, anyone stepping through E8 must succeed on a DC 8 balance check or fall prone.

Battle Map (http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r83/Trundel/image2683-1.png)

Initiative, HP, Placement and Status
22 (on a Nat 20)- Thug Boss 1/21 Excited through the back door.
22- Gell 16/32 J5 Raging
22- Murdock 20/20 G14
18- Watak 16/16 G7
18- Rommie 12/16 E13
17- Ingrid 16/16 E11
13- Thug Bruiser 1/5 G12 Surrendering
10- Xaen 11/18 I12
10- Aelton 10/22 H14
1- Civilians

Any of you can go after the thug if you want, the bar will require a DC 10 Tumble or Jump check to get over though. So, unless you all want to go thundering after the boss or kill the helpless lone thug (who has a name now :smallwink:), the combat is effectively over.

2008-09-18, 02:40 AM
((Skipping ahead, I doubt this action will change.))

The priestess steps over to the professor and lays a hand on his shoulder while praying for his well-being.

[Lesser Vigor: Aelton gains Fast Healing 1 for 12 Rounds and +2 HP(?)]

((Augment Healing technically affects that spell. I'm sure it isn't +2 HP per round but is +2 HP on the first round appropriate? ))

The Bushranger
2008-09-18, 07:18 AM

Rommie glares at the surrendering thug, her sword poised to go for his throat.
Mercy is the mark of a great woman.
Dropping the sword, she brings her fist around to connect with his face.
Attack: [roll0]
Nonlethal Damage: [roll1]Guess I'm just a good woman.
She picks up the sword and goes to retrieve her whip, then sets to work rifling his pockets, checking his coat and boots for whatever might be found in them.

2008-09-18, 07:37 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock produced a cloth from his pocket and wiped his rapier before resheathing it.

He walked over to Aelton, and helped him up to his feet while Ingrid worked her magic.

"You handled yourself well there, Dr Forsworth. Not a lot of people have what it takes to fight back against a group of ruffians like you did back there."

As the professor's wounds heal, he helps him to the door.

"You go on ahead to the skycoach - we'll handle the cleanup."

He allowed Aelton to leave, then tore a strip of cloth from one of the fallen thugs and bandaged the thug's wound.

"Gee, awful nice of you. Now I'm going to have to haul this guy all the way back to the Golden Horn."

The Bushranger
2008-09-18, 08:27 AM
Rommie looks up from her pillaging and smirks at the jack-of-all-trades. There's a slight sparkle in her eyes, the combination of the earlier drinks and the adrenalin of the fight has made her a bit giddy...
Better that then him deciding he isn't surrendering after all and wanting to get back in good with his boss.
And she resumes her searching, moving on to the other door-guard...

2008-09-18, 10:53 AM
Watak jumps back as the blood spurts and the boss' chief henchman falls. As he lies there, gurgling, she turns sharply when Brunt yells his parting words and flees the death-carpeted tavern. Having left before she could retort, she glances down at the dying henchman, leaps down from the table and puts him out of his misery with a jab straight through the heart.

She pulls out her sword and wipes its blade clean using the thug's cloak and says to the corpse, almost apologetically, "Ye shoulda run while ye coulda. Haunt yer boss for me, will ya, tell 'im that next time he's faced wid fools like my friends and I, he should just lettem go" Watak then gazes solemnly at her fallen foe's face along the etched Silver Flame of her sword and the taps the thug's forehead, closes his eyes and says, "Rest, you damned fool. May the Flame have mercy on you"

Sighing, she sheathes her weapon and swiftly searches through the clothing, pockets, boots and other accoutrements of the fallen, putting anything at all of value into her trusty burlap sack. Like a vulturous Valkyrie, she stops by the dead and dying, administering those selfsame last rites that she learned from the enigmatic Lady Gedram's teachings and also from some of her father's war-stories from the few times he was sober... and proceeds with the looting shortly after seeing to the eternal rest of the fallen... Reaching the corners of the room, she takes especial note to take at least one of the crossbows, if not both, and all of the bolts that she could find, seeing now that she might have avoided almost getting killed earlier if she had kept at range...

Her burglar's sack now bulging, she punches Gell's shoulder and grunts in the tongue of the Marguul goblins, "Okk dvel ghuul" in praise of his battle-prowess. Realizing that being an orc does not necessarily mean that he knows the language of his smaller kin, she quickly amends, "Ye fought well, Gell"

Passing by the bar, Watak sighs and tries to smile soothingly. Winking at the waitress, she drops a pouch containing twenty golden galifars... practically all that is left of Aelton's downpayment. "Hey... sorreh fer the mess. Really, we really didn't mean fer it ta get so outta hand..."

Stepping lightly over to the others, she goes about clapping backs and offering various congratulations. "Good fighting, yo... I guess ye ain't so bad fer men after all..."

Watak stops by Ingrid and puts her arm around the priestess' shoulder. Pulling her close, she says, "Thanks fer patchin' me up there, Ingrid. That were mighty c'rageous, with that whole damn pack o' dirty men batt'rin' in, methinks." Blushing slightly, she adds, "Felt damn good, too..."

The rogue's arm lets go but her eyes do not. Watak's mouth is a thin grim line as she bows ever so slightly as she says, "When we get some quiet, we need to have a ratha serious talk... 'bout how ye acted t'wards those men earlier... we mightha gotten away without a fight, ya know... but not know, we gots some burglars ta bag..."

Zipping, or rather, clunking over to Aelton because of her heavy-laden sack and the unusual wobbliness she feels in her healed knees, she stares at him in wonderment as his obviously bruised flesh is healed and he stands hale as ever, all within just a minute. Looking at the professor awkwardly and scratching her head, Watak stammers, "Ah, a-er... are ye alright now, Sir Forsworth? Yep, he's right ya know, ye are made o' tough stuff even though yer a... um... scholar... Well, I'm, we're sorry ye had ta go through that. If ye feel that the damage done to ye was... well, um... bad..."

Here she shrugs and continues with a sigh. "...Well, ye could um... I offer that my price goes back down to yer one-fifty or mebbe lower if ye feel that bad about this all..."

2008-09-18, 05:21 PM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock quickly moves to block Watak from stabbing the now unconscious henchman, blocking her aim with his sword if necessary. Somewhat annoyed by Rommie and Watak's behaviour, he bats away Rommie as well.

"Damn it, Watak, you've got a keeper cultist out for your blood and you're going to stab the guy who surrendered?"

He hoists the man up on his shoulders, deciding that it was better to not let anyone of his other 'colleagues' decide to take a stab at him to vent their anger at allowing the boss to escape.

"If you run, you could probably catch up to Brunt. If not, I'm going to have to have some words with this fellow. Unless you'd prefer that Brunt find you first."

2008-09-19, 12:55 AM
Jeph the thug grins and let's out the breath he was holding as Rommie agrees to his surrender, and he is so relieved that he doesn't even see her fist until it crashes into his jaw, knocking him out.

With Ingrid's spell healing him as seconds go by Aelton is quickly back on his feet.

"Ah, thank you my dear," he stands up and winces from some residual pain, "Umm, if you don't mind I think that I'll stick around until we can all leave together," he looks around the carnage that used to be a bar, "I feel just a tad vulnerable tonight. Well Murdock," his eyes twinkle a bit in remembrance, "You should have seen me at the Dolgroth dig ten years ago if you thought that this was good," he looks at the inquisitive's burden, "In any case, the skycoach is rather big so I guess that taking that poor fellow with us shouldn't be a problem."

After Watak finishes off the first thug in front of her the three remaining men in the bar blanch and make warding signs. The barmaid steps out around the bar and blocks Watak from drawing her sword across the next man's throat with her tray.

"Boldrei's mercy girl, a fight's a fight but this' butchery," her piggish face looks at Watak in amazement, and some fear, "I ain't gonna let ya slaughter a bunch o' men in my bar who only fought ya cause ya attacked them first!"

The barmaid rips off a large strip of her apron and begins binding the wound of the man she's protecting.

"Take their gold and whatever takes yer fancy, th'fools lost the fight so ya got rights to that, but Lonny there," she jerks her thumb at the man in the corner who gave Xaen so much trouble, who somehow still has his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth even as he's sprawled across a chair, "Is just too dumb to do anythin' but what others tell'im. Think that makes it okay to slit 'is damn throat? Or anyone else here?"

Despite the rag now holding his split arm in place the thug gives a shuddering breath and expires.

"Dammit, guess it don't matter for 'im now," she looks at you all with resignation in her eyes, "I shouldn't 'ave to say this, but until ya'll 'ave dealt with Bront one way or another, I don't want ya showing yer faces in me bar. Ya've brought too much trouble already and 'e'll kill me if he finds out that I've let ya'll in again."

The barmaid moves on to each of the thugs and tries to dress their wounds with only partial success.

Loot and XP
After doing a thorough rifle through the bodies of the fallen thugs you come across a fairly standard assortment of weapons and good amount of gold. Additionally, Rommie finds an interesting bag on Lonny's body and Watak finds a thin wand of pear-wood tucked into the belt of the thug that she finished off.

The bag appears to be a bag of caltrops, but when Rommie picks it up she can hear a tiny noise coming from it. Putting her ear closer she can hear tiny voices going, "Weee! Weee!". Upon opening the bag she sees caltrops, but they're making little hops into air as if excited.

The wand is thin with blue runes on it's surface which all taper to a point. It also has an inscription etched in goblin that reads "Tegaar", or in common "Shiver".

In total, you all find 15 gold, 38 silver and 77 copper.

The crossbow wielders (including Lonny) each have a light crossbow and 18 bolts between them. After Rommie's liberation of Jeph's sword, there's one shortsword left from the lone thug that was guarding the door. All of the other thugs just had clubs, while the two lieutenants each had a longsword. All of the gang wore simple leather armor.

You all gain 500 xp for the fight! *fanfare*

The Bushranger
2008-09-19, 07:09 AM

Rommie grins at her find. Jumping caltrops. I've heard of them but never seen them before. Wonder where he got 'em from...
She tucks the bag away carefully, and puts what gold she found on a nearby table as the barmaid speaks. She tries to catch her eye and give her an apologetic-and-understanding nod before turning to the others.
I presume we're going to split the coin equally? Oh, and if anybody wants this sword, they can have it.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-19, 01:06 PM
(I was away, with little chance to get onto the forum, but I am back! I would guess I can't chase the boss and kill him, then? if I could, then I may)

As the torrent of fury and murder that is Gell slows down, the barbarian stops swinging and begins to pant heavily.

With no breath left to speak, he mumbles something about not wanting to go that far.

2008-09-19, 02:57 PM
Puttin' em outta their misery. I'd want the same done to me if I was down... then again, with healing like Ingrid's, I don't think I'll be lyin' around in dumpsters anymore... The sack of plunder falls to the floor. Watak drops into an empty chair and buries her face in her bloodied hands. At length she leans back and stares, seemingly aghast at the gore staining her gauntlets. In a hollow, choked voice, she mutters and sobs, clutching at her gut, "The War is over... no need for the Iron Cure... why... WHY am I becoming him...?!"

Standing, she stares about into empty space. Slowly, her face contorts into a rictus of pain as she clutches still at her abdomen. She picks up her plunder and tosses it unceremoniously over to near Rommie's feet.

Snarling, she thrusts a rigid arm at Ingrid and growls at the barmaid, "I. Was. Protecting! Her. Yeah, and I couldna afford ta lose me money, got a family to feed... not that it means anything now. Take the gold I gave ye. I can't live with meself if'n I didn't make ye recompense fer the trouble. Take it or leave it"

Yo chief. Should I have to roll Fort saves against menstrual bleeding?

The Bushranger
2008-09-19, 03:17 PM

Rommie looks up as the bag skids into her boots, and gets a concerned expression as she hears the rogue's ranting. Straightening up, she steps over and goes to gently put a hand on her...well, they just met so not really friend's yet, but fighting together forges bonds not easily broken...shoulder, offering a quiet reassurance.

2008-09-20, 01:31 AM
The barmaid finishes her rounds, but while she visits each man a few of them expire. By the time that she's finishing Lonny's bandaging four more men have taken their final breaths, and the rest aren't looking good. She looks at the three men remaining and jerks her thumb at the door.

"Fer stickin' around you two," she nods at the men who helped her stop the blaze, "Yer tabs are clear. Now git out, the lotta ya."

The two who gave the barmaid a hand grab the third, who is now thoroughly drunk from the leavings of the others, and after skirting around your group they leave the bar.

As the door swings shut the barmaid lets out a deep sigh and goes back around the bar. She reaches under it and comes back out with a dark whiskey bottle. Not even bothering to pour herself a glass she gulps back a mouthful.

"Ah, tha's the stuff."

She looks over at Rommie and Watak, and after a moment's indecision walks over and plunks the bottle in front of the two. It's labelled, Jimkin Bearhugger's Fine Whiskey, and from the smell it's one of the finest drinks you've ever laid eyes on.

