View Full Version : Does anyone know how to induce delirium/illusions with a fever? Anyone knows what....

2008-08-31, 11:43 PM
Does anyone know how to induce delirium/illusions with a fever? Anyone knows what causes it/them? How do you know you reached it?

Don't worry, I do not plan to hurt anybody. There are just medical questions I have been wanting to know.

2008-09-01, 12:35 AM
I think it's just a really high fever. Though, seeing cool things would probably be the least of your concerns if your fever gets that high.

2008-09-01, 06:15 AM
It might have something to do with chemicals on the brain and/or brain temperature. Brain is somewhat picky about it's environment.

2008-09-01, 07:16 AM
I don't think you can intentionally induce hallucinations via fever. Using drugs (LSD), however, can induce visions and such.

You know you reached the level of hallucinating when you feel detached from reality, you see things that aren't there, hear things that aren't there, your skin will feel as though it is crawling with bugs, the ground/walls/etc will feel and look squishy, etc.

From the little research I have done on this (my son is prone to very high fevers, as I was when I was little, so I've done a bit of research on them) there isn't much (medical) information on fever induced hallcinations. Really, if your fever is high enough for hallucinations, you need to be at the hospital. It's not a good experience.