"Go on, have a gulp, but listen up, all o'ya. Brunt is a mean bastard, an' I don't envy ya if he's got 'is sights on ya," she glances at Watak, "But as me brother says, if ya gotta pick a horse get one that won't bite ya. I can't tell ya anythin', but me brother owns a gamblin' joint called A Roll o' the Tusk, an' 'e deals in information. If 'e 'appens to 'ear that I took a likin' to ya," she shoots a wink at Rommie, "Well, that ain't my fault, now is it? Then by th'rules, Brunt can't touch me. In exchange, try to not get poor Jeph there killed. 'es not a bad lad, Brunt 'ad 'im on a short leash is all."

2008-09-20, 04:10 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock turned to the scene unfolding, shifting the unconscious Jeph on a shoulder.

"It's an ugly business, it is. Jeph probably won't be able to visit until this mess gets sorted out, but he'll be fine. We'll look up your brother, and see to settling the matter as soon as we can."

The Bushranger
2008-09-20, 11:57 PM

Rommie takes an appreciative gulp of the offered drink, her cheeks flushed, both from the alcohol and the wink...
Thanks. And we'll make sure to talk to your brother.

2008-09-21, 12:29 PM
Watak breathes a sigh that she didn't even know she was holding. Closing her eyes, she slumps forward and winces as she takes a swig of the proffered bottle.

Setting it back down with a nod of thanks, she retorts, "Truth be told, Flame my witness, I don't think I've ever rode a bloody horse, much less been bit by one. Probberly been kicked by more'n me fair share, though..."

Standing up and pulling her hood down, she takes the pouch of gold that Aelton had given her, grabs the barmaid's hand and forcibly closes it over the money. She pats the now-lucre-laden fist and says, "There, there. Ye need it more'n I do ta rebuild this place... and me? I'll just be back to jolly ol' debt an' gettin' kicked back out inta the 'gutter' where I was born. Nuthin' too tough. So, what's yer name again fer when we meet yer bro?"

2008-09-22, 12:15 AM
The immediate threat ended, the priestess stares dumbly at the gore and carnage for a long, long time.

Finally snapping out of her stupor, she looks at the others, still obviously shocked and more than a little confused, "Than...thank you..." She shakes her head, "I...don't really understand... Why did they..." She sighs, "I guess we should go look for a magistrate or something..."

The Bushranger
2008-09-22, 01:31 AM
Rommie sighs and shakes her head.
If you can't figure out why...well, I reckon you and she, she nods at Watak, really do need to have that talk...
She's grateful she only had one drink from the bottle at Ingrid's next statement, lest she spray it all over the newcomer.
You can't be that wet behind the ears...!

2008-09-22, 02:14 AM

"No...no, of course not..." Ingrid manages, looking away while she rubs her hands together uneasily, "I was just joking..."

The Bushranger
2008-09-22, 02:21 AM
Feeling a little bad now, Rommie takes a deep breath, then steps over and, carefully so as not to spook the girl, puts a hand on Ingrid's shoulder.
Sorry, I didn't mean to put you down or nothin'. It's just...well, I guess I kind of envy your view of the world a little bit.
She sighs, then smiles.
You did good out there, really good.

2008-09-22, 02:34 AM
"I... I don't think so... Ingrid shifts nervously, looking at the woman before her, "I still...I still don't even understand what happened... I mean... I was... He was..." She sighs, cutting herself off, "It was all of you... You knew what to do and you did it..." She hesitates, then adds quietly, "If I'd know what I should have done...there wouldn't have been any fighting..."

The Bushranger
2008-09-22, 02:40 AM
Rommie nods - it's only honest. But once there was fighting, you didn't freeze and you didn't flee. You managed to keep your cool and help out, and you kept Watak there alive. That counts for a lot more than being awkward and getting in trouble counts against.
She grimaces just a little at a slight twinge...
Er...you wouldn't happen to have a little more of that healing mojo going, would you? One of those archers did manage to get lucky once...

2008-09-22, 02:40 AM
The barmaid grunts at Watak and takes the bottle back for herself.

"Name's Savron, ya'll 'll git it when ya see me brother."

After a long swig from it she faces Ingrid.

"Girl, did ya just come in from a convent? I ya went to a magistrate he'd yell at ya for an hour for wastin' 'is time, an' then spend another hour sortin' out what kinda bribe you'd owe'im for keepin' this under wraps. Naw, I'll git some boys an' git this sorted. Don't be blamin' yerself for th'past, th'deeds done. Next time some guy is ogling ya just ignore 'im. Now git goin'," she walk back around the bar and begins barring the back door, "Th'longer ya stay 'round here th'more tongues are gonna wag."

Aelton nods vigorously at this.

"Indeed, it is past time that we left this ward. Err, thank you very much Savron," Aelton gives a shaky bow, "I'm sure that Massie is getting impatient back at the skycoach, so we had best hurry."

Aelton pulls open the front door and pauses, waiting for you all to follow.

2008-09-22, 04:02 AM
The priestess shakes her head quietly at the words of the barkeep, but then as the professor calls them to go she swiftly chants a prayer and touches Rommie's shoulder. Then she heads out the door.

[Lesser Vigor: Rommie regains 14 HP over 12 rounds]

The Bushranger
2008-09-22, 09:48 AM

Rommie gives Savron a nod and wave before following Ingrid out.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-22, 08:08 PM
Gell has finally recoverd from his exhaustion, and says
"Well then, we should get going."
The orc winces at the wounds he's taken, but shuffles out with the rest of the group.

2008-09-23, 06:56 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock hefts Jeph one last time, and nods to Aelton as he follows him out.

"Yes, let's. We've dallied too long already."

2008-09-23, 05:37 PM
The rain is still pouring down as you all exit the tavern, making it hard to see further than twenty feet down the street, even with glowlamps illuminating the way. The footing on the cobblestones is treacherous, but you all manage to slog through the streets towards wherever Aelton is leading you.

After traversing a few blocks and only seeing the odd drunkard on the streets Aelton leads you around a corner and you see the so-called skycoach. Normally, skycoaches are sleek devices made from soarwood and with speed in mind, this however seems to be a miniature passenger compartment taken straight from an Orien train car. It's about twelve feet long, and has a glass bubble on the front of the car that has a large leather chair and a glowing pedastle inside of it.

As you near it you see a human woman smoking a cigar and leaning against the side of the box. She's wearing a long leather coat over a faded red doublet and gray pants. From the light of the cigar you can see that her hair is done up in a tight ponytail underneath a wide hat, and she has a patch over her left eye that has a gear on it which spins as you watch.

"Took you long enough," she takes out a dagger and cuts the burning part from the cigar before putting what's left into her cloak, "The name's Massie, and this is Cinderblock, the best lump of metal you'll ever see in the air that isn't falling," she slaps the side of the coach and a door slides open, revealing a well-lit interior, "Alright get in and I'll get us up in the air."

Without waiting for any of you to reply she pulls herself into the cab and moves up into the cockpit from there. Aelton follows her into Cinderblock and takes a seat.

"Don't worry everyone, Massie's quite personable once you get to know her."

The pilot's only response is a loud snort from the cockpit.

2008-09-23, 05:47 PM
Ingrid enters the skycoach and looks around curiously before sitting down.

The Bushranger
2008-09-23, 07:13 PM

Of course, of course.
Rommie chuckles a little as she takes her seat and relaxes.
So, anybody need a spare short sword? I'd keep it but I've already got my rapier...

2008-09-24, 09:37 AM
"Aye, thanks again, Savron" says the rogue through a yellowed smile before turning to follow her newfound comrades and boss.

Watak plods along with the rest, her sack of plunder slung over one shoulder. Her hood is pulled low over her face, her thick cloak once more getting soaked with the filthy precipitation of the Lower City.

When Massie ushers them into Cinderblock, Watak waits for a time before boarding, letting the others get on before she does. While they climb into the idling skycoach, she spins about in a seemingly lazy half-circle but her eyes are nothing but lazy as they dart to every shadowed nook and cranny, scanning the bodies of bystanders and passing pedestrians for any threat they might pose.

Her paranoia satisfied for the moment, she steps into the skycoach but not before she greets Massie with "Flame light yer way, courser"

Plonking herself down into the seat directly to Ingrid's right, she heaves a great sigh and drops her burlap sack of plunder. Leaning back and closing her eyes in a bit of forced relaxation, her left hand comes up from beneath her cloak, carefully unloads a cocked crossbow and lays it across her lap.

Watak then gives the sack of plunder a light kick and says, "Rommie, if' ya don't wants it, in tha sack it goes" She then adds in a drawl, "Oh, and fellas, y'all not divvyin' up this 'ere loot an' leavin' it all ta poor li'l me?"

Leaning forward, cradling her face in her hands, shooting a sidelong glance at Ingrid, she says tiredly, "Yo Savron was right, ya know. Neither judge nor Watch'll do 'ny good fer ya if ya tol' 'em wot happ'd. Also, wot the goons said, wot I said, wot ye denied... 'tis true. Yer beautiful. Ye work all sortsa crazy on people wot look on ye. Ya just gots ta know how ta deal wid bad men who see just yer drop-dead hotness o'th' outside but don't care fer the fact that 'tis yer goodness within that makes ye truly beautiful"

The Bushranger
2008-09-24, 12:55 PM
Rommie slides the sword into the loot bag and grins. Nah, I think there might be a few too many things in there for even you to use. So what did y'all find? I got some jumping caltrops - I'm going to be keeping those...

She nods in agreement with Watak's explanation of things to Ingrid.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-24, 08:25 PM
Moving into the skycoach, Gell begins to speak

"Sorry about the blood..."

As he sits down, he begins to think back to his purpose here.

Is this really the best way to serve the druids? should I not be searching for the cultists, slaying the demons, or protecting other druids?
I guess I'll have to live ith this.. though I must make haste, or I will be too late to be of any help at all...

2008-09-25, 04:44 AM
Leaning forward, cradling her face in her hands, shooting a sidelong glance at Ingrid, she says tiredly, "Yo Savron was right, ya know. Neither judge nor Watch'll do 'ny good fer ya if ya tol' 'em wot happ'd. Also, wot the goons said, wot I said, wot ye denied... 'tis true. Yer beautiful. Ye work all sortsa crazy on people wot look on ye. Ya just gots ta know how ta deal wid bad men who see just yer drop-dead hotness o'th' outside but don't care fer the fact that 'tis yer goodness within that makes ye truly beautiful"

"I'm not..." Ingrid tries to protest, then sighs and shakes her head defeatedly, "That's...terrible... What disgusting men..." She pulls a club from her belt and looks at it angrily, "I should have smashed their faces myself..." She then grows silent for a long moment, then suddenly looks up as if struck by something, "That...that makes sense...but there's one thing I still don't understand... What was that thing about ropes?"

2008-09-25, 06:24 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock sets the unconscious (but thankfully no longer bleeding) Jeph down in the skycoach before climbing in himself.

"I prefer to keep out of these parts, myself. Never any good news to be found down here."

The Bushranger
2008-09-25, 09:19 AM
She then grows silent for a long moment, then suddenly looks up as if struck by something, "That...that makes sense...but there's one thing I still don't understand... What was that thing about ropes?"
Rommie does her best to disguise her snort of laughter as having swallowed wrong. Sorry, something in my throat there...ahem. She then looks expectantly at Watak with a raised eyebrow, clearly wanting to know how the fast-talking rogue is going to get out of this one...

2008-09-26, 11:22 AM
Jeph gives a groan and begins to stir a little as Murdock sets him into a seat. The thug looks like he will be coming around within the next hour.

At Gell's comment about the blood Massie whips her head around to the back and let's out a groan.

"No wonder you all took so long."

She slaps her hand against the side of the coach and a small compartment full of warm towels juts out from under one of the seats.

"Clean yourselves up and then put the towels back in the drawer. If you think that going into the upper city covered in blood is a good idea then I don't want to know what old Aelty here was thinking when he hired you."

Despite her rough tone she shoots a wink at the professor before turning around to grasp the glowing pedestal in front of her seat.

For a moment nothing happens, but then the whole carriage gives a jerk and it launches itself into the night sky. A soft hum picks up and you can all feel a vague presence with you.

"All right everyone," Massie calls back, "We should be at the professor's apartment in a about ten minutes, so settle back."

The ride is smooth, considering how big the carriage is, and in just a few minutes Massie has navigated the skycoach out of the lower district.

"Just for my own curiosity, what's with the guy out cold there?"

The Bushranger
2008-09-26, 12:19 PM

Some of the local...heavies decided they liked one of our companions. Comments were made, accusations thrown, and then we wiped the floor with them. Unfortunatly we had no ropes with with to tie this fellow up, so we had to bring him along...

2008-09-26, 05:28 PM
The priestess blinks, "Is that what it was?"

2008-09-26, 08:05 PM
Murdock Teguan
"Well, if the boss hadn't gotten away, we'd have tied his leg to a rope and hung him off a tower, teach him a lesson about being nice to ladies."

Murdock doesn't bother with a towel - he hadn't been wounded, and he bandaged Jeph before picking him up.

"Hrm. Could we stop off at the Golden Horn on the way? I think it would be best to put this fellow somewhere safe before we get caught up hunting around Dr Forsworth's apartment."

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-26, 09:27 PM
After Gell finishes pondering, he turns towards the res of the group.

"So why did you all except this job? I would like to know more about the people I'll be needing to trust my life to."

The Bushranger
2008-09-26, 09:53 PM

Rommie shrugs a little. It sounded interesting to me. And I...need something to occupy myself, I guess. Take my mind off the past.
The remains of the energy and enthuiasm she showed in the fight seem to drain away, as her shoulders briefly sag, and a shadow passes over her face for a moment. Bad memories...
So what about you?

2008-09-26, 10:05 PM
Ingrid turns to Gell, eagerly waiting for his grand tale.

2008-09-27, 03:26 PM
Grunting thanks to Massie, Watak takes a hot towel and scrubs at her scarlet-spattered self vigourously.

Scrunching the now-soiled towel in her hands, she raises an eyebrow at Gell's query and leans back, looking into his eyes. "'S'I've said afore, I need the job 'swell. Need ta help me family, need ta pay rent, need ta get me some grub... besides, I need me some exercise other'n protectin' distressed priestesses, roughin' up some thugs, runnin' from cops an' stealin' from rickfolk..."

Softening her gaze, she turns to Ingrid and puts her left hand on that of the priestess, caressing the creased flesh that is closed upon the club's hard haft... "If ye did take to dealin' the first blow an' bashin' 'em about... would ye've been able to heal me an' Rommie an' Gell an' even the good sir Aelton? Without you, I'd probly be dead already an' them'd probly be greatly hurt..."

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-27, 04:20 PM
"The reason I joined? My allies told me to. I am sorry, but I cannot tell you the details, as I do not want to risk jepordizing my mission. I will tell you eventually, though."

2008-09-27, 06:19 PM
"How mysterious!" Ingrid exclaims, looking at the beserker curiously, "What kind of a mission is it? Oh...right, you can't tell us..."

The priestess looks to Watak, blinking, "...I don't know... You're really tough, I think you were holding your own. You didn't really need my help..." Then she pauses as a thought occurs to her and glances back at Gell, "Are you a missionary from Thrane?!"

The Bushranger
2008-09-27, 11:26 PM

So if you told us, you'd have to kill us, eh?
Rommie shakes her head and leans back in her seat to relax, raising an eyebrow and smirking slightly at the rogue and the priestess.

2008-09-28, 02:36 AM
"Golden Horn it is then," Massie changes her course slightly to accommodate the new direction.

"Now, now," Aelton cautions, "Gell's business is his own, though I think I would be remiss if I didn't say that his cause is one of honor and great wisdom."

As you all chat away the skycoach continues to climb through the sky. You all notice a perceptible change in the air as Cinderblock reaches the upper level, the air has only a hint of the sea and is fresh and clean to your lungs, a quite different feel then in the lower city.

The difference between the lower and higher wards are striking. While the lower ward's buildings were built on the layer of earth and stone between it and the cogs, the middle and upper wards are formed from great towers of stone that arch into the sky and platforms of rock that defy gravity in their ability to almost float in the air.

Dozens of towers grace the night sky up here, whereas you could only see their bases in the lower city the tops are festooned with small gardens and magical lights. The skycoach steers around one tower that has a riotous party on the roof, and you can all see people with finery that could very well buy out the Manky Goblin several times over.

Massie's short detour to the University district and the Golden Horn gives Murdock enough time to drag Jeph into the inn and stash him safely.

"Hope you got him stuffed in a safe cupboard in there," Massie cracks as Cinderblock lifts off again.

From there it's only a short ride to the Ivy Towers, a collection of towers that seem to have been built eclectically but well, with different styles of stonework for each floor. Aelton takes a look out one of the windows and beams.

"Aha! We're here."

Cinderblock comes to one tower, made of a light red hued stone and about ninety feet wide, and circles around it once before pulling up and landing on a platform attached to it halfway up it's base. As she takes her hands off of the pedestal the soft hum and glow fade and the skycoach settles onto the platform.

"Alright, we'll wait here while you lot have a look inside," the pilot slaps the metal again, causing the door to shunt open, and then lithely steps out onto the platform. She retrieves the partial cigar and lights it up again with a tindertwig.

"If you want," she gestures at the wand and caltrop bag, "I can have a look at those and figure out their command words while I'm waiting, isn't like I have much else to do."

Aelton meanwhile has moved over to the wooden door in the side of the building and has pushed it open, revealing a well-lit hallway. When you follow him in the structure of this apartment tower becomes clear. A short hallway runs from the doorway to a wide staircase in the middle of the hall, and another ten feet down the hallway there are three imposing wooden doors facing the north, east and west. Even on the inside of the structure the stone retains it's nice rose hue. The hallway is largely unadorned except for a simple carpet down it's length.

Aelton motions you all towards the stairs and begins ascending.

"The apartments here," he begins to explain without asking if you would all like to know, "Are split with three to a floor until you get to the top few floors which are the suites of the building. The walls are thick enough that a great deal of privacy is warranted, and most of the other tenants here are quite pleasant people," you thankfully only go up one floor before Aelton steps off of the stairs and walks over to one of the doors. He fishes in his belt for a set of keys and sets himself to unlocking the three locks on the door, "Silly of me really," he says as he gets the first one unlocked, "I've always maintained that a good lock makes a good home, but I've never even bothered to put one on the window," he finishes unlocking the door and opens it for you. The professor steps in and after a bit of fumbling manages to light a large lantern by the door, shedding light on the room.

A musty smell of parchment greets you as you enter Aelton's home, and from the chaos in the main room you aren't very surprised at the scent. The single large room seems more like a study than a living area, with a huge oak desk with it's drawers open and several bookshelves dominating the western side of the room. On the eastern wall a lounge couch faces an iron-wrought fireplace and a set of cabinets, and a small table and pantry take up the corner beside a door that presumably goes into Aelton's bedroom. Two large windows occupy the sloping north-westerly facing wall and you imagine that the apartment must see a great deal of light during the day.

Stands and smaller shelves dot the room with collections of strange items on them. On stand holds the talon of some beast, while another has a slightly cracked vase with a strange language written on it, to name a few of the eclectic items. Aside from that, the room seems to be a window into some realm of chaos. Books and parchment cover the area with the the bookshelves and desk, and broken glass litters the corner beside the desk.

Aelton goes around the apartment, carefully trying to not disturb anything, and activates a few soft magical lights that help to illuminate the room.

"Well, as a friend of mine says, 'mi casa, su casa', my home is your home" the professor walks over to the cabinets and retrieves a bottle of wine from one of them, "Though I'm not too certain he translated it correctly, I still think that 'casa' means colon, though I could be wrong. Err," he unstops the bottle and pours himself a glass, "If any of you would like a glass while you search you are welcome to it," he takes a sip and gestures to the desk, "I had my notes and the journal in there. All right then, I leave you all to your expertise."

OOC: As for Murdock, please describe how you're going to secure Jeph in spoiler tags with any necessary rolls and roleplay (like if you want to have the staff keep an eye on him).

Also, everyone start performing search and spot checks please. The general time is still the evening, so none of you are in any danger of dropping from exhaustion, and you can take 10 or 20 on the search if you'd like.

2008-09-28, 07:30 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock nodded, and hefted the unconscious Jeph back up on a shoulder, taking Jeph's sword with him and putting it into one of his pockets.

"Oh, right - I'll be needing Jeph's sword, too. Hope you don't mind."

And with that, the investigative disappeared into the Golden Horn, returning a few minutes later with his hand on his chin, immersed in thought.

"Well, here's hoping Jeph doesn't skip out on me."

Inside the Golden Horn
Murdock sauntering into the Golden Horn was nothing new. Sauntering in with an unconscious lower-ward thug over his shoulder, on the other hand, was something of an oddity - his interviewees of that calibre were usually just ushered in.

"Back room again?"

"Not this time. Colleague of mine got into a fight with a thug by the name of Brunt. Long story short, the guy called in his gang, and when the fight went sour, he ran off and swore he'd get revenge. This kid had the brains to surrender, so I'm going to see if I can't get a lead on the thug before this gets any bigger."

As he explained the situation, Murdock carefully set Jeph down in a seat out of the way, and walked over to the bar.

"Got a bit of parchment I could use? Thanks. Yeah, I'm actually on assignment for another client at the moment, so I can't stop and have a chat right now, so I'm just going to leave him here for a couple of hours and come right back. Here's a couple of galifars, and one for the trouble. When he comes to, give him an ale or something and this note. If he decides he'll scram, let him have whatever's left of the two galifars and his sword. If he reckons he can brave his old boss after surrendering like that, good luck to him."

He put the two gp on the counter, along with Jeph's sword (bound up in its scabbard, of course), as he wrote the note in neat print.

You're not bad, kid, ducking and weaving like that. Sorry about the punch to the face - I'd have stopped her if I'd had the chance.

At any rate, welcome to the Golden Horn. It's a good place, and the people are friendly sorts. Go ahead and socialise - you won't regret it.

I'd like to have a talk to you later about Brunt, but I've got to be going. I'll be back in a couple of hours. While you wait, I've left a galifar with the bartender - if you want to order anything, feel free.

You're welcome to brave Brunt on your own, if you wish. However, I cannot guarantee your safety if you decide to leave. The bartender will let you have whatever's left of the galifar and your sword back if you ask.

Savron says you're a good kid, so I'm trusting you not to make a decision you'll regret.

- Murdock

No rolls used. Pretty much the main reason Murdock's using the Golden Horn is because he knows that the people there are trustworthy.

Besides that, Murdock isn't taking any special precautions to keep him from escaping. There's nothing actually stopping him from leaving - he's just counting on the fact that he has been trusted enough to have nothing to keep him from going as a sign of good faith.

That, and the important factors of 1. Being all the way in the upper ward in the evening, and 2. That Brunt's threat is still pretty fresh in his mind.

The Bushranger
2008-09-28, 10:24 AM
((You know, this skycoach sounds a lot like a Puddle Jumper. :smallbiggrin: ))


I'd appreciate that, thanks.
Rommie leaves the bag o' cheeful caltrops with Massie and exits the coach with the others, half-listening to the professor's speech as they head for his apartment.

When he offers a drink she shakes her head a little. I appreciate that, but I've had enough for tonight thanks...
She walks over and looks curiously at the vase.
What language is this, do you know?

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-29, 06:22 PM
OOC: Before the last post of Darkantra's

Smiling, Gell says "I can tell you and then kill you, if you'd like." he then shakes his head and says "No, I'am not from thrane."

After they arrive

OOC: Have to go, will finish later

2008-09-30, 11:08 PM
Ingrid looks around with a thoughtful frown, trying to decide what to do. After a few moments of standing in silence, pondering, she decides that instead of using detect magic to check for auras that she's going to look for evidence.

Search: [roll0] to look for clues.
Wis: [roll1] to recognize a clue.
Wis: [roll2] to recognize a clue.
Wis: [roll3] to recognize a clue.

Edit: A 19 and a 20... :smalleek: I think the forum is purposefully hindering my clueless character concept. Then, maybe it's divine intervention.

2008-10-02, 04:00 AM
Murdock Teguan
"No, that'll be fine, Dr. Forsworth. I prefer not to drink on the job."

Murdock sets about the task of checking the room, particularly the window area.

Take 10 on Room with Search for 14 general
Take 20 on Search w/ Inspiration for 26 on Window

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-03, 08:04 PM
OOC: I've been busy in real life. Willl still be for awhile longer.

2008-10-05, 12:55 AM
[[Thanks for the heads up Slaanesh, you've gained the group 5 points for letting me know in a timely manner *adjusts score on whiteboard*]]

Aelton sips at his wine and joins Rommie in looking at the vase. It's made from a faded green clay, and almost a hundred runes run along it's surface. The runes themselves are flowing, yet with a harsh edge.

"Ah, it was something that I found in a rubbish sale, to be honest. A landlord was selling everything that one of his tenants had left and I happened to walk by. It's a fascinating piece, and I'm lucky to have bought it for a single silver. You see, the inscriptions are a strange blend of giant inscriptions and ones of dwarven make. While I haven't deciphered the meaning, I know that the runes are an actual language, there are recuring strokes in the symbols that occur with a frequency that presents the possibilities of common sounds that you find in any language. I wish I knew where the owner found it though, it suggests a collusion between the dour folk and the former rulers of Xen'drik that goes beyond what we've known before."

A half-hour of careful searching passes as the night finally descends from dusk into true night. As you work Aelton offers you all some refreshments; some fruit, cheese, crackers and of course the wine. Rommie and Ingrid work on the chaotic corner of the room with Murdock helping for a few minutes before he goes off to check the window.

Aelton's shelf must have held many things besides books, in a strange collection of artifacts from all across Eberron. In all you find that the glass was from an airship in a bottle, a Xen'drik boomerang with a large red stripe on it, various skeletal or preserved animal (and possibly not animal) parts, a gold monocle with a strange crystalline structure instead of a lens and a small and wickedly curved dagger.

In a general search around the room you find that only the desk was opened, the burglars seemed to not have any interest in the pantry or cupboards. Nothing really except the one part of the room seems to be disturbed.

Everyone in the room has to turn a collective wrinkled nose as Rommie uncovers an uncleaned litter-box underneath a pile of paper next to the desk. Aelton looks at you all a bit sheepishly as he dumps the mess out of the window.

"Well... I did leave in a hurry."

Watak and Xain take a look around for themselves but they come back to you with shrugs.

2008-10-05, 04:24 AM
Murdock Teguan
"Hold on a moment... I think I see something..."

Murdock leaned out the window, stretching his arm out until it looks like he's about to fall out the window.

"Ah, hah! Bingo."

Turning with an ever so slight air of triumph, he waved a scrap of cloth pinched between his fingers, before stretching it out a little and looking at the marking on it. It was burlap, and had something that looked sort of like either a tooth or tusk painted in red on it.

"Hmm, looks like some kind of tooth, a canine, maybe." he remarked, turning it over for others to have a look as well. "Probably a bit of some kind of emblem."

He looked back out the window.

"Also, there's a great big scrape under your windowsill, maybe four feet across - it's as though somebody brought a skycoach through and it scraped the wall as it passed; probably how the thieves got away. But I think I can see how the thieves made it in - there's a bunch of piton-holes going down in a line from the window, maybe two feet between them."

2008-10-05, 05:05 AM
Ingrid shuffles around for a bit, peeking and peering at the creepy belongings of the professor. She frowns as he empties the litter-box out the window, "What if that lands on some poor person?" Obviously, the fact that it's late at night escapes her.

After looking around for a good long while, she holds the dagger and look at it with curious frown, "How weird... Why is this knife bent like this?" Ingrid holds up the dagger, showing how it's curved blade ends in a sharply pointed hook. "...and what's this... Maybe it's the mark of whoever made it." She peers at the hilt, rubbing at some faint symbol with a finger and thus blocking others from clearly viewing it. After a moment, she withdraws her finger with a perplexed frown, revealing a triangle containing three small circles amid the scratches on the surface.

Roll Knowledge(Local)!
Yes, you too have been given the opportunity to roll!
((Which Ingrid doesn't have so just an INT check I guess.))
INT Check: [roll0]

The Bushranger
2008-10-05, 09:21 AM

...ick. Ew. Gross.
Rommie quickly finds a rag and starts wiping her hands off thoroughly, the vase completely forgotten in her disgust. Sticking my hand in a 'slightly used' litter box is NOT going to go on my all-time favourite things to do list. And eww! She tosses the rag out the window after the rest of the kitty litter So they scaled the wall, got what they came for, then jumped out the window into their getaway coach, then? Maybe we should poke around and try to see if anybody rented a coach around that time.

She starts in Ingrid's direction to look at the dagger, but has her attention distracted by the boomerang, which she carefully picks up and studies. Sweet.
Knowledge (History) [roll0]

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-11, 01:57 PM
(Hi. Rember me?)

Gell, asks
"anything I would be able to help with?"

2008-10-15, 05:53 AM
Chief, sorry if this is not up to my usual standards. I have been needed much at work.

Looking at the fact that only the desk seems to have been specifically targeted, Watak lounges back against a shelf. Her eyes darken with thought, her left hand rubbing the pommel of her shortsword meditatively.

Smirking, she says, somehow unmarveling at the myriad foreign wonders and trinkets, "Hah. Jus' s'I said--- their target was just them papers. Everything else was just either fer the thieves' personal gain aside from their orders OR 'twas a cover-up... Are ye absolutely sure ye never let slip this 'ere project o' yourn ta any friends or contacts, Sir Forsworth?"

Walking over to the windowsill, she suddenly grabs the wall for support, clutching at her abdomen the while. She then gasps, "Urgh. Ya... ye gots a chamberpot somewhere? Crimson king's a-callin'... can't hold out long..."

2008-10-16, 03:06 PM
"AAAGH!" Watak groans as she doubles over with cramps. "****! Flame-forsooken piece o' ****! Bloody blasted Khyber-crap!" The rogue punches the wall with her ungauntleted fist repeatedly to try and regain her focus.

With her vision clearing, and the pain in her throbbing, almost-bleeding abdomen warring with the pain in her battered left fist, she casts about desperately for some sign of a comfort room, some trace of a chamberpot... Spotting a truly towering shelf burgeoning with books right behind Ingrid, she hobbles over, snagging an ornate copper chamberpot ((or is it?!)) along the way.

Hey! Get outta here, ye friggn perverts! *stab*

A few minutes of agonized groans later, she steps out, huffing, seemingly depleted but relieved just the same. Turning her now pallid face to the priestess, she jokes in a hoarse voice, "Heh. If only yer holy hojinx could fix our womanly woes, eh?"

Suddenly, she sees the curved and carved dagger in Ingrid's hands. Recognition dawns in the rogue's eyes and she swipes it from the priestess with a quick "If I may..."

Though it feels a tad too small for her hand, she still remembers when she had handled such weapons under the goblin Valekh, her old mentor. Almost without looking at it, she spins the wickedly curved blade, lashes out in a backhanded slash low and then high, her other hand pantomiming grappling an imaginary victim while the blade disemboweled and then slit the throat. Spinning it again, she whirls behind her, extending herself in a lunging thrust, blocking an imaginary blow with a backhanded guard, reversing the grip and hacking downwards savagely.

With one final flourish, she passes it back to the priestess with a wink, tapping the symbols on the weapon as she does so. As she expounds on what she sees in the dagger, the lightness of her tone fades back into a stark, grim voice. ""Ere's an example of a quite lit'ral Goblin shraat'khesh or silent blade. Some may call it a kukri, but I'm none too sure... Dis 'ere circles mean dat it once belonged to a Daask gobbo. Ya know, Daask, one o' them big ol' buncha gangs? Each little globe thing stands fer gnolls, gobbos an' ogres or such. Dese 'ere notches mean kills... and whoever used ta own this 'ere fang o' th' Devourer was one mean Khyber-crappin' blood-swimmin' li'l gobbo."

2008-10-18, 11:16 PM
As Watak rushes around in an attempt to find a receptacle Aelton slowly catches on and rushes into his bedroom, returning with a small pot just as Watak rushes by him.

"Not the Denris original!" he wails, snatching the copper pot and putting the chamber pot into her hands. The half-elf places the copper pot with care back on the shelf and heaves a great sigh of relief.

"My, my," he says as he catches a look at the dagger in Ingrid's hands, "I don't remember owning that. Although, I did have a rather nice Talentan dagger, which seems to be one of the things that I am missing."

Aelton is about to pluck it out of Ingrid's hands when Watak beats him too it. He nods along at her explanation, frowning as his mind does linguistic leaps to understand her cant-like speech.

"A masterful summation Watak," he squints at the dagger once she is done and shivers a little, "That sign is definitely of Daask. Those thieves have a dark reputation here in Sharn."
he looks at the patch of cloth in Murdock's hand, "Though I'm not sure how it's connected to this torn print. The Daask commonly use the three globes over a pyramid symbol in their work, and I've never heard of them using a... is that a tusk, as their symbol," he scratches his chin in scholarly thought, "It may very well belong to a small organization that I haven't heard of, considering it's crude rendition."

The professor also spends a moment looking over the windowsill at the large gash into the side of the building.

"Aha, a sky carriage would explain why they did not tumble to their deaths upon leaping out from the windowsill, although most do carry slow-fall charms for such an event," he thumbs an eagle feather pinned to the breast pocket of his vest.

Having seen all of the clues Aelton paces for a good minute before nodding to himself and smiling at you all.

"Well, a good show that was my friends, I'm glad that I hired you, you have everything wonderfully in hand! I think that I'll turn in, get a good night's rest," he lts out a textbook yawn and motions towards the semi-organized piles on his desk, "I have a lot of organization to do tomorrow. Massie is under my retainer for the rest of the night so if you want to continue with your investigations she can transport you around the city until morning, otherwise I would suggest that you all get some rest as well. The tired bird gets eaten by the cat, don't you know. Though I wouldn't dream to tell any of you how to proceed, you are the professionals here!"

[So a recap since it's been a little while: You know that one of the thieves' names is Muurac, you have a dagger with a scratched symbol of the Daask thieving clan and a patch of cloth with what seems to be a red tusk or fang on it that may or may not be connected with the dagger. Additionaly you have a former comrade of Brunt waiting at a high-class in for you to return and interrogate him, and of course, the psychotic Khyber-worshipping Brunt who has made vague though oddly specific threats in your direction somewhere out there in the night of Sharn plotting away... :smallamused:.

EDIT: Also, you could try going to the A Roll of the Tusk, the gambling den that Savron (the barmaid's) brother owns for information.

Some other information comes to you all as well that's pretty common knowledge. Daask is one of the largest gangs in Sharn, and constantly feuds with the Boromar Clan for control of the Sharran underworld. You generally know that Daask has a strong presence in the Cogs, the underground network of industry that supplies Sharn with most of it's trade goods, and Malleon's Gate in the lower wards which has become a haven for the more aggressive races of Eberron. Malleon's gate is primary occupied by goblonoids and other monstrous humanoids, while the Cogs are populated by most of the races of Khorvaire and odder creatures, though more goblins work there than any other race.

The option is up to you all whether you continue with the investigation now, or take some rest and start up again in the morning the following day. Your characters are getting tired, and any kind of strenuous movement would make you fatigued.]

2008-10-19, 03:14 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock nods, and collects up the evidence the group has found.

"I'll stow these in my office for now." he said, pocketing them carefully. "I'm not familiar with goblin emblems, but I'll look into this."

"Well, we'd best continue this in the morning. Thank you, Dr Forsworth. I'd best be going - the poor fellow's still at the Golden Horn and I'll need to be checking in on him."

With his client's leave, he departed and checked in on the Golden Horn, peering about the room to see if Jeph had decided to leave or not.

2008-10-20, 01:25 PM
Watak breathes a sigh and smirks to herself, laughing inwardly. Ha-ha! The world's round... what I do's done ta me as well!

Readjusting her hood and cloak, she reloads her pilfered crossbow and keeps it tucked in close but ready. Shrugging, she says to her employer, "Well chief, I've got to set my home in order, pay me landlord, leave messages an' whatnot. Asides, methinks I c'n foller a lead or two wi' a gobbo I know from down below..."

Turning to Murdock before he goes, she tells him, "If ye don't mind, could I take a closer look at yon scrappa cloth ya got there?"

The Bushranger
2008-10-20, 10:01 PM
Rommie considers things for a minute, her still slightly alchol-fogged brain refusing to operate at the pace she's trying to work it at. Finally, she gives up and sighs.
Well, I don't have anything I need to handle other than rest. So I'll go along with whatever y'all are wantin' to do.
She glances over at Ingrid and pauses.
I don't suppose you'd have a place to stay? My place is pretty much on the other side 'a town from here. And not really a place I care to go...

2008-10-23, 11:05 AM
[By all means continue to RP, I'm just moving this along to get Jeph's bt out of the way]

Aelton gives you all a shaking of the his hand as you leave.

"Good luck in your inquiries!"

Back at Cinderblock, Massie nods along as you tell her that she'll be doing her last few stops tonight.

"Here you go," she holds the caltrops and wand out, "I figure that the caltrops acivate when you spread them and say, "Bounce" and that the wand casts a nasty druid spell called creeping cold. Just say the word carved into it there," she points at the goblin script, "Tegaar, while pointing it at whoever you want to freeze to death and it goes off. I figure that it has around fifteen uses before it sputters out."

Massie transports Murdock (and any others that want to go with him) back to the Golden Horn, where lights and sounds of laughter are still going strong even at this hour. The common room has a dozen minstrels sitting at three tables and playing some kind of one-upmanship game between each group of four.

Murdock scans the tavern and quickly notices Jeph sitting at the bar with a pained look on his face and a flagon of ale that one of the serving girls, Melissa, is currently filling up. He glances up and you and in sudden alarm moves as if to draw his sword but a quick swat from Melissa's mopping towl stops him. The pretty half-elven girl steps around the bar and gives Murdock a scandelous grin.

"Well Murdock, I don't know where you got this one but I have to say," she giggles, "he's a hell of a lot more blunt then the rest of the customers. None of this, "Hither away with me, flower of the moon's embrace!" crap you bards try to pull off, he got right to the point. Anyways, he said that he'd wait around to talk to you, and now you're here."

A strange, almost nasaly, chord bleats out from an instrument at one the tables, and you look over to see three of the minstrels spill their drinks as they collapse with laughter. Melissa sighs and moves off to clean up the spills, leaving you facing a grim looking thug who motions to another stool by the bar.

2008-10-24, 02:31 AM
Rommie considers things for a minute, her still slightly alchol-fogged brain refusing to operate at the pace she's trying to work it at. Finally, she gives up and sighs.
Well, I don't have anything I need to handle other than rest. So I'll go along with whatever y'all are wantin' to do.
She glances over at Ingrid and pauses.
I don't suppose you'd have a place to stay? My place is pretty much on the other side 'a town from here. And not really a place I care to go...


"Oh... Yeah, that would be great. I had hired a small little room at a inn near a host temple because... Well, they wouldn't let me stay at the temple, I'm not sure why." Ingrid answers with a bothered frown.

The Bushranger
2008-10-24, 02:38 AM

Rommie considers that for a moment, but between being tired, the adrenalin wearing off, the lingering effects of the Thud! and the cat litter, her brain isn't quite up to pondering why that might be. So she settles for giving Ingrid a grateful smile.
Well, if they don't mind someone crashin' with ya, then I'd really appreciate it.

Once they get back to the skycoach, she'll tiredly thank Massie for investigating the caltrops, but aside from the occasional yawn she doesn't have much left in her tonight...

2008-10-24, 05:54 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock nodded, and passed the scrap to Watak.

"Alright, just don't lose it. We'll meet back up in the morning at my office - here, let me just get a bit of old parchment..."

Murdock rummaged through Aelton's waste paper basket, and fished out a bit of parchment that hadn't been written all over on the back.

"Second floor, just above the Thranese Grocery store, next to the Discount Papal Supplies." he said, writing out directions to his office on the back of the scrunched up bit of parchment, and tearing it into pieces for everyone.

"You see a lot of Silver Flame clergy down there - not too hard to miss. There's stairs between the two."

Wake up Jeph!
An entirely unnecessary reference at the Golden Horn

Murdock chuckled, and smiled good-naturedly.

"I thank thee, nymph of the gods." he replied, not without a little facetiousness. "Looks like some things are the same no matter where you go."

As Melissa headed off, Murdock walked over to the stool and sat down next to Jeph.

"Looks like you've made a friend."

[roll0] (Inspired)

2008-10-25, 01:00 PM
So assuming we get this conversation done by tomorrow or monday I'll move things along then.

Melissa gives Murdock a playful swat on the arm for his jest before going to clean the spill. Jeph eyes you cautiosly as you sit down, but then shows a grin as you mention the waitress.

"Yep, she's a pretty woman, damned if I don't know how I talked her into having a drink with me, and maybe more."

Jeph gives a chuckle and takes a deep draw from his tankard. Only once he;s drained it does he settle back to talk.

"'Course, with Brunt after me now I guess it makes sense that some good things are happening to me, the gods hafta get the scales balanced before that bastard gives me to Khyber."

The man sighs and looks at Murdock forlornly.

"Look buddy, I appreciate you not sticking me while I was out. Hells, I would've taken your weapon from you if you were in my place," he taps his sword pommel for emphasis,"Gotta thank you for that. But if life has shown me anything it's that no one expects nothing for something, so what is it that you want?"

2008-10-25, 09:54 PM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock nodded, and motioned for another two drinks. The important investigation was over - here he was simply trolling for information.

"I'm an investigative, not a murderer." replied Murdock, reassuringly, as the ale arrived. "Of course, there's plenty I'd like to know. But, of course, your situation doesn't just involve Brunt, does it?" he asked.

He pursued this line of questioning for a little bit, trying to get a feel for what Jeph's aspirations were. Or, at least, a feel for what else besides Brunt he was most worried about - There were gestures of generosity, and there were targeted favours, which tended to cost significantly less, but were worth more.

There were a few targets he was aiming for with Jeph - Brunt was the obvious one, but people knew other people, and it never hurt to invest a little.

2008-10-27, 04:57 AM
The princess nods with a smile and with her new friend returns to her place of lodging. Along the way she chatters on amiably, oblivious to Rommie's less than aware state. There, she cheerfully let her guest have the rather small bed and takes a couch for herself.

((Busy day, apologizes for the brevity but please don't hold up on my account.))

The Bushranger
2008-10-27, 05:34 AM
((No problem, life gets that way sometimes :) ))


Rommie listens to Ingrid as best she can, smiling at the other girl's obvious enthuiasm and enjoing her company despite her tired state.

When they reach her room and she's offered the bed, though, she shakes her head emphatically. Thank you, but I couldn't take your bed, it's enough that you let me stay here. I don't mind the couch at all.

2008-10-27, 04:29 PM
Jeph eyes Murdock for a moment before chuckling again,

"Perceptive bastard, aint'cha? Brunt wasn't at the Manky Goblin for a quiet drink, he was looking to have a few words with that old half-elf you were with," he holds up a hand, "Look, I ain't know much, but Brunt was worked up pretty fierce tonight. You heard him jawing on about Khyber, right? Well he's a middle-man in the death god's cult here in Sharn. We all knew he was nuts, but he got great tips for jobs now and again, claiming that they were the work of the god, though we all were thinking that some priest told him to do it. So, just a couple of hours before we had our tussle, Brunt comes rushing into our little hideaway and," Jeph shivers for a moment, "His eyes, I never want to see that again... he had... it was like somebody big had finally given him a task that actually mattered, and he was gripped in some kinda fever. He said we were to grab the half-elf in the street, kill anyone with him and then make his body disappear, permanently, and then we'd get a fat paycheck. Least that was the plan before that girl of yours started to call us out. So in answer to that, yeah, it ain't just Brunt. Chances are he'll get the support of a death priest and then come after your lot, and me too."

2008-10-27, 11:43 PM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock frowned.

"This is serious..." he muttered, hand on his chin.

"So for whatever reason, Brunt's contacts have asked him to kill Dr Forsworth, and it was something big. Alright, that makes sense. Now the only problem is figuring out who Brunt's answering to."

Murdock looked back at Jeph, his face grave with thought.

"Well, thank you for the information - you've been very helpful. Of course, this also means that whoever we're facing, they've got resources. They probably won't go for you until after they try to kill my employer, so that gives you a little bit of time. So tell me, Jeph, did you ever have a thing for music?"

It was far too late to hire anyone from the defenders. After he dealt with Jeph, he would have to see to Aelton.

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-28, 08:35 PM
(Sorry for being gone so long... This time without notice.

RL got reaaaalllllyy damn crazy.

So, I think I can finally come back, tommorow, if I'am still welcome)

2008-10-29, 04:06 AM
[That's alright Slaanesh, we're just getting to the point of moving on. Wish I could pull out a better limmerick too... Jeph is very clueless, low wisdom will do that.]

Jeph looks at you in confusion but nonetheless tries to answer the question.

"Uh, no, but I do know some limmericks. *Ahem*

There once was a young gnome named Bic,
Who fought with a very big pick,
Though when Bic starts to bluster,
His comrades all mutter,
That he's just a very big pr-"

Laughter from the tables of minstrels interrupts the last word of the limmerick.

"Anyways, why'd you ask me if I like music?"

2008-10-29, 07:49 AM
Murdock Teguan
"Haha. Yeah, probably not an option. Alright, look, when Brunt gets his act together again, there's probably going to be two targets he wants to go for. You, and my employer. It's in my interests that he gets neither. To him, you're nothing more than a petty traitor, someone he can just track down and kill. On your own, you're prey. What you're going to want to do is to place yourself with people he can't come after, or at least out of reach for him. Brunt's not big time - whoever he's involved with would balk at helping him chase you down if you're far enough. Alright, you've got a few options. If you feel up to it, you might want to check out Morgrave in the morning, see if there's any expeditions hiring. They normally source from the MOA for protection, but they're not too picky about assistants if they've got room. If not, another good option is the Clifftop Adventurers Guild - there's always a group of kids looking to get into the adventuring business, and if you can get yourself into one of them, you're practically set. Of course, it's a little late at night to do much of anything."

Murdock paused.

"As I see it, that's your main option."

2008-10-29, 03:34 PM
Watak slips the piece of paper into one of her many coat-pockets with a grunt of thanks at Murdock. On the way to Ragi's apartment complex in High Walls, her mind struggles to fit itself around how she might get one of her goblin friends, Ka the constable, to speak of any of his kindred's recent and unusual dealings in the Upper City...

She then stumbles home from where Massie dropped her off. Though she's certainly had far worse nights, she feels utterly exhausted tonight and doesn't speak much except to promise more coin to her landlord to pay her rent as she hands over the last of her money.

Getting into her room, after flinging her travel-and-bloodstained coat across the foot of her bed, she restrains herself from simply plopping down and surrendering to the siren song of slumber. Taking out some string and wires, she carefully sets up a series of snares designed to trip any intruders and to catch them across the throat both on the path from the doorway and covering all the windows.

Sighing from her work, she slips one of her many daggers beneath the pillow and finally crawls beneath the ragged sheets now with the crossbow still close at hand, ever-ready. Kissing the Silver Flame pendant before she closes her eyes, she finally succumbs to the call of the gates of night...

Sorry I've been away, guys. Much work...

2008-10-29, 11:48 PM
Jeph is silent for a moment, mulling over his options as he stares off into nowhere.

"Huh, the university... Brunt'll expect me to either flee the city or drown myself in ale, but he'd never think to look for me there, or on an expedition. I think I may just do that."

The man stands up and offers you his hand.

"If you ever find out where he is, I want in if you go to take him down... what was your name?"

After you both shake (or not), Melissa saunters up to Jeph and whispers something in his ear, and the thug grins widely.

"All right then," he puts an arm around her waist, "Thanks for the advice again friend."

The two make their way to the stairs at the back of the room, Melissa throwing a wink back at Murdock as they go.

The Following Day... (assuming there's nothing else)

The storm passed over Sharn sometime in the early hours of the day, leaving a rapidly receding gray pall in the skies. Each of you make your way to Murdock's apartment, the last of you arriving at the ninth bell.

[pingcode, the task of describing Murdock's apartment falls into your hands.]

2008-10-30, 08:27 PM
"You're a guest!" Ingrid exclaims in reply to the drunken girl, "It would be bad manners for me not to offer you my bed."

The Bushranger
2008-10-30, 08:37 PM

Rommie is just not drunk-and-tired enough, that she realises the obvious retort to that statement probably wouldn't be a good idea. So she just nods in reply to Ingrid instead. Well, if you're insisting...and thank you.

She then pauses, having thought of something.
Er, I don't have any nightclothes...

2008-10-30, 09:42 PM
"I don't have a spare nightgown..." Ingrid frowns as she begins rummaging through a bag, "Oh, maybe you could wear... Oh, I wonder if it would be sacrilegious..." She pulls out a long ceremonial robe and looks at it undecidedly, "I wonder if Dol Arrah would mind?"

The Bushranger
2008-10-30, 09:49 PM
Rommie considers for a moment suggesting she do without, but manages to bite back a giggle at thinking how Ingrid would probably react...
Well, I could just sleep in my normal clothes if it'd be a bother.

2008-10-31, 04:43 AM
Murdock Teguan
"Murdock Teguan. I drop in here a few times every week, if you need to contact me." replied Murdock, shaking hands with Jeph. "Otherwise, one of the others can give you the address to my office."

Then, he headed back to his office to have some rest. It wasn't a hell of a lot, but it was home.

Dawn Arrives

By the time everyone arrives, Murdock is already awake, and the fragments of evidence have already been set out on the coffee table - a simple wooden piece that more likely than not came with the apartment - around which an odd assortment of chairs sat, while the desk seemed to be conspicuously lacking. A wooden door towards the back is what probably led to the living area, and several filing cabinets line the left wall.

Overall, the office is a fairly small, but functional one. At the moment, it's pretty clean, but the layout suggests that the situation gradually decays as a case drags on. The corkboard to the right of the door already has a couple of notes pinned to it.

"Good morning, everybody. I trust you all slept well?" he asked, sitting down in one of the chairs. He hoped to the eight that Brunt's benefactors hadn't panicked and attacked last night.

2008-11-01, 03:21 PM
After restless night spent tossing and turning, Watak turned once again upon her cot... and promptly fell off the edge. Grunting with a dozen half-understood curses, she moaned and shambled over to the window.

Leaning on the sill, she inhaled deeply of the morning air... Trying to ignore the stench of refuse and the cries of anguish that are a part of the daily fare of all who live in the ghetto district of High Walls, she took another breath and suddenly realized something...

The grilled and bolted lead-paned windows were open--- the windows that she always kept closed at night! She leapt back from the aperture, tumbled across her bed, grabbing crossbow and dagger as she passed. Coming up in a crouch on the other side, she peered warily into every shadow, her bloodshot eyes roving every darkened nook, searching for the unseen intruder which she did not doubt had come into her residence unreckoned.

Slowly, she rose, her arms crossed, the crossbow stabilized by her right forearm, the dagger held ready in her other hand. None of the corners, none of the curtains, none of the meagre draperies and weaver's ware concealed any intruder. Not even the ceiling and not even the bed hid anything besides a family of rats...

Turning and laying down her crossbow with a sigh, she leaned against the sole cheap wooden chest in the room and massaged her temples to ease the hangover of having drunk just a tad too much alcohol the past night for she usually just took enough to keep awake... Suddenly when she looked up once more, she spotted a detail that she had missed earlier in her frantic, groggy frenzy--- the fact that all her tripwires had been neatly, noiselessly severed...

The colour drained from her face and she gave her entire domicile another three checks, to no avail. Donning her trusty longcoat of heavy leather with trembling fingers, she then scrounges out several items of the life she led before she settled down as a yet another rogue in the City of Towers. Trying hard not to hyperventilate, knowing that her life may very well depend on her alertness and her alacrity, she packs away everything that she can reasonably carry into the worn old traveler's bag she had once borne when she first came to Sharn over two months ago...

Digging out Murdock's scrap of directions, she sets off as fast as her feet could carry her. "I'll pay ye when I get paid... an' it'll be through Constable Ka... I won't be back, Ragi! Tell Gwyn we'll meet at the Discount Papal. Thanks fer everything, ye blackblooded swampsucker!" She called over her shoulder to her benefactor.

Passing by the Wolf's Skull Inn and Tavern, she quickly spotted the goblin she was looking for. Clad in a faded Cyran officer's cloak of the old weave of green and gold was a goblin whose very flesh was a map of burning, slashing scars. He was the last customer and apparently, none of the staff had had the heart to throw him out, not after him being their most regular patron... that and the fact that he had a massive black mastiff guarding him...

Watak sidled up to him on the bar, grinningly ignoring the growling of the goblin's trusty steed. Sliding across the bar other crossbow that she'd taken last night, she slips it right into his hands. Without looking at each other, she put her hand on the goblin's and then loosened her grip, letting him see the scrap of Goblin-made cloth within. "Hey Ka. Usual deal... I reck' ol' Greykell ain't really got the goods fer ye despite what ye do fer yer compatriots... so here's something from yers truly. Ain't free, though. Mebbe ye heard o' sumfink from yer li'l gobbo kindred in Daask or whatnot? A heist up in Morgrave? A thief called Muuraac, mebbe?"


After bidding a thankful farewell to her old scarred friend, she then adjusted the straps of her pack to better compensate for the weight of her load, all the while dodging the early commuter traffic on the road along with the usual slew of sots who were only just then leaving their oh-so-beloved alehouses. She then pulled down her hood and tried to look humble and harmless as she passed by the black-cloaked sentinels who guarded the ramparts of High Walls, hopefully passing herself off as just another downtrodden foreign labourer turned out of her home and searching for employment...


Finally turning up at the inquisitive's doorstep, steaming with sweat, Watak pressed herself against the door, her crossbow held low and ready beneath the folds of her cloak as she peered once more into the shadows of the street , the alleys and the balconies around them, making sure she was not followed. Swiftly stepping into the welcoming shadows of her newfound comrade's home, her roving eyes give the immediate area a look and even her ears and nose seem pricked forward for the slightest stimulus out of the ordinary...

"Slept dandy, didje, Cyran?" Watak quips as she slumps gratefully into one of the chairs, letting her burden drop to the floor beneath her with a loud thump. "I got broken into by a cat... like... somebody who was playin' me the fool, damnit. Ope'd me window an' cut me wires wi'out stealin' nor killin'... By the Flame..."

2008-11-01, 07:20 PM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock's expression contorted into one of genuine alarm at Watak's condition. "Damn it, that quickly?" he muttered, "I hope Aelton makes it okay."

He paced for a few moments.

"Suppose I'd better let you know first - You might've guessed it already, but Brunt wasn't the big fish. I asked Jeph a few questions - turns out Brunt wasn't just sitting around and eyeing Ingrid. They were after Aelton - orders from some death cult. If your 'cat' was a message, then they were a lot more prepared than I thought."

The Bushranger
2008-11-01, 08:01 PM
The next morning Rommie awakens to a pounding headache. She manages, however, to get herself presentable enough to rejoin the others once Ingrid awakens.


Slept well, yes. Wish I was still asleep, yes. is all she manages to get out to Murdock's overly-cheerful query before setting back to quietly listen to Watak's account of the previous night's events.

2008-11-03, 05:31 AM
Murdock Teguan
"Mmm..." Murdock grunted, as he headed over to his corkboard. "Well, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that our friend Jeph had a lead after all. I don't really want to repeat myself three times, so I'll wait for Ingrid to get here too. If Gell's still alive, him too."

"Well, I'll give Ingrid another half an hour to get here, after that I'm going to have to see to Aelton."

When everyone's arrived

"Alright, first things first. Last night, Brunt wasn't just after Ingrid. I spoke with our friend Jeph - turns out Brunt was on order to kill Aelton and anyone with him, then dispose of the bodies. You may have already guessed, but Brunt was in league with a death cult - Keeper, if what he was talking about is true. We're probably going to have to dig in, try and catch the lout in a trap and turn the screws on him for more, though."

He sat down, and placed the note on the table for anybody to have a look at.

"I'm thinking we hire the Defenders to cover Aelton for a while, keep Brunt from being able to hit him until we can deal with the problem and draw their attentions back to ourselves. Of course, that can wait until a little later. What have you got in that bag, Watak?"

2008-11-03, 02:51 PM
Dipping into one of her myriad pockets, Watak takes out a mouldy piece of bread with some jerky and stale cheese stuffed in. When she bites down on the rough sandwich, it sounds like the rogue is crunching down on a piece of rock.

After washing down her second breakfast with a swig from a battered waterskin, Watak leans back and gives Murdock's words a thoughtful frown. Brushing a lock of her dry, red-black hair out of her eyes, she turns to him and says with a shrug, "In my line o' work, I knows lotsa 'cats'... though... hmm... Two come ta mind--- there's Gaquaria, this 'ere Valenar wid a nasty set o' blades, been musclin' in, pushin' folk around e'er since he came inta the Lower City, coupla weeks back. Then there's jolly ol' Veold, a Karrnathi, a preacher o' the Blood o' Vol down in High Walls..."

Again she shruggs and said "Dunno. Truth be, I'm just small fry thereabouts--- and ain't we all in the gran' scheme o' things?"


Kicking her bag lightly, she says, "Oh this? Clothes, tools o' me trades, coupla books fer me kid sister... 'tis everything I own that I can carry. Outta a home now... can't pay rent... and... well, yon cat made 'is point loud an' clear--- that 'e coulda taken anything o' mine an' killed me in me sleep..."

Sighing and shrugging, Watak continues, "Ye just can't c'mpete 'gainst a thief that good. If I knew where 'e was or who 'e was, sure, I'd get 'im back, but only if I'm sure. No use gettin' killed fer naught"

2008-11-05, 03:56 AM
Constable Ka takes the light crossbow from Watak's hands and cinches it to his belt, as if it had always been there.

"Wow, I've never seen one of these before," he says woodenly and with obvious sarcasm, "I'm pretty damn busy right now, something's been breaking into all of the houses around here and the only witness already talked to the papers before talking to any of us, the bastard. But," the scarred goblin holds a hand up, "I'll ask a few people if I get the chance. You owe me one."

He takes a look at the emblem, and quickly jots down his own approximation of the symbol before standing up and walking away.

Later, in the middle of the group talking they hear a halfling's voice cry out over the street outside of Murdock's apartment.

"Extra, extra! Rogue homunculus goes on thievery spree in High Walls! Unlocks every door, undoes every snare! The Cyrans are furious and demand that the maker step forward! Get a copy of the Sharn Inquisitive to know more! Extra, extra!"

2008-11-05, 05:16 AM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock stood, and looked out the window.

"Well, looks like that explains your cat problem. Probably some young artificer who reckons he's being funny. Still, with Brunt after your hide, probably not the safest state of affairs."

He fished out a couple of coins from his pocket.

"You down there! Yes, you!" he called out the window, getting the halfling's attention. "Copy of the Extra!" he called, as he tossed the coin down to the halfling, catching the paper as it spiralled up.

"They'll probably have a full writeup in next week's edition. Still, now that the Inquisitive's gone and done an extra on it, the prankster's probably going to want to one-up himself before the next edition. Of course, Brunt'll probably move soon as well - there'll be copies lying about everywhere by tomorrow." he said, walking back to the table and reading through the paper.

2008-11-05, 02:15 PM
The double sheet of rolled parchment is easily tossed up to Murdock, and the halfling goes down the street crying out his trade to all who'll listen after pocketing the coin. The article is brief and obviously written quickly, as with all extras.

This report brought to you by the press of Elise Markhom

House Cannith has always claimed that no one has ever been hurt by one of it's creations (with the obvious exception of the warforged), but this new development will be a tough module to install for those avid proponents of construct creation.

Last night, safely sleeping the night away in his apartment in High Walls, Rogger Burrows woke to find his door creaking open. Fearing thievery, he pretended to be asleep, hoping that whoever was breaking into his abode wasn't interested in his blood. As it turns out, the intruder wasn't interested in much at all.

The fifty year-old former Cyran farmer, claims that a lumpy, two-foot tall creature waddled into his apartment and started rummaging through his belongings.

"At first ah was scarred, ah ain't afraid t'admit it, but then it were hard to not laugh at it!"

According to Mr. Burrows, the creature found a small lock-box of keepsakes, and after a moment of studying it a strange metal apparatus molded out from it's chest and unlocked the box with a single twist. Even more confusedly, the creature didn't even check inside the box, it just pumped it's fist into the air and then waddled back out of the room.

"Strangest thing, didn't even try to take anythin'"

After consulting with our own experts here at the Sharn Inquisitive, they have concluded that the creature is most likely a new model of Cannith homunculi called a Tomb Breaker. For weeks the Cannith enclave here in Sharn has been boasting of a new type of homunculus for the enterprising archaeologist, though it had been lax with specific details. A spokesperson for the dragonmarked house was unavailable for comment, but a source who wishes to remain unnamed said that one of the components used to make the construct may have been faulty.

Approximately four dozen houses and apartments were broken into last night, and though nothing was taken every single lock and personal defense trap were found to be undone in the morning. Was this a desperate act of a construct rebelling against it's creators, or a mechanical fault that could endanger the lives of Sharran citizens, and why would the creature target High Walls first and not another district?

Rest assured, the Sharn Inquisitive, and I Elise Markhom, will keep on top of this story through to its conclusion. I, for one, would have a good laugh if this diminutive creature decides to test it's skills against the high towers of our fair city, but only time will tell.

Editors Note: If anyone has credible information regarding the homunculus, please contact our offices.

Inhuman Bot
2008-11-05, 05:54 PM
(( is it possible to get a breif summary of events, and a link to the ooc thread? I want to rejoin, but I'am kinda lost >.>))

2008-11-06, 06:25 AM
((I'll give everyone else a moment to chime in before I try to forge ahead.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89586)))

2008-11-06, 07:06 PM
Ingrid listens with a dull puzzled expression on her face, "I knew that thug was scheming nefariously..." She hesitates, "...but I haven't figured out why yet, what did ropes have to do with him trying to kill the poor professor? You never explained." She sighs after a moment, "Who are the defenders? And what do we do now?"

2008-11-06, 09:24 PM
Murdock Teguan
Murdock laughed. "It's a figure of speech. Tying someone up by the legs and hanging them off the nearest guard rail does wonders for jogging the memory. As for the Defenders? They're a guild run by House Deneith that specialise in personal security - If Brunt's after Aelton, then our good employer is going to need someone to watch his back."

2008-11-07, 04:26 AM
"I guess that makes senses..." Ingrid murmurs, then she brightens, "Oh, that sounds good, the poor professor could use all the help he can get."

2008-11-07, 09:29 AM
Outta a home again... out-strung by a half-pint 'forged... Sighing, Watak digs out the packet of jerky from the previous eve. She then takes out an oily strip of reddish brown meat and chomps down. Chewing loudly while mulling over the discussion, she then slaps the side of the packet to jar the pieces loose and offers them to the others. "Ethen brekkist, 'ave y'all? Whant shome?"

Whether they take some for themselves or not, she pus away the packet after a few moments. Slipping it back into her coat of many pockets, her hand brushes the vacuum that had once been occupied by her coin pouch. Wincing then frowning, she pipes up, "'Ey up... yer a-thinkin' o' hirin' a 'Mark fer protectin' our boss?"

Patting her obviously absent case of currency and looking about at her newfound comrades' general raggedness she continues, "Ye rrrrreeeaaally think we can afford them Defenders?"

Shrugging, she says, "Then again, how's else we makin' sure-shock sir Aelton ain't gonna be etted by the Devourer... or kept by th' Keeper in this case? What, we sellin' all we got an' whorin' ta boot just ta hire 'em? Pers'nally, I can't think of anything other'n shuckin' him up reaaaal high in this city o' towers... Mebbe there might be some other way?"

The Bushranger
2008-11-07, 10:52 AM
Rommie shakes her head at the newspaper story, and gratefully accepts the jerky from Watak. Thank you, I did forget breakfast, didn't I?
She breaks off a hunk and idly chews it, thinking.
I think you've got the wrong question there. I think the correct question is can we afford not to. 'Cause if our employer doesn't survive, we won't be getting paid any more.

2008-11-07, 07:27 PM
"Why wouldn't they just help the professor without a fee? I'm sure if we explained the situation to them they could see how important it is."

2008-11-11, 02:03 PM
Watak scratches her head, her grimy nails digging into her dirty hair. She reaches behind her and undoes the binding of the canvas sack, dropping it to the floor beside her pack. Kicking that as well, she drawls, "Weel, how's we gonna raise funds fer them if we ain't got o other options 'xcept ta hire a buncha 'Marked ta guard th' chief? I'm a-doubtin' even if we sell everything here, 'twill be 'nuff ta get them Defenders on our side..."

Drumming her fingers on the table, she looks at the others and says, "We needs other options. Like gettin' the job done quick-like and trackin' these 'ere thieves down. I pulled a favour wid a gobbo I know an' we might be gettin' some word o' wot he knows. Aye... doubt we might hire some high and mighty 'Marked but 'tis more likely we can get some answers at the Roll o' th' Tusk, eh? Mebbe we can wager some of our loot here?"

Yawning, she tilts her head to one side and blinks as she says, "Takin' the side o' th' Wanderer, though... Where is Aelton? Flame forbid they'd'a gotten to 'im 'lready..."

2008-11-11, 06:02 PM
Murdock Teguan

Murdock was a little surprised. "They don't need to be the best marked money can buy - even an unmarked defender should be enough to ward off a group of thugs. Aelton can defend himself, but if he gets caught unawares he could be hurt or killed. One or two defenders to make sure that any assassins can't take Dr Forsworth unawares would not be too steep in cost - only the matter of fourteen Galifars or so for a week."

2008-11-11, 11:13 PM
Watak's eyes lighten at the revelation and she heaves a sigh of relief. "A... week? Six 'a'low a score a week? Well, we could take that, I reckon. An' heck, ye think I been to them enclooves, much? The least I've vis'ted are Sivis an' Jorasco"

2008-11-12, 08:25 PM
"Well... No expense should be spared for the safety of the professor..." The priestess ponders, pulling out a pouch and carefully counting the appointed sum of gold, "But I don't see why we couldn't ask them to help out of the goodness of their hearts." She hands the gold to Murdock, who seems to know what's what, then looks around, "Now then, what do we do next?"

The Bushranger
2008-11-13, 12:00 PM
Rommie shakes her head, smiling a little.
Ingrid, honey, people like that don't ever do anything out of the goodness of their hearts. The only interest they have in hearts is aiming for them.

2008-11-14, 05:58 AM
"I thought you said they were defenders?" Ingrid frowns, looking slightly irritated, "If all they care about is money they sound like just the kind of people we wouldn't want with the professor. We need someone we can trust, not someone that will sell out to the highest bidder."

2008-11-14, 06:03 AM
Murdock Teguan

Murdock sighed. He was going to be in for a long morning. "The Defenders are a guild organised by House Deneith. If we can't trust them, we can't trust anybody who talks about doing it out of the kindness of their hearts either. They're not just a band of adventurers - they're a Business. Capital B. Professionals, the lot of them. If a defender sold out for a quick galifar, they'd be in for a fate far worse than death."

2008-11-14, 11:32 AM
"'Defender' is just their name, priestess" Watak pipes in with a sleepy voice and half-closed eyes. "Me last name's 'Woeweaver', but sure as the Flame burns, I'm no witch. Iffen yer lookin' fer someone who's good fer goodness' sake an' who'll help people just because helpin's good, well... yer lookin' fer a paladin... an' I'm purty sure Deneith ain't so keen havin' folk the like of Lady Gedram an' Tira Miron in their ranks..."

Looking out across the table at her host, Watak finds her sight obscured. She blinks and then blows a stray lock of red-rooted raven strands away from her bended brow. "'Ey up... ye sent word ta Sir Forsworth, Murdock? Aye, an' I wonder where that big ol' orc, wotsistname, Gell, got hisself to, 'opes 'e ain't too beat up arfter lass'nigh'. Aye, an' ye sure ye gave yer address ta th'other night-man, Xaen?"

2008-11-21, 08:54 PM
You all hear someone walking in the hallway of the building and after a moment of muttering someone knocks on the door.

"Oi! Murdock!" Murdock instantly knows that it's Jeph at the door from his voice, "I gotta message from the prof."

2008-11-23, 08:12 AM
Ingrid glances at the door, "I wonder who that could be..." She frowns, "And what kind of message?"

The Bushranger
2008-11-24, 05:22 AM

Sounds to me a little like our 'friend' from last night, Rommie observes. Hopefully it'll be another clue...

2008-11-24, 05:37 AM
Watak looks up from cleaning the silvern arrowhead hanging from her neck at the noise. Rubbing her thumb on the wide collar of her coat, she says as her leeward hand half-draws a dagger, "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

2008-11-24, 05:52 AM
Sorry - Was gone for a week or so, and forgot to post about it here.

Murdock Teguan

Murdock rose, and waved off the others.

"Not everyone's out to get us, you know." said the inquisitive, his voice betraying a little wariness - Jeph wasn't supposed to know Aelton's address. He wasn't supposed to know where the office was, either, for that matter, but Melissa could have told him that.

With a little trepidation, he turned the handle and opened the door.

"Morning, Jeph." he said, doing his best to hide his suspicion.

2008-11-25, 11:36 PM
The Jeph you see walk into the room is quite different than the Jeph you all saw yesterday. He's sporting a new dark gray cloak and instead of his ratty leather armor he has a set of good looking chain covering his torso and a foot wide steel shield strapped to his forearm. Despite his new clothes he still looks as rough as ever, and hasn't shaved since yesterday.

He steps just inside the door and after giving the rest of you a wary look especially Rommie, he leans against the wall in a comfortable manner.

"Heh, yeah, and a good morning to you too. So, that was a pretty damn good suggestion to look into working at th'University. When I walked in there at first light I ran right into that poor bastard Aelton, nearly gave him a heart attack," Jeph grins, "'Course then he nearly took my head off with that wand of his. Once we settled down and I got the situation explained to him we both thought it'd be good to stick together. He got me put on the payroll as a..." Jeph pauses and searches for the necessary words, "what did he call it... ah, a Contracted Securities Specialist, I get some new stuff," he makes motions to his armor and shield, "and in return I help him and you lot out."

He yawns for a long moment and then continues

"Damn, that Melissa girl didn't give me much time to sleep. Anyways, that drow you were all working with? He split, gave the prof back his money and took off, something about needing to be back in Xen'drik. Luckily, you won't be without a dark elf for too long, 'cause Aelton got an old buddy of his to step in and help," Jeph leans out into the hallway and calls out, "Oi, Zalivane! You still taking all day with that damn insect?"

Inhuman Bot
2008-11-26, 08:56 PM
((life had turned to hell for me., so I really wanted to keep playing, but am so far behind in plot, that I wouldn't be any good. Sorry, but I'll be officaly withdrawing now))

2008-12-06, 12:00 AM
((Good Lord, I had no idea that I was genuinely holding things up. I am so sorry, I can't express it without promising to adhere to a regular posting schedule.))


"I apologize for my tardiness.
That - that did seem to take a while, yes?"

Zalivane steps through the door, stumbling slightly as he hunches over, trying (and failing) to coax a large black scorpion into the room.

"Pex, stay."

The Drow in front of you has striking purple eyes - but the rest of his body is decidedly dim. His tatoos mostly blend in with his grey skin, and his armor is dull and worn. An unnecessarily large sword on his back seems damaged and worn, with many notches and cracks dotting it. Chitin pants do little to break the monotony of the standard "Tribal Drow" feel.

"I apologize for my lateness. I was... busy with an investigation elsewhere, I could say."

"I am Zalivane. I am... marginally familiar with you."

( Sort of already explained his story in OOC. I now have a regular posting schedule of 1/day at least.)

2008-12-08, 03:12 PM
Jeph shifts away from the scorpion as it enters the room while trying and failing to seem non-chalante about it.

"Well... now that we're all set, I can give you lot an idea for where to go next. Seems like the best clue you all got was that dagger. The prof's splitting hairs thinking about a big gang like Daask getting it's eye on him, but I don't think it's them. Their style is to hit a place hard and then get the hell out, and when I say hard I mean they beat the hell out of whoever they're robbing. Naw, these blokes scampered the minute the prof woke up, and that makes me think small-time."

He frowns for a minute before continuing.

"Eh, got on a rant there. Anyways, you're looking for someone named Muurac who works with someone that speaks goblin? Then your best bet would be to go down to Malleon's Gate, spread a bit of coin around and try to find that name. Even though Daask's got a presence there they like letting smaller gangs pop up and fight each other, let's them keep an eye on who's an up-and-comer. You find the name, you find the thieves, you find them notes the prof is looking for. 'Course," he shrugs, "You could try the Cogs, lotta goblins there, but that's solid Daask territory, you'd all attract more attention there, and believe me, you don't want Daask's eyes on you."

2008-12-11, 10:03 PM

"Daask? You say their name as though we should worry."

"Powerful as they are, they are out of their element. Though we admittedly do have a strange connection with them, what do we have to fear?

We lack any evidence that the criminals were actual members of Daask - no methods, no identification. Just a dagger."

"Which does bring up the question as to why they'd leave a dagger behind..."

"I say that we head out to the Malleon's Gate district. There are a few places I am familiar with. A contact of mine works at Shining Star Silver - nice place."

"If nobody voices their opinion, I will head there. We could split up, if needbe."

The Bushranger
2008-12-11, 10:39 PM

Rommie regards the drow newcomer with some interest; he might notice the hints of her own ancestry among the dark elves in her appearance...

She listens quitely, having nothing to add at the moment.

((Been under the weather, I'll catch up as soon as I can))

2008-12-13, 11:20 AM
Watak's eyes suddenly snap open and she jerks straight upright in her seat at Zalivane's approach. Her bloodshot orbs dart hither and yon in a frantic rush to catch some half-perceived threat.

From the sheer force of her surprised awakening from a nap that she never even knew she would fall into, her back batters the rear of her chair, knocking it against the edge of the table. Before she knows what is happening, the glinting steel tip of the dagger that had once been in her low-slung right hand scintillates in the morning light and plummets down to her face.

The rogue's eyes cross as she flinches away and long-honed reflexes take over, her ironclad hand shooting up and deftly snatching death away, mere inches from her iris. Flourishing the blade once and then sheathing it just as she jumps up, not showing the least sign of her previous lethargy, she says, "Zalivane, eh? 'Ope yer salivatin' fer gettin' down ta business. As to which place we goes to, well, folks, where'll it be? Meself, I gives not a whit, both seem good 'nuff."

2008-12-13, 12:07 PM
Cautiously sliding around the big scorpion Jeph waves a goodbye at you all.

"All right, I said what I came to say, so I'd better be getting back. When you got something, send word to the prof."

Jeph waits just long enough to see if anyone has anymore questions for him before leaving the apartment.

2009-01-13, 05:50 AM

"I don't really know what else we could try but we should do something." Ingrid agrees after a long moment of silence, "Let's start with this Gate's place...and how about we stick together for now."

The Bushranger
2009-01-13, 10:12 AM

Rommie nods in agreement. That sounds reasonable to me, I guess. And I agree that sticking together is probably the best plan.

2009-01-15, 03:41 AM
You all decide that Malleon's Gate is the direction to go, and after a little preparation you head out. It takes about an hour and a half of walking to get from one side of the city to the other, but the day is quite pleasant despite the patches of muck festooning the ground in the lower areas.

As you begin to approach the borders of Malleon's Gate you notice a sharp change in architecture. Though most of the towers that make up Sharn's Middle and Upper levels are made from various types of stone, the lower wards are predominately wood, or wood mixed with old mortar. Around the Gate though, is a twelve foot high border that in some places is constructed of massive barbed spears locked together with metal bands and in others large blocks of stone that seem to have been carted off of battlefield; acid and burn marks, impacts from siege weapons and the odd arrow show their age. As you approach the district you see that the buildings themselves are harsh with sharp edges and made from an almost random assortment of materials.

Truely, this district is as removed from the rest of Sharn as you could possibly imagine. Your entrance to the district prompts a few wary stares from the hobgoblins and humans in the livery of the Sharn city watch but they quickly go back to their gambling. Like every district the Gate is abuzz with morning commerce though the people running about aren't the typical fare for what you'd see in the streets of Sharn. Though goblons and hobgoblins make up most of the passersby, bugbears and gnolls are dotted through the area, and you even spy an ogre and a minotaur talking to each other in the distance. Drow, lizardfolk, a creature shifting between visages as easily as you would breath and other oddities surround you. There are humans and half-elves around, but they are eliciting the same odd looks that your group is.

Standing in the street isn't going to get you anywhere though, it would probably be a good time to start your inquiries.

2009-01-15, 01:00 PM
Back, Watak leans
An grim smile, her face does light
Malleon's Gate or Darkenskeep
A villainous hive by any other name
Smells as foul

Her father's sword
There shines in her left hand
The honoured chasings glinting
With old memories and phantom blood

The weary one wends through the throng
A way hewn by flaming eyes
And steely soul

To her comrades she utters but
And to all about, her ears she casts
That of sound might sense be made

Listen [roll0]

The Bushranger
2009-01-15, 01:06 PM

So, I guess we get to work now. Groups of two asking around then coming back here? Rommie runs a hand through her hair.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2009-01-21, 10:19 AM
It is a babel of myriad voices, all speaking at once in various tongues. It is an assault on the senses... yet Watak's street sharpened sight alights upon something suspicious dead ahead and a tad to the left.

There, three much-scarred goblins clad in ratty cloaks argue among themselves in their harsh tongue. Ever and anon, one of them gestures violently toward a tavern while fingering some... things... beneath their cloaks.

Suddenly seeing the need to tell her comrades of this without being noticed that she had spotted them, Watak waits for her chance. It comes when a black-robed Karrnathi merchant goes barging through the bustling street with several heavy-laden undead ogres in tow, clearly serving as both bodyguards and porters.

The rogue waits til the last moment and then throws herself aside, forcibly yanking both Rommie and Ingrid out of the way and slamming them into the black masonry of the tower and pressing them there until the monstrous parade passes.

Lunging, she locks her lips with Ingrid. Barely taking the time to savour the kiss, she breaks it and whispers harshly to both of them in the inevitable moment of shock, "Don't look now, but therra be three goblins up ahead. Looks like they're casin' that inn"

The Bushranger
2009-01-21, 02:31 PM
Rommie starts a bit at hearing Watak's whisper, then nods very slightly.

I saw 'em too. They look like never-do-wells if you ask me. Should we follow 'em?

2009-01-22, 02:58 PM
Watak's sudden kiss to Ingrid draws a few whistles around the group but serves well as an excuse to whisper to each other. As you spy on the three goblin thugs and their presumed target another goblin walks stiffly form the tavern that they were looking at, with a deathly pale half-elf right behind him pressing something into his back. The two walk slowly off of the street and into an adjoining alleyway. The three goblins all move as if they are palming something underneath their cloaks and start fast-walking towards the same alleyway.

All of you hear one of them say a single sentance before the noise of the crowd washes their conversation away.

"****, he's got Muurac!"

2009-01-27, 12:19 PM
At the sudden outburst from the goblinoid trio, Watak's eyes go wide and she casts about, assessing their chances of getting through to them in a reasonable time. Judging that if the three women had heard the goblins, then they could probably be heard just as well, the red-haired rogue makes her decision...

She locks her eyes with theirs and then gestures sharply with her head towards the receding goblins and halfelf. "It's Muurac! Remember, we don't want blood--- we just wanna ask 'im some questions... but strike hard, strike fast if we're forced to it. After them!" She whispers harshly to them as she tucks her shortsword against the inside of her forearm and then takes off with quick, sure strides through the crowd...

Movement: as fast as possible--- 30 feet a round
Hide [roll0]

...but apparently, her strides weren't as sure-footed as she once thought. Distracted with helping her comrades into the chase and keeping one eye on her quarry, she misses the pile of muddy puddle slicking up the street's stones below.

"KHYBER!" The curse explodes from her lips when she stumbles, barely catching herself on Ingrid's sleeve. Dragged by the momentum, she steals another kiss from the priestess. Her face now flushing, she says aloud in a feigned sob, "...er, Erm so sorry yer eminence, I j-just meant th' I'd go ta Khyber an' back fer ye... But... by the way you're now lookin' at me, Khyber's taken' me chances an' et me 'eart..."

"Go!Followme!Afterthem! Oh, boo-hoo!" Whispering again, she hisses, right before taking off again--- conveniently, in the same direction that Muurac and the others took--- seeming for all the world like a spurned starcrossed suitor straight from bard's tales.

2009-02-01, 12:50 AM
Rommie Watak and Ingrid successfully tail the three goblins, which in itself isn't too complicated a feat since their eyes are glued straight ahead at the alleyway. They enter it ten seconds ahead of you, and by the time you get there you see the three slowly advancing on the two, holding serrated daggers and spreading out to cover the alley's width. The goblin called Muraac, a shifty and uncomfortable looking rogue, pales at the sight of the three goblins advancing at him and the crossbow pointed at his liver. The one out front flips his dagger between his hands and begins talking.

"Kuush Ghogan, daan den daan shuuch druun den akuukhaar duul, rhor daan shac’d dalaan daan shakaan dar o duuch draar maal daagaan akukhec."

For any of you who speak goblin, they are saying...

"Look Muraac, we wish we could do this another way, but we can't take the chance that you told deaths head there anything."

"Kuush dhaal’duul," Muraac begins speaking in goblin, but then sees the three of you enter the alleyway and switches to common. His eyes shift slowly, not giving anything away to the three goblin thugs, "I haven't told him anything. Now, if you can just put those pig-stickers away we can just talk about this... can't we? I was just telling the half-elf here that I won't tell him anything about my new friends. In fact, I was trying to get him to realize that I'm on your side."

Combat Information
Everyone roll initiative and a sense motive. Watak, Rommie and Ingrid get a surprise round, should you go the fightin' rout.

Watak at E10
Rommie at E11
Ingrid at D10
Draco at W8
Muraac at X10
Goblins at L8, L10, N9

The map is here. (http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r83/Trundel/AlleyMap.png)

2009-02-04, 05:24 AM
Initiative [roll0]

Sense Motive [roll1]


The tall thin half-elf seems oblivious to the action around him as he jabs the light crossbow at the goblin. His pale white skin seems to be flaking slightly and his bleached white hair hangs limply around his shoulders. His dark and sunken eyes are fixed on his target and his tattered black robe has clearly seen better days. A faint chemical smell wafts down the alley, perhaps some form of embalming fluid?

The Bushranger
2009-02-04, 02:17 PM
((and, back!))


The white-haired, dusky-skinned woman chuckles softly under her breath at Watak's act. You're enjoying that too much... she whispers before slipping her rapier out of its scabbard. Block them in!

She steps forwards to take a position at the entrance to the alley - and, struck by inspiration, she quickly casts a spell, and a low moaning comes from a niche in the alleway wall...

Move to F8.
Cast Ghost Sound, targeted on K6. Ghostly moaning noise...
Initiative: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2009-02-10, 10:05 AM
Twill be my last post in some while. Fare ye well, chaps.

[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Sense Motive?
[roll2] Intimidate

[roll3] Charging attack with sap against "bottom" goblin
[roll4] nonlethal damage
[roll5] nonlethal Sneak Attack

Midnight eyes grim as the grave
Now burn like valiant warrior's pyre
Forth she fares, sallying swift
Through shadows devouring
There flashes a fist of Flaming fury
The leather laden with lead
Which towards brick-wall or goblin-brain
Fly with burning haste
Speaking swift, the reaving rogue
Standing tall, then says,
"He ain't dead. None o' y'all needs ta die just noo. We jess want some answers... which could be got th' easy way or th' 'ard way..."

2009-02-11, 07:01 AM
Ingrid follows behind the others silently, a look of absolute befuddlement written across her fair features. She runs her fingers over lips, a troubled frown growing as she finally reaches a disturbing conclusion, "Oh my... It can't be..."

Time did not pause while Ingrid was struggling to find the answer to the curious and unlikely turn of events which had befallen her. It had continued to flow and passively she had continued on with it. She was at the edge of a small dark alley with her comrades, staring down at a group of goblins and a rather pale looking elf. The roughly spoken words snap her out of her introspection and she hesitates...then she draws her club uneasily.

Ready Action
Move after the others, keeping behind but close to them.

2009-02-15, 03:05 PM
Watak's sap crashes into the skull of one goblin, sending him splattering into the mud with a weak groan. The other two start to turn around when they hear their comrade fall, but one of them is further confused by Rommie's ghost sound and starts looking into the shadows nervously.

Capitalizing on her speed, Watak moves up to the second goblin and cracks the sap right into the side of his neck, causing the him to slouch and wheeze.

"See? This way be plenty easy."

Round 1
I DMPC'd Watak's turn so it's Rommie and Ingrid up next then the goblins.

Initiative, Placement and HP
19- Watak at K9 16/16
18- Rommie at F8 16/16
16- Ingrid H9 16/16
10- Muraac X10 Uninjured
5- Goblins at N9 and L8 Injured
3- Draco at W8 11/11

Battle Map (http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r83/Trundel/AlleyMap-1.png)

The Bushranger
2009-02-17, 01:30 PM

Easy enough, indeed, Rommie agrees with the redheaded rogue as her whip lashes out suddenly, aiming to take down the remaining goblin.

Charge, charge, charge, charge the remaining, nervous goblin!
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] nl

2009-02-26, 06:08 AM
Ingrid understands the situation with stunning clarity, causing her to doubt herself for a moment, but then she moves forward after Watak, asking suspiciously as she does so, "...you're quite strong..." She looks at the rogue pointedly, "...aren't you?" Then she holds her club up uneasily and strikes at the goblin herself (if its slouching, wheezing, and standing - otherwise she just steps up).

Move to K8.
Att: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1]

2009-02-28, 03:18 PM
Rommie runs at the wheezing goblis and unfurls her whip to catch him right at the ankle, sending him bouncing into the flagstones. Miraculously he isn't unconcious, but as he struggles to stand Ingrid steps up and cracks her club into the back of his skull, leaving the green-skinned fellow groaning insensate on the ground.

Finally able to act the third goblin turns futilely around a few times before reaching into his cloak and pulling out a glass globe which looks to be full of smoke. Spitting out a word in goblin he smashes the sphere into the ground and a burst of smoke momentarily obscures him. Then two forms lurch from the cloud, whisps of smoke trailing their forms as they charge directly at Ingrid and Watak.

Clacking jaws move as if yelling battlecries, and fingerbones crunch as they grip axe and shield tightly, the forms resolve into the grinning caricatures of warriors in death, their frames called to yet again ply their trade.

Each a collection of yellowed bones and scraps of leather armor the skeletons swing their battleaxes swing towards Ingrid and Watak. Luckily the cleric is able to interpose her shield and take the blow upon it and the rogue is able to barely pull herself back from the other's swing.

The lone goblin spits towards Muraac through the fading mist.

"I'll see that Marshek knows about this Muraac, he'll have your head for this!"

Muraac swears a few times before again holding his hands up in surrender at the skull-faced half-elf.

"Dammit, stop pointing that at me, if you're going to shoot anyone shoot him," he points at the last goblin, "I ain't going anywhere now and if he gets away I'm worse than dead and you'll never get that hand back!"

Round 1
Draco's up and then you guys can go on with the next round.

Initiative, Placement and HP
19- Watak at K9 16/16
18- Rommie at K7 16/16
16- Ingrid K8 16/16
10- Muraac X10 Uninjured
5- Goblin at N9
5- Skeletons at L8 and L9
3- Draco at W8 11/11

Battle Map (http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r83/Trundel/AlleyMap-2.png)

2009-03-02, 06:32 AM

Indecision flickers across the half-elf's eyes as his gaze flicks between the goblins. His knuckles whiten as he grips the crossbow, his last hope of certainty in a world that is spinning away from him into confusion.

"...you'll never get that hand back!"

The words sting him from his fugue, and he steps back to spin round and target the last goblin, hoping his choice doesn't allow Muraac to leave him lying in an ally for a second time.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-03-06, 12:48 AM
"Strong me arse, priestess!" Watak spits as the skeletal warrior's blade barely misses her middriff. "Sorreh, we'll speak o'tha' 'nutha time, prafarableh while we ain't fighten fer our bloody lives!"

"Rommie, ground these buggers! Ingrid, guar' me back!" barks the rogue as she cuts to the right, veritably lunging low at the brick wall, catching herself with one hand and then vaulting off into a roll, hopefully propelling herself through the arras of the skeletons and into striking range of the last goblin cultist.

Landing on one hand and one knee, she yells to the two figures at the end of the alley as she lunges again, aiming a bladed blow straight at the goblin's guts. "Hey Muurac! You thar, Skullface! Ye ain't Khyber-crappin' cultists? Help us clean up this trash 'ere!